The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Mana Minori on June 04, 2017, 10:36:53 PM

Title: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Mana Minori on June 04, 2017, 10:36:53 PM
There are a lot of franchises who have played the nostalgia card, whether by re-tellings of the originals, like the Pokemon Generations anime, complete re-masters like Sailor Moon Crystals, incorporating them into the new generation like Sonic Generations, or continuing the story where they left off with the original, like Yugioh Dark Side of Dimensions or Digimon Adventure Tri. Pokemon/ Game Freak especially very often makes remakes of their generation main series, gives plenty of attention to previous generations in big milestone anniversaries, events, and the like, and reboots/ retellings of their previous generations in series/ shorts form. On the other hand....Hasbro doesn't, as far as MLP is concerned. Could Hasbro benefit from Mimikyu'ing these mentioned franchises who have capitalized on nostalgia? Personally, I would really like to see a "MLP Generations" with the alicorns of g4 interacting with the ponies of g1 (especially Queen Majesty). There could also be revamps of g1, or continuations; or even g2's Friendship Gardens, which never even got a tv series (11 minute old school shorts would be perfect). Takara Ponies should also get a short series, since they never had one- geared toward both Japanese and English audiences.

should Hasbro work to capitalize on Nostalgia of the early pony generations (g1 and the g2 that never was)?
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on June 05, 2017, 12:00:30 AM
I'd enjoy seeing G1 easter eggs in the G4 TV show.  Would Hasbro benefit from it, as in would they get a benefit out of it that they otherwise would not get?  Aside from some fan appreciation, they probably wouldn't get any concrete benefits.

It's more the concept of MLP that is nostalgic to most people, especially people who played with MLPs as kids but who are not collectors.  Almost every woman my age (late 30s) had some MLPs and will talk fondly about playing with them . . . but a lot of times they can't remember their ponies' names.  Sometimes they can't remember the colors!  They do remember the fun of playing with colorful fantasy ponies, though. :)

But it makes tapping into G1 nostalgia more of a challenge than it is with, for example, Sailor Moon, which is a more character-based franchise.

I do like your idea of G4 MLPs interacting with other generation ponies.  I love crossovers like that.  IMO it would be more "doing a favor to the fans" than "capitalizing on the fans", though.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Shimmer Mist on June 05, 2017, 12:08:04 AM
Cartoon-wise It probably wouldn't work too well... Toy-wise I'd say it'd be more successful. I know I'd kill for a Sub-line of MLP toys that focus on other pony gens.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on June 05, 2017, 12:15:38 AM
Yeah, true, there'd really be nothing to lose by using older designs in the G4 line which they've already done to some extent with a couple G3 ponies, and also Moondancer in the Playskool line.

Moondancer is sold packaged with Minty, so it's like a double win.  (I think she's also available in a six pack.)
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: orangepeachmango on June 05, 2017, 01:06:57 AM
this topic comes up quite a lot, and while we are all desperate for some recognition from hasbro, the truth is hasbro can't do a whole lot because they lost the licensing to those characters and it would be expensive to get them again. and it seems like hasbro doesn't care, heaven forbid they spend a few extra bucks.

its annoying to see transformers get so much g1 related merch and callbacks, but mlp is left in the dust. even within the company itself..its not like hasbro CANT, its just clear they WONT.

Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: lostpony on June 05, 2017, 02:46:26 AM
Pretty sure it's settled that Hasbro has rights to G1 still.  If they have lost the rights, what rights?  Copyrights?  Trademarks?  etc.

Hasbro is including an increasing amount of G1 callbacks in FiM now, but positioned in a way that suggests they are more trying to move fans of previous gens to like the G4 show because G4 fans who don't know what those things are have no reason to know they are from previous gens.

I think there is a lot of negative view of G1 among some of the G4 fans so there is a potential for Hasbro to actually do more harm than good if they tried too hard to re-marry the earlier gens in any obvious way. 

Nonetheless, there are an increasing number of G4 fans who are open to earlier gens so we can always hope that a re-union of sorts may lie in the future.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Tulips on June 05, 2017, 04:14:37 AM
I've heard it said many times that Hasbro lost the licensing to many G1 characters... but I don't know the first thing about business speak so what does that mean? Did they lose the rights, or sell them? Who owns them? I've never seen a concrete answer with proof to back up that statement. Not saying it's not true, I just don't know the who/what/when/where/how of it. Can anyone explain?
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Taffeta on June 05, 2017, 04:32:23 AM
I'm not in favour of forcing G1 ponies into G4 animation, I think that would upset some G4 fans and I don't think it's necessary. I don't think G1 needs to be in G4, really. G4 is a thing on its own. It doesn't need to be shored up by nostalgia from the past. The G4 animation as far as I understand it has already lifted a lot of old G1 concepts and character ideas, and that is probably as far as they dare go (or should go). I don't even know how many G4 fans are aware how many G1 things have been rehashed for FIM, and maybe it's better that way.

I would love to see a Ruby anniversary pony in 5 years time, though, as a proper collector release. The UK pony fan in me would obviously make that Princess Ruby, with dragon and wand and everything, but unfortunately the US drives everything MLP these days, even here, and even with the old copyrights. This was made abundantly clear when the name Princess Sparkle was used instead of Amethyst for the dollymix pony and on merchandise here in the UK.

This is also the problem which you would have with Queen Majesty, as she never really had that role in the US. Queen Majesty and her many exploits are almost uniquely part of the UK canon, which is bolstered by a long running series of comics between 1985 and 1993. Majesty was a major figure in our canon, both in the comics and in storybooks, but she never appears with Dream Castle in the animation, and I am not sure how many times she ever appears in US stories, either. Maybe once? The trouble is that while (almost) all G1 ponies had backcard stories that told the collector something about them and their character, most of them didn't get depicted in actual stories in the US line. Once the animation ended, it ended. And Hasbro US don't know or probably care about the UK comics or how they presented characters. Most of the characters in the UK comic stories do not match the ones that are known in the animation that does exist. Hasbro is more likely to default to its own animated collection in the US if it did go down that line.

