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Author Topic: Healthy Habits For Ponies! Take 2! ~Update last challenge, pg 99!!  (Read 92001 times)

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ok.  Didn't go to class last night due to a migraine....but I did try to do some stretches...and I ate great yesterday, which felt good!  But the downside to all of this...

this morning, I figured I better step on mom's scale (which she had fixed since it wasn't working) and I about cried...  I'm at 172 lbs.  I'm only 5'5", but I hide it pretty well...go figure.  I have been trying so hard to get it off and I feel like nothing is happening.  I know it's not so much about the number but the size to me (I want my 8s back, dang it...) but the weight number is awful!  I don't care if I am 150 lbs, I just want to fit in my clothes.......  grrr........  doesn't help I'm having female problems (need to call dr on that...same problem I had before on my other BC pill, and now this one is doing it too.  *cries* ) 

Female problems? You may find that you're getting bloated and that doesn't help. It happens to me, I don't date go near the scales then. I know how you feel. :hug: I want to be able to wear size 8 jeans again without feeling like my stomach is being squished.

I've done okay this week, not great though. There was two days where I got 0 points. :sad: yesterday I got two points. I ate pretty well and thanks to my work I got plenty of exercise. The weekends will always be my down fall in food, I'm out like all the time, but I will always try and get at least a point for exercise. :) I'll update the whole week tomorrow
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I have to do an update, 'cause I got on the scale after I got out of the shower tonight and it showed me at 188 which is at least 5 pounds less than the last time I weighed myself (which wasn't at the start of this challenge like it should have been). It's been more than a year since I was below 190, so I'm really pleased. I know I didn't lose that much this week, but I think it's safe to say that I did meet my goal of losing one pound this week. So I'm feeling better! I still have some stuff that has to be worked out, but it'll be easier with this bit of good news.

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^ Congrats, LeighAnnApanites :hug:

I had a rotten day yesterday. I got the chocolate munchies after tea and ate my way through about half a block of chocolate.  I also only did incidental exercise so I'll give myself 0 points for the day.

I've been much better today so far but it's only 5pm so I'll check in again later with an update :)

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aww surf star, you do so well responding to all of us. <3 i appreciate it, it makes me feel less alone.

Today went well. I left work early and ate a salad for lunch. whoo! finally. lol.

:hug: I just do what I can. I enjoy getting a response and I like making sure that everyone knows I am reading what they say.  This also helps me know what to improve on for the next round.

i aggree its so nice to get fee back from you surf star anyways ive been doing pretty good havent been sleeping well the monos hiting me full force now but walked today and gavve my dog and my bfs brothers dog baths

:hug: I'm glad you're doing ok despite everything. Dog baths are always such a chore for me, I feel like I am completely covered in fuzz.

Hopefully, you get to feeling better soon. I've never had Mono, so I'm not sure if you get recurring episodes. I know that happens with Malaria - a friend of mine has that.

:hug: Feel better soon! Great job doing what you can though =) :cheer:

Woo, another 2-pointer. Stayed on target with my food goals and I did a set of burpees, which were murder. Also did a little walking while we were out shopping. Going to take the bike out tomorrow.

You are rocking this! =) :cheer: It will be interesting to see where you're at in September!

1-point day for Yuru. I was going to get my 2 points, but I decidedly lost one when I ate too much too fast at dinner and made myself sick.  >_<

S'okay, though. Brush it off and go for 2 points again tomorrow. Hopefully this stomach ache doesn't keep me up late. Lol!

Hopefully you were feeling a bit better today! :Hug:

got my 2 points for today. Went and roller skated for 2 hours. Plan going to the Saturday 4 hour session as well :D

I'm not sure how accurate the counter is on myfitnesspal but according to it my net for today is -25

I'm snackish at the moment mostly tired because it's bedtime/such a workout. I'm thinking bowl of cereal before bed... maybe. So many choices!

Woo! That sounds awesome! I want to try some roller-blading, but my doggy isn't well enough trained yet. I'm pretty sure I'd end up broken and bruised right now. I'd go without him, but then I feel guilty for leaving him at home. I am such a marshmallow.

:hugs: You're doing super awesome!

Today is going well so far... trying to pick something to do for exercise... got a huge blister from skating! Means I need to go skate more often so I don't get those. I think I'll try the app Run Zombies! today

Ouch! Yeah, I hate getting blisters.

