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Author Topic: Healthy Habits For Ponies! Take 2! ~Update last challenge, pg 99!!  (Read 90914 times)

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^ Oh! That's something I'm often persuaded to do in my therapy sessions, so I don't think I'll have too much difficulty with it. ^.^

, thank you ever so much! Gosh it was awful, it certainly hasn't made me feel too great.. :c but eventually I'll get over it, I did enough exercise to calm myself down at the time and also engaged in some manic baking (it is easy to tell when I'm stressed - there are spoons everywhere and something in the oven XD, going on the wii later on. Thank you for being supportive, petal.

I was consequently very, very sick a few hours after I posted.. :yikes: It wasn't a purge either. I don't think my body could cope with it at all. At the moment a little dehydrated but I'll make sure to drink something anti-oxidanty (green tea perhaps?) to make sure things are still in balance. ^.^
Fight like a girl..

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Now that will be a challenge...thanks surfstar:)
2 points mowed the lawn and did ddr....i hate ugly yards and i just felt lazy so i did ddr..played piano because i have a competition coming up:) kept cals low breakfast was great cooked by hubby...lunch i just wanted a pizza taste so pizza lean pocket and had a glass of wine stating a job well done:)
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Working on responding to everyone now =)

I'll post in with my own update, I had a pretty OK week, I'd say more 1.5 days than full 2pointers but at least I'm working on getting there. Right now my biggest hurdle is being active, it's SO hot here. I just don't want to do much other than melt all over my couch. I've been doing good with my nutrition though and that definitely counts for something.

I started the week at 204.4 and as of this morning I was down to 199.0 - so my scale is finally showing up to the party!

My other big issue is that I have felt terrible the past week. I think my cold finally hit it's apex and boy is it making me miserable. Though I was able to get a lot done and most of my ATC's mailed out I still fell way short of my goals for last week in terms of things to get done. Had kind of a rough day yesterday too, since I was in something of a depressive slump and ended up sleeping 36 hours straight. Just ugh.

So yesterday, was definitely a 0 pointer. Really going to try and get back on track today and this week though.


Page 41

Awe SurfStar...blush
sunday was 2 points more house cleaning and good eating:)

3 positives today....i am going to type them here so i can read them again.
I like my eyes....they are alway bright even on a tired day:)
I look and feel slim today:)
My custom skills have improved:)

That is awesome to hear, I'm glad that you're moving right along with everything. Do you keep photo's references of all your custom work so you can go back and compare? I know I've done that with some of my art and I'm usually astonished at how different my old stuff is.


That's not a bad idea about searching other places for similar items. I ended up writing off the calories anyway and letting myself have an unhealthy snack while watching Grimm with the hubbs. Ha ha.

I am so ready for the freaking dance pad to get here. It was supposed to be here on the 14th, but the movers are a bunch of tools, so my stuff is still not here. I'm getting very put-out over the matter. DDR is my main form of exercise and it's how I lost 10 pounds in January.

I'm sorry you've been sick, Love. Those of us with too much momentum at the start are usually the ones to crumble more toward the end. So I'm betting you'll have plenty of time to catch up with the rest of us. And 3 2-point days is better than none!

I promise to challenge you to some DDR later this week once my things show up. As well as anyone else who wants to do the challenges with me.

"Everybody! Move your feet and feel united! Oh-oh-oh!"

That is very true! I think that sometimes it's just good to not be thinking about what you're eating and what you're not eating. A little break probably doesn't hurt anything in the long run.

And yes, 3 two point days is better than zero! So I'm slowly getting better at not being all over the place too, so that's a definite improvement.

I'm will totally be up for some DDR! Hopefully, once my medication kicks in and I can breathe again.

Ohh I like this weeks challenge! I used to do that; in a morning I'd think of three positive things that would happen that day (because I'd make them) and then in the evening, three different positive things that did happen that day.

I went for the bike ride last night and it was good. About half way round (we were out for 20-30 mins but it's hilly!) I thought I could go loads further, but 2 minutes later I thought I might die lol! I'm going to cycle up to the gym tonight. The weather is nice and I had a rubbish day at work (the best member of my team handed my notice in so I have loads of reorganising to do, just when I got it sorted!) and the exercise and fresh air will do me good.

I always find that walking around or doing something active helps me to mentally reorganize things too. Hopefully this week hasn't been too stressful for you!

SurfStar: I'm right there with ya girly! One of my friends accused me of wearing fake eyelashes. Lolol x'D I would looooove to help with style tips! :3 Although I'm sure you dress fab! :heart: And keep up the hard work, sweetie! You still have to give us your wishlist! ;D I demand of making you a box myself for all of your amazing hard work and dedication to each and every one of us :heart:

*points to sig* My wishlists are there =) Alternatively, you can do a bit of snooping through my posts and see what swaps I've recently joined too!

My wardrobe consists of jeans and t-shirts XD It's very hard to not be coordinated that way. My work wardrobe is a little more varied, but it's mostly black slacks with some dressier shirts - I work in a school so I can't be TOO dressy, the couple of times I was boy did I stand out something fierce.

So my style is usually, the simpler the better!

I'm definitely loving the mascot! Though I think some warmer colors for her symbol would work well. If I get a chance later, I'll see what I can doodle up for you.

