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Topics - Eluluu

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Customs / Shinx Evolution for Dashesndots (Videogame swap)
« on: April 10, 2016, 06:40:55 PM »
ok, so for starters, my partner had some awesome choices on her list, among which was a GINORMOUS list of pokemon. i was in the mood to make something a little simpler so i could just have a nice quick swap project so pokemon it was! i settled on Luxray, cuz... awesomeness... and i knew early on i was prolly gonna make a second custom instead of adding extras, cause thats how i roll...

but then i got to thinking... the extra would prolly be Shinx, cause adorbs... but then... theyd have two of the three forms... so... why not...

make all 3? who needs fast easy swaps anyways? =3

luckily they went insanely fast, which was a pleasant change of pace for me. i typically take forever to get in the mood to CREATE, so its usually a last minute rush with no sleep and much stress. blah blah blah enough words, on to pics! (which i actually dont have too many of this time around. oops. one downside to working fast is i kinda space on proper photoshooting, so feel free to add more pics later on dash!)

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they all had their ears lobbed off and resculpted, tails wired, rooted, and sculpted on, and their various fluffybits sculpted on, the rest was all paintwork =]

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i tried to save time and asked Mr Elu to prime them for me when i was at work so i could start painting as soon as i got home... little did i know his lack of artistic ability reached to simple priming too. lol ended up taking up 3 more days of sanding, acetoning away drips and puddles, repriming, more sanding, initial paintwork just to find more "leprocy", acetoning, and careful priming and more sanding before i was able to live with the remaining bumps in the paintwork. he kept saying 'i told you so' but im sure with more practice, SUPERVISED practice, he'll be able to handle at least priming for me haha!

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first layer of bodypaint blocked in after sketching the patterns lightly with pencil

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second layer of paint blocked in...

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and the final, yellow layers (all thats left are the eyes)

sorry again everyone, for not having more detailed WiP (or final) pics this time! =/

hope everyone likes em, i was SOOOO close to "forgetting" to ship Shinx... and Luxray.

I had the pleasure of creating for Miss Okami Amaterasu again, who had a couple really interesting items on her wishlist... I almost went with a Chernobyl paintwork (an interest we share) but I wanted to do more sculpting this time around cause I did a paintwork last year. So I decided on making something from Silent Hill to go with the other customs she already has... since i wanted to make something simple and fast naturally my stupid, evil, vindictive muse settled on the mannequin spider monster from the second movie! I would have liked to put another week into his paintwork but I was already running late from juggling work, the hubbys chemo and radiation treatments, and general depressed 'I dont wannas" but I'm still pleased with how he turned out, and I'm glad Okami seems to like him and he got there so fast and suffered minor damage that Okami says she can repair. SO SO SO SORRY I was hoping he had enough bubblewrap and air pockets in there to keep him safe, but only so much you can do with all those delicate bits.

ahem, anyways, enough words, on with the pictures!

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the reference pics I was going off of, it was suuuper fun trying to count how many legs the thing had and where they attached.

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I'll put the WiP pics in a spoiler to keep from clogging the thread. I'll say one thing for Legs, here... it was a perfect opportunity to clear out a LOOOT of bait poses i personally dont like, and was prolly never gonna get around to using unless requested. XD good cheap therapy: chop up almost a dozen ponies!!! The hubby stayed far, far, away from my craftroom for this piece.

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picked out the heads, started toying around with how to make the legs, and took more enjoyment than was totally proper splitting the one head down the middle...

the entire thing is built off of a frame of pony innards, aluminum foil, and electrical tape.

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"pony cores"

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the main legs are constructed and the heads laid out... only the beginning of a grueling process and my war on gravity. =P

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building the foundation for the split head. armiture wire and a bit of tape.

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first round of sculpting on the split head. the teeth were individually sculpted and left to dry to be put in at a later stage.

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and i left a length of pipecleaner exposed out the back, wrapped thru the wire mesh of the membrane and sculpted over. to give the main head more stability when i anchor it to the rest of the bulk.