I'm now going to have to look up that app. I hope it's available on the iPhone XD

I agree with this completely! :heart: You rock, darling! ^^

Keep up the good work everyone! You're all doing great! :D I am really loving being a part of this! I was so sad I missed the last one and I'm happy I finally get to be a part of an awesome support group! :lovey:

Say's the pony drawing our mascot! =P :hug:

I think it's great that we are all here for each other :) A little support goes a long way.

ok.  Didn't go to class last night due to a migraine....but I did try to do some stretches...and I ate great yesterday, which felt good!  But the downside to all of this...

this morning, I figured I better step on mom's scale (which she had fixed since it wasn't working) and I about cried...  I'm at 172 lbs.  I'm only 5'5", but I hide it pretty well...go figure.  I have been trying so hard to get it off and I feel like nothing is happening.  I know it's not so much about the number but the size to me (I want my 8s back, dang it...) but the weight number is awful!  I don't care if I am 150 lbs, I just want to fit in my clothes.......  grrr........  doesn't help I'm having female problems (need to call dr on that...same problem I had before on my other BC pill, and now this one is doing it too.  *cries* )

:hug: I'm sorry you're having a bit of a struggle. I'm having the same issue about wanting to fit into my clothes. The past year has been super rough for me in terms of medication and school :hug: I hope that you hear good things back sweetie, female problems are never any fun.

Ok, so I went with my mom to her went better than I thought it would.  I am at 170 lbs, but I am really lacking on drinking, she was alarmed when she saw how dehydrated I was.  I'm not super far off in bmi or body fat, just a little above what I should be.  I can get back to that without a ton of trouble, and I was thinking that I would do something a little different.  I want to do Special K and their bars for a meal and snacks (if I can afford it) and Muscle Milk with Kefir for another meal to help build my muscles again, and a healthy meal for dinner....I am trying to get to eating less calories but better food for me when I can.   I know I can do this, I just have a lot against me...uphill climb! 

Also...I still hate tonfas.  xD

:hug: Great attitude! I'm glad you were able to see a professional. Definitely drink more water, unsweetened green tea will count as well. Anything to help you stay hydrated. So many problems can crop up just because we aren't drinking enough. I know, it's a huge, huge struggle for me to get enough water in. I just don't drink enough liquids at all!

Why do you hate tonfas? I'm picturing cartoon-esque scenes where you're accidentally smacking yourself or something.

Can't remember if I posted, but yesterday was a 2 pointer :)

Today has gone well so far, had a small breakfast and spent 2 hours walking around shopping, so by 2pm I'd actually burnt off all the calories I'd eaten, and was able to splurge a little on lunch!

That's awesome! That's a definite benefit of tracking calories. It makes it easier to plan splurges.

:hug: I hope you had fun shopping!

OK, so 2 points for Thursday (followed my nutirion plan, and exercized).  But no points for Friday.  Blew my nurtition plan completly, admitedly I planned to do so, by going to see BRAVE at the theater (mmm, popcorn LOADED with fake butter, rasinettes, butterfinger bites, nerds, double sized frozen coke I was so so very very bad!!!!).  The calories pucshed me just over my daily intake allowence, though the rest of the day I ate correctly.  Also, no exercize today. 

I totally planend to blow my diet at the movies today.  Partly b/c I never go to the movies anymore, partly b/c I really do love a frozen coke and fake-butter popcorn.  What's ironic though is I ate about a small serviong of my medium popcorn (b/c the 8 yr old at most of it), I really didn't eat  LOT (by my old standards) of the candy.  I had 2 servings of butterfinger bites, 1 serving of raisenettes, and 2 servings of nerds.  Servings, NOT boxes.  Yes it's a lot, but it also isn't.  And I got a tummyache!!!!! lol still do actually much later.  Came home and craved fruit and a healthy sandwich and water so badly.  This shows me how far I have come though for so many reasons.  Firstly, I STOPPED eating when I was full.  Secondly, my tummy hurt after eating all this junk.  AND I was craving healthy foods after too!!!!  This is such progress for me!  It may not sound like  alot of progress but it really is.

