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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Loa on April 01, 2015, 07:15:01 PM

Title: Your worst work story!
Post by: Loa on April 01, 2015, 07:15:01 PM
Do you have one of THOSE stories that you share to compare how bad your workplace is?

Tell them here!
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: slj84 on April 01, 2015, 08:14:43 PM
I get peed on, on a regular basis... And sometime my patients wanna eat me!

Click the spoiler if you have a strong stomach....

one time we had someone bring in a lab that was ill.  The xrays showed his stomach was full of something, but we didn't know what.  Lucky me found out as the dog vomitted up another animals intestines.  It's one of the only things that has made me vomit at work.  Now when ever something has that same smell to it as that I start dry heaving  :shocked:
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: zombienixon on April 01, 2015, 08:22:54 PM
Well, mine isn't so much bad as it is just plain aggravating.  I work as a drafter (with some design capacity) in a plant that makes cutting tools (drills, reamers, etc.).  We've recently gotten a large quantity of orders from a customer that wants to get the tools as fast as possible.

As some of these tools require special material that has to be designed and ordered from an outside vendor before we can begin work on them ourselves, we started working on the prints even before we got an order, to get them out faster.

As usually happens whenever we have a big rush project like this, it all started going to crap.  For starters, the customer started making changes to the tools.  This is annoying for several reasons, the first being that they should really have some idea of what they actually want before placing an order. Second, changing a tool diameter can make previously ordered material unusable (and this material is not cheap). Third, we have to go in and change a bunch of drawings and file names to have the current revision. Worst of all, we use a tabulated chart on drawings we send to a customer to sign off on, so changing one tool on that chart changes the revision for all of the tools on the chart.  :enraged:

I eventually learned that the changes are because we are making tools for a customer that is making a machine for an end user.  The end user is wanting this machine quickly but is being sketchy on the details, so they have to figure it out as they go along.  Our customer then goes to us and is basically like: "We don't know what we want, but we want it now!"

Making matters worse, the man who made the drawing that the customer signed off on is a complete idiot. He managed put down incorrect diameters (which as you might imagine is kind of important on a drill) for several tools.  As I and my co-workers go off of these prints when we start to make our drawings, it's important that they are correct. And after this and other incredibly stupid (but also very funny) errors, it's hard to trust anything with this guy's name on it.

Topping it all off, two of the tools I was assigned either will not work as specified by the customer, or have an unsatisfactory design.  Both of them are due to the customer not being able to do basic math.

We're starting to get it all under control now, but this has been one of the most ridiculous situations I've had at work.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Tigerlilyx on April 01, 2015, 09:08:56 PM
I had a female boss who is borderline psychotic to work with.

I was an intern for a concert promoter company for 3 months and I quit early because the workplace is so unbelievably toxic that I was feeling depressed. Plenty of things happened but that would take up the entire thread! Basically my boss and the marketing manager are a bunch of passive aggressive bigots (both of them are siblings, hooray) who will squeeze as much labour out of you and there was zero communication in the office - a dead silent office isn't a good thing. The boss also went to talk about me negatively behind my back to my full-time colleagues; I didn't know till one of my colleagues showed me her text messages. Instead of addressing any sort of work-related problems she might have with me like any normal employer would, she rather rant it out to my colleagues. Ironic because every time I completed a given task and ask for her feedback/critique, she'll say "oh no it's great!".

Only after leaving I found out that the boss and her company have a nasty reputation in the music industry for being intolerable and crazy to work with. Explains why the staff turnover rate was so high! The only reason why everyone puts up with them is because they're one of the biggest established concert promoters in asia (they brought in big acts like Justin Bieber, Metallica etc..)
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Princess Lala on April 01, 2015, 10:34:19 PM
OMG. I have one!!! XD

I work overnights at Walfart, er.... Walmart LOL and our Co-Manager became head over overnights where he works 4 straight days and then has 4days off, pattern continues. He is your stereotypical african-american business man in a suit that HATES germs or anything gross. He really favors me because I knock all the freight out fast and work multiple areas, then I "zone" or tidy up those areas. I work about 2-4 depts a night like Grocery isles, HBA, toys, stationary/crafts, and even electronics. He calls me a super worker, both my husband and I. As some you know im veg which means I have a HIGH fiber diet and I continously eat. Inbetween my two hour breaks, I usually HAVE to go poop. At least once every 4 hours or so. Well Mr. Manager, lets call him K, loves to stand in electronics all day and have us call extensions via the work phone to see how we are doing versus walking around. He ALWAYS paged me over the intercom to call extension 105   alllll the time when I was pooping. Yup. See.... electronics is right next to the closest bathroom and I know that he sees me RUN to the bathrooms when i got the diglets. One time I was going to the bathroom and he paged me several times. I got fed up. I walked up to him and said, "K. Hows come everytime I go to the bathroom to poop, you page me!? This is the 5th time in a row! I cant pinch that fast! You know I eat nothing bit grass and stuff so from now on if you see me run to the bathroom please dont page me." He had this gross, discusted look on his face and said," Lord forbid I know what you are doing in there or I wouldnt page you! Im sorry!"

So he stops paging me and continues to page everyone else... "so-and-so call ext 105".....over the intercom. Once I was working in infants which is next door to electronics and he actually would walk to my dept and ask how im doing with the freight in person because he didnt know if I was pooping or not and didnt wanna call me. Weeelllll...... i had NO idea he was standing next to me when I was bending over to stock the sippy cups and I let a ripe juicy one loose. Yup. A big nasty fart. I just went to the restroom before and did my business so it was loud and proud. I hear K all of a sudden say, "UH thats NASTY!"  and makes a gross face and runs off. I BUST out laughing so hard. He NEVER bothered me again. EVER! I actually saw him working at another store today LOLOLOLOL maybe I scared him off! The other employees always talk about how I farted near him without me noticing LOL. I never got in trouble at all either for any of that LOLOLOL.

Not very princess-like to fart  in public that that but I thought I was alone, I SWEAR! xD
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Dainty on April 01, 2015, 10:46:51 PM
Well, I do art and image editing for a design company, it's small as in my two bosses and me, and oh my god they love to do this thing where they stand over my shoulder as i'm editing, like I'll go edit a mask file and theyll be all "why's it all white and black?? that's completely wrong!" or all put up guides and theyll be all "why did you put those blue lines on it??" etc.... like jeez its not going to look right until it's done!
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Beldarna on April 02, 2015, 01:37:36 AM
I've worked retail for years so I have plenty of stories, but the worst one happened last fall. I work at a movietheatre and besides selling tickets and concession we also have to check the toilets, refill papers and soap etc. One evening it was just me and two coworkers when a customer came up saying it smells really bad of poop from one of the stalls in the ladies restroom. Me being the only female staff on duty had to check it out. Turned out somebody had pooped on the floor and smeared it allover and finally left a nasty pile of toiletpaperpoop at the wall. Considering the day of the week and time in the evening it had to be an adult doing that. I was also the one who had to clean it up.. I can easily say I've never hated my life or people as much as I did that evening.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: banditpony on April 02, 2015, 03:06:53 AM
I work in a department of all girls... Oh, the drama. Does that count? Actually the worst person is an older women. Every one else is oblivious or just ignores everyone

Hazards... One job I was expected to stop a dryer (for laundry) with my hands. One day my hand slipped and almost lost my hand (I was ok). I refused after that.
Another time I worked where there was a giant heater and no ventilation. I didn't realize til the end of the day that I felt messed up.
Or... Not as bad. We would get icicles on our sweatshirt.
Or people demanding I get ice off their mirror, but I had no tools and had to do it with my hand.
Or other coworkers would go leave to smoke whatever and I had to do wxrta work and still split tips.

Very shady car wash. My first job...

Edit. Sorry if there are typos or nonsense words. On phone
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Kiwi on April 02, 2015, 07:11:48 AM
One of the best was I emailed a student about something, and asked them to response.
They forwarded my email to the program coordinator saying "here's my answer, I don't have her email address, can you pass this along to her"... with my full original email below *blink* Can find the Forward button but not the Reply button?
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: kaoskat on April 02, 2015, 07:48:49 AM
Yikes! Those are some bad days!
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Tigerlilyx on April 02, 2015, 09:32:30 AM
Your post made me laugh so hard  :rofl:

"Lord forbid I know what you are doing in there"
"uh that's nasty"

OMG. I have one!!! XD

I work overnights at Walfart, er.... Walmart LOL and our Co-Manager became head over overnights where he works 4 straight days and then has 4days off, pattern continues. He is your stereotypical african-american business man in a suit that HATES germs or anything gross. He really favors me because I knock all the freight out fast and work multiple areas, then I "zone" or tidy up those areas. I work about 2-4 depts a night like Grocery isles, HBA, toys, stationary/crafts, and even electronics. He calls me a super worker, both my husband and I. As some you know im veg which means I have a HIGH fiber diet and I continously eat. Inbetween my two hour breaks, I usually HAVE to go poop. At least once every 4 hours or so. Well Mr. Manager, lets call him K, loves to stand in electronics all day and have us call extensions via the work phone to see how we are doing versus walking around. He ALWAYS paged me over the intercom to call extension 105   alllll the time when I was pooping. Yup. See.... electronics is right next to the closest bathroom and I know that he sees me RUN to the bathrooms when i got the diglets. One time I was going to the bathroom and he paged me several times. I got fed up. I walked up to him and said, "K. Hows come everytime I go to the bathroom to poop, you page me!? This is the 5th time in a row! I cant pinch that fast! You know I eat nothing bit grass and stuff so from now on if you see me run to the bathroom please dont page me." He had this gross, discusted look on his face and said," Lord forbid I know what you are doing in there or I wouldnt page you! Im sorry!"

