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Topics - VanillaBean

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Pony Corral / Flocking: Yay or Nay?
« on: April 08, 2024, 08:58:34 AM »
Do you prefer your So Soft ponies fuzzy or naked? :P
For me it very much depends on the individual designs. I recently discovered a stash of deflocked ponies that I'd completely forgotten about. One of them is Twist, & I love how vividly her colours pop. That bold purple is so striking! On the other hand, I find deflocked Shady obnoxiously bright & garish. She certainly screams eighties!
I think certain ponies like Magic Star & Angel look particularly lovely deflocked. That goes for all the white-bodied gals too.
Then there are some that I prefer fuzzy, such as Twilight, North Star, Ribbon, Hippity Hop, Skippity Doo & Crumpet. Flocking seems to make ponies in shy poses look extra endearing.
I like some ponies equally in both forms. Lofty looks beautiful with her body colour either muted lemon or golden buttercup yellow. Wind Whistler & Buttons work nicely both ways too.
Of course, one downside of flocking is that it can look particularly unattractive if it gets grubby. Nothing ruins a pony's appeal like dirty balding fuzz. How bad does a So Soft's coat have to be before you'll remove it? Or are you a purist who only collects SS ponies in minty condition? Do you think deflocking makes a pony more or less desirable &/or valuable?   

Pony Corral / Price check on a couple of G2s?
« on: February 22, 2024, 10:11:18 AM »
I'm looking to sell Princess Copper Glow & MOC Petal Blossom, but I've been out of the collecting loop for a while & just wanted some guidance on pricing.
Copper Glow has her original wings & comb. She's in good condition with both eye crystals intact, although she has a small rub to the paint on one side of her horn & a nick in one ear. I paid at least £50 for her a decade ago, so I don't want to let her go for any less than that.
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Petal Blossom's backcard is slightly bent & creased at the top.
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Thanks in advance!

Pony Corral / How much are the G2 unicorn princesses worth these days?
« on: November 14, 2023, 02:46:27 AM »
I've been out of the loop for a while when it comes to collecting. ^^;
I have Princess Copper Glow in very good condition with her wings & comb, but I'm in two minds about selling her. She was my most-wanted G2 for years & I was chuffed to bits to finally buy her a decade ago. She has pride of place on my desk with a couple of G1 ponies & I look at her every day, but I feel like I probably don't appreciate her enough. I haven't been actively collecting for a long time now, but I'm pretty attached to my little herd.
I'm curious to know how much Copper Glow would be worth if I did ultimately choose to part with her. Thanks in advance!

Off Topic / Breyer North Star Ponies?
« on: January 20, 2015, 01:40:25 PM »
I've been looking for these gorgeous ponies for years; I saw them in a Breyer pamphlet during my teens, & was desperate to own all six of them.  :drunk: I've never seen them for sale either in a shop or online.
Is anyone out there looking to sell any, or would know where I can find some?
I'm especially keen on Dustin, Berry & Dandy.
Thanks in advance!  :)

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Pony Corral / Show me your Dream Beauties! :)
« on: September 26, 2013, 08:19:27 AM »
I've just been reading up on these guys, & they've started to grow on me. 
They don't quite have the same appeal as the regular ponies, but they have pretty designs, especially the pegasi. (Wonder why they didn't make any unicorns?) I might have to add a couple to my collection.  :P
Let's see some photos! :3

Pony Corral / I was afraid this would happen...
« on: September 06, 2013, 03:07:43 PM »
After years of selective collecting, I've finally come to the conclusion that I want to complete the vast majority of the G1 sets. (& then G2. & then G3...)
My herd currently numbers 23, so I've got one heck of a long journey ahead of me. :lol: But I'm sure it'll be an enjoyable one, & MLP has always had a special place in my heart, so I know I'm never going to grow out of it.
So who else has gotta catch 'em all? How close are you to completing your collection? How many years has it taken you? Does anyone own ALL the store-released G1s from a certain country? Does your wallet hate you yet?

