The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 10:45:34 AM

Title: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 10:45:34 AM
I know a lot of people love generation 1, but it seems like a lot of people down generation 1 saying the shows and movies were really bad and that the designs were bad as well the hatred for it only came around when generation 4 came out why the hate on generation 1? I can see generation 3 and 3.5 due to nothing really happens and well they are scary beyond belief in 3.5, but generation 1 is where all began I know there was my pretty pony, but generation wise 1 is where it all began I know a lot of fans of generation 4 have a dislike for it and I can't figure out why sure not all the episodes were amazing, but they only had so much to work with back then and to me it was amazing and without generation 1 there would never be a generation 4 and a lot of characters in generation 4 are actually ponies from generation 1 and 3 now I am not saying everybody hates generation 1, but I noticed with a lot of videos that I watched and things that I read generation 1 seems to be downed some people may disagree, but that's life nobody is going to agree on everything, but I also know there is a lot of fans of generation 1 as well, but generation 1 will always be a favorite of mine the twinkle eye ponies being my favorite let's love all generations for their uniqueness. =)
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Lore-Lei on May 20, 2016, 11:02:08 AM
G1 doesn't get as much flak, not even from the... more toxic side of the fanbase. Part of it is due to it being partial inspiration to Lauren Faust and/or dark and deadly as per every 80s show. Most people I've seen spitting on it clearly have seen none of it and mix it up with G3 (which also was not bad one bit).

I'd pay no heed to them.

As for everyone else, I guess they are having their reasons...
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Wardah on May 20, 2016, 11:03:14 AM
The only thing G1 seems to be hated for is the animation quality of the cartoon series, which tbh is pretty bad as the general animation standards back when it was made were not very high. People today are spoiled by the higher quality standards in current animation. But that's really only a problem with people who are cartoon fans foremost and not toy collectors first. People who adopt a toy first mentality tend to prefer G1 as it generally has more variety and better quality than the current toy line.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on May 20, 2016, 11:08:20 AM
Its not. Its one of the most popular gens.  The vast majority of people who spew vitriol at it, are just band- wagoners who think its cool to do so without having seen any of it. There are some who legitimately find it boring.

I think its animation is gorgeous and detailed. Much better then the flat, cookie cutter, animation that's G4 and every cartoon like it. I'd like to see those people handdraw 60+ episodes and a movie for most of the cartoons back then for every week.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 11:24:17 AM
I know its not hated by everybody and there is a lot of fans of generation 1, but the fans of it seem to be the ones who grew up with it I know generation 1 went more towards girls unlike generation 4 which both genders seem to enjoy, but I agree people who hate on it probably have not seen it I must say My Little Pony Tales seems to be the most forgotten of generation 1 which I really liked My Little Pony Tales I know it focuses more on the ponies life instead of adventures, but the characters were memorable to me and your right the style may not be computerized like generation 4,but they put more time and love into drawing out each cell for every episode and movie and the music plus the voice acting may seem undesirable, but it shows how original it was and how much work was really put into the show, movies and toys. 
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on May 20, 2016, 12:02:22 PM
There are plenty of newer fans as well. Kids who are growing up with it because a relative did and are sharing there toys and showing them DVDs. FiM fans who decided to take a whack at it and found the cartoon good and the toyline amazing.

Its not Only old fans.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Al-1701 on May 20, 2016, 12:03:37 PM
It's not really hated by the general public.  Most are ambivalent and quite a few are nostalgic for at least the toys.  The cartoon has been the subject of a few jokes, but most just consider it another cartoon from the 80's.

The outright hatred for G1 seemed to come when the brony craze hit.  Bronies had and really still have an insecurity with their masculinity because they've become enamored with a show meant for little girls.  Their reaction is to say "they're" version of My Little Pony is better and everything that came before needs to be loudly and publically devalued.  The brony documentary itself started with an unprovoked swipe at the entire history of My Little Pony while stroking both the current series and the brony community.

They figured insults thrown at G3 would write themselves with its media presence only being a collection of specials and one-hour movies with weak conflicts and "bland" characters.

G1, on the other hand, had a storied history.  It was the generation that made My Little Pony.  It had to be thrown in the mud and rubbed into it.  They twisted Faust's words to attack the series (which she said she didn't even watch) and attack the look of the toys and media appearance of the ponies themselves ("These ponies are fat and ugly.")  It was probably at its worst going into Season 2 when the brony population exploded.

