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Author Topic: ~Mug Swap 2013~ All done!  (Read 30026 times)

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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2013, 10:38:22 AM »
All my answers to the questions asked are in the spoiler below to save space and scrolling time xP
Favorite color: My favorite color is ORANGE. I especially like when its paired with yellows and reds!

Candy that you like/dislike (please note any allergies!): I love dark chocolate! Especially the Dove dark chocolate bars. I also like peppermint (either in the chocolate or not lol) I also like gummis...I like both sour and regular. As for beverages, I have a Keurig K-cup coffee maker, so loose coffee doesn't work. The boxes of k-cups can be pricey, so I don't expect any of those, but if you also have a keurig and want to throw in a few of your favorite k-cups, I'm good with that! I LOVEEE Tazo green tea, but am totally open to trying other teas! And hot cocoa is always good too! :]

Dislikes: I don't like the chocolate that has crunchies in it. So no Crunch bars or CrispCrunch things. It's the texture. I am TOTALLY good with cookies and such with chocolate, though. It's just the rice crisps that I don't like.

What kinds of mugs do you like? (Ex. Small, large, designs, etc.) Give your partner an idea of the things you like!: Okay so...I'm kind of a mug freak. I love them. I like ones that are a little bigger than your average coffee cup. They're usually my go-to souvenir item on vacations xP. I will post pics of the mugs I already have so my partner can get an idea.
I love the Disney movie mugs! I have two aristocats ones, one pocahontas one, and one with Ursula from the little mermaid on it. I have a ton of zebra mugs, so maybe something different this time? I also have one from Disneyland that has a bunch of animal print mickey mouse ears on it. And one from sea world with orcas on it.
Sooo....I would love a Big Bang Theory mug if one can be found. A harry potter mug would be awesome (Gryffindor is best house xP)! Hmmm...I'm also good with mugs that have neat designs on them, though. I love the Wicked Witch from wizard of oz/the great and powerful oz/wicked the musical. I LOVE animals, especially zebras and chihuahuas. A neat safari-type mug could be cool! I'm in my last year of nursing school, so anything related to nursing would be neat!! I'm also big on like a cup with delicate musical notes or a staff or something like that would be LOVED by me!

I also love feminine designs. Not floral stuff. I like delicate designs with swirls, music notes, etc. Not quite sure how to describe what I'm talking about, lol. I'm good with more artsy stuff on the mug, too.

Something with an "Aum" or "Om" symbol on it would be well received. (It's a Hindu symbol...kind of looks like a 3 with some stuff around it. Google the word "om" and in pics its all over).

Oh! And I love when there are designs on the inside of the cup, too. But that's in no way required.

Also, it doesn't really count as a mug, but if you got a good price on the mug and still have budget left, I LOVE tumblers. Like the ones with a lid and straw. I use them at school/work ALL THE TIME. I currently have a chihuahua one, and am open to just about any kinds!

Things I don't like: Not a big fan of mugs that have states on them. Not very fond of mugs with words on them. Like a mug that has the cast of big bang with "The Big Bang Theory" on it is totally fine, but I'm not fond of ones with sayings and such. Nothing with bugs or any animal without furr. Lol.

What would be good extras for you?: Beverages listed above are good. Candy is fine :]. I love stationary items! Little magnetic list pads can be found everywhere in my house xP. OHHHH if they're out by then...I like to put peppermint candy canes in my coffee/hot cocoa xD. I can always use neat pens, stickers are fun, I'm pretty easy to please! I have five doggies (all chihuahuas), who love balls and chew toys if you feel like throwing something in for them! Treats for them may not be the easiest as one of my little girls has allergies and can't have wheat or typical meats (she gets salmon and sweet potato treats).

How do you feel about travel mugs? I think I'd prefer a tumbler if you have enough budget left after buying a mug :). Or one of the tumblers that can do both cold and hot! That'd be convenient :). Oh and I have no dishwasher, so don't worry about anything that isn't dishwasher safe!

Antique/ secondhand? I'm okay with secondhand if its really clean. I'm a little bit weird when it comes to used dishware and such, but if you find it at a secondhand shop and it's so clean it looks new, I'm okay with it :).

teacups? I'm not sure I have a use for tiny teacups. I think they're pretty, but wouldn't know what to do with them. Although some stationary with teacups on it would be super cute!

