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Author Topic: Healthy Habits For Ponies! Take 2! ~Update last challenge, pg 99!!  (Read 92000 times)

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Brighty, I have facebook, so that would probably be easiest to do xD  Don't know about my phone plan for out of country (have a friend who lives over there and I miss hearing from him...)  But facebook messages I see on my email on the phone and usually can answer them.  =D  DO you use facebook?

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I do indeed! :D I shall message you, sweetie.
Fight like a girl..

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I think I seriously need to work something better out with my medical team.

I would definitely at least talk to them. I know that when I was going through it I would have panic attacks and other things, my team was really flexible and wanted to help my food intake be less of an anxiety provoking experience.

=) You're also welcome to add me on Facebook. I know that when I first got to outpatient status, that I actually had to set alarms to keep me eating regularly.

Post Merge: June 12, 2012, 02:58:08 PM

Or have you ever tried Horchata?  It's sooooo good and it's made from rice.   I had a friend who made it homemade, but he went home to Mexico before he gave me the recipe.  x.X 

On the off topic area:  it's pouring, thundering and lightning, and I can't go get my mail...and I'm convinced I got something good today.  xD

Oh gosh. I LOVE Horchata. I don't drink it very often, but mmmm. It's a tasty treat for me.

Same here where I'm at (since I'm just a bit farther south). Ozzy (my Aussie) is sad too because I wasn't able to take him to the park because of the storm. He got super excited and then I opened the door, he rushed out and stopped at the edge of the porch. He looked at the rain, looked at me, and then ran right back inside.

Post Merge: June 12, 2012, 03:00:46 PM

I'm averaging about 1300-1400 per day, but it's not spaced out very evenly throughout the day, so I think I'm contributing to the problem by allowing my blood sugar to spike and crash too much >.<

SurfStar, I love your notecards! I think organizing my stuff that way will really help me out with planning, which I need to do! That and I would like to start making big pots of soup to freeze in individual portions so I can plan out my meals far in advance.

I mentioned above that I set alarms, I have them on my phone for 3-4 hours apart. Usually I'll have something tucked into my purse so that even if I am out and about I can have a little something.

Also, I totally make batches of stuff and freeze it in advance. There are actually entire forums dedicated to people that only cook once or twice a month. I love just being able to pull something out of the fridge or freezer and heat it up, especially when I'm feeling really lazy or depressed.

Post Merge: June 12, 2012, 03:03:35 PM

My main issue is a wisdom tooth - woke up in agony at 4.30am and have felt really rough all day. I got a repeat prescription from the dentist, been out and bought stronger pain killers too as mine won't do anything for the pain. As a result I didn't feel up to making myself a healthier tea and I also bailed on my gym session for tonight. The good news is that the antibiotics will upset my stomach so I'll maybe lose a little weight that way if I'm lucky; might as well have something positive come of all this pain!

Ow! Wisdom teeth are such a pain. I had to have mine removed a while back because they were impacting my other teeth and causing migraines.  :hug: I hope that it feels a little better soon.

My thought is tea is still healthier than soda! =)

Post Merge: June 12, 2012, 03:07:17 PM

I dug out my DDR games last night. Sadly one is missing from the case, though. D: So I have to figure out where it is hiding.
But I played DDR for about an hour last night and it was lots of fun. I am no where near as good at it as I used to be, but I don't mind.

Then today I did about 20 minutes of Zumba and that wore me out right there. I was craving some doughnuts pretty bad, but my boyfriend kept me from giving in and helped me cook something healthy for dinner.

I'll have to go looking around, I think we have a jump rope somewhere in the house..

Yay! I'm glad that you had fun playing DDR! I enjoy Zumba, but I agree, usually I'm worn out by the end. Our sessions (classes?) are about 60 minutes with one 5 minute break.

On the subject of cravings: Giving in doesn't mean failure, sometimes actually it's better to let yourself have that taste. Take one, eat it VERY slowly, savor the taste, enjoy it. Often, when I have cravings for something and it's not in the house I'm able to outlast the craving, but if it's still there when I go shopping next I allow myself the luxury of one.

