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Messages - pineapplecupcake

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Pony Corral / Re: POTD 5/5/2015 Princess Rinse 'n Spit
« on: May 05, 2015, 04:14:35 PM »
want her............................
then i would hide her in the kids beds  :devious: Boo hahahaha
This cracked me up, I can just see it happening, hahaha.
Also, agreed, we need more pics on this thread! All of the photos have been making me smile (a big toothy smile at that, haha).  :biggrin:

Rainbow boy ponies... Rockin Beat boy ponies!! And Prince ponies! That would just be PERFECT.
I would have loved to see Rockin' Beat boy ponies! The Prince ponies could have had heraldry shields for cutie marks :)

Off Topic / Re: A night at the movies
« on: May 05, 2015, 01:17:33 PM »
Tablet works best for me. I'm usually doing a couple things at the same time (surfing the internet, texting, doodling) so I can just move my tablet around to accommodate wherever I'm sitting. I do like going to the movies, but I probably only go twice a year or so. Usually I only go for movies I really want to see. I like that you get to see all the previews in the theater and I usually indulge in butter slathered popcorn. I used to be deathly afraid of movie theaters because I am not big on the loud noise and the dark. But I've gradually gotten over it. I still hate Imax movies though, it's just way too intense for me. I have tried watching movies on my phone but it's just the worst, haha!

Customs / Re: Big Mac--> Night Guard Progress
« on: May 05, 2015, 12:12:47 PM »
Ooh, I love seeing how customs come together. Will be stalking this thread! :)

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 5/5/2015 Princess Rinse 'n Spit
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:57:45 AM »
Hahahaha those teeth omg! I think I would pass on her but the chompers are pretty hilarious.

Pony Corral / Re: "Must Have" Ponies: Perception vs. Reality...
« on: May 04, 2015, 03:20:53 PM »
1. Who is your most "valuable" / proud moment / grail-y pony? Ummm, from G1, I own the Bright Eyes I had as a kid and from G4 I recently got a Diamond Rose for $2, so that was exciting.

2. Who is your favorite pony? This is a really hard question! Of G1, I really like Flower Bouquet, Rosedust, Sugarberry, Nice N' Spicy, and Dancing Butterflies. Oh, and baby TAFs (one day I will afford one of you!). Of G3, I like Butter Pop (I like popcorn a lot) and Winter Minty from 08. G4 I really like Honeybuzz and regular Sunset Shimmer.

3. Who do you think the most sought after pony is? Mimic? I'm really not sure. Definitely not Rapunzel according to the other thread, hahaha! I would also say that Nightglider comes up a lot, just from reading what people are looking for on the forum.

4. If you could advise the entire community to add one pony to their collection, who would that pony be and why do you think he or she is special / beautiful / unique? Oh man, this is a hard one too. Everyone likes different stuff so it is hard to choose a generic one. I guess I would say any of the winged ponies - they are just so pretty!

5. Who is your most wanted pony, right here right now? Hrmmmm. I'm fickle, so it is always changing. Right now, probably Baby Dancing Butterflies and/or Baby Sweet Tooth (she's sooooo cute) in the long term. Short term probably Baby Rainribbon and Baby Sunribbon.

6. Do you collect individual ponies or do you collect by set? Individuals. I tend to like only certain ponies out of each set.

7. Would you rather have one rare pony or a few new less expensive ones? (All ponies in good condition and bought for their proper worth) A few less expensive ones :D

These are just gorgeous! Everything from the sculpting to color choices is just lovely. I am in love with the Cheshire cat one!!