So he stops paging me and continues to page everyone else... "so-and-so call ext 105".....over the intercom. Once I was working in infants which is next door to electronics and he actually would walk to my dept and ask how im doing with the freight in person because he didnt know if I was pooping or not and didnt wanna call me. Weeelllll...... i had NO idea he was standing next to me when I was bending over to stock the sippy cups and I let a ripe juicy one loose. Yup. A big nasty fart. I just went to the restroom before and did my business so it was loud and proud. I hear K all of a sudden say, "UH thats NASTY!"  and makes a gross face and runs off. I BUST out laughing so hard. He NEVER bothered me again. EVER! I actually saw him working at another store today LOLOLOLOL maybe I scared him off! The other employees always talk about how I farted near him without me noticing LOL. I never got in trouble at all either for any of that LOLOLOL.

Not very princess-like to fart  in public that that but I thought I was alone, I SWEAR! xD
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: pinkkittywinks on April 02, 2015, 02:03:56 PM
I've worked retail for years so I have plenty of stories, but the worst one happened last fall. I work at a movietheatre and besides selling tickets and concession we also have to check the toilets, refill papers and soap etc. One evening it was just me and two coworkers when a customer came up saying it smells really bad of poop from one of the stalls in the ladies restroom. Me being the only female staff on duty had to check it out. Turned out somebody had pooped on the floor and smeared it allover and finally left a nasty pile of toiletpaperpoop at the wall. Considering the day of the week and time in the evening it had to be an adult doing that. I was also the one who had to clean it up.. I can easily say I've never hated my life or people as much as I did that evening.

Yep! Been there and cleaned up similar.

I worked in retail for 15 years and most of my stories are REALLY gross and not PG13.

It is beggars belief what customers do and get away with :mad: :X

Love pkw xxx
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: northstar3184 on April 02, 2015, 02:54:18 PM
Well, I wasn't an employee yet at the time. In fact it was my first day volunteering at the shelter. I was given a list of dogs to walk and took the first one outside. After we played in the dog run for a bit, I reached into my pocket to get my winter gloves and the list of dogs to walk fell out. The dog I was walking came running over picked up the list and ate it. So I had to go back in and explain that I didn't know who else I was supposed to walk because the first dog I took out ate my list. In the next 2 hours, I also stepped in dog crap a couple times and managed to lock myself outside.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: fingerpaints on April 02, 2015, 03:44:36 PM
I don't have one story but many smaller ones. I worked security for years, and when I started out I did a lot of bouncing and event type work. I have been scratched, pissed on, spat on and even had to perform cpr on an od at a concert.

I now work in childcare, so the nasty stuff gets worse lol. On a very regular basis (sometimes daily, but sometimes I may have a day or two incident free) I have been vomited on (yesterday was the last vomit that landed directly on me) urinated on, sometimes I have been pooped on, I also work with quiet a few additional needs children which I absolutely love, but at times they can and will lash out. Its rare a day goes by I am not hit, kicked, scratched or bitten. I had one do all that in the space of a couple of minutes yesterday whilst I tried to change his nappy. Unfortunately most of the girls I work with have no idea how to handle these children, they are either scared of them or can be too confronting for them which can make a bad situation esculate quickly.

I think the worst few moments were being projectile vomited on, and pretty much my front from the neck down, including my arms, was covered in vomit. I vomited myself once trying to clean poo out of a pair of undies. Nobody should have to do that, and if I was a parent I feel the jocks would go straight in the bin. And lastly I had one child rip their nappy off and swing it around their head like a lassoo, I have never been so glad NOT to see poo in a nappy before or after.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: daffodil101 on April 03, 2015, 06:02:48 AM
Well, I won't share my worst days, as most of the traumas I go through at work are related to my own mental and physical health problems and struggling to get through the day, which isn't really interesting to write about.  I have some awful stories but as I'm having an alright day today don't really want to go there! So I'll just share some memorable occasions of dealing with the unexpected at work.
I work in the Cheesecake shop, and my most interesting days have been the ones where animals came in.  We've had a few over the years.  Once a chicken walked in, and since the shop is on this weird little island block all by itself, there's no way the chicken could have got in and NOT crossed at least one road.  We managed to trap it in the corner behind the door (all the walls are glass so it wasn't freaking out) and called the RSPCA.  I mean we couldn't just let it wander off, because no chicken is THAT lucky, especially since the store front is a major road.  Eventually an old man came around with a towel and just picked it up like a pro and took it home.

There have been a couple of minor animal encounters, we had a stray dog walk through the shop and out the back, presumably the smell of food brought him I guess?  Not that dogs really eat cake, who knows.  There was a sparrow that flew in and couldn't figure out how to escape-- we eventually turned all the lights off hoping he's fly out into the sunlight.

My favourite was this gorgeous husky.  He was so beautiful!  Really well behaved, obviously not a stray.  We tied him up to one of the benches with an old apron and called the number on his collar, which went to some loca council who in turn got in touch with the owners.  Half an hour later a very relieved woman turned up, we found out the dog's name was Bandit (aww!!) and he got out under the fence. 

As for people, the best one was this rather crazy guy who came in with a half-eaten cheesecake, waving his arms around and complaining it was 'too sweet' and demanding a refund.  There was nothing wrong with the cake, he was just a nutter, but he said he was going to scare off customers until he got his money back.  A lady pulled up outside and he ran out and rushed at her waving this cake, the poor woman jumped and ran back to her car and sped off!  I ended up just giving him a refund to get rid of him, but wow, you really do get some crazies!
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Sukey on April 03, 2015, 04:14:37 PM
I get peed on, on a regular basis... And sometime my patients wanna eat me!

Sounds like me ;) I get to deal with pee, poop, and vomit everyday. I am also a vet tech.  Don't even get me started on my boss and office manager and all the workplace drama crap- you wouldn't believe me if told you anyway- yeah it's that bad. But besides all of that crap, one of my worst days was when this very mean German Shepherd escaped out the front door. Oh course it had to happen on the hottest day if the year, too. Three of us went after it. At first it dodged in and out of a busy road and none of the cars seemed to care. We work next to a place that makes concrete/ cinder blocks so the dog ran in there and we had to chase it down long and high rows of cinder blocks. I was on side of the cinder block wall and my co-worker was on the other side of it when the German Shepherd started to chase her down the row- and this was not a friendly dog. I could hear her yelling, but I couldn't see around the wall of cinder blocks. Finally we caught the dog and we had to walk it with 2 leashes/ poles pulled taunt on either side because it kept trying to lunge at us.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: slj84 on April 03, 2015, 04:36:33 PM
Sukey do we work at the same place... I just went threw some major drama at my job and today I accepted a new job because of it.  Actually my coworkers are amazing.  It was issues with the office managers and owners.

Ahh yes the escaping dog.  Have had that happen twice because the owners put the collars on too loose!

How about a exploratory surgery that turned out to be a used maxi pad...  That had been sitting in the dogs stomach for two days.  The smell was so rancid!
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Sukey on April 03, 2015, 06:37:11 PM
Sukey do we work at the same place... I just went threw some major drama at my job and today I accepted a new job because of it.  Actually my coworkers are amazing.  It was issues with the office managers and owners.

Ahh yes the escaping dog.  Have had that happen twice because the owners put the collars on too loose!

How about a exploratory surgery that turned out to be a used maxi pad...  That had been sitting in the dogs stomach for two days.  The smell was so rancid!

Yes, it sounds like we do work at the same place! I think the job is stressful enough without all the drama crap!

Oh my goodness(about the maxi pad)! We've had a few where a dog had eaten underwear.

The German shepherd dog actually lunged at one of the techs and ran to the front door that pushes open and it opened the door itself!

We had a cat escape from an owner's car once- I think they put the cat in the trunk without a carrier- we couldn't find it :( Now why would someone do that!?!!

I had been looking for another job, but no luck :( I have been there for 10 years, I don't get paid very much and I don't always get treated well either :( There has been so many times that I almost walked out- it isn't the easiest place to work.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Sky_Rocket_Sammie on April 03, 2015, 09:03:56 PM
The only time I have not given a two week notice, in fact I quit the very next day. As in walked into work at the start of my shift, went over to the managers office. Told him "I quit" and walked out.

