The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Strawberry Swirl on August 25, 2015, 10:38:54 AM

Title: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on August 25, 2015, 10:38:54 AM
I'm really curious! I want to know what sort of genders populate this forum.
I've always assumed this place is mostly female, which I decided was quite silly (probably because """MLP = girls toys""" as if toy horses have a gender)

Definitely don't feel pressured to respond though!
Personally I'd pick the "neither" option since I'm non binary. Nifty definition ahoy! ( :good:
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: AutisticandProudLuna on August 25, 2015, 10:41:10 AM
Also non-binary! How I define the specifics vary, but often agender and with a lot of association with my assigned identity (assigned female at birth) due to how I am treated in society being wholly shaped by it.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: moevelvet on August 25, 2015, 11:04:17 AM
This is an interesting topic!  I personally identify as agender, but irl I present as feminine.  People generally assume I'm a girl due to my interests and appearance, but I don't really mind it.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: DemonicSymphony on August 25, 2015, 11:08:33 AM
Male here. DFAB though.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Harmonie on August 25, 2015, 11:13:59 AM
Very much identify as female. Am curious about these other gender identities, though... To be honest, the very concept of them doesn't make any sense to me. I'm not meaning to talk down on them in any way, I'm asking because I want them to make sense for me.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Rainbowrific Renia on August 25, 2015, 11:18:18 AM
Like the above poster, I totally identify as the gender I was born with: female.

I was a tomboy when I was younger, and to an extent, I still am.  Still, I feel that I'm mostly feminine.

This is an interesting subject, though.  A good friend of mine is currently transitioning to female from male, and I have to say that the whole gender identity thing fascinates me.  Being born a female and identifying with that, I can't really grasp the feeling of being born as one thing and wanting to/feeling that you are another.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: CadePony on August 25, 2015, 11:19:07 AM
I 100% identify myself as a female. I dress like a tomboy, and oftentimes act like one, but for the most part I consider myself to be pretty feminine.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: icecreamgirl on August 25, 2015, 11:26:01 AM
This is a very interesting topic. I'm all girl! I had a look at the non binary link that sapphire rain provided and I never realised there were so many differing genders
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: AutisticandProudLuna on August 25, 2015, 11:34:22 AM
For me it's not so much that I was born assigned one thing and suit another existing one better. I just think gender in society as a whole is....not very accurate or good? While it's true I'm also non-binary in that I felt like it since I was young, I just don't think society's gender roles should exist anything like they do. Ideally, life roles and expectations should have no basis in gender, and absolutely no basis in one's biology.  :)
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Lore-Lei on August 25, 2015, 11:48:59 AM
I picked both as I identify as Two-Spirits. Ever since growing up in both boy and girl 'tribles' in primary school I always had the feeling I have two rather distinct sides.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on August 25, 2015, 11:55:24 AM
Very much identify as female. Am curious about these other gender identities, though... To be honest, the very concept of them doesn't make any sense to me. I'm not meaning to talk down on them in any way, I'm asking because I want them to make sense for me.

Don't worry, we can tell!
Basically imagine that you were assigned a certain something at birth that you're expected to identify as from then on, even if you don't completely understand it.
Like, for instance you're probably a person but at birth you were given a species to be. Also imagine that there's only two that 99% of people acknowlege: cat and dog.
You're assigned to be a cat.

But as you grow up, you don't agree that you're a cat? Maybe you find that you're actually a dog, or another species entirely (like say a fox). That's what basically being trans is. You're assigned a gender out of only 2 of the millions that people discover, but it doesn't apply to you at all. Another gender does.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Vertefae on August 25, 2015, 12:02:15 PM
Not to offend anyone. But for the girls saying they're tomboys but still feminine,  you do get that you can be a tomboy and like boy things and not be gender confused right? Like as a child I wore dresses but climbed trees and played baseball. I'm in the military in a male dominant field. I identify as female. I don't apologize for how I am or feel I need to justify myself. Sometimes it seems like if we're tomboys we almost apologize for not saying we identify male. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like the more accepted Trans, gender fluid etc becomes the more we try to push someone into a label.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on August 25, 2015, 12:11:38 PM
I'm female.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Rainbowrific Renia on August 25, 2015, 12:19:12 PM
Not to offend anyone. But for the girls saying they're tomboys but still feminine,  you do get that you can be a tomboy and like boy things and not be gender confused right? Like as a child I wore dresses but climbed trees and played baseball. I'm in the military in a male dominant field. I identify as female. I don't apologize for how I am or feel I need to justify myself. Sometimes it seems like if we're tomboys we almost apologize for not saying we identify male. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like the more accepted Trans, gender fluid etc becomes the more we try to push someone into a label.

Oh, I know this.  That's why I said I still identify as completely female.  I've never felt the need to justify being a tomboy, or liking things that guys normally like.  My interests don't define my gender.  I'm perfectly happy being a girl and have never felt anything else.

Then again, I never said I was gender confused or anything, so maybe you weren't talking about me. :lol:

In any case, I agree with you.

Still, this is a topic that I've been interested in.  I know I'll never get it, but it's nice to read about how others have come to terms with their true gender(s), things like that.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Lore-Lei on August 25, 2015, 12:24:37 PM
Not to offend anyone. But for the girls saying they're tomboys but still feminine,  you do get that you can be a tomboy and like boy things and not be gender confused right? Like as a child I wore dresses but climbed trees and played baseball. I'm in the military in a male dominant field. I identify as female. I don't apologize for how I am or feel I need to justify myself. Sometimes it seems like if we're tomboys we almost apologize for not saying we identify male. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like the more accepted Trans, gender fluid etc becomes the more we try to push someone into a label.
So true. There are far too many tomboyish girls that jump into conclusions instead of taking the long way of self-discovery. I partially blame the term itself, having the 'boy' in it. On the othr hand it's also the gender norms to blame, for being a tomboy girl is generally less out of place than being a girly guy, so former might have some difficulties understanding themselves.