Oh wow, I must keep a better track of this thread! Still, that's my graduation and stuff outta the way so I should find it easier to have net time :)
Let me just say, I am loving the mascot thus far, especially her hair and her adorable feet/stance ^_^

Eight more to go... xD

Congrats on your graduation! That's such an awesome milestone. =)
:hug: I think you're doing just fine so far!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:35:37 PM

Page 42

I couldn't think of really any physical things I like about myself, but at least I've been feeling a lot better about who I am lately.

:hug: That is definitely good to hear! =) Having a great sense of style is awesome! =)

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:36:05 PM

Go people go! I'll be the cheerleader :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

:hug: A you're definitely a fabulous cheerleader too! :hug:

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:37:23 PM

Hmmm.. three things I like about myself

  • My eyes. c:
  • My crafts and how I have been improving lately
  • My want to always read on how to do something new

I think that is a good start for today!

That is a cool list! Does reading and doing something new lead to a lot of new crafts for you? I know that it does for me sometimes.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:38:58 PM

I'm told by my medical team that me feeling hunger isn't actually the mind / body working towards recovery.. it's like the body's last ditch attempt when in starvation mode, like it's eating itself and it's like a sort of desperate plea if that makes any sense. :yikes:

Far, far away from considering a recovery yet. BMI is around 15.6 at present, at 75% of my 'ideal body mass'. Ohhh dear. It makes me feel really stupid 'cause it eats away at your brain mass, too! My specialist hasn't actually gotten back to me so I'm thinking no home meeting tomorrow (thank goodness), but scared about thursday once again. This is kind of my last chance. Eek!

:hug: I'm just glad that you've got a lot of support and that they are helping you cope as much as possible. =) Despite the few issues you've had here, I think that just looking back over the three weeks there has been a little improvement, even if you are still a ways away from recovery.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:40:21 PM

OK cool LOL  I like any hyena stickers.  C: Realistic and Lion King are my faves, but any are awesome.  They're not exactly easy to find.

Three things I like about mean aside from being AWESOME?  XD


1--I'm loyal.
2--I am good at crafts/arts
3--I love kids.

Well you are pretty awesome. That's just a given though. Like science facts.

And good, I was looking at someone that would be willing to do some more animation/TLK type hyenas as a sticker sheet for me. I realized I hadn't asked you though, so... well Surprise!


Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:41:20 PM

hmmmmmmmm 3 things i like about ,myself
my nerdyness
how open minded i am
and my creativity

:hug: We can all be nerdy together! =) I mean we are all here on a site that encourages our love of small plastic horses!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:42:16 PM

Good day today!  Stayed on nutrition/calorie count (despite going to Red Lobster!) and even though it was RAINING (and after last nights storm I had a really bad migraine and did not sleep and my meds made me sicker!) I got out and walked for a bit!

Thanks for the praise SurfStar!  EVERYONE HERE IS A STAR!!!

3 POSITIVE THINGS ABOUT ME: 1) optimism 2) great hair 3) great personality

:hug: You're welcome!

Great job on getting out and doing something even though it was raining! I think you're going to be my inspiration this week!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:43:27 PM

3 things I like about me... They've gotta be honest and something I believe =/

1. I've got pretty, delicate wrists.
2. I've a nice curve to my waist.
3. I like my boobs :blush:

I'm doing alright food-wise, managing to stay under my calorie goal according to MyFitnessPal, but I'm not doing great at the excercise part =/

You and me both! I feel like I'm managing the food part ok, but this exercise thing is what's really getting my points each day!

Also, I think it's great that you love your curves! I hear a lot of people where I work complain about theirs.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:45:38 PM

Also find people who like to play...badminton is fun, and you don't even have to play by the rules.  Mom and I play and just try to keep it in the air as long as possible.  Frisbees and other throw-toys are a lot of fun.  Swimming and waterparks for when you can afford it are great, as are zoos and even museums, if that's your kind of thing.

Maybe have a little side business for something like lawn mowing or pet-walking.  You get exercise and you also get moola!

Hm.  Apparently, I am full of advice today. XD

When you speak of badminton, I think of the scene in Disney's Robin Hood where Maid Marion and Lady Cluck are playing and the birdie ends up falling down her shirt. I remember playing this as a kid and it was pretty fun - though I like you I don't ever remember playing exactly like the rules.

I can't mow lawns though, we have looked into a manual mower, because I am severely allergic to the grass here (I walk through the grass and get hives!).

Good advice though!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:46:59 PM

I was doing challenge two a week early! LoL. Last Thursday I had a miserable day.
So Friday, I said in my head tons of positive thoughts, including about myself, that I was going to have a wonderful day, and that just because other's are stressed, I won't be stressed for that day. (Among other things like, I am brave, I am doing great, I am so proud of myself for finishing this task, etc etc etc). ALL DAY,  I just thought positive thoughts
And dang it ! XD I had a great day on Friday! It helped to leave a little bit early too.

:) I thought since our new thing could be /anything/ that I would have positive/healthy thoughts for the day. I had heard it was good to say good things about yourself, and keep repeating it. So I thought I'd try it. It's kinda hard to remember ~ And like, oh I have to say /that/ again, but really, it made me feel good inside. Gotta let go of all that stress, it isn't healthy.
(One of my fave talk show radio hosts passed away recently, and they talked about how he stressed about everything, and it just made me want to try to be better mentally, ya know?)

