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Pony Talk => Off Topic => The Dollhouse => Topic started by: tuneful87 on January 20, 2013, 03:22:19 PM

Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 20, 2013, 03:22:19 PM
It's no secret that there are a few of us out there who are completely CRAZY for this doll that may or may not ever be released. While we not-so-patiently wait to see if good ol' Wydowna will get a doll (either in the Power Ghoul line or perhaps at SDCC) I figured it's about time for the obsessed ones among us to have our very own thread to discuss Wydowna as well as share photos of her initial feature at SDCC, artwork, her upcoming roll in the Power Ghoul comic, and of course to keep everyone informed on her release status!

To start things off, I'll share a lovely photo of her and pose these questions to you: What is it that makes Wydowna so appealing to you? What's your favorite thing about her? Your least favorite thing?

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And here's some great artwork of her:

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I just HAD to buy these bookmarks!

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Yes, yes, yes! If Wydowna is a full release, my plan was to rehair her in white and this totally proves it would be amazing!

All right, now let's get this chat GOING!

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Gingerbread on January 20, 2013, 03:41:12 PM
:heart: Wydowna :heart:

What is there not to like? She just looks awesomely monsterish! Plus spiders are one of my fave animals - I have kept tarantulas for over 20 years, I've been to Borneo looking for them, I have tattoos of a spider doll is a must!

I totally planning on getting several and having them all rehaired differently too...that white looks awesome on her!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: kamakazee82 on January 20, 2013, 03:43:20 PM
i love EVERYTHING about her, besides that oufit ... i dig the theme, but it could e done soooooo much better, like that last piece of art of her is AWESOME!

think i'm fond of the black and the multi-armed most *nods*
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: rayedelsol on January 20, 2013, 03:47:44 PM
Another photo for your collection :)
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PolterGhoul Comic Book ( by reidelsol (, on Flickr
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Sapphire-Light on January 20, 2013, 03:55:01 PM
i love EVERYTHING about her, besides that oufit ... i dig the theme, but it could e done soooooo much better, like that last piece of art of her is AWESOME!

think i'm fond of the black and the multi-armed most *nods*

Agree, now that Operetta is out hopefully they can do more work in making Widowna  wit a different theme.

Hopefully they change the shade of the hair, in the pic it looks way too day glow.

Also about unreleased dolls, what happened to the  Headless director?  the last thing we heard was  that she was supposed to be TRU or target exclusive, but that was almost a year ago and still no more  news :what:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: PandaBerryInSpace on January 20, 2013, 03:58:08 PM
I love Wydowna a lot. The only thing that bothers me is the red lipstick on her black skin... I'm scared that it will remind people of blackface and she'll be pulled from the shelves. :cry: (And don't say that can't happen... Game Freak had to redesign the Pokemon Jynx for that very reason.)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 20, 2013, 04:16:30 PM
Pink: What color rehairs do you have in mind? I'd love to hear.

Kam: Personally I love her outfit, but I think the last outfit is nice too. The more yellow on her, the better. And just think about dressing her in custom clothes; the options are limitless! Granted, unless etsy sellers start making clothing to accommodate her extra arms I'll need to start commissioning outfits.

raye: Oh, it makes me so hopeful!

Sapphire: At least they said they're release the Headmistress. Since she placed last in both SDCC polls, it just makes sense that Wydowna will get some sort of release too. I know some people think that Wydowna and Operetta look too similar, but I think they look different enough to be honest. For one, Operetta hasn't been released with leggings or a vest yet. Operetta says more 'deep south' to me while Wydowna says more 'midwest'. In general, we need another redhead so badly! Based on the comic, I'm really happy Mattel seems to have stuck with that hair color.

Panda: I think that's just absolutely crazy to be honest! Spiders are most commonly black and red lipstick matches red hair! Anyone who makes a 'controversy' over that (and there no doubt will be as well as people saying she's stereotyping Indian gods and the like) are completely off their heads! Some people were ranting about Skelita and Jinafire stereotyping Mexicans and Chinese, but those dolls flew off the shelves! (In a good way!) So I truly don't think anything like that would ever happen.

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: keylimepony on January 20, 2013, 05:27:25 PM
Have you seen this custom? (not my picture):

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Little Miss Spinderella Webs ( by AMonsterHighGuy (, on Flickr
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on January 20, 2013, 05:31:17 PM
Please make her happen Mattel!!  I've never seen another doll quite like her.  Wy is probably the coolest doll, no question!  All those limbs...just so amazing.  My eyes don't even know where to focus because she's visually so interesting to look at. 

Her skin color is just heaven.  I am getting tired of seeing so many pale girls and light skinned ladies.  Black is beautiful, and there is a serious lack of black dolls!!!  Why is that?  Come on Mattel, step up and diversify. 

I thought this line was supposed to be about "Being Unique": so what is more unique than an 8 limbed doll?!  Mattel has a chance to take something scary to most girls, like spiders, and personalize/glamorize it.  I am a mother of 3 daughters, so I speak from experience when I say that insects can be frightening.  What can be more empowering than to neutralize some of that fear with a friendly, likable and freaky flawed spider monster doll?!  Wy has the opportunity to give life and heart to an otherwise scary creature. 

Trust me, I hate spiders and bugs.  But I can't think of any better 'monster' than a spider doll.  Judging by her picture, Wy looks beautiful and approachable; she personifies unique.  Come on Mattel, take a chance on her!  She's too incredible to scrap.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: rayedelsol on January 20, 2013, 05:31:26 PM
-snip- Skelita and Jinafire stereotyping Mexicans and Chinese, but those dolls flew off the shelves! (In a good way!) So I truly don't think anything like that would ever happen.

I know this is so off topic, but if anyone complains about Skelita, then they are uneducated about the doll/character, because she was designed as a tribute [by a person of Hispanic origin] to her heritage!!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: roselalonde on January 20, 2013, 05:42:04 PM
I love her concept, even though her colors really aren't my favorite. I really loved her in the fanart with pastels, but she's still a gorgeous doll.

I think my favorite part of her is all the arms - think of all the purses she can hold!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: blackestbird on January 20, 2013, 06:11:43 PM
Count me as a fan! I love the 'scarier' dolls; I love sig Spectra, even though I don't have her yet, because she actually looks a little creepy. I love Venus, Skelita, Jinafire (I only have Clawdeen from the Scaris line so far, but I will own these girls one day!), and 3-eyed CAM for the same reasons: they're more unique, creative, and more monstery. I'm seriously phobic of spiders but still absolutely love Wydowna. I so hope she gets a release!

Fave thing: her dark color and multi-limbs! She's just so unique, I love that she's actually 8-limbed! Plus I think she'd be such a cute bestie with Mel, my bee CAM :3

Least fave: not overly fond of the styling and all the pink. She reminds me a bit, style-wise, of Operetta, and while I love Operetta's dolls, I just don't want to see similar styling in Wydowna. I do think I'd like the prototype stock in different colors though, the pink/purple is just so overdone. Like I love her boots with the yellow, I wish that translated more in the actual outfit rather than just the accessories; that white-haired fanart, for example, is gorgeous!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Keelee_von_Cupcake on January 20, 2013, 07:23:32 PM
She's so lovely and unique! So many arms, so many possibilities. My favorite part is those delicious arms, of course, but I also love her super dark skin, and the contrast with her neon glow hair. :heart: They haaave to make her. :cry:

I like what Michelle said about her making spiders and bugs seem a little less scary. I've never met a vampire I didn't like, but I am TERRIFIED of bugs, so that appeals to me, and would be a new way for me to relate to Monster High.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Airiel on January 20, 2013, 09:01:02 PM
I love her black plastic, I love her six arms, and even though they're creepy as hell, I love her forehead eyeballs!!  Please please please Mattel don't tease us so!

I don't particularly care for her outfit, or the hair color, but she is SO cool regardless.

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Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: PandaBerryInSpace on January 21, 2013, 05:19:01 AM
I don't like real life bugs, either, but I do love cute, cartoony ones, so Wydowna doesn't bother me at all! To be honest, I'd love to see more insect monsters in general... I love my bee CAM, but I want more! XD

I do hope that she gets a signature release, though, rather than a Power Ghoul release. Not that I wouldn't get her if she's a Power Ghoul, but I prefer all of my monsters to have casual outfits if they can help it.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: xkelpiex on January 21, 2013, 06:15:22 AM
She makes me speechless, honestly. She's just so perfectly monstrous! I love the colour contrasts, her creepy forehead eyes, I love her extra limbs, I even love her cowgirl getup. I don't find her similar to Operetta at all, either. Operetta is rockabilly, swing, deep south style and Wy is cowgirl chic. I can see her on a six legged horse with a lassoo in one hand and a smoking revolver in the other chasing down fugitives.
I also wholeheartedly agree with what Michelle said. I am terrified of spiders and Wydowna makes them likeable. Almost. Okay, I still hate them, but I love her XD
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: rayedelsol on January 21, 2013, 06:17:01 AM
I think my least favorite thing is that her plastic looks so... flat or matte. You know? If she were shiny, I would so be there with you guys, but that matte look just isn't doing it for me :(
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: PandaBerryInSpace on January 21, 2013, 06:29:34 AM
Hm... I like the matte look, honestly. Matte dolls are much easier to photograph.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: NovelNerd on January 21, 2013, 06:29:47 AM
I will say she looks fantastic, but being a person easily startled by spiders I cannot shake it. I won't ever own her, but she is a neat looking monster.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on January 21, 2013, 06:51:27 AM
Ok, I just showed my daughters her picture and asked if they'd like to own the spider girl.  Consensus:  a resounding YES!  My oldest said she looked super cool and really fun.  My middle daughter (who's favorite MH doll is Skelita) said she's so amazing. 

My bug-hating children want this doll.  Enough said:)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: blackestbird on January 21, 2013, 07:12:04 AM
I know Operetta is rockabilly and Wydowna is more cowgirl. It's the styling though. The hair is similar, not just because it's red, but stylistically. I dunno if I can explain, but something about that promo pic of her is reminiscent of Operetta. Maybe it's the red/pink/purple combo, and the way the hair is styled. Her bouffant and curls are a little like Operetta's victory rolls, and when paired with the colors, a lot more like it. To me at least. I would just like her outfit/accessories more in different colors, especially the dress. There's enough pink - and pink is one of my favorite colors! Still so much want though!

I really like the matte-ness about her too, but then again I think they're all pretty matte. Maybe her dark color makes it more pronounced, but there are only a couple that seem more shiny to me.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: mistic_imp on January 21, 2013, 08:34:29 AM
 I loveher  red black theme and  the over all creativity of the doll. just like everyone else has said. I think she is the most unique so far. SO I really want her.
 That said i am not crazy about the clothing either..  The western thing isn't bad, but  i guess it is all the purple/ pink and plaid. i  would like to see more leather on her. I would like to see  her dress in stead of pink purple  and white maybe to have more black or a darker plaid color, it is not that the plaid is  bad LOL but just i think that it is so bright. I feel like it competes with her hair and stuff.

 I'd like to see  more red / black color scheme.. I wish her fish nets were red, honestly if they want color i wouldn't mind more blues , tan or yellows/oranges ether. but to me that  magenta pink just dosen't go..  regaurdless i will love her anyway, even if she is release just like that!

 But i want them  to make her. She looks like she should be best buds with operetta, down  south in the catacombs LOL in my world anyway they are gonna be BFFS :)

Post Merge: January 21, 2013, 09:10:14 AM

other thoughts on some simple changes to her outfit colors I think would look good.
1 get away all the pink fish nets
2 blue and white actually looks nice too :)

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Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: saply on January 21, 2013, 09:23:31 AM
Wow yeah, that blue and white plaid looks incredible on her

This is the only doll I'm excited for, and if she doesn't get a release I will be very sad. :(
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Maniah on January 21, 2013, 10:00:04 AM
I like her, but I dislike the plaid on her. In my mind, she should be more elegant and wear gowns of silky material. Fabric that drapes and flows.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: blackestbird on January 21, 2013, 10:04:28 AM
She'd be a cute grrrista at the Coffin Bean too hehe. So efficient! :3

I do like that blue and white photo manip of the dress, that's cute!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Chi on January 21, 2013, 10:06:20 AM
Read my mind with the outfit, Maniah!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: keylimepony on January 21, 2013, 10:58:25 AM
This custom is pretty cool too. (Again, not my picture)
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Itsy Bitsy Spider ( by BlytheGirl123 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: blackestbird on January 21, 2013, 11:06:54 AM
Now see, if they'd given her multiple legs rather than multiple arms, I don't think I'd like her. Too realistic/creepy! XD I can appreciate that it's cool, but too spidery for me!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Burgundy_Rose on January 21, 2013, 11:44:20 AM
I love the artwork of her with the white hair! I hope they go for something similar hair-wise. She's too similar to Operetta and I'm not loving the country theme in her clothes either. I figure that will change though what with many of the themes being used in Operetta's design.

Regardless I'm happy as long as they keep her black skin, and multiple arms and eyes.
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 21, 2013, 01:48:23 PM
Wow, this thread has really blown up since I saw it last. I don't know where to begin!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Gingerbread on January 21, 2013, 02:22:46 PM
Pink: What color rehairs do you have in mind? I'd love to hear.

I'd love her in some colours  that relate to my tarantulas and other spiders that I've kept, so grey/white, yellow/white, brown/pink, blue/black, orange/black, dark grey/silver/pale orange and curly dark brown  :)

I don't think it would be too hard to find clothes for her, just a case of snipping down the side seams and re-hemming. But my Wydowna posse will all have ballgowns. Spiders in ballgowns would rock.

If I was to really pick at something it would be her extra eyes, they just don't really hit me like the rest of her does. And her hair would be brushed out. Details!

I LOVE that custom with the six legs....I need her....

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Sprinkles on January 21, 2013, 04:42:45 PM
When I first saw Wydowna, I didn't like her at all because, like some people, I HATE spiders >_< But now I really want her. Like all of you have said, she is the most monstrous and unique doll that we have seen. I love her outfit but I wish they hadn't made her dress the same color as the leggings. I love the color combo of the leggings with her shoes but I'm not sure what color I would prefer for her dress... I also love all her arm! And they're all articulated!  :biggrin:

She does remind me of Operetta with her hair and outfit but we can't complain too much right? I mean we have Nefera and Cleo that are sisters that have very similar styles and color schemes and we also have the Weretwins that are EXACTLY the same. Maybe Operetta and Wydowna are good friends that are from the same area or something? I don't know.  :huh: I do wish they had made her a bit less Operetta-ish. Regardless, I will be getting her if/when she gets a release. Maybe she could be like Clawdeen and Howleen and have a different colored hair for her releases? I would like to see her will all yellow and all white hair ^.^
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: LiquidCyanide on January 21, 2013, 05:46:15 PM
I love her and she will be my favourite doll if she's released (please please please let her be released!) Her eyes bother me a bit though i wish they were all the same instead of her main eyes being normal and the extras being all red. I think she'd look good if her eye whites on her main eyes were red too, kinda like how Spectra's are purple.
Personally i don't think she's too similar to Operetta. As cute as her western theme is i don't really get how it relates to her monsterness though, same with Operetta's theme including spiders and webs... just doesn't seem to go in my opinion :unsure:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Tribble79 on January 21, 2013, 08:54:29 PM
i love EVERYTHING about her, besides that oufit ... i dig the theme, but it could e done soooooo much better, like that last piece of art of her is AWESOME!

think i'm fond of the black and the multi-armed most *nods*

I absolutely love her, she is sooo cute, but everyones right, that outfit is horrible! LOL. Theme is okay but I hate the outfit.

