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Author Topic: Healthy Habits For Ponies! Take 2! ~Update last challenge, pg 99!!  (Read 90843 times)

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Offline Candy_Bang

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This is a fantastic idea! (As was pounds for ponies, but I chickened out of joining :P )

Your Username: Candy_Bang

- I don't really need to lose weight as such (although skimming a few pounds off of my thighs and back wouldn't hurt!) but I would really like to tone back up and reform healthy habits.
- It would be awesome if I could find my smallest jeans to be a little slacker by September, and I think that's achievable.
- I want to go back to exercising regularly to rebuild my stamina and muscles as well as shedding a little flab. I want to feel fit and strong, not tired and weak.
- I want to have better control over my eating. Some days I hardly eat and some days I eat too much, and too much of the wrong foods too. I want to think more about what I'm putting into my body and what that food provides. I mostly overeat (or don't eat) because I'm tired or stressed. Being fitter and eating smarter should help combat that.

Your PLAN:

- Exercise daily, in small bursts at first until I feel capable of longer periods. I'm not unfit exactly so I could probably manage an hour a day, but I don't want to push myself. I've recently recovered from being pretty sick so I'm not entirely sure where my limits are yet. I'm going to aim for half an hour every day, probably split into 2 or 3 blocks until I can work out easily for the whole 30 mins, then I'll progress to 45, then an hour.
- Focus on my core muscles, abs and thighs before I try to tone up my arms or shed the weird backfat I've developed. Once I feel healthier I can add to my regime to include working my arms and such.
- Research what foods are most suitable for me and what I want to achieve, and how much. Raise my fluid intake.
- Gradually alter my diet to become what my research shows to be the best fuel for my body. Treats now and again are fine.
- Try to develop a reasonable sleep pattern. If I'm less tired I'll feel better, and eat better.

Ignore the bold overkill, I find it easier to organise my thoughts with it :P I'm feeling quite positive with this.  :biggrin: Now where oh where will I find a tape measure? xD
I'm in search of my childhood Princess Serena/ Aquamarine with blue and gold tinsel. Have you seen her? <3

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Offline fiwen30

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It makes me happy that this 'round' will be focusing on positive habits, rather than just weight loss :) I...think I'm going to give this a go. I've always been weirdly slim despite my almost total lack of excercise, but as I'm getting into my 20's I know it wont last forever, so it's best to put in good habits now. I'm rather nervous, but I'm going to mull over my form and hopefully post it later today.


So for the last 21 years I've stuffed myself with awful food and sat around on my bum, yet always been very slim, but that's not enough for me anymore. I want the muscle tone, stamina and self confidence that comes from being fit and healthy, not just from looking thin. It's hard for me to talk about my eating habits and appearance, but I want to give this a good try. With that in mind, my form -

Your Username: fiwen30

  • My primary goal is to maintain my current, ideal weight but to slim and tone particular areas I'm self concious of - stomach, thighs and backside.
  • To increase my overall level of fitness, with focus on muscle tone, stamina and flexibility.
  • To maintain and/or increase my calorie intake, depending on how well my body reacts to the new levels of excercise.
  • To increase awareness of the food I'm eating, while keeping to my gluten-free diet - currently I graze-eat to keep my energy levels up, but I'm aiming to do this consciously, eg. swap nibbles of chocolate and swigs of milk for mini yogurts and water.
  • To increase my fluid intake - I don't drink anywhere near enough fluids as I should, and when I do it's usually very sugary tea. I'd like to up my fluid intake, and for most of it to be water.
  • TO KEEP IT UP! Not wuss out a couple of days in!
Your PLAN:
  • The first thing I've done is start a fresh notebook. I'm aiming to keep a daily record of my food intake and the amount of excercise I do each day. It will serve as both a practical diary, and an easy way to tally my points.
  • Excercise-wise, my main outlets will be my Wii-Fit board, and my dog, Rogan. My focus will be on Yoga, muscle workouts and aerobic excercises, as well as walking and some jogging, to hopefully strengthen and tone my 'problem' areas, and increase my overall fitness.
  • I will try my best to excercise at least 5 times a week, at a minimum 15-20 minutes and increasing that time when I feel able enough.
  • I'm hoping to maintain my current diet, but cut out or swap the 'unnecessaries' eg. chunks of chocolate. I'll do this by remaining conscious of my eating, and keeping a record of the food I eat.
  • Keep a bottle of water in the fridge, next to that pesky milk carton, so I can get at it when I want a quick sip.