I also got air in my bike tires, finally. Now to work up the bravery to face the world again. lol. Someday...

:hug: Always nice when you can use the same thing for two different challenges!

I'm sure you'll be out there biking sooner rather than later. I agree though, only a certain amount of stress is healthy.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:48:15 PM

Reading other people's positive stuff gave me some ideas :) Especially you, Hyenacub! :D

So today's three positive things shall be:

1: I wandered all over the place today and was rewarded by finding a lot of pretty places I've never seen before.
2: Animals like me (and kids do too ^_^)
3: I have made people smile and laugh today.

It's been a pretty good day.

:hug: That's a good list! It's never a bad thing to make another person smile or laugh.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:51:27 PM

Are you a fan of ponies with lovely hair too?  I most certainly am.  It's all about the hair for me, lol :)

Oh yes! If the pony has super long hair, you can bet it's in my collection! I love it when all of my ponies have super soft, silky smooth hair. I also just enjoy taking them down sometimes and brushing and combing their hair for stress relief. I've always loved things with long, lovely hair.

Even my dolls growing up, their hair was the best taken care of thing. I can remember my friends giving me their dolls to fix up because I was so good with their hair even then XD I should make that a signature picture with that quote on it - 'It's all about the hair..."


Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:52:03 PM

I did wonderful today with calories and exercise. My calories at the end of the day were 1194, and I did back strengthening yoga for 10 minutes and beginner belly dancing for 25 minutes. I also completed the beginning of this weeks challege, 1. I love my eyes 2. I love my creativity 3.I love my strong sense of self...
So I got a total of approx 2.33 points for Monday...

I also tallied up my totals for how many inches I have lost. In my last post I thought I had only lost 1 pound, but I was mistaken. I lost a total of 4 pounds and 6" total! I am really happy with this so on to week two.

:hug: That is awesome! Super congrats! You are doing amazing!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:53:15 PM

Alrighty! I'm back on board!  :frolic:  I did my first workout in several days this afternoon - feeling much better after the most dreadful energy sapping cold!  :sick:  But I did manage to get a walk in yesterday so I gave myself a point there for effort  :lookround:  I was very pleased that despite a few days off from my excercises, I was able to get right back into them with no trouble... mighta helped that I'd spent the previous half hour turning the volume up on Riverdance and getting warmed up and Irish with the kids (well... being as Irish as my feet could pretend!  XD)  It certainly worked up a sweat! (the kids seemed dandy though... oh to be young and spritely...)

I like hearing everyone's three positive things  :)  It's difficult to think of them, though! After a bit of musing, I've come up with:

1. I can draw well
2. I am determined when I've put my mind to something
3. I am (slowly) coming to appreciate my pixie nose

I done a little goal adjusting too (we're allowed to adjust as works best for us, right?) Well, I liked Surfstars first challenge a lot, and it fitted well into my 'healthy habits' goal so well that I decided it was a bit easier and better for me. I challenged myself to have smaller portion sizes at dinner, and have stuck with it. I have dropped the lollies and at least a bikkie a day which was my original curse, and I am working out twice as long as I had originally intended, so I'm finding a good balance in things that I think will ultimately help me  :)

Good vibes to everyone for the rest of the week!

Feel free to adjust as needed, you know far better what works for you than I do! I think you're doing great and I'm glad to see you slowly working on getting back in there after your cold threw a wrench in your groove.


Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 04:59:27 PM


Also! For people that were asking about some healthier snack options, I found a nifty monthly service: - Basically they send you 15-20 servings of healthy snacks that you can try. It's a lot like that service in the UK that was being talked about at the beginning of the thread.

If you use the coupon SHARE, you can get 25% off the first month's box.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 04:59:28 PM by SurfStar »

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Sorry haven't checked in for a while. I'll give an update next week. Things have been crazy here. :blush:
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Surfstar said
That is a cool list! Does reading and doing something new lead to a lot of new crafts for you? I know that it does for me sometimes.
Reading always leads to new crafts!
And usually a walk down to the fabric store. I have been going down there about once or twice a week now. It's good because it gets me a workout and new fabric.

I think this weeks challenge is going to be well... a challenge for me. xD I know I need to sit down more and think about what I am eating and why. I usually realize half way through eating it that it was just a craving. I love that list of sweets with low calories. I am going to have to save that!~

« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 06:11:34 PM by ZettaMomo »

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---Well you are pretty awesome. That's just a given though. Like science facts.---

I like this woman!  XD  You're gonna make me get a big head.  XD

--And good, I was looking at someone that would be willing to do some more animation/TLK type hyenas as a sticker sheet for me. I realized I hadn't asked you though, so... well Surprise!--

Awesome!  : D  You must have gotten into my head.

Ugh, allergic to grass.  That bites!  Haha Robin hood.  Love that movie!

Anyway I am eating well tonight.  Got out my Richard Simmons Deal-A-Meal thingy which has worked for me in the apst.  0 again yesterday though. ;sigh:  Anyway hopefully I will work in the basement and get my second poi t, too.

As for the challenge--no prob, sounds simple.
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I did not do so well this week. I blame a lack of conviction and commitment. I'll get my total tomorrow. My grandma told me something a couple of months ago that has stuck in my head lately.

"Discipline is the key to true freedom." I need to focus and not let anything sidetrack me from the life I want.

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Page 43 - Only 10 pages away from being 'caught up!'