I agree about the jump rope! I'm tempted to go out and buy one of the kid sized ones. I had an adult one and it was too long so I kept getting tripped up.

Post Merge: June 12, 2012, 03:16:56 PM

Yayyyyyy! My DDR pad came in the mail today! :D Now I can start exercising! And my family bought pizza and I didn't eat it!! I am super proud of myself. Lol I opted for tuna instead xD

Wooo! You should try making home-made pizza. It's easy and tastes SO delicious. Tuna also sounds pretty yummy though.

Post Merge: June 12, 2012, 03:18:19 PM

I kinda like the idea of the jump rope...

Jump ropes are awesome to use. I have one and I can skip extremely fast, the only risk is if I stuff up I whip myself lol. It's probably the cheapest best cardio that I know of. =)

Jump ropes are awesome. I have to buy the kid sized ones though, when I get the 'exercise' ones made for adults they are too long. I can't jump high enough to keep up. The other good thing about them is they are small, most can be kept in a car or purse and you don't need masses of room to use them!

Post Merge: June 12, 2012, 03:24:58 PM

This could be interesting, since the hubby and I are leaving for a week-long vacation on Saturday.  I will be spending time in Vegas and at the beach in CA.  It is going to be HARD to eat healthy and not drink margaritas every night  XD

Hey! Life happens, so if you want to drink a margarita each night, that's OK. Just remember to plan for it =) Also remember that it's not your every day lifestyle and that sometimes it's completely okay to splurge =)

Afterall I fully intend to eat a slice of caramel cheesecake on my birthday (June 28th)!

Post Merge: June 12, 2012, 03:26:41 PM

What about a heart with wings? Something like this:

The heart could symbolize our healthy eating/ exercise habits while the wings symbolize the uplifted mental feeling we get when we do good things for ourselves. Just a thought.

Aww that's cute!

I'll have to see if I can sketch up some stuff. This gave me a couple of ideas (along with the mention of Skippety Doo)!

Post Merge: June 12, 2012, 03:40:33 PM

I like reading everyone's recipies and food advice, it's helping give me fresh ideas for enticing meals. I may also try if I get bored of snacking on fruit or kids' breakfast bars.

The mascot idea sounds cool. G1 Skippedy Do has skipping ropes and her rearing pose looks cheerful, but I like the winged heart symbol idea too. Maybe on a pegasus (soaring to a better existence?) or an earth pony (learning to keep our feet on the ground?) would work?

Also... does anyone have any advice on how to be realistic about food? It's nearly 5 here and I've eaten a breakfast bar, a banana, two strawberries and a yoghurt... but I'm feeling guilty. Realistically I know that's not a lot to an ordinary person, but I find it easier to accept eating a normal serving of cereal or a sandwich, and a piece of fruit or breakfast bar, so that I've only visited the kitchen twice. If I've got a migraine or I'm really tired I can't always be bothered to even make a sandwich or cereal, hence just grazing like today. What is the best way to teach myself that multiple food items doesn't mean that I've eaten excessively?

To end on a higher note, I ate pretty well (two slices of toast w/ peanut butter, a kid's portion of bran cereal, homemade chicken curry with rice and bread, and a yoghurt) and exercised for an hour or two yesterday.

I think it's also important to remember that 'grazing' isn't really a bad thing. My husband seems like he's eating ALL the time. One thing here, One thing there. Just try and see the daily picture -> if you look back at the end of the day have you eaten enough calories for your body? If so then when you ate them isn't a big deal. I firmly believe that people are individuals, while one person may do best eating 1, 2, or 3 meals a day ... others are going to do better when they break it up into more smaller snack like portions.

As for feeling like multiple food items means you've eaten excessively -> let's break that down.

I'm a big fan of Albert Ellis, his big psychological concept is irrational thoughts and ABC framework.