Handmade things? Yes yes yes! Love them :]. I always get the warm fuzzies when I get homemade things :].

How do we all feel about coasters as extras?

Ehhh I don't really use coasters.

McDonalds Happy Meal Ponies - Minus G1, Are you missing any? Are you seeking any? Do you have an army of any?
I don't need any of the mcdonalds ponies.
 I have a small Toola Roola army :].

What devices do you have for making your hot drinks (eg: tea pots, esspresso machine, coffee grinders)?

I have a Keurig coffee maker that takes the k-cups. I use that to make my coffee. When I make tea and hot cocoa, I just run the keurig without a k-cup in it so I can just get hot water. (I'm the only one in my family who drinks coffee, so the keurig is perfect for me because it just makes one cup xP)

Does anyone NOT like tea or not like coffee? Any types you are not okay with, like flavored teas or coffee?
I love both tea and coffee :]. I'm pretty open to try new flavors. Tazo green tea is my favorite, but I've also begun to like Chai Tea. I would be interested to try others :]. As for coffee, I can only use K-cups in my machiene, so its dependent on that, but I am up to trying any new flavors! Coffee is my first love haha.

Do you prefer caffeinated tea/coffee or decaf?
I am fine with caffeinated, and its usually what I go for. I never buy uncaffeinated, but wouldn't turn it down.

Are you vegan/vegetarian?
Nope :).

Any pets? If so, do they like (or are they allowed) pet snacks?
Yup! I have five chihuahuas. They love balls (even tennis!) and chew toys. Treat-wise, I have one doggie who has allergies, so any treats she gets have to be novelty protein (like Salmon, Duck, etc). No beef, chicken, turkey, or wheat for her. The others can have anything. And I am sure they would love a treat included in the box :].
I also have 5 guinea pigs and two rats, but they all get fresh veggies/fruit everyday, and don't seem to like store-bought treats.

Do y'all like hot chocolate, hot cider, or other hot drinks that can be consumed from mugs?
DEFINTELY hot cocoa :D. I can't say I've ever tried hot cider...but I'm always willing to try new things!

I don't really use candles, but I do have a scentsy! So any of the little wax cubes would be a fine extra :). I really like the ocean-y scents, but for fall/winter I could go with a warmer type smell. Cinnamon or pumpkin or spice something would be good :).

Do you take baths at all?
No, not very often.

Do you need/want My Little Pony cups?  If so, any that should be avoided (either because you have them, or because you don't want them)? 
No thanks, I think I have all the recent ones.

Favourite animals, birds and or bugs?  I love zebras and chihuahuas. But anything cute too! Lol. Not big on birds or bugs, but I do like peacocks (mostly for the pretty color scheme).

How would you feel about having a custom mug made for you? Either the photo-type ones you can do or something like that? Maybe of your ponysona? Maybe of something that you listed in your likes?
Hmmm. It'd have to depend on what's on it xD lol. I'd say no to my ponysona. But something aristocats/pocahontas/zebra/etc would be cool. As for of my doggies would be cool lol but I'm not sure how my partner would find pics xD. ETA: I would love a music one also. Or anything harry potter would be neat. Cute chihuahuas, etc. If you wanna do a custom one I'm sure I'll love it!

Do you have any favorite movies/games/characters you might want a mug of? or maybe we could use this for ideas for extras and not mugs too xD
I think I mentioned most of these in my post. But Harry potter, Big Bang theory, glee are favorite movies and shows mostly. Love the wicked witch from wizard of oz/the great and powerful oz/wicked the musical. Pocahontas and aristocats (I'm a little reluctant on a mug of these two because it'll likely get put on display instead of being used xD lol. )

What is your favorite season:   I love winter. I love the color scheme, the winters foods (peppermint, etc), I love the holidays. So winter is definitely my favorite. But I also like the warmth of fall :). Pumpkin spice and such :).

Are you left or right handed? right handed lol

Do you like to read, if so what kinds of books? Yes!! I love to read! I love series most, because I hate when books end lol. But with series you can continue the story! I love Harry potter, the hunger games, divergent series, house of night series, mortal instruments series, and the land of stories series. I also liked the host ( book and movie).