Total eaten today: 2 granola bars, 1 8oz Apple juice, 3 bottels of water, 1 bologna sandwich, somewhere between 5 and 6 servings of strawberries and cantelope, 1 jumbo frozen coke (32 oz), 2 servings butterfinger bites, 1 serving of raisinettes, 2 servings of nerds, and 21 oz of 1% milk (with sandwich).  What a day!!!!! lol

BTW Brave was really a good movie!

:hug: That is awesome progress! It's great that you were able to stop eating when you were full and that you are craving healthy stuff over junk. I find that the better a person eats, the less they want the junk. I was reading something somewhere about how addictive sugar is. I'd definitely believe it.

I'm so glad that you're seeing progress and you're doing such a great job!

:hug: :cheer:

2 points today:) shampoo carpets practiced piano and kept my cals low:) a stretch before bed and a pat on the proud you have tried another day:)

:hug: This is a great sentiment. Try and try again =)

sorry about my short post yesterday...I was so busy but I use the posts for a second record in case I loose the first one:)

Still trying the new tea...yesterday and today I have noticed my stomach being a little grumbly...but I have noticed my bloating went happens a lot to me. Even with my stomach talking I feel lighter...I have not had time to check the scale but feeling lighter has made me feel more confident.

My positive for the day was noticing a pair of pants felt better to wear. They were not supper tight...they just felt awkward. Now they feel just fine:) A little tight but good. My mood has helped with pointing out a positive. I am trying to expand and every time I am near a mirror I think of my positive or say it out loud.

Something that I did with the last round. I wore ankle weights to work. I have to wear pants so they were hidden. It really toned up...and I started with very light weights and worked my way up. This might be a good boost to a walk:) I did try arm ones at work but they are harder to hide:P But they are great to add in a walk...or a water bottle:)

Above all go with what you can do. When I started the first round it was hard...I beat myself up a lot and felt like it was hopeless and not worth it...but psyknife really was there for us and so is SurfStar...and then you will all find out we are hear for you. The best thing I took from the first round was being a bit more active...I still need help but thats why I am in round two:) Many of use myself included changed our plans as we went a long...but as long as you keep trying and work at even a little thing you will be happier and other things you want to change will become easier:)

Sorry so long...I just wanted eveyone to know that are have our support:)

Isn't it the best feeling when your clothes start to fit differently? I love it and hate it since it either means I need to go clothes shopping or I've been eating too much! I've not yet been smart enough to save my 'skinny' clothes.

:hug: You're fabulous, always so upbeat and cheerful. I love reading your posts, they always make me smile.

Yesterday was a 2-pointer.  I used my elliptical for the high end of my goal time & my caloric intake was great (despite being summoned for Jury Duty :razz: & wanting to binge out of feelings of bitterness. I didn't though! I figured I'm overdue). Today my husb asked me out on a date for this weekend (aww) & I accepted on the condition that if we go out to eat, it'll be somewhere healthy. So here's to hoping he doesn't sabbotage me! Lolll :lol:

Very awesome! I hope that you'll have lots of fun on your date!

Just remember sometimes hubby's ideas of healthy might be different than your ideas of healthy. :)


So I'm checking in and I'm a little disappointed in myself this week. Not awfully, I haven't been terrible this week, but I haven't been where I want to be, either. The 16th and the 19th I got 2 points, every other day I got just one. I seem to be able to either eat well or get some exercise in, but both is challenging. I have completely failed at planning meals ahead of time, and that is a big, big obstacle that I must over come. Yesterday, my family went to the beach and I got LOTS of exercise, but had fast food. Although, to give myself credit, I did take one meal and have it for lunch and dinner, but it's still not good. I have been very conscious of what I'm eating and doing, and I have drunk more water (some is more than none! lol) this week, so I'm trying not to be too hard on myself, but I know I can do better than this, and will have to if I'm going to meet my goals.

I'm actually pretty bummed right now, but I know that will change too. in the meantime . . . sigh

:hug: You and I can be bummed out together. My week has been less than stellar as well. At least we're getting there! One step at a time.

:hug: It'll get easier as we go along!

I have to do an update, 'cause I got on the scale after I got out of the shower tonight and it showed me at 188 which is at least 5 pounds less than the last time I weighed myself (which wasn't at the start of this challenge like it should have been). It's been more than a year since I was below 190, so I'm really pleased. I know I didn't lose that much this week, but I think it's safe to say that I did meet my goal of losing one pound this week. So I'm feeling better! I still have some stuff that has to be worked out, but it'll be easier with this bit of good news.

