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Author Topic: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story! EDIT: She's here!  (Read 4814 times)

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Offline Aadra310

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I'm super excited about my first child who will be here in just 3 short weeks!  I've had a really good pregnancy (except the first trimester- yuck!) and was disappointed to learn she's breech which means I'll be having a C-section.  Bummer.  I was hoping to hear from some of you about your experiences.  I know about the procedure itself so I'm not really looking to hear about that part but maybe how you felt about it or how your recovery went.  I'm feeling apprehensive and worried about the pain and emotions afterward.

I'm just over 37 weeks and I've been told (and read on the interwebs!) that it's unlikely she'll turn around on her own at this point since there isn't much room in there!  I have been doing some hip elevations on the slim chance that might get her to move, though.  Anyone had any luck naturally turning a breech baby?

ETA:  Well, I made it through the C-section!  Thanks to all who commented your support!  I appreciate it!  She absolutely was not going to turn!  The doctor had a heck of a time getting her out of there!  My very brave husband watched the whole thing.  YUCK!  The C-section was both not as bad and, at the same time, worse than I expected.  The hardest part was definitely the day after and then having to try and recover from major surgery AND take care of a newborn!  Luckily, my husband and mother were able to tag team and stay with me in the hospital.  We're both doing well and getting used to this new way of life...

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« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 03:38:50 PM by Aadra310 »

Offline icecreamgirl

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Re: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story!
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2016, 01:45:38 PM »
I can't give you any advice on a breech baby but wanted to wish you the best of luck with having your first baby. Motherhood is such an amazing journey! I had my little one 3 years ago and I don't think anything prepared me for the love and bond I felt when he was born, it was very emotional!
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Thanks to lunar_scythe & kittywhiskers for my adoptables

Offline Marlin

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Re: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story!
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2016, 04:43:56 PM »
Both my little girls (now 6&7) were c-sections. Both pregnancies were healthy and comfortable, but for whatever reason my babies just never dropped (so I was walking around like a had a beachball under my top!).

I'll pop my story into a spoiler as it's a longish one

With my first, because baby never dropped and engaged there was no pressure down there to bring on labour apparently, so I ended up going two weeks over (they let me go over as I was healthy and there was hope she still might engage). The decision was made to induce me.... and I was told that there was a possibility that I could end up with a caesar because she was sitting so high.
Honestly, the thought completely freaked me out.
I went through a range of emotions that night - crying endlessly mostly because I couldn't work out why my body wasn't 'working' like it should  :(  Sounds silly I know, but you kind of have to be in that place to understand it, I guess. I know I was thinking irrationally, but it took me a whole night (wide awake and tearful) to process it - and then oddly, I came to be at peace with the possibility. At the end of the day, getting baby out safely was the most important thing and I became prepared for that.
So I went in for the induction to see if I could labour on my own and if that would move baby down. What an ordeal.... spent the whole bloody day in the hospital with minor contractions and then everything stopped. It became quite depressing. Then, just after midnight, my waters burst on their own and it was all on. My hubby and I were up all night as I worked my way through the most awful contractions - eventually at 5am I was given a shot in the butt for the pain and I finally got some sleep. That morning the docs made the decision to put an epidural in and give me a syntocinon (I think it was called) drip to bring on strong contractions. By 4pm I had dilated a grand total of 3cm and was exhausted. I was examined and the doc made the decision to go with an emergency caesarean. I was a tad relieved!
It was a bit scary though - the room was suddenly full of people, I got a bit (quietly) panicky and had people monitoring every single little thing... I remember being numb but feeling my body being moved around and then suddenly my daughter cried. There is nothing that can describe the feeling of hearing your baby's cry for the first time.
The recovery was fine for me, I was mobile very quickly - it was being a first time mum to a squalling, hungry 9lb6 baby that did me in. I did get a little infection where one of my stitches was but that was quickly remedied.

My second c-section was completely different. Since baby no.2 didn't drop either the docs were onto me well in advance. After being assessed at the 41 week mark, they deemed that if I was induced again I was just end up down the same road as the first birth, so I was marked down for an 'acute' caesar - so not elective, but not emergency either - maybe the class you are going through with your breech bubba?
Because we'd already had the caesar experience we were relaxed and second time around was so opposite of my first birth. We got a good night's sleep (two sleepless nights prior to first caesar) and we walked in calm and excited, waiting for our surgery.
I did have some nerves again, most especially getting another epidural, and you can't help but feel very vulnerable as you lie there in the hand of the surgeons. But all in all it was a good, positive experience second time around.