I was working at Pet Co as a bather/brusher, the one who bathed the dogs and preped them for the groomers. Had no problem with the animals, it was the people. Not the owners, my co-workers. Or more specifically my assistant manager. When she was on duty, she would leave me to close down the grooming area at night. Which I wasn't supposed to do as a b/b. Or and this is what caused me to quit, schedule a bunch of large breed dogs (50 pounds +) first thing in the morning. Before her or anyone but myself was in the shop. She was expecting me to get them into the wash tubs by myself. We had a ramp that the dogs could walk up but per company policy. I shouldn't have been left alone to deal with them or handle them alone.

I nearly put my back out and had to have someone from the store, come help me get a dog out of the tub one morning. It was a sweet dog, thank goodness. I felt sorry for him and hacked off at my asst. manager for pulling that crap. After the first booking, I spoke to her privately and she brushed me off.  Second, third, and that fourth time I was done.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: hathorcat on April 05, 2015, 08:44:50 AM
The day someone got arrested for murder...seriously HR nightmare :P
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: kestral_kitsune on April 05, 2015, 03:14:36 PM
I've worked retail for years so I have plenty of stories, but the worst one happened last fall. I work at a movietheatre and besides selling tickets and concession we also have to check the toilets, refill papers and soap etc. One evening it was just me and two coworkers when a customer came up saying it smells really bad of poop from one of the stalls in the ladies restroom. Me being the only female staff on duty had to check it out. Turned out somebody had pooped on the floor and smeared it allover and finally left a nasty pile of toiletpaperpoop at the wall. Considering the day of the week and time in the evening it had to be an adult doing that. I was also the one who had to clean it up.. I can easily say I've never hated my life or people as much as I did that evening.

Yep! Been there and cleaned up similar.

I worked in retail for 15 years and most of my stories are REALLY gross and not PG13.

It is beggars belief what customers do and get away with :mad: :X

Love pkw xxx

I can actually say that is rather tame as to what I've had to clean up at work.

I'm a house keeper at a nursing home, all I am going to say is take that scenario up there, add: Down the hall, into TWO other rooms, another bathroom, another room plus bed.

I have even worse stories but I shall refrain.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Sky_Rocket_Sammie on April 05, 2015, 07:16:14 PM
I worked retail off and on for five years. And heard the horror stories of having to clean up the dressing rooms. Or the bathrooms. It always left me wondering what gets into people, to do that stuff.  :blink: Plenty of the stories are not PG13, so I won't say anything.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: sailorstitch on April 05, 2015, 08:36:19 PM
I really didn't have any work horror stories... until about a week and a half ago.

I work in a book warehouse. This particular day I was working in my favorite location - the Disney books.  :biggrin: My job is to take the books out of plastic totes and put them in a VERY large cardboard box. And you can't just throw the books it. They have to be stacked in there neatly. We have different patterns we use for different books. The Disney location is one of the hardest because the books are all different shapes and sizes. I've been doing this job for ten years so I've developed a system. I am very good at building safe, sturdy pallets that won't fall apart when a forklift moves them.

On this day I had been at it by myself for a couple hours. Then another worker came over to help me. She's only been here for maybe a month. This was my first time interacting with her. Well, her "help" really wasn't helpful. She was putting the book in all wrong. Everything our supervisor tells us NOT to do, she was doing. I gently tried to instruct her on the correct way to pack the books. She starts screaming and cussing at me! Telling me that she knows what she's doing, that she's doing it right and that I have no business telling her how to do her job! :shocked: Since she wasn't going to take my advise or follow my lead, I decided to just fix her mistakes as she made them. That didn't last long. She started screaming and cussing at me for touching her books! She said I was doing it just to make her mad. (That's not the words she used. The mods won't let me use the words that she used.) Finally she stormed off to another location and I was able to clean up her mess in peace. But that wasn't the end of it. I got moved to the location she stormed off to. When I got there, she flipped me the finger!!!  :shocked:

My supervisor wasn't at work that day. But the next morning she got an ear full about what happened. She had a little chat with my coworker about her... less than stellar behavior. Then last week, I saw the same girl getting another talking to. She's not going to last long. I'll be glad when she get fired. She scares me!  :yikes:


Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Karma on April 06, 2015, 07:25:05 AM
I don't work now, but my jobs did have some stories.
So, my very first job was waiting at a playhouse theater. The entire job was a bad story, getting eight tables at once, balancing 20 drinks on a tray while walking along tiered floors that gave you about two inches to walk, in the dark, and trying not to be seen. and then cleaning the entire room in 15 minutes or less. What  I didn't know then is that I had a couple of disorders that liked to kick in at the same time: a vocal cord dysfunction and another that makes my stress turn into physical symptoms. So I'd be driving home 12 at night, with my voice gone, throat swelling to close off air, and then start having paralysis and mock seizures. I learned that a bit of popcorn could stave off an attack, but I decided for my health and the health of anyone else on the road with me, I should quit XD

My next job was at a pasta house, which was normally awesome, though I did have to clean up gross things. I went there on a day off and just as my family and I were getting up to pay, I hear one of my coworkers fall down the flight of stairs. Glasses and plates she was carrying broke on the way down and were imbedded in her arm. I was actually really glad we were there so that we could take her to a doctor and my parents could go fetch her parents.

I then switched to being a child photographer. Before my Manager went on maternity leave she'd promised she'd make me full time. The replacement manager ignored her wishes, and started making someone else full time, and started enforcing rules I'd never heard of and ignoring rules that the company was very strict about (like no animals in the shooting booth). At one point I went to the hospital, my mom called them to tell them I wasn't going to be there, as I was screaming in pain and might be seriously ill. Later, on my birthday I got a call saying "Hey, glad you're better, you're fired :D" Apparently my last manager had never switched my status from "Seasonal" to "permanent." This allowed them to fire me, even under the circumstances of me thinking I was dying. I had to explain that I had been hired for Father's day and it was half a year later, in January. They let me work again, but I got the feeling I wasn't wanted so I found my next job. A few months later they went under without any warning, so I guess I was lucky!

I miss the last job I worked though. It was a not-for-profit insurance company, so we actively tried to get as much paid as we could. But I'm in training, like second day on the job, and I get a call on why someone working as a surrogate isn't covered. I didn't know this, but apparently when you adopt a baby or have a surrogate, the adopting family is supposed to pay the mother's bills. But they didn't want the family adopting to pay, they wanted the insurance company to pay, which got into so much random legal stuff that after like three hours trying to work it out with him I finally got one of our lawyers to explain it all :/ I like to think that having a hard time off of the bat made me such a great worker there. But my health kept declining, so I had to leave. I miss it a lot : <
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: elvenwine26 on April 06, 2015, 09:06:38 AM
Tittering obese man trying to corner me and get handsy with my person while I was just trying to sell chocolate. :/  It sucks being a captive audience in retail land.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Galactica on April 06, 2015, 09:42:36 AM
OMG. I have one!!! XD

I work overnights at Walfart, er.... Walmart LOL and our Co-Manager became head over overnights where he works 4 straight days and then has 4days off, pattern continues. He is your stereotypical african-american business man in a suit that HATES germs or anything gross. He really favors me because I knock all the freight out fast and work multiple areas, then I "zone" or tidy up those areas. I work about 2-4 depts a night like Grocery isles, HBA, toys, stationary/crafts, and even electronics. He calls me a super worker, both my husband and I. As some you know im veg which means I have a HIGH fiber diet and I continously eat. Inbetween my two hour breaks, I usually HAVE to go poop. At least once every 4 hours or so. Well Mr. Manager, lets call him K, loves to stand in electronics all day and have us call extensions via the work phone to see how we are doing versus walking around. He ALWAYS paged me over the intercom to call extension 105   alllll the time when I was pooping. Yup. See.... electronics is right next to the closest bathroom and I know that he sees me RUN to the bathrooms when i got the diglets. One time I was going to the bathroom and he paged me several times. I got fed up. I walked up to him and said, "K. Hows come everytime I go to the bathroom to poop, you page me!? This is the 5th time in a row! I cant pinch that fast! You know I eat nothing bit grass and stuff so from now on if you see me run to the bathroom please dont page me." He had this gross, discusted look on his face and said," Lord forbid I know what you are doing in there or I wouldnt page you! Im sorry!"

So he stops paging me and continues to page everyone else... "so-and-so call ext 105".....over the intercom. Once I was working in infants which is next door to electronics and he actually would walk to my dept and ask how im doing with the freight in person because he didnt know if I was pooping or not and didnt wanna call me. Weeelllll...... i had NO idea he was standing next to me when I was bending over to stock the sippy cups and I let a ripe juicy one loose. Yup. A big nasty fart. I just went to the restroom before and did my business so it was loud and proud. I hear K all of a sudden say, "UH thats NASTY!"  and makes a gross face and runs off. I BUST out laughing so hard. He NEVER bothered me again. EVER! I actually saw him working at another store today LOLOLOLOL maybe I scared him off! The other employees always talk about how I farted near him without me noticing LOL. I never got in trouble at all either for any of that LOLOLOL.