That's awesome news! I'm glad that your scale finally got the invite to the party! :)

:hug: :cheer:

I've had two supplements so far, which gives me 1 point. I'll be having another at 9. And.. I managed a small chocolate bar. Wow. 3 point day.
I hate chocolate. My best friend gave it to me.. I'd have felt awful to refuse because she has food issues too and I couldn't trigger her, so I had to. And I felt really bad and started panicking :sad: So I had to exercise immediately.. Long and hard cardio workout. It was either that or purging. :c But I feel better now.
I'm going to say this was my attempt at the challenge, because the weather is so awful here I'm not able to go skipping! I tried my new rope out though and it's fantastic. :D
Challenge notes: I felt horrible and guilty and couldn't breathe well. But now I know not to have it, which is a positive out of this. And I pushed myself.. and chose a healthier option, because exercise is the lesser of two evils as purging is not so lovely. Although it was extremely difficult I managed to give it a go, and that was the point of this challenge to me. The experience was daunting and I wouldn't do it again. :')

I'm glad to see that you're really trying to be better about eating. It's very important so that you aren't destroying your body. Otherwise all of your exercise energy has to come from somewhere, so your body would literally be eating itself. :hug: So big :cheer: for that!

I'm glad that you chose the better of two options, however, in the future - rather than trigger yourself, you may want to find a polite way to simply refuse the food without hurting your friends feelings. So definite :cheer: for utilizing a healthier choice (to purging). Hopefully you'll do just as well tomorrow!

I feel you on the heat issue. I'm having much the same problem where I live. It was still 90 degrees (F) at 10 at night. Ugh. I step outside and I feel like I need a shower, it's awful.

I've lost over a stone in six weeks.

That is super fab! :) You've got to be feeling great about your accomplishment.

Today while I was out walking there was a piece of glass that ended up going through my sandal and jabbing me in the foot. I check it a few times and it looks like there is no glass in there, but my parents and grandmother are kinda worried and don't want me to be on my feet much.
I'll have to do light exercises or stop for a day or two so it can heal properly.

Otherwise both yesterday and today were two pointers. I've been getting lots of exercise and keeping myself under my calorie goals.

Omigosh. Ow! Take your time, I'd hate for it to get infected or something. Better to rest now, than be out of commission later.

:hug: Yay! Congrats!


2 points for me today!  Ate well and did yard work.  And I will probably do some cleaning, too.

:hug: That is awesome!

I'm avoiding the yardwork until the pollen count goes down. Ugh. It's allergy season for me.

:hug: You're doing so fab.

Oh dear... two steps forward, one step back  :(  I've been (had been) doing really well with my workouts, and not doing too badly with the food temptations, but I've become quite sick with a really bad cold  :cry:  So I haven't exercised for two days and I don't think today will be any different. Just totally not up to it, and the generally feeling miserable led to a bad attitude whereby I splurged on some comfort food yesterday  :lookround:

However, a lack of appetite today has meant I've eaten basically nothing other than fruit and a couple of bits of toast, so guess I can award myself a point there!  XD  I'll get back on track. I really was quite motivated until this cold took hold! I think I'd rather rest my body to get better than make myself worse by adding to my current exhaustion. Being sick sucks!

Ugh! I am there with you, it's hard to get up and at'em when my at'em seems to be missing due to the sinus thing I've got going on. I splurged on food yesterday too.. :lookround:

:hug: Hopefully you get to feeling better soon again, so you can get right back on track. You're doing great and managing things just fine.

I've done okay this week, not great though. There was two days where I got 0 points. :sad: yesterday I got two points. I ate pretty well and thanks to my work I got plenty of exercise. The weekends will always be my down fall in food, I'm out like all the time, but I will always try and get at least a point for exercise. :) I'll update the whole week tomorrow

:hug: You're doing just fine!

Maybe since you know that your weekends are busy, you'll be able to plan to have some 'extra' calories to burn over those days. Great job! :)

After you've tried your new thing, I want you to take 5 minutes and just think about how it made you feel ~ anxious? Accomplished? Bored? Was it a good experience? Did you enjoy it? Just take note of how doing something just a little different (and new) made you feel.

