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Messages - Gizmo

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Pony Corral / Re: Why do you Collect My Little Pony?
« on: March 24, 2014, 08:06:00 AM »
I know when I'm depressed or anxious is definitely when I buy more ponies.

Same here.

Whenever I'm under pressure with work or life I find myself turning to MLP more often if there isn't much else to do, it allows me to escape spending those moments hopelessly worrying and instead I get occupied with something cheerful and light hearted to relieve some stress.

Nostalgia definitely plays a role to a certain extent however my favourite ponies as an adult are ones I never had as a child, whereas a lot of what I did own back then doesn't appeal to me anymore. I'm also a collector of many other things that were produced decades before my time so I guess in my case it's just a matter of preferring the aesthetics and designs of earlier times. I also love toys in general, have a passion for color schemes, and my childhood obsession with shetland ponies and animals to this day makes MLP an irresistible collectable for me.

Wanted! / Re: G1 Ponies, Playsets, Brushes, Ribbons, Stickers
« on: March 23, 2014, 12:51:14 AM »
Updated and as always, looking for lots more combs and brushes and still plenty of things that I'm looking for.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Feeling a little bit proud :)
« on: February 21, 2014, 02:40:56 AM »
Wow you should be proud, she turned really stunning now! I can't stop looking at her before and after, so beautiful.

Wanted! / Re: G1 Ponies, Playsets, Brushes, Ribbons, Stickers
« on: February 14, 2014, 03:08:42 AM »

Found some more ponies + stickers.

Pony Corral / Re: Selling outside of EU/US
« on: February 05, 2014, 07:22:19 PM »
Thank you so much everyone, I wasn't sure if it would be worth trying but good to know there are people willing to pay these rates. I'll start sorting them out this week and hopefully will start selling them by next weekend :)

Pony Corral / Selling outside of EU/US
« on: February 05, 2014, 10:03:05 AM »
I plan to narrow down my MLP collection and will filter out a good number of G1s, G2s, and G3s, their condition range from bait to NM and some MIB G2s however most of them are common and I wonder if people would still be interested in them considering the International shipping charges?

For instance, to ship to the US it would cost approximately $8 for a single pony in a padded envelope and $20 for a small box that goes up to 450 grams (that's almost 1 pound) which I believe can hold around 3-4 adult ponies.

Are these prices reasonable enough to sell them here?

Pony Corral / Re: What kind of shelving do you use to display your ponies?
« on: February 05, 2014, 08:38:09 AM »
Billy bookcases are best and they're so versatile, you can have glass shelves and lighting installed with glass doors and you've got yourself a museum of MLP goodness.

Pony Corral / Re: What are my chances?? (Confetti sunfade question)
« on: February 05, 2014, 08:23:56 AM »
This is why I used petroleum jellly on the mane prior to the peroxide kept the hair from fading at all! A little smear on the symbols to protect them might be a good idea, too, if you're afraid of them being damaged. I've not had a problem with it affecting paint or sparkles or anything, either, but no guarantees :lol:

That is an awesome tip! I was thinking of testing on a baity Majesty but her hair color kept me from trying, thank you!

Pony Corral / Re: What are my chances?? (Confetti sunfade question)
« on: February 03, 2014, 10:52:46 PM »
I have tested 6% H2O2 on a bait Glory and Moondancer using indoor aquatic plant lights, their bodies improved quite a bit however both their hair strips have faded after soaking for about a week. Action figure collectors have warned against using peroxide on purple and blue toys and that obviously applies to pony hair as well although interestingly only the strips were affected, the rest of their hair remained as is and only Glory's silver glitter star wore off but that could be from soaking her for so long

I also would not recommend Remove-Zit for any colored pony except yellow and even then I'd test it out underneath their hooves, I also wouldn't use it unless the pony was in very bad condition to begin with. It's also important to note that Remove-Zit requires Formula 911 afterwards to neutralise it and that also strips paint so it must be handled with care.

Pony Corral / Re: What are my chances?? (Confetti sunfade question)
« on: February 02, 2014, 08:26:35 AM »
It's very pasty so I used a tooth pick around the eyes and symbols and piled it on the rest of her body, I also tried it on a Masquerade and Trickles where it completely got rid of their mold spots.

Here's a tiny picture of how Confetti looks, should give you an idea and you can also notice the shinier plastic I was referring to earlier:

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She's the only Confetti that I could freely display anywhere as I don't have to worry about her being exposed to light.

Pony Corral / Re: G1 Mail Order Twinkler
« on: February 02, 2014, 08:12:04 AM »
I've seen pictures of both the store version and mail order MIP and it's 100% light blue.

Pony Corral / Re: What are my chances?? (Confetti sunfade question)
« on: February 02, 2014, 07:47:26 AM »
Vale's absolutely right, I'm obsessed with that set and on my quest of finding the perfect Confetti I have realised that there are two types of her in that pose, one's the common store version which is made of much cheaper plastic that is very prone to degrading and she never was stark white to begin with, then there's a later version that is much whiter and made of better plastic and has other differences such as a thinner forelock, less hair plugs, and different eye shade.

My only success whitening a baity was using Remove-Zit which also worked very well on yellow ponies but not so much on other colors. The only side effect is that the plastic became a little shiny which I didn't mind as white and shiny is still an incredible improvement. It's been a couple of years now and she still remains the same and there's been no damage to the plastic as far as I can tell.

I also once managed to get a perfect early store version years ago and have kept her in a dark air conditioned room but unfortunately her plastic still managed to turn brown in some areas so it's inevitable with this one. I currently own a herd of Confettis and the only true whites are the later release that I've mentioned earlier and of course Italians, Spanish, and UK's Wedding Bells Confetti.

Pony Corral / Re: UK Baby Stroller Question
« on: February 02, 2014, 03:24:57 AM »
Thanks a lot everyone for confirming, I was worried it might have been previously glued by the seller and like you Lisey I didn't imagine this was part of it but to clarify that's actually air bubbles in the dried glue and not melted plastic.

Pony Corral / UK Baby Stroller Question
« on: February 01, 2014, 12:35:52 PM »
I was very excited to receive Baby Lemon Drop and her stroller in the mail but unfortunately the canopy was detached and upon inspection it looks like it was previously broken and glued back on, the seller did not mention this and it didn't appear broken in the picture so they may not have known about it. It also looks like the glue is old, here it is:

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If anyone has one or knows more about this release, did Hasbro use glue to attach the canopy? May I see pictures of how that part is supposed to look like?

I'd appreciate the help  :)

Wanted! / Re: G1 Ponies, Playsets, Brushes, Ribbons, Stickers
« on: January 15, 2014, 03:05:31 PM »

Found Applejack (long hair) and SS Shady.

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