Things have died down.  Many bronies have come to appreciate the older generations (though some are still loudly insulting it).  The popularity of FiM has also brought in people who were fans at one point and the curious.  Even the cartoon series has been seeing a rise of a decent cult following.  There are still haters, but I wouldn't say there is widespread hatred of G1 My Little Pony, certainly not like in '11 and '12.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Mirnyj on May 20, 2016, 12:23:38 PM
Everyone has a right to their opinion but sometimes it is just best to ignore the negative nellies. If you read to the forums here you'll notice that there are just as many people who love the G1 animations (and even enjoy spotting the funny errors!) as there are people who might not enjoy it that much.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 12:31:52 PM
I know that nobody hates generation 1 on this site and I know there is still a lot of fans, but it is true the bronies are the haters of it and it does not bother me at all if people dislike the show I was just curious which is why I posted this topic due to I have seen a lot of bronies and other people watch the older my little pony and completely hated it so it sparked my curiosity on why when all the ponies from generation 4 are nothing more then generation 1,2 and 3 ponies just in a different style and personality that's all I am sorry if this topic made anybody angry or anything like that.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on May 20, 2016, 12:50:10 PM
I know that nobody hates generation 1 on this site and I know there is still a lot of fans, but it is true the bronies are the haters of it and it does not bother me at all if people dislike the show I was just curious which is why I posted this topic due to I have seen a lot of bronies and other people watch the older my little pony and completely hated it so it sparked my curiosity on why when all the ponies from generation 4 are nothing more then generation 1,2 and 3 ponies
just in a different style and personality that's all I am sorry if this topic made anybody angry or anything like that.

There are fans of older gens on MLPTP, Deviantart, mlpforums etc. etc.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: RainbowQuartz on May 20, 2016, 12:54:47 PM
I ONLY like G1 and haven't seen anyone hate on it, personally. My kids love G4 and G1, probably because Mommy loves G1 and G4 is current while they're growing up so they auto love it.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 12:56:38 PM
I understand there is lot's of fans of generation 1 I have just come across a lot of people that don't like it maybe I was better off not making this thread so sorry for my curiosity on why some people don't like it sorry I was not trying to offend anybody by making it I was just curious because I have come across some people that don't like generation 1 and I have seen a lot of people say negative things about it so I was just curiosity as to why, but I do know there is fans of generation 1.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: RainbowQuartz on May 20, 2016, 01:09:15 PM
I don't think anyone was offended, it's okay! You probably would be better asking this somewhere where you've seen hate for it. You don't see that here. :) There is nothing wrong with asking questions, though.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: goddessofpeep on May 20, 2016, 01:17:28 PM
The big disconnect between the fans who only like FIM and the general  MLP collecting community is that FIM fans are all about the show, and collectors are all about the toys.  FIM fans tend to focus on the shows, and judge every generation by their shows, not anything else.  The toys aren't the focus - they're merchandise there to support the love of the show like tshirts or posters.  That's why "screen accurate hair" seems to be such a big thing - they want the ponies to be *as* close to what they see on the tv as possible.   It's not about the toys on their own, it's about how the toys support the show fandom.

Collectors may or may not like the shows. They may or may not have even seen them.  Their primary focus is on the toys.  For myself, the show is just a glorified toy commercial.  It was made to sell toys, and it doesn't factor in to how I feel about the generation as whole.  Even if the shows are terrible, it doesn't affect the ponies.  I can think the G3 cartoons are cringe-worthy with stupid plots and terrible musical numbers, but I can still love the ponies for what they are - really great toys.  Hating the toys because of the show would be as silly to me as hating them because I thought the commercials for it were bad. 

Since FIM fans are most interested in the show, and many consider the ponies to be just "merchandise" instead of the focus of the whole thing, they tend to judge an entire generation on the quality of the show attached to it more than anything else.  MLP was an 80s cartoon with all the flaws that come with it, so it's not surprising that they'll hate the entire generation.   It's not about the toys so much as the show, and the show can come up wanting at times.  Most 80s cartoons were cheaply made to sell toys, and sometimes it shows.

