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Author Topic: MLP CUSTOM WEDDING ADVENTURE -CHAPTERS 7-12  (Read 1709 times)

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« on: June 18, 2012, 06:35:15 AM »
Hello Everyone i hope you have enjoyed the story so far well anyway im not going
to take ages to explain anything so here ive added a link to the first six chapters i
f you ahvent read the first six this post wont make sense to you so
lease read the story from the beginning.

I want to give a special thank you to everyone who has commented and a special
thank you to both hathocat and Salli for not only all teh support but all the help and
wisdom they have shared with me XD i hope everyone will continue to read and
 enjoy this adventure

Chapter Index
Chapters 1-6,298324.0.html

Chapter7-Loyalty Beyond Betrayl

In the ancient forset shining armour stood his ground no matter what. Yes fear
was buried deep within his heart but he refused to flee no matter what the voice in his head
was scream at him to do no he wouldnt show any weakness espeically not in front of HIM.

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Yes something was definetly going on after all these years of imprisonment why wasnt
Emperor seeking revenge why wasnt he looking to destroy him for what he did to him.
Shining Armour couldnt help feeling nervous and on edge he didnt trust the ancient
phoenix pony.He glared at theother and looked angry he must be trying to fool him
what if Emperor was trying to fool him so he could get close tto his beloved no he wouldnt
let that happened.

Shining Armour:What do you want Revenge?

As soon as that sentence left shining armour mouth a look of pure hurt and anger was
clearly visible on empror face and he glared hard, honestly was the boy a fool.

Emperor:Come now boy unlike you lot we are loyal to a fault if i wanted revenge i would have.

He  stated clearly he felt so insulted that boy would even suggest such a thing after all
they had been through he actually thought hethe great emperor wanted meaningless revenge.

Empero:After all i now what is precious to your heart boy

Emperor replied coldly and gave armour a sinister smile and the younger of the two was once again
shaking in fear.

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Shining Armour looked sadly at emperor he realized he had not only insulted
the phoenix pony honour but his feelings to, but he was the enemy yet why was he feeling so guilty.

Shining Armour:Im sorry ...Emperor...I..I...

Emperor looked long and hard at Shining Armour and rolled his eyes and gave a heay sigh 
Shining Armour eyes held a look of guilt yet he could also see that Armour wasnt going to
trust him anytime soon, the boy was so stubbern.

Emperor:..Fine whatever you never learn do you boy, i dont want meaningless revenge.

But although Emperor was clearly annoyed he was also glad that Armour hadnt changed much
in the years they had been apart.

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Emperor walked past Armour who then followed him closely behind ,
Shining Armour soon found  himself deep in thought
if he didnt come for revenge what was he doing here. Suddenly he bumped
into emperor at one point emperor must have stopped on the path and seeing as Armour
wasnt looking where they where going he walked right into him.
Emperor looked behind him at shining armour and gave another sigh before looking off towards the

Emperor:Look boy...I came here to warn you about the approching Darkness

Yes for so long since finding a way out of his prison he had lived happily alongside his belovd and the
others, becoming a legend no a nightmare amongst the my little ponies in the valleys below no one knew
he was free till now.
He had never wanted to let anyone know of his release especially Shining Armour
Emperor had grown to loved his freedom and would do anything to keep it but then one day he had
a nightvision that was so impossible he knew that he had no choice but try to warn them ...
as he had done once before warning them  about that terrible day
he only he praid this time they wouldnt ingnore the warning.
Shining Armour:Warn me but why im your enemy?

And there it was again was this boy a born fool wasnt it plain to see why he had come to warn him

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Emperor approched the cliff and looked up towards the sky above and a his heart ached
it was already to late to go back his fate and that of his own beloved and all the others
that where waiting for his return, there future was hanging on a single thread of trust.

 Emperor: After everything that has happened and you are still my brother

Emperor looked towards Shining Armour even after all thsi time he still trust the boy
but did shining Armour still trust he knew one look into Armour
eyes told him a story of betryal and distrust and that there was no way that Armour would
help him but he knew if there was still hope even the tiniest amount he had to try ...he had
to do it for them.
He refused to let that terrible day to have a chance to reinact itself but it was coming and there
was no way to stop the darkness unless ...

Shining Armour:We will always be swron brother .emperor

Wth thoughs words Emperor smiled so the boy still belived in that oath, Yet as he gazed up he saw
Shining Armour face held a look of pure guilt once more at him. Couldnt he see after everything
 that happened he was still loyal to there friendship but he didnt ean him any harm ...well not yet at least.