I like her, but I dislike the plaid on her. In my mind, she should be more elegant and wear gowns of silky material. Fabric that drapes and flows.

oooh, I agree... She would be awesome in drapey and flowy gowns... great idea.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: DazzleKitty on January 21, 2013, 11:25:49 PM
She would be an awesome doll and I really hope Mattel makes her. What worries me is that I feel some parents may find it too gruesome and try to attack the MH line. I'm surprised they haven't already, actually. There are lots of very crazy looking dolls in the line that I am surprised parents went for.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on January 22, 2013, 04:33:44 AM
She would be an awesome doll and I really hope Mattel makes her. What worries me is that I feel some parents may find it too gruesome and try to attack the MH line. I'm surprised they haven't already, actually. There are lots of very crazy looking dolls in the line that I am surprised parents went for.

Probably a sign that there is still hope for the human race! xD
..but after I read about the Django figurines having to be pulled.. maybe not. :P

Anyways, I LOVE things with multiple limbs, so I NEED this doll to become real. As of now, I am still patiently waiting. However, in the back of my mind I am already calculation the amount of work/time/money it would take to recreate her out of one of the plastic curves's torsos and several bait-dolls. XD
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on January 22, 2013, 09:41:30 AM
She would be an awesome doll and I really hope Mattel makes her. What worries me is that I feel some parents may find it too gruesome and try to attack the MH line. I'm surprised they haven't already, actually. There are lots of very crazy looking dolls in the line that I am surprised parents went for.

Probably a sign that there is still hope for the human race! xD
..but after I read about the Django figurines having to be pulled.. maybe not. :P

What was the issue with Django, Kim? Please enlighten me :huh:

As for the "gruesomeness" - I think that's the least problem parents have with the MH dolls (at least in the US, according to my experiences).
A lot of people have attacked the line for being, and I quote: "Skanky, slutty, oversexed, too sexualized, too thin, whorish, anti-feminist" <-- I'm a feminist and I think the line is incredibly pro woman and pro finding your true self. Maybe that's just me, but I think MH is way more feminist than Barbie (who used to have real job careers, but nowadays is only a fairy, mermaid, princess, runway model or dog poop collector) <-- I wish I was making up the part about the dog poop.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on January 22, 2013, 10:28:53 AM
Zapper: Django Action Figurines had to be pulled from the market and came to a full halt in production after some parents complained that they were racist and would  glorify the topic of slavery and that it all-in-all was not a topic that should come up regarding children and toys.. leaving the about 1000 of figurines already to be delivered now skyrocketing in price on ebay and the general public with two questions..
 1) since when are Tarantino-Collector-Figurines Childrens' Toys?
 2) why were 'Inglorious Basterds' Nazi-Toys (Issue of WWII) ok, but Django and his Wife (Issue of Slavery) are not? xD;

But google it, you'll find lots of info..

Yeah while I agree with you, I think they could have at least one girl (Ghoulia?) wear flats.. all that high heel propaganda makes me worry about the poor girls' feet!!! OwO
LOL.. no honestly, you are right in what you say. I think the message behind MH is a good one and far better than what Barbie is doing right now. :3
Still I am always waiting for the news that Skelita had to be pulled for taking the advertising of anorexia to little girls to a whole new level.. LOL.


Wydowna is awesome and I need her LIKE NOW! :heart:

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on January 22, 2013, 11:31:13 AM
1) since when are Tarantino-Collector-Figurines Childrens' Toys?
 2) why were 'Inglorious Basterds' Nazi-Toys (Issue of WWII) ok, but Django and his Wife (Issue of Slavery) are not? xD;

My thoughts exactly oO
Tarantino movies are not for kids. Sorry to break it to you, parents, but not all plastic figures are for children.

Yeah while I agree with you, I think they could have at least one girl (Ghoulia?) wear flats.. all that high heel propaganda makes me worry about the poor girls' feet!!! OwO

That's my only big problem with the dolls, actually. They managed to create really stiff and sturdy joints in Skelita, so the entire "their joints wouldn't be able to allow for high heels if they were flat" excuse I keep on hearing about is BS in my opinion.
My feet usually hurt after half an hour in heels (that are not even as high as the ones of the MH shoes) and damaged feet can cause issue with the entire spine structure. Also a reason why I hate it when superiors demand a "dress code" that forces all women to wear heels.
My mum was forced to wear heels for years (hotel business) and it left her with hammer toes and back/neck ache >_<

But I really hate the constant critique regarding the girls' other clothes. They are fine! Look at Ghoulia, Venus or Lagoona. How are their clothes even "sexy"?
Also, why do we need slurs for women who wear skirts and high heels when we don't have slurs for men who go topless in summer? :P
Stuff like that just makes me angry.

As for Wydowna, I hope she is not going to be a SCC exclusive!
I share the opinion that she is wonderfully monstrous and I also love that she is black! Pitch-black! :)

I'm just wondering what her outfit is supposed to look like. The promo pic looks a bit like a country/cowgirl ^^
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 22, 2013, 03:38:37 PM
I'm really hoping that the next two comics (Tor and Frankie) will further develop Wydowna as a villain. And then hopefully once they've familiarized kids with Wydowna, then we'll see her release. But honestly I think she's a very strong contender for SDCC, bad as that is for all of us...
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: kamakazee82 on January 22, 2013, 04:37:01 PM
*nod* ... yeah ... i see her as SDCC exclusive ... or maybe a halloween exclusive somewhere ...
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 22, 2013, 04:40:53 PM
*nod* ... yeah ... i see her as SDCC exclusive ... or maybe a halloween exclusive somewhere ...

Which is totally silly. That doll will SELL! She will not be lying on the shelves like all those Skull Shores Ghoulias or Sweet 1600 Clawdeens. She would sell better than the both of them combined. (I'm not knocking either of those dolls. In fact, I adore them. However, they were overproduced and are probably still on shelves in some places. Overproducing dolls that don't sell wastes a lot of money. Wydowna will not be lying on shelves. She's too fantastic.)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: kamakazee82 on January 22, 2013, 05:01:25 PM

but we saw that with "drama pony" ... she'd sell stoopid crazy well in a retail environment ... but they used her as comicon/fair fodder :(

... just because it would sell well doens't mean anything ... :(
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on January 22, 2013, 05:19:44 PM
I'm really hoping that the next two comics (Tor and Frankie) will further develop Wydowna as a villain. And then hopefully once they've familiarized kids with Wydowna, then we'll see her release. But honestly I think she's a very strong contender for SDCC, bad as that is for all of us...
I'll tell you, I won't pay scalper prices for Scarah but I would for Wy!!!  I do not want her to be a SDCC exclusive, but I suppose if she is, I'll have to find a way to own her.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 22, 2013, 05:28:11 PM
I'm really hoping that the next two comics (Tor and Frankie) will further develop Wydowna as a villain. And then hopefully once they've familiarized kids with Wydowna, then we'll see her release. But honestly I think she's a very strong contender for SDCC, bad as that is for all of us...
I'll tell you, I won't pay scalper prices for Scarah but I would for Wy!!!  I do not want her to be a SDCC exclusive, but I suppose if she is, I'll have to find a way to own her.

Me too. Even if it cost me $200 or $300 a pop, I'd get several. It would bring me infinite happiness, so it would be totally worth it.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on January 22, 2013, 05:58:03 PM
I love her- I want her really bad.  She is so detailed and unique-  her coloring is awesome.

I am worried because of her detail (extra limbs) that she might be expensive to produce- which would make it more likely she would be a SDCC release than a regular release- but I hope I'm wrong.

I will be outraged if they don't make her at all- and quite frankly, surprised.  As some have noted, she was more popular than the Headless Headmistress (who doesn't look all that special quite frankly) - and they made her. 

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: pukunui on January 22, 2013, 06:23:05 PM
While I don't really get the cowgirl theme, I love this doll and really want her to be made. She's by far the most monstrous character they've dreamt up for the doll line so far.

I would love her with white hair. She'd be like a drow elf from D&D. Specifically, a drow demonbinder:

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Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Mandy85 on January 22, 2013, 06:37:58 PM
Late to the party, but I'm someone who would also kill for this doll. It was love at first sight when I first saw the prototype images of her unveiled during SDCC 2011. At the time, I remembered just wanting a Bloodgood doll so badly, and I can say that I didn't even notice her standing next to DOA at first. She just grabbed my attention instantly.

While the outfit they showcased her in I could take or leave (the cowboy boots can stay), I love her darker skin, and the multiple arms and eyes just make her fascinating to look at. I'm of the camp that feels we could certainly use some more monstrous characters to balance out some of the cuter/safer characters and mix things up a bit. I also have a genuine respect for arachnids, after having worked around them for a number of years (and getting over my fear of them in the process), so it would be nice to see a spider character glamorized in a more positive light (unless of course she's actually planned as an antagonist, lol).

I was absolutely crestfallen when I heard Scarah had won the vote, but if it means DOA's actually dodged a bullet by not being a SDCC exclusive, all the better. I'm still hoping they go another way with this year's con exclusive, and Target's exclusive that's rumored to be planned for their fall quarter is going to be DOA in the end. Would be a great tease by having her make a cameo in their exclusive Spectra's Vondergeist comic. Total speculation and wishful thinking on my part though.
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 22, 2013, 07:21:27 PM
FYI, if Wydowna does come out as any sort of release the most important thing is that we look out for each other instead of letting the scalpers steal her. I know I'd buy every single Wydowna I spotted! All the extras I'd happily sell at cost to the members desperately seeking her most!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: pukunui on January 22, 2013, 08:07:35 PM
FYI, if Wydowna does come out as any sort of release the most important thing is that we look out for each other instead of letting the scalpers steal her. I know I'd buy every single Wydowna I spotted! All the extras I'd happily sell at cost to the members desperately seeking her most!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on January 23, 2013, 06:00:52 AM
FYI, if Wydowna does come out as any sort of release the most important thing is that we look out for each other instead of letting the scalpers steal her. I know I'd buy every single Wydowna I spotted! All the extras I'd happily sell at cost to the members desperately seeking her most!
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
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Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on January 23, 2013, 06:08:36 AM
FYI, if Wydowna does come out as any sort of release the most important thing is that we look out for each other instead of letting the scalpers steal her. I know I'd buy every single Wydowna I spotted! All the extras I'd happily sell at cost to the members desperately seeking her most!
Echo this Tuney!  This is what I plan on doing with Catrine too.  Arena peeps come first, and no one should pay scalpers prices!!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on January 23, 2013, 09:06:32 AM
FYI, if Wydowna does come out as any sort of release the most important thing is that we look out for each other instead of letting the scalpers steal her. I know I'd buy every single Wydowna I spotted! All the extras I'd happily sell at cost to the members desperately seeking her most!

me too!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Mandy85 on January 23, 2013, 09:22:39 AM
FYI, if Wydowna does come out as any sort of release the most important thing is that we look out for each other instead of letting the scalpers steal her. I know I'd buy every single Wydowna I spotted! All the extras I'd happily sell at cost to the members desperately seeking her most!

Most definitely! I always try to do this with new/sought after releases where I'm able. :)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on January 23, 2013, 09:43:00 AM
Along those lines-  if anyone needs Jinafire still I managed to find an extra :D
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 23, 2013, 01:32:31 PM
That's really sweet of you, Gal! I'd been looking for a second one for ages to rehair but got one a few weeks back.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on January 23, 2013, 05:09:58 PM
 :mad:Totally an aside, but Mandy, I love your changing MH siggy!!  Ohhhhh, right now it's Wydowna !!!!
 Plus GoT is my most favorite show next to The Walking Dead:)

*cant wait for new season*
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 23, 2013, 06:33:03 PM
I can't wait to see Mandy's sig. (I'm logged in through the app tapatalk and sigs don't show up).
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Mandy85 on January 24, 2013, 05:48:15 AM
:mad:Totally an aside, but Mandy, I love your changing MH siggy!!  Ohhhhh, right now it's Wydowna !!!!
 Plus GoT is my most favorite show next to The Walking Dead:)

*cant wait for new season*

Thank you, and may I say that you have great tastes in TV shows. :) Game of Thrones is my favorite show/book series, I've been so obsessed with it, lol. I'm counting down the days until season 3, I can't wait!  :biggrin: I haven't had a chance to really get into it yet, but my boyfriend is a big fan of The Walking Dead.

I can't wait to see Mandy's sig. (I'm logged in through the app tapatalk and sigs don't show up).

I made little MH sprites of the characters that rotate every time the page reloads. Wydowna is one of my recent ones. :)
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Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on January 24, 2013, 01:54:35 PM
This was posted in the MH Discussion thread:

Miss Ashley comes with good news! Thank you so much!

Oh dear... Hold on to your wallets guys & ghouls, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Toy Fair 2013 in New York during the first week of February, and a new multi-MH doll display will be exhibited. Here are a few of them:

- Scaris City Of Frights Lagoona and Cleo - Skultimate Roller Maze Draculaura - Dot Dead Gorgeous Frankie, Venus,Cleo,Claw deen, Robecca - Picture Day Clawdeen - Ghouls Night Out Howleen, Lagoona, Spectra andRochelle - Dance Class Rochelle Goyle - 13 Wishes Gigi Genie, Twyla, Frankie, Clawdeen, Lagoona, Draculaura, Cleo's Oasis Beach and Spectra's Haunt the Casbah PlaySet - Dead Tired Spectra, Robecca, Lagoona, Spectra's Creepy Bed, Lagoona's Shower and Draculaura's Die-Ner Restaurant - Classroom Double Cleo and Ghoulia Mad Science, Heath Burns and Abbey Home Ick - New Characters Heath Burns, İnvisi Billy, Catty Noir, Wydowna Spider - Create A Monster Werewolf Boy and Sea Monster Boy - Color Me Creepy Howleen And Lagoona - Music Festival Clawdeen HipHop, Abbey himalayan, Venus Plunk - New I Heart Fashion Wave 2 (Shoe Set) Clawdeen and Draculaura

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it?! 
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on January 24, 2013, 03:11:49 PM

Thank you for passing that info on!  It sounds like she might be a general (or maybe toystore exclusive) release- yay!  SOOOO much easier to get than SDCC release-

They wouldn't have her as part of the display if she were the exclusive doll, right??
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 24, 2013, 03:47:47 PM

Thanks Ash for posting and michelle for alerting us here. This is INCREDIBLE NEWS! Let's get the $!^&@ party started!!!!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on January 24, 2013, 03:52:02 PM
Don't get your hopes up too high yet, peeps! Head over to the general discussion, people there are already starting to pick this news apart and they have valid reasons, too. ;o;
Well, I'll just hope for it to be true, since I really, really, really want her to be a somewhat general release (heck, even target exclusive and part of the PG-libe is better than SDCC!)..

