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Messages - Phynix

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The Dollhouse / Re: Disney Animator Dolls and American Girl?
« on: January 01, 2016, 12:59:39 PM »
Those are the minis did you want a comparison of the bigger ones? I might be able to help with that. I will see if my daughter would be willing to take elsa out o fher box.

They're both the full sized dolls.

Really they looked like the minis I am so sorry!

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Paypal for trading
« on: January 01, 2016, 12:50:24 PM »
yeah I would just offer to ship first if I was the new trader, or ask the other person to ship first if they are.

And again ask for a phone number. Most people are okay with giving that information. If not I don't trade.

The Dollhouse / Re: Disney Animator Dolls and American Girl?
« on: January 01, 2016, 12:04:31 PM »
Those are the minis did you want a comparison of the bigger ones? I might be able to help with that. I will see if my daughter would be willing to take elsa out o fher box.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Paypal for trading
« on: January 01, 2016, 11:56:35 AM »
This is a neat idea, but I know if I am trading it is cuz I can't aford to put money away from my household.

I will often ship first if I am the new person to the forum, or ask my partner to ship first is they are the new person on the forum. I also usually will get a phone number that we can text on, and I will ask them to text me a few times with what the trade items are so I know I have the right number. Just something to see they are serious.

It worked well on another forum for me.

The Dollhouse / Re: Ball Jointed Dolls- Thread #3
« on: January 01, 2016, 12:09:33 AM »
I've not done a faceup before, but I did a lot of research.

I plan to use Testors Dullcoat as the sealant.  I also plan to get some quality watercolor pencils.  I keep reading tips and tutorials, I want to feel prepared! 

Thank you for the warning, I would hate to ruin an expensive item like this!


Your centaur looks awesome!  What supplies did you use?

He is sealed in full with MSC original as I bought a few cans the last time we imported it. The majority of him is done with high quality chalk pastel. Make sure there is no oil, it discolours the resin! And water colour pencils from staediler. And I use Reaper Acylic Minature paints as they blend well with water, and the flow improver, they are bright and vibrant and come in a lot of premix colours and it is easy to control colour ratio with the eye dropper bottles. So I can mix paint and then get close to the same colour if I need to re mix. It also works with my airbrush so that is what I use.

Also the string in them is an elastic that is braided with threads around it. I have a whole bunch of sizes if you want me to show you mine? And most dolls come loose so hot glue suading is a good option as is tightening the elastic in them. They often come loose to prevent damage. My Cuprit can stand on one leg after we tightened her elastic and Hot Glue suaded her.

If you need help with them pm me I would be willing to sit on skype and talk you though ANYTHING you need.

My Cuprit, her name is Eavan, on one foot.
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And her crouching.
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Is it too late to see if I can get a physical copy?

Pony Corral / Re: How do you showcase your ponies
« on: December 30, 2015, 08:11:58 PM »
As my office, bedroom, and pony room all share the same space now I have to rotate who I have out. So I have my blind bag ponies on display as they are small, and my customs, well some of my customs that I have collected through the years from custom swaps.

But here are the two shelves I use.
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The Dollhouse / Re: Ball Jointed Dolls- Thread #3
« on: December 30, 2015, 07:22:59 PM »
I am getting a blank DZ Big Dipper, so I will be doing my own faceup/markings.  I hope my skills will match my imagination.  ;)

Oh man. I'm excited to see how that turns out! I bet there are endless cool things you could do with that sculpt! I'd love to own any DZ doll someday, especially the weirder ones. ;)

Yeah, searching for Dollzone Big Dipper on Google yields some lovely images.  Good inspiration!

Have you done faceup before? because the one thing I can say is watch your sealant it is the most important part. I can't wait to see how your DZ turns out!

Post Merge: December 30, 2015, 07:56:02 PM

These were taken in the Summer of 2015 but I am just getting around to doing edits and posting these to places. And I thought before I posted them to my doll tumblr I would post them here first to show you all one of my favourite dolls. He is a Soom Shale in Green from a SO they did a few years back.
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The Dollhouse / Re: How do you feel about re-casts? (BJD)
« on: December 30, 2015, 07:20:06 PM »
Yeah a lot of the collectors in my community are a bit on the snobish side of things, like I said it is there loss not mine! I get to find friends who understand and like me and not waste my time on fake people!

I didn't mean to make this convo go a bit weird. I am sorry that happened. Wasn't the intent. Just wanted to inform a few people on what does happen when you get a recast. I am not pro Recast, but I am not 100% anti recast.

As for the law, It is a Parody law. People can Parody items and ideas and get away with it. I think it is actually 50% not 10. IE the DG baby fakies they don't have bum logos if I remember right, they also have one row of hair?