I suppose in the aftermath of it all, the only (selfish) regret I have is that I couldn't do it on my own. I would have loved to have had my own 'what I was doing when I went into labour' story, or to know the feeling of your body doing what it was made to do... but my girls are beautiful and healthy, and I came out of it in one piece too, so can't really complain too much!

I hope that all goes as well as it can for you, Aadra - it's both exciting and scary! Congratulations on your imminent arrival and best of luck!  ^.^

Offline Einhornbaby

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Re: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story!
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2016, 04:00:07 AM »
Oh all the best for your c-section and for your first little baby <3

My daughter is 12yo now and she was born via c-section too. It was an emergency decision because of health problems from pregnancy (I developed HELLP syndrome) and it was done in order to save both our lives. The whole story is dark and no good to share with someone who is expecting, so I wont go into detail. Dont want to scare you :)
Let me just say I wish you all the best and I hope it goes very well for you and your baby <3 Think of all the wonderful moments when you can hold your own child <3 That will be great!

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Re: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story!
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2016, 06:57:20 AM »
My mom had three c-sections. All by army interns. That was before they did the bikini line incision. Other than the rather nasty scar, she came through each just fine and has her second grandchild on the way. Her advice was to make sure you have no allergies to what they close the incision with. I've had three friends with no luck turning a breech. I do have a couple that have had non-c-section births afterwards. As for motherhood. Just remember, that's your baby and no matter what anyone else says is right or what advice they give, do what is right for you. My daughter is turning 7 in April and I'm so glad I didn't miss a minute, because they grow so fast. Relax and enjoy your baby. The only thing I would recommend, if your back can handle it, is a carrier that straps them to your chest. I'm a single mom. With the carrier I could still sing,talk and bond with my girl, but still manage to make dinner, wash clothes, shop, etc.

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Re: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story!
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2016, 07:14:59 AM »
No advice, but I'd like to wish you luck!
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Re: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story!
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2016, 07:16:14 AM »
You'll be fine, and Kitten will be stubborn.  ;)

But on a serious note, can I be in the operating room with you?  I want to see this like burning. 

Offline Aadra310

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Re: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story!
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2016, 07:32:01 AM »
Icecreamgirl- Thank you!  I find myself smiling at all the babies I see!  I did that even before I was pregnant but it's taken on a new meaning, now!

Marlin- Wow!  You really went through an ordeal with your first.  Thank you for sharing.  You made me feel a little better!  And it doesn't sound silly that you were upset about your body "not working" right.  I'm totally with you- I get it!  I'm also feeling a bit selfish in that I wanted to have a "normal" experience like my mother and most other women I know.  Like you though, I am grateful that baby and my health are good and that, in the long run, this is a minor bump in the road.

Einhornbaby- Is that your now 12 year old in your avatar?  She's adorable!  I'm so glad your experience allowed your family to grow!

Tak-  Your mom is awesome!  I'm hoping I can have the bikini line incision but that might not work out with her position.  Another bummer!  Good advice about the allergy.  I will remember that.  And I have a carrier but I'm not sure it would have occurred to me to use it around the house to do chores and cook.  That seems so obvious now and I'm really glad you said it!

Kaoskat- Thank you!

Skeen- Thanks!  Baby is destined to be stubborn!  I think everybody on both sides of the family is stubborn!  And unfortunately, no, you can't be in the room.  Only one support person allowed per patient and I GUESS I have to give that spot to the father.  Geez!  ;)   

Offline Skeen

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Re: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story!
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2016, 08:16:08 AM »
Skeen- Thanks!  Baby is destined to be stubborn!  I think everybody on both sides of the family is stubborn!  And unfortunately, no, you can't be in the room.  Only one support person allowed per patient and I GUESS I have to give that spot to the father.  Geez!  ;)   

...I will fight him for it.  Honestly that's not a fight I'd put money on.  He's 3x my size but I fight dirty, so...  50/50 odds.

:sigh: FINE.  I will wait in the waiting room like everyone else but I will trample anyone in my way to go see her!  That milkshake ain't gonna bring itself you know. 

Offline Vertefae

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Re: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story!
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2016, 09:37:58 AM »
I had to have a c section due to little monster being breech. Don't get on yourself for not having a normal delivery. The doctors and nurses will make it special for you. I know mine did.