Not very princess-like to fart  in public that that but I thought I was alone, I SWEAR! xD

Hahaha that is a really good story.  He TOTALLY deserved that!  What an ass for paging you everytime he saw you run for the bathroom- he probably thought you were primping or slacking and wanted to get you out of there. I'm sure he just wanted to implode when you told him what you were doing!  And then farting right in front of him! hahahaha -- you totally gave him PTSD.  Dude needs to get the stick out of his rear...

Post Merge: April 06, 2015, 09:46:38 AM

Hmm-  as for my worst work story-

Well now I work as an attorney- so my worst days are usually when a sexist mean jerk-face attorney or judge gets in my face and yells at me.  I am pretty strong now, but when I first started this game (10 years ago) I used to burst into tears- it was SO mortifying!  Now I just gnash my teeth and give as good as I get.

Back when I was a nurse and before that a nurses aid,  I had a lot of bad days- and most of them involved poop or patients (usually with dementia) getting a little to handsy.  Once this old guy tweaked my nipples! I was so shocked!  Don't miss those days that's for sure...
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Beldarna on April 06, 2015, 12:32:48 PM
I've worked retail for years so I have plenty of stories, but the worst one happened last fall. I work at a movietheatre and besides selling tickets and concession we also have to check the toilets, refill papers and soap etc. One evening it was just me and two coworkers when a customer came up saying it smells really bad of poop from one of the stalls in the ladies restroom. Me being the only female staff on duty had to check it out. Turned out somebody had pooped on the floor and smeared it allover and finally left a nasty pile of toiletpaperpoop at the wall. Considering the day of the week and time in the evening it had to be an adult doing that. I was also the one who had to clean it up.. I can easily say I've never hated my life or people as much as I did that evening.

Yep! Been there and cleaned up similar.

I worked in retail for 15 years and most of my stories are REALLY gross and not PG13.

It is beggars belief what customers do and get away with :mad: :X

Love pkw xxx

I can actually say that is rather tame as to what I've had to clean up at work.

You know, working with kids or elderly it's kind of expected. My boyfriend works at a nursinghome and can tell stories of diarreahparties that would make people throw up listening to. But we two were talking retail where poop on the floor is not a daily business and not what we expect to deal with and I think you calling our stories lame is kind of rude considering our different workenviroments.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Harmonie on April 06, 2015, 01:07:59 PM
I've worked retail for years so I have plenty of stories, but the worst one happened last fall. I work at a movietheatre and besides selling tickets and concession we also have to check the toilets, refill papers and soap etc. One evening it was just me and two coworkers when a customer came up saying it smells really bad of poop from one of the stalls in the ladies restroom. Me being the only female staff on duty had to check it out. Turned out somebody had pooped on the floor and smeared it allover and finally left a nasty pile of toiletpaperpoop at the wall. Considering the day of the week and time in the evening it had to be an adult doing that. I was also the one who had to clean it up.. I can easily say I've never hated my life or people as much as I did that evening.

Yep! Been there and cleaned up similar.

I worked in retail for 15 years and most of my stories are REALLY gross and not PG13.

It is beggars belief what customers do and get away with :mad: :X

Love pkw xxx

I can actually say that is rather tame as to what I've had to clean up at work.

You know, working with kids or elderly it's kind of expected. My boyfriend works at a nursinghome and can tell stories of diarreahparties that would make people throw up listening to. But we two were talking retail where poop on the floor is not a daily business and not what we expect to deal with and I think you calling our stories lame is kind of rude considering our different workenviroments.

To be fair, she said "tame" not "lame". And I really don't think she was meaning it in a rude way, at all.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Chrissytree on April 06, 2015, 03:09:05 PM
I had two notable problems when I was working.
The first at about 16 at the local shop working Saturday mornings for a paltry £2.18 an hour (1996, not a good wage). They had a book for regular customers to pay off their bill at the end of the month. One busy day someone bought a basket worth of stuff then wanted it put in the book so I took out the receipt and went to put it in the book. A that point my boss hurried me up to deal with the next customer in the long queue so I put the receipt on the coin tray. Once the queue was gone he came back and asked what that receipt was for. By then I couldn't remember who's it was. He said I had to remember or it'd come out of my pay. I got a little over £8 a day and this bill was for £18. I racked my brain and checked the book realising it had to be this one woman who'd come in but that didn't have a recent receipt listed. I tried to explain to my boss but I couldn't vocalise very well at that age. I gave my notice the following Monday and luckily only had to work one more day. He got me to recommend someone who might like the job so I told this other girl from college... She's still working there 19 years on!

At my other job at a pet shop. They had weekend staff so I just worked weekdays but I happened to need pet food so popped in on the Saturday. It was a very hot weekend and the shop was in a greenhouse. The weekend girls hadn't opened the windows or turned the fans on so I mentioned to them that they should. I came in on the Monday and knew for sure they hadn't done anything about that. We had a family of 5 Degus for sale. They'd all died from the heat poor little things. So I had to deal with that.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: kestral_kitsune on April 06, 2015, 06:11:02 PM
I've worked retail for years so I have plenty of stories, but the worst one happened last fall. I work at a movietheatre and besides selling tickets and concession we also have to check the toilets, refill papers and soap etc. One evening it was just me and two coworkers when a customer came up saying it smells really bad of poop from one of the stalls in the ladies restroom. Me being the only female staff on duty had to check it out. Turned out somebody had pooped on the floor and smeared it allover and finally left a nasty pile of toiletpaperpoop at the wall. Considering the day of the week and time in the evening it had to be an adult doing that. I was also the one who had to clean it up.. I can easily say I've never hated my life or people as much as I did that evening.

Yep! Been there and cleaned up similar.

I worked in retail for 15 years and most of my stories are REALLY gross and not PG13.

It is beggars belief what customers do and get away with :mad: :X

Love pkw xxx

I can actually say that is rather tame as to what I've had to clean up at work.

You know, working with kids or elderly it's kind of expected. My boyfriend works at a nursinghome and can tell stories of diarreahparties that would make people throw up listening to. But we two were talking retail where poop on the floor is not a daily business and not what we expect to deal with and I think you calling our stories lame is kind of rude considering our different work enviroments.

oh jeez, TAME TAME not lame, I know for you guys who don't deal with it on a daily basis its  reallly bad day for you!

i'll just ..stop commenting on anything.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Neon Sparkle on April 06, 2015, 06:33:51 PM
I don't have one story but many smaller ones. I worked security for years, and when I started out I did a lot of bouncing and event type work. I have been scratched, pissed on, spat on and even had to perform cpr on an od at a concert.

I now work in childcare, so the nasty stuff gets worse lol. On a very regular basis (sometimes daily, but sometimes I may have a day or two incident free) I have been vomited on (yesterday was the last vomit that landed directly on me) urinated on, sometimes I have been pooped on, I also work with quiet a few additional needs children which I absolutely love, but at times they can and will lash out. Its rare a day goes by I am not hit, kicked, scratched or bitten. I had one do all that in the space of a couple of minutes yesterday whilst I tried to change his nappy. Unfortunately most of the girls I work with have no idea how to handle these children, they are either scared of them or can be too confronting for them which can make a bad situation esculate quickly.

I think the worst few moments were being projectile vomited on, and pretty much my front from the neck down, including my arms, was covered in vomit. I vomited myself once trying to clean poo out of a pair of undies. Nobody should have to do that, and if I was a parent I feel the jocks would go straight in the bin. And lastly I had one child rip their nappy off and swing it around their head like a lassoo, I have never been so glad NOT to see poo in a nappy before or after.

At our center we are supposed to throw underwear away if there is so much poop in it that it's considered unsalvageable. I have dealt with many of the same things you describe, lol.
Title: Your worst work story!
Post by: Dainty on April 08, 2015, 09:53:07 PM
Kestral don't worry,  I definitely didn't think you were being rude when I read it, I can see how beldarna maybe thought you were trying to one-up people depending on the tone she read it with,
But such is the way with text based conversations, sometimes stuff doesn't come across the way you meant it and you gotta clarify :blush: it happens!

I don't have any poop stories lol, I did used to work at goodwill processing donations and one time I found a.. Personal item in with the donations :shock: besides that I just ended up touching lots of dirt and rat poop ;-;
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: ponycake on April 08, 2015, 10:37:17 PM
Jeez, I've had it pretty good in comparison.

My worst day was just when I worked retail and I had this old b!tchy woman come up to buy all these expensive clothing items. I was polite and all and rang up her items while she ignored me and finally I told her the total and she snaps and begins screaming MY COUPON! WHERES MY COUPON!!!? I GAVE YOU MY COUPON!!!!!