In these cases I always suggest trying not to think of society's 'rules' but listen deeply to your mind and heart.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on August 25, 2015, 12:51:36 PM
I identify as female.

If I ever misgender you (calling you "her" when you prefer "him" or "she" when you prefer "they" or whatever) feel free to tell me, I will do my best to get it right in the future.

Though my memory is not the greatest so it's helpful if people have their preferences in their sig or something, if they don't match the male / female icons under username. ;)
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on August 25, 2015, 12:56:42 PM
I identify as female.

If I ever misgender you (calling you "her" when you prefer "him" or "she" when you prefer "they") feel free to tell me, I will do my best to get it right in the future.

Though my memory is not the greatest so it's helpful if people have their preferences in their sig or something, if they don't match the male / female icons under username.

Will do! That's why I always have my pronouns under where it says my location + post number.
So you can have a quick refresher whenever :0.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: ashes on August 25, 2015, 01:11:47 PM
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: kaoskat on August 25, 2015, 01:15:56 PM
I'm a girl.

And I'm dropping a reminder to keep this topic light and happy because I know this can be a sensitive issue and this is off topic, our happy place. Feel free to discuss and state your opinions, but do keep in mind others' feelings when doing so. And to be sure, no posts before this have been a problem, this is just a preemptive reminder for a sensitive topic.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Carrehz on August 25, 2015, 01:53:45 PM
I'm a chick :B

If I ever misgender you (calling you "her" when you prefer "him" or "she" when you prefer "they" or whatever) feel free to tell me, I will do my best to get it right in the future.

Though my memory is not the greatest so it's helpful if people have their preferences in their sig or something, if they don't match the male / female icons under username. ;)

yes, this!! I'm always worried about misgendering people so I find it really helpful when people note things like that in their sigs or w/e.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Majesty on August 25, 2015, 02:43:20 PM
I identify as female but am not girly.  I very rarely wear makeup or do my hair up nice or wear dresses or dressy thing.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Taffeta on August 25, 2015, 03:19:37 PM
I'm female. As a kid I wasn't a girly girl, that's why I liked My Little Pony and not Barbie. Ponies were less girly girlish and more diverse in colour. I am definitely a girl though and never had a doubt otherwise.

What I find interesting is some of the studies on male/female brain, and how this can impact the way in which people react.

I'm also autistic and I know a lot of people with autism find it harder to identify within the gender stereotypes of people without autism because a lot of social stereotypes and norms for these genders don't apply with autism.

But I think, identify as what you want to be. I don't really focus a whole lot about gender labels, or other labels, because it's not about what gender you are to me but what person you are. If someone wants to change from a guy to a girl, for example, it doesn't change the person they are inside, so it's their choice, nothing to do with me at all. You can be whatever you like to me. I operate almost entirely on an emotional level with people anyway, so their souls are what I read, not what they look like or what they wear/sexuality/whatever. I am an emotional and theoretical person, not a physical or practical one.

So if the label helps you identify, then its awesome...but really the most important thing is just being true to yourself. Labels are generally there to help other people understand how you are, not to help you understand yourself (I learned this from "autism" as a label, although I find that still constantly misunderstood).
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Beldarna on August 25, 2015, 03:24:10 PM
Female, but I find reading about gender very interesting. It's so diverse!
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: ponycake on August 25, 2015, 04:04:34 PM
I don't get the new prevalent interest in identifying as nonbinary. Haven't really read into it, I don't follow anyone on Tumblr like that so haven't been exposed to it directly.

Female here.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Wardah on August 25, 2015, 04:46:33 PM
I kinda like the idea of gender being unimportant. Like why can't everyone just like and do what makes them happy regardless of their genitals. If frills and makeup and glitter make you happy why not indulge that interest no matter what set of genitalia you have?
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Aitsuki on August 25, 2015, 05:13:54 PM
I'm an "other". I was born a female, but I've never been overly feminine. I always hated wearing skirts and dresses, I hate women's clothes and shoes.... Hell, I sit slumped with my legs spread. Doesn't mean I want to be a guy though.... My sexuality is asexual, and to me, I personally find gender identifiers to be annoying and genitalia to be rather icky. So I just say I'm... well, me. I'm a human.... what else matters??
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Sochy on August 25, 2015, 05:38:04 PM
Im a female, but mostly for convenience. I born in a "female" body and a refer at myself as a girl, even if i dont match at 100% whit the full description of one.

Some days I want to dress more femenine, other days I use boy clothes and some others a mix. I feel a bit unconfortable about my body and I always looking at a neutral appearance, so maybe I match at Androgyne/agender or something like that, but right now I dont feel confortable enter into another self-discovery time.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on August 25, 2015, 05:56:53 PM
I identify as human.  I respect all.  I hope that all respect me.  *shrug* 

I think we need to come up with less labels and just leave the definitions of relationships to the people who are having them.  If I want a relationship with someone, then they get to find out about those aspects of my personality.  It's the same for all human beings learning about each other. 

 it's just sad how a lot of idiots have been so disrespectful about the matter.  :(  "Let's all just love one another, man!"  ;) 

and I totally agree with Wardah.  That's all.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Portobella on August 25, 2015, 06:03:41 PM
I kinda like the idea of gender being unimportant. Like why can't everyone just like and do what makes them happy regardless of their genitals. If frills and makeup and glitter make you happy why not indulge that interest no matter what set of genitalia you have?

