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Messages - kamakazee82

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The Dollhouse / Re: How long do doll fads last?
« on: March 16, 2012, 07:06:06 PM »
... when the stores are clamoring for more product, and having their orders CANCELLED BY MATTEL ... i know it's not the stores fault ... stores want what sells, MH is selling like mad ... when stores have EIGHT FEET aisle space designated for a line of product, they want that product to stay filled ...

stores are trying DESPERATELY to get the MH dolls and doll accessories ... mattel is the one who is dropping the ball ... they promised stores this product and are currently unable to fill those promises ... mattel is not sitting on warehouses full of this product and begging for people to give them money and take it away or it'd be flooding stores ...

i personally know that one chain of stores is sitting on 0 quantities of pretty much 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of anything MH doll/doll accessory related in their warehouses and is scrambling like mad to get ANYTHING from mattel and from my other people who still work retail they are seeing the exact same thing ... chain's orders returned unfilled BY mattel because they can't support it ...

why on earth would a store decide to not order a toy they can't even HOPE to keep on the shelves? it's just horrible business? carrying this line is like printing your own money! it's crazy! i've seen orders for 3000+ cases come back "filled" by 200 cases to slit among a NATIONWIDE CHAIN! it isn't the stores not ordering enough.

The Dollhouse / Re: How long do doll fads last?
« on: March 16, 2012, 04:43:16 PM »
no. mattel knew ENTIRELY how popular the MH line is or we wouldn't be seeing so many new dolls and so many new lines so quickly. they wouldn't be investing millions into new designs/concepts/etc if they didn't know the popularity. i again point the finger at them, accident schmaccident shortage.  they failed and it was an epic fail like no other lol

i'm sure it was a "these dolls are crazy popular so let's dial back the quality of the doll/clothes/stands/accessories and keep charging the same prices, if not higher" greed scenario going on ... and it's pointed to again by the massive influx of new styles in the MH line ... they know people will buy any and all of them so they are putting out any and everything, and now things are breaking down as they try to switch over to lower quality dolls/clothes/etc and they are most likely scrambling to try and fix things ...

i'm hoping i'm wrong, but i've dealt with toy companies long enough to know signs of trouble when i see em.

somewhere, way in the back of my mind i've got my fingers crossed that they are restyling the doll bodies to incorporate all of them as CAM functional ... and i'd applaud the less fragile joints ...

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High thread number 2.2!
« on: March 15, 2012, 08:51:34 PM »
possible? yes... fun? most certainly not ... recommended? not for the faint, weak of heart, or easily frustrated ... cost? .......... try it on a CHEAP doll first lol

Pony Brag Arena / i think my head is gonna explode lol
« on: March 15, 2012, 08:02:47 PM »
so kind of a crap day at work today ... happy just to get out of work on a decent day even if it's kinda stormy, at least it's not snowing.
get home, BOX ON THE DOORSTEP! not the pony brag, but a really awesome box i wasn't expecting until tomorrow at the earliest ... get inside, mom calls, they have no power, she's on her way over, no great loss, cool, c'mon over i'm not gonna begrudge you using my electricty since you birthed me, just saying lol
so she arrives and hands me a bag, found this at the antique mall, i'm sure it's fake, but it was cheap and cute so i got it.
i open it and it's an origianl my little pony porcelain! Pony Playmates! OMG! totally out of the blue!
it's a bit dirty and dusty, but looks to be in at least near mint condition! any tips on how to clean it? the symbols almost look like stickers, and there's like a random extra one kind of stuck to the bottom/side of the base. so i don't want to submerge it and accidentally remove them, but it's gonna take more than a can of air to clean this one.
and i'm not particularly looking to sell as of right now ... but any ideas on it's value? no stickers on the bottom, but it is labelled "pony playmates" hasbro, and dated etc etc with the horseshoe.

The Dollhouse / Re: How long do doll fads last?
« on: March 15, 2012, 06:32:19 PM »
i think most of it falls on mattel for not having the supply to meet the demand ... stores have to plan their advertising several months in advance ... so they ask the manufacturers "hey, will you be able to provide us with such and such quantitites on such and dates for such and such sale?" manufacturer says "sure" and they go ahead with the ad layout and place their orders for the quantities they need ... ad is printed, ad is sent to distribution mailing centers in advance of sale ... manufacturer comes up a motneh before the sale ... "yeah, you know how we promised you this stuff, well we can't get it to you because we don't have it anymore ..." the store is up you know what creek without a paddle because of the manufacturer screwing up and then the customers take it out on the stores who have no control over the whole situation ... and a store can't offer rainchecks on something they most likely will not see in stock for a long time ... i can't count on a hundred sets of hands how many times i was yelled at by people and told "YOU NEED TO MAKE MORE TOYS!" when all the stores do is sell them, not make them, go tell it to santa lol

as for walmart's exclusives, i'm used to getting screwed over by walmarts in that regard and it's no surprise to me they only maybe had a case of cupids per store, IF you were lucky, walmart is PURE profit driven and trying to separate people from their money, i long ago gave up on their exclusives as mere illusions because 99.99999999999999% of the time you won't ever see them in store sadly.