She is literally shouting at me that I must have taken her coupon (I didn't but I wasn't going to deny to this crazy woman that I did). I tried to calm her down and say oh I'm not sure what happened to it but don't worry I have the same one here and I can use that, it's just the same! Didn't work. She's still like BUT I HAD MINE WHERE IS IT I GAVE IT TO YOU!!!!!!!!!! and would not calm down.

lmao. UGH. I should have called for a manager right then. I just kept trying to calm her down. We looked for it and didn't find it but I still tried to show her I applied the same coupon (it was a one time use anyway!) and I don't even remember what our last words were, she took her shopping bag and left. Then I found out she walked over and spoke to my manager (a nice one who believed me that there was something WRONG with her) but then the stupid old bag went home and took my survey and blasted me so I was talked to by like every single manager in my store. Ugh. People are really disgusting in retail. I have more but that made me angriest because it was just sooooooo over the top and unreasonable. Shouting and causing a disturbance about her effing coupon while I was nothing but polite and trying to help the crazy woman. I wish I could go to that woman's work and cause an equal scene. Disgusting person.

Thankfully I've never had to clean the bathrooms. :(
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: S.o.a.r. on April 12, 2015, 01:11:07 PM
While an intern for three years at a local animal clinic, I went through alot of stuff. My boss (whose aunt was the owner) used us interns for private errands such as; taking *their* dogs out for walks during office hours, cleaning the entire clinic while they were on their lunch break, going to the local supermarket to buy grociers and/or picking up postal packages.

But considering the subject title, one particular pet owner comes to mind. She was/is mentally ill and came to the clinic on a regular basis until one day she got some bad news from our veterinarian (the owner) which resulted in a VERY BAD MELTDOWN. Screaming and cussing on her way out, threatning to sue the clinic and reporting us to the local newspaper. This rampage ended with her forcefully slamming the front door, banging on the large display window and giving us the finger a few times before finally storming off. Needles to say, we thankfully never saw her again.

These days I *work* at a preschool and most days enjoy my job, because I get paid for my hard work and gets credit for it constantly from my co-workers and my boss. So it's a much happier and healthier work enviroment, especially for someone as sensitive as me. The only downside is getting constantly sneezed and coughed in the face by the kids... >.<
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 12, 2015, 01:20:07 PM
Most of the really bad things I am not allowed to legally tell anyone about.  :-p

Hmmm... I think the worst day at my job was when they fired my best friend.  I am walking to work, get there at like 9am, suddenly the HR manager LEAPS out the front door at me, grabs me and starts telling me in a forced whisper, "You cannot go inside!  Don't go upstairs!  Go to the coffeeshop - the other girls are there too!"

It should have occurred to me what was going on but it was really weird how they kept us all at the coffeeshop - everytime one of us would open the front door and try to leave, a staff member would lean out the front door from the office down the street and yell, "NO!  GO BACK INSIDE!"  In total, the whole experience took about 2 hours but I was in panic mode until we were allowed back into our office later that morning.  It was like... the opposite of lockdown but just as creepy!
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: ponycake on April 12, 2015, 03:22:34 PM
Most of the really bad things I am not allowed to legally tell anyone about.  :-p

Hmmm... I think the worst day at my job was when they fired my best friend.  I am walking to work, get there at like 9am, suddenly the HR manager LEAPS out the front door at me, grabs me and starts telling me in a forced whisper, "You cannot go inside!  Don't go upstairs!  Go to the coffeeshop - the other girls are there too!"

It should have occurred to me what was going on but it was really weird how they kept us all at the coffeeshop - everytime one of us would open the front door and try to leave, a staff member would lean out the front door from the office down the street and yell, "NO!  GO BACK INSIDE!"  In total, the whole experience took about 2 hours but I was in panic mode until we were allowed back into our office later that morning.  It was like... the opposite of lockdown but just as creepy!

Wth, but why? o_o
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 12, 2015, 03:40:18 PM
Wth, but why? o_o

Because apparently she threw quite the temper tantrum, she had to be physically escorted from the building, and it wasn't anything that HR wanted us to see.  :(  We are never allowed to witness "the end" for any of our co-workers.  On days when we are told not to come in until 10 am, we know what's happening.... 
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Nebula Light on April 12, 2015, 03:42:29 PM
Wow. You guys are strong, dealing with all of that nonsense.

I work at a pet store, so my experiences are kind of similar to that of a vet tech - cleaning up all of the bodily fluids and stuff. Some things I can't talk about, but mysterious animal deaths were always the worst.

Some customers were very rude, one old grouch almost got me fired. A lot of my coworkers can be dramatic and off-putting too, especially upper management.
Its sad how some people have such little regard for animals, despite my warnings and attempting to educate (in the most polite manner I can muster) and still continue to be careless.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: northstar3184 on April 12, 2015, 03:59:48 PM
Most of the really bad things I am not allowed to legally tell anyone about.  :-p

Hmmm... I think the worst day at my job was when they fired my best friend.  I am walking to work, get there at like 9am, suddenly the HR manager LEAPS out the front door at me, grabs me and starts telling me in a forced whisper, "You cannot go inside!  Don't go upstairs!  Go to the coffeeshop - the other girls are there too!"

It should have occurred to me what was going on but it was really weird how they kept us all at the coffeeshop - everytime one of us would open the front door and try to leave, a staff member would lean out the front door from the office down the street and yell, "NO!  GO BACK INSIDE!"  In total, the whole experience took about 2 hours but I was in panic mode until we were allowed back into our office later that morning.  It was like... the opposite of lockdown but just as creepy!

When I worked in a call center they used to do the same kind of thing. I remember when my class completed its initial training, they put us under lockdown in the training room so they could fire those trainees that had not performed to company standards. I always felt that was a really ridiculous way to handle things and disrespectful to those workers.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: S.o.a.r. on April 12, 2015, 11:25:53 PM
Because apparently she threw quite the temper tantrum, she had to be physically escorted from the building, and it wasn't anything that HR wanted us to see.  :(  We are never allowed to witness "the end" for any of our co-workers.  On days when we are told not to come in until 10 am, we know what's happening.... 

That's so sad! Especially knowing that yet another co-worker will be gone once you get to work... :(
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Galactica on April 13, 2015, 10:34:10 AM
Wth, but why? o_o

Because apparently she threw quite the temper tantrum, she had to be physically escorted from the building, and it wasn't anything that HR wanted us to see.  :(  We are never allowed to witness "the end" for any of our co-workers.  On days when we are told not to come in until 10 am, we know what's happening....

Wow where do you work? LOl
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: sailorstitch on April 13, 2015, 08:17:48 PM
I really didn't have any work horror stories... until about a week and a half ago.

I work in a book warehouse. This particular day I was working in my favorite location - the Disney books.  :biggrin: My job is to take the books out of plastic totes and put them in a VERY large cardboard box. And you can't just throw the books it. They have to be stacked in there neatly. We have different patterns we use for different books. The Disney location is one of the hardest because the books are all different shapes and sizes. I've been doing this job for ten years so I've developed a system. I am very good at building safe, sturdy pallets that won't fall apart when a forklift moves them.

On this day I had been at it by myself for a couple hours. Then another worker came over to help me. She's only been here for maybe a month. This was my first time interacting with her. Well, her "help" really wasn't helpful. She was putting the book in all wrong. Everything our supervisor tells us NOT to do, she was doing. I gently tried to instruct her on the correct way to pack the books. She starts screaming and cussing at me! Telling me that she knows what she's doing, that she's doing it right and that I have no business telling her how to do her job! :shocked: Since she wasn't going to take my advise or follow my lead, I decided to just fix her mistakes as she made them. That didn't last long. She started screaming and cussing at me for touching her books! She said I was doing it just to make her mad. (That's not the words she used. The mods won't let me use the words that she used.) Finally she stormed off to another location and I was able to clean up her mess in peace. But that wasn't the end of it. I got moved to the location she stormed off to. When I got there, she flipped me the finger!!!  :shocked:

My supervisor wasn't at work that day. But the next morning she got an ear full about what happened. She had a little chat with my coworker about her... less than stellar behavior. Then last week, I saw the same girl getting another talking to. She's not going to last long. I'll be glad when she get fired. She scares me!  :yikes:


Quoting myself to give you guys a bit of an update. Ms. Attitude has been fired!   :silly: I hadn't seen her for a couple days so I asked my supervisor if she was "no longer with us". My supervisor confirmed that she was gone and I replied with "Thank you!" My supervisor had to laugh because she knew I wasn't saying, "Thank you for answering my question."... but instead "Thank you for getting rid of her."  :devious:

Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Pheasant on April 13, 2015, 08:35:07 PM
Mine is absolute sunshine and rainbows in comparison to what some of you have been through! I haven't had an 'actual' job aside from livestock-sitting and volunteer work, but I'll share anyways.

I cared for my neighbors' livestock when they went to Portugal last fall. Not only did I accidentally break a plastic hummingbird feeder, but one of their Pyrenees died the very day they were coming back. I wasn't even aware until they told me a few days later! The dog was always with the sheep in the far fields, so I assumed that he was where he normally was - especially as the sheep weren't disturbed. While it was an unfortunate coincidence, it still bothers me. :huh:

I also used to volunteer at various Girl Scout events, where I was the prime target to pick on, and later steal from. Over the years I've had my lunch smashed, a few accessories stolen, and I once caught two younger girls rifling through my bag. Near the end of my troop membership, a girl I had known for nearly three years stole a pair of jeans from me during a camping trip. I'd have passed it off as a mistake if it weren't for the fact that they had been on my sleeping bag.