So in this instance:
A = Action: In this case, eating multiple items
B= Belief about Action: Your belief is that you've eaten excessively -> Here you want to examine, WHY you believe that... ( you can, and most of us absolutely do have multiple beliefs.
C = Consequence: You don't eat multiple items, you might feel guilty or negative about yourself

So we need to go a little further
D = Dispute: So in this instance, theoretically, there is research that shows that eating multiple items in moderation (I divide my plate into half, then divide the top into halfs - like some of those styrofoam plates?) veggies generally should be the bulk of the plate, a 'side' item, and your protein.
E = New Effect; eating multiple items, without feeling guilty or negative about yourself.

Then you practice the new behavior, when new feelings arise, you examine those and try and figure out the underlying thoughts associated with them. This can take time, lots of it, so don't expect it to be fixed overnight.


Post Merge: June 12, 2012, 03:41:39 PM

oi worst timing ever... I'm moving to campus this summer.. only 13 miles away! Just dropped a heavy board on my foot, so much for lots of walking at this point :/ not sure if its just bruised or I broke a toe. Hopefully I'll be better and ready to go for this weekend!

Ouch! I hope it's not broken. I did that when we moved to Texas (only mine was our dresser).  :hug: Feel better! If you need to, you can always revise your plan until your foot heals too.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 03:41:39 PM by SurfStar »

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Ok.... so if it hurts, you're doing it right, right?!  :lol:

I decided to kick off Healthy Habits well and truly last night.... O   M  G!!!!  It was quite a sight. I considered filming my exercise efforts for laughs (because I did roll over multiple times in abdominal agony giggling like a right idiot) but the swear-word-per-minute ratio would make it inappropriate for our younger audiences!  XD

I tried following my aforementioned 'get rid of your muffin top' exercises. I've decided the author is crazy. And does she or does she not look waaaaaay too happy below?

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Hubby and I have to admit, whilst grimacing constantly in under-fit pain, we did have a lot of fun. I'm going to count myself fortunate that I have someone to do this with, laughing as much as we did was good. We ended up making up some exercises more to our level, and I've been out with my kids a lot too. I like the jump rope idea you guys have mentioned... might keep my eye out for one  :)

Offline SurfStar

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I've been losing weight gradually but still having two pieces of chocolate a day.  That way I don't feel like I'm missing out too much.

On a side note, I stuck to my eating plan again today and went for a walk at lunchtime.

Post Merge: June 12, 2012, 01:13:01 AM

Lol, I was posting at the same time as you, Marlin.  I have tried to switch to dark chocolate but the only kind I really like is peppermint.  Otherwise I'm a dairy milk fan :P

>.> I still eat a piece of chocolate each day! I have one or maybe two Hershey's kisses with my evening tea each night.

Sometimes I also melt the chocolates and take plastic spoons (like the picnic ones you can buy?) and make my own chocolate stirring spoons for the night. I have a horrible sweet tooth, so I just plan for it as part of my day so I don't binge out on something later. I am a fan of all types of chocolate though.

Post Merge: June 12, 2012, 03:45:46 PM

Ok.... so if it hurts, you're doing it right, right?!  :lol:

Only if it's the GOOD sore XD

I AM glad you guys could laugh about it and modify those to work better for where you're at!

Post Merge: June 12, 2012, 03:56:55 PM

Ok here is my habit that needs to go!!! I had to run to the doc...well i got done and on the drive was fast food place i wanted a i bought ice cream cone....irts an ok choice but there was no need for it ....sigh. i normally use only cash...kind of hide a paper trail...i have gorten ride. Of all cash but how to stop that habit.

Toss something healthy in your purse if possible. I keep these healthy fruit strips (I get them from Target) in mine. Sometimes I'll even have a Hershey's kiss or two in there. Just something small to tide over the craving. Also keep a water bottle with you, sometimes when we get cravings triggered it's because our body is thirsty too =) Take a drink, wait 5 minutes, and then if you're still hungry just get something small.

Post Merge: June 12, 2012, 04:00:01 PM

I'm going to take more walks and play outside with my daughter and stop making excuses for not taking Chester to the dog park. I'm also going to stop making excuses for not going to the gym when my neighbor invites me.

Welcome! I've updated the front page =) I feel you on taking your dog to the park. Now mine get's very soulful when I don't, so I often end up making time to take him since it's been good bonding time. Same thing goes for playing outside with your daughter, I play outside with my god-daughter and it's the most fun I have all day, she makes me remember that its okay to just play sometimes.

