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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: PinkiePosh on July 27, 2014, 09:32:30 AM

Title: The worst movie ever made
Post by: PinkiePosh on July 27, 2014, 09:32:30 AM
Yesterday at the thrift store my mom and I found this gem :

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"Miss Cast Away and The Island of Girls" with Micheal Jackson. It was so horrible we had to buy it and watch it. It's quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen, which only increased its entertainment value. Its so bad that its good.

Here's the trailer : (

:drunk: :silly:
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Miss Violet on July 27, 2014, 09:42:42 AM
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Troll was one of the worst movies ever it was so bad that it became a cult "bad" but sooo good! (

Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Aflame on July 27, 2014, 10:07:02 AM
mega shark vs collosal squid
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: PinkiePosh on July 27, 2014, 10:29:41 AM
Sharknado is one of those terrible movies I love, too ! I recommend it. I cant wait for the second!
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: StoryDreamer on July 27, 2014, 11:29:01 AM
Troll 2 is amazing.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Beldarna on July 27, 2014, 11:35:45 AM
That really looked like an awesomely bad movie. I could hardly finnish watching the trailer :lol:

I really don't recommend Only God Forgives. It was so bad I wanted to leave the screen but didn't want to leave my friend who I thought was interested in it so I endured it all. Afterwards she told me she thought the same thing about me XD. It was so weird, and odd and bad.

Going down in Lalaland was also really bad. But it was bad in a nice way, like we watched it because we already knew it was bad.

A Million ways to die in the West was also really, really bad. And I'm a small fan of Family Guy but this one I could not like anything with, except the last minute.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: slyons on July 27, 2014, 11:37:04 AM
Freddy Got Fingered starring Tom Green. Stopped watching 20 minutes in.
The most people I have ever seen walk out of a theater before halfway through the movie? House of 1000 Corpses directed by Rob Zombie.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Nightbow on July 27, 2014, 12:42:30 PM
Holey moley Pinkie! It's hard watching that trailer and believing it's an actual movie! It looks so stupid, and intentionally so.

The live action version of Avatar the Last Air Bender is really awful. (The main character is called "Ahhngh!") I also really despised The Hunchback of Notre Dame II. Eragon was pretty bed, but at least it worked better than that lost cause of a book.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Sora on July 27, 2014, 01:01:19 PM
I don't watch a lot of movies unless they're animated, sooo....


The animation is beyond a joke, the world rules are never explained, the storyline is everywhere, the jokes are unfunny, I could go on. >>;
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: June on July 27, 2014, 01:07:44 PM
Hahaha Pinke, now I know what will be the next birthday present for my friend who's really into film :lol:

And as for recommendation - Noboru Iguchi's films :P
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: kaoskat on July 27, 2014, 01:19:37 PM
I ummmmm....... I dunno.......I'm afraid I don't bother remembering them when they are awful.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Snix on July 27, 2014, 02:51:23 PM
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Talking about trash cinema, you need to know the wonders of the turkish cinema to discover the felicity in life.

Noting the scenes when one guy with a motorcycle helmet simulate that pilote a ship with background scenes DIRECTLY STOLEN from lucas movie..
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: brighteyes on July 27, 2014, 03:42:25 PM
Survival 1990 aka Survival Earth

It's like some film school project that they got bored with half way through and just ended.  The plot makes no sense, they introduce elements that go no where and the acting is terrible.  Even as terrible as it was, I kind of liked it ^^;
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: octocorn on July 27, 2014, 04:23:26 PM
Birdemic, it's funny bad (

The Room is a classic too.  (
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: flyawayraven on July 27, 2014, 04:29:53 PM
Excaliber. Hoo boy is that bad.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Haruna on July 27, 2014, 04:52:11 PM
Holey moley Pinkie! It's hard watching that trailer and believing it's an actual movie! It looks so stupid, and intentionally so.

The live action version of Avatar the Last Air Bender is really awful. (The main character is called "Ahhngh!") I also really despised The Hunchback of Notre Dame II. Eragon was pretty bed, but at least it worked better than that lost cause of a book.

Yeah, the live action Last Airbender is hilariously terrible. "Ahhngh" instead of "Ang" and "Soak-uh" instead of "Sock-uh," etc. My brother and sister and I rented it knowing it got 6% on Rotten Tomatoes and had a hilarious time making fun of it. The animated series is nothing like the live-action and is way better, though, I must add for anyone who hasn't seen the cartoon.

I saw Eragon so long ago, but I do remember it being pretty funny, unfortunately for fans of the book like my siblings. I think Saphira is cool in it, but I don't remember much of it. I just remember goofy lines like the main villain growling, "I suffer without my egg" (he's looking for one of the last dragon eggs) and stuff. :)

I love Mystery Science Theater 3000 -- you know, the show where they make fun of terrible movies. If you love mocking terrible movies, you have to see MST3K!
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Radha on July 27, 2014, 04:55:42 PM
Troll 2 is amazing.

 Oh my goodness- I so agree!  We put this one the screen at our Halloween party and just roasted it with our friends.  It was great.

  An no, it doesn't really have anything to do with Troll I.  I think that makes it even better.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Majesty on July 27, 2014, 05:02:54 PM
I've seen a lot of bad ones but one that sticks to my mind is the Halloween remake by Rob Zombie.  No offense to Rob Zombie fans but that movie was horrible.  I'm a fan of the classic horror movies and we ended up seeing this in theaters.  Waste of money.  I hate how they have sex and overly done gore in horror movies.  It's stupid.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Emberfly on July 27, 2014, 05:07:55 PM
Love Wine.  I couldn't get more than 15 minutes through it the story and acting were just so bad.  It was horrid, just horrid.  According to IMDB, it seems it just gets worse.  Stay clear.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Corona on July 27, 2014, 05:15:57 PM
I love so bad it's good movies. That's one of my hobbies. I make time to go to Rocky Horror once a month with my friends and there are movies that even I couldn't stomach.

Commonly listed as the worst but I disagree, Plan 9 From Outer Space is bad in that it makes no sense and Ed Wood is a weirdo, but it's at least entertainingly shlocky. Like watching failure in slow motion.

Worst movie ever? The Notebook tied with Titanic. Titanic makes me angry as a historian (with added blech-factor for their depiction of Isidor and Ida Straus (, the couple whose story they borrowed and ruined to make that movie) but the Notebook just baffles me on many levels leaving aside my dislike of romance films. I"m not sure why we're supposed to like the characters. I mean the rich-poor divide was done awesomely in Princess Bride and this is no Princess Bride.

Snix: Oh man the training sequence from Turkish Star Wars had me in stitches. And if you haven't already seen it, watch Italian Spiderman. It's so goofy.

I love Mystery Science Theater 3000 -- you know, the show where they make fun of terrible movies. If you love mocking terrible movies, you have to see MST3K!
Yes! Someone else who loves MST3K! That show was my childhood and now my adulthood. The whiteboard in my apartment has the seat, bots, and Mike/Joel (whichever you prefer) silhouette at the bottom.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Haruna on July 27, 2014, 05:21:58 PM
Worst movie ever? The Notebook tied with Titanic. Titanic makes me angry as a historian (with added blech-factor for their depiction of Isidor and Ida Straus (, the couple whose story they borrowed and ruined to make that movie) but the Notebook just baffles me on many levels leaving aside my dislike of romance films. I"m not sure why we're supposed to like the characters. I mean the rich-poor divide was done awesomely in Princess Bride and this is no Princess Bride.

Wow, I followed that link to the real-life story of Isidor and Ida Straus, and it's beautifully sad. Wow.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Marlin on July 27, 2014, 05:51:01 PM
We have what is known as the Brotherhood of the Wolf scale in our house.

Back in the day, I saw a write up of it when it came out - the style and pics looked great, story sounded interesting... and I managed to convince a whole bunch of people to come and see it with us at the cinema.

O.m.g it was such an embarrassment and it was a long time before anyone trusted me with film choices for a long time lol!

So now, if a film is bad, we compare it to Brotherhood of the Wolf  :lol:  The only other film in recent memory that we simply couldn't bear watching any longer was Punch Drunk Love with Adam Sandler. So many reviews I'd read were singing its praises so i hired it out. I have since learned it's one of those 'love it or hate it' films. Well... we were in the hate it group. We stuck with it for about 45 minutes then changed over to Magic Mike, which even my husband found 100 times more entertaining!

Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: mlp4me on July 27, 2014, 06:30:54 PM
The Wraith. So many nice 80's cars, but Charlie Sheen wasn't "winning" when he made that one. I have watched this movie once.
Going Overboard, I love you Adam Sandler, but NO! Hubby and I hoped he would drown... LOL. Watched a half hour of it before I walked out of the room.
Copper Mountain. I couldn't get through the first 10 minutes of this movie. Jim Carrey rocks my socks, but what a stinker!
Babes in Toyland. What were you thinking Keanu Reeves? Geesh. Watched this one as a kid at a friend's house. Thinking back now it was horrible.
Any Mary Kate and Ashley movie. Don't ask questions, just run away.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: MilkyTaroMochi on July 27, 2014, 07:09:04 PM
I don't watch a lot of movies unless they're animated, sooo....


