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Author Topic: your favourite or most interesting/memorable pony dream?  (Read 1208 times)

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your favourite or most interesting/memorable pony dream?
« on: October 31, 2020, 05:00:00 AM »
im back to make a thread ill probably forget about :blush: but i just had a nap and had a neat dream, so i figured i should share and discuss other peoples dreams, too!

it was about a series of mlp shorts (about 3-4 minutes on average) produced in the 90s, typical lost media stuff - people would debate where and how it was released because there just seemed to be no info on it. it was called "the my little pony rainbow" and the cast was very diverse, with it coming between a time of gen 1 and 2. a lot of the cast were gen 2 designs (even ones that chronologically would not make sense to appear) with gen 1 ponies (mostly cartoon ones and recognisable early g1 ponies, and for some reason i DISTINCTLY remember up, up and away being featured as a pegasus similar to that one episode of tales. i forgot the name of the ponies who were in it, it's been a while since i've looked at ANYTHING mlp)
stylistically, it was pretty faithful to g2, with leggy ponies though it maybe had a slightly more (shoujo) anime feel. the animation was quite light/sketchy, like how 101 dalmatians is animated. overall, a quite charming look.
i don't remember the plot of the episodes, aside from one that was called rainstorm which was the one that featured pegasus up up and away. environmentally, the episode reminded me a lot of tambelon.

there was a lot of other little details, but with it being a dream, i don't really remember them. i did, however, have a false awakening in the dream and i was like "omg! i dreamed about this and it was real!". i guess my mind was making connections to that rainbow pony animation.

anyway, how about you guys? any cool dreams to share?
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Re: your favourite or most interesting/memorable pony dream?
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2020, 03:59:19 PM »
Those shorts sound cool! I like the idea of a pegasus Up, Up, and Away. I have a lot of vivid dreams, which I frequently remember, so I can share a few...

Oh wow. Where to begin?

Most of my dreams feature toy ponies, usually me going to a thrift store and finding them. Sometimes they're rare ponies (like a whole bowl of piggies), sometimes desired ponies, and sometimes entirely new ponies. There are many outcomes for these scenarios, but usually the ponies aren't for sale despite having price stickers. Sometimes I can't efficiently move toward them, and, after dragging myself over to them, they've turned into fakies and McDonald's ponies. Sometimes I manage to grab them or maybe even buy them, then immediately wake up... I'll usually go about my business for a while before I finally fact-check it and realize it didn't happen. That always sucks.

Some new ponies my dreams have blessed me with:
-a Fur-Real style singing/dancing G3.5 StarSong
-a Takara pony with a G3 head and pearly plastic (I think it was Twinkle Twirl)
-a G4 So Soft head on a G3.5 styling Pinkie Pie body, which was somehow perfectly show-accurate to FIM (dream logic)
-a Mint-in-Package Mimic fakie in Buttons' pose, which is how I identified it as a fakie as everything else looked legit. She was in a semicircular plastic packaging, the kind that's crimped along the edges and hard to open.
-several G3.5 styling Pinkies, in increasingly large sizes, at a Dollar Tree (I really wanted the largest one, about four feet tall)
-G3.5 brushable Mermaid Ponies, as well as plush versions
-a prototype of Tink-aTink-a-Too I, with more-detailed symbols on both sides (closer to Lulabelle's, but different from both), a magenta body (exacly the same as pre-Core 7 Toola-Roola), and different hair colors: instead of blue/pink/purple, she had blue/pink/purple/light pink (Lulabelle's pink)/purple/pink/blue; sometimes she also had a light pink forelock
-random generation-swapped ponies, for example, one that looks exactly like G1 Gusty but is somehow also a G3