That days of there childhood seem so far off like a forgotten dream but they where Emperor mostbe
precious treasure he had been best friends with Shining Armour when he was a young colt long
before he had his cutie mark.Brothers yes they became like brothers little did either now that fate
would change and the two who where always together would soon become enemies and all because
of that one day ..that terrible day.

Chapter 8-The Sacrifice To The Nightmare

Emperor could plainly see that Shining Armour heart was in conflict torn between duty and
guilt. The day they had fought he had to choose between his duty to protect Canterlot or to
protect there oath when Shining Armour made his choice it changed everything ..

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Shining Armour couldnt take it anymore he had to know the truth and his eyes where filled
with questions and so much guilt this didnt go unnoticed by Emperor he knew what armour
wanted to ask. Why wasnt Emperor angry at him. He was acting as though nothing had happened

Shining Armour:...But...i sealed you away!

Emperor shock his head honestly the boy was his own worst enemy never really happy
with the outcome but he knew it was finally time to tell Armour the truth well most of it anyway.
Emperor wondered if he himself was ready to tell him the truth.

Emperor:But nothing you made the choice that was the right one

Shining Armour was shocked what did Emperor mean sealing him away was right
the answer he was given only gave him more questions and Amour pouted.

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Emperor laughted and looked once again up at the sky

Emperor:Dont you see i wanted you to do t was my own sacrifice

Shining Armour looked confused what was going on he had fought his hardest that day and
his own sacrifice what did he mean.

Shining Armour:That doesnt..?

Emperor stopped laughing and he glared at the younger of the two before replying harshlye

Emperor:You arent ready to know the truth yet..

Shining Armour stomped his hoove on the ground and step forward.

Shing Armour:But Why?!

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Shining Armour refused to listen he need to know the truth even if he had to annoy Emperor
he would get the answer he seeked but something told him that the phoenix pony wasnt going
to give up his secreat so easy.

Shining Armour:But Why Tell Me!!

Emperor was starting to lose his patient this boy was annoying especially when he was
determined to get answers but Emperor growled back at Armour and replied

Emperor:NO..look boy I need you to trust not going to hurt you

Shining Armour looked startled he had never once heard Emperor plead
before and he looked directly into the golden eyes of the Phoenix pony
thoughs eyes ...

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Shining Armour looked at Emperor but as he was about to speak several memories of
that battle danced across his mind and shock him to the core and his fear returned

Shining Armour:But even so i stiil acnt trust you,after all the ponies you hurt..i just cant

Shining armour looked sadly away but this only enraged the phoenix pony. The fool this boy couldnt
he see that he was trying to help him , he could hold back his anger anymore and growled at the other

Emperor:Honestly if you were more like Luna..then she wouldnt have to do it...but i guess its the only way

Shining Armour felt his mouth run dry and his heart began to beat fatser in his chest,
Luna what did the Princess have to do with this had emperor done something to her or was
he going to do something and what sacrifice Empeor on the other glared at the other and smiled a cruel smile

Chapter 9- Spike Lost and Unseen Shadow

Meanwhile a very sleepy baby dragon was mumbling to himself

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Spike looked beyond annoyed and cross, he didnt reconize anything
he had been walking for hours. He had been asked by His Beloved Rariety
 deliver a special package for her, he had successfully
recieved the package but had got lost on the waty back along the wya he
had asked for directions from a unual pony by ythe name Ace who though was
helpful, was to busy working on hi flying techinque and had given him the wrong
directions as for Cameo who he had also asked she was preoccupied over
something about time traveling ponies event coming up in September or  something
like that and hadnt been much help eitherway he was lost just plain and simply lost
on a dirt path in the middle of the night all alone

Spike:Im so late , thats the last time i ask for help from them again..grrr

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Spike was so tired he had been up all day and all night helping out where ever he
could and know he was just so exhausted he just wanted to go home and go to bed.
Soft cusions made of the finiest materials and soft blankets suddenly Spike mind
went to Rariety she must be so worried about him. His Beautiful Rariety

Spike:im so tired *yawn*sleepy

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Spike was about to fall asleep on his feet when suddenly something in the distance
caught his attention it was two ponies but not just any ponies he knew one
of the two the alicorn was none other then   Princess Luna but what was she doing out here
and who in the world was the other pony she sparkled under the moonlight as all the gems that
decroated her caught his attention almost instantly being a dragon who loves eating gems.