It's also a problem for G2, which failed horribly in the States. It was much more successful in Europe (we had comics for it, too, and I think other places did as well) but again, if the US is dictating these things, which it seems to be, I would expect G2 to just disappear. As for G3, the presence of Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash alone kind of indicate that connection...though the worlds of G3 and G4 are so different in their apparent target audience that I wonder how difficult it would be. I think it would be easiest, though, to bring in G3 characters and names into the G4 line (as they have done from the start) because the idea of the core 7 is essentially the same concept as the mane six. It's a concept that G1 didn't really use until the very end, and G2 only used successfully in Europe, not in the US.

Takara MLP nostalgia isn't likely. Japan no longer sells G4 MLP and while they did have the animation over there, it's not a huge thing. When I was there earlier this year, the only MLP items you could see there were the TY plushes, and only in a very few stores. If the toyline isn't there, Hasbro are not going to be interested. Besides, Takara was a franchise from Hasbro and it lasted a very short time. Even the Japanese themselves are not that familiar with it and they are very hard to find. Hasbro are more about profit than anything else, and there's no way that would be viable if they have already given up on G4 in Japan.

G1 also wasn't really a toyline defined by animation anyway. It was defined by toys and the animation was there to sell those toys, not as a thing in its own right. Unlike Jem, I don't think the G1 animation has really taken on 'cult status' beyond the toyline.  There are so few episodes really compared with the number of toys available. Only the UK comic really has a good shot at representing and writing about many characters across the years, and there are a lot of G1 collectors and fans who would not know or recognise those representations because the comics were here, not everywhere.

I think some of the name trademarks for individual ponies lapsed, and that might be the confusion. I don't suppose they have the rights to all the G1 pony names after this long, because it just wouldn't be profitable to have licences for several hundred toy products they no longer make. I seem to remember there was some kind of conflict over 'Cotton Candy' at one point, but I don't remember all the details.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on June 05, 2017, 07:10:45 AM
Hasbro did not lose the rights to G1 ponies.  If they had, Applejack wouldn't be part of the cast and we wouldn't have retro G1 merchandise flying at us left, right, and center, lol.  I just bought some Starshine and Windy socks . . .

Sometimes Hasbro might lose the trademark on a name if another company uses it while Hasbro has left it inactive.  But that's not really a problem since they can just add something to the name to slightly change it.   For Transformers, they trademarked "Autobot Ratchet" because someone else had grabbed the Ratchet name (probably the "Ratchet and Clank" movie people.)  Easy to do for ponies too.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on June 05, 2017, 07:12:03 AM
It'd be nice if they did it more often for something other then G1 Transformers fans. I can easily see retro older gen pony toys, retro GI Joe anniversary figures, affordable retro Jem dolls for the kids and kids at heart, Moondreamers anniversary toys, anniversary M.A.S.K toys. That'd be nice.

They're like Sega sometimes. They forget they have more then Sonic to their celebrated name.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 05, 2017, 07:35:32 AM
G4 *IS* nostalgia for G1 by its very existence. 

And really, Hasbro has tried before with various re-releases and exclusive ponies... what always happens is we all get excited about the idea, then when the item hits the shelves, we realize the price doesn't line up with the value in our minds and we don't buy, then Hasbro thinks it's a failure and we don't get more.

Look at the G1 Re-Releases - they asked what we wanted, we told them, we did not consider that original materials would not be available and that the price point was going to be so high.  Yes, $14 for four ponies does work out to the "original MLP price" each, but that is a lot of money to pay for ponies that look substantially different from what we thought Hasbro was going to give us.  However none of us thought about how the plastic would have to be different for today's safety laws, etc. 

And the Art Ponies - for one, they were $40 so that was off-putting for many.  And then the body design changed from G3 to G4.  Go ahead, ask the Fair Staff how many of these Fair exclusives they had to pay OUT OF POCKET to order and are STILL in storage collecting dust!!! Hundreds from what I hear!

I think the most successful G1 reboot has been the fanmade Genie project... but Hasbro will definitely want to hear NOTHING about that!  :(  And I don't even know how profitable Genie *is*, I think right now, each run has paid for itself? 
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Carrehz on June 05, 2017, 07:40:12 AM
I wish this stupid rumour would just die already. If Hasbro lost the rights to anything, it would have been the names (which, as has been said already, they could easily get back - sure they might have to rename one or two or have them be like, "Firefly the Pegasus" instead of "Firefly", but there is absolutely nothing stopping them from doing that, is the point). The characters, their designs and such, are still fair game. If they weren't, we wouldn't have all the retro merch that's out right now. Heck, I'm wearing a Moonstone shirt right now that I bought from Primark recently. Dollymixes, the Running Press ponies, the upcoming Loyal Subjects ponies, those also wouldn't have happened if they had "lost the rights". (Now yes, these are all licensed products and not made by Hasbro themselves, but my point still stands; I admit to not knowing all the ins and outs of this stuff, but I kind of doubt *anyone* would be allowed to [legally] sell these things if they had, indeed, "lost the rights".)

Hasbro aren't producing any "nostalgia"/"retro" stuff (well, mostly they aren't, I guess there is Minty, and the Playskool Moondancer figure, but you know) because they don't want to, plain and simple. Would they profit off it? Eh, maybe. I'd agree with LadyMoondancer though, the nostalgia regarding MLP is really more the idea of it than the characters.

Personally, I don't want any more G1 stuff in FiM (and I saw how they referenced G3 -_- so I'd prefer if they stayed away from that, too..). I like little easter eggs here and there, but by and large I think the two should stay their own seperate things.

I'd also agree with Taffeta that you need to be thinking of this from an American perspective, here. There was never a G2 cartoon, or a Oshare na Pony (Takara) cartoon, because there wasn't the demand for them, and honestly in the grand scheme of things, I don't imagine there'd be demand for them nowadays, either. Amongst us fans/collectors, maybe, but not from the general public, and that's who you need to think of when making things like these - it's simply not feasible to make something that only a short crowd will enjoy, particularly not when they could just put that money towards more FiM stuff, which is current and clearly makes money since it's still going.