There have been other dreams, though. One was just... bizarre, and happened to me when I was around sixteen. Fair warning, it sounds like a bad lost episode Creepypasta, but it was terrifying at the time. It's also longer than I intended, I'm not good at keeping things brief.
I had just gotten my first two G3.5s, a Pinkie Pie and a Scootaloo, and was going through a rough time mentally (for reference, I was "dating" an Animal Crossing villager because I was convinced no one would ever love me). My grades were slipping, and I guess I needed something to blame it on. Subconsciously, I decided Scootaloo was haunted. The way my brain decided to reveal this conclusion to me was with a nightmare.
It was a poor-quality YouTube video, something I just knew. It started with a grainy, old cartoon, probably around '30s-'40s quality with faded colors. An anthropomorphic rabbit character wearing suspenders wakes up and gets ready for the day. Almost every inanimate object had a clown-like face, smiling and bouncing around to the cheery music. The rabbit walks to the road, where a car with a face comes to pick him up. He hops in and they go to their destination. The car is panting once they arrive, and the rabbit steps out. There, he sees a giant slide.
He climbs to the top, which is shot after shot of him climbing up, with an occasional shot that's not identical to all the others. The ascent goes from being comically long to just eerie.
Once he finally reaches the top, he predictably goes down the slide. Another series of short shots ensues, but with more variety. The slide has straight sections, zig-zag sections, loop-dee-loops, and gaps, with the same clown face on either side. The rabbit makes some "yay," "wheee," and "woohoo" sounds, but they're just the same sounds over and over. During the descent, the music becomes more repetitive, until it's just a few repeating notes.
Then come the images. They start as one-frame flashes, but slowly the cartoon fades out and it's just a series of them. They're images of old-timey anatomical sketches, dissected animals, deformed animals, the aftermath of life-altering injuries, and other things that don't make much sense in a bunny cartoon. This stuff would scare me online as a kid, but I was simultaneously fascinated, so I would look at things like this often (I promise it was more scientific and less serial-killer-y!). Well, some of them were jumpscares, with screeching violins or discordant organ cords suddenly playing with pop-ups that last longer than the rest of the images. The jumpscares increase in frequency, then slowly die down. Finally, one final jumpscare appears, with a poor-quality female scream accompanying an image of... my G3.5 Scootaloo. Talk about an anti-climax!
I woke up staring directly at Scootaloo, then promptly chucked her at a wall. It took a while for me to trust her again. She's fine, though, and is now one of my favorite ponies. I'm happy to report that I'm now in a better place than I was then ^.^

And now, my favorite. This one is hilarious in hindsight, but was quite scary initially. It's also longer than the last one.
First of all, this dream had some placeholder names. Imagine that you wrote a story with a character referred to as "NAME." For all intents and purposes, they DO have a name, but there's no concrete audio in the gaps. I will give these characters names in quotes.
So, around this time in my life, I helped a lot in my church's nursery, thrifting with my mom to find books or toys that we could add to it. I was also on a G3.5 Mermaid kick, thinking of ways the ponies could have received their mermaid powers. I decided that the powers come from the necklaces they wear, since they are all unique.
In this dream, I am one entity that seamlessly switches from resembling me to being the entire Core 7. I am no specific pony, and they're all separate, but they're all me. I won't point out every time it switches, but take note that wherever I am, the ponies are too. Throughout the dream, the sky is completely covered in dark clouds, making the time of day ambiguous.
The dream starts at a beach, where the ponies see an aqua-green pony with yellow and bright reddish pink hair staring into the ocean. They approach her and she introduces herself as "Magic Waves." She says that they're just what she needs and gives each one a necklace like hers. They thank her, then she explains that her friend, "Storm," will pick them up later to activate them. She waves good-bye and jumps into the sea, where she becomes a mermaid and swims away.
I go to a birthday party, which is for one of the young kids in the church's nursery. They're renting a playhouse from the nursery (we don't rent things out in real life, and no such playhouse exists) which isn't working properly. My mother instructs me to fix it, and then I find that it takes D batteries. I have to go to the store to pick some up. The store is through a spooky forest.
The ponies discuss among themselves how impatient they are for "Storm's" arrival. They advance deeper into the forest, when some hand-like tree branches reach down and pick them up, gently setting them on a mossy treehouse-type platform. A disembodied voice speaks lovingly to them. The exchange goes something like this:
"Who are you?" Pinkie asks.
"I am 'Sylvia,' a forest spirit."
"Where are we?" (different pony)
"You are safe. You can meet my other children. This is 'Kyle' and the fur that he had when he was a kitten." The branches gesture to a cat skeleton, with a pile of fur next to it. The rest is implied to have rotted away. "Sylvia" doesn't understand that mortal creatures need to eat, or that they die, and won't let them leave to keep them "safe."
"Gee, I'm hungry." (I think this was Scootaloo)
"ABSOLUTELY NOT! You MAY NOT eat because it's NASTY!"
"What are you protecting us from, anyway?"
"From 'Storm.'"
"Who is 'Storm?'"
"An owl so big, it will make you cry."
Suddenly, the "camera" shows the house that the birthday party took place at. A giant owl, taller than the house, lands next to it. He beats his wings and screams... something. He's angry that he can't find the ponies. His voice is incredibly loud, and I immediately wake up. For a while, I was genuinely upset that the giant owl didn't turn me into a mermaid pony. Of course, as I woke up, I came to terms with it.