But with BJD they often just rip it directly and it is hard to find that parody line as my Cuprit looks different from another's Cuprit (example) so as these are meant to be customized where is the line? my 2 cents.

Any ways Rosierjay I needs to see your dolls. We need to get together over chat maybe? I am in need of BJD clothes for msd, so I am messaging you!

Wanted! / Re: MLP Stickers Wanted!!! $300/$100/$50/$25
« on: December 30, 2015, 07:04:26 PM »
Thanks for the thought but do want stickers without issues and on original backing...

And this is WHY she is offering so much for them.

I wish you luck dear. These are not easy to find but with what your offering for each I am sure someone might be willing to part with ones from there collection. I looked for you and will keep my eyes open for you!!

The Dollhouse / Re: How do you feel about re-casts? (BJD)
« on: December 30, 2015, 01:55:03 PM »
Funny .... not so funny... recast story and my two cents. Warning it is long.

So many years ago for my birthday my husband was on one of the many BJD forums I use to belong to and he was looking around the sales threads for a doll for me. And here he is searching hard not understanding the terms he was reading, calling a dolly friend of mine in the usa and asking her questions, and calling my gf here in the city asking her things as well. He worked hard on this. Took him over a month to look through all the sites and find a doll he knew I wanted and he could afford as a gift.

So here it is a cute little Soom Beyla Girl He knew that Soom start at 500 and just skyrocket from there depending on size and condition. So he knew when he found her for less then $300.00 USD that something must be wrong with her? When the seller said she didn't have fantasy parts just her unicorn head he thought that was why she was so cheap. He missed the information that she is a recast! (the seller had it in the thread he just didn't understand it)

So he bought it, wrapped her up and I have a new doll. I knew right away when he said she was a soom that she was not. Soom resin is textured a bit, it feels like it is dust pitted it takes paint well and it feels really nice. This girl felt like the bobobie resin, too smooth. (yes different resins feel different) any ways I knew right away, so I asked him to show me who he bought it from so I can give them feedback for shipping her right! (I also wanted to report the recast if it was a site where recasts were not allowed) So here it was on a recast friendly forum it was a stated recast! So I gave her feedback that I felt she needed (she came to us as listed and well packaged no faults there GREAT seller actually, she was very helpful to the husband when he emailed her so no fault on her part!)

Any ways I took her and my Soom Ai with me to a meet and people loved them both, they thought I had a cute little gal and no one knew she was a recast! So I put it out there I told them the truth, we also used her as an example that in less you know your colours and pay attention you will never spot a recast in less told! I was honest and told them the story and people started to look at her and me differently. I was honest with it and would never sell her as anything but a recast if I sell her at all she is important to me.

But because I had a known recast someone told DOA and had me kicked out, I was doped from my community and was not allowed to attend events or meets even. People looked at all my other dolls like they are recasts but I own all of there certificates and know where and when I bought each one (I made a spread sheet after I couldn't remember Adrian's age, my first doll)

Any ways people keep telling me I should throw her out, or break her to pieces. I wont she means to much. Has your husband done that much research into a hobbie for you? I know this is the first time he did that. He originally had planed to put my engagement ring in her head but couldn't figure out how to open it. (she had her wig on and a wig cap on the head so it seamed secure)

So she is my ring box! How romantic is that? Even if it didn't end up in the head.

Any ways that is the story of my Soom Recast, Now for my Recast I bought knowingly... another long story. This is also part of my 2 cents on it.

I am pro Recast in 1 certain area, and that is because of the company who created my doll wouldn't help me. I bought a Soom Cuprit Crown from a recaster. It is the only other thing I own that is recasted, that was bought by me and purposely sought out as a recast.

Quickish story why this is mine. After I was kicked from the forums for owning my Little Ring Box (that is what we called her) any ways I was out on a photoshoot with Cuprit and I dropped her crown. It broke in three pieces and I was devastated. So I got my gf to log into her account on DOA and we searched for a Cuprit Crown for under a 150usd price tag (that is as much as I was willing to spend) but no go on that.

So I contacted Soom and offered them the 150 for the crown and shipping to have a new crown made didn't even need to be the original colour it could be clear or dark blue. I didn't care I just wanted her crown in one piece. I had glued mine back together. But it looked horrible I could see the cracks.

They said no, what is done is done! So I went to an artist friend of mine and had him recast it. He rook my broken one, made a mold, poured it in resin, fixed the fractures and walla! I have a new crown in Clear Resin for only $50.

Was I in the wrong? Most likely but as Soom was not willing to replace and I couldn't find one on DOA I did the next best thing. If soom ever would let me buy a new one close to the original colour I would hop on that in a heart beat!