She returned the jeans about two weeks later (probably because they were too small for her), but refused to admit that there had been a twenty-dollar bill in one of the pockets. Nowadays, I keep everything I need where I can see it, even if it means hauling stuff from point A to point B.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Cumberbatch2012 on April 14, 2015, 10:01:13 AM
The whole 6 years at McDonald's.  The head manager was a real piece of work.  She micromanaged like crazy, governing our every breath.  She didn't like computers and didn't use Facebook, but she had the other managers watch our Facebooks constantly and if there was anything they thought even MIGHT be about McDonald's she'd drag us into the office, write us up, and threaten to sue us.  The closers, which I was one, were expected to get out by 11:30 every night, but we were yelled at if we broke things down too early.  We had to do that to make their deadline.  A double-edged sword.  I made a lot of great friends, but I can't believe I stayed there for 6 years. 
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: conyzacanadensis on April 15, 2015, 02:13:02 AM

i work in the garden center for the big blue box that isn't walmart. i was sweeping out underneath some of the tables and was occasionaly finding cat poop which isn't too surprising seeing as we have at least 5 cats living there. anywhooo so i stick my push-broom underneath another table and as i pull it out i'm greeted by at least a gallon of feral cat diarrhea sludge. i'm still trying to convince the store manager to buy some traps so i can catch/spay/release them
rewind a bit to about a month after i was hired on from seasonal to permanent. it's early september (which in socal is definitely still summer) and i'm stacking these pallets of wood stove pellets three high as per manager instruction and store policy. i'm having a heck of a time getting these things to stack because (as i soon discover) they aren't supposed to be stacked like this. so i've got 5 stacks and i'm working on my fifth when in agaonizing slow motion two of my stacks fall over. then, as i'm setting down the pallet that's still on my forklift, a third tower of wood pellets topples over. now each pallet had 65 bags so luck me got to restack 585 40lb bags in the hot summer sun. at least i had help and got 4 extra hours that day
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on April 15, 2015, 06:56:14 AM

The worst thing I ever had was the 15 propane tanks in my bins at work. I work in a bottle return center and had 3 propane tanks in the glass bin, and one that was in a cardboard box that nearly went in the baler for cardboard. All the rest have been in the garbage, so that is way I always dig through the bags, just in case.

I have also found a butane fuel tank with a welding torch in my garbage that was half filled with butane fuel, management was not thrilled. That is why I am super picky with the garbage and recycling. Recently I had a paring knife stuffed under the door of one of the machines so now I am gonna constantly look under those as well.

Oh I have a small scar from a crowbar as well, I got myself just above my right eye while removing a broken bin part. I got five stitches and have some nerve damage as well, it just makes my eyebrow itch from time to time.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: pineapplecupcake on April 15, 2015, 12:13:54 PM
Man, I have had some crappy jobs...I once worked for a guy who wouldn't pay me on time. Insultingly, he is a multi-millionaire and owns a beach-side property, but could never seem to get his act together to write my check. I was his personal assistant and met him at his gorgeous home that was full of super expensive art, a wine cellar, and glass imported from Italy. Anyway, one day I finally confronted him about the payment issue very politely, explaining that I had bills that had to get paid on certain days and such and his wife, who was home at the time came up to me and started literally screaming at me. She pointed a finger right in my face and said that I would "never work again" once she told all her friends how horrible I was (for asking for my check on time??). Anyway, I quit after that. No reason to work for psychopaths!!
The other good one was I worked in an SAT prep place as a receptionist. I also had to do a lot of filing and photocopying, but the owner had the photocopier under lock and key. He was really weird about office supplies and he would only give you like 10 pieces of paper at a time, even if he had just asked you to print a 300 page document. I had to interrupt him from meetings with prospective students and families to ask about getting stuff like more paperclips, paper, and the key to the copier like every day. What a waste of time! He also had the worst teeth, they were like raisins *shudder* Even though I didn't like him at all, I wanted to get him some toothpaste or something!!
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Archer on April 16, 2015, 05:07:03 AM
I used to work at a childrens indoor soft playcentre and i have so many delightful stories form that place lol XD Seriously the parents in those places are awful. But i have this one story that is forever burned into my mind above all of the kids pooing in the frames and vomiting in the ball pools.

I was working the reception with two hours left of my shift when a dad came over to me, looking quite upset and told me his daughter had been bitten in the frame. Not an unusual thing. The kids were forever doing things like that to each other. Leaving another girl on reception, i walked over to his table with him expecting to see a little kid with a mark on their arm or something. However the little girl was about nine and was in floods of tears which i found odd over a bite. Her dad then lifted her shirt up to show me her back and i could only describe the bite as looking like she'd been attacked by a dog. It was bright purple and red from the bruising with blood running down it and i could see just about every tooth mark. I was so shocked i didn't know what to say. After a moment i ran back to reception and put a call out for a first aider before going back to the family and asking the father if he could join me in the frames to find the child that had done it as obviously i'd need to talk to the parents. He agreed but on my way there i got stopped by another kid, maybe about ten with a bite mark on his arm, though no where near as severe, who was crying because him and his two year old sister had been bitten. I left the dad for a minute and went with the ten year old and found that his sister had a mark on her shoulder like what the other girl had. It genuinely looked like someone had tried to rip her shoulder off. Her mum was just as upset so i told the boy to run over to reception to get the first aider for his sister before i went into the frames.

Straight away it was a lot quieter than it should be in there and i looked around for this child that was biting people. We had three huge frames then so it wasn't easy. Eventually i found this kid surrounded by angry adults. He had to be about five and was swearing at the adults who practically had him cornered. I stepped in to diffuse the situation but i heart rate was through the roof. I genuinely thought they were going to attack him, they looked so angry. I told them to go back to their children and that i'd take this boy over to his parents. I took his hand to lead him away but he was swearing at me and trying to scratch me.

I'd just got him out of the frame and turned to him to ask him where his mum was as i needed to talk to her when someone came running over at me, screaming and shoved me before grabbing the kid. Then his mum got right up in my face yelling and threatening me. I can be very calm even in situations like this so i tried to explain what had happened but i knew i was sweating and shaking. There were no other staff members around and we were hidden from all other areas of the center where staff would be except for the bar area (but they were too busy slacking off to keep an eye on things even though i tried to get their attention). So just when i thought this woman was going to thump me, the other parents who i'd managed to disperse, came running back over and got between me and the mother and started yelling at her which resulted in her starting to attack them. At this point i ran to the bar and screamed for another member of staff to get me more help, get a manager and call security. It was absolutely insane.

Eventually security came and hauled the kid, his mother and mother's friend from the centre but they were swearing and trying to attack them. I was totally shook up from it all. It had been terrifying even though it was just for a few minutes. The other parents were great about the whole thing and understood, as a centre, there was nothing else we could have done. Though i had to get statements from them all to send to the police. In all i think ten to fifteen children had been bitten in various stages from what i was initially expecting to what had happened to the nine year old and two year old.

It was by far the worst day i had working there and i worked through a lot of things that would have likely made other people quit. Those few moments when it was just me and the mother were legitimately scary as there was no one else there to help me.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: ponycake on April 18, 2015, 10:59:05 PM
I used to work at a childrens indoor soft playcentre and i have so many delightful stories form that place lol XD Seriously the parents in those places are awful. But i have this one story that is forever burned into my mind above all of the kids pooing in the frames and vomiting in the ball pools.

I was working the reception with two hours left of my shift when a dad came over to me, looking quite upset and told me his daughter had been bitten in the frame. Not an unusual thing. The kids were forever doing things like that to each other. Leaving another girl on reception, i walked over to his table with him expecting to see a little kid with a mark on their arm or something. However the little girl was about nine and was in floods of tears which i found odd over a bite. Her dad then lifted her shirt up to show me her back and i could only describe the bite as looking like she'd been attacked by a dog. It was bright purple and red from the bruising with blood running down it and i could see just about every tooth mark. I was so shocked i didn't know what to say. After a moment i ran back to reception and put a call out for a first aider before going back to the family and asking the father if he could join me in the frames to find the child that had done it as obviously i'd need to talk to the parents. He agreed but on my way there i got stopped by another kid, maybe about ten with a bite mark on his arm, though no where near as severe, who was crying because him and his two year old sister had been bitten. I left the dad for a minute and went with the ten year old and found that his sister had a mark on her shoulder like what the other girl had. It genuinely looked like someone had tried to rip her shoulder off. Her mum was just as upset so i told the boy to run over to reception to get the first aider for his sister before i went into the frames.

Straight away it was a lot quieter than it should be in there and i looked around for this child that was biting people. We had three huge frames then so it wasn't easy. Eventually i found this kid surrounded by angry adults. He had to be about five and was swearing at the adults who practically had him cornered. I stepped in to diffuse the situation but i heart rate was through the roof. I genuinely thought they were going to attack him, they looked so angry. I told them to go back to their children and that i'd take this boy over to his parents. I took his hand to lead him away but he was swearing at me and trying to scratch me.