It's hard to put into words, but your perspective on this is kind of off, too? Not meaning that in an insulting way, just trying to explain where I'm coming from, here. I've noticed a lot of G4/FiM fans seem to assume that the UK comics were a bigger/more universal thing than they actually were, and that's not really the case? Now I don't mean this as an insult, I mean to say that since they weren't sold in the US, US collectors didn't know about them until the internet really caught on, from what I understand. Also that prior to G4, most MLP collectors were really more focused on the toys, not the cartoons and related ephemera. That stuff was just sort of a nice bonus; in general no one really cared about the "canon" of the franchise. That is to say, it wasn't a huge concern or the main draw, for most people, unlike G4/FiM where pretty much everything has to relate back to the show. Which honestly I miss, it's so limiting to feel like you 'have' to conform to the show canon..

but yeah, you need to look at this from the proper perspective; MLP has primarily been toy-driven, not show-driven, which affects a lot of decisions made regarding it. If that makes sense. Again, not trying to have a go at you, just trying to explain where most of us are coming from when you make threads like this. You're trying to put a G4 perspective on the G1-G3 stuff, when they're fairly different things in general.

edit: gah, lovesbabysquirmy ninja'd me XD No, you bring up a good point that I hadn't thought about before. It's easy to say "wouldn't it be awesome if they rereleased G1 ponies for the Xth anniversary?!?" but.. they did that before, during G3, and they didn't sell. I can see why Hasbro would be unwilling to try again, lol. They have no guarantee that this time round would be any better, and honestly I can't blame them for wanting to save their money instead of throwing it away on a gamble that, in the past, didn't pay off.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on June 05, 2017, 07:53:52 AM
G4 *IS* nostalgia for G1 by its very existence. 

And really, Hasbro has tried before with various re-releases and exclusive ponies... what always happens is we all get excited about the idea, then when the item hits the shelves, we realize the price doesn't line up with the value in our minds and we don't buy, then Hasbro thinks it's a failure and we don't get more.

Look at the G1 Re-Releases - they asked what we wanted, we told them, we did not consider that original materials would not be available and that the price point was going to be so high.  Yes, $14 for four ponies does work out to the "original MLP price" each, but that is a lot of money to pay for ponies that look substantially different from what we thought Hasbro was going to give us.  However none of us thought about how the plastic would have to be different for today's safety laws, etc. 

And the Art Ponies - for one, they were $40 so that was off-putting for many.  And then the body design changed from G3 to G4.  Go ahead, ask the Fair Staff how many of these Fair exclusives they had to pay OUT OF POCKET to order and are STILL in storage collecting dust!!! Hundreds from what I hear!

I think the most successful G1 reboot has been the fanmade Genie project... but Hasbro will definitely want to hear NOTHING about that!  :(  And I don't even know how profitable Genie *is*, I think right now, each run has paid for itself?

The Mini Glory and Book set is pretty popular.

How well did the G1 Dollymix Ponies do?
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Wardah on June 05, 2017, 08:28:25 AM
I wish this stupid rumour would just die already. If Hasbro lost the rights to anything, it would have been the names (which, as has been said already, they could easily get back - sure they might have to rename one or two or have them be like, "Firefly the Pegasus" instead of "Firefly", but there is absolutely nothing stopping them from doing that, is the point). The characters, their designs and such, are still fair game. If they weren't, we wouldn't have all the retro merch that's out right now. Heck, I'm wearing a Moonstone shirt right now that I bought from Primark recently. Dollymixes, the Running Press ponies, the upcoming Loyal Subjects ponies, those also wouldn't have happened if they had "lost the rights". (Now yes, these are all licensed products and not made by Hasbro themselves, but my point still stands; I admit to not knowing all the ins and outs of this stuff, but I kind of doubt *anyone* would be allowed to [legally] sell these things if they had, indeed, "lost the rights".)

Hasbro aren't producing any "nostalgia"/"retro" stuff (well, mostly they aren't, I guess there is Minty, and the Playskool Moondancer figure, but you know) because they don't want to, plain and simple. Would they profit off it? Eh, maybe. I'd agree with LadyMoondancer though, the nostalgia regarding MLP is really more the idea of it than the characters.

Personally, I don't want any more G1 stuff in FiM (and I saw how they referenced G3 -_- so I'd prefer if they stayed away from that, too..). I like little easter eggs here and there, but by and large I think the two should stay their own seperate things.

I'd also agree with Taffeta that you need to be thinking of this from an American perspective, here. There was never a G2 cartoon, or a Oshare na Pony (Takara) cartoon, because there wasn't the demand for them, and honestly in the grand scheme of things, I don't imagine there'd be demand for them nowadays, either. Amongst us fans/collectors, maybe, but not from the general public, and that's who you need to think of when making things like these - it's simply not feasible to make something that only a short crowd will enjoy, particularly not when they could just put that money towards more FiM stuff, which is current and clearly makes money since it's still going.

It's hard to put into words, but your perspective on this is kind of off, too? Not meaning that in an insulting way, just trying to explain where I'm coming from, here. I've noticed a lot of G4/FiM fans seem to assume that the UK comics were a bigger/more universal thing than they actually were, and that's not really the case? Now I don't mean this as an insult, I mean to say that since they weren't sold in the US, US collectors didn't know about them until the internet really caught on, from what I understand. Also that prior to G4, most MLP collectors were really more focused on the toys, not the cartoons and related ephemera. That stuff was just sort of a nice bonus; in general no one really cared about the "canon" of the franchise. That is to say, it wasn't a huge concern or the main draw, for most people, unlike G4/FiM where pretty much everything has to relate back to the show. Which honestly I miss, it's so limiting to feel like you 'have' to conform to the show canon..

but yeah, you need to look at this from the proper perspective; MLP has primarily been toy-driven, not show-driven, which affects a lot of decisions made regarding it. If that makes sense. Again, not trying to have a go at you, just trying to explain where most of us are coming from when you make threads like this. You're trying to put a G4 perspective on the G1-G3 stuff, when they're fairly different things in general.

edit: gah, lovesbabysquirmy ninja'd me XD No, you bring up a good point that I hadn't thought about before. It's easy to say "wouldn't it be awesome if they rereleased G1 ponies for the Xth anniversary?!?" but.. they did that before, during G3, and they didn't sell. I can see why Hasbro would be unwilling to try again, lol. They have no guarantee that this time round would be any better, and honestly I can't blame them for wanting to save their money instead of throwing it away on a gamble that, in the past, didn't pay off.