So, my new thing this week was a recipe for a healthy strawberry smoothie that had strawberries, lemon juice, Truvia, ice and water in it.  I was really excited about being able to finally try it.  However, it wasn't too good.  It was a little too sour and not sweet enough.  The slushy factor was good but it melted really fast and became really watery.  I think if more fruits were added and maybe a little skim milk it may have been better.  It was a nice idea, but needed left me wanting.

I didn't get to try Tae Bo or cycling like I wanted to since my grocery shopping and farrier screwed that up.

Do you think you'd try the smoothie again with some adjustments? I know that I'd probably leave out the lemon juice (I don't like citrus with my berries) and probably use frozen fruit to thicken up the smoothie some. Additionally, I use just a little bit of silken tofu in my smoothies, which seems to help hold them together instead of becoming a melted mess.

Well, there's always next week! You're getting along great! :hug:

Wooot weighed in this morning and I've lost about 2.5 lbs so far!  :biggrin:

Tried a new exercise this week as my challenge, some new knee lifts that I'm able to jsut do at home since they only require a chair. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be and really reminded me how out of shape I am, and that's a little bit depressing. I did manage to struggle through it though and if I can continue with doing little indoor exercises like that I think it will be for the better. It felt good to know there are things I can easily do at home without having to schlup to the gym or go outside in 100 degree weather.

I'm really feeling better overall and it hasn't been as much of a struggle to stick to eating properly. I don't get that gnawing hunger and I haven't had an unplanned snack or binge in almost a week. I was going to get ice cream the other day then I realized after having a salad and a few small slices of pizza, that I honestly wasn't hungry any more and skipped the ice cream no problem!

I think today for lunch I'm gonig to do to one of my fav lunch places and treat myself to some pickle potato soup! (sounds weird I know but delicious!)  :lol:

:cheer: Congrats! That is so awesome!

Pickle potato soup sounds very interesting, is a sweet pickle or dill that they use?

:hug: You're doing great!

^ Congrats, LeighAnnApanites :hug:

I had a rotten day yesterday. I got the chocolate munchies after tea and ate my way through about half a block of chocolate.  I also only did incidental exercise so I'll give myself 0 points for the day.

I've been much better today so far but it's only 5pm so I'll check in again later with an update :)

Gosh, it sounds like rotten days were going around yesterday. Must have been something in the water. :) I'm glad you're having a much better day today!



Everyone is doing so well. I'm so proud of each of you! Congrats on making it through your first week!

:hug: I'll be updating about my week tomorrow when I get up. I just wanted to get this post in tonight =)

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mono makes you tired inflates your spleen and drains you of enrgy for up to months at atime :( i was stuped in high shool and drank after my friends at lunch
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:hug: thanks so much for replying. ^_^
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Thanks for your reply, Surfstar. This thread really helps my motivation because I want to be able to get my 2 points every dan (even though sometimes I fall short).  Today I stuck to my eating plan.  I also did all of the housework, shifted the horses's into another paddock (lots of work shifting electric tape back and forth), and then shifted the sheep.  So that puts me back on track with 2 points for the day :)

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Awwww, it's no problem! I wanted to contribute somehow :3 I figured we needed a pony to associate with all of our hard work and dedication to healthy habits! :)

And yesterday wasn't great for me so I'm only giving myself a point. I did my leg exercises but I don't think that's enough for a point x3 Today I probably won't get any because my boyfriend and I have to go to a family thing x3  I've been on two different scales. My new one says I'm 148 and my boyfriend's says I'm still 155, so I don't know what to think I am right now x-x I wanna believe I'm 148 but at the same time that seems far fetched D; Dumb scales :/
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Yesterday was a 2 point day! I feel like I'm doing really well. I've started taking my measurements as of this morning. Monstar, I think scales can be pretty unreliable, so maybe try taking you measurements every few weeks. The tape measure does not lie. My tummy is looking a little bit more toned. I don't know if it's all in my head or what, but I swear I see and feel a difference.

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I was going to write that I've found a few things hard but actually overall I'm doing OK.

The hardest thing for me at the moment is the EFT twice a day, although yesterday I didn't do my 30mins exercising either. I probably did enough standing up between working and some chores at home, but I'd like to do more.

