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Author Topic: Who here lives away from their home country?  (Read 1017 times)

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Offline Vintergatan

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Who here lives away from their home country?
« on: July 01, 2013, 12:52:41 PM »
I know we have some members, myself included, that live in a country other than the one they were born/raised in. So I was just wondering what your experiences were, how you like it and if you plan to move back?

alternatively, do you plan to, or would you like to live somewhere else?

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Re: Who here lives away from their home country?
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2013, 01:10:36 PM »
I used to live in the middle east, specifically saudi arabia - for 5 and a half years.  :satisfied:

It was a crazy experience to live in such a strict country. Its NOTHING like its portrayed in that horrendous 'The Kingdom' film....which was about a bombing that happened to my school and the connecting compound that happened a few years before I moved there. We moved due to my dad's job and he's had several promotions since so its been a good move, that and the UK has reduced the defence budget and a lot of people here have lost their jobs in the UK, so he's safer.  :satisfied: We even moved our two king charles cavalier spaniels with us! :P

 I have learnt so much about eastern culture! I even lived through a saturday to wednesday working week. I went to school sat/sun and was off on thursday/fri! Also, being blonde I stuck out like a sore thumb! Litterally being stared at for being different and people asking for photos with me! I went to an international school and made friends with people across the globe - one of my best friends is south african, I have another from Canada  ^.^ I studied international qualifications :) I even went to school with some of their royalty and to their house parties!
I think it broadened my horizons massively, Im no longer scared to live anywhere after that really!  :P

I moved back to the UK for higher education, however my parents are still out there and will be for at least another 2 years :( mortages and the fact that the UK is just too expensive to live unlike where they are! Silly rip off britain!  :huh: They will come back when their finances are in order and what happens with me since I graduate next year!  :shocked:  :P

I'd love to move down south - Ive always lived in the north of the UK! Its so much prettier down there :P However, my dream is actually the US...since its just so different and after the far east - I could do with the far west! I love anywhere hot and sunny...cant stand the terrible weather actually depresses me! Also all the AMAZING pony stuff makes me want to go there!  :P  :lol: Or Canada my friend lives there and it sounds so amazing and unspoilt!  ^.^ I seriously love warm weather, I dont even burn either so Im unlike my fellow brits!  :lol:

Also my parents have a house in Spain - and I know the language fairly well and like the climate better, although with the state of the economy there too puts me off a little - that and its in the mountains south spain so kinda hard to drive!  :lol: But still love going every year  ^.^

But for now I'm staying put - plus my boyfriend has never left the UK so he's pretty aprehensive of anywhere outside of Europe....whereas Im quite happy to be somewhere non-european!  :P

What nationality are you Vintergatan? I always just assumed you were from where you live sorry :P
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 01:12:13 PM by mylittleponylover92 »


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Re: Who here lives away from their home country?
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2013, 01:11:09 PM »
I do. :) I live in Korea (though I am back in the US switching visa classifications at the moment)! I've been there on and off since 2009.

I'm going back for another two years, and then I'll see where I feel like going, haha. There's a really sweet looking spot in China I've been eyeing, and Taiwan would give me a stipend to live there, so I have options.

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Re: Who here lives away from their home country?
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2013, 01:57:29 PM »
Oh my, mylittleponylover92, you've been around :):) and your time in the emirates sounds like a fun experience :) Being jewish I will never really be able to go there but I'm sure it gives you a pretty broad perspective! :D I must say I understand your boyfriend. While i've travelled outside of Europe, I don't think I'd be comfortable living or spending a lot of time outside of it. I'm very Eurocentric I guess

Oh yeah, and I'm Serbian actually, I was born and raised in Belgrade and have moved to Iceland in 2010 ^^ I did spend A LOT of time in Portugal while growing up since my uncle lived there, including 6 months in 1999 while Serbia was being bombed. I officially lived in Switzerland as well, since my father is there, but I never really lived there (I did visit often though). But this is the first time that I'm expected to integrate into another society ^^ and I've connected with a lot of expats here so I started getting interested in how people feel and cope with living abroad :)

Stef, that's cool! :D I've never been to Asia (apart from Israel) and I'd love to visit Korea at some point :) also Taiwan. I knew a very sweet guy from there and I got intrigued by his tales of the country :)

Dang, now i really want to see some of these places. If you guys don't mind, do share some pictures of these places :)
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Re: Who here lives away from their home country?
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2013, 02:20:46 PM »
I lived in Amsterdam for nearly 2 years. I loved it - its such an amazing culture and considering its just across the water from the UK so completely different from here - I would happily go back and stay again :)
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Re: Who here lives away from their home country?
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2013, 03:08:10 PM »
Oh my, mylittleponylover92, you've been around :):) and your time in the emirates sounds like a fun experience :) Being jewish I will never really be able to go there but I'm sure it gives you a pretty broad perspective! :D I must say I understand your boyfriend. While i've travelled outside of Europe, I don't think I'd be comfortable living or spending a lot of time outside of it. I'm very Eurocentric I guess

