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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: gemini_pony on March 28, 2012, 05:09:36 PM

Title: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: gemini_pony on March 28, 2012, 05:09:36 PM
This is my plush Tiger Hobbs (named by my step-dad when we first met, before than he was just Tiger. My step Dad thought he looked like the tiger from the comic) I have had him for nearly 27 years and love him dearly!!! He has a chipped eye from my brother throwing him on the ground when I was little, and I have recently repainted the black on his eyes and touched up his stripes.
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He has a "scar" on his paw as my cousin once tried to light him on fire in front of me ;__;
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So share your oldest and most loved objects!!!
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: MoongazerThePony on March 28, 2012, 05:20:29 PM
She's an old Build - a - bear unicorn I've had as long as I remember.  :satisfied:

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(not my pic)
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: gemini_pony on March 28, 2012, 05:22:27 PM
Awww thats cute!
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Ponytails on March 28, 2012, 05:41:08 PM
I still have my childhood blanket.  In fact, I still sleep with it.  Is has been remade by my mother AT LEAST 5 times that I remember.  Each time she kept either the inside batting, the front, or the back fabric . . . in its' current reincarnation it is pink soft fabric on the back, and my little pony official licensed fabric patches.  It needs another re-do though b/c it's sorta torn up at the seams.  But I love it, and I actually do take it EVEYWHERE I go.  I can sleep without it, but I prefer not to.  Even my husband understands and is OK with it.   
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: MLPgal13 on March 28, 2012, 05:57:26 PM
The back story:
Dad wasn't and isn't the shopping kind. He rarely ever "picks" anything out himself. Which is why this bear is so special to me and why he's the only bear I have from my childhood.
I got hurt playing with my brother around the age of 12. I had 250 stitched in my arm to sew up the gashes. The following day, when dad came home from work, he gave me this pretty girl. I was in love instantly and will NEVER purge her from my life.
Look, she even has lashes  :biggrin: 
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Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: gemini_pony on March 28, 2012, 06:01:25 PM
Very cool guys!
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Pinkie21 on March 28, 2012, 06:28:06 PM
Aw I love this thread :lovey:  It's so nice to see people have precious treasures that they've held onto for such a long time.  This little guy is more precious to me than any pony.  Sure he's gotten matted and sad-looking over the years, but I love him like crazy.  My grandma gave him to me when I was a baby, and he's been with me through every move.  Poor guy's fur's so matted though, I'd love to fluff him up a bit, but I don't want to risk messing him up. 

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Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: kaoskat on March 28, 2012, 06:39:06 PM
My Care Bear, Grumpy. I got him for my 6th Birthday. I'll get pics later if I remember.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Kiwi on March 28, 2012, 06:39:27 PM
Easy, my dolphin, Flipper :) I have other plushies too and my blankies, but Flippy's shared my bed since I was about 5. Hubby understands tho, he has his puppy. ;)

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Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Koudoawaia on March 28, 2012, 08:41:31 PM
Mine used to be a little pink bear that was given to me the day I was born but since I no longer have it.....I think the oldest thing I have is my Garfield plushie. I believe I've had it since I was four and I love it dearly. In addition to him, my Wendy's Kid's Meal Alf toy where he's a knight standing on a crocodile and my Greatest Bible Adventures: the Nativity video. I watched that video a /lot/ and I remember when I was little, running upstairs to my mom crying because it was over. I think it was also partly because the music at the end credits is kinda mournful sounding. I try to watch it every Christmas.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Icicle on March 28, 2012, 08:53:29 PM
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...well.. This isn't mine, but more like mine by 'adoption' xD! My fiance's stuffed penguin, Pengy. He's had him since he was about 13 (he's 27 now) and he is just an adorable, cute, comfy little thing. And now I realize, he needs an oxy bath. Bad. He also needs his beak fixed ;o;