Exactly my thoughts :)
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Tap Dancer on August 25, 2015, 06:06:50 PM
I don't understand labels and that's probably because there are sooo many of them out there. Growing up, and until very recently, people were either male or female. I'm female.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on August 25, 2015, 07:21:24 PM
I don't get the new prevalent interest in identifying as nonbinary. Haven't really read into it, I don't follow anyone on Tumblr like that so haven't been exposed to it directly.

Female here.

Well nobody taught anybody that other genders exist for a very long time. Generally this still continues, but Tumblr made it possible for people who don't know you don't have to be male or female to figure themselves out. :good:
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Harmonie on August 25, 2015, 07:26:00 PM
Very much identify as female. Am curious about these other gender identities, though... To be honest, the very concept of them doesn't make any sense to me. I'm not meaning to talk down on them in any way, I'm asking because I want them to make sense for me.

Don't worry, we can tell!
Basically imagine that you were assigned a certain something at birth that you're expected to identify as from then on, even if you don't completely understand it.
Like, for instance you're probably a person but at birth you were given a species to be. Also imagine that there's only two that 99% of people acknowlege: cat and dog.
You're assigned to be a cat.

But as you grow up, you don't agree that you're a cat? Maybe you find that you're actually a dog, or another species entirely (like say a fox). That's what basically being trans is. You're assigned a gender out of only 2 of the millions that people discover, but it doesn't apply to you at all. Another gender does.

Oh, I think I have a pretty good understanding of gender identity when it comes to identifying as the opposite gender than the one you were assigned at birth. It's the 'others' (nonbinary, bigender, etc.) that are a bit hard for me to understand.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: NovelNerd on August 25, 2015, 08:02:57 PM
Not to offend anyone. But for the girls saying they're tomboys but still feminine,  you do get that you can be a tomboy and like boy things and not be gender confused right? Like as a child I wore dresses but climbed trees and played baseball. I'm in the military in a male dominant field. I identify as female. I don't apologize for how I am or feel I need to justify myself. Sometimes it seems like if we're tomboys we almost apologize for not saying we identify male. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like the more accepted Trans, gender fluid etc becomes the more we try to push someone into a label.
I'm not a huge fan of labels myself. I'm female and have always felt that way, but I grew up in a farm and my father didn't have any boys. I was the one that helped build fences and barns, I bottle raised calves that lost their mothers and did the rodeo stuff and helped train our horses. When I went to school when I was younger though I quickly realized that there was more to it than me just being a "tomboy". I liked to dress nice and have make up and do all the things the other girls liked to do.

I get mistaken for a guy a lot when I wear my casual clothes and have had women try to run me out of female restrooms till I tell them I do indeed have a vagina (not that I should have to defend myself anyway!). When I wear my dress clothes and do my make-up there is never a question about it. Matter of fact I met my friend for Zumba today at the gym after I get off work, and I don't think se has seen me in dress clothes since prom! She was stunned and made the comment "oh you can look like a girl!"

Ugh, it gets old sometimes these stereotypes we have for people and especially genders. I can like all these things and be a tomboy and still be a woman. The push for having s label but also having this ability to fall into so many "categories" can be confusing. Yes if people ask I identify as female and I'm a lesbian. Do I particularly care about labels? No,  I'm just me and I like to think I'm the only one like myself so that definition is enough. :cool:
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 25, 2015, 09:37:28 PM
To someone struggling to find themselves, labels can be freeing, not confining. Finding you're not alone can be what keeps you alive. So yes, labels are very important for some people.

Me, I'm male, AFAB.

Also, just want to mention that genitals ≠ gender.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Wardah on August 25, 2015, 10:46:51 PM
To someone struggling to find themselves, labels can be freeing, not confining. Finding you're not alone can be what keeps you alive. So yes, labels are very important for some people.

Me, I'm male, AFAB.

Also, just want to mention that genitals ≠ gender.

In a perfect world we would not need gender identities but since it isn't a perfect world people need a way to identify when we don't fit into societies limiting boxes.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: divalei on August 26, 2015, 04:50:33 AM
I'd say I'm neither. I have female body which is causing me discomfort and I'm waiting to get it fixed. Explaining all this to doctors was quite of a pain. All that "are you sure? It's the depression talk" and my favourites "you are too young" and "of course you want children". Try to explain to someone who isn't willing to listen... I usually say that I'm more male than female to avoid questions.

I wear dresses and skirts and "girly stuff" but "male clothes" as well. My clothes.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: melodys_angel on August 26, 2015, 10:05:08 AM
Female for sure, though I had periods of complete tomboy growing up, and I also had periods of just female or just male OCs pop in during certain periods.  To me that's normal.

I don't feel I need to apologize for my gender though.  You are who you are.  I get more upset when someone assumes you should be a boy or have to be a boy if you do x, y and z. (And im sure the same holds true for those that don't fall into 'girl' as gender ^^)
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: DemonicSymphony on August 26, 2015, 10:15:42 AM
To someone struggling to find themselves, labels can be freeing, not confining. Finding you're not alone can be what keeps you alive. So yes, labels are very important for some people.

Me, I'm male, AFAB.

Also, just want to mention that genitals ≠ gender.

Thank you for saying this. I'd been struggling with the thread since originally posting in it and seeing some of the responses.

*high fives*
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: RainbowRay on August 26, 2015, 11:03:39 AM
I don't know! I kind of avoid thinking too hard about my gender. Neither/other for now, I guess.