Well, those are quite long. Sorry for the trilogy of novels!
Here's my ACNH creator code. I thought I might share it, since I have quite a few pony designs.

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Re: your favourite or most interesting/memorable pony dream?
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2020, 06:08:23 PM »
they fall into the same categories that everyone has:

1.  Super find of the century.  Putting them in containers to buy, then I wake up.
2.  Super find, but the seller won't sell them to me, then I wake up.
3.  Super find, the seller is mean, I STEAL DEM PONIES, I wake up with no ponies.
4.  Someone ELSE bought all the ponies first!
Once in my dream, in an epic quest to OBTAIN THE PONIES.... I stole a recycling truck and drove it through the yard sale.  Then the robots helped load the truck and we went soaring through the sky on a rainbow of FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM and ponies.  Many ponies.  So many.

Needless to say I was not happy to NOT wake up in the cab of a recycling truck filled with ponies.  And said recycling truck, wherever it was, was never going to be filled with ponies; this yard sale didn't exist, and there were no ponies.  Sad morning.
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Re: your favourite or most interesting/memorable pony dream?
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2020, 08:52:47 PM »
I haven't had that many of them, but earlier this year I had a bizarre dream where I was watching a "lost" episode of My Little Pony Tales that started with a school talent show but then the ponies accidentally set the whole school on fire and then it turned into a live action video of two girls dressed as characters from the show. There was another one way back in the 2000s where I discovered some obscure website that listed extra episodes of the G1 cartoon beyond ep. 65 (it looked kind of like Wikipedia) and it turned out that in one of those episodes I had never heard of before Wind Whistler died.
Inka Dinka Doo
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Re: your favourite or most interesting/memorable pony dream?
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2020, 10:18:03 PM »
I had a very bizarre one last night! It involved visiting some strange antique mall with my friends, and there was a vendor there that was selling a one-of-a-kind, twice as fancy, sparkle version of Mimic for like $5. I was so excited to be able to afford such a rare pony, but there was a catch.
You see, it wasn't just an antique mall, it was a roleplay antique mall themed to a fantasy village. In order to enter, you had to create a character and dress up as them, backstory and everything. To make a purchase, you had to perform some sort of heroic feat.
I, of course did not know any of this, as my friends told me we were going to Walmart instead of this antique place. So I decided to smother some evil old woman with a giant purple pillow that I had with me because I was going to return it to Walmart, until she fell off a cliff (I don't even know...). I then laid in the center of the store and let people trample all over me as some form of self-sacrifice.

I then got the Mimic, a transparent, gradient version of Milky Way, and some baby ponies that gradually shrunk so much, I ended up putting them back because they had gotten too small to be worth buying. 
I then woke up and was kind of sad. Both that I didn't have these ponies, and that my mind is messed-up enough to have a dream like this.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2020, 10:22:52 PM by Mrs. Prospector »

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Re: your favourite or most interesting/memorable pony dream?
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2020, 02:01:17 AM »
The weirdest pony dreams I've had are the ones where ponies become mixed up in my other interests. Once after reading a lot of Terry Pratchett I was dreaming about travelling round the Discworld (as you do) and I suddenly found this massive second-hand shop in Ankh-Morpork that sold ponies! I was all excited and kept saying "I never knew they had G1 in Ankh-Morpork!", which is the sort of thing I say in real life when I discover that ponies were available in a foreign country.

Once when we'd been reading a book on Victorian literature, my girlfriend woke up in the night and said to me, very urgently, "Oh my goodness, I was dreaming about Charles Dickens and he turned into a pony!"
Me: Which pony?
Kitti: Shy pose Bow Tie! *turns over and goes back to sleep*
Luckily I'm used to these strange middle of the night conversations so I just sort of shrugged and went back to sleep myself. Then in the morning we had the usual "Did I actually say that?" conversation.