Buy anyways, in about three weeks we'll know for sure. Let's keep our fingers crossed 'til then! ^^
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 24, 2013, 03:59:40 PM
Can anyone visit Toy Fair? Do I need to register or buy a ticket or something? It's only a 1.5 hr train from my home to NYC. OMG so exciting!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on January 24, 2013, 04:02:37 PM
I just read that the info is questionable, and possibly a hoax.  That really burns my beans. 

Curse you Internet.  Curse you.

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: pukunui on January 24, 2013, 04:03:10 PM
Can anyone visit Toy Fair? Do I need to register or buy a ticket or something? It's only a 1.5 hr train from my home to NYC. OMG so exciting!
I thought the NYC Toy Fair was just for retailers.

I just read that the info is questionable, and possibly a hoax.  That really burns my beans.
Yes, I question its veracity due to the inclusion of Lagoona and Howleen as Color Me Creepy dolls. That's a misinformed viral rumor that just refuses to die. The Color Me Creepy dolls are special CAMs. I have seen pics of them. Howleen and Lagoona are part of the 13 Wishes line.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 24, 2013, 04:11:20 PM
Can anyone visit Toy Fair? Do I need to register or buy a ticket or something? It's only a 1.5 hr train from my home to NYC. OMG so exciting!
I thought the NYC Toy Fair was just for retailers.

Ah, now I see that. Oh well! I'll just eagerly await the photos then!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on January 24, 2013, 05:59:05 PM
I'm not giving up on the news yet-  but it does look like verification will have to come via Toyfair.

I've gone to ToyFair before- but you have to get credentials as press or a purchaser- it is not open to the public.  Luckily I have some relatives in the toy biz.  Unfortunately- the way it is set up now, it is pretty useless to just attend, all of the good stuff is behind closed booths and by appointment only.   I didn't actually try to set up any appointments, but obviously should have-  Hasbro and Mattel had ALL of their stuff by appointment only, and I'm sure that has not changed.

A press pass would be handy...
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 24, 2013, 06:27:15 PM
Oh Gal, sounds like I'd need to sleep with the right person to get in! Ha!

My question is this - Are all the new releases and the SDCC exclusive usually revealed at February's Toyfair? Could it be possible that some releases will not be shown?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on January 24, 2013, 06:34:07 PM
Oh Gal, sounds like I'd need to sleep with the right person to get in! Ha!

It would be great to have "one of our people" there, though. I already saw you as our agent, tweeting live from Toy Fair and posting really blurry cam photos for all of us to enjoy ;)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 24, 2013, 06:40:55 PM
Zapper, I'd have been there in a hot second if I was allowed in! And of course I'd have been posting live photos! Now that we have this wonderful app for the Arena, I have no excuse not to.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on January 26, 2013, 03:07:31 PM
It used to be pretty easy to get a press pass- just set up a website or submit a few articles about ponies or toys- there used to be  specific criteria on the Toyfair website itself and I bet there still is, although it might be more stringent these days...  I bet you could totally do it!  (Probably too late for this year but a good thing to aim for for next!)

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Mandy85 on January 26, 2013, 03:42:22 PM
I would seriously kill to be able to attend Toyfair, but their rules have gotten pretty strict in recent years. From their website:

Registration is open to the trade only; Toy Fair is not open to the public. No one under the age of 18, including infants, will be admitted. 

Those eligible for admission as buyers include retailers, wholesalers, importers, and buying groups. Certain categories of trade guests are also eligible for admission. Individuals who cannot document their direct, professional affiliation to the trade are not qualified to attend. Suppliers to the trade are not qualified to attend. Each registrant must present both business credentials and an employee I.D. Individuals who cannot document their direct, professional affiliation to the trade are not qualified to attend.

On their Trade Guest page under Press it says "Bloggers (subject to approval by Show Management)", so there's always a small chance someone could make it through with a blog:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 27, 2013, 09:14:22 AM
Sucks they're so strict. My god, this isn't a top secret political meeting. We're talking TOYS!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: kamakazee82 on January 27, 2013, 10:32:20 AM
... but it can be top secret ... if one toy company has designed a "new toy" and another toy company gets windo if it and beats them to a release ... there's millions and millions of dollars possibly at stake ...

... and if there are legal reasons to keepping a certain something something under wraps (say a store exclusive that they don't want released to the public yet) and it gets out ... that store could back out and millions and millions of dollars lost because of a contract breach and the toy wouldn't be able to be released to a different store due to breach of contract etc etc ...

it is cut throat Tuney ... crazy for toys ... but yeah ...millions if not billions of dollars at stake :\
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 27, 2013, 10:46:37 AM
That is true I guess. But if it used to be more or less open to the public, I wonder what made things change? Also, don't photos get leaked anyway by attendees?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: kamakazee82 on January 27, 2013, 10:57:40 AM
it did used to be more open yeah ... but then things that weren't supposed to get leaked were getting leaked ... manufacturers were super pissed and threatening to not come back ... so they cracked down ... but really its always been focused on the manufacturers getting to show off their wares to RETAILERS who are looking for stuff they want to carry in their stores ... and i know more than a few retailers *COUGH* TRUWALMARTTARGET*COUGH* were getting upset that they were having to fight for elbow space with the everyday joe schmoe who was just there to gawk and not create HUGE multi-million dollar orders/deals ...

and yes, some things do get leaked ... but not as much as what used to ... and there are much tighter wraps on certain things than there used to be too ... a lot of booths are set up like rooms that you are escourted into in small groups, watched like a hawk, and escourted out of ... and then there are things that only retailers can see (eventually pics get leaked later yes) but super early on in developement so that they can plan ahead and know what to watch for come fall ...

i remember one of my directors talking about MH before it hit shleves, saying it was going to be right up my alley and that he had to hand over his cellphone, mp3 player, etc etc, got patted down, going in, got patted down going out just to catch a glimpse of early design work and a VERY rough mock up of a doll that he later said looked nothing like wht they look like now lol crazy no?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on January 27, 2013, 11:04:22 AM
Wow, that's crazy Kam. I don't have much interest in any of the rumored releases with the exception of Wydowna. I hope to the pony and monster gods that we hear something about her.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on February 03, 2013, 10:52:45 AM
Just showing my love  :heart:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 03, 2013, 11:03:00 AM
ToyFair is coming ever closer. I desperately hope pics get leaked!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on February 03, 2013, 11:16:54 AM
That's all I can think about Tuney!  I'm seriously praying that Mattel will make 2012 the year of the Spider.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 03, 2013, 11:32:46 AM
That's all I can think about Tuney!  I'm seriously praying that Mattel will make 2012 the year of the Spider.

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on February 03, 2013, 11:49:26 AM
Year of the Spider, OH YES PLEASE! °v°
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: kamakazee82 on February 03, 2013, 07:09:49 PM
... if 2012 was year f the spider ... i am unimpressed ... NO SPIDERS! lol *dodges fakies* lmao

I KNOW! I KNOW! you  meant 2013 lol
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on February 03, 2013, 07:12:42 PM
Kamakazee, most of my brain was left in 2012 :lol:  Ahem...2013 better be the year of the spider or else....
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: kamakazee82 on February 03, 2013, 07:33:05 PM
lol i hear ya ... i keep wondering what happened to MARCH last year ... yet alone the rest of it ... lmao and this one's been blowing by fast too ... :\ i'm still bashing people's heads at work with "it's 2013 now ... you need to change and initial the year before i can accept this ...."
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 06, 2013, 04:57:04 AM
Toyfair is coming, and coming quickly!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on February 06, 2013, 10:08:10 AM
I CAN'T WAIT for the previews!   (please please please make a Wydowna!)

I am actually very confident (reasonably confident) Wydowna will be made- already I am getting anxious that she will be released and I won't be able to lay my hands on her !
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: JoshsPonyPrincess on February 06, 2013, 10:46:10 AM
I would love love love to own this girl :) She is so unique
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 06, 2013, 01:26:11 PM
Galactica: I'm pretty confident too. It's the waiting game that's the worst.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on February 06, 2013, 01:46:03 PM
The waiting is the hardest part. 
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: DazzleKitty on February 06, 2013, 05:25:49 PM
Toyfair is coming, and coming quickly!
When is the toy fair? I've been wondering.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Mandy85 on February 06, 2013, 05:45:06 PM
Toyfair is coming, and coming quickly!
When is the toy fair? I've been wondering.

It's taking place February 10th-13th. :)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: DazzleKitty on February 06, 2013, 06:03:29 PM
Thanks! :)

Well that's really soon. I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on February 07, 2013, 08:17:32 AM
Just three more days!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 07, 2013, 03:43:59 PM
Let us pray to the monster gods that there are 'spies' among the attendees....
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on February 07, 2013, 04:45:09 PM
Spies with 6 eyes..... :lol:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on February 07, 2013, 04:48:27 PM
Oh there will be-  the press people in particular always spill the beans

Post Merge: February 08, 2013, 08:53:03 AM

So..... Mattel's Toyfair lineup is up-  and no Wydowna! (

I think this makes it more likely she will be a SDCC exclusive.  That kind of makes sense since she is such a complicated figure, they can charge more for her as an exclusive-  and they probably also figure that a high priced figure won't sell well as a general item (I think there is a lot of research that goes into how much a company charges for a doll)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 08, 2013, 10:24:39 AM
I'm shocked that only 5 dolls made the lineup. However, all of these dolls have already been leaked so it makes sense. I'm loving this Lagoona.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on February 08, 2013, 11:49:52 AM
Argh.. if she's SDCC exclusive I'll cry.. :c
Do you peeps think the exclusive can be ordered through the website again after the fair has ended - Like last year? Anybody willing to help me out in that case? *^*
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 08, 2013, 12:03:14 PM
I dunno, Kim, but I'm prepared to dip into my savings to buy her from scalpers if that's the only one. Best to be prepared!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Mandy85 on February 08, 2013, 12:04:26 PM
Argh.. if she's SDCC exclusive I'll cry.. :c
Do you peeps think the exclusive can be ordered through the website again after the fair has ended - Like last year? Anybody willing to help me out in that case? *^*

This year, any leftover Mattel exclusives are getting offered up to those that have a Mattycollector subscription first. If there's any leftover from that, then they'll be going up for sale to the general public, however since subscriptions through their site are expensive, it's likely that a lot of people are going to be looking to grab these up to resell. :/

I'd wager your best bet would be to buy from a scalper unfortunately. The first two year's exclusives were relatively easy to obtain, but it's getting nearly impossible to even get them at the con unless you're one of the first in line at the Mattel booth. There's a 6 per person rule, which most people take full advantage of where they can, and the booth only allows an allocated amount to be sold per day.

I think Scarah and Hoodude sold out within the first 15 minutes each day of SDCC last year and the Mattycollector site was an absolute nightmare to try and get through on the after-con sales day with all the traffic pouring in. I had all of my payment and shipping information pre-loaded on their site and was able to add a bunch to my cart right away, only to then get bumped back into their loading queue. By the time I got to the screen to confirm my order, they sold out.

That being said, I'm seriously crossing my fingers that if she is coming out, that she's not their exclusive this year so we can all get a fair shot at owning her. :)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on February 08, 2013, 01:55:12 PM
If she is only a SDCC release, I will cry:(  I cannot justify spending that much money on a doll.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on February 08, 2013, 02:03:43 PM
I've resigned myself to getting her from a Scalper-  based on what happened last year at the SDCC, even if I had someone wait in line for me to get her, she would likely be completely sold out to the scalpers who will beat everyone there to her.

I resisted with the first MH exclusive, kept thinking the price would go down- refusing to pay scalpers- and BOY did it NOT go down- sheesh. 

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: pukunui on February 08, 2013, 02:15:40 PM
Yeah, the way the exclusives are sold now, it's like a scalper's dream come true. It really sucks. Mattel should seriously reconsider how they sell these things.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on February 08, 2013, 02:51:34 PM
Wow, that sucks! :c
Thank you for all the info tho, Mandy.

Sigh, oh man.. if the exclusives are even harder to obtain this time around, I bet they'll be even MORE expensive in the end. I'm still crying at the thought of having to pay so much for an thus will most likely never own SDCC Ghoulia b/c of it and got 2 Scarahs (one for me/one for a friend) only through the help of lovely members on here (for close to retail).
It would really truly suck, yeah, because I'd be in a serious pinch since I love that doll just SO much, but hate spending so much on toys. Well, MH toys to be exact.. (I don't own Gil yet because of that) -_-
I do spend much, nonetheless.. I collect Kaiju and that is TRULY expensive.. but I made a habit to only buy those in store in Toyko, so that I can at least LOOK at them.
I'd hate putting down $200+custom fees for Wydowna and get one with wonk eye. NOOOOO. D:= ..and with MH, sadly, that is oh-so-possible.....
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 08, 2013, 03:02:07 PM
I'm late to the party but am totally a member of the Wydowna fan club.  :silly:

I think she's so lovely! :heart:

I'm going to *try* and go to SDCC this year since sign ups are soon...

That said if they sold out that fast last year....does anyone have experience with standing in line? I'm going to get up so early it's not even funny so I can get some dolls. (Maybe ponies)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on February 08, 2013, 03:27:26 PM
I'm late to the party but am totally a member of the Wydowna fan club.  :silly:

I think she's so lovely! :heart:

I'm going to *try* and go to SDCC this year since sign ups are soon...

That said if they sold out that fast last year....does anyone have experience with standing in line? I'm going to get up so early it's not even funny so I can get some dolls. (Maybe ponies)

Seriously if you want the exclusive- you need to be there on the first day, before it even opens to get a shot at her-  I know someone who went last year, but they went on Sat., (early in the morning though) and the exclusives were gone.   As she walked around- she could see that other booth people had dolls for sale way marked up....     They were SUPPOSED to release a certain number each day, but did NOT comply with that rule.  Who knows what they will do this year, but be prepared for madness.   

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: pukunui on February 08, 2013, 03:37:38 PM
I'd hate putting down $200+custom fees for Wydowna and get one with wonk eye. NOOOOO. D:= ..and with MH, sadly, that is oh-so-possible.....
This is my fear. I had hoped the exclusives would be better made, but no, they're not. My Scarah has a bald patch at the back, one eye that has a wider band of eyeshadow around it than the other, a left hair curl that is a bit messy, and the stands she and HooDude came with were useless as the sticks wouldn't stay in the bases. Not impressed.

Of course, I only got Scarah because someone offered to trade her to me for some signed prints of my MH photos. I sold Hoodude for more or less the cost of the printing and shipping of the photos, so in the end Scarah turned out to be free.

I doubt that'll happen again with this year's SDCC exclusive, though, assuming it's something I even want. If it *is* Wydowna, I'll be very distressed.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 08, 2013, 03:42:07 PM
Seriously if you want the exclusive- you need to be there on the first day, before it even opens to get a shot at her-  Who knows what they will do this year, but be prepared for madness.   