Any ways it is also marked as recast a small rc etched into the back by the magnet, and her magnet also has RC written and sealed into it. Also to note we still have this mold as he keeps them and he has a feeling I might break this one. Smart man, knows me well. But he doesn't sell the crown to others. He does to me cuz I own the original.

So I am not pro recasting in whole, but I do find it can be useful. In saying that I am not getting rid of My Little Ring Box (sorry not happening people who ask me to need to stop!)

Would I buy a doll knowingly that is a recast. NO! I wouldn't. I also don't buy dolls second hand without documentation on them, or from people I know. I also don't ask people if they are pro recast before buying (happened to my GF when she sold one of her Soom Dolls, compleate set in original box and everything.... really...) that is none of my business if you are or not!

I do how ever agree with the man hunt thing someone mentioned.


I still get called names, and no one will talk with me in my community. If I make it to a convention they wont even stop to chat cuz they have labelled me as a horrible person. (I don't think I am at least). I have done so much for our community in the past but they all forgot about it.

I use to run workshops on care for BJD, and I could clean ANYTHING off of a BJD. I mean anything! I got permanent marker off of one without sanding her. 

But as soon as I owned a Recast and stated as much I get treated poorly. I got kicked out of DOA for owning one (even though I never posted that on DOA or posted pictures of her there)

So I am pro artist not pro recaster even if I went and had a piece recasted for my own use! (Is that really any different? hn...)

Being pro artist will I get rid of the two recast Pieces I own. NO! My husband did an amazing thing, and the crown. well I tried to get the company to fix the issue. And I did look to buy a new one from another owner. So I did what I could to replace it legit like, and it is clearly marked as a recast.

I don't know recast is a sticky situation Please remember if you are pro or no! We are all still people and should be treated as such.

Sorry this is long!

Edit to add; I wanted to say some people in my local still talk to me, but many of them do not. I am actually not overly hurt by this, I just find it sad that they let that come between what could have been a good friendship!

Off Topic / Valentines/Anti Valentines swap?
« on: December 29, 2015, 12:33:07 PM »
Hi All, I was wondering if there will be one this year. I am sad I missed out on the Christmas Card swap but would love to participate in a valentine card swap.

If someone is needed to host it, I would be willing to take that task assuming I can find someone who would be willing to help give me tips and pointers.

I know some of us hate the pink and love themes of valentines day, so allow the option for anti valentines? I guess.

Any ways I love Valentines day, I just want to be apart of a card swap much like the Holiday one that happened.

Anyone else?  If there is interest I think I can figure out the hosting of it, more so if we base it off of the Holiday Card one.

Anyone with me? (if not I would happily private it!)

[Moving to OT ~ Mirn]

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Knitting
« on: December 29, 2015, 12:02:05 PM »
these are easy to knit in the round and I know I can do four a month and have in the past so I know that your are charging just right for them. SO DO NOT let anyone tell you they are too expensive!

But I didn't come to tell you just that. I wanted to warn you about the dr.who scarf. This is knit in the flat not the round so it makes it a bit more intense. you can't just knit and count rows you actually have to pay attention. Do you have the official pattern book? or using online sources cuz they are different patterns. I got into that fight with a dr.who fan that was HARD CORE! We argued for weeks, and then I slapped the book on his lap and he was all "Oh...." So watch this. People will fight you if you go by the book on the measuring of the first scarf. There were a few made so pick your wisely.

Also for people who are allergic to wool, the red heart acrylic yarn from walmart, has ALL the colours you need for the Dr.Who Scarf! =^_~=

I cant wait to see your next scarf! Good luck, and have fun!

Wanted! / Re: Blind Bag Wants, And possible more.
« on: December 29, 2015, 11:22:49 AM »
I know I bumped this just a few days ago but I need to mention we have updated what we are looking for as of today. This list is current. And I am about to work on what we have to trade.

For Sale - For Auction / Gen Con Demo Deck for MLP TCG
« on: December 29, 2015, 10:22:19 AM »
Hi All! I have has these cards now since GenCon 2013 and I am now kicking myself in the butt that I never found them a home when the price was easy to find!

I am wishing to give these a home that will love them more then me, right now they have sat in the box I put them in, in there protective sleeves and jut sat there. I haven't done anything with them. I own the decks that are tourney legal, these are not as they are marked. And I am happy that I have them.

The mark is muffins on the back in the corner marking these cards as a demo decks! I own both decks they made and gave out, and would love to find them a home just could not find a current price for them. I know when I first posted them. (seen here,353076.0.html ) I was looking to get 400 for both But at this point I just want to see them to a good home.

Can anyone help me find a price they should go for (I searched ebay but found nothing)

Here is the wiki page on these cards that people have dubbed GenCon.


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