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Messages - tootie_tails

Pages: 1 ... 32 33 [34]
Pony Corral / Re: Have questions? We have answers!
« on: January 16, 2012, 11:08:59 AM »
I made a summary of questions made so far:

Board features:

all the posts from the old board are not showing up...?
in progress being moved over, they will be here eventually

What are the little yellow squares:
Mods have 1 yellow square in forums they don't moderate and green squares in forums they do. Regular members number of squares are based on post count and are always yellow. Mods have only 1 square to keep us from blending in to the other regular members quite so much. We are working on possibly changing them into more fun things but we aren't sure yet.

will the gallery be back?
The galleries are being worked on. Eventually the old ones will be available for everyone to get their photos.

Is the classifieds section simply not moved over yet?
Classifieds will be coming, once we can find a compatible option.

where on this site would one post fanfiction?
We don't have a fanfiction area on the site anymore, but you can post a link in Off Topic if you like. There's also a stickied thread in OT that links to our separate fanfic forum.

Will there eventually be a forum menu on the side like the old site had?
We are looking into the side bar.
For now, at the bottom there's a "Jump to" pull down menu that you can directly go to other forums on the board

Will we eventually be getting the shout block back?
I was unable to find one compatible to this forum's version, but hopefully one will crop up someday and we can install it.

is there a way to change colors of the forum yet? will we get more themes in the future?
Themes :  YES! more are coming

Are we going to get a next/previous page button?
(not yet answered?)

In the old Arena, all new posts appeared with bold writing. Now all new posts and all posts with new replies appear with the "New" icon next to them. Is there anyway to make it so that actual new topics are differentiated on the boards?
We are looking into it.

Is the new forum permanently at, or will it move back to
I believe we are planning a redirect after the posts are moved but I'll check!

is there a possible chance of getting a mobile version of the site?
(not yet answered?)

Is Bridgetsmum still the site owner? If not, who is? is she aware of this move to the new site? Will she be here to comment on it?
To the best of my knowledge, yes. She is aware of the move and will comment here as necessary. 

Are you still looking for new mods and if so how do you apply?
I believe we will be looking for new moderators for certain forums.  There will be threads posted about this when the time comes around

I want to donate!! Can we do that somewhere?
we are working on it. It might take a week or two before we can get something set up, we have several issues to iron out before we get to that point!


can we edit our posts? I feel blind here...
You can edit your post, there should be a "Modify" button next to the "quote." 

I just posted in a thread, and while it shows on the Corral board that I posted, when I click on the thread my post isn't there
this is a glitch, we are working on it

I can not bump my thread, my posts just get merged.
we have it set so that you can bump after 24 hours

I need to get things going with a swap/trade/sales I'm in. Should I make a new thread or wait for the existing thread to be moved over?
You don't need to make a new sales post because the old ones are coming, but I also don't think there would be a problem if you made a new one to sell in the meantime. Has the swap started yet? If not, I'd make a new thread. If it has, I'd probably wait a few days in an attempt to keep everything more organized.


I can't find how to get to my PMs
At the top of your page on the text row starting with the big orange "home" button, should be text that says "My Messages".
You can also access the pm's from your profile

I see my Inbox messages, but not my "Saved messages".
My saved messages seemed to be tagged on to the end of my inbox. Go to the last few pages of your inbox and they should be there.

There doesn't seem to be an Outbox either.
I did notice that if you run your mouse over the little icon next to the message in your "sentbox" it will tell you if it has been read or not.

I don't have all my old pm's back yet, haven't the newest ones transfered yet?
PMs from the 7th of January forward are available on the archived site only.
Please clean out your old PM's ASAP.That data will not remain in your archived inbox forever.

Will we have a little notice next to My Messages when we get a PM, or do we just have to keep clicking on My Messages whenever we want to know if we have anything?
There will be a little number next to "My Messages" if you have a PM.
And I get a pop-up asking if I want to open it in a new window whenever I get one. (this is in your pm settings)

Is there a limit to the amount of messages in your in box or sent box? I remember that there was a limit on the old arena and that you couldn't receive new message if it was full.
I'm really not sure if there is a limit to our inboxes. Maybe one of the admin can answer but I'm not sure if we've looked in to that yet.


How do I find peoples feedbacks?
Feedback is only currently available next to a person's name and I don't believe there are plans to change that.
The individual feedback is linked directly to your profile. You can search for specific members using the Member List at the top.

How do I leave feedback for someone now?
If you click their "Trade Count" There is text that says "Submit feedback for *insert user here*". Click that.

my feedback page is messed up (dates out of order, feedback showing as anonymous etc)
Under construction. They are planning to organize and deal with feedback a bit better after everything else moved over and big things taken care of

There was a thread set up in Trader support for Feedback to be posted for all newbies who didnt have their own feedback profile yet. will these posts be automatically added to my feedback profile now that i have one in this new arena?
will the newb feedback be slowly moving there from the old thread or should we ask people to re-leave feed back for us?
Feedback : the temporary feedbacks haven't been added yet

does this mean the temporary feedbacks will eventually be added? or do we need to ask trade partners to leave feedback again?
I will double check with Loa, but I'm pretty sure the others will be manually added as we get caught up. We have to parse through it all to make sure none is duplicated (ie left in the thread and submitted through the regular system).

