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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #60 on: January 08, 2022, 03:54:46 PM »
Last night I had a weird dream where I accidentally broke the boiler in the bathroom by flushing the toilet too many times, for some reason. The boiler started making strange noises, tilting to the side and overheating, I was so scared it would blow up or something. And while in real life the boiler has a simple eight segment display with some backlit icons, in my dream it had a full color LCD display and on the left side it showed an error message that included the contact info for the repair company (which was for some reason based in the UK). I didn't want to get in trouble for excessive flushing so I came up with some story about how toilet paper wouldn't flush so I had to repeat it many times. I think there was also another segment of the dream in which I opened a box of cookies but it turned out they looked nothing like the picture on the packaging, I even wanted to take a picture with my Samsung to upload it to some subreddit about bad designs or something like that.
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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #61 on: January 10, 2022, 09:34:56 AM »
I dreamed I was back in college, and it was the first day of class.  As usual in these types of dreams everything from the minute I stepped in the classroom went wrong.  We were told to pick up our classroom IDs when we walked in.  I picked up the same sticker that other people did when they entered the room and went to a seat where I could see the screen at the front of the room perfectly.  As soon as I  at down someone told me that I wasn't allowed to sit in that seat and needed to find another one.  I finally found another seat and ended up sitting there with another person. There were 2 teachers, one of whom was a former high school classmate of mine. The main teacher came to the front of the room , looked down at my classroom ID and told me I had the wrong one.  I tried to tell her that I picked up the same sticker that the other people had but she said my classroom ID was somewhere else and I had to find it.  I looked through a desk and finally found it stuffed in a cubby hole with a bunch of other things.  The teacher told me I had to sit at the desk where my ID was.     

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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #62 on: January 17, 2022, 06:29:12 AM »
I had a dream and my cat and my heart cat who passed away were in it :heart: I was trying to feed them fruit on these funky looking plates. My mom put kiwi slices on my heart cat's head :lol:

There was a big lizard too and a stuffed Santa Claus doll that could play the piano.

Then I was on the beach and some kid had this huge water balloon machine and was hitting people on the beach and getting them wet. One hit me in the shoulder. Then things got weird when I was walking along the shoreline where there were big rocks, I found a deer skull with the antlers still attached. Then I found a huge alligator skull. I wanted to keep them but I couldn't carry them both, so I tried to hide the deer skull in the sand.