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forgot to mention- feet were wired into the heads and magic sculpt packed inside where the wire was to hold it in place. the body was bulked up with some "ponycores" and held together with more pipecleaners. the legs are on cores made of aluminum foil to keep the piece lighter, with electrical tape over that to keep the segments from sliding and to give me a better surface to sculpt over.

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body was built up and rounded off with more foil, and shoulder sockets taped in place, 5 for the legs, 3 for 'head stalks' and 3 for 'arms' (1 is under the body) o, and 2 to hold the split head's  arms.

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and we're taping... and we're taping...

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and now we're at the point where the custom went thru a few... er... unfortunate, shapes. here it looks kinda like an evil potato. sculpting the membrane and muscles around the sockets.

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more evil potato.

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evil potato with LEGS!!! segments held in place with wedges of foil and tape, but i could only sculpt one set of joints a day, to give them time to harden so they wouldnt change angles when i was handling him. and i saved the ankles for the last step, so if it started to get front heavy or something i would have some wiggle room for a last minute emergency repositioning.

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arms sorted out. same deal. pipecleaner core with foil and tape.

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testing angles for the heads.

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finally taping up the ankles

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closeup of finished maw. added more membrane  and inset the fangs.

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noticed the longest arm was sagging from some weak joints, making the head droop. so hiked it up again and reinforced the segments that were showing wear while i was waiting for the underarm to set.

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the main segment that was causing problems. looks like the sculpting didn't overlap the seam enough for it to hold onto the contour of the segment, giving the joint more bend than i wanted.

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headlift. =P

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the joint after it was bulked up a bit.

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sculpting finished.

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basecoated in a dirty ivory and red, given a few washes of darker red and plum, and splotched with deep purple in a few spots

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basic paintwork done.

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glossed with a brush on sealer, and added clear water effects to give him translucent drippy gloopy bits. (thats the opaque white sludge on it... it dries clear)

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im glad you like him Okami, please post a pic of him with the rest of your collection if you get a moment, itd be great to see him with the rest of the series. =]

Customs / Anime Swap pony *Spirited Away- Haku* for Tsukikakushi
« on: November 12, 2014, 08:36:09 AM »
after browsing thru Tsuki's list i pretty much knew from the beginning what challenge i was gonna try this time (another galaxy type custom was a close second) when i saw Spirited Away i knew i had to make a run at Haku's dragon form. id been planning on trying my hand at a dragon sometime soon anyways, tho not a chinese style (but now i plan on making another similar one soon lol)

so after browsing some reference pics online and debating the extent of my insanity i settled on a popular pose and a FS pinkie for torture- erm... creation. ill spare you all the words for now, but be warned, i love progress pics, so inc picbomb!

so without further ado...

reference pic
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finished pics:
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and for an extra i made a dragon egg (something me and my sister, Foxfire, have been doing for a couple months now for kicks) cause... cmon, theyre awesome haha and why wouldnt you send an egg with a dragon? Tsuki listed blue, green, and purple as a fun combo, which worked out perfect cause the last egg id made was in peacock colors. =P

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aaaand for kicks, heres a bunch of progress pics. ill toss them in a spoiler so it doesnt clutter the thread. =P