And that's where all the past generation hate starts -  the cartoons.  It then snowballs from there as more people join in, and find new things to complain about.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 01:24:21 PM
I 100% agree I never meant to sound rude with that what I said so I do apologize I do know there is a huge fandom for generation 1, but since generation 4 came out it seems generation 1 just became the fat ponies, but they were meant to look like real ponies and I also understand that there is a lot of people that love it new and old, but generation 4 has taken over, but the older generations are in fact coming back and being loved so I was just simply curious on why something that is based around older gens become the target, but some of you have put in a great way on why all generations should be loved and admired for their own uniqueness, but before all that My Pretty Pony is the true starter to my little pony let's love the old and the new my little pony.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: zombienixon on May 20, 2016, 01:32:33 PM
I know that nobody hates generation 1 on this site and I know there is still a lot of fans, but it is true the bronies are the haters of it and it does not bother me at all if people dislike the show I was just curious which is why I posted this topic due to I have seen a lot of bronies and other people watch the older my little pony and completely hated it so it sparked my curiosity on why when all the ponies from generation 4 are nothing more then generation 1,2 and 3 ponies just in a different style and personality that's all I am sorry if this topic made anybody angry or anything like that.

None of the ones I know hate G1, most are indifferent, but some like it. G3 is the one that gets a more negative reaction from bronies, because it's kind of dull in comparison to the other genereations.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 01:41:22 PM
I am not saying everybody hates it and I am sure there is some bronies and pegasisters that adore generation 1 so sorry for the way I worded it and I do understand that people still like generation 1, but with my own experience I have met more people who have a dislike for the older generations, generation 1, being the one they dislike the most and I know generation 3 is disliked as well, but my little pony tales which is generation 1 is not very liked either.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Big_Brother_Bufftusk on May 20, 2016, 01:41:38 PM
I don't really understand why anyone would waste the energy hating on something like this, so I can't speak as to why anyone would dislike it. I will say that, as a person who grew up in G1, I can appreciate the hand-drawn animation and better quality product, it wasn't perfect, there are flaws here and there. It was hand crafted, and people aren't perfect, so the cartoon wasn't perfect, and at times even the toyline wasn't. There weren't computers to do all the work of that stuff, I mean, there were, they just weren't as sophisticated yet.

I may be a bit biased admittedly, I don't get the appeal of the G4 look, it just looks so lazy, and cheap, and the product isn't much better...lacking imagination and variety. But it sells so *shrugs* whatever, toymakers know something I don't, apathy sells I guess! *lol*

I don't hate G4 though, I just generally ignore it much as I can manage.

as one person above mentioned, G3 seems to get more dislike...which I don't get either, I pretty much enjoyed that line thoroughly, least until they ended it with the humdrum 'core 7' nonsense :/ but what can you do.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 01:46:00 PM
I agree with you if a toy sells that's what their going to design I only made this topic due to my own curiosity I like each generation for their own uniqueness each generation brings something new and refreshing except generation 3.5 they are just scary lol, but I did not make this topic to offend anybody I just was curious the toys are what make up the shows to be honest and all together my pretty pony was where it all began even if it did have creepy eyes so with my pretty pony started the line of my little pony I enjoy the toys more then the shows, but I am a fan of my little pony tales which that seems to get less love I do understand its a show about normal pony life, but its kind of dark when you think about it, but everybody will have their own opinions when it comes down to it.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Luxrayx on May 20, 2016, 01:52:41 PM
Before I found this forum, when I was mostly hanging around brony boards, it seemed that most people were thinking of mlp as a cartoon first, toyline second, and there was an overwhelming dislike of the G1 cartoon. The argument I heard the most was that G1s look like pigs, or that the writing was too obviously aimed at children (whereas G4 isn't..?).
I really can't tell if this has actually died down, or if I just don't pay attention to that side of the fandom :P
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Tracks on May 20, 2016, 01:57:49 PM
I love the G1s best but I can see the "debate" over the quality of the images on tv. 

Obviously the G1s were 80s when technology wasn't what it is today so in that yes I would agree that the more recent ones have the better image/graphics on tv.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 02:33:50 PM
The toys are better then the show to me I enjoy collecting them even the generation 4 toys, but I love the design for generation 2 they look like little Arabian horses which Arabian horses are my favorite horses, but the toys will always be better then the show, but a show made in the 80's people have to remember everything was hand drawn due to animation was not as big as it is today, but it was still a beautiful show none the less and the characters were so memorable even if the show was just a marketing tactic for their toys to be honest all the my little pony shows is just a marketing tactic the toys is what makes it in my opinion. 
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Mermaid on May 20, 2016, 03:46:09 PM
The big disconnect between the fans who only like FIM and the general  MLP collecting community is that FIM fans are all about the show, and collectors are all about the toys.  FIM fans tend to focus on the shows, and judge every generation by their shows, not anything else.  The toys aren't the focus - they're merchandise there to support the love of the show like tshirts or posters.  That's why "screen accurate hair" seems to be such a big thing - they want the ponies to be *as* close to what they see on the tv as possible.   It's not about the toys on their own, it's about how the toys support the show fandom.