That was it. I woke up after that.
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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #63 on: January 19, 2022, 08:23:14 PM »
My latest dream was kind of weird and it was pretty much about me being chased by several cult horror villains, and the main one was Jason Voorhees. I was scared of him the most in this dream and literally every second I was worried that he could pop up any moment and stab me in the stomach with his machete and that would be the end. I think there was also someone else with me there, probably an older guy in a tuxedo and with a mustache, he was probably suddenly stabbed by Jason before my eyes but I'm not sure. It carried on for quite some time, during which I was alert the entire time out of fear that I could run into Jason, until finally it turned out it was all just an elaborate Halloween party at my extended family's house that I was attending with my mom. For some reason, though, I was still afraid of Jason even though I already knew it wasn't real. I just wanted for all of this to end so when the party was finally over I went to a corner room with a seriously littered floor to pick my shoes before leaving. However, I couldn't find one of my shoes in all that mess, but I just wanted to get out of there already so I just left with one foot bare, because apparently I wasn't wearing socks in that dream. Unfortunately, on our way home my mom noticed my shoe was missing so I decided to go back to get it after all. That was when it turned out we were traveling by helicopter and the pilot for some reason decided to land quite a few blocks away from our family's house. I had to go all the way there on foot which I hated because I was apparently still afraid of Jason. In the end, I got back in the room, found my other shoe, I think there was also a door leading to a really dilapidated, abandoned room there, but I don't remember what happened after that, I'm not even sure if I actually still believed that Jason was real and that I had to run from him at that point.
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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #64 on: February 19, 2022, 09:37:30 AM »
I'm a nerd, as some of you will already know. I found myself having nerdy dreams last night about my job, which by the way is also very stressful at the moment. I fully agree that dreaming about things helps me to process them and can sometimes help me to make headway in areas where I am confused or disorganised. I suffer with information overload and I think dreaming helps me to process things, possibly a bit slower than other people. So my wierd dream last night was just a load of columns and figures about geranium seeds.
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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #65 on: February 28, 2022, 10:47:29 AM »
Last night I had another one of those "back to school" dreams, I remember I had a science test that I didn't study for, and on top of that on the very same day we also had to turn in a report on the very same topic the test was about. For some reason I assumed that I could just prepare for the test by looking through my notes right before the test, I also somehow thought that I would find some way to take care of the report as well. Of course it didn't work out and I ended up completely unprepared just when the test was about to start. I sat in a desk somewhere in the very back, next to some guy I knew from the middle school, I think I started talking to him, but then it turned out I was actually sitting in the first row, right in front of the teacher's desk. The teacher entered the classroom and it turned out it was my old music teacher from the elementary school who was also my mom's old friend. For some reason, she came accompanied by a little girl who was like a miniature replica of herself, and I also noticed she had very hairy legs. Then I also realized she was handcuffed with the girl by their wrists, which was apparently prescribed by the kid's psychologists due to her having some problems or something. The teacher didn't actually say anything and she seemed kind of angry, then she came to some girl's desk and placed two sheets of paper in front of her. One was printed lyrics to some popular song and the other was covered with some handwriting. The teacher ordered the girl to sing the handwritten text to the tune of the song on the print, and what I heard included a lot of insults towards the teacher. That was when it turned out that kids around the school liked to sing a parody of the pop song with altered lyrics that made fun of the teacher, and apparently she just found out. She was pretty angry and then the test was about to begin. I realized that I was completely unprepared and I still didn't have the paper ready, so I got scared that not only would I fail the test but I would also get another F for not turning in the paper. Then suddenly it turned out the teacher actually had to be replaced because she had to be somewhere, and the substitute teacher turned out to be some relatively young (below 40) guy who was pretty chill, he started talking about today's class as he sat there casually at the teacher's desk, I was silently hoping the test would be moved to a later date but I didn't want to get my hopes up, that was when he finished by announcing that he won't give us the test today and everyone rejoiced including me. He then added that since there won't be a test today and since it was our last class of that day, we could all just leave and go home. I was getting ready to leave the classroom when I noticed a note pinned to the bulletin board on the wall that some people were reading. It turned out to be an announcement that the science test was moved to two weeks from now but because of that it will also include some extra material. I was relieved that I won't have to worry about the test for another two weeks, but I was also upset there would be more to learn. I tried to read what extra material would be on the test but I realized I couldn't memorize it so I just took a picture with my phone. Some time later I was already on my way out of school but I got my pants stained with mud or something so I changed into clean pants and I sent the dirty one to the laundry. Then I tried to look something up on my phone and then I realized to my horror that I threw my pants in the garbage bin (?) with my phone still inside and it was now gone, but then it turned out there was a plastic hamper next to me, I looked inside and my pants were there on the top, with my phone still in the pocket. That's the last thing I remember from this dream.
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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #66 on: February 28, 2022, 01:57:46 PM »
My dream last night was heavily influenced by what I've been playing and watching recently :lol: I've been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 and watching Santa Clarita Diet. So this was my dream...

I was in a covered wagon by myself. I don't know who was driving. Maybe it was just me and the horses. I was really hungry and the wagon stopped at an open air market (like the one in Saint Denis if you've played the game). I bought a carrot from the vegetable seller and then I heard shouting and screaming. I looked around and people were eating each other. I ran from there as fast as I could and saw a white horse. I gave him the carrot and instinctively knew his name was Rocket. I hopped up on him and we galloped away while I could still hear the people being ripped apart.
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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #67 on: March 03, 2022, 05:10:21 PM »
Did I tell you I was trying to hide a pair of dismembered shins? I hid them under a picnic table  :huh:

So my therapist tells me they maybe belong to my boss - apparently I 'cut her off at the knees' I hope so because she's not going anywhere good.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2022, 01:36:27 PM by Artemesia's Garden »
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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #68 on: March 06, 2022, 10:36:46 PM »
for me my weird dreams started when my dad died 4 days before my birthday. on the night of his funeral I had this dream...
 :think: I was fishing and I was sitting next to my dad and my dads dad (who passed away 3 yrs earlier) I'm in the middle the only one fishing. I get a bite and they said to real it in... it put up a good fight but When the *fish* surfaced it turned out to be a huge whale and all the fisherman jumped on it with spears killing it. My dad said, "Everything will be ok, Everything is going to be ok."

few days later I get another dream... and the house that I was living in was falling apart and just an ugly dream, the roof is leaking and there is fire everywhere. it was so scary I woke up and found out that the same night of that dream My mother had a dream and my father (who died) told her to "Get the important stuff and leave" 

My mom and I told each other our dreams the following day, it finally sank in that we needed to move, so we did based on the 3 dreams.