Oh yeah, and I'm Serbian actually, I was born and raised in Belgrade and have moved to Iceland in 2010 ^^ I did spend A LOT of time in Portugal while growing up since my uncle lived there, including 6 months in 1999 while Serbia was being bombed. I officially lived in Switzerland as well, since my father is there, but I never really lived there (I did visit often though). But this is the first time that I'm expected to integrate into another society ^^ and I've connected with a lot of expats here so I started getting interested in how people feel and cope with living abroad :)

Stef, that's cool! :D I've never been to Asia (apart from Israel) and I'd love to visit Korea at some point :) also Taiwan. I knew a very sweet guy from there and I got intrigued by his tales of the country :)

Dang, now i really want to see some of these places. If you guys don't mind, do share some pictures of these places :)

Wow thats amazing! Yeah, I must say I probably feel safer in Europe so I understand you there. Also when I was in Germany I think people thought I was German due to talking to me in the language, so it was nice not to look like a complete outsider unlike in the middle east!  :lol:

Thats so cool that you're Serbian! Portugal is pretty cool, my boyfriend has gone on lots of Mediterranean cruises and been to Portugal a lot :) Switzerland is pretty cool too, I have been there also  :)

Aw yeah I completely understand.  :) I must say they aren't tolerant of anyone but muslims, as its the central of islam with Meccah not being too far away. Boy, it gets so busy when they all go on pilgramage there!  >_<
Also having to live through Ramadans its tough....places are shut until after sundown and you cant eat/drink in public and then it goes crazyyy on the roads at night. Its a nightmare! I remember lots of my friends being grouchy due to not eating and they got out of their PE lessons! Its not nice being there during the fasting period that's for sure! I did get their holidays off though along with the christian ones - so I had time off for Eid (their xmas or Hanukkah) and part of Hadj which is the pilgrimage one. 

The country is slowly changing but although it has all the gadgets its still very backward towards women and a lot of things we would consider normal. No cinema, no alcohol, no pork, no concerts, no unmarried male/female mixing, no female workers/drivers. Although a BIG change has happened recently - women in the workplace!! I saw them the last time, I actually jumped for joy! Its all thanks to the princess openning up a uni for women only and its so big it has its own - MONORAIL  :P its pretty epic! So the movement for women is starting to happen  :satisfied:

As a catholic going to only catholic schools it was a shock! The school had a no religion policy and everyone had to speak english since most of the staff were from Europe. My muslim friends were very understanding though even sending me xmas cards!  :lol: But there was a big expat base and I had lots of people from the UK like me and even a lot of the other kids...had a british passport somehow! Lol but all southern so I was different being all brash from the north  :P In my school I was often compared with the dutch girls cos the sun bleached my hair so blonde...even a lot of the british people were brunette....being so different as an awkward teen isn't so easy! But I liked being different  :P

Sorry if Im harping on about religion a lot - its just BIG there! With the shops shutting several times for prayer and the different weekends. Also out in the city I have to wear an abaya - a black tunic that covers my body as a woman. But I did get used to it and in the end felt safer with one than without since I got enough stares already! It did get hot though - but at least i could wear my mini outfits under it  :P

Also the heat - this time of year especially august you're looking at 50C - not joking you. I used to sunbathe in it! Now Im back home, when I visit I just cant anymore  :lol: However its a very very dry heat...nothing like Dubai which is dreadful. So you dont sweat really at all. Everywhere has AC so thats pretty cool  :satisfied: Its actually not bad, but the government fudges the figures so people dont get to take time off due to the hot weather :P My school also started at 8am and finished at 2.30 due to heat!

But anyways I think I can dig out some photos....its a pretty urban place since I lived in the capital - Riyadh. Although there is still parts of utter desert! We live in a secure complex - compound for expat defence and ministry of defence workers its pretty huge!


Here's what our villa's look like!
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The main pool where I live - yup only walking distance! I do love visiting for this....:P
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The other locals! We live near a camel souk (my mum wants a camel called chocolate  >_<)
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The main shopping centre - iconic tower of this city!
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The view from the sky bridge of the city - part of it anyways!
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Shopping centre no 2 - it has a Juicy Couture (US company) that I love!  ^.^
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My school - the quad at night! I did love it there  ^.^
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Hope you like these!  ^.^ Sorry for spamming its just I love talking about living abroad! I love visiting my family and pets there!  ^.^ But I couldn't live there now - its just too strict and women still are second class citizens. My parents find it hard but are trying to stick it out! Also no MLP at all!  :shocked:

