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Topics - PhyllieBean

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Customs / Carousel Swap for CoinOperatedGirl
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:05:03 AM »
This post is waaaaaaaaaay past due, but better late than never right?!  I've been up to my eyeballs in real estate school and life in general has kind of kicked my butt the last couple of months, so I have been totally absent from the boards.  SORRY! 

Anyway, this was made for CoinOperatedGirl for the Carousel Swap a few months ago.  This girl absolutely hated my guts!!  I had nothing but problems with her.  From paint, to hair, to sculpting, to...well everything.  Needless to say, I wish she had turned out a lot better for CoinOp, as I really feel like she deserves something stellar.  So I already have a replacement in mind for her.  Have to finish up my commission prize from the raffle for Tiella first. 

On to the pony!  All the usual stuffs: Apoxie Sculpt, mostly Liquitex acrylics, chalk pastels, airbrushed FBR, Dollyhair.  She is based off a G1 Merry Go Round as far as design layout goes.  Then I worked in CoinOp's preferences around that.  I like her concept for the most part, I'm just not in love with my execution of it.  Blah.  I'M SORRY COINOP!!!

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Customs / The Poisoning of Tinkerbell - TFT Swap
« on: April 09, 2013, 10:09:39 AM »
Well my lovely partner, ViciousJupiter received her pony the other day, so it's time for pics!!  She had Tinkerbell on her list of favorites, but isn't a fan of a lot of gore, so I decided to do a cute version of a gory scene.  This is inspired by the part in Peter Pan where Captain Hook replaces Peter's medicine with poison and Tinkerbell tries to warn him.  He doesn't listen, so she drinks it herself and is only brought back from near death by children believing in fairies. 

So, the pony!  She started out as a....Cherry Pie?  Not sure.  Obviously she's fully reposed.  The only original parts I ditched were her arms.  Everything else is original, just heavily modified.  I had a horrible time trying to come up with an idea for a symbol and wound up with "pixie dust" being the most inspired idea, although it came across DREADFULLY.  I comfort myself in the fact that the symbol really isn't the main focus on this girl!!  I also tried something new for the wings, they were created with liquid acrylic, with glitter added.   

I hope VJ likes her!  She was a lot of work but a TON of fun to make!  It was a great challenge and I'm pretty happy with how she came out (except the symbol)!  Sorry for so many pics, she has a lot of angles!  If anyone has any critiques I, of course, welcome them like usual! 

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Customs / Let's see your workspace!
« on: March 20, 2013, 07:45:30 AM »
The paint storage thread got me wanting to see everyone's customizing home!  I'm currently splitting my studio up into two different rooms and I'd love to see everyone else's setup so I can get some fresh ideas on what to do with my newly added space.  Of course, I'm stuck at work right now so I can't post a picture of my current workspace, but I wanted to get the ball rolling!  I'll post pics of mine tonight when I get home. 


:cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :cheese:


Customs / Anyone have a Crystal Lace pose bait???
« on: January 11, 2013, 03:30:34 PM »
I need a bait in Bay Breeze/Crystal Lace's pose ASAP!  Doesn't matter if she's prepped or not. Marks are fine but I'd prefer no big chunks missing. I have a few G3 baits to trade (mostly diva and that smily, turned head sunny daze pose) or I can pay a little cash.  I'm in North Carolina so the closer you are the better, like I said I need it soon!  Anyone able to help a girl out?!

This is the pose:

Customs / All Tangled Up! Holiday Swap for Wiccanpony1
« on: January 05, 2013, 12:59:19 PM »

I had the lovely Wiccanpony1 as my partner for the Holiday Swap this year!  She celebrates both Christmas and Pagan holidays so I wanted to incorporate something that would celebrate both.  However, I don't know much about Pagan traditions, and I didn't want to butcher whatever customs they have!  Lol!  So I decided to go with a Christmas-ish theme starring her persona, Silver Spell.  Pictures first and description below!  Woot! 