first off the poor unsuspecting pinkie... she had no clue what was going to happen to her! and my super terrible blueprint. =P
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the fiance always comes in at the worst times of the creative process, be it me boiling ponyheads in my coffeecup or generally butchering them. seeing this one he slowly backed out of the room and said hed come back later. =P
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wires fed in and anchored inside the head with magic sculpt, and the body bulked up with aluminum foil to keep the piece from getting ridiculously heavy.
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to give myself a smoother surface and save some sanding time (and to help the foil keep its shape and fight gravity during the sculpting process) i wrapped the foil in electrical tape.
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and we're wrapping... and we're wrapping...
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on a whim i decided to try real whiskers, and settled on that stretchy cording kids use to make friendship braclets... and i lucked out and found some that is hollow. super thin jewelers wire, wd40, and a lot of patience and even more foul language and rage, i managed to wire half of the length of the whiskers so theyre partially posable. the fit was too snug and the wire too bendy to successfully work it any farther in, it wanted to kink more than it wanted to go in.
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started the sculptwork, leaving a channel open down the length of the spine and belly, for bellyscales and fur.
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bellyscales finished.
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i needed some raised sections along his back channel to hold and hide the glued area of his fur, i didnt want to do scales since haku looks smoother, so i went with a tiny bit of fur sculpting, still not entirely thrilled with how it turned out, but not terrible.
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closer look at the furring.
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fuzzy cheeks!!!
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the old man was helping for most of the sculpting process... hes getting sleepy. such a winning smile. =P lol Cubby is the toothless wonder!
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primed and sanded, and fiddling with the eyes.
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decided i wanted to do more blendwork in the eyes than i needed, since Haku has emerald eyes, but i wanted to tie in the aqua fur some more so did a blend from emerald to aqua to blue.
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the eyelashes came out a bit more feminine but i liked them too much to tone them down. =P
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belly was done in a blend of gray and violet, with a few smauglike details here and there in pearl.
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back fur was based in a pale blue gray.
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 and then drybrushed back up to white and detailed in bright white and pearl. (and the horns were painted a blend of golden pearl to white pearl tips)
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legs were painted in a slightly more pink blend than the belly. decided against doing toes and banding the entire legs eagle style, so i improvised and met it half way.
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by doing a strip down the fronts in the banding pattern. (and nose and gray blaze were added and inner ears pinked.)
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and a break for the bestest ramen ever. (and disappointing tea... turns out rosehip tea tastes like peach tea, with an unfortunate cough syrup aftertaste.)
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i knew when i started i was gonna make him fully 'brushable', at first i wanted to use fur, but couldnt find any in the right color, so i went with plan B. feathers. tho of COURSE i couldnt find enough aqua feathers at a reasonable price for the job, so i adapted a feather boa that was pretty close to the color i needed, if a touch too blue. to keep it from becoming a giant mess during the gluing process, using a fistful of tiny clamps and an armada of bobbypins, i basically "combed" a part down the entire length and soaked the core of the boa with tacky glue, and let it dry. that way all the fluffyness was going mostly one direction and wouldnt twist on me later when i went to glue it in. a section at a time, it was wedged into the channel id left open in the sculptwork and anchored with e6000.
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once it had dried he was ridiculously floofy, so he had a few trims. it looked like id murdered a flock of bluebirds in my apartment when i was done. my vacuum cleaner earned its keep that week.
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belly and signature. =P
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and finally, you almost got a kitty as an extra. Enderman loves boxes, mostly chewing and shredding them. i had my hands full keeping this one out of his reach.

amusing anecdote: he was DETERMINED to get at that boa when i was working on gluing the core. it got pulled onto the floor three times when i was making my ramen, he got 4 time outs, and when it was finally dry enough to store it (id prepped the boa when i was waiting for some of the sculpting to set up so it was ready weeks early) i rolled it up and put it in my craft tower under my desk... then he taught himself how to open the drawers on it. had to shuck him out of my supplies twice and he just kept goin at it haha he was so proud of himself for learning a new trick. joke was on him tho, i moved it into one of the lower 3 drawers, which can be pulled out like the others, but latch shut. so he was super frustrated that he could see it but not touch it.

my toe got bitten in a fit of kitten rage.
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well i think im done spamming now. hope you like him Tsuki! =P



Customs / show me: Day of the Dead customs!
« on: September 24, 2014, 07:03:34 AM »
Not sure if there was already one of these recently, so bring this down if there was =) im going to start work on another commission, and they want a DotD pony. I googled a bit to see some examples, but figured itd be faster and yield better results if i just poke you guys on the arena. Im just looking for inspiration as i kick the mental tires on a couple ideas i have.


Customs / BnG Fizzy DONE!
« on: April 06, 2014, 07:13:12 AM »
well some of you may remember that last year I was working on a BnG Fizzy, tho it got shelfed halfway thru as I got distracted by other projects and kept backburnering her. well earlier this week I got tired of seeing a ponyhead on my customs shelf and decided it was time to stop stalling and just tail her already... so I busted out the hair and dug out my pinning vise (since at the time id been following a tutorial that instructed snapping off the head THEN repairing the mechanism... joy.) and went on an emergency run for superglue gel...

took a little tinkering and swearing but I got her back together after some head scratching... she is finally complete... aaand... SHE WORKS! *victory dance* shes the second BnG ive made and the first one to be functional. she still needs her mane washed so itll lie flat *she has shelf hair lol*and some cosmetic repairs need doing as I think I may have accidently scratched her with my nail when I was tailing her. the repairs are simple tho, just a chip on one of her floats and a few tiny areas in the FBR that the white primer is showing thru. prolly scratches shes picked up from my fifteen million moves this year. and she needs to be blushed still since when I painted her I didn't have that skillset yet and had skipped it.

so, without further ado...


