The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Loa on August 26, 2022, 05:09:12 PM

Title: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Loa on August 26, 2022, 05:09:12 PM
This is the old thread!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 27, 2022, 04:51:49 AM
*rolls around*

Woke up with a headache though it wasn't as bad as some recent ones. My cat woke me up by biting my earlobe... usually she paws my face or bites my nose.

edit: My printer is out of two inks. The cheaper replacement inks are $32, about half of what Canon ink costs. Still though, why do these occasional expenses keep happening when I want to use my money for other things?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on August 27, 2022, 08:28:59 AM
I guess I have been sweating too much in my shoes, I have athlete's foot between my toes, and it caused the skin to split open.  OWWWWWWWWW 

I've been dripping iodine into it and trying not to walk , but OW
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 27, 2022, 07:53:25 PM
Thank you everyone.  Being confronted by the big dog was scary even though it didn't show aggression.  I wish the neighbors wouldn't let it roam like that.  I know one time one of the people in the house said she was surprised the dogs (they have more than one) were running down the street because they "were supposed to stay in the front yard."  I don't know why she thinks the dogs will stay in the yard when there is no fence keeping them there.

Today my dad suggested that we stop at the mall.  It's unusual that we go on a Saturday. My mom said we'd go to a couple of stores.  While I was looking at stuff in the first store my mom told me that she and my dad were going to the 2nd one. Once I got done at the first store I started walking toward the next one and saw my parents talking with one of the people that we  know that works in the mall.  When I got there my mom told me to say "Hi' to her and they kept talking for a few minutes.   After they finished talking my dad said it was time to go home.  When we got to the car I said that I thought I was going to get to go to the 2nd store.  My mom at first said I could go back while they waited in the car, but I told her I didn't want to walk all the way back in the mall and go back since we were already in the car.  Then my mom said I should have said something while we were still in the mall or just kept walking toward the store I wanted to go to after I said "Hi" to the person they were talking to.  I can't win. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Loa on August 27, 2022, 09:08:00 PM
I still have three hours of work left! ARGH!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 27, 2022, 10:30:58 PM
Ugh, another headache and a weird one too. It's mainly around my eyes and the bridge of my nose. I'll have to look that up.

I can't sleep. I'm worried about my dad and my neighbor is throwing furniture around or whatever it is she does over there.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on August 27, 2022, 10:36:16 PM
up too late for work stuff. i made myself a pumpkin latte though. hopefully it will be good. it's too hot to drink ATM
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on August 28, 2022, 03:09:09 AM
Trying to figure out what's up with my dragon tree, as it has some brown/dry tips on two of his stems. I'm thinking that it might be lack of water because even though we water on a schedule, with the heat we've had this year it's more than possible. It could also be too much light for the same reason. I'm going to keep a close eye on it for a while, and see if it improves.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 29, 2022, 04:52:36 AM
My cat is refusing to eat :huh: Not totally, she's still eating her dry food and treats she can't get enough of, but she won't eat her wet food. I know she wants a different flavor. There are only three flavors left and one she's decided she doesn't like anymore, but she was eating the other two. Now this is the third day in a row she hasn't eaten breakfast (well, it's still early, hopefully she'll eat it today).

Her medicine for her arthritis is in her breakfast though and if she doesn't eat it, she's not getting the medicine. I can't really tell if these pills are working or not either. She still sometimes drags her back legs a little and she absolutely doesn't like her hips touched. The bottle is almost out and I don't know if I should get another one or not. It's $17. Money is going to be extra tight because DCF cut off my EBT.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 29, 2022, 04:03:10 PM
My cat is refusing to eat :huh: Not totally, she's still eating her dry food and treats she can't get enough of, but she won't eat her wet food. I know she wants a different flavor. There are only three flavors left and one she's decided she doesn't like anymore, but she was eating the other two. Now this is the third day in a row she hasn't eaten breakfast (well, it's still early, hopefully she'll eat it today).

Her medicine for her arthritis is in her breakfast though and if she doesn't eat it, she's not getting the medicine. I can't really tell if these pills are working or not either. She still sometimes drags her back legs a little and she absolutely doesn't like her hips touched. The bottle is almost out and I don't know if I should get another one or not. It's $17. Money is going to be extra tight because DCF cut off my EBT.

It's so miserable with cats when they stop eating…  :( Do you give her some nutritional paste? It might help in these situations, if only the cat agrees to eat it or you manage to put it in her mouth… :huh: The cat would get at least a little more nutrients with it. But, I don't know how expensive it is...?
Hopefully the cat's appetite will soon return to normal! :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 30, 2022, 05:42:44 AM
Thank you :hug: I do have a high calorie gel that I mix in gravy and she eats that. It's supposed to stimulate her appetite too. She was coughing a little bit ago, so maybe she has a hairball.

When she woke me up this morning, I could hear her stomach making noise. She did nibble at her breakfast today, hopefully she'll eat it all.

I was thinking about the arthritis pills more and I don't think they are doing much for her. If they eased pain at all I can't tell. She cried and bit me yesterday when I tried to cut out a mat on her hip. She really doesn't like them being touched. So I don't think I'll get those pills again.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 30, 2022, 06:44:49 AM
It's been a rough couple of days.  A health issue that I thought had been resolved seems to be coming up again and it feels worse than before.

I also feel like everything I do right now is wrong. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on August 30, 2022, 07:42:36 AM
I tried to book my annual physical and have to wait an extra month because they're short on doctors.  I guess this gives me time to finish up that "Couch to 5k" thing I started before I have my physical so, there's that.  Doesn't help my white coat syndrome or hospital anxiety to wait longer though...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 30, 2022, 01:26:36 PM
My dad came in to the kitchen a while ago and told me my mom needed help with her computer.  I started trying to help her but she told me the wrong user name and password and then acted like it was my fault the website didn't work. I tried to tell her that even just one error in the password makes it incorrect. Then she said my dad is the one that told her the wrong password.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 30, 2022, 03:27:33 PM
Thank you :hug: I do have a high calorie gel that I mix in gravy and she eats that. It's supposed to stimulate her appetite too. She was coughing a little bit ago, so maybe she has a hairball.

When she woke me up this morning, I could hear her stomach making noise. She did nibble at her breakfast today, hopefully she'll eat it all.

I was thinking about the arthritis pills more and I don't think they are doing much for her. If they eased pain at all I can't tell. She cried and bit me yesterday when I tried to cut out a mat on her hip. She really doesn't like them being touched. So I don't think I'll get those pills again.

It's good that you have such a gel and she has started to like food a little better. :heart: I hope the reason for not eating is the hairballs and not the pain.  :huh: Cats are masters at hiding their pain.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 01, 2022, 05:46:55 AM
Good news, she ate most of her breakfast today :)

My current complaint are my PC speakers. They're so old (I bought them in 2010 and the same ones are still on Amazon but the price jumped 12 dollars) I played around with the wire and it made some static noises but I whatever I did made it worse. I have the volume turned all the way up and can barely hear anything. I had this same problem a few months ago and was able to fix it... but I can't really remember how I did that.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 01, 2022, 08:17:51 AM
that is good news @BC.

my complaint today is that we have this tedious weekly meeting and now they're saying we need to turn on our cameras. i don't want face to face time. also if you want me to turn on my camera don't schedule meetings super early. i don't get this manager obsession with face to face time. i guess i'll have to try and fake happiness during the entire call now.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on September 01, 2022, 08:26:51 AM
Here is my LOVELY night last night...

I was home alone until about 10:15 pm while my parents went to the Chicago band concert. A strange storm came through and knocked over some of our umbrellas when they were not closed. Windy weather. Later, I had my cat, Mittens next to me while I watched Netflix on my ipad. Then, I waited for the wind to die down so I could clean up the umbrella situation. I got the umbrellas taken down and on their side. Went back inside and then had a massive sneeze attack. Usually when I sneeze enough to a point where my teeth hurt. Drank the rest of my water in my 40 OZ HydroFlask. Started feeling like I was sick. I couldn't fall asleep in my bed so I went to our guest bedroom and fell asleep there. It was cooler downstairs so that was better than having a ceiling fan and a window open all night. Now im at school and very tired, little sick, and not wanting to socialize as much.  :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on September 02, 2022, 12:27:09 PM
I bit the inside if my lip/cheek not once, but TWICE with a heavy CRUNCH with my super-sharp pre-molars DX WHY WHY WHY
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 02, 2022, 03:22:32 PM
I asked my mom to do something for me while I was at work today because I wouldn't be able to do it after I got off.  When I got home I asked her if she did it and she told me she forgot. :(  I was really counting on her to do that for me today.  I won't be able to do it myself over the weekend or on Monday due to the US holiday. :(   

Then she told me I didn't tell her my work schedule even though I did and she forgot.  I know that it shouldn't be such a big deal, but I had a long day at work, found out I didn't get a position I applied for and got told off a bit by someone at work for something that was out of my control.   

I'm so annoyed right now that I don't even want to watch anime, something I really like to do.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 03, 2022, 12:47:05 PM
I am so sore today. I've no idea why, it's not like I did a lot yesterday or anything. My back hurts (though it always does so), my shoulders, neck, knees. The back of my tongue even hurts :blink: what the heck would cause that?

I'm also super tired. I stayed up late last night watching movies in the living room. I thought about sleeping in the recliner but couldn't get comfy. I kept waking up and then when 7am came, which is usually the latest I sleep, I took my meds and went back to sleep. Then my cat woke me up at 9 and I remembered I was having groceries delivered at 10. I went back to bed around noon and just got back up and it's 3:45. But it's not like I slept or anything. I'm still tired.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 03, 2022, 06:14:31 PM
^ I hope you're already feeling better! :hug: I too would sleep and sleep all the time. :sleepy: I have been tired all the time for a long time. On the other hand, it doesn't matter, because I love to sleep! :biggrin: It's one of the best things in the world I know, besides coffee, metal music and ponies!  :lol:

My back cramped on Friday evening, which it has never done before! :( It could be my gut, because it was cramping badly in one spot before my back pain. After that, the entire stomach area remained painful. By sleeping, those pains disappeared.  :whew:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 03, 2022, 08:11:25 PM
Speaking of sleep, I'm awake at 4am and it's not amusing me. :/

I've slept so much better the last few nights but tonight...nope. I'm not sure if it's a stuffy nose, or a constantly banging door, or just my brain being too active for no real reason...but it's really annoying.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 04, 2022, 05:55:50 AM
I ended up sleeping for 15 hours. Not straight through... no, never. I woke up a lot, but I was able to go back to sleep. I probably would have kept sleeping if my cat didn't wake me up for breakfast and I was a half hour late taking my medicine. I feel better. My body is still a little sore, mainly my neck and shoulders... but that might be stress. Maybe it's all stress.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on September 04, 2022, 08:45:40 AM
I’m going out with my girlfriend today (yay!!!) but there are other people coming too, which is fine. It just means I need to be there by a certain time because I don’t want to make these other people late. Also fine….if the bus here could run on time! I planned my trip last night, told me to be at bus stop by 9:30. It’s been 15 minutes and I don’t see a bus.
Really, I feel like my city would have a lot more going for it if it could run transit systems on a coherent schedule, and actually stick to it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on September 04, 2022, 12:22:52 PM
I just found this out:

So I am trying to get my collection 100% organized and up to date with the year a pony was released. I found out my G3 ponies were not in order by year on my dresser so I am going to fix that. I put them in piles by year (2002-2007). Looked on to try and put them in their correct year. Found out that mlpmerch doesn't have 2002. Only 2003 and up to when it officially stopped. I find this super annoying.  :frolic: . Now I have to edit my G3 section in my collection notebook... AGAIN!.  :stressed: .  I am doing fine right now but this is a little ridiculous that mlp merch isn't really showing 2002 ponies.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 04, 2022, 02:50:13 PM
Many complaints. One, my head feels like it's going to explode. It's more than a headache, I wonder if I have a sinus infection? My eyes, ears, temples all hurt.

Next, my neighbor has been active ALL DAY (and it continues and will probably continue into the night) pushing furniture around her kitchen, tables and chairs and anything else that makes that draaaaaaaaaaaaaging sound across the floor. She's opening and slamming cupboards. Hitting things against the wall. The only thing she hasn't been doing is yelling and screaming so she must be alone. Her daughter Jackie isn't there, otherwise I would also be hearing "SHUT UP JACKIE!"


I have my music on. It is death metal. It is loud. I can still hear thumping and bumping from next door. Honestly, as bad as it is on my side, I feel so sorry for the lady that lives under her. Maybe she's deaf. I can't see how she can stand it otherwise.

Finally, my carpal tunnel is hurting pretty bad and I want to work on my projects. I went ahead and bought the stupid printer ink. When it gets here I can print out my PDFs for animal armatures. Speaking of, I finished the armature for my swap custom. Maybe screwing up the first time was a blessing in disguise because this one already looks much better. Still though, my wrist is in agony. I should probably stop typing.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 04, 2022, 07:26:45 PM
I really wanted to work on a diamond painting today. I haven't felt like it for the last few weekends.  I didn't get to though because I had to go to the store make sure that the pharmacy had used the coupon the dr gave me.  By the time I got back my mom said that she didn't think I had enough time to work on it. :( 

I feel like my parents have completely spoiled everything I want to do lately.  I don't think they're doing it intentionally but still...

Lately every time I say something, my dad contradicts it, even if what' I'm saying is correct.  Today I was talking about an event that's happening on a day he has a drs appointment and he kept saying he didn't have an appointment that day.  Finally, he said that he did. 

I love my parents but sometimes they really drive me crazy. :argh:


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 05, 2022, 04:26:34 AM
@Rainlove - I'm 99% sure that G3 ponies officially hit store shelves in 2003, because I remember having Rainbow Dash to take my first uni graduation which was July 2003. It may be there are ponies with 2002 on the hooves, and almost certainly that's the case...but I don't recall any of those ponies being out in the season before that summer. I think they hit the US in the spring, because I was sent one from California in June that got delayed in transit. I remember a mad scramble to find another one, and my friend managed to find RD in her TRU in the Uk in July, the week before I graduated. It was just enough time for me to make her gown and hat for the ceremony.  That was the same time as Wysteria, Kimono etc were out, so I would think 2003 is correct.

A word of note on MLPMerch though.

Most big ID sites that try to cover multiple generations should be treated with care. With the exception of the Wiki (which has gaps but does have multiple editors), the site owners are usually experts on one generation, and have added the others by hitting up google, but their information may not be 100% reliable for these other generations.

MLPMerch built its reputation on its stellar knowledge of G4, but their earlier pony information is based on stuff they've found on other sites (some of which is erroneous). You might find it better to try a more G3 centric site to be sure.

My trivial complaint for today - I was woken up last night by very loud rain and a storm. We're meant to have more today. I don't like storms :/.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 05, 2022, 10:25:31 AM
I think a mosquito bit me while I was outside working with the plants.  Insect bites always swell up really big on me. :(

For the past 3 nights in a row, I've fallen asleep before I could put my CPAP machine on.  When I wake up and get aware enough to realize I don't have it on and running, I turn it on.  It's happened to me once in a while when I'm completely exhausted, but so many times in a row seems a little unusual.  Maybe it's time for another sleep study.

I feel a little off today.  It's nothing I can really pinpoint exactly, just I feel a bit run down and tired.  My throat also feels a little strange and my voice doesn't sound normal.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 05, 2022, 02:40:01 PM
I ate too much ice cream!  :X

My back is still really sore and cramping. :gah: :cry:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 05, 2022, 06:39:01 PM
Luna went outside and tried to dig under the fence to play with the dogs next door. and then when she came back in the house she proceeded to jump on the new couch and get mud everywhere! at least i closed the bedroom door before she got in there.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on September 05, 2022, 06:39:53 PM
@Rainlove - I'm 99% sure that G3 ponies officially hit store shelves in 2003, because I remember having Rainbow Dash to take my first uni graduation which was July 2003. It may be there are ponies with 2002 on the hooves, and almost certainly that's the case...but I don't recall any of those ponies being out in the season before that summer. I think they hit the US in the spring, because I was sent one from California in June that got delayed in transit. I remember a mad scramble to find another one, and my friend managed to find RD in her TRU in the Uk in July, the week before I graduated. It was just enough time for me to make her gown and hat for the ceremony.  That was the same time as Wysteria, Kimono etc were out, so I would think 2003 is correct.

A word of note on MLPMerch though.

Most big ID sites that try to cover multiple generations should be treated with care. With the exception of the Wiki (which has gaps but does have multiple editors), the site owners are usually experts on one generation, and have added the others by hitting up google, but their information may not be 100% reliable for these other generations.

MLPMerch built its reputation on its stellar knowledge of G4, but their earlier pony information is based on stuff they've found on other sites (some of which is erroneous). You might find it better to try a more G3 centric site to be sure.

My trivial complaint for today - I was woken up last night by very loud rain and a storm. We're meant to have more today. I don't like storms :/.
ok. thanks for the info
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 06, 2022, 05:39:43 AM
Heavy cycles, long sleeps, messy sleeping bags, laundry needed. Yep I was fully padded, still didn't do enough...

Glad the younger peeps have special underwear for it, so they can avoid such calamities...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 06, 2022, 06:16:19 AM
PBW, I'm there with you. Mine are so bad I wear diapers to bed :pout: I think I have PCOS but I've never been checked for it. I have all the symptoms though.

My complaints, other than that, are another headache and my stomach is touchy again. I'm getting concerned with these headaches. I mean, it's normal for me to have them, but not this bad and not for so long. Also, it's mainly in the front of my face, even my cheekbones hurt, so I think maybe it's sinuses? I'm not stuffed up, not really coughing, no sneezing. Eyes are dry. I already have an appointment lined up the 28th for my PCP. It's a long way off so I might need to go to Urgent Care if I keep having these headaches like this :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 06, 2022, 08:08:35 AM
did a job interview this morning. they didn't tell me beforehand that i would need to code during the interview. what they asked was pretty easy but my dogs were being super distracting so i couldn't focus. i had to look some stuff up since i didn't review beforehand and it's not stuff i do everyday. they seemed put off that i couldn't just rattle off from memory. so i ended the interview early.

i have a lot of test anxiety that kicks in when i'm in a high pressure situation so it would have been helpful to review. i forget things i know well when i'm stressed. i wasn't really interested since they're a new company and as much as my current job annoys me it's a more stable company. it just bugs me that in interviews most people who are doing hiring aren't taking the candidate's feelings into account. i guess for them it's more efficient to weed people out. but i don't think it's good to have people do work before you discuss the role and the company. you should tell me why someone should want to leave their current job to come work for you. don't just assume people are even super interested. at least now i know more about what to review.

@BC i hope you feel better. that sounds like sinuses to me. i would get it checked out if it doesn't go away.
@PBW yeah you're not the only one. :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 06, 2022, 09:46:20 AM
Count me in as one of those that also struggles during that time. 

@Beth I'm sorry your interview went that way.  I thought I did pretty good on my last one, but I never heard anything back from the company.

My dad made a big deal out of telling me he was proud of me for going to the pharmacy to try to figure out why my inhaler had a copay.  The way he said it seemed really condescending to me. :(

Something has decided I'm a tasty snack. I've got several insect bites now. :(  I can be outside with a crowd of people and have the mosquitos make a bug buffet out of me while leaving others alone even when using OFF bug repellent.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 06, 2022, 04:56:41 PM
what frustrated me the most is the question was pretty easy and i would have done well had the recruiter let me know there was going to be a live coding portion. but i got the sense that they wanted it to be an on the spot thing. which is probably a red flag anyway. i think whenever theres some test or challenge and i don't do well i flash back to taking tests in school and get really down on myself if i don't do well. even if it's something that doesn't matter. i've been coding for about 13 years now and sometimes i feel like a fraud. even though i've done well at all of my previous jobs. imposter syndrome is a big problem and i see it in other people on my team. and with people who are really good at what they do! it's frustrating that job interviews just don't really give people a chance.

Ponyfan, the same thing has happened to me a lot. i don't know what's worse not hearing anything. or getting a quick "we've decided not to move forward" email before i even get back home.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 07, 2022, 04:22:31 AM
BC I hope you sort these headaches out xxx Beth oh no!!! Not good!!!

Ponyfan it can't be fun having to handle all these petty issues your parents have with you. Were circumstances different (eg more affordable housing market), I'd recommend you move out for your own sanity xxx But in this day & age that's nearly impossible to get a foot in the literal & metaphorical door. All I can recommend is trying to depend on them less in other ways xxx But I bet you're already trying that xxx

Last but not least, I think it's our age group. It's the last few cycles of my entire life so they're making up for what they won't do in future... Having said that, huge sharky snuggles & huggles to all with extra complications on top of the usual fare we ladies have to endure xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 07, 2022, 06:20:46 AM
I totally skipped a month earlier in the year. I started early (I was 9 and at a friends house... it was not fun) so I'm assuming it will end early. The sooner the better!

My complaint is really petty. I've mentioned before how I play this cute collection/idle game My Singing Monsters. You can add friends that help out on your islands. Some of these people have names that are just... cringy. One is MAXGAMERZ and another is Beast666. Like, it's a simple cute little game. It started as a mobile game (there is a Steam version which is what I play), but like, having a name like that? Dude, c'mon. Maybe they are kids and think they're being cool. It just makes me laugh.

Sorry if that makes me seem haughty or something but I can't help it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on September 07, 2022, 07:19:14 AM
So I finally convinced my mom to watch a few episodes of Psych because I haven't watched it yet, but my friends have all suggested it to me since I enjoy both Chuck and Supernatural. (I tend to wait until shows are over before starting them so I can binge watch.) When I found it on her streaming site, she says, "How can this have 8 seasons and we've never heard of it?"

All I can hear is Merida going "Ugh...MUM!"

There are SO many shows she's never heard of that have a lot of seasons.  But it's hard for me to convince my parents to watch anything that I might like so they miss out on a lot of good shows.  They watched The Walking Dead and Stranger Things because my niece likes them but they won't watch anything I suggest because they all assume I only watch cartoons and Disney movies.  If I ever get enough space to put my DVDs back into cases on the shelf, I think they'll be surprised at what I own.

She seemed to like the episodes that we watched so we'll see if she actually finishes watching it. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 08, 2022, 07:22:56 AM
I love when an artist takes your commission and then pretends it never happened. No money exchanged hands, but there was a verbal (or typed) "sure I can do that!" Then months of silence while they make other art. If you don't want to do it, just say so! Saves me from keeping the money for it instead of spending it elsewhere. This happens frequently. I admit, I have some weird and complicated characters. What is so hard about coming back and saying 'I'm sorry I can't take this commission after all'? What am I going to do? Force them?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on September 08, 2022, 01:28:40 PM
I'm going to murder my daughter's dog. I thought he got out and went all over the neighborhood looking for him, I stopped back and checked twice, before finding him snug as a bug at home the third time. I've been telling her for years to train him to come when he's called, and to teach him to stay in his own yard. But nooo, she can't be bothered. He's currently stuffing his face and is happy as a clam, the little booger butt.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 08, 2022, 02:45:22 PM
On the subject of job applications, I really don't like the "we can't be bothered to even tell you, sorry, no thank you, when you took the time to follow all our application guidelines and meet our deadline" potential employers. Like their job is so awesome they're some kind of celebrity and don't have time to talk to the little people? I just hate that. I'm fine being told 'no', but I like to know that's the case so I can move on.

I'm grumpy tonight because I'm still coughing on and off and my sense of smell is only partially back. It's annoying.

I was going out tomorrow but with tonight's events I'm not sure how crazy everything will be, so I might postpone.

@BC, I won a contest last year on another site which involved an art commission. I never got my prize and the person has since disappeared. I know that RL happens, but again, communication is so important. At least a "sorry, I can't get to it at the moment because x y z" would be polite...

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 08, 2022, 07:24:10 PM
I went through a similar situation with a customizer.  I had ordered one custom from them and although it took a long time to complete, they generously added another custom for free along with extra goodies.  I was very satisfied with them, so I commissioned them a second time.  The second time they took my commission with the understanding that payment wouldn't be made until the pony was finished because I had paid up front for the first one.  At first everything was fine, but then some stuff happened including the base getting destroyed by a pet. Long story short, they never finished it even though I watched them complete other customs.  I don't hold a grudge against them, but I doubt I will commission them again even on a payment after the work is completed basis.

The dress code at work is supposed to be business casual.  A guy has showed up the past 2 days saying he can wear whatever he wants. He has been wearing T shirts with video game characters on them and cutoff shorts.  I'm not usually one to comment on other people's clothes but I can't see how wearing that is appropriate at work.  I won't even wear jeans to work unless it's Friday or jeans day. 

The other day my mom told me I "needed to hurry and go to sleep" because I had to get up for work the next day like I was a 5 year old. :argh:   I know what time I need to go to bed if I have to get up early in the morning. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 09, 2022, 05:08:11 AM
@BC, I won a contest last year on another site which involved an art commission. I never got my prize and the person has since disappeared. I know that RL happens, but again, communication is so important. At least a "sorry, I can't get to it at the moment because x y z" would be polite...

Was it on PI? Most of my failings with artists are there.

My current complaint is rather strange. I feel very wired right now, hyper. I wonder if I'm going to have another manic episode. So far those have been connected to being out of one of my meds for a couple days and then taking it again. But this time I got a refill on time and didn't miss any days soooo... that's not it. If that's what this is it'll be the fourth time it's happened. I don't mind really, I get a lot done and I feel good. It's a complaint because my psychiatrist says it's not a good thing and then it's supposed to be followed by bad depression, but that didn't happen to me before. I don't know! I feel bouncy.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on September 10, 2022, 04:03:17 PM
So, I tried a massage for my birthday and I've learned two things;

1. I really don't like being touched :c
2. Pressing on my temples for the facial super hurt!! I know it's supposed to be relaxing but my temples feel very thin and it was so sore
3. I had a salt scrub I think on my feet, I was happy I didn't twitch or accidentally kick the masseuse (I've had very minor operations on my feet but sometimes I get phantom pains from the injection points and they twitch with the memory), but afterwards when I put my socks and shoes back on, it felt like I was sliding inside my own shoes!!

Also, I meant to go to Lakeland to buy myself a good quality cooking pot as mine finally gave up the ghost ... only to completely walk past it -_- Well done Lady Frostbite you silly billy
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 10, 2022, 06:43:48 PM
I was walking down the hallway. I had my belt in one hand and my new shoes in the other.  My belt buckle hit the hallway mirror and cracked it.

Also, someone put something gross in our mailbox.  Details in the spoiler.  It's a little bit disgusting. 

My dad went to check the mail and found a half eaten sandwich.   :X Why would someone do that?  I'm hoping that it was an honest mistake on the mail carrier's part but we've never found anything like that before.  I checked the camera footage and found a little bit of suspicious activity but there's nothing that proves who put the sandwich there.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 11, 2022, 04:50:25 AM
It sounds intentional, along with the vandalism you experienced last year, I'd say someone in the neighborhood doesn't like your family :(

I have a headache today, but it's not the same as I've been having. I think this one is more normal for me. Still sucks though. My carpal tunnel is still pretty bad too. I want to talk with my doctor about maybe getting surgery for it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 12, 2022, 07:13:59 AM
vacation time is over so back to work. today i'm greeted with almost 200 unread emails. most of which are just junk notifications or meeting invites for the past. so going through to find the important ones will take forever. also my password expired and resetting it didn't work so now i'm waiting on a callback from tech support to fix it. thankfully i can still access email and chat. why am I always stressed? :shocked:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 12, 2022, 07:43:52 AM
@BC - no, it wasn't on PI. It was another site. I like PI but I tend to keep a lower profile there.

I tidied up my desk a lot today, which is a good thing except I forgot to wear a mask and now I'm coughing. My lungs are still a little sensitive post-covid :/ Well done me.

The sandwich in the letterbox sounds gross, Ponyfan, but also sounds like something a harried postie might do without thinking about it. Hopefully there isn't a mailman somewhere in your region wondering what he did with his lunch.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 12, 2022, 08:43:14 AM
I had a meeting with my mental health case worker this morning but she rescheduled at the last minute. She does that a lot... I think the last three meetings she had to do a later appointment. It's not like I have anything else going on but it's a little annoying. The way my brain works is if I have something important to do I MUST complete that task before moving onto something else. I wanted to start cleaning today, but now I have to wait until after 1.

Also, just a minor one, I was in the middle of a business deal with someone on another site and they got offline. So now I'm waiting for them to come back and finish the trade we started. Why would you leave?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 12, 2022, 09:37:44 AM
I hate to come back and trivially complain again so soon after the last, but my lightbulb in my bedroom just went dead. My room is quite big and has two ceiling lights - fortunately this is the one in the ponies' end of the room, not my bed end, but apparently it's not as simple as just a broken bulb. Seems the whole light is bust, and so an electrician will have to come out and fix it. He can't come till Friday, so the lighting in my room is going to be annoying until then. Sigh.

It is a very old bayonet, since it's probably not been changed in the whole time we've lived here, which is 30+ years. The one at the other end was put in new when we had the extension done, so hopefully it'll last a bit longer.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 12, 2022, 09:58:51 AM
I've felt really shaky and lightheaded since yesterday.  I thought maybe my blood sugar went too high or I didn't eat enough but I still feel this way almost 24 hours later. 

I couldn't even play my Switch for long because the motion of the game was too much for me in my current state.  Usually motion in games doesn't bother me.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 13, 2022, 03:01:16 AM
The electricity thing in Slice Of Life: Since the back of June I've been putting £90 in every two weeks to ensure I have enough for the winter, because I know the prices will go up & up & up, plus my house is all electric. The two most recent didn't add on to the meter, so yesterday i went on to the energy company's website & used their chatbox to explain the issue. An engineer came round last night & did what he could, replacing both the meter AND the key which puts the credit in. I'm still missing £120 credit & have to contact the chatbox again today about sorting that. Why do meters set limits on how much you can put IN them??? The engineer was asking the same question last night, as he frustratedly tried to put the last £120 in...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 13, 2022, 06:22:06 AM
Sometimes my parents can be really annoying.  The other day we didn't get ketchup with our McDonald's order.  I told my mom that I had learned to eat it without ketchup, but she said she couldn't do that.  My dad immediately got up and got some ketchup.  This wouldn't have been such a big deal but at one point I ate my food without ketchup several times because my mom said that if it didn't come with it, I couldn't say anything about not having any.

This is one of the issues I have with my parents.  My mom will say I can't complain or mention something yet it's totally okay for her to do the exact thing she told me not to do.  Talking to them about it doesn't do any good either as I can't make my mom realize what she's doing.

My dad thinks if you see something on Google then it must be true.  Last night he wanted to go out to eat because he saw a restaurant had dinner specials.  When we got there, he decided we should leave before we even ordered anything because "it wasn't as advertised." I just Googled the restaurant this morning to see if I could see what he saw.  I saw the dinner specials through Google but when I clicked on the restaurant's website, they weren't there.  I'm assuming Google hasn't updated their search results yet.  Of course, my dad doesn't realize that it's not the restaurant's fault that the links are outdated.

I don't feel as lightheaded today, but I still feel shaky.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 13, 2022, 06:30:52 AM
@Ponyfan i hope you feel better :) my parents are the same way with business websites. after having some small business clients when i did freelancing i've learned not to trust whatever's online. sometimes the business owners don't even know how to update the site, sometimes they lose their password, sometimes they don't pay the person who is updating their site. it's a mess.

my complaint today is cramps. i thought i just went through this. i guess another month went by fast. also i don't feel 100%. just rundown and stressed. also i still can't log into everything at work. i guess being locked out of the sites i need to do my job isn't high priority enough for someone to fix it.

also i really feel like i'm about to lose my mind if anyone else asks me to do another ask. there are other people. i work on multiple projects. i don't have time for this last minute stuff.  i see why people just ghost jobs. i'm not going to do that but sometimes i think about just logging off and disappearing.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 13, 2022, 07:09:01 AM
update - I did end up making a WYP. She passed away last night.

This is not at all trivial but I hate to make a new topic in WYP.

I need to take my cat to the vet but my niece is out of town with friends, my dad is still in the hospital and I don't know anyone else with a car. I priced Uber and to go to the vet, then go to my mom's, then go back to my place would cost $66 with tip. I can't afford that.

I hate this. I was always so "if you can't afford the vet, you can't afford the pet" when I still had my disability payments, but now I'm in this position myself. I don't think she is suffering. She's been sleeping a lot. But she hasn't eaten and she was only 4 lbs before, now she's just bones. I force fed her the high calorie gel I have. I gave her two servings, which are for cats 10lbs and over. She is still drinking water though.

She's a month shy of her 20th birthday.

Also, today it's been a year since my sister died. It still seems like it just happened.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on September 13, 2022, 07:56:16 AM
I need a soundproof room to go scream obscenities in at work because murder is wrong even if it would be considered a service to humanity.  :argh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 13, 2022, 08:07:10 AM
For the second time a box has been left in my mailbox I cannot get out. I walked all the way over there in this heat and I can't get my frickin' mail. Now I have to wait for the mailman to come so I can cuss him out.

And this was what broke me today.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 13, 2022, 06:26:29 PM
This is not at all trivial but I hate to make a new topic in WYP.

I need to take my cat to the vet but my niece is out of town with friends, my dad is still in the hospital and I don't know anyone else with a car. I priced Uber and to go to the vet, then go to my mom's, then go back to my place would cost $66 with tip. I can't afford that.

I hate this. I was always so "if you can't afford the vet, you can't afford the pet" when I still had my disability payments, but now I'm in this position myself. I don't think she is suffering. She's been sleeping a lot. But she hasn't eaten and she was only 4 lbs before, now she's just bones. I force fed her the high calorie gel I have. I gave her two servings, which are for cats 10lbs and over. She is still drinking water though.

She's a month shy of her 20th birthday.

Also, today it's been a year since my sister died. It still seems like it just happened.

 :sad: Little Mouse... If only she could still start eating and cheer up. :heart:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: tikibirds on September 14, 2022, 12:39:22 AM
The town decided to fix the road, so they started digging it up at 7 AM - outside my window.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 14, 2022, 05:54:20 AM
Thank you, Beth. 

I'm feeling better today although I had an hour long asthma attack early this morning.  I haven't had one of those for a long time. 

I cut my finger trying to open a package of paper clips yesterday.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 14, 2022, 06:36:43 AM
I've been cleaning because inspections start tomorrow. A while back I had bought reusable wash pads for the Swiffer Wetjet and a floor cleaner that's supposed to be "the best" according to reviews. I mopped yesterday and I could tell the cleaner was getting up a lot of surface dirt but wasn't so great on stains. After a while the pad started to move the dirt around. Maybe I used too much cleaner, I don't know. But i had to get the other pad (it was a 2-pack) to finish the hallway and bathroom. Also the cleaner/pad don't know what to blame, left streaks.

I mean, the linoleum is old and rather discolored and has stains from before I moved in. So i wasn't expecting a miracle, but I thought it would get a lot cleaner that it appeared to get. Also, I thought the cleaner would shine the floor, but there's no shine. I guess I'd have to get something else for that.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 14, 2022, 09:42:44 AM
I figured out the electricity problem: there's a maximum limit on credit in electricity meters: £255. WHY??? When a home is all electric like mine, surely this should be higher??? Really not happy about this as it makes my planned stock-up much harder to do. I know what I'm like with money: if I have it I spend it. I'm not the best saver. So it was easier for me to just load up electricity as I got the money, but I've effectively been told I can't do that beyond a certain point??? Like what the heck???
Anyway, there's a smart prepay meter & I've booked one. It will take at least a month before I get it in, but at least I'm sorting this BEFORE the cold sets in
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: pinkkittywinks on September 14, 2022, 11:21:48 AM
My throat went dry in the middle of the night, so much so I coughed for about half an hour and I now have a sore throat as a result, as well as being sleep deprived >_<

Love pkw xx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 16, 2022, 06:52:14 AM
I'm still having trouble with my asthma.  :(  I woke up this morning feeling like I was getting enough air in my lungs and breathing through a straw.  I'm going to see how I do over the next few days but I might have to get an earlier appointment with my dr than the one I already have scheduled.

There's a book out that I'm really interested in, but it's in hardback and a little expensive as far as books go.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 17, 2022, 02:14:54 PM
I bought the wrong kind of omeprazole. It's the same medicine, but it's in tablet form instead of capsule. I don't like the tablets.

When I went to check out from for a delivery, it tried to charge me $6.99 for having an order under the minimum of $35. I thought Walmart+ members were exempt from minimum charges. I got on the chat and asked the guy, but he said it's the shipping minimum that we don't get charged, not for delivery. I was super confused because I buy small orders of food often and never get charged, but he looked into it and said that was because I use my EBT card. If I wanted to buy veggies with my debit card I'd be charged the extra for delivery if under $35. So I learned that today. That's kind of a bummer. I didn't want to be charged 7 bucks arbitrarily so I added more things to my order to get over $35.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on September 17, 2022, 03:09:28 PM
I bought the wrong kind of omeprazole. It's the same medicine, but it's in tablet form instead of capsule. I don't like the tablets.

When I went to check out from for a delivery, it tried to charge me $6.99 for having an order under the minimum of $35. I thought Walmart+ members were exempt from minimum charges. I got on the chat and asked the guy, but he said it's the shipping minimum that we don't get charged, not for delivery. I was super confused because I buy small orders of food often and never get charged, but he looked into it and said that was because I use my EBT card. If I wanted to buy veggies with my debit card I'd be charged the extra for delivery if under $35. So I learned that today. That's kind of a bummer. I didn't want to be charged 7 bucks arbitrarily so I added more things to my order to get over $35.

Omeprazol comes in tablets? I've only ever seen capsules
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 18, 2022, 06:14:53 AM
Yeah, I got these on Amazon. Not only are they tablets but they are in blister packaging. Man, I wasn't paying attention at all. Walmart is where I usually buy it, but they were a dollar more than Amazon and I'm a Prime member so I get free shipping.

My complaint at the moment is a headache and my teeth hurt. I don't know which is affecting which. I took some headache meds but so far they are doing nothing.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on September 18, 2022, 03:07:37 PM
I get mine from the doctor, you can buy some over the counter here but you have to pay for that and to me doesn't seem to work as well as the stuff prescribed?

