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Re: Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS GO HERE
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2017, 11:10:34 AM »
Loved it!

Still using spoiler tags, just in case...
Especially that cold open and Arya's scene with the soldiers.  I love how she came out and told them "I'm going to kill the queen." knowing that they wouldn't believe her.  Loved the dynamic between Sansa and Jon, and thankfully it does seem that although they are going to disagree on some things, they aren't going to try to drive a wedge between them (at least I hope) as she still seems incredibly irritated with / suspicious of Littlefinger - and please let it stay that way.  I hope Bran will be reunited with them soon.  Everything else was good, too.

Oh and Euron showing up at Cersei's court and acting crazy and insulting Jaime to his face, that was a great scene too. The "and I have two good hands" comment, wow.  I literally went "Ohhhhhhhhhh" to the TV, haha.

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Re: Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS GO HERE
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2017, 11:18:58 AM »
- So! YES THAT OPENER! I knew from the shifty eyes (and, well, seeing his death the previous season!) that it was Arya, but I like how she was pretty in character for the hilarioulsy vile Walder Frey. A little softer than he would normally be, especially to his poor young wife, but she didn't have a lot of time to prepare. THE NORTH REMEMBERS!
I really hope this doesn't blow back on Jon and Sansa

- I was so so happy my stomach was empty and I wasn't eating for that utterly disgusting montage  :X Oh, Sam, I feel you. I was surprised he resorted to sneaking in, if I'm honest. It was nice there was a Maester that believed him, but the dismissal was still annoying. I liked the autopsy and mentioning the inflammed liver, the forensics part of me coming into play with that. Yay Gilly and Little Sam! Yay Gilly reading some more, difficult books as well!

- I honestly worry that Jon has lost some of his humanity with his resurrection. He's harder, more bitter and cynical ... but I saw glimpses of his prior soft heart and humanity with not only sparing Alice Karstark and Ned Umber, but having them pledge alleigence in a way that was stirring and awe-inspiring to the kids (making them feel big and important in a good way).
While I ABSOLUTELY see Sansa's point, I think the way Jon handled it was also good and hopefully this gives an overall good impression.

- Again, totally see Sansa's point and these two REALLY need a Hand of the North to translate each other's view of the world. Jon is hardcore Northerner and ZOMG ICE ZOMBIES ARE COMING whereas Sansa has had the terrible lessions of the South literally beaten into her and she's not willing to let her current peace and security go without a fight. I like how caustic she is with Littlefinger; I'm wondering if Sansa's irritation with Job was half-acting ... as in, she's making sure Littlefinger sees them disagreeing and thinks Sansa is open for maniupulation where she knows all to well what his game is. She grabbed Jon on the walkway, making me think that perhaps she wants to ensure that Jon takes her at face value but also absolutely make sure he is not 100% pissed at him by complimenting him and letting him know she's doing what she can not to lose a third brother. My heart is still warmed whenever they refer to each other openly as brother and sister.

- I am still wishing hardcore for ace (asexual) Brienne. Tormond plz no.

- Cersei is twisted and cruel and Jaime, bless his heart, is becoming more and more like a reasonable person. I really was stunned when he wanted to bring up the fact that, y'know, they're out of children and was genuinely a bit taken aback at Cersei outright saying 'he (Tommen) betrayed me'. Dear oh Dear.

- Euron is so twisted it's almost gleeful. I keep referring to him as Evil Eddie Izzard. He needs to pick an accent and stick with it (I love how Aiden Gillen - Littlefinger - 's original accent keeps peeking through his lines as well).
 I didn't expect Cersei to outright reject his proposal, but that's good story and character-wise. She doesn't need to waste time and resources on someone who won't deliver the goods.

- I'm sorry. I hate Ed Sheeran. His inane warbling about wuuuub just drives me up the wall, I hate songs by guys on acoustic guitars lamenting lost loves or 'wanting her' or omg she is so pretty. Get over yourself. Sing something with meaning. And not some maudalin tale of a drug-addicted girl painting her as a lost angel. I was deeply disappointed that Arya didn't murder him and his singing made him scream I AM A FAMOUS GUEST STAR LOOK AT ME.