The animation is beyond a joke, the world rules are never explained, the storyline is everywhere, the jokes are unfunny, I could go on. >>;
I saw a Nostalgia Critic review on that movie. Goodness it's horrible! :( I dunno if I could bring myself to sit through it.

I dunno if it's the worst ever, but I know both of the animated/cartoon Titanic movies were very bad (and offensive) in their own ways.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on July 27, 2014, 07:11:42 PM
How about some of those Disney/pixar knock offs.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: klein on July 27, 2014, 07:29:43 PM
The original Hills Have Eyes 2, it made no sense you know it's bad when even the dog had a flashback trying to explain away some of the continuity disparities. The worst part is I had to spend quite a while actively seeking it out find a copy knowing it was awful  :lol: . The new Hills Have Eyes 2 is not exactly stellar either but looks like Oscar worthy material compared to the original. 

Garzey's wing is a really, horrible awful bad anime made even more absurd by it's wretched dub.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: LadyMoondancer on July 27, 2014, 09:24:53 PM
I don't watch a lot of movies unless they're animated, sooo....


The animation is beyond a joke, the world rules are never explained, the storyline is everywhere, the jokes are unfunny, I could go on. >>;

Food Fight is TERRIBLE and it goes on forever.  Also, the moral is "don't buy generic brands of food, buy brand names!"  Seriously.

You know another terrible animated movie?  Bee Movie.  I think I might hate that one more than Food Fight, just for the "you know who hates bees, beekeepers!" plot.  It's so stupid and the jokes are stupid.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: tikibirds on July 27, 2014, 09:44:42 PM
Jeepers Creepers!
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Midnight_Dream on July 28, 2014, 03:59:15 AM
I am just going to be "that person" and say all the Twilight movies were pure and utter garbage. My friend had me watch the first one on DVD and I could not make it through the whole thing without laughing at the poorly written script and bad acting(which is sad because those movies do have some really good actors in them).

I would also like to say, as a huge fan of the books, that the Harry Potter movies are just terrible. They just...yeah, don't get me started. Only Deathly Hallows part one was the best and that was only because it followed the book more closely than any of the others did.

I could also rage for days about how terrible the Last Airbender movie was, but my friends have listened to enough of that nerd rage that I will spare you all. :P
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: sparkykandy on July 28, 2014, 05:47:13 AM
I once watched Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li with a friend.  It was terrible.  Not this is so bad it's funny terrible like with the first live action Street Fighter movie but just flat out terrible.  We also watched the live action Avatar: The Last Airbender movie too.  Also pretty bad. 

Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Cool.Breeze on July 28, 2014, 06:12:34 AM
Alien Apocalypse by Bruce Campbell is fantastic <3

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Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: ringwraith10 on July 28, 2014, 08:05:04 AM
Excaliber. Hoo boy is that bad.
Strongly agreed.

And that Castaway movie may be bad-in-a-good-way, but the Tom Hanks Castaway was extremely painful for me to watch, it was so bad.

My list is bad movies that people should never, ever see they're just so bad:

Some other movie I recently saw but forgot the name of (sorry)

Bad movies that are hilarious to watch over and over again:

Eragon (I freaking love that movie! Eragon is incapable of removing his tight leather pants.)

Bad Movies that I thought were good when I was little:

Ferngully (I was so disappointed when I saw it again as an adult)

Yeah, so my lists are rather un-list-like. Too tired right now to think!

Post Merge: July 28, 2014, 08:09:59 AM

Holey moley Pinkie! It's hard watching that trailer and believing it's an actual movie! It looks so stupid, and intentionally so.

The live action version of Avatar the Last Air Bender is really awful. (The main character is called "Ahhngh!") I also really despised The Hunchback of Notre Dame II. Eragon was pretty bed, but at least it worked better than that lost cause of a book.

Yeah, the live action Last Airbender is hilariously terrible. "Ahhngh" instead of "Ang" and "Soak-uh" instead of "Sock-uh," etc. My brother and sister and I rented it knowing it got 6% on Rotten Tomatoes and had a hilarious time making fun of it. The animated series is nothing like the live-action and is way better, though, I must add for anyone who hasn't seen the cartoon.

I saw Eragon so long ago, but I do remember it being pretty funny, unfortunately for fans of the book like my siblings. I think Saphira is cool in it, but I don't remember much of it. I just remember goofy lines like the main villain growling, "I suffer without my egg" (he's looking for one of the last dragon eggs) and stuff. :)

I love Mystery Science Theater 3000 -- you know, the show where they make fun of terrible movies. If you love mocking terrible movies, you have to see MST3K!

No, no. No. The villain says, "I suffer without my stone!" Knowing perfectly well that it's an egg. Not a stone. This is one of my favorite lines in movie history.

And The Last Airbender was so bad my brain has completely wiped it out and I was unable to mention it. I don't think anyone has any lines more complex than, "Hi. How. Are. You. Today."

Oh, and guys? I watched the original MLP movie again recently. It's honestly pretty bad as well. Just saying. I didn't realize how mean and grumpy Gusty was. No wonder she was my favorite pony!
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: melodys_angel on July 28, 2014, 08:49:44 AM
Any of the B movies.  I cant sit through 10 minutes of one without shutting it off!
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Snix on July 28, 2014, 10:50:09 AM
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Another classic of trash cinema. There are actors loved for the cammera....and actors who are hated by it and could be killed by it if the camera could talk... Matt Hannon is in the second group, atention at the hair and the faces..

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Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: June on July 28, 2014, 10:55:54 AM
Looks like I'll have to watch Eragon again. I've seen it at the cinema when I was in like 7th-8th grade ? but I don't remember it being horrible XD
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: flyawayraven on July 28, 2014, 11:51:46 AM
I hesitate to count MST3K. The commentary at least makes the movies tolerable!

Then again I still have yet to see Manos sooo.....
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: octocorn on July 28, 2014, 12:29:51 PM
omg I remember when the Garbage Pail Kids movie came out on DVD I was so excited to buy it because I loved it as a kid, and it was AWFUL! I couldn't get through 15 minutes of it.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: SilverHorsey on July 28, 2014, 12:52:03 PM
Michael Jackson's in it!!! I don't care about anything else in that movie than MJ!

Don't mind me, just another crazy fan :P
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: alkevin on July 28, 2014, 02:13:44 PM
Hate Godzilla, loved nostalgia critic´s review.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: gemini_pony on July 28, 2014, 02:17:08 PM
Freddy Got Fingered starring Tom Green. Stopped watching 20 minutes in.
The most people I have ever seen walk out of a theater before halfway through the movie? House of 1000 Corpses directed by Rob Zombie.
What House of 1000 corpses is not a bad movie....
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Icecrystalline on July 28, 2014, 02:21:56 PM
I think Eragon was an amazing movie, I'm amazed anyone thought it was bad, I was gutted the company decided not to make the sequels.

Worst movies ever? Twilight. All of them. Tacky in my opinion, although I'll never like that sort of film. Bleurgh!

Other bad ones I regret wasting time watching? Dang, I forgot the name of the one I was thinking of, I'll try and remember tomorrow.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: MilkyTaroMochi on July 28, 2014, 04:56:14 PM
Hate Godzilla, loved nostalgia critic´s review.
i actually liked the 90s US Godzilla movie. Granted,  I am the person who always roots for the "animal/aliens/monster" in movies like that. xD

One movie I really disliked was Napoleon Dynamite. I know everyone in my high school thought it was the funniest thing ever when it came out, but I thought it was extremely dumb, save for two scenes.
the infamous "dance" scene, and at the end of the movie/post credits when IIRC Napoleon's brother sings a song to his newly wed wife at the wedding.
Normally I would enjoy movies like ND, but for some reason I just couldn't like it.

Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: mlp4me on July 28, 2014, 05:03:58 PM
Looks like I'll have to watch Eragon again. I've seen it at the cinema when I was in like 7th-8th grade ? but I don't remember it being horrible XD
You're correct, Eragon wasn't horrible! It was too much book condensed into a single movie without Paolini's input (movie based on the book-in beginning credits)...
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Kaeldre on July 28, 2014, 06:44:17 PM
Eragon - Loved the book, but the movie honestly bored me.

Superbad - PAINFULLY obvious that this was made for high school and college age guys.  I didn't even make it ten minutes into the movie before turning it off.  Though, there are other movies that fall under this category that I love like 'Accepted' and 'American Pie'.

Sorority Row - Really cheap slasher movie.  And when I say 'cheap' I mean "The killer is hiding behind the door of the room that person just walked in" cheap.