I'm setting up my new laptop, I am still STEAMED that word is a subscruption thing now, and I cannot put my professional email under my casual email in my Outlook display, I don't understand why!! (yes, professional is alphabetically first but I get the feeling it will do that irregardless)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 18, 2022, 03:30:38 PM
i hate how everything is moving to subscriptions. but i also didn't like shelling out $300 for a new version of software. idk the subscription is probably still more expensive overall for some software. i think the subscription model will be more popular with companies since it gives them more predicable monthly revenue. also a few months back there was a big freakout about car companies talking about having subscriptions for stuff like seat warmers. they just want to extract more money from us.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 18, 2022, 03:49:47 PM
The other day at work I didn't double check to make sure a door was closed.  As a result, the door was open when it wasn't supposed to be.  I know I made a mistake by not doing that, but another person also made the same mistake.  I saw them going in the room after I did, and they left the door open too. 

I didn't get in trouble or anything (although I was reminded that the door should have been closed) but if it was wrong of me to not make sure the door was closed after exiting the room, it should have also been wrong for the person that entered the room after me to do the same thing.  Also, I can't figure out why the second person didn't close the door after exiting.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 18, 2022, 04:32:45 PM
I get mine from the doctor, you can buy some over the counter here but you have to pay for that and to me doesn't seem to work as well as the stuff prescribed?

Yeah... Welcome to US healthcare. I used to get mine from the doctor too, and it was covered by my insurance but because it's supposed to be a short term medication, they stopped paying for it. I need it everyday and I've been taking it for years, but that doesn't matter.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on September 19, 2022, 07:37:34 AM
My insurance SUCKS!  And if it wasn't required by my work (because I don't have another source of insurance) I would drop them immediately.

Apparently my doctor is no longer in my insurance network, even though I checked before signing up for my physical this year.  Let's just ignore the fact that I already have severe anxiety about going to the doctor in the first place (to the point where even thinking about it causes a panic attack) and I've been going to this one willingly for the last 6 years. That wouldn't be important to anyone at all. On top of that, I've had to wait longer for my annual physical due to a lack of doctors in their office, so I'll be a month late on that this year.  And my stupid insurance pulled this last year with my dentist office as well!  I had an appointment for Dec 1 and they sent me a notice saying the office was no longer in network as of Nov 30.  Seriously, it's like they're deliberately targeting anyone I go to for medical stuff.  I hate them.   :stressed:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 20, 2022, 06:25:43 AM
^ That's happened to me too. I had to find a new gastroenterologist and pulmonologist. It was so annoying, and I like my pulmonologist more then the last one but not the gastro. It extra sucks to have your primary change though :(

I had a rough couple of days without my cat. I woke up yesterday and was still half asleep when I noticed her blanket was gone from the bed. I thought that was strange. Then I thought I hadn't seen her in a while and wondered where she was :( Last night I was talking to her and made myself cry for a long time. Then when I tried to sleep, I kept waking up. So I've not really slept. I should be getting her ashes back today. They originally said Monday, but the clinic didn't call. My dad might also come home today. He's been in the hospital for 15 days.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 20, 2022, 06:29:10 AM
I had to go the asthma dr yesterday because I was having a lot of trouble with it.  My dr put me on 3 medications and also a monthly shot.  Before I got the shot, a nurse brought me some paperwork to fill out.  I thought I was filling out paperwork for the drs office, but after I signed it, the nurse told me that it was for the company that makes the shot, so they can call me every month and I can approve them shipping my next dose to the drs office.  I would have picked a different communication method if I had realized that was what the paperwork was for.

I've been wanting my mom to help me repot one of mint plants.  Every time I ask her to help me she always has a reason that she can't do it that day.  First, she was too busy, then it was too windy.  Yesterday she told me we might repot it after my drs appointment.   When we got home, she started doing something else instead.  I'm not even going to bother to ask her to help me today.  I would just do it myself, but mom has more experience with repotting plants than I do.  I might kill the plant trying to repot it if I did it by myself.

Edit: She finally helped me repot it today.

BlackCurtains, :hug:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Baby Crumpet on September 22, 2022, 10:58:30 AM
ughhh... I got rejected from this job I really wanted. I love my current job, but I really could have done with the extra hours at this other place. They did point me in the direction of another role, but I think that might be the case for all their rejections? I'm not getting my hopes up!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on September 22, 2022, 01:54:07 PM
I turned into a real bear because the parcel company didn't deliver my parcel  -_- It's food for my animals, and food you cannot get in a store and I was out of it, so I REALLY needed it. I have a sign on my door saying just leave the parcel outside the door, don't take back to the depot and don't leave with a neighbour.

So naturally they took it back to the depot  :pout: My flat has a secure entry, and three of my neighbours are out a LOT and the fourth doesn't answer the door ever, leaving only one possible neighbour to accept it. I snapped and posted a note on the front common door to PLEASE leave it outside my door as it was food for my animals.

I got it today, but wow was I horrible about it all yesterday. I just wanted my birdseed, it's not valuable!

EDIT: I just overcooked the baguette for tomorrow's lunch, nooooo!!!! Time to whack the other one in the oven and hope for the best!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 22, 2022, 07:31:45 PM
My mom got the wrong thing shipped to her and called the company that sent it.  They told her they would send a prepaid label to her email.  She got the label today but told me she couldn't print it. When I looked in her email, I saw one from UPS. I asked her if she checked it and she said no.  The label was linked int the UPS email  I had trouble getting the label to print.  I asked her if she had paper in the printer and she told me she didn't know. :argh:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 23, 2022, 05:09:37 AM
I bought a PDF of a Japanese art book. The pictures are really nice but there is a big pink watermark on every page. It's quite annoying! The seller didn't say anything about it. I shouldn't complain too much, the book was only 77¢. I've been buying a lot of them lately, they're needle felting books. I can't read the text but the step by step pictures are nice and they also have measurements which is super helpful.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 23, 2022, 03:33:18 PM
Today hasn't been my day.  I had a long day at work and my mom forgot to do something I asked her to do again.  She keeps brushing it off when she forgets but that's twice in a row that I asked her to do something for me while I was working, and she hasn't done it. 

On top of all that, my dad decided to move my plants today while I was at work.  He probably thought he was helping, but I wish he'd asked me first.  I've had them in the places that I thought was best. He also made if really difficult for me to be able to water the bigger mint plant because he put the supports through the lattice.  I fixed it but it seemed like something I shouldn't have had to deal with on top of everything else today.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 24, 2022, 02:55:49 AM
I had my flu jab yesterday (which in a way is a positive thing because I had my original appt cancelled and a lovely person at the pharmacy helped me resolve it).

BUT my arm is sore and I slept about 3 hours last night. Oh well.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 24, 2022, 07:47:04 AM
I have no money and I've got nothing to drink except water and coffee. I like both, and drink both regularly, but I'm craving something else. Something with bubbles! My EBT card doesn't get money on it until the 7th (I think) It used to be the 26th, but when they closed my case for a month, they changed it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 24, 2022, 03:26:10 PM
I don't like getting shots and I had to get 2 this week.  The one I got today wasn't too bad but the one on Monday had a large needle.

I literally picked up a piece of mail and said it was from one of my drs.  Then my mom asked if we got any letters today.  No wonder I feel like my parents don't listen to me sometimes. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 25, 2022, 11:50:55 AM
I hate injections too Ponyfan xxx I've been known to be actually phobic, with the adrenaline & everything!!! So  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 26, 2022, 12:43:48 AM
@Ponyfan, mine don't always pay attention either. Mum and I had a whole conversation about this week's food order and she asked me to specifically mark things I wanted. Which she then didn't order because 'she didn't know it was my mark' on the list. Even though we had a whole. conversation. about it.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on September 26, 2022, 07:28:08 AM
I hate that my co-workers don't respect my workspace.  Last Wednesday night my office mate and I locked our door because we were both going to be gone until this morning.  I get here before her and when I got here, our office was unlocked.  When I asked if anyone knew who was in there, the person that got into our office said that they "needed" something.  A need is something you will die without.  She didn't "need" anything in our office.  She just didn't want to work on something else (and trust me, there's plenty she could have done) for a day until we got back.  I really want to put up a sign that says to stay the bleep out of our office, but using actual the 4-letter word because clearly asking nicely and blatantly locking people out doesn't get the point across.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 26, 2022, 03:25:25 PM
My mom wanted me to come to their house and stay for the hurricane. I said I'd rather stay here, my mom got mad at me and hung up on me. Then as usual, she called back and said I made her cry because she thinks I don't love her.

Yeah, I want to spend four days with my parents and niece in a smelly, dirty house with the thermostat set at 88 degrees. Oh, and I guess sleep in the living room with the dogs? How could I ever turn that down?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 27, 2022, 01:22:45 AM
Rain :Z

I know that we need it, so it's not that it's a bad thing.

BUT I was going out this morning, and decided against it because of the rain.

...Which, now I decided not to...has stopped.

I can't trust it not to start again by the time of the next bus though. So tomorrow it is.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 27, 2022, 04:33:16 AM
Here too Taff, plus the inevitable wind you get for living on the coast...
Didn't want to walk all the way to the cashpoint so got a £10 from the Post Office, then got to coffee, bought my fave treats, & was told there the Post Office (our ONLY post office, & the next nearest is * miles away) is closing at the end of October!!!  :sad:
Like, I'm not the only one who needs it for posting parcels in winter for Christmas Presents... NOT HAPPY!!!

Apparently though, the local community is getting a generator for in case there's a power cut. I hope so; I'd love some boiled water for hot drinks & my water bottle...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on September 27, 2022, 09:38:23 AM
The co-worker we tolerate was wearing strong cologne again.  But just as I was about to send a complaint email, he walked by me again and this time smelled of mild soap.  So he knew he stank and he washed it off so he wouldn't get in trouble.  But I still have a headache from it and now can't complain because there is no proof that he smelled bad this morning. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 27, 2022, 10:01:03 AM
Here too Taff, plus the inevitable wind you get for living on the coast...
Didn't want to walk all the way to the cashpoint so got a £10 from the Post Office, then got to coffee, bought my fave treats, & was told there the Post Office (our ONLY post office, & the next nearest is * miles away) is closing at the end of October!!!  :sad:
Like, I'm not the only one who needs it for posting parcels in winter for Christmas Presents... NOT HAPPY!!!

Apparently though, the local community is getting a generator for in case there's a power cut. I hope so; I'd love some boiled water for hot drinks & my water bottle...

Ugh, I thought they'd got over their obsession for closing post offices that people need in rural locations.

We got lucky during COVID, ironically, in that they decided to open up a branch of the PO in our local shop. But there's about one person there who knows how to send parcels, so the last time I visited - which was to send your pony, actually - it took three staff members to actually manage to complete the transaction.

Most of the POs around here are now inside other stores. Mostly WHSmiths.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 27, 2022, 05:52:35 PM
i'm tired and i have a headache. i should do more work on my never ending side project. i thought it would be over months ago but the client managed to scam some more work with way too little pay. basically they refused to pay for the work i already did unless i agreed to even more work. i'm about ready to just cut my losses and turn over what i have at this point. also he refuses to test so i have to do that too. luckily i can automate that but i still have to code the tests. i think this is the last side project i'm going to take on for a long while.

also the political fundraising texts are out of control. there's one every hour.

PBW i'm intrigued by this community generator. is it like a warming, charging station, community kitchen. or is it powering homes?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 28, 2022, 10:40:36 AM
I don't know what they intend to use it for tbh. I just know they want one. I hope they use it in a community building with a kitchen, so people can come & stay warm & get hot water & stuff
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 28, 2022, 01:46:29 PM
So Hermes/Evri are usually pretty decent in my area, but...not today.
I had a notification of a delivery to come this evening. It hasn't come, but I've been told it's been delivered.
It's an ebay package and so if it disappears I'm kind of screwed - the seller can demonstrate 'delivery' even though it hasn't been.

I've raised an enquiry with Evri about it, but it seems the driver was new to the area *sigh*.

Where we live is a bit complicated, our road is split between two areas, and people often don't find our house or think it's part of a different road. The GPS provided suggests it was delivered down our road - the driver *was* here - but the photo he uploaded doesn't look like anywhere we recognise (so may not be the correct image).

We went and spoke to the people living at the houses the GPS suggested but they hadn't seen it. They were lovely and looked all around their bins and porch but no luck.

So the parcel is somewhere in the mists of wherever right now. It might be somewhere in our road, at another house - in which case it will hopefully migrate its way here tomorrow by way of a kind neighbour. It could be still in the van and the guy wanted to clock off so claimed he'd delivered it when in fact he didn't...hence the wrong photo. Lots of possibilities.

(I actually don't think he didn't deliver it, because of the map van GPS. I just think he dropped it at the wrong place).

But no real firm clues as to where is my parcel.


All I know is that it definitely was not delivered here.

ETA: I did some detective work on google maps and I *think* I know where it might have been delivered. If so, it's a neighbour we know, and when it's morning and less creepy (and hopefully not raining) we might go see if they have it. Hopefully. :/

No wonder the UK is in economic meltdown if delivery drivers can't tell the difference between one number and another when delivering parcels. :/
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 28, 2022, 07:18:44 PM
Taffeta, I hope you find your package.  I always worry about packages or important mail getting misdelivered especially on the weekends as we've had things misdelivered then that other people have been nice enough to bring over to us.

I feel terrible.  I think the steroids I had to take made my face swell a bit because it feels really puffy. :( I haven't eaten anything I'm allergic to.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 29, 2022, 12:35:30 AM
Fortunately, it was in the location I thought it was - two houses down from us in number, but geographically the way our street is laid out, in a completely different part of the road.

It rained heavily last night but thankfully this neighbour has a very substantial porch. Honestly, aside giving it to the wrong house, the delivery driver put it in a very safe space.

In any case, it's safely found.

But we are now probably the weird people who go porch-hunting after dark.

Feel better soon, Ponyfan.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 29, 2022, 08:36:10 PM
I also got a fun delivery, like, somebody knocked, I rushed out, heard the van go off, then by pure chance looked at my bins. Behind one was the package they dropped off!!! PHEW!!! I think the courier was DPD though. Evri & Royal Mail are normally good with the old knock & ring & wait for me to open the door thing (I must have a good Evri driver)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 30, 2022, 05:11:48 AM
The thing is, we do have an excellent Evri driver, who knows where our house is and who has delivered multiple things here without problem. But this was a new driver, which makes me worry that our old driver has left the route :'(. The new driver, if he's going to be here regularly, will learn the layout - it's confusing even on Google Maps, who give our house as being on a completely different road. The delivery itself was responsible and safe - just not at the right address. We also have this issue with food delivery drivers on their first day. They always go the wrong way and end up getting lost. So it's a pretty normal state of affairs in our street.

We even now have a sign on the door that says the number of our house and the street it belongs to, but not everyone sees that. I want them to change the sign at the end of the road to signpost that some houses are in one direction and some in the other - but we moved here in 1988, and nobody's ever done it.

Wow, I guess that became my trivial complaint for the day.

It was a weird day for deliveries all round, though. I had an amazon delivery where there was a knock at the door. I went and answered it and the parcel was on the porch, but no driver. The van was parked on the road, but no driver there, either. But by the time I went into the sitting room, the van had gone. I never saw a person at all. We were joking about a ghost driver - and then we had the nonexistant delivery incident.

Still! Both parcels safe and sound so I guess it's all right. Excepting our local reputation ;)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on September 30, 2022, 07:45:58 AM
We keep a cooler full of treats--granola bars, chips, soda, Gatorade, water, etc.-- with a note on it saying "thank you for the deliveries and help yourself to a snack."  That seems to help get our packages delivered nicely, especially when it is a driver that's been to our house before.  Unfortunately, the neighbor kids noticed the box and regularly ask if they can have something out of it.  My mom will occasionally say yes when it looks like some things have been in there for a bit but it does get a little annoying.  If your parents wanted you to have a bottle of Mountain Dew, they would give it to you, little six-year-old...

At least they seem to ask before just taking things, though.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 30, 2022, 03:35:53 PM
I'm glad you got your packages, Taffeta. :)

My face still feels puffy. :(   It's a weird sensation and also makes my throat seem a little tighter than it should.  Yesterday I felt like I was going to pass out (I didn't)  I hope once all of the steriods get out of my system, the swelling will too.   

Last night my mom said we were having something for our evening meal that I usually like.   She didn't make the way always does so it tasted off to me.  I kept trying to figure out what was different about it and realized she didn't put any seasoning on the meat at all.  When I asked her why she first said something about not thinking about it beforehand and later that she doesn't know how to season meat after it's already been cooked.  She wasn't feeling well yesterday but I couldn't seem to make her understand that the meal she made wasn't very good. :(

I asked my mom if she got string cheese while we at the store.  She said no and told me I had time to go back and get it.  When I went back I saw a worker doing site to store orders so I decided to go back to the checkout stands.  My dad made a huge deal about me not getting the string cheese even though I said that it was okay and we would get it next time.  He actually dropped my mom and I off at another store so we could get it.

I wanted some Reese's peanut butter cups and my mom helped me find some.  My dad had put them in a container that he previously put mint chocolate in before.  Instead of tasting like peanut butter, the Reese's tasted like mint. :(


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 01, 2022, 04:20:29 AM
This time Evri put a package behind my bin, but since they take a piccie I could see the bin & the wall. Weird how I heard nothing...

Now I'm only due one package I have ordered, but there are strikes atm so that will be delayed. I see more are coming towards the end of October, so I'll have to stick to local stuff (have to anyway from now on as everything else is now too expensive)...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on October 02, 2022, 12:53:03 PM
I try not to be "that guy" and whine about these kids and their new-fangled modern slang but my god, if I have to see one more person say "fit" instead of "outfit"...!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 02, 2022, 02:22:36 PM
seriously "fit" even worse than "schedg" sp? kids today :P

i'm just tired today. trying to get everything done to get ready for the week but i don't have much energy.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on October 02, 2022, 05:23:56 PM
I try not to be "that guy" and whine about these kids and their new-fangled modern slang but my god, if I have to see one more person say "fit" instead of "outfit"...!

I take this as a sign I'm definitely now old.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 02, 2022, 09:32:09 PM
When did fit stop applying to physical health & beauty???
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on October 03, 2022, 01:14:51 PM
I try not to be "that guy" and whine about these kids and their new-fangled modern slang but my god, if I have to see one more person say "fit" instead of "outfit"...!

I take this as a sign I'm definitely now old.

That was my reaction too :lmao: Most new slang I'm like, alright, I don't 'get' it but whatever, but that one is just... what?!  :P
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 04, 2022, 06:39:48 PM
the business slang/jargon is worse to me. maybe it's because it's what i have to hear the most. "circle back", "talk offline", ugh. what's worse is i find myself saying these things.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on October 05, 2022, 07:09:15 AM
I hate when I take the time to make something look nice and a certain co-worker destroys it in less than 30 seconds.  The excuse when I complain: "[They're] doing their best."  Yeah.  They're doing their best to waste my time and effort.  There's a major project coming up in that same area, which is why I was trying to get it to look nice so that we could see what we were working with so when it comes time to do it, there will be a discussion about how I'm not going to do the project if this person isn't babysat and trained properly.  And since I'm the head of this project I can be difficult about it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on October 05, 2022, 08:19:48 AM
the business slang/jargon is worse to me. maybe it's because it's what i have to hear the most. "circle back", "talk offline", ugh. what's worse is i find myself saying these things.

My work is FULL of shorthands, and some of the shorthands sound like other shorthands when used NOT in the office. I'm not even sure I can give an example, but one is that a common occurance with customers is ALSO the name of a contract type for workers, so I got incredibly confused when I got emails about my contract and I'm like ??? I'm not a customer??? Or I see a shorthand referring to a customer status and it unfortunatly also stands for a certain medical procedure ...

Even worse when two shorthands can mean two different things -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 05, 2022, 10:12:37 AM
A book I was really looking forward to getting isn't in stock anywhere. I don't know if there was some kind of delay in publishing or if some stores just haven't received their shipment yet, but no one has it in.  One website indicated that they might have some in a few weeks.  I could order the ebook, but I really want a physical copy.

I picked up a work assignment yesterday and ten minutes later got a notice that the assignment was cancelled.  Today, it looks like the same assignment I was notified was cancelled was open.  Why tell someone that the assignment isn't available and yet it's on the list as being open?  It's rare that I get assignments cancelled from that site so maybe someone put it in wrong, but it gives me bad vibes.

I also just got a voice mail that "someone is using my cell phone number to scam people" and I should call the phone company right away.  No, I'm not responding to a random call on my phone that sounds like a spam call.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on October 05, 2022, 10:22:54 AM
Even worse when two shorthands can mean two different things -_-

The one that always gets me is when people put "/POS" for a tone indicator or w/e they're called. I get that it means "positive", but my brain always goes to.. umm... something I can't say on the Arena.  :blush:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 05, 2022, 03:09:34 PM
I saw someone post on Facebook today "Rocking the new Halloween fit."  Why not just say outfit?

I watered the plants today and an hour later it poured rain.  I wouldn't have watered them if I knew the rain was coming so soon.  At least I won't need to water them tomorrow.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on October 05, 2022, 04:11:18 PM
Sometimes I realize my workplace language sounds a lot like an intelligence agency, like James Bond.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 05, 2022, 06:48:30 PM
Even worse when two shorthands can mean two different things -_-

The one that always gets me is when people put "/POS" for a tone indicator or w/e they're called. I get that it means "positive", but my brain always goes to.. umm... something I can't say on the Arena.  :blush:

lol yes. the one that got me recently was AI. they meant "action item" but i thought maybe artificial intelligence? why can't we have full words? one company i worked at actually had a wiki with a lot of the shorthand and the meaning. there's an assumption that people know the terms but i think most people just nod and smile.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on October 06, 2022, 01:04:53 AM
THis just made me regress back to the 90s with a memory of Gus in the satirical comedy Drop the Dead Donkey, who often spoke in jargon and annoyed everyone in his office. I tried YTing it but only found a clip of him trying to rewrite the past, which is topical for the times but not really for this moment :)

Someone's dog is barking like crazy outside. There was a media report in one of the papers today about the rise in dangerous dog attacks in the UK. It might be aggravated by people taking on dogs during the pandemic and not knowing how to manage them, but frankly, the core of it is that so many dog owners don't really train their animals, or don't do the research necessary ahead of time. The paper is calling for stricter laws on dangerous dogs, but I feel like stricter laws on owners who don't train their animals and manage them properly should be priority.

I hate dogs, and they're getting more intrusive into daily life, with more and more stores allowing them inside. That's a disaster waiting to happen, since it relies on the owner deciding if the dog is well behaved enough to be there. I'd like to see all dogs on leads outside of designated dog parks, and no dogs in stores or on public transport except service dogs. But that's not going to solve the issues inside people's homes, which is where a lot of these attacks are taking place. And that's an issue with training and education vis a vis type of dog for that particular family, which can't be handled retrospectively by dealing with a dangerous dog situation more harshly. It can only be handled ahead of time by making sure the family who adopts a dog can a: train and manage it and b: the dog can handle being in that environment.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 06, 2022, 06:23:43 AM
I’m so sad without a kitty :(

I messaged the shelter to see if they are doing adoptions but their system is down so no adoptions at this time.

As soon as they are back up and running I’m going to get a cat. It’s so quiet and lonely.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on October 06, 2022, 05:25:02 PM
Dear Crunchyroll.

It's really pointless telling me what time some anime series is going to air in the PDT timezone.

I'm a UK member. You know that. You bill me in £sterling. You give me UK licenced content.

At least tell me the timezone in GMT/BST.

Surely not too much to ask.

Love, Taffeta.

P.S Please sort out your buffering issues on firestick for any show not currently streaming. It's annoying.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 06, 2022, 07:19:35 PM
@BC i hope you find a kitty who needs a good home. i imagine the shelters will have lots of cats in need of a good home after the storm.

no complaints really. it was a tiring day. strange issues that need fixing at work. nothing too bad just strange and annoying. i wish assistive technology for browsing the web were better.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 07, 2022, 11:49:08 AM
Once again my SLEEP!!! Why so wonky??? Why does it take so long to drift off??? Why can't I have a regular, predictable, 24 hour sleep/wake schedule like everybody else???
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 08, 2022, 05:28:36 AM
Beth, I imagine there were a lot of lost and displaced cats from the storm.

Ugh, same here PBW! Last night I finally got some real sleep but for the last week or so my sleep has been so disturbing. I wake up at least every hour, I have nightmares about someone breaking in and then I get all paranoid and can’t go back to sleep.

My body is so sore. I need some deep restorative sleep and am just not getting it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on October 08, 2022, 09:56:32 AM
We have a polite agreement in this house that nobody goes in my room (by which I mean, workmen, etc, not family) when I'm not there without at least checking in with me to make sure it's ok.

So I was less than amused to come home this morning and find the Virgin Media guy in my bedroom.

Let's just say some words were exchanged.

There's a lot of personal stuff in my room, none of which had been secured ahead of time because I'd been told he would not need to be in my room.

I'm really not amused.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 09, 2022, 03:57:51 AM
I feed someone's fish on Firday at work (they asked me to) but I've been worried since I left work for the weekend that maybe I didn't feed the fish enough or fed him wrong and he won't survive even though I thought I was doing what the person told me to (I tend to overthink sometimes and stress out about stuff that most other people wouldn't even think twice about.)

The fish is very old, and I would never intentionally harm a fish, cat, dog, etc...  I'm so stressed about this that I've had to start taking my anti anxiety medicine again (I haven't used it for months) because I'm so worried that I might have accidently killed the fish.   Of course, if something does happen I would apologize and tell her that I did feed him before I left for the weekend.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on October 09, 2022, 06:45:44 AM
I pulled my back "enjoying the morning" with my husband... and now it hurts to walk or breathe! 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on October 09, 2022, 06:25:28 PM
My mental health has taken quite a dip these past couple of days  -_- I'm supposed to be getting up for work in ... less than 4 hours
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 09, 2022, 06:50:00 PM
i cracked one of my glasses. i didn't notice until i was about to use it and the store where i got it no longer carries it. now i have 3. i can get a set of 6 similar ones which will leave me with 9. way too many :( this is why i don't actually use the vintage glasses.

i'm also stressed about the 2 day long planning session were having at work. i'm worried that i forgot to do stuff. also 8 hours of call is a lot. not even a break for lunch. in person almost seems better than 8 hours of headphones. except i would not want to drive 1.5 hours each way.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on October 10, 2022, 01:38:16 AM
It's more than four weeks since I had COVID now and I'm absolutely fine.

Except for one thing.

I still have an annoying cough that won't go away.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 10, 2022, 05:44:10 AM
I have two Zoom appointments coming up but still no internet. I downloaded the app in my phone so I hope I can use it. The AT&T internet is pretty slow but maybe it will be okay.

I’m seeing my mental health case worker and then my therapist. I missed my last therapy session because of the hurricane. So it’s been about three weeks since I saw her.

My mental state is weird to say the least.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 10, 2022, 06:15:32 AM
I'm sorry you still have an annoying cough, Taffeta.  :hug:  I hope it goes away soon.

When I get really worked up about something (currently the fish I posted about earlier) sometimes it helps to have someone else listen and reassure me that everything's going to be okay.   My mom got really annoyed at me for constantly taking and the fish and now we can't talk about it because she just gets upset. :(  I know in the grand scheme of things, losing an old fish isn't a huge deal, but it's worse that I can't talk to her about it.  There's no way I can talk to me dad because he wouldn't understand at all.

@Black Curtains, I hope you're able to do your Zoom appointments with the phone Internet.


My anti anxiety medicine is starting to give me weird, vivid dreams. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 11, 2022, 07:05:07 AM
Taff I know about annoying coughs!!! I have a near-permanent chesty cough from years of colds & nothing QUITE clearing the gunk up. Makes me glad I don't smoke; it would be much worse if I did...
BC I hope your internet comes back soon xxx. Until then I hope your phone can handle your online meetings...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on October 11, 2022, 07:16:01 AM
Thanks guys. It's up and down. I think it's post-covid meeting my rhinitis and it just sucks. Gah. Anyway.

I had the dentist this morning. The dental report was fine, but I had to sit in the main waiting room as my dentist (who usually works upstairs and thus has a quieter waiting room) was working in a downstairs room today. And it was quiet when I arrived, but that didn't last.

Most annoyingly, there was a guy who was sitting there not only ignoring the phone on silent sign (he was playing a game), but he kept singing along with/ whistling the tunes that were coming up on the radio.

Being in the dentist's room was seriously a lot LESS stressful than being out there for 30 mins (my appt ran late) with a guy who thinks a waiting room is the same as his front room and everyone wants to hear him sing (badly).
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 11, 2022, 09:08:14 AM
Taffeta, that is very obnoxious behavior. just because there are chairs and couches in waiting rooms. it's not a living room.

i'm on a call and someone forgot to mute. it sounds like they're opening and closing doors. i think it's a chair squeaking since i can hear it on every call. they always forget to mute when they're not talking.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on October 11, 2022, 12:58:51 PM
I have misophonia, and recently we all moved desks in the office (NO-ONE was happy about it, but the reason given was to keep teams close to each other). It now means I'm near the front, where people whistle and SING. I'm not even joking. Whistling is a huge trigger for me, I HATE HATE HATE HATE people whistling.

(Yes, I own pet birds, but their squeaks and beeps are more melodic if that makes sense? It's like my brain will accept that but loses its damn mind over older men whistling).

Also, the litter from youngesters - including some I am pretty sure are NOT old enough to buy - buying vapes is RIDICULOUS! Constant litter of thin cardboard packs and the foil wrappers, it's so bad! Not to mention when they decide to be obnoxious. WHY do teenage boys feel the need to constantly spit on the ground?? Why must they be so disgusting?????
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 12, 2022, 06:50:56 PM
The fish I fed on Friday was fine.  I'm glad he made it through the weekend.

I had a hard day today. :wail:  I'm also starting to get worked up again about a mistake I made at work today.  It wasn't a huge one, but with everything going on at once I realized later that I didn't handle it like I should have. :( I usually have good days at work, not bad.  I know no one is perfect and no one does the right thing 100% of the time, but still, I feel like I'm not doing a good job anymore.  :(  I have to be careful with my anti anxiety medicine because it's getting close to my allergy tests, and I can't have them for a certain number of days beofre or the test results won't be good.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 13, 2022, 06:30:59 AM
I’m glad the fish was okay :) Sorry you had a bad day at work.

My internet should be back on Friday. I’ll be so glad. I’ve discovered I am not good with the phone.

I tried to apply for assistance from FEMA yesterday but kept getting an error about my address. Everything was correct so I don’t know what the problem was. It was the last day to apply too.

I’m still sore and without my Vyvanse and ginseng I’m very tired.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 15, 2022, 05:22:53 AM
Now they are saying the 17th for internet. I know a lot of sub stations were totally destroyed so I understand but at the same time I’m very annoyed.

I’m missing the Halloween event in a game I play. I’m also not able to play PonyIsland on my phone (it’s me, not the phone) so I’m missing breeding and still haven’t bought the new Halloween items.

Plus I need things from Amazon. I could do it on my phone but I’d much rather on my computer. Ugh!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 15, 2022, 05:32:22 AM
@Ponyfan i'm glad the fish was ok. i think i would be stressed about it too
@BC i hope the internet is back soon

i have a ton of stuff i need to do around the house today. i have some shelves i need to put together and i need to put laundry away.

also need to cook and continue to clear out the freezer. but i may have gone a little overboard on the soup making. can you freeze creamed soup. i have some potato soup but i want to freeze half.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 15, 2022, 01:17:15 PM
I’ve frozen potato soup before. It had evaporated milk in it and it turned out fine.

I have a headache. Feels like there’s a spike in my head.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 15, 2022, 03:18:20 PM
Thanks BC and Beth. 

I had a rough week at work. :(  Sometimes I feel like everything I do at work is wrong.  By the time I got off yesterday my voice was rough.  I already had an appointment for my Slim Shot, but since I needed to see the dr, the staff was able to work me in. I hate having to ask for favors like that, but I would be a lot sicker if I waited until my next free day.  I'm starting to get bronchitis again. :(   The dr put me on antibiotics.  We caught it early but I still feel bad.

I got tired of waiting for a book I wanted to be in stock at the bookstore. I gave up and just ordered from Amazon instead.  I like picking out books at the store though so I can get the best one.

I needed a few things at Walmart, but the Walmart I went to didn't have everything I wanted to get.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 16, 2022, 05:07:50 AM
That headache is still here. I think it’s a withdrawal symptom of my Paxil.

I’m running out of some vitamins too.

I think I need to try to order from Amazon on my phone since Comcast is being coy about when the net will be back up.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 16, 2022, 03:28:39 PM
My dog loves to eat tuna.  I picked the can up off the floor and got a sliver. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: TheClassCalico on October 16, 2022, 05:30:15 PM
My nose has been running a little ever seen I got over a nasty cold, it's been over a week now. Well, at least mostly gotten over it? Maybe it's lingering but if that's the case I swear it's taking its time. -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 17, 2022, 05:55:23 AM
Different day, same headache.

The fallen trees and vegetation debris from the hurricane is still piled up outside. It has rained a couple of times and it smells so bad out there. Like rotten vegetables and mold.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 17, 2022, 08:58:14 AM
My dad doesn't understand what taking a screenshot means.  He's having trouble getting in to a website.  He called the Help line and they asked for a screenshot of the last page that he saw.  My mom asked me to help him, but by the time I started working with it, his session had expired so I can't take a screenshot of the last thing he saw.  I even tried showing him what the guy was asking for using Amazon as an example but he's acting like I'm not trying to help him when I really am.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on October 17, 2022, 11:02:36 AM
Super trivial complaint:

There's a Nintendo Switch coming out next month that I want but nowhere is allowing pre-orders on it.  I have to work the day it comes out so I can't just go stand in line all day and hope to get one. 

Also, I can't get a certain score on Pokemon Cafe Remix and it's annoying because somehow people are getting 40 million points on it and I can't manage 10 million.  Seriously, how are they doing that?!?!?!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on October 17, 2022, 11:44:04 AM
Well, yesterday I started to get a random cold. Terrible coughing and sneezing. Almost barfed.  :( I drank a Pepsi or was it a diet Pepsi? I can't remember! :blink: I had my therapeutic swim practice yesterday. It's basically for people with disabilities who can swim. We are off for the next three weeks with swim meets going on the next few weeks. I did get captain of the week! :accomplished: Working hard and doing what you're supposed to do pays off. After practice I felt better. Still have a stuffed up nose. :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 17, 2022, 12:05:12 PM
@Ponyfan my parents are the same way. i asked my mom to take a screenshot once and she had no idea what i was talking about. she ended up taking a photo with her phone. sometimes i feel like we're living in parallel worlds. my mom wants computers to work like they did in 2002. she doesn't do well with the change and she thinks she's going to break something. and my dad wants it to work the way he think is best. i've explained to him many times that they don't design with 1 person in mind. he knows that. he's just being difficult.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on October 18, 2022, 09:55:02 AM
I've got another one!!!!!

So I play Animal Jam on my I Pad, and I went to someones den, they "said" that they were doing a sapphire drop in their den. I need sapphires desperately so I went to their den and when I arrived, I saw that in their den they had pillows arranged to say the F word. Instantly reported them for inappropriate den. Then the den owner arrived and said that they lied about the sapphire drop and started bullying all the people who were in the den. They repeatedly bullied me, called me names, and called others rude names. Lied about their age. Locked their den and unlocked it. Went back to give them a piece of my mind. Told both people their behavior is not ok. A buddy of mine in the game told me to go to their den and the bullies followed. The bullies called people names, threatened a jammer to give them their outfit or they won't leave us all alone. The person who was threatened first gave in and basically got scammed. They then threatened someone else to give them their entire outfit except a blackout collar. Which I think is stupid. I kept telling the bullies no and reported both of them for bulling, scamming, inappropriate behavior and den. They also said they make new accounts daily so then they can't be stopped. I took multiple screenshots of the bullies. If you guys play Animal Jam on phone or i pad, then let me know and I can discuss with you too. I feel terrible and depressed thinking about the names I was called. :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 18, 2022, 03:40:35 PM
I'm sorry that happened to you Rainlove. :(  I've never understood why some people think it's okay to bully others online just because you can't see who's behind the screenname.  Unless it's a bot, there's a real person behind each screenname or avatar.

I had to endure allergy testing today. I don't like needles at all and by the time everything was over I had been stuck about 64 times.  Even now I still feel some pain from the needles.

 My mom tried to order some stuff on Saturday from a website. The first credit card she tried wouldn't work.  Today the credit card company sent a text to my dad saying they suspected fraud.  It might be a coincidence, but someone had gone to same website and charged a lot of stuff to my dad's card. They also changed the address on the account.   I feel like it's my fault somehow because I was helping my mom order stuff.  :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on October 18, 2022, 04:36:40 PM
I've got another one!!!!!

So I play Animal Jam on my I Pad, and I went to someones den, they "said" that they were doing a sapphire drop in their den. I need sapphires desperately so I went to their den and when I arrived, I saw that in their den they had pillows arranged to say the F word. Instantly reported them for inappropriate den. Then the den owner arrived and said that they lied about the sapphire drop and started bullying all the people who were in the den. They repeatedly bullied me, called me names, and called others rude names. Lied about their age. Locked their den and unlocked it. Went back to give them a piece of my mind. Told both people their behavior is not ok. A buddy of mine in the game told me to go to their den and the bullies followed. The bullies called people names, threatened a jammer to give them their outfit or they won't leave us all alone. The person who was threatened first gave in and basically got scammed. They then threatened someone else to give them their entire outfit except a blackout collar. Which I think is stupid. I kept telling the bullies no and reported both of them for bulling, scamming, inappropriate behavior and den. They also said they make new accounts daily so then they can't be stopped. I took multiple screenshots of the bullies. If you guys play Animal Jam on phone or i pad, then let me know and I can discuss with you too. I feel terrible and depressed thinking about the names I was called. :(

They sound like a bunch of pathetic losers.  Just ignore them and report them.  If they keep bothering you while you're online, turn off the game every time they show up.  They can't harass you if you're not there to harass. 