Off Topic / Re: Sci-fi/Fantasy book recommendations?
« on: May 01, 2015, 09:40:31 AM »
 :lovey: Yay recommendations, keep 'em coming!
I love Neil Gaiman - I have read American Gods, as well as the Anaszi (sp?) one and have all the Sandman comics. If you like his sort of weird and dark style, then definitely read the comics, they are excellent. Also as somebody mentioned below, pick up Fables - it's all about fairytale characters but set in modern times. It's super good. I think I've read Good Omens, but it's been a while - all of Terry Pratchett is hilarious, I need to read more of him.
I keep meaning to pick up the Blue Sword, many people have told me it's good. Thanks for the reminder! I have also been putting off Dragons of Pern. I believe I tried them once and had a really hard time getting into them, but I will give them another go!
As for Vernor Vinge - he really hasn't written too much stuff, so I'm not sure that there's more awesome alien-y animal-y characters to be had. Like you say, the second one is less about the Tines. But, I just finished his Realtime/Bobble series - it's SOOO good. It took me a little bit to get into, but once I did, I could not put it down! The first one is The Peace War. Also, he recently was on the Invisibilia podcast on NPR - I think it is on the "Our Computers, Ourselves" episode. I also recommend Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke for a sort of deep but trippy novel. I just read it a couple months ago and by the end I was like "What was that that I just read? Like it was awesome, but so bizarre!" I also just read a good short story in an anthology - "Droplet" by Benjamin Rosenbaum. It's in that same kind of weird aliens you weren't expecting kind of vein like VV. I don't know if he's written anything else, but I'd give him a look and see if your library has any of his stuff.
I really like the psychological stuff like 1984 and Brave New World - I've read both and they just make you think. If anybody has more recommendations along this line - chime in!
I loved Mists of Avalon! Has anybody read the rest in the series? I am wondering if they're worth picking up.
So many new books to read! Squeeee
Oh, side note, fantasy people you may like the Valdemar novels by Mercedes Lackey - they have pretty magical horses that can talk to their owners via telepathy... :D Personally, I think the writing is a little ho-hum but I read them for the magical ponies, lol.

« on: April 30, 2015, 01:45:28 PM »
*insta-subscribe* Omg, these are great! I love the creative storylines, you capture the ponies' personalities perfectly!

Off Topic / Re: Sci-fi/Fantasy book recommendations?
« on: April 30, 2015, 10:20:01 AM »
Wow, you guys are awesome! Now I have so many options! Yay!!  :frolic: :frolic:
I have read a couple of the suggested - I love the His Dark Materials series, it's awesome. Fun fact: I actually got to meet the author once - this was before they made a movie of the series and he was still writing the trilogy, so he did a local library tour and ended up near me. I have a signed copy of the whole series! :D
Also, I'm a huge Vernor Vinge nerd so definitely have read Fire Upon the Deep (so good!). I'm definitely going to give Nemesis a read since I really loved The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Man this list is just chock full of gold though - so many authors I haven't heard of and stuff I haven't read yet! Now I'm going to lookup everyone's recommendations and put them on hold at the library  :joy:

Off Topic / Sci-fi/Fantasy book recommendations?
« on: April 29, 2015, 02:45:07 PM »
:read: I recently read The Martian and it has got me wanting to read more sci-fi. I also love fantasy novels, so share your favorites! I'd love to get some recommendations of books, because I am all out of ideas. I keep re-reading Ray Bradbury short stories and some of my favorite Mercedes Lackey series, and I'd love to branch out a bit more :)

Off Topic / Re: I need a reliable fitness app
« on: April 29, 2015, 02:29:42 PM »
I am really old school and just went to a sports store where I bought an old-timey clip-it-on pedometer. It seems to be more accurate than my phone and I can never remember to update apps and such. It's also a really cheap option since most pedometers are pretty inexpensive. :)

Pony Corral / Re: A Hooves Game
« on: April 29, 2015, 02:19:30 PM »
Lol it was Sunburst! :biggrin: Yep,its Nachtlicht good guessing. I'm gonna say that's Cloud Climber. How about these hooves:
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Yay! :D They are indeed Cloud Climber's feet, good guess! And I'm going to guess that these ones are... Salty!

I guess Tux n Tails!

I guess Barnacle! :D

Pony Corral / Re: A Hooves Game
« on: April 29, 2015, 02:14:38 PM »
I'm going to go rogue and guess that the blue feet are Nachtlicht, although they look a little bright...

Here are some more hooves!

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I guess... Cloud Climber?

Edit: :muffin:, I didn't see someone had guessed Cloud climber, ignore me! I would delete this post if I knew how!

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 4/29/2015 Gypsy
« on: April 29, 2015, 02:08:32 PM »
I like her whimsical symbol and freckles! But I can live without her in my collection (for now! Lol)

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