Several of us have said we want normal sized mugs. I just went shopping and I'm finding that there are lots of sizes and shapes. Are you okay with something rounded instead of a cylinder?  Is it okay if a mug is slightly larger than normal but not huge? I found a pretty mug but I'm worried it is not a normal mug.
I'm actually a fan of bigger mugs xP. So it's fine by me. I think a normal-big size is good for me. Nothing terribly tiny lol

I live in Arizona, and have sometimes seen mugs made by the Indians on the reservations here. They end up looking like glazed clay type mugs. Is this something you'd be interested in, partner?
I'd say no, just because I can get them here lol.

Would you mind if your name was on the cup? if so what do you prefer to be called?
I'd like having my name on a mug, that'd be neat! I'd prefer my real name, Hailey, over any nickname.

Are you okay with getting a mug that would need to be hand washed?

I don't have a dishwasher xD. So hand washing is fine by me :)

Do you have your ears pierced?

Yup, sure do. I like stud earrings or shorter dangly ones. Nothing too long.

Partner; is it cool if I sent a "generic" mug that you may like as an extra?
Sure :). Sounds good!!

Do you prefer loose tea or tea bags? Would a tea infuser (like a cute novelty one) be good as part of your extras? :3

I usually only use tea bags, but thats because I don't have a tea infuser. I'd be okay with one as an extra :].

Coffee drinkers, whole or ground?
I can only use a Keurig kcup in my machine, so I'm not sure this applies to me lol.

More about jewelry. Do you wear jewelry at all? Do you wear bracelets or necklaces? I have some supplies to make jewelry with some animals/characters/things you listed in your likes and I want to make sure you would want something like that in th first place.
I wear earrings (studs and short dangly ones), bracelets, and necklaces

To those who said you like teacups - would you rather have a nice teacup instead of a mug? or does it have to be a mug since this is the mug swap and not a teacup swap? I see some very pretty ones BUT they are at the limit for the budget for this swap... I'm definitely more interested in a mug. Not sure where I'd put a teacup, though they can be very pretty.

If you were to receive a hand painted mug...what would you want on it? Of all your interests, what would you most want a custom mug of?
For me, I think a mesh of some of my likes would be neat, but I am fine with anything! Even if its just got my name on it...fine by me! I'm not too picky >.<

Do you have a preferred brand of coffee or tea that you like or dislike?
For my keurig, I usually buy the Donut Shop brand coffee, but I don't have any strong preference. Anything is fine :]. As for tea, I love Tazo green tea, but I am totally open to trying other teas! Can't say I have many dislikes...but I don't like teas that are sweetened. (but they are usually sweetened after brewing so not sure its relevant here lol)

Here's some pics of my mugs! More pics in the spoiler :].

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photo(34) by haileymarie93, on Flickr

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image by haileymarie93, on Flickr

The smaller Aristocats and Pocahontas ones are just for my collection :]. They sit on my collection shelf and are not to be used. Lol
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image(5) by haileymarie93, on Flickr

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image(4) by haileymarie93, on Flickr

Aren't these little guys adorable? I don't usually use my zebra ones, either xD. They are on my zebra shelf.
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image(3) by haileymarie93, on Flickr

This is what I mean by stuff inside the cup :]. This one is my current "in use" cup. I got it this summer when we went to sea world :].
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image(2) by haileymarie93, on Flickr

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image(1) by haileymarie93, on Flickr

I will continue to modify this post as new questions come about to make it easier for my partner to find all my answers :]

Just for fun!!
To prove my love to Harry Potter xD. My sister and I got these together. The 4.1 stands for our birthday. (Two years apart, but both born April 1). Mine is the one on the right (it's on my ankle). My back was already taken lol
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image by haileymarie93, on Flickr

To prove my love of music. I got the treble clef when I was 16, then added on and got the whole back when I was 19 :).
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image by haileymarie93, on Flickr

And a collage pic of my doggies :)
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image by haileymarie93, on Flickr
The two on top are Carsyn (sitting up) and Sheldon (pre neuter Dx. Lol he's all snipped now). The one on the bottom right is Brody. And the bottom left is my two girls, Carly (ears up) and Blayne.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 08:53:05 AM by mkia9 »

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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2013, 11:15:48 AM »
Best of luck!
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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2013, 11:46:56 AM »

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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2013, 03:50:21 PM »
Right now I have no mugs to my name!  :cry: So it'd be nice to get some for my own hehe!
Favorite color: I like pastel colors, and also bright colors.. hahaha, I really like pink, and monochrome schemes, but also really colorful things! I'm not picky that way... :--9