Ok got it! I'm totally going for the whole time, so I'll heed your words! I also am trying to get my bf to go + friends so if I can't run I'll have them do it for me!~ *silly knee*

I made a thread for questions so if anyone has other SDCC suggestions/information please do tell!

Do you know how much the exclusive cost at retail before the scalper prices? In case it is Wydowna so I can grab more than one....
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: bagheera86 on February 08, 2013, 03:45:28 PM
I can't help but draw a resemblance to Black Kali @_@ she's a scary doll!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: pukunui on February 08, 2013, 03:46:47 PM
Do you know how much the exclusive cost at retail before the scalper prices? In case it is Wydowna so I can grab more than one....
I believe Scarah & Hoodude were $25.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 08, 2013, 03:55:52 PM
Yikes pukunui!

only $25 that went up to hundreds later :faint:

Guess it's a waiting game now until we know the exclusive for sure!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on February 08, 2013, 03:59:48 PM
This is my fear. I had hoped the exclusives would be better made, but no, they're not. My Scarah has a bald patch at the back, one eye that has a wider band of eyeshadow around it than the other, a left hair curl that is a bit messy, and the stands she and HooDude came with were useless as the sticks wouldn't stay in the bases. Not impressed.

He he-  I just thought this was a bit funny- really-  a left hair curl that is a bit messy? 
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: pukunui on February 08, 2013, 04:12:06 PM
Yikes pukunui!

only $25 that went up to hundreds later :faint:

Guess it's a waiting game now until we know the exclusive for sure!

He he-  I just thought this was a bit funny- really-  a left hair curl that is a bit messy?
Yeah, it's separated a bit so it's not one long loop but two smaller ones and there are a number of stray hairs sticking off every which way, and it's bent at a funny angle because of she was stuck in the box. I should really wash out her curls and do them over.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 08, 2013, 04:15:39 PM
The way I see it, it will probably cost just as much to fly to San Diego and get a room for a few days as it would to buy several Wydownas from scalpers! At least with the latter option I'd be assured of getting her. I could show up and STILL not get one!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: saply on February 08, 2013, 04:24:25 PM
Ehh, if her eyes are crooked I'll just repaint them or give her some cool shades. It sucks paying hundreds for a wonky-eyes doll, but remember that Mattel only gets the retail amount from that.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on February 08, 2013, 04:28:02 PM
The way I see it, it will probably cost just as much to fly to San Diego and get a room for a few days as it would to buy several Wydownas from scalpers! At least with the latter option I'd be assured of getting her. I could show up and STILL not get one!

That is my justification- although a trip to San Diego might be nice- it would seriously kill me to get all the way there and NOT get one of the dolls.

I wish they'd have the exclusives at the Seattle Comic Con darnit.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 08, 2013, 08:28:23 PM
The way I see it, it will probably cost just as much to fly to San Diego and get a room for a few days as it would to buy several Wydownas from scalpers! At least with the latter option I'd be assured of getting her. I could show up and STILL not get one!

That is my justification- although a trip to San Diego might be nice- it would seriously kill me to get all the way there and NOT get one of the dolls.

I wish they'd have the exclusives at the Seattle Comic Con darnit.

It is a good justification, but then you can't go to baseball games too! Galactica, just doooo eeet and stay up all night with me at the bar drinking coffee so we can run in and swipe em  :ninja:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on February 08, 2013, 09:54:58 PM
I do want them so bad- we could split up to get everything (pony exclusive & MH exclusives) !   who knows- maybe I will get to go after all...
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 08, 2013, 09:59:26 PM
I do want them so bad- we could split up to get everything (pony exclusive & MH exclusives) !   who knows- maybe I will get to go after all...

 :tackleglomp: Doooo it!
(Only of course if you can take time and have no financial burdens of course)
Splitting up is a great idea. If you can't go I'll try to enlist someone in my crew....I'll be owing her something big time!

Here's to hoping Wydowna won't be an exclusive but I'll be ready to stand in line if I have to  :shakefist:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Maniah on February 08, 2013, 10:17:05 PM
Do they sell the exclusives on preview night also? My friend has tickets to every day of SDCC including preview night.. is preview night just as big a crowd as all the other nights?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 08, 2013, 11:46:36 PM
I imagine preview night would have less people since I'd assume less badges are available. But I have no idea! Sounds like cheating to me if they did! I'd want to know where the booth was so I could make a run straight to it...
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 09, 2013, 04:37:45 AM
Question to all fans: if you could put Wydowna in any sort outfit and any color/style of hair, what would it be?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on February 09, 2013, 05:09:46 AM
Question to all fans: if you could put Wydowna in any sort outfit and any color/style of hair, what would it be?

I think Wydowna needs a more glamorous makeover.  I'd like to see her in a vampy red and cream colored dress with a cool spider web pattern trim that looks like lace around the hem.  I'd like to see her in heels, but not boots: please don't cover up her gorgeous dark skin!!  Not too much black in her outfit either, colors will just pop on her and make her look even more amazing!  Her earrings would be long drop style: a single spider silk thread with wrapped up fly at the bottom :lol:
I'd like to see her with an up-do like Jinafire's!  I think she'd rather keep her hair out of her arms, so maybe a little Snookie bump in the front with a loose and messy style bun in the back.  Please give her kanekalon hair like Spectra's!!  I love super soft hair:)

I might have had a lot of time to think about this  :blush:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Maniah on February 09, 2013, 05:19:18 AM
I actually like her hair styled like it is.. But it would make her hair dark grey with some red streaks, ad I would give her a skintight long white gown that trailed out  around her in jagged edges.. It's so hard for me to describe the dress in mind, and I don't know what to search for to google an image of it either.  Anyway, over the skintight white, I would love to see a gauzy layer of white with random threads of sparkly red in it.

I am not the most creative, I know :)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: mejohnson85 on February 09, 2013, 01:51:17 PM
I am going to try and buy my SDCC tickets with my tax return... That and put some money away for it... So that I can help people out here...
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 09, 2013, 01:58:40 PM
I would put her in a gingham red/tanish orange brown cuuute floral vintage SWIMSUIT. Oh yeah baby. With those cute little fabric ruffles like on the Scaris Lala fashion pacl. (The bottom trim)

And some scary ghoul shades. Plus a pompadour hair style. And Lace up red or white sandals.

She'd come with a nice big umbrella so she could remain in the shadows.

I am going to try and buy my SDCC tickets with my tax return... That and put some money away for it... So that I can help people out here...
Oooh go post in my Comic Con SDCC thread <3 So we can party.  :silly:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 09, 2013, 05:03:55 PM
Trixie: A cute floral swimsuit is a fabulous idea!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 09, 2013, 11:38:28 PM
Trixie: A cute floral swimsuit is a fabulous idea!

We just need a Wydowna and fabric  :cry:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on February 10, 2013, 12:40:37 PM
Has anyone seen this cool bug abdomen ( from Plastic Curves? Well, Wydowna is obviously an arachnid, but it would still look good on her!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 10, 2013, 01:03:12 PM
Has anyone seen this cool bug abdomen ( from Plastic Curves? Well, Wydowna is obviously an arachnid, but it would still look good on her!

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: DazzleKitty on February 10, 2013, 01:18:01 PM
Has anyone seen this cool bug abdomen ( from Plastic Curves? Well, Wydowna is obviously an arachnid, but it would still look good on her!

LOL! Creepy but very unique.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 10, 2013, 01:45:23 PM
Yeah on the bug torso! I love looking at plastic curves' items. Man if Mattel would make some 6 or 4 Armed dolls I would be ecstatic. And a unicorn. I need unicorns. But plastic curves is tempting! We should be making Wydowna some friends while we wait. :)

Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on February 10, 2013, 10:31:07 PM
Wow- that would probably look cool on her-
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Tribble79 on February 10, 2013, 11:33:06 PM
Has anyone seen this cool bug abdomen ( from Plastic Curves? Well, Wydowna is obviously an arachnid, but it would still look good on her!

Oh my goodness... I love that! Might have to scuplt one for some ghoul one day!!!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on February 11, 2013, 08:35:16 AM
I imagine preview night would have less people since I'd assume less badges are available. But I have no idea! Sounds like cheating to me if they did! I'd want to know where the booth was so I could make a run straight to it...

I've never been to preview night so I don't know-   I know that they are SUPPOSED to release a certain number of dolls each day- but that is not usually what happens.  Case in point- last year all of the exclusives sold out on Sat. almost immediately- so I guess people who came on Sunday didn't even have a chance...
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on February 13, 2013, 06:03:29 PM
Soooo-  there is a seller on ebay "pre-selling" Wydowna (along with Billy and Miss Headless).  I really want Wydowna to be made into a doll- but looking through her feedback, it appears that she has a regular history of selling something and then offering a refund for it when it never gets shipped.  No idea how she could benefit from such a set-up.

It's so mean to tempt us with the possibility (however remote) of a Wydowna.    I see that one of the two that she has "available" has already sold.  Almost as proof that she is a scammer- is the fact that she also had up "Invisi Billy"  - and the picture she used is a custom appearing earlier on ebay. 

WHY would she be doing this ??

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on February 14, 2013, 04:57:43 AM
Yeah, I've also come across that a few days ago.. but could already smell the scam from a mile away. LOL.
Sigh.. I just wish we'd get any new news on her.. ANY news. -_-
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 14, 2013, 05:06:19 AM
Me too, Kim. Any news is good news!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on February 14, 2013, 05:25:23 AM
Did we get to see pictures of Jinafire and Skelita from last years Toy Fair?  I'm wondering if Mattel might be holding her back from the public eye so they can release her later in the year.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Mandy85 on February 14, 2013, 06:44:23 AM
Did we get to see pictures of Jinafire and Skelita from last years Toy Fair?  I'm wondering if Mattel might be holding her back from the public eye so they can release her later in the year.

Nope. :) They showed us some of the new CAM's, the new signatures (Venus, Robecca, Rochelle, and Jackson) and the Ghouls Rule dolls (Frankie, Draculaura, Clawdeen, Cleo, but no Abbey). Jinafire and Skelita got leaked right before SDCC, where they then only previewed them on a PowerPoint presentation at the fan conference. Chances are, there's a lot of really cool stuff being held back to premiere at Comic Con.

The year before, they showed the public nothing new on the doll front and used Toyfair to focus on their electronics. The only dolls on display were the ones that had been released already, though the 2.0 signatures were shown to vendors in their back room. A pic of Spectra was leaked soon after and many people thought she was a custom Ghoulia someone was trying to fake us out with, lol.

Soooo-  there is a seller on ebay "pre-selling" Wydowna (along with Billy and Miss Headless).  I really want Wydowna to be made into a doll- but looking through her feedback, it appears that she has a regular history of selling something and then offering a refund for it when it never gets shipped.  No idea how she could benefit from such a set-up.

It's so mean to tempt us with the possibility (however remote) of a Wydowna.    I see that one of the two that she has "available" has already sold.  Almost as proof that she is a scammer- is the fact that she also had up "Invisi Billy"  - and the picture she used is a custom appearing earlier on ebay. 

WHY would she be doing this ??

Wow, people buying these are going to be in for a world of disappointment. If the seller isn't an outright scammer, they're probably just getting their wires crossed when it comes to information and decided to take a gamble on rumors. This just reads like trouble for all parties involved.

It could be because there's so many more scalpers than their used to be, lol, the resellers market is just starting to explode and they're having to compete amongst themselves more. Mattel also seems to be getting a bit better about putting their dolls out than they have been in the past, and I've noticed that many of the new characters aren't staying as high for as long as they used to on ebay. Now not only are these people trying to be the first to get their hands on something to resell, but many of them are trying to cash in on presale hype to get their foot in the door and reap the highest price in doing so.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 14, 2013, 04:06:26 PM
More fun Wydowna stuff...

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Love this!

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Wouldn't she look great in this sort of dress?

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I want one with straight hair!

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: empirical on February 14, 2013, 04:48:10 PM
As cute as her western theme is i don't really get how it relates to her monsterness though

she is a tarantula which are most commonly found in the southwest. ie: texas, arizona, new mexico
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: pukunui on February 14, 2013, 05:00:36 PM
As cute as her western theme is i don't really get how it relates to her monsterness though
she is a tarantula which are most commonly found in the southwest. ie: texas, arizona, new mexico
Has Winona Ryder ever played a cowgirl? If so, that might be part of the reason too, seeing as Wydowna's name is a play on the actress's.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: crimsondeity on February 14, 2013, 08:37:57 PM

Nope. :) They showed us some of the new CAM's, the new signatures (Venus, Robecca, Rochelle, and Jackson) and the Ghouls Rule dolls (Frankie, Draculaura, Clawdeen, Cleo, but no Abbey). Jinafire and Skelita got leaked right before SDCC, where they then only previewed them on a PowerPoint presentation at the fan conference. Chances are, there's a lot of really cool stuff being held back to premiere at Comic Con.

The year before, they showed the public nothing new on the doll front and used Toyfair to focus on their electronics. The only dolls on display were the ones that had been released already, though the 2.0 signatures were shown to vendors in their back room. A pic of Spectra was leaked soon after and many people thought she was a custom Ghoulia someone was trying to fake us out with, lol.

Haha, I remember that! So much drama. And none of us could make out what Rehuen was; he looked liked a bird or possibly a crumpled up candy wrapper. And after she and Abbey were slowly revealed throughout the day on the FB page... people were so mad because OMG NO NEW DOLLIES IN STORES YET!!!1. Because some people thought that the dolls would get released on the same day as the unveiling, like a video game. Ah, the old days. When my collection could comfortably fit on a single shelf. And still be called a "complete collection".
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on February 15, 2013, 09:03:52 AM
Hah! I didn't know about the Spectra drama- guess I wasn't paying attention much back then -

Those fan-arts are cute! I like the lolita style dress- I think that Wydowna should be more goth looking...

I don't recall Winona Rider being a cowboy-  if anything, she seems more famous for her gothic type roles (ie Letitia in Betelgeuse)

I messaged the seller asking her how on earth she managed to get Wydowna (or Billy) when we hadn't even had confirmation that they exist yet-  and also raising a concern based on her history of not actually coming through with promised items and issuing a refund instead.  She didn't respond to my questions- but said only that she'd issue a refund if the item didn't arrive.

Just seems odd.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Mandy85 on February 15, 2013, 09:40:19 AM

Nope. :) They showed us some of the new CAM's, the new signatures (Venus, Robecca, Rochelle, and Jackson) and the Ghouls Rule dolls (Frankie, Draculaura, Clawdeen, Cleo, but no Abbey). Jinafire and Skelita got leaked right before SDCC, where they then only previewed them on a PowerPoint presentation at the fan conference. Chances are, there's a lot of really cool stuff being held back to premiere at Comic Con.

The year before, they showed the public nothing new on the doll front and used Toyfair to focus on their electronics. The only dolls on display were the ones that had been released already, though the 2.0 signatures were shown to vendors in their back room. A pic of Spectra was leaked soon after and many people thought she was a custom Ghoulia someone was trying to fake us out with, lol.

