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Topics - SourdoughStomper

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Off Topic / How many siblings do you have?
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:34:21 AM »
How many siblings do you have?

Well, it's rather interesting in my case. If you asked me 6 months ago, I would have said one. My older brother was the only one.

Then, I discovered I have an even older half-sister back in May. (Same mother.) Talk about being absolutely stunned! :faint: Kind of shook things up for me, I will admit.

And I'm still processing the idea because it was such a revelation. (I literally got a whopping headache that first day, as it felt like my head got a mental Thanksgiving-sized meal of information all at once.) But I'm steadily getting to know her a bit, and she finally knows her origins. How cool is that? She had been looking for decades.

Also, I was never going to have a sister-in-law or nieces/nephews because of my brother's perpetual bachelor status. I had to give that idea up long ago. All of a sudden, I have two nieces and a nephew. :heart:

So now, my answer is two siblings. :)

How about you?

Off Topic / Happy birthday, Sprinklecupcake!
« on: November 08, 2014, 04:51:08 PM »
:muffin: :dmuffin: :muffin: :dmuffin:

:tort: :birthday: :tort: :birthday:

Have a happy birthday! :party:

[Birthday sticky - kkat 11-8-2014]

Pony Corral / One more pre-derby poll!
« on: October 05, 2014, 12:02:59 PM »

Okay, this poll is my attempt at plugging the contest for more of you wonderful folks to enter. :) You may enter for free, either one. There's one whole week (as of this post) to enter in. So, take your time and hurry up! :P

The skill-testing version is found here!
The random, luck version is found here!

The bunny smiley is found here -----> :bunny: ! It's so cute, isn't it? It hopes you win, too. :frolic:

Pony Corral / Please donate pictures for the Derby! :D
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:26:56 PM »
Greetings my lovely pony friends. :lovey: We're almost ready to get the races started! :cheer: I just need your help for the finishing touches.

I am looking for your cheerful, bright photos of these ponies. :) I'm looking for sweet pictures so these ponies can put their best hooves forward for this Derby.

The photos, somewhat surprisingly, can play a part as to who wins. So I'm hoping these will be nicely lit, showing ponies at their best. (Hopefully the dimensions will be wider than they are tall.) Thank you so, so much for your help. :thanks: There couldn't be a Derby without you. :-*

On to the list:

Argentinian Buttons
Argentinian Gingerbread
Blueberry Baskets
Brazilian Milky Way
Diamond Rose
Greek Baby Minty (green hair)
Junko Mizuno
Macau Jenny
Mexican Baby Blossom (pegasus)
Minty G3
Rarity G4
Twilight (So Soft)
Velvet Bow

Off Topic / Looking for wisdom tooth surgery advice.
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:00:01 AM »
Little Miss Stomper (14 years old) is having her wisdom teeth removed this Thursday. Plus an upper adult canine (or something) tooth that will never descend properly.

I've never had tooth surgery before, so I do not know what it is like.

I'm hoping those of you who have had this done can tell me the best way to take care of her after the surgery. Are you on a soft-food diet for a few days? Liquid diet? I know they'll tell me details before hand, but I'd like to have your input as well.

How long did it take you to feel "normal" again?

Thanks! :D

Pony Corral / Pre-Derby poll!
« on: September 18, 2014, 12:59:16 PM »
I don't know which 64 ponies will be entered in the Derby yet, but I'm curious to know if you have a vague guess as to the winner. In the past, we've usually had either a green (Fizzy, Minty, Ice Crystal), blue (Nightglider) or white (Gusty, Baby Glory) pony win or come runner up.

What color do you think will be popular this year? I'm rooting for yellow, of course. :sunny: :sunflora: However, I wouldn't be surprised if it's a green or blue pony again. :D

By the way, we'll be adding a new way to win this year. The usual way of using your guessing skills and making predictions will be present. But we'll also just have a simple sweepstakes where you just simply enter and see if you win at the end. :) Does this interest you?

Edit to add: Here's a link to the thread where you can nominate your favorite ponies for the race!,360491.0.html

MLP Nirvana / May I ask for your pictures for the Derby?
« on: September 17, 2014, 07:16:53 AM »

The nominations are in and these are the variants that will be in the race! But I need your beautiful pictures of them. One picture of each is great. :) (Although I will hardly complain if I get more than one each. 'Cause who doesn't love Nirvanas?)