Candy that you like/dislike (please note any allergies!): I like peach rings and other gas station candies, and also caramel :--) I love tea and I really need some spicy teas for the fall! I also like hot cocoa and other drink mixes. I love coffee, pumpkin spice is one of my favorite flavors, but I like lots of other ones, including chocolate, hazelnut, banana.. Any coffee that can be put in a plain machine :--)  No allergies :--)

What kinds of mugs do you like?: Regular sized mugs are fine, but if you find a really cute large one that's okay too! As far as designs.. I like pokemon (especially bulbasaur and evolutions, but i dont think there are any mugs of him..).. especially the 90s pokemon, and also goofy bootleg ones. But i also really like the recent pokemon mugs, especially the pikachu and eevee ones. I like moomin and would love a mug featuring some of the characters. I also like hello kitty and other sanrio characters (my melody, ect) and other kawaii characters! I'm also a sucker for silly novelty mugs (i've been wanting to get one shaped like a cheeseburger) as long as theyre actually useable (don't have any parts that would easily break off or anything) Oh, and my favorite thing ever? Halloween themed mugs. Especially really silly "spooky" ones with bats and eyeballs and pumpkins and skeletons on them.. :--) I also love teacups and antique/secondhand is totally fine, as long as i can still use them :blush: I especially like teacups with flowers on them, and the ones that have gold/silver trim.. Also, I have a thing for scandinavian style art.. especially rosemaling.

My friend and I have an ongoing contest to see who can get the most awful meme merch.. So if you wanted to get me a meme mug (trollface, rage face guy, etc...) that would be hilarious and I'd snicker every time I drank from it.

What would be good extras for you?: Any of the candy i listed, i really need new teas.. I love kawaii stickers and also halloween themed things (I love silly halloween stuff! like.. spooky eyeball glasses and bags of rubber spiders.. hehehehe...)

I don't have ANY mugs of my own, so you don't have to worry about me having something already.. I'm gonna post some pictures of things i like since it's so varied...

x x x  x
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 11:46:11 AM by Dainty »
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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2013, 03:57:15 PM »
Yay we are getting a good list of participants! :).

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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2013, 04:19:42 PM »
I shall put in an app when I'm on a PC next.

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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2013, 04:20:25 PM »
I shall put in an app when I'm on a PC next.

Yay!! Glad you're gunna join us, xeevee!

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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2013, 05:48:02 PM »
Favorite color:  I love purple.  The darker the better.  And I especially love it paired with silver. 

Candy that you like/dislike (please note any allergies!): I am a complete chocoholic.  Apart from that I only really like gummies, but I am also vegetarian, and finding vegetarian gummies can be a pain in the butt (gelatin is the no no ingredient in case you were unsure).  Most other candy I end up throwing out.

What kinds of mugs do you like? (Ex. Small, large, designs, etc.) Give your partner an idea of the things you like!:  I love really huge mugs, and novelty mugs, especially for things I like.  So Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, True Blood, and of course MLP. Any mug themed like that would make me ecstatic.  I also like weird mugs, currently I use one shaped like a cat where you hold it's tail.   And I like really dainty tea cups.

What would be good extras for you?:  Most hot drinks, the only exception is herbal tea.  But otherwise, I love tea, hot chocolate and coffee in most flavours and types.  Stickers are always something I love getting.  Especially pony stickers.  Cookies and chocolate.  I like bath things. I'm pretty easy to please really.

additional questions:

Travel mugs: While I won't be upset getting a travel mug, they're not the best option for me.  I literally never use them.  What would probably end up happening would be my hubby would take it, and then, unless it was the most amazing travel mug ever, it would end up being left behind.  I'd also prefer to not have plastic, unless it was an extra, as once again, I'd probably just end up giving it to my kids (unless it was related to one of the things I mentioned in my likes - then plastic is ok).

Antique/second hand cups: I love antique (or antique like) tea cups that are really intricate and pretty.  I actually also don't mind you buying me second hand cups at all, as long as they are clean.

Handmade things?  I love handmade things.

Is there anything you like to dip in your tea/coffee/cocoa that would make a good extra?   Tim Tams, Duh!  And if you don't know what tim tams are, I pity you :P other than that, cookies of any sort, I actually really like just dipping rows of chocolate into hot drinks so they go melty too.