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She started out as a brushable Pinkie Pie and got hacked up quite a bit.  Her legs, ear and mouth are reposed and built up from their original parts, and her arms, mane and tail are sculpted from scratch.  I was going to use her original parts on the arms but they were just too rigid to get the look I wanted.  Everything is done with Apoxie Clay.  Her lights were originally incorporated into some of the sculpting, but then I had a piece break and changed the design a bit.  I wanted to make sure she made it to England with no problems, so I thought letting the light cord work as a separate piece would be a safer idea.  Plus, if something ever happens to them they can be replaced with another set.  They're battery operated so I didn't have to worry about different outlets over there in Jolly Ol'.  I was super stoked when I found them, as I originally made a set out of wire and little plastic bulbs from a necklace, but they didn't light up.  It just wasn't the same!  Teeny tiny lights like that are harder to find than I thought they would be!

Her persona's symbol is pretty detailed and has a lot of fine lines, so I modified it slightly by giving her a solid star instead of what would have been a wobbly, messy pentagram (G4 butts are so SMALL!)  I added a little bit of shimmer to the paint and it gave it just enough texture that I couldn't get the fine lines no matter what I tried.  So solid star it was!  In retrospect, I probably wouldn't have added the shimmer medium, as I think it makes her symbol look a little...chunky?  But I didn't want to run the risk of ruining her FBR (again, since she needed another after breaking) so I left it alone. 

Anyway, I'm pretty happy with how she came out.  She was super fun to make and Wiccanpony said she likes her, so that's all I can ask!  If anyone has any advice or critiques for improvement I'm always interested in hearing!  Thanks for looking!

Customs / Lights?
« on: November 28, 2012, 06:25:01 AM »
I know a few people have used lights in their customs so I'm hoping someone can help me out here!  Anyone know where I can get a teeny tiny strand of Christmas lights?  They need to proportionate to a G4 brushable and battery operated.  I'd even settle for ones that don't even light up at this point.  Anything to not have to sculpt an entire strand of bitty baby lights! 

Customs / Sweet Pea for Whoa1234 (B&BW Swap!)
« on: November 26, 2012, 12:00:59 PM »
I haven’t done a custom swap for a few years and I loved the idea of the Bath and Bodyworks one so this is my re-entry into customizing!  (I haven’t made a custom at all in about 4 years, let alone swapped one!)

My partner was Whoa1234 and she had a great list of scents to choose from!  She was nice and specific with her likes and dislikes on customs so that made most of my job easy (I LOVE SPECIFICITY!LOL!)  The hardest part was nailing just one concept down!  Originally I was going to go with Be Enchanted, but then I saw that the colors on the Sweet Pea packaging were almost all of the favorite colors she listed!  Anyway, I didn’t want to just copy the design from the packaging, so this is “inspired” by Sweet Pea.

I decided to do a dry brush effect for her base, so in order to keep her from getting too busy design-wise I came up with a simple stylized sweet pea flower for the symbols.  This was the first time I tried dry brushing on a pony.  I liked the finished look for the most part, but I’d probably do it a bit differently in the future.  Some of the spots didn’t come out very smooth and that made the lining on the symbols a little difficult, but for my first pony in forever I’m pretty happy with her!  Whoa1234 said she likes her and that’s enough for me!! 

On to the pics!  Sorry there's so many, but she has SO MANY SIDES!!  Lol!

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Customs / Is Diamond Rose still HTF?
« on: November 14, 2012, 10:25:52 AM »
I found one in the store last night and was thinking of use her as a base for something.  However, I thought I remember her name being mentioned as someone harder to find.  I couldn't find anything in regards to a price check or anything in the search.  Thoughts?  Save her or rip her apart????

Customs / Oily Apoxie Clay?
« on: November 12, 2012, 08:15:51 AM »
So my stash of Apoxie Clay has been packed up for quite some time and one part has developed this kind of oily orangey goop on the top.  I wish I had thought to take a picture before I left for work, but has anyone else experienced this?  It's almost a full container, I'd hate to throw it out if it's salvageable.  Any chance that it'll blend with the other part still? 