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she started out as a particularly mangey Bouquet that had definitely seen better times. she was a lovely shade of brown and had the most... interesting... texture to her hair... :sick:

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she had a good scrub inside and out (after I broke her head off and gutted her, saving all the internal bits in a spare Dollyhair baggy) an acetone wipedown, then a few rounds with a can of white primer for an even basecoat. she was then sanded with 1,000 grit sandpaper to smooth her out, since I detest rough paintwork... and her eyes were carefully cut out and beveled with an exacto knife. (yay Criminal Minds marathon)

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she was given an FBR and gently sanded again...

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symbol time!

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then came the mane... that was... a lot... I cannot express how very much a lot was... but suffice it to say... she holds a shockingly 'lot'ness of lot of hair. left it at quarter length and trimmed it even. then SOAKED the inside with glue. here she is in the typical "Eluluu balance" to keep the glue in the right spot as it dries. was interesting finding the right angle to let her hang at to keep the glue on the hair, without letting it pool close to the neckplug where the mechanism has to sit, but without letting her droop too far and drip out her eyes...

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after giving her about a week on the pencils to make sure the glue in her head was completely dry (after a few almost mishaps where I thought she was dry enough and started tinkering with her only to find rings of glue on my desk where she was sitting I decided to play it safe and leave her be lol) I set and puttied the eyes in. after this point she got shelfed for the better part of a year for other projects and generally cause I was being a coward and putting the tail in was intimidating lol. and im a pro at stalling and finding reasons to NOT do something...

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but that doesn't mean I didn't play with her from time to time... I tend to lose my mind a bit when im tinkering... especially when im spending day after day glittering...

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finally got off my bum and started work on the tail... left at full hank length atm, might trim an inch or two off of it eventually but for now im leaning her as a SLH BnG. after getting the tail at the right thickness I twist tied the center at two places and tied off the center with thread, by repeatedly winding and knotting it... then the thread and the surrounding hair got glue smeared and massaged into it...

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then it was fed into the tail mechanism and more glue applied to the knot area... then the tail carefully pulled thru the back slot...

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and twisttied to a couple pencils and suspended over a coffeecup for a day to dry...

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after pinning the little nub back onto the neckshaft and superglueing the upper half of the mech back into her head it was time for the moment of truth as I bullied the tail into the body...

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then clicked her head back in place and gave her a few test cranks... and the tail DOES feed into the body and releases when pulled. so shes just a few repairs and a ribbon away from being 100%

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the first BnG, Moonstone (not functional) who lives with BerryMouse.

im thinking of making Galaxy or Rainribbon when I get another bait... tho not sure yet =]

*goes to get more coffee*

Customs / G3 TE Masquerade and Lofty =]
« on: March 27, 2014, 09:31:44 AM »
for giggles between commissions I made a G3 Masquerade. her wings have been glittered in G3 style, the eyes were carefully cut out and beveled and the eye gems inserted from inside and putty'd in place with resin. she has been blushed with artists chalks and haired using Dollyhair. (im running on 3 hours of sleep so bear with me if my text sounds flat lol)

blah blah blah... pics!

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masq is for sale for $45+sh (OBO)

the other gal I made when inspiration struck... I decided I wanted to see what Lofty would look like as a TE, and the answer: BEAUTIFUL! once again in G3, tho im planning on making another one in G1 when I get a decent bait to work with.

shes had her wings and nose glittered, the same eye treatment as Masq, and has been rehaired in Dhs Lemonade, Virgin Snow, Lemon Drop, and Tea Rose. im thinking of making another with variant hair colors, prolly more pink than this mix.