How do we all feel about coasters as extras?  I am not opposed to them, but I also almost never use them either (although I probably should).

McDonalds Happy Meal Ponies - Minus G1, Are you missing any? Are you seeking any? Do you have an army of any?  I am up to date with all the g3s  and g4s but international and US and I don't army, the g2 ones that came out in the uk, I only have one (I think Ivy -tis in storage in Australia so I can't check).

What devices do you have for making your hot drinks (eg: tea pots, esspresso machine, coffee grinders)?  I have tea pots by the hundred (well, not really, but I have a lot) and a coffee plunger.  I do not have a coffee grinder so if you buy me coffee can you please get ground, preferably course (course can be very hard to find in pre ground packs, if you want to buy it pre-ground and can't find course, I won't mind it's just the better grind for a plunger, but I often don't buy course either).

Candles?  I like sugary/spicy smells: cookies, egg nogg, pumpkin spike, cup cake.

How do you feel about a neat spoon or stirring-like object as an extra? Are you more simplistic and just use a spoon, or would you like a coffee stirrer?   I have no idea what a coffee stirrer is except those plastic sticks you get when you buy coffee out.  I use a spoon.  I guess a decorative spoon or coffee stirrer would be ok.  Why not?

Actually on the teapot note, do you have a glass one?   yes

Do you like kerchiefs, doilies, or napkins?    I love them in their place, but I'm not sure my house is that place.  Saying that I'm sure I'll like getting them, just it's unlikely I'll use them if that makes sense.  Lol, just had a vision of myself putting ponies on doilies.

Does anyone NOT like tea or not like coffee? Any types you are not okay with, like flavored teas or coffee?
I like both tea and coffee.  I don't like herbal teas.  But black, green, red and white teas are all fine.  I haven't actually tried flavoured tea, and I don't think it would be something I like, but like I said I haven't tried it, so if you want me to, that's cool.  I generally speaking prefer plain coffees, but sometimes I really feel like flavoured ones.  I really like chocolate macadamia flavoured coffee for example.

Do you prefer caffeinated tea/coffee or decaf?
I'm ok with either, but I probably have a slight preference to caffeine. 

Are you vegan/vegetarian?
I am a vegetarian

Any pets? If so, do they like (or are they allowed) pet snacks?
I have a hamster and a beta.  The hamster likes yogurt treats, the beta ummm.. blood worms I guess.

Do y'all like hot chocolate, hot cider, or other hot drinks that can be consumed from mugs?
I love hot chocolate.  Not a fan of cider at all.  It's funny, I want to like it, but it always lets me down.

Are you left or right handed?  Right handed here.

Do you like to read, if so what kinds of books? I am a massive reader, I love lighter fantasy books, sci fi that sort of thing.  Series and books I adore include, His Dark Materials, Harry Potter, the Night Watch Series, The Last Unicorn, Watership Down, and Authors I love include Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett and Stephen King.

How would you feel about having a custom mug made for you? Either the photo-type ones you can do or something like that? Maybe of your ponysona? Maybe of something that you listed in your likes?
I'd be fine with that. There is a clearer pic of my ponysona here if you want to do something including her.

Do you have any favorite movies/games/characters you might want a mug of? or maybe we could use this for ideas for extras and not mugs too xD
OMG I totally forgot to mention I am a total Marvel Comics nut.  Especially x-men, and of the x-men Gambit is my fave.  My comic collection is WAY bigger than my pony collection.  I mentioned shows I like merch from in the first post, and as far as games go, I love Legend of Zelda and The Elder Scrolls games.  I also think vintage game stuff is awesome, no real faves though, just in general. 

What is your favorite season?  Aesthetically I like Winder themed stuff best, but to experience probably Autumn.  I am not a fan of extreme temps.

Several of us have said we want normal sized mugs. I just went shopping and I'm finding that there are lots of sizes and shapes. Are you okay with something rounded instead of a cylinder?  Is it okay if a mug is slightly larger than normal but not huge? I found a pretty mug but I'm worried it is not a normal mug.  I am totally fine and even happy with over sized, oddly shaped anything like that mugs.  It's what I tend to buy for myself. A mug is never too big in my opinion.

I live in Arizona, and have sometimes seen mugs made by the Indians on the reservations here. They end up looking like glazed clay type mugs. Is this something you'd be interested in, partner?  Something like that would be great.