Haha, I remember that! So much drama. And none of us could make out what Rehuen was; he looked liked a bird or possibly a crumpled up candy wrapper. And after she and Abbey were slowly revealed throughout the day on the FB page... people were so mad because OMG NO NEW DOLLIES IN STORES YET!!!1. Because some people thought that the dolls would get released on the same day as the unveiling, like a video game. Ah, the old days. When my collection could comfortably fit on a single shelf. And still be called a "complete collection".

Hehe, I forgot about how everyone expected them to be released on the day of the unveiling, that was a riot. The second the photos went up, people were running out to stores and were pissed when they couldn't find them!  :lol:

At that point, we hadn't had a new release since November/December of 2010 with Gloom Beach, and the next thing to come out was in June of 2011, where they just started drowning us in dolls, so fans were starved for information. All they showed us was karaoke machines, cameras, and mini fridges at Toyfair, and we had a 6-7 month gap with nothing new. I think we've been spoiled with Toyfair in the past two years when compared to that. :)

Spectra created such a heated debate in the community. I remember everyone trying to figure out what her pet was, I don't think anyone guessed a ferret, lol. Fans were also divided on her cheekbones and many people complained about them to no end as well. It's no wonder they ended up changing them on some of the more recent dolls.

As cute as her western theme is i don't really get how it relates to her monsterness though

she is a tarantula which are most commonly found in the southwest. ie: texas, arizona, new mexico

I think she's actually meant to be a Black Widow, with the pun on her name, coloration, and the little red hourglasses on her boots. The cowboy theme is a bit strange, but I'm sure Mattel would have found a fun way to spin it (no pun intended) like they did with Operetta and not being delegated to France.

A tarantula girl would be really interesting though, since there's so many species and colors to draw from that would be absolutely gorgeous! Something like a Cobalt Blue (I'll let the brave google it, since I know we're not all fans of arachnids), would look great interpreted as a doll. Imagine a black and blue spider girl with a gradient of color to her limbs? I think the result would be much more interesting than a Black Widow. :)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: empirical on February 15, 2013, 01:15:56 PM
As cute as her western theme is i don't really get how it relates to her monsterness though
she is a tarantula which are most commonly found in the southwest. ie: texas, arizona, new mexico
Has Winona Ryder ever played a cowgirl? If so, that might be part of the reason too, seeing as Wydowna's name is a play on the actress's.

i don't think she has but wynonna judd is a country and western star... could have something to do with it.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 15, 2013, 01:24:52 PM
I like her western style <3 and I actually second this:
A tarantula girl would be really interesting though, since there's so many species and colors to draw from that would be absolutely gorgeous! Something like a Cobalt Blue

That'd be lovely too, which is why we need a general release Wydowna so we can have tons of her to custom  :silly:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: empirical on February 15, 2013, 01:31:22 PM

I think she's actually meant to be a Black Widow, with the pun on her name, coloration, and the little red hourglasses on her boots. The cowboy theme is a bit strange, but I'm sure Mattel would have found a fun way to spin it (no pun intended) like they did with Operetta and not being delegated to France.

A tarantula girl would be really interesting though, since there's so many species and colors to draw from that would be absolutely gorgeous! Something like a Cobalt Blue (I'll let the brave google it, since I know we're not all fans of arachnids), would look great interpreted as a doll. Imagine a black and blue spider girl with a gradient of color to her limbs? I think the result would be much more interesting than a Black Widow. :)

i didn't noticed the hour glass. i'd put my money on you being right. the wynonna judd part of my theory(in my most recent comment) sill makes sense though. the way she spells it(wy instead of wi) and the fact that she's a country and western singer who also has red hair... if i'm right about that part then the only thing winona ryder would have to do with this doll is the rhyming name.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: pukunui on February 15, 2013, 01:55:22 PM
A tarantula girl would be really interesting though, since there's so many species and colors to draw from that would be absolutely gorgeous! Something like a Cobalt Blue (I'll let the brave google it, since I know we're not all fans of arachnids), would look great interpreted as a doll. Imagine a black and blue spider girl with a gradient of color to her limbs? I think the result would be much more interesting than a Black Widow. :)
Oh wow. What a gorgeous spider. I had no idea there was such a colorful tarantula! I agree that a doll based on that spider would be fab.

i don't think she has but wynonna judd is a country and western star... could have something to do with it.
Yeah, I've been wondering if her name was meant to be a play on Wynonna Judd's name as well as Winowna Ryder's.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 15, 2013, 04:05:35 PM
A blue tarantula would be quite beautiful, but we have a handful of blue dolls already and I'd be quite happy to see a black doll!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on February 16, 2013, 05:16:01 PM
A blue tarantula would be quite beautiful, but we have a handful of blue dolls already and I'd be quite happy to see a black doll!
Echo this Tuney.  I don't understand why there are so many white dolls, yet when it comes to dark skinned girls, there are none.  Clawdeen is as close to a dark skinned beauty, but even she is rather light skinned.  I can't fathom why a line that celebrates diversity refuses to produce a doll who resembles a HUGE percentage of our population.  I'm about as pasty white as it gets, but I'd run to the store to buy a dark skinned doll. 

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Bergamot on February 16, 2013, 05:23:37 PM
I think some people would think it offensive I'd they made a doll that was literally black like the Wydowna prototype. Aesthetically, it would look neat, but I wonder if it would remind people of "black face" makeup and all of the badness it implies. :(
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on February 16, 2013, 07:17:25 PM
I think some people would think it offensive I'd they made a doll that was literally black like the Wydowna prototype. Aesthetically, it would look neat, but I wonder if it would remind people of "black face" makeup and all of the badness it implies. :(
This is a very good point you bring up.  I'm inclined to believe that there are some people who look for controversy and therefore find it.  I'm not at all discrediting the reasons for being offended by the "black face" make-up; it was truly shameful and horrific.  However, the intention of the black face was to be cruel.  With a character like Wydowna, her whole image is based off turning something scary into something friendly, positive and approachable.  Sometimes us adults can only see the negative and perverse in things, while children see things with refreshing purity and innocence.  If we insist on taking a toy like Wydowna and turning her into a controversial figure, then we are essentially telling our children that there is something wrong with being very dark skinned.  To me, that type of attitude is shameful and a controversy. 

This is my opinion though, and I know that companies are so afraid of a negative image in the public eye that they will scrap any idea that might bring bad publicity.  I truly hope this is not the fate of Wydowna.  It would also be a shame if they only released her as a SDCC only because not many children would get the chance to own her. 
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: DazzleKitty on February 16, 2013, 07:24:12 PM
I have also been wondering if parents would find this doll to be too controversial for their kids. It's really easy to get these kinds of responses these days so I am sure toy companies try to be careful. But I'm hoping this isn't the case. She would certianly make a unique doll.
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 16, 2013, 10:01:33 PM
As far as the blackface theory goes, controversy would be producing a spider doll in Caucasian form! Besides, we've already seen that Wydowna makes an appearance in the Power Ghoul comics. If Mattel was that worried about blackface backlash (which is ridiculous to begin with) they would not have put her in at all. In my opinion, that is.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: crimsondeity on February 17, 2013, 12:02:56 AM
As far as the blackface theory goes, controversy would be producing a spider doll in Caucasian form! Besides, we've already seen that Wydowna makes an appearance in the Power Ghoul comics. If Mattel was that worried about blackface backlash (which is ridiculous to begin with) they would not have put her in at all. In my opinion, that is.

I agree with this train of thought. First of all, she's not human. She's based on an anthropomorphic spider, in a line full of fairly obvious monsters. This isn't Barbie suddenly introducing her new friend Jemimah. And almost every character is technicolor. When the main character of the line is mint green, with a pink best friend, I think the majority of the color argument goes out the window.

Would there be people who make this particular argument? Yes. There are people who think Skelita is anorexic. There will also be fringe critics. But I think what's really holding Mattel back is the cost; I imagine making a doll with three times the arms (on a torso that normally takes two) isn't cheap. I think there's also a bit of fan tease. Operetta was mentioned in the diaries early on, and there were little hints they'd throw out in later diaries and other supplemental material. Then after no mention at SDCC, when we thought it would be at least another year, she just randomly appeared as a FB leak. I think they'll do something similar with AJ/Wydona.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Bergamot on February 17, 2013, 06:56:42 AM
It is indeed a tricky subject! People are easily offended when it comes to children's toys. Monster High pushes envelopes every day just by principle, I'm sure.

Wydowna might actually look really good in midnight blue or royal purple! I hope we get to see her on the shelves some day; I really want to see her final form. :)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: mejohnson85 on February 17, 2013, 08:24:57 AM
One day when I was buying a Ghoulia... The lady said, OMG that thing is hideous... I blankly looked at her and with a straight face said... well if you think she is ugly, you should see the customs done of her, she is a zombie after all and there are ones that have a ton of blood and gore and smiled... She looked at me and finished ringing me up... Didnt say anything else besides have a nice day.... which I am pretty sure they are required to do... lol 
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 17, 2013, 10:52:06 AM
Oh goodness, lol to the object you were purchasing? That's kind of hmmmm....not something I'd expect a cashier to say unless you were like "Isn't this hideous? I'm gonna make it better" or something to lead her into it....since you don't want to offend customers and all.

I remember going into ToysRUS one day and hearing "Look at how thin they are, at least barbie has some thighs!"

lol...I understand why they'd be worried (public image and kids feeling the pressure to be slim etc. argument)  but kids like them and so do I anyway!

Always some reason to not like or not buy something if you look for it. Which I do if I want to avoid spending money.....heee

Wydowna would make sense as an exclusive due to cost, but I'd love her to get a general release for everyone....and well customs.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 17, 2013, 10:58:32 AM
I would have said, "Thanks for sharing your opinion. To be perfectly honest, I think this 'ugly' doll is a hell of a lot prettier than you."
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 17, 2013, 11:02:22 AM
I would have said, "Thanks for sharing your opinion. To be perfectly honest, I think this 'ugly' doll is a hell of a lot prettier than you."

A lot prettier than her attitude that's for sure!  You go tuneful, :hifive: I'd have to be in the moment to know what I'd be able to say...I'm not as cool lol
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on February 17, 2013, 11:07:38 AM
One day when I was buying a Ghoulia... The lady said, OMG that thing is hideous (...)

You should tell her boss that she's trying to convince customers not to buy something :lol:
I mean, she was essentially telling you that you have bad taste. You should have said: "Oh wow, you're right! That is one ugly doll. I will just put her back and buy nothing at all. Bye!" ;)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: mejohnson85 on February 17, 2013, 11:12:27 AM
One day when I was buying a Ghoulia... The lady said, OMG that thing is hideous (...)

You should tell her boss that she's trying to convince customers not to buy something :lol:
I mean, she was essentially telling you that you have bad taste. You should have said: "Oh wow, you're right! That is one ugly doll. I will just put her back and buy nothing at all. Bye!" ;)

Sad part is, most of the store knows me as the "Monster High Lady"... Lol... apparently they see me looking at the dolls a bit too often... lol  :blush:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on February 17, 2013, 11:16:45 AM
One day when I was buying a Ghoulia... The lady said, OMG that thing is hideous (...)

You should tell her boss that she's trying to convince customers not to buy something :lol:
I mean, she was essentially telling you that you have bad taste. You should have said: "Oh wow, you're right! That is one ugly doll. I will just put her back and buy nothing at all. Bye!" ;)

Sad part is, most of the store knows me as the "Monster High Lady"... Lol... apparently they see me looking at the dolls a bit too often... lol  :blush:

That would have made it even funnier!
"Oh man, all this time I was buying these dolls and you tell me just now that they're ugly? You could have saved me so much money!"... and then you should have stormed off :lol:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: mejohnson85 on February 17, 2013, 11:30:35 AM
One day when I was buying a Ghoulia... The lady said, OMG that thing is hideous (...)

You should tell her boss that she's trying to convince customers not to buy something :lol:
I mean, she was essentially telling you that you have bad taste. You should have said: "Oh wow, you're right! That is one ugly doll. I will just put her back and buy nothing at all. Bye!" ;)

Sad part is, most of the store knows me as the "Monster High Lady"... Lol... apparently they see me looking at the dolls a bit too often... lol  :blush:

That would have made it even funnier!
"Oh man, all this time I was buying these dolls and you tell me just now that they're ugly? You could have saved me so much money!"... and then you should have stormed off :lol:

^^ Ah-Fricken-Mazing!! Next time I will.... Lol... And there will be a next time... I just know it...  :lol:

I had one lady who works the garden dept say... arent you the one in here staring at all the boxes...  :blush: I was like... uh yeah? lol
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on February 17, 2013, 04:24:15 PM
I had one lady who works the garden dept say... arent you the one in here staring at all the boxes...  :blush: I was like... uh yeah? lol

Wow, people there seem to be kinda rude. Troll 'em good! :biggrin:

(...and now back to Wydowna! Sorry for the derailing)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 17, 2013, 04:36:18 PM
Yes, Wydowna Wydowna!

After giving it a little thought, the idea of a royal blue spider is, well, quite enticing! I'd love to see a CAM spider like that. Then again, I can see Marvel Comics trying to sue the hell out of Mattel for creating a spider toy in spiderman's colors!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: mejohnson85 on February 17, 2013, 05:53:41 PM
I kind of want to make a custom of it with a bunch of browns... But I would love to see whatever they come up with :)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 18, 2013, 01:40:19 PM
I actually would love to see Gigi with 4 arms or 6 too.

They could have used two dolls for one type of torso.

Can you imagine, Gigi would just be more amazing. I really want one now....she is a *scorpion*

What kind of hair styles would you give to Wydowna?  and if You could make her wear any outfit, what would you want? (Ballgown, spacesuit, etc.)

What other hair colors would you like to see on a customized Wydowna?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 18, 2013, 02:07:29 PM
Trixie: A six-armed Gigi is a wonderful and fascinating idea. I love it!

I think Wydowna would look wonderful in straight white hair and bangs. Or I'd love to tease her red hair and give her a real big mess of a drag queen hairstyle! Alternatively, she'd look wonderful with a light glazing/sculpting of red hair on her head to mimic a 1920s sort of hairstyle.

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on February 18, 2013, 02:33:11 PM
Has anyone tried the six-armed torso from Plastic Curves?  It looks pretty neat... I definitely want one if I can't get a real Wydowna soon...
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 18, 2013, 02:36:44 PM
Has anyone tried the six-armed torso from Plastic Curves?  It looks pretty neat... I definitely want one if I can't get a real Wydowna soon...

No, but I just ordered the Dragon CAM, and since she's boring beige/pink, it might be fun to give her something interesting. That seller will make the torso in whatever color you need, right?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 18, 2013, 02:54:43 PM
Has anyone tried the six-armed torso from Plastic Curves?  It looks pretty neat... I definitely want one if I can't get a real Wydowna soon...

No, but I just ordered the Dragon CAM, and since she's boring beige/pink, it might be fun to give her something interesting. That seller will make the torso in whatever color you need, right?

Omgosh.....I am getting that torso for Gigi. NO doubt in my mind.  :faint: *goes to their site immediately to check price*  If it is whatever's gonna be mine soon...

Trixie: A six-armed Gigi is a wonderful and fascinating idea. I love it!