Fahrenheit 451 (1966) - This book-to-movie adaptation will always be the worst to me.  I've read the book cover to cover at least 5 times and could probably write a 20 page thesis on why the movie was terrible.  Granted, I know that special effects weren't great at the time, but they could have at least made it look like they tried!  Not to mention the fact that the plot of the movie was nowhere NEAR close to the book plot.  Here's the trailer.  If you've read the book or are familiar with it, then you'll see what I mean:  The movie's only saving grace was the soundtrack. :/
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on July 28, 2014, 07:15:08 PM
I'm surprised to see Rob Zombie's House of a Thousand Corpses and Halloween remake being mentioned here, I enjoyed both of those movies as well as the other films that he's made. Granted I don't feel that his version of Halloween holds a candle to John Carpenters, but as far as remakes/new visions go it was done really well. Not to mention the fact that the original actress that played Jamie in the Halloween films was also in Rob Zombie's Halloween films.

I really enjoyed Cast Away w/ Tom Hanks, the only thing I couldn't understand was how someone could be in that situation and never once utter a curse word :blink:

The movie below is the worst movie I have ever seen in regards to acting, script, storyline etc:

The Hospital (Low budget, terrible script, horrific acting, totally degrading towards women in every single way) The only reason I watched this movie from start to finish is because we ordered it on demand and it was pricey, so I wasn't going to let the money go to waste.

Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: slyons on July 28, 2014, 07:46:23 PM
Freddy Got Fingered starring Tom Green. Stopped watching 20 minutes in.
The most people I have ever seen walk out of a theater before halfway through the movie? House of 1000 Corpses directed by Rob Zombie.
What House of 1000 corpses is not a bad movie....

I didn't really say it was a bad movie myself, but a quarter of the people who were in the theatre that night left before it ended, I had never seen that before. I remember just watching person after person leave and not coming back :huh:
So I was just putting up the argument that many other people thought it was bad. I stayed till the end.  :)
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Kaeldre on July 28, 2014, 08:47:28 PM
Hate Godzilla, loved nostalgia critic´s review.
i actually liked the 90s US Godzilla movie. Granted,  I am the person who always roots for the "animal/aliens/monster" in movies like that. xD

One movie I really disliked was Napoleon Dynamite. I know everyone in my high school thought it was the funniest thing ever when it came out, but I thought it was extremely dumb, save for two scenes.
the infamous "dance" scene, and at the end of the movie/post credits when IIRC Napoleon's brother sings a song to his newly wed wife at the wedding.
Normally I would enjoy movies like ND, but for some reason I just couldn't like it.

It's funny, Napoleon Dynamite is one of those movies where there doesn't seem to be any in-between.  People either really love it, or they really dislike it.  I'm part of the 'really love it' crowd.  Even to this day, I still find it funny for some reason, though I can kinda see why people don't like it.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Honey Bunches on July 29, 2014, 09:04:35 AM
The Straight Story

It's about an old man traveling across the US on a riding lawn mower only to find that the brother he was going to see had already died. So he turned around and drove home.

It was so horrifically boring that I actually cried.

My uncle made us watch it when he lived with us.
(My apologies if you've seen this movie and liked it. I found it torturous.)
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Midnight_Dream on July 29, 2014, 09:08:22 AM
See, I think House of 1000 Corpses is a terrible movie because I am not into this new fad with horror movies where the more gore you throw at a screen suddenly makes a movie scary. Not to sound like a snob, but I miss how it was in old movies where it was what you didn't see that made things scary because the director trusted the audience was imaginative enough to come up with what was going on off screen.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: SourdoughStomper on July 29, 2014, 09:17:52 AM
Star Wars prequels. Ick. *clings to originals plus Timothy Zahn books*
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: elvenwine26 on July 29, 2014, 09:24:18 AM
This....was an awful movie.  I don't know how I ever made it through the whole thing in junior high.  I tried to watch it again and just couldn't deal.
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House of a 1000 corpses was not my favorite, BUT they did make a sequel called the Devil's Rejects which I thought was pretty good.  It had one of my favorite movie soundtracks.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Cool.Breeze on July 29, 2014, 09:28:51 AM
This....was an awful movie.  I don't know how I ever made it through the whole thing in junior high.  I tried to watch it again and just couldn't deal.
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House of a 1000 corpses was not my favorite, BUT they did make a sequel called the Devil's Rejects which I thought was pretty good.  It had one of my favorite movie soundtracks.

You've made me morbidly curious about Spice World. I know I've seen it, but I don't remember ANY of it. I kinda wanna see how much I can actually sit through XD
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: elvenwine26 on July 29, 2014, 09:35:25 AM
You've made me morbidly curious about Spice World. I know I've seen it, but I don't remember ANY of it. I kinda wanna see how much I can actually sit through XD
Do so with the awareness that you will never get back the time it took to watch it.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Cool.Breeze on July 29, 2014, 10:07:29 AM
You've made me morbidly curious about Spice World. I know I've seen it, but I don't remember ANY of it. I kinda wanna see how much I can actually sit through XD
Do so with the awareness that you will never get back the time it took to watch it.

I shall proceed with caution :lol:

I can't believe I forgot about THIS gem, so terrible, so good <3

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Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on July 29, 2014, 11:34:54 AM
See, I think House of 1000 Corpses is a terrible movie because I am not into this new fad with horror movies where the more gore you throw at a screen suddenly makes a movie scary. Not to sound like a snob, but I miss how it was in old movies where it was what you didn't see that made things scary because the director trusted the audience was imaginative enough to come up with what was going on off screen.

I completely understand where you're coming from in that sense. I don't mind gore, but I definitely prefer the older horror movies with the suspense, my imagination is far worse than anything I could see onscreen, especially with all the reading that I do.

I'm a horror movie buff, I love watching them, but I'll fully admit that horror movies today are nothing compared to the gems that we grew up with. Todays horror films are all about the shock value and making you feel queasy, whereas horror movies growing up were the stuff of nightmares, completely based on the thrill, suspense and where your mind chooses to go with it. Not to mention that horror movies now seem to be ruined by focusing on sex and gratuitous nudity when it would've been miles better without reverting to that (Hostel films for instance).

You've made me morbidly curious about Spice World. I know I've seen it, but I don't remember ANY of it. I kinda wanna see how much I can actually sit through XD
Do so with the awareness that you will never get back the time it took to watch it.

I shall proceed with caution :lol:

I can't believe I forgot about THIS gem, so terrible, so good <3

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I completely agree about Spice World, terrible movie, so bad I completely forgot about it. Proceed with caution :P

I loved Maximum Overdrive, I think it was one of the better Stephen King books/short stories turned into a movie. For me, a lot of movies based on Stephen Kings work just lack something, most are more enjoyable if you aren't an avid reader, otherwise you just pick it apart -_-
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: flyawayraven on July 29, 2014, 12:49:22 PM
I actually really liked Silver Bullet which was based on King's novella, Cycle of the Werewolf. It was a typical 80's werewolf horror movie but I thought it was actually better than some of its contemporaries.

Then again, I'm firmly on the werewolf side of the werewolf versus vampire argument, so I'm biased. :p
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: ZennaBug on July 29, 2014, 01:18:25 PM
My first thought was Sharknado. I watched it for the first time recently when it popped up on netflix. I'd never heard of it and thought it would be worth a laugh. It was horrifying lol!
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: MilkyTaroMochi on July 29, 2014, 01:32:39 PM
My first thought was Sharknado. I watched it for the first time recently when it popped up on netflix. I'd never heard of it and thought it would be worth a laugh. It was horrifying lol!
Sharknado's on Netflix? *makes a mental note of it* xD
Sharknado became infamous because of how bad it is. I know the sequel movie "Sharknado 2: The Second One" is premiering tomorrow night on SyFy.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: LadyMoondancer on July 29, 2014, 01:35:27 PM
Oh wow, how could I forget the live-action "Avatar: The Last Airbender"?

I think my brain erased as much of it as possible from my memory to spare me the pain.  It was so bad.  Soooo baaaad.   The stiff acting, the whitewashing, the bad CGI, the fact that it took like ten Earthbenders to dance around for three minutes to move ONE STONE . . .

Oh! Oh!  I remembered another terrible movie! 

The Creeping Terror (

Made in 1964, it is the tale of two fake looking monsters that eat people who run away very, very slowly and trip over things a lot.  One of the weirdest things is that they just cut out the audio of the characters talking out of parts of it and just had a narrator.  Rumor has it this was because the crappy audio reel degraded while they were waiting for it to be released.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Melodia on July 29, 2014, 01:38:22 PM
The happening
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Haruna on July 29, 2014, 01:51:46 PM

Post Merge: July 28, 2014, 08:09:59 AM

Holey moley Pinkie! It's hard watching that trailer and believing it's an actual movie! It looks so stupid, and intentionally so.

The live action version of Avatar the Last Air Bender is really awful. (The main character is called "Ahhngh!") I also really despised The Hunchback of Notre Dame II. Eragon was pretty bed, but at least it worked better than that lost cause of a book.

