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Topics - shadowlark

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Customs / My First Custom
« on: January 23, 2014, 11:34:38 PM »
I've been debating for months whether I was going to share this or not. I've seen some other people's first customs and they are soooo good that I'm kinda embarrassed by mine  :blush: I mean, I love her and think she turned out as expected, and I know since I don't have very good art skills that I'd never be able to customs like some people here, but I didn't want y'all to make fun of me :(  But I finally decided that I'd share, if for nothing more than constructive feedback :)

She's made out of a baity Peach Blossom that I got on ebay. She had marker scribbles all over one side of her. She got a FBR, which was a pain to begin with. I originally wanted her to be a bluey-black/midnight blue colour, but I just couldn't get the mix right and she either came out too black or too blue. So in the end, I went with all black. Rehaired with Dollyhair's Midnight Magick (A blend of "after midnight" and "black magick").  At one point I had tried to paint the stars on, but it looked horrible so I ended up sticking these little pearl things on. Got the repro wings off ebay.

Her name is Orion, and that's the constellation depicted.

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Sigs & Site Support / Locked Thread
« on: January 22, 2014, 08:39:19 PM »
Hi there!
Can you please unlock my thread:,324308.0.html

I'd like to update everyone on how I made out with Seashell!


Pony Brag Arena / Early birthday present
« on: January 13, 2014, 02:30:48 PM »
Sung to the tune of Happy Birthday:

"Happy Birthday to me!
I've got the best hubby!
He got me Cutesaurus!
How awesome is he?"

Yup! Cutesaurus was up on ebay last week and hubby said I could have her for my birthday. She arrived today and hubby let me open her even though my birthday isn't until Feb 1. So excited! Her hair got tangled up during shipping, so she needs a spa day, but other than that, she is pretty much perfect! One small spot that looks like it is just surface dirt.

Here's the pic from the auction, and I'll get more when her hair is done :)

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MLP Nirvana / Adult BBE Sunlight on ebay - anyone have info?
« on: January 07, 2014, 06:10:18 PM »
Just cruising around ebay and saw an Adult BBE Sunlight listed. Same seller also has a weird SS Posey with flocked and painted over eyes, and a SS Gusty with factory blue eyes.  But the adult BBE is WEIRD...I thought they baby BBEs were creepy enough, but the adult is worse.

Anyone have info on this? The listing says it may have been a prototype.  I tried a google search but all that I could really find were old archived forum postings.

Here's the listing: live link removed as per Arena rules --- LadyG

Sigs & Site Support / Thread auto-locked
« on: January 02, 2014, 10:02:54 AM »
My thread got auto-locked due to inactivity. Is it possible to open it back up? I'm currently unemployed so will have time to clean up all the ponies that are awaiting their spa day!,322916.0.html

Customs / Dying Seashell with RIT Dye - Help!
« on: December 30, 2013, 03:05:13 PM »
I think I've got my Seashell at the point where I can dye her. She was in pretty bad shape (pics here:,324308.0.html

Now that I'm currently unemployed and she's pretty uniformly sunfaded, I'm ready to dye her. But I'm not sure which colour to go with. The RIT Dye site has these colours and tells you what colours to mix to get them. What do you think the best match would be to get her back to her former glory? Or any other suggestions on a different dye to use?

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Pony Corral / Collector Pose Applejack - country ID help needed
« on: May 25, 2013, 12:46:09 AM »
So, a few weeks ago, I won this girl in an ebay auction:

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She was advertised as "My Little Pony Vintage G1 UK Applejack In Collector Pose - HTF"

When I looked her up on the My Little Wiki (, it says Euro CP Applejack only has 5 apples, where as the one I have has 7.  I'm assuming she's the Italian Varient 1.  Anyone know how to confirm? Her hoof stamps just say 1982 Pat Pending Hasbro Hong Kong.

Just a note - her eyes look blue in the pic but they are actually green.

Pony Brag Arena / Pony Mail! ebay purchase from bluemoondreams
« on: March 11, 2013, 11:41:20 AM »
I bought this lovely girl on ebay from bluemoondreams. Soooo pretty!

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Here she is with the other 2 bluemoondreams' customs I'm lucky enough to own :)
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Ahhh I'm so excited! These two lovelies showed up in the mail today! Tex is my first boy pony and what a handsome boy he is! And Rainbow Curl Stripes helps feed my "astronomy" ponies addiction! Thanks rosesare!

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Pony Brag Arena / Awww Thanks Mum!
« on: February 28, 2013, 06:12:41 PM »
I sent my mum a pic of all my MLPs all cleaned up and in their new cabinet, as well as a couple of before and after pics. She loved them! So much, that she went on ebay, for the first time ever today, just to buy me a pony! She got me Fantastical February (my birthday is in February). Way to brave the internet for me mum!!

Pic from the auction:
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[moving to Brag Arena ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

Mum's addicted. She just bought these for me as well! (pic from auction)
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And now she's bought me this! (pic from auction)
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She swears these are the last two: (pic from auction)
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Pony Corral / Restoring Seashell - need some help/advice please!
« on: February 27, 2013, 07:56:15 PM »
So, I started cleaning up Seashell today but I couldn't get these blue marks off her. I tried Magic Eraser and Aceton, but nothing. I think it might be 20 year old marker. Is there anything I can do about it? Would sun-fading help? Help?

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Pony Corral / Any mirror image body poses?
« on: February 26, 2013, 11:15:26 PM »
I'm looking for ponies who are mirror images of each other when it comes to body poses. The only ones I can think of are G1 Flat Feet/Collector poses. Are there any others? They're for a custom I'm thinking of attempting.

So like, this is Rainbow Dash
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so, is there a pony facing the opposite way with same angle to head, opposite feet forward, (i.e. in each pic it's the far side legs that are stepping forward) etc, like this:
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Pony Corral / Show me your "astronomy" ponies!
« on: February 19, 2013, 11:36:04 PM »
So, I just got Night Glider in the mail. I've loved astronomy since I was a kid, always gazing up at the moon, so I think the first thing I'm going to collect is all the astronomy type ponies - Night Glider, Moon Dancer, Twilight, etc. So, can I get pics of as many as you can think of? Or a list so I know where to start? I think next on my list is going to be TAF Milky Way...

Pony Brag Arena / YAY! Night Glider is here!
« on: February 19, 2013, 01:56:15 PM »
I won this lovely girl on ebay and she just arrived yesterday. I LOVE her. She's just sooo pretty!  Big thanks to cricket - the seller wouldn't ship to Canada and cricket was kind of enough to let me ship Night Glider to her and then she sent on to me.  :biggrin:

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Customs / Paint Matching Guide?
« on: February 19, 2013, 12:24:03 AM »
I found skig's awesome hair matching website, and was wondering if anyone knows of a similar site for paint matching so it's easier to match paint to touch up cutie marks/eyes?  My Majesty, Moondancer and Minty all need their cutie marks touched up and I'm worried about using the wrong colours. I looked at glitter at Wal-mart tonight and I think I'm ok with Majesty & Moondancer as most of the glitter has come off their symbols, but Minty still has about half her symbols and I'm worried the paint won't match. Or should I just repaint over ALL the symbols to make sure they match? Help?

[moving to Customs ~ many thanks ~ hathorcat]

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