Is this a game that requires an email address like Neopets?  If so, the mods should be able to block their emails to prevent them from creating new accounts.  If not, maybe you need to ask the mods to ban their IP addresses.  It can be done and it would block them from using whatever device they're using wi-fi on.  So they'd have to make an effort to find a new McDonald's, Library, or other public area to create new accounts every day.  According to the Animal Jam website you can block them, and I'd be willing to bet their new usernames are similar to the ones they've already used so if you keep a list of their usernames you might be able to spot them ahead of time eventually.  Can you change your username without setting up a new account so they can't find you again?  That might deter them as well.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on October 19, 2022, 08:50:20 AM
I've got another one!!!!!

So I play Animal Jam on my I Pad, and I went to someones den, they "said" that they were doing a sapphire drop in their den. I need sapphires desperately so I went to their den and when I arrived, I saw that in their den they had pillows arranged to say the F word. Instantly reported them for inappropriate den. Then the den owner arrived and said that they lied about the sapphire drop and started bullying all the people who were in the den. They repeatedly bullied me, called me names, and called others rude names. Lied about their age. Locked their den and unlocked it. Went back to give them a piece of my mind. Told both people their behavior is not ok. A buddy of mine in the game told me to go to their den and the bullies followed. The bullies called people names, threatened a jammer to give them their outfit or they won't leave us all alone. The person who was threatened first gave in and basically got scammed. They then threatened someone else to give them their entire outfit except a blackout collar. Which I think is stupid. I kept telling the bullies no and reported both of them for bulling, scamming, inappropriate behavior and den. They also said they make new accounts daily so then they can't be stopped. I took multiple screenshots of the bullies. If you guys play Animal Jam on phone or i pad, then let me know and I can discuss with you too. I feel terrible and depressed thinking about the names I was called. :(

They sound like a bunch of pathetic losers.  Just ignore them and report them.  If they keep bothering you while you're online, turn off the game every time they show up.  They can't harass you if you're not there to harass. 

Is this a game that requires an email address like Neopets?  If so, the mods should be able to block their emails to prevent them from creating new accounts.  If not, maybe you need to ask the mods to ban their IP addresses.  It can be done and it would block them from using whatever device they're using wi-fi on.  So they'd have to make an effort to find a new McDonald's, Library, or other public area to create new accounts every day.  According to the Animal Jam website you can block them, and I'd be willing to bet their new usernames are similar to the ones they've already used so if you keep a list of their usernames you might be able to spot them ahead of time eventually.  Can you change your username without setting up a new account so they can't find you again?  That might deter them as well.
Yes, AJ requires an email to be set up through. I was thinking about the IP addresses. You can't change your user after you made one. You are right about not being online when they are online.

Post Merge: October 19, 2022, 08:54:31 AM

I'm sorry that happened to you Rainlove. :(  I've never understood why some people think it's okay to bully others online just because you can't see who's behind the screenname.  Unless it's a bot, there's a real person behind each screenname or avatar.
Its alr. It is not ok to cyberbully others. I was terribly bullied my freshman year of high school. I can agree this is not ok to do.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 19, 2022, 03:03:45 PM
Adding to the parents don't understand how technology works discussion... My dad asked me to look at his email a little while ago "because something was wrong with it."  When I looked he had about 15 to 20 emails in his inbox. He said he was trying to delete them one at a time and suddenly everything disappeared.  I checked the folders and it looked like he either sent everything to Trash or Deleted Items.  He kept saying that he didn't put anything in those folders, he wa just trying to get them out of the inbox.  I told him that when you delete items from the Inbox, that they usually go in the trash.

I had to get stuck again today for bloodwork. :(


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 20, 2022, 06:06:15 AM
Couple of things. I have an appointment with my doctor today. I also have an appointment tomorrow with my case manager. When I called yesterday to book a ride for the dr appointment I got the days mixed up. So I canceled it when I realized. By then it was too late to call again (they require one business days notice). So now I don’t know what to do. I could take an Uber but the prices went up. I paid $18 to go to my parents house. The dr office is closer though so maybe it’s not so bad. I’ll check.

Next, I was setting up a sale thread and wanted to have shipping quotes but the battery in my scale is bad. It’s a button battery! I don’t have any of those! So I had to order some from Amazon.

Speaking of Amazon, I was supposed to have a package delivered yesterday but it shows as delivered but is no where to be found. It really sucks as it was something I was really looking forward to. Amazon help says it could still show up in 48 hours. There was no picture with the delivery notice which is weird. I hope it shows up :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 20, 2022, 03:22:45 PM
My complaint is also about Amazon.  I ordered a couple of things over the weekend.  One is supposed to arrive today and one tomorrow.  Since I don't have Prime, I used Free Shipping.  Both items are coming through a different delivery service than what packages from Amazon usually come from.  I'm pretty sure that my house is part of the last part of the route, because things being delivered by this service usually come late in the day.  It's rare that they are delivered earlier, although it does happen.

I liked the old Amazon tracking better where you didn't have to be logged in to view the information. I keep checking the tracking to make sure it 's not showing delivered since it hasn't arrived yet and looking outside for the delivery truck.  It will probably get here just fine but waiting for it all day is annoying.

Edit: It arrived.  The waiting game will repeat tomorrow.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 22, 2022, 03:36:10 PM
My other thing from Amazon arrived yesterday after 6 pm, but I'm just happy that it came.

I was doing a self paced professional development course online and had 3 chances on the final quiz to get credit.  I missed getting credit by one point. :wail: I even went back and looked over the material the quiz questions were on before my last try and still missed it. :(  The quiz also would not show me what questions I got wrong or right until after my last try.  I think I can retake the course, but I was pretty upset that I didn't get the credit.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: TheClassCalico on October 22, 2022, 04:26:24 PM
Some days, I am so tired and I cannot seem to wake up. Unfortunately, this is one of those days. At least it's a reasonable time to go to bed for the night now.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 22, 2022, 06:33:59 PM
My internet is back, so I've been listening to Spotify on my PC. My PC speakers aren't very loud, I can turn them all the way up and still hear the traffic outside and dogs barking and all kinds of things. It's been cooler so I opened my windows. One window is behind and to the side of my desk, and my speakers face that way. I was listening to my music, which is primarily death metal, at a normal level. Soon I hear someone yelling "shut up" repeatedly...

It's my neighbor and one of her kids. They were shouting "shut up" over and over out the window at me.

I should mention the time was only 7pm. Noise ordinance doesn't start until 11pm. I did not turn down or shut off my music. If you can't be a grown up and come knock on my door to ask me to turn down my music then you can suck it. I will not be bullied by a woman and her child from a window.

So a little while later, they slammed all the windows shut :lol:

I've been listening to my music every day since and they haven't yelled at me again.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on October 23, 2022, 10:22:08 AM
How do I manage to chew my own tongue in my sleep  :mad: Now I have a sore spot on the side of my tongue!

I left my headphones and MP3 player at work, I feel so lost on the bus without it -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on October 23, 2022, 01:14:30 PM
Sister's partner tested positive for Covid earlier in the week.

Sister tested positive today.

It's probably her second bout, since we're sure she had long Covid after her first one...

She fortunately has just had her vaccination a couple of weeks ago, though. She says she feels ok atm.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on October 23, 2022, 01:59:56 PM
This actually happened Friday but it's still bothering me.

On Friday we had a staff "development" day where the director brought in a speaker to teach us about "conflict resolution" because we've had a lot of issues with conflict at work.  So the speaker tells us that conflict comes because of things we care about.  So he has us make a short list of some things we care about that might be a source of conflict for us.  Then he asked if anyone wanted to share anything from their list.  A certain person I'm forced to tolerate at work raised his hand and proudly announced that his list was "Family, (something I don't recall--maybe friends?), Compassion, and that order."  So the speaker validated his list and then asked if anyone else wanted to share anything.  So I raised my hand and said that I value my time because I don't spend time on anything that isn't important to me so when someone wastes my time or destroys the work I've done it causes conflict for me.  Before the speaker could say anything about what I'd said the other person immediately declared that "You can't value time" and continued to rant about it for a while before anyone could shut him up. (Any guesses on who is causing the majority of conflict in our workplace?) I was so pissed about his blatant disregard for what I value and trying to tell me what I am allowed to value that I don't even know what else he said--but it does explain why he goes so far out of his way to destroy any work that I do.  It's been that way for the last 8 years.  Every. Single. Interaction.  I almost got up and walked out. 

Neither the director nor the assistant director said anything or tried to stop him from voicing his negative opinion.  One of the Librarians was going to say something but the Speaker did finally manage to interrupt and tell him that it was okay for people to value different things and it wasn't his place to decide what other people got to value, which I appreciated.  It didn't stop him from making comments every time I answered a question.

If that person had been staying the whole day (he ONLY works 4 hours a day, which now makes more sense considering that work is the last thing on the list that is important to him) I would have asked to leave the development day and do other work because by the end of the first hour and a half session I was so tired of everything everyone said being disparaged by him that I wouldn't have been able to handle the rest of the day.  The Speaker started cutting him off earlier and earlier every time he opened his mouth so at least the Speaker noticed that he wasn't actually contributing anything helpful. 

One of the conflict resolution strategies is setting boundaries.  So I think my new boundary is that I will no longer acknowledge that person's existence.  He has nothing good to contribute to my life so he isn't allowed to exist in it.  I know it is petty and immature but I have spent the last 8 years trying to get along with him and I am done. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 23, 2022, 02:58:23 PM
Pokey I don't blame you!!! He sounds like a nightmare!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 24, 2022, 06:42:23 AM
I'm sorry that happened to you Pokeyonekenobie.  :(

I'm wondering if one of the health issues I had problems with before is resurfacing.  My dr told me that the medicine to control it might stop working and if it did, we need to consider other options.  I have a folllow up with her in a couple of months.

I've mentioned before that my mom is a little obsessed with playing games on her phone and tablet.  She will even get the tablet while we're eating or doing something else and play games.  If I try to talk to her about it she says that I "Don't want her to have fun" or "I'm jealous of the time she spends playing games."  Last night she had her tablet at the kitchen table while my parents were fixing the evening meal.  It fell off the table and cracked the screen.  I feel sorry for her that she broke her tablet, but I wonder if it wouldn't have happened if she wasn't so in to her games.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on October 24, 2022, 08:41:52 AM
Oh my god. I have an interesting one. So I got a new bus driver this school year, the previous one retired (finally). I was waiting for the bus this morning, expected to see the new bus driver, turns out, the previous one subbed in. FOR THE WHOLE DAY!!!! That means morning and afternoon. He actually remembered me. (greaaaat). So after I got off the bus, I was terrified and shaking (anxiety). I even had a dream he was in this morning. So the "bad dream" was a warning. If anyone wants to know further details, pm me.  :(

Edit: This afternoon, I got on the bus, very agitated. I sat further back to hopefully help my anxiety. It didn't do much. I put my hoodie on. It is cold already! When I got off, the sub (aka my enemy) said bye to me and I said a pretty harsh insult. When I got off, I let myself exhale a lot. I got home and lost my appetite and don't want to eat right now. I am slightly losing hope in life, don;t want to talk to people, etc. I just finished cleaning my room a bit. Got some stuff organized. I have the ASVAB testing tomorrow for 3 class periods. High School is not as fun as I thought. Our current bus driver is going to be back Thursday and I really miss Tim. Our sub we are having is terrible. PM me if you want further details I can provide too.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on October 24, 2022, 12:30:46 PM
I spent the morning shelving picture books and I shifted because there was a lot of space near the end and no space at the beginning.  Only to find out that the librarian had gone through with a list of books and left that space for items that were already checked out.  So I feel bad for messing up her work but on the other hand, some of those spaces that she "left" weren't enough for the books that were on the cart to be shelved so I think someone else has shifted them as well. 

Also, I closed the door to the room while I was shelving because that certain co-worker was wearing a lot of cologne again and he came in and put things on the wrong carts (intentionally--he was taking his time looking to see which cart would be the most inconvenient) so I ended up locking the door.  I set a boundary, he is still going out of his way to break it.  I also complained of his cologne to the assistant director AGAIN.  So if he wears it again, I will be contacting HR with a very long complaint.  This is ridiculous.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 25, 2022, 05:32:57 AM
I was RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of sorting a complaint out with a person in a chat box, then had to do stuff outside the chatbox, when I got back to the chatbox it had CUT ME OFF!!! And no amount of effort could get me back in touch with the same person!!! Like, WHAT THE EXPLETIVE!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 25, 2022, 05:58:23 AM
I hate when that happens.

I had a big order from Amazon that was delivered yesterday. I had selected Prime Day shipping, so i would get everything in fewer boxes and on the same day. I got two boxes delivered to my door. I had ordered a bunch of different batteries, some vacuum bags for clothes, some cables and a power strip. So I'm going through everything making sure it's all there and one of the button battery packs is missing. I check Amazon and it says "left in mailbox"..............

Like what? They couldn't put a tiny card with three button batteries in one of the boxes? I was too sore yesterday to walk down there, but i really need the batteries so I'm heading over there in a minute. But just... what?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on October 25, 2022, 11:28:10 AM
I ended up emailing HR this morning.  It's for an ongoing issue with a certain co-worker's use of cologne (which he claims he isn't wearing but he can conveniently wash it off when he feels like it).  I feel guilty because I know it's going to cause a big problem but it's been years worth of complaints being ignored and since he deliberately targeted me in our meeting on Friday, it feels like his use and denial of use is very intentional, not accidental like the director claims.  Most of the people I work with are reasonable.  This one though...:nope:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on October 25, 2022, 11:55:52 AM
Some medical stuff under the cut, not explicit but just hiding for those that don't want to read it

I started taking iron suppliments from a private supplier as the ones the doctor prescribed me a REALLY upset tummy. The private stuff is much gentler and I found my overall health much improved. I thought I should take some vitamin D as I'm going to be in the office all day and sunlight seems to clear up my scalp.

Monday I woke up with a stiff/sore lower back. I was sick on my way to work, but settled during the day. Today I woke up again with a sore back, it seems to have moved upwards and it kinda hurts to take deep breaths or yawn? I thought the original pain was just sleeping funny, but now I'm wondering if it's abdominal bloating. I'm taking my vitamin D tablets out my pillbox, as I didn't have any of this before taking them -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 26, 2022, 10:04:56 AM
My ride to the eye doctor is late :mad:

Edit: ...and never showed up! When I called to find out where my ride was the dude put me on hold and kicked me back to the main menu. I'll call again later and complain.

I was excited to have new glasses today but now I have to wait until mid December because that was the earliest I could get in.

This isn't the first time my ride has no-showed.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 26, 2022, 11:05:59 AM
It's been a rough week for me already. I was sick last week and missed work and I've missed some this week too because I've been extremely nauseous and the anit nausea medicine I take makes me pretty drowsy.

 I thought my referral ran out for one of my specialists in June.  I had a medical problem in Aug. If I would have realized that my referral was actually good until almost the end of Sept, I could have seen her then instead of putting the visit off.

My parents asked if already had a movie at home. I told them we did, but they bought the movie anyway.  Whay ask me if you're not going to listen when I tell you that we already have a copy?

I'm sorry that happened, BC. :hug:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 26, 2022, 01:47:04 PM
BC that stinks, & I hope you never paid them anything!!! I got back in touch with the people I was trying to get hold of & managed to find out what was going on...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 28, 2022, 06:45:20 AM
My mom spilled a whole pan of muffin mix in the oven last night.  Because of that she decided to have the oven run a self clean cycle. Even though I tried to stay away from it as much as possible during that time, the fumes smelled really bad.  I have asthma and also the weather turned damp and rainy.  Long story short, I'm having trouble with my asthma today and also woke up with a bad headache.  I took some medicine for the headache. It dulled it a little, but it's still there.

Further proof that my mom doesn't listen to me:

My work schedule varies.  I had told her since I was going in later that I might not get a lunch break.  I told her that I would need to eat something before I left, but that I would take my lunch with me in case I did get time to eat.  All she heard was "not going to eat."  When I was leaving for work yesterday, she was surprised that I was taking my lunch. I told her she didn't listen to what I said the day before, but as always she never thinks it's her fault for not hearing what I said correctly. 

After I got home from work she gave me my health insurance book.  I was trying to figure out the changes and she kept asking "What they're not going to pay for that?" before I could even finish talking.  :argh: :argh:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 28, 2022, 09:26:01 AM
This is not trivial at all. The other day my mom fell out of bed and landed on her side, she also hurt her pinkie finger but it's not broken. My niece called 911 to have paramedics come out and help her back up (my mom is obese with severe back problems). This is not the first time. This is like the 6th time they've had to come out to help her get back up. She was told once that as long as they don't take you to the hospital, they don't charge anything. This is the old side of Florida and I'm sure they get fall calls a lot.

Last night, she fell again. Niece calls 911. Three different paramedics come. They do nothing to help. Now I am hearing this from my mom a couple  hours ago. She said the guy in charge asked her if the wheelchair was how she normally got around. She said yes. He tells her he's not helping her into the chair. She manages to get the chair from the floor by herself, which knowing my mom, was colossal effort. Then they left! They didn't help her back in bed and she couldn't do it herself. My niece tried to help but they couldn't do anything. So my mom spent the whole night in the chair. She twisted her ankle when she fell and said it's extremely swollen and is black, purple and red. She needs to elevate it but can't get in the bed.

I've spent over an hour trying to find out how to lodge a complaint. No one got this guy's name or badge number (or whatever it's called for paramedics). I figured out they came from Fire Station #1 but that was all. I called the one department of something (I called so many places I'm not sure which one this was) and asked how I could file a complaint against a paramedic without a name. The lady on the phone transferred me to someone else who told me they don't handle that. Apparently, NO ONE handles that. I did find a form to fill out but it wants the name and details of the person you're complaining about.

I just want to say 911 dispatched a fire engine from Station #1 to my parents address at about 7PM last night. WHO WENT ON THE CALL? Why can't I do that???

Why does the government make things so difficult?

I did find an article about how EMTs and firefighters can anonymously complain about each other. But that doesn't help me!

I looked at what you can legally complain about in the medical field and neglect/abandonment is one of them. So is a general "quality of service".

I'm so angry right now. I wish my sister was here because she was always better at confrontation and finding ways to get to people. If I had a car and drove, I'd go over to the station itself and talk to someone there. No, where it's listed there is no phone number. Nor a staff list. It just lists how many people there are for  each position. No names though!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on October 29, 2022, 12:42:17 AM
OMG BC that is so appealing the paramedics behaved that way with your mom! It should not be that hard to file a formal complaint against them, it’s really concerning no one can seem to direct you to the right place. :( I hope you can get something against them in writing soon, there is no excuse for that. I hope your mom feels better soon too.

My complaint is work has been a nightmare. I’m the procedural support for our sales department and there is hardly anyone else left in my role. I think we are down to about 10 leads total? I work for a large company so our sales team is easily a few hundred people total that we support. All the other night leads were out tonight so I was on my own for about 3 hours tonight and it was just chaos. I felt bad that I couldn’t give everyone the attention they needed. I wish they would hire more people to my role, but apparently the company is cutting budgets all around and they claim they don’t have the funds for more of us. Yet in a recent meeting they said we’d be getting a higher year end bonus than we’ve ever gotten before and that we are seeing record growth. :huh: I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’d actually rather they use that bonus money to hire more staff so that our day to day jobs are easier.

I’m also feeling really financially restrained lately. I don’t feel like my shopping habits have changed all that much yet my bank account and savings keep going down with no recovery. As of today both my main account and savings have slipped well below my normal “comfort” points. I used to be able to pick up sales shifts at work to make some commission but per the prior paragraph, that’s no longer an option due to staffing. With the holidays coming up now I don’t know how or when I’m going to get ahead.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on October 30, 2022, 11:47:41 AM
I went to stand up and my leg decided that half of it didn't exist anymore! 404 LEG not found!

I was supposed to take an advent calander down to a relative's house (I know it's early, I am trying to avoid stores this year because my work schedule and travel schedules are long and I know I will be VERY crabby in crowds) and ... I totally forgot it -_- It's in a bright red bag in the middle of my walk between the kitchen and living room in the hallway, and it's not a small thing! And I still missed it!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 30, 2022, 01:38:19 PM
So about my mom? I have a thread in WYP now but the short story is she had a broken leg while the EMTs stood there and did nothing! She's in the hospital in a room now after spending almost two days in two different ERs.

My other complaints are I have a killer headache, there is a popcorn husk stuck between my molars I cannot get out, I'm seeing spots (probably from the headache), as soon as I got another cat the fruit flies came back. I've been fly free for a month. Ugh my headdddddd
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 31, 2022, 06:50:06 AM
I'm sorry BC, :hug:  I hope you can lodge a formal complaint against the paramedics that wouldn't help your mom. They should have never left her like that.  If you haven't already, I think keeping a notebook or list of everything that has happened since then is a good idea so you have it written down somewhere.

Several complaints from me today. :(  My asthma is torn up again.  I woke up at 4:30 am with an attack that didn't settle down until almost 6 am.

My mom wanted a few things from Amazon, including a case for her new tablet.  Two things came yesterday including the case. When I picked up the package one of the items fell out.  It looks like someone ripped it open intending to steal the contents and then changed their mind when they saw that the stuff wasn't valuable. I doubled checked the delivery photo and the package was already torn open when it was put on the porch.   I'm not putting a complaint in because nothing was missing, and I don't know at what point the package was torn open.  The is the second time that a package from Amazon has arrived open. 

While I was out yesterday one of the pharmacies trying to set up my monthly shots called.  I called back a few hours later but was sent to voicemail. I never thought they would call on a weekend morning.

Edit: My third call went straight to voicemail too. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 31, 2022, 02:29:31 PM
I'm keeping records, don't worry. I also have a picture of my mom's ankle/calf after the fall. It was black, purple and red halfway up her leg. Like they couldn't tell by looking something was wrong?

Another headache. I don't feel well at all. Aster is acting weird today like she is afraid of everything.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on October 31, 2022, 03:52:04 PM
Aster is acting weird today like she is afraid of everything.

Maybe she can see the dead people... :ghost:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 01, 2022, 05:30:41 AM
Aster is acting weird today like she is afraid of everything.
Healing from trauma has its ups & downs, whether the traumatised is a human or not. Aster is having a down day; either that or she's starting to trust you with her feelings more xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 01, 2022, 06:50:21 AM
We stopped at the grocery store to get a few things.  There's a cashier that my parents are pretty friendly with.  My mom told her about my cousin.  The guy taking our stuff out to the car thought we were talking about my mom's mother so he asked "How is your mother doing?"  My mom's mother died of cancer 20 years ago.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 01, 2022, 07:17:21 AM
Aster is acting weird today like she is afraid of everything.
Healing from trauma has its ups & downs, whether the traumatised is a human or not. Aster is having a down day; either that or she's starting to trust you with her feelings more xxx

That's true. She felt better later and played by herself some, there's more detail in Slice of Life.

My headache is gone finally but my neck is killing me. I don't see my doctor until the 14th. I tried to massage my shoulder and there's a huge knot, it's like a rock under my skin. I think later on I'll sit in the recliner with my shiatsu massager for a bit.

For my birthday, my mom gave me $250 so I could buy art supplies and a DVD player. But I had forgotten about an auto payment for my electric. Then I had to buy some OTC meds and bought some things for Aster. I never did get any art supplies. My dad didn't give me anything for my birthday, not even a card. I'm hoping he'll give me more money than usual to make up for it. I guess I can count Aster as a birthday gift since I got her the day after but that was more coincidence than planned out. Short story, I never got myself anything for my birthday. I still want supplies and the DVD player.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 01, 2022, 08:27:05 AM
Does anyone know of any kind of pet safe spray that i can use to stop a dog from chewing on stuff? I think there were a couple of ants in one of my rugs so naturally Luna had to claw and chew the rug. i put it away so she would stop chewing and i think it's salvageable. but i really want to put it back. the floor is cold without the rug.

also one of the drawers in my dresser is stuck open  :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 01, 2022, 08:32:12 AM
My dad used apple cider vinegar to stop our dog from chewing on his own leg. They also sell bitter sprays at pet stores and online.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on November 02, 2022, 01:35:44 AM
I clipped my birb's nails too short and she bled -_- I stopped it with special powder, and she is in her cage. She is alert, flipping her foot away but can rest on her foot, is grooming herself and listening to the bathroom workers but I still feel absolutely horrible about causing her pain!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 02, 2022, 03:29:36 AM
I feel awful today.  Yesterday was a special occasion so I'm not sure if I ate something that didn't agree with me or what.  I feel nauseous and a lot of other things but I don't want to go TMI on anyone.  There are a couple of viruses going around but I've been super careful so it shouldn't be that.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 02, 2022, 08:32:08 AM
I don't feel well either today. There is a spike in my head. It's in my jaw up to my eye on the left side. I took some medicine but it hasn't kicked in yet. My stomach is also uneasy. I didn't eat yesterday because I wasn't hungry but maybe I have a bug or my gastritis is flaring up.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 02, 2022, 09:49:54 AM
In Slice Of Life I mention sorting clothes. A rather horrid discovery emerged from this: why do SO MANY of my leggings have holes in them??? Big grr
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 02, 2022, 12:01:11 PM
I know this shouldn't bother me, but it does.  A show I was watching had gone off and I decided to get the laundry before the next show came on in case it was a different show than what the on screen guide showed.  I picked the wrong time to do that though because the show that came on after was one my dad doesn't like.  Before I could even get back in the living room to change the channel to the next show I wanted to watch, he'd changed it already to something else.  Then he didn't watch the show he put on. :(  If he would have just waited a couple of minutes instead of needing to change the channel right then I would have been able to watch what I wanted to.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 03, 2022, 04:02:44 PM
i did some side work a while back and the client keeps dragging his feel on paying me. i did get paid on some of it because i refused to add new features to the project until i was paid on the previous work. i wasn't happy with that arrangement because i wanted to be done and these features weren't in the original agreement. but they refused to pay the first amount unless i agreed to add more features. features that i recommended against because their ideas were not going to work well. now i'm being blamed for their internal systems not working properly. i really hate client work sometimes. i've put in way too much time for this.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on November 04, 2022, 07:08:13 AM
Super trivial complaint.  There's a Pokemon themed Switch console that's supposed to be released today.  Gamestop doesn't open until 10 and I won't get my lunch break until around 1.  So they might not have any.  So I got up extra early and tried my local Kroger (because they have an electronics department and people forget they sell things like Switches) and the electronics manager wasn't there yet and the general manager didn't know if they were going to get any in.  But they took my name and number so they could let me know if they were even going to get any. 

Sometimes being a nerd is hard.   :nerdy:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 04, 2022, 07:39:45 AM
^ Agreed.

Last night all I wanted was a sub sandwich. Walmart deliveries were done for the day, so I used Instacart. I did my shopping at Publix, which is a really nice grocery store chain with its own bakery and deli and all that good stuff. Well, the sub I wanted was out of stock and the deli was closed. So my shopper tried to substitute it and chose a sub with ham. I texted her that I don't eat pork and to try and find one with turkey. She found one and I didn't read the title of it very well... I saw "turkey and swiss" and accepted it.

It was Cajun style.

I like some Cajun food but usually it's too spicy for me and this sub was one of those things. The seasoning was just on the turkey though so I was able to pick it off and eat the rest of the sub. I was really hungry and it was late and the whole thing was a big ordeal.

Next time I feel like a big sub I think I'll get the ingredients and make one myself.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on November 04, 2022, 01:37:29 PM
Gamestop was sold out of the consoles when I tried to go at lunch and apparently my Kroger's never even got any.  They didn't call me so I stopped in at lunch to ask again.  So I ordered one online from Gamestop.  It says I was sent an email (which I will check for when I get home) but it isn't showing up on my Gamestop account as an order yet.  Hopefully that's because it won't show up until they ship it and not because it didn't go through.  But since it was over $50 I got free 1-3 day shipping.  So maybe it will show up early next week. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 06, 2022, 11:08:41 AM
Feeling unwell again today. It started out fine but as time went on my stomach started acting up again, so I think I am having a gastritis flare up. I can't eat anything without extreme pain. I've been drinking a lot of water instead. I've got a headache too (surprise) and my eyelid twitch is back in BOTH eyes.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 06, 2022, 03:17:26 PM
I'm sorry you're not feeling well, BC.  I hope you feel better soon.

I halfway suggested getting another Smart TV. My dad's response was "Why do we need two?"  I didn't tell him that I was thinking about maybe getting one for my room so I can use the streaming apps whenever I want.  I really like having Disney + but sometimes I feel like by the time we're done watching what my parents want that there isn't time for me to watch the things I want to watch that they're not interested in.

Friday was a long, stressful day at work.  I had picked up one assignment, but when I got there I was told that assignment didn't exist and I needed to more somewhere else.  Where I was moves was not an assignment that I would have willingly picked. Because I had picked that assignment that turned out not to be there, I missed taking other ones that I would have liked much better.

Sometimes I don't like my job. :(

Yesterday my mom had her phone out while I was driving.  The sun reflected off of her phone several times.  Even with sunglasses on, it was very distracting, and I instinctively tried to move away from it, causing me to go too far in to the other lane.  Luckily, I was able to move the car back before anything happened.  If I say something to my mom about it, she'll probably say that I don't want her playing on the phone.

My dad decided I needed a power strip in my bathroom because I only have one two outlets in there.  I have a 3 outlet adapter plugged in to one outlet and he plugged the power strip in to the other one.  On Friday, he decided to get a new power strip for my bathroom.  I put in the bathroom, but on Sat, my dad decided it needed to be placed somewhere else, so he did that, pushing stuff around my bathroom vanity in the process.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on November 07, 2022, 03:31:08 AM
@Ponyfan, if you already have a TV in your room with HDMI (or even if you don't), an easier solution might be some kind of plug in stick with the apps on. I deliberately didn't get a smart tv because once they become out of date and the apps no longer update, they can become obsolete, whereas a stick in the hdmi slot is a lot easier and cheaper to replace if it needs updating.

My complaint The clocks have changed. It's november. Cue dull, dark, damp and gloomy.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 07, 2022, 09:15:28 AM
Thanks, Ponyfan. I feel a little better today :)

My complaint is beeping! There is a truck or something a street over that is beeping - and stops - and then starts beeping again. It's been going on for HOURS. I think it might be a debris pickup? Like a small crane or something. The big huge trucks came down the main streets and picked up the debris but they were too big to come into the side streets so there are still piles of fallen tress and vegetable matter laying around (from the hurricane on October 4th, if you are confused)

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on November 07, 2022, 12:46:46 PM
 :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh:

Stupid things at work.  Because thinking is the sin that will spark the apocalypse.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 07, 2022, 03:37:21 PM
My back hurts! >_< Last week I sprained the right side of my back. I was stupid when I decided to lift both my cats in my arms at the same time!  :doh: Of course, Ozzy for some reason freaked out and ran away and Hector did the same. Ouch!  Now that I had just gotten my back in a little better shape, there was also the car tire change I mentioned in the other thread, so my back started to hurt again from carrying them.  :pout:

On Sunday, my mother and I drove past the house of our relative who unexpectedly died at the end of October. We became sad when we saw a candle in a lantern on the steps of the house. :cry: No more Christmas lights on the porch. He no longer cycles around the center of the village happily waving at us and comes to talk about his news. He left this world far too soon. :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on November 08, 2022, 09:54:06 AM
This isn't a trivial complaint, but it's also unclear if it's anything other than a rumour, so I don't really know where else to put it. I do want to vent a little, though. Some dark stories rumbling that the govt might try and make PIP (our disability support benefit) means tested.

I could say a lot about the PIP system. If you've read BC's epic struggle with the US equivalent, it's not that different. The trauma of the process of application, assessment, being treated as a liar, a criminal and all kinds inbetween are just standard. 70%+ of claimants initially rejected are awarded at tribunal.

The idea of means testing would mean reassessing everyone. Going back through that incompetent system, which I have finally bested to the point they accept that autism is one of those things that is not going to go away if they magically wish for it. So I finally got to light touch, which means them not harassing me for 10 years.

...I don't want to speak to or interact with the DWP if I don't have to.

There's a lot more I could say about why this is a really wrong measure, but I don't think this thread would be the place for it.

Let's just say that if this happens, I will be writing angry words to my poor, long-suffering MP again.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 09, 2022, 04:45:19 AM
That would be terrible :( Isn't it hard enough? Geeze. Mine is stuck at 90% processed and they made the average wait time longer, 8 months instead of 6. I got a letter from SS yesterday but I didn't go to the mailbox yet so I don't know what it says. Probably bad news.

My complaint is skin conditions. I'm under so much stress that my eczema has broken out on almost my entire arm and half my other arm. I have cream for it at least. I also have sores on my tongue. I don't know where these come from but there is a pattern. I break out in ulcers every couple of months. I've talked to my doctor about it and she gave me a lidocaine rinse, which helps a lot. I just wish I knew what causes it.

I'm still feeling bad too. Better than I was, but I still feel icky and my stomach is still bothering me. I need to go get my mail and drop the rent check off at the office.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 09, 2022, 10:42:39 AM
I hear Stagecoach are changing timetables all over the place. It seems like it's for the worse in many cases. I'm not sure how that works here yet but when I do need to take the bus again, it will affect me. I just don't know how yet...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on November 09, 2022, 12:26:10 PM
Bit the bullet and set up an eye appointment with a retina specialist.  I've been told since the 80s that my retina might detach and since I'm over 40 now, I thought having  a more thorough look in there would be a good idea.  But I do so hate going to the doctor (or eye specialist as the case were).
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 09, 2022, 03:16:42 PM
I've told one of my drs, that I didn't get a bill for one of my visits.  My mom told them that we didn't get one when I went to the same dr in Oct and again today when we went to pay the bill for the Oct visit.  The people are really nice, but are basically saying "That's not our department.  We can't do anything about it."  Why are they making it so hard to pay them the money that is owed?

I've had a lot of trouble with my asthma the last few days.  It's constantly torn up especially at night.  I've been taking 2 doses of Vick's cough syrup every day just so I can sleep.  My face is starting to hurt every time I cough. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on November 10, 2022, 12:53:02 AM
I'm sorry you're struggling with your asthma, ponyfan. :(

My sister is having some trouble with a neighbour constantly leaving the windows open on their shared landing (she and her partner live in an apartment) and it's triggering hers (she's also just had COVID so that hasn't helped).

@Ponybookworm, I think most buses in areas that are not cities/are not London or Manchester are having a tough time. Mostly because the govt gave funding to places that mostly already had good buses as part of levelling up, and ignored the places where buses are on a knifeedge and getting cut. Our local authorities were in for levelling up bus funding but it went to Liverpool. One of our buses went and now there is no bus for anyone to Tesco...and people living on one estate that used to have a bus that went there, and took only about 15-20 mins to reach town now takes around an hour.

Longer ramble on our local bus crazy.
Mind you, there's one or two buses that are overly frequent here. The 3 is a local bus that goes out to one of the more deprived areas, and I get that it's an important service, but it needs to actually have people on it if it's going to run every 10 minutes in a cost of living crisis. I have seen an average of 6 people an hour on a bus that runs 6 times an hour. Our bus (which is hourly) carries more people, and we're deemed 'not commercially viable' so ours is council funded. (There's some historic route wrecking here which led to this situation, although our current bus is a lot better than its predecessor).

I did read about somewhere in Cambridgeshire where they're losing all their buses (or probably have lost them).

They've now got bus screens at our bus stations that give live updates on bus arrivals. I get that most civilised places did this already years ago, but welcome to the rural midlands. Only the one at the main town centre bus station (which has the most stands) is confused. THe other day it decided all the buses running were leaving at the same time, and all of them were route 11 - which is hourly. Yesterday it announced my bus was leaving 6 times on on screen, and on the other, announced it was 5 mins late (it came in 7 minutes early).

...That's not particularly helpful.

The bus company's flagship route is also up to its old tricks. It used to run every 10 mins and it ended up running 3 together with a massive gap. They slowed its frequency to every 15 and then every 20 minutes and it became reliable. They upped it again and...yep. Three buses together then a 30 min wait and lots of cross people clogging up the bus station. Sometimes more is not better - and it's a waste of money again when services in other areas are stretched.

Note, we are the lucky part of the county. There are areas of the rest of the county where they have one bus a week, and it doesn't always do a return journey the same day. Clearly you can see the reason why Liverpool, which has a plentiful supply of buses, needed levelling up bus money more than an area where someone can't even get back from doing their shopping without a taxi because there's no return bus the same day o.o.

Note: with the exception of one or two, our buses are all Arriva, including those on Council franchise. Our garage manager for the region is one of the better ones we've had, thankfully. He answers emails and explains changes and he and the Council work well together to try and keep as many services going as possible. It's just difficult, not least without EU money, which paid for funding for several bus routes here prior to Brexit. As the Levelling up thing proves, central govt have never cared about funding transport in areas where it's really needed :/
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 11, 2022, 05:46:58 AM
I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired :(

I'm under so much stress. My neck hurts like hell, I can't move it. My shoulders hurt too and there's a line going from my neck to the temple behind my ear on the right side of my head. Not to mention my back, legs and feet or my carpal tunnel. Like... there doesn't seem to be an area on my body that doesn't have something wrong with it right now. My eyes twitch, my ears are itchy, my teeth hurt. Eczema is breaking out, I've got heat rash in various places. I see my PCP on Monday. I'm bringing a list of all my complaints.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 11, 2022, 07:02:11 PM
BC, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. :hugs:

My asthma has been better the last couple of days.

@Taffeta, I'm sorry your sister is having to deal with a neighbor like that.