A Sora, Riku and Roxas from Kingdom hearts for me, my girlfriend and our mate. Don't know if they're super fun XD Just basic uniforms based on Kiari's.

Well hopefully the event you'll be wearing them to will be fun! =) They sound pretty nifty though.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 06:59:59 PM

Yesterday I ate a slice of pizza that I estimated into my calorie limit, but I estimated too low and it put me over. :huh: I just need to be more careful. I did exercise, so I'm giving myself one point.

:hug: It was a good guess, I always try and do a bit of planning beforehand so this doesn't happen. But life does happen sometimes, so don't worry too much when you go over occasionally.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:00:20 PM

14.5 points total as of today. Yesterday was total crap; I'd take points away if I could. This week's challenge is a wash. I'm a seething mass of negativity right now.

:hug: Well I hope the rest of the week was better!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:01:25 PM

Ugh, I've never experienced cravings before, but I really, *really* wanted pancakes for lunch today. Normally I'd indulge and think nothing of it, but knowing I couldn't/shouldn't made me want them more. I held strong though, and put a potato in the microwave instead.

With me I think a big part of food is timing. I need to plan meals before I'm so crazy hungry that I'll eat rubbish instead of holding out for proper food...

Same here, I have to set aside time to plan things first or I will give in and just have crap days because I either don't feel like eating or end up eating all the wrong sorts of things.


Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:02:51 PM

I got a game called My Weight Loss Coach for the DS and tried it out last night and I like it so far. It gives you mini goals of different things you can do right away or throughout the day. They are things like both workout and eating goals. Today my goals are to walk for 30 minutes while trying to keep good posture, try not to add extra salt to my foods, and slow down and take at least 20 minutes to eat my dinner. It also gives you goals of steps you are supposed to take for the day, but because I got the game second hand I don't have the pedometer that came with it.. but I plan to buy a new one this weekend.
I found I don't think I like what I picked out for my challenge last week. It's not that I don't like EA Fit, but I don't like how I have to do a certain workout on certain days. I missed some of the days the game scheduled me to do their workouts and now I feel really behind.  :huh: I plan to still play the game, because some of the workout games are fun, but I think I will be putting together my own workouts instead of using their preset ones.

I have that game! It is pretty fun. And the tips they use are pretty nice actually.

I feel the same way about EA Fit, I like the workouts but I hate the schedule. I feel like it's just easier to go my own way rather than have to try and fit it in on their days.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:04:05 PM

Ok..went to the dr yesterday.  He thinks I'm just low on Estrogen, which is causing my pill not to work right...started a new one last night and nearly choked at the price...$50 is a lot for a set of pills...I'm going to call and see if there is a cheaper alternative.  Anyway, he also thinks I could be low on iron and getting anemic again (for me, this goes chronic really fast for some odd reason, and is months worth of recovery...don't know why).  Will find out for sure in a few days how my bloodwork looks.  My blood pressure was high and got higher before I left the office (weird, huh?) so Dr is really pushing me to lose more weight...I am about to tears though cause it's just not coming off...and yesterday was not a good day for exercising...none of the last 3 days have been.  I've been cramping really badly, so even walking down the hall hurts.  Gr.  Silly girl problems!  And I can't say I'm eating great...not bad, but not great.  I'm eating yogurt for lunch, special k for breakfast, and something for dinner...I'm trying to keep snacks small....I hope it's working...

The challenge I can totally do...I need to put it up on my mirror so I can see it and remind myself of it.  I'm trying to not stress right now (dh is switching to a new job this week so money is a bit tight and he is making me panic along with him, even though I know we can make it)  but it's not that easy.  I am trying to keep a positive outlook on everything.  Karate tonight but I don't know how much I can do still feeling really bad...willtry to do something though!

:hug: I'm glad that you're able to keep a positive outlook! I'm sorry you're having so many health related issues right now. Hopefully some of them got sorted out over the week. :)

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:05:49 PM

Monday 2 points! My 3 positives today were: I will make it out the store without buying candy! (Sadly that did not 1 point today for me. I worked out this morning and played piano) darn those Twin amazing:) A second pair of pants fit a little better! Yeah. and for my 3rd positive I am a very positive person.

I am also starting a new activity. I found a jump rope...thought it would give me more of an all around work out...I have not jumped jope since I was 7:P I was a bit rusty. I set a timer for 3min. Since I had a lot of stops that is my goal to work on. I want to go 3min with out stopping...once I do I might add a min for the next week:)

I have found that I can not stay with one work out for too long...I just get board and have no motivation...I have found that some of the easiest things can become extra work outs in a day:) Sitting on the floor brushing a ponies hair burns more calories then just sitting and watching tv:)

You are a very positive person. It always helps me to read your posts when I am feeling particularly down. I'm working on trying to find some 'fun' exercises, but eh. I'm.. working on it.

I get bored pretty easily too. Fitness just isn't very fun for me.

Also MyFitnessPal should totally recognise driving a car as excercise. I had a particularly stressful lesson this morning, and I'm SURE it burnt loads of calories!  >_<

LOL! I can only imagine, but I would think that the elevated heart-rate that comes with that anxiety definitely should count as a workout!

There are lots of things MFP does not recognize as exercise, that totally are exercise. LOL.

I know DDR and burpees are two I would like to see. But they're not there.