That's the basics so far, it might get changed as I progress :) Now to draw up my wishlist!
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 10:03:42 AM by fiwen30 »
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Offline Gingerbread

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Oh please count me in! Such a great idea and thankyou for organising it all! :cheer: :hug:

Your Username: Pinkamena
I need to try and eat healthier! I'm disabled so lots of exercise is never going to happen but if I can change my eating habits and try and exercise just a little more it would help so much :) Must put my foot down when my OH gets a takeaway - I can get a salad instead I just have problems saying no to a slice of pizza :blush:
Your PLAN:
Eat healthier - get a bit of willpower going to say no to junk food and yes to healthier alternatives.
Try and up my exercise levels - this is going to be hard (I'm disabled) but I can but try!

I don't own a set of scales but I can weigh myself next time I go to the Dr. Dreading that :( But the more I can lose the more comfortable I will be, the less pain I will be in so the happier I will be and less likely to want crap food rather than rubbish :)
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So...I just parent's scale isn't working and I don't have one of my own.  >.<  Can I at least do measurements and give you an idea of what my weight was last I knew...?

Offline Radiance

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I'm in! Here's my info:

Your Username: renee_chan
Your GOALS: Weight loss & eating better, healthier foods, would love to tone up a bit
Your PLAN: I plan on cutting out junk food, including more fresh whole foods in my diet, keeping tabs on my caloric intake, and exercising at least 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week including brisk walking, swimming, playing Dance Central & Reflex Ridge, bike riding

I tend to eat while I'm bored, so I thought I'd try to learn something new to keep boredom at bay. I have a rehairing tool I've never used, so I'm gonna get some hair & bait & start rehairing ponies! I can do this during slow moments at work (my worst snacking time) and while watching TV so my hands will have something to do. Yay! I'm so happy this is continuing! I was too late to sign up last time.


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Offline Rhini

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Yesss I'm so glad this is happening! I need some accountability and motivation to lose all this weight and get back to being healthy. Will post measurement stuff later  :)

Offline fiwen30

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Edited my first post with my form  :accomplished: Now I just need to compile some wishes. I'm very much looking forward to this!
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Offline SurfStar

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LOL Awesome.  Italians rule!  XD

I might be a bit biased when I agree! The hardest thing for me will be not cooking so many pasta dishes! Though, I do love traditional Tuscany dishes, with the chunky veggies in them too.

Good luck everyone! Again.. lol.
If I wasn't perpetually broke I'd eat healthier too.  >_<

I know the feeling, honestly though you are very welcome to join =) Since it's about focusing on small things and you get to set your goals it can be anything. I guess that's why this time around I wanted to focus less on WEIGHT and just feeling better! It sucks that eating healthy can be so much more expensive than eating on the cheap.

I'm going to be joining. I'm not over weight at all, but I wanna get toned up and fit. Plus,  I need to eat a bit better I'll try and get on the computer tomorrow :)

Yay! That's exactly what this is about, feeling healthy over losing weight. I've put you down on the list so far =)

Yay! I missed out on the last round of this and will do it this time :)

Yay! Welcome! Chocolate is one of my downfalls too. Actually, desserts are my downfall. Happy to have you join us!

I think I'm going to join this. I don't need to lose weight, I just really need to tone up and get back into shape.
But first I need sleeeepppp, then I can fill out the form. :zzz:

Yay! Welcome! =) I'm glad to see people joining for reasons other than weight loss.