I'd just got him out of the frame and turned to him to ask him where his mum was as i needed to talk to her when someone came running over at me, screaming and shoved me before grabbing the kid. Then his mum got right up in my face yelling and threatening me. I can be very calm even in situations like this so i tried to explain what had happened but i knew i was sweating and shaking. There were no other staff members around and we were hidden from all other areas of the center where staff would be except for the bar area (but they were too busy slacking off to keep an eye on things even though i tried to get their attention). So just when i thought this woman was going to thump me, the other parents who i'd managed to disperse, came running back over and got between me and the mother and started yelling at her which resulted in her starting to attack them. At this point i ran to the bar and screamed for another member of staff to get me more help, get a manager and call security. It was absolutely insane.

Eventually security came and hauled the kid, his mother and mother's friend from the centre but they were swearing and trying to attack them. I was totally shook up from it all. It had been terrifying even though it was just for a few minutes. The other parents were great about the whole thing and understood, as a centre, there was nothing else we could have done. Though i had to get statements from them all to send to the police. In all i think ten to fifteen children had been bitten in various stages from what i was initially expecting to what had happened to the nine year old and two year old.

It was by far the worst day i had working there and i worked through a lot of things that would have likely made other people quit. Those few moments when it was just me and the mother were legitimately scary as there was no one else there to help me.

Oh. My. Freaking. God. Insanity. I don't even have words. I just read this with a shocked face the entire time. You don't know if they ended up suing the batshit woman or if she got her kid taken away? Holy crap, how could a kid have such aggression that he bite other kids as hard as he can?

Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Archer on April 19, 2015, 12:04:33 PM
I literally don't know anything that happened further from it other than they were banned from our centre and we had their photos up for about a year in the staff room saying that they were banned from the centre and if they did appear we were to call security. It was honestly the most stressful day i ever worked there just because it kept getting crazier and crazier. Kid hurting other kids and parents yelling at the staff weren't anything new, but the level of aggression of this family and the way they responded to people trying to explain what had happened was just insane. I had a few shifts after that where i was terrified in case they'd come back.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: gold.standard on April 22, 2015, 01:25:13 AM
I worked at a mcdonalds for about two years. The usual rude customer and drama was a daily thing. But there have been quite a few events that really stand out.

There was a three month period of the sewage pipes in the building blocking up and over flowing, so all three bathrooms would be flooded and unusable. But what was worst was, somehow with how the pipes worked, it also flooded the kitchen. How the owner let it go on that long that our kitchen was being flooded with 1-3 inches of poop water, I'll never know.
 There was this one customer in particular that would get very very upset if his order was wrong. One of the first big events was, his order was wrong, he got angry. He then left the store and shot out an employee's car window.
He was banned from the dinning area for that. Of course they still let him go through the drive-thru for some unknown reason. Which leads to my personal nightmare. He comes through drive-thru, I'm working the second window, I had him his food, and of course, something is wrong. He immediately freaks out and throws the sandwich back in my face and is screaming. It took everything in me to just stay calm, walk away and get a manager. He was finally completely banned after that.

Theres also all the schedule drama too, that's always fun. So one manager in particular would change the schedule after everyone already got their hours for the week, with out telling anyone. So many people got in trouble for that, and that's part of the reason I got fired. How am I supposed to show up for work when my own schedule is being changed behind my back? Same manager was also scheduling people for 5 hour and 45-55 minute shifts so they wouldn't have to give anyone breaks.
I'm so glad to not be there anymore.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Princess Lala on April 25, 2015, 09:28:01 PM
I have a NEW one just-in. Im emotional right now, it JUST happened but I almost got FIRED just now because in MY own department I had a group of teenagers throw boomerangs while OTHER customers were on the salesfloor.  I yelled at them, "EXCUSE ME PLEEAASE STOP THROWING THINGS!" and they ran off so I chased after them and asked them why was it so fun to throw things and make a mess at Walmart in the dead middle of the night. So they started laughing, they thought it was sooooo funny so I had them go pick up boomerangs because, well other people were complaining about them and they are TEENAGERS and they should know better. I told them to leave my department and if I saw them again, im calling security. Well they went and told my manager and I got a b*tchfest saying what i did was wrong. I stood up for myself, and stated next time this happens Im just going to let customers run around hitting other customers with projectiles and let her deal with it. Then I stormed off and left. So i will try again tomorrow, im just sitting here waiting for my hisbands shift to end so i can go home for the night.

EDIT: my manager knows my side of the stpry and told me if they are still around she is calling the police LoL maybe more people complained about the boomerang brigade? BUT at least my employment issafe....  its apparently PROM NITE here which explains all the stupid people -_-
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Nebula Light on April 25, 2015, 09:57:49 PM
I worked at a mcdonalds for about two years. The usual rude customer and drama was a daily thing. But there have been quite a few events that really stand out.

There was a three month period of the sewage pipes in the building blocking up and over flowing, so all three bathrooms would be flooded and unusable. But what was worst was, somehow with how the pipes worked, it also flooded the kitchen. How the owner let it go on that long that our kitchen was being flooded with 1-3 inches of poop water, I'll never know.
 There was this one customer in particular that would get very very upset if his order was wrong. One of the first big events was, his order was wrong, he got angry. He then left the store and shot out an employee's car window.
He was banned from the dinning area for that. Of course they still let him go through the drive-thru for some unknown reason. Which leads to my personal nightmare. He comes through drive-thru, I'm working the second window, I had him his food, and of course, something is wrong. He immediately freaks out and throws the sandwich back in my face and is screaming. It took everything in me to just stay calm, walk away and get a manager. He was finally completely banned after that.

Theres also all the schedule drama too, that's always fun. So one manager in particular would change the schedule after everyone already got their hours for the week, with out telling anyone. So many people got in trouble for that, and that's part of the reason I got fired. How am I supposed to show up for work when my own schedule is being changed behind my back? Same manager was also scheduling people for 5 hour and 45-55 minute shifts so they wouldn't have to give anyone breaks.
I'm so glad to not be there anymore.

Ah, I'm super sorry you got fired over that, but good thing is that you don't work there any more! Fast food is not fun, to say it nicely. Your story reminded me of one of the first jobs I took. I used to work at a Hungry Howie's (pizza joint) and people were scheduled just so that we could not get breaks. How they got away with this was because the store would experience dead zones, when no customers would come in for like half an hour or so. But it usually was not like that. My break was using the bathroom. I would pack snacks and hope I had a minute when the manager was not looking so I could take a bite of a granola bar. I have blood sugar problems, but not medically diagnosed, and I would get in trouble if I went back to eat because I felt lightheaded/tunnel vision.
Often times, there would be mess-up pizzas that would keep employees from starving. We were welcome to those, but only if given permission. Once, after a rough spell of doing multiple pizzas, we went and ate some bread for a few minutes. I had taken a few bites of mine, then was told to get back to work or do something while I ate. How..are you supposed to do something while you eat??

My manager was also super creepy. He would hit on younger girls and he was a well middle aged man. He made me very uncomfortable, and I was fired from the place because I forgot I had to work on thanksgiving.  :lol: I recently saw him at the job I have now, and when I told him I had worked there for a year, he seemed surprised. I am so, so glad I don't work there any more.
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: MiRaja on April 25, 2015, 11:42:28 PM
I'm a server, I mostly block out any of the doozies from my memory because they happen so often. . .

That said, my boss is a nightmare.  Any misogynist who says women are hormonal creatures has never met my boss, who, despite being male, is known to have crazy, ridiculous moodswings like none other.

I can take customer's and their attitudes, because I only have to deal with them a half hour to an hour at a time.

My boss on the other hand?  Yeah, no.  'Bout done with this, if only I could find a new job.  Got yelled at several times today alone, which is the reason why I am drinking so much tonight.  :sigh: 

I have never been written up in all my life, I AM a good worker, even if I come off as a total jerk online, I don't let it show in my professional appearance, however, I got wrote up for putting our very large tea urns on the floor to wash them, because when they're on the counter, 5'2 me cannot wash them out without seeing what I am doing, because on the server counter, the tops of them are nearly 6'0 over.  But yeah, I got wrote up for that.  So, torrential rain or shine, we have to run them outside of the restaurant now, out to the docks, and rinse and scrub those things with cold water, because cold water is all that comes out of the hoses outside.  Super sanitary, dude, unlike me using the near-boiling hot water from the industrial coffee makers. 