Yeah, the live action Last Airbender is hilariously terrible. "Ahhngh" instead of "Ang" and "Soak-uh" instead of "Sock-uh," etc. My brother and sister and I rented it knowing it got 6% on Rotten Tomatoes and had a hilarious time making fun of it. The animated series is nothing like the live-action and is way better, though, I must add for anyone who hasn't seen the cartoon.

I saw Eragon so long ago, but I do remember it being pretty funny, unfortunately for fans of the book like my siblings. I think Saphira is cool in it, but I don't remember much of it. I just remember goofy lines like the main villain growling, "I suffer without my egg" (he's looking for one of the last dragon eggs) and stuff. :)

I love Mystery Science Theater 3000 -- you know, the show where they make fun of terrible movies. If you love mocking terrible movies, you have to see MST3K!

No, no. No. The villain says, "I suffer without my stone!" Knowing perfectly well that it's an egg. Not a stone. This is one of my favorite lines in movie history.

You are right! I totally forgot that. Makes it even funnier! They needed a better script writer, I think. The story obviously had potential!

I hesitate to count MST3K. The commentary at least makes the movies tolerable!

Then again I still have yet to see Manos sooo.....

Oh, definitely, MST3K isn't a bad movie in itself. I just referenced it because it's fun to watch them mock bad movies. :)
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Rainbow Dash on July 29, 2014, 05:50:02 PM
One movie I really disliked was Napoleon Dynamite.

Oh thank goodness, I thought I was the only one who hated that movie.  I couldn't even make it fifteen minutes in.  The friends who insisted I needed to see the movie said 'you have to watch it three or four times before it's funny' and my response was 'Why would I watch it that many times if I didn't like it the first time?'
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on July 30, 2014, 01:21:00 AM
i don't think any ones said it  yet  but


tho i do think  some modern movies  are  far worse than this timeless classic.

like  ALL of  the   Shark themed movies ,
isn't there a ghost shark  one  recently?
eh any hoo
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Archer on July 30, 2014, 01:57:07 AM
Aside from obviously bad movies like the sharknado movies which cross a line of 'so bad its funny', some movies i cannot stand are:
The star wars prequels - I do not have enough time in the world to rant about the amount of shoddy effects, wooden acting and terrible dialogue these three movies contain. I didn't care for any of the characters and there are more plot holes in there than i care to count.
The ninth gate - Always come to mind when i think of bad movies. I was really, really enjoying this movie till about half way and it just went from a movie that made you think, to stupidity and left me at the end of the movie staring blankly at the screen wondering what i just watched lol.

And my worst movie, one that i cannot stand and while watching it at the cinema left several times (which i never ever do when watching a movie) is the 2005 remake of King Kong. Oh god that movie. I absolutely hate it. It's too long, the acting is poor, the characters are dry and the effects...oh god the effects. Everything in the entire movie looks fake. It's like the Star wars prequels, i can't enjoy a movie if i sit there and can practically see the green screen it was filmed in front of. It just leaves me detached from it and King Kong is just awful. Everything is so fake and not only that, it's so obviously fake. Hate. It!
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: moonsugar on July 30, 2014, 06:05:35 AM
Ahaha, oh boy.

I own this charming duo:

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And I'm hoping to complete the trio with this movie, as soon as I can chase down a physical copy of it.

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I've seen Ghost Dog twice and it truly is so awful it's a treasure. All the characters ever eat is pizza. The acting is hilarious (including the goofy voice acting for the ghost dog). And the jokes are awful. I love it.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Mirnyj on August 01, 2014, 02:55:59 PM

Worst movies ever? Twilight. All of them. Tacky in my opinion, although I'll never like that sort of film. Bleurgh!

There's something more terrible than Twilight. It's called Vampires Suck. And even more terrible is Breaking Wind. It's so bad it's not even funny anymore.

Also The Crow: Wicked prayer is a perfect example of a terrible sequel.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: gemini_pony on August 01, 2014, 04:02:24 PM
You've made me morbidly curious about Spice World. I know I've seen it, but I don't remember ANY of it. I kinda wanna see how much I can actually sit through XD
Do so with the awareness that you will never get back the time it took to watch it.

I shall proceed with caution :lol:

I can't believe I forgot about THIS gem, so terrible, so good <3

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Maximum overdrive actually scares me really bad and gave me nightmares due to my irrational fear of inanimate killing people. Even before the film I had issues walking though lone parking lots by myself..... But that being said I can watch the scariest stuff and it's always the silliest stuff that winds up scaring me.

Oh and who else loves Tremors?
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on August 01, 2014, 05:55:26 PM
Being a total 80's child, I absolutely loved Tremors. I never did find it scary, not even as a child. Super funny though.

What about the sequels to Leprachaun and Child's Play? It's so easy to fit horror movies into this thread :lol:
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: MilkyTaroMochi on August 01, 2014, 06:24:20 PM
Being a total 80's child, I absolutely loved Tremors. I never did find it scary, not even as a child. Super funny though.

What about the sequels to Leprachaun and Child's Play? It's so easy to fit horror movies into this thread :lol:
Bride/Seed of Chucky are the only two Child's Play movies I'll watch. xD I cant/refuse to watch the first three movies because of an childhood incident where I had to spend the night in a room with a My Buddy (?) doll as a kid (after watching a few scenes of the first one). xD:
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: scrub-adub on August 01, 2014, 10:16:15 PM
two words:
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Sky_Rocket_Sammie on August 02, 2014, 05:32:36 AM
Napelon Dynamite-Not a fan of stupid comedy
Pineapple Express-See above comment.
Skyline-by the end of the movie I had no clue what had happened. Other then "aliens invade and things get blown up".
Twilight series-though to be honest half the fun is watching and mocking it.

Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: baby_yoyo on August 03, 2014, 05:03:57 AM
Over Her Dead Body (2008)

It is appalling, I saw it with my then boyfriend at the cinema and half way through I begged him to let us leave. He refused since he had paid for us to see it and I had picked it.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: SummerSkye on August 03, 2014, 06:57:15 AM
I saw Wolf Creek at the theater and fell asleep it was so bad. I feel Babys Day Out is one of the worst movies ever. Those are the two that come to mind.

I love the original Tremors! The sequels not so much but the first is hilarious.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Melodia on August 03, 2014, 10:55:19 PM
"Birdemic" was also laughably horrible
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Sprinkles on August 05, 2014, 03:15:08 PM
Mamma Mia that came out a few years ago..... And the first Sharknado movie. Couldn't sit through all of it
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Starflashbaby on August 05, 2014, 09:09:29 PM
um I happened to found the whole entire movie here..... I have to see for my self now... lol it looks re-donkulous

Post Merge: August 05, 2014, 09:17:45 PM

oh my gosh I only got to 3 minutes in and I Couldn't anymore... 1 the audio was way off. but The trailer was funny, anyways man that's the worst I have seen. :D
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: starrynights on August 05, 2014, 10:51:58 PM
I'm gonna have to watch some of these...
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: pallas on August 06, 2014, 01:19:18 AM
You know this thread has me wanting to see a lot of these movies…Spice World does indeed intrigue me, will have to see if it's on netflix.   

my vote is for Prometheus, just dreadful, it didn't work as a thriller or anything remotely profound.  It was just a massive waste of time and resources…huge budget, good cast and yet a terrible movie. 
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Archer on August 06, 2014, 01:52:21 AM
Skyline-by the end of the movie I had no clue what had happened. Other then "aliens invade and things get blown up".

YES! I was tempted to put this on my list lol. I mean what the heck happened in it? I felt it had potential but it just seemed to be a lot of talking about boring things and then boom everyone's dead with an ending that didn't make a lick of sense lol XD
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Shenanigans on August 06, 2014, 02:51:12 AM
I remember watching Spy Kids (I think the 3D one) in theaters a long time ago and that was the first time I wanted to walk out of the theater XD

And Wall-E has to be the WORST Disney/Pixar movie I have ever seen :drunk:
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on August 06, 2014, 04:15:20 AM
Wall-E has to be the WORST Disney/Pixar movie I have ever seen :drunk:

Really? That movie makes me cry every time I watch it, I really loved that movie and the meaning behind it. To each their own :)
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: starrynights on August 06, 2014, 04:22:07 AM
I tried to watch Mac & Me but it was just so awful.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: LadyMoondancer on August 06, 2014, 02:29:07 PM
What's that "horror" movie where exploding birds that make airplane sounds attack? 
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Silver_mirror46 on August 06, 2014, 02:55:12 PM
I don't watch a lot of movies unless they're animated, sooo....


The animation is beyond a joke, the world rules are never explained, the storyline is everywhere, the jokes are unfunny, I could go on. >>;

$65 million dollar joke, even if you try watching it to poke fun it's pretty darn wretched

"Romeo and Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss" is also pretty bad, but it's so terrible you can't help but laugh your butt off XD I guess the super sad fact about it is that it was single-handedly created by Phil Nibbelink who was supposed to be a decent animator
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Skeen on August 07, 2014, 09:08:17 AM
"Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins."  I had to watch it because it had The Mulg in it but swear to god, it was 99% unwatchable.  WTH was even going ON????