I don't have any of my old childhood toys (I left home, then there was a fire in the house and my horrible grandmother sold it behind my father's back (yes, it was her house.. but she just didn't tell anyone and kicked him and my sister out) and I lost everything I had).. but my oldest, most cherished non-pony thing I have now is the Winter Build-a-Bear from 2008, the first Build-a-bear my fiance bought me <3 Actually..! I guess I can count my Eggbert beanie baby my fiance got me for my birthday this year.. it's not the same one my mother had from when I was a kid (she loved the little thing), but it's kinda the same one in spirit for me.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: hyenacub on March 28, 2012, 09:09:19 PM
What a fun thread!  I will haveto take pics of mine
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: HavACrumpet452 on March 28, 2012, 09:59:04 PM
All of my childhood stuffies are in bags in a closet. The oldest non-pony possession I still cherish everyday rain or shine is this visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: gemini_pony on March 29, 2012, 12:31:14 AM
Awww cute Doggy!!
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: starrypawz on March 29, 2012, 02:12:15 AM
No pics to hand but I'd say one of them is Bodie. She's a Keel Toy cream and black spaniel that I got when I was quite little. She was brought on a ferry crossing to Calais.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: hathorcat on March 29, 2012, 02:24:20 AM
My cuddly polar bear...his name is Paddington - like his name sake [yes, he is the wrong type of bear] he is well travelled...Pad has been all over the globe with me - I never feel right leaving him at home!
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Wadatsumi on March 29, 2012, 02:43:43 AM
my bear granpa  ^.^
hes over 50 years old. first my grandma owned him, then my mother and finally i became him when i was a little girl. he's so old he's still filled with hay.
and he had to be repaired so often ..... his paws are full of yarn.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: fingerpaints on March 29, 2012, 04:31:27 AM
Mine would have been my childhood care bear ;______; I lost her in a flood, but I replaced her with a tiger (I needed something to sleep with) on a small shopping trip during the aftermath of it all, we needed some supplies, and the supermarket had a few soft toy animals, the tiger was cute and she would fill the void as such. She is probably one of my most treasured posessions even though she isn't that old, my other would be my only childhood toy I have left, a little yellow monster in my pocket cerebus (or three headed dog for those that don't know cerebus ;) ) unfortunately I lost alot in the flood and have slowly tried to rebuild things, its taken years to get to where I am at now.

Oh and floyd, I picked him up from a garage sale and he is the bringer of smiles to alot of children & adults ^^ he is my big, pink, special unicorn. He has given many rides over the years, had lots of cuddles, been used by many as a pillow, and had fun playing in all sorts of areas (even the sandpit once lol) here is a piccie of him joining in at my tafe class ^^

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Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: starrypawz on March 29, 2012, 06:45:46 AM

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He describes exactly how I feel right now in class. :P
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: melodys_angel on March 29, 2012, 04:42:44 PM
Good question.

I have a white reindeer stuffy with gold bells that gets put under the tree every year.  Ive had that as far as I can remember.

I also have some german fairytail plates and some disney alminacs that ive had since I was a baby :)
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: SparklersOasis on March 29, 2012, 05:00:43 PM
My family used to be co-owners in a family run hog farm and every year we'd have a big hog roast with family and friends (it averaged around 300 people) and we'd have kid's games, a pot luck, beer tent, etc.  For the first 10 ish years they had this, they had t shirts each year.  Well the year I was born, the pig roast was on the day I was due, but as luck would have it, I was born a month early!  The tshirts that year were of a pregnant pig sitting in a rocking chair knitting a baby blanket and said "Expecting?" and they made one that said "Not anymore!" on the back for my mom.  I still have the shirt, I don't wear it much anymore, it's getting a bit frail, but I just can't bring myself to throw it away, heck, I'm half tempted to frame it!
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Vampasaurus on March 29, 2012, 05:36:52 PM
these stories are so heart warming. I'm smiling more and more after each post.