I know that I'm not okay about being female physically, though.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: gold.standard on August 26, 2015, 12:23:05 PM
I identify as nb.

For me, finding that label finally freed me. I finally had a word for what I felt and what I am and I've been so much happier.
 I feel it is really easy for people to be like "we don't need labels" because they've never felt like they weren't in one of the two available choices. Its really easy to dismiss labels when you've never felt that you didn't belong with what you've been labeled as.
 Labels are so so important to have. For so many people having a label means no longer feeling broken and lost. Please don't dismiss that.
And yes, to echo previous comments, gender doesn't equal genitals. Your genitals have no bearing on your gender. 
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: BethyVic on August 26, 2015, 09:31:51 PM
I'm female.  My gender identity is pretty simple, I am happy being a female.  I like being feminine and I look quite feminine.  I can't imagine how hard it must be to feel that your gender assignment is not the same as how you feel inside. 
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Lady_Manson on August 26, 2015, 09:41:08 PM
I am a female
  My Real Name is Melissa
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Miniature Sheep on August 26, 2015, 10:04:42 PM
I identify as male but can't really bring myself to be open about it irl, the main reasons being that I don't want to be defined solely by my gender identity and also my current environment isn't particularly supportive or understanding. :/
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Princess Lala on August 26, 2015, 10:23:12 PM
Definetly born and ID myself as a female!!! xD There's no way I could ever be a boy! My walk is SO dainty and my voice is high pitched! I look very much like a teenage girl still, I am often confused at bars as still being in high school. It is hilarious and never gets old so I am comfortable identifying myself as a teenage girl!

I think it's cool we have so many transgenders here!! They really need more love in the real world :heart:  I recently found out my childhood friend, Ava, grew up to be transgender. She now goes by Avery and I do say he makes such a cute boy! ^w^ it would be cool to be a guy with like no hair! Ha-ha! I also have a friend who is 'trans-species' as in she identifies herself as a cat! xD
Title: Re: I\'m going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on August 27, 2015, 06:11:30 AM

I think it's cool we have so many transgenders here!! They really need more love in the real world :heart:  I recently found out my childhood friend, Ava, grew up to be transgender. She now goes by Avery and I do say he makes such a cute boy! ^w^ it would be cool to be a guy with like no hair! Ha-ha! I also have a friend who is 'trans-species' as in she identifies herself as a cat! xD

I'm so happy for your friend!! I love hearing about trans people that can exist without danger following us everywhere.
+ Bonus helpful things for future reference-

It's more polite to say "transgender people" or "trans people" rather than transgenders/transgendered.

"Trans-species" doesn't exist, that's called otherkin (or therian if you're an animal + prefer it!) :good:

Post Merge: August 27, 2015, 06:12:36 AM

Oh, I think I have a pretty good understanding of gender identity when it comes to identifying as the opposite gender than the one you were assigned at birth. It's the 'others' (nonbinary, bigender, etc.) that are a bit hard for me to understand. that case, how can I help? :0
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Lore-Lei on August 27, 2015, 11:49:21 AM
I also have a friend who is 'trans-species' as in she identifies herself as a cat! xD
I'm pretty sure you meant she's an otherkin.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: HollowZero on August 27, 2015, 12:55:27 PM
Labels are so so important to have. For so many people having a label means no longer feeling broken and lost. Please don't dismiss that.

Labels are important for some. Labels are overimportant for others. Labels are a terrible problem in society. I do not care to label myself in any way, whether it be religion, sexuality, gender. And it infuriates me to see posts on tumblr saying things like "you are a monster if you don't put your pronouns on your about page".

This is why I just post art there and nothing else. Everything has to fit in a box. Everything needs to have a label so they can associate with who they want to and avoid "the other" whatever that may be.

I'm a stranger on the internet. That's the long and the short of it.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: ponycake on August 27, 2015, 01:12:39 PM
Labels are so so important to have. For so many people having a label means no longer feeling broken and lost. Please don't dismiss that.

Labels are important for some. Labels are overimportant for others. Labels are a terrible problem in society. I do not care to label myself in any way, whether it be religion, sexuality, gender. And it infuriates me to see posts on tumblr saying things like "you are a monster if you don't put your pronouns on your about page".

This is why I just post art there and nothing else. Everything has to fit in a box. Everything needs to have a label so they can associate with who they want to and avoid "the other" whatever that may be.

I'm a stranger on the internet. That's the long and the short of it.

Yeah I refuse to jump on that as well. Tumblr has gone through some odd phases. Like the widespread cissexual hate posts that you couldn't miss a while back.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on August 27, 2015, 01:16:12 PM
People say you suck if you don't put pronouns on your profile...? Man, what's up with that?
Although it's a good idea to have 'em somewhere so people can you're not a bad person if you don't

also @ponycake, it's cisgender/cis. Being cis is a part of your gender identity, not sexual orientation.  :relaxed:
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: gold.standard on August 27, 2015, 01:43:53 PM
People say you suck if you don't put pronouns on your profile...? Man, what's up with that?
Although it's a good idea to have 'em somewhere so people can you're not a bad person if you don't

also @ponycake, it's cisgender/cis. Being cis is a part of your gender identity, not sexual orientation.  :relaxed:

Man, yeah that is weird. I always thought it was just the easy and polite way to do for your profile so people can know and not worry about misgendering you. I've personally haven't seen people be aggressive about it, but if there are some out there that are, that's totally not cool.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: mlp4me on August 27, 2015, 04:15:50 PM
I am female, but not a girly girl by any means.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Princess Lala on August 27, 2015, 04:41:15 PM
Oh, I had no idea about Otherkin or Therian! My friend is pretty hardcore, she even has those 200 dollar japanese animatonic cat ears that rotate depending on emotion and wears a cat collar! Its actually pretty cute! I only get to see her at conventions but she is wicked cool!
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on August 27, 2015, 04:46:26 PM
Oh, I had no idea about Otherkin or Therian! My friend is pretty hardcore, she even has those 200 dollar japanese animatonic cat ears that rotate depending on emotion and wears a cat collar! Its actually pretty cute! I only get to see her at conventions but she is wicked cool!