I need:
Argentinian Buttons
Argentinian Gingerbread
Brazilian Milky Way
Dutch Baby Cat
Greek Baby Minty (green hair)
Macau Jenny
Mexican Baby Blossom (pegasus)

Thank you and I love you all. :flow:


Hey there, everyone. :) This year's theme will be ponies from the colors of the rainbow. Since there are 4 divisions, we will have 2 colors per division for a total of 8 colors. Pink (includes red), orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and white.

"Hey, Stomper! That leaves one more half-division. What are you going to do with that?" Well then, there are a few other colors that are a bit more unique. So you can suggest black, gray, brown, tan, transparent, and whatever else doesn't really fit in the other colors.

Please nominate your favorite ponies, up to three per color. (I'd do more per color, but that will make the list long very quickly). Note: color refers to the body, but you probably assumed that anyway.

Pony Corral / Make your nominations for our rainbow Arena Derby!
« on: September 17, 2014, 07:14:46 AM »
Hey there, everyone. :) This year's theme will be ponies from the colors of the rainbow. Since there are 4 divisions, we will have 2 colors per division for a total of 8 colors. Pink (includes red), orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and white.

"Hey, Stomper! That leaves one more half-division. What are you going to do with that?" Well then, there are a few other colors that are a bit more unique. So you can suggest black, gray, brown, tan, transparent, and whatever else doesn't really fit in the other colors.

Please nominate your favorite ponies from any generation, up to three per color. (I'd do more per color, but that will make the list long very quickly). Note: color refers to the body, but you probably assumed that anyway. Another note: I'd like to have one foreign variant in each color bracket, so I'll be cross-posting in Nirvana.

Here's a handy form if you'd like to use it.



Hey, everyone. :wave:

I'm trying to get myself revved up to host another Derby this year.

I haven't fully decided yet, but hopefully I can do it! They seem to be fun, but a lot of work. I have been struggling with energy, lately. So I need plenty of cheer leading! :cheer:

Last year, we had a double sized Derby of 128 ponies, where all four generations contested against each other to see who would come out on top. It was G1 Gusty who won last year. :woot: This year would be a normal size Derby of 64.

Usually, I just have a random mix of popular ponies from any generation. However, I've done a theme of baby ponies and I've done a theme of G3 only ponies.

I am thinking of a few themes for this year. Let me know what you think of them, and maybe suggest ideas of your own. There are four divisions, by the way, if that helps.

* I was thinking of a season theme. Ponies that could represent one of the four seasons. I'm not sure it that would be too ambiguous.
* Food-symbol ponies.
* Princess ponies from all generations, if there are enough of them. (I would need 64.)
* Ponies with celestial body symbols: stars, planets, space, sunshine, etc.
* Holiday ponies?
* Divisions based on popular G1 poses? Like a collector pose division versus a trotting pose division?
* Maybe one division could be nothing but Nirvanas. Or maybe half the race is Nirvanas another other half is their ordinary counterparts?

Please tell me what ideas you like or have and maybe we can start planning for this year's Derby. Talk it up! :cheer: Help get good ol' Stomper excited and energized.

And for newbies who have absolutely NO IDEA what I'm talking about, I shall link you to ArenaDerby. Go to the profile and look up the threads (especially this one) so you can see what it's about. Mostly, it's a March-Madness style pony popularity contest. There is an opportunity to win prizes based on how well you predict winners.

Pony Corral / Pick a princess, any princess!
« on: September 08, 2014, 07:15:16 AM »
Images courtesy of Ponyland Press.

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Princess Sparkle
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Princess Royal Blue
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Princess Tiffany
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Princess Serena
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Princess Starburst
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Princess Primrose

The only princess I had in my childhood was Tiffany. I still have her and she's still pretty pristine. So I'll pick her. :)

Off Topic / Walking through the winter wonderland
« on: August 25, 2014, 05:35:52 PM »
Stomper HATES being cold! :brr: :cold: With my poor thyroid function, I suffer from cold intolerance. Other people could be comfortable and I'm needing to put on my socks and/or my sweater. I wear socks 24/7 during the winter and even have to wear gloves indoors from time to time.