Would you mind if your name was on the cup? if so what do you prefer to be called?   That's fine.  Kate would probably be the best choice.  Not opposed to my user name here either.

Are you okay with getting a mug that would need to be hand washed?  I'd be ok with it, I tend to do a load of hand washing every day, but I prefer to use the dishwasher, because I'm lazy.

Do you have your ears peirced?  I do.

Partner; is it cool if I sent a "generic" mug that you may like as an extra?  I'm fine with that.  You can even count it into the main mug value if you want.  :)

Do you prefer loose tea or tea bags? Would a tea infuser (like a cute novelty one) be good as part of your extras?   Either is fine with me.  I'd love a novelty infuser.  I think they're awesome.

Coffee drinkers, whole or ground?  Ground please. My coffee grinder is all the way in Australia.  Unless you want to include a grinder as well.  :P

More about jewelry. Do you wear jewelry at all? Do you wear bracelets or necklaces? I have some supplies to make jewelry with some animals/characters/things you listed in your likes and I want to make sure you would want something like that in the first place.
I wear long necklaces and earrings.  More earrings than anything else, and more studs than dangly, but I am ok with dandly.  I don't wear yellow gold coloured things much at all.  Otherwise I'm ok with anything.

To those who said you like teacups - would you rather have a nice teacup instead of a mug? or does it have to be a mug since this is the mug swap and not a teacup swap? I see some very pretty ones BUT they are at the limit for the budget for this swap...  As much as I like teacups if it's a choice between pretty teacup and a cool mug, I would choose the mug.  If I was back in Australia it may be different, but a mug is more practical, and while I'm here practicality is important.

If you were to receive a hand painted mug...what would you want on it? Of all your interests, what would you most want a custom mug of?  I don't know.  This is why I only by already made customs, I can never think of what to ask for.

Do you have a preferred brand of coffee or tea that you like or dislike?  Coffee wise I'm ok with whatever you want to send.  If there is some reason you think I should try it, then send it.  For myself I usually stick to things that are locally roasted/fair trade/organic, or some combination of above. I swear though, I'm not a hipster :P  I think if you have a brand that is local to you, or something you can only get at your local farmers market, I'd love to try that.  But I'd also like to try things that you like.  I also tend not to like major brands as much, starbucks, vittoria, donut king, that kind of thing I tend not to like.  I will drink them, but they aren't my first choice. 
As for teas I do definitely have brands I don't like and will choose not to drink (Nerada in Australia for example tastes gross to me) but I don't know what the brands are in the US that I dislike.

Some people have mentioned liking certain themes for mugs that may end up coming with some writing on them, for example, I like fish, so perhaps someone finds a fish mug and it says "Gone Fishin'" or something goofy... or that you're a teacher and it says, "Teachers are A+", the item itself is COOL - it's not a boring silly mug with just a slogan on it, but it might have writing in addition to being cool, something silly or touching or whatever... is this an issue for you?  While I'd rather it not only have writing, writing itself is not an issue.

Any interest in Sake-type cups?  Not really.  Not opposed to them, but also I'd probably end up using them for soy sauce or something like that just to get some use out of them.

Dear partner, do you have any interest in a holiday mug?  Once again, not opposed to it, but you'd probably get a better use of your money elsewhere.  If it was weirdly shaped I might like it, as I do love over the top Christmas things.

Themed wrapping paper?  What ever you want to do is fine.  :)

Want list for ponies as extras:If you look in my sig I have lists of ever g1 and g3 I own.  If you buy me any pony of those 2 gens not listed, I'd be happy.  ;)  I am pretty up to date with g4s.

Are you interested in receiving home baked goodies with your box? Maybe something that's good with coffee/tea/etc. like cookies, scones, muffins, something like that?  YES!!!

Flowering Tea?  I love flowering tea

I grow Chestnuts, and we can make "Chestnut Coffee" with our chesnuts - basically you chop them up, roast them, then grind them down, and then you put that into your coffee percolator and run it just like normal with water, and it brews this "darker than tea" colored nutty-coffee-esque drink. It has no caffeine in it though, and we're currently experimenting on making a Chestnut-Coffee BLEND with coffee and chestnut-coffee...

Would you be interested in trying this by chance if I sent you a small baggie?

Heck yes I want to try it. Also, just some of your chestnuts that you grow.