Or "Round Numbers."  Same reason for watching it as above.  We had an earthquake during the middle of it and I took it as a sign I should quit watching. 
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Haruna on August 07, 2014, 01:59:09 PM
Wall-E has to be the WORST Disney/Pixar movie I have ever seen :drunk:

Really? That movie makes me cry every time I watch it, I really loved that movie and the meaning behind it. To each their own :)

You know, I loved Wall-E when it was just Wall-E and Eve, but when the humans came in it got less watchable for me. Not too bad in my opinion, just not as good as it could have been. There are a lot of good emotional moments in that movie, though, I agree, MikeysGrrl. :)
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: gemini_pony on August 07, 2014, 04:43:16 PM
What's that "horror" movie where exploding birds that make airplane sounds attack? 

Ok I just googled you question and came up with
Birdemic: Shock and Terror

I have no idea if that's the one you meant but after watching the trailer on youtube....ugh I could barely watch it so awful so very awful
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Spectrum on August 07, 2014, 05:01:26 PM
Oh, yes. The ATLA was terrible.

I like Napoleon Dynamite myself, but I think it requires a part of you to have a strange sense of humor to find it funny.  :P
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: EeveeMUA on August 08, 2014, 04:18:44 AM
Dragonball : Evolution (Live action), oh my I cannot express how awful it was!  -_-
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Pheasant on August 08, 2014, 08:03:22 AM
"Romeo and Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss" is also pretty bad, but it's so terrible you can't help but laugh your butt off XD I guess the super sad fact about it is that it was single-handedly created by Phil Nibbelink who was supposed to be a decent animator
I can definitely confirm that, kids may enjoy it but I personally found it somewhat terrible. XD The artwork isn't too bad, though, when you consider that it was a solo project.

My parents and I saw this movie called Jabberwock (not Jabberwocky) once. I have no idea where dad ran across it, but it was epic - an epic fail, that is. XD Horrible plot, poor characters, and really, really bad special effect. The dragon's wings were stiff, etc., etc. But the sword fights were the best fail, though, because they were bending as though they were made of foam. (Which they probably were.)

Edit - found it!
Was pretty surprised to learn it was rated R, as it definitely didn't warrant one.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: flyawayraven on August 08, 2014, 08:27:21 AM
Wall-E has to be the WORST Disney/Pixar movie I have ever seen :drunk:

Really? That movie makes me cry every time I watch it, I really loved that movie and the meaning behind it. To each their own :)

You know, I loved Wall-E when it was just Wall-E and Eve, but when the humans came in it got less watchable for me. Not too bad in my opinion, just not as good as it could have been. There are a lot of good emotional moments in that movie, though, I agree, MikeysGrrl. :)

I feel the same way about Wall-E! Don't get me wrong, I still thought it was a very good movie, but I would have been very happy to see a full hour of just Wall-E and Eve adventuring together.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Silver_mirror46 on August 08, 2014, 08:34:36 AM
Dragonball : Evolution (Live action), oh my I cannot express how awful it was!  -_-

Yeah it was really awful >:/

This one gets extra points for how it completely ignored the source material, like really Hollywood? You couldn't do Dragonball?

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Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on August 08, 2014, 11:54:40 AM
Wall-E has to be the WORST Disney/Pixar movie I have ever seen :drunk:

Really? That movie makes me cry every time I watch it, I really loved that movie and the meaning behind it. To each their own :)

You know, I loved Wall-E when it was just Wall-E and Eve, but when the humans came in it got less watchable for me. Not too bad in my opinion, just not as good as it could have been. There are a lot of good emotional moments in that movie, though, I agree, MikeysGrrl. :)

I feel the same way about Wall-E! Don't get me wrong, I still thought it was a very good movie, but I would have been very happy to see a full hour of just Wall-E and Eve adventuring together.

I understand, I do agree that the humans do take a little something away from it, I pretty much forgot that there were humans in it since I tend to focus so much on Wall-E and Eve :blush:
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: elish2 on August 08, 2014, 07:50:19 PM
Sorry nothing beats out Human Centipede for me.....Who the heck thought to themselves, "yep this is my breakthrough into the big times...I am going to play the middle person in the centipede! That is how I am going to get famous!"
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on August 08, 2014, 08:48:42 PM
Sorry nothing beats out Human Centipede for me.....Who the heck thought to themselves, "yep this is my breakthrough into the big times...I am going to play the middle person in the centipede! That is how I am going to get famous!"

If you thought that one was bad, the 2nd one is a million times worse :X I liked the first one in a horror movie way, but when I watched the 2nd one I literally got up and had to walk away from the screen because I thought I was going to throw up, that movie was far too visual with the bodily fluids :X
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: elish2 on August 09, 2014, 05:38:37 AM
Sorry nothing beats out Human Centipede for me.....Who the heck thought to themselves, "yep this is my breakthrough into the big times...I am going to play the middle person in the centipede! That is how I am going to get famous!"

If you thought that one was bad, the 2nd one is a million times worse :X I liked the first one in a horror movie way, but when I watched the 2nd one I literally got up and had to walk away from the screen because I thought I was going to throw up, that movie was far too visual with the bodily fluids :X

Yeah I saw that one too...a little too much for me too....
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: June on August 09, 2014, 07:41:06 AM
Sorry nothing beats out Human Centipede for me.....Who the heck thought to themselves, "yep this is my breakthrough into the big times...I am going to play the middle person in the centipede! That is how I am going to get famous!"
The trailer was enough for me :lol: Apparently, it's medically accurate  :blink:
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Kaeldre on August 09, 2014, 02:17:25 PM
I'd almost forgotten about this one: Beyond Reanimator.

I loved 'The Reanimator' and 'Bride of the Reanimator', but 'Beyond Reanimator' was just GOD AWFUL! xD
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Darker on December 20, 2014, 08:50:40 AM
Food Fight.

Screw this movie. They put no effort on anything, ESPECIALLY the animation.
In the very first 5 minutes you can clearly see this is going to be one of the worst things ever.

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I would insert the 98 Godzilla movie, but it had a few decent things and a cool cartoon followed it. Dragon Ball Evolution was the most disappointing try of a reboot in history, and Man of Steel made Superman, one of my all-time favourite heroes, a murderer.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: CrystalCrown on December 20, 2014, 08:57:14 AM
Birdemic. its so bad, but in a funny way
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Midnight_Dream on December 20, 2014, 11:34:45 AM
Pitch Perfect. Lord, that movie was awful just....Gah! I would watch Frozen for a year straight if I never had to see that movie again.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Koudoawaia on December 20, 2014, 01:06:22 PM
Hobo With a Shotgun. The title and basic synopsis was amusing enough but the actual movie is so horribly offensive, it truly has to be one of the worst movies ever made.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on December 20, 2014, 04:39:42 PM
I wold say the stuff it is cheesy but good.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Kiwi on December 20, 2014, 06:03:54 PM
Evil Alien Conquerors. I still can't believe we watched the whole thing, it was awful.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: mlp_loving on December 20, 2014, 06:21:54 PM
This is the first I'm hearing about this movie..  :blink:
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Harmonie on December 21, 2014, 05:16:48 AM
The Dogfather was pretty awful.

My mom rented it because we have and love English bulldogs and the bulldog on the cover was pretty cute. But the movie was dumb.

Like I'm all over children's entertainment - that's how I really got into MLP! But this movie was too dumbed down even for me. The real breaking point for me was when the kids won against mafia men using nerf guns.  :drunk:
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Moonbreeze on December 21, 2014, 06:15:43 AM
Godzilla vs. Mecha Godzilla.... lawl XD
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 21, 2014, 09:16:30 AM
Ohhhh boy.  Why has nobody mentioned "Meet the Feebles" yet? 

I mean, come on, it was Peter Jackson's student senior project that was so offensive and shocking that his film school canned the project and forbid him from turning it in as his assignment.  Youthful Mr. Jackson's answer?  "Break into the studios at night and film my movie!  BWAHAHAHA!" As you  might expect, the lighting, the puppetry, the editing, it's all slapdash as can be because they were given minimal takes to shoot the scenes.   

As far as I know, there has only been one DVD release of the film...  I am not sure if the movie companies had ever seen it before they approved and paid for his LOTR movies!  It's truly one of my cinema favorites to pull out and horrify people with!  Sadly I cannot link to Youtube clips or anything as they are definitely NOT MLPArena appropriate, LOL!