The Dollhouse / Re: How long do doll fads last?
« on: March 14, 2012, 07:14:41 PM »
depends on the store really. most places do have stock in the back, but it might just not be the stock you are looking for. if you are looking for doll 3 in assortment A, if they don't have assortment A, they don't have the doll you want so they have no stock in back of what you need, but they could have a bunch of boxes of assortment B, C, D, E, and F

stores tend to do their stocking throughout the day now too, trying to keep the shelves full. the stock system will check what is "in inventory" versus what floor capicty is versus what has sold and will usually generate reports for the departments to work out to the floor as the day progresses. but if they have no monster high in stock than it won't be reported because they don't have any in stock to fill with. they may have a "full shelf" in the morning the day of a stock truck, but that doesn't guarantee that they can ALWAYS have a full shelf. and with monster high i highly doubt if ANY store has truely had a "full" shelf of the product since before christmas lol

as for filling the empty space, it may not make sense to a customer why to fill it but from the aspect of the store, empty footage is a "visible sign that the store doesn't have enough stock" and is frowned upon in general by consumers who would rather see a full store than a store with mostly empty shelves that looks like it's going under ... so basically aesthetics.  but as a merchandiser i always knew what was in stock and what was selling so that i could always fill empty spots with what was selling and we had ... liv and moxie? fill the empty monster high section with it cause the monster high section could sit empty for MONTHS with nothing in it, or we could use it to help get our assortment of other stuff out so that people woouldn't have to ask "Do you have more of this in back" instead of staring at eight empty feet we could be using. THAT'S why it should be filled and not sit empty. what i find hysterical is mattel is STILL paying for footage on endcaps and displays in stores without being able to put ANYTHING in that are ... so they are paying to reserve space in stores to fill with product they don't have.

Off Topic / Re: Something really funny just happened...
« on: March 14, 2012, 06:44:16 PM »
lol i do it ALLLLLLLL the time lol

it actually has a very logical reason to it, i know it was said that it helps the body cope witht he pain which is partially true in that it helps US, not the body cope with it, whenever i'm nervous or scared i always resort to humor lol ... but if you are trying so hard NOT to do one thing the body's programmed to DO SOMETHING so it's searching for the next closest thing to do ... which when you think about it, a hysterical crying jag sounds remarkably like a hysterical laughing jag lol and ever laugh so hard you start crying? ... and bazinga you start laughing instead of crying ad cussing lol

you were focusing so much on not crying from the pain your body was like "CRAP IN A HAT! WE MUST FIND AN OUT FOR THE TEARS SHE IS STOPPING! LAUGH LIKE YOU'VE NEVER LAUGHED BEFORE!" lol

The Dollhouse / Re: How long do doll fads last?
« on: March 14, 2012, 06:13:29 PM »
a case "here and there" isn't filling the stores' orders for filling eight foot sections that they were promised to be able to keep filled lol
and they would fill it with other product they do have, bratz/liv/moxie/other doll and/or girl toys they have on hand in the back instead of having a gaping hole in their shelves. they would shrink the MH area down to maybe the two or three feet they can keep filled "wigs/clothes/journals" and use the rest for things they have in stock, as in actually stock it there, not just have it full of the random crap that collects there by people just setting it there lol
the scalping issue is no different than any other scalping thing ... if people didn't buy it at the rediculous prices then there wouldn't be the reason for them to scalp it ... sadly there are always those who are willing to pay exhorbitant prices that shaft the less able of us to spend that kind of money on dolls ... but again 90% of the problem is mattel not getting enough product out there to make it a non-issue in the first place ... you get enough product out that people can find what they want reasonably and the scalping issue goes poof because the 15 pieces of something they're trying to sell at four times face value can be found at face value most places you walk into ...

