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Messages - babymoondust

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Pony Corral / UKers - The Regent Street Hamleys for G4s?
« on: January 25, 2012, 02:06:18 PM »
Hey all!

I've been working hard lately so I wanted to go somewhere to treat myself to some serious PONY...
I was thinking that the Regent St Hamleys must surely be like a heaven for MLP stuff... but I could be completely wrong. I haven't been there for years, but I remember it being like toy Heaven.

It takes quite a while for me to get to Regent Street from where I am, so I wanted to double check to make sure I don't go there for nothing! Any info on the Hamleys pony situation would be greatly appreciated! ^_^

Pony Corral / Re: Cupcake/Sugarcup prototype?
« on: January 25, 2012, 01:07:19 PM »
At this rate, we'll have people consulting rehairing guides just to swap the colors around!   :lol:

Um... whaaa?   :blink:  You didn't just explain what I was doing last night!  :blush:

I was on, with reference pictures of that blonde Cupcake, obsessing over which tone hair batches were just right!!  XD

Pony Corral / Re: Cupcake/Sugarcup prototype?
« on: January 25, 2012, 12:50:58 PM »
They probably wouldn't ship the blonde one, they'd just ship the normal one.  The ones with reverse hair have only been spotted on the Chinese auction site. :(

Ohh nooooooooo :'( :'(

Really though if they ship the normal one, they should have the normal one in the pic. The other day I saw a site include BOTH pictures O_o

Mega confuzzlement!

Pony Corral / Re: Cupcake/Sugarcup prototype?
« on: January 25, 2012, 11:32:23 AM »
She shows up as having the blonde at the front on the Hasbro site -

I wish I could have her but I'm in the UK! :'(

She's only $4.99 there too!!!

WTH!! In the UK, ponies are like £5.99 - £6.99!!

Does anyone know if the blonde one is permanent or is going to be phased out by the other?
I so badly want one of each!

Pony Corral / Re: Fellow UK ponies, a question
« on: January 25, 2012, 11:10:47 AM »
Tesco so far been the best bet for G4s for me...
My Asda don't even stock genuine MLPs, they do the G3 blind bags though..
Last I checked WHSmiths, they had ONE Twilight Sparkle for £6.99.   

Toy stores are hard to find lately, let alone find ponies in!

The Range!!! I always forget about The Range when thinking about ponies!! They're actually pretty awesome for all the toys I love! Littlest Pet Shops, MLP, and Monster High!

Pony Corral / Re: How come no one hates Snails?
« on: January 25, 2012, 10:45:15 AM »
I don't really understand the people who say "Well *I'm* not offended, so whatever!"
Is it that hard to think "Well, clearly this upsets and offends other people, so I'm going to back them up on it."

Many of the people who don't find this offensive, also look upon taking offence in this matter a great waste of time and energy.

For example, I'm white. So if someone called me a racial slur, I wouldn't be personally hurt or offended by being called it - but I would still recognise that it is *offensive*, and chances are I'd tell them I didn't think that word or language should be used, at all.

Do you really think that the person who used the slur would be overly concerned that you didn't approve of that language? I think it would benefit you to stop assuming that other people necessarily care about what you think about words.
As I mentioned in the other thread, I've talked to one parent in particular who has a 6 year old with wall eyes, and she quite often gets teased about it at school, and has apparently been called a 'derp' before with regards to it. Now one of the characters in her favourite show is called a name used to tease her, and is treated pretty damn badly by one of the main, supposed role model characters. How is that ok?

It's not okay. But getting rid of :muffin: Pony or even the entire meme of 'derp' isn't going to stop that child getting bullied. If it wasn't "derp", it would be a different name. It isn't as though getting rid of every name in every show that could possibly be used as an insult is somehow going to cure the bullying of children. Just, no. 

Watch the scene again. Remember that the show is aimed at children. Then think how a child with wall eyes or who is disabled in a similar way to :muffin: Pony (I always prefered the name Bright Eyes for her, but whatevs) might feel about that.

Why don't we start treating them like human beings and actually let them think for themselves whether they find it offensive or not, instead of deciding and being offended on behalf of them?

Kids are *smart*. They're quick and sensitive and often pick up on things you might not expect. As far as I'm concerned, if that scene is enough to make even a few kids feel worse about themselves and their disabilities, it shouldn't be there.