Customs / Round Robin Swap - GAUGING INTEREST - Updated!
« on: October 20, 2012, 08:06:03 AM »
Maniah had this awesome idea for a Round Robin swap, but because of her board stats she can’t host it just yet.  I loved the idea and want her to be able to participate so I’m taking up the challenge to host it myself! 
I’m going to just put Maniah’s original breakdown of how it works, since it’s her idea:

ETA:  After getting some feedback I've decided to make groups of no more than 4 (including the original sender).  The original breakdown below is just to give you an idea of how it works.  If more than 4 people are interested I'd be willing to monitor more than 1 group.   

1.   A preps a bait and sends it to person B along with a note containing a few favorite colors and themes.

2. B then begins the custom process. Based on the favorite colors or theme, B then decides the next step to take. FBR? Gems? Eyes? Symbol? B does ONE thing to the pony, jots down some ideas or thoughts and adds them to my note, then mails the pony to C.
(FBR, Symbol, or Eyes)

3. C reads over those notes and decides they are great, but what if we did this a little different? And C adds their own take, adding a bit more to the custom. If it had a FBR, then C may be adding eyes, or gems, or a symbol. Maybe it didn't get a FBR. Maybe it already has a symbol? Or an outline of a symbol? Or just eyes? C adds SOMETHING to the pony. Then C adds notes and ideas, and passes it on to D.
(Symbol or Eyes)

4. D gets the pony and reads the notes.. You see where this is going? By this point, the pony should be close to needing hair. Add notes, pass it on.
(Symbol, eyes, glitz or hair)

5. E. Should be down to options for Glitz or Hair

6. F. Will finish it up. Add the glitz, or the hair, and seal it. Take care of touchups.

7. A recieves the completed pony.

As Maniah was, I’m open to suggestions and input if anyone thinks there is more organized/inspired/whatever way to do this.  If enough people are interested I’d be willing to have more than one group going at a time. 

Depending on how sign ups go, this will most likely be skill based.  If there are enough participants of varying skills then I would create separate groups.  If a group is 1 or 2 people short, or has 1 or 2 too many, then the assigned tasks would be rearranged or I would step in to handle additional steps if needed. 

Everyone is responsible for their own shipping and the person sending out the bait is responsible to provide a box that will either make it through the entire process from person to person, or can be easily replaced by something free from the post office.  Shipping deadlines and options can be discussed by participants after we get the go-ahead.  If there are folks outside of the US interested I will do my best to distribute everything to make shipping costs fair for everyone.   

Soooo…now that you’ve made it through all that…yay!  I know Maniah had a flood of messages from people who were interested before, but I don’t have that list.  Please post here if you are still interested, even if you PMd her before.  If the swap gets approved then I’ll update for signups and PMs. 


1. Please have 5 positive arena feedback. If you have feedback at the TP from members who are also on the Arena that will count towards your total.  eBay feedback may be considered, depending on how many you are short on the Arena and how many you have on eBay.
2. Please be an arena member for at least 4 months.
3. Please submit pictures of your last 3 customs.  This will help determine if we need to match anything by skill level.
4. If you do not meet the first three requirements I may consider a new member category so you can participate and build your feedback up.  Depending on if enough people are interested.
5. Ship on time! If you are unable to meet shipping deadlines please notify me ASAP.
6. Participate in the thread!  Please check in to the thread as often as possible.  That includes participating in the current discussion.
6. Each participant will be responsible for their own shipping costs.
7. Please be prepared to send progress pictures for each step.
8. This swap can include multiple generations of baits.  You will be getting back whatever you send out in the first round, so choose whatever bait you like best.  Please be prepared to use any type of bait sent to you.
9.  You must meet the Arena requirements for swap participation.  Please make sure that you have the slots available to join.
10. Please keep your shipping receipts for each round!  Hang on to them until it confirmed that your step has been received by the next participant.