Spike huh isnt that Luna..but who is that with her?

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Spike slowly made his way towards the two ponies, who where both very much unaware of
his approach.Instead the two seemed to be talking to each other.
Luna looked up at Empress to see if she was alright a heavy sigh of relief washed over her
when she noticed that Empress didnt have a single scratch on her.

Luna:Are you okay Empress?

Empress stood up and shock her whole body of dirt and dust and looked towards luna
and gave her a reasurring smile which put luna mind at ease even more then before.

Empress:Yeah im okay that was ...different

Luna couldnt help feeling slightly annoyed at the  innocent tone empress used as if
she hadnt know that things would turn out the way they did.

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Luna kidding

Empress suddenly smiled happily at Luna who was still clearly annoyed at her honestly
and for her naiveness

Empress:Amazing we are still the end everything is okay hehehe

Yes it was official Empress annoyed luna in a whole different kind of level and suddenly luna
looked back at Empress what did she mean they are still alive, did that mean there was a possibilty
they could have been ...Luna held her breath

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Luna What do you mean?

Empress couldnt help the smile that appeared on her face and seem to remind
luna of pinkie pie at the moment suddely she spoke in a cheerie and positive tone

Empress:Well it could have been worst..she could have destroyed us

Luna was afraid that was what Empress was going to say she looked nervously at the other
honestly how could empress say that as if its a everyday event it was creepy.Luna considered
herself lucky if what Empress said was true then yes it could have been a lot worst no one
face a nightmare without losing something or someone.

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As the two continued there conversation, Spike had finally made his way down the hill
to the meadow not far from them as he was much closer know he could tell that the
two had been in a bit of a fight or something as both had dirt and mud all over the place
and luna did have a few scratches on her too.

Spike:i had better go see if there okay

Spike made his way across the field towards the berry bushes all the while the group
where completely unaware that only moments ago and only a bush away from him someone
had been watching him and the two ponies from the shadows.

Chapter 10:Nightmares at Midnight

It was nearly midnight and only the moons pale glow light the world below
The ponies suddenly stopped talking and noticed a small figuure making it way towards them

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????:Are you two okay?

Came a small sleepy and slightly grumpy sound voice which sound very familiar to Luna.
As Luna gazed down she soon realized that she did indeed now who that voice belonged too.
The Figure finally came to stand before the two and Luna looked beyond shocked where as
Empress gazed down at the most cuties, smallest and adorbales baby dragon she had ever laid her eyes on
and turned to whisper into companion s ear and said

Empress:Luna you now this baby dragon?

For a very long time no one spoke tilll finally Luna managed to squeek out a reply


In all honest Empress couldnt help a light giggle escape her mouth Luna looked so
fun she was acting as though the bab y dragon would pounce at her or something yet Empress
found it hard to belive that this ..Spike oh what a handsome name for a dragon could really be what
was real reason luna looked shocked or slightly nervous.

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Spike looked from one to the other he was very puzzled yet he couldnt help his eyes automatically
looking directly at the strange pony gems that seems to be calling him. He shock hi head and looked at
the princess.who then spoke again

Luna:Yeah I do....he is a friend of mine from Ponyville

Suddenly the pink pony face light up into the biggest warmest smile Spike had every seen, it made him
feel warm and safe for some strange reason then he noticed the pony nuzzle Luna face trying to wake her from her daze
with little success. She then turned to gaze at him, his heart jumped a mile something about her presence no her eyes
they seem familiar to him but he couldnt workout why.

Empress:Oh in that case Hello my names Empress

So that her name kind of a starnge name for a pony, but she seemed nice so the baby dragon pushed the fear he had felt
only for a small moment aside and took a step closer to Empress and smiled at her.

Spike:Nice to meet you Empress, gosh ive never seen a pony like you?

Empress seemed taken back by his honestly but carried on smiling at him,Spike on the other
hand was eyeing her up and down she was so different and so shiny her gems glittered across
her body like star dust and her cutie mark twinkled like a
real star and her heart gems seem to be moving as though they where alive and beating.
But what amazed Spike the most was her crest it was so hypnotic, she was so rare and beautiful
just like his Rariety he then remembered why he was out there
in the middle of the night to begin with and suddenly his eyelid once again became heavy and he
felt grumpy all over again.

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Luna on the other hand was still standing like a statue as the other two seemed to be in there own
world, Spike turned his attention to Luna. What was she doing out here by herself witha starnge pony at night
Spike turned to face Luna he then spoke witha serious then.