I wish my parents would be a little more observant sometimes.  Several times I've found the dog's waster bowl almost or completely empty. I feel like I'm the only one that checks it to make sure she has water.  I don't get why my parents don't think about checking it.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on November 11, 2022, 11:19:45 PM
I'm trying to decide if my job is worth keeping.  There's a co-worker who doesn't like me so he's been gaslighting me (yes, same guy that "never" wears cologne, but it only ever smells like cologne around him) and every time he walks past my office, he looks through the window on the door to see what I'm doing.  It's really creepy and it makes me uncomfortable.  Because of his complaints, I got told by the director that the way I was changing labels on our Kids Graphic Novel collection wasn't a good way to do it (even though it's the way that makes the most sense) because "what if *this person* needs one for the holds list?"  To which I told her, "he can KNOCK on the door and I will give it to him. If he barges in that's not okay but he can KNOCK."  And she complained about the carts I was using even though there are 7 carts that could be available if someone else would do his job...  She's not remembering that we're changing our catalog system so the last day any changes can be made is the day before Thanksgiving and we won't have the new one up and running until after New Year's.  That means that unless she wants me to leave this half done for over a month, I have to print the labels in advance and then evaluate the items for damage and apply the new labels afterwards. But because I didn't ask *someone's* permission, even though it is NOT his collection and he doesn't get a say, I'm doing it wrong. (BTW, he's the bottom of the totem pole.  His job is to put books away on the shelf and nothing else, and he can't even do that right, but since he's male, he can do no wrong.) Oh, and HR does nothing.  I've tried going that route and so have other co-workers that see what's happening to me and don't like it.

I'm just tired of the crap.  Why is it that I've had jobs in other parts of the country and the management loved me (to the point of offering me free room and board not to move) but Utah is one crapfest after another?  I've already been bullied out of one job--triggered by another male that didn't like me and decided to target me and the female management sided with him, just like this job.  I have yet to have a job in Utah that made me feel like I mattered and was valued.  Is it because the female management here was raised to believe that women shouldn't do anything without a man's permission, so my having ideas makes me completely out of line?  I hate it. 

I want to find somewhere that I can afford to move to with mild winters and no major weather issues (like tornadoes and hurricanes). 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 12, 2022, 11:55:00 AM
I'm so sorry Pokeyonekenobie. :hugs:

I'm frustrated with my job right now too.  I feel less valued than other people and no longer feel that I'm part of the workplace community.  Maybe I never really was and just assumed so. :(  I'd quit in a heartbeat, but I have to have some money coming in and can't afford to have no income while I look for another job.  Someone did say that they missed seeing me around and I think she meant it, but I feel that almost everyone else sees me as nothing.  If I did quit, there would be dozens more right behind me to take my place.  A few people would probably miss me but I don't think anyone would take time out of their day to find out what was going on. 

I'm also struggling with feeling unwanted. :(

I used my debit card to pay for something today.  I've done that many times but today, the machine charged me a penny first and then the rest of the total as 2 different transactions.  When I asked the cashier why that happened, she couldn't give me an answer and told me she "never seen that happen before."  I'm just hoping it doesn't mess up my debit card.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on November 12, 2022, 01:17:29 PM
Thanks, Ponyfan.  The thing is, if I quit, there is literally nobody willing to step up and do what I do.  The person making life miserable for everyone on staff is the bottom of the totem pole and Kindergarteners can be taught to do his job.  I may have to give the director a "him or me" option because I'm just done.

That's weird about your debit card.  I've never seen that before.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 12, 2022, 07:20:01 PM
I've never seen that happen before either.  I checked the last receipt before today to see if the debit card's been charged that way before and I missed it, but the last time I bought something there it was all charged at once.  The only thing I can think of is that it might be a new policy that went in effect for the holiday shopping season, but still "I have no idea why that happened either" isn't the best thing to tell a customer.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on November 13, 2022, 04:09:46 AM
I threw out my rubber gloves for washing the dishes as the cuff was coming away, and I thought I had a spare pair as I usually keep quite a few.

... I don't  :pout: Now I have dishes that need done and no way I'm doing it with bare hands!

Also, my scalp has broken out BAD after a couple of months of no trouble  -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 13, 2022, 07:11:57 AM
Pokey and Ponyfan, I'm sorry you are having such hard times at your jobs :( Pokey, I think you should give that ultimatum. You shouldn't have to put up with all that. And you know, if they can't function without you, then that's their problem.

My complaint is my niece. I know she's super stressed out dealing with everything. I KNOW. But, she's blown me off twice now to help with my garbage and take me to the post office. It's important that I get to the PO. I have a swap box and things that have been paid for waiting. I thought I could take an Uber but I don't have the money for it. I got screwed by a bill I thought wasn't going to be charged (Comcast, if you want know. I know, shocking.). And it's only the 13th! I've got like 50 bucks for the rest of the month. I'm going to have to ask my mom if I can use her card to buy some groceries. That's another thing, when DCF closed my food stamps account and I had to renew, they slashed what I was getting from $220 to $76. For the month. With prices the way they are? And I already buy generic, I have for years. I shop at Walmart. I mean, what else can I do?

...I guess I had more than one complaint.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 14, 2022, 03:17:32 PM
Thanks BC.

Today has been a horrible day. :(  My mom and I have gotten it to it several times today.  I have travel anxiety.  I get really nervous about trips because I'm worried about getting into wrecks and


Once we actually get started going somewhere I usually do a little better until it's time to leave.  Getting caught in the hailstorm didn't help matters. Long story short we were supposed to go out of town today, but a big snowstorm came and hovered right over where we were headed.  My mom decided not to go today because of the storm, and she keeps making comments like "you didn't want to go anyway." That's true to a point, but it was mostly because of my travel anxiety, which is something I can't control.  It hurts a little because even though my travel anxiety was going up, I rearranged everything to make it possible for us to go together.  At one point this morning I even told my mom that she and my dad could go ahead with the plans we'd made despite the snowstorm and I'd stay behind.

I'd thought we'd made up and even told my mom something that I thought would make her happy.  When I tried talking to her about it again, she got annoyed at me again. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 15, 2022, 05:19:49 AM
Was my post deleted? I swear I posted in here last night :what:

Anyway, my head is killing me! It's a side effect from a shot I got at the doctor. Nothing is making it go away. It's been hurting since 9pm last night. Plus, my stomach is upset which is probably another side effect.

My niece is supposed to take me to the PO today. We'll see if she blows me off again.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 17, 2022, 06:29:06 AM
I had a bit of a scare last night.  My mom was driving, and she was a little too far over from where she should have been. I thought she would just move over a bit, but she started heading right for the concrete divider.  I screamed at her to stop because she was inches away from it. She didn't hit it and was able to pull the car in to the right lane. She said "I thought I was in the right lane," but obviously she wasn't or she wouldn't have been heading for the concrete divider.

My CPAP machine was voluntarily recalled by the company because some of the machines had problems with the foam on the inside disintegrating.  They keep sending me messages now that I will not get a new machine until I send the company the settings from the recalled one.  The messages keep saying that it's easy, but I have a feeling it's going to be more complicated that what the company is making it out to be.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 17, 2022, 05:19:50 PM
@ponyfan that sounds really scary

i have to work late today. thanksgiving break can't come soon enough.

i'm sad that Twitter might be going away. i know a lot of people hate Twitter but it's been a really good resource for tech stuff. i guess i'll have to learn to use that mastadon thing.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 18, 2022, 07:53:10 AM
I was always telling my dad he was going to hit something when he was still driving. I'm glad he stopped. That does sound scary, Ponyfan.

I'm complaining about the weather. It's too cold. I like the cold, but my idea of "cold" is like 70. It's only 59 right now. My fingers want to retreat into my sleeves. It's made Aster extra frisky though. She has all these toys around but she was playing with a basil leaf earlier.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on November 20, 2022, 01:40:02 AM
One of my “exes”/former friend (long story there) just texted me out of the blue after TWO YEARS of no contact. We had a small conversation and he texted after me that I’m not as “fun” as I was when we hung out years ago. UH OKAY. First of all it’s been two flipping years since we talked, probably closer to four since we hung out so my life isn’t the same at all! Secondly, how on earth do you even gauge that from a quick text conversation?? Lastly, if you think I’m boring fine, but why do you need to say it? Just stop texting me then.

He’s such a jerk. I should have probably just ignored his message but I wanted to be friendly. In some ways it’s validated my feeling about him though. I often wondered if I was responsible for kind of pushing his buttons when we were together, but this whole interaction reminded me that he just does say really mean things unprompted.

I probably won’t even respond. Like what do you even say to that anyway?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 20, 2022, 11:33:57 AM
@Minty_Magic what a butthead! you don't need that nonsense

this is the only time of the year i really miss having a home with a fireplace and mantle. i don't like to use the fireplace but decorating the mantle area and hanging stockings is fun. also i swear my mom gave me my stocking from when i was a kid but i may have left it when we moved from Houston. it's not with any of the christmas stuff.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 20, 2022, 01:56:35 PM
It's toooooo cooooold  :brr:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 20, 2022, 04:28:27 PM
Thanks everyone.  :hug:  It was a little scary. 

My complaint is long today.

My has been sick since last night.  Whenever she's really sick, my dad becomes so focused on her that I'm basically pushed even more to the side. I'm not saying that I'm the most important member of the family, but I don't like being treated like an afterthought. :(  For example when I got home today I expected that my dad would have lunch ready.  I turned on one of the lights in the kitchen assuming we would eat since it was lunch time.  When I came back in the kitchen minutes later, my dad had turned the light off.  When I said that I thought we'd be eating lunch he said "Oh, you want to eat?" like he hadn't even thought about that before I mentioned it.

I really wanted to work on my diamond painting today and was just about to get it out.  My mom got up and decided she wanted to watch Disney + Since I have to use my phone with the app on the TV I didn't get to diamond paint.  I tried to tell my mom that I really wanted to paint instead and she said "I can go back to bed if you want."  This is after she told me last week that "no one ever does what she wants to do."  I know I'm being a little petty, but I get so tired of having to put off what I want because my parents want to do something else. 

I really want to watch a certain movie, but I have to wait until my parents go to bed tonight because neither one of them like it. :(  I tried to talk to my mom about that too once and her response was "you get to pick a movie we all watch together once every 3 weeks."   :argh: :argh: :argh:

The cable has been messed up all day.  At first some of the channels were still watchable, but now none of them are working. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 21, 2022, 05:43:23 AM
Sorry, Ponyfan :( I know exactly what that feels like :( :hug: Can you get a TV for your bedroom?


It's warmer today but because it rained all day yesterday that just equates to humidity. My clothes feel moist :pout:

I'm worried Aster isn't eating enough. Each day I give her a 3oz can of food. She never finishes it. In fact, I end up putting most of it in the garbage disposal. I have always free fed dry food, and she eats that. I'm concerned she's eating too much of the dry when I'd rather her eat the wet food. Then I started giving her treats after breakfast, so now she thinks she can have treats FOR breakfast. I tell her, she needs to eat some food first, and I don't give her any until she does. She's not thin, I think her weight is probably average. I'm thinking of picking up the dry food before going to bed, so she can't eat it in the night and not putting it back until after she eats some wet breakfast. Then she can nom throughout the day on either.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on November 21, 2022, 03:52:07 PM
Maybe she isn't used to wet food or prefers the dry stuff.  What if you only put out half a can instead of a whole one to see if she eats it all?  Then you don't have to throw out half of it.  You can save the other half for later.

My complaint is that my brother (and maybe his most mama for lack of nicer/more accurate term) is moving back home because he was (yet again) evicted (surprise surprise).  My parents don't know what to do with him.  I bought a lock for my door today because I don't want him pawning off my dvds, cds, video games, video game consoles, and laptop for drug money.  My dad even said that as long as he was here they wouldn't be going to see any of my niblings sporting events in Wyoming because they can't trust him here and if they take him he'll just make the trip miserable.  My parents actually agreed to make him sleep downstairs after I complained about having to clean the toilet every time I need to use it because he literally pees all over it, so at least there's that. 
I love my brother but I do not trust him.   :sad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 21, 2022, 05:33:54 PM
@BC my childhood cat was like that. my mom would give him a can of wet food and he would only eat the juice and a tiny bit off the top. i'm not sure why my mom bothered with the wet food TBH. he would eat dry food but only until he saw the bottom of the bowl. then it had to be filled up or he wouldn't eat more. he was just a picky guy. but he was always healthy :)

@Pokeyonekenobie that sounds like a lot to deal with. hopefully he stays out of your way.

my complaint is that i have to work tonight even though i'm on PTO. it's not a huge deal and hopefully the work i need to do won't take long. my complaint though is that one of my co-workers said something snarky about me not speaking up on calls. there's a stupid tech issue that i could do nothing to resolve but i guess they expected me to magically fix it with words. also i tried to jump in but i can't get a word in with them because they talk over everyone but whatever. also what they said was on our chat app and i guess they posted it in the wrong chat and then deleted. i couldn't find it on the desktop app. but it showed as a notification on my phone.

i took a screenshot but i didn't say anything since there's no resolution i can see anyway. i don't want to get them in trouble. it just annoyed me. i would rather someone give me feedback directly and not talk behind my back. i've always done my best to be helpful and this project was a mess even before it landed on my team. we're trying to improve it but tensions are high. i'm trying not to think about it but i'm still angry.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 22, 2022, 04:27:00 AM
Oh Pokey I feel for you xxx
 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 22, 2022, 04:59:30 AM
Yeah, I should give her half a can. I've thought about it afterwards but I feed her first thing after I wake up and (depending on the time) take my medicine. It takes my brain a while to actually wake up so I'm usually not thinking when I feed her :lol:

@Pokey - I went through the same thing with my sister. She would pawn anything. I'm so sorry you have to go through that :(

My complaint I got a phone call at 7:30 last night. I thought it was spam so I didn't answer. It was my ride service calling to confirm my ride for this morning. I called back and it said it was outside business hours. I tried calling again this morning but no one picked up. I get these rides through my insurance. I get them through a main company that then books them for me, and I get a confirmation number. I have never had the ride company call and ask for confirmation before, ever. So now I'm worried they won't show up. I have a very important medical appointment today that I can't miss. For the next hour I'm going to be a nervous wreck.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 23, 2022, 11:52:34 AM
It's been a rough week for me.  :wail:  On Monday my dad said his chest was hurting and he wanted to call the dr.  When he called, he spoke to our dr directly and he told him to go to the ER.  My mom took him and he was in the ER for a couple hours.  The ER diagnosed his chest pain as asthma problems due to not using his medicine like he should of been.  Yesterday I spent an hour in the drs office because they both decided to see the dr.

My dad keeps saying we're going to have to cancel Thanksgiving because  "no one feels good."   I know Thanksgiving is just a day and it's not even my favorite holiday but hearing him constantly say it over and over doesn't help.  It's true my mom hasn't felt this week and he hasn't either but part of my dad's problems are his own fault because he refuses to take the medicine the dr sent in because "it's the wrong kind."  He will also make assumptions that everyone must feel like he does even if that's not true. 

Also, the carbon monoxide and smoke alarms have been beeping at night due to low batteries or because it's time to replace them.  It's hard to sleep with one of those things beeping every few minutes.  Hopefully it will be quiet tonight.

I still haven't been able to diamond paint or read the manga I want to read this week.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 23, 2022, 01:25:10 PM
I'm sorry, Ponyfan :hug:

An update to my last post here - my ride didn't show until after my appointment time. He called me, but I was in the bathroom and didn't have my phone. When I got to my phone he'd left a voicemail and had called again, but he was gone, or when I looked at the parked cars, didn't make himself known.

I called Social Security and asked if the appointment could be rescheduled and luckily it can, but only once. I'm thinking of taking an Uber next time so I can be sure to get there early and not late.

My complaint today is I'm so tired :(  I was yesterday too. I haven't gotten any art done.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 26, 2022, 11:28:39 PM
I'm sorry your ride was late and you missed your appoitment, BC.  Were you able to call and complain about them being late?

The smoke detector is still beeping at night.  I want to sleep but every time I get just about asleep, it beeps again. :(  I told my mom about it several times and she just says stuff like "it eventually quits." I even tried unsetting the house alarm to see if it would stop and it won't.  I would just change the battery myself, but I don't think I can reach it even with a stepstool.  My dad has been up several nights this week with back pain.  I'm assuming it would hurt his back to change the smoke alarm battery but it's really annoying hearing the beep for hours.  I'm not sure how much sleep I'll get. :yawn:

I've tried really hard not to ask for a lot this week since my parents have been dealing with their own issues. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 27, 2022, 05:45:23 AM
I did call and complain. In fact, I complained to the transportation service AND the ride company, since I had their number from when they called me.

I'm sorry you're dealing with that, Ponyfan :( I wouldn't be able to sleep either. At my parents house the detectors would go crazy and beep whenever the power went out, which was often. I think they're connected to the house wiring.

Weirdly, there was a beep in my apartment last night. I have no idea where it came from. It wasn't the smoke detectors because I know what that beep sounds like. I think it might have come from the stove? But nothing looked different when I inspected it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 27, 2022, 03:20:26 PM
I had a long sleep on Sunday. I slept so long that I didn't have time to see my father, who had unexpectedly come to visit my brother. Or maybe it wasn't a surprise for my brother, but it was for me, and again I wasn't informed about his visit in time. :( :pout:
I hope to see him before Christmas. :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 28, 2022, 06:58:23 AM
BC, I'm glad you complained to both companies about your ride being late.

HOM, I'm sorry you didn't get to see your father.  :hug:

After I posted, my dad got up and took the smoke detector apart because the beeping was keeping him awake too.  He hurt his back in the process though. :(

I feel horrible today.  I feel lightheaded and a little dizzy. I also was up almost every hour last night even though it was quiet.  I talked to my dr 2 weeks about a glucose monitor but he said that I didn't need one.  I felt bad yesterday too.  I think my blood sugar might be either too low or too high.  I wasn't being too careful over the holiday and ate more candy and sweet stuff than normal.

I need to make a phone call today, but right now I'm doing good to be able to sit and write out coherent thoughts.  Hopefully, I'll feel better later.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on November 28, 2022, 08:18:59 AM
Not a trivial complaint, it remains to be seen whether it will be resolved.

So you guys know that I didn't get to graduate in 2020 because of the pandemic, right?
I've emailed the department a few times asking what is happening, with no reply.

Much earlier this year I had an email saying it would likely be december, wait for further information.

Today I discovered graduation is happening on Dec 8th.
Only...I haven't been invited.

They have not sent me any information about the ceremony, dates, ordering gown, tickets, any of that. Nothing.

I am hoping to get my graduation deferred to the summer ceremony, but any chance I had to graduate with anyone I actually know has definitely gone now. Even all the students I taught have graduated ahead of me - except those I taught via zoom in the spring.

I am really upset about this. Graduation is important to me, because even though graduation ceremonies suck, they're a rite of passage that cements an achievement. And it's not annoying enough that if I graduate in the summer, it will have no relevance to me - but that they didn't think it important enough to invite me to attend.

I'm sure I just got lost in their email migration, but honestly, having to fight for everything is tiring and stressful. I didn't need to have to fight for this as well.

What makes it worse is that all of this could have been avoided. I should have been able to graduate in 2019, but because the doctoral school broke a promise to me about expediting my thesis to the examiners, I missed the deadline. They were meant to do that so I could do my viva before one of my examiners went to Japan, but in the end he had to attend via skype. And all of this has happened because of them as well, because if I had graduated in 2019, it would all have been done and dusted by now.

(Note, my school usually only does graduation in July, this dec ceremony is specially scheduled for graduates like me who missed out because of lockdown. Just apparently I'm not wanted there).
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 28, 2022, 10:15:22 AM
I am so sorry that is happening to you ,Taffeta.   :hug:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 28, 2022, 11:34:08 AM
Taffeta, i hope you can get your invitation. i graduated in December and didn't go to graduation because i was so ready to just move on. but i wish i had. it was so weird since i pretty much just stopped going to class and that was that. having more closure and having my parents make a little bit of a fuss about me would have been nice. you're getting your PhD right? that's a huge accomplishment! congratulations :accomplished:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 28, 2022, 12:12:44 PM
I'm waiting on an automatic payment to go through.  The first one went through just fine this morning so there shouldn't be a problem with the 2nd one.  Everything looks good in Paypal and on the company's website that is supposed to get the payment.  Maybe it's just a little slow today because of the holiday weekend in the US.

Also, I just tried to call the same company I called on Friday. After about 5 minutes their system disconnected the call and said I should get a call back in 48 hours. :(  I'm trying to reach them because it's about my CPAP machine. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on November 28, 2022, 01:48:24 PM
Taffeta, i hope you can get your invitation. i graduated in December and didn't go to graduation because i was so ready to just move on. but i wish i had. it was so weird since i pretty much just stopped going to class and that was that. having more closure and having my parents make a little bit of a fuss about me would have been nice. you're getting your PhD right? that's a huge accomplishment! congratulations :accomplished:

Thanks, Beth. Also, thanks Ponyfan. It sucks because at this rate graduation is taking as long as the degree did O.O.

@Beth, yes, it's my PhD. I got to graduate for my MA in 2013, and one of my flatmates came over for it as well. Her family didn't, so she hung with us (she's from Delhi). That ceremony was already disjointed for us though, as it was all about the 2012-13 academic year, whereas we were there 2011-12 (our MA finished in Dec 2012 so we didn't make 2012 graduation).

Now this with this one from 2020. But hopefully I can go in July. Fingers crossed.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 28, 2022, 04:26:51 PM
That really sucks, Taffeta. It probably was lost in the system or something.

My complaint is much the same as always, I'm so tired. I overate too so lying down right now isn't the best thing. It's still early, not even time to take my medicine yet but I could fall asleep right now.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 28, 2022, 07:17:37 PM
BC, I'm sorry you're not feeling well.  I think I'm a feeling a little better, but still out of it a bit.  For example I did a couple of things today that I don't usually do and the only reason I can think of is that I still feel a little weird.  :dizzy:

I remember when I was getting ready to graduate with my Master's degree the university had an email system.  When they set it up, they said we could forward the email from that system to our personal email.  A lot of us did that, but I guess at one point I forgot to check if the forwarding was still good because one day we all went to a meeting and were told we had to make some kind of payment that day for graduation fees or something or else we'd miss graduation. I remember having to pull out my credit card and pay for it that day.

The photographer on graduation day really insulted me, but that's another story.

I'm still waiting on the 2nd payment to go through.  It usually doesn't take this long.  I doubled checked Paypal and the streaming website and can't find anything wrong, so I have no idea why this is happening.  I'm still hoping that it's just taking longer due to the holiday.  I think the streaming service has a grace period on payments.  This happened once before when the payment fell on a holiday, but it was processed the next day and credited to the account as being on time.  Why would one payment go through with no issues and another not do the same?  They're not new payments and everything was fine last month, so there shouldn't be a problem.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 29, 2022, 06:17:46 AM
Have you had your blood pressure checked, Ponyfan? My dad had awful dizzy spells and it was his blood pressure. It would drop when he stood up. He takes a pill now that stabilizes it and he doesn't get as dizzy anymore, a little bit, but he's able to function. Also, and I think we talked about this? but as someone with hyperglycemia, it does sound like you have that too. An oncoming sugar crash feels strange, then you crash and start feeling weak, shaking, sweating and feel like you're about to pass out. My go to for an emergency are Snickers bars. You want something with sugar and protein.


This morning I was taking my medicine and realized, after I'd already taken a couple of pills, that it was my night meds. I've never made that mistake before. I stopped of course and took my daytime meds but the pills from the nighttime container are to help me sleep. I expect to be extremely tired today, much more so than usual, which really sucks.

I also have a bad headache and my eyelids are swollen again. I have a cucumber. I should put some on my eyes like they do in the movies :lol:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 29, 2022, 11:17:49 AM
The automatic payment I was waiting to go through went through this morning.  I was so out of it yesterday that I didn't realize that with Cyber Monday happening that the streaming service (they also have a store) would probably just send everything over to Paypal today instead.   

I kept thinking yesterday was a different day than it was. I'm doing better today but still feel a little lightheaded and shaky.  I need to get my A1C checked.  I have the paperwork, just haven't had a chance to go there.  My mom suggested getting it done when I feel this way since when I've had my glucose checked in the past, the dr tells me it's normal. 

I checked my blood pressure earlier and it was normal. 

I tried calling that company again today and got the same message. "Everyone is busy taking other calls.  Your number has been noted and you'll receive a call back in 48 hours"  I'm starting to wonder if they ever answer the phone.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 01, 2022, 07:52:29 AM
I'm not sure if this belongs here or in What's Your Problem, but I will post it here for now.

I'm really struggling right now. :(  I keep second guessing myself. If I choose option A, I worry that option B was the better choice, and I should have done that instead.   

I think I'm starting to reach burnout with my job too. :(  I'm not advancing and still stuck in the same position I started at.

I'm a little annoyed at my mom.  We had talked earlier this week about the fact that I needed to stop by one of my drs offices to get a new prescription since I was out of refills (Using the pharmacy's phone system doesn't work sometimes. The pharmacy also told me I have to fill it in person due to having a coupon that the dr gave me)  I told her that I was going to do that on the last day my referral was good for in case they suddenly decided I needed to see the dr.  After I did that. she suggested that I get my blood work done the next day at the same time my dad was having a medical test done because we both had to go to the same building.    I wish she would have thought of that when we were discussing getting the new prescription, as I probably could have done both things on the same day instead of 2 different ones.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 01, 2022, 01:04:05 PM
Sounds like you have anxiety :( I get like that sometimes too, where I think I made the wrong decision. My 5th grade teacher always said go with your gut, and she was right. Usually you can kind of "feel" a choice more than the other due to instinct or something. I find if I go with that choice, it's usually the right one and I have no regrets.

Sorry about your job :( do you need a vacation maybe?


My complaint is my dad harping on me to talk to my mom about going into assisted living or a nursing home. Why can't HE talk to her? Why is he dumping this on me and my niece? We already brought it up to her and she accused us of not loving her and she stopped talking to us for a few days.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on December 01, 2022, 06:04:59 PM
I’ve had a bad day today.

First I had to go into the office instead of working from home today, so I’ve been extra tired due to having to get up earlier than usual today.

After work I stopped by a brewery to pick up a shirt they owed me. The brewery was on the way home from work, but it’s on a tiny street with very limited parking. In an attempt to find a spot I ended up in some tiny alleyway and as I was doing a 3 point turn to get turned around my tire got stuck on something and I ended up hitting the wall behind me when I hit the gas to try and get off. Luckily there doesn’t seem to be any damage other than a small scuff at the back of the car, but I was really scared I wouldn’t get out. Then I was leaving someone had pulled in behind me and didn’t leave a lot of room for me to back out of my space. After everything I realized there were 15 minute pick up spots I +ovule have parked in around the corner to get my stuff.

Then when I got home I got a letter from my HOA saying they are going to impose fines on me for “landscape violations”. I have some vines that grow up my back patio wall, but they have been there since I moved in and presumably for many years before that because they were even more wild when I moved in! At one point a few weeks ago I will admit I had let them get unruly, but Ive since trimmed them way back to the point where you can hardly even see them over my fence. Other people have large plants in their backyard so I don’t understand why suddenly there is a problem. They add so much color to my backyard that I don’t want to get rid of them. I need to try and call the HOA I guess but I doubt they will give me any grace, it seems like they have decided they want the vines gone. :(

I got new neighbors around the time the first complaint came in…..but they’re renters and I own so it doesn’t seem like they should have a right to complain? My patio is completely separate from theirs and the vines don’t grow over or anything. Their patio also looks like a hot mess where they are just dumping extra furniture. Maybe it’s not them who complained, but the timing is awfully suspicious…..
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on December 01, 2022, 10:20:49 PM
Yuck, Minty!  That's why I refuse to look for housing in a neighborhood with an HOA.  My youngest brother and his wife had a nasty run-in with their HOA while their son was in the hospital (he was sick enough the doctors told them to say their goodbyes one night--don't worry, he's fine now) but they didn't need to deal with the HOA  on top of that and it wasn't anything they'd done, either.  A wind storm blew down part of their fence (and many fences in the neighborhood) and they'd been at the hospital so they hadn't rebuilt the fence within the first hour of waking up that morning.  Their neighbors who also had a fence down did not receive the same threatening letter.  The HOA was just looking for every little thing to complain about them because the jerk in charge was on a power trip.  They ended up moving to another neighborhood because the HOA was so awful.

I'd check the actual HOA rules and regulations to see if they have any right to actually fine you.  If it's not in the CC&Rs, you can challenge the fine.  Your CC&Rs should have the appeals process in it.  You can also see if it's legal for the HOA to enforce something like that in your state.  (Yes, there are state laws that restrict what an HOA is allowed to enforce and it varies by state.)

Post Merge: December 01, 2022, 10:47:51 PM

Apparently there was an "address issue" that UPS corrected for my order and Amazon advises me to correct it so next time I won't have this issue.  I just checked the address I have on file and it is correct.  They've delivered to me before so I would love to know what the "issue" is that I should correct so that they "don't have to correct it again."  And there was no email notifying me of an issue with my address so my items had better actually arrive.  If not, there will be problems.

I seriously hate how stupid everything in the world has become just to prove how stupid it can be.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 02, 2022, 05:21:22 AM
That really sucks, MM. My parents live in an HOA and they were told they had to paint the house but they had to choose one of like five color options that were "approved". They picked brown. The other options were grey, grey, tan, grey.

I would call them anyway and explain that the vines have been there since you moved in. And the info Pokey found for you too.

Pokey - There was some weird thing with me and Amazon about my address too. It was correct but it was on there twice or something. I can't quite remember. I ended up deleting it and re-adding it and that apparently fixed whatever issue it was having. I don't recall UPS being involved though.


My new complaint for this morning is my leg! Or my hip or glute or whatever. It hurts a lot! I can't walk without a limp, and I already have a limp, but on the other side... so I'm like a Weeble Wobble. I need to walk down and get my mail but I can't like this. I swear, it's one thing after another with my body. I didn't even sleep on that side so I don't know how it hurts like this. Only thing I can think of is my compression socks, but I've worn them everyday for weeks without issues so I don't know.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on December 02, 2022, 03:56:16 PM
You rock Pokeyonekenobie!! Thank you for the state specific resource, I will have to research the appeals process and all that more in depth.

I tried calling the office on my lunch break, but couldn’t get through and then I didn’t have any other breaks in work today where I could try again. Of COURSE their office hours are the same as my working hours. :mad: For the time being I have just sent an email to the community manager pleading my case and asking what changed. I also looked over the CC&Rs and I really don’t see anything explicitly saying I CANT have a plant growing up my wall, so I’m going to try and fight this. One of neighbors who has lived here longer than me also has tons of plants growing up his walls, so if I run into him I may ask if the HOA is bugging him too. If they are not I feel like I have even more of a case to keep my vines
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on December 03, 2022, 04:35:58 AM
On the housing association complaint - go after them and ask them what the complaint is. That might help clarify what the situation is - but I really will never understand that kind of busybodying. And plants are good for the environment. Maybe if you already tidied them, it will close the issue.

So my complaint for the day - my university, or I should say, former university, making me feel unwelcome one day at a time. I hopefully resolved the whole issue around my graduation, we'll see. BUT in the summer, all the student and staff email accounts migrated to Outlook 365. I can't access the university's, for whatever reason. IT tried to resolve it when I was teaching in the Spring and could not. SO. When that email came out I asked about alumni email accounts. Was told, it doesn't affect those. Closed case.

Fast forward 6 months and now suddenly I get an email telling me that by Jan 3 all alum emails will also be migrating. IT lied to me, and now with the holidays in the middle, does anyone think that the issue I have is going to be fixed? Unlikely.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on December 03, 2022, 07:54:50 AM
One of my “exes”/former friend (long story there) just texted me out of the blue after TWO YEARS of no contact. We had a small conversation and he texted after me that I’m not as “fun” as I was when we hung out years ago. UH OKAY. First of all it’s been two flipping years since we talked, probably closer to four since we hung out so my life isn’t the same at all! Secondly, how on earth do you even gauge that from a quick text conversation?? Lastly, if you think I’m boring fine, but why do you need to say it? Just stop texting me then.

He’s such a jerk. I should have probably just ignored his message but I wanted to be friendly. In some ways it’s validated my feeling about him though. I often wondered if I was responsible for kind of pushing his buttons when we were together, but this whole interaction reminded me that he just does say really mean things unprompted.

I probably won’t even respond. Like what do you even say to that anyway?

I'd text him back and tell him at least I'm not a butthole, and block his number. But you know, I'd use the meaner word.

Post Merge: December 03, 2022, 07:55:59 AM

Maybe she isn't used to wet food or prefers the dry stuff.  What if you only put out half a can instead of a whole one to see if she eats it all?  Then you don't have to throw out half of it.  You can save the other half for later.

My complaint is that my brother (and maybe his most mama for lack of nicer/more accurate term) is moving back home because he was (yet again) evicted (surprise surprise).  My parents don't know what to do with him.  I bought a lock for my door today because I don't want him pawning off my dvds, cds, video games, video game consoles, and laptop for drug money.  My dad even said that as long as he was here they wouldn't be going to see any of my niblings sporting events in Wyoming because they can't trust him here and if they take him he'll just make the trip miserable.  My parents actually agreed to make him sleep downstairs after I complained about having to clean the toilet every time I need to use it because he literally pees all over it, so at least there's that. 
I love my brother but I do not trust him.   :sad:

That sucks

Post Merge: December 03, 2022, 07:58:33 AM

I’ve had a bad day today.

First I had to go into the office instead of working from home today, so I’ve been extra tired due to having to get up earlier than usual today.

After work I stopped by a brewery to pick up a shirt they owed me. The brewery was on the way home from work, but it’s on a tiny street with very limited parking. In an attempt to find a spot I ended up in some tiny alleyway and as I was doing a 3 point turn to get turned around my tire got stuck on something and I ended up hitting the wall behind me when I hit the gas to try and get off. Luckily there doesn’t seem to be any damage other than a small scuff at the back of the car, but I was really scared I wouldn’t get out. Then I was leaving someone had pulled in behind me and didn’t leave a lot of room for me to back out of my space. After everything I realized there were 15 minute pick up spots I +ovule have parked in around the corner to get my stuff.

Then when I got home I got a letter from my HOA saying they are going to impose fines on me for “landscape violations”. I have some vines that grow up my back patio wall, but they have been there since I moved in and presumably for many years before that because they were even more wild when I moved in! At one point a few weeks ago I will admit I had let them get unruly, but Ive since trimmed them way back to the point where you can hardly even see them over my fence. Other people have large plants in their backyard so I don’t understand why suddenly there is a problem. They add so much color to my backyard that I don’t want to get rid of them. I need to try and call the HOA I guess but I doubt they will give me any grace, it seems like they have decided they want the vines gone. :(

I got new neighbors around the time the first complaint came in…..but they’re renters and I own so it doesn’t seem like they should have a right to complain? My patio is completely separate from theirs and the vines don’t grow over or anything. Their patio also looks like a hot mess where they are just dumping extra furniture. Maybe it’s not them who complained, but the timing is awfully suspicious…..

I wish the HOA would be permanently dismantled. The bank and their busybody flunkies should never have that kind of power over people's homes that they bought fair n square.

Post Merge: December 03, 2022, 07:58:54 AM

Not a trivial complaint, it remains to be seen whether it will be resolved.

So you guys know that I didn't get to graduate in 2020 because of the pandemic, right?
I've emailed the department a few times asking what is happening, with no reply.

Much earlier this year I had an email saying it would likely be december, wait for further information.

Today I discovered graduation is happening on Dec 8th.
Only...I haven't been invited.

They have not sent me any information about the ceremony, dates, ordering gown, tickets, any of that. Nothing.

I am hoping to get my graduation deferred to the summer ceremony, but any chance I had to graduate with anyone I actually know has definitely gone now. Even all the students I taught have graduated ahead of me - except those I taught via zoom in the spring.

I am really upset about this. Graduation is important to me, because even though graduation ceremonies suck, they're a rite of passage that cements an achievement. And it's not annoying enough that if I graduate in the summer, it will have no relevance to me - but that they didn't think it important enough to invite me to attend.

I'm sure I just got lost in their email migration, but honestly, having to fight for everything is tiring and stressful. I didn't need to have to fight for this as well.

What makes it worse is that all of this could have been avoided. I should have been able to graduate in 2019, but because the doctoral school broke a promise to me about expediting my thesis to the examiners, I missed the deadline. They were meant to do that so I could do my viva before one of my examiners went to Japan, but in the end he had to attend via skype. And all of this has happened because of them as well, because if I had graduated in 2019, it would all have been done and dusted by now.

(Note, my school usually only does graduation in July, this dec ceremony is specially scheduled for graduates like me who missed out because of lockdown. Just apparently I'm not wanted there).

I'm sorry hun.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 03, 2022, 04:04:18 PM
i really hate HOAs. we bought in an HOA neighborhood because all of the places we could afford are HOA neighborhoods. they're so common in Texas. especially in newer developments live where we live.

my complaint today it that i need new t-shirts for sleeping in and wearing around the house. most of the freebie tees or gift ones have fallen apart or are nearly falling apart. but i have no idea where to get new t-shirts.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 03, 2022, 07:40:09 PM
There's so much tension in my house right now.  :(   I don't remember exactly when it happened but a while back my dad hurt his back when he was trying to get his chainsaw down from a high shelf in the garage, the chainsaw fell and hit him on the back.  He started complaining about back pain and the dr discovered he had a compound fracture in his back from the impact of the chainsaw hitting him.  The dr did laser therapy for a while hoping that would help.  Long story short, my dad's back is still hurting, and it makes him a more difficult person to get along with. 

He often can't sleep at night. Sometimes he turns on most of the light in the house waking me up while I'm trying to sleep. If I can't sleep, I usually don't turn on lights that will wake other people up.  He complains that everything makes his back hurt.  I know it's hard to be in a good mood when you don't feel good, but it's gotten to the point where it's hard to know what will/won't make him upset.

For example, today when my mom and I came back home, he was watching a DVD on his portable DVD player. I didn't turn the living room tv on since was using the DVD player in the same room.  After a while he said he was using it so that I could watch whatever I wanted on the living room tv.  How was I supposed to know that? 

