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Author Topic: What are you best at? What are you worst at?  (Read 379 times)

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What are you best at? What are you worst at?
« on: August 10, 2022, 06:06:01 AM »
I think everyone has at least one thing they are really good at. What's yours? It can be anything.

Mine are mostly art related. I used to be able to sing but not anymore. If I practiced I could probably get it back. I have a talent for mimicking sounds and voices. I think that stems from when I was a kid and all my toys had different voices. I can do an array of animal calls too. I'm good with science and even more complicated things like physics. I can cook well. I'm excellent at taking care of animals and getting them to trust me. I have a pretty good homing instinct. I'm bad at directions, like I can't tell a person how to get to me, but if you plop me in the middle of the city, I can find my way home.

I'm terrible at math. That's the only part of physics that I struggle with. Like, I understand the equations but I have no idea how you get to that point. I can't remember numbers very well (and I have a spat of dyslexia (or what is it called... dyscalculia with them)). I'm not very good with history either, I always found it boring. Human history, I mean. Remembering dates of wars and things like that. I'm bad with housekeeping. Especially dusting and vacuuming. I'm a big procrastinator! On everything. Even things I like doing (that might be my depression though). I'm bad with people. I have a hard time communicating and then I always feel like an alien because I don't get people's emotions. Like sense of humor. My sense of humor is pretty specific but other people seem to find things funny that I think are annoying or stupid. I'm bad at small talk too. But at the same time, if it's a subject I like and am passionate about, I could give a presentation on it.

My very best quality is the love, empathy and knowledge I have about animals and nature though. I think that's number 1.

My very worst? I lack the same with humans.
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Re: What are you best at? What are you worst at?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2022, 08:37:50 AM »
Best at: remembering stuff. I have an excellent memory & can recall a good deal of things, if I just focus enough on it. I'm also not bad at poetry & getting there with cooking. Art is ok, but room for improvement, & new glasses!!!

Worst at: social stuff. I'm autistic, so the social stuff is at best hard, normally unfathomable & illogical, & at worst downright impossible, to the point I go silent when highly stressed. I'm also dyslexic, so a good bit of my memory is used to recall how to spell words. That can still be a challenge, especially with English being a) nonsensical at best & b) varied in dialect, accent, & spelling from place to place.
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Re: What are you best at? What are you worst at?
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2022, 10:27:26 AM »
the older i get the more i realize that there are a few things i'm good at and a lot more things that i like but am pretty mediocre at.

i'm good at know why a website looks broken and knowing how to fix it. if your server is down i'm probably going to be of little help. but things are not aligned properly or there are weird spaces i can tell you how to fix it :) i'm not that great at designing websites. even though i like design being really good at design is a rare skillset IME.

i'm also fairly good at cooking. i'm not good at following directions so i'm not as good at baking. i like reading about history but i'm definitely not an expert in anything history related. to me it's more interesting to learn the stories of historical people and events. and also how those events connect to what's happening today. when it's just a bunch of facts to memorize that's much less interesting.

i really resonate with what BC said about having more empathy and connection with animals and nature than people. even as a kid i had little interest in cartoons that didn't at least a few animals. i'm the person who goes to a party and hangs out with the cat or dog.

one thing i've noticed i'm not great at is listening and focusing. if its a friend i think i'm a good listener. but small talk or if someone is telling me directions. i just tune out. my attention span is not great. I don't think it's ADHD because i don't remember having these issues when i was younger. it's worse when i'm stressed or tired.

i'm also bad at taking photos. i can never get the lighting right.
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Re: What are you best at? What are you worst at?
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2022, 11:41:50 AM »
I'm really good with computers to a point.  I can't fix internal stuff but I usually can fix simple issues with just a few clicks. Maybe that's because my parents are so bad at technology that it make me seem better at it than I actually am.

I'm bad at math. I struggled with math all through school and it's still hard for me.  I can do simple things with a calculator and balance my checkbook but that's about it.

I'm really good at video games.  There are some that are really hard for me but I've been able to beat most of the games I own.

I feel like sometimes I don't have good people skills.  Sometimes people will try to tease or joke with me and I won't realize that they're trying to be funny.  I've been told that I'm anti-social but I don't think I am.  It takes me a while to open up to people I don't know well so I'm sure that's why some people think that I am.

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Re: What are you best at? What are you worst at?
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2022, 02:19:00 PM »
I’m good at problemsolving. not IQ test problems, but more looking at a problem from different angles and looking for solutions even though the first 15 fails. I’m also fairly good at holistic thinking, which is a big part of my problem-solving skills.