We do have a furnace and use that. We aren't allowed to use a space heater (conditions of our lease), or else I'd be using that fellow in the bathroom during the winter.

I also use a mattress warmer overnight to keep myself warm. I love that thing! :lovey:

We also cover our windows with plastic to prevent drafts or air leakage. I haven't really noticed any difference though. It's just as cold with or without.

What do you use? :fireplace:

Off Topic / What are your dreams?
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:29:39 AM »
I've been thinking about making this thread for awhile now. It's like with the difficulties of life and somewhat deteriorating health, my dreams have all but disappeared. I'm looking for inspiration! I want a dream again. 

You can tell me about your daydreams if you like. What I mean by that is your "they aren't likely to happen but I'm content to just enjoy the thought" kind of dreams. For example: being an astronaut to Mars. Or even more of a stretch: being Captain Janeway. (Yes, I'm thinking of you, Skeen. LOL)

But what I'm really looking for is goal-type dreams. Big or small. For example "It's my dream to own therapy horses to bring joy to disabled or depressed people who want to connect with animals." Then you've made small steps and goals to achieve your dream, like volunteering to feed horses as a first step.

Do you have a goal-dream? How long have you been working toward it? Have you achieved any? Have you changed your dreams from time to time?


Off Topic / Tell me about iPods, please.
« on: August 23, 2014, 10:17:51 AM »
Hi, everyone! :)

I have no experience with iPhones or iPods, although we do have an iPad - Gen 2. (Mr. Stomper received it as part of going back to school so he could be a payroll admin. But that's neither here nor there.)

That said, I really like some of the cool apps on the iPad. Which versions of iPod allow you to use many of the same apps?

I've seen the older versions and it looks nothing more than a very expensive MP3 player with a little LCD screen. (Or is that LED? I can't keep it straight.) But it seems some of the later versions let you use apps like you'd find for an iPad. I just don't know which ones those would be.

I guess I'm just asking which iPod versions (and generations) would allow me to use an alarm clock function that would turn on with music of my choice.  The iPad is large and bulky, and a smaller gadget would be welcome. Don't really want an iPhone at this time.

Also, can you put WMA files on an iPod?

Is it worth it looking for a used one on Kijiji? How much would you be willing to pay for a used one?

Thanks for any help you can offer. *gives flowers and grain-free cookies* :flow: :cookie:

Off Topic / Hot Fun In The Summertime
« on: August 18, 2014, 07:04:19 AM »
We have several methods to keep cool. Even though this is Alberta, it can get up to the high 90s °F (30s °C) on the hottest days.

We have floor fans in the living room and bedrooms. A couple of window fans, too. This is our main method.

For the master bedroom, we have a portable A/C. However, we try our best to limit our use of that so the bills don't get to be too much. So we'll turn it on shortly before bedtime and turn it off around 10-11 pm.

However, should it get really insufferable, we'll sometimes head over to the mall during the day for the air conditioning.

If I were still in AZ, it would be central air conditioning in our house. Also, the use of a "swamp cooler" (evaporate cooler), but that only worked on days when the humidity is low. But it was very effective on those low-humidity days, I'll tell you.

:sweat: :hot: :heat: :fan: So, how do you keep cool?

(I'll see if I can come up with a how you keep warm poll afterwards, hm?)

Pony Corral / G3 poll, 2007 scented ponies.
« on: August 08, 2014, 03:48:55 PM »
Images courtesy of Strawberry Reef.

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Butter Pop
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Chocolate Chipper
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Paradise Island
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Party Cake
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Pretty Pop
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Soda Float
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Strawberry Surprise

I'm in the mood for food ponies. :D I think I felt like a silly school girl when these scented ponies came out. They reminded me of scratch and sniff stickers. Most of the designs are eye-catching too.

I like Pretty Pop, Strawberry Surprise and Chocolate Chipper. :) Now, of those... I guess I'll pick Strawberry Surprise as my favorite of the day. It's subject to change depending on how many seconds have gone by since I posted this.

Oh yeah, and I like Paradise Island too. She reminds me of Sunny Daze. Maybe she's a sister? :D :sunny:

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