And, um, "dancing between the sheets" is supposed to be great exercise. LOLOL. But that's not there, either!  :drunk:

LOL! I know what you mean! I think they only use things that a lot of the other major calculators use, but definitely there are a lot of things that burn calories that aren't counted there!
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 07:09:06 PM by SurfStar »

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OK, Been a crazy week between over-working and migraines (2 NASTY ones this week due to lack of sleep) so . . . here's my check-in!

Tu: 1 point (exercize)
Wed: 2 points whh00t! (went to Splish Splash water park AAAAAND brought and ate my own healthy lunch/snacks!)
Thur: 1 points (exercize)
Fri: 2 points whh00t!
S: 2 points
S: 1 point (nutrition)
bonus: 1 point

I'm failing on nutrition b/c of work and migrianes (when I get a migraine I can only stomach specific things, and they tend to be very caloric) this week.  However, I have a plan going forward to avoid at least the work aspect of it, while still working.  I already stocked up on HEALTHY fruits for this week with another shopping trip planned wed to pick up replacement fruits.  Grapes, peaches, and bananas Oh My Yumm!

I failed on exercize today b/c I traded with a co-worker for the day off.  I slept from 2AM till 1:30PM today, did about 2 hours worth of paperwork, then fell asleep from 4 to 8 on the couch.  Woke up, ate supper, took a bath, and now I'm going to bed.  I'm still totally wiped too, can you tell?  lol
My G3 grail is LS Pinkie Pie MIB.  If you have her for sale or trade, I WILL pay.

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I haven't done too much on the healthy body side today (did restrict bread to one meal though! no snacking except my granola bar mid morning and a reasonable water intake) but I have been helping my mental state by paying £100 off a debt. :)

I think paying off a debt can be one of the very best things to help improve a mental state of being! I know that I was super glad when I got mine all paid off. Now I'm just working on my student loans.

It sounds like you are doing great!


Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:23:32 PM

Trying not to freak out... the airlines lost one of my bags... it was mostly clothes, but they were not cheap clothes in there by any means.  As of right now, they still haven't found it and I'm starting to get worried and want to cry :-(

Besides that... while in Vegas I get 1 point each day for exercise, and the bonus point... but I was in Vegas, so I don't get the food points ;-)

Well yay for the exercise! Hopefully you had lots of fun while you were in Vegas? I wouldn't have gotten food points either since one of the main reasons I do is FOR the food.

:hug: Hopefully they've managed to find your bags by now too! I know that the one time I lost my bags was during my wedding and it was the bag with my dress in it. So I totally understand how stressed you are!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:24:33 PM

Hopefully writing it down here will help me go through the list tomorrow :D
I'm doing good on food, I tried some new things today! A low calorie waldorf salad, it was awesome! I'll have to try making it again. Also I whipped together some homemade salsa!! the new bit was throwing some mint in and just wow... for a mild salsa its so yummy! I prefer spicier but eh I have other house members to think about.

I have that issue a lot with salsa and stuff in my house, for me, the spicer the better. My housemates aren't so keen on that though so I have to bland down and lot of things. I've never tried any with mint before so I'll have to add that onto my list of things to try!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:25:16 PM

Back from VACATION!! I was worried that I wouldn't get to exercise while I was gone...HA!! Try a hike down a mile into a lava cave (hyenacub and Texasgal's ponies came with- pix coming soon!) and then back up. Then swimming. Today we climbed up 'the Astoria Tower' which is like 200 stairs in a spiral staircase up. I didn't do great with food, but I was surprised at how much better I did than usual! I had water for the driving time instead of soda and turned down lots of sweets. I will be sooo happy to sleep in my own bed though. :)

Welcome back! It sounds like you had an amazing time! :hug: And as long as you did a little bit better, that's definitely what counts!


Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:26:54 PM

I tried some new perfume today too, lol.  This is quite big for me because I generally don't wear perfume but I have decided I'm going to love myself more and treat myself to some nice things :)

I think that it's super important to treat yourself to nice things! I think sometimes those of us with families forget to stop and get ourselves something nice once in a while!

I hope that you're enjoying your new perfume! I only have one that I wear right now, Vera Wang's Dark Princess.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:46:39 PM

page 45

Ok, first, my 3 things..which have been my things all that ok?  o.o  If not, I will try to think of a few other things.

1.  I am good at more than just being a klutz.  I'm good at jewelry, customizing, making pictures, and writing.  And occasionally karate (when I'm not hurting)
2.  I have pretty eyes (blue and green in much fun)
3.  I may be shy, but I am a really great friend once you get past my shyness.  Also, I have a funny, quirky sense of humor. 

I have eaten well today (still have 700 calories I can use - I am going for a gradual weight loss, not all at once, and I am trying for a pound a far, no change, but sometimes it takes a while to start for medical stuff isn't helping) and will try to eat something decent tonight.

I do need help though...I like in a small apartment so space is limited, and I hate salad.  What are some good food ideas that are yummy that are more for salad haters, and people who can't eat beef and tomatoes (allergic to tomatoes, and beef makes me sicky)?  I need cheap ideas as well....

Do you have heterochromia or just really nifty eyes with different colors in both? I think aiming for a gradual loss is a very good idea. Losing too much weight, too fast means it probably isn't a sustainable habit and you would gain the weight back anyway.