Spike:What are you doing out here?

Luna felt her mouth go dry she was hoping he wouldnt ask her that and she looked away she didnt dare look
the baby dragon in the eyes incase he saw the guilt she held in her own.


As Luna was struggling to come up with a very beliveable excuse or lie Empress suddenly noticed something
out of the corner of her eyes and fear gripped her heart, that blue twinkle she knew that anywhere, Luna could feel
someone pushing her and spared a side glance at Empress. Luna has never seen her so afraid she was looking
at the moon above.

Empress:Luna look at the moon!

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Luna looked up only to see a shooting star falling out fo the sky and the moon changed into opposite cresent

Luna:I noticed its her moon...its already started

Luna watched on sadly her heart weighted heavily in her chest she knew that glow it had always haunted her
memories long before that terrible day one other nightmare had been the centre of all her fear and now.

Spike:Whats going on!

he growled loudly at the two making them both jump and then the two looked at hi only for a moment before looking at teh sky ,,,again
Spike looked from one to the other Empress was slightly trembling and Luna held a look of anger and a slight tint of fear
he was puzzled what was so special about a shooting star or the moon and why was everyone ingnoring him,

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Before Spike could ask anymore questions a voice filled the air and boomed across the sky like thunder
the world below was suddenly engulfed by a nightmare, that night everyone had nightmares.


Luna looked fearful and slowly began to scan the area for the locaton of the voice  that voice that could
only belong to one person, Empress came to stand beside Luna and nuzzled her in comfort Spike was
shaking in slight fear too which didnt go un noticed by empress who leaned down and whispered words of
comfort to teh baby drgon who smiled weakly at her.

Chapter 11 We are all scared of Nightmares

There on the cliff was a large collection on dark energy and at its centre was a alicorn.

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Luna looked onwards and glared she knew who that was even if they could see the alicorn
features it was plain to see it was her. Empress glaced back at Luna who was digging her
hooves in the dirt out fo anger, Empress sighed she had warned Luna that this might
happen but then again wasnt this what they had wanted ...

Luna:Empress What have we done?

Luna voice shook and she sounded so small Empress looked up at the cliff.
Spike on the other hand was trying to act brave he didnt want the other two to know
that he was totally scared and wanted to be home safley tugged away in bed dreaming
of gems and Rariety, but instead he was standing here in the middle of night gazing up at
a nightmare.

Spike :Wait who is that up there?

The others turned to see what spike was looking at there at the centre of the intense
flame was a black alicorn with a mane and tail of starlight, the light from the moon shone
on the armour that decroted the alicorn body and Luna fear came true it was her.


But luna didnt appear to aknowledge Empress or spike presence or even more a inch
when they started calling her name suddenly a voice echoed loudly once more


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Luna was frightened and spike tried his hardest to see who the mysterious pony
was suddenly Spike knew who it was.

Spike:Wait that is!?

Spike heart was racing it jut couldnt be her it was impossible wasnt it there just
couldnt be two of them and he looked up at Luna for a answer, Luna didnt even
look at the baby dragon instead she kept on looking at the endless flames of
dark energy.

Luna:Yes it is Spike.Its Her.

The flames above seemed to grow smaller once Luna spoke then they began
to rage more violently as the voice spoke once more but in a more playful and
mocking tone

????:its Her...How Rude the least you could do is say my name Princess

Luna sneered at the nickname she hated the way the alicorn had said her
name, she was mocking luna daring her to comform the truth seeing if
she had the guts to face her true fear of knowing the real nightmare was her.

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Luna was just beyond furious but that mocking tone just made luna want to
scream, Empress narrowed her eyes and they all shouted


Nightmare moon smiled and replied in the same mocking tone as before

NMoon:The one and only..HAAA HAAA finally at last im free!!!

Nightmare laughted and laughted, her heart was alive with excitment to finally
be free to do what she wanted whenever she wanted to do without that annoying
luna being her guide like a jimmy cricket. Good two shoes luna she had so much
talent but now it was wasted. At the moment though it didnt matter Nightamare Moon
took a deep breath and felt for the first time a sudden sense of pure freedom she was
Nightmare Moon not some alter ego and she was going to bring the world to its knees
after all everyone is scared of nightmares.

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Luna felt so helpless she couldnt do anything from where they all stood on the opposite
cliff they couldnt stop her from doing what she wanted and luna for once in her life wished
her sister Celestia was here to tell her that everything would be alright but even the memories
of her sister forgivness slowly started to fade and be replaced by guilt.