This is a fantastic idea! (As was pounds for ponies, but I chickened out of joining :P )

Ignore the bold overkill, I find it easier to organise my thoughts with it :P I'm feeling quite positive with this.  :biggrin: Now where oh where will I find a tape measure? xD

Welcome! I am happy to have you on board. I'm glad I'm not the only one that uses the italic and bold functions to organize my thoughts!

It makes me happy that this 'round' will be focusing on positive habits, rather than just weight loss :) I...think I'm going to give this a go. I've always been weirdly slim despite my almost total lack of excercise, but as I'm getting into my 20's I know it wont last forever, so it's best to put in good habits now. I'm rather nervous, but I'm going to mull over my form and hopefully post it later today.

Fiwen, Thank you. I am a firm believer that weight and size are not good indicators of health. I've been around some very ill skinny people and some of the healthier people I know are traditionally considered 'overweight'. I am glad to have you on board and hope that you'll enjoy participating! =)

Oh please count me in! Such a great idea and thankyou for organising it all! :cheer: :hug:

I don't own a set of scales but I can weigh myself next time I go to the Dr. Dreading that :( But the more I can lose the more comfortable I will be, the less pain I will be in so the happier I will be and less likely to want crap food rather than rubbish :)

Yay! Welcome and glad to have you on board. Do what you feel comfortable with =) Don't worry about the weight/scales, since that's more for you than for me. That's why I didn't ask anyone to post about that stuff. My goal in running this is to help people develop healthy habits that are small and sustainable. I want to help people feel better about making small, but positive changes to feel better about eating or exercising. I don't want to emphasize weight loss or being a 'right' size. I think as long as the changes you make help you feel better than that's what counts. =)

So...I just parent's scale isn't working and I don't have one of my own.  >.<  Can I at least do measurements and give you an idea of what my weight was last I knew...?

I'm not worried about it, the height/weight stuff is more for your records so you can compare them if you want later on. I don't expect anyone to post about their weight in the thread. I know I don't like sharing that stuff and my focus (as above) is more to help people make small, but positive changes. When I was in the clinic for my eating disorder, I was never allowed to even look at the scale. So, if you don't even want to have that information you don't need it =)

So long story short (too late!): You don't need a scale to participate since I don't expect anyone to post their weight.

I tend to eat while I'm bored, so I thought I'd try to learn something new to keep boredom at bay. I have a rehairing tool I've never used, so I'm gonna get some hair & bait & start rehairing ponies! I can do this during slow moments at work (my worst snacking time) and while watching TV so my hands will have something to do. Yay! I'm so happy this is continuing! I was too late to sign up last time.


Yay! Welcome! I am happy to have you here with us!

Yesss I'm so glad this is happening! I need some accountability and motivation to lose all this weight and get back to being healthy. Will post measurement stuff later  :)

Yay! Welcome, Happy to have you with us!


Yay! I've added everyone to the list above, those with tenatively have posted their interest but haven't PM'ed/or posted their Goals/Plan in the thread. Mostly that's so I can just keep track of everything.

Just a couple of things ~ The height/weight part is for you, just if you want to compare them later. You do not have to have a scale OR be wanting to lose weight to join. For this round, I want to focus on positive, healthy behaviors that can turn into habits to help an individual be successful in being healthy. For some that will include some weight loss, but I wanted the focus to be less about a number on the scale and more about how an individual feels when they are done.

=) I am excited to see everyone joining and hope that we can have fun and support each other throughout this journey.

Edit For wishlists, I know I put 3-5 ponies on there, but you're welcome to list anything other than ponies there too. If you'd rather get nail polish, art, make-up, etc. Anything is fine =)
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 10:09:21 AM by SurfStar »

Offline BrightSide

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Amazing idea, please count me in. Mine's a little different though.. I have anorexia nervosa (thread in WYP), and I'm hoping something like this might encourage me to attempt healthier behaviour. I can't say I'll make as much progress as everyone else as it's a horrendously tough journey, but I need all I can get..