Collectors may or may not like the shows. They may or may not have even seen them.  Their primary focus is on the toys.  For myself, the show is just a glorified toy commercial.  It was made to sell toys, and it doesn't factor in to how I feel about the generation as whole.  Even if the shows are terrible, it doesn't affect the ponies.  I can think the G3 cartoons are cringe-worthy with stupid plots and terrible musical numbers, but I can still love the ponies for what they are - really great toys.  Hating the toys because of the show would be as silly to me as hating them because I thought the commercials for it were bad. 

Since FIM fans are most interested in the show, and many consider the ponies to be just "merchandise" instead of the focus of the whole thing, they tend to judge an entire generation on the quality of the show attached to it more than anything else.  MLP was an 80s cartoon with all the flaws that come with it, so it's not surprising that they'll hate the entire generation.   It's not about the toys so much as the show, and the show can come up wanting at times.  Most 80s cartoons were cheaply made to sell toys, and sometimes it shows.

And that's where all the past generation hate starts -  the cartoons.  It then snowballs from there as more people join in, and find new things to complain about.

Amen!! I agree with this 100%! Well said friend!
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Ponyfan on May 20, 2016, 03:49:09 PM
I watched the original My Little Pony special/Rescue at Midnight castle almost every time I went to my grandparents house and also watched My Little Pony sometimes when the shows were re-run on the Disney Channel and also My Little Pony Tales.

The My Little Pony and Friends/series was mainly just to help sell toys but I think it holds up okay for the most part when compared with other toy based 80's cartoons (except Jem. Jem was one of the best 80's cartoons in my opinion)

That being said everyone has their own favorite/least favorite episodes and errors. One error that really gets to me is when the ponies are shown trapped on their backs at the end of one episode but when the next episode starts they are still trapped but in different positions. I still enjoy watching  my favorite  episodes even with the errors. (Jem was also full of errors) 

Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 05:37:23 PM
To be honest that's what makes the shows worth watching sometimes its fun to spot the errors and have a little laugh about it its sad that a lot of old shows are now gone, but Nickelodeon has brought back a lot of old cartoons which made me really happy its nice re watching old cartoons for nostalgia brings back memories, but I do miss Disney Afternoon its not my little pony, but it had a lot of great shows.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: ponycake on May 20, 2016, 05:42:19 PM
They're probably mostly just coming from immature teenaged bronies. They aim to separate themselves from the older 'girlier' stuff and claim that the new stuff is cooler and worthy of boys liking.

But here, I think most of us are g1 fans. You'd probably be better off asking somewhere where g4 fans are the majority, lol.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: RainbowQuartz on May 20, 2016, 05:47:09 PM
They're probably mostly just coming from immature teenaged bronies. They aim to separate themselves from the older 'girlier' stuff and claim that the new stuff is cooler and worthy of boys liking.

But here, I think most of us are g1 fans. You'd probably be better off asking somewhere where g4 fans are the majority, lol.

I wish I could "like" this reply!
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 20, 2016, 05:52:43 PM
Yeahhhhhh I have to say it really has always been about how one answered the question,

"Do you see MLP more appealing as the TV show you watch on cable with all your friends, on your couch, with the other animated shows in the line-up this season?"


"Do you see MLP more appealing as the Toys that you may/may not have played with as a child, that have an aesthetic that you appreciate (you LIKE to LOOK at it, it fits one's definition of beauty), and hold appreciation for the craftsmanship to create and design them?" 

Yes there was a TV show for G1, including Tales, but it was a glorious commercial to sell the Toys.  That was pretty much standard for ALL 80's cartoons though!  They didn't even have "seasons" for these shows, really, just periods of time that coincided *wink wink * with when you would see the matching New Toys on the shelf. 
Rainbow Brite? Check.  Care Bears? Check.  Lady Lovely Locks.  Check.  He-man/She-Ra.  Check.  Smurfs.  Check.  MLP.  Check.  G.I.Joe. Check.  Transformers.  Check.  Jem. Check.  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Check.

Nearly ALL of us who grew up with G1 actually HAD ponies in Toy format, but definitely not all of us watched the cartoon! 