I think Wydowna would look wonderful in straight white hair and bangs. Or I'd love to tease her red hair and give her a real big mess of a drag queen hairstyle! Alternatively, she'd look wonderful with a light glazing/sculpting of red hair on her head to mimic a 1920s sort of hairstyle.

I absolutely love all of those ideas. How many Wydownas are you gonna get?  Bwahaha I honestly want to see all of those. I like the glazed hair so much, and of course the Dolly Sisters :heart:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 18, 2013, 02:57:26 PM
I'm planning to get at least three Wydowna's - one to keep as is, one to redress and restyle her hair, and then a third to rehair, but maybe a fourth too if it's at all possible.

As for as the six armed torso goes, I'm thinking that would look great on the bee girl or sea monster as well. I've been wanting to get doubles of them anyway....
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 18, 2013, 03:01:17 PM
I'm planning to get at least three Wydowna's - one to keep as is, one to redress and restyle her hair, and then a third to rehair, but maybe a fourth too if it's at all possible.

As for as the six armed torso goes, I'm thinking that would look great on the bee girl or sea monster as well. I've been wanting to get doubles of them anyway....

Genius.  I would definitely want one original and one to play with.  But a rehair would be great  :green: you're hurting my future wallet Tune ;-; but in a good way.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 18, 2013, 03:10:27 PM
I'm planning to get at least three Wydowna's - one to keep as is, one to redress and restyle her hair, and then a third to rehair, but maybe a fourth too if it's at all possible.

As for as the six armed torso goes, I'm thinking that would look great on the bee girl or sea monster as well. I've been wanting to get doubles of them anyway....

Genius.  I would definitely want one original and one to play with.  But a rehair would be great  :green: you're hurting my future wallet Tune ;-; but in a good way.

Start saving, baby. You're sure gonna need to! hehe

I have a bit of savings stored away and I'm prepared to deep dip into them to secure myself a plethora of Wydowna's. There is no doll that I have ever wanted more. She is so unique that I know she will be worth it. (This is of course assuming that she will be released in the first place). To be safe, I'll buy one first. If I'm in love in person as much as I am right now, then the madness will begin!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 18, 2013, 03:50:44 PM
*starts storing money into the wall*

It's a good idea to see what she looks like first in person. I know that I definitely want another Jinafire down the line to mess up her hair a bit. Seen too many beautiful pictures.  :shocked:

I also want a deep red haired Nefera. MH needs to start showing up at yard sales with their body parts all there.

Tune, your avatar is amazing by the way. I watched the Golden Girls all the time and when I was finally old enough to get the was my favorite show. :lovey:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 18, 2013, 03:56:52 PM
*starts storing money into the wall*

It's a good idea to see what she looks like first in person. I know that I definitely want another Jinafire down the line to mess up her hair a bit. Seen too many beautiful pictures.  :shocked:

I also want a deep red haired Nefera. MH needs to start showing up at yard sales with their body parts all there.

Tune, your avatar is amazing by the way. I watched the Golden Girls all the time and when I was finally old enough to get the was my favorite show. :lovey:

Have you tried places like Goodwill or Savers? I've heard of monster dolls showing up there.

Thanks, glad you like my avatar. I am a diehard GG fan!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 18, 2013, 04:01:22 PM
I have tried the gwill + savers! not as much recently as there has been a lull in toy stock...although I found some Britney Spears dolls MIB haha, which were left.

Scored some on CL but they are all the ones I wanted like DotD Cleo + Clawdeen so I don't think they'll get a hair treatment.....I'll find some this summer. It gets so hot out no one goes down thrifting avenue but meee  :whistle:

Forgot to say that Blanche :heart: is soo amazing. I need to have a marathon soon...used to be my morning routine on the telly!~
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on February 18, 2013, 04:10:18 PM
Trixie: YouTube station goldengirlpalace  has every episode from all seven seasons available for viewing. I typically watch an episode with dinner every night.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on February 18, 2013, 04:30:16 PM
Yay thank you for that !!!  :newpony:  sorry we went OT for a while!

I would want Wydowna in every color hair! I can dream, but even one with rainbow hair would be soooo pretty...with long hair and luscious curls. She'd pretty much be lovely in everything. But I want her to have a cowboy hat at some point for her signature outfit.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on February 18, 2013, 04:45:04 PM
Has anyone tried the six-armed torso from Plastic Curves?  It looks pretty neat... I definitely want one if I can't get a real Wydowna soon...

I wanted to, but shipping costs are way too high for just for one item. I tried to do it myself (since I wanted to make my triclops CAM look a bit like the goddess Kali). Making my own Wydowna would probably cost more than buying the real one *g*

Btw, Plastic Curves also has this amazing scorpion tail that would look great on Gigi ^^

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on February 18, 2013, 04:51:01 PM
Has anyone tried the six-armed torso from Plastic Curves?  It looks pretty neat... I definitely want one if I can't get a real Wydowna soon...

I wanted to, but shipping costs are way too high for just for one item. I tried to do it myself (since I wanted to make my triclops CAM look a bit like the goddess Kali). Making my own Wydowna would probably cost more than buying the real one *g*

Btw, Plastic Curves also has this amazing scorpion tail that would look great on Gigi ^^

Ooooooh-  good idea!   They really have some amazing stuff I must say..
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on February 19, 2013, 01:43:17 PM
I loooove the six-armed-torso! :heart:

Zapper, I have a friend from the US that offered me help when I wanted to order with PlasticCurves. If you want you can order with me and we split the costs. ^^ (will be much less since I'll have it shipped FirstClass from the US and shipping within the US ain't that expensive)
..I most likely won't be ordering before the end of March or April, tho. Toy Funds are a bit tight ATM since I just snatched a Werecat-3-Pack and need a second set of PowerGhouls. LOL. ;>
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on February 19, 2013, 01:50:03 PM
Aww, Kimmy, that would be great! Thanks for the offer! And I can wait :)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on March 18, 2013, 06:52:57 PM

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Wydowna Spider - Daughter of Arachne ( by BratzBoi™ (, on Flickr

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: mejohnson85 on March 18, 2013, 07:49:56 PM

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Wydowna Spider - Daughter of Arachne ( by BratzBoi™ (, on Flickr

OMG!!! (stupid computer stopped working and had to shut down in the middle of a sentence  >_< )
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on March 18, 2013, 08:43:30 PM
Wow!! That is a gorgeous custom of her.... :faint:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on March 19, 2013, 06:17:24 AM
Hory sheet! o,o
That's a great custom, but I need a real Wydowna so bad. Forget the black cat and bring on the spider chick!!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on March 19, 2013, 08:06:00 AM
Cute custom! Although the paint looks painted on instead of airbrushed maybe?

I can't wait till Comic Con.... I have a pretty good feeling about it...
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on March 19, 2013, 08:40:31 AM
I'm totally with you, Zap and Gal!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: mejohnson85 on March 19, 2013, 09:24:33 AM
Hory sheet! o,o
That's a great custom, but I need a real Wydowna so bad. Forget the black cat and bring on the spider chick!!

I seriously can't stop laughing at this.. And I totally hear it in the voice of the Asian guy from the hangover... Lol
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on March 22, 2013, 08:42:11 AM

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Wydowna Spider - Daughter of Arachne ( by BratzBoi™ (, on Flickr

How did I miss this?  What a beautiful custom! 

So if she ends up being a SDCC release only, I'm going to have to save my monies. 
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Beachball on March 22, 2013, 01:54:20 PM
I love her design and colors. She could really use a better outfit than the one she's wearing in the first post.

Whoa, the custom one above rocks! And an excellent choice for her outfit! :D
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: DazzleKitty on March 23, 2013, 12:56:12 AM
That custom really is awesome. They did a dang good job on her. I'd love to see an offical release.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Mandy85 on April 04, 2013, 10:58:48 AM
I haven't read any of the Monster High books, but from what I've read of those that have picked it up, the latest installment of the Ghoulfriends series, "Ghoulfriends Just Want To Have Fun," apparently makes several references to our spider girl and seems to be gearing up towards introducing her in the story.

I've been tempted to pick up the Ghoulfriends Forever books, since they reportedly mesh much better with the continuity that the webisodes and specials have established than the ones written by Lisi Harrison. The storyline revolves around the lives of Venus, Robecca, and Rochelle. They're easy reads and targeted at a slightly younger audience than the Lisi Harrison books are, but it seems like a cute concept.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Shahaila on April 04, 2013, 11:08:49 AM
That custom doll is GORGEOUS!! I would love to see Matel release Wydona ... perhaps talk to whomever made that custom so we can all get one of her.  And please, do not let Wydona be an SDCC release ........... let her be like Skelita where we all get a chance to get her.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: joey on April 05, 2013, 11:28:00 AM
I would love for this to be an official release!  I never in my life thought dolls based on monsters would become mainstream! 

I feel like if Wydowna were to get an official release that Mattel would get crazy respect from me (even though that already happened with Skelita). 

As a fan of horror and monster movies.  It makes me happy that a) monster dolls exist for kids and b) that they are crazy popular!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: lemonice on April 06, 2013, 09:41:57 AM
i dont like that doll
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on April 06, 2013, 10:11:48 AM
i dont like that doll

Then what are you doing in a fan club thread? :(
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: lemonice on April 06, 2013, 10:36:26 AM
i dont like that doll

Then what are you doing in a fan club thread? :(

ohh sorry...
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on April 07, 2013, 12:19:40 PM
i dont like that doll

Then what are you doing in a fan club thread? :(

Yes, I suppose this thread is only for fans of her! hehe

Post Merge: April 07, 2013, 12:21:25 PM

I can't wait for more Wydowna leaks! The closer we get to the other two Powerghouls being released, and Comic Con, the more likelihood we're going to get more news. Or so I hope.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: bluegeist on April 07, 2013, 12:34:35 PM
I've been kinda avoiding getting the new books because of reasons but the hints towards Wydowna are tempting me so much! She just looks so cool and it's exciting that she is getting this huge buildup!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: joey on April 07, 2013, 11:02:34 PM
Oh man I really hope they make her... I almost can't look at her cause it will make me really sad if it doesn't happen.

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Mandy85 on May 07, 2013, 09:40:40 AM
Well, it's official. She's this year's SDCC exclusive:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Keelee_von_Cupcake on May 07, 2013, 10:06:33 AM
Well, it's official. She's this year's SDCC exclusive:

Aaaah! Panic! :freak: Well, time to panic until I can get a good pre-order in online... I must have this doll! :cry:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on May 07, 2013, 10:09:51 AM
It will be expensive.. apparently she'll NOT be sold on Mattycollector after SDCC. ;0;
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Juliyas on May 07, 2013, 10:38:46 AM
God, I need her right noooooow. Guys who can grab one for a foreigner collector?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Keelee_von_Cupcake on May 07, 2013, 10:49:26 AM
It will be expensive.. apparently she'll NOT be sold on Mattycollector after SDCC. ;0;

That makes it extra distressing, as I figure that means more people who need her will also be trying to pre-order, thus driving up the price? >.>; Gah I need money.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on May 07, 2013, 10:57:21 AM
Oh awesome! Thank you so much for posting!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: pukunui on May 07, 2013, 12:00:49 PM
Damn! Here's to hoping she'll get a general release down the road like Scarah is.  :(
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on May 07, 2013, 12:03:41 PM
Damn! Here's to hoping she'll get a general release down the road like Scarah is.  :(
^This. I'll still try to get a preorder in on ebay somewhere.. but a general release later on would be a-we-so-me. ;0;
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: mejohnson85 on May 07, 2013, 12:27:56 PM
No promises... But I have a buddy who is going to comic con... Maybe I can pay for some preorders that she can pick up at sdcc... *fingers crossed*
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on May 07, 2013, 12:33:30 PM
No promises... But I have a buddy who is going to comic con... Maybe I can pay for some preorders that she can pick up at sdcc... *fingers crossed*

Lucky you! :>
I think the preorder/pick-up system will make it much easier for everyone to get their dolls this time around.. not like with Scarah. x_x
But I don't know what the limit of dolls per person is.. I know last year was six but probably they've changed that.. :|
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Skitterbug on May 07, 2013, 12:35:53 PM
Urrrgh, mattel why. The one monster high doll I want and she's an exclusive. :/ If anyone knows someone going to the con who can get preorders, let me know. I need her! (i'm serious, shoot me a PM if you can get one :I)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on May 07, 2013, 12:39:04 PM
I want one so bad-
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: BlueChaos on May 07, 2013, 12:40:12 PM
Anyone see this on the MH facebook page?
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Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on May 07, 2013, 12:42:48 PM
Yep.  Signifying the SDCC pick-

I sure wish I were going to the SDCC this year-  but I guess the plane flight down would cost a bit more than even the most overpriced doll on ebay...  but there will probably be really awesome stuff...

I think the new system, while not perfect, will make it easier at least for SDCC goers to get their dolls, which is better than last year.   

If anyone has it in their heart to pick one up for me, I would love you forever and even pay a finders fee :D
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on May 07, 2013, 12:51:37 PM
Urrrgh, mattel why. The one monster high doll I want and she's an exclusive. :/ If anyone knows someone going to the con who can get preorders, let me know. I need her! (i'm serious, shoot me a PM if you can get one :I)

-> -> Jumping in on this.. Totally. Jumping in on this!! <- <- (look, I even made little arrows to give it even more flashiness! °v°)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: justkitter on May 07, 2013, 01:51:44 PM
I think it's time for a new Sig, Kim! :lol:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on May 07, 2013, 01:59:03 PM
Urrrgh, mattel why. The one monster high doll I want and she's an exclusive. :/ If anyone knows someone going to the con who can get preorders, let me know. I need her! (i'm serious, shoot me a PM if you can get one :I)

-> -> Jumping in on this.. Totally. Jumping in on this!! <- <- (look, I even made little arrows to give it even more flashiness! °v°)

Count me in!

Just... whyyyy! Argh!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on May 07, 2013, 02:16:13 PM
I think it's time for a new Sig, Kim! :lol:

Oh! You're riiiiight! I should do this. xD
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: saply on May 07, 2013, 03:44:00 PM
Hooray! :D I know she'll be expensive but I'm just happy to see her get a release!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on May 07, 2013, 03:47:40 PM
Hooray! :D I know she'll be expensive but I'm just happy to see her get a release!

That's the spirit! xD
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on May 07, 2013, 04:02:17 PM
I am in heaven. Absolute heaven. I don't care if I have to pay hundreds and hundreds to scalpers to get her, but dammit, I'm going to have her!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on May 07, 2013, 04:23:11 PM
I am in heaven. Absolute heaven. I don't care if I have to pay hundreds and hundreds to scalpers to get her, but dammit, I'm going to have her!
Squeal!!!!!  Hot bananas am I so freakin' excited right now!  I don't care how much money I need to spend to own her.  Honestly, this doll needs to be mine:). 

