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Messages - Snapdragon

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Pony Corral / Re: CA Ponies! I think it's time we planned a meet....
« on: January 28, 2012, 12:02:31 PM »
Oh nooo, I just looked up Atwater, too! :( I'm much further south (Los Angeles is the furthest north I usually go, LOL), so San Fran-y areas are wayyyyyyyy out of my range. I'm sorry I won't be able to go, this sounds like an incredibly-fun meetup!! And a custom-making contest on-site?! Sign me up!!

I hope you guys have a lot of fun! Best of luck Jahlila!! :heart:

Pony Corral / Re: Prince Cadence & Wedding Castle - now with pics! MERGED
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:13:12 PM »
SGLKJSEKJWKWJWRJBSOFIRHTYJRNGF!!! *unintelligible squeals of delight* BOY PONY!!! CASTLE!!! BOY. PONY!!!!

Pony Corral / Re: Bronies, come answer my questions!
« on: January 25, 2012, 02:50:12 PM »
Heh, I might not be the type of Brony you want to answer your survey, since I'm sort of an old-school fan who likes the new show and originally identified as a Brony but now dislikes the direction the Brony movement is taking and wouldn't want to be called a Brony in Brony-only spaces but still feel the title sort of concerns her because she likes the new show and a lot of the creativity surrounding it despite the problematic elements ... SO... feel free to disregard my post if you so please. ;)

Tell me... I SHALL!
1. How you got into MLP and why you like it. I grew up with MLP, obviously, but I got into the G4 show more so because it was 'the latest pony thing' and I wanted to see if it was good. Not really out of any desire to watch it BECAUSE it was a good show, but more because it was Pony. I was told by my brother, of all people (not a Brony himself) that a lot of people were talking about the show before it even started, so I went and checked out some online spaces for it and got into the Brony swing of things! :D
2. Single? Married? Any dads? Any moms? Single! I'm one of the prototypical mid-twenties collectors who had ponies as a kid and is hunting down the nostalgia. :P
3. Do you collect or just watch the show and discuss? I collect and watch the show! Lately, I restrict my discussion to here, the TP, and another community because I just don't like the direction things take at Brony-only spaces. :/ Slurs against female characters, and the like. Fleur-de-Lis ... didn't have a very nice name at first, thanks to Bronies.
4. Have you developed an interest in the other pony generations? I've always had an interest in the other generations, since I grew up with them! But I have noticed a lot of Bronies who initially start out liking G4, then branch out into G1 and G3! :) Two female Bronies I hung out with got into G2, very much so!
5. Any other pertinent facts I should know in order to truly understand what bronies are about! Well, a lot of them hold offensive views, so be aware that people who like the G4 show and "Bronies" are often divided into two groups. Bronies tend to be younger, and a lot less worldly, so they sometimes hold some offensive views that they think are okay because it's "just the internet."

slight edit for content ~ashes

Pony Corral / Re: How come no one hates Snails?
« on: January 24, 2012, 06:30:28 PM »
At this point, we have had those who work with disabled people as well as people with similar impairments themselves, proclaim not only a lack of offence taken, but an actual fondness for :muffin: Pony.
When someone comes on who says they have actually been bullied or teased as a result of this character, or witnessed an account of a child being bullied as a result of this character, it would at least give the criticisms some semblance of a purpose. But to my knowledge, the only people who are saying they're offended, are the people who have no absolutely affiliation with the people who have the traits they're affiliating :muffin: Pony with, or the consequences they're linking as a result of the character.

In other sites, I have heard accounts from multiple people with disabilities who are greatly upset by this portrayal of :muffin: Pony. I am not trying to silence disabled people - if they feel that this isn't insulting to them, then that is absolutely their choice. But one disabled person =/= all disabled people. And I am saying that I have seen in other communities, much smaller communities than this one, already a handful of people who are not only upset about this portrayal, but are disabled as well.

As deeply saddening as it is, for as long as humanity exists, there will likely always be bullies and people who tease for the sake of teasing. Getting rid of :muffin: Pony isn't going to change that. Banning any or even ALL aspects of entertainment that center around "different" characters is not going to change that. It's just going to mean that everybody will be fearful of creating anything that isn't strictly PC, which has already resulted in a great many of great shows being policed, and the quality of much entertainment going down-hill.

The problem is, MLP could be a great agent for change - the problem isn't that she's a clumsy, 'dopey' pony, but that the name they chose for her is essentially a slur. If they want to make a character who is mentally disabled, they can feel free to do that, but it should be a sensitive, non-stereotypical portrayal. This isn't 'deep cinema,' it's a kids' show; they need to be more mindful of their audience. (Not to say that disabled adults don't count as well, of course. I'm saying that adults can recognize when ableism occurs, but kids often cannot.)

If kids weren't going around calling one another ":muffin: Pony", it would just be something else. As I've said before, it's the reasons children take to bullying and teasing in the first place that requires focus, because... well, it's the root of the problem!
This, however is like the white guy who says he is offended, when the black guy gets a joke thrown at him in humor - when the black guy himself was not at all offended, and actually took the joke in good humor. I see this as offence for offences sake.