- I was wondering where this scene was going. And I was surprised at Arya saying she was going South to 'kill the queen'. I felt she should have burst out laughing a lot sooner to show she was joking; Faceless trained or not, her odds against that group were NOT GOOD.
As much as I hated Sheeran with a fiery passion, I did like the other young boy soldier, he was nice.

- I felt The Hound seeing the vision was a bit rushed. I would have thought he was so grounded and cynical that he simply cannot see visions or similar. It's like a shock conversion and felt very forced and rushed, not a fan.

- Dany is my Queen and I love her, but Emilia Clarke was oddly cold coming back to Dragonstone. Fair enough, she left as an infant and is only rediscovering her Targaryen heritage, I have the same odd cold disconnect with anything to do with family at all. I liked Missendei stopping Grey Worm following Dany and letting her have her moment. Miss x Grey 4eva plz <3 I'm going to be so upset if they die without declaring their love fully.

So, bit of a slow opener, but I feel the season might feel a bit rushed considering all the story they need to cram in in such a short space of time. There's been seasons and seasons of buildup and backstabbing and politics, now it almost feels like 3-2-1 ICE ZOMBIES
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS GO HERE
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2017, 12:49:11 AM »
I'm still watching, but ...

Also; omg Orlenna don't give Dany that advice plz stop stop stop stop stop
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS GO HERE
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2017, 12:24:58 AM »
I don't think we need to spoiler tag because of the heading?  But just in case:

I have loved both episodes so far
Go Arya, taking out the Freys!  She was probably the best bet to take out Cersie too, but unfortunately she looks to be going back to Winterfell instead. It will be nice to see her reunited with Sansa though, although it looks like she will miss John because he is on his way to Dragonstone. 

I am really digging Brieanne and Tormund as a couple.  It's so funny when he gives her the eye and she doesn't know where to look!  I don't think she is immune to him either :P

Ugh, watching Sam peel back Ser Jora's skin was totally cringe worthy! I really hope he heels him though.

Just a few brief rambling thoughts :)

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Re: Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS GO HERE
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2017, 02:32:37 AM »
Also; omg Orlenna don't give Dany that advice plz stop stop stop stop stop[/color]
She might have outlived them, but she's in the same position as Cersie.  Her entire family is dead.

I'm hoping Bran is able to catch Jon before he leaves.  That, way when he reaches Dragonstone, he can go, AUNTIE!
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS GO HERE
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2017, 11:17:38 AM »
Also; omg Orlenna don't give Dany that advice plz stop stop stop stop stop[/color]
She might have outlived them, but she's in the same position as Cersie.  Her entire family is dead.

I'm hoping Bran is able to catch Jon before he leaves.  That, way when he reaches Dragonstone, he can go, AUNTIE!

Technically, Dany is already in that position if we don't count Jon since no-one but Bran and Howland Reed is left alive that knows about Jon's heritage XD She's the 'last' Targaryen until Jon is outed as one - if he even accepts that fact and if it can be proved that Jon is a legit Targ rather than swapping his bastard status from Stark to Targaryen = so I am wondering if she is giving this advice to either encourage Dany to be firm ... or lead her to becoming autocratic and therefore down the road of dethroning and ruin. Dany already said Orlenna is pretty much supporting her out of revenge and nothing else, she has no real reason to further support Dany after that since she doesn't know anything about her ruling style aside from what she's done in Essos.

I'm just worried Dany will start disregarding Tyrion's advice ... OR disregarding parts of it, since he is VERY accurate in predicting what Cersei would do. I get the impression D&D would do that to make sure Cersei has a more level playing field, akin to the Euron Greyjoy victory taking out Yara's fleet (and the powerhouse of Dany's navy) as well as unveiling the use of a gigantic crossbow to use against the dragons (damn Lannisters and their crossbows XD).

Episode 3 trailer talk!