And compared to today's animation quality and standards?  Well!  *coughs*  I challenge any of those critical fans of G1 to get out a pencil, some ink, a pen, and show me how it's all made, please.  ;)  I imagine it won't look like smooth vector art, LOL 

Whatever's on cable these days as "adult animated entertainment", the young masses watch it. For them it's an awkward experience to share with all ages, because "adult animated entertainment" used to be things like Family Guy, South Park, Robot Chicken, the anime line-up on Adult Swim...  Things were the same for Powerpuff Girls fandom-wise when it all first started, to be honest.  Anime started to become a genre unto its own that wasn't immediately equated with some explicitly graphic "adult animated entertainment of the adult nature" *wink *wink*    Now it's a mainstream genre that pretty much everyone watches some form of. 

And mainstream culture like to criticize things as a general form of entertainment.  So that's that. 
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: brightberry on May 20, 2016, 05:53:19 PM
I LOVE G1 and have since it first appeared.

However, before G4, most of the general public considered my little pony to be not only girly, but the ultimate girly toy and show.  It was for little girls and it got a lot of jabs and eyerolls because of it.   I remember putting up with it as I got older.  My Little Pony was not cool.  There were jokes about it on TV and general media.  Not constantly, but they happened often enough.

Come the Brony fandom and the first thing many wanted to do was disassociate themselves from that because they really didn't want to be seen liking something "girly".   The more insecure Bronies tend to not only ignore but publicly dis the older My Little Ponies hoping people outside the fandom will see that they really aren't girly after all.  It just seems... cowardly to me for some to go that route.  G4 is about as girly as G1 ever was.  Flowers, butterflies, rainbows, fluffy bunnies and adventure.  It's all there and it's not changing the general public's mind.  There is nothing bad about being a girl or liking girly things and I wish they'd actually understand that was the original message of G4.

But I'm glad to hear that's it's changing.  I think there is a lot to appreciate in all the generations.  It's a fun concept.

Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 05:55:16 PM
Once again I made this topic because I was curious I already know that everybody on this website is a generation 1 fan, but I thought I would get other peoples opinions on why they think people don't like generation 1 I didn't start it for people to be rude I think its a discussion people can have especially the generation 1 fans due to the my little pony community is separated by fandom you have the generation 4 lovers, the all generation lovers and the just love one generation so to me its an interesting topic especially since the community is so big so sorry if I offended anybody by making this topic I am not trying to be rude, but please I already know everybody on this website and a lot of other people love generation 1.

lovesbabysquirmy and Brightberry I agree with both of you it depend on what you like the most I like the toys better, but my little pony was originally for little girls so your right brightberry they want to remain masculine, but at the same time love ponies and hey nothing wrong with that my little pony is meant to be loved by everybody.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: LightingElectricDream on May 20, 2016, 06:47:29 PM
I don't really understand why anyone would waste the energy hating on something like this, so I can't speak as to why anyone would dislike it. I will say that, as a person who grew up in G1, I can appreciate the hand-drawn animation and better quality product, it wasn't perfect, there are flaws here and there. It was hand crafted, and people aren't perfect, so the cartoon wasn't perfect, and at times even the toyline wasn't. There weren't computers to do all the work of that stuff, I mean, there were, they just weren't as sophisticated yet.

I may be a bit biased admittedly, I don't get the appeal of the G4 look, it just looks so lazy, and cheap, and the product isn't much better...lacking imagination and variety. But it sells so *shrugs* whatever, toymakers know something I don't, apathy sells I guess! *lol*

I don't hate G4 though, I just generally ignore it much as I can manage.

as one person above mentioned, G3 seems to get more dislike...which I don't get either, I pretty much enjoyed that line thoroughly, least until they ended it with the humdrum 'core 7' nonsense :/ but what can you do.


I agree with you completly.

I don't get the appeal of G4 mostly in product tho. I feel core 6 is just way over played to death. I wouldn't feel this way if they would actuelly make other Brushables like blossom forth, honey buzz Ect..

I haven't watched the show since season 3 I think. But that's just beacuse i am lazy to do so. And sometimes I don't feel the mood.

G4 dose not appeal to me. But I don't hate it it's just like Adventure time, Steven univers, regular show.. to me it's just flash animation and it dose not mean enugh to me to actuelly get upset about it.

And I think this is how alot of bronies feel tword G1. It's likely to them trying to watch a barbie movie, as where G4 to them is like watching an Anime.