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Here's mine. He's a rabbit named pink. He used to be pink and fluffy and all that. I got him the day I was born. My grandmother misread and thought I was a girl. I didn't care tho, I had him in my crib every day, then carried him around EVERYWHERE as a kid. Nowadays he stays in my pile of pillows and stuff. here he is lounging on my art supplies, as I do my best arting sitting on my bed. he's covered in tears and repairs, and his eyes are all chipped and glossy. But I don't love him anyless then I did when I was a kid.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: starrypawz on March 29, 2012, 11:28:46 PM
I'd also say as an honourary mention there's my toy reindeer. He has a bell on his neck and has a Christmas hat but it long lost the bobble. I can't remember what I named him, I think I decided he was 'Dancer'
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: gemini_pony on March 30, 2012, 12:46:12 AM
I love reading all these stories, im glad I made this thread. Also Hobbs has been on every family vacation with me., so he has bee on many trips.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: kiwimlp on March 30, 2012, 01:11:14 AM
Omg, I love this thread!
Here is my best friend, cookie.  (he's actually cookie #2 because I wore the first one out!). He goes everywhere with me and it's actually his birthday today!  :tort:
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Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: gemini_pony on March 30, 2012, 01:59:53 AM
Well Happy Birthday Cookie!!!
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: KiwiSquirtBottle on March 30, 2012, 02:10:27 AM
When I was younger, I -LOVED- Winnie the Pooh. For the Christmas in 4th grade, my mom got me a new WtP bed set. I've lost the sheets and such over the years, but I've kept the two-and-a-half foot tall Pooh bear. He still sleeps with me sometimes, fantastic to cuddle with or use as a pillow, and my SO puts up with him. Otherwise, it's my MLP carousel pony board game (which isn't an -actual- pony? :D)
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: StarDapple on March 30, 2012, 06:41:24 AM
I have this ratty old crocodile doll named Crocodile *original, right? XD*.  He's rough and scratchy, and missing an eye, but I have had him since before I can remember, and I love him to death.  I believe he is crocheted, he is definitely hand made.  My mom always hopes I will throw him out because he is so old and tattered, but I love him too much.  <3
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Skeen on March 30, 2012, 12:51:27 PM
My Blankie.  I had a different one until I accidentally left it behind in a hotel.  I was so devastated I made myself sick with it, so my gandmother made me a replacement.  I've had him (he's a boy) since 3rd grade, and I definitely have a favorite place to rub the ribbon on his trim.  Mr. Skeen understands, but I think he's a little jealous - his mother cut up his childhood blankie for cleaning rags.

But that's ok, Blankie doesn't like Mr. Skeen much either. 
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: apanda0622 on March 30, 2012, 06:18:56 PM
This is the doll I received on my very first Christmas when I was 6 months old.  Its a Fisher Price Bobbie Doll, but I named her Baby.  This is not my original in this pic, its one of many duplicates   bought off ebay.  My original is not in so good shape.  I have dropped the poor doll in a bucket of dirty paint water and her head fell off once (my sewed it back on).  But eventually I had to stop sleeping with her and she is now retired to a box.
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Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: rybett on March 30, 2012, 06:36:50 PM
Let's see, the small blanket my great grandmother crocheted when I was a baby.  So, almost 40 yrs old. 
My georgous Tonkinese, Kiwendo Platinum Paradox (Pixel).  She's 15 or 16. 
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: tulagirl on March 30, 2012, 07:02:25 PM
For me its my bright pink Mattel Baby Beans doll from childhood and my mother's teddy bear that I got when I was three. These two items from my childhood mean the most to me.  The bear is really scary looking...but he has been a pal for decades.  Mom got him when she was 3 and she gave him to me under the Christmas tree when I was three.  He is one important bear.  Baby Beans went with me everywhere. She never was home alone.  I had like three of them.  She has had hair cuts, pierced ears and several iv's during her brief bought with cancer LOL.  I use to play hospital with them all of the time.  Oh the memories.  She is still wearing the same dress she always wore.
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Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-fart possession
Post by: gemini_pony on March 31, 2012, 11:56:31 PM
Awww such sweet stories!
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-fart possession
Post by: kiwimlp on March 31, 2012, 11:58:47 PM
Well Happy Birthday Cookie!!!

Aww, thank you gemini_pony.  My father gave him a $5 instant kiwi (I'm not sure what they are called over-seas) but he scratched the ticket and won $50!!  He is one very happy little monster :)
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-fart possession
Post by: arianaserenityparker on April 01, 2012, 12:48:27 AM
I wish I had a picture of it, but alas I'm not sure where she is to take a picture.  When I was born my aunt and uncle brought this stuffed unicorn that looks like she is jumping and is about 2 feet tall to hang out with me in the hospital after my twin died.  I never let corna out of my sight when I was little and I really would love to have her in bed with us currently, but we moved the end of December and I know she is in a box in my storage shed in the back yard.  I ended up finding my MLP collection for the most part so I can only deduce corna's box isn't too far off.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-fart possession
Post by: nuttertasha on April 01, 2012, 01:11:35 AM
oh i love this thread all the storys are so sweet.
this is mine he is little foot i saw him cant rember how old i was but my dad got him for me. he has stayed with me ever since i love him so much but not as my 5 year old son does since he was about 2 years old he has stolen him from me visitors can't see pics , please register or login