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they both still need a bit of a mane trim but for now theyre just chillin on my WIP shelf while I work on other things. *lazy*

Customs / flatback gem brands/online stores?
« on: March 10, 2014, 10:01:20 AM »
I know its been done before but im too lazy to go hunting (yay cold from hell) so im just shouting out here to fellow TE customizers, what size/ brand gems do you use? im specifically looking for the size for an adult G3. ive done one once before with some gems I had in my stash that fit but I have no clue what size or brand they were as I tend to hoard sparkley things lol. ive been browsing ebay and swarovsky all morning looking at different sizes and colors and am tempted to get a couple of each size that might fit (Im thinking 8mm-10 tho 10 will prolly be too big), but thatd be too expensive.

so shout out if you have tips! ive done plenty of TEs before but not many adults. so if you can even link the online store thatd be a huge help. =]

Customs / Vaporeon and Pyroar for Uninu (Nintendo Swap)
« on: January 28, 2014, 06:06:53 AM »
So Uni finally got my much delayed swap package. =] I was worried sick something would happen to it en route. her list was all pokemon, many of which were on my list as well- so it was a blast making them. Vaporeon was a lot of firsts for me, and has her share of issues, but overall im pleased with how it turned out.

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the tail is made of an armature of a thick wire hanger and aluminum foil, then sculpted over with Magic Sculpt - my first time working with the stuff. definitely handles better than my usual Green Stuff- but way better, and infinitely lighter! the thinner fins, back ridges, and head frills are supported with a few different sizes of Jewelry wire.

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I was tempted to do a more realistic paintjob but decided in the end to go with a more simplistic paintjob to match the artstyle of the character. tho I caved and added a bit of minimal shadeing and highlighting for a touch of depth.

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still not entirely thrilled with how the eyes came out. went a bit anime with the lashes and in hindsight regretted the decision, but didn't have enough time to reblend the bodytone and redo it. but im pleased with how the mouth turned out haha I wanted to get a bit of tongue showing in that adorable Vape smile!

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miscalculated a bit when laying out the ruff, and made it a bit too large but again didn't have time to rip it all out and resculpt (as by that time I was already running behind from a bunch of family drama- mainly my father ending up in the hospital with diabetes) but in the end decided it wasn't TOO ridiculously huge. =/

after a bit of work, the secondary pony- Pyroar (female) was soon outshining the primary, more complicated, vaporeon (at least to me) the ears were trimmed and resculpted, added a fur ruff at the hips and chest, and the tail was wired and sculpted. had a lot of paint crackling when I rehaired her that needed some patching up but in the end it didn't turn out that bad.

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tested out a new style of eyes and am pleased with how they turned out.

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the hair is a blend of 2 yellows and 2 oranges, ill have to dig thru my hair to figure out what I used.

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added a bunch of FiM merch that wed just gotten in at work (Michaels) and a double handful of old Tomy Pokémon figs. id remembered that Uni had bought some off me last year and figured she might like some more lol

thank you so much for being ridiculously patient waiting for me, and I hope you like them!

Customs / Cemetary Pony for NoDivision (Halloween Swap)
« on: October 28, 2013, 08:56:36 AM »
I had the lovely NoD this time around, and after a looong time thinking over ideas I settled on a cemetery scene. it was originally gonna be a bit more detailed than this, but after having mishap after mishap on it I changed the design a bit.  (originally was going to add a spectral raven and fog) the overall design is pretty much what I had in mind tho, so im pleased with how she turned out.

but anyways, after one complete repaint, 2 broken needles, a blister, and 2 patch jobs, here she is! I hope you guys like her =]

(not the best pics, my ottlight kept washing out the colors lol)

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used like 7 colors in her hairblend... off the top of my head: Snowflake, Wisteria, Sour Grapes, Ultraviolet, Deadly Nightshade, Kiss of Death, Black Magick, Bougainvillea, and maybe one or two more purples. XD I can never do a simple blend!