Share your stories! :happy:

Pony Corral / Can crinkled tinsel be saved?
« on: July 09, 2013, 07:44:53 AM »
I'm prone to removing frazzled tinsel from G3s, as I think they usually look better without it.
But I've got two G2s with particularly crazy tinsel, Princess Crystal & Princess Twinklestar, & I just don't think they'd look right without it, being royalty & all.  :lol: It's a big part of their design.
Is there any way of restoring frizzy tinsel to its former glory without snapping it?

Pony Corral / Trying (and failing) to part with ponies?
« on: September 12, 2012, 03:27:19 AM »
Ever decided to sell a pony, & then found yourself unable to do it?
TE Bright Eyes has been standing on top of my tv gathering dust for months. I decided she'd be better off with another collector, so I took her down to clean up & photograph. But as I started grooming her, I fell in love with her all over again, & now she's not going anywhere.  :silly:
I ended up dragging out a whole bunch of other ponies & styling their hair all afternoon. It's those darn eyes, who could resist them?!

Are there any ponies you just can't bear to let go of, even if you don't give them much attention? xD

Wanted! / G3 Autumn Skye at a reasonable price?
« on: August 06, 2012, 08:42:24 AM »
Is anyone selling this girl in good condition? :)
The prices on ebay are ridiculous xD

Wanted! / G2 Hunting! :D
« on: May 29, 2012, 01:58:53 PM »
Howdy ya'll, I'm looking to buy back some of my childhood G2s :)
Hunting for:
Secret Tale
Princess Crystal (possibly with her wizard hat)
Princess Trixiebelle (possibly with hat)
I'll probably add to this list in the future, but right now, these guys are my main priority. I'd prefer them to be in nice condition, with no eye jewels missing.
Pm me if you can help, thanks for reading!  :lovey:

Wanted! / G2 magazines :)
« on: April 04, 2012, 08:54:58 AM »
Howdy  :3
I'm currently trying to track down a complete set of the 90s MLP magazines. I owned the first three as a kid, & would love to read the others too. I think there were only 14 made?
Pm me if you have any for sale, thanks in advance!  :)

Pony Corral / G3 hair length
« on: April 02, 2012, 12:42:08 PM »
Is anyone else bothered by the length of G3's manes? xD
I'm not fond of them dragging on the floor, I worry they'll get ruined. I wish they were more like the early G1 styles, where the hair was shorter & wrapped around the neck.
I'm really hesitant to cut them though. I've trimmed Butterscotch's forelock to eye-length & it looks really cute, but her actual mane's still long. Has anybody given their ponies a trim? I don't plan on selling them, & I think a haircut can add personality & make them more individual, but at the same time I don't want to ruin them.  :drunk:

Pony Corral / G2 Princess Crystal
« on: March 17, 2012, 11:01:16 AM »
This gal was one of my favourites as a kid, & I want to buy her again. :)
How much does she go for, both loose & MOC? I'd like to have all her accessories, they're so cute.  :lovey:
Thanks in advance!

Pony Corral / Leaving ponies behind :<
« on: March 14, 2012, 09:47:08 AM »
I went pony hunting today after uni.  :P  I never usually have any luck with the local charity shops, but in one of them I found five G3s, all in need of some TLC.
Star Catcher, Scootaloo, Scooter sprite, Triple treat & Wondermint, all with tangled hair, dirty marks & what have you. My first impulse was to buy them all, but they cost £2 each & I'm a major cheapskate. xD
I snagged Wondermint, as she was the prettiest of the bunch, but I feel bad about leaving the others behind. I'd have loved to fix Star catcher up too, but her remaining wing was badly ripped & she was coated in dirt & rust, so I couldn't justify spending that much on her.
Who knows, maybe I'll drop by again tomorrow & rescue one more.  ;)
I was wondering what everyone else does in these situations. Are you a no-pony-left-behind sort of collector, or are you more selective?
I've never been lucky enough to find a G1 in a charity shop, but if I did, I'd rescue them regardless of their condition, or who they were. :3 Probably the same with G2s.

Pony Corral / Is it possible...
« on: February 25, 2012, 11:50:09 AM » deflock So Softs using only hot water & a lot of patience?  xD
I have two SS ponies who are looking sorry for themselves, & their flocking's very thin, even gone in some places. Is there a chemical-free alternative? 

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