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his eyes need a repaint but otherwise he is still in good condition
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: bladed on April 02, 2012, 03:39:44 AM
My dalmation Download(because I am a computer geek) that I've had since I was 1 1/2 years old.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: gemini_pony on April 04, 2012, 06:56:34 PM
^_^ anyone else?
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Ginger on April 05, 2012, 05:55:25 AM
Omg, I love this thread!
Here is my best friend, cookie.  (he's actually cookie #2 because I wore the first one out!). He goes everywhere with me and it's actually his birthday today!  :tort:
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Adorable!!! I love his threads. :D
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: kCherry on April 05, 2012, 08:09:20 AM
Does my husband count? Eighteen years of marriage on Monday!! I've held on to my BFFFL (best friend for life) for twenty-some-odd years now.. She just can't seem to shake me off!! I always come back like a boomerang! LOL

  Oh, you meant like stuff.. Well, I've had the same bear since I was thirteen.. Most of my childhood toys vanished in my teen years.. It's so nice to see that some of you guys still have such treasures in your possession still! :heart:

*hugs her hubby and BFFFL
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: sillybaypony on April 05, 2012, 08:41:11 PM
This is the oldest thing I own. I got him on my third birthday. I don't remember getting him, but He has always been in my life. According to my mother, I would carry him around and show everyone. His name is, simply, Dog. And he's missing a couple feet, but he is loved dearly <3

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Pictures are crappy. They were taken with my phone. Sorry!
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: TickledPink on April 05, 2012, 09:41:00 PM
I have two elephant plushies that were given to my brother and I when we were still babies. His is blue and mine is pink. I'll never let them go <3 I also have two bunny plushes that my great aunt made for my brother and I for easter and I actually remember recieving them. I think i was either 3 or 4 years old. I'll never get rid of those either :)

I also have a possession that I've only had for 15 years, but it's a lot older than that! It was a "teachers bell" given to my grandmother. I'm not sure what year it was given to her, but I think it was not long after she started teaching. It has as stained glass owl on the top and has a loud, clear ring to it. It was the only thing I wanted from my grandmother when she passed away, and I was very happy to receive it.

Oh and I also have the Hope chest that was gifted to her by my grandfather when they got married. Another cherished possession I inherited from her after she passed away.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: hyenacub on April 06, 2012, 01:01:23 AM
My oldest possession is a teddy bear tht winds up (though the music tines are broken D:) and I still have it and like it a lot.  But my most treasured non-pony possession is my Super Pound Puppy I got when I was in sixth grade.  It was one of the first things I bought with my own money, and I had to save for a bit for him, too.  His name's Freckles.  XD

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This poor guy is so beat up.  There are parts where the fur has worn off, leaving the net-like fabric below it.  The Pound Puppy patch on his rump is waring off--the color is--and it's torn there.  It's torn on the bottom, and there's an age tear on his back, too.  his er is missing...I accidentally left him on the grass once when I went off the play...and when I found him again someone had torn off his ear.  >:C  Some little bratty creep, I imagine.  I THINK I have his ear somewhere.   I hope lol.  Anyway...I love this guy.  I always hugged him when I was upset.  He's been a pillow many, many times.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Sarah-Bee on April 06, 2012, 01:08:02 AM
This is Snoopy :lovey: I've had him since the day I was born, my Granddad gave him to me :heart: He's had various repairs to his tongue, his hat has been sewn back on a good few times and his arms are shorter now than they used to be as they worn away to next to nothing at the top! I love Snoopy!

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And pretty much everyone in this photo is a childhood toy except the care bear and pony who snook on and the battered looking bear which is my hubby's 'Old Ted'

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Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Stormpony6 on April 06, 2012, 02:54:01 AM
My bear Arthur. i found him in our local park when i was 3 years old and after asking everyone in the park if they had lost a bear my mum said i could keep him. he has been everywhere with me and still comes to special occaisions. i am 26 so my 23 year young bear would have to be my most treasured stuffed companion
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: hyenacub on April 06, 2012, 11:52:24 AM
I'm fascinated that most of these are stuffed animals.  : D
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Sarahlacewing on April 06, 2012, 12:10:39 PM
I have two.