Totally jealous! I'd totally get one of those if they came in bear flavor, also less spendy...
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: gold.standard on August 27, 2015, 05:05:40 PM

Totally jealous! I'd totally get one of those if they came in bear flavor, also less spendy...
I remember seeing ones for sale at a con and they had enterchangable ears! So even if they don't sell bear ones, making your own/commissioning someone is totally possible!
I've been meaning to save up for a pair myself and make some pony ears for it!
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Princess Lala on August 28, 2015, 02:45:09 AM
These! She has the black ones! xD I want a pair for myself!  I kind of understand otherkin pretty well, there are plenty of times I feel like a cat myself! :3
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on August 28, 2015, 05:48:54 AM
Ah! They have snow leopard ears...

Sorry to be off topic lol!
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: The_Loner on August 28, 2015, 07:34:05 AM
Ok, here goes posting this...
This is a really interesting thread for me as this is something I'm struggling with. I'm neither girl nor boy though born as female but I'm really uncomfortable with my body and want to get it fixed. Most of the time I relate better to boys and I would much rather have a male body minus the genitalia (I'm asexual). It is pretty cool seeing there are other people on this forum with similar issues to mine as I always feel very alone with this. My parents love and respect me for who I am but I have a hard time explaining to them what it's like not feeling like your assigned gender.

What I find interesting is some of the studies on male/female brain, and how this can impact the way in which people react.

I'm also autistic and I know a lot of people with autism find it harder to identify within the gender stereotypes of people without autism because a lot of social stereotypes and norms for these genders don't apply with autism.
It is very interesting you should mention this. I have autism too (AS). It is believed that the autistic brain is the ultimate male brain and I think that's a factor in why I relate better to males than females. Also statisticly there are twice as many females with autism who feel like the other gender than females without autism.

I'd say I'm neither. I have female body which is causing me discomfort and I'm waiting to get it fixed. Explaining all this to doctors was quite of a pain. All that "are you sure? It's the depression talk" and my favourites "you are too young" and "of course you want children". Try to explain to someone who isn't willing to listen... I usually say that I'm more male than female to avoid questions.

I wear dresses and skirts and "girly stuff" but "male clothes" as well. My clothes.
I really hate when people think they know what you want! They have no way of knowing what you want, only YOU know what you want! I'm happy for you you made it through all that! I have it ahead of me.
Title: Re: I\'m going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Harmonie on August 28, 2015, 09:53:12 AM

Oh, I think I have a pretty good understanding of gender identity when it comes to identifying as the opposite gender than the one you were assigned at birth. It's the 'others' (nonbinary, bigender, etc.) that are a bit hard for me to understand. that case, how can I help? :0

Hm... I don't know... It's just that I saw all of the different terms and it made my head spin a little... o.O I can fully understand that there's more than the gender binary, I just sometimes get lost with all of the terms that people have come up with, a lot of them blur together for me.

Sorry if I'm being offensive. Just trying to understand. >.<
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: melodys_angel on August 28, 2015, 11:15:02 AM

A bit of a heads up.  Best not to assume one identifies themselves as an 'otherkin' if you see them with those ears or something similar.  You might just poke the bear.

If it was me (and yes, if they weren't as spendy I would totally go for a pair) I would be offended that one would jump to the conclusion when I would wear them because I think they are cute or coincide with a certain style I may like.

I respect what others feel or identify themselves with (same for anything, really, as long as you aren't harming yourself or others).  I expect the same for me <3
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on August 28, 2015, 12:00:37 PM

A bit of a heads up.  Best not to assume one identifies themselves as an 'otherkin' if you see them with those ears or something similar.  You might just poke the bear.

If it was me (and yes, if they weren't as spendy I would totally go for a pair) I would be offended that one would jump to the conclusion when I would wear them because I think they are cute or coincide with a certain style I may like.

I respect what others feel or identify themselves with (same for anything, really, as long as you aren't harming yourself or others).  I expect the same for me <3

Princess Lala said that her friend is otherkin before she mentioned the ears, jsyk. :o
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: DazzleKitty on August 28, 2015, 12:08:28 PM
I feel as though I identify as a female, but I am grossed out by my own girly parts.  No offense to anyone here, but I am actually grossed out by the whole female reproductive system and have a hard time understanding why some find it attractive. Maybe it's because I am straight? I shouldn't find myself to be gross, however. Sometimes I just think it's low self esteem and what someone said to me a long time ago....

I'm pretty hard on myself. And I feel like I am not feminine enough for a straight male to find attractive. I don't think I even know how to be feminine.

And in saying all this, I'm a hardcore feminist. I sure am full of contradictions.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Corona on August 28, 2015, 12:59:53 PM
TMI ahead and slightly embarrassing confession.

Biologically female. But I've grown up feeling like both a boy and a girl, and feeling physically I'm missing something. Mentally, I'm mostly girl but physically I want to be both. I tried to stave off labels as much as I could because for the longest time I didn't feel like I had to compartmentalize me.

Then I took on the labels and I think I'm actually worse for it. "Bigender" was the closest thing I could find but still, even after taking that label I couldn't find a single person who felt the same way I did. It's just led to more frustration than it did before I found the label.