I think the G1 re-releases, even if they were exactly the same, would do much better now. During the time they were released it was still easy to find G1s at yard sales and thrift stores inexpensively. Now the supply has dried up a lot and it's much harder to find even "common" G1s as cheaply. Tho I do think a big mistake was focusing on sets. They should have included a variety of different types similar to the Party Packs G1 had.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: banditpony on June 05, 2017, 09:01:52 AM
TBH, we DO have retro merchandise that feeds on nostalgia.

They aren't going to do a remake of the G1 MLP movie because that competes with their current goals. It's fair game after FiM goes away, but I sort of hope they don't.

As for remakes of the toys, well it's not going to be the quality or price point that people want. The playskool line was geared with nostalgia in mind, for parents who knew the brand (and probably grew up with it), but that unfortunately flopped.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Taffeta on June 05, 2017, 09:25:57 AM
I hugely dislike when G4 stuff is imposed on G1. I despise the words everypony and cutie mark, especially the latter if it is used in relation to a pony before G3. I hate the word brony, and when it was around, pegasister, because those terms belong to something far newer than what I belong to. When I was first online, we were 'ponypeople' because of the mailing list of that name. As for the FIM animation, I have never been able to get into it.  Because of all of those feelings I have,  I sort of understand why people in G4 fan communities would resent it if suddenly a whole lot more G1 stuff was dumped into it just to get us interested. For me, MLP in each generation is centred on the children who are the target audience. G1 is irrelevant to most young kids, so therefore it is irrelevant in FIM. Obviously adults choose to watch it, but I really believe that MLP ought to be targeted at the children first and foremost.

I am biased in the fact that I am from the UK and I grew up with the comics. They were my canon growing up, although for most of us who grew up with G1 we didn't play with ponies according to any canon, we just played with them and made up our own games (even our own names at times). I think that's part of this whole how we conceptualise the generations thing, to be honest. Because fans of the older generation had to use their imagination more to define their toys, and did, there's not really a collective "canon". The animated series only goes so far and the UK comics mostly contradict those characters. Some backcards are the same between countries and some are not. Some ponies were only available in certain countries, while others appeared in different forms in different places. It is a totally different kind of pony world to the very conformist FIM show world, where the toys are shunned if they have the wrong style of hair. That kind of idea doesn't go with G1 at all, where Hasbro really created variations for no apparent reason, and changed names, backcard stories and concepts on a whim for different markets.

In the UK, for example, Magic Star is the most magical pony in Ponyland. In the movie, she's a responsible but fairly generic earth pony. The UK Shady has magic that creates psychadelic illusions, whereas in the animation, she lacks confidence, and is very negative. Even the translated names for this pony into French suggest different story nuances. The Canadian name, I believe, is Petit Ombre (little shadow) while the French name on my movie star pony's card is "Incognito".

With all these variations in the old pony canon/s, the question of nostalgia does come down to whose nostalgia are we talking about? The current kids? They have none. The adults? But from which year? Which country? Which story background? Which design? G1 was endlessly creative in its variations, even to a point beyond logic and common sense.

I think it's a very FIM community attitude to believe there needs to be animation of some kind to make a community tangible. We're not used to that way of seeing things, though, because we've never had it, nor needed it. And perhaps that is the real place where there is a conflict of views...

When I mentioned the idea of a collector pony above, I genuinely meant a high quality collector pony, not something like the last lot (which were only available in some places anyway). Something that would be constructed of materials that would make it really worth the investment, something to really honour the old pony line. I would still like Ruby for the Ruby Anniversary, but Hasbro US wouldn't be listening to that. I just think that there's so much that could be done with a Princess Pony to make an epic collector figure, especially if it was with both bushwoolie AND dragon.

Dollymix G1 sold pretty well here, I think, but I don't think they were global?

As for bringing back G1 in general, I consider that pretty much a pipe dream. I've accepted my ponies disappeared in 1994 and nothing will bring them back.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Sunset on June 05, 2017, 09:32:37 AM

I think the G1 re-releases, even if they were exactly the same, would do much better now. During the time they were released it was still easy to find G1s at yard sales and thrift stores inexpensively. Now the supply has dried up a lot and it's much harder to find even "common" G1s as cheaply. Tho I do think a big mistake was focusing on sets. They should have included a variety of different types similar to the Party Packs G1 had.

Yes, even now we could find most of those same characters for roughly $5 in decent condition.  So they chose very common characters to re release,  the quality wasn't great and you had to buy them in sets of 3 instead of individually.  Also, they were competing against all of the new G3.  As a collector, if you only have $30 to spend would you spend it on a rerelease set of ponies you already own the originals of or brand new G3 ponies?

I think it might be different now just because G4 doesn't look nearly as close to g1 as G3 does.  And at the same time, many collectors are not buying new G4 stuff because of the constant rerelease so of the mane 6/ princess etc. 

I have more to add to this discussion later but my break is over.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Carrehz on June 05, 2017, 10:15:50 AM
Oh, I should clarify, I think G1 rereleases would probably do better this time round, too. There's been more time since G1 so more time for people to buy them based off nostalgia (if that makes sense?), G1s and G4s are very different and there aren't nearly as many different G4 characters as there were for G3, so there's less conflict there, and also I think.. for us, the collectors, we'd have more of an idea what to expect (how to put this.. like, I think the problem a lot of people had with the G1 re-releases was the quality? We already know what the quality would probably be like if they did another re-release, so if they did and it was the same quality, oh well, that's what we expected; if it was better it'd be a pleasant surprise? If that makes sense?), so there'd be less disappointment and thus people would be more likely to buy them. Or something. (I know what I mean, just not sure how to word it)

I meant that since they flopped last time, Hasbro would probably be less willing to try again with G1 rereleases, which is fair enough really; they're a company, they need to make money and if they lost out the last time, it makes sense they wouldn't want to do that again. That's what I was trying to say before ^^; If they did do some more G1 re-releases I would buy them, if they were available over here, that is.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on June 05, 2017, 10:25:11 AM
I honestly would not buy retro G1s if they were the same quality as last time.  They were terrible.  I've seen fakies with better hair.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Carrehz on June 05, 2017, 10:29:32 AM
I honestly would not buy retro G1s if they were the same quality as last time.  They were terrible.  I've seen fakies with better hair.