My childhood bunny, Bunny.  Got her when I was little as a prize in a Easter coloring contest.  My sister ripped her head off once.  It was awful.

And second my Yum Yum Jelly Bean Bunny.  My grandpa got him for me one weekend when I was spending the night with him and Grams.  Now that he isn't with me anymore I love my Yum Yum even more.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: sabathamk on April 06, 2012, 01:14:36 PM
Oh man... I have a few.  There's my glow worm from the 80s.  She doesn't have her battery pack and bulb anymore (my dad took it out after getting irritated at changing the batteries so often on that thing).  I still have my old doll 'Bethany'.  She had a cute red dress (needs repairs... again) was a stuffed doll with plastic hands and head, and brown hair with red bows in her pigtails.  She had eyes that opened and closed (which need fixing desperately) and her head has been ripped off by a mean old dog once.  I was so upset.  My dad melted the plastic back together using his sautering tool so I could still have my Bethany.  I want to rehair her someday, as her hair is so matted and fallen out in so many places.  She still feels good just to hold though... brings me back to all our tea parties and picnics at the old farm.  And playing doctor... the severed neck helped there, haha.  My daughter saw her the other day when I was attempting to fix her hair and eyes and was practically begging to hold her and play with her.  :)  Makes me want to repair her as much as possible so my daughter can enjoy her as well.

The other item I can think of is my carousel.  I got it when I was really little... I don't know how old, but it's at least well over 20 years.  It's musical... you turn the bottom and it spins and plays a song.  I finally put it up in my kids room a while ago, and it fell after a door slammed (sigh) and broke in a few places.  I fixed it best I could, and put it up somewhere with more room so it won't fall again.  I love it.  It was one of the few 'pretty' things I had when I was little.  And carousels were always my favorite.  :)
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on April 06, 2012, 04:36:47 PM
Well mine are two of those mini plush that have clips under their fabric in the front legs so you can clip them to things. I will post a pic later. they are well worn and i have had both of them sense kindergarten. One is a white pegasus with purple wings and the other is a yellow/pink/white zebra. both are missing the tails , one ear, and my little zebra is missing an eye. they sit with my ponies though and i wish i could find more of them.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Sarahlacewing on April 06, 2012, 04:44:49 PM
Oh man... I have a few.  There's my glow worm from the 80s.  She doesn't have her battery pack and bulb anymore (my dad took it out after getting irritated at changing the batteries so often on that thing).  I still have my old doll 'Bethany'.  She had a cute red dress (needs repairs... again) was a stuffed doll with plastic hands and head, and brown hair with red bows in her pigtails.  She had eyes that opened and closed (which need fixing desperately) and her head has been ripped off by a mean old dog once.  I was so upset.  My dad melted the plastic back together using his sautering tool so I could still have my Bethany.  I want to rehair her someday, as her hair is so matted and fallen out in so many places.  She still feels good just to hold though... brings me back to all our tea parties and picnics at the old farm.  And playing doctor... the severed neck helped there, haha.  My daughter saw her the other day when I was attempting to fix her hair and eyes and was practically begging to hold her and play with her.  :)  Makes me want to repair her as much as possible so my daughter can enjoy her as well.

The other item I can think of is my carousel.  I got it when I was really little... I don't know how old, but it's at least well over 20 years.  It's musical... you turn the bottom and it spins and plays a song.  I finally put it up in my kids room a while ago, and it fell after a door slammed (sigh) and broke in a few places.  I fixed it best I could, and put it up somewhere with more room so it won't fall again.  I love it.  It was one of the few 'pretty' things I had when I was little.  And carousels were always my favorite.  :)

You know I may have one of those old battery packs laying around.  If I can find it would you want it?
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: StarSwirl05 on April 06, 2012, 05:02:38 PM
Well I've got several toys that fit into this category (and they're all in their own same category) but here's one of them:
It's a toy version of the Battlebot Toro from the TV show Battlebots. Loved the show as a kid (still do now!)
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: TexasGal on April 06, 2012, 05:15:47 PM
May sound silly but I have a few.  (I'll add pics later)

I have the giraffe I was given when I was accidentally threw it away when I was a teen, and I hunted for it on ebay for quite some time til I found the exact one.  =]  doesn't have all the ink missing from it's tag cause I sucked on it, but hey, it's my same old Baby.  =]

I have a stuffed dog I call Big Dog that I've had since I was of very few old memories I have from way back when...I remember my great grandparents coming up my grandparent's drive, with Big Dog on Granny's lap, with a huge red bow around his neck. 