I feel kinda gross and nervous of being judged just writing this down. So uh, yeah.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Prince_Sunbeam on August 28, 2015, 01:36:44 PM
Labels are generally there to help other people understand how you are, not to help you understand yourself

I really like how that was put. It really accurately describes how I currently feel about labeling myself in terms of gender. Certainly at other points in my life (for me, high school and junior high) having a label made me feel so much more comfortable and confident in who I was, and gave me a sense of community. So I fully understand and appreciate/respect both sides of the label argument.
Of course life is just always so complex! My sex is male, AFAB. I express my gender visually as very masculine&burly, though my personality falls between the lines. If anything I more embrace arbitrary sexuality based labels. I identify as gay (bear), even though Im going to marry a ciswoman next year. None of the labels really mean anything, its more of a comfort zone /community thing for me I guess!
Also, none of this leaves this thread. I know nothing is ever truly private on the internet but I think we can all at least try to respect that this is a safe space to discuss a pretty private topic. I dont think anyone irl will be googling my username but this is one of the only times Ive been open about this stuff online since I live 'stealth'
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Lady.Arachnia on August 29, 2015, 02:02:22 AM
I'm a girly girl.....but I am not the type who cries when a nail broke off!
I like to garden without gloves, if there needs to been painted I take the brush at hand, if I want a hole in the wall I get out the electric screwdriver and made it myself!
I'm at home a construction worker wearing a dress with make-up and nail polish!
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on August 29, 2015, 05:42:54 AM
I really like reading about all your gender identities, everybody! But I'm starting to wonder if I should add a dictionary of sorts to the original post?

Only because I see a pretty significant flucuation of people speaking of "transgendereds" or "cissexuals"
+ those who don't know what certain gender terms mean, I feel it'd be helpful but I also don't know if the mods would take it as snobbiness or something.  :whoa:

Ah, the joys of being scared of everything all the time... :stressed:
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: The_Loner on August 30, 2015, 04:18:28 AM
I really like reading about all your gender identities, everybody! But I'm starting to wonder if I should add a dictionary of sorts to the original post?

Only because I see a pretty significant flucuation of people speaking of "transgendereds" or "cissexuals"
+ those who don't know what certain gender terms mean, I feel it'd be helpful but I also don't know if the mods would take it as snobbiness or something.  :whoa:

Ah, the joys of being scared of everything all the time... :stressed:
I think that might be helpful for those interested. I know I find it confusing with all those different terms.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Jupetto on August 30, 2015, 07:34:40 AM
I identify as male but born as female. Therapy suggested I might be autistic too so 'male brain' might make sense. :P (I'm not diagnosed) I don't like talking about it or engaging in communities because I feel like it's more of my own business, but to each their own.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Rosencrantz on August 30, 2015, 12:38:19 PM
I'm a guy, and have been since I was 7.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Wardah on August 30, 2015, 09:36:13 PM
I don't like that whole "male brains" idea because didn't science prove that male and female brains are the same. Anyways I have known more fellow autistic people who are asexual than transmen.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: gold.standard on August 30, 2015, 09:40:39 PM
I don't like that whole "male brains" idea because didn't science prove that male and female brains are the same. Anyways I have known more fellow autistic people who are asexual than transmen.
Yeah, as an autistic person (and also asexual, so I'm chiming in) myself, I really don't like the whole "male" brain thing. It hasn't been proven, and it really just shoves fem and nb autistic people under the bus. It also just reenforces the gender binary which is a social construct not a biological thing. So yeah . o. Thank you for saying something!
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: The_Loner on August 31, 2015, 03:09:55 AM
I don't like that whole "male brains" idea because didn't science prove that male and female brains are the same. Anyways I have known more fellow autistic people who are asexual than transmen.
I don't like that whole "male brains" idea because didn't science prove that male and female brains are the same. Anyways I have known more fellow autistic people who are asexual than transmen.
Yeah, as an autistic person (and also asexual, so I'm chiming in) myself, I really don't like the whole "male" brain thing. It hasn't been proven, and it really just shoves fem and nb autistic people under the bus. It also just reenforces the gender binary which is a social construct not a biological thing. So yeah . o. Thank you for saying something!
I'm positive that male and female brains are the same but what they mean is there are some differences in how males/females think eg. that males should be more attentive to details and females better at the entirety of things/situations. Of course you can't say all males and females are like this but it does make sense in the matter that autistic people are very attentive to details and often less good at entireties. Either way I'm just repeating what I have been told, I am in no way an expert and I'm the last person to apply the same yardstick to everybody. Everyone is an individual. I just found that it might explain to me why I feel like I do but who knows.

Also just wanted to mention that being asexual is unrelated to gender identity but I find it interesting that there are so many other autistic people on here who feel gender neutral/transgender/asexual.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on August 31, 2015, 05:29:25 AM
Yeah, as an autistic person (and also asexual, so I'm chiming in) myself, I really don't like the whole "male" brain thing. It hasn't been proven, and it really just shoves fem and nb autistic people under the bus. It also just reenforces the gender binary which is a social construct not a biological thing. So yeah . o. Thank you for saying something!

Also, I feel that it(talking about "male/female" brains) can come off as cissexist because it's sorta implying that your brain will always correspond to the gender you were assigned. So ya know.