I miss my dad but he still guides me in my dreams.

Ok a continuation
 After we moved the House I used to live in Really did start to fall apart I was actually shocked... That means more scary dreams...
In my 1st dream... I was in my old house (Again) the house became leaky and very scary looking Nothing much happened in this dream except for it was scary and the visions would fade in and out.
on my 2nd dream... I was out in a field and I heard this sound... I looked up and there are Military's airplanes flying above. some of them are dropping (Well you know) and I ran to my old house across next to this field and its already on fire. (I probably should of told you guys this dream Last year but only now is it really scary :yikes: )
On my 3rd dream... I was in a truck pulling a Camper I was with my family who was in the camper at the time and we are trying to get out of town... Now there is this guy who shows up in my dreams every now and then he looks a lot like the guy from cruel intentions I forgot his name but very cute... and he was walking his dog and they didn't care what was going on around them or what people where doing around them just living there life Happy... I was have a liking towards this guy in my dreams (Kind of silly) but I do, he might be a future husband who knows what he is... but In my dreams I'm totally head over heals for him. but my family is taking me further away from him than Id like to be... Cause A We are escaping and B he is not and I have no choice but to go with my family. (Hmmm Maybe My dream was based on love after a very long thought and not my home for I am single... Maybe Its not so scary after all...  :good:) that dream was last month... But why does my dreams run together so it seems like...
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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #69 on: March 10, 2022, 07:27:57 AM »
I had a dream last night loaded with 80s stuff. It was pretty neat. I was in an amusement park with the Killer Klowns from Outer Space and Bowser from Mario Bros. We were trying different rides and games. There was an arcade that had Galaga and Asteroids. There was a huge Ghostbusters sign at one point.

I can't really remember any details, but the visuals were cool. Also, the idea of hanging out the K. Klowns and Bowser is funny to me :lol:
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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #70 on: April 18, 2022, 04:20:59 AM »
I had a dream last night (well scary, weird dream), I was being chased by the Sea Devils the newer ones who appeared in last night Doctor Who special here in the U.K, then the Sontarns came dressed in swimming trunks and defeated the Sea Devils.

Then in came Doctors four to thirteen doing a cancan dance.
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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #71 on: May 28, 2022, 02:44:21 PM »
I was playing a claw game that went from plush to food, all in the same game, and I was teaching someone else how to win.

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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #72 on: June 01, 2022, 11:56:09 AM »
I had an extremely vivid dream that there were people out running their 4x4s and screeching about.  And then they started shooting dogs 'kids need target practice ' and then I woke up as someone's motorcycle backfired
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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #73 on: August 18, 2022, 06:31:55 AM »
I have a fear of being trapped in a car underwater and drowning.  So much so that when there was a scene in a movie where the characters were in that situation it frightened me a little because I had no idea that scene was going to happen.

Last night I dreamed that I was on a ship that was sinking and telling someone they had to get out before they drowned.

Later I dreamed I was back in school and everyone that uses a CPAP machine had to carry them at school.  For some reason the teacher took everyone's machines out of their bags and they got mixed up.  I had someone else's machine and was trying to find mine.  I stopped one person and explained the machines were mixed up but she didn't have mine.  I went back to the room and started trying to figure what machine belonged to who.  I finally found out the one I had belonged to someone named Logan.  I figured Logan had my machine and my dream ended as I was gathering everything up in box to take to the office to try to find Logan and see if he had my machine.

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Re: Weird dreams thread
« Reply #74 on: September 05, 2022, 10:28:21 AM »
I dreamed about someone dying.  I usually never have dreams like that.  It was very vivid though and a really long dream.

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