JON. MEETS. DANY!!!! And my ship is still in full sail ... now, what might be a huge concern is Dany going 'hai bend ur knee plz' and Jon 'uh no thanks I'm here to tell you about ice zombies'. I THINK Tyrion completely left out the 'bend the knee' part and just talked about Dany's army to entice Jon down. I really hope they get along well, even if they never become an actual couple. Lord knows, Dany needs another nice Lord to talk to and someone to make her laugh other than Tyrion and her Essos small court (Missandei, Grey Worm). I think that moment we've seen of Drogon looking down at something whilst showing teeth with Dany on his back is him looking at Jon, I honestly hope so! I don't think the dragon will pick up on his Targ blood explicitly, more a nudge-wink to the audience since there's a scene in the boooks where a very distant relative of the Targaryens tries to go to Dany's chained dragons and get to ride one, but the dragons roast him instead. Plus, Drogon is a great big flying mummy's little boy and ain't no way he'll be too impressed with anything else XD
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS GO HERE
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2017, 11:54:09 AM »
Still hoping they will NOT go there and have Sansa betray Jon.  He just left you in charge of the North, lady - don't be a bitch now because Littlefinger has you confused.  I wish Jon would have just killed him, to be honest.  I'm tired of watching him skulk around.
Can't wait for Jon and Dany to meet, although I'm sure Jon will be gone before Bran makes it back and therefore won't have a clue about his relationship to her. 
I honestly was surprised that I did not enjoy 7.02 as much as 7.01. The things I was most excited about were Arya's scene in the inn with Hot Pie (Arya is always win for me, don't care what the scene is, the actress is just so good) and Sam refusing to give up on Jorah.  I did enjoy Dany grilling (pun intended) Varys, although whatever soft side she had before seems to have disappeared entirely with her return to Westeros, and she's getting a lot of conflicting advice.
Theon jumping overboard - I don't know how I feel about that yet.  I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he knew he couldn't win and so stayed alive to help rescue his sister and the others in the future.

One more thing - I'm not on board the Tormund/Brienne ship, like, at all.  I think the one-sided flirtation is cute, but I'll never give up hope for her and Jaime.  I honestly don't understand why they have kept him as Cersei's lapdog - at this point in the books, he has long deserted her.  It's one of a few missteps I think the show has made, although it's definitely overshadowed by all the good changes.

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Re: Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS GO HERE
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2017, 02:03:24 PM »
Still hoping they will NOT go there and have Sansa betray Jon.  He just left you in charge of the North, lady - don't be a bitch now because Littlefinger has you confused.  I wish Jon would have just killed him, to be honest.  I'm tired of watching him skulk around.
Can't wait for Jon and Dany to meet, although I'm sure Jon will be gone before Bran makes it back and therefore won't have a clue about his relationship to her. 
I honestly was surprised that I did not enjoy 7.02 as much as 7.01. The things I was most excited about were Arya's scene in the inn with Hot Pie (Arya is always win for me, don't care what the scene is, the actress is just so good) and Sam refusing to give up on Jorah.  I did enjoy Dany grilling (pun intended) Varys, although whatever soft side she had before seems to have disappeared entirely with her return to Westeros, and she's getting a lot of conflicting advice.
Theon jumping overboard - I don't know how I feel about that yet.  I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he knew he couldn't win and so stayed alive to help rescue his sister and the others in the future.

One more thing - I'm not on board the Tormund/Brienne ship, like, at all.  I think the one-sided flirtation is cute, but I'll never give up hope for her and Jaime.  I honestly don't understand why they have kept him as Cersei's lapdog - at this point in the books, he has long deserted her.  It's one of a few missteps I think the show has made, although it's definitely overshadowed by all the good changes.

I don't think Sansa will betray Jon. That's part of her arc; she's learned that her family will be there for her and rescue her when she needs it, only her family can be trusted, unlike the backstabbing Lannisters. I kind-of think Sansa is trying to play a double-game; make it look like she's arguing with Jon to 'go along' with LF, but at the same time, trying to keep Jon safe as much as she can (i.e. Jon stay here and be safe where your noble intentions won't get you killed like charging to save Rickon almost did) and make absolutely sure he's not TRUELY mad at her (grabbing him after the meeting in E1 when they argue outside, telling him essentially she doesn't want to lose a THIRD brother).
I've heard theories on LF's end but I won't post here XD They're pretty juicy and I hope it happens that way!