Man, were they really that bad? D: I've never seen one in person, just photos.

If they did release some retro ponies I'd probably get one just to support the idea if nothing else, haha.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on June 05, 2017, 10:43:44 AM
They really were.  They were made with gross, hardish plastic, their eyes were slightly "off" (I don't know how else to describe them), their hair was low quality, their hair was also super thin (which made them prone to tipping forward on their noses), and their symbols seem to rub off easily since I keep finding them in thrift stores with their symbols half-gone.  Aaaand they didn't have forelocks, which I consider an essential trait of non-unicorn G1s.

The kindest thing I can say about them is that they were the first ponies in a long time with symbols on both sides and they reused lovely G1 artwork from a G1 pamphlet.  So . . . that part was nice?  LOL.  I'd rather pay more money and get better quality.

It's possible the Rainbow pony retros had better quality, but unfortunately I never saw them in stores.  My assumption is that the first retros sold poorly, so retailers didn't take a chance on the Rainbow ponies.

I actually would be super interested if someone who has both retro sets compared the Rainbow set to the Collector pony sets.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Sunset on June 05, 2017, 11:26:48 AM
Alright, I'm back.

So in regards to the title.. They already are in a way.  Maybe they don't produce the merchandise directly but they do license the "retro" art to other companies.  That must be making them a little something and they don't even have to put anything into it.  Though I wish they would use more of the original artwork instead of the "retro" clip art.

As for G4,  I've actually advocated for a long time that they should release a line of g1 characters in G4 style.  The character designs are enough nostalgia for me while the G4 mold makes it different enough that I don't feel like I'm buying a cheap knock off of the original.

I would love it if they would put g1 characters in the background of the show if just because they would be closer to being made into a toy.  But I think I'd like them as background only, not major characters.  Like the comic does it.  I really like the way the comic throws in g1 referances.

Now the down side to that is when they design a character in an unappealing way.  Like Moondancer.  I like that they used the g1 version instead of the G3 version.  But I didn't like that they made her yellow instead of white.  And I liked it even less that they designed her wearing a sweater.  The importance of "show accuracy" in this gen means that when we do get a Moondancer toy, they will always include her wearing that aweful sweater.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: lostpony on June 05, 2017, 11:43:30 AM
I'm just happy that there IS a current generation of Pony and that they harken back to the original at least in recycling names and some colors at all.  In the 80s I didn't like G1s (it was those awful commercials!) and I would never have turned back to see how wonderful G1s really are if not for the wonderfulness of G4.

I think it's important, while still keeping our own opinions and preferences, to accept what pan-generational stuff has been brought into the current gen, and rejoice.  Ponies, Rejoice.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Carrehz on June 05, 2017, 11:48:41 AM
LadyMoondancer - aaa, that's terrible! I knew they were lower quality but I had no idea they were THAT bad :( Ugh. I'd be interested in seeing comparison pics, too.

Sunset - I wish they'd make more stuff with the original art instead of the 'retro' art, too. Especially since some of the retro art has their designs wrong.. I like the Moonstone shirt I mentioned earlier on but it does bother me that they depicted her with a white body instead of blue :P And I've seen a few things that have Fizzy with normal eyes instead of Twinkle Eyes. That sort of thing.
(I hate G4 Moondancer's sweater, too :P And those eyebrows.. and how yellow she is.. But they tried, I guess, haha.)

In the 80s I didn't like G1s (it was those awful commercials!)

Haha, I'm the other way around, I think G4 ads are worse (though they have been getting better recently). They're too noisy and flashy X3 Not to say the G1 ads are all perfect, but at least they're... quieter? haha.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: brightberry on June 05, 2017, 12:06:26 PM
I would love some of the old toys to come back.  Honestly, the retro Strawberry Shortcakes are awesome even when sold with the new dolls.  Something like that for ponies would be incredible.  I haven't watched G4 in years now, I don't particularly care if some Bronies have issues with it.  There is no exclusivity when it comes to pony fans.  Bring on the G1s!  :)
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: glitterball on June 05, 2017, 01:05:39 PM
I would love some of the old toys to come back.  Honestly, the retro Strawberry Shortcakes are awesome even when sold with the new dolls.  Something like that for ponies would be incredible.  I haven't watched G4 in years now, I don't particularly care if some Bronies have issues with it.  There is no exclusivity when it comes to pony fans.  Bring on the G1s!  :)

Yay bring back a clutch of G1s!! I'm deffo for it, come on, Hasbro, release an anniversary set!  :lol:
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Wardah on June 05, 2017, 01:30:00 PM
I would love some of the old toys to come back.  Honestly, the retro Strawberry Shortcakes are awesome even when sold with the new dolls.  Something like that for ponies would be incredible.

Funny thing is the retro Strawberry Shortcake dolls actually did better than the new style dolls. At this year's toy fair there was no sign of any new dolls in the new style (and sadly it seems the Sweet and Sour Grape Sisters were dropped) but there were a few new retro style characters.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Taffeta on June 05, 2017, 03:22:34 PM
The 'I'm a my little pony mommy' refrain is kind of terrifying. I like the old ads for sightings of prototypes though. The best g4 advert I saw was actually another store using Rarity as a fashion icon.

I wish Primark had not sequinned Windy in such a bad way, and I hated the name Princess Sparkle appearing on shirts of my birthstone princess Amethyst, but overall I think the ongoing interest from that company is a good thing. We are kind of spoiled to have any g1 stuff around really.

I actually would go for a line of collector g1 in g4 moulds, so long as they were not the newest cartoony ones. I am just not in favour of trying to rehash g1 as g1 because I think it would be more diaappointing to see them on shelves than people think. But I guess it depends hiw much childhood nostalgia influences you in that aspect.

Edit to correct my tablet's creative spelling.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Broken Irishwoman on June 05, 2017, 03:59:01 PM
The 'I'm a my little pony mommy' refrain is kind of terrifying. I like the old ads for sightings of prototypes though. The best g4 advert I saw was actually another store using Rarity as a fashion icon.

