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Topics - melipuffles

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Wanted! / Looking for Amiibos!
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:20:30 PM »
I'm having trouble (like a lot of people) finding the rest of the Amiibos I need for my collection....

Currently, I'm searching for:

 Wave 1:
Marth, The Villager, Wii Fit Trainer

 Wave 2:

Finished up the collection. ^_^

Off Topic / Hi guys! Help me win a contest? :D
« on: December 20, 2014, 07:22:59 PM »
I entered a design on, which is a website that sells cute, round plush toys.

This is my design.

If it wins it will be made into a real stuffed animal, which is a dream come true for me!

They haven't updated the artwork yet, but here's a picture of the updated art.
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They'll probably update it tomorrow or so. Poor thing is missing a cheek atm. xD

Thank you all! I appreciate your help!  :inlove:

Off Topic / My first tattoo!!
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:23:41 PM »
I just am so excited about this, I have loved Pokemon since I was a child, and it has gotten me through some very rough times. I collect it, I play the games, I know as much about it as possible. Pokemon is basically one of my favorite things ever, and for about 5 or so years now I have thought about getting myself a Pikachu tattoo.

Fun story, at my job, I wore my Pikachu hoodie there every day until the dress code said I was no longer allowed. People there just referred to me as Pikachu, and soon realized I just have Pikachu EVERYTHING. I am beyond excited that I was finally able to afford my tattoo, and here is a picture!

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It's all shiny because I just washed it and covered it in A+D ointment, I just got it yesterday. I was so scared that it would be horrendously painful, because I have a low pain tolerance, but it really didn't hurt NEARLY as much as I thought! Today I don't really feel a thing at all, just a small bit of soreness that is basically unnoticeable. I'm definitely planning more tattoos in the future. :)

Post Merge: October 15, 2014, 07:25:07 PM

Also sorry for the crappy lighting, you can't really tell how yellow he is with my terrible bathroom lighting. :P

So, I've got this petticoat/tutu! It's one of my absolute FAVORITES, but my big problem here is that it is see through! I have not been able to leave the house wearing it unless I have shorts underneath (you can kind of see the shorts in this picture).
 So I'm curious, what should I do about this? Even if I get bloomers to wear underneath it, it'll still be see through, and you'll see the bloomers then. Should I get more petticoats to wear underneath and layer it? I'd probably like that because it would be even poofier...but I'm not sure.
 Any ideas? :D Thanks!

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Oh, and if you know of any real life stores that sell tutus/pettis like this...I ordered this one online, but I can't order things online for a while now.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Taking commissions to raise money!
« on: November 14, 2013, 03:03:25 PM »
Hey guys...I'm having surgery soon, and thus, I'm out of work for quite a while.
In order to try and pay for the numerous co-pays I'm going to be receiving...I'm going to be taking commissions.
I don't normally do this, but I figure people would enjoy them!
 If I don't respond right away, it's because it is late, and I will respond asap!

Here are some examples of my work.

Chibi/SD Pony/People commissions! Blocky/Cartoony without much detail: $5 Detailed: $10

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Sketches and Lineart $2
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Banner type images- basic backgrounds only atm! Sorry! -$5 for no shading/detail $10 for shading/detail
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Human busts $10
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Thanks for looking!

Pony Corral / Build a Bear Fluttershy image!! :D
« on: September 26, 2013, 07:28:51 PM »
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I found this on Equestria Daily! Didn't see it posted yet, so here she is!

Ahhh! I think she is the most ADORABLE thing ever!!!! I have to get her when she comes out!  :lol:

[topics merged ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Off Topic / Anybody here play Maplestory?
« on: September 10, 2013, 12:46:30 PM »
I started playing this game in....2007 when I was like...15! I was REALLY into it for years and haven't played it since about 2011! So I tried to get back into it, and man, SO MUCH HAS CHANGED! Anybody here play it and have any idea how to get back into it after so long? I have a level 124 Evan and a level 111 Mercedes, in Bera, and I'd really like to continue playing those characters, but if I have to make a new one to get used to the new game layout, then I guess I could do that.

It looks so much different, and there are so many new classes, I realize they also raised the level cap! Wow, it is really, really different.

Any help would be appreciated! Sorry if I don't respond right away, because I have a bit of housework to do. :)

I have a spare Bronycon Twilight Sparkle F42 Promo! If anyone would like to trade for the series 2 :drama: Pony/Ditzy given out at Fiesta Equestria, please let me know!! I have all series 2 promos now except for that one, so I'm really looking for it. :) Thanks!

This is the card I'm looking for!