Others on the list include:
* Red Mist (in 5  minutes the whole predictable plot is revealed and you are stuck waiting another 1h:20 minutes for the credits to roll)
* Skyline
* JCVD (Jean-Claude-Van-Damme) - well what do you THINK the movie's gonna be about?  I would have rather watched his beer commercials on repeat...
* Horizon
* The Ruins
* Real Steel (DUDE!  You sold the custody rights of your own SON for a mechanized fighting ROBOT?!)
* Where the Wild Things Are (seriously, I got about an hour through it before I wanted to return the movie to a used trade-in place!  Children's books that rely on imagination should never be given CGI environments! )

Oh and let's not forget my newest terrible favorite:

World War Z (Naziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis on the moon, we got Nazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi's on the moon!)

MSTK:3000 is absolutely one of my favorite shows ever - now if I could get my husband to like it...  I hear the "Hands of Manos" is soon in our karmic fate to watch... bwahahaha!  ;)  I get in trouble with friends when watching shows because I am the MSTK:3000 commentor and simply can't keep my comments to myself.

Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: northstar3184 on December 21, 2014, 09:37:28 AM
Being a total 80's child, I absolutely loved Tremors. I never did find it scary, not even as a child. Super funny though.

What about the sequels to Leprachaun and Child's Play? It's so easy to fit horror movies into this thread :lol:
Bride/Seed of Chucky are the only two Child's Play movies I'll watch. xD I cant/refuse to watch the first three movies because of an childhood incident where I had to spend the night in a room with a My Buddy (?) doll as a kid (after watching a few scenes of the first one). xD:

When I was a kid, after seeing those movies I would have to remove my My Buddy doll from my room in order to sleep too.

Post Merge: December 21, 2014, 09:44:11 AM

* Skyline
* JCVD (Jean-Claude-Van-Damme) - well what do you THINK the movie's gonna be about?  I would have rather watched his beer commercials on repeat...
* Horizon
* The Ruins

I agree regarding The Ruins. I read the book before watching the movie, and the latter was so incredibly disloyal. The creators switched what events from the book happened to which characters in the movie and completely rewrote the ending. The book was awesome. The movie sucked.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: TickleMePink on December 21, 2014, 09:54:14 AM
I collect Richard Grieco-movies, and as much as I love him, let me tell yáll, he has starred in the worst of them all.
Now, we´re not talking so-bad-it´s-funny or so-bad-it´s-a-cult-classic, we´re talking so-bad-it-hurts-to-watch-and-you-cringe-with-embarrasement.

Exampe: Webs. Or Raiders of the Damned. Or semi porn movie Tomcat.

Still love it though. Richard´s my man <3
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: MoondancerMilkyWay on December 21, 2014, 02:34:54 PM
I really didn't care for The Hangover.
I never made it through twilight.....willow was a movie I watched and wondered most of the time what I was watching...
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: DazzleKitty on December 21, 2014, 03:55:16 PM
The Grinch live action. Terrible, terrible movie.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Moss on December 21, 2014, 06:22:45 PM
I'm never quite sure if people like it "ironically" or actually enjoy it, but... Space Jam is pretty terrible. Actually, it's awful lol. I just hope Michael Jordan was paid well for that, because I'm not sure how else it was worth doing.

And despite my love for certain aspects of it, the Haunted Mansion movie is also kinda bad. Okay, it's probably in really bad territory.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: northstar3184 on December 21, 2014, 06:36:53 PM
I should add Happy Feet. I did part of my college internship with a social rehab program. One day was a recreational movie day. The staff brought Happy Feet. I remember sitting and staring at the clock willingly the minutes to fly by.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: HelloGoodbye on December 21, 2014, 06:48:20 PM
There's this horse movie called Lightning the White Stallion which is so stunningly terrible that it's great.  For one thing it plays on all of the ridiculously overdone horse movie tropes like the whole "special bond" thing or "parent was a great rider that had a tragic accident" and "goes from never having ridden to winning in massive classes at huge shows in like 2 months."  And it has the classic issue of horses whinnying every 9 seconds and all that fun stuff.  There is also a scene where the horse is in an English saddle and a western bridle.

But the best part is that they use like 10 different horses to play the main horse Lightning that don't even look the same!  They use multiple white horses (some with pink noses, some with grey noses), a flea bitten grey, an albino horse, and several greys with varying degrees of dappling, ranging from very light to dark.  My friend and I counted once and it was ridiculous.  The people making the movie weren't even trying to make him look the same throughout the movie! 

Granted, I adore this movie and my best friend and I will watch it occasionally, but I only love it because it so delightfully terrible.  The different horse thing in particular is a total riot.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: roselalonde on December 21, 2014, 09:17:13 PM
Doogle was pretty awful, and one my family remembers is Beverly Hills Chihuahua. I was 13 and even I couldn't stand it and the only reason I didn't ask my parents if we could leave is because my mom wanted to see it sooooo bad. The second we got out we were all relieved and even she said she hated it, and we still give her crap for it.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: ChocolateStarfire on December 22, 2014, 08:33:47 AM
I despise The Neverending Story. Just awful. *dodges fakies*

Lincoln put me to sleep.

Inglorious Basterds was awful also, except for the first 30 minutes. Once Tarantino's stupid cartoony stuff comes on screen, like a warped Roger Rabbit, it's all downhill from there. In fact, I am not a Tarantino fan at all. I saw Pulp Fiction and I wasn't moved by it like so many people are. *shrug*

Jurassic World already looks terrible.  :blink:

MST3K is also my favorite show to watch horrible B movies!  ;)

I can't think of any other movie debacles right now...
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: TickleMePink on December 22, 2014, 10:00:26 AM
I despise The Neverending Story. Just awful. *dodges fakies*

Lincoln put me to sleep.

Inglorious Basterds was awful also, except for the first 30 minutes. Once Tarantino's stupid cartoony stuff comes on screen, like a warped Roger Rabbit, it's all downhill from there. In fact, I am not a Tarantino fan at all. I saw Pulp Fiction and I wasn't moved by it like so many people are. *shrug*

Jurassic World already looks terrible.  :blink:

MST3K is also my favorite show to watch horrible B movies!  ;)

I can't think of any other movie debacles right now...

No, no, no, Neverending Story is amazeballs! That, and Labyrinth may very well be the best movies of the 80´s. And I beg to differ on Inglorious Basterds also. :-)
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Darker on December 22, 2014, 10:13:35 AM
Godzilla vs. Mecha Godzilla.... lawl XD

HEY, HOLD ON A SECOND! NO ONE INSULTS THE KING OF THE MONSTERS ON MY WA-! Oh, wait, Godzilla VS Mecha-Godzilla from the Showa series, from 1975?

Yeah, terribly cheesy but enjoyable movie. The Godzilla from 1956 to 1977 was more for kids though, so it's kind of excusable.

Post Merge: December 22, 2014, 10:16:39 AM

Sorry nothing beats out Human Centipede for me.....Who the heck thought to themselves, "yep this is my breakthrough into the big times...I am going to play the middle person in the centipede! That is how I am going to get famous!"
To be fair, the movie is done well, the concept is just so awful and disgusting it's impossible to watch.
It's up there with Cannibal Holocaust and A Serbian Film as one of the most horrible movies ever in the sense of being unwatchable, in the sense, it's too disgusting for people with innocent minds.

Whoever is reading this, do yourself a favour and DON'T watch "A Serbian Film". I warn you, that movie is going to destroy you mentally.

Post Merge: December 22, 2014, 10:21:42 AM

Dragonball : Evolution (Live action), oh my I cannot express how awful it was!  -_-
Oh, yeah... Even as a fan of DBZ trying not to bash on the movie, it's still hard to not say that it's the WORST adaptation I've ever seen.

Roshi and Piccolo were the only enjoyable cheesy things in the movie. Heck, not even the effects were in the least decent.

I remember walking out the theaters after watching the movie and I immediately forgot everything about it. Every scene, every character. DBE is the biggest insult to part of my childhood. Up there with the 1998 Godzilla remake, which was just as bad, but with more redeemable qualities.

Post Merge: December 22, 2014, 10:28:01 AM

I've seen a lot of bad ones but one that sticks to my mind is the Halloween remake by Rob Zombie.  No offense to Rob Zombie fans but that movie was horrible.  I'm a fan of the classic horror movies and we ended up seeing this in theaters.  Waste of money.  I hate how they have sex and overly done gore in horror movies.  It's stupid.
TOTALLY agree. Halloween 1 & 2 were fantastic horror movies, and Michael Myers was surprisingly scary, in comparison with his other horror rivals Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger and Leatherface.

Halloween 3 ruined the franchise and then came Rob Zombie to destroy it with his unwatchable remakes.

Even the Friday of 13th reboot was better, and Michael Bay worked on that film!

Post Merge: December 22, 2014, 10:32:02 AM

You know another terrible animated movie?  Bee Movie.  I think I might hate that one more than Food Fight, just for the "you know who hates bees, beekeepers!" plot.  It's so stupid and the jokes are stupid.

I completely disagree there, Bee Movie is quite enjoyable and has good plots and characters, and is very original and creative.