I once saw a Dutch commercial on YouTube for I think the original six. I don't know about the English version, but the Dutch one mentioned something about "pampering them quietly". Not sure how bad it sounds in English, but in Dutch it sounds extremely wrong. :crazy:

*scurrying off now, since I have nothing useful to add to this thread* :lookround:
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Taffeta on June 05, 2017, 04:03:05 PM
The 'I'm a my little pony mommy' refrain is kind of terrifying. I like the old ads for sightings of prototypes though. The best g4 advert I saw was actually another store using Rarity as a fashion icon.

I once saw a Dutch commercial on YouTube for I think the original six. I don't know about the English version, but the Dutch one mentioned something about "pampering them quietly". Not sure how bad it sounds in English, but in Dutch it sounds extremely wrong. :crazy:

*scurrying off now, since I have nothing useful to add to this thread* :lookround:

Well, there aren't many UK G1 adverts surviving from the 1980s, but one of the ones for ponywear that does makes a joke on Bow Tie being naked, so I guess Europe kind of went to town on this.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Broken Irishwoman on June 05, 2017, 04:29:38 PM
Haha, well it was the 80's. :mrgreen:
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Gator on June 05, 2017, 04:30:17 PM
Well, here in the states the have a multi-state lottery called Powerball.  It's well over $300 million.  I'm going to win this Wednesday evening, and even though there's those people here who don't want G1 back, I'm going to Hasbro and pay to back and produce a G1 movie  in the animation style of Midnight Castle/Katrina.  Even if they don't want to release it because of competition with the G4 movie, at least I'll have it for me! 

Ok, I can dream, right?
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on June 05, 2017, 04:33:47 PM
Well, here in the states the have a multi-state lottery called Powerball.  It's well over $300 million.  I'm going to win this Wednesday evening, and even though there's those people here who don't want G1 back, I'm going to Hasbro and pay to back and produce a G1 movie  in the animation style of Midnight Castle/Katrina.  Even if they don't want to release it because of competition with the G4 movie, at least I'll have it for me! 

Ok, I can dream, right?

If your gonna dream, dream big. :)
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Al-1701 on June 05, 2017, 04:44:03 PM
I think children would go right for G1 ponies done in the G4 mold.  They would be new ponies to them.  And I think even people who had forgotten specific ponies would recognize them if they saw them.  It would make Hasbro money to do it, and help expand the variety of toys.  However, they don't see the need.

Really, I would like a Wind Whistler with hair that will stay pink.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Sunset on June 05, 2017, 04:47:19 PM
Gator, I love the artwork in your sig!  Did you do it?
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Gator on June 05, 2017, 05:16:28 PM
Sunset, yes, it's my favorite of my own pony art.  It's the B'Loon Family Christmas.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Wardah on June 05, 2017, 05:18:31 PM
I would rather G1 molds because they can get used for customs.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Sunset on June 05, 2017, 05:39:22 PM
I would rather G1 molds because they can get used for customs.

That is an excellent point.  Wouldn't it be nice if they offered a blank g1 on their site the way they do G3?
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Carrehz on June 05, 2017, 05:46:13 PM
I would rather G1 molds because they can get used for customs.

That is an excellent point.  Wouldn't it be nice if they offered a blank g1 on their site the way they do G3?

ohhh, that would be awesome! I'd love that.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on June 05, 2017, 06:09:41 PM
I think children would go right for G1 ponies done in the G4 mold.  They would be new ponies to them.  And I think even people who had forgotten specific ponies would recognize them if they saw them.  It would make Hasbro money to do it, and help expand the variety of toys.  However, they don't see the need.

Really, I would like a Wind Whistler with hair that will stay pink.

Uck no!

Post Merge: June 05, 2017, 06:10:48 PM

I would rather G1 molds because they can get used for customs.

Yes this. What's the point of having G1
/2/3 if it's not done in its own style.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: princessluna11706 on June 05, 2017, 06:22:19 PM
I'd be happy with any G1 release really, whether it's in the G1 or G4 mold.  I'd just be happy to get something.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: scarletjul on June 05, 2017, 10:35:44 PM
I would love some of the old toys to come back.  Honestly, the retro Strawberry Shortcakes are awesome even when sold with the new dolls.  Something like that for ponies would be incredible.

Funny thing is the retro Strawberry Shortcake dolls actually did better than the new style dolls. At this year's toy fair there was no sign of any new dolls in the new style (and sadly it seems the Sweet and Sour Grape Sisters were dropped) but there were a few new retro style characters.

I was actually going to bring this up.  The original Strawberry Shortcake dolls sold on the toys and less on the characters, IMHO.  Adults who had them as children are roughly the same age as those who had G1 ponies (my older sister had both an original SSC doll and Glory.)  They'd remember having the dolls now, just like they'd recall having ponies.

The retro SSC dolls seem to sell well, at about $10 a piece.  They are well made and beautifully packaged.  They don't seem to suffer at all for the fact that you can easily get the originals on eBay for about the same price.

I think Hasbro could benefit from doing something similar.  A small subset of G1-esque ponies, maybe a playset or two (like the Showstable) and see how it goes.  I honestly think people would pay for it, and not just the G1 collectors out there.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: glitterball on June 06, 2017, 02:09:52 AM
I agree - an official G1 blank or blanks (unicorn, pegasus, earth in their prettiest poses), ready for customisation would be an absolute treat! Oh, I guess it's just a pipe-dream, though *sigh*  :hope:

Thank goodness for the Genie range! (Not that I would want to customise these new pretties!)  :silly:
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Motion-Paradox on June 06, 2017, 07:17:30 AM

I think part of the issue is that really there are two pony fanbases with more overlap than you'd first think and with the older generation one it's difficult to make something that would be well received since opinions on what would be best are so varied. Some people want G1 Ponies in G4 molds, while some would only want G1 Ponies if they were exact replicas of the original down to the plastic's texture, while others wouldn't want replicas to avoid new collectors being confused (or in a couple of cases because they're worried it would devalue the older ones), and some want new Ponies in the old style. Not to mention the prices on toys tend to be a bit sticky and even with the discounts of mass production, a G1 Pony as they are would cost much more to make now than it did back then and creating a premium product is a bit of a gamble so they'd have to find the right place to sell it. Even though there's the fact that Hasbro is doing quite well with the current generation, I'm not sure the G4 fandom being bothered by having G1 Ponies slipped in would create that big a problem (Some of the comics already have very clear ones, especially the issues Amy Mebberson worked on) and it seems more that the people who notice it would be alright with it and the ones who wouldn't typically don't know the older characters that well (either way, G4 fans automatically disliking the older series isn't quite as big as it used to be)

In a way I think it's a bit like what happened with Rainbow Brite where they've done a few rebooted series and they've tried doing a re-release of the original a few times, some times it was unsuccessful and this time it's done well, but it can be difficult to predict when re-releasing the old version will pay off. I think that's why they're releasing the miniature ones attached to books and things like that; they know there's some interest, but it's difficult to find the best way capitalise on it without ending up boxes of large ponies going unsold.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Carrehz on June 06, 2017, 01:14:25 PM
I think that's why they're releasing the miniature ones attached to books and things like that; they know there's some interest, but it's difficult to find the best way capitalise on it without ending up boxes of large ponies going unsold.

