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Messages - sailorstitch

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so i  got time tuner! if you put it in airplane mode he can be bought for  2500 coins!

Squee!!!!! Thanks for posting this. I just bought him. It looks like several of the ponies you win can be bought in airplane mode including Trixie!


Has anybody tried earning gems by downloading apps? I tried this last night. There was a Hello Kitty game on the list that looked good. If I downloaded the app and played the game to level 4 I got two gems. It didn't take long to get to level four either.

Hmmm, interesting. But we'll, no. No such feature was advertised on the game, so I didn't know about it.

It's on the page where you buy gems with real money. There's a green box on the left that says "Get Free Gems!" Tap on it and it brings up a list of apps you can download, what you have to do with the app to earn the gems and how many gems you get for that app. Example: Sign up for Zoosk! and you get 14 gems. (That one is NOT going to happen!!!)


Thanks for the warning about the pop ups! I wasn't sure I wanted to do too many in the first place. I don't want to fill up my phone with apps I don't want.


The other day I sent Princess Celestia a treasure chest. Look where it landed! Sure gave me a good laugh.  :lol:

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If you haven't already (and I THANK those that have), could you please gift me? Applejack really wants me to bring in Scootaloo, but I'm short by about 16 hearts.  :huh:

Has anybody tried earning gems by downloading apps? I tried this last night. There was a Hello Kitty game on the list that looked good. If I downloaded the app and played the game to level 4 I got two gems. It didn't take long to get to level four either.


Pony Corral / Re: Black Friday Hot Topic sales
« on: November 23, 2012, 02:51:15 PM »
UGH!!! The website keeps giving me error messages and their phone line is busy! :(


I got through once, was put on hold for ten minutes, then I got disconnected.  >_< After a couple more tries I got through to a person and was able to place my order. I got a Luna shirt, the RD shopping bag and a :muffin: Pony pin. Plus a few Sailor Moon items to make it $30.

Thanks for posting about the sale!

Pony Corral / Re: New Crystal G4 in Blister packaging officially out!
« on: November 22, 2012, 04:36:31 PM »
Thanks for posting this! I've been wondering which dvd came with this wave. I think I like Rainbow Dash best. But I'll also get Twilight just for those awesome glasses! :P


how do you do that time traveling  thing? you forgot the fact  that  you also  have to  buy a guard statue and other items that cost gems

That's the quest I'm on right now. :( It would take all my gems just to skip it.

My Gameloft ID is sailorfluttershy

I wanted sailorstitch, but it wouldn't let me use it... or a couple others that I tried. I already sent out a couple dozen friend requests. Please friend me! I'm trying to do the quest where I have to send 5 treasure chests to friends.


Post Merge: November 20, 2012, 07:03:02 PM


The game jammed, so I followed standard procedure of deleting the app, then re-installing it.

WE LOST EVERYTHING!!!!!!  We were on level 49!!!!

I know my mistake. Even though I backed-up the app to our computer, I didn't removed the phone from the computer, and when it re-synced, it over-wrote the saved game!!!

Oh well, guess we start again, this time being more careful of the gems!  At least I don't have to re-friend everyone.  Of course, of the 119 GL friends, only 31 show up in the game!

I dread telling my daughter when she gets home from school!  I have a little under 5 hours until everyone will hear screaming from Indiana!


Oh, no!!! How'd your daughter take the news?

Thanks for friending me. You're the first to respond. Thanks for the treasure chest too!


Pony Corral / Re: Possible Sea Ponies in the Future?
« on: November 20, 2012, 06:31:40 PM »
OMG!!!!! *squeals* I work at a Hachette warehouse. I can use my employee discount and get the books for at least 75% off!


Pony Corral / Re: Stalking.. pony fair location!
« on: November 12, 2012, 05:55:42 PM »
I was just wondering if this had been announced yet.....


Pony Corral / Re: Hot Topic finds: Not sure how to feel
« on: November 12, 2012, 04:25:19 PM »
I was just in Hot Topic on Sat. I went in to pick up the Fluttershy "Yay!" shirt I'd been wanting. I looked at the :muffin: Pony figure several times. But the quality was just so bad I couldn't bring myself to pay even the sale price. They didn't have the underwear. I wish they did. I would've bought them! I've been wishing for some G4 undies. My G3 ones are just about shot. *wanders off to check Ebay*


Off Topic / Re: Your Halloween costume this year?
« on: October 19, 2012, 08:18:03 PM »
I don't know what I'll be doing this year... if anything at all. But those of you who will be taking your kids out trick-or-treating, I have a favor to ask of you. Please check with the nursing homes and assisted living places in your area to see if they will be open to trick-or-treaters.

I don't talk about this much on here, but my dad is disabled and in the nursing home. Last Halloween the nursing home he is in opened their doors to trick-or-treaters so the residents could have a chance to see at least some cute little kids in their costumes. They ran an ad in the local paper and everything. I put on my Stitch costume and Mom and I went out there to join in on the fun. I wanted to see the kids too. We never get trick-or-treaters at our house. We sat with my dad, a couple staff members, a several other residents and waited for the kids. We waited three hours and NOBODY came. :'( There were a couple older ladies that kept staring out the windows. If they had been little girls they would have had their faces pressed up against the glass. ;) Every time they saw car headlights they got so excited that the kids were finally coming, only to be disappointed when the car went right on by. :'( It was really sad to watch. The residents were disappointed. The staff was disappointed. I was disappointed!

So do a good dead this Halloween and stop by a local nursing home or two. :-*


Pony Corral / Re: Build-A-Bear Considering FiM Stuffed Animals!
« on: September 15, 2012, 07:09:59 PM »
OMG!!!!! I love BABW!

My fake 5 year old girl wants to know where the "all of the above" button is. :P I ended up picking Spike and Rarity. Spike would be sitting up so he could wear the normal clothes. Rarity would be fun to dress up in the accessories.


Pony Corral / Zecora in stock @!
« on: September 08, 2012, 09:42:17 AM »
Zecora is now IN STOCK on the TRU website! Sadly, she's priced at $14.99.   :huh: But I had a $5 gift card so I still got her for $10.  :P


Pony Corral / Re: I think I terrified a girl when buying some ponies :-/
« on: August 30, 2012, 04:08:33 PM »
That is SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!

I had something like that happen to me recently. But it wasn't ponies, it was Pokemon.

I was at the Pokemon Nationals tournament at the end of June. They had people dressed up like Pikachu and the three Black & White starters.

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On Sat I was cosplaying as Jessie from Team Rocket. While I was waiting my turn to get my picture taken with one of the Pokemon this little girl came up to me. She couldn't have been more than 6 or 7 years old. In the most timid and nervous voice she asked me, "Are you here to steal Pikachu?" I reassured her that I wasn't going to steal Pikachu. Then I pulled out the plush Pikachu that I had been carrying around that day and told her, "Because I already caught him." The little girl gave me a very confused look, turned and walked away. :D I think she thought I was nuts! :P


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