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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: from1981 on March 04, 2013, 04:15:44 PM

Title: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: from1981 on March 04, 2013, 04:15:44 PM
I don't know if I'm allowed to quote someone anonymously, but I feel lately as if I'm in the movie DELIVERANCE when on eBay.GEE, I'm not a snob & truthfully I hate snobs, my being in the wheelchair because of being hit by the drunk driver, but come on,    " version i collects"  :shocked: :huh: -_-

Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: kaoskat on March 04, 2013, 04:44:16 PM
Alot of times, things like that are probably typos or a case of speed of typing and speed of thinking not lining up properly.
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: Diamond on March 04, 2013, 04:52:56 PM
Not all folks use browsers with spell check or spell check there listing.  Titles can be even funnier. 
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: from1981 on March 04, 2013, 05:16:15 PM
hi,kaoskat. I know someone's who has a phone that does weird things, but that was in my personal messages &  it just sounds like an extreme case of bad grammar, the s is nowhere near the t, but if it's typed from one of those phones like my ex-local trading partner had, nothing would surprise me.
thanks, Diamond, I don't really know how to converse on shout though. :blush: :lol:
I'm off to post a few photos on my sales page.
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: Eviecorn on March 04, 2013, 05:27:26 PM
The occasional minor misspelling doesn't bother me so much as rampant grammar or punctuation errors.  This comes from an English teacher.  XD
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: DoctorMowinckel on March 04, 2013, 07:35:31 PM
If you want to see a torrent of grammatical fallacies go to the furniture section on Craigslist and punch in 'dinning table'.
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: from1981 on March 04, 2013, 09:16:08 PM
But, "version I collects". :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:
& my daughter thinks we're all hicks in Georgia, but this person isn't in Georgia,lol
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: Winter Bones on March 04, 2013, 10:31:07 PM
I only run into a truly horrid ebay listing once in a blue moon, and when I do I take my business elsewhere. Then again, I only buy on ebay, and truth be told I really don't want to find out what it's like to be a seller...

If you want to see a torrent of grammatical fallacies go to the furniture section on Craigslist and punch in 'dinning table'.

This. I avoid Craigslist listings at all costs. There are only so many misused possessive adjectives and run on sentences a human brain can tolerate; Craigslist exceeds that limit.
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: Saja on March 04, 2013, 10:36:05 PM
The amount of spelling errors I make when posting on her with my phone!! lol. Its the phone, not me. tho I have made mistakes in adverts and ebay etc, when Im in a hurry an my brain works over time an my fingers cannot keep up. You should try reading some of my emails to my friends! But yes, people that ramble incorrectly is abit annoying!
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: melodys_angel on March 05, 2013, 09:38:56 AM
Remember, some peole are ESL, too <3  Not everyone can speak English.
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: Vintergatan on March 05, 2013, 09:46:58 AM
Yes, I wanted to point that out too, not everyone has English as their first language even if they live an USA/UK/Australia etc.
That said though, it bothers me immensely when someone I know has English as their mother tongue can's distinguish between, say, their/there/they're. Or when someone uses a non English term or word the wrong way (like the butchered versions of "voilĂ " and "per se" that I've run across)
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: melipuffles on March 05, 2013, 10:24:18 AM
I always hate when people misuse the word "loose".

Especially in the sentence "I'm looking to "loose" weight."

No,'re looking to LOSE weight.

Also colon vs cologne, I see this a lot and it's hilarious.
"I love the smell of his colon!" ...I sure hope that you mean cologne, lady!
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: on March 05, 2013, 10:53:39 AM
I'm not sure why you'd get so worked up over this. Putting in an extra letter somewhere seems like an easy mistake to make, it certainly doesn't make them illiterate.
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: Skeen on March 05, 2013, 12:02:51 PM
I'm not sure why you'd get so worked up over this. Putting in an extra letter somewhere seems like an easy mistake to make, it certainly doesn't make them illiterate.


And as an added bonus, from1981, you've had at least one grammatical error in each of your posts in this thread. 
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: Vintergatan on March 05, 2013, 02:58:34 PM

Also colon vs cologne, I see this a lot and it's hilarious.
"I love the smell of his colon!" ...I sure hope that you mean cologne, lady!

LOOOL! i just saw this once in one of the meme page pictures, does it really happen? That is just...ouch!
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: skyrocketneko on March 05, 2013, 03:20:34 PM
Oh, I have some message gems from my eBay auctions lately.

"hi there my computer broke down and i missed out buying this will u still sell it to me pls send me ur adresss by email and i will send money order karna"

"hi i will take it is 6.99 good what isur best price"

Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: True on March 05, 2013, 05:05:06 PM
I accidentally add an S to things all the time, even if its no where near the final letter lol. I wouldn't say Im a grammar pro, but I'm not illiterate. It's usually just me typing too fast.
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: ZennaBug on March 05, 2013, 05:35:10 PM
I try to always type with correct grammar, aside from the occasional internet silliness.  Honestly, I feel like anything worth typing is worth typing properly.  BUT, it is the internet and I try not to let the occasional misspelling bother me.