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(without light to see blends better)

*goes back under her rock for more coffee*

Pony Corral / glittery g4 (ish) fakies at Michaels
« on: October 24, 2013, 11:05:07 PM »
just a heads up. yesterday at work a friend pointed them out when we were sorting out the truck that morning. a handful of the little glittery beasties. complete with little crowns. so you fakie collectors, keep an eye out at your local Michaels. or drop me a line if you want me to pick any up for you once theyre really on the shelves. ill snap a pic when im at work next if we still have them. =P

Customs / G1-G4 Ringlet
« on: October 09, 2013, 12:00:56 AM »
for the last challenge I had Ringlet, one of my favorite pegs. =] im fairly proud of how she turned out, even if I didn't have much time to put into her, with a move and a sick kitty. but in all I like how she turned out, even tho the white curl needs redoing. straws +g4s = ragespikes lol

anyways, blah blah blah PICS!!

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Off Topic / anyone interested in playing a forum game?
« on: August 15, 2013, 11:32:27 AM »
so my sister called me earlier and suggested I host a forum game, Werewolf. it seems fairly simple and has the possibility to be crazy fun... let me know if anyone is interested, and mods, let me know if I should alter any of it, tho I think it should be fairly safe. =]

The game takes place in a turn basis. One night turn followed by a day turn. Every player makes their move once per turn (one day=1 turn or how ever long we decide our turn is gonna be). Time to get into the game.

Everyone lives in a small village. Everyone has their jobs and the community lives happily. Thats until one night when two hunters go hunting and encounter something that will forever change the course of life in the village and threaten its very existence. On their trip that night they were both bitten by some strange creature. They managed to ward off this animal after a struggle but the horror had already happened. They were bitten. They made their way to the village and they could feel the disease inside them. But they had to hide it. For legend tells of those of the past who were bitten by some mysterious creature in the woods. They were burnt by the villagers, said to be the Makasukarakadaka. Or what we know as werewolves.
We all live in this village and among us are the two werewolves. We the villagers must seek out these creatures and kill them before they kill us all.

Characters (Assigned randomly)
Werewolf-This is the bad guy. He eats one victim every night. There may be 1 or more of them and they have to work co-operatively to kill the entire village. They will win if they devour the entire village without being killed. Even if one is killed and one finishes the game, the werewolves still win.
*I will pm both werewolves to let them know they are 'it' they can then pm each other to discuss who they are going to target first/next then will pm me with their agreed upon choice (one person a night if we do shorter turns, we can do every other day and so on if requested) so they don't tip their hand on their identity when a body turns up.

Villager: Is a basic character who must strategically think about who they suspect is the werewolf and will kill. Each day turn the villagers vote on who they think is a werewolf. The player with the most votes gets burnt to death. His character then revealed. Villagers win when the have killed all werewolves.
*the villagers will openly discuss their choices in the thread on who they suspect, and they will defend themselves there as well if they get pointed at. werewolves- don't forget you want to try to throw the blame to someone else, so pretend youre a villager as well! hahahahahaha

OPTIONAL OTHER ROLES: (will prolly wait a game or two before using these to see how it goes)

Hunter: Has the same attributes as the villager except for one additional feature which is when he is killed, either by vote out or wolf kill, he gets one last shot as he is dying and has to shoot and kill someone. Anyone he wishes.

Witch: Same attributes as the villager except for one additional feature which is she has 2 potions. One potion can kill anyone during the night turn. The other can resurrect anyone during the night turn after the wolves has killed him. This potion also works on yourself if you are the witch.

Seer: Same attributes as villager except for one additional feature which is every turn he can look at one person's character and see what he is. He can disclose this to everyone. It is up to everyone to decide whether he is really the seer or just a werewolf pretending. He has to consider that the wolves want the seer dead and will most likely kill him if he discloses that he is the seer.

Captain: Regular villager but is their leader. His job is to decide who burns if theres ever a tied vote. Beware, he may or may not be a werewolf himself.

so... what does everyone think? it was a hot game on another forum me n fox used to hang out on, and I think you guys might enjoy it as well. and mods, again, let me know if I need to water it down at all. the villagers can choose to 'exile' instead of 'burn' and so forth if necessary. =]

Off Topic / Pink Sheep... = WIN
« on: July 15, 2013, 05:23:32 PM »
in Minecraft hahahaha!

figured id show you guys this little gem I made on the game a while ago to torment the boys... they look out their tower windows... to see a GIANT painfully pink castle in the distance. hand made, no mods or creative. =P

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I was forever fiddling with lighting in this beast cause it was made mostly of wool and sandstone... I kept having issues with monsters spawning in it and ruining my day cause it was just so huge it was rough getting it well enough lit without messing up my décor =P

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central chamber =P

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torches in waterfalls? yes please!