Empress glared at Nightmare moon her smiled fade and she gave a heavy sigh before looking
slightly annoyed and bored at Empress, Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes and gave a look of defeat
at Empress, No one notice the strange interaction between the two as Nightmare moon turned her
eyes and locket them with Luna

NMoon:Give my regards to that foolish older sister of yours...We will meet again very very soon HAAA!

Luna flinced at the otehr promised to meet again but something about nightmare moon gave her the apparence
of a kicked puppy one that had been beaten into place by someone more powerful yet she still mocked her.

NMoon:HAAA Goodbye Princess HAA!

Nighmare moon smiled she nodded at Empress and used her magic to change into a shooting star
with that doen she disappered in a flurry of starlight into the night sky.

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Spike couldnt help feeling confused , wait a miute whats going on isnt luna and nightmare moon
the same pony it was true they where the same pony ..yet how could there be two of them he looked
at Luna but she didnt speak she looked deathly pale and Empress only sighed and her eyes met
Spikes who couldnt help a blush appear on his face as he quickly looked away.

Chapter 12 -Its Your Choice, Empress takes Flight

Finally the nightmare was gone but a sense of dread filled the air surronding the group no one
spoke a single word

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Empress gave a heavy sigh, the gem ontop of her phoenix crest began to glow she then spoke
with determination in her voice,

Empress:We have no other choice we must let the others know ....

Spike took noticed of the sudden change and looked up at her
it then hit him of course she looked familiar that pose, that voice she was the pony he that had
saved him on that terrible day, his face darkened as he began to blush he should have reconsider
her. But wait a minute she is a phoenix pony and they where suppose to have been wipeout, sealed
away, imprisoned or for the more common and simpler word exictinted. This realization left the baby
dragon grumpy, sleepy and annoyed no one ever tells him anything anymore.

Luna the replied automatically even in her haze she still looked at the spot where nightmare moon
stood only moments ago. If she hadnt made Empress help her then the nightmare wont have
gotten free to begin with but also she didnt really want to let anyone else know she had messed
up but Empress was right they would need more help if they where going to stop that terrible day
ever repeating itself or to stop nightmare moon.

Luna:okay Lets do it!


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Suddenly in a large burst of pink flames and starlight Empress disappered and a pink glowing
ball of what looked llike glitter or stardust now hovered next to luna, Spike looked in awe at the
sparly object which he then used one of his claws to touch the star began to giggle it was Empress
wow she was a amazing pony by far thought spike Luna on the other hand just rolled her eyes.

Empress:Ill be off then, I had best see each one in person and luna?

Luna looked at the ground yes it would make sense to talk to each one in person and explain
after all it wasnt like they trust anyone else expect for Empress, But she didnt feel safe without
her beside her at the moment.


Spike:Whats going on?

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Empress giggled once more honestly does this girl realize how adorable she looks when she gets
confused, all the while empress could see spike was getting more then annoyed at being the only
one present to not knw what was going on but she would soon change that ..hopefully.

Empress:Maybe you should let the little cutie know the truth, it cant be good for him to be so..grumpy     
                he is only a baby?

Luna looked shocked at Empress but turned to look at Spike he was mumbling and growling to himself
he did definetly look grumpy and very tired, Luna felt bad she didnt want to get the baby dragon involved
because he was just that a baby.

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Luna thought long and hard it didnt matter if she didnt want to get him invloved the moment
he came across Her and Empress was the moment his fate was sealed.Luna bit her lip and
appared nearly close to tear it was her fault she should have let empress choose the location
then spike wouldnt have found them. Empress began to glow more brightly.While Spike was stll
growling to himself.

Luna:Alright ill tell him..but only spike

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Empress smiled to herself happily she hated seeing Spike so upset and so isolated from there
conversation, beside Empress knew that Spike would have a very important role to play in the
near future she turned and gathered a lot of energy increasing the size and brightness of her
starlight before shooting of upwards towards the sky. She called out in a cheerful and innocent
voice at the two all the while spike looked very cross and upset

Empress:Wel then be good you two see you soon bye

With that the start was shooting across the night sky above the two

Luna:Good Luck Empress come back safely


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Luna looked down at Spike and sighed heavy at him, he in turn realized that Luna
wanted to tell him something. she looked up towards the sky and spike came to stand
beside her. There was no time like the present to tell the truth so Luna made the desicion
and began to explain

Luna:Were to begin ..i guess it all began with...