So it's all about looking through the rose colored glasses. Everyone sees the same color it's just weather you like the color or not.

I do however feel like some people will wast Thair time hating it and getting it out as much as possable. And one nagitiv makes a louder voice than ten positives.
So that's like why it feels that way.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 06:56:46 PM
LightingElectricDream I agree it does not bother me if people hate certain generations or not to be honest I have not been watching much of generation 4 due to it no longer appeals to me its been lacking a lot lately the toys are cute I am a collector more then a watcher getting a new my little pony toy can't help, but smile, but I think that's with anybody my collection is rather small, but still proud of it and there is a lot of past generation pony references in generation 1, but I would like to see the twinkle eye ponies be added they are beautiful and their back story is a sad one knowing they were once blinded, but when I first saw them as a kid I loved them, but your right everybody is going to have their own opinion on the show/ movies and toys it all depends on if your a collector or a watcher.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on May 20, 2016, 07:02:24 PM
Something that made me happy going into this thread is that my gut reaction was "g1 hate? Where?"
I've been here for so long I forgot that was even a thing! Most collectors idolize G1, it's what most of us grew up on. I grew up during G3 but I'm the exception. I really forgot about what I tore away from.

The reason being, bronies *love* to dog on older gens. It has died down some in their circle recently, but it's still common for them to be sort of "if it's not g4 it's bad."

When I abandoned the whole brony thing, sure it was partly because of bad behavior but it was mostly because I felt that the gen hate was extreme.
I had come to like the older gens better and the negativity was beginning to stress me out a little.

I don't know if I think that their disdain for the older MLP is for very good reason though. To me, it looks like not many if them have given it an honest chance. I think there are many aspects of G1 and G3 alike that bronies would adore!
Characters like Wind Whistler, Gusty, Firefly, Fizzy, Shady. Minty in G3 literally did the 'ponies in socks' thing before it was cool. Majesty is a queen and not just 'princess.' There are many dark elements, remember when Tirek threatened to execute Spike?

Of course the older cartoons aren't perfect but neither is FiM. But hey, that's just me rambling again...
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 07:08:36 PM
Sapphire Rain rambling is perfectly fine I do it often, but I agree with you people should give it a chance before saying they dislike it that's why I made this thread because I was curious on why people would hate on something they did not really get to know even if they did not like the show the ponies are adorable and if it was not for the older generations there would be no generation 4 now I know the cartoons were not perfect, but hey they were hand drawn so they deserve a break, but so soft wind whistler was my very first pony so she is a favorite of mine, but my most favorites is the twinkle eye ponies they have a dark backstory which people may like they were blind before they got their twinkle eyes so the only way they were able to see again was due to the twinkle eyes and my little pony tales yes it was a boring life cartoon, but if people watched it they will see that there was some dark stuff in there like black mailing and much more I love the generation 2 ponies sure they never had a show of their own, but their design is beautiful they take shape of a majestic arabian horse which arabian horses are my favorite and the gem in their eyes are pretty cool, but without the past there would be no generation 4 and that should always be remembered and your right with the socks as well socks were big in generation 3, but I did find the dancing shoes episode a bit creepy since they were looking for dance shoes that were apparently alive, but I really enjoyed watching a very minty christmas. 
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Ponyfan on May 20, 2016, 07:17:44 PM
I don't know if I think that their disdain for the older MLP is for very good reason though. To me, it looks like not many if them have given it an honest chance. I think there are many aspects of G1 and G3 alike that bronies would adore!
Characters like Wind Whistler, Gusty, Firefly, Fizzy, Shady. Minty in G3 literally did the 'ponies in socks' thing before it was cool. Majesty is a queen and not just 'princess.' There are many dark elements, remember when Tirek threatened to execute Spike?

Of course the older cartoons aren't perfect but neither is FiM. But hey, that's just me rambling again...

I was thinking the same thing. The original special/Rescue at Midnight Castle had a vey evil villain who didn't care about anything except his own goal and wasn't the least bit worried about what he had do to make it happen or who he had to transform or get rid of. The series also had some evil villains although I think Tirek is the ultimate MLP villain.

I also think most people that bash the G1 era haven't given it a chance.


Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 07:24:17 PM
Ponyfan the funny thing is Tirek ended up in generation 4 a lot of the villains in generation 4 were originally in generation 1 and a lot of the ponies and characters are from generations 1,2 and 3 the main 6 would have been ponies from generation 1, but Hasbro did not have the rights to them at the time so when they bash the older generations they are also bashing generation 4 due to the older generations make up the 4th one.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: SpaceButtPonies on May 20, 2016, 07:39:22 PM
I have to say I wasn't really in to G1, I found them oddly weird and strange. But never hated them.
I recently started to enjoy them more and more, when I got a bug up my bum and decided to watch it. The characters are cute and silly. What I found mostly entertaining was their voice actors! First one the caught my immediate attention was the voice of Bart Simpson, Nancy Cartwright. Then kept on watching to see if I could recognize others, which in turn I did. Tess McNeill who plays Mom in Futurama, voices one of the witches. I kept watching more episodes and found out G1 has quite the charm and has made me have appreciation for them.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 20, 2016, 07:48:50 PM
Pikashoes the ponies have pulled you in lol its fun searching for voice actors a lot of voice actors who played in the original my little pony played in my favorite anime Inuyasha its interesting knowing what character they voiced back then.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Wardah on May 20, 2016, 11:05:50 PM
I dunno but I still can't give the G1 cartoon a pass for it's low quality animation. Yeah it's hand drawn but so was Cinderella. The G1 cartoon was rushed and it shows. Going by quality the G3 cartoon is actually decent, too bad most of the stories weren't as strong. The methods they use now just make the whole process quicker so a quality cartoon can be made faster.

For myself all I love about G1 is the toys. Oh and the gorgeous backcard art. If the cartoon looked as good as the backcard art it would be anazing.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: SpaceButtPonies on May 20, 2016, 11:20:15 PM
I dunno but I still can't give the G1 cartoon a pass for it's low quality animation. Yeah it's hand drawn but so was Cinderella. The G1 cartoon was rushed and it shows. Going by quality the G3 cartoon is actually decent, too bad most of the stories weren't as strong. The methods they use now just make the whole process quicker so a quality cartoon can be made faster.

For myself all I love about G1 is the toys. Oh and the gorgeous backcard art. If the cartoon looked as good as the backcard art it would be anazing.

Cinderella also had more production value done for it (it also being Disney), unlike MLP that was meant for just television low production = crap quality. Plus a lot of 80's cartoons are similar in that mannor.
In my opinion, g3 cartoon quality was awful. I recently watched Minty's Christmas and there were a lot of animation errors more than I can count lol. G3 isn't hand drawn, what boggles me is that they let that much fly by without fixing it.   
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on May 21, 2016, 01:52:25 AM
The "G1 hate" has died down and isn't around so much as it used to be.  As to why it was there to begin with, it has very little to do with G1 itself, and more to do with sexism.

Because women and girls are devalued in society, things specifically "for girls" are considered vapid, shallow, and stupid.  Whether it's boy bands, make-up, or toy ponies, if it's specifically for girls or mostly liked by girls, you can be sure that a large segment of the population scorns it.  Especially boys and men.  (Although plenty of girls also buy into the girl-hate.)

When G4 debuted it attracted a pretty sizeable male fanbase.  Like most guys, they had been trained from an early age to detest all things "girly".  So, in order to justify their enjoyment of MLP FIM, they created a false dichotomy, claiming that G4 was not girly and all the previous generations of MLP (which they knew little to nothing about) were girly.

Of course, this is laughable.  Every generation of MLP has been girly, i.e. aimed at girls and strewn with things that are meant to appeal to girls--rainbows, hearts, and the ponies themselves.

But anyway, that's why.  As I said, it doesn't really have much to do with G1 itself.  It was just a bunch of guys who couldn't handle the thought that they liked something girly, so they pretended it wasn't.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: RainbowQuartz on May 21, 2016, 05:00:02 AM
The "G1 hate" has died down and isn't around so much as it used to be.  As to why it was there to begin with, it has very little to do with G1 itself, and more to do with sexism.

Because women and girls are devalued in society, things specifically "for girls" are considered vapid, shallow, and stupid.  Whether it's boy bands, make-up, or toy ponies, if it's specifically for girls or mostly liked by girls, you can be sure that a large segment of the population scorns it.  Especially boys and men.  (Although plenty of girls also buy into the girl-hate.)

When G4 debuted it attracted a pretty sizeable male fanbase.  Like most guys, they had been trained from an early age to detest all things "girly".  So, in order to justify their enjoyment of MLP FIM, they created a false dichotomy, claiming that G4 was not girly and all the previous generations of MLP (which they knew little to nothing about) were girly.