Hopefully your health issues get better soon! :hug:

As for cheap ideas, I'd start browsing some recipe sites and printing off things that look good to you. I know that when I buy a whole chicken, we can generally get enough meals from 1 for an entire week. I've been working on trimming down our food budget here recently so I can definitely empathize.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:47:26 PM

been doing better monos leting me get up at 1 >< but still walkinmg and still only 2 sodas a day :)

:hug: That's great to hear! I'm glad that you're still walking and sticking with your soda plan.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:48:31 PM

OK my last three thingies!

1--I collect weird and AWESOME stuff and I am not ashamed of them.  I love showing 'em off.

2--I'm not afraid of hard work.

3--I think of the environment and the next 7 generations when I do stuff as much as I possibly can.

I think that your first one here is awesome! I know that I collect a some stuff but I always have this anxiety about actually showing them off. Though my partner's sometime snide comments certainly don't help matters any.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:49:06 PM

I only have 1 point for today.  Got plenty of exercise (yard work, clothes-hanging, etc..) but it's my one day of the week I don't diet.  C:

Lifestyle change =) Diets are for short-term goals only :wink:

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:50:21 PM

Go you treating yourself!  :)  I was never really a perfume gal either up until a few years ago when I was given a bottle of Chanel Allure ( :blush:) I wore it every now and then, and then kinda got right in the habit when I went out and when I used to go to work. My hubby bought me one I really like (Issey Miyake) for Christmas which was a real treat. I might be a stay at home mum up to my eyeballs in dirt, food and washing, but dang, I'm gonna smell good as I go about it!  :P  Actually, I don't wear them ALL the time, but I find it a nice pick me upper to spritz myself now and then  ;)

That is a fantastic attitude. I meet a lot of stay at home Mom's that always seem to forget about treating themselves. :hug: And I agree, sometimes it's nice just to dress up just to make yourself feel better.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:51:51 PM

My eating habits are still good and trapsing around a hospital is good exercise..lots of corridors and stairs.

10 points since last Friday, kinda lost count a bit with things going on. Will have to look at my diary. Not done the challenge as I just didn't have time - hospital visiting is exhausting me mentally and I'm hoping I don't burn out. Boyfriends going to try and visit soon though as I don't dare go to his at the moment.

:hug: I'm so sorry sweetie. Hospitals can be so stressful. I remember how hard it was when I was visiting loved ones in the hospital. I'm just really proud of you for sticking to it as well as you can given the circumstances.

:hug: I hope that your boyfriend was able to visit, you sound like you could use someone to lean on.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:52:31 PM

- I have lost practically 50 lbs since I started losing weight a few years ago. And I need to remember that!

Wow! That is amazing and definitely something that you should keep in mind! :hug: Congrats!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:54:08 PM

So my husband was telling me how good Domino's Pasta Bread Bowls are after hearing a joke by Jim Gaffigan say no one eats them without leaving a suicide note. LOL. Turns out Gaffigan wasn't kidding. The Pasta Bread Bowl is 2 servings. I consumed 1 7/8 and it equaled out to 1,313 calories.  :shocked: GOOD LORD. I did my exercise, but I consumed nearly double my calorie amount for the day and hubby told me I couldn't take my fitness point with a clear conscience, so no points for me yesterday.  :cry:

I really need these positive motivators after yesterday, so my 3 things today are:
  • I have great, thick hair.
  • I have a deep compassion for animals.
  • I try really hard to be a good friend.

This post makes me wish I could play with your hair. I love styling and working with people that have thick hair, it's so much fun to work with.

And eh, life happens, as long as you got back on track the next day that's what counts. Now, when I eat out I try and look things up beforehand so I have a good idea of the calories. If I can't, well then I just chalk it up to life happening and get back on track the next day.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:54:51 PM

Tonight I'm taking part in a webchat with b-Eat (the eating disorder organisation) about support in education, which should help. I got lots of advice today: Jackie, who'll be my Additional Support worker at college, is ever so lovely.. There are already things in place to help me, and I'm at complete ease about it now.

I am super glad to see that you are getting more support. It hopefully helps you get closer to where you want to be in terms of health. =)

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:55:46 PM

Got my jump rope in woot my meals agood positire planned 2 today...positives for today...piano is improving:) but that gets me a point case its part of me workout points:) i am creative and my muscles are feeling tighter from the jump rope::

Wish i had more then hugs for those who struggle.....if you can point out your trouble you can find a solution....with my extra candy that i walked into a store i traded for the blind bags that came out...well i have them all so i now have to work on it again...but for awhile i was doing good:) so look at a worry or a negative and fide a positive way if saying no....something will change habits take days to make and months to break.

You'll get back there =) You know what you need to do, but you're making great strides in getting there! :hug: Hopefully this week's challenge will help you a little bit.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:56:35 PM

Urgh no eating point for me today x.x It's my bosses last week, so we've all been eating out and stuff. He brought us scones for breakfast then we went out to lunch. I had this huge sandwhich and even though I only ate half I feel really sick right now  :X It's a blessing in disguise though, since in the past I would have downed the whole sandwich and come back for seconds. Now half is way too much. Just will have to eat a super light dinner!

:hug: That's great that your body is already compensating for things like this. I think that you're doing great at making conscious choices in regards to eating!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 07:57:54 PM

I've been having 1 and zero point days here recently. I can do really well with eating until night time, then all bets are off. Today will be a 2 point day, though, after I go to my tai chi class, and I have my riding lesson tomorrow, so that's exercise for a couple of days.