Most of my pony dreams are about finding ponies in shops: sometimes real ponies, sometimes ponies that don't exist in real life (there was a Rosette in Love Melody's pose once). Usually I'm with my girlfriend and we both start happily scooping up ponies before one or the other of us says "Wait a minute, this is a dream, we can't really have these ponies." So then we just look through them without trying to buy them. I remember one dream we had a conversation that went:
Me: Oh, I just realised, this is a dream! We can't really have these ponies!
Kitti: (with armful of awesome ponies) Can't we just have a few of them? Look, I think this Milky Way is a Nirvana!
Me: No, they won't be there in the morning.
Kitti: Oh.
Me: We can have a good look at them and then maybe I'll remember them all when I wake up.
Kitti: Okay then. (We begin to look through ponies.)
It's more relaxing than waking up and finding you don't have the ponies you thought you would, I suppose.

I don't think I've had any dreams about pony cartoons. I might have dreamt about the ponies being real, life-size ponies but I can't remember it properly. I've definitely dreamt about my Monster High dolls being life-size people, I had an awesome dream a while ago about several of them being in a band!

When I'm stressed out by life I often dream that I'm back at school (I had an awful time at school). In one of these dreams, I was on a coach going on some kind of school-trip and stressing out because I knew I shouldn't be back at school and I didn't know where we were going on this coach. I was also afraid that wherever I was going I wouldn't be allowed to come home again (when I was in my teens and troubled, there was a lot of talk about sending me to this residential unit and I was really scared about it). Then my girlfriend sat down next to me with this bag full of ponies and said "Hey Shaz, don't stress, look at ponies!" and started taking ponies out of the bag and showing them to me. So that was a cute way to combat the stress until I could safely wake up and remember that I don't have to fret about school/being sent away to residential units any more.

And thus concludes the insight into the strange dreaming world of Shaz o.O

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Re: your favourite or most interesting/memorable pony dream?
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2020, 02:22:54 AM »
Those shorts sound cool! I like the idea of a pegasus Up, Up, and Away. I have a lot of vivid dreams, which I frequently remember, so I can share a few...

Oh wow. Where to begin?

Most of my dreams feature toy ponies, usually me going to a thrift store and finding them. Sometimes they're rare ponies (like a whole bowl of piggies), sometimes desired ponies, and sometimes entirely new ponies. There are many outcomes for these scenarios, but usually the ponies aren't for sale despite having price stickers. Sometimes I can't efficiently move toward them, and, after dragging myself over to them, they've turned into fakies and McDonald's ponies. Sometimes I manage to grab them or maybe even buy them, then immediately wake up... I'll usually go about my business for a while before I finally fact-check it and realize it didn't happen. That always sucks.
oh man, i hate those! it's like you get a weird dream slowness or something :P
the other ones are super interesting, it's always weird to have long in depth ones like that!
they fall into the same categories that everyone has:

1.  Super find of the century.  Putting them in containers to buy, then I wake up.
2.  Super find, but the seller won't sell them to me, then I wake up.
3.  Super find, the seller is mean, I STEAL DEM PONIES, I wake up with no ponies.
4.  Someone ELSE bought all the ponies first!
Once in my dream, in an epic quest to OBTAIN THE PONIES.... I stole a recycling truck and drove it through the yard sale.  Then the robots helped load the truck and we went soaring through the sky on a rainbow of FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM and ponies.  Many ponies.  So many.

Needless to say I was not happy to NOT wake up in the cab of a recycling truck filled with ponies.  And said recycling truck, wherever it was, was never going to be filled with ponies; this yard sale didn't exist, and there were no ponies.  Sad morning.
:( that sounds like the best recycling truck ever ^^
I haven't had that many of them, but earlier this year I had a bizarre dream where I was watching a "lost" episode of My Little Pony Tales that started with a school talent show but then the ponies accidentally set the whole school on fire and then it turned into a live action video of two girls dressed as characters from the show. There was another one way back in the 2000s where I discovered some obscure website that listed extra episodes of the G1 cartoon beyond ep. 65 (it looked kind of like Wikipedia) and it turned out that in one of those episodes I had never heard of before Wind Whistler died.
o_o lost media dreams are always funny, aren't they? they always make me doubt stuff because sometimes lost episodes and such are so vague!!
I had a very bizarre one last night! It involved visiting some strange antique mall with my friends, and there was a vendor there that was selling a one-of-a-kind, twice as fancy, sparkle version of Mimic for like $5. I was so excited to be able to afford such a rare pony, but there was a catch.
You see, it wasn't just an antique mall, it was a roleplay antique mall themed to a fantasy village. In order to enter, you had to create a character and dress up as them, backstory and everything. To make a purchase, you had to perform some sort of heroic feat.
I, of course did not know any of this, as my friends told me we were going to Walmart instead of this antique place. So I decided to smother some evil old woman with a giant purple pillow that I had with me because I was going to return it to Walmart, until she fell off a cliff (I don't even know...). I then laid in the center of the store and let people trample all over me as some form of self-sacrifice.