More squealing!!!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on May 07, 2013, 04:24:48 PM
Ah, you guys make me feel better about my crazy decision to pay a bunch of moneyz for her.. x)
Now to find the right time for an ebay preorder..
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on May 07, 2013, 04:26:12 PM
I can't believe how fast presales were posted on ebay!   The cheapest so far is $115-  I bet they will go down.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on May 07, 2013, 04:29:32 PM
I am in heaven. Absolute heaven. I don't care if I have to pay hundreds and hundreds to scalpers to get her, but dammit, I'm going to have her!
Squeal!!!!!  Hot bananas am I so freakin' excited right now!  I don't care how much money I need to spend to own her.  Honestly, this doll needs to be mine:). 

More squealing!!!

I heart you!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on May 07, 2013, 05:29:19 PM
I am in heaven. Absolute heaven. I don't care if I have to pay hundreds and hundreds to scalpers to get her, but dammit, I'm going to have her!
Squeal!!!!!  Hot bananas am I so freakin' excited right now!  I don't care how much money I need to spend to own her.  Honestly, this doll needs to be mine:). 

More squealing!!!

I heart you!

I heart you more:).  I'm just so thrilled that Matel is releasing her!  Huzzah for a fabulous spider doll.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on May 07, 2013, 11:02:55 PM
 :lovey: A Wydowna at least is getting a release~
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: FairyDust on May 08, 2013, 09:43:13 AM
Since she'll get her big release soon for the SDCC maybe they'll eventually sell her in stores with a different theme or something.  They've got the molds to make her so you never know!

Pre-congrats to those who are going to recieve one no matter what it cost them. :)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on May 08, 2013, 10:44:21 AM
Word of warning though-  if you buy one now (or anytime before early June) and the seller flakes out and doesn't send your doll, you will not be able to file a claim for a refund.  Ebay limits you to 45 days following payment to make a claim...

Post Merge: May 08, 2013, 10:44:51 AM

Since she'll get her big release soon for the SDCC maybe they'll eventually sell her in stores with a different theme or something.  They've got the molds to make her so you never know!

Pre-congrats to those who are going to recieve one no matter what it cost them. :)

I think there is a good chance of that happening-  after all, they are releasing Scarah Screams soon.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: xkelpiex on May 08, 2013, 04:29:39 PM
I am both elated and disappointed. Happy on one end bevause she is getting released, but on the other hand...I'm broke lol
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Bergamot on May 08, 2013, 05:45:26 PM
Same here, Kelpie! I love her to bits, but not enough to throw down a whole bunch of money on her.

Last year, I was watching the MLP Grey Pegasus pre-orders pretty closely. $60 was about as cheap as they got, and these were posted a couple of days before the convention. I don't know what the MH market is like, but perhaps it's similar and the cost of pick-ups will go down as SDCC comes closer.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on May 09, 2013, 03:21:59 AM
I hope it does get cheaper - Or at least not more expensive than now.. closer towards the con. Like people said, I won't be ordering before the week of the con.. otherwise I won't be able to open a claim considering that International Shipping can take quite some time.. :|
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Tribble79 on May 10, 2013, 11:11:53 AM
I'm glad she is going to be made - not happy about her being an exclusive. It will be a LONG time before I will be able to add her to my collection! :(
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: rayedelsol on May 14, 2013, 08:03:17 PM
I really want this one!! *Whine*
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Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: mejohnson85 on May 14, 2013, 08:05:50 PM
Well there goes all my money  :blush:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: saply on May 14, 2013, 08:09:08 PM
You guys called it! Looks like we can (hopefully!) look forward to a standard Signature release as well ^_^ I wonder if Webarella will have a more prominent role in Power Ghoul Toralei/Frankie's comic books?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Keelee_von_Cupcake on May 14, 2013, 08:32:07 PM
I really want this one!! *Whine*
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*swoon!* Those boots! The lovely ARMS! :heart: I'm really glad she's a Power Ghoul release, too. I only keep PGs and SDCC dolls boxed, so that works out perfectly. I'm getting at least one, so help me Cthulhu! I still want a second one to play with, but unless her price randomly goes way down and that becomes affordable, this gives me hope that we'll see a wide signature release of her down the line. :)
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on May 14, 2013, 08:53:00 PM
Does anyone else think she looks angry compared to the prototype?

Since there's no guarantee that a signature will ever be released, I'll do my damnedest to turn this one into the prototype - curly hair and custom clothes should do the trick.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Colorscapesart on May 14, 2013, 09:04:14 PM
I despised the original pics of her, but this!  This I adore!!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Aitsuki on May 14, 2013, 09:41:52 PM
Oh WOW! Look at her! Her intense expression, she's got a Batman face going on! Plus, look at her BOOTS! They're just web!! That's really cool!!! She looks awesome!!!!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: angelfish on May 14, 2013, 09:44:06 PM
She is really, really cool!  I am pretty sure there will be a wide release at some point.  I didn't think I wanted the SDCC version but now I think I do.  Gotta sell some things..:)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: apanda0622 on May 14, 2013, 10:04:16 PM
I wasn't crazy about Wydowna prototype but I do like the Webarella!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: cazz25 on May 15, 2013, 03:26:26 AM
I am even more excited about this doll now, I love her hairstyle and face and well .... everything. I will be stalking ebay listings closer to the con.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on May 15, 2013, 04:34:36 AM
SHE'S THE PG VERSION? SO AWESOME!! ..I love the PGs, so I'll need her!! *V*

But this gives me hope her sig might be a regular release at some point.. or maybe a store exclusive. ^^
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Saiko on May 15, 2013, 07:05:26 AM
Yup, I love her. I need her so badly. Oh man, I am going to be crushed when it doesn't happen.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on May 15, 2013, 08:25:35 AM
Huzzah!!  She looks fabulous (and kinda angry).  Super excited!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on May 15, 2013, 08:28:09 AM
Yeah!  That's what I was hoping for-  cooooool !  What do you want to bet the price of pre-orders jumps now?
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on May 15, 2013, 12:35:40 PM

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Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Sapphire-Light on May 15, 2013, 12:42:39 PM

Yes, it looks like since it is on the matty site
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on May 15, 2013, 12:48:07 PM
Ah, I hadn't seen anyone mention the extra outfit at the arena yet!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Yuitsu on May 15, 2013, 12:49:00 PM
Don't pre-order through ebay, because it feeds the scalpers. Remember that SDCC dolls are $25, not $125!

I'll be trying to get her after the con, after seeing how hard it was for people to get Scarah last year.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: pukunui on May 15, 2013, 12:56:18 PM
Since she comes with an extra outfit and a pet (which appears to be a fly), the chances of her getting a general release don't seem as good now. I will have to see if I can get this version of her.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Yuitsu on May 15, 2013, 01:09:16 PM
Aah bum. She is not listed on the post-SDCC sale list for mattycollector and is not going to be sold online. I don't know of anywhere to actually pre-order her that doesn't require you actually going to SDCC to collect.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on May 15, 2013, 01:30:33 PM
Yuitsu: Yeah, she's supposed to be sold only at the Con.. not on the website after it ends like the others did. :<
I don't know if that is true.. and whatever they will do with leftover dolls should there even be any.. But I'm prepared to order her on ebay, from the scalpers, in a few weeks. Sigh. There's preorders now, but I'm afraid they'll scam you since it's WAY too long 'til the actual Con still. I also asked some how they plan on shipping her within the 30-days-period they themselves listed on their description page - But never got a reply. So all-in-all very shady. I just hope her price won't skyrocket closer to the Con. $100 is enough. :,<
Title: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on May 15, 2013, 01:36:03 PM
Kim: Glad you're holding off! I personally won't be buying one unless the seller has the doll in their hands.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Yuitsu on May 15, 2013, 01:43:28 PM
MattyCollector are usually pretty upfront, they said last year they'd have any Scarah stock left over online and they did, not sure why they're not doing it this year. Could be Mattels condition on letting them sell her, I think Mattys gets a really big chunk of the stock.

I'm going to hold off as well, the con is later this year so I can sort myself some pennies/find someone going/something. The closest I'll pre-order off ebay is a week, that's enough time for me to be able to claim back if they're pulling a fast one.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on May 15, 2013, 01:55:44 PM
I wonder if the fly can be purchased for a reasonable price once Wydowna hit SDCC.
I'm thinking about creating my own spider custom and dress her up using some of Operetta's most spidery clothes and shoes ^^#

Yes, I'm desperate.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Angelkitty21 on May 15, 2013, 03:53:15 PM
I wonder if the fly can be purchased for a reasonable price once Wydowna hit SDCC.
I'm thinking about creating my own spider custom and dress her up using some of Operetta's most spidery clothes and shoes ^^#

Yes, I'm desperate.

I planned on just making a custom too. Plastic curves has the 6 armed torso, flat black is not a hard color to come by.. I don't know, it just seems so much easier and cheaper.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on May 15, 2013, 03:56:07 PM
Ahhh-  the extra outfit and pet makes her even more fabulous-

Maybe she won't be as highly demanded as last year's doll since lots of the kids might think she is too scary?  Hope so anyway...

Still, I agree that the fact that she comes with a pet might make it less likely she will be released again-

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on May 15, 2013, 04:05:31 PM
I wonder if the fly can be purchased for a reasonable price once Wydowna hit SDCC.
I'm thinking about creating my own spider custom and dress her up using some of Operetta's most spidery clothes and shoes ^^#

Yes, I'm desperate.

I planned on just making a custom too. Plastic curves has the 6 armed torso, flat black is not a hard color to come by.. I don't know, it just seems so much easier and cheaper.

PC also has this really neat bug abdomen that would make her look even more monster-y :)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on May 15, 2013, 04:18:23 PM
I wonder if the fly can be purchased for a reasonable price once Wydowna hit SDCC.
I'm thinking about creating my own spider custom and dress her up using some of Operetta's most spidery clothes and shoes ^^#

Yes, I'm desperate.

I planned on just making a custom too. Plastic curves has the 6 armed torso, flat black is not a hard color to come by.. I don't know, it just seems so much easier and cheaper.

PC also has this really neat bug abdomen that would make her look even more monster-y :)

But she'd lose little black cute ass!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on May 15, 2013, 05:03:31 PM
I wonder if the fly can be purchased for a reasonable price once Wydowna hit SDCC.
I'm thinking about creating my own spider custom and dress her up using some of Operetta's most spidery clothes and shoes ^^#

Yes, I'm desperate.

I planned on just making a custom too. Plastic curves has the 6 armed torso, flat black is not a hard color to come by.. I don't know, it just seems so much easier and cheaper.

PC also has this really neat bug abdomen that would make her look even more monster-y :)

But she'd lose little black cute ass!

You could put a little ass on top of the abdomen XD
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on May 19, 2013, 10:08:42 AM

So are any of the Fan Club members planning to attend SDCC?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: rayedelsol on May 19, 2013, 11:05:06 AM

So are any of the Fan Club members planning to attend SDCC?

I wish!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Frankie Stein on May 21, 2013, 12:19:19 PM
Since she comes with a pet do you think she will come with a diary like a signature? Or a comic to fit the PG theme?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on May 21, 2013, 12:20:08 PM
Since she comes with a pet do you think she will come with a diary like a signature? Or a comic to fit the PG theme?

Hope so! Did the other SDCC exclusives come with diaries?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Frankie Stein on May 21, 2013, 12:29:47 PM
Scarah and Hoodude each had diaries and DF Ghoulia came with a comic. BW Frankie did too :)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: LiquidCyanide on May 21, 2013, 01:03:39 PM
Maybe she'll come with a combination of both? Kind of like the Scaris dolls sketch books.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Mandy85 on May 21, 2013, 03:11:25 PM
B&W Frankie was the only doll to come with a booklet packaged on the inside, while Scarah & Hoodude had diaries in the outer protective box (some people were actually missing these, or had two of the same character, rather than one of each) and Deadfast Ghoulia had a comic that you had to pick up at the booth separately. I'd say to double-check with your source on making sure you get it (if there is one this year and it isn't within the internal packaging), just to be safe. I'm banking on it being a comic, but it could go either way. :)

I'm so anxious for official preorders to go up. :D I just sold a bunch of stuff to make sure I have the funds set and ready to go.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Midnight_Echo on May 22, 2013, 03:45:11 PM
Hello! I'm so happy to see that there will be an official release of Wydowna! I'm hoping to get my hands on her from SDCC, but I figure it'll be expensive.

I am also hoping that since Mattel produced her torso mold, they'll release future versions of her as well! (and less expensive too!)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Frankie Stein on May 23, 2013, 04:38:20 AM
I'm wondering this too, but i'm not sure if she will be or not considering her extra arms will make her price surely go up. I have no idea what the plans are if any to release her in the original promo outfit.
Although I do like SDCC outfit/s more :)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on May 23, 2013, 01:12:41 PM
I love the PG Outfit, but I also wish for a regular release in her Promo-Sig-Cowboy-Outfit later on.. even if it costs like $40 or so.
Unlike many others I really liked the Cowgirl clothes, pkus I'd love to repaint and possibly rehair a Wydowna. C:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: nassib on May 26, 2013, 04:33:31 PM
She's up on the Matty Collector page. Price for pre-ordering $25.00 (though this will not be open until 6/3/13)
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on May 26, 2013, 06:45:53 PM
She's up on the Matty Collector page. Price for pre-ordering $25.00 (though this will not be open until 6/3/13)

THE AGONY of having something so close yet so far away!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: justkitter on May 26, 2013, 06:59:35 PM
I have a question for the Fan Club :lol:

How many SDCC Exclusives are you going to get?

I'd really like two, one to keep mint, and one to enjoy, but I'll be happy if I can get one for a good price. 

How about you?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: joey on May 26, 2013, 07:05:24 PM
I have a question for the Fan Club :lol:

How many SDCC Exclusives are you going to get?

I'd really like two, one to keep mint, and one to enjoy, but I'll be happy if I can get one for a good price. 

How about you?

Same here!  Maybe a third to use for trading later?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: nassib on May 26, 2013, 07:19:16 PM
I would really love to get two, but being realistic, I would probably just get one.

If Mattel makes a second release, I'll probablly go for that one too, but that is "IF Mattel does"
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: DEStokes on May 26, 2013, 07:26:43 PM
I just want one to keep packed away safely in her box. 


I'm going to open it and play with her!  I am not a MIB kind of guy.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: MilkyTaroMochi on May 26, 2013, 07:29:17 PM
I certainly want to try and get at least one of her. I don't know if I would be able to resist taking her out of the package, though. ^^;
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on May 26, 2013, 07:34:08 PM
I have a question for the Fan Club :lol:

How many SDCC Exclusives are you going to get?

I'd really like two, one to keep mint, and one to enjoy, but I'll be happy if I can get one for a good price. 

How about you?

One to start with. If I like her as much in person, I'd like to get a second. If I'm underwhelmed with the doll, I will hold off from getting any more than one or two and PRAY that she gets a full release with a signature outfit and a happier looking face!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Aaryana on May 26, 2013, 07:37:59 PM
I have a question for the Fan Club :lol:

How many SDCC Exclusives are you going to get?

I'd really like two, one to keep mint, and one to enjoy, but I'll be happy if I can get one for a good price. 

How about you?