I feel like no matter what I do right now it's wrong. If I turn a light off, he turns it back on.  Today he was saying that something of his disappeared and the reality was that he had moved it and forgotten he'd moved it. 

I think he's also a little passive aggressive.  My mom sometimes has trouble hearing and lately if she asks my dad to repeat what he says he raises his voice and over enunciates every word very slowly. 

My ringtone on my phone right now is Kermit singing "One More Sleep Til Christmas" from Muppets Christmas Carol.  My phone rang while I was in the kitchen last night and my dad said my phone was playing "a Medicare jingle." All I can think of is that one of the lines is "There's magic in the air, this evening, magic in the air" and he heard "Medicare" instead. :(

I can't confront him about any of this.  He would just get mad.  When he holds a grudge, he never lets it go.

I wish my friend that has family a couple of hours away from here would come and visit.  I feel like I need to get away from him for an extended period of time.  Even when my mom and I want to go to the store, he takes us there. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 04, 2022, 08:07:56 AM
:hug: :hug: Ponyfan

my dog isn't feeling well. i can't tell if she's having some hip pain or she has some kind of bug. she's still eating fairly well and drinking water. but she's pretty low energy. i have to bring her treats over instead of her coming out to get them with the other dogs. she's a larger dog and she's older now so i'm not surprised if she has some arthritis. i hate when my doggies are sick.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 04, 2022, 01:15:27 PM
I'm sorry, Ponyfan. I know I've said this before, but your dad sounds like mine.

Beth, I hope your dog feels better soon!

My complaints today. My back and neck hurt. I hate my chair. I'm tired of cleaning the kitchen, how does it get so messy with just me and one cat? I'm also having troubles with my artwork today... my brain is going like a million miles an hour and I can't keep focus on one thing. So I've done a bunch of things but nothing is finished. I know this is because I'm out of my vyvanse. I hate it. I need to call the pharmacy and have them fill it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on December 04, 2022, 05:43:04 PM
Beth3346, I hope your dog gets better soon! :hug:
BC, I hope your pain goes away soon! I also hope you get your medicine soon. :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on December 04, 2022, 07:28:00 PM
My complaint for today is that after my girlfriend went home, my family started harping on me about things I should have done/need to do, and then got mad when I was (admittedly my fault) in a mood because of what they’ve said. I’m not a mind reader, and if they want me to do something they need to tell me. “But when she’s here you pay no attention to us!” I’m sorry I want to spend time with the person I love. They never get like this about my sister going out until two in the morning.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on December 05, 2022, 07:13:39 AM
My parents had to drive 3 hours away this morning (after a nasty snowstorm last night) to get my stupid brother from Wendover.  Two days ago he called my mom asking for money to fix his bicycle and buy a Little Caesar's Pizza.  Not sure how he made it to Wendover on a broken bike when he was in Pocatello, ID. 

Again, I love my brother but the man is an idiot.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 06, 2022, 12:00:11 PM
I’m sitting outside my eye doctor office without having seen him. They don’t take my insurance anymore. They said they tried calling yesterday but it doesn’t show that on my phone. So I got dressed and came out here for nothing. My driver was on time and everything. I’m upset because I really like the doctor.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 06, 2022, 05:07:02 PM
it's -20 and there's SNOW all over and tomorrow it's going to be ZERO!    wheee melty!  I almost drove onto a neighbours lawn coming down the hill today, because the ice was so bad.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 07, 2022, 03:51:46 PM
I've been fighting a cold or something for the last for days. I'm pretty sure that it isn't bronchitis because I'm not coughing a lot.  I've been doubling up on my vitamin C.

My mom said today that my dad said something about "moving the bookshelves that are behind the tv" to the garage until after Christmas.  I asked if she thought he meant just the shelves or the books too and she said that she thinks he meant the shelves and the books.  One of the bookshelves behind the tv is my manga shelf.  I don't want my mangas in the garage. :(  I told my mom I don't want them in there, but I know if it comes down to it, they'll probably end up out there against my wishes.  I take excellent care of my books and don't want anything to happen to them while they're in the garage. I didn't want the bookshelves behind the  TV in the first place, but that's' where my dad decided to put them.

I want to text a friend but considering the time of year I'm afraid it might come across as "I'm texting up so you'll give me gifts." even though I would never do that.

Also, I left one of pens at work yesterday. I have to make sure I use pens that don't have latex or rubber grips on them since I'm allergic to latex.  I don't know the person well enough yet to go back and ask for my pen, although I have done that in the past if it was someone that I've known for a long time.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 09, 2022, 01:51:49 AM
I haven't been sleeping much lately. I had that one day... last Sunday? where I slept on and off all day, but since then? I get maybe 3 hours then I'm up. It's my stupid brain. It won't be quiet. I take a Xanax just for that an hour before bedtime, but it's not working anymore. My mind races. I'm thinking about 10 things at once. I've tried meditating, which used to work really well. I've tried having noise, not having noise (that's the worst), TV on, TV off, with my gravity blanket and without. I've tried chamomile tea, turmeric milk, essential oils, this weird "tapping" technique my therapist taught me. Nothing.

I know partly it's my bed. It's just not comfortable at all. Part of it is sleep apnea (still waiting for a new pulmonologist). Part of it is pain. I think that's the big one. Aleve Back and body used to work so well but I think I've gained a tolerance to it.

Right now my head hurts, my back hurts, my leg where I banged it on the Jesus van hurts, my feet hurt, my hands hurt. Don't I have enough problems? :cry:

edit later: I sent a message to my psychiatrist and she told me to double one of my medicines. I'm still up, btw. I got a lot done today at least. I'm incredibly tired and haven't eaten anything. I just tried to lie down for a bit but my brain was all "get up! do stuff! let's goooooo!"
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on December 09, 2022, 04:05:44 PM
I have exams to study for, art commitments I’ve made I need to get done, and want to at least take some time for myself to play with my girlfriend/friends online. But it seems every time I have a minute away from study, I’m dragged away to do some other task. We either need longer days, or people need to realize I am 21 and make my own plans.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on December 12, 2022, 02:30:33 PM
It's very trivial and selfish, but I want snow :P
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 13, 2022, 12:13:38 PM
It's so loud around here! Noisy traffic, kids screaming, sirens wailing, chainsaws running. There's a high pitched hum. That might be in my head. But who can tell?! :shakefist:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on December 13, 2022, 03:59:14 PM
It's very trivial and selfish, but I want snow :P

You can have mine.  I can live without it.   :cold:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: brightberry on December 13, 2022, 05:20:58 PM
I didn't noticed I was standing on a fire ant mound until multiple started biting my ankle. So sorry ants, for standing on your house.  Now I have itchy, stinging welts all over my foot and ankle as well as one bite between my fingers.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 13, 2022, 07:14:31 PM
So many things today.... :(

Decorating for Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate should be fun, right?  So far it hasn't been.  My mom brought some stuff inside to start decorating but couldn't find the stockings we hang up.  She thought they were still in the attic.  My dad got down multiple boxes looking for the stockings.  He got upset about having to get more boxes down.  My mom finally found the stockings inside the house.

Now my dad keeps saying we have too much stuff and need to get rid of some of it.  That being said I don't see him trying to get rid of his things.   Also, when I did try to sort things out and remove the things we had duplicates of, he undid everything I did by putting all of it back. :(

When we were eating our evening meal, the old jar of salsa was empty, and my dad opened a "new" one.  I checked the date and it was best buy July 21. :shock:  I asked my mom if she had pulled it out of the cabinet and she said yes.  I wouldn't have minded so much if the date was 22 but 21 is over a year old.

The store didn't have the book I wanted either.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 14, 2022, 12:44:03 AM
I didn't noticed I was standing on a fire ant mound until multiple started biting my ankle. So sorry ants, for standing on your house.  Now I have itchy, stinging welts all over my foot and ankle as well as one bite between my fingers.

Ugh. That's a nightmare. The last time I did that I luckily noticed them milling around before any could sting me. Liquid ammonia will help with the itchiness.


Well, I'm back to no sleeping. I got up at 2:30am. I did go to bed really early though, like 5-6pm. So that's eight or nine hours.

It's chilly. I'm thinking of getting my hoodie.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 15, 2022, 03:17:06 PM
Today has been a stressful day at times.  My mom and I both had appointments today each about an hour and a half apart.  We decided that I would sit in the waiting room at mom's appointment and then leave when it was time to go to mine.  We took my mom to her appointment and my dad decided he wanted to go to Office Max to run copies because his printer isn't working right.  I figured that was fine because we could still make it to my appointment on time if we left from there.  While we were making copies my mom called and she was through with her appointment. Instead of taking me to my appointment first, my dad drove all the way back to where my mom was, picked her up and then drove me to my appointment.  I ended up being a couple of minutes late but luckily the office was really nice about it and said it was okay.

 This afternoon I was trying to figure out how to set up my dad's new CPAP machine.  My mom said one of the filters went one way, but I said it went the other.  She told me I was wrong, but when I checked the video online it showed I was right. When I told my mom she said she put the filter in correctly.  I told her she didn't.  She told me to fix it myself if I thought it was wrong.  If she had listened to me in the first place, I wouldn't have had to reopen the machine.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 16, 2022, 01:43:14 PM
my cell phone service is terrible. it's been out for over an hour at least. i didn't notice for a while because i don't really talk on the phone. but now that i noticed i'm stressed that my parents are trying to call.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 16, 2022, 07:13:41 PM
My dad is being so difficult right now. :(  Even if we do exactly what he wants he finds something to complain about.  I've been near tears several times today because it's getting so stressful.  No wonder it doesn't seem like Christmas. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 17, 2022, 02:23:51 AM
Aw, I'm so sorry, Ponyfan :( :hug:

The cold is making my pain worse. My neck is killing me. I still have that painful line to the temple behind my ear on the right side of my head too. While I enjoy the cold, and would MUCH rather be too cold than too hot, I do hope the temp comes up a bit when the sun is out. It's 59 right now.

Facebook Marketplace is full of scammers that want your information. I listed my gaming chair for cheap and had like 20 messages all at once. Not one was legit.

edit: Ugh, the little carton of cat food sprayed on me. I smell like gravy now :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 17, 2022, 08:20:55 AM
Walmart delivered someone's cat food to us by mistake. i don't know the last names of my neighbors and there was no address so i don't know where to take the package. i put it back on the patio thinking maybe they'll come get it. if no one comes i can donate it. we don't have cats so i have no use for it.

my uncle is having a christmas/new year's thing back in Houston and my parents want to go. they told me i don't have to go but i can tell my mom wants me to go too. i should probably drive them but i really don't have the mental energy to be around all of my family. i love them but that love is very dependent on me never having to actually be around them. they're exhausting, cold, and drink way too much. thinking about being stuck there for multiple days is exhausting. i feel guilty for feeling that way. but i really want my vacation time to relax. i told her i would think about it. i don't really have an excuse for not going since i'm off from work.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 17, 2022, 09:23:21 AM
Tripped & fell in my house today & my left leg from the knee down is sore!!! Not cut but bruising will happen deffo
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 17, 2022, 07:05:29 PM
PBW I hope your leg is ok.

Additional complaint... CW for driving related issues. Don't worry i'm ok. it was just stressful and i need to rant.

we went to my parent's house this afternoon. we took our dog Jessie over to visit. we only stayed about 45 minutes since we still needed to eat dinner and let out the other dogs. when we were leaving their neighborhood we saw the road was blocked and people were turning around. so we went on the backroads to circle back from the other direction. i'm terrified of 2 lane roads in daylight and it was already dark since it's winter. so i was stressed but i just focused on the road and the music. and made it to the main road back to the highway.

so as we're coming up to the highway we see lights. the police were blocking people from turning onto the highway i needed to take home. i thought maybe it was the construction so i detoured through a neighborhood to get further down the highway. we got couple hundred feet and there was another cop blocking the road there too. as we pulled up another car was talking to him. so after that car drove off i rolled down my window to ask how i could get back to my neighborhood. just for context my parent's house is usually about 8 minutes away and we had already been driving at least 30 minutes. now we're less than 5 minutes from my house and it's blocked!

so the cop said the highway was closed because of a fatal accident which is terrible. also i need to get home, my husband has to take medicine and we're already late and hungry. the cop told us to take the route we had just taken. i told him that's where we were coming from and you can't get through that way either. i asked if i could circle back to the south and he just shrugged and said he didn't know. good luck :( so we did circle back from the south another 30 minutes out of our way and were finally able to get home. i'm so glad i filled up the car with gas earlier when i went to get groceries. i really hate the design of country roads.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 17, 2022, 07:17:10 PM
Thank you, Black Curtains.

Unfortunately, my dad is still really grumpy, grouchy and complaining about everything. :( I wish he realized how difficult he's being and how he's taking a lot of the fun out of everything, but in his mind the problem is not with his attitude; it's everyone else that's intentionally doing things to upset him.

Beth, that sounds really stressful.  I'm glad you're okay.

Yesterday there was an earthquake reported a few hundred miles away.  Some people in the city I'm in said they felt the shaking.  I didn't feel anything, but today I noticed something I had put on a high shelf had fallen off and knocked a few other things out of place on the way down.  Where the item was is pretty high and it's never fallen off before.  It makes me wonder if the house shook a little and knocked the item down.

I'm so far behind on Christmas stuff this year. :(  My mom finally told me what she wants but I don't think there is time to get it before Christmas.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on December 17, 2022, 08:45:29 PM
Once again I have to deal with the consequences of my stupid siblings' decisions.  If I ever get enough money to move out I don't know if I'll ever even visit because I'm tired of being the only one to have to accommodate everyone else.  They couldn't even be bothered to tell me when dinner was ready.  I'm pretty sure my nephew was the one to notice and they finally told me to come eat when everyone else was half done.  I've spent all day doing things to accommodate everyone else's choices so I didn't get to do the things I needed to do, like paying my bills or doing laundry.  I'm intentionally waiting until everyone else tries to go to bed before I get in the shower just to make noise and inconvenience them for once.  Boo-freaking-hoo if it bothers them tonight.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 18, 2022, 07:50:18 AM
I hope you're okay, PBW!

Beth, that sounds so stressful. I don't like 2-lane roads either or taking the back way to things. I don't drive, but as a passenger I get so nervous.

I had to clip my nails and i'd waited too long, so now the tips of my fingers are very sore and peeling. When I did my toes I accidentally cracked one and it started to bleed. Now it's all jagged and gets caught on my sock. I tried to fix it but it hurts too much. I've always hated cutting my toenails.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on December 18, 2022, 10:20:26 AM
I broke my new soap dish on the way home  :cry: The single-stem vase I had also bought to rehouse my bamboo must have smashed into it.

I was so annoyed at a store, I wanted to buy a special beauty soap but the staff were too busy chatting to even look at me, even when I stood at the counter and looked directly at them. Fine, take your dumb soap back, I have a connecting bus to get!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 18, 2022, 12:39:07 PM
My new desk came. I was uncomfortable and dizzy trying to put it together sitting in a chair, so I decided to get on the floor and do it. It went fine except for three screws I can't get to line up. I needed a flashlight to see in the hole, so I tried to get up... I almost couldn't do it. I'm so weak. I could hardly lift myself up :sad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 18, 2022, 04:12:21 PM
Beth that sounds scary!!! At least you got home xxx
BC that stinks, when you're stuck like that xxx
Cheers for the wishes folks!!! Leggie still hurts. Rubbing Germolene on it daily & being careful ie taking my time going down stairs & stuff
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on December 18, 2022, 05:47:36 PM
I had to clip my nails and i'd waited too long, so now the tips of my fingers are very sore and peeling. When I did my toes I accidentally cracked one and it started to bleed. Now it's all jagged and gets caught on my sock. I tried to fix it but it hurts too much. I've always hated cutting my toenails.

Here's another similarity between us! :lmao: I hate cutting my toenails too! I also hate the fact that if (usually always, I'm bad at cutting) the nails are jagged, they always get stuck in the sock! It feels so disgusting! :gah: Fortunately, it works a little better after the shower when the nails have softened. (By the way, I hate showering) I have such strong nails that cutting them without softening them with water is a pain. My fingernails are also very strong, but cutting them is easier (I don't do it often, because I like long fingernails)

My new desk came. I was uncomfortable and dizzy trying to put it together sitting in a chair, so I decided to get on the floor and do it. It went fine except for three screws I can't get to line up. I needed a flashlight to see in the hole, so I tried to get up... I almost couldn't do it. I'm so weak. I could hardly lift myself up :sad:

It's great that the new desk arrived! :heart: Assembling the furniture is always such a chore for me that nothing is going to come of it! :lol:
Difficulty getting up without help is annoying, I know that myself.  :( I have weak legs, they don't have enough lifting power. They have been like that for several years. Fortunately, in the winter I get a little more strength for them if and when I can use the snowscoop to clear snow in the yard.

Beth, glad you got home safely! :heart:
Ponybookworm, I hope your leg gets better soon! :heart:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 19, 2022, 04:02:34 PM
One of my drs moved out her previous office in to a new one.  They sent me a card with the new office's address and said all of my records would be kept with the new office.  On Friday, the drs office called to confirm my appointment and sent me a link to the online Patient Portal. The link didn't work as they have my house phone registered at the office and I need a text message sent to my cell phone to activate my portal.  I tried to get on on Friday and it didn't work.  The office was already closed for the weekend when I found out it wasn't working.  I told the receptionist today that I wasn't able to get on the Patient Portal and I thought she had fixed it.  I just tried it again and have the same problem.  I have no complaints against my dr, but I wish the office administration would fix this issue especially since I l already told them what the problem is.

I had to get blood drawn today and where they took it is going to bruise.

I was expecting a couple of packages today.  They both came today, but the strange thing is that the person that delivered them didn't scan them correctly.  One says it's still out for delivery and another one says it's back at the post office.  I know it doesn't matter in the long run since both packages are safe with me where they should be, but it's a little unusual that the tracking isn't correct.  I'm pretty sure the carrier that brought them wasn't a regular mailman as I haven't seen him before.

I don't think my dad is doing it on purpose (maybe I'm too sensitive lately) but he keeps doing things that embarrass me. For example, I don't drive on my own yet (although I'm working on it) and when my dad takes me to work he drops me off in front of coworkers.  I can't say anything to him about it and I'm probably overreacting but it wouldn't hurt for him to drop me off a littler further back.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on December 20, 2022, 01:53:47 PM
This is not a trivial complaint but still seems a little surreal so I guess it goes here. I had a message last night from one of my university friends to tell me someone that was in both of our classes during our MA had passed away recently from cancer. I have photos with him from graduation but after that he moved to Japan and then Canada and so we lost touch. He was a great guy, very funny, outgoing, not a bad word for anyone. We used to joke about the mad things he'd do in class as well. So yeah. All very surreal, especially knowing he was younger than me. I feel bad for his family especially at this time of the year.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 20, 2022, 03:57:53 PM
Taffeta, that is very sad news! 
Ponyfan, how inconvenient, I hope all is sorted out and your bloodwork comes back the way you want :)

I have nothing but four letter words to say about the weather.  It's SO COOOOOOOOOOOOLD.  Those of you who have experienced -40C or more, you know.  If not... let me assure you it is cold.  Frostbite starts in 2 minutes to exposed skin.  I got stuck to my front door knob while locking it!  there is ice building up the windows . and it will be back to zero by the weekend... WHYYYYYYYYYY canada WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 20, 2022, 05:28:04 PM
Taffeta, it always hits hard when someone i went to school with passes. it just feels so wrong and unfair.

it's going to be cold here too but nowhere near -40C stay safe Squirmy :)

i'm going to be driving to the Houston area next week after all. my uncle lives way out in the exurbs so it's going to be a longer drive than usual. hopefully my parents don't mind that i'm going to listen to a podcast during the drive. my dad doesn't like to have anything playing in the car. driving 3+ hours in silence is way too boring.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 21, 2022, 04:21:23 AM
I'm sorry Taffeta. There is a number of people I went to school with who have passed away, and it's always hard remembering them and realizing they aren't here anymore.

Squirmy, it gets that cold in Wisconsin. I remember one year after an artic blast and a nasty blizzard it was like -70 below. Which is... -56C. The kind of cold where your eyes will freeze and if you inhale too sharply, it hurts your lungs. It's a dry cold though, which is more tolerable but much more dangerous. Down here, the humidity is 100% right now and it's 62 but it feels super cold. There have been a few times where we got down into the 30s. Talk about cold with humidity. Anyway, stay warm and safe!

My complaint is the mail. Yesterday I received a package from Amazon, which is not unusual and I am waiting for several things. So I open it and there is a big container with large dog treats in it (Wellness brand too, expensive). I do not have a dog. I checked the address and everything is correct, my name, my unit number, the street address... there was another thing in the box wrapped up so I unwrapped it and it's a coffee mug that says 'Fabulous since 1923'. I'm assuming the right recipient had their 99th birthday recently and also own a large-ish dog (you can only have dogs under a certain weight in the complex though, so it can't be TOO big). Because the address was mine, I can't track down where it was supposed to go to. I know my neighbor is old and has an old, small dog, but I don't think she's 99 and I don't think her dog would be able to chew these treats. I'll ask her though if she knows anyone fitting the description.

Still complaining about the mail, so the wrong package ended up at my door, but three (3) packages from Amazon are at the mailbox. WHYYYYYYYYYYY do they do that. Does USPS sometimes carry packages from Amazon? That's the only explanation I can think of.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 21, 2022, 07:09:13 AM
@Taffeta  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

My leggie still hurts, but slightly less. My right thumb is peeling at the tip & I hate it because it too gets sore from it
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on December 21, 2022, 07:15:15 AM
My complaint is the mail. Yesterday I received a package from Amazon, which is not unusual and I am waiting for several things. So I open it and there is a big container with large dog treats in it (Wellness brand too, expensive). I do not have a dog. I checked the address and everything is correct, my name, my unit number, the street address... there was another thing in the box wrapped up so I unwrapped it and it's a coffee mug that says 'Fabulous since 1923'. I'm assuming the right recipient had their 99th birthday recently and also own a large-ish dog (you can only have dogs under a certain weight in the complex though, so it can't be TOO big). Because the address was mine, I can't track down where it was supposed to go to. I know my neighbor is old and has an old, small dog, but I don't think she's 99 and I don't think her dog would be able to chew these treats. I'll ask her though if she knows anyone fitting the description.

Still complaining about the mail, so the wrong package ended up at my door, but three (3) packages from Amazon are at the mailbox. WHYYYYYYYYYYY do they do that. Does USPS sometimes carry packages from Amazon? That's the only explanation I can think of.

I would contact Amazon and let them know they sent you the wrong items.  It sounds to me like someone put the wrong mailing label on the box.  Maybe they can track down who it really belongs to.  I know out where I live our local post office is usually given the last leg of shipments, including stuff from FedEx and UPS sometimes.  It's because we're so rural.  So it's entirely possible that your Amazon packages were sent to the post office for the last leg of the trip.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 21, 2022, 07:44:22 AM
I would contact Amazon and let them know they sent you the wrong items.  It sounds to me like someone put the wrong mailing label on the box.  Maybe they can track down who it really belongs to.  I know out where I live our local post office is usually given the last leg of shipments, including stuff from FedEx and UPS sometimes.  It's because we're so rural.  So it's entirely possible that your Amazon packages were sent to the post office for the last leg of the trip.

You know, I didn't even think of that. Getting a hold of someone is easier said than done though, but I did reach a real person. I gave them the tracking number on the box and he said to keep it but they will send a replacement to the right person. I'm glad they are going to get their stuff. I guess I can donate the mug to the assisted living place? I'm sure they have someone in there who is 99. The dog treats can go to my niece's dogs.

I live downtown in a city, but it is a small city. One of those sleeper towns. I didn't think companies shared packages like that. It's not just little things either. Oh well. I did walk down and check the mailbox. Speaking of little things... I bought a paintbrush and they put it in a huge envelope. Sigh.

Post Merge: December 22, 2022, 06:48:55 AM

More mail shenanigans. An order of yarn I placed from Poland in OCTOBER is finally in the US. It's in... Los Angeles. That's way on the other coast. Why didn't it come to Florida? Even more troubling, it says it's out for delivery. It better not be! It's still in California! Do not give someone else my yarn :cry:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 22, 2022, 11:34:36 AM
BC, I hope your yarn arrives safely to you :)

it's so cold already. i had to go out and tape down the towel i'm using to wrap the outdoor pipes because of the wind. it's already below freezing and windy. when i went out at 10 to pick up some medicine for my dog it was above 50F. when i got home the thermometer on the car was actually dropping the temp every 60 seconds or so. i think i got home just in time!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 22, 2022, 07:20:29 PM
Taffeta, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. :hug:  I can't imagine what a shock that must have been to hear the news.

The Internet has been out for most of the day.  Why is it that when I have Internet, I can think of a lot of things to do and when I don't it's hard to think of any? The cable has also been pixelating today.  I was trying to log out of Disney + on the Smart the TV when the Internet started going down. I don't know if it logged me out or not, because all I got was a blank screen when I tried to get out of the app.:(   I have to use my phone and the app on the Smart TV at the same time to use Disney +. I logged out on the phone though. We get Internet through our cable company, but sometimes one goes out without influcing the other.

I was a bit restless today.  I couldn't decide if I wanted to read a book or use an app on my phone that sometimes doesn't require Internet.  If I started using the app, I wanted to read and if I tried to get ready to read the book, I wanted to use the app.  :shrug:

My dad said he "tried to delete one email and they all disappeared."  When I checked he'd sent all of his inbox emails except one to the trash. I told him that the best way to bring them back is to do it on the computer instead of his phone, but of course the Internet was down when I tried to get to his email.

One of my pens started skipping and I had to get a new one.  I know this doesn't sound like a big deal, but I have to use pens that don't have latex or rubber on them. I prefer blue ink, but the ones I have on hand are black, and I haven't had a chance to get to a store to get more.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 23, 2022, 07:29:25 PM
This is my 4th  time today trying to add to this post, but everytime I try to post it, my Internet goes down. 

We're still having problems with the Internet.  I think unplugging the router would help, but my mom said not to do that yet, because she thinks when the cable company fixes the local channels breaking up it will also fix the Internet.  She called the cable company today but it was an automated line and she said it kept asking about "missing channels."  The cable comapny sent a singal to reset the cable boxes and it helped for a bit, but it didn't fix anything in the long run.

I've tried really hard not to complain to much and try to make do with not having a strong Internet right now, but it's hard because a lot of the apps on my phone need Internet to work properly.  I'm trying really hard not to spoil Christmas.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 24, 2022, 09:27:17 AM
our downstairs tenant decided to start smoking cigarettes in his room at 12:30 pm last night.  I immediately noticed it because I am very allergic and suddenly started having an asthma attack that took until 3 am to subside...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 26, 2022, 06:03:07 AM
I've had to turn the heat on. It's mostly for Aster, she was so cold and refuses to sleep in a cat bed or even on a blanket. But temps are going to start rising tomorrow. By next week we'll be in the 80s again but it will be in the 60s at night, so that's nice for sleeping.

My yarn is still showing as being out for delivery in Los Angeles. I think someone forgot to scan it and it's traveling across the country. I think the carrier is DHL. I don't deal with them very often.

On Facebook mainly, but also IG and Google in general, I like animals with horns and antlers. ALIVE. I joined a couple of pages on Facebook and of course, they put up a hunter pic. NO. I do not want to see dead animals. Even in Google images I try to rule out hunting pics with keywords but it always brings some back. I hate it. I just want to see majestic horns and antlers on living ungulates. Why is that so hard?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 26, 2022, 08:23:19 AM
our downstairs tenant decided to start smoking cigarettes in his room at 12:30 pm last night.  I immediately noticed it because I am very allergic and suddenly started having an asthma attack that took until 3 am to subside...

Cigarette smoke always triggers my asthma too. I always say that even if I wanted to smoke I can't because I trigger instantly whenever I smell it.

I wanted to go on a free horse drawn carriage ride before Christmas.  The day I found out about it, I wasn't able to do it, and then one day of rides was cancelled due to the extreme cold.  It was too cold on Christmas Eve too.  Maybe next year I get a carriage ride.

My dad is in a bad mood today.  His asthma was acting up last night and he ended up sleeping in the recliner again.  Everything annoys and bothers him and nothing makes him happy anymore.  He's so hard to live with right now.  I'm almost in tears because I have no idea what will or won't set him off.

He decided the dog had to go outside on a leash because we were having trouble with her not going outside when she was supposed to. I ended up having to take her out on the leash even though he was the one that said it had to be done.  He also said we have to dump out the dog's water at night.  If I don't do it no one else does.  Why does he decided all of these things and then he acts like he doesn't have to do them?

There was one thing I wanted for Christmas that I didn't get.  I know I didn't get it because I got other things.  I don't want to mention it to my parents because I don't want them to feel bad.  It's something I've been wanting for months but didn't buy because I thought they might get it for me.  I don't mind getting it myself, but the 2 stores I looked at today were sold out.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on December 26, 2022, 12:37:21 PM
we had a -15 wind chill and gale force winds lately.  :cold: :cold:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 27, 2022, 08:53:41 AM
Note to self: do not lean bad leggie against hard surface of any kind. Do not put bodyweight on affected parts of bad leggie, do not bash affected parts of bad leggie, handle bad leggie gently. Aside from that, I can pretty much ignore the fact I have a bad leggie. Foot still a bit swollen, & there's a little pain, but nothing I can't blank out with other stuff like working on things or typing here.

Huggles to all affected by bad cigarette smoke, & warm huggles to all caught in storms xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on December 27, 2022, 10:33:07 AM
Re : The cigarette smoke - Is that allowed when someone in the building has a really bad allergy to it?

It's pouring with rain outside and I SHOULD go to the store to get cold meat for tomorrows lunch and take my soft plastics for recycling... but I can't be bothered  :silly:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 27, 2022, 11:24:27 AM
I took some headache medicine preemptively and ended up with one anyway. Worse, it's centered around my implant. When that hurts, my right eye gets this weird pressure behind it. Plus, it's itchy.

For some reason I can't figure out, I have sores at the corners of my mouth. They really bother me and I keep absentmindedly licking them. Stop that, me! :shakefist:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on December 27, 2022, 01:45:10 PM
(Sorry if this is TMI) Are the sores at the very corners of your mouth, like cracks? I had those when in University, I'm not sure what they were or what caused them but like you I kept licking them which made them worse -_- I was given this thing by the pharmacist that was like an iodine paint with a little brush. If I had to guess, they were probably stress related and were the two edges of the upper and lower lip meet, like I had opened my mouth too wide and split my mouth!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 27, 2022, 03:59:31 PM
I get those lip splits... yes they are related to cold sores.  I use Blistex lip balm when this happens, and I only use that tube for that purpose so I don't re-contaminate myself when I don't have an outbreak.

ugh I seem to have caught some other form of "ick".  this one makes my head hurt and I am dizzy and my throat is swollen.   not much trouble breathing but I feel like I am jogging underwater against the current while holding a bowling ball.  hooray, all my holiday work break time is going to be me feeling like crusty dried up wet cat food! 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 27, 2022, 11:33:17 PM
All I have is carmex but it works well enough. They aren't cracks, they're bumps, mainly on my upper lip. I've never had a cold sore. I think this is related to the pizza I ate, actually. I had enough points for a free one and got the hand tossed, which has spices on the crust. I usually get deep dish which does not.

New complaint is I can't sleep. Well. That's not completely true. I slept for five hours, which I know some people would be happy with. I need more than that though. So I slept another two. Then I woke up on the wrong side and had acid in my mouth. I didn't want to lie back down so I'm up, at 2:30am. It's cold.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on December 28, 2022, 07:44:59 PM
After Christmas, everybody just seems agitated and I don’t know why. Everybody in my house just is angry, and being short and snarky with each each other, and I think everybody is just getting worse because someone will say something that sets someone else off.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 29, 2022, 03:39:34 PM
My dad has been so out of sorts and grumpy lately that my mom and I have both had about all we can take.  He gripes and complains every day about something.  This morning he deiced that the dog's food and water bowls were wrong because "it gets spilled all of the time."  We've all spilled it at one time or another and sometimes the dog tips it over herself. We found a new pet bowl set at Walmart and my dad thought that it couldn't be the price we told him it was.

I was putting something in the trunk  and I don't know whose fault it was, but the trunck lid hit me hard on the head. It hurt and I said something to my dad about that happening.  That upset him because he said that it's his job to protect the ladies in the family.  That spot still hurts and is a little sore. I also have a slight headache, but that might be from staying up last night watching a movie.

Later on, I hit my shoulder on a doorknob. 

I'm so tired of being almost in tears and feeling like my dad takes the fun out of everything. :( 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 30, 2022, 05:48:56 AM
I'm so sorry, Ponyfan :hug:

I woke up this morning and my equilibrium was off. My body kept wanting to go to the right. It was a struggle to walk to the bathroom and back. After that, I took my medicine and sat upright on the bed tilting my head around slowly. I thought maybe there was liquid in my ear(s) and that's what was causing it. I don't know if that was the cause but when I got up again, I felt better and the pull wasn't so strong. I'm very dizzy though. My neck hurts again real bad. I did the massager once before getting on my computer. It's still super sore and stiff.

My niece is supposed to get me at some point today and take me to the house so I can get some stuff for my mom and myself. Then I have to go back to the PO. Then we're going to visit my mom. I wish her room wasn't so far away from the entrance :( I have to take a break mid-way and luckily there is a chair to sit in. There was another one but it's gone for some reason. Her room is aaaaaall the way down one hallway and then aaaaaall the way down another and she's at the end. There's a side door right there but it's only an emergency door.

My back hurts a lot too today. Plus... it's "that time of the month" which makes me feel nauseous and gross and makes my pain worse. I don't want to do anything today. Not looking forward to any of this.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 30, 2022, 06:34:26 AM
Thanks Black Curtains. I'm sorry you're not feeling well today.

My head is still a little tender where the trunk hit it. I'm  pretty sure I have a bump there.

My dog kept me up from midnight to 3 AM. :(  I think she was wanting water, but my dad said not to give her water at night anymore.  My dog kept wandering back and forth and even wouldn't let me use my CPAP machine for a awhile because she kept getting caught in the hose.  At 3 I told her to quit bothering me because it was obvious she didn't need to go outside.  I told my parents about it this morning and they said I could have given the dog a little water so she would have gone back to sleep.  Why didn't they tell me that before?  I was trying to follow what my dad set in place and still ended up doing it wrong.  :argh: :argh:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on December 30, 2022, 03:52:41 PM
Sorry you are having so much trouble with your parents Ponyfan! My dad can have an awful temper too and I know how draining it can be. :(

I’ve just been feeling blue this past week. I’m set to end training for my new job today and I still feel like I have no clue what I’m doing. I tried to complete some tasks on my own but I don’t feel like I did anything right. We don’t even have designated points of help, so I’m really scared about starting for real next week. I also just really don’t like this job. I wish I wish I could quit but I have so many benefits tied to my employer that I don’t feel like I can easily leave. My pay especially is proving hard to beat.

I always get bummed this time of year anyway and the job stuff is just making it worse. I kinda want to take a semester off school, but that’s once again a benefit tied to my job! So if I want to leave I feel like I should at least try and finish school first.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 30, 2022, 10:49:14 PM
I'm up at 1:30am. I could probably go back to sleep but I like how quiet it is right now. Earlier it was very noisy outside, people talking, cars driving by, dogs barking, a girl singing badly, a dude on a bike going back and forth yelling loudly. Tonight it's going to be fireworks. But right now it's very still and quiet.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on December 30, 2022, 11:47:24 PM
My girlfriend and I were going to go to the legislature building to see the fireworks for new years. It is going to be very cold and I have come down with a cold or something. So no fireworks for us. Which sucks because I know she was looking forward to it, and I was looking forward to sharing our first new years kiss. Now I just feel awful because of the sickness and because of my own disappointment.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 31, 2022, 09:00:33 AM
I'm trying to help take down Christmas decorations and clean up stuff and my mom told me multiple times I was doing it wrong. :(  I tried to get rid of old food and my mom literally said "We're not doing that right now.  Put it back."  What's so terrible about wanting to throw old food that isn't good to eat because it's been sitting out for months exposed to extreme temperature changes away?

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 31, 2022, 02:39:24 PM
omg people are setting off fireworks and it isn't even dark! Aster is hiding under the bed :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 31, 2022, 03:31:08 PM
poor Aster :(

i was outside working on the lawn and someone set off what i hope a firework. it was 4pm! scared me half to death.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 31, 2022, 03:49:05 PM
I'm sorry Aster is so scared.  :(  My dog used to be terrified of fireworks too.  She's done better the last couple of years though.  We used to have to sit up with her until it got quitter, usually around midnight on July 5th. 

The Internet has gone out everyday since the 22nd. :(.  It's so annoying.  Every time I think it won't go out today, it does. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 01, 2023, 03:02:46 AM
She hid the entire time. If there was a break in the fireworks for a while she'd come out but go right back when they started again. But she's herself this morning :) She didn't like the food I offered so she threw a little fit :lol:

My back and neck are killing me! I must have slept all scrunched up. My blanket was pulled up on my pillow but it wasn't on me when I woke up, not sure what that was about. Maybe I was hiding from the fireworks too.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 01, 2023, 06:53:57 AM
I'm sorry Aster was so scared.  :hug: I'm glad she's back to normal this morning.

I've about had it with my dad.  The first thing he said to me this morning was "The TV's out again.  Nothing's working."  I wasn't even fully awake yet and I had to try to figure out what was wrong.  My dad had decided to "push every button" trying to get the TV to work and had activated one of the streaming apps.   He didn't even realize he'd done that and then wondered why he couldn't change the channel.

I changed the input source back to the cable box and the problem was that some of the cable channels are out again.  I checked the cable box in my room and the channel I had it on before going to bed last night was still on.

I'm so tired of my dad griping about everything.  If I acted like that because some of the cable channels were out, I'd be told to just deal with it and make do with what was available to watch.

Yesterday my mom and I were going to try to get on Disney +, but my dad was using the Smart TV to watch Westerns.   I asked my mom if we could still try to get Disney + and she said we couldn't because my dad was using the TV.  :( 

Why does she prioritize everything he wants and everything I want to do has to wait until it's convenient for everyone else?