If nothing else, at least it was AWESOME to see Jon really channel Ned by choke-slamming LF, and just outright saying 'Touch my sister and I'll kill you'. The amount of times they keep saying 'brother and sister' warms my heart, eventhough it's now the show winking and nudging at the fact they're maternal cousins, not brother-and-sister by blood XD

That moment between Dany and Varys had me sweating, honestly. Dany, as much as I love you being fierce, I also don't want you burning bridges everywhere. I DO like how she made Varys promise to tell her to her face if she was doing something wrong. I worry she's lost any softness she once had. Her noble intentions won her adoration, but plenty of scorn and death as well, it seems her wide-eyed dreams of being saviour are being corrupted by reality and she might fall into 'well it doesn't matter WHAT I do, it's always WRONG' but the internal drive to take back the throne anyway compells her. I've said for years; she should have stayed East and try to be happy. She doesn't need the land she can barely remember. She needs to, like the book keeps hinting, find her own house with the red door and the lemon tree outside her bedroom window.

I was disappointed in Theon running ... But at the same time, I liked it? I liked how he's clearly still deeply disturbed by previous events, Alfie Allen really hit it out of the park with Theon clearly mentally disturbed and not simply being a coward (of course, to the Ironborn that's the same thing). As harsh as Yara can be, I did see glimpses of genuine care for him, I think she actually realises he's disturbed and although it's probably not the Ironborn way, she is trying to deal with it in a semi-compassionate way.

As someone else commented 'he did the wrong thing, for the right reasons'. I get the feeling that his information will be invaluable later on. Of course, if he survives crossing paths with Jon again... Jon won't outright kill him, since he DID manage to save Sansa, but by the Gods will he make sure Theon is going to need to do a LOT for all the blood he's spilled at Winterfell and for delaying Sansa's freedom
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS GO HERE
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2017, 10:29:44 PM »
I don't think we need to spoiler tag because of the heading?  But just in case:

Ugh, watching Sam peel back Ser Jora's skin was totally cringe worthy! I really hope he heels him though

Just a few brief rambling thoughts :)

Lol - the best part of that scene was

cutting directly to diving into the pie at the cross roads inn, lol!!!  :X XD

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Re: Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS GO HERE
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2017, 06:47:18 AM »
Just a few notes:
-LOVED that opening on the first episode.  Arya is kicking so much butt, she's becoming one of my favorites.

-I cried when Nymeria and Arya reunited.  I think Nymeria knows what happens to Stark direwolves, and she wants to save her own hide LOL.  That being said, I don't think we've seen the last of her or her pack.

-That look on Littlefinger's face when Jon gave Sansa rule over the north while he goes to see Danaerys cracked me up so hard.  He's totally going to try even harder to get with her, I just know it LOL.

-I've got a baaaaaaaaaad feeling about Danaerys.


-Euron Greyjoy cracks me up.  You can tell the actor is having so much fun with that character.  He may be a villain, but I can't help finding him endearing in how much fun he's having!

-Where the heck is Ghost?  Poor guy's been missing since last season.  He's sure living up to his name.

-I'm still really mad at Bran and will never forgive him for last season.

-Oh, Theon?  I was rooting for you!  We were all rooting for you!  How dare you?!

-That cutscene between Sam and Jorah and Hot Pie's tavern...ummmm...  Yeah, I couldn't eat for a day after that one.

-Again.  I've got a baaaaaaad feeling about Dany.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2017, 06:51:07 AM by Pinkie21 »

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Re: Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS GO HERE
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2017, 10:21:45 AM »
Just a few notes:
-Where the heck is Ghost?  Poor guy's been missing since last season.  He's sure living up to his name.

The producers had a choice; either allot the CGI budget to the dragons or the wolves. Since the dragons are needed more than the wolves atm, they are neatly hidden in the background (apart from Nymeria, obviously XD But her appearance is part of the story)
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS GO HERE
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2017, 08:15:10 AM »
Just a few notes:
-Where the heck is Ghost?  Poor guy's been missing since last season.  He's sure living up to his name.

The producers had a choice; either allot the CGI budget to the dragons or the wolves. Since the dragons are needed more than the wolves atm, they are neatly hidden in the background (apart from Nymeria, obviously XD But her appearance is part of the story)
Ghost is still up at Castle Black according to all sources.

I was thinking about the attack on the fleet.  I wonder if we just saw a boss chess move here.  Grey Worm said the Unsullied were leaving in the morning, after the Greyjoys and Sand.  Their fleet would have been minimally crewed because they would be picking up troop from Dorne.