Those weren't made by Hasbro, though; they were licensed and made by Running Press. (The Dollymixes were also licensed, fwiw) So I don't know if that much thought was put into them, heh.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: lostpony on June 06, 2017, 01:44:54 PM
I think children would go right for G1 ponies done in the G4 mold.  They would be new ponies to them. 

So sorry Al-1701, but I'm going to have to agree with you on this one.  :silly:

It would cost next to nothing for Hasbro to paint up and hair some of the first gen ponies on current g4 molds or even blind bags and not only would this draw some of the old fans who don't care for G4 into buying current ponies (as well as being new ponies to kids, like Al points out) but could be a nice little step towards bringing the fans of different generations together.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Wardah on June 06, 2017, 03:39:35 PM
I think that's why they're releasing the miniature ones attached to books and things like that; they know there's some interest, but it's difficult to find the best way capitalise on it without ending up boxes of large ponies going unsold.

Those weren't made by Hasbro, though; they were licensed and made by Running Press. (The Dollymixes were also licensed, fwiw) So I don't know if that much thought was put into them, heh.

If Hasbro can license out G1 for different things like the Dolly Mix or the Running Press ponies then why can't they license out making the actual full sized ponies? Especially since it's not like they have the original molds anyways so whoever is going to make them is going to need to make the molds from scratch.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: lostpony on June 06, 2017, 04:21:47 PM
I think the answer to that question is cost and demand...
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Taffeta on June 06, 2017, 05:16:39 PM
So a really interesting observation IMO on this thread...

The OP was asking whether Hasbro should capitalise on nostalgia by creating animated crossovers of the generations of MLP and bringing G1 stuff etc into G4, also creating animation for series that had none.

The discussion that's going on now is about reissuing the G1 ponies or making retro replicas or something of that nature.

It's just two totally different takes on what capitalising on nostalgia means that it struck me as interesting.

I'm a G1 fan but I'm not up for remakes of existing G1 ponies and I don't really want to see G1 on pony shelves because for me that would destroy nostalgia, not capitalise on it. After Jem I am also wary of the idea of bringing G1 stuff more into modern animation or on trying to recreate something along those lines.

I personally think maybe Hasbro's current take of various retro merchandising licenses is actually the most politic of them all. I also think that, while a Ruby Anniversary pony would be nice, collectors and fans and things like the Genie project are actually better placed to make pony items and products that would not disappoint the collector community, and Hasbro are better off sticking to what they have on shelves now.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on June 06, 2017, 06:39:26 PM
I think that's why they're releasing the miniature ones attached to books and things like that; they know there's some interest, but it's difficult to find the best way capitalise on it without ending up boxes of large ponies going unsold.

Those weren't made by Hasbro, though; they were licensed and made by Running Press. (The Dollymixes were also licensed, fwiw) So I don't know if that much thought was put into them, heh.

If Hasbro can license out G1 for different things like the Dolly Mix or the Running Press ponies then why can't they license out making the actual full sized ponies? Especially since it's not like they have the original molds anyways so whoever is going to make them is going to need to make the molds from scratch.

They can buy ponies for moulds from ebay? I mean look at Genie and Kitty Love, if our buddies can recreate repro moulds, so can Hasbro and their millions.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Wardah on June 06, 2017, 08:44:42 PM
So a really interesting observation IMO on this thread...

The OP was asking whether Hasbro should capitalise on nostalgia by creating animated crossovers of the generations of MLP and bringing G1 stuff etc into G4, also creating animation for series that had none.

The discussion that's going on now is about reissuing the G1 ponies or making retro replicas or something of that nature.

It's just two totally different takes on what capitalising on nostalgia means that it struck me as interesting.

I'm a G1 fan but I'm not up for remakes of existing G1 ponies and I don't really want to see G1 on pony shelves because for me that would destroy nostalgia, not capitalise on it. After Jem I am also wary of the idea of bringing G1 stuff more into modern animation or on trying to recreate something along those lines.

I personally think maybe Hasbro's current take of various retro merchandising licenses is actually the most politic of them all. I also think that, while a Ruby Anniversary pony would be nice, collectors and fans and things like the Genie project are actually better placed to make pony items and products that would not disappoint the collector community, and Hasbro are better off sticking to what they have on shelves now.

I tend to agree that maybe a licensing approach would be the best one to take but what's currently out now just isn't enough.

The retro SSC dolls are not being made by the same company that made SSC back in the 80s. That company also makes other retro toys like retro style Fisher Price and Raggedy Ann. Why couldn't they seek out the G1 MLP license and make retro MLPs? If they can do authentic SSC dolls they could probably do MLP justice.

Also it would be great to gave guilt free G1 custom bases that don't cost more than a baity G1.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Stormness_1 on June 06, 2017, 08:58:44 PM
Hasbro ARE capitalising on nostalgia. There are tons of licensing agreements out there for retro merch - Loungefly, Iron Fist, Cotton On, Best n Less, etc. There are clothes, mugs, shoes, handbags, backpacks, wallets, toys, keyrings, ornaments, stationery, and probably a bunch of things I have no clue about as well. It's far better for Hasbro to sell a license than to sell an actual product on retro properties, because there's no cost, and no risk. Hasbro did the re-release thing, it didn't perform as well as they'd hoped, so now they primarily do licensing for G1 MLP.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Wardah on June 07, 2017, 07:46:03 AM
Hasbro ARE capitalising on nostalgia. There are tons of licensing agreements out there for retro merch - Loungefly, Iron Fist, Cotton On, Best n Less, etc. There are clothes, mugs, shoes, handbags, backpacks, wallets, toys, keyrings, ornaments, stationery, and probably a bunch of things I have no clue about as well. It's far better for Hasbro to sell a license than to sell an actual product on retro properties, because there's no cost, and no risk. Hasbro did the re-release thing, it didn't perform as well as they'd hoped, so now they primarily do licensing for G1 MLP.