Meanwhile, I have a coworker who still has a job, who, since being hired since December, has missed over 10 shifts.  6 of which have been in the last 2 weeks.  I sure wish I could thumb my nose up at a job for 2 weeks and still have it.  Meanwhile, shifts have been cut because it's been slow, but she still gets shifts, and we've hired yet another girl, who is actually ( so far ) competent, which means if she's smart, she'll find something else.  One of my other coworkers talk in perpetual baby voice, and any time I say anything, she has to shoot me down, or complain to someone else that I actually talked, which, given her attitude, I try my best not to talk anymore except to my tables.  It's really quite depressing, quite frankly.  I only still work there because I need a job, and I've just been passed up over and over in interviews because someone else has just been a smidge better than me.  All my interviews; yes, have been good, but always someone better.  Please have some hopes for me, I had an interview last week, and will be calling them back Tuesday or so, to see if they want to hire me or not.  :/ 
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Juliepants on April 26, 2015, 12:35:33 AM
I've worked as a Healthcare Assistant/Carer/Auxilliary Nurse for 13 years, mostly with elderly people but other age groups too. So as you can imagine I have many stories of various bodily functions and being beaten up by old people. (You've not lived til you've been bitten by a 90 year old!!)
Interesting but gross stories include
"The One that Looked Like a Christmas Pudding",
"The One That 'the Dog' Did",
"The One I Caught", and,
"The One I Stepped In"!!
I've got so many stories I could write a book, which I've decided would be called, 'From Bumholes to Plugholes- the Life of a Carer'.

Jules x
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Harmonie on April 26, 2015, 06:02:57 AM
I can't say I've ever had it *really* bad. I'm an overnight stocker, so it's pretty rare for something to go wrong anywhere near the level of the stories in this topic (thankfully, I'm not on maintenance, because they have had stories. xD) especially since my store is in a safer area.

My stories are mostly annoyances:

Evening workers. This has been a consistent issue for a while now... This lady who works my aisle and the surrounding aisles during the evenings really doesn't know the first thing on stocking (either that or she's been given terrible instruction). For quite some time items had been getting stuffed in my aisle, and I mean it was BAD. She would stock entire cases in the wrong spot (like all across the aisle!), knowingly doing so so she shoved them into the back. Not to mention, she stocked laundry detergent in the toilet paper aisle... >.< When she did put items in the right spot, they are stuffed, as in she puts up way more than it can hold. She'll stuff an entire case in a spot right next to where it goes that is empty (but of course, the product that goes there comes in that night for me to stock. Inevitably).

She's probably in her late 50s/60s and seems sweet, so I can't just blow up on her... But I did find out it was her one time because she left her cart in my aisle when I came in. She went to go help some customers in another department... I went to go stock something, and notice that I couldn't put it up because it was stuffed well beyond sense... I think "I know someone's doing this... Maybe I should check her cart?" And there it was... An empty box of that product... >.> I wanted so badly to put it back in the box and send it back... (which she has left her carts behind before and left, and I did go and retrieve the empty boxes she was supposed to get rid of and put the products back in them and send them back lol) I found out that night I really should have... Because I didn't even notice, but the product she had stuffed... There was another box of it on her cart, and when she came back she stuffed it as well...

I was like...  :drunk:

It took every bit of restraint to not even say anything to her... lol. BUT once I found out who it was, I DID go to the manager about it... Who acted like she would do something about it, but a month later, nothing... The lady is still stuffing the aisle next to mine, and the man who works it is about to lose his mind. He knows it's her, too, because I told him... He might not be so nice... xD

For those who work in a job like this, you probably realize how bad this is... Her stocking those boxes that can't go up tells the computer that they can go up, and then more is ordered. When I clean it up, that box that she stuffed goes back to the back, and more and more boxes just keep on stacking up in the backroom, meanwhile the boxes in the back are sent out to me every night like they're supposed to go up... *screams* You'd think management would care about this kind of thing?

Otherwise, customers can be really annoying, too. They very rarely give me any kind of attitude, but they have the tendency to always be in the way. lol. But the most annoying I've dealt with are groups that decide to come into the aisle, not shop and just stand around having conversations. On two different occasions I have had a couple of middle aged women come into a part of the aisle, stop and have a conversation for over an hour... They're not even pretending to shop, so they can't be helped... They just want to talk. How incredibly inconsiderate can people be? It's no problem to stop and talk, but they just need to do it somewhere that's not in the way? They see me... They know what I'm there for...

Lastly, cleaning up messes. It's less the messes themselves (which have never been gross like the ones in this topic!) and more the fact that they just take time, which is something we do not have. lol. The worst for me personally are bleach spills (which have so much specific instruction, and can not be kept in boxes until later, because they eat through them!) and then this one time where I was pulling a really horribly stacked pallet into my aisle and it hit and knocked down this stack of 24 packs of Dr. Pepper... Enough said, right?
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Princess Lala on April 26, 2015, 07:28:16 AM
^Maddie, im an overnight stocker too! ^ͺ^ ive been doing that fpr 3 years now, and I agree! Problems are sort-of-rare. We get customers who are theifs every now and then at about 3am as well as a few drunks LOL but otherwise my job is.... ok.  And thank GOSH im not in maintenence!!!! Our friend is on maintenence (the obe who cleans the bathrooms) and ooooh man the stories he tells me of what he finds in the toilets (and on the FLOOR next to the toilet) SCARE me! D: he will share that stuff on break, like, "oh MAN i just cleaned the front-end girls' bathroom and someone left _____ on ______!" (usually poop, used pads, omg and....vomit!) X'(
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Iris Patch on April 26, 2015, 08:00:46 AM
I saw the signs things were going downhill and I reached the limit of what they would teach me, so I left my job... friends who still worked there told me that the new boss held a meeting where he devolved into a deranged rant about how horrible Georgia cockroaches were and how they lay their eggs in the corregations in cardboard. He apparently ranted about this for quite a while to his captive audience, complete with mandible hand motions and sound effects. He's also threatened to "kill anyone that bothers him" on occasion.

I'm trying to think of examples of bad things that happened when I still worked there but mostly the weird stuff that happened was just funny and unprofessional, not outright terrible. I guess it was really crappy when they decided out of the blue they couldn't trust us and started nannying us and making everyone take their breaks at the same time every day and completely restricted the freedoms that we used to take for granted. Oh, and I never had a performance review or a raise in 2.5 years, that was pretty bad. New employees make like $1-1.50 less than what I was paid, they're such cheapskates!
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Harmonie on April 26, 2015, 09:28:07 AM
^Maddie, im an overnight stocker too! ^ͺ^ ive been doing that fpr 3 years now, and I agree! Problems are sort-of-rare. We get customers who are theifs every now and then at about 3am as well as a few drunks LOL but otherwise my job is.... ok.  And thank GOSH im not in maintenence!!!! Our friend is on maintenence (the obe who cleans the bathrooms) and ooooh man the stories he tells me of what he finds in the toilets (and on the FLOOR next to the toilet) SCARE me! D: he will share that stuff on break, like, "oh MAN i just cleaned the front-end girls' bathroom and someone left _____ on ______!" (usually poop, used pads, omg and....vomit!) X'(

I think you typed the wrong name there. lol  :P

Anyway, that's the exact amount of time I've been working, too! I really hate that it's during the nights, it feels so unnatural... But I like the fact that it's a job where you don't deal with many people... I mean aside from the coworkers and their drama. *sigh*

I think my coworkers and I just don't much care about thief's. Does that sound awful? It's not like we can do anything about them, either way. If the company cared, they'd hire security during the nights.

Yeah, maintenance have had a couple of nightmare stories where I work, but as far as I know it kind of stops there... Our store is shockingly clean, and I've never encountered anything outside of where it was supposed to be in the bathroom aside from toilet paper and paper towels... Seems like people can't handle properly disposing of those, which I don't really understand, but whatever... the lack of pads/tampons and ...waste on the floor is appreciated. xD
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: rybett on April 26, 2015, 09:51:27 AM
There were several teens at Walmart throwing balls around the toy area.  All of a sudden I heard a loud voice say "please don't mess with the balls!!"  Dude working in the area.  As I walked by him I thanked him for that.  :)
Title: Re: Your worst work story!
Post by: Rosencrantz on April 28, 2015, 03:54:33 AM
Some of these stories!

A lot of mine aren't ones I should share - either because of my boss's virulent racism or the fact that bullying in the workplace is just depressing to remember.

But there was one... For a brief bizarre period I worked for a landscaping company that was the Worst Company Ever.

I was his 'secretary' which meant I scheduled their jobs and time sheets and carried a cellphone around to answer for him. He expected me to work 9-5 and only wanted to pay me 3 hours a day and implied heavily I was being greedy when I wanted paid actual time scheduled.

Okay, so during this job:

He was actually fully scheduled with no room for new clients for at least four months. I was under orders to tell anyone who phoned that he would get to them immediately. The same people would phone every day, getting increasingly freaked out. I am pretty sure my soul is tarnished from that, even if I did HEAVILY IMPLY if it was incredibly important it be done that weekend for a wedding they might want to find someone else.

He insulted me for 'driving like a girl' whatever that means.

He told me gas would be paid for because he lived thirty minutes away from me and wanted to come over every day. Eventually he said only if I went to this one specific station he didn't tell me about for weeks and even then it didn't work.

I was collecting the timesheets and came across him yelling curses at his cellphone. It turned out that the bank had denied him a loan to pay us and that was his response.

He was ranting at me one day for something very trivial, like being unable to get him to pick up when I had a message for him. I can't quite remember. But what I do remember was going 'aaaand I think I quit'

He didn't pay me for my last two weeks of work.
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