Now, think about it.  Varys had to have gotten word Euron had visited King's Landing and was likely camping out just outside of dragon range waiting to strike their fleet.  Also, the Greyjoys and Sand are the least trustworthy of Dany's allies.  Greyjoys are still pirates, and there's no telling if they will accept a world without piracy once they're actually in it.  Now that they're across the Narrow Sea, they and their ships are expendable since they don't need as many or as sturdy vessels to go to and from Dragonstone.  Sand is crazy enough to murder her own prince just because he wouldn't go with her agenda.  She is in it more to complete her revenge against Cersei and could very well turn on Tyrion just because of his last name.  She can't be trusted in the long-term.

So, what if Varys and Tyrion set them all up?  They let it leak they're all going to be in the same fleet and when they will be departing.  Euron attacks them, takes his "gift" for Cersei, and sails merrily back to King's Landing.  Meanwhile, once he's out of the way, the other fleet heavy with Unsullied troops sails unchallenged to Casterly Rock.  Everyone is talking about the blow losing those ships are, but Tyrion and Varys are playing chess here.  Better to lose a piece for the sake of the greater strategy.  They remove the threat of Euron from their vicinity, make Cersei complacent for the moment with her short-term victory, and remove their most dubious allies all in one move.
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Re: Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS GO HERE
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2017, 04:05:40 PM »
I don't think we need to spoiler tag because of the heading?  But just in case:

Ugh, watching Sam peel back Ser Jora's skin was totally cringe worthy! I really hope he heels him though

Just a few brief rambling thoughts :)

Lol - the best part of that scene was

cutting directly to diving into the pie at the cross roads inn, lol!!!  :X XD

Yes!!!!!  Ugh! 

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Re: Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS GO HERE
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2017, 11:09:11 AM »
Many thoughts on episode three...

Loved Davos's accidental slip: "He took a knife in the heart for his people," and that Dany and Tyrion both acknowledged it.  Jon telling them about what happened at the wall is a conversation I very much want to see. 

I've seen reviews/comments complaining about the "wooden" dialog/acting between Dany and Jon, comparing it to Tyrion and Jon's reunion, which I don't get.  They don't know each other, as Jon very helpfully states, so why would they greet each other warmly?  Why would there be any chemistry there?  The stiff and formal way it's written is perfect.  Jon's always been awkward, and Dany isn't exactly friendly. Their conversation later out on the battlements is a good progression of that - now that they each know what the other wants, they can relax a bit and actually speak to each other.   

Dany is not having great luck though, following Tyrion's advice and basically taking a castle no one cares about.  Her desire to go out with the dragons and do some damage is going to happen sooner rather than later, I think.

Loved Tyrion asking if Sansa missed him.  I appreciated that Sansa also acknowledged that Tyrion is not like Cersei in the previous episode.  Perhaps they can meet again on good terms and at least be friends.

Still not a fan of where they are going with Jamie and Cersei as a couple, but whatever.  I did like that he acknowledged to Olenna that he knows their relationship is toxic at best and could turn deadly.  I just wish he would do something about it.  I fully expect him to die before the end, though, possibly even this season.

Olenna's death... "I want her to know" ...I got chills when she said that.  I almost expected Jamie to just punch a sword through her gut for her admission, but glad he didn't.  Will be sad that the actress is gone - just like Charles Dance, she commanded every scene she was in.

Ellaria/Tyene's fates - As horrible as their comeuppance is, they still deserved it.  Ellaria murdered Myrcella, who was always innocent, for no good reason (not to mention Prince Doran, and orchestrated Prince Trystane's murder as well), and I didn't expect any less of Cersei when she got her hands on them. 

Euron continues to be entertaining, although he's kinda Ramsey 2.0 at this point.  He's gonna die this season, surely.  I do enjoy his continued ribbing of Jaime, however, haha. 

Bran is just creepy now.  It seems like he's completely divorced himself from living in the "now".  I enjoyed how ethereal he sounded as he was talking to Sansa - the actor really sold it.   I wonder if we will ever see Meera again.

I think the best part of the episode was Sam shaking Jorah's hand as they let him leave the Citadel.  He may not be "brave" in the traditional Westeros sense, but he's shown many times he's strong and levelheaded when it counts.


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