Customs / Airbrush questions!
« on: October 18, 2012, 01:35:56 PM »
Like we don't already have a million of these, but I'm pretty sure this hasn't been asked...

I recently bought some iridescent medium and I'm wondering if it will run through my airbrush ok (watered down of course).  Has anyone tried using this stuff before?  It basically looks like pearly white paint.  I'm planning on mixing it with a base color.  I'd hate to gum my brush all up testing it out if someone has already tried it.   

Secondly, I am sucking majorly with gradients lately.  I've just got my airbrush out from being packed away and ignored for close to 3 years now, so I'm a little out of practice!  I'm having a hard time keeping my gradients even or unspattered, and I'm having some problems getting the paint where I want it in small areas.  Like, I'm trying to do some eartips and I keep hitting the back of the ear instead of the top.  I want to keep a little distance so I don't get spatter, but the further I am away from what I'm painting the more off the mark I'm going!  Anyone have any suggestions for control, or even set up?  My pressue is pretty low, but maybe my whole setup is off, who knows!

Haaaalp!!   >_<

Pony Corral / Who are the hard to find G4 brushables?
« on: September 08, 2012, 08:00:26 AM »
Well, tried to search this out but had no luck, thread time!

One of the shops near my house just got a ton of what looks like old-ish stock.  All brushable G4 singles that I haven't seen in any stores for a while.  I'm not really collecting these, but thought it would be worth it to see if there are some that people are still looking for.  I might just pick some up to use for customs, but I don't want to rip apart a girl who's HTF!  Is there a list anywhere of this line that ranks their value or rarity?  (heee heee Rarity...)  I'm so clueless when it comes to G4!

Customs / So what's the deal with G4 baits?
« on: August 13, 2012, 10:10:03 AM »
So I'm getting back into customizing after having taken a...ohhh...3 year or so break?!  Lol!  So I'm just curious, what's the availability of G4 bait like?  I know when the G3's were out people always had them up for sale or trade and just about everyone used them as their base.  However, G3 didn't seem to be quite as OMG HAVE TO HAVE as the G4's are.  It seems to me that finding baity G4's is a lot harder than it was for G3's, or am I just not looking in the right places?  It also seems like if something is not a part of the Mane 6, it's pretty much hands off right?  Obviously I'd be checking if something was rare or not before I ripped all it's hair out, but is there anything that's just totally unheard of with G4 customizing?  Anything that really shouldn't be used or done?  And what's the best way to get a decently priced lot of brushables or even a few FS size?  Is everyone just paying retail and baiting them?  I'm feel so lost! 

PS.  If anyone has a lot they want to sell....*wink wink*  LOL! 

Pony Corral / G4 Cherilee with bangs question
« on: August 02, 2012, 03:02:28 PM »
I feel like this should have been asked a million times before, but I couldn't find anything with a search, so here goes! 

Is Cherilee with bangs considered as hard to find as other brushables with bangs?  And can anyone give me a current going rate for her? 

I spotted one at the store today and grabbed her just in case but I'm not sure I really want to keep her. If she's worth more than a regular brushable I'll probably put her up for sale. Help?  :)

Pony Corral / Help with a barrette ID!!
« on: July 12, 2012, 09:52:35 AM »
So...I'm working on getting all of my childhood ponies MOC or MIB and I recently scored Banana Surprise.  Her card is awesome, but the bubble is slightly separated at the bottom and her ice cream cone barrette had fallen out (which I knew when I bought her).  So my plan was to replace the barrette and try to seal the bottom of the bubble a bit better. 

HOWEVER...I've seen one guide that says she came with a yellow barrette and one that says she came with a purple one.  I could almost swear that the one I had as a kid was blue, but I haven't been able to dig it out yet.  Does anyone else have her MOC or have a way to definitively identify what color her ice cream cone should be?! 

Oh, and BTW, if you have said barrette for sale, I'm looking to buy as close to perfect of one as I can find! 

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