Spike:That terrible day?

Luna looked taken back by spike interruption but more so as he knew where this had all
began she began to smile, maybe telling him wasnt a bad idea after all .

Luna:Yes ...

TO BE CONTINUED CHAPTER 13 link to new thread is available in sig or clich this link,
« Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 04:41:15 AM by Flutter_Valley »

Offline hathorcat

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Thats a great idea with a link back to the earlier threads. I ll look forward to the next chapter.
Thank you Matcha for my gorgeous Baby Fifi avi :hug:
Loa is my love god!
I love Loa more than PonyLady!


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Thats a great idea with a link back to the earlier threads. I ll look forward to the next chapter.

Thank you hathocat im so glad at leats one person ha commented on my story do let me know if at any ponit the story doent make much sense and today i have at least 2 chapters to added so ill be psoting and saving as i go today is going to be epic i got so excited while i was editing as i had a special delivery the day before last and i had a special new arrival XD who is going to make his appearence in the very first scene so definetly check it out later or ust come back and forth to check XD im so proud of my newest chapter im going to upload it straight away now after i post this comment i think i have at least 3 chapters here actually heheh oh yeah and tommorrow i get the laptop all day so im going to upload as many as i can tommorrow

Post Merge: June 21, 2012, 07:52:04 AM

« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 07:52:04 AM by Flutter_Valley »

Offline hathorcat

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Awww....Spike has appeared in the story! I love the "a baby dragon was mumbling to himself" makes him sound adorably grumpy
Thank you Matcha for my gorgeous Baby Fifi avi :hug:
Loa is my love god!
I love Loa more than PonyLady!


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Awww....Spike has appeared in the story! I love the "a baby dragon was mumbling to himself" makes him sound adorably grumpy

chapter 10 is up im going to be posting chapter 11 and some of chapter 12 hopefully but definetly chapter n11

glad you like spike XD

Post Merge: June 27, 2012, 09:02:33 AM


Chapter 13 will be posted in a seprate thread in the a day or two
« Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 09:02:33 AM by Flutter_Valley »

Offline hathorcat

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« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2012, 01:48:38 PM »
Luna and Nightmare Moon are different ponies! Gosh...I dont know where this story will go next...waits on next chapter...:popcorn:
Thank you Matcha for my gorgeous Baby Fifi avi :hug:
Loa is my love god!
I love Loa more than PonyLady!


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« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2012, 06:14:24 AM »
Luna and Nightmare Moon are different ponies! Gosh...I dont know where this story will go next...waits on next chapter...:popcorn:

im so glad you like the newest chapter  :biggrin: i do wish though more people would comment though :lookround:
but goodness i should have the newest chapter either up today or tommorrow so today im going over the chapters ive done so far and updating them a bit with better verson and extra bonus stuff ..maybe but im super happy that you really enjoyed the newest chapters

do let me know if i need to change anything or if something doesnt make sense okay hathocat XD

Offline hathorcat

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« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2012, 01:49:43 PM »
Luna and Nightmare Moon are different ponies! Gosh...I dont know where this story will go next...waits on next chapter...:popcorn:

im so glad you like the newest chapter  :biggrin: i do wish though more people would comment though :lookround:
but goodness i should have the newest chapter either up today or tommorrow so today im going over the chapters ive done so far and updating them a bit with better verson and extra bonus stuff ..maybe but im super happy that you really enjoyed the newest chapters

do let me know if i need to change anything or if something doesnt make sense okay hathocat XD

Dont worry...I am sure other people are reading maybe just not commenting :)...we cant all be chatter boxes like me!
Thank you Matcha for my gorgeous Baby Fifi avi :hug:
Loa is my love god!
I love Loa more than PonyLady!


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« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2012, 04:34:05 AM »
Luna and Nightmare Moon are different ponies! Gosh...I dont know where this story will go next...waits on next chapter...:popcorn:

im so glad you like the newest chapter  :biggrin: i do wish though more people would comment though :lookround:
but goodness i should have the newest chapter either up today or tommorrow so today im going over the chapters ive done so far and updating them a bit with better verson and extra bonus stuff ..maybe but im super happy that you really enjoyed the newest chapters

do let me know if i need to change anything or if something doesnt make sense okay hathocat XD

Dont worry...I am sure other people are reading maybe just not commenting :)...we cant all be chatter boxes like me!

chapter 13 and 14 will be posted shortly XD see sig for link okay hathocat


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