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on January 01, 2023, 12:19:25 PM
I bought a new MP3 player as I thought my old one had died after hitting the ground ... Now, I rely on my MP3 player to block out noise on my way to and from work, I HATE hearing other people and prefer to block them out on my long journey. So three days without my player was torture. I tried to plug it in to charge at work, as previously that had worked at bringing it back from the dead, but nothing. I ordered a new one, ignoring articles going 'who uses MP3 players anymore???'


So I received it, and ... I plugged my old one back in to my laptop to see if I could get files off it, but I assumed it was dead-dead. IT WOKE UP. One the one hand, it let me snag all my most recent songs off it so I don't have to comb through my entire music catalogue and sort which ones I do and don't want. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, WHAT A TRAITOR!!!

I don't use my phone for MP3s because I prefer to keep the charge on my phone completely independent of my music, which I NEED on commutes or I turn into a bear. No joke, we had people listening to TikToks at full volume on REPEAT, people loudly chewing and sucking on sweets like suckling pigs, annoying screeching tweens/teenagers, the whole lot. I was exceptionally crabby from all the noise and had to spend more time at work with a soothing tune on as I was even less tolerant of work noise than usual.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 02, 2023, 12:21:43 PM
people who listen to anything on full volume in public should be stopped. such a pet peeve of mine too.

all of those "who uses __ anymore?" articles are just trying to sell whatever new thing. i kind of miss having that separation between my music player and my phone. when i have my headphones on and i get a phone call, text, or some other nonsense it's so intrusive. 99% of it is junk anyway and now when the phone rings whatever i'm listening to stops. having 1 device is convenient but now i can't just block out the world. and now the expectation is that people are accessible at all times so not answering isn't an option either. i remember the days when you could leave the house, no cell phone, a few dollars in my pocket and it was fine. ok now i sound like a grumpy old lady.

i have a few complaints today. 1. holidays are almost over so back to work tomorrow. i get disoriented and stressed when i'm not working thinking about all that i missed and everything i need to do once i get back to work. i'm ready to go back but i'm also stressed about that :huh: 2. i ordered 2 throw pillow inserts and only 1 have arrived. the other hasn't even shipped so right now i have 2 pillowcases, 1 insert and my pillow layout is mismatched :( small complaint but still annoying.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 03, 2023, 05:46:55 AM
I still use my iPod Classic :lol: I've had it for 16 years and it's never failed me. It's still supported by iTunes too. I've got music and TV shows on it :lol:

My complaint is the implant in my head. It's been bothering me a lot lately. It throbs and gets these sharp pains. It's also itchy. It bothers me once in a while but this has been going on for a bit. I think it might be affected by my neck problems :huh: I don't currently have a neurosurgeon. I dropped my last one because I didn't like him. He never listened to me and his only plan for anything was Cortisone shots. Ugh. I need to get one. I also still need a new pulmonologist and eye doctor. I suppose I should make an appointment for my PCP.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on January 03, 2023, 02:12:49 PM
Likewise on the Ipod classic. I actually have 2, now, since my old trusty one which went literally everywhere with me, including Japan, no longer has a functional headphone socket. You think the battery will go, right? Wrong. Headphone socket. But I still have an old dock that takes it, so it is now my hifi in my room *lol*. I've had it since 2006. The other is a bit bigger on memory, was second hand but barely used - not quite as good as my old one but still better than the impudent little touch I got given as a 'navigation aid' when I was at uni.

Yes, it does nothing to help navigation since it has no internet outside of the house, but w/e.

I also understand the mp3 player etc for the commute. For people on the spectrum it's often a survival instrument. Phones are not streaming devices, anyway. I mean, they can be, but they're not. That wasn't why phones were invented. Though I admit I did put audible on my phone, which I use for train journeys, simply because its easier. The ipod touch will tolerate it, but not very happily.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 03, 2023, 07:26:33 PM
podcasts and audiobooks are great IMO. it helps pass the time for me in a way that music doesn't. personally i don't care what people watch on their phones in public but keep the headphones on! don't force others to listen. also the phone speaker noise is so grating if you're at a distance.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on January 04, 2023, 12:57:06 AM
Oh goodness, yes. Headphones, and NOT in the quiet carriage of the train!

I've noticed that the people who play their music out loud on transport are also the same people who have the worst taste in music.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 04, 2023, 05:44:37 AM
That is so true. I'm also annoyed by people playing games that have sound. It's quiet and then out of nowhere you hear like a casino jingle or something. I get a lot of that waiting in the doctors office and there are signs clearly stating to silence your phone and take calls outside. In fact, my PCP had to hire a guard to enforce that because people choose not to notice the signs, which are on all the walls, big and printed in red -_-

My complaint is the same. My implant hurts. My right eye has pressure behind it and my right temple feels strange. Last night it was really bad. I see the Social Security doctor tomorrow. I'll mention it to him, maybe he can write me a prescription for a CT Scan.

Aster threw up in the night, a lot. I almost stepped in it this morning. Wouldn't be the first time. I need to make her new grass, the one by the window is done, I think.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on January 04, 2023, 06:37:48 PM
My complaint is the same. My implant hurts. My right eye has pressure behind it and my right temple feels strange. Last night it was really bad. I see the Social Security doctor tomorrow. I'll mention it to him, maybe he can write me a prescription for a CT Scan.

Aster threw up in the night, a lot. I almost stepped in it this morning. Wouldn't be the first time. I need to make her new grass, the one by the window is done, I think.

BC, Oh that sounds really bad!  :( I hope you can see a doctor soon and find out what's wrong! :heart:

Oh dear Aster, trouble with hairballs?  :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 05, 2023, 07:07:17 AM
I love my iPod Classic too.  :D  I've had it for a long time and it still has a lot of space left on it. I'll probably plug it in today and download my newest iTunes songs to it.

Speaking of iTunes, once again I rebought a song that I'd already purchased because iTunes considered the same album as a different one.  I even checked in my library before buying it because I thought I might have it already.  I didn't find it and then when I was adding the "new" song to the playlist I wanted, I saw it was already there. Then  I searched in the library and it showed up. :(  Oh, well  At least that's only happened a few times.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 05, 2023, 12:12:09 PM
BC, Oh that sounds really bad!  :( I hope you can see a doctor soon and find out what's wrong! :heart:

Oh dear Aster, trouble with hairballs?  :huh:

I didn't get a chance to tell the doctor today about my implant ache. I'll have to make an appointment with my PCP and I guess if it continues or gets worse, go to the ER.

It was a lot of food she hacked up so I think she overate and it upset her stomach. She's vomited three times since I've had her and it's always been food, so I don't think she has a bad hairball. Usually when it's that, they puke mucus and saliva. I did give her some hairball treatment though just as regular maintenance.


So about that doctor visit... my appointment was at 10:30, I got there at 9:30. I didn't see the doctor until 1:30. I just home a little while ago. I have a killer headache and I'm starving (food is on its way and I took some medicine for my head). It was the disability doctor. He spent like 5 minutes with me after I waited so long :mad: And of course he doesn't tell me anything. It's all a big secret. So now I get to wait some more as they use his evaluation to determine my case.

Also, while I was waiting I stepped outside for a few minutes just to walk around a little and get out of the tiny waiting room. This dude followed me and tried to talk to me. I was like, dude no. Go away. I had to go back inside to keep him from bothering me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 05, 2023, 05:07:01 PM
@BC all of that is :enraged: i hope your head feels better soon.

my complaint today is i'm feeling tired and grumpy. at least tomorrow is friday.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on January 06, 2023, 09:09:45 AM
I hate January, I always find it a hard month to slog through. It's dark and cold and all the pretty lights are taken down. Current state of the UK not really helping. Train strikes make it harder to get away somewhere, after 2+ years of having to lockdown because govt are incompetent. Sigh. Anyways.

Also, trying to write this story of mine. Which would be fine except I can't work out how to start the prologue. It has 7 chapters so far, but the next one will link to the I need to write it. And I can't...><

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: StarryEmerald24 on January 06, 2023, 10:51:32 AM
I hate January, I always find it a hard month to slog through. It's dark and cold and all the pretty lights are taken down. Current state of the UK not really helping. Train strikes make it harder to get away somewhere, after 2+ years of having to lockdown because govt are incompetent. Sigh. Anyways.

Also, trying to write this story of mine. Which would be fine except I can't work out how to start the prologue. It has 7 chapters so far, but the next one will link to the I need to write it. And I can't...><

I like January, it's my birthday month. But I'm probably weird for liking winter in general.

Maybe you'll have an epiphany for the story. Sometimes it takes me a little while of churning some ideas before it comes into place.

My complaint is my mom. Most of the time she has next to nothing to do with me but when she does talk to me it is generally negative. She's not like outright abusive, but I think she goes further than the average mother to be downright passive aggressive and disdainful toward me for no reason. Like I don't do anything out of the ordinary that stereotypically gives parents grief, or anything dramatic. But when she's in a bad mood she knows she can pick on me because two of the other people in the house will argue back to her and the only other one is her favorite. I'm the only one she can readily make cry and belittle. I always wanted to be a great child, so I only started arguing back to her as an adult, but then she started saying I was "scary." I'm physically weak and have a naturally quiet voice; there is no earthly reason for her to say that.

Her complaints against me, generally? I don't doll up more, that I have any interests outside of getting a paycheck, and that I have actual human emotions. That's it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on January 06, 2023, 04:39:57 PM
BC, Oh that sounds really bad!  :( I hope you can see a doctor soon and find out what's wrong! :heart:

Oh dear Aster, trouble with hairballs?  :huh:

I didn't get a chance to tell the doctor today about my implant ache. I'll have to make an appointment with my PCP and I guess if it continues or gets worse, go to the ER.

It was a lot of food she hacked up so I think she overate and it upset her stomach. She's vomited three times since I've had her and it's always been food, so I don't think she has a bad hairball. Usually when it's that, they puke mucus and saliva. I did give her some hairball treatment though just as regular maintenance.


So about that doctor visit... my appointment was at 10:30, I got there at 9:30. I didn't see the doctor until 1:30. I just home a little while ago. I have a killer headache and I'm starving (food is on its way and I took some medicine for my head). It was the disability doctor. He spent like 5 minutes with me after I waited so long :mad: And of course he doesn't tell me anything. It's all a big secret. So now I get to wait some more as they use his evaluation to determine my case.

Also, while I was waiting I stepped outside for a few minutes just to walk around a little and get out of the tiny waiting room. This dude followed me and tried to talk to me. I was like, dude no. Go away. I had to go back inside to keep him from bothering me.

A shockingly outrageous long waiting time! :whoa: Is it always like that in America? Then I would understand such a long waiting time if it was a visit to the emergency room where there is no appointment. But when the appointment is already booked, that's completely incomprehensible! >_<
I hope your headache has eased at least a little! :heart:

Our Ozzy is also such a glutton for food that it doesn't take long for him to throw up everything he eats on the floor.  :facepalm:
We have to watch often that he doesn't get to eat Hector's food as well…but that's not always possible.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on January 06, 2023, 06:53:14 PM
My sister's old dog used to eat herself sick as a puppy.  She would eat a bunch of dry food and then drink a bunch of water and the water would make the food expand so much in her tummy it would make her vomit.  The vet suggested putting her dry food in water so it would expand before it reached her stomach.  It really helped.  I don't know if there's anything like that you guys can try with your pets.

My first complaint for today is work related.  We started using a new ILS (Integrated Library System) this week and we're finding a lot of things that are giving us trouble.  I think it's mostly because we expect it to work the same as the last system we had but it doesn't.  There are some things that definitely don't work the way we'd hoped but we'll work out those problems eventually, I think.  Unfortunately everyone is in panic mode because "this isn't working" or "that doesn't work" so there's a lot of stress happening.  I ran into it this morning when I was asked to do something and then found out after I was done that I wasn't given 2 of the steps needed to complete the task, so I had to do extra work to undo what I'd done and then redo the whole process.  It was a mess.

My second complaint was that I had to do all of this on about 3 hours of sleep because my brother's girlfriend made so much noise last night that I didn't fall asleep until after 3 and I have to get up at 6:30.  She was talking on the phone and watching TV and when she went into the bathroom she turned on the fan for some reason.  And it wasn't like she hurried in there.  I wonder what it's like to stay home all day and sleep and eat and not have to do anything.  I don't understand why the rule for us has always been that we have to be working or going to school in order to live at home but my brother's girlfriend gets to live here for free without doing either and she doesn't even help out with things like cleaning or cooking.  Half the time when I get home from work she's asleep on the couch because apparently her day of eating and smoking was so exhausting that she has to take a nap at 6 PM in order to stay up the rest of the night.  I can't even get her to put on a new roll of toilet paper.  I think tomorrow I may have to vacuum at 7 am or possibly earlier if my parents are up, since my purpose is not to bother my parents but to show her what it's like to not be allowed to sleep when you're already exhausted.  Maybe if she was actually expected to function during the day she could get a job like a real she keeps claiming she going to. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 07, 2023, 07:20:13 AM
HoM, it is usually like that for the type of insurance I have. If you can pay for a good insurance company then you can get a doctor who isn't overbooked and will see you on time. But for me and millions of others, we have to wait. The doctors are so booked up that if they spend any time with you, appointments get pushed back. My PCP has a waiting time of about 3 hours, but she's one of the only doctors in the area that take my insurance, which is state issued for low income people. It can vary by state too. Florida does not have a good healthcare system.


My complaint, I had the hiccups for a half hour this morning. They make me tired and sometimes they hurt.

My head still hurts too.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on January 07, 2023, 05:18:06 PM
BC, It's really sad when the health care situation there is like that. :( Even today, there is still a big gap between those with high incomes and those with low incomes, and that is wrong.  -_-
Go away, go away, nasty headache! Leave my friend alone!  :enraged:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 08, 2023, 05:47:38 AM
Thanks :hug:

My head was hurting really bad in the night, but I think I was just sleeping funny or had my head/neck at a weird angle. When I woke up proper (or when Aster woke me up, I should say) it was gone. There is a slight pain in my temple behind my ear, but I think that's from my neck ache.

Something strange happened at about 3am. I woke up to a very loud banging ring. The sound was about every 2 minutes. It sounded very close but also far away and it echoed. It went on for about a half hour then stopped. It could have been one of those huge trucks picking up debris, but why would they do it at 3am? Roadwork goes on at night here in the summer but it's been cold, so that's not it. It was weird.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 08, 2023, 02:09:26 PM
i talked to my parents today and they frustrated me a bit. maybe i'm just in a mood. first they're bugging me to get my will done. which fine, i've been thinking about that anyway. but now they're going to bug me constantly. so great. my husband and i have some other stuff we want to take care of first. also i would like to find my own attorney. i don't necessarily want to go to the same one they're using.

also my parents are on a waiting list to get a generator installed. they're using the same company we used for our solar. so of course since it's a company we found he keeps complaining that it's taking a long time. and today he was upset that the HOA sent over some documents for him to look at. he thought when the company said they would work with the HOA it meant that he didn't have to do anything. i told him i had to review and sign documents and pay the processing fee. also it may depend on the HOA. he said that he hadn't really looked at the email yet. so i guess he just assumes the company we recommended is not doing what they said they would. because of course nothing we recommend could be good. the other companies he tried to contact didn't even bother to return calls. he just likes to be contrarian and hate anything someone else recommends. sometimes it's really annoying.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on January 08, 2023, 08:19:03 PM
And now my brother is fighting with his girlfriend and he's told my parents that he wants her gone since he thinks she's out with another guy instead of the girl she told him she was out with.  Seriously, I don't need reality TV at my house.  I have all the drama I can stand.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on January 09, 2023, 01:21:36 AM
On the new ILS, I remember that experience when I was at the library, and the wonderful getarounds we had to figure out whenever there was a 'pink screen' (complete system freeze out) which was...daily...

My trivial complaint is people who think they can comment on how a disabled person should/is managing something based on their own (unrelated) experience. It's so patronising to be told by a complete stranger how to handle a situation. This was a discussion related to making changes in a game online, involving one of the means of making currency.

In summary, their argument was, "I don't think we need changes cos I don't want them, but if its hard then I think you should just not access that part of the site or do something else. Yes, it's a lucrative game option and I personally rely on it but you just shouldn't do it if it's difficult. I've had mental health issues in the past (utterly unrelated to the issues being raised which were about an accessible website format) and that's what I do. And it's all about personal responsibility anyway."

They think this is helpful. It's not helpful. It's patronising and rude.

It's one thing to use your personal experiences to explain why you do/don't want changes to happen, it's another to tell someone else how to play/to just put up and shut up because you think you know everything and actually don't.

One person on the thread actually pointed this out to them and made the parallel comparison of "do you give a visually impaired person a guide dog or do you not give them any help and tell them never to go out?" And that same person came back with the same argument they made before.

One more trivial complaint. I'm trying to tighten up a story I wrote and fix the beginning. But I have a timeline issue if I change things around the way I had intended.

And today apparently we're moving stuff because mother wants to have the dining room redecorated. That's her business, but several plants live in the dining room, including my dragon tree and two of the overwintering plants. Mum wants to leave them in the dining room while we're moving stuff around because she wants them in the sitting room as little time as possible. Dad and I both agree they're likely to get damaged if left where they are, so I hopefully have persuaded her that the plants move first, but I won't guarantee it because she was still talking about moving the stuff before the plants after dinner last night despite our conversation. She was trying to act like she cared about the wellbeing of the plants (they won't get so much sun there!) but really she just doesn't want them in her front room. There isn't anywhere else for them to go, and she's the one obsessing about redecorating :/ The plants are living things, her books aren't. It's a nobrainer which should come first.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 09, 2023, 04:59:28 AM
Since my dad has been in the hospital he hasn't been able to write a check for me. My rent is due tomorrow. My mom said I can use her card to pay it online. As far as I know that's an option, they charge a fee because of course they do. When the office opens I'm going to call and get the info to pay it online. The other option is to take Uber to the house, write the checks myself and put them in the bank. That would cost about 30 bucks without tip, which I don't have, so I'd have to use my mom's card there too.

I'm feeling very anxious.

edit: That's done. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be :P The lady in the office that I didn't like retired this year and the new person is nice. This was my second time dealing with her.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on January 09, 2023, 08:08:28 AM
We have zero snow and are behind on snowfall we need it as much as people hate it how do you think we keep the water tables stable. rain will just run off after a certain point, snow will soak in and it is good for spring planting to have prior snow pack.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on January 09, 2023, 10:15:49 AM
Recycling old electronics is a pain in the backside where I am; the local dump will not allow you to walk in on foot and I don't drive, and I feel stupid taking it to an electronics store to be recycled! Same with Brita filters!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 09, 2023, 11:34:57 AM
Took a nap, woke up with a headache, neckache and backache -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: madds on January 10, 2023, 04:25:58 PM
After years of putting in effort sustaining a friendship, even when said friend was rather unkind, they have once again become distant and cold towards me. I may have to end things once and for all  :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 11, 2023, 02:32:09 AM
On a news programme, there was this interview with a young couple where the girl was terminally ill with cancer, and when they found out she was not gonna make it, the boyfriend proposed and they got married within a month which I thought was so brave and sweet. My husband watched this, turned to me and said: "good for him, now he's getting all her money when she dies". My very warm, loving, friendly, goodhearted husband turned to one of the biggest a******s I've ever encountered and I just stared at him. Didn't know what to say to this inconsiderate b******t. I'm so mad!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on January 11, 2023, 11:00:28 AM
On a news programme, there was this interview with a young couple where the girl was terminally ill with cancer, and when they found out she was not gonna make it, the boyfriend proposed and they got married within a month which I thought was so brave and sweet. My husband watched this, turned to me and said: "good for him, now he's getting all her money when she dies". My very warm, loving, friendly, goodhearted husband turned to one of the biggest a******s I've ever encountered and I just stared at him. Didn't know what to say to this inconsiderate b******t. I'm so mad!

Just point out he'll also be responsible for all her debt and medical bills so there probably won't be much left after that.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 11, 2023, 12:35:57 PM
I set a fire in my kitchen :shocked:

It was a tiny fire, but a fire nonetheless. I was making some Minute rice on the stove, so you know you bring the water to a boil then mix in the rice and take it off the heat to sit for five minutes. I had a pot holder on the counter to set the pot on. I guess I must've pulled it or moved it by accident when I set the pot down because it was too close to the burner. I have an electric stove and they don't stop being hot when you turn it off. It was close enough to start burning the pot holder.

I'm sitting at my desk and smell something burning and I look over and there was a flame!

I used the pot lid to put it out.

I'm always so careful around the stove. I'm really tired today and in a lot of pain, so I'm blaming it on that.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 11, 2023, 03:30:29 PM
I've been sick with my asthma for a few days.  :(  The weather changed and it's become extremely windy.  I feel like I can barely breathe.

Not trivial but I'm not ready to start a WYP post about it yet.  It looks like I'm going to have to have a medical procedure done in the summer.  I'm not looking forward to it.  It's not life threatening but it's something that would make life better for me.

Black Curtains, I'm glad you were able to put the fire out quickly and you and your home are safe. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 12, 2023, 08:27:38 AM
On a news programme, there was this interview with a young couple where the girl was terminally ill with cancer, and when they found out she was not gonna make it, the boyfriend proposed and they got married within a month which I thought was so brave and sweet. My husband watched this, turned to me and said: "good for him, now he's getting all her money when she dies". My very warm, loving, friendly, goodhearted husband turned to one of the biggest a******s I've ever encountered and I just stared at him. Didn't know what to say to this inconsiderate b******t. I'm so mad!

Just point out he'll also be responsible for all her debt and medical bills so there probably won't be much left after that.

No, point. Medical bills are not a thing here in Sweden as it's all payed by taxes ^.^. At most she has had to spend 80 dollars combined a year, in administrative fees, before that as well became free, and a highly reduced cost for prescription meds.

Holy Moly BlackCurtains, scary moment!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on January 12, 2023, 10:40:42 AM
Meds are free in Scotland, even before free prescriptions if you had a lifelong condition that would be free, i.e. my medication for my thyroid was covered but if I needed penicillin for a chest infection I'd need to pay. Now it's all free. Dentists can be covered by NHS if you're on benefits, I pay for mine as I work full time but my wisdom teeth that required me to go under didn't cost anything. Eye tests are free, you can get help towards basic glasses, you can pay for enhanced eye tests if you want. When my friend's father passed away, I was shocked at the medical bills she needed to pay for him, as in Scotland we don't have anything like that.

My complaint is I chose to have an important delivery on a Saturday when I'd be home ... and they delivered yesterday instead  :mad: Thankfully my neighbour is trustworthy!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 12, 2023, 12:11:55 PM
When my dad was in the hospital for 20 days, he got two bills for a total of almost 400,000 dollars. He "only" had to pay 600 of it, which is still too high for someone like me. My dad was a Teamster back in the day so he gets a really great pension. Now that my mom is in Assisted Living she can see any doctor for free but there's a waiting list unless it's serious. She's on the waiting list to get an eye exam and new glasses. The glasses she has she paid $300 for a few years ago. Bifocals aren't covered by insurance, that's considered a "specialty".


My complaints... head still hurts, neck is killing me, back and legs are bad. I seriously feel like I'm going to end up in a wheelchair :(

I wanted to visit my mom today, I was going to surprise her. I don't have any money in my account (well $13) so I added her debit card to my Uber account but it was denied. So then I tried to add it to Paypal and it was again denied. Turns out the fraud department of the bank flagged those. Her card is now frozen. This is no good. She called the bank and explained what happened and told them it was okay for me to use the card. In order to unfreeze it though she had to contact the fraud department herself... they never answered the phone. She tried three times this morning staying on the line for like 15 minutes each time. She's going to try again tomorrow morning.

Speaking of not answering the phone! I called the pharmacy to get one of my meds refilled. For this medicine I have to call and speak to someone because I can't refill it myself since it's a controlled substance. So I waited on the line for a bit, then someone picked up the phone and redirected me back to the menu. Gee, thanks. Meanwhile, I am out of this very important medicine, like every month. I'm surprised my brain isn't more scrambled.

Aster has been very whiney the last few days. I think she's bored? I play with her and she likes to play but not for very long. She likes to run back and forth down the hallway and have me surprise her around the corner, but I can't stand for long. We are meeting in the middle which has worked so far but maybe she wants something different. I thought about getting a new laser pointer and rewarding her with treats when she catches it because I know it can frustrate cats if they don't get a reward for "hunting" the red dot. But now with my mom's card frozen I have no way to pay for one. My dad, for some reason, is waiting for my niece to come back from Wisconsin to put his money in my bank... and she's gone for 4 more days still, plus I don't think she's going to want to run around when she gets home.

Anyway, I don't think Aster is sick or anything, she's eating and drinking and using the litter box normally. She sticks to her routine for the most part but she spends more time meowing at me.

edit: OMG what is wrong with people on the phone lately?! My dad is having problems with his phone, so he had me call and order something for him. Everything was fine until the guy said he'd give me a confirmation number, I said okay, and waited. And waited. And waited! He hung up on me! What is going on?!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 12, 2023, 04:09:42 PM
Black Curtains, I'm sorry that your and your family is having to deal with all of that.  :hug:

I had a horrible asthma attack today. :(  It was so bad that I got some Vick's cough syrup and used it just so my coughing would stop.  It stopped but I'm still coughing some.  I should have known that one was coming on because my cheeks were really red and it's felt hard to get air in to my lungs today.  I had to get a shot today and my oxygen level at the clinic was 99%. I feel horrible, like I'm not getting any air.

My dad thinks ordering online is better than going in to the store.   My mom wanted some over the counter stuff from CVS and we dropped by the nearest store to get it.  My mom said she wanted to go to another store but my dad said he didn't want to and would just order it online.

He says he was ordering for the store to take the medicine off the shelves and have it delivered to the house.  Of course he got angry when he thought that they hadn't delivered it.  My mom asked for an order number and my dad pulled up the credit card statement online and it showed "pending."  I tried to explain what that meant, but my mom didn't understand.  Today we went to the store and he asked them why it said pending and why he hadn't gotten the medicine.  The store was very nice but told him that he ordered online for in store pickup, meaning that the CVS online site will ship it to that store instead of shipping it to the house.

We just tried to order Subway online and couldn't get the payment method to work.  I wish he would just go in to the store sometimes.  I don't have anything against ordering online especially when you can't get it locally, but he could save himself a lot of frustration if he would just do things the easy way sometimes.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on January 12, 2023, 06:49:24 PM
BC, Oh no!  :huh: You and your family have really annoying problems with the phones or actually with the customer services.  :( And it wasn't even Friday the 13th (unlucky day)!
I hope that you and your mother will get in touch with the bank soon and get the credit card working again! :heart:

Maybe Aster would like another cat to be her friend..?  :wonder: Or she just wants even more attention from you, even though she certainly gets a lot of it from you. Has Aster been sterilized? Another one of our cats, Hector, has now started meowing a lot with a horrible sound even though he is neutered. :nuts: It even jumps on the walls sometimes! Fortunately, Ozzy sometimes goes to stop that madness by starting to chase it around the house. :lol:
I can't stand it when the wallpapers get ruined from the climbing and bouncing of that crazy cat!  :angry:

I hope the ache and pain will ease soon!  :( :hug:

Ponyfan, hope you're feeling better too! :hug: Asthma is a really miserable disease!  :( I don't have it, but I know people who have.

My complaint...  :( My uncle is in the hospital again. Have been since Sunday.
My mother had tried to call him earlier and also left several messages. He hadn't answered the phone calls at all, and hadn't read the messages. I told my mother on Wednesday evening that something bad has definitely happened to my uncle and he is probably in the hospital. On Thursday evening, my uncle finally called my mother from the hospital. His son was worried about his father as well, when nothing was heard about this. On Sunday, he and his wife had gone to my uncle's apartment to check the situation. They had found uncle lying unconscious in his bed! :shocked: He has no memories of when he became unconscious and what he had been doing. Now, on Friday morning, the doctors will start examining him.
He has very bad COPD and, as I recall, coronary artery disease. He has previously had heart surgery, he has had blockages in his blood vessels, he has fallen often and had to be hospitalized because of them. He also has some rheumatic disease.. My mother doesn't think her brother will live long.  :( He turns 75 this year. I have no contact with my uncle at all, but my mother and brother do. For them, his death will be really hard... Then when that time comes.  :(

My other complaint is that my spouse has "lost" his big brother to religion. :( (We're not religious. We're atheists.) They will no longer have anything to do with each other and that is surely the final decision now. Big brother apparently cut off contact with their mother as well. He hasn't visited his mother in 6 years. We haven't seen him in probably almost 10 years. Only short messages by phone or email. Now they also ended. My husband asked him in a message why he doesn't visit his mother, why he does this, if he has become a believer and if he doesn't want to have anything to do with us anymore. The only response was a thumbs up emoji.  :| :blink:

I could write more about this, but now I don't want to and now just a short complaint about this point. Sorry for any typos! I'm really tired and should be sleeping already.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 12, 2023, 07:24:21 PM
I don't think anyone's complaints are trivial!  Someone's bit of straw may be someone else's redwood tree. 

*pony hugs to all*

Everyone in our house awoke this morning around 6 am to the sound of the ambulance pulling up at our house for one of the downstairs tenants. Since the paramedics didn't break down the door, the guy must have managed to crawl up the staircase and wait outside on the front sidewalk!  I really don't know ... we were wearing blankets and standing in our kitchen trying to figure out why the house was full of noise and light.  He's still in the hospital or something.  I don't know but it was not a great start to the day for anyone! 

Our hamster has become a bit of a wild creature lately - she keeps trying to escape!  She gnawed straight through the side of an enclosure and we had to find a plastic bin to keep her in while we repaired the habitat.  And she has bitten us several times...  I am nervous to try and play with her because of this, plus if I do take her out of her cage and socialize with her...  I don't know if she would bolt and escape somewhere crazy and get eaten by the cat! 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 12, 2023, 10:43:02 PM
Squirmy, put her in the bathtub. You can socialize with her and she can't get away. Has she always been a biter or is this recent? If it's only been recent, she might be sick. Hamsters get aggressive when they don't feel well. Does she have a wheel? Hamsters travel for miles in the wild and need a wheel to redirect that energy. Make sure she's warm enough and gets enough light so she doesn't go into hibernation mode, that makes them grumpy too. For the chewing, you can get her a chinchilla rock (pumice stone).

Ponyfan, I'm sorry you had a bad attack :hug:

HoM, all of that is bad news :( I'm sorry you're having to go through those things :hug: Yes, Aster is sterilized. I spent more time with her last night and she suckled her foot and then fell asleep while I pet her. I thought maybe she needed a cat friend too, but that won't be a problem once Puddin' gets her shots. I think they'll get along.

edit, later: I'm in so much pain today :( I think all my issues are made worse by the weather. It downpoured earlier and now the temp is dropping. While I like the cooler weather, my joints and bones sure don't :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on January 13, 2023, 06:19:43 PM
On Friday, we heard more news about my uncle's health.
My mother called her brother's son and we heard from him how everything went.

On the night between Sunday and Monday, uncle called his son that he was feeling bad and it was hard to breathe. He asked his son to come to him, but he was working at night at the same time so he couldn't go. The boy told his father to call an ambulance. The ambulance came and they first examined uncle in his apartment until they left to take him to the hospital.
On Friday, it turned out that he has influenza! :blink: Even though he was vaccinated before Christmas! You can't always trust those vaccines, apparently. :huh:
My mother then called him at the hospital the same day and the call lasted only 5 minutes because he was very tired. They usually talk easily for more than an hour.
So his son didn't even find him unconscious in his bed, the ambulance men did. Influenza also causes confusion in the elderly, that's why my uncle spoke wrong information and doesn't remember anything about what happened.  :huh:
He will now receive supplemental oxygen for the weekend. Probably also medicine, of course. Hope all goes well.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 14, 2023, 09:24:40 AM
Snuggles to you & your family HOM!!!  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 14, 2023, 10:16:34 AM
Oh, the flu is not good :( I hope your uncle recovers!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 15, 2023, 10:25:40 AM
Not at all trivial but I don't feel like writing a WYP post.

My social security case was denied.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 15, 2023, 11:03:16 PM
Not at all trivial but I don't feel like writing a WYP post.

My social security case was denied.
:sad: :sad: :sad: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :enraged: :enraged: :enraged: :enraged: :enraged: :enraged: :enraged: :enraged: :enraged: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: :yikes:
Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BC get on that asap!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 16, 2023, 10:12:11 AM
I'm so sorry that happened to you, BC. :hug:  I'll write a longer response in the other thread.

All of the stress of the last few weeks has gotten to me today. I'm almost in tears right now, but I'm pretty sure what happened was the last straw and the catalyst for the tears. :wail:  It's such a trivial thing too.

Saturday night one of the games on my tablet quit working.  Since the game data is stored in a cloud sometimes you can delete the game, redownload it, log back in to your account and all of your game data is still there. I spent 3 hours yesterday trying to redownload it and never could get it to work. I know it's just a game, but I've spent a lot of time on it and it's not something that I want to restart from the beginning.  I'm trying to download it again today.

Yesterday my dad pulled in to a parking lot and stopped short because another car was backing up right in front of us.  Instead of parking where he usually does, he picked another spot to park in.  He parked a little too close to another car and when my mom opened her door, it touched the car next to us.  My mom immediately apologized to the people in the car and I thought it was forgotten.  Later my dad said that the man in the car said something about "tell your wife not to park so close" or something like that.  As many of you know, that is not the type of thing to say to my dad.  He went out and took pictures of the 2 cars (there was no damage) and wrote up a homemade incident report on his computer.

My mom wanted to watch Disney + earlier.  That was okay for the most part, but I had already told her we might not be able to get on because of the holiday today in the US.  I tried and got error 82 even though I entered my email correctly. :(  I tried again using the same code on the TV and it still didn't work.  I will try another day though. 

I wouldn't usually cry over something like that so it has to be the stress.

That's another thing.  My mom was generous enough to pay for Disney + because I told her I didn't feel like I could take on another streaming service.  I really appreciate her doing that, but it seems like we always end up watching what my parents want on Disney + and not necessarily what I want to watch. My mom did say I can watch it whenever I want, but right after we got it she said it was annoying that she was paying for it and we never watched it.  We had some real life stuff going on at the time so trying to log on to Disney + was the least of our worries right then. She did apologize later and say she didn't mean that and was sorry she said that.  I still remember it though when I want to get on Disney + and watch something I want.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on January 16, 2023, 10:21:55 AM
Saturday night one of the games on my tablet quit working.  Since the game data is stored in a cloud sometimes you can delete the game, redownload it, log back in to your account and all of your game data is still there. I spent 3 hours yesterday trying to redownload it and never could get it to work. I know it's just a game, but I've spent a lot of time on it and it's not something that I want to restart from the beginning.  I'm trying to download it again today.

Is it possible that your tablet is old enough that the game is no longer supported on it?  That happened with my Kindle Fire a while back.  I had games that got deleted and when I tried to redownload them from the cloud, it wouldn't because they'd moved on to an upgraded version and my Kindle wasn't the upgraded one.

My trivial complaint is weather related headaches.  This is part of why I hate the snow.  I always end up with headaches whenever it snows.  It doesn't do it when it rains, just with the snow.   :cold:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 16, 2023, 11:56:58 AM
I'm sorry you're under so much stress, Ponyfan :( :hug:

For the last hour or so, a big team of different landscaping vehicles and equipment have been making so much noise off the main road. Whatever they are doing right now is literally shaking the building. Sounds like a jackhammer? But it must be a giant one and not handheld. They also keep backing up the equipment so it's been BEEP BEEP BEEP for an hour. The building shaking is really freaking me out though.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 17, 2023, 12:02:52 PM
i'm having a hard time focusing on work today.

also some fighter jets were circling and flying over the house every 10 minutes or so this morning. i think it's for the governor inauguration today. when I was outside with Luna they were pretty loud and she was scared :( it's a little unsettling to see military activity and not know what's going on. but we do have a few bases not too far away so it's not all that unusual.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 17, 2023, 01:30:32 PM
Same here. I'm out of my ADHD medicine and am bouncing from project to project and in the midst getting nothing accomplished.

My sleep schedule is all messed up. I go to bed and get up early. I'm in bed by 6 and wake up at 7. I've always needed more sleep but I think I'm sleeping too much. I've been trying to stay up until 11 but it's really hard.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on January 17, 2023, 02:34:41 PM
I over-melted a perler bead design.  Whoops.  Now I have a flat Navi from Zelda...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 17, 2023, 04:38:49 PM
i worry that the infection i have on my leg is going to be something terrible and serious ... i emailed our clinic but in the meantime, every twinge or wiggle or anything makes me all paranoid of all the worst options.  i have been trying to cover it and keep it clean after, when I scratched it in my sleep or fell over a cat basket or something... anyway it finally has really started to bug me and it's not getting better so I need them to help with ... something.   yay paranoia!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 17, 2023, 05:34:19 PM
^ I know this is going to sound weird, but try putting Vick's Vaporub on it. I have HS (a horrible skin disease) and I'm always breaking out in wounds. One of the tricks in the community of HS sufferers is Vick's. I put it right on my open wounds at night. The next day they are always better.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on January 17, 2023, 06:46:20 PM
My uncle is still in the hospital, isolated in his own single room. Fortunately, he enjoys being alone and has a television there.  :ohyeah:
He called my mom on Tuesday. He is still on supplemental oxygen. There is still no information about getting home. His son goes there almost every day to see him (In protective clothing and face masks, of course).
Having smoked cigarettes all his life, the uncle really misses a cigarette, but now he can't get a cigarette at all. In my opinion, better so...  :rolleyes:
Uncle hopes and asked on the phone that my mother and my brother would go see him in the hospital one day soon because it might be the last chance they meet.  :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 18, 2023, 07:26:13 AM
HoM :hug: :hug: i'm sorry about your uncle.

