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Topics - jrr74

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Pony Corral / My very short wish list
« on: November 08, 2015, 05:07:25 PM »
While many of you may have a pony or two, or more on your wish list, I have moved on to something much bigger

A place to display all of my ponies   :big grin:

and with that, another thing on my wish list...the knowledge to post pictures from my recently set up photobucket account

Pony Corral / My husband has no idea how much I have spent on ponies
« on: November 08, 2015, 10:00:07 AM »
So last night, without giving specific dollar amounts, I told my husband if I was to die unexpectedly, don't just get rid of my pony collection.  I told him to try to find someone who knows what they are doing; that there are some fairly valuable ponies in my collection.  I lied and told him I got them at a great deal.  He chuckled at the idea of him looking for a 'pony advisor'.  In reality, I paid fair market value, and maybe sometimes more out of impatience of waiting for that good deal to come along. 

So question, anyone else in my predicament where you are not completely up front with your significant other?

Sshhh  ;)

I am growing fond of the UK released babies that have an adult American counterpart.  I like all their babies actually, but must maintain some kind of focus...must stay strong.  So wondering, how much are these little guys going to set me back.  A wise person told me that ponies tend to be at their lowest price point in the summer so will probably hold off unless I see an awesome deal!

baby applejack
baby bowtie
baby lemon drop
baby cherries jubilee
baby buttons
baby gusty
baby lickety-split
baby ribbon
baby heart throb

Wanted! / Looking for PE accessories, almost bought lot off of eBay
« on: November 06, 2015, 07:23:17 PM »
Looking to buy flowers, utensils, and the two white plastic hearts that clipped on to the pool roof of the PE play set.  There was a lot on eBay that I was very tempted to bid on because I thought I saw the two white hearts, but convinced myself otherwise.  Anyway, long story short. wanting to buy or maybe even trade for these items.

Thank you,

Price Check Archives / PC on MO Spike
« on: November 03, 2015, 11:00:22 AM »
So today I offended a seller on eBay.  She/he had a MO Spike listed with a BIN price of $40.  I did my homework off of recent previous sales and asked if she would accept a best offer price of $30.  Here is the conversation

I sent a message earlier with no response. Was wondering if you would accept best offer price     of $30. It is a very fair offer. 1 MO Spike went for just under $24, another for $29 and a third MO Spike who was sold with a dream castle Spike also went for $29

seller replied
I like that you think you have the right to tell me what is fair & what I should accept. Why don't I just sell all my auctions for free while I'm at it. Do me a favor don't buy it.

Sorry, wasn't try to offend you. Just looking at past sales on eBay. I was not telling you what to accept, just hoping you would accept a fair offer based on previous sales

End of conversation and he/she ended the auction right then and there.  I was very taken back by this because I am not a mean person out to take advantage of others. 

When I said it was a fair offer, I only meant that I wasn't trying to lowball them.  Maybe I should have spelled that out clearer.  The item had been up for several days, maybe longer and I thought, what the heck, reach out and maybe they would accept.  I thought the worst someone could say was 'no' which I would respect and move on.

So back to posted price check, what is a reasonable asking price for MO Spike.  If I was wrong about $30, please let me know.  I am so very new at this and eager to learn.  I would ask for a mentor but would drive just one poor individual crazy  :wacko:

Pony Corral / And yet another question...China versus Hong Kong
« on: October 31, 2015, 12:03:44 PM »
Does a pony hold a higher value if it is made in China versus Hong Kong?  I was comparing my two Tux 'n Tails because they are different shade of blues (one is a little brighter) when I noticed one was stamped China and the other Hong Kong.  Just curious, not parting with any time soon.  In fact I have a third one coming to match up with my someday magenta Satin 'n Lace.  Of course he may be lonely for a while  :tumble:

Pony Corral / Help please...must remove inside gadget of playtime pony
« on: October 30, 2015, 01:54:52 PM »
I managed to remove the head and the piece that goes inside the head, but the part that is attached to the inside of the body, what a nightmare.  I am going to end up destroying baby Drummer if I continue with my madness.  Is there a trick?  I tried soaking in hot water to soften the glue, but holy cow! It's like good grief Charlie Brown   >_<

Help, anyone?!?

Post Merge: October 30, 2015, 03:57:00 PM

Two things I learned today

First off,  I am not as patient as I once thought, the gadget has been removed
Second, I did not stand a chance of getting that piece out without causing a little internal damage.  That thing was superglued on and wrapped down and around the rubber gadget.

The important thing now is that it is done and Drummer is ready for some new hair. 