What about if a child felt worse about his / her disabilities because there was no pony like :muffin: Pony?
What if a child with no limbs was watching MLP, and got upset because the ponies had limbs? Perhaps we should ban all media outright in case it hurts anybody.

As for the whole 'shout out to the bronies' thing, what the hell? Why do the bronies need a shout out? Especially an offensive one? It's a show aimed at young kids, especially girls. Why on earth do the bronies feel the need to own it?

Especially an "offensive" one? You're forgetting that not everybody looks at this the same way you do.

Pony Corral / Re: How come no one hates Snails?
« on: January 24, 2012, 06:08:40 PM »
If some kid who is mentally disabled watches the show, and hears the dopey-pony being called ':muffin: Pony,' don't you think that will hurt them? The word ':muffin: Pony' does not exist in a vacuum - people are being mocked with that word, even today. It would be like if her name was a racial slur; just because your privileged self doesn't think that it's offensive, that's probably because you've had no experience with it.

At this point, we have had those who work with disabled people as well as people with similar impairments themselves, proclaim not only a lack of offence taken, but an actual fondness for :muffin: Pony.
When someone comes on who says they have actually been bullied or teased as a result of this character, or witnessed an account of a child being bullied as a result of this character, it would at least give the criticisms some semblance of a purpose. But to my knowledge, the only people who are saying they're offended, are the people who have no absolutely affiliation with the people who have the traits they're affiliating :muffin: Pony with, or the consequences they're linking as a result of the character.

As deeply saddening as it is, for as long as humanity exists, there will likely always be bullies and people who tease for the sake of teasing. Getting rid of :muffin: Pony isn't going to change that. Banning any or even ALL aspects of entertainment that center around "different" characters is not going to change that. It's just going to mean that everybody will be fearful of creating anything that isn't strictly PC, which has already resulted in a great many of great shows being policed, and the quality of much entertainment going down-hill.

If kids weren't going around calling one another ":muffin: Pony", it would just be something else. As I've said before, it's the reasons children take to bullying and teasing in the first place that requires focus, because... well, it's the root of the problem!
This, however is like the white guy who says he is offended, when the black guy gets a joke thrown at him in humor - when the black guy himself was not at all offended, and actually took the joke in good humor. I see this as offence for offences sake.

It seems incredibly insensitive to the people who ARE upset to try to deny them their right to protest the thing that upsets them.

I believe this is an over-reaction. The last I checked, nobody was trying to "deny" anybody the right to anything?

Pony Corral / Re: How come no one hates Snails?
« on: January 24, 2012, 03:47:46 PM »
The :muffin: Pony controversy reminds me a little of the Family Guy - Down's Syndrome - Sarah Palin controversy:

Can you imagine if the voice actress for :muffin: Pony herself actually had the impairment, and found people being offended by her character? >.<

It is not an exact comparison by any means, these two issues, but every time I see people being offended by :muffin: Pony I think of this story, so I just figured I'd throw it out there for general interest.

Also I wanted to give Lyra kudos for pointing this out:

I think it is more 'expected/accepted' to have goofy man characters in media who are lovable (and FORGIVEN) for their shortcomings - but women are expected to be perfect?
Homer Simpson - lovable idiot, Marge - pretty much 'perfect' wife. Same in Family Guy and maaany other cartoons and sitcoms (rash foolish husband, sensible wife).Daisy and Minnie - Perfect, but wheres is Mrs Goofy NOW? I know the older cartoons had more characters, but how popular are they now compared to the 'core' bunch we see everywhere now.In what I observe from my personal experiences, family, academic and work it SOMETIMES feels like if mistakes are made by men, others MAY (not always) be more ready to forgive them 'cause their just men afterall' but women should know better because they are 'expected'  to be more sensibleI think girls should be allowed to be goofy and much as the male characters.

Completely agreed.

I love the G4s so much I just can't resist unboxing them. I want them on display in all their glory! ^_^

Pony Corral / Have you ever unboxed a MIB G1 pony.... :O
« on: January 19, 2012, 09:47:38 AM »
...that was REALLY expensive to buy MIB, and then found you couldn't resist unboxing it?

This is why I don't think I could ever buy MIB G1s. I would buy it, thinking "Ooh yeah this is great for my collection / great investment!", because I just know I wouldn't be able to keep myself from opening it!! XD

If you have - did you regret it?

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