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This is the card I'm trading. :)

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Off Topic / Anyone have any ideas where I can find brown overalls?
« on: July 10, 2013, 08:08:01 PM »
Hey everyone! My boyfriend and I are going to Otakon in a few weeks, and we'll be cosplaying Wreck-It-Ralph and Vanellope! Well....I've already gotten my costume, but my boyfriend is missing one very important part of his, the brown overalls!

Does anyone have a good idea of where we can get some brown overalls without spending a fortune? Unfortunately I can not sew or anything, and we're running out of time.

Also, is anyone else going to Otakon or Bronycon? :D My mom is taking me to Bronycon, which is a WEEK before Otakon, and my boyfriend is taking me to Otakon. Haha, two cons in a row, kind of nuts!

Pony Corral / Looking for UPC numbers for Funrise plush?
« on: June 16, 2013, 06:59:54 PM »
 I'm looking for the UPC numbers for Funrise Octavia and Applejack.
If anyone has the UPC for either of these, please let me know! :D

The UPCs are all different for the plush, and I already have every other one except these two.

Well, I just ate a large chunk of cheesecake, and noticed that I got my weird "gag" problem from eating it.
 For some reason, anytime I eat anything with a "mushy" texture, I get this extreme gag feeling, or nausea.

It happens with pudding, applesauce, mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, softer cheeses, bananas, yogurt, peanut butter...etc.

(Peanut Butter I also just happen to not like for some reason, even though I like peanuts. Hm.)

I've never been able to pinpoint the reason it happens, except that I notice it makes me feel like I've got phlegm in the back of my throat that I've got to cough up. I did have a really bad case of the flu when I was around 10 or so, and I'm wondering if maybe the horrible gaggy phlegm feeling from back then caused me to build up some kind of gag response to that feeling now.

Weird topic I know, but I'm curious if other people get like this!

Pony Brag Arena / New Ponies! :D
« on: May 26, 2013, 02:49:11 PM »
Woohoo! I officially have three G1 Ponies now.

I believe these are Sprinkles and Princess Royal Blue? I was born in 1991 so I didn't even get into MLP until gen 3 when I was around 11-12,so I don't know all of the names, haha.

They were purchased at a collectible store near my home, cleaned up, and are now ready to be added to my collection. ^_^ I really love them. I can't wait until I go back to the store and pick up some more of them. :D

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Thanks for looking! I may not respond to the thread right away, because I have to go clean now, but I wanted to post pics asap. ^_^

Off Topic / Anyone wanna help me identify a toy? =)
« on: February 14, 2013, 07:24:39 PM »
So, this is probably unlikely to yield any results....but ...I have a toy teddy bear rattle.
He was part of an activity center/play mat when I was a baby. Apparently from what my mom says, he came out of a little pocket on the play mat. I was born in 1991, so I'm assuming that the play mat was available somewhere from 1989-1991 or longer.

He's been my favorite toy since I was born, and I wanted to know if anyone had any idea what he is or could identify him? =)

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Here's a picture! Thank you for any and all help! :D

Pony Brag Arena / Collection Pics and new additions!
« on: December 28, 2012, 09:47:23 PM »
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 I haven't shown my collection here yet, mainly because the majority of it is up in my boyfriend's attic atm because we have no room to display it at his house. I scrounged up a few of my older pics, and took pics of my newest additions, so here we go!

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Card collection (Near complete! Just missing Rainbow Dash F37/Untitled F43/and three gold box toppers!)
My two first issue Drama Pony variant comics. Slap bracelets from Target. Rainbow Dash headphones. Card Boxes...

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(One of these pictures keeps screwing up, and if I remove it, the one below it screws up...weird. D: )
As you can tell, Drama Pony is my prized possession. I take pictures of her whenever I can. She's the only one who is displayed proudly by my bed. XD

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Vinyl! :D
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...and I'm not sure if this will work, but here's a link to my pony album! :3

My card collection and fashion style collection are near complete. I only need Fashion Style Applejack to have all of them. D: I wish she wasn't so hard to find!
I hope to be able to show off my collection when I can display it again! For now I hope you guys enjoyed! :D

Post Merge: December 28, 2012, 09:53:08 PM

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Here's the other picture, since it isn't showing up right up there..

Pony Brag Arena / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2012, 03:59:31 PM »
My Christmas presents this year! Ignore the wet hair on these guys...I was too impatient to wait for them to dry...hahaha.  :blush:

Seeing Vinyl up close, I see why those eye indents bother so many people! They look pretty bad when you're holding her up to your face, but I'm glad you don't notice it when she's sitting on a shelf. 

I also really like the "upside down blue triforce pony" Lemony Gem. I didn't care for her at first, but her blue hair is really lovely!
Also, did anyone else get a Furby?  :P I love these new ones!

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all had a good one!

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