I'm quite tickled to see so many other users are autistic as well! It makes me feel so giddy. We should all be buddies. :relaxed:
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Prince_Sunbeam on August 31, 2015, 07:16:49 AM
I feel the need to point out that the poll says "Gender Identity" and we're perpetuating that Male and Female are gender labels. They are sex labels.
Not trying to be rude. I just feel like its a misrepresentation for everyone who may not be as informed about gender options to list male or female as options at all.
Sex has the options of male, female, or intersex.
Gender contains the vast spectrum of everything from binary masculine to binary feminine and has absolutely no relation what so ever to the sex categories.

Just reread this and I feel like it came off more pretentious than I meant for it to. Just trying to be informative. I love everyones unique expressions and the way they choose to define them selves- or not to! It can just do a disservice to the non-cis community to construe "gender" as male/female/other (aka putting it into cis terms for them to understand better as opposed to using what ever terms work for you as an individual)
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: moevelvet on August 31, 2015, 08:08:29 AM
I was reading an interesting discussion the other day about autism and gender.  It basically said that since autistic people have problems with social functioning, and gender is essentially a social construct, that's why a lot of autistic people experience gender differently and struggle with the gender binary.

(And yes, I agree!  We should be buddies!)
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: gold.standard on August 31, 2015, 08:50:26 AM
I don't like that whole "male brains" idea because didn't science prove that male and female brains are the same. Anyways I have known more fellow autistic people who are asexual than transmen.
I don't like that whole "male brains" idea because didn't science prove that male and female brains are the same. Anyways I have known more fellow autistic people who are asexual than transmen.
Yeah, as an autistic person (and also asexual, so I'm chiming in) myself, I really don't like the whole "male" brain thing. It hasn't been proven, and it really just shoves fem and nb autistic people under the bus. It also just reenforces the gender binary which is a social construct not a biological thing. So yeah . o. Thank you for saying something!
I'm positive that male and female brains are the same but what they mean is there are some differences in how males/females think eg. that males should be more attentive to details and females better at the entirety of things/situations. Of course you can't say all males and females are like this but it does make sense in the matter that autistic people are very attentive to details and often less good at entireties. Either way I'm just repeating what I have been told, I am in no way an expert and I'm the last person to apply the same yardstick to everybody. Everyone is an individual. I just found that it might explain to me why I feel like I do but who knows.

Also just wanted to mention that being asexual is unrelated to gender identity but I find it interesting that there are so many other autistic people on here who feel gender neutral/transgender/asexual.
Ah, thank you for clearing that up. If it helps you understand yourself, I completely get that!  :)
Yeah, I've always found it really interesting too!
My best friend is autistic and is aro-ace with some gender feels. And another good buddy of mine is autistic and is aro-bi, and is non binary. Out of my friend group, about 80% of us are autistic, and roughly half of us experience some sort of gender feels and aren't straight.
Clearly this isn't something that can be applied to all autistic people, just my personal experience.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Jupetto on August 31, 2015, 10:20:32 AM
I don't like that whole "male brains" idea because didn't science prove that male and female brains are the same. Anyways I have known more fellow autistic people who are asexual than transmen.
Yeah, as an autistic person (and also asexual, so I'm chiming in) myself, I really don't like the whole "male" brain thing. It hasn't been proven, and it really just shoves fem and nb autistic people under the bus. It also just reenforces the gender binary which is a social construct not a biological thing. So yeah . o. Thank you for saying something!

Male and female brains are actually different. The Corpus Callosum is thicker in female fetuses. Male brains have more whitematter and female brains have more grey matter. Etc. A study has been made that concluded that female-to-male brains had indeed the same amount of white matter as male brains. While male-to-female brains had white matter that were neither masculine or feminine. (link ( I find neuroscience really interesting, I don't know where people get the 'male and female brains are the same' from.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: The_Loner on August 31, 2015, 02:18:40 PM
I'm quite tickled to see so many other users are autistic as well! It makes me feel so giddy. We should all be buddies. :relaxed:
Hehe, I agree :)

I was reading an interesting discussion the other day about autism and gender.  It basically said that since autistic people have problems with social functioning, and gender is essentially a social construct, that's why a lot of autistic people experience gender differently and struggle with the gender binary.

(And yes, I agree!  We should be buddies!)
That's very interesting and makes sense.

Yeah, I've always found it really interesting too!
My best friend is autistic and is aro-ace with some gender feels. And another good buddy of mine is autistic and is aro-bi, and is non binary. Out of my friend group, about 80% of us are autistic, and roughly half of us experience some sort of gender feels and aren't straight.
Clearly this isn't something that can be applied to all autistic people, just my personal experience.
I don't have all the expressions down yet and am not sure what aro-ace and aro-bi means?

This is somewhat of an eye-opener for me as I have never (that I know of) met other people who are like me on these matters and I actually feel very alien-like in this world because it's like I'm the only one like me. It is really cool to find out there are so many right here who have similarities :)

Male and female brains are actually different. The Corpus Callosum is thicker in female fetuses. Male brains have more whitematter and female brains have more grey matter. Etc. A study has been made that concluded that female-to-male brains had indeed the same amount of white matter as male brains. While male-to-female brains had white matter that were neither masculine or feminine. (link ( I find neuroscience really interesting, I don't know where people get the 'male and female brains are the same' from.
I did not know there actually is a difference in male and female brains. That link was very interesting reading!
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: gold.standard on August 31, 2015, 02:28:57 PM

Yeah, I've always found it really interesting too!
My best friend is autistic and is aro-ace with some gender feels. And another good buddy of mine is autistic and is aro-bi, and is non binary. Out of my friend group, about 80% of us are autistic, and roughly half of us experience some sort of gender feels and aren't straight.
Clearly this isn't something that can be applied to all autistic people, just my personal experience.
I don't have all the expressions down yet and am not sure what aro-ace and aro-bi means?