I just wish it were possible for me to have one. :(
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: pukunui on May 26, 2013, 10:13:24 PM
I'd like to get just one, if I can. No way would she stay in the box, though.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Keelee_von_Cupcake on May 26, 2013, 10:57:21 PM
I have a question for the Fan Club :lol:

How many SDCC Exclusives are you going to get?

I'd really like two, one to keep mint, and one to enjoy, but I'll be happy if I can get one for a good price. 

How about you?

Pretty much this! I WILL get at least one, by Cthulhu, but since I both really really want one to stay MIB (she'll look SO GOOD with my MIB Deadfast Ghoulia and Power Ghouls!), and really really want one to play with (ALL THOSE ARMS, OMG), I'm wildly hoping her price will drop far enough that I'll be able to manage two.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on May 27, 2013, 06:31:22 AM
I plan on at least 2: one for my daughter's collection and one for my collection. 
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Frankie Stein on May 27, 2013, 08:06:18 AM

I'm getting 2! I love how the SDCC packaging is! But I know I wouldn't be able to keep her in box if I only got 1... So this is a good way to have both!  :heart:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: xkelpiex on May 27, 2013, 08:07:32 AM
I will be buying one in September no matter the price, methinks. that's the only time I'll have money to afford this doll and she's been on my dream-list since I saw her proto.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: justkitter on May 27, 2013, 12:11:21 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned any customizing.

Is it because she's a SDCC Exclusive?  Are we holding out for a general release for our customs? :biggrin:

I believe it was Tuney(?) who mentioned wanting a Wydowna rehaired in white.  I can't get this outta my head!  I bet she would look breathtaking in white!

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: DEStokes on May 27, 2013, 01:27:12 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned any customizing.

Is it because she's a SDCC Exclusive?  Are we holding out for a general release for our customs? :biggrin:

I believe it was Tuney(?) who mentioned wanting a Wydowna rehaired in white.  I can't get this outta my head!  I bet she would look breathtaking in white!

I could get on board with that.  I don't like red and black together. 
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on May 27, 2013, 02:38:42 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned any customizing.

Is it because she's a SDCC Exclusive?  Are we holding out for a general release for our customs? :biggrin:

I believe it was Tuney(?) who mentioned wanting a Wydowna rehaired in white.  I can't get this outta my head!  I bet she would look breathtaking in white!

I have mentioned that in the past! Although I do particularly like the black and red as well.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on May 28, 2013, 06:59:40 AM
I would really love to get two, but being realistic, I would probably just get one.

If Mattel makes a second release, I'll probablly go for that one too, but that is "IF Mattel does"

This. ^^
I'd love a set to keep MIB, but as it is now, I think I'll try to really carefully open the first one and then keep the box. :>

Right now I think getting even ONE of these ladies via ebay & safely through the german customs is quite enough of a mission for me. :P

Post Merge: May 28, 2013, 07:01:57 AM

I have a question for the Fan Club :lol:

How many SDCC Exclusives are you going to get?

I'd really like two, one to keep mint, and one to enjoy, but I'll be happy if I can get one for a good price. 

How about you?

Pretty much this! I WILL get at least one, by Cthulhu, but since I both really really want one to stay MIB (she'll look SO GOOD with my MIB Deadfast Ghoulia and Power Ghouls!), and really really want one to play with (ALL THOSE ARMS, OMG), I'm wildly hoping her price will drop far enough that I'll be able to manage two.

GOSH, MIB PGs AND DeadFast Ghoulia? I'm so jelly!! xD I'd love a DF Ghoulia, but I missed her when she first came out and now she's too expensive. *weep*
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Keelee_von_Cupcake on May 28, 2013, 10:20:15 AM
Pretty much this! I WILL get at least one, by Cthulhu, but since I both really really want one to stay MIB (she'll look SO GOOD with my MIB Deadfast Ghoulia and Power Ghouls!), and really really want one to play with (ALL THOSE ARMS, OMG), I'm wildly hoping her price will drop far enough that I'll be able to manage two.

GOSH, MIB PGs AND DeadFast Ghoulia? I'm so jelly!! xD I'd love a DF Ghoulia, but I missed her when she first came out and now she's too expensive. *weep*

Aww, I hope you find a good deal on her someday! :hug: I luckily started collecting just as she came out, and I convinced my boyfriend to buy her for me for my birthday. I still kind of wish I'd bought a second... I never saw her for as cheap as she was at the con, but if I'd known how much her price would rise I would have!

If it, uh, helps at all, I only have PG Spectra so far? ^^; Clawdeen is my least favorite of the four, so I haven't really searched her out yet, even though I need one so my set will be complete once Frankie and Toralei show up. And even if they DO, I really can't afford them until Fall! I have a very tight budget this summer, which I'm trying to remind myself of every time I see a new dolly I'd like - every penny I can spare must be saved for Wydowna!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on May 28, 2013, 12:23:35 PM
She is such an odd doll - and so many people don't like/are afraid of spiders- I would think that would make her a less popular SDCC exclusive than usual-  but the pre-sales seem to have shot through the roof.   I wonder how closely the pre-sale prices predict post SDCC demand...

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Zapper on May 29, 2013, 05:17:35 AM
She is such an odd doll - and so many people don't like/are afraid of spiders- I would think that would make her a less popular SDCC exclusive than usual-  but the pre-sales seem to have shot through the roof.   I wonder how closely the pre-sale prices predict post SDCC demand...

One of my friends' fear of spiders even extends to not getting Sig Oppie because of her spider pet...
I hope Wydowna will be popular enough to spark a rerelease! I know for sure now that I will not be able to afford the SDCC version.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Saiko on May 29, 2013, 06:29:51 PM
Are Ebay preorders the only way to get her, if there's no way you can attend the con?
I'm saving up, but I don't really want to feed the scalpers :(
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Midnight_Echo on May 29, 2013, 11:53:22 PM
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for at least one!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: nassib on May 30, 2013, 02:03:56 AM
You could try through a comicbook store that also manages action figures.
Most go to the SDCC and bring back their customers exclusive products from the con.
Although you might need to preorder with them also, and be prepare to pay almost as if you were going to the SDCC yourself (cost of 1 day badge, doll, comission and shipping expenses if needed).
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on May 30, 2013, 10:06:30 AM
There will probably be people selling the ones they bought on ebay AFTER the con-

I agree checking the comic book shops is a good idea- although they usually base their prices on ebay market price.   

Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Saiko on May 30, 2013, 06:26:38 PM
Thanks :) I will try my local comic store!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Yuitsu on May 31, 2013, 08:33:00 AM
I found a preorder on ecrater. Hopefully will get confirmation on the 4th when the presales open.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Beachball on June 03, 2013, 11:57:27 PM
Aw, man! I had hoped Wydowna would be sold in stores if they decided to make dolls of her. I'm not keen on spending five or six times her original cost to get her after SDCC. *sigh*
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: nassib on June 04, 2013, 06:13:11 PM
Is it true that preorders sold out in 4 minutes? or is that just some overly-hyped rumor?  :shocked:
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on June 04, 2013, 06:19:08 PM
Is it true that preorders sold out in 4 minutes? or is that just some overly-hyped rumor?  :shocked:

What the hell?!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: MilkyTaroMochi on June 04, 2013, 06:50:38 PM
Is it true that preorders sold out in 4 minutes? or is that just some overly-hyped rumor?  :shocked:
I remember reading someone mentioning in a comment on the Monster High page that they were upset that apparently the pre-orders sold out in about 2 minutes and that they were trying to get them for their daughters. I'm assuming she meant the Matty Collector pre-orders?

In any case, it doesn't surprise me [if] they sold out that quick. ;_;
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Yuitsu on June 05, 2013, 12:30:32 AM
I'm hoping my pre-order shop managed to get some. They don't email out til tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on June 05, 2013, 05:20:20 PM
I caved and got a pre-order.  Here's hoping I don't get royally burned.  At least she's not as expensive as the SDCC Jem.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: justkitter on June 05, 2013, 06:54:26 PM
I caved and got a pre-order.  Here's hoping I don't get royally burned.  At least she's not as expensive as the SDCC Jem.

Off topic but....

Last year's SDCC Jem, or is there one THIS year too? 
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: dolly_dose on June 05, 2013, 08:42:52 PM
there is one this year too: Glitter & Gold Jem!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: DEStokes on June 05, 2013, 09:01:16 PM
I have never even been a Jem fan and I want that doll!  At least that outfit.

I have a friend that is trying to find passes to SDCC.  I couldn't do the preorder of Wydowna because she can't guarantee she's going.  She said she will grab me one IF she gets to go and IF there are any there.  Once she tells me if she's going for sure I'll spring it on her to keep a look out for Ever After High!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: egyptiondragon on June 05, 2013, 10:04:31 PM
you guys do relize those preorders were for vouchers and are pick up only?
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Yuitsu on June 06, 2013, 12:45:37 AM
you guys do relize those preorders were for vouchers and are pick up only?

Yeees...the people/stores we have ordered from ARE going to SDCC and they have pre-sale vouchers and they mail out stuff the day after. There are various people who go to SDCC every year and sell on the exclusives via pre-orders, because they know they're going and that they can get pre-sale vouchers for stuff.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: egyptiondragon on June 06, 2013, 11:10:34 AM
you guys do relize those preorders were for vouchers and are pick up only?

Yeees...the people/stores we have ordered from ARE going to SDCC and they have pre-sale vouchers and they mail out stuff the day after. There are various people who go to SDCC every year and sell on the exclusives via pre-orders, because they know they're going and that they can get pre-sale vouchers for stuff.
oh okay I have heard of sevarl people buying the vouchers thinking they would be able to get them mailed to them
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on June 06, 2013, 11:15:16 AM
I wish Hasbro/Integrity had done a pre-order for its club members like Mattycollector-  Even though the pre-orders sold out fast, they were at least available.

I am despairing of ever getting Glitter n Gold Jem- she is really amazing.   I'm afraid to ask my aunt to stand in line all day only to have them run out at the last sec.

I am realizing that it's a good thing that the SDCC pony exclusive is so boring- chances are there will be plenty left over.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on June 06, 2013, 01:53:12 PM
I wish Hasbro/Integrity had done a pre-order for its club members like Mattycollector-  Even though the pre-orders sold out fast, they were at least available.

I am despairing of ever getting Glitter n Gold Jem- she is really amazing.   I'm afraid to ask my aunt to stand in line all day only to have them run out at the last sec.

I am realizing that it's a good thing that the SDCC pony exclusive is so boring- chances are there will be plenty left over.

I mean next to those Battlestar Hotwheels and Jem~

....Wydowna is like the BEST exclusive this year. The most amazing of them all, and I'd rather spend my bits on her than that pony.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: justkitter on June 06, 2013, 07:44:51 PM
Oooooooh!  Glitter and Gold Jem!  I had her growing up:)  Makes me sad to think about where she is now and the condition she's in.  If only I took care of my dolls back then the way I take care of them now!  Actually, I don't think I kept any of my Jems (not that I had many) but I think I have some tattered clothing left somewhere.

Back on topic (sorry Mods :blush:)  I hope I can get a Wydowna for a price I'll be happy with.  Haven't seen one yet :P  Oh goodness, please don't let this be a repeat of last year, for me!  Last year was horrid!  A very kind member took pity on me and sold me her Scarah, probably because she was sick of hearing me begging for one :lol:  What crazy person is gonna part with the cool looking spider doll, this year?  No one, that's who!  Better get one soon.......
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: DEStokes on June 06, 2013, 07:52:54 PM
Oooooooh!  Glitter and Gold Jem!  I had her growing up:)  Makes me sad to think about where she is now and the condition she's in.  If only I took care of my dolls back then the way I take care of them now!  Actually, I don't think I kept any of my Jems (not that I had many) but I think I have some tattered clothing left somewhere.

The only thing different in how a I treat my dolls now and how I treated them then is that none of my new dolls have been in the bathtub with me.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: TrixieStix on June 06, 2013, 11:23:01 PM
Oooooooh!  Glitter and Gold Jem!  I had her growing up:)  Makes me sad to think about where she is now and the condition she's in.  If only I took care of my dolls back then the way I take care of them now!  Actually, I don't think I kept any of my Jems (not that I had many) but I think I have some tattered clothing left somewhere.

The only thing different in how a I treat my dolls now and how I treated them then is that none of my new dolls have been in the bathtub with me.

 :lol:  I'm not too sure Wydowna would enjoy being in a bathtub all that much heee so that's good!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on June 07, 2013, 01:45:17 PM
I'm so nervous about acquiring her!
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Fräulein_Kim on June 08, 2013, 04:39:42 PM
I'll wait it out.. wait 'til after the con and then I'll go looking for her.
All the past exclusives are still available on ebay, so I think if you're willing to pay there'll always be a chance to own her eventually.. ^^;
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Yuitsu on June 10, 2013, 11:42:14 AM
I got my pre-order confirmation. The guy is awesome, he's said he'll refund me the day after SDCC, if not during depending on internet access. We had a brief chat about the weather as well as he got behind sending out the confirmations.

Heres hoping she *is* on the after-con sale on Matty after all.
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: michelle53 on June 10, 2013, 05:15:53 PM
I'm kind of nervous about getting her too.  How many days until the Con??
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on June 10, 2013, 06:25:37 PM
I'm kind of nervous about getting her too.  How many days until the Con??


Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: mistic_imp on June 12, 2013, 06:01:46 AM
I am hoping she IS on sale after the con. I'd really like to own 2 ,one to debox!  It is painful they are releasing her with 2 outfits LOL
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: Galactica on June 12, 2013, 08:54:36 AM
I am hoping she IS on sale after the con. I'd really like to own 2 ,one to debox!  It is painful they are releasing her with 2 outfits LOL

She'll be on sale after the con-  I think 3/4 of the people standing in the Mattel and Hasbro lines are there just to buy the exclusives to re-sell at their comic book shops and on ebay. 
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: justkitter on June 12, 2013, 04:26:15 PM
I am hoping she IS on sale after the con. I'd really like to own 2 ,one to debox!  It is painful they are releasing her with 2 outfits LOL

It IS painful they are releasing her with 2 outfits!  I've got all the other SDCC dolls (except B/W Frankie) still all boxed up and minty.  I've always wanted to debox Scarah, but I spent a pretty penny on her (by FAR the most I've spent on a doll) and couldn't de-value her like that:(  I'm so very glad she's gonna have a widespread release soon :whew:

The problem with this SDCC doll is I'll always be itching to use those extra outfit pieces *whines and stomps foot like a seven year old*   Please oh please, let them be lose and not packaged all pretty and perfect in the box with the doll, please oh please!

Never mind!  Just gonna look into buying two :rolleyes:  It's the only way -_-
Title: Re: The Wydowna Spider Fan Club Thread
Post by: tuneful87 on June 13, 2013, 03:38:51 PM
I am hoping she IS on sale after the con. I'd really like to own 2 ,one to debox!  It is painful they are releasing her with 2 outfits LOL

She'll be on sale after the con-  I think 3/4 of the people standing in the Mattel and Hasbro lines are there just to buy the exclusives to re-sell at their comic book shops and on ebay. 

Probably more like 99/100! LOL
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