And my daddy gave me my Lamby one year for Valentine's day... (I never had someone over V-Day til this year...and only cause I ended up marrying him two days before xD.  I sleep with him every single night. 

And then there is my dog babeh.  Rough Collie and Border Collie mix, sweet and smart and handsome all at once.  I love Patch.  =] 

If it's old we are talking about as far as age, then the diamonds in my wedding ring are my DH's great grandmother's, and were passed down to his grandmother, then his mom, and now to me.  =] 
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Leopard_Print_Unicorn on April 06, 2012, 05:20:59 PM
That depends on your definition of old. If by "had in my possession the longest," then:

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My dad won her for me at Carowinds, an amusement park, when I was about 3. I forget her original name, but for as long as I can remember it's been "Killer." If you've ever owned a small, especially female, terrier dog, then you know why :) She went everywhere with me for a time, and now she is smooshed flat, her fur is matted, and her eyes have "cataracts" from being scraped. Now she is retired and sleeps on my bed, and I have a younger stuffed dog that travels with me when my real doggies can't.

I have an older lovey named Chopees, short for Lamb Chops. He is pink and my great-grandmother crocheted him for me when I was born. He was my all time favorite, but he is not currently in my possession but my mother's.

If by literally oldest item, then this:

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Sorry for the crappy photo quality. I took the picture with my left hand and the ring on my right because I cannot bear to put a ring back on my left finger. It still feels weird without one.

My grandmother's sister died of pancreatic cancer fairly young, with no children. This was her ring and upon her death, it went back to her mother (the same one who sewed me Chopees). She eventually gave it to one of her other daughters, my grandmother, who had only sons. So as the oldest granddaughter, I inherited it upon her death. I mean they literally took it off her finger right before they closed the casket and put it in my hand. I have no idea what it's worth, but very precious to my family and I.

Honorable mention goes to the black leather motorcycle jacket that my other grandmother gave me for Christmas when I was 13 because my mom didn't want me to have one. Of all the people in the world, I am most like her and I still miss her to this day.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: sabathamk on April 06, 2012, 07:00:10 PM
Oh man... I have a few.  There's my glow worm from the 80s.  She doesn't have her battery pack and bulb anymore (my dad took it out after getting irritated at changing the batteries so often on that thing).  I still have my old doll 'Bethany'.  She had a cute red dress (needs repairs... again) was a stuffed doll with plastic hands and head, and brown hair with red bows in her pigtails.  She had eyes that opened and closed (which need fixing desperately) and her head has been ripped off by a mean old dog once.  I was so upset.  My dad melted the plastic back together using his sautering tool so I could still have my Bethany.  I want to rehair her someday, as her hair is so matted and fallen out in so many places.  She still feels good just to hold though... brings me back to all our tea parties and picnics at the old farm.  And playing doctor... the severed neck helped there, haha.  My daughter saw her the other day when I was attempting to fix her hair and eyes and was practically begging to hold her and play with her.  :)  Makes me want to repair her as much as possible so my daughter can enjoy her as well.

The other item I can think of is my carousel.  I got it when I was really little... I don't know how old, but it's at least well over 20 years.  It's musical... you turn the bottom and it spins and plays a song.  I finally put it up in my kids room a while ago, and it fell after a door slammed (sigh) and broke in a few places.  I fixed it best I could, and put it up somewhere with more room so it won't fall again.  I love it.  It was one of the few 'pretty' things I had when I was little.  And carousels were always my favorite.  :)

You know I may have one of those old battery packs laying around.  If I can find it would you want it?

Seriously?  From the old glow worms?  I would love it if I know it would fit!  Thank you!  :)
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: hyenacub on April 06, 2012, 07:33:29 PM
Battlebots!  XD  I like those hehe.