I'm having one of those days where i'm just in a bad mood and everything is annoying. all of the planning and reporting stuff at work is annoying. we do so much planning yet no one ever knows what's going on. it's just planning for planning's sake. and we can't do the work we want to because reasons. sometimes i understand it but sometimes we can't plan work even though we have the time because another team we depend on is stretched too thin. we could at least do our side of the work. i hate all of the "this is going to make the reporting look bad" so we can't fix this issue and make our customer experience better nonsense. please just let us make things better.

also some people are so anxious lately. it's making everyone else anxious. whatever the economy is going is pretty out of our control and making everyone on edge doesn't help anything.

i think i need to start another side project. i need to work alone on something.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 18, 2023, 12:09:02 PM
HoM, I'm so sorry :( :hug:

The neighbor is outside smoking weed and it's wafting into my apartment. Ugh, take your skunk herb elsewhere!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 18, 2023, 01:58:41 PM
HOM hugs xxx  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Something was missing from one of my packages & I've messaged about it. If I don't get a reply soon I'll have to use official channels... I prefer to message the person as who knows what's happening in their lives right??? But please, if you sell stuff, at least check your emails every weekday & reply to buyers.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 19, 2023, 03:59:37 AM
I found out yesterday that I might be out of a job by the end of January.

EDIT! And why does every place hiring want you to make a video presentation and/or a video interview to answer prerecorded questions in the application? Like, It's my day off, I'm sitting here in my PJs! Why do I have to get fancy dressed and dolled up just for an application? :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 19, 2023, 10:07:29 AM
That really sucks, Beldarna :( And yes, I agree with the video interviews. I take surveys to earn extra money and sometimes at the very end they want you to record a short video. So annoying!

My tooth is killing me, it's making my ear hurt even. This is the same one I wanted to have fixed but my mom said to have it pulled out instead and she was paying, so... I gave her check back because I don't want it pulled unless the dentist says it should be :huh:

Also the trucks are back so the BEEPs have returned. They're also dropping some super heavy sounding metal... pipes? Don't know, I can't see. But I sure can HEAR IT.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on January 19, 2023, 12:22:08 PM
We have a new system at work which means we had to figure out how to print item labels on ancient label printers.  The printers are about 20 years old, so the new software doesn't always communicate nicely with them.  Our IT person figured out a way to get things to print that takes about 47 steps.  I think I'll copy and paste the information from the PDF into a Corel template I made.  It's faster.  Which is sad.  Oh, and if we weren't too cheap to pay for an adobe license, we could just manipulate the information and print from the PDF file.  So...yeah.  Extra work is cheaper, right?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 19, 2023, 04:59:42 PM
my doctor gave me some deliciously strong antibiotics that I have to take 4x a day!!!
well, i don't think deliciously is the right word but I have clearly taken them, because I can't think of the right word!  ha.  ;)  at least they didn't want to call an ambulance for me like they did for one of the other patients :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 19, 2023, 11:35:01 PM
When people can't knock loudly & my doorbell battery (the small one, not the ones for the receiver) runs out, I will miss packages despite being home... I heard the van slamming doors & departing but no knocking at all...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 20, 2023, 05:06:41 AM
^ I hate that. Delivery people rarely ring my doorbell.

On top of all my bodily complaints, now I'm having trouble with my other foot. My bad foot is the right one. The left hurts a lot today. I think it's from the way I sit at my craft desk. My bait bin is under the left side, so I can put my leg up on it. If I want both feet on the ground I have to scoot over a bit and I get in an awkward position. I could move it. I like it there because it's so accessible. Plus, I put my clay bin and wire/jute/chains/ribbon bin on top of it and I'm in and out of those all the time. I could rearrange my bookshelf to keep those there... sigh, I don't know. I wish a had a proper room for my arts and crafts.

Back to my foot. It's swollen today, red, and the hard parts on the bottom (heel and the upper part... ball?) are super sore. It's hard to walk with that, my other foot and my back and legs being in pain all the time.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 20, 2023, 11:44:41 AM
overseas shipping prices are frustrating. i see ponies i want but the shipping costs are more than the item. if it's a few harder to find items it can justify the costs but not for common ponies. even if they are is great condition.

Tip: when massive layoffs are happening in your field. maybe stay off social media for a few days.  :cry:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on January 21, 2023, 05:33:05 PM
For some reason, I'm noticing more and more true crime books have covers that look like crime fiction. I don't like crime fiction, I'm a true crime fanatic and it can be very deceiving to pass a book that looks like any other 'this-girl-got-murdered-'orribly' tale only to find out it's actually a true crime book! Don't hide these books, I love them and hate seeing the same fiction over and over and over again!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 21, 2023, 06:57:46 PM
I walked in to a store today and had to walk back out because the store smelled strongly of something like cigarette or cigar smoke.  Cigarette smoke is one of triggers and I usually start coughing the moment I smell it.  There's a no smoking in public places ordinance where I live, but the smell was so strong that I wouldn't be surprised if

I wanted some books at the store.  The first store I looked at had them, but the spines had tears at the top.  The 2nd store was supposed to have the books in stock, but when I looked there I couldn't find them, I checked the store app after I got home and according to it, the books I was looking for were in a separate aisle, and not the one with the other books in the series. :(  I can get them somewhere else, but this store had a better price than I would pay elsewhere.

Also, my internet has gone out 5 times today.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 21, 2023, 10:36:36 PM
Update, they redelivered the package, & it's back to the treasure hunt method. Neighbour's shed, but at least I could get it xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 22, 2023, 09:31:16 AM
Well I got to keep my job. Apparently, crying infront of your boss is a good thing.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 22, 2023, 11:59:07 AM
Oh, I'm sorry you were made to cry :( but yay at keeping the job :)

My legs are really bothering me. I think I posted about this already? *looks up* Sort of, yeah. It started with my foot but it's the whole leg now plus my hip. It's very hard to walk. My back and neck and wrist/thumb still hurt too (always). I read an article that said you can recover from the damage your body gets from sitting a long time by getting up and taking a brief walk. I already knew this, and I do that, but I lose track of time and should be getting up every hour. I need to set a timer to remind myself.

Also, trivial but an emergency at the same time - I need chocolate! :choc:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 22, 2023, 12:06:38 PM
Well I got to keep my job. Apparently, crying infront of your boss is a good thing.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 23, 2023, 05:18:13 AM
Well I got to keep my job. Apparently, crying infront of your boss is a good thing.

not happy you had to cry but happy you get to keep your job :hug: :hug:

BC, the same thing happens to me. especially when i'm on the computer for a long time. sometimes when i stand up it hurts. i'm trying to get better about walking around more during the day. i have a standing desk but it's hard to type while standing. i can't get a lot of productive work done while standing.

the weekend went by too fast. i'm already tired.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 23, 2023, 06:45:09 AM
Two work assignments I had got cancelled.  I picked up another one and that was cancelled too.  To be fair the on the last one the person emailed me and explained why it was cancelled and the supervisor called me to make sure I knew, but it still stings a little.

One of my Yona of the Dawn DVDs has a crack in it.  It still plays perfectly though since the crack is on the plastic part and not on the playback surface.  I haven't had that set out for a while so I'm not sure if the crack was there last time I used them or not.  I'm always really careful with my movies.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 23, 2023, 11:45:52 AM
I'm so sick :sick:

It's getting worse as the day goes on.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on January 23, 2023, 03:38:58 PM
BC, Oh no!  :sad: I hope you will feel better soon! :hug:

I'm just still really tired.  -_-

My uncle is still in the hospital. He has pneumonia. My mother and brother went to see him on Sunday. He was very frail looking, pale as a ghost. He is still on supplemental oxygen. He may never make it back home.  :(
He was really happy when they visited him and brought him chocolates and buns. They promised to go see him again soon. Fortunately, my uncle's son also visits him almost every day.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 23, 2023, 04:31:04 PM
Thank you. I'm feeling better after a long nap, so I think the worst is over.

I'm so sorry your uncle isn't doing well still :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 23, 2023, 05:40:10 PM
the meds make me feel like I am Alice in Wonderland... it's not pleasant... but my leg is healing!  well, My husband insisted that I put gauze over it and not poke at it, but hopefully it's healing.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 24, 2023, 03:05:46 AM
Aaaww, thanks guys :hug:. I'm just an emotional wreck right now. It's the anniversary for the start of the s****y year of 2022, plus I stopped taking all my meds cold turkey the week before christmas with my body trying to readjust with all the chemicals removed, plus me dealing with the reason I took the medicines to begin with and then on top of that I got called into the meeting with my boss and when she told me I might be out of a job I couldn't help myself. Not the proudest moment of my life.

I have a vet appointment today as well. Probably for the same reason we had one last year. I'm not looking forward to hear if this cat has FORL.

Also: This used to be my bridal bouquet. The cats are cheap today.

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Heart of Midnight I am sorry to hear about your Uncle :hug:

Black Curtains Legs and sickness? I hope it gets over quickly.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 24, 2023, 05:54:02 AM
oh no!  naughty cats! 
I have all of my special flower petals in a pretty box instead of trying to preserve the bouquet.  or you can put them in different little jars and use those as a display instead! 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 24, 2023, 07:09:09 AM
Beldarna, that's a lot you're dealing with :( Going off your meds must be really difficult. If I'm out of one of mine for more than two days I get horrible withdrawal symptoms. I'm so sorry your cats knocked over your bouquet :hug: It looks salvageable though, so that's good.

I'm still sick. I thought maybe it had cleared up this morning because I felt better but no. Whatever it is is sticking around. This really sucks for multiple reasons. One of which is taking an Uber and running some important errands. I'm angry at my niece right now, so I'm not asking her for a ride. I don't know when that will get done though. Maybe tomorrow.

It's cold again and it's going to drop in another day or so. The high for Thursday is in the 50s. :cold:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on January 24, 2023, 06:28:47 PM
Beldarna, Oh no! I'm sorry that your beautiful bouquet was ruined! :( Cats are so adorable...  >_<

BC,  :( :hug:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: glitterball on January 26, 2023, 12:11:05 AM
Oh no, Beldarna! Bad kitties... I like the idea that lovesbabysquirmy said about putting petals in jars.

The UK (Royal Mail) still is not processing international parcels - 2 weeks since a "cyber attack"... I have a little parcel (worth about £20) that needs to go to the USA and I cannot justify spending crazy money (£28+) to use an alternative service...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on January 26, 2023, 11:02:33 AM
Whenever I even think about selling stuff or posting it, something happens. I've given up trying. I think RM are in a major mess atm, Glitterball. There probably was an attack, but it's just as possible someone accidentally locked a warehouse and they can't get in.

We've had a decorator in this past week and a half. Which hasn't been too much of an issue, but the house smells of wallpaper paste and one of the radiators isn't working now...

@Beldarna, naughty cats :(

@BC- feel better soon.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: StarryEmerald24 on January 26, 2023, 11:55:31 AM
I keep some of my special flower petals in sealed jars and boxes. I have a few full flowers for the look but petals only is so much easier.

I have pony packages from a friend that are trapped in the UK thanks to the Royal Mail issues and a third package from the UK that was sent to the wrong address (most likely entered wrong by the Royal Mail; it wouldn't have been wrong on my or the seller's side as this was one of two and the other came in just fine) and is presumably going back to the UK before coming back to me.

I went to and contacted the post office multiple times for the latter one but that was the only update I got. The tracking hasn't updated since around Christmas from the attempted delivery, so I don't know if it really is on its way back to the UK, or where it ended up in all this mess. It's partially my fault for not checking with them immediately, but I was caught up in the holidays.  :(

I keep thinking my package is going to get sold off with unclaimed mail and end up in someone's haul opening video. -_- But I want to believe it will be fine and come back to me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 26, 2023, 01:58:12 PM
Oh man, I'm so sorry you guys in the UK are having mail issues again (or is it the same thing that's been ongoing?). I had ordered a card from the UK, and it didn't show up for a month. I got a refund from the seller then a couple weeks later it showed up. The seller was so nice and told me to keep the refund and the card. But like, where was it for almost two months?

I'm feeling better from whatever illness I had. I was really sick like I haven't been in a long time.

I took some headache meds before a nap but ended up with a headache when I woke up anyway :pout: The weather is cold and damp. It was nice for a few days, low to mid 70s, but it's only reached 65 today and tonight it's gonna drop in the 40s.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on January 26, 2023, 02:12:17 PM
My trusty iPad finally bit the dust. :( I was trying to wait until I got my bonus in March to buy anything new but I guess now I don’t have a choice. It’s frustrating because the iPad itself still works great, but all the buttons on it are broken, so I can’t unlock it to get into it. And since it’s old I ALSO have to upgrade my Apple Pencil since the old one I have isn’t compatible with the new iPads.  >_<

To make it extra trivial I’m really bummed because the newest pros don’t have nice colors! My old pro was pink, but now it’s just silver or “space grey” which is…a slightly darker silver. The airs are so pretty and they are a little cheaper, but after watching some reviews the other night I think the pro still meets my needs best so boooooo. Bye pretty pink iPad!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on January 26, 2023, 03:54:28 PM
I'm having mail woes too -.- Ordered something from the US before Christmas, a month later eBay said it had been returned to sender and gave me a refund (which I didn't ask for -_-) before the seller could do anything. Contacted the seller, they said they hadn't received it back yet but had multiple of the item so said to just re-buy it and they'd try again. Up to yesterday it said it was due by the 31st, now it says it was delivered on the 17th... or 16th... but actually it's really still in transit... it says different things on different pages (sometimes multiple things on the same page!) :pullhair: So annoying. I hope everyone's parcels arrive safe and sound ASAP!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 27, 2023, 03:18:52 AM
Woke up with an extreme headache :( Even my eyes were throbbing. It's still hanging on a tiny bit and I feel nauseous.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 27, 2023, 03:45:35 AM
That's a good tip lovesbabysquirmy. I kept the bouquet in a vase in that lantern on the pic as it's HEAVY! Like I almost need two hands to lift it heavy and it has stood for 5,5 years. I still can't wrap my head around how they managed to get it down like that. My husband suggested I keep the remaining bouquet in the lantern but put on another place so I did that and all the flower heads that fell off is decorated around the vase. It works but I'm still sad.

Lol, BC.. I love contrasts.. you thinking 50 is cold..We have around 12 now. Florida winter sounds a bit like Swedish presummer ^.^
Sorry about you're headache :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 27, 2023, 05:58:23 AM
Oh I know! I'm from Wisconsin originally and it gets really cold up there, I think the coldest it ever was while I lived there was -60F. If I ever went back, I'd be miserable :lol: But it's a dry cold up there, which makes it not feel that cold, which is more dangerous. Down here, it's always humid even in winter, so it feels much colder than it really is. I've been down here for over 15 years, I think. My body has acclimated. If I do ever move back up North, I would get used to it eventually, but the first winter especially and spring and fall, I'd be bundled up :lol:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 27, 2023, 06:20:32 AM
Oh, yikes. That is cold! :brr: I think the coldest I've experienced is like -45F. These past years the coldest temperature has been around -4F (-20C) which is not too bad. At school we skipped having outdoor PE at around 5F.

Here, up in the north we have the dry cold as well. Down south, around the capital, they have the moist cold and I hate it. It truly goes through to your bones.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Kitcatepic on January 27, 2023, 12:51:01 PM
I was taking some of my drawings off the wall behind where I keep my g1 ponies and a dead stinkbug fell from behind one of my drawings into sugarberrys tail

I am too terrified to remove it
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 27, 2023, 04:09:56 PM
Beldarna, can you see them getting the door latch on the lantern open and trying to hop inside it?  My grandma had a cat that would always try to get into vases and other containers. 

Kitcatepic, get two toothbrushes that you can throw away, like free dentist ones.  Now hold them like mascara wands and "blink" the bug off the pony.  Once it's on the brushes, you can scream and carefully put into the trash, and then scream more  :)  This will disturb the hair less and you can sweep the thing off hopefully in one move.  best of luck!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on January 28, 2023, 10:49:43 AM
I'm fine moving more or less any live bug from a pony or doll but I admit I have thrown a doll across the bathroom before on account of a dead moth. I usually have to be rescued from those, but if you can get it onto the floor, you can always vacuum it up.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 28, 2023, 11:09:00 AM
Weird, I thought I posted in here. I've been awake for waaaaay too long and am starting to get a bit loopy.

More complaints about my decrepit body. Pain etc.

I hate how Amazon doesn't charge you until your items ship. I always forget about that and then it screws up my banking :mad: My mom is on me about the table I bought. I've gone this whole time without a kitchen table. I sit in a chair and prepare meals and sometimes I will just eat in the chair. Other times I take it to my desk. I did grow up in a family that always ate dinner together at the table (and what a grand table it is - it seats like 18 people), so I miss having one. My mom gave me a bunch of money so I thought I'd finally buy one. She asked me if I got it on Wayfair. No. I looked there, but they were too expensive. I found one I liked but it was $150 and the chairs were an additional 120 (how can two chairs cost almost as much as an entire table, I don't know). Anyway, I told her I got it off Amazon. It was 40 bucks. It's a nice table. It's just a simple square. It's a tad off balance but nothing I can't fix. I didn't bother getting new chairs. I have steel chairs from Walmart. They are 13 bucks each.

Well, my mom acted as if she had gifted me a fantastic table and I put it in a woodchipper. She's like "but I gave you all that money!!!!!!!!!" Yes, and thank you, but I can't justify spending 270 on a table and two chairs when I can spend 53. It's not like I have a family or friends that come over. It's me and the cat. Hell, when my sister would come over, she'd sit on the floor (I don't have a couch either... but I no longer want one). At least I have more than one chair now.

Besides, I did spend $200 on clothes. Underwear and t-shirts and one long sleeved shirt. So it's not like I didn't buy something expensive or whatever her deal is.  I don't know. Moms can be strange.

Another Amazon complaint. I ordered a bunch of stuff there too and most of it came today. It was all in a box... except my crochet needles, they were in a small bubble mailer that was almost swept away by the wind. I had to chase it halfway down the stairs. Like??? Put them in the box? They're in a container smaller than my thumb. Why aren't they in the box?!

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on January 28, 2023, 11:57:29 AM
I did my taxes today.  I don't understand why some companies claim free filing for low income and then because my crappy insurance requires an HSA account all of a sudden I have to shell out $60+ to file.  I started on one site and got the amount I should expect and then went to and found a site that would actually do it for free.  Since the amounts of my return matched up, I'm pretty sure I did it right.  But at least it's done for the year.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on January 30, 2023, 07:40:55 AM
It's so cold outside!  It was -9F when I woke up, but with the wind chill felt like -24 and now it's -11 but feels like -26.  I couldn't even get all the ice off my car this morning and my rear defroster couldn't even melt what I couldn't scrape off.  There should be a rule that if temperature is below 0, you get a free day to stay home from work and everything else.

On top of that, we had a huge snowstorm Saturday night and the wind's been blowing ever since.  The people across the street cleared their driveways of snow by pushing it across the to our side of the road.  (I live in a rural community and people usually use 4-wheelers with plows attached or tractors to move large amounts of snow.)  Guess which way the wind is blowing?  Yup, from our side to their side.  So guess where all the snow is now?  Right again, ON THE ROAD.  The drifts were so deep in places I almost got stuck and I had to drive down the wrong side of the road because it was clearer!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 30, 2023, 09:16:46 AM
I've been cleaning like mad the last few days because inspections are tomorrow and they are doing "maintenance and housekeeping". This is different from the last inspection which was "structural" and they didn't care about housekeeping. Anyway, my floors are really dirty. One because I have had cats, and they leave their little paw prints everywhere. Two, it's very difficult for me to mop. Three, the floor cleaner I bought (which had rave reviews on Amazon) doesn't do a very good job. The floor is laminate (linoleum? one of those). It was pretty beat up and dirty when I moved in. I have mopped it several times and actually bought the floor cleaner to get out the heavier stains (it did not). I wanted to mop today, at least the bathroom, but my back is screaming. I could barely sweep from a chair. Plus to mop I'd have to haul everything out of there. I just can't. I did too much yesterday and the day before. I swear I'm going to end up in a wheelchair like both my parents.

I cleaned the bathroom otherwise though. I had some dish cleaning gloves (I don't use them, I think my sister or dad gave them to me) so I wore those to clean the whole toilet. It's sparkling but now my hands smell funny, like rubber. I washed my hands of course even with the gloves but the rubber smell is still there.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on January 30, 2023, 11:46:46 AM
Whoever invented sliding doors suck. Who thought they were a good idea, as opposed to a normal door? It's easy for them to fall off the top track, it's a pain to put it back on track. You end up smashing your fingers and fighting with it, and the Gods help you if it's made of heavy glass or solid wood.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 30, 2023, 01:03:24 PM
Whoever invented sliding doors suck. Who thought they were a good idea, as opposed to a normal door? It's easy for them to fall off the top track, it's a pain to put it back on track. You end up smashing your fingers and fighting with it, and the Gods help you if it's made of heavy glass or solid wood.

omg yes. the last house we rented had sliding glass doors and whenever we had ice storms there would be ice in the house. the ice damaged the floor and we couldn't even open on one side. we found this out the hard way when we opened the door and it got stuck. it started coming apart when we tried to close it after it stuck. had to pay a pretty penny for someone to come out and get the door back on track. and this was all during a horrible rainstorm. never again will i have sliding doors.

today is cold. and i have to admit i was not ready for it to start this early. i was planning to have another day before freezing rain. at least i don't really have to go anywhere. i used to love winter.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 31, 2023, 06:51:54 AM
Headache and lack of sleep. Also my back and legs are still in extreme pain. Last night I put my legs up and iced my back. It felt great! But it didn't last. It was like as soon as I moved the pain was back. I couldn't sleep because I was so uncomfortable and my brain was running. I'm out of my ADHD meds because Walmart ran out. There's the Publix pharmacy not too far away but I don't want to have to sign up for stuff and get approval from my doctors and whatever else. Luckily I don't have any bad side effects from not having it. I'm just a lot more tired and my brain won't shut up.

edit: My therapist informed that I'm manic. I guess that explains all the projects and spending a grand on... well, I got a table. I'm not sure where the rest went.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on January 31, 2023, 07:07:25 AM
Okay, something's wrong with the thermostat outside.  At 6:30 AM, it was -11 F (-23.8 C). At 6:45 it was -15 F (-26 C) and now that it's 8:05, it's -20 F (-28.8 C).  I though it was supposed to get WARMER when the sun came out!  Why is it so Coooooold?!?!  :brr:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 31, 2023, 07:48:27 PM
Hello, me again. I have slept like two hours (not consecutively). I am nodding off while standing up tired but cannot sleep. I think in the last four days I've gotten maybe... 10 hours. I sent a message to my doctor. I can't keep going like this.

Update! I got my medicine and took it last night and slept. I kept waking up (untreated sleep apnea) but I got about 3 hours consecutively with a couple more hours here and there. I feel a bit better today but I'm super groggy.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on February 02, 2023, 07:08:27 AM
I pinched or pulled something in my neck, and it’s bugging meeee  >_<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on February 02, 2023, 09:38:27 AM
Well I am about to karate chop my iPhone. At the beginning of this week, it was starting to not let me open up any apps. (I would open up my phone and try and open up like BeReal or Youtube and it my screen would go black with the apple loading icon and then I would see my lock screen). Today after I get home from school, my dad agreed to go to the apple store downtown. Currently, my phone has "the black screen of death apple logo". I really want a new phone with more storage. I want the iphone 11 color purple with the already built in 128 gb. I have an XR with 64 built in gb that is full. I have the apps I need but its annoying. On sunday, my mom and I went to TMobile and bought me an extra 200GB for my ICloud backups. I tried backing up my phone and I am not sure it won't do much.  :mad:

Side note: next friday I get my wisdom teeth out. I'll keep posted.

Edit: My phone got fixed past saturday! Thank god for the Apple people.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 04, 2023, 03:17:14 AM
I've been working as a train attendant since april. As such, I have no say in pricing, what kind of train my company operates and why they have just these ones. Simple, like a retail worker has no say in pricing or products.

My brother, who lives a long way from me, has gotten a job as a prison guard and they sent him to educate himself as such in a facility in a city several hours from where he lives. So every monday he goes by train to said place, lives in a hotel during the week and goes home by train friday afternoon. One of the routes he takes is by a train owned by the company I work for.

So on my birthday, he called me to wish me well and we got into talking job and he started to complain to me about the train he goes on. What did the company think of when they choose to buy just this kind of train where there are scarce room for luggage. Why are there no numbered seatings. Why are the seatings so uncomfortable, why why why???

Like I should know? Like I could make them buy new ones? I told him I didn't work there 12 years ago when the new track along the coast was finnished and this company won the procurement to run the trains on the track and bought these particular trains.

Oh, well, if the trains are so old! When are they getting new ones?

I DON'T KNOW! :mad:

Talk to customer service or something. Stop ruin my birthday by complaining to me about somehting I have no controll over.

/End rant.

Lovesbabysqirmy; there are no visible latch for them to see.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 04, 2023, 09:32:58 AM
Ugh, I gotta stop licking my lips, I'm making them raw :huh: It's a nervous tic but I don't feel nervous?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on February 04, 2023, 10:29:06 PM
Ugh I love my parents but sometimes I really want to lose my mind when I’m at their house, they need to have a TV on in every room CONSTANTLY.

My dad especially loves watching TV, which is fine, but I personally have a limit on how much tv I can take in a day. Yesterday he was watching some stuff on YouTube downstairs, so I went upstairs to try and get some quiet. My mom came up not long after and started talking on the phone, which was fine. My issue with TV at their house is frankly the volume more than anything. Then my dad came up and turned on the TV really loud and started watching something while my mom was still on the phone! For one I think that’s kind of rude, but also the conflicting conversations really hurt my brain, that’s a huge pet peeve of mine.

Tonight is more of the same, he’s downstairs watching guitar videos on YouTube and he has had it BLASTING for the past four hours. I’m upstairs but there really is nowhere to escape with how loud he has it! :mad:

Whenever they come to my house they always ask how I can stand to sit in the silence with no TV. HOW CAN YOU STAND NEVER BEING IN SILENCE?!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on February 05, 2023, 12:01:05 PM
Just sent a lengthy email to the alumni office of my university.

Because the whole migration of my alumni email, as I expected, has gone wrong.

I think they might have erased me completely, which means 10 years of emails lost.

...But I have them backed up, because I didn't trust them in the first place.

However, erasing someone who did two degrees at your institution, and taught four separate modules to students, is not polite. And I still want to graduate. Still waiting for that, too.

I can't swear, but imagine the swear words go here.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 05, 2023, 01:41:18 PM

Minty Magic, my dad is the same way.  He acts like he can't stand to have the TV off for even a second.  :(  Sometimes he decides that everyone should watch the same thing he does and he'll turn all of the main tvs to the same show, but if you try to watch something he doesn't want in the office, he gets annoyed and says that it's not fair that you're not watching what he wants on. He hasn't said that for a long time, but it still makes me feel like I can't watch anything in the office unless my parents aren't home.

He complains all the time that's nothing on TV, I could find lots of things to watch but because they aren't what he's interested in, he'll say there's nothing on.

I tried to get on Disney Plus earlier and our Internet went out 2 times while we were trying to watch. :(  I like Disney Plus, but I don't like all of the issues we have with the Internet going out so much.  My mom says that she's going to go down to the cable company and complain but we've been having problems for a while now and she hasn't.

I feel like everything is going wrong today and I'm about to snap.  My mom hurt her arm a week ago.  I had to go to the drs office yesterday and had asked her both on Friday night and on Saturday if she needed the dr to see her arm.  She told me no. 30 minutes after we left the office, she decided she wanted him to see it afterall. but he was booked solid for the rest of Sat so she couldn't get in until tomorrow.

My mom wanted to go to the bookstore.  I told her that I wanted to look for books too but didn't have much cash on hand.  She said if I found a book I wanted she would get it for me.  She didn't find anything she wanted, so I put the book I had in my hands back.  When we got to the car she said I shouldn't have done that because she would have still gotten the book for me even if she didn't get one for herself. Why didn't she tell me that earlier?

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 06, 2023, 06:22:40 AM
I haven't been sleeping. I think I mentioned that already. I'm so tired and my eyes are bloodshot, plus my body hurts (well, it usually does). My nighttime medicine which is supposed to help me sleep should be in today. If I can get my neice to pick it up and drop it off today that'd be great. She's acting so weird towards me though. I don't know what's going on.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 06, 2023, 11:00:23 AM
I did my taxes more than a week ago.  Today we were told by HR that our 1095 form was ready for our taxes--even though our W-2s were ready in mid-January.  Um...did I need that?  Apparently not...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on February 07, 2023, 03:23:00 PM
made a whole two dollars on my bank interest wow I can get a soda with that.  -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 07, 2023, 04:09:37 PM
made a whole two dollars on my bank interest wow I can get a soda with that.  -_-

You got 2 whole dollars?  I don't think I even made one this year.  I think I was at like 94 cents or something.   :lol:

I did something to my back.  It hurts when I move certain ways.  I hope it's my boots because I usually don't wear them all day but I didn't change them today at work like I normally do and my back didn't start to hurt until after lunch.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 09, 2023, 05:56:44 AM
Being old enough to have an optician prescribe me reading glasses... :yikes: :redface:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 09, 2023, 01:36:10 PM
Headache that won't go away. My jaw hurts too, I think it's from my tooth. And I have a sore on the side of my tongue that's scraping against the same tooth that hurts. So that whole area is very hurt-y.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on February 10, 2023, 12:27:49 AM
made a whole two dollars on my bank interest wow I can get a soda with that.  -_-

Don't get me started on the convenience of interest rate rises that only penalise borrowers, but doesn't get reflected in interest on savings accounts.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on February 10, 2023, 02:17:02 PM
Sorry your parents can be like that with the TV to Ponyfan!

Ugh the VPN for work keeps disconnecting me every 5 minutes or so today, I haven’t gotten much of anything done. I tried calling tech support and they claim it’s an issue with my internet provider, so I called my internet provider and they said it’s an issue with the VPN network we use. Well, someone needs to figure something out because I can’t work like this!

At least a mass email acknowledging the issue went out, so it’s not just me affected, but man I just want to go home and be done with this.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 11, 2023, 06:31:28 AM
yesterday i fell off my step stool while i was organizing the pantry. i thought i was on the first step but i was on the second step. so when i tried to step down i lost my balance and fell into the counter. luckily i didn't hurt myself too bad. my back is sore but i'm ok otherwise. it was really scary though. i think i scared Luna too. she didn't come over to check on my she just looked at me wide-eyed. my husband heard the crash and helped me up.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 11, 2023, 06:42:07 AM
Ouch! I can see myself doing something like that, which is why I avoid ladders and things. I'm glad you weren't hurt badly.

I am a mess this morning. Super tired still, eyes all wonky, headache, neckache. My shins hurt. How does that happen?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 12, 2023, 05:34:17 AM
@BC i hope you're feeling better today.

my back feels better. still a little sore. it was pretty scary :(

my complaint today isn't scary. but there's been a twist in the dog crate saga. now Jessie has taken it over. she's been sleeping in there a lot. i think it's because she has a harder time getting onto the bed now and there's a soft blanket in the crate. i'm never going to be able to put it in storage :lol:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 13, 2023, 05:46:01 AM
So I have a couple of complaints..

My husband gave me two Twinkle Eye Basic Fun ponies for my birthday so I thought I would treat myself with getting the other two. I found Sweetstuff MIB on Amazon and ordered her and at check out choose to have her delivered to the post office.
Friday afternoon I got a text that she was on her way and was going to be delivered home to my door by another shipping company I had not picked as they have an awful reputation. I was confused and not happy!

This morning I got a new text that the package would be delivered to my door today. The thing is, I live in an apartment complex and they don't deliver to my door, they just put the package down by the post boxes at the entrance where anyone can pick it up. I came home from work around 9 am and there was a package on the floor just inside the front door. Looked at it and it was my package! I am relieved I got it, but furious at the way Amazon changed the delievery. I had specifically choosen to have it delivered to the PO for pick up because I didn't want the package left like that! :mad:

Also, the pony was just crammed in to a box that she just about fit in, no padding whatsoever.  :pout:

Second complaint; when my husband got up I told him about the above and he asked what I had ordered and he showed me on the phone that he had ordered the same pony for my birthday on Amazon, but the delivery kept being post poned. It made me feel bad that I had already gotten her, but I didn't know.. Anyway, the tracking said to excpect delivery on february 9. She has not arrived. Later he looked at his bankstatement for some reason and realised he had gotten a refund on the pony on the 8th. So the seller had refunded him and had not sent the pony and Amazon had failed to tell him. :mad:

Also, today, I made a perfect stumble and tripped on my own feet, making a deepdive stomach splash on the snow free, ice free ground just outside work, beside a busy road and a platform full of travelers. My feet hurt and I had to put a bandage on one of them. I was totally the star of the show today.  :P
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 13, 2023, 06:57:12 AM
That sounds really frustrating! I'm sorry you fell, that sounds painful :huh:

I have a lot to complain about but none of it is trivial. So instead I'm going to say it's really cold today, but I still have my windows closed because it's only going to be cold for two days. After that the humidity comes back and it's going to be like 85 again. It's unseasonably warm despite the few cold fronts that have come though. In past years, Feb was usually the month where we would get temps to almost freezing.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on February 13, 2023, 08:09:26 AM
The one time stuff in this city moves a minute faster than expected, bus arrives. I hurry, driver can see me and it just drives off, leaving me about 15 mins (hopefully just) late for class
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 14, 2023, 06:15:32 AM
Yesterday while I as at work, my dad decided to put up a new shelf in my room.  Sounds great, right?  Well, my dad's idea of doing something is to do it part way and leave the rest for someone else to finish after finishing "his part."  He took a lot of my collectibles and put them on the bed while he was working. The shelf was full and that stuff had to go somewhere, but what really gets me is my mom didn't even try to put most things back like I had it.  She said she couldn't remember where stuff went and figured I could fix it myself. It's going to take me quite a while to put stuff back close to the way it was.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 14, 2023, 08:32:06 AM
I'm tired of running out of my meds because my niece can't pick them up in time, so my doctor told me to call this little pharmacy that's privately owned and have them deliver everything. I called them and they said they'd contact Walmart to get everything switched over. Walmart told them they also deliver and that they were going to get in contact with me. They never did. So I called the small pharmacy again and they said they requested a fax from Walmart with my info and they never got it. I tried calling the pharmacy over there, but no one ever answers the phone.

Meanwhile, my prescriptions are in limbo and not getting filled.

I called the small pharmacy again just now and told them to just switch everything to them no matter what Walmart says. The lady I talked to said she would give them a call and tell them I want my stuff sent to them asap. So we'll see what happens.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 14, 2023, 12:39:30 PM
I can't get to work sometimes.  I like to read stuff on my lunchbreak but the last few days all I've gotten is unable to connect errors and it says to contact the website owners.  So how do I do that if I can't get on the site to get their contact information?  It works at night when I get home so I don't know if there's a firewall on the library's wifi that's keeping it from working.  Clearing the cache didn't fix it, either.  #nerdproblems
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Kitcatepic on February 14, 2023, 05:05:03 PM
The dead bug that was in sugarberrys tail is gone now but now a very alive stinkbug decided to dive bomb into my neck while buzzing loudly I think I may have killed it but I can't be sure because I can't find the body so I am in constant fear of getting jumpscared by it again I find most of them don't use their wings that much but the ones that do are crazy I was recording a video at the time so at least I have a very funny video of me just trying to do a normal video before sceaming and then just sitting in silence
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 15, 2023, 03:12:17 AM
One of the cats have pooped in the litterbox and not covered it. It stinks all the way to the livingroom. I don't have the energy to get up and shovel it. I have to sit in the stink. But so does he!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on February 16, 2023, 05:13:49 PM
One of the cats have pooped in the litterbox and not covered it. It stinks all the way to the livingroom. I don't have the energy to get up and shovel it. I have to sit in the stink. But so does he!

 :lmao: Sorry, but this started to make me laugh and this is a very familiar phenomenon for us too! Hector is often such a busy cat that he doesn't have time to cover up his poop and instead goes crazy and runs around the house! Sometimes it's even so busy that the poo follows the cat around the house! Then I'm in a hurry and panic to clean it!  :freak: On Wednesday, there was cause for a little panic and haste, because Hector decided to tint the green blanket that was on the armchair to new, slightly brown shades... with a smell!  :X  :facepalm:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Kitcatepic on February 17, 2023, 04:17:22 AM
One of the cats have pooped in the litterbox and not covered it. It stinks all the way to the livingroom. I don't have the energy to get up and shovel it. I have to sit in the stink. But so does he!

 :lmao: Sorry, but this started to make me laugh and this is a very familiar phenomenon for us too! Hector is often such a busy cat that he doesn't have time to cover up his poop and instead goes crazy and runs around the house! Sometimes it's even so busy that the poo follows the cat around the house! Then I'm in a hurry and panic to clean it!  :freak: On Wednesday, there was cause for a little panic and haste, because Hector decided to tint the green blanket that was on the armchair to new, slightly brown shades... with a smell!  :X  :facepalm:

When we first brought bowie home he was a kitten and therefore didn't understand the litter box so there was poopy paw prints all over the living room
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 17, 2023, 05:45:53 AM
Mousie had some problems with the litter box too. Aster doesn't thankfully.

Eczema is breaking out on both my thumbs and one hand. I haven't had a breakout in a while despite the stress I've been under. It's super itchy >_<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 17, 2023, 07:24:04 PM
My mom has been really annoying today.  I don't think she means to be, but there's been several times today where something she's done has annoyed me. 

I came home from work yesterday feeling terrible because I didn't get to finish my lunch. My head felt like it was spinning.  This morning I still didn't feel well and didn't go to work today. Around 8:30 the phone rang.  My mom asked me if I knew who it was. I told her no and moved away from the phone and didn't answer it.  She decided to answer it anyway and it was someone wanting to know if I was available to work today.

Later she got a text that asked her to confirm an appointment. She read the text out loud and literally said "Text 1 to confirm or 2 to cancel."  She pressed 2 instead of 1.  When I asked her why she did that, she told me she didn't know.   She got another text that asked her to confirm the cancelation.  In her panic to fix the error she made with the first text, she didn't read the second one that said to not reply if you didn't intend to cancel.  Because of that, she had to call the office and confirm her appointment. 