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Re: Who here lives away from their home country?
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2013, 03:24:37 PM »
I just moved to Sweden a couple months ago from the US (born and raised, except for a stint in Turkey when I was very young; I was a Military Brat). My husband and I were done with the long distance thing, so I decided to move here with him (he's a Swede). I don't yet speak Swedish (still learning) and have no job here. I'm finding it very frustrating to find work, and to not know what everyone is saying around me all the time. Sure, almost everyone in Sweden can speak English, but they don't unless they absolutely have to. And I totally understand that! I am trying to learn the language, but it's a long process. I've never had to learn a new language before. And then there's the fact I have no friends here. The only people I know in the entire country are my husband, his mother, and his brother. :/

So I guess so far it's pretty awesome to live in another country and learn a new culture and all. But I'm having a hard time understanding their different views on things here. For example, apparently it's illegal to have volunteers at the zoos here??? Volunteers and interns are how zoos function in the US (I was a zookeeper there), and the only way to get your foot in the door of a zoo to eventually get a job is to intern or volunteer there. So, if I'm not allowed to do that am I supposed to get a job??

At the moment I'm confused and frustrated. It's a huge life change for me. But I've only been here a short time, so I'm hoping it will get better soon.
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Re: Who here lives away from their home country?
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2013, 03:32:04 PM »
American here, living in Canada. :) I miss home. Heck, I just bought a couple dozen American patriotic music from iTunes, 'cause I love the 4th of July. That said, it's not likely that I can or will move back in the foreseeable future. Which is okay, because I like Canada, eh?

(Though I don't understand the fixation with hockey.)
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Re: Who here lives away from their home country?
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2013, 03:45:18 PM »
Hm, I was born in Kyoto, Japan but was raised in the US because...I don't quite know why we moved, actually! I used to have dual citizenship, but just recently had to drop my Japanese citizenship(...ery??) because apparently Japan makes you choose between the two once you turn 21. It's kinda a bummer, 'cause I'm so Americanized and I feel like there is a part of me that was lost over the years. But I really can't complain because my life here has been great :)

We went to visit Japan once when I was nine, and it was a blast! I think it was one of those vacations that sticks with you for the rest of your life.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 03:47:33 PM by Jocelyn »
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Re: Who here lives away from their home country?
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2013, 05:40:20 PM »
I've barely even been many places in my own country. There are lots of places I'd like to go though.
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Re: Who here lives away from their home country?
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2013, 06:42:01 PM »
I was born and raised in Sweden, but moved to the US in 1999 to attend college. It was supposed to be a 1-year program, but 14 years later I'm still here :D I now have dual citizenship as well.

Teddy - where in Sweden are you?

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Re: Who here lives away from their home country?
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2013, 06:52:00 PM »
I'm from the US and I live here currently, but I did live in the UK for a number of years.

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Re: Who here lives away from their home country?
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2013, 07:42:15 PM »
I'm from the US, but I lived in the UK (Scotland) for some time. I've since moved back, but I would loooove to live in Scotland again and would move there tomorrow if I could. Absolutely adored it.
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Re: Who here lives away from their home country?
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2013, 07:45:53 PM »
I've never even been past the Mason-Dixon Line... :blink:
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Re: Who here lives away from their home country?
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2013, 08:26:40 PM »
Stef, that's cool! :D I've never been to Asia (apart from Israel) and I'd love to visit Korea at some point :) also Taiwan. I knew a very sweet guy from there and I got intrigued by his tales of the country :)

Dang, now i really want to see some of these places. If you guys don't mind, do share some pictures of these places :)

Yeah hey, whenever I'm back if people want to pop by and need a tour guide I'm up for it! After this long I know all the good spots, haha. I did a small stint in Japan too (and usually go there for my visa runs).

Ah let's see some pictures...
Pretty much all I've got on hand... These are all rainy day pictures of my neighborhood from the roof of my "apartment" building. I live in what as known as an "officetel" which is basically a mix of businesses and residences on every floor. The ground floor has a Dunkin Donuts, the second floor is entirely businesses, including a dentist and a wig stylist. The third floor, mine, is where residences start. There's five on the floor, and the businesses on my floor are things like a travel agency, the main office of a youth hostel chain, a tutor, a chocolatier who offers lessons, a lady who does waxing and fake eyelash installs, etc. The building is the tallest in the immediate neighborhood as you can see, at 23 floors. Businesses don't go higher than the ninth floor, really. The building connects via elevator with the subway station beneath it. Super nice.
This is probably my favorite picture I've taken, while on a bus to a friend's apartment. I love how Seoul is just settled in the mountains, and how you can turn a corner and suddenly be face to face with one of the ancient city gates, or a palace.

Enough of that ramble, it's exciting to see others learning (or who speak) Swedish here. I very recently decided to pick it up since languages are pretty easy for me and would love to have a study buddy. :)


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