If we're tslking actual age...probably a book I have of animal stories from 1902.  Wait, no...I have some coins from the is from 1860-something I think.  I do have a loooot of things that are older than I am.  My stereo is at least 6 years older.  (I was born in 1976) I have a Monkees thermos from the 60s...I like old things.  : D  Especially old things that I am interested in
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Eviecorn on April 06, 2012, 08:03:26 PM
I don't have a lot of items from my childhood, but I have a couple of things: my oldest blanket, a hand-quilted item made for me as a baby, and a jewelry box that I've had as long as I can remember.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: TheBeatlesPkmnFan42 on April 06, 2012, 08:04:09 PM
I have Ty Beenie Baby McD butterfly (2 actually) I don't know where they are, but I remember having them almost my whole life. I think they might be in my closet. They're pretty cute, though.
If you mean oldest by the actual item, then my Beatles records that my dad had stuffed in the garage that he gave to me!
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: suppi on April 06, 2012, 08:45:00 PM
My oldest most loved item ever would have to be a plush unicorn named Elinor. (I've spelt it wrong all my life that I can't bring myself to change it. XD) She's been with me through homelessness, hurricanes and hospital visits. I also have a smaller plush of Spot that's been through the same with her. haha I'll have to get a pic of them with the 'newest' joiner of honor, Tsukasa, a giant stuffed wolf.

The trio has been with me through thick and thin. :3
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: gemini_pony on April 06, 2012, 09:27:33 PM
I love reading all these <3
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Tribble79 on April 06, 2012, 09:51:01 PM
I have many Most loved non-pony Possessions. One of my most favorite is Elvis - a Troll Doll. I had searched for a troll doll for years before I finally found one. He still has his original shirt and plastic guitar. He has had a really bad hair replacement.
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I also have the most special Plush bulldog that has a hat, jeans and a black tank top that says Junk Yard dog. He has a mom Tattoo on one of his arms... He's Awesome!
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I also have an ALF that I wanted really really bad. He's literally been through the wash.
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A plush multicolored bunny that I've had forever and ever.
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A pound Puppy named Pepper,
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A plush musical elephant I got for my first christmas, a Gizmo plush, a tiny music box that plays Twinkle Twinkle little Star. a doll chair made from a tuna can. A handmade doll quilt. etc...
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Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: gemini_pony on April 07, 2012, 12:06:01 AM
Oh you have some cute stuff there!
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Sarahlacewing on April 07, 2012, 10:34:26 AM
Seriously?  From the old glow worms?  I would love it if I know it would fit!  Thank you!  :)

I wouldn't mind at all but let me ask you a few questions about the model.  Which model is it?
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: scarletjul on April 09, 2012, 09:49:48 PM
This thread is so sweet!  :lovey:

This is the doll I received on my very first Christmas when I was 6 months old.  Its a Fisher Price Bobbie Doll, but I named her Baby.  This is not my original in this pic, its one of many duplicates   bought off ebay.  My original is not in so good shape.  I have dropped the poor doll in a bucket of dirty paint water and her head fell off once (my sewed it back on).  But eventually I had to stop sleeping with her and she is now retired to a box.
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I have this doll!  I have this doll!  And she was one of my favorites growing up; her name is Katie.  I still have mine; I inherited her from my older sisters and she was the "youngest" (after the baby doll)  of my dolls when I played "mommy."  :)

*coughs*  Back on topic, my oldest non-pony possessions are probably my Wish Bear Care Bear, whom I got for my first Christmas (I would have been 8 months old) and the Cabbage Patch Kid, Cindy, whom I got a year later for the next Christmas. 