The EFT, I can't really be bothered. I used to do it every time I was on the loo cos you know, there isn't a right lot else you can be doing. :blush: I want to get back into that and it actually worked quite well. I have an app on my phone which lists the process so until I have it totally remembered again, I can refer to that.

I did end up trying my chicken thing as well. I decided that I really wanted it so used half a bag of the flavouring and it was tasty. Plus I had to use up the chicken breasts that I'd gotten out of the freezer so it worked well.

Post Merge: June 23, 2012, 07:30:37 AM

Thinking about it, I'm doing really well on the not comfort eating and I've also stopped snacking as much. Partly that's down to all day meetings, but I don't have bags of sweets to reach for these days and if I do, it's just after a meal.

I haven't once gone out and bought myself (or made) a treat because the cravings haven't been there. :)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 07:30:37 AM by DaffyDilly »

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Checking in for the week, I am at 9 points so far. I had 2 1-point days and one zero point day when I was a slug. Other than that day I have been doing surprisingly well at not snacking and eating junk, and drinking more water. I need to plan my non-run dance days better, so I have a scheduled time for it. Running is going great and I feel better than I did before going on this plan. Haven't weighed myself yet, but I may wait 'til next week because I know whenever I start a routine I tend to gain muscle weight first and it's disheartening.

Does trying a new veggie count as trying something new? I didn't like it, but I tried it? Edit: I tried Tai Chi today and loved it! I think I will buy the DVD.

Thanks again, Surfstar. You are so amazing!!
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 08:46:50 AM by Salli »

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It's been a couple of days. I've been moving about outside since the weather has been nice. I've been on track so far. Yesterday was a 4 point day for me! (I think I got the points right) I ended up finishing the challenge with... tea. Lots, and lots of tea XD Trying to cut out soda, i've been looking for something that is new and healthy to drink. My good friend loves tea and has a collection of the stuff. Out of seven different teas we have found.... that I like none of it XD But, I tried.
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Yesterday was a 2 point day! I feel like I'm doing really well. I've started taking my measurements as of this morning. Monstar, I think scales can be pretty unreliable, so maybe try taking you measurements every few weeks. The tape measure does not lie. My tummy is looking a little bit more toned. I don't know if it's all in my head or what, but I swear I see and feel a difference. 
Thanks for the suggestion :) I need to get a measuring tape. Do you know how much they are usually? And congrats on the toner tummy! :D I know that is an awesome feeling!
:heart: My Etsy~My Facebook Page~Wishlist~IG:@perfumepuffprincess :heart:

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@ Princess's....complicated.  If you (anyone) don't want to hear my female issues, don't read spoiler xD

I've been switched from my BC pill I was on for years, due to bleeding for a month straight....didn't have a period last month (first month on my new pill) and then it started the week I started my new pill set.  It's not stopped for 3 weeks....I'm going in on Monday to see my dr about it, since this is my second time to have to deal with this.  It's not fun at all! 


I totally didn't smack myself with them.... >.>  twice....  <.<  and when I smacked my elbow/funny bone...I kinda dropped it on my toe.  xD  It was so bad....Sensei just stopped and started laughing at me.  Kinda like when I was working with my best friend Ellie, with bo against bo (staff) and she bonked me in the head, it ricocheted off my head and hit hers too!  xDD 

I am trying to make sure I get more water in my system today....I slept super late but I am dancing around and cleaning house with Jason, so we are having fun. 


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Oh man! I wish I would have seen this earlier...Would it be alright if I joined as well? It's late in the game, but having some motivation and support in exercising sounds great.

I used to have two jobs and go to college, but after I got my BA, I went to tech college, lost one job, and now only work one day a week. My classes are 4 hours long without a break, just sitting the entire time. I feel so lethargic lately and just can't find anyone to exercise with...I park way out in the parking lots wherever I go to try and increase the walking time, but that's really just not cutting it. :( Because I'm in the south and live with my grandmother, we aren't eating the healthiest, either. Lots of bacon (and I mean LOTS), fried everything, copious amounts of sweet tea (gotta love the south), coffee, and koolaid. Today, I'll try to jump on my sister's trampoline for 15 minutes and walk around the neighborhood a few times. You guys are inspiring!  :P


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