So ... racist jokes are okay, then, if one black guy says they're funny? Mmmhmm. :Ia

I see this issue as one that is not 'offense for offense's sake,' but 'people who are uncomfortable with stereotypes and slurs being thrown around in children's programming.' If a ton of disabled people showed up and said, "No, we're okay with this, you need to stand down," then I'd respect their wishes. But as it stands, some disabled people are saying they aren't okay with it, because it offends them. So I feel like - If I'm sensing that this is uncomfortable and not-okay, and other people who have to deal with this issue are agreeing with me, then I feel like I have a pretty legitimate reason to be uncomfortable with this thing. It doesn't mean other disabled people can't be comfortable with it, of course.

I believe this is an over-reaction. The last I checked, nobody was trying to "deny" anybody the right to anything?

Well, if you go through a thread and dismiss every other opinion that is opposite to yours with "these people need to get a life" and "calm down, it's just a cartoon," it can seem very dismissive and rude. They are not denying anyone rights (since they can't stop people from posting, after all), but it does feel like they are attempting to 'shut down' the conversation and insult/shame others into not responding. So 'deny' would be the wrong word, I think, you are right there.

Pony Corral / Re: Show my your pony make-overs reprise
« on: January 24, 2012, 06:12:29 PM »
O.O How did you get her paint off without removing her symbols, Butterflybuttons?! That's incredible! Great work, I'm deeply envious of your skill! :heart:

Pony Corral / Re: How come no one hates Snails?
« on: January 24, 2012, 04:26:47 PM »
Some people just need to find things to be angry about. I think people just need to chill.
Could not agree more. It's just a cartoon, people.

Post Merge: January 24, 2012, 12:38:35 PM

Haha, well, I think that anyone who is offended by any of these characters is taking the show a little too seriously... :throw:
This is all.
Also this.

While i can't say i'm "offended".  Do you guys really need to give these sneaky stabs at people who don't feel the same way as you guys do? I don't think it's that hard to understand both views...

But, Malicieuse! You are being OVER SENSITIVE! Everyone knows that in real life, people are NEVER mocked for being mentally disabled, and no one has EVER called a mentally disabled person ':muffin: Pony' to their face or behind their back in a mocking manner! Really, you should stop worrying about these imaginary issues and focus on what's important - protecting our Sacred Right to Ableism!

Sigh. And here I was thinking that it was just Bronies who had the 'ponies can do no wrong PONIES ARE PERFECT' issue. 9_9 My bad, my bad. Honestly, FiM has had some issues before this, too - the Over a Barrel issue, the fact that Zecora is the only zebra and she speaks with an accent and has magical powers that no one understands - does it mean we aren't allowed to be upset, because it's 'just a cartoon'? News flash: cartoons impact the people who watch them, in REAL LIFE.

If some kid who is mentally disabled watches the show, and hears the dopey-pony being called ':muffin: Pony,' don't you think that will hurt them? The word ':muffin: Pony' does not exist in a vacuum - people are being mocked with that word, even today. It would be like if her name was a racial slur; just because your privileged self doesn't think that it's offensive, that's probably because you've had no experience with it. It seems incredibly insensitive to the people who ARE upset to try to deny them their right to protest the thing that upsets them.

Pony Corral / Re: How come no one hates Snails?
« on: January 24, 2012, 11:24:06 AM »
:muffin: Pony, itself, is a slur against the disabled. (Look up 'derp face,' you'll be extremely offended. Unless you're too 'edgy', sigh. Basic human decency seems like it should trump 'edgy' teenager-like behavior, but whatevs.) :muffin: Pony came from the meme 'herpderp' or 'hurr durr,' which is often used to mimic/mock someone who is mentally disabled, as a joke. When Bronies came up with the name ':muffin: Pony Hooves,' it was because she had wall-eyes, which (to their minds) must mean that she was mentally disabled of some kind. Physical disability =/= mental disability.

In addition, :muffin: Pony is shown to be bad at working - she crashes into everything, she has no sense that she's messing things up, and she also has no realization that she's hurting herself. The joke seems to be, "Look how funny it is, she's so stupid she doesn't even realize she's hurt/breaking things." Rainbow Dash yells at her for attempting to help, and since no one contradicts her ... it kind of leaves the viewer to assume, 'It's okay to yell at people if they break things or act annoying, even if they can't help it.'

Snips and Snails, on the other hand, are kids. Kids are expected to do some stupid stuff - that's how they learn. They have the ability to realize when they've messed things up (like panicking when Trixie couldn't defeat the Ursa, and when they begged for forgiveness from Twilight Sparkle), even though they make foolish, impetuous decisions. It is clear that their desire to impress Trixie overwhelms their good sense, which is something that kids are prone to do; it doesn't mean they're inherently stupid or disabled. Some people here have kids - you KNOW your kids do stupid stuff sometimes, because they're kids! It doesn't make them inherently stupid, they just don't know any better yet.