Remember, some peole are ESL, too <3  Not everyone can speak English.

Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: Eviecorn on March 06, 2013, 05:11:12 AM
Yeah zenna im most bothered by grammer thats to bad to read
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: Vintergatan on March 06, 2013, 08:55:40 AM
oh, actually, there is one that I find worst of all! And I rarely see a non-native write it - "it could of been.." and co. where "have" has been replaced with "of", makes me tear my hair out every time!
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: shadowlark on March 06, 2013, 09:51:00 AM
oh, actually, there is one that I find worst of all! And I rarely see a non-native write it - "it could of been.." and co. where "have" has been replaced with "of", makes me tear my hair out every time!

This ^^  That is one of my biggest pet peeves. It's "have" people!!! Bad grammar drives me crazy. My husband calls me a grammar nazi... :lol:

I understand when it's an ESL person, but I know people who were born and raised her in Canada with horrendous grammar. I'm not saying I'm perfect, but geez...
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: tulagirl on March 06, 2013, 09:58:27 AM
The only thing I do have a problem with is that we really need to be more thoughtfful of others.  Not everyone can write well but that doesn't mean they are illiterate.  There are many conditions that affect a person's ability to write where they can speak just fine.  I would like to see less frustration directed at people who for whatever reason don't measure up and more tolerance for the fact that there are other languages, learning disabilities, people in pain (like me) and numerous reasons for poor grammar.  Lets just accept others, can we?  Lets not call people illiterate just because they can not spell.  We don't know why people have problems, but if you met them in real life you may soon discover they are a delight and special, they just can't write.  I would like to say my husband has just this type of disorder his IQ is over 128, yet he can not spell.  He has verbal retrieval  disorder.  He is very smart and not illiterate, but an auction from him would contain very easy to spell words all messed up.   Its just not so nice to put everyone in a negative basket.  Also, for the record, I never said I wasn't opinionated. I am an advocate for those who have special needs that for whatever reason can't do things exactly like the world does, but are no less valuable to this world. Wink Hugs to all...
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: on March 06, 2013, 10:25:40 AM
The only thing I do have a problem with is that we really need to be more thoughtfful of others.  Not everyone can write well but that doesn't mean they are illiterate.  There are many conditions that affect a person's ability to write where they can speak just fine.  I would like to see less frustration directed at people who for whatever reason don't measure up and more tolerance for the fact that there are other languages, learning disabilities, people in pain (like me) and numerous reasons for poor grammar.  Lets just accept others, can we?  Lets not call people illiterate just because they can not spell.  We don't know why people have problems, but if you met them in real life you may soon discover they are a delight and special, they just can't write.  I would like to say my husband has just this type of disorder his IQ is over 128, yet he can not spell.  He has verbal retrieval  disorder.  He is very smart and not illiterate, but an auction from him would contain very easy to spell words all messed up.   Its just not so nice to put everyone in a negative basket.  Also, for the record, I never said I wasn't opinionated. I am an advocate for those who have special needs that for whatever reason can't do things exactly like the world does, but are no less valuable to this world. Wink Hugs to all...

Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: melipuffles on March 06, 2013, 10:53:42 AM
To add on to this conversation...I have nothing against people who can't spell, or make simple misspellings....

What I can't stand is...

"0mG can i BuY ur auctin 4 lyk, $10 off wut U r selling it 4, i wuz rly looking 4 dis one?!"

I actually received a message like this on eBay. ._.
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: skyrocketneko on March 06, 2013, 11:32:27 AM
Exactly what I'm talking about. If you can use slang word like that, you know the English language well enough.
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: tulagirl on March 07, 2013, 05:23:34 AM

What I can't stand is...

"0mG can i BuY ur auctin 4 lyk, $10 off wut U r selling it 4, i wuz rly looking 4 dis one?!"

I actually received a message like this on eBay. ._.

All this is a new urban slang that was created due to texting and is used often as a form of language that is accepted as cool in many social groups and cultures.  It is not pure English,  but it's important to note that it's widely accepted and meant to be less formal.  I think people get so use to using slang, they forget not everyone talks this way.  So many people are texting all day long now.  Text talk is filtering into verbal communication.  It's most often used in the younger crowds.  I like to use the letter " r" rather than spelling out "are" to save time as typing hurts my neck. It's also really hard to type on a tablet. I like to categorize this urban language right in there with wearing your pants bellow the knee and thinking it looks good.  I bet some of this slang will end up in our dictionary one day.
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: melipuffles on March 07, 2013, 05:45:49 AM

What I can't stand is...

"0mG can i BuY ur auctin 4 lyk, $10 off wut U r selling it 4, i wuz rly looking 4 dis one?!"

I actually received a message like this on eBay. ._.

All this is a new urban slang that was created due to texting and is used often as a form of language that is accepted as cool in many social groups and cultures.  It is not pure English,  but its important to note its widely accepted and meant to be less formal.  I think people get so use to using it, they forget not everyone talks this way. Its most often used in the younger crowds.  I like to use the letter " r" rather than spelling out "are" to save time as typing hurts my neck. It's also really hard to type on a tablet. I like to categorize this urban language right in there with wearing your pants bellow the knee and thinking it looks good.  I bet some of this slang will end up in our dictionary one day.