As far as recovery, as soon as they will let you walk, walk. It'll hurt. A lot. Especially getting out of bed. But you'll recover much faster if you can move around. I also started post natal yoga and exercises for people who had stomach surgeries as soon as my doctor cleared me. Not to loose baby weight but to help my tummy muscles. My core still isn't as strong as it used to be. But it's much better than it started.

If the nurses offer to watch the baby at night, take them up on it. I only did one night. They watched him for four hours and I actually got sleep. Your body needs time to recover and the nurses love cuddling the babies.

Good luck!

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Re: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story!
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2016, 10:48:40 AM »

Marlin- Wow!  You really went through an ordeal with your first.  Thank you for sharing.  You made me feel a little better!  And it doesn't sound silly that you were upset about your body "not working" right.  I'm totally with you- I get it!  I'm also feeling a bit selfish in that I wanted to have a "normal" experience like my mother and most other women I know.  Like you though, I am grateful that baby and my health are good and that, in the long run, this is a minor bump in the road.

 ^.^ ^.^  Caesar or not, meeting your little one for the first time is the most amazing experience - cherish every moment  :hug:  In a weird kind of way, it's really good that you know in advance what will happen - it gives you lots of time to prepare, especially mentally!
I didn't include a couple of things that were a little TMI (!), mostly concerning the recovery, so if you do have any questions feel free to drop me a line with any worries you might have :)  If there's one piece of advice that my mother gave me that was never truer concerning babies, it's that when you reach the hospital you check your dignity in at the door, lol!  But be reassured that the people working with you live and breathe ladies having babies, and there are some amazing people you will meet along the way. Best wishes :)

Offline Einhornbaby

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Re: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story!
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2016, 11:17:38 AM »
Einhornbaby- Is that your now 12 year old in your avatar?  She's adorable!  I'm so glad your experience allowed your family to grow!

yes, thats her <3 She was about 2yo that day and shes hugging my friends jumbo plush G3 Twinkle Twirl <3

Offline joce

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Re: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story!
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2016, 12:09:54 PM »
I had to have an emergency c section and it really was not that bad!

  I only took one pain pill. Go with the Motrin when able as later a lot of people will have issues with bowel movements because pain pills will back you up. Take colace to.

   I imagine a planned one will go very smoothly! By the time your in there and ready you are just thinking please get this baby out of me!!

And don't let anyone let you feel bad about it. Everyone's pregnancy and labor is individual and different!
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Offline Aadra310

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Re: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story!
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2016, 02:49:25 PM »
Ficklefae- thank you for the good advice!  I will definitely do all of that!

Marlin- thanks again!  As a very modest person, I am a bit nervous about the whole thing but I know the doctors and nurses see it (and worse) all the time!  I have had a few moms tell me I'll be much less modest after this, though.  LOL!  I believe that will probably be very true.  I've read a few TMI type stories on the internet and I hope I'm at least somewhat prepared for some of the... aftermath.

joce- One pain pill?  That's awesome!  I'll cross my fingers for that!  And good to know about the constipation issue.  I won't let anyone make me feel bad about a C-section.  I think that's just silly how some people are shamed for things like that.  C-section or natural still gets a wonderful baby here, doesn't it?! 

nessa-  It's great to hear from a nurse!  Nurses are amazing people!  Thanks for all the advice- I appreciate it very much.  I know the hospital I am going to has accreditations in all kinds of things and they recently got rid of the nursery so baby stays with mom all the time.  So, going with all the "new" research about bonding which I'm whole-heartedly behind being in a branch off the medical field myself.

Good to know that they might check the baby's hips.  That makes sense and I feel better informed.  I think I'm probably on the wussier side and will require the stronger meds at least for awhile. But, that's okay!  As you say, I'll take what I need and not get upset about it. 
« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 07:10:51 AM by Aadra310 »

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Re: Apprehensive about first baby and c-section! Share your story!
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2016, 12:08:09 PM »
Not me, but my sister had a planned c-section due to a thing in her brain that would have popped and killed her if she'd gone through labour.  I can tell you it did take a while for her to recover.  Much longer than a 'normal' delivery.  So don't expect to be all up and about and doing baby stuff right away.  Accept all the help you can get.  And don't let anyone (especially the nurses) feel guilty about the c-section.  Even when you don't have a choice they will say Inge that are just plain mean. 


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