I then got the Mimic, a transparent, gradient version of Milky Way, and some baby ponies that gradually shrunk so much, I ended up putting them back because they had gotten too small to be worth buying. 
I then woke up and was kind of sad. Both that I didn't have these ponies, and that my mind is messed-up enough to have a dream like this.
the sacrifices you have to make for ponies sometimes are amazing :P
Then my girlfriend sat down next to me with this bag full of ponies and said "Hey Shaz, don't stress, look at ponies!" and started taking ponies out of the bag and showing them to me. So that was a cute way to combat the stress until I could safely wake up and remember that I don't have to fret about school/being sent away to residential units any more.
i think this is my favourite part :P ponies are very good stress relief! i wonder if it was an infinite bag of ponies?
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Re: your favourite or most interesting/memorable pony dream?
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2020, 05:08:24 AM »
I haven't had that many of them, but earlier this year I had a bizarre dream where I was watching a "lost" episode of My Little Pony Tales that started with a school talent show but then the ponies accidentally set the whole school on fire and then it turned into a live action video of two girls dressed as characters from the show. There was another one way back in the 2000s where I discovered some obscure website that listed extra episodes of the G1 cartoon beyond ep. 65 (it looked kind of like Wikipedia) and it turned out that in one of those episodes I had never heard of before Wind Whistler died.
o_o lost media dreams are always funny, aren't they? they always make me doubt stuff because sometimes lost episodes and such are so vague!!

With the first one I was confused because the only episode of Tales that I didn't originally see between 2006 and 2009 was "Gribet" and I only finally saw it some time after buying the DVDs in 2017, yet in that dream it was "the episode I never watched before". The second one was even more confusing because when I first rediscovered ponies online in 2006 I started researching all about the animated episodes so I knew there were two specials, a movie and 65 episodes, and yet in that dream there were also many more episodes after that, which was apparently justified in the dream that they were made much later as I remember seeing a lot of dates like "1991" in the right column, but that still didn't make any sense since I first started reading about ponies much later than that anyway.
Inka Dinka Doo
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Re: your favourite or most interesting/memorable pony dream?
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2020, 02:18:22 PM »
they fall into the same categories that everyone has:

1.  Super find of the century.  Putting them in containers to buy, then I wake up.
2.  Super find, but the seller won't sell them to me, then I wake up.
3.  Super find, the seller is mean, I STEAL DEM PONIES, I wake up with no ponies.
4.  Someone ELSE bought all the ponies first!
Once in my dream, in an epic quest to OBTAIN THE PONIES.... I stole a recycling truck and drove it through the yard sale.  Then the robots helped load the truck and we went soaring through the sky on a rainbow of FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM and ponies.  Many ponies.  So many.

Needless to say I was not happy to NOT wake up in the cab of a recycling truck filled with ponies.  And said recycling truck, wherever it was, was never going to be filled with ponies; this yard sale didn't exist, and there were no ponies.  Sad morning.

This is the best pony dream ever!   :lol:

Most of my pony dreams sucks. I always find these awesome ponies for great prices and then turn into overpriced fakies.

I did have a dream about next gen ponies being as beautiful as g1/g3, just a bit smaller.
Thanks to TheRockinStallion for my Ponysona Artless

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Re: your favourite or most interesting/memorable pony dream?
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2020, 06:46:12 PM »
Easily, the one where Princess Celestia assassinated the US president of the time and decided to take over along with Luna, you know, let's just disregard the whole voting thing. I don't think they really changed anything though. Like there was never a sudden boom of World Peace it was just business as usual.

People were about it?! Like, yeah okay, that happened, what's for supper? That's the thing that should have tipped me off that I was dreaming, or maybe the part where a cartoon horse came to life and committed murder, either way if you're wondering how come I shouldn't eat sugarly cereal and then take my morning nap THAT is exactly why.

I hope I don't get put on some government watchlist for sharing this. I swear I don't advocate for any part of this...
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