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Topics - Eskara1862

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Off Topic / Need Help IDing (possible) Barbie Accessories
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:54:42 PM »
I had a huge Pony find at a barn sale last year and ended up with all of this stuff mixed in. The pony items were easy enough to ID and clean up, but I really have no idea what the rest of this is. Is there anything worth selling individually? Anything you might want? Should I just give it all to the thrift store? I really don't know what to do with it and don't particularly want any of it; it's not stuff that I collect. Pictures of individual items can be taken if you need to see something more clearly.

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This shoe says Ginny on the bottom and looks to be Strawberry Shortcake sized.

Customs / Queen Chrysalys
« on: October 09, 2014, 09:16:22 PM »
This beauty seriously took a logn time to make. I tinkered with her off and on for about two years. All things considering, I'm pretty stoked with the results! She was sculpted from a molded hair pink Celestia base. I drilled holes in the appropriate places, thinned her waist, and cut out bits of her legs. Her hair, neck, horn, wings, and carapace were all hand sculpted from apoxie sculpt.

What do you guys think? Constructive crit is welcomed and encouraged!

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Pony Corral / Going to BronyCon and need a room?
« on: July 28, 2014, 07:03:54 AM »
Hey pony peeps!

I know it's been a while since I've been active on here; but, that's not for lack of desire. I recently moved states and have been desperately trying to get my routines back in order. I will be active here again once the convention season dies down :) Anywho! On to the real reasons for this post.

I am attending BronyCon as a vendor (Booth 520, The New Gray Mare) with Shottsy85 (booth 106, Twisted Tales) and we are looking to cut the costs of the hotel room by allowing others to stay with us as well. We will be staying at the Hilton Baltimore, which is connected to the convention center. There will be a rollaway bed. We're trying to get around five or six other people to stay with us; however, nobody else has committed yet. The maximum cost for a three-way split would be $240; the cost will only go down if more people want to stay. The room is booked from Thursday night through Monday morning. If you only want to stay one or two nights, you'd only have to pay for the night you stayed. Please, PM or e-mail ([email protected]) me if you're interested in staying with us.

If you live between Columbus and Baltimore and need a ride to the con, we have rented a van and are willing to pick people up! Even if you're an hour to an hour and a half out of the way, we'll adjust our route to pick you up. 

And, the final part! I need a booth helper. I'm currently manning a booth at an 8,000+ attendee convention by myself. If anyone is willing to help watch my booth and give me bathroom, food, and the occasional sanity breaks, you will get a comped vendor badge :) Yay! Free admission! You'd be free most of the day to attend panels and events, wander the hall yourself, and generally hang out with some awesome people. And if you wanted to room with us, that'd be even better ;) Like I said earlier, drop me a PM ore-mail if interested.

Thanks and I hope to hear from some of you amazing people :)

Off Topic / Random Thought for the Day
« on: October 26, 2013, 11:33:42 AM »
I seriously hope the Fairy Godmother gave Cinderella a pedicure before she gave her the glass slippers.

So, what have your random thoughts been lately?

Off Topic / Muses and a story blurb
« on: October 06, 2013, 11:50:15 AM »
Hey guys! I know I've been pretty darned silent round these parts for the past couple months.  Why? Cause those darned hockey-loving ducks from another dimension decided to invade my brain and haven't left much room for ponies. Yeah... Been on a Mighty Ducks (cartoon series) kick lately.

It's been pretty weird. My mind has been silent and my muses haven't really spoken so clearly to me in the past six or seven years. I haven't written anything seriously in the past five years.  All creative energies for the past several years have gone towards painting and sculpting. Even then, I haven't made stuff that I'm super, super proud of. But, I had a dream way back in April and the floodgates have opened. I started writing. And I wrote a little more. And I wrote even more. In two months, I wrote a 103 page (single spaced!) story that is around 41,000 words. You'd think It would all calm down a little bit after that, but no! No! My muses are pestering me with more and more and more to write. I can hardly keep up with it.

Anyway, I'm working on a pretty serious story now involving a fall from grace, how far someone will go for who they love, and the struggle for redemption. So far, I'm madly in love with this story. I just have to post the introductory two paragraphs SOMEWHERE or I'm going to go mad!

If you're curious what Duke looks like, I highly suggest this picture. He's the one in maroon with the sword and eye patch.

"Aiyah Silverdown." Duke spoke the name with a reverence usually reserved for deity. "She was the most beautiful, kind duck I've ever met. Stars. Her feathers were the whitest I've ever seen. I mean, Wing's got pretty white plumage; but, hers? She practically glowed. Put that together with her black hair and you had a beauty artists would kill each other to paint. Had a voice like an angel, too. When she sang Anché'Navia's operas, you just disappeared into the music. Nothing could match her voice." He looked down sadly and gave a half hearted laugh. "Best girl I ever knew. I would, and did, do anything for her.