Yes, Snails has a bit of a deeper, goofy voice, much like :muffin: Pony, but in his case, it's not as offensive because A) he's a kid, and B) his 'stupidity' is not made to seem like it's a disability. He still has a friend (Snips), he still can get things done (finding the Ursa), we still see him going to school and being a productive member of pony society. Everything he touches does not get destroyed; he has a sense of when he is in physical danger/risks getting hurt, both of which are the opposite to :muffin: Pony Hooves. (My feeling is, the voice could be all right, except that in conjunction with the name, it becomes stereotypical and offensive. If her name was 'Bubbles' or 'Bubblecup,' then it wouldn't be nearly as bad.)

In short, like I said before - I love :muffin: Pony Hooves. I think she's an awesome pony! I love how she's klutzy, cute and sweet. But I don't think her name should be :muffin: Pony, and I don't think she should be portrayed as a stereotype. You can make a klutzy, over-active, super-excited pony without making her demeaning - just look at Pinkie Pie!

Customs / Re: Save the Ponies! Entry Form Up
« on: January 19, 2012, 01:51:57 PM »
"Save the Ponies!"
Bait to be used: The purple one on the lower right-hand corner, with the glass eyes. :P (Thanks Colorscapeart!! Can't wait til she gets here!)

EDIT: Nevermind, gonna use this one!
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I agree to the rules and dates to be considered for prizes!

Customs / Re: Save the Ponies! Custom Contest Coming Soon!
« on: January 18, 2012, 12:45:06 PM »
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I have a few free fakies lying around if anyone needs them, I'd only ask shipping and use an envelope.

Ooh, could I have one of those? I have fakies at home, for sure, but - I kind of collect them. :blush: So I'd need on that's all ratty and beaten-on! And I kind of like the looks of the ones with the glass eyes, if one of them is still available? Lemme know if that's okay!

Customs / Re: Save the Ponies! Custom Contest Coming Soon!
« on: January 17, 2012, 10:02:01 PM »
Ohhh, she's just beautiful! I have absolutely NO time for customizing right now, but ... maybe a simple rehair wouldn't be TOO difficult. And I've been meaning to work on one of the many, many frizzy-haired fakies I have! The only problem is... do I have one baity enough to work on?! :P I'll take a look! This sounds like an awesome contest idea!

Introductions / Re: Every old MLPArena user: GET IN HERE!
« on: January 17, 2012, 09:48:00 PM »
ARE YOU AS SCARED OF THIS PHOTOBUCKET WINDOW AS I AM?! good photobucket window, you look kind of cool

AHAHAHAHAHA YOU WIN! TEN THOUSAND INTERNETS TO YOU!! (And also Eviecorn, that made me snort too XD)


Customs / Re: Rainbow of Customs!!
« on: January 17, 2012, 12:36:34 AM »
Let's ... see if I can figure out the Pho  tobucket window ... SO SCARED!  :shocked: If nothing works, I'm taking none of the blame - but if it looks amazing, I'm taking all of the praise. LOL!

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He's got orange hair! Technically he's finished, but I'm waiting to show him off until Dan's done. :)

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My beautiful ElfPony trade!! She was made for ElfPony, in a personal trade we did last summer. :) She's my work, although her original design was 100% Elf's - I just added some more autumnal bits!

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Introductions / Re: Every old MLPArena user: GET IN HERE!
« on: January 16, 2012, 10:42:09 PM »
Welcome to the new site, Snapdragon. I like your idea for a combined thread but it seems everybody would prefer to post their own!  :cheer:

Ahh, that's okay too then! ;) I love it when we have these massive 90-page threads with tons of macros and smileys, haha, so I'm always happy to see another one of those happen. XD Thanks for the warm welcome back, ladies! :heart:

Introductions / Every old MLPArena user: GET IN HERE!
« on: January 16, 2012, 09:59:32 PM »
HEY GUYS! So, I've noticed that everyone is re-introducing themselves, and I thought - it's nice to see everyone back again! But with all of us re-introducing ourselves, it's bound to get a little crowded in here!! There's, what, thousands of users? And that means potentially thousands of new threads!

So I thought we could have a mass "HI EVERYONE I'M BACK!" type of thread, so that anyone who wanted to find their friends could just hop in here and have a look around! And if it turns into a crazy drunken party with Diamond passing out drinks... SO BE IT! :lmao:

Anyway - hi! As you can see, I'm Snapdragon, and I figured out how to get onto this new-fangled board, at last! I'll probably be quiet for a day or two, though, while I figure out how everything works again! :yikes: This Photobucket window under my post is kind of scaring me ... eek!!

And for the sake of silliness, here's some random NEW questions for you to fill out, if you so desire. ;)

Favorite color:
Favorite Pony toy:
(If you watch FiM) Who is your favorite FiM pony?
Which feature about this new board is confusing you the most? :P
How excited are you right now that the Arena is back?!


Pony Corral / Re: Blind Bags in US!!
« on: January 15, 2012, 11:48:53 PM »
Oh no, no blind bags in CA!? Okay, I gotta get on this. I went yesterday, and they had Styling Rainbow Dash (yoink!), but no sign of blind bags. I heard the 'official' reset is supposed to be tomorrow, so ... maybe tomorrow they will have something. Crossing my hooves here!!!

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