This is somewhat of an eye-opener for me as I have never (that I know of) met other people who are like me on these matters and I actually feel very alien-like in this world because it's like I'm the only one like me. It is really cool to find out there are so many right here who have similarities :) [/quote]

Oh, no problem, it takes a while to get them all down. I did the appreviations a little backwards, whoops.
But anyways. Aro-ace is aromantic (does not experience romantic attraction) and asexual. and aro-bi is aromantic and bisexual.

Who you are attracted to is more than just sexual attraction, there is also romantic attraction!
Myself for example, I am asexual, but I am romantically attracted to genders both my own and others. So I consider myself to be a biromantic asexual!

Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: The_Loner on August 31, 2015, 02:52:09 PM
Oh, no problem, it takes a while to get them all down. I did the appreviations a little backwards, whoops.
But anyways. Aro-ace is aromantic (does not experience romantic attraction) and asexual. and aro-bi is aromantic and bisexual.

Who you are attracted to is more than just sexual attraction, there is also romantic attraction!
Myself for example, I am asexual, but I am romantically attracted to genders both my own and others. So I consider myself to be a biromantic asexual!

Ah ok, thanks for explaining :) I'm aromantic and asexual but I didn't know those abbreviations.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: gold.standard on August 31, 2015, 02:58:13 PM
Oh, no problem, it takes a while to get them all down. I did the appreviations a little backwards, whoops.
But anyways. Aro-ace is aromantic (does not experience romantic attraction) and asexual. and aro-bi is aromantic and bisexual.

Who you are attracted to is more than just sexual attraction, there is also romantic attraction!
Myself for example, I am asexual, but I am romantically attracted to genders both my own and others. So I consider myself to be a biromantic asexual!

Ah ok, thanks for explaining :) I'm aromantic and asexual but I didn't know those abbreviations.

No prob! I'm happy to help!
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: achab1984 on August 31, 2015, 07:28:22 PM
I am female :)
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: WickedWonderland on September 08, 2015, 08:35:35 PM
I feel female through and through, but I have masculine traits I suppose? I like dressing up in suits sometimes and having short hair sometimes and doing hard physical labor and playing in the dirt with bugs and I really don't get along with feminine girls; only boys and tomboys or butches.

It's really not something I concern myself with. I'm me. Everybody has their unique a mix of gender traits and it's all social constructs anyway. *shrug*
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: wlyteth on September 08, 2015, 09:19:45 PM
I'm female, but I struggle a lot with feeling masculine. :/ Even when I wear makeup and dresses I feel mannish and often sit with my legs apart in chairs. (I'm trying to break that habit) When I was a kid I wanted to be a boy, but looking back I don't think it was like being transgender, I think I just wanted to feel better about always playing with Transformers instead of dolls and wearing only "boys" clothes. It wasn't until I was an adult that I got into ponies. I don't relate with female friends very well I find myself wanting to be protective and flirty with them, while also dreaming of a guy that will come by one day and treat me like a princess. I hate having long hair, but when I cut it I feel boyish instead of cute. I like having shaved legs, but most times its not worth the effort. Basically I feel rather butch most of the time and I hate it. This thread isn't about sexual orientation though so I won't elaborate much more.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: elvenwine26 on September 09, 2015, 08:44:35 AM
I suppose I've always considered myself to be female which is also physically what I am.  In a more nebulous sense I've been more concerned with being who I am as an individual more so than who I am as a gender since we're all more the sum of our respective parts and whatever society/culture thinks should be involved with that.  I think it perhaps this view comes of growing up as a weird kid. :P
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Vertefae on September 09, 2015, 09:10:39 AM
I suppose I've always considered myself to be female which is also physically what I am.  In a more nebulous sense I've been more concerned with being who I am as an individual more so than who I am as a gender since we're all more the sum of our respective parts and whatever society/culture thinks should be involved with that.  I think it perhaps this view comes of growing up as a weird kid. :P

Omg I love this. Absolutely love it
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Violet CLM on September 22, 2015, 11:27:36 PM
I don't know anymore.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: rearing_palomino164 on September 23, 2015, 05:40:02 PM
I'm a girl. I do a lot of tomboy stuff like fix my car and things around the house that a lot of girls would leave to their husbands. Yay farm girl qualities! But I'm def. a female.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: stopxmotion on September 23, 2015, 07:54:01 PM
I am female. I didn't even know all these other things existed. But then again, I think gender is physical.
When I was younger I liked some boy things and never felt confused or different. I have a pair of mens flip flops that I wear every day but I'm still a female. :)
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Kittywhiskers on September 24, 2015, 09:46:57 PM
I'm AFAB, but tend to feel... kinda masculine? If I had to use a specific word for it I'd probably say demiboy, but just saying I'm a transguy is simpler all around. Demigenders tend to get written off as not really being a thing.

That one day last year where I suddenly felt like an actual girl was an... interesting experience.
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: AutisticandProudLuna on September 25, 2015, 12:20:06 AM
Just wanted to say how happy I am to see this thread existing every day I log in  :) The vibes are overall so nice and wanting to learn and I feel represented!  :)
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: Rainbow Revolver on October 11, 2015, 09:18:18 AM
I'm nonbinary!!
Title: Re: I'm going to be nosey! Gender identity...?
Post by: starrypawz on October 11, 2015, 12:49:37 PM
I id as 'cis female' but when it comes to gender expression I'm just not particularly 'feminine' like it just never really feels 'right' if I do it and I generally feel more comfortable dressing a bit more 'androgynous' (to use the term loosely since you know gender constructs/gender roles) like more like 'this doesn't work for me' rather than 'I hate dresses' etc.
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