I'm aware that it's text slang, however it's not the innaproprate timing/use of the slang that bugs me, it's using lowercase i, lowercase at the beginning of sentences, numbers instead of letters(l33tspeak), and typing LyK DiS, which I get...,often. I mean, I'm typing on a tablet ATM, so I understand shorthand or text speak....but the other stuff really rustles my jimmies. :P
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: SourdoughStomper on March 07, 2013, 06:12:23 AM
"0mG can i BuY ur auctin 4 lyk, $10 off wut U r selling it 4, i wuz rly looking 4 dis one?!"

If I had to type like that on a regular basis, I'd wind up taking my own life. :crazy:
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: mlp4me on March 07, 2013, 08:23:09 AM
There seems to be a serious lack in proper grammatical usage quite often, and it's everywhere. (The simple  proper uses of the words: their/they're/there/it/it's/its shouldn't be so puzzling.)
We all make mistakes, but sometimes you just have to shake your head and keep going (so many great examples listed already)... Give me formal language any day, I can't stand all that texting jargon mumbojumbo.
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: DazzleKitty on March 07, 2013, 05:20:58 PM
I'm not a grammar nazi or anything like that, but one area where bad grammar DOES bother me is fanfiction. When you are seriously trying to write a story and you aren't sure how to spell or word something, look it up. Get some practice. Bad fanfiction is a pet peeve of mine. You can tell the difference between someone who tries and someone who is half-arsed.

But in an eBay auction? Meh, if the idea gets across, then it's fine.

Just because someone can't spell doesn't mean they are stupid. My dad is a very good writer but man he cannot spell. He spells shopping as "shoping" and I tell him my mom and I are going 'shoping' today just to tease him. :P
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: PinkRosedust on March 07, 2013, 10:54:50 PM

What I can't stand is...

"0mG can i BuY ur auctin 4 lyk, $10 off wut U r selling it 4, i wuz rly looking 4 dis one?!"

I actually received a message like this on eBay. ._.

All this is a new urban slang that was created due to texting and is used often as a form of language that is accepted as cool in many social groups and cultures.  It is not pure English,  but its important to note its widely accepted and meant to be less formal.  I think people get so use to using it, they forget not everyone talks this way. Its most often used in the younger crowds.  I like to use the letter " r" rather than spelling out "are" to save time as typing hurts my neck. It's also really hard to type on a tablet. I like to categorize this urban language right in there with wearing your pants bellow the knee and thinking it looks good.  I bet some of this slang will end up in our dictionary one day.

I'm aware that it's text slang, however it's not the innaproprate timing/use of the slang that bugs me, it's using lowercase i, lowercase at the beginning of sentences, numbers instead of letters(l33tspeak), and typing LyK DiS, which I get...,often. I mean, I'm typing on a tablet ATM, so I understand shorthand or text speak....but the other stuff really rustles my jimmies. :P

Agreed! There's really no need to NEVER use capitalization or punctuation, which I see a lot of on forums. :/ It makes things more difficult to read, and it actually does make the person look like they never went to school at all. I don't expect people to be 100% perfect with every bit of grammar (I'm certainly not!) but there are just some things that there is NO excuse for, like excessive text speak on a forum. I understand it in texting, but there's a difference when you're typing on a forum like this. Generally I view places like this as a little more formal than a quick text about how you'll be meeting your friend at 5 or whatever.

Just...why? Unless you have a legit excuse, like chronic pain, why do you want to type like that? And you usually can tell when someone doesn't speak English as a first language, vs. someone who is just lazy.

Can you tell this topic bugs me? =P I could go on and on with this rant...
Title: Re: why am I finding so many illiterate people on eBay these days?
Post by: Prince Primbrose on March 07, 2013, 11:18:13 PM
Honestly, it doesn't really bother me when people use improper grammar or text speak. Besides ESL there are plenty of reasons why people may not have perfect English. I have some brain damage from a bike accident and there's a lot that I can't comprehend or properly put into words anymore. There are incredibly simple words that I can't keep separate (I read and spell cough as couch and vice versa.)

Im honestly not saying that I see anyone here doing this, but I find it kind of petty to hold someone's comprehension of the English language against them. I see it in internet debates all the time; if someone makes a mistake or misuses an apostrophe, their argument is rendered 100% invalid and unimportant because they slipped up on they're/their/there or didn't use punctuation. I have a friend who can't spell to save his life and has overall bad grammar and text speaks, but I know what he's saying to me, and it's no less important than what anyone else has to say.

I can understand the frustration, though, like with the leet speak and stuff. I've roleplayed as characters who typed with alternating capital and lowercase letters or who use numbers in place of letters, and it takes forever to write out a simple sentence. It's definitely an off choice to make typing harder for yourself.

(Sorry, it's late, I think I rambled and nagged a bit.  :zzz: )
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