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Messages - blackestbird

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Customs / Re: Eyes
« on: August 27, 2014, 07:27:30 PM »
Overdone is one thing sure (I feel like I get too busy-designed sometimes myself), but I personally still agree with the majority of the comments: factory eyes while everything else has been redone, make a custom look incomplete. You can still repaint eyes and leave them simpler than perhaps some other customizers do. That way, it's still that finishing touch, it ties everything else together because you can see the artist's style throughout. I think a lot of the reason factory eyes make it look so incomplete is because they're usually fainter and less bold than what anyone paints - especially on G3s, their lashes are often a dark blue and super thin, so they really kind of disappear, especially when you've made a more detailed symbol and busier, more colorful hair, even an FBR with factory eyes left on. They kinda aren't that obvious on some in the first place, before customizing.

Regarding the hand shaking, it's normal when doing such tiny details, so I don't know if yours is more than that - the way you talk about it makes it sound like a medical thing? So if that's the case, if there is an outward cause besides just nerves and getting yourself up tight to do it (I think tensing actually adds to it, but it's hard not to!), I don't know that there's much you can do, outside Diamond's suggestions. If it is just nerves, try holding your breath, like each lash stroke, hold your breath while you paint it. And avoid taking medicine (like Tylenol - if you have meds you need to take, obviously take those), drinking caffeine, and be in a calm mood (shouldn't try to paint if you're angry, crying, etc, that'll just add to shaking) before working. And of course practicing, it feels really good to progress too, to see yourself get better!

Customs / Re: Custom Cheshire Cat - "I'm not all there, myself."
« on: August 25, 2014, 06:26:21 PM »
Holy crap that is so cool. I love AiW too, especially the Cheshire Cat, and Disney's is my favorite too. I really like that you went with Tim Burton's colors though. The pony itself is beautiful, I really love the hair and eyes, and the subtle cat detailing. But the fading effect is just amazing, such a cool idea to mimic that in that way, I'm just o.o Beautiful job!

Customs / Re: ~~The Void~~ Tardis Pony FS
« on: August 24, 2014, 11:06:42 AM »
This is so gorgeous! I love the deep color you got with the dye, the glitter stands out so much. This is such a perfect base for a DW custom, she really looks like a space pony full of stars! The hair gradient and style is beautiful, I love that long braid paired with the curls. It is really different, but I really like it. Your painting is awesome, the TARDIS looks amazing, and I really like her eyes. Another one I wish I could snatch up!

The 9th Doctor was my first doctor too <3 I can't pick a favorite, I always end up loving each regeneration while being sad they regenerated lol, but the 9th doctor is hilarious.

Customs / Re: Hippogriff for NoDivision (Harry Potter Swap)
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:11:22 AM »
Omg. That apothecary is so awesome! Oh I want it lol. How creative! I especially like the gillyweed, it's just like how it's described in the books. The lacewing flies are cute too though, with their literal lace wings I love it! You must be over the moon NoD :D

Customs / Re: Hippogriff for NoDivision (Harry Potter Swap)
« on: August 22, 2014, 01:51:26 PM »
Wow Salli! He's amazing! Looks just like Buckbeak. The sculpting is absolutely amazing, the feathers are so perfect and his big feet, and I really love the subtle dappling and his piercing eyes. This is a beautiful custom.

Customs / Re: Rockette and the Sparklers
« on: August 22, 2014, 01:45:20 PM »
These are so beautiful! I love the way you do eyes, and all those big wavy curls, gorgeous! I love your symbol work too, they're beautifully painted. You have a great eye for color combinations, these are all so pretty.

Customs / Re: A Dark Crystal Custom (fs) and an art trade
« on: August 22, 2014, 01:43:07 PM »
Omg *_* The Dark Crystal is one of my favorite movies, your custom inspired by it is amazing. Your work always is, but that one just really captures me. I love it so so much, the details are so awesome. Really beautiful. I really want to buy her, but we're saving for a convention right now. She's so amazing. The G4 is sweet too, I like her big curls especially and the doily/lace accessories.

Customs / Re: Luna Lovegood for Midnight_Dream (Harry Potter swap)
« on: August 20, 2014, 11:18:17 AM »
Omg she's so cute, and so Luna! I like how pale you did her hair and eyes, and the pretty wavy curls. And all those great Luna accessories! The lion hat is awesome lol. I really love that you gave her her cork necklace too.

Customs / Re: HP Swap Pony for Rarity91
« on: August 20, 2014, 11:15:37 AM »
You made such a cute patronus symbol! I love the subtle wave in her hair too.

Customs / Re: First G1 rehair! Up Up and Away.
« on: August 20, 2014, 11:13:05 AM »
Oh I love those colors on her, and the striping pattern you did.

Customs / Re: My Little X-Force! (12 ponies + 3 extra)
« on: August 20, 2014, 11:10:34 AM »
This is a cool set of ponies :D I love X-Men too. Storm is one of my favorites, and I love how you did her. The wings were a really perfect touch for her. I really really like your Fakie Deadpool too.

Customs / Re: Luna lovegood for Gemini_pony Harry Potter swap
« on: August 20, 2014, 11:05:46 AM »
Ah this is so cute! I love Luna, and you did her great justice. All the little Luna-details are so perfect!

Customs / Re: Plants Vs Zombies Sunflower Custom
« on: August 20, 2014, 11:02:45 AM »
This is a cute one, I like the touch of lawn across her hooves. I had to show my little guy, he plays that game on daddy's phone sometimes lol. He got pretty excited to see your custom.

Customs / Re: WHIZZER COMPLETE! update: 20th AUGUST ///// NEW from me ;)
« on: August 20, 2014, 10:58:53 AM »
Whizzer turned out so amazing, she's gorgeous! I loooove how you painted her hair and twinkle eyes. Sounds like she was a lot of trouble, but the end result is well worth it.

Customs / Re: Official Arena Halloween Swap 2014 Working! Check in 8/30
« on: August 20, 2014, 10:29:10 AM »
How do people feel about perfume puff style?

I like Perfume Puff hair. I'm with NoD and StrawberryMeadow though, it kinda depends on the overall design. If you feel it suits it better than regular hair, go for it partner.

kaoskat: I'm in the same boat. :hug: I've got a design nailed down, but I'm really nervous to start on it.

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