Alrighty! Updated the information on the front page, everyone just give it the quick once over and make sure I didn't miss anything =)
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 04:00:02 PM by SurfStar »

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walks are woring out great :D my diets gone down cuz we had o but cheap :(
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I love seeing all the advice! I might have to try out that card idea.

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Wow so much great advice, it's overwhelming! Lol I will definitely have to try that homemade pizza idea, Surfstar! Thank you for the tip! ;D

So it tonight! Woo! :D My boyfriend has also been feeling super inspired as well and he's been running. I'm hoping he and I will get to exercise more together since exercise is always more fun when someone is with you! :3
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 08:11:29 PM by MonstarNomNom »
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Starting on track a little early. Stomach is in open revolt x.x Unfortunately I get bad reflux if I eat trigger items or don't eat enough so I've been in acid land the past few days. Yay for Equate! I've been overeating so much that getting back to eating normal healthy portions has pretty much left me with a massive stomach ache and hunger pains all the time  :huh:

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See? The mascot totally has to have a jump rope...  XD
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Posted by babystarz:I think you're probably right kiwi,
also I have ADHD and take a stimulant medication that wears off around the
evening. Stimulant medications suppress one's appetite, and when they wear off
they can make you suddenly feel super hungry. Combined with not quite enough
calories, this sends a message to my brain to EATNOW and I tend to go overboard.
This is an ingrained habit for me at this point, because it's been happening
since I was a kid. It's the worst time of day to eat a big meal (right before
bed), so I'm messing around a bit with my food schedule to see what keeps me at
a good blood sugar level around then. I think I need to start saving a good
snack for that time and sticking to the right portion size. It seems there's a
delicate balance for me between not enough calories and just the right amount.
I'm averaging about 1300-1400 per day, but it's not spaced out very evenly
throughout the day, so I think I'm contributing to the problem by allowing my
blood sugar to spike and crash too much >.<

Medication can make things more difficult to deal with (like they are not hard enough already!).  I don't take any meds as such but I am prone to low blood sugar levels around 4-5pm if I don't have something decent for afternoon tea.  I get inattentive and irritable and just generally feel not right.  At least if you are aware of when your eating impulses come on you can try and curb them.  I tend to overindulge on chocolate after dinner so now I just have two pieces and then come and read this thread to keep motivated.  I'm not sure if they sell them in your country, but muffin splits are a great snack.  You pull them apart and put them in the toaster and they taste really good and actually fill you.  They are only 2 points in Weight Watchers and I have found them to be a lifesaver. 
Huh.  I replied to you too, Marlin but the Arena ate my post!  Keep up those exercises.  They will get easier :frolic:
« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 12:03:59 AM by kiwimlp »

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Yes the jump rope is awesome form of exercise. And you have an Australian shepherd? I love them! I have two Siberian Huskies.

The good news is I used a ab machine that I have that I swear works the arms more. The bad news in a way is I need a days break due to all my muscles being sore lol. I'm going to try the treadmill though. :)
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Yes the jump rope is awesome form of exercise. And you have an Australian shepherd? I love them! I have two Siberian Huskies.

The good news is I used a ab machine that I have that I swear works the arms more. The bad news in a way is I need a days break due to all my muscles being sore lol. I'm going to try the treadmill though. :)

lol, the pain of a new workout routine!  Just imagine how many sit-ups you will be able to do once we reach the end of this :)

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Yes the jump rope is awesome form of exercise. And you have an Australian shepherd? I love them! I have two Siberian Huskies.

The good news is I used a ab machine that I have that I swear works the arms more. The bad news in a way is I need a days break due to all my muscles being sore lol. I'm going to try the treadmill though. :)

lol, the pain of a new workout routine!  Just imagine how many sit-ups you will be able to do once we reach the end of this :)

Yep! By the end of this, I should be very fit. ^_^ I did 20 mins on the treadmill today. :)
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Ooh! Me! I want to participate!
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~Eating 1600 calories per day and tracking them on, one hour of activity/five days per week.
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