I meant to get some good shots of it at sunset and sunrise, but ran out of time lol the server was -kinda- reset, but I guess our old 'neighborhood' was saved into the nether... not sure how that worked really, but itll be hilarious when I get back to exploring in there and stumble across Dream Castle surrounded by lava and filled with zombie pigmen... if it doesn't catch fire from... you know... all the FIRE.

im debating making Paradise Estate next, but another pink structure feels like double dipping, so well see. =P

I had the lovely Okami_Amaterasu for my partner in the Alt Gen swap, and she had a lot of great choices! I knew right off that I wanted to do Mimic, cause... TE. =P (tho the thicker G3 plastic was surprisingly difficult to cut cleanly for the eyes >.<) and I was torn between Star Catcher, winter Minty, and parasol, but I wasn't too keen on doin a G4 cause theyre so darned teeny so I went with parasol.

poopies I just now went thru my pics and forgot that I actually had to send in my final ones via picturemail cause my laptop died on me, so I only have the 'mostly finished' pics in my photobucket. :yikes: Okami! if you can can you post pics of the finished beasties if you have time? ill post what I have but theyre WIP pics =[

Mimic: (sadly still awaiting eyes and a trim...)

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had a lot of fun with her, glittered her symbol, horn and nose in G3 style and sealed the whites of the eyes and the glittery bits with Triple Thick.

Parasol: (luckily just needed hair conditioning and a trim)

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I actually had a bait that was the right shade so I didn't have to give her a FBR, so she still has the G3 semi-sparkley body goin on. =]

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eyes were given a few coats of triple thick for shine (not pictured >.<)

theeeen... the master plan... I wanted to make an extra of her 'sona... so I browsed her gallery to see what was done already, and I was thrilled to see she didn't have a G1 baby of it yet! took a slightly different spin on the style, and made the baby OkamiDen itself instead of painting the illustration style-symbol and some of the features on it. so she (/he?) got the firey disc painted on her(/his?) back and so on! if id had some black and white gradient hair id have done that for the tail, but I didn't and didn't want to risk mucking it up making my own, so I just did a blend of Virgin Snow, Snowflake, Starlight, Raincloud, and a teeny tiny smidge of Brilliant Black (like a single strand in some plugs teeny. didn't want it to overbalance the white.)


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baby okami was mostly finished when I lost the ability to upload pics, so she(/he?) just has crazy hair in these pics haha. looks much better after it was conditioned and given a slight trim. =P

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Okamis nose and eyes were given many many watered down coats of Triple Thick for super shineyness.

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I briefly entertained the thought of givin the flames a coat of super fine iridescent glitter for some magical sparkley effects, but decided against it as it might have detracted from the detailed paintwork and blending. flames sealed with multiple coats of Triple Thick.

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okamis firey disc thingie. =]

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d'aaw ponytoes!!! ive always loved okami's sona, I mean, cmon, magical firey white mangaish wolf thing? yes please!

hope you all like them! and I hope okami can post better pics without the crazy hair, and with mimic havin her eyes and all. :yikes:

Customs / which babies should i make to sell?
« on: June 16, 2013, 12:54:10 PM »
ive been thinking of making a few of my Eluluu TE babies to sell- moneys tight and id like for custom sales to cover expenses for the hobby- and I need bait and hair soon! soooo... im gonna make a handful of my current babies- im not gonna make ones I haven't done yet already yet cause I know me... id keep it to get closer to completing the series instead of selling it as planned. so im removing temptation for now. =P don't worry, as soon as I get my hands on the missing TE mommies Ill have them to colormatch off of and ill eventually make their babies.

note that they might not be in the same poses as I did before, as im out of/running low on certain ones. feel free to post suggestions on poses, I wanna see what everyone likes so I can keep it in mind.

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