I’m also quite good at photography. Not like I’m a photographer or doing sought after photo art, but it’s easy for me to take a picture that looks good with lighting and positions. I like it too!

I’m a good driver! I like to drive and I am very good at it. Not in a fast and furious way, but in a “I feel in control and my passenger feels safe”- kind of way.

I’m a very good listener. I’m usually a likable person, and I’m good at relations (in a professional setting). I am able to convey criticism in a way that most people can accept and I rarely get emotional in a work environment. That can also be a weakness though.

I’m not very detail-oriented, and I struggle with routine-work. I’m a huuuuge procrastinator, and I don’t like (or follow) rules I don’t understand.

I’m not good at dealing with emotions, especially my own (others are okay!). I usually tend to hide them away instead of dealing with them, which never turns out great.

I’m bad at math. Really bad, and struggled with it all though school. I’m terrible at downhills skiing, and speed and extreme risks scare me terribly. I’m not good at cooking, most I make get burned due to my lack of attention and patience.
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Re: What are you best at? What are you worst at?
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2022, 08:45:05 AM »
I'm the best at drawing and the worst at math.
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Re: What are you best at? What are you worst at?
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2022, 04:10:05 PM »
Among my friends in real life I am by far the best at smelling, and best at hearing, but definitely the absolute worst at recognizing individual people and interacting with strangers.
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Re: What are you best at? What are you worst at?
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2022, 07:41:22 PM »
I'm the best at artwork. Painting and drawing mostly. I'm the worst at making new friends and talking to people. I'm super shy.
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Re: What are you best at? What are you worst at?
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2022, 10:38:19 AM »
I seem to be the opposite of many on here. I am terrible at computers and technological things. I am fairly good with people when forced to be. I was a bartender through my college years, and could strike up a conversation with pretty much anybody. I was also a former employer at a place that employed a lot of teens, and I was always told that I was good with the kids; I was always the one they would come to when they had a problem, whether personal or about work. I just had a way with being empathetic to teenagers in a way that many adults can't.

However, most animals and I just don't get each other. I was raised to be afraid of dogs, and as an adult I am still very distrustful of them. Of course, they sense that distrust, and are wary of me, too. I like cats well enough though.

So besides animals, my worst thing is probably procrastination. I am about 99% sure I have an undiagnosed case of ADHD, and can't concentrate on any one thing to save my life, especially unpleasant things like cooking and cleaning. I get overwhelmed very easily with large tasks; I don't know where to start and I shut down and go on my phone (I'm doing this now! I'm supposed to be cleaning, packing, and painting a bathroom, but I don't know where to begin because it's too much).

My best is probably art-related stuff. Making signs. Drawing slogans for stuff. Writing. I dunno...I'm not very good at a lot of things, honestly.

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Re: What are you best at? What are you worst at?
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2022, 03:30:01 PM »
I think I'm creative, but that depends on your perspective of what creativity actually is.

I read a really interesting article on autism and creativity the other day, which suggested that it's not that autistic people lack creativity, but that measurements for creativity are skewed towards neurotypicals. I don't understand the instructions for the standard creativity test, so maybe there's something in that. I also read another article that suggested creativity was defined as something useful within specific social parameters. Autistic brains are naturally excluded by normal social parameters, which obviously makes it hard to quantify.  I don't think my concept of creativity is something that has to be ratified inside a socially acceptable box. I think I'm creative, though. I write, and have always written, and take pride in that hobby.

 I also empathise with plants, animals, insects, and this same article said something about how autistic people's empathy doesn't always privelege people, which made sense to me. I am hyperempathic and hypersensitive, but I can't pinpoint that to being entirely centred around people. I've seen enough disgusting, selfish and hypocritical humans to feel like it's easier to identify and empathise with other non-human living things. (Today I rescued 4 woodlice and a slug from drowning).

I don't like dogs at all, but get upset when there's a dog abuse story on TV. I hate dogs because of owners not training pets right, really, I suppose.

I have a good memory and I think I'm not too bad at writing and at languages. I'm pretty decent at gardening and with plants although the recent heatwave has put stuff through the ringer and it's been hard trying to keep everything alive. :'( This hurts me too, I care a lot about my plants.

 I am terrible at organisation, practical skills, logistics and especially NAVIGATION. I really suck at that.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2022, 03:34:03 PM by Taffeta »
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