The only problem with this movie is that it's too childish, but that is my only nitpick. The Nostalgia Critic sums up why this movie is one of Dreamworks' best works:
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Pinkie21 on December 22, 2014, 10:34:03 AM
The Room.  It's just so indescribably, amazingly bad.  I just love it.  O hai Mark!

Oh, and Space Jam, Cats Don't Dance (I know this will probably get me 40 lashes, but whatever, I thought the main characters were SO BORING..only thing that could save the movie was that little Shirley Temple-type villain and her bodyguard), and the third Ninja Turtle movie.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: TickleMePink on December 23, 2014, 10:34:05 AM
Have to agree with Darker; Don´t watch A Serbian Film! Human Centipede and Cannibal Holocaust can still be, well not laughed at maybe, but you can keep an emotional distance. A Serbian Film is just corrupting to the soul. It makes you cry, and not in a good way.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Midnight_Dream on December 23, 2014, 03:30:12 PM
The Room.  It's just so indescribably, amazingly bad.  I just love it.  O hai Mark!

I did not hit her! *Slams football down* I did not....Oh hai Mark!
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Starfall on December 23, 2014, 06:32:11 PM
The Room.  It's just so indescribably, amazingly bad.  I just love it.  O hai Mark!

I did not hit her! *Slams football down* I did not....Oh hai Mark!
Yes! The Room is the best worst movie ever.

I love Lisa's mum.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Darker on December 24, 2014, 05:39:15 AM
The Room.  It's just so indescribably, amazingly bad.  I just love it.  O hai Mark!

I did not hit her! *Slams football down* I did not....Oh hai Mark!

You mean...

I dit nat hit har, it's bulls***, I did nat hit har, I did naaat. O hai Mark.

Yeah, that's truly how Tommy Wiseau said it.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Pinkie21 on December 24, 2014, 07:10:03 AM
The Room.  It's just so indescribably, amazingly bad.  I just love it.  O hai Mark!

I did not hit her! *Slams football down* I did not....Oh hai Mark!
Yes! The Room is the best worst movie ever.

I love Lisa's mum.

Me too!  She's just so...nonchalant!

"I just got the test results back and I DEFINITELY have breast cancer", like it's just a minor inconvenience. 

Like, "Yeah, yeah, I got breast cancer....but OMG you're bored with Johnny??  WWWWHAAAAAAA????"  The whole movie's just beautifully horrible.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: LadyMoondancer on December 24, 2014, 09:07:53 AM
THE ROOM!!   How could I forget that gem?   Lisa's mom is definitely the best.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: flyawayraven on December 24, 2014, 10:05:29 AM
I have yet to actually see The Room. I need to remedy this!
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Salli on December 24, 2014, 10:34:04 AM
Oh wow, how could I forget the live-action "Avatar: The Last Airbender"?

I think my brain erased as much of it as possible from my memory to spare me the pain.  It was so bad.  Soooo baaaad.   The stiff acting, the whitewashing, the bad CGI, the fact that it took like ten Earthbenders to dance around for three minutes to move ONE STONE . . .

Oh! Oh!  I remembered another terrible movie! 

The Creeping Terror (

Made in 1964, it is the tale of two fake looking monsters that eat people who run away very, very slowly and trip over things a lot.  One of the weirdest things is that they just cut out the audio of the characters talking out of parts of it and just had a narrator.  Rumor has it this was because the crappy audio reel degraded while they were waiting for it to be released.

Lady Moondancer is right. The Creeping Terror is the WORST movie ever made. And I make a hobby out of watching bad movies. We watch Manos once a year over here. It took me 4 tries to make it through the Creeping Terror and 3 of those were with the MYST3K guys!

I didn't realize how bad the Last Airbender was until we watched the animated series (which my whole family is now obsessed with) and then the Rifftrax commentary pointed out all of the horror. Holy cow it was so bad.

Have you guys watched any movies with the downloadable Rifftrax? Twilight (which is one of my guilty pleasures despite its horribleness) is the most hilarious movie I have ever seen when watched with the commentary.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Shenanigans on December 24, 2014, 10:48:02 AM
The Bratz Movie. Horrible x_x
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: clonecommander on December 24, 2014, 10:52:10 AM
I firmly feel that the whole story of Titanic (that tacky romance thing) kinda hurts. It is way too emotional, then again when I watched it, I was the only one out who wasn't crying their head off when the one character (the guy played by Leonardo Dicaprio) died. What killed it, more than the ice berg, was that someone in my US history class did NOT know that the Titanic sinks at the end. That was brutal.

The only 'issue' with the Star Wars prequels that I have is that Gungan, Jar Jar Binks. Gives the rest of his species a bad name.  I don't see why most can't stand them.

I agree with those who felt that the live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender was horrid. Didn't need to see that to know it was a lost cause. Somethings don't translate to live-action well, that was what confirmed my theory.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: northstar3184 on December 24, 2014, 10:26:26 PM
I firmly feel that the whole story of Titanic (that tacky romance thing) kinda hurts. It is way too emotional, then again when I watched it, I was the only one out who wasn't crying their head off when the one character (the guy played by Leonardo Dicaprio) died. What killed it, more than the ice berg, was that someone in my US history class did NOT know that the Titanic sinks at the end. That was brutal.

Wow. That's just sad. 
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Leave a Whisper on December 26, 2014, 01:46:23 PM
Mario Bros. Movie
That Street Fighter movie with Chun Li
It's a Wonderful Life
Mimic 2
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: LadyMoondancer on December 26, 2014, 03:47:02 PM
I've seen tweets from people who didn't know the Titanic was a real ship.  They thought it was invented for the movie!
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Starfall on December 26, 2014, 04:17:34 PM
Mario Bros. Movie
That Street Fighter movie with Chun Li
It's a Wonderful Life
Mimic 2
The Mario Bros Movie was a masterpiece! I know it's hated, and Bob Hoskins called it the biggest mistake of his life, but I still love it!
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Darker on December 26, 2014, 04:21:02 PM
I've seen tweets from people who didn't know the Titanic was a real ship.  They thought it was invented for the movie!
I can see that coming from young people.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Pheasant on December 26, 2014, 05:03:52 PM
I've seen tweets from people who didn't know the Titanic was a real ship.  They thought it was invented for the movie!
I can see that coming from young people.
I have no hope for my generation.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Darker on December 26, 2014, 05:41:14 PM
I've seen tweets from people who didn't know the Titanic was a real ship.  They thought it was invented for the movie!
I can see that coming from young people.
I have no hope for my generation.
There's always hope, my friend.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: ponygirl74 on December 26, 2014, 05:58:48 PM
The Straight Story

It's about an old man traveling across the US on a riding lawn mower only to find that the brother he was going to see had already died. So he turned around and drove home.

It was so horrifically boring that I actually cried.

My uncle made us watch it when he lived with us.
(My apologies if you've seen this movie and liked it. I found it torturous.)
Lol I ought to list movies that Hollywood makes when they run out of good ideas.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Starfall on December 26, 2014, 06:07:40 PM

Lol I ought to list movies that Hollywood makes when they run out of good ideas.

The last few years have been TERRIBLE for rehashing ideas!  Everything seems to be either based on comics or toys, or remakes.  Or remakes of movies based on comics and toys.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: MoondancerMilkyWay on December 26, 2014, 07:49:45 PM

Lol I ought to list movies that Hollywood makes when they run out of good ideas.

The last few years have been TERRIBLE for rehashing ideas!  Everything seems to be either based on comics or toys, or remakes.  Or remakes of movies based on comics and toys.

that is just poetic. it's so beautifully written.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: The Doctor on December 26, 2014, 08:29:16 PM
I feel it would be cheating to say "every movie on Mystery Science Theater 3000".

That being said.  Every movie on Mystery Science Theater 3000
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Darker on December 27, 2014, 05:12:25 AM
I feel it would be cheating to say "every movie on Mystery Science Theater 3000".

That being said.  Every movie on Mystery Science Theater 3000

Not all movies they reviewed were bad. Some of them had an excuse, like, some were made for children from other countries, like Godzilla VS Megalon. They should have never reviewed movies they didn't understand from the beginning, and didn't even gave a crap about.

The whole show was pretty awful.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: LadyMoondancer on December 27, 2014, 02:10:13 PM
Now I'm kind of tempted to run a Bad Movie livestream and show The Room.

But not Food Fight, nothing will possess me to watch that ever again.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Midnight_Dream on December 27, 2014, 03:41:07 PM
The Room.  It's just so indescribably, amazingly bad.  I just love it.  O hai Mark!

I did not hit her! *Slams football down* I did not....Oh hai Mark!

You mean...

I dit nat hit har, it's bulls***, I did nat hit har, I did naaat. O hai Mark.

Yeah, that's truly how Tommy Wiseau said it.

You're tearing me apart, Lisa!!!!