The Dollhouse / Re: How long do doll fads last?
« on: March 13, 2012, 04:46:31 PM »
... i love it when people say they don't trust the store employees ...
... you just have to ask the right person ... you don't ask the person stocking clothes about toys, you don't ask the person grabbing carts in the lot about groceries, you don't ask the person on top of a ladder with a large box if they're busy ... you get ahold of the right person ... lol
stores are very upset about the lack of product and we may very well see a few drop the MH line at least for awhile ... eight feet of emptiness doesn't sell anything, where if you fill it with stuff that IS selling it's a heck of a lot more profitable ... i truthfully wouldn't be surprised to see target/walmart/and especially a lot of smaller chains reduce, if not remove their monster high section ... targets are calling for an end cap of product that mattel is paying for, just for it to sit empty. larger walmarts had a large rounder that mattel paid for that sat mostly empty, if not totally empty, 99% of the time ... they are not impressed with the lack of product they were promised ... and i know a lot of mh fans are really getting sick of not finding anything and on th rare occassion they actually do find something 99% of the time there are some rather shockingly bad paint and quality issues ...
mattel is quickly digging a hole they won't soon be getting out of ... if they ever do ... :\
ETA: sorry, i worked retail for 10 years ... and i get really sick of people saying i know nothing when i can answer their question without looking because i've been asked the same question 60 times previously THAT DAY ... "we haven't gotten a truck in the last three seconds, sorry, we still don't have any of the hottest toys of the year." and i loved it when i'd have the baby depertment person walk over to me with a parent n tow and give me there hand and say "here, they're lost" lol best moment ever was a dad screaming at the bike department guy who was up on a twenty foot ladder, putting a fully assembled bike on the rack, asking about why we didn't carry an action figure that was exclusive to another store ... "sorry sir but you're asking a bike builder, who's desperately trying not to drop a heavy bike on your head about something he doens't work with, when you've answered your own question ..." arg  sorry ...

The Dollhouse / Re: How long do doll fads last?
« on: March 12, 2012, 05:12:53 PM »
... i really think MH is on the downward slope ...

supply issues means that kids, collectors, and parents, are NOT finding the dolls they want and are moving on to other things ...

too many new dolls/accessories released far too quickly with far too little product ... see above ...

those are HUGE blows to the line ... mattel has a sinking flagship in barbie (girls just don't want pinkpinkpinkpinkpink and perfectperfectperfectperfectperfect ... and they are losing the battle to try and keep this top line in stores to sell it ... too much, too fast and no backup support ... just saying ...

saddens me as i love this line, and i would have LOVED it as a child because i was repulsed by barbie's "beauty" and was always kind of saddened by the knowledge of "this is what guys want and i will never be it ..." and i have always loved monsters ... i used playdough to modify my barbie and give her wings and clawed or cloven feet and fins ...

mattel really needs to step up and find the right balance of supply for the demand so they don't keep up this lack of product and/ore my fear of flooding the market too late after the demand is gone from lack of stock earlier ...

Off Topic / Re: Wonder Egg Plant. Whose heard of one?
« on: March 10, 2012, 06:02:43 PM »
i've never heard of it, but i LOVE eggplant lol

and it would be perfectly fine to plant the seeds in individual containers, all of them may not grow though, they tell you that because they give you one container and multiple seeds to ensure that you get at least one plant, if you have more containers, go for it! the more plants the better in my book lol

good luck, the plants looks really cool too

Pony Corral / Re: Fashion style Ditzy Doo/ :muffin: Pony
« on: March 08, 2012, 08:03:01 PM »
the card issue could be due to a "trasaction block list" ... a lot of financial institutions have such things in place because of rampant, wide spread fraudulent charges and create lists of countries where a majority of their fraud happens and will block transactions from occurring ... most of the time this cane be cleared up by calling or going to the financial institution and letting them know that you are going to be doing a transaction in the near future (usually the same day) for around such and such amount and then they fill out out a form, you sign your life away ( lol ) and you can do it, then the next day it goes back to being blocked for safety reasons ...

The Dollhouse / Re: My Little Obsession: Cabbage Patch Dolls
« on: March 08, 2012, 07:39:00 PM »
... working retail for ten years ... we had one lady who would call in DAILY and ask to speak with our snow white dolls ... not to us ABOUT the dolls .... but TO THE DOLLS ... and she would start using the falsetto voice when she thought she was talking to them ... it was very scary and sad ... i never found out where the lady was calling from but she was 100% legit and not putting us on ...

i love my dolls and i love changing thier outfits and moving them around ... and they have their own characters ... but they are not alive ...

Pony Corral / Re: The 30 Day Challenge
« on: March 08, 2012, 06:18:21 PM »
so with you Tuney but not by choice lol forced into it this month and next and pry the next after that ... food is even in question at this point lol

don't worry the cat and the fish will be fed (and not to each other) lmao

yes, brushed hair, the MH's intimidate me as i'm afraid i'm going to break em ... my Dal and Pullip make me feel that way too ... i tend to stick with my Taes and My poor lonely little Isul more for run-of-the-mill ken/bieber/liv wardrobe changes and travelling lol i love em all though, i just don't want to end up with dollie bits that aren't supposed to BE dollie bits ya know? ... that and i can't afford them fancy schmancy wardrobes you got goin on lol b ut a girl can drool over the pictures you and picklepud post ... dang that was a lotta p's ... lol

and they tried to raise me JW ... i still cause a lot of stress and anxiety in my family for no apparent reason ... i'm not hurting anyone, i'm not killing anyone, i'm not invoking evil ... i'm just living my life, trying to do what's best for me and others, and going out of my way to help people ... if that's not good enough, then so be it, i can do no more ... lol and hit me up anytime sir lol

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