Can you name your top 5 Disney Movies? This is subject to change :P  And also are you counting Lucas Arts films too?  Because if so Star Wars and Indiana Jones are one and two ;)

1. Nightmare before Christmas
2. The Fox and the Hound
3. The Rescuers
4. Lion King
5. The Black Cauldron

If you previously said you'd like to receive home baked goods, what is your favorite type of baked item? (For example: cookie, scone, muffin, etc) And what flavor? (For example: chocolate chip, banana nut, poppyseed, etc).
  I love all those things.  Probably cookies the most.  Erm... can't think of anything I dislike in the baked good flavours and varieties, but as I'm a chocoholic chocolate chip cookies would win any baked good battle.  If you decide to make me scones, I actually like plain the best, but seriously I'm ok with anything.  Muffins are a happy free for all in my mouth.

If you like coffee, is red velvet coffee okay?   I like red velvet cake, so I'm willing to give it a shot.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 12:04:50 PM by xeevee »

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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2013, 07:06:06 PM »
First off, accepted!  :yippee:

Finally can say that now that I'm on my computer. Today has been filled with fun but away from any computer for a large portion of it. Not that I'm complaining. ^.^

Favorite color:
Crayon purple or darker and evergreen. Mix those with black or white and you have my dorm room from sophomore year onwards. :blush:

Candy that you like/dislike (please note any allergies!):
I've met and exceeded my weightloss goals (thirty lbs since Jan 1!) so I don't want to backslide too much... but this would likely count as Treat Time sooo... :shifty: No almonds as I'm moderately to severely allergic to them. Which stinks as they're yummy... >_< I love chocolates with cherries in them (cordials?) and strawberry/raspberry licorice. I'm particularly fond of the Private Selection Australian Strawberry Licorice found at some Krogers... Or the handmade stuff at the Amish place I've been to in Ohio. :dribble: I also like fruity teas and good hot chocolate. :)

What kinds of mugs do you like? (Ex. Small, large, designs, etc.) Give your partner an idea of the things you like!:
I like oddly shaped, almost obviously hand thrown mugs when I'm shopping for myself. I find myself ogling the ones in peacock colors at the Farmer's Market here in town... :satisfied:

Mug Design Ideas:  :huh: Something taller than it is wide but not too tall, I guess? I don't like to feel that I'm drinking out of a bowl. -_-
What would be good extras for you?:
Fabric squares? Ooh, and shiny thread! ^.^ Or some wool thread, the thick yarnlike stuff. Or doll hair as I've bitten the rehairing bug after it chomped into my life... ^^;

Other favourites:
I like anime. Specifically Hetalia and Clannad's Dango Family. I also love Monokuro Boo and Kogepan. My husband likes mechs and Dr Who so I have learned to love them too. But not so much Robotech (even though I have like all of the DVDs... -_-).
Creatively cute and proud of it!  Have a very good day, [you]!  ^.^

I'm making custom cute pony plushies and have set up an Etsy store called Ponies A'More! Ponies + More + LOVE! :heart: :inlove: :heart:
Finally got my SALES thread up and update it as I can.  :satisfied:
Lastly, posting my Wishlist here!  :biggrin:

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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2013, 09:07:05 PM »
Hey guys! I made a slight modification to the swap. I'm going to limit it to 15 participants. So sign ups will end September 30th, or when we reach 15 participants.

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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2013, 09:17:50 PM »
I have had such a good idea for how to put together a parcel for this swap. I hope my partner likes the kind of things I want to use.

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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2013, 09:20:05 PM »
I am hoping to get a person whom I can be creative with because I have an idea too! 
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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2013, 09:39:20 PM »
The wrapping and presentation is always one of my favorite parts! I love to see everyone's neat ideas!!

Also, I found this the other day! I wish I could knit/crochet!

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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #28 on: September 21, 2013, 11:13:18 PM »
This does sound intersting...
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Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2013, 04:42:25 AM »
I have to stop stalking Etsy! So many cute things I want to get for everyone! >_<
Creatively cute and proud of it!  Have a very good day, [you]!  ^.^

I'm making custom cute pony plushies and have set up an Etsy store called Ponies A'More! Ponies + More + LOVE! :heart: :inlove: :heart:
Finally got my SALES thread up and update it as I can.  :satisfied:
Lastly, posting my Wishlist here!  :biggrin:


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