Of course, this is laughable.  Every generation of MLP has been girly, i.e. aimed at girls and strewn with things that are meant to appeal to girls--rainbows, hearts, and the ponies themselves.

But anyway, that's why.  As I said, it doesn't really have much to do with G1 itself.  It was just a bunch of guys who couldn't handle the thought that they liked something girly, so they pretended it wasn't.

I want to kiss this comment.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: buttonso on May 21, 2016, 05:46:11 AM
The "G1 hate" has died down and isn't around so much as it used to be.  As to why it was there to begin with, it has very little to do with G1 itself, and more to do with sexism.

Because women and girls are devalued in society, things specifically "for girls" are considered vapid, shallow, and stupid.  Whether it's boy bands, make-up, or toy ponies, if it's specifically for girls or mostly liked by girls, you can be sure that a large segment of the population scorns it.  Especially boys and men.  (Although plenty of girls also buy into the girl-hate.)

When G4 debuted it attracted a pretty sizeable male fanbase.  Like most guys, they had been trained from an early age to detest all things "girly".  So, in order to justify their enjoyment of MLP FIM, they created a false dichotomy, claiming that G4 was not girly and all the previous generations of MLP (which they knew little to nothing about) were girly.

Of course, this is laughable.  Every generation of MLP has been girly, i.e. aimed at girls and strewn with things that are meant to appeal to girls--rainbows, hearts, and the ponies themselves.

But anyway, that's why.  As I said, it doesn't really have much to do with G1 itself.  It was just a bunch of guys who couldn't handle the thought that they liked something girly, so they pretended it wasn't.

I want to kiss this comment.

Nailed it.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Al-1701 on May 21, 2016, 06:22:43 AM
The methods they use now just make the whole process quicker so a quality cartoon can be made faster.
Which is why it takes them twice as long to make half the episodes.  (When I saw that it took 15 months to make a Wander Over Yonder episode, my jaw dropped.)

The G1 cartoon suffered from a lot of issues behind the scenes.  The animation was divided between Toei and AKOM (and several of the multipart stories had episodes animated by different studios) and was run on the budget of whatever Hasbro found between the sofa cushions.  Kind of sad because it had some really interesting ideas and characters.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 21, 2016, 12:04:58 PM
I agree the animation was far from the greatest and I enjoyed the toys a lot more then the show/movie it was just nice seeing my favorite characters in the show/movie even if it was crappy, but your right the hate on it has died down to be honest my little pony is like G.I Joe's they were meant for boys, but girls still played with the little figures just as boys now play with my little pony and there probably have been male fans of the older generations as well, but I prefer the toys I enjoy looking at my collection even if its small.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: ponycake on May 21, 2016, 12:38:28 PM
Yepppp, LM.

Also huge g1 fan, it's basically the only generation I'm really interested in, but I only liked the specials myself. I found the regular episodes to be unbearable. I liked MLP Tales though.

So I could see hate on the shows, but. *shrug* It was what it was. I wish they were all animated like the specials. It's still immature the way they put the other generations down as much as they do. A simple statement saying they don't enjoy it, ok. But they're more extreme in it. Which caused a rift between the original fans/collectors and bronies and collectors started hating back on bronies for it (and for sexualizing it).
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: Baby Sugarberry on May 21, 2016, 12:45:55 PM
The sexualization of FIM is just another symptom of the same social stigma that has caused many male fans to adamantly reject previous generations in a toxic way - a desperate attempt to divest MLP from 'for little girls'. It's a sad reflection on our cultural bias, as LadyMoondancer summed up so nicely.
Title: Re: Why is Generation 1 My Little Pony So Hated?
Post by: chaosprincess on May 21, 2016, 12:48:42 PM
ponycake you are amazing you put it perfectly and you like my little pony tales I am a fan of mlp tales as well I actually just found a rockin beat pony at a yard sale today I was excited I finally found a mlp tales pony even if it was a band member lol sorry about all that, but your right I hate that my little pony has been sexualized I collect gen 4 toys due to I like collecting the mlp toys, but I hate that they made innocent ponies which are animals and sexualized them if people want to be a fan that's fine just don't make them sexual there is no need for that its scary.

Baby Sugarberry your right as well it is retaliation, but instead of turning them sexual they should have just left it alone after all they are colorful little ponies not sex objects sorry to put it that way I mean now there is all these terms for horrible scary things with my little ponys why can't it go back to the old times when you just collected them and showed them off.
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