We also talked about something I needed to make oa copy of.  When she saw me with the paper later, she seemed surprised that I was going to make a copy of it.

 :argh: :argh:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 17, 2023, 08:27:06 PM
Bank says I have low funds. Go to check online: needs a passcode sent to my phone. Phone won't take texts via Wifi & heavy winds recently seem to have taken signal out, so can't look at my account
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 18, 2023, 05:57:34 AM
The CT scan I need on my head was denied by my insurance for being "not medically necessary". On the second page it said there was a lack of reason because my doctor didn't send any notes about why I need it. I love my doctor but I've been frustrated with her the last few times I went to see her. This is just another thing that I don't get. Why wouldn't she send a note that I have chronic headaches and migraines and pain from an implant in my head I got from prior brain surgery? I mean, what I just wrote would be fine. I thought I had an appointment in March but my calendar doesn't have it. Great.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 18, 2023, 01:19:36 PM
My complaint is also about medical staff. :(  I had a follow up appointment with my dr this morning.  When the lady took me in to the area where she takes vitals, I was trying to ask her if I needed to wear a mask because I've been having sinus trouble this week.  She was really stressed out today and told me she didn't have time for that today like I was trying to make conversation about the weather. :( She then told me that they were triple booked today and that I was going to have to start having later appointments because she doesn't have time to give the weekly shots.  The appointment I had today been booked for 3 months.  I know the staff member was really stressed out and she's not usually that dismissive but being treated like that didn't feel good.   Because of that conversation, I didn't mention my sinus problems to my dr. 

My mom kept saying she wanted me to help her with a virtual dr visit. Fast forward to almost time for it to happen and she suddenly decides she doesn't know how to do anything, doesn't remember what day the visit is supposed to be etc...  She's on the phone with the dr right now though.

I'm so tired of my mom interrupting me before I finish a sentence or not listening when I'm talking and then asking me the exact same thing that I just said.  It's so annoying. :(

I also hate being in the middle of my parents. My dad will say something my mom doesn't hear and then I have to ask her what my dad said because he will get mad if he doesn't get a answer.

The other night we went out for Valentine's and the person getting fountain drinks didn't hear my dad say he wanted Coke.  My dad was almost yelling at the worker "Coke! Coke!" I finally stepped in and told her what he wanted.  Unfortunately, that's the type of thing I have to live with every day.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 18, 2023, 03:37:16 PM
I took a commission on Instagram for this guy's fursona in G1 pony form. I asked if he wanted any sculpting and he said no. I'm almost done painting it and I don't like it at all. The fursona has some interesting robotic parts and I know I could sculpt them and make it look really good. I could even sculpt the tail and fur tufts. Before I add the hair I'm going to show him the painted version and see if he's okay with it. I feel like if I talk him into doing sculpting, I'd need to charge him more, so I don't know if I should say anything or not.

I don't think I'll take another commission like this one. I'm not really interested in doing personas, even ponysonas.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 18, 2023, 04:12:39 PM
I hate when I overfill molds while pouring resin.  It's not a big deal but it can make a mess.   >_<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 18, 2023, 07:11:34 PM
On top of everything else I posted about earlier, I'm pretty sure that my mom took my Fitbit thinking it was hers and now I have hers because she thinks it's mine.  They were right next to each other.  They're the same model, but different colored bands.  I'm sure that I had the one with the blue band, but my mom says that she had the blue one and I had green.  I think I know which color I had. :(  My mom insists that the blue band one is hers though.  She grabbed the blue band one and synced it to her phone and said that proved it was hers.  I really don't want to argue about something as trivial as which Fitbit belongs to whom. but my mom hurt my feelings because I was just trying to do something nice for her and plug in her Fitbit because she said that hers needed charging after mine was done.  I thought I took mine off and put hers on but she said it was the opposite.  I just changed the one that I'm wearing now to a purple band. Looking at the green band was making me sad.

I tried to diamond paint this afternoon, but I'm adjusting to my new glasses and the marks on the canvas and the drills were blurry. :(  I tried to work on it anyway, but I kept missing where the drills should go and having to adjust them.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 19, 2023, 05:41:59 AM
I have a new pain in my left side :mad: It's about the middle of my back where my ribs are. It hurts while I'm sitting which really sucks because sitting is the least painful thing I can do. I'm wondering if I slept funny. It hurt yesterday too. I spend most of my time at my desk or craft table so this is really inconvenient.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 21, 2023, 06:42:25 PM
We've gotten a lot of snow today.  My boss already gave me permission to call in tomorrow if I need to but my dad seems to think he'll get up and plow the drive in the morning...with broken ribs.  He fell on the ice last week and broke them.  Seriously, I can't convince him that it is absolutely okay if he DOESN'T plow the drive in the morning!  My dad is very stubborn and then wonders why my mom gets frustrated with him. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on February 21, 2023, 08:44:11 PM
There was just a series of very loud booms that lasted for like 5 minutes. People on Nextdoor are claiming it was fireworks from the casino that’s around here, but they way they were spaced and the sound didn’t really sound like fireworks to me. I also don’t see any events for tonight listed on the Casinos website. Whatever it was it sounded scary!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Kitcatepic on February 22, 2023, 12:41:37 AM
It's 3am I can't sleep
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on February 22, 2023, 06:17:58 PM
Ugh. I think I'm starting to catch the flu darling daughter dearest is just getting over.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 23, 2023, 07:36:50 AM
I still have pain in my side but it's gotten better. Today though, my ankle is bruised and hurts. I vaguely remember banging it on something? Maybe? And my eczema has spread more but it's at the pain stage and not the itchy stage. I think I like it better when it hurts and not itchy.

I saw that cat again. He always seems to go the same direction and I can't see far enough to see if he goes to an apartment. He must belong to someone. I hate that they let him out, especially since people speed on this road.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on February 23, 2023, 11:59:47 AM
I still have pain in my side but it's gotten better. Today though, my ankle is bruised and hurts. I vaguely remember banging it on something? Maybe? And my eczema has spread more but it's at the pain stage and not the itchy stage. I think I like it better when it hurts and not itchy.

I saw that cat again. He always seems to go the same direction and I can't see far enough to see if he goes to an apartment. He must belong to someone. I hate that they let him out, especially since people speed on this road.

Sorry your feeling so bad. I don't understand why it's alright to let your cat roam, but not your dog? They can both be hit, stolen, attacked by other animals, plus cats decimate wildlife.  It ought to be considered neglect.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 23, 2023, 01:11:29 PM
I actually got in an argument on Facebook with a lady who claimed she CAN'T keep her cat indoors because "he likes being outside". Would you treat a child the same way? "Oh, but she likes ice cream so she eats it whenever she wants." No. You can absolutely keep your cat indoors and yeah, he might try to run out, but that's when you stop him, or go get him, or put him somewhere before you open the door. And if your cat doesn't like being inside give him more to do. Play with him, get some some interactive toys, get another cat. No cat NEEDS to be outside! :rant:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on February 23, 2023, 01:30:05 PM
I actually got in an argument on Facebook with a lady who claimed she CAN'T keep her cat indoors because "he likes being outside". Would you treat a child the same way? "Oh, but she likes ice cream so she eats it whenever she wants." No. You can absolutely keep your cat indoors and yeah, he might try to run out, but that's when you stop him, or go get him, or put him somewhere before you open the door. And if your cat doesn't like being inside give him more to do. Play with him, get some some interactive toys, get another cat. No cat NEEDS to be outside! :rant:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on February 23, 2023, 05:30:43 PM
I actually got in an argument on Facebook with a lady who claimed she CAN'T keep her cat indoors because "he likes being outside". Would you treat a child the same way? "Oh, but she likes ice cream so she eats it whenever she wants." No. You can absolutely keep your cat indoors and yeah, he might try to run out, but that's when you stop him, or go get him, or put him somewhere before you open the door. And if your cat doesn't like being inside give him more to do. Play with him, get some some interactive toys, get another cat. No cat NEEDS to be outside! :rant:

Good writing! I totally agree!  :worshippy:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 23, 2023, 07:24:06 PM
In the UK outdoor cats are a thing & have been for as long as most of us have known. Cats having access to the outdoors is also a thing here.

However if you live in a country where cats are an invasive species who've only come in within the last couple of hundred years, keeping them indoors should be the law, if only to protect native species who can't defend themselves from cats. This would especially apply to Australia & New Zealand, but I can see the States being more indoor-oriented to cats too, partly due to this & a good part due to car-centric lifestyles
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 23, 2023, 10:41:52 PM
Well, I don't want to argue about it anymore, but they decimate the local wildlife in the UK too.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 24, 2023, 01:51:46 PM
That's cool xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 24, 2023, 03:18:59 PM
I asked my mom to do something for me today while I was at work and she forgot again.  Yet, she and my dad found time to do everything they wanted including stuff I would have liked to do but couldn't because I was at work. They've also been getting frozen drinks without me while I was working.  I'm not saying I have to be included in everything, but it really feels like they wait until they know I can't join them to do out of the ordinary things. 

Then my mom wonders why I get frustrated with her when she doesn't do the one thing I ask her to take of for me while I'm working and yet I know they spent all day doing things they wanted.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 24, 2023, 10:18:35 PM
I think I'm getting a cold.  :sick:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 25, 2023, 06:50:56 AM
my leg wound has almost healed but now I get shin splints and it hurts... *pout*
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 25, 2023, 12:33:32 PM
My dad said he ordered two Pepsi Icees at Sam's yesterday and after they took his money, the guy working the snack bar said the machine was broken.  When my dad asked for his money back, the guy said he would have to go to customer service to get it back.

My mom ordered some books from Amazon and when she checked on some of them today there was a notice that the package with the books in it was damaged and is being returned to Amazon.  We're both wondering what happened to the box of books. She ordered 4 books and 3 out of the 4 were in the damaged box.  I'm wondering if someone tried to steal the books or otherwise tampered with the package.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on February 25, 2023, 06:32:32 PM
Why is it there's a cry about 'save your local comic shop' ... and yet comic shops continue to be malignant and rude to customers?  :pout: I swear, no-one hates comics more than comic shop workers. I wanted to order a figure from mine that I had a long-standing relationship with, they outright said they don't stock that line which is a LIE since I know they stocked the DC range of the line. So I went to another shop, who ordered it no problem.

I emailed recently to ask if I could order two figures, again they said no. So I just ordered one direct from Japan and the other I'm going to see if a seller will accept my offer first and if not, order somewhere else as it's easier to get.

I am trying to not take it personally, but I genuinely think they hate my guts at this point, and the store's direction into toys and coming away from comics is not helping. Again, I had a long-standing relationship and I KNOW how irate and bitter the staff are against pop culture and comics and sometimes I want to shake them and ask them why the heck they are there. Yeah, it's a stressful job, been there, but I would look at the latest manga releases and get my passion back up!

tl;dr I'm mad I couldn't order plastic from a local store and ordered it from another country out of spite.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 26, 2023, 03:40:32 AM
Circular needles with plastic cables: why??? I had one snap on me, & though it's an easy fix, it was still panic stations with the stitches I had to rescue. I know I got these for free but I think I'll be upgrading in summer...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 26, 2023, 05:07:12 AM
I ate a whole tub of ice cream last night. My stomach is not happy today.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on February 26, 2023, 10:37:18 AM
I was off sick on and off for two weeks there, I've finally gotten the right treatment but it was rough going. A work friend never asked once how I was doing or texted while I was off. And normally I talk a LOT at work via Teams so I was pretty upset that I finally sent a message towards the end of the day when I was back before she realised I was there

I did a bunch of gift arts for another friend when off, and I feel like they were just glanced at and that was it. I'm sick of making stuff and just ... feeling like none of it is liked or appreciated  -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 26, 2023, 07:31:56 PM
It's snowing again.  We're supposed to get about 20 inches between now and Wednesday...

ETA: My cousin was going to stay the night with us on her way home from Vegas, since the roads were bad.  She is stuck in the snow down the road.  My parents are going to try and get her out.  She may be staying more than just the night with us...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 27, 2023, 12:41:26 AM
I usually don't have problems reading in English, but the author of the Midsumer Novels uses words that aren't even in the dictionary! I read and reread entire pharagraphs sometimes without understanding them and then I have to google and there isn't even an explanation on google. Plus, there are words in french and german stuck in there as well! The entire flow of the read is disturbed when these things come up, and they do often!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 27, 2023, 05:06:14 AM
Ants are back  :pullhair:

I haven't had a problem with them in so long. Then they turn up in three places! In the cat food, on the small counter and there was one crawling across my monitor last night! (that one might have been on me and gotten off, I don't see any others on my desk). It's the same super tiny ones again, but these are more pale than the others so they are harder to see. I don't understand why they have come in. It hasn't been raining and it's far from cold here (we were 96F yesterday).
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 27, 2023, 06:51:05 AM
I'm snowed in again.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 28, 2023, 12:36:28 PM
Battling a massive migraine since 6am. I tried sleeping it off and the pain went down considerably, but it's still there. I'm trying sitting up with some coffee a banana.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 28, 2023, 03:28:11 PM
Once again, I'm waiting for some automatic payments to go through.  The first one went through fine this morning with no issues, so I don't understand why the other 2 are taking so long. It's not unheard of for this to happen but they've been taken out around the same time for months now so the fact that hours have passed since the "normal" time is a little worrying to me. 

Edit: I just got a notice that the 2nd payment went though so now only the 3rd one is left. 

I'm feeling a little lonely.  My parents were busy most of the day doing stuff and although we did go out to eat, 99% of the day was spent doing things they needed to do. It's stuff that needed to be done and I tried not to complain but after they got everything done there wasn't time left for what I wanted to. :(

BC, I hope you feel better soon.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 28, 2023, 05:36:42 PM
Someone on DA has said they wanted to buy some of my stuff, which is fine, but they've been really picky about one of the items, complaining that they don't like the color and wanting to see a different picture of the item (which would mean uploading another picture to the deviation) so that they can decide if they "really" want it. 

This is why I don't like selling online.  If you don't like it, just don't get it. 

Plus I've had a headache all day so I'm just not in the mood to deal with it but the last time it took me more than a day to respond, they thought I'd changed my mind about selling the stuff they'd said they wanted to buy.  Um, I have a job, you know.  :pullhair:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 01, 2023, 06:03:36 AM
i ordered some gardening supplies online a couple of weeks ago and the tracking is all messed up. i didn't get one of the items i ordered. it says it's "running late" along with some other items i did receive. when i click the tracking link it just gives an error. i don't even need the item anymore because my dad ended up buying some clippers for me. it's $40 and i can't just let it go. so i guess i need to call and try to get a refund. such a pain!

also i need to buy a few more things but now i'm really hesitant to order online. a lot of the plants and items are online only. i think i need to find another hardware and garden supply store. i hate actually going to the store now. i'm so used to picking out stuff online. also most of the garden centers close before i get out of work.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 01, 2023, 06:42:28 AM
Beth, have you tired Etsy? That's where I got my plants :) They came from a local-ish nursery.

My migraine lasted until late last night. I tried everything but in the end I had to sleep it off. I woke up and the back right side of my head still hurts but nowhere as bad as yesterday. I've taken some medicine and drank a bunch of water, so hopefully it will go away.

The part of my shin I cracked on the Jesus van really hurts lately. I had it wrapped the other day and that seemed to help. My right knee is also hurting today. I think both might be from when I got out of my niece's truck and almost fell backwards when I went to close the door. I think maybe to catch myself I twisted my leg weird or something.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on March 02, 2023, 07:46:55 AM
The mice are really bad this year, probably because it got so cold.  We don't usually have temperatures colder than -5 F but they got down to -30 F this year.  The problem is that the mice in our house are wise to all the traps.  They know how to set off the "guillotine" style traps that kill them instantly so they can get the bait without getting killed.  They usually end up injured and leave blood around them when they do that, though, which is really gross to have to clean up.  The sticky traps don't actually stick to them (which in a way is good because they're not humane anyway so we don't feel a need to use them since they don't work).  We have the plug-ins that are supposed to send out ultrasonic frequencies to chase them away and those aren't working.  They won't go into the live catch traps, no matter what kind of bait we use.  And I had a trap that is supposed to contain the entire body so you don't have to even see it that didn't work this morning.  The mouse was inside but it didn't kill it instantly like it was supposed to, it just trapped it in there so I could feel it wiggling around trying to escape when I picked it up!  And no, we can't get a cat because my dad doesn't want one.  I have even tried asking if we can borrow my friends' cats for a weekend and he says no. 

I wish I could talk to the mice and ask them to leave so I didn't have to deal with trying to catch or kill them.  I don't like killing things but if they won't stay out on their own we have no choice.  Mice carry a lot of diseases because of the fleas and ticks that feed on them.  That's actually the reason the bubonic plague (and many other plagues in fact) spread to humans in the first place.  People were bit by fleas and ticks that had fed off of rodents that were carrying the plague.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 02, 2023, 04:12:03 PM
oh i never thought to try Etsy. i'll look there today. BC, i hope you feel better soon!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 02, 2023, 11:15:56 PM
Thanks :)

I ended up with another bad headache, not quite a migraine but the potential to become one so I stayed home and rested. I think I might have caught my niece's sore throat too.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 03, 2023, 08:42:16 AM
Buying plants online can be a minefield. We've a couple of nurseries nearish us, but working out how to get to them without a car is One is a direct bus, ish, but it's a 2 hour wait for one back. The other means getting 2 buses and then wandering around a housing estate looking for a clock tower *lol*. Dad and I might do the second one, later in the spring. If he's with me, I don't mind getting a taxi back. I just don't like doing them on my own.

So three complaints in one, to get it all off my chest.

#1 I still have no resolution on my missing alumni email. I DID make some progress with my other alumni stuff, but I think that's basically all. Sigh. Morons.

#2 On that same note, I checked my university website today to see when the graduation this year will be. It will be September. Let's just say this timing is awkward and some stuff happened and yeah. But I still hope to be going. I did email them to check whether I am still on the list for that and apparently I am. Miracles do exist, but it's so annoying.

#3. Let's talk about buses again, because you know how much I like rambling about them. Our council, which is a mostly good council, perennially tells our ward that there is no money for evening buses. They manage to pay evening buses for half of the borough, but not where we are. Now they are suddenly putting on a bunch of 'new' buses to cover rural areas and commuter stuff so that everyone has access to jobs, education, blah blah. But still nothing here. Our ward has 3500ish people. We now have fewer daily buses than a village of 800 people. Why? You tell me. I don't know. Probably because our councillor is great if you have a problem with playparks, building, duckponds or poor paving, but he's useless about buses. SO I had to write a weeble note to him and the council transport guy to remind them that 'everyone' does include people living here.

...I am so fed up with having to fight for bus services. It ought to be obvious that we need the bus more than the neighbouring community, which has a similar population, but around 60 buses a day at a 10 min frequency and buses up till midnight. We have 9 buses a day, and no evening buses. But one of the new buses goes there instead of here. It's so annoying.

...Bus routes should also not be designed by car drivers. They don't have a clue.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 03, 2023, 06:08:22 PM
why in the world do websites disable copy/paste?!!! i need to renew an insurance policy and not only do they disable copy/paste and password manager autofill. but also my stupid online account never even works. now i have to call them. also i still need to call about that lost package.

i did see some plants i like on Etsy at a pretty reasonable price. the weather should be nice tomorrow so maybe we'll go look for plants tomorrow. i also need some more gardening stuff. i'm so annoyed by websites that don't work properly that i may go back to in person shopping.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on March 03, 2023, 07:14:12 PM
I don't think I'm going to sell stuff online anymore.  I took the time to get another picture of the item taken to show the interested party that the item they said they wanted (and was labeled as yellow) really was yellow and their response was "Ew, it really is yellow.  Can you do one for me in white?" 

Nope.  Really can't.  Not only do I not have another unicorn to paint but I don't want to.   :poke:

This is precisely why I don't do commissions.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 04, 2023, 04:24:02 AM
No headache but the left side of my face plus my ear hurt. It's from a sore on my tongue. It's on the side, I think I had another one in the same place (or it's the same one that reappeared) and it scrapes against my bad tooth. It's very painful. There's really nothing I can do because of where it is. I still have lidocaine wash but that doesn't last very long.

Eczema is bad too.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 04, 2023, 12:50:24 PM
Breaking in new glasses: 10% eye adjustment, 90% sore ears!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on March 09, 2023, 05:51:56 AM
WHY do people go to the theatre and then spend most of the show glued to their phone?!?! If you want to spend the night checking your socials, stay at home!! Argh!!!! It's so distracting when there's someone two seats in front playing with their phone all through the show :/ And the rub is that you can't even really say or do anything when they're that far away from you. heck even when they're closer to you, it's difficult cause I don't want to talk during the show and add to the problem! >_<

I just genuinely don't understand why you'd spend money (it's not like theatre shows are free!!) and then not even WATCH the show. Someone else in the audience was filming at one point and that's also bad/distracting, but at least they were watching it, I suppose? Unlike this other person who was on Instagram or something... with their sound on at one point... :enraged:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on March 09, 2023, 07:59:07 AM
WHY do people go to the theatre and then spend most of the show glued to their phone?!?! If you want to spend the night checking your socials, stay at home!! Argh!!!! It's so distracting when there's someone two seats in front playing with their phone all through the show :/ And the rub is that you can't even really say or do anything when they're that far away from you. heck even when they're closer to you, it's difficult cause I don't want to talk during the show and add to the problem! >_<

I just genuinely don't understand why you'd spend money (it's not like theatre shows are free!!) and then not even WATCH the show. Someone else in the audience was filming at one point and that's also bad/distracting, but at least they were watching it, I suppose? Unlike this other person who was on Instagram or something... with their sound on at one point... :enraged:

Man I’d be fuming. That’s just plain rude. Theatres often have PSAs to not use your phone during the movie. I feel like I’m always near someone who likes to talk talk talk during the movie.  :pout:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on March 09, 2023, 09:17:43 AM
Oh I should clarify, I'm talking about a musical theatre, not a cinema. Which is kinda even worse since you can't see a show again, unlike if someone spoils a movie :( I don't understand how they can't realize that they're spoiling it for the people around them!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 10, 2023, 07:21:04 PM
I'm feeling really down and overwhelmed.  I'm sure I'm a little overemotional right now, but still...

We have family game nights on the weekends and it's gotten so boring for me because we always play the same exact games. If I say anything about wanting to play something different, my dad will get mad and say I don't want to play.  It was fun at first, but I wish we could mix up the games every once in a while.  Also, my mom has gotten in to a bad habit of either reading a magazine or playing on her tablet or phone while we're playing family games. If I did that I'd be told that I had all day to play on the phone or do whatever and during family games I should put it away.  I can't say anything to her about that either though.  I tried before and she told me that I was jealous of the time she spent on her tablet and didn't want her to have any fun.  It's not that at all.  I just think if someone says you can't have your phone or other electronics out during family games, it should apply to everyone and not just me.

The news did a story tonight on a local district moving to 4 day school weeks for the 23-24 school year.  I was making a comment about another school that already does this in the area and my dad said something about "That's not what they're talking about on the TV."  The point I was trying to make mentioning the other school is that the one that already has mostly 4 day weeks has the students go longer during the day than the schools that have 5 day weeks.  That just proved that my dad wasn't listening to me when I was talking. :(

I'm a little worried about my monthly shots.  I got the paperwork from my insurance company and the shots are really expensive.  When the clinic where I get the shots was working everything out, they told me to call the company that makes the shot to enroll in their financial assistance program so the cost would be lower.  I keep checking with the clinic to make sure there's not a balance owed and so far, they've said that there's no payment due right now, but that I may have to eventually pay a little for each visit.  I don't expect it to be completely free, but I also don't want a huge debt to incur because the clinic isn't making me pay for at least the clinic visit each time.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 11, 2023, 04:47:48 AM
I'm sorry, Ponyfan :hug:

My complaint is about Instacart drivers not wanting to walk up my stairs. Three times now I've had someone give an excuse of why they can't come up, so I've had to go down and get my stuff and then come back up - which is very hard for me! And one of the reasons I shop online in the first place :mad: I've had a lot of trouble with Instacart aside from that too. I never have these problems with DoorDash or Walmart delivery (though Walmart has its issues too). I normally use Instacart to get things from Publix that Walmart is out of or doesn't carry so it's not often. I just think dealing with stuff like stairs is part of the job. And I'm a good tipper too! *grumble*
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 11, 2023, 09:48:47 AM
Ponyfan :hug: :hug:

my experience with Instacart was pretty bad too. they kept sending the drivers to locations far from my house because their system didn't seem to account for the fact that zipcodes in the burbs are large. when i contacted tech support they didn't care. i only used them a couple of times.

i did finally get a refund for my missing item. i found the live chat so i didn't have to call.

i'm still tired and annoyed. the news has been unsettling lately. it's always something. or lately it seems like a hundred things all at once.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on March 11, 2023, 02:14:53 PM
There was a beautiful axe/hatchet pin on Etsy with sakura blossoms I saved in my favs that I wanted to buy ... and it's disappeared  :cry: This must mean the seller has delisted, I'm so sad!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 11, 2023, 07:05:17 PM
Thanks BC and Beth.  :hug:  I'm still a bit emotional today.   A few times I've just wanted to hide away somewhere and cry.

My mom and I got in to it a little this morning because she said something about hooking up the Bluetooth in my dad's car.  I thought it was going to be super windy today, so I said that I might not do it today.  My mom took that to mean that I didn't want to do it at all.  If I'm being completely honest, I didn't want to do it today, I was planning on doing it in a few days.  I didn't realize it was something that had to be done in a timely manner.  I hooked it up today anyway. 

There was a Lego set I really wanted at Target, but before I had a chance to get to the store, it sold out.  I know it will be restocked eventually, but it would have been nice to pick it up today.

When I got my shot at the drs office today, the bandaid they used must have had latex in it as I had a large red spot on my arm around the bandaid. 

Yesterday my mom and I were leaving to go somewhere and I turned the TV off in case my dad wanted to watch something on it.  My mom immediately said that I should leave it on instead.  Today I left the TV on when we left and my dad turned it off while we were gone.  Sometimes I feel like everything I do is wrong.  :cloud:

I really wanted to work on diamond painting today, but when I told my mom that she got annoyed because she wanted me to do something else.  Of course now that I've finished what she wanted there's not time to do what I want. :(  She said she wasn't mad but the last 2 times I've said I didn't want to do something right when she wanted she's acted like she's mad.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 13, 2023, 10:36:58 AM
i think i need to be done with curbside grocery pickup soon. i ordered garam masala and they gave me curry powder instead. garam masala and curry powder are not the same. also i asked for no substitutions.

i hate going to the big grocery store. i prefer the smaller ones but there's nothing like that close to my house. and i still have to go to the bigger store for some things. i also like shopping online because i can take my time and pick stuff out over a few days. i always forget stuff when i go myself.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on March 13, 2023, 08:47:36 PM
I found a dead roach in my house today. I’m thankful it was dead, but it’s still disturbing. It’s been a few years since I’ve actually seen a roach inside, so I’m worried there’s some new access point I need to track down. :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 14, 2023, 05:28:21 AM
I found a bunch of dead silverfish on my kitchen counter last night. They were all behind my ice machine, so I couldn't see them, but I had splashed coffee on the ice machine and pulled it out to wipe it down and saw 5 silverfish bodies. Once in a while there will be a live one in the sink, which I find odd. I had a lot of problems with silverfish at my parents house. They were eating my books!

I'm not sure where these came from, the cabinets maybe? I don't use those cabinets often, it's more for storage than anything. It's weird they were all in the same place. I actually don't mind them themselves, I think they're fascinating creatures, but I don't want them in my house.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 15, 2023, 08:34:56 AM
I don't understand how a ride I could get right now would cost 12 dollars but tomorrow, a Thursday, at the same time would be 38? Uber prices don't make sense to me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 15, 2023, 11:43:37 AM
My sister has COVID. Again. So she won't be here for Mother's Day. She was due to come today but...nope.

I also found an important email that had been sent to my trash folder unexpectedly. It's too late to do anything with it except apologise to the organisation for the inconvenience. It's not the first time this has happened, either. Too often my spam filter munches valid emails but still sends me stupid fake amazon scam emails.

Frustrating. Yes.

Dead bugs. *shudder* don't.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 15, 2023, 03:53:58 PM
My sister has COVID. Again. So she won't be here for Mother's Day. She was due to come today but...nope.

I'm so sorry that your sister has Covid and won't be able to come for Mother's Day.  :hug:

I found a live bug on my arm last night while I was sitting in my bed.  I'm hoping that he just caught a ride from outside while I was working with/moving plants and that there aren't more of them lurking around inside.

I'm so frustrated with my parents right now.  :wail: I still  feel like I can't do anything right and everything I do or try to do turns out wrong. 

I had been working with my phone for a couple of days trying to download the latest software update.  The phone kept saying there wasn't enough space left on the phone for the update so I've been trying everything I could reasonably think of to try to clear up space. Today I finally figured out that I had a lot of files downloaded in one of my apps and if I deleted a bunch of those I might have enough space.  That worked and I finally was able to download and install the update.

When the guy from the cable company came to fix the Internet, my mom put a lot of stuff that was on my desk in a box so the guy could access the modem.  The box stayed in one place for a while until my dad decided to move it to a blank space behind my desk.  When I first found out the box had been moved there I said something to my mom and said that wasn't where the box belonged.  Today when I told her that the space where the box is now was the space where I kept my phone when I needed to have it in the office for some reason (which isn't often) my mom acted surprised about it. She keeps telling me that she can't do anything about it, because she doesn't want to confront my dad about stuff and for him to get mad. I can understand that, but I always feel like my feelings are pushed to the side most of the time and I'm either told I'm making too big a deal out of things or I "just have to deal with it." when it's something that really bothers me.

My mom needs to call the cable company again about the Internet.  She called the guy that came out the first time to fix and said he acted like he was annoyed she had called him directly.  Despite that he told her to call him on the next Monday and remind him, but she never did.   We're still having trouble with our Internet.  It's gone out several times today.  My dad says it's a "yoyo."

I turned the TV off yesterday because my mom and I were about to leave the house and my dad wanted to know if the cable was out.  I told him no and turned the TV back on.  He went right to the remote and turned it back off. : :argh: :argh: :argh:

Also a more minor complaint.  I saw a sign at Target yesterday that mentioned something about earning points for buying Legos at Target.  I didn't want to scan the QR code in the store so after I got home I started trying to find out more information. It turns out that it's a very limited offer between Lego and Target and the hoops you have to jump through to get points are so complicated it's not worth the effort. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 16, 2023, 07:28:04 AM
I'm sorry, Ponyfan. I wish there was a way you could take a break from your parents :(

Sorry about your sister, Taffeta

I just fell. I was getting the groceries and tripped over my doormat. I fell into the boxes of Dr. Pepper and Polar Seltzer that I didn't put away last night, like I should have. I jammed my wrist, which I seem to do every time I fall, and the side of my leg is going to be bruised. I think I squished some of the cans too but none broke open, so there's that at least.

Another complaint is my throat is scratchy. I was coughing a lot yesterday and last night. Pretty sure it's allergies. There's a cold front so I opened the windows. Aster has been sniffling and sneezing too.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 16, 2023, 07:27:20 PM
I'm sorry you fell, BC.  :hug:

My mom finally went to the cable company today and complained about the Internet going in and out all of the time.  The cable company said our Internet was too slow.  I have to wonder if it really was or if the person they talked to just said that because the first guy the cable company sent out didn't say anything about the speed being a problem, only that there was a problem with part of the cable outside.  My parents changed our Internet to a faster speed and the lady they talked to said all we had to do was unplug the modem box and plug it back in and then we'd have the upgraded Internet speed.  I did that, but now 3 of our cable boxes are only getting local channels and not the cable package we pay for. :( I'm so tired of Internet that doesn't work properly and not feeling like I can do a lot of streaming because I never know how long the Internet is going to stay up or how long it will be out.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 17, 2023, 03:25:57 AM
This have been piling up. Sorry in advance.

The schedule at work is draining me. I begin each shift at either 4 or 5 am usually. I'm off before 10 am so the shifts are short, but getting up that early in the morning is horrible. I got to sleep in yesterday as the shift started 7:17 am, but instead I wasn't off until 6:40 pm so I got a super long day instead. Equally draining. I am substituting, the person who is on this schedule usually is a hero! I'm one month in and is counting the days until she's back (in another two months). Like, you people who work these times months on end, years on end.. wow! I am impressed!

My husbands best friends wife is an a******e. The things she puts her husband through is insane.. yesterday was another s******w. He was at our place when she called. My husband could hear her yelling. He told me later he wished he had recorded it so I could 've hear it myself as it was awful. Me and friend work at the same place. There was an emergency text coming to our work phones to cover a shift with short notice. When I came home I realised it was friends shift. He had to call out to deal with his wife. I truly hope he gets his acts together, realise he can get so much better and divorce her.

I have frail nails because of years of biting. They look nice now but break for nothing. Both my pointing fingers nails got a chip deep down and nothing I did could save them. Both look like I've been biting them really hard. They look awful :(.

Saw an episode of Criminal Minds yesterday before bed that really got my gears up. Dead tired, couldn't fall asleep because I was thinking of that awful character. Woke up too early beacuse of it. Had to watch the next episode to see it resolve. Couldn't finnish the episode. Googled the character to get a hint of how and when she would dissapear. Got the facts, it was the current episode I was watching! Continued watching, it ended. I was happy. Calmed down. Gonna get some good powernap as soon as the washing is done.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 17, 2023, 08:12:37 AM
I love candles and have a slight addiction. I had signed up with Yankee Candle a while ago and they send me alerts for sales and whatever. They had a bunch on clearance including these candles for $2 a piece.

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I am very bad at sizing and weight and distance and all that. So, I knew these candles were small, but I didn't know they were basically tea lights...

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You know how much these are regular price? 5 bucks! Yankee Candle has always been more expensive but c'mon. I'm glad I got them on sale, the scents are really very nice. But when I got the small box I thought, they all can't be in there. But yes, they were. They are tiny. It's my fault for not realizing the size but I still feel kind of ripped off. For the total I paid I could have gotten one big candle. But I guess this is a good way to try out scents. Only two that I ordered are kind of on the fence. They might smell better burning.

Oh, also one is cracked. They had stuffed the box with packing paper but all the candles were just loose in the box. I'm surprised only one has damage.

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Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 17, 2023, 07:22:36 PM
I love candles too. I think I have space for one more, but I'm trying to wait until I use some of the ones I have up.

I'm so tired.  My dad checked my blood pressure a couple of hours ago and it was a little lower than usual.

The guy from the cable company fixed our cables boxes so all of them are getting the right channels now.  He also said that our modem box can't handle the upgraded Internet and until we get a new one, we'll have problems with the Internet going in and out. I'll be glad when we get everything fixed. The guy said he would have given us a new modem box today, but that we would have no Internet access for a few days if he hooked it up today.

I tried several times to find a playlist on Spotify that was a companion to a fanfiction I was reading.  Despite using everything I could think of as search terms and trying the exact title for the playlist listed on the fanfiction story I couldn't find it.  I finally started going to Youtube and looking up the songs one by one. I saved the videos to a new favorites list so I can listen to the them later.

I still feel weird, so something is wrong.  I'm not sure if it's my blood pressure or blood sugar.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 18, 2023, 07:15:04 AM
Try eating some cheese or a Snickers bar if you've got it. If it's your blood sugar those will help.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 20, 2023, 10:09:35 AM
Ponyfan, i hope you figure out what's wrong :hug:

i feel like i'm bouncing all over the place this morning. multiple projects, everything is high priority and everything must be worked on now  :huh: i kind of want to cry from stress.

Rant below

my employer is doing an audit of dependents on their employer healthcare plan to try to kick people off and reduce costs. having healthcare tied to employment is just insane to me. i really get angry about it. especially with employers being able to control what healthcare people can get because of "religious freedom" ie. Hobby Lobby. i know you can pay out of pocket but i don't want my employer to have any say whatsoever in my life outside of work. this country can and should do so much better!! all of this religious freedom stuff has nothing to do with actual religion. it's just a means to control people.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 20, 2023, 07:07:13 PM
Thank you, Beth.

I had a horrible migraine today.  :wail:  I took some Aleve and that dulled the pain a little, but I could still feel it for most of the day.  I felt so bad earlier that I didn't even want to read or play games on the computer.

The cable guy that was supposed to bring our modem today, never showed up.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 21, 2023, 05:04:34 AM
I agree, Beth. It's really getting out of hand. I'm sorry you're so stressed :(

Ponyfan, migraines are the worst :hug:

My complaint is very trivial. Spotify won't play any music! I went to Down For Everybody (or whatever it's called) and it says Spotify has no issues right now. It opens and everything loads, but when I press the play button, nothing happens. I always listen to music in the morning so this is really bugging me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 22, 2023, 04:13:14 PM
i felt a little better yesterday. but today it was a never ended stream of calls, messages, emails at work. i didn't get any actual work done so i'm having to do stuff after hours :huh:

BC, do you use Spotify on an iPhone? sometimes turning the phone off and on helps or removing the app and reinstalling as a last resort. if you uninstall you will have to re login and download stuff again.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 22, 2023, 07:31:35 PM
my leg still itches like craaaaaaaaaaaaazy... the doctor said to keep putting vaseline on it and to not let the scabs crack open.  no scratching!  i have to wrap it in gauze and wear mittens at night so I don't claw at it in my sleep...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 23, 2023, 05:13:05 AM
BC, do you use Spotify on an iPhone? sometimes turning the phone off and on helps or removing the app and reinstalling as a last resort. if you uninstall you will have to re login and download stuff again.

No, on my PC. The issues was with Chrome, I guess, because after I closed it out and reopened it, Spotify worked.

Now I'm having issues with Pluto TV on my PS4. In my bedroom which has a Vizio smart TV, I can pick a channel on Pluto and it continuously plays that channel. On the PS4 app, it stops after each episode and I have to manually