But my best loved toy is probably the Donald Duck I got just outside Disneyland when I was four.  I slept with him and played with him constantly and he's now missing an eye, all of his buttons and his bow-tie - and I still :heart: him.  I also have a 2 foot tall Big Bird from the same year that can't hold his head up any longer because I hugged his neck so often) and a Winnie-the-Pooh from when I was six.  :D
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: rearing_palomino164 on April 09, 2012, 10:35:36 PM
I'd prob have to say my first breyer horse or a stuffed animal i've had since I was little. Mainly my simba.
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Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: gemini_pony on April 09, 2012, 10:47:49 PM
Awww that Simba is too cute!
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: rearing_palomino164 on April 09, 2012, 10:51:42 PM
Thank you gemi! When you press his paw, head, stomach, tail and i think somewhere else he talks too. And after all these years he still works. :)
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Vampasaurus on April 10, 2012, 12:01:19 PM
I'd prob have to say my first breyer horse or a stuffed animal i've had since I was little. Mainly my simba.
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*heart explodes* I had that simba!! nostalgia bomb!
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: starrypawz on April 11, 2012, 04:31:59 AM
I'd prob have to say my first breyer horse or a stuffed animal i've had since I was little. Mainly my simba.
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*heart explodes* I had that simba!! nostalgia bomb!
Awww... I have a Simba like him in my Disney plush collection, although he's sitting, has a leaf necklace and if you squeeze him he 'purrs' I think I found him at a carboot sale ages ago.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: mlp4me on April 11, 2012, 12:19:32 PM
All of my childhood stuffies are in bags in a closet. The oldest non-pony possession I still cherish everyday rain or shine is this visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Awwwww!! Yessss...
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Tilas on April 14, 2012, 02:13:00 PM
Mine would have to be my little brown teddy. he's about 6 inches tall, and mom has pictures (somewhere lol) of me in the CRIB with him sitting on the pillow. Now he sits either atop, or in my dollhouse with my pullips lol.

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Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: knitgirl on April 14, 2012, 03:54:21 PM
I still have the care bear receiving blanket from when I was born.

(not my pic)

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Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Stuntmang on April 14, 2012, 03:56:12 PM
An original piece of Charles Schluz artwork.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: gemini_pony on April 20, 2012, 03:31:39 PM
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: StoryDreamer on April 20, 2012, 08:55:39 PM
No photos because he's in Florida, but I have this little blue bear that I got at the hospital the night I was born. Or rather my mom did. One of the nurses made him, and she gave him to my mom. He's made of courdoroy and is pretty stiff with red button eyes and a little tie, I think.

Second is my grandmother's old music box that sat on her table. I saw it all the time when I visited her every year, so I had to take it when she passed away.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: kiwimlp on April 20, 2012, 11:56:46 PM
This is Snoopy :lovey: I've had him since the day I was born, my Granddad gave him to me :heart: He's had various repairs to his tongue, his hat has been sewn back on a good few times and his arms are shorter now than they used to be as they worn away to next to nothing at the top! I love Snoopy!

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And pretty much everyone in this photo is a childhood toy except the care bear and pony who snook on and the battered looking bear which is my hubby's 'Old Ted'

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Aww, snoopy is adorable :lovey:

This is such an awesome thread.  It's great to see all of the loved toys (and the odd other object as well!) :frolic:
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: tikibirds on April 21, 2012, 12:56:35 AM
I move around so much, most stuff gets lost or left behind.
However here some posessions I have of either my great grandmother or my grandmother's
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My grandpa was stationed in the pacific during world war two, with the 27th infantry division.
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I have no idea who this belonged to, but it was mixed in with all the old letters and stuff I found. One of the ww2 letters mentioned his name, but not WHO he was, exactly. The letter just said something about sending them a picture of something...?
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Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: ppufi on April 21, 2012, 09:53:30 PM
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This is Miss Bear. :) I picked her out as a baby, and she's been with me through everything. I've rubbed one of her paws so often it has an indent.
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: gemini_pony on April 21, 2012, 09:56:57 PM
That is so cool Tiki and very cute plushie ppufi <3
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: mlp4me on April 22, 2012, 02:15:48 PM
Guess these two count... I just can't pick one.
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I got the scottie dog when I was 3. I remember picking her out from the store. There were 3 colors to choose from, white/grey/black. She had a plaid bow around her neck, and a longer felt tongue, both are long gone now. lol. She's quite worn and I've looked for a replacement for many years but have had no luck...

This is what a white one looks like, and this one looks like it was never touched by a child. I'd like to thank a seller on ebay for the pic.
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Glo worm, oh glo worm. I finally took 15 year old expired batteries out of it 3 years ago, it still worked. I think the battery on the musical part needs to replaced because that stopped working 5 years ago...
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: hyenacub on April 22, 2012, 02:28:19 PM
Tikibirds--those are fascinating!  You have a cool username, too.  C:
Title: Re: Your Oldest Most loved non-pony possession
Post by: Fanimusmaximus on April 22, 2012, 06:03:10 PM
My entire Transformers collection:

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And this isn't even a complete nor an updated pic!! I've been collecting these as long as I can remember.
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