I've decided I'm going to change my exercise plan to doing my tai chi form every day. I've been taking this class for several years now, and I still haven't developed a daily practice. Boo. It's a great workout for me, and even though it's slow and steady, it still gets my heart rate up (why, I don't know, unless it's just because I'm shifting so much weight around). It should be easy to find time for, and I don't have to get all down on the floor. Once I've gotten it to be a habit, I'll start adding other things back in, but right now my new goal is to make doing tai chi a daily habit.

My three things for today:
I don't give up.
I have a fantastic body (really, under here somewhere, it's fantastic!)
I am a great mom.

:hug: I feel you! I'm glad to see that instead of giving up you just re-evaluated what you wanted/needed to be doing thouh. I think you're doing really well!

I'm glad that you're enjoying the tai chi too! That is awesome, I need to see if there is a class offered around here where I am. You Tube just isn't the same.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 08:02:34 PM

Page 46

I'm pretty excited today because I have a jar of change that I keep on my dresser and I decided to take it over the the bank since they have a change counting machine over there. I ended up having a lot more than I expected so I took a walk over to the local fabric shop. They recognized me from last time I was in and they were asking me questions about my bows. I am supposed to go back early next week and show them some of my work. I hope they will like it.
Since I went for a walk I got my workout in for today, but I could have ate better... So it is a 1.5 day for me.

That's awesome! I hope that they do too, that would be pretty awesome. :hug: It's always great to be about to feel great about something, I think you're definitely moving on the right track.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 08:03:33 PM

Eek, I missed some days! Well, my eating is going well, and I did an hour of tennis yesterday! And I was way better with my new racket. <3

:hug: That is awesome to hear! I'm glad that you're doing better now that you've gotten the right equipment.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 08:04:18 PM

I think that all sweet stuff should taste just terrible, so we don't want it!

True, but then it would just be something else! Though there have been some studies that are showing that sugar is just as addictive as many other things out there.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 08:04:48 PM

0 points here like all week so far. This is not good.  :cry:

:hug: I hope things went better the rest of the week, if not, well you've got this week! You can do it :)

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 08:05:49 PM

I hear you!  People always say nice things about my hair... and nothing else, lol.  Still, one good feature is better than none imo :)

So true! Especially after some of the comments that I've overheard other people say. Some people can be down-right mean about the way other people look.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 08:07:01 PM

I managed to overwork my thighs a couple of days ago, and spent yesterday hurting a lot. They're better today, though the stairs still present a challenge. Gonna take it easy and try out my new Yoga DVD that arrived a few days ago :)

How'd you enjoy the Yoga? Also, I hate it when I over-work something and then it hurts to just do normal things the rest of the week. It's such a downer.

Though clearly, your work is paying off since you said that you liked your legs. ;)

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 08:07:31 PM

DDR Pad arrived yesterday! Woohoo!

:cheer: Yay!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 08:08:33 PM

Happy early birthday Surfstar! :D Take your time! I totally understand how time costuming life and ATCs can be! Haha :D We should do a swap sometime! ^^ And holy cow a 4.0!!! You are killing' it! :D

Yesterday was just a one pointer for me. I definitely ate over my calories when I was hanging out with my friend. Hahaha Although we walked around the park so I get one point for exercise :3 Which brings me to 20 points I believe ^^

Thank you! Once I'm all caught up I would love to do a trade :) I had a good birthday, so thank you so much for birthday wishes!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 08:08:58 PM

I seem to have hit a rut on my goals.  I haven't been exercising or eating like I want.  Need more willpower!  My three things are:

-I am smart
-I am beautiful
-I am worth it

:hug: This is a new week :) I think you'll do great!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 08:09:16 PM

:cheer: Happy Birthday, Surfstar! :cheer:

:hug: Thank you so much!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 08:10:11 PM

Hope you have a Happy Birthday SurfStar! :frolic:

I'm still chugging along here. Earned my points with yoga/walking/elliptical work. The eating is going well too. My MIL & I are going to look into a gym tomorrow. I'm a bit anxious about it since I'm bigger than the last time I joined one, but we'll see!

Thank you so much! :hug:

It sounds like you're working on getting your goals in order! I think that you'll be fine, if you do join a gym definitely look into using some of the free weights. :)
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 08:10:11 PM by SurfStar »

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I think that your first one here is awesome! I know that I collect a some stuff but I always have this anxiety about actually showing them off. Though my partner's sometime snide comments certainly don't help matters any.

Haha, that's when you come up with a snarkier comment to toss back.  Or a funnily sarcastic one.

Lifestyle change =) Diets are for short-term goals only :wink:

Ah, true.  It's the one day I allow to be less strict in my new lifestyle.

Thanks again for always replying to everyone, Surfstar!
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surf star you rock  :cheer: :frolic: :lovey: :whoa: :happy: i never know how you can respond to everyone im jelious of how you handle it :) :jealous: :what:
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I haven't been in here in a while I need a huge update to be done. I'll do it tomorrow as I don't have anything to catch up on apart from this. ^.^ I'm doing alright. Last week went fairly well. Dies lifting 20 kg bags count as exercise? I'll be doing a lot if lifting this week. Woohoo!! :D I'm drinking a fair bit of water, which is showing as I'm visiting the toilet very often lol. I'm going for a run and kicking the football around. Yay! ^.^

Week 3 Challenge ~

For this week, I'd like everyone to take a minute before they eat or exercise and ask why they are doing it? Is it because you're hungry, avoiding something? Feeding a craving?