Price Check Archives / PC please on Satin 'n Lace
« on: October 28, 2015, 11:33:00 AM »
I thought I would try to acquire all 3 versions of Satin 'n Lace without accessories before taking a little break from buying/scouring different sites for various G1 ponies.  I tried to do my own homework, but have seen such a variation in asking price.  What are reasonable prices for the 3 different ponies ranging from good to excellent condition?  I have a feeling they are worth more money than I thought.

These 3 little girls may have to wait to join my herd  :(

Thank you,

Pony Corral / The big brothers yellow bandanas
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:37:43 AM »
I was hoping that someone could post a picture of the 3 shades of yellow bandanas next to each other that came with the big brother ponies.  I am looking for Chief's and am having a hard time deciphering in pictures if any of the yellow ones posted actually belong to him.  It seems they all look more like Barnacles. 

PS-If you have an extra Chief's yellow bandana looking for a pony to call his own, I would be more than happy to oblige   :big grin:

Thank you once again members of the Arena

Wanted! / Just 2 more to go Pretty pals Hoppy the and MO Spike
« on: October 25, 2015, 07:43:28 PM »
I am sooo close to being done with my current want list.  There are many more ponies out there on my radar but I will have to wait another year or 2.   So for now, my focus is on... (drum roll please)

MO Spike with the cartoon eyes

Pretty pals Hoppy

Please help this pony-obsessed person out, and no, you won't be enabling me.  If anything, you will help set me free!! :sqs:

Pony Corral / Baby Palm Tree hair colors
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:43:55 PM »
I just received a large lot of ponies in the mail today and the one I was looking forward to the most, baby palm tree, has a very long, thinned out, looking tail.  If I go to the dollyhair website, from what I can tell, the 2 closest colors are electric banana and forget me not, but does anyone know for sure?

Also, what is the quickest way to do a tail?  Do I have to pop the head off or can I just warm up the back side to make it more pliable to insert a plug?  Her tail is not going to be subjected to a whole lot of pulling so I am leaning towards simple like the pig who build his house of straw  :lol:.  Does anyone know the approximate length that should be out?

Thanks from someone who has not done any hair projects yet,

Pony Corral / Wicked Auction On Ebay just finished
« on: October 20, 2015, 06:06:59 PM »
Up for bid was the entire second set of sea ponies, their shells and stickers (stickers were still in their original packaging).  The only problem here is that the seller accidentally placed High Tide in Wave Dancer's shell.  I notified the seller of this error but bidding had already begun on the second lot that had Wave Dancer in High Tide's shell.  Any way, I did participate in both auctions and I have never been so happy to lose something.  On eBay, you can place a customize highest bid or you can push one of the 3 tabs with a dollar amount pre-posted.  I refer to them as panic buttons because I tend to use them when I only have a second to get a bid in and lost track of the highest bid.  I swear I get adrenaline racing through my veins.  Anyway, I am pretty sure those three tabs change automatically as the bid increases.  Because what I thought I bid and what I actually bid after clicking the last button were not the same.  My heart sunk when I saw my bid amount.  But someone else, and congratulations to you, wanted them very much.

PS-how valuable are those stickers, all 6 still in their original packaging?  Was that the driving force behind such high bidding?  I know a while ago their was a member offering large dollar amounts for certain stickers, but he/she is an exception to what people will pay.

Post Merge: October 20, 2015, 06:15:16 PM

forgot to mention the dollar amount...$2100.  That's my mortgage and car payment combined. 

Pony Corral / Removing Cigarette smoke
« on: October 17, 2015, 12:43:52 PM »
Just received baby princess Sparkle in the mail and she smells heavily of cigarette smoke.  Right now I have her in a zip lock bag with a candle but was wondering what is the best way to remove/minimize  the smell?  I'm a little uncomfortable about bathing her, the glitter is intimidating for me.

Thank you in advance,

Don't have in my possession yet, but soon for trade...

Wig Wam's red racecar comb
hats for Tex, Steamer and Salty
Looking for
Slugger's bandana
Chief's comb and bandana

Just wanted to get the word out there now.  Looking to take a break from pony collecting  :shocked: I know!!


Pony Corral / Painting the shells of Sea Ponies
« on: October 05, 2015, 12:44:07 PM »
Has anyone painted a clam shell from the first set of sea ponies to match the color of a clam shells from the second set?  Would this be considered a cardinal sin?  I have an extra shell (purple or pink) the I am very tempted to paint lavender for High Tide.  Even if I could find a shell for High Tide, they are so expensive to purchase.  Any suggestion on what would be the best kind of paint to use to adhere to plastic?


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