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Topics - megsense

Pages: [1]
The Dollhouse / Monster High Bodies for sale?
« on: June 07, 2013, 02:38:10 PM »
I haven't been keeping up so when I went to today I was shocked and pleased to see Monster High doll bodies?! I ordered a few sets. If this has already been posted (Sorry!), if not - enjoy 'em while they're there.

Off Topic / Tattoo Script
« on: March 04, 2013, 01:51:38 PM »
There is a possibility of a tattoo in the near future. Just a word, not a full script or anything lengthy.

I wondered what everyone/anyones opinions are on different scripts/fonts. Is there something that should be avoided? Anything over used? What is your impression of different types of script?

We're thinking a font called Lobster Two ( would be good?

Off Topic / State of Arizona vs Jodi Arias
« on: February 27, 2013, 11:07:47 AM »
Has anyone been following the case of Jodi Arias? It's been streamed online and on InSession for weeks/months.

What's everyone's thoughts on the case? Her guilt (if any)? Alternative theories?

The Dollhouse / Integrity Toys
« on: February 18, 2013, 11:52:14 AM »
Does anyone collect Integrity Toy's line of Fashion Royalty or Dynamite Girls?

What I am seeking is men's clothing. Homemade or company made. The only items I've found are a few over-priced selections on ebay.

Anyone? Even patterns would be helpful!

(And Hello! I've been gone for months; its nice to be back.  :P )

The Dollhouse / Playline Brag
« on: July 06, 2012, 04:48:49 PM »
It's been a bit since I've been active in getting much of anything. But today was truly an awesome doll day. They had freaking everything there, but I resisted in going too crazy. I put back a couple dolls and set the cafe back on the shelf.

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The only other dolls I've gotten lately (save some loose vintage barbies and a few no-longer-new MH dolls) are two dolls from integrity toys, Acheron Dark-Hunter Doll and Back to Brooklyn Dynamite Girl's Auden (I wasn't quick enough to get Remi ;[ boo).

 It's been amazing to look at my bank account and SEE money. Today put a bit of a dent in that. What a good day! ;D

The Dollhouse / Bye bye Liv Dolls?
« on: May 17, 2012, 08:11:05 AM »
Perhaps I'm out of the loop.

Are Liv dolls ending their run? I've noticed at my local toy stores (and isles) everything is on clearance and moved to end caps from their normal placement. I know there were the eye issues.. but I'm sad to see this. They had some of my favorite clothes.

Anyone know? Experiencing  the same thing in your area?

The Dollhouse / Doll sized Lashes
« on: April 17, 2012, 08:28:29 AM »
Where does everyone/anyone buy doll sized lashes? I'm thinking MH sized dolls, or ones I can cut down.

I rather not root them or attempt to use human false lashes if I can help it. Something like porcelain doll type lashes - thin.

Any ideas/links?

The Dollhouse / Travel Time?
« on: March 05, 2012, 09:22:22 AM »
Just out of curiosity.

What is the farthest you've traveled to buy a doll?

Mine was Sat. 40 miles.

The Dollhouse / Doll Collector vs Doll Horder?
« on: March 01, 2012, 01:00:29 PM »
I'm posting perhaps more in hopes of finding reasons not to feel guilty, than anything else.

Lately I have been finding myself in stores, upset that I missed out on a set (doll, or clothes). I get mad at myself and then decide to go through some of the dolls I have to feel better. And what do I find? The set I was mad at myself for not getting. I bought it and forgot!

This has been happening a LOT. So I begin to feel guilty... If it's really that important to buy, shouldn't I remember I bought it?! Isn't this wasteful and horribly spoiled and very much a CONSUME attitude I've got going on?

Does anyone go through this? Or am I really out of line and need to restrict my buying. Or perhaps.. I just need a spread sheet.

Off Topic / Fiance brag? You had to be there?
« on: March 01, 2012, 12:39:40 PM »
I don't know where else to put this.

My fiance is more awesome than I realized. He must actually pay a lot more attention to my rambles than I realized.

Last night we were driving to the drug store (to get my foundation) and we were talking/kidding around. He said something about me being in "time out" when I got home and I said "Fine I'll just leave ya' by your sad self" and he then said he'd sell all my dolls and ponies.

I said, yeah right like he'd know what the heck to do with them.

Without a pause he said "Well that Mint Tea you got in the blind bag is probably worth something."

I paused.. and made him repeat and spell what he said. MINT TEA... Minty.  :lol:

I then told him she's not worth anything, and again without pause he said "Well if you had a Mimic I'd sell that with your little Arena people."

I love this man.. you have no idea. Forever impressing and amusing me. :lovey:   

The Dollhouse / Operetta and Nefera De Niles in stock
« on: February 09, 2012, 06:35:23 AM »
In case anyone is still looking, both Operetta and Nefera are in stock on $17.99 each.
The are apparently expected between 14th and 20th. I just ordered mine.

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