"We were childhood sweethearts, ya know? We grew up close to each other. My dad was big in the jewel business; her's managed some sort of mining equipment deal. Problem was, when a new regulation or some such went into effect, it about bankrupted her family. They had to move and I thought I'd never see her again. Lucky for me, that voice of hers was her ticket back to the high life."

Okay. I feel better now. Thank you for helping me maintain a little bit of sanity!

Off Topic / How to fix Barbie Hair!- Hillarious
« on: April 08, 2013, 09:04:14 AM »
So, we all know what it's like to find a perfectly good Barbie doll who has prepared for her future chemo treatments by pre-shaving her head.  Well, this one lady came up with the cheapest, easiest way to fix that hair possible!  Enjoy ;)

Weed 'em and Reap: How to fix ruined barbie hair

Trader & Shipping Support / Help oppose new Internet Sales Tax!
« on: February 04, 2013, 02:12:01 PM »
While I hate eBay, they have a very good point this time around. This year, congress is really trying to push for an internet sales tax, meaning online sellers would have to collect tax for states they sell in as well as the state they reside in. This is absolutely ridiculous, especially as many of the items sold online have already had tax paid on them when they were purchased the first time.

eBay has a very nice form that you can fill out and it will automatically send a letter to all of your state representatives. It's here if you would like to fill it out and keep online business as open as possible.

Pony Corral / Ponies at a vintage toy store!
« on: January 16, 2013, 04:40:58 PM »
I recently discovered a vintage toy store near me. When I went last week, he didn't have any ponies in the shop but said he has some at home. He's bringing them in for me tomorrow! I'm taking some stuff to trade.

Who wants to guess what I'll be getting? I'll share pictures when get back from the purchase!

Pony Corral / Commercial with Up, Up and Away and Galaxy!
« on: November 15, 2012, 12:01:22 PM »
So, I like reading lifehacker.  They had an interesting article about what to consider when setting up your home office.  The best part, though, is the commercial at the top!

Join Me Commercial

Loads of vintage toys!

Off Topic / My husband has gone insane
« on: November 02, 2012, 08:53:46 AM »
I just received this insane text from hubby and started laughing for about five minutes straight. Thought you guys might get a laugh out of it too!

"She sauntered over to me with those baby blue peepers. I could tell she was in the mood for some heavy petting, but I wasn't interested in what she was peddling. I had a good thing going, and she was all the dangers your parents ever warned ya about, all wrapped up in one neat little package. I put my hand on her shoulder, not because I wanted to, but because I needed to. This was an itch that needed scratching, no logic could slow down my wrong turn down a dead end street. Then she ran under the couch."

The owner of those baby blue peepers? See below

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Trader & Shipping Support / Renewing Classifieds Listings
« on: October 31, 2012, 10:29:53 AM »
I feel a little silly for asking this, but how do you renew classified listings? I keep looking at the ones I have expiring and can't see how to add more time or to renew the ones that have expired! I blame my fuzzy flu-brain for not being able to figure it out  >_<  Can I have a little help please?

Trader & Shipping Support / >_< I went back...
« on: October 22, 2012, 07:08:22 AM »
I'm a bad, bad pony.  I can't help it!  I don't have a job and my savings is almost depleted.  I listed items on eBay last night  :redface:

No issues yet and hopefully there won't be any. Let's hope I get a job soon so I can stop eBay again.

Pony Corral / Dry hair with original curl or conditioned and re-curled?
« on: October 15, 2012, 03:04:01 PM »
My wonderful father found a batch of G1 ponies at a garage sale for me. They were clearly not played with much and spent most of their time in a garage.  This is both boon and bane.  The pink hair is so gorgeous and perfect! The ponies are covered in fuzzy mold!  It's not a question of if they'll be washed; they all will with a little bleach to kill the mold.

My conundrum comes in with the hair.  Their hair is still in the original curl on many of them (Lady Flitter, high Flyer, Dancing Butterflies), but it's very dry and somewhat messy. I can condition it and make the hair look perfect and super beautiful, but I'll destroy the original curl if I do that.  If I leave the hair alone, it'll be dry and a little frizzed.  Which do you prefer?  Help me decide how to fix these up!

So, PayPal and eBay are at it again!  There is a clause in the updated user agreements that you must go through arbitration and can not ban together with other similarly affected (scammed/abused) PayPal/eBay customers in a class action law suit. This basically means that we would each have to go against a gigantic corporation individually rather than banning together and fighting as a group. But, we still have time to preserve our rights and opt out of the specific clause in the new PayPal and eBay user agreements. Even if you have no current quarrel with either company, I highly recommend you opt out of this clause. You never know what will happen in the future.

Here's a link to the Consumerist with more information and a template you can download and mail in.

Wanted! / G4 neck plug needed
« on: October 10, 2012, 12:09:49 PM »
I realize this is kind of a weird one, but I'm hoping a customizer can maybe help me out.  I need a G4 neck plug.  Just the plug, no pony. Can anyone help?  I'll gladly pay!

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