I was wondering if there's anyway to have feedback removed if the member was banned? I have one negative & the member who left it ended up getting banned for shady business & multiple id's. I don't feel that's it's fair to be negatively rated by a scammer.
You can contact Loa about getting that feedback removed.

problem spotting:

my custom Rank is gone
Head over to Off Topic.  There is a sticky on the subject there

I'm not allowed to access my profile
This problem should be fixed now, if not let a mod or admin know.

I can not see the full task bar, I only see "Home, Help, Rules and Logout"
This problem should be fixed now, if not let a mod or admin know.

While the old Arena was having problems recently my new posts were not adding to my post count, its been stuck on 474 for a long time, will those posts ever be added to my count?
Due to the glitch of the old Arena, those never-counted posts are forever lost to the ether.

my trade count shows as zero
(not yet answered?)

I am logged out although my sessions are set for 'forever'
When you saved the link to the arena in your favorites, did you save it before or after you logged in? I had that happen to me too and had to go back and delete the previous favorites listing and save it again after I logged in.

How do I upload a new avatar?
You can upload an avatar through your Profile and then Profile settings.

Does align centre work in sigs anymore?I cant edit my Sig to add icons or change fonts, like color or align...
The code should be working, I will take a look.

Pony Corral / Re: Have questions? We have answers!
« on: January 16, 2012, 06:54:45 AM »
Hey tootie tails!  Rosse and myself are only trying to be helpful.  The board is only a few days old and there are still pressing issues like moving everything over, people unable to access PMs and their profile, etc.  Hopefully an actual mod can answer your questions at some point.  I'm sure eveything will be explained once all the big stuff has been sorted.  ;)

....and that is why I'm asking questions, to try and figure out how the new board works - which *is* what this thread is dedicated to!  ;)
I don't think anyone has been impatient in this thread, neither me nor anyone else. So why the hurry to tell someone "give it time"? I was waiting for a mod to explain it, whenever they know the answer and find the time.

edit to add:

I read threw the posts here and didn't see this questions.

I was wondering. Is there a limit to the amount of messages in your in box or sent box? I remember that there was a limit on the old arena and that you couldn't receive new message if it was full.

Thats what I was wondering too! There doesn't seem to be an Outbox either. Not that I miss it - it was confusing sometimes when people deleted messages before the reciever read it (it would give you a false 'new message' heads up)

Pony Corral / Re: Wave 3 Blind Bag Close Up Pics
« on: January 16, 2012, 06:28:09 AM »
I love them! I think this is the best set so far. I always wanted more characters from Applejacks family. And there are many others from the show as well. Which makes much more sense than the totally unknown ones and the cheesy G3 characters they brought in.
I think this is the first time I got a good look at Lucky Dreams symbol. Thanks for posting close ups.

Pony Corral / Re: Have questions? We have answers!
« on: January 16, 2012, 06:03:39 AM »
Rosse, I am not complaining and I did not say the mod status was missing.
I'm only trying to figure out how the squares work, that's it.

Pony Corral / Re: Have questions? We have answers!
« on: January 16, 2012, 05:33:55 AM »
That would explain it I guess. Sort of.

Moderators post count is only visible in the forums they moderate, and then in form of green squares.
In forums the don't moderate they will have only one square, and it's a yellow one.

Weird... because it will make them look like they are a non moderator with very few posts.
But that is the way the board works then I guess.

Pony Corral / Re: Have questions? We have answers!
« on: January 16, 2012, 05:10:09 AM »

I believe a mod said that the number of yellow squares is dependent upon your post count and does not change from forum to forum for regular members.  Mods squares will change from yellow to green when they are in the section they mod.  Site admins have red squares.

Well apparently it can not be that simple, that's why I'm asking.
I saw a member with 15000+ posts and they only had one square, while I have around 1100 posts and 4 squares.

Pony Corral / Re: Have questions? We have answers!
« on: January 16, 2012, 03:50:58 AM »
Have we found out yet what exactly the little yellow squares are about?
I thought they had to do with post count but apparently it's not that simple.
Has it been confirmed they change with forums for all members? (not only for moderators that is)

Pony Corral / Re: Have questions? We have answers!
« on: January 15, 2012, 02:48:07 AM »

Is Bridgetsmum still the site owner? If not, who is?

To the best of my knowledge, yes.

So is she aware of this move to the new site? Or hasn't she been involved at all? Will she be here to comment on it?

I'm confused by this question!

What I meant was, being the site owner she used to comment on new events and happenings on the Arena. Now she hasn't been on for a while on the original board so I was wondering if she will be on here and comment on the move.
I was just curious. I have missed her around the arena and thought it was kind of strange that she just left without any notice.

(sorry the quoting looks kind of weird?...not used to the new board yet)

Pony Corral / Re: Lets celebrate with pictures! :)
« on: January 15, 2012, 02:29:45 AM »
Random favorite.

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

edit my signature picture needs toning down, it looks awfully loud on here lol

Pony Corral / Re: Welcome Back!
« on: January 15, 2012, 02:09:52 AM »
Thanks for your hard work.

Pony Corral / Re: Have questions? We have answers!
« on: January 15, 2012, 02:07:27 AM »

Is Bridgetsmum still the site owner? If not, who is?

To the best of my knowledge, yes.

So is she aware of this move to the new site? Or hasn't she been involved at all? Will she be here to comment on it?

Pony Corral / Re: Have questions? We have answers!
« on: January 15, 2012, 01:52:33 AM »
Is Bridgetsmum still the site owner? If not, who is?

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