Okay, I'll stop... :P
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: clonecommander on December 27, 2014, 04:39:23 PM
I firmly feel that the whole story of Titanic (that tacky romance thing) kinda hurts. It is way too emotional, then again when I watched it, I was the only one out who wasn't crying their head off when the one character (the guy played by Leonardo Dicaprio) died. What killed it, more than the ice berg, was that someone in my US history class did NOT know that the Titanic sinks at the end. That was brutal.

Wow. That's just sad. 

Thank you for agreeing! It is a year later and I still can't believe the girl said that.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: The Doctor on December 27, 2014, 05:34:32 PM
If anyone here enjoys bad movies, they might want to check out the web show, "Best of the Worst".  They watch a handful of bad films then pick which one is the best, and which one will be destroyed.  It's made by Red Letter Media, who is probably most well known for their hilariously long, and in-depth video reviews of the Star Wars prequels.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Babushka on December 27, 2014, 05:51:54 PM
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.
Hooray for Santy Claus! *cha cha cha*
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Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Tigerlilyx on December 28, 2014, 02:51:53 AM
Since 2014 is coming to a close, personally I feel the worst movie made (for this year) is horror film The Pyramid.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Rarityfan2011 on December 28, 2014, 10:39:09 AM
I like Eragon too.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Nightbow on December 28, 2014, 12:33:28 PM
I don't get how Bee Movie was too childish. It was riddled with innuendo between a woman and a bee. Tasteless. (Aren't worker bees, like ants, female for starters? I mean have animated insects for all I care, but please make it accurate. Not that Bug's Life was any better in that aspect.)
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Darker on December 28, 2014, 04:41:55 PM
I don't get how Bee Movie was too childish. It was riddled with innuendo between a woman and a bee. Tasteless. (Aren't worker bees, like ants, female for starters? I mean have animated insects for all I care, but please make it accurate. Not that Bug's Life was any better in that aspect.)
Maybe it was the puns and a few jokes that made the movie very hard to watch. A few of them are good, but most of them are not.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: starrypawz on December 29, 2014, 12:33:02 AM
One of the worst I've ever watched?
The Lone Ranger movie, I had no intention of watching it but I got dragged along with my family and I really regret watching it. Like one of my issues (beyond all the 'this is actually quite offensive' elements I won't get into here) like it couldn't decide what sort of film it was, like it was 'it's grim and gritty' 'now it's a buddy cop picture' 'now it's slapstick comedy' and yeah it just didn't know what it was doing
And the film kind of lagged for me and felt like it was longer than it should be and well considering something like the Lone Ranger really shows it's age as a 'product of it's time' I think it should've been left as that and not rebooted because it's like one of those things where certain elements of it do not work anymore for obvious reasons

Like Tonto
You've already got the 'he's a walking Native American stereotype' to deal with, then in the movie you have the 'and they cast someone white to play a Native American' but then it's like for most of the film the 'hahaha Tonto is a wacky Native American, those Native Americans are just so weird' is played straight and then it turns out 'Actually no he's mentally ill due to trauma' and yeah that just left a bad taste in my mouth 

And also
And the fact one of the only women in the film basically existed as a piece like they gave her some moments but largely it was like 'and she's married to Reid's brother, but she really secretly loves him and then also oh yeah the villian wants her. And then there was this random point where in the climax of the film she looked all set to do something that would've really helped the main character because she's been kidnapped and she escapes and is climbing along a moving train and is about to hit a bad guy over the head with a wrench...
Then she gets hit over the head with a silver nuggets and it was intended to be a 'funny' moment but it just wasn't.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: LadyMoondancer on December 29, 2014, 08:58:12 AM
New contender for worst ever animated holiday movie:  The Christmas Tree.

WORST voice acting ever, bad animation, creepy Santa strikes someone with lightning, and a valuable lesson is learned:  "You always win, when you are good."
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Sora on December 29, 2014, 09:41:07 AM
New contender for worst ever animated holiday movie:  The Christmas Tree.

WORST voice acting ever, bad animation, creepy Santa strikes someone with lightning, and a valuable lesson is learned:  "You always win, when you are good."
Oh gosh, I saw that on Nostalgia Critic! Just terrible.
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: Tigerlilyx on December 29, 2014, 09:54:05 AM
One of the worst I've ever watched?
The Lone Ranger movie, I had no intention of watching it but I got dragged along with my family and I really regret watching it. Like one of my issues (beyond all the 'this is actually quite offensive' elements I won't get into here) like it couldn't decide what sort of film it was, like it was 'it's grim and gritty' 'now it's a buddy cop picture' 'now it's slapstick comedy' and yeah it just didn't know what it was doing
And the film kind of lagged for me and felt like it was longer than it should be and well considering something like the Lone Ranger really shows it's age as a 'product of it's time' I think it should've been left as that and not rebooted because it's like one of those things where certain elements of it do not work anymore for obvious reasons

Like Tonto
You've already got the 'he's a walking Native American stereotype' to deal with, then in the movie you have the 'and they cast someone white to play a Native American' but then it's like for most of the film the 'hahaha Tonto is a wacky Native American, those Native Americans are just so weird' is played straight and then it turns out 'Actually no he's mentally ill due to trauma' and yeah that just left a bad taste in my mouth 

And also
And the fact one of the only women in the film basically existed as a piece like they gave her some moments but largely it was like 'and she's married to Reid's brother, but she really secretly loves him and then also oh yeah the villian wants her. And then there was this random point where in the climax of the film she looked all set to do something that would've really helped the main character because she's been kidnapped and she escapes and is climbing along a moving train and is about to hit a bad guy over the head with a wrench...
Then she gets hit over the head with a silver nuggets and it was intended to be a 'funny' moment but it just wasn't.

Interesting, I never thought of the movie that way; first watched it on a 8-hour flight back home and all I remember was laughing through it (must be the airplane jitters). Thinking about it again, the points about Tonto especially is so true. About the "white playing a native american" stereotype, Johnny Depp claimed he has Native American ancestry so I guess he can argue for that  :P
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: starrypawz on December 31, 2014, 04:00:48 AM
One of the worst I've ever watched?
The Lone Ranger movie, I had no intention of watching it but I got dragged along with my family and I really regret watching it. Like one of my issues (beyond all the 'this is actually quite offensive' elements I won't get into here) like it couldn't decide what sort of film it was, like it was 'it's grim and gritty' 'now it's a buddy cop picture' 'now it's slapstick comedy' and yeah it just didn't know what it was doing
And the film kind of lagged for me and felt like it was longer than it should be and well considering something like the Lone Ranger really shows it's age as a 'product of it's time' I think it should've been left as that and not rebooted because it's like one of those things where certain elements of it do not work anymore for obvious reasons

Like Tonto
You've already got the 'he's a walking Native American stereotype' to deal with, then in the movie you have the 'and they cast someone white to play a Native American' but then it's like for most of the film the 'hahaha Tonto is a wacky Native American, those Native Americans are just so weird' is played straight and then it turns out 'Actually no he's mentally ill due to trauma' and yeah that just left a bad taste in my mouth 

And also
And the fact one of the only women in the film basically existed as a piece like they gave her some moments but largely it was like 'and she's married to Reid's brother, but she really secretly loves him and then also oh yeah the villian wants her. And then there was this random point where in the climax of the film she looked all set to do something that would've really helped the main character because she's been kidnapped and she escapes and is climbing along a moving train and is about to hit a bad guy over the head with a wrench...
Then she gets hit over the head with a silver nuggets and it was intended to be a 'funny' moment but it just wasn't.

Interesting, I never thought of the movie that way; first watched it on a 8-hour flight back home and all I remember was laughing through it (must be the airplane jitters). Thinking about it again, the points about Tonto especially is so true. About the "white playing a native american" stereotype, Johnny Depp claimed he has Native American ancestry so I guess he can argue for that  :P

Yeah like when we went to watch it there was Lone Ranger and Pacific Rim playing and it was like 'Agh why didn't my family want to go and watch Pacific Rim!'

Yeah I know but at the same time when it was like the 'Tonto was basically a mash up of several tribes and basically still one giant 'Magical Indian' sterotype plus the 'Oh yeah the character is actually mentally ill but we're playing it for laughs' it was just a big mess
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: LadyMoondancer on December 31, 2014, 08:42:54 AM
I watched Repo: The Genetic Opera last night and onto the bad movie list it goes.  It was trying so, so hard to be a cult classic, but the thing is real cult classics don't try, they just become.  (Ooo, I feel so zen! Ha ha ha.)

One good song, two okay-ish songs, and a bunch of bad songs . . .
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: slyons on December 31, 2014, 11:37:30 AM
Just had to sit through "Let's Be Cops". 'Nuff said.
Awful acting, moronic premise and the jokes were terrible.
Good thing I had my tablet and was otherwise occupied on the Arena  :lol:
Title: Re: The worst movie ever made
Post by: DazzleKitty on January 01, 2015, 04:15:32 PM
Another one I thought of is Baby Geniuses. I don't know how it even spawned a sequel.
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