Yet unfortunately there's no licensing agreement for MLP similar to the one Hasbro had for Jem with Integrity. I just want to see some accurate, not stylized, G1 figures that aren't just tiny trinkets.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Taffeta on June 07, 2017, 08:45:10 AM
On a random note,  I just noticed the Argos catalogue has g1 design baby clothing. I had no idea they also did those, so maybe there are even more items in areas we haven't been looking.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: banditpony on June 07, 2017, 09:11:55 AM
On a random note,  I just noticed the Argos catalogue has g1 design baby clothing. I had no idea they also did those, so maybe there are even more items in areas we haven't been looking.

H&m had baby rompers a few years back. There's other companies too with baby stuff... A quick Google search led me to this...
(Uh anyone wanna help me make a purchase from Australia lol)

There were also baby blankets, hooded toddler towel, washcloth, bibs, baby lots of socks, baby head bands...

We just don't seem to talk about merch often. Although I learned about some of this through the shout box
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Carrehz on June 07, 2017, 09:15:46 AM
So a really interesting observation IMO on this thread...

The OP was asking whether Hasbro should capitalise on nostalgia by creating animated crossovers of the generations of MLP and bringing G1 stuff etc into G4, also creating animation for series that had none.

The discussion that's going on now is about reissuing the G1 ponies or making retro replicas or something of that nature.

It's just two totally different takes on what capitalising on nostalgia means that it struck me as interesting.

I hadn't noticed this, but yes that is interesting. I think it kinda sums up the difference between people who came into it pre-G4, and people who came into it post-G4, haha. Well, in general, I mean. How interesting.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: banditpony on June 07, 2017, 09:37:31 AM
So a really interesting observation IMO on this thread...

The OP was asking whether Hasbro should capitalise on nostalgia by creating animated crossovers of the generations of MLP and bringing G1 stuff etc into G4, also creating animation for series that had none.

The discussion that's going on now is about reissuing the G1 ponies or making retro replicas or something of that nature.

It's just two totally different takes on what capitalising on nostalgia means that it struck me as interesting.

I hadn't noticed this, but yes that is interesting. I think it kinda sums up the difference between people who came into it pre-G4, and people who came into it post-G4, haha. Well, in general, I mean. How interesting.

I think it goes beyond that. It's also about non collectors who had MLP as a kid but might not want to own toys. That's why I brought up merch (and really specifically clothes) because that's HOW Hasbro plays the nostalgia card

Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: lostpony on June 07, 2017, 09:47:19 AM
Nostalgia is an interesting concept.  It's totally subjective.

On the internet it's easy to forget people are different ages and when people talk about early seasons of G4 being nostalgic to them I'm like, ooooh, they're young.  I remember before 20 how huge an amount of time five years was, and it's just a blink now.

I think the broad range of ages and demographics in the My Little Pony fanbase overall probably makes Hasbro hesitant to make big moves to capitalize on nostalgia because it's so subjective.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Sunset on June 07, 2017, 11:10:51 AM
That is very well said, lostpony.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Lore-Lei on June 07, 2017, 12:51:15 PM
Long answer short: No.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Wardah on June 07, 2017, 01:01:32 PM
Nostalgia is an interesting concept.  It's totally subjective.

On the internet it's easy to forget people are different ages and when people talk about early seasons of G4 being nostalgic to them I'm like, ooooh, they're young.  I remember before 20 how huge an amount of time five years was, and it's just a blink now.

I think the broad range of ages and demographics in the My Little Pony fanbase overall probably makes Hasbro hesitant to make big moves to capitalize on nostalgia because it's so subjective.

Tbh if they wanted to capitalize on my nostalgia they would do retro rereleases of G1 LPS. Especially since it's the 25th anniversary but I've yet to hear even a peep of acknowledgement from Hasbro.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: lostpony on June 07, 2017, 01:44:06 PM
Long answer short: No.

If only I had your eloquence...
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Taffeta on June 07, 2017, 03:25:08 PM
On a random note,  I just noticed the Argos catalogue has g1 design baby clothing. I had no idea they also did those, so maybe there are even more items in areas we haven't been looking.

H&m had baby rompers a few years back. There's other companies too with baby stuff... A quick Google search led me to this...
(Uh anyone wanna help me make a purchase from Australia lol)

There were also baby blankets, hooded toddler towel, washcloth, bibs, baby lots of socks, baby head bands...

We just don't seem to talk about merch often. Although I learned about some of this through the shout box

This is what I saw in our catalogue when helping sister with some research for her work...

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It's amazingly cute.

Quote from: LoreLei
Long answer short: No.

Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on June 07, 2017, 03:51:39 PM
That is soooo cute!  Awww!
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: banditpony on June 07, 2017, 05:00:15 PM

This is what I saw in our catalogue when helping sister with some research for her work...

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It's amazingly cute.

Totally cute :D

I can't find the set I was talking about since it was out like 3 years ago, but it pretty much was this:
ETA: better link with the whole set:
Glory / Starshine on the bibs, socks, and hair bows...

and Sundance on the towel, washcloth and blanket...

I know some people dislike the retro artwork... but I really like it.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: lostpony on June 07, 2017, 09:26:23 PM
Oh I love that G1 babywear. I need to get some of those for my Bab G4 plushes to wear.
Title: Re: should Hasbro be capitalizing on nostalgia?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on June 08, 2017, 11:12:34 AM

This is what I saw in our catalogue when helping sister with some research for her work...

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
It's amazingly cute.

Totally cute :D

I can't find the set I was talking about since it was out like 3 years ago, but it pretty much was this:
Glory / Starshine on the bibs, socks, and hair bows...

and Sundance on the towel, washcloth and blanket...

I know some people dislike the retro artwork... but I really like it.

But that's Starshine. Plus $7.98 is too expensive for a bib.
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