I also want to become more active, because I need distraction and something to help me become more involved. I need more reasons to get out of bed, so new opportunities are a positive thing.

  • Name: BrightSide / Alex
  • GOALS: I need to take my supplements on a more regular basis. I'm supposed to take 4 a day. And I pretty much don't. I also struggle a *lot* with both hot foods and solid foods, so they're both things to aim for instead of baby food. I need to become more active as a distraction and attempt new things to keep my mind busy. My psychiatrist wants my minimum weight to be 48kg (we call this 'gig weight', as I'm not allowed to attend concerts if below 48). I need to drink more too as I get dehydrated.
  • PLAN: I'm going to try one new food / recipe a week. I'll do two days of voluntary work per week (this will be Tuesday and Thursday), and I will go on more walks.. 2-4 miles at least 3 times a week. Need to drink more fluids and take my darn Ensures! I will try to start some activities.. I'll liase and try to co-operate more with my dietician and psychiatrist. And I'll not purge. That isn't good.
Basically, I need to stop spiralling before I do myself some real damage. I'm gonna note here that my weight as of today is 46.7kg, so I can see what happens.

Will PM you now. :)
Fight like a girl..

Offline Salli

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I am so in!

Goal #1 – first, get to size 20 again, then make a new size goal, be prepared for 10k in September by:
Running. (using the 24-week plan in Runner’s World ‘Beginning Running’)run-walk 4x per week (started last Saturday!).
Dancing. DWTS Latin dance video and because I love dancing.
Strength training. A combo of Runner’s world exercises and some from back when I went to the gym.
Snack on healthy things, smaller portions, more water

going to work on my PM now
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 11:18:17 AM by Salli »

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Your Username: RainbowRevolver

Your GOALS: Get back into shape, stop being so lazy, continue to eat healthy

Your PLAN: Exercise at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week, keep tabs on how much I eat, continue to eat healthy foods (pretty much the only good thing I do, mmmm vegan noms <3), don't drink as much soda as I have been lately, drink more water, use my computer less and keep myself active

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Offline hyenacub

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I might be a bit biased when I agree! The hardest thing for me will be not cooking so many pasta dishes! Though, I do love traditional Tuscany dishes, with the chunky veggies in them too.

Yeah...pasta is a weakness for me, too! LOL  XD  But I shall overcome it!  I'll have the stuff I like on my Tuesdsys...but I will have to be careful not to freaking GORGE on that day.  Yeesh.  I think I'll limit Tuesdays to one dessert, one soda, and one non-diet meal.
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Does anyone have any tips to help vegetarians stay away from too many carbs? I love pasta and potatoes and bread and though I try to eat whole grains and such I know I eat too many carbs. I love salad but I can't eat that 3 meals a day. What are some other, easy, one person meals that are vegetarian and low carb? I don't want to cut them out altogether, just not eat so many.

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You could look for different pastas...wheat, or veggie, that don't have as much starch and the like.  Cheeses...unless you don't do animal products, either.  Wheat bread.  Nuts and raisins? 
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Username:  TexasGal

GOALS:  To get back into my jeans that were my fat jeans and to feel like I look better; to be able to do my karate workout without feeling like I'm dying, and to  attempt to eat healthier and actually remember ALL my meds rather than just a few...I always forget that darn vitamin. 

PLAN:  I want to do yoga at least once a day, maybe walk a few times a week, miss karate less (I only go twice a week but sometimes I don't feel well).  I also want to at least do some pushups and crunches every day and possibly practice some of my karate katas so I can start getting ready for third degree black belt testing in two years...and maybe even tournament in a year. 

DH wants to semi take part too, though I think I might reward him with a gamestop trip or movies, unless someone wants to supply him with bait bodies as he loves to draw on them xD  (he is secretly a pony designer, LOL)


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