Just ask yourself, why before doing an activity. Examine some of the underlying reasons you might be eating or exercising.


This challenge will be easy I do this already! I'm also setting a challenge for myself this week that instead if eating chips or chocolate when hungry I go for fruit or veg instead. I need this to be a habit, it's going to be hard but hey. ;)
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 08:54:54 PM by Princess-Sparkles »
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Wanted: Baby Cotton Candy and Bowties with bad hair and hair cuts. :)

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Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, Surfstar.  I'm sorry to hear you have been unwell.  The heat certainly won't help.  I can send you some of the frost we had here this morning if you like.  Lol, I knew you would like long, silky hair on ponies!  Haircuts on a pony are a deal breaker for me.  'It's all about the hair!'

Brightside, congrats on a fantastic day.  Eating real food is definitely worth two points for you.  Your body will thank you for it!  Go you :)

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Page 47

As for venting...I find that hitting something very hard with a hammer helps...  Maybe you have some scrap wood or something you can pulverize when you need a release?  Only wear goggles if you do something like that.

This made me think of Ezma from The Emperor's New Groove. "I'm going to smash it with a hammer!"

Though I agree, sometimes just being about to smack something around can be helpful. I always save my most unworked clay for this so I can punch it. I also like to bake on those kind of days, for much the same reason. I always feel like I should be able to work my frustration out in a healthy AND useful manner.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 09:04:15 PM

Happy birthday Surfstar!

Thanks for the compliments ladies. I do love my figure, just want to work on a few bits. ;)

Thank you so much!

Well, your picture is awesome :) I think that just wanting to polish things up is a great way of looking at it.

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 09:04:48 PM

happy bday surf star :D i woke up earlyer by an hourand no sodas for me today!!! :D
three thing i like are
my eyes
my personality
and my legs

:hug: Thank you so much!

And :cheer: that is awesome! :) You do have a great personality!

Post Merge: July 01, 2012, 09:05:20 PM

No points time ate more then i should have..and my positive if the day im alive....sorry today was just a very hard taxing heart has gone crazy changes tempo randomly..sorry for a downer post:(

:hug: Oh no! I hope that you've been feeling better. Having any kind of heart issues are always scary! :hug: Feel better soon!

I envy all of you who like your legs!  At 5ft 2" mine are nothing to write home about.  My boobs on the other hand... lol

I'm 5ft 1" so I so know what you're feeling. Though my boobs are pretty average too... but this post DID remind me that I need to go bra shopping tomorrow. I need to get some that properly fit.

WAY TO GO SurfStar! A 4.0 in grad school is incredibly impressive to me! And Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope you have the bestest one!

Shockpony, I can totally relate to the anxiety. Way to go for not letting it stop you!

I just LOVE reading all these wonderful things everyone is saying about themselves. I know it's tricky when we're all so used to talking down to ourselves, that's why it's so great to have this opportunity to practice being nice to ourselves.

So for today, I'm going to say:

1. I work hard and do a good job at anything I have to do.
2. I make sure I'm doing the things that are most important to me (family, friends) and don't worry about the stuff I can't get done.
3. I am a happy person.

Thank you so much! I work pretty darn hard on my grades, I know plenty of people say that it just shows I know how to respond appropriately, but fortunately I've had great teachers that have really taught me how to think, question, understand, and apply what I have learned. My IRL supervisors have had nothing but great things to say about how well I do my job, so I get a few warm fuzzies from that too!

I'm going to have to take a page from your book thought and start working on #2, I have a really bad anxiety disorder and sometimes I just spend way to much time worrying about things I can't change and have no control over!

:hug: You always have such wonderful and upbeat things to say. I love reading your posts!

1. I am glad I am not a hoarder.. I shouldn't let my other family's issues get me down
2. I make due with what I have and I enjoy it
3. I try to Live each day to its fullest

Going roller skating tonight!! ooo so excited!

Rollerskating sounds like so much fun! :) I think I'm going to have to see if there is a rink nearby... and I will dedicate all of my bruises to you!

Have a wonderful birthday, SurfStar. :happy: I hope you have a wonderful day!

Had specialist appointment today, the good news is that they're not putting me in the hospital this week.. *breathes sigh of relief* still in trouble, though. I can't engage properly as my weight interferes with my sleep (you need calories to sleep - fun fact!) and bc of the decrease in brain mass. And as I'm still not having the agreed intake there may be problems if I exercise more / end up losing more. So on thin ground at the moment.

Dietician's appointment tomorrow, emergency meds review soon, 1.5 points today!

:hug: Thank you! I did have a great b-day. It was quiet and relaxing!

I'm hoping that all of your reviews went well this week :hug: I'm not going to rehash everything else, on this page, just that I will say there have been some great suggestions.

However! Just know that I'm here for ya, anytime you need something :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SURFSTAR! : D  A 4.0??  :jealous: lol

:hug: Thank you so much!

Yeah, but I've worked my tail end off for that 4.0! Only 4 more classes to go. I think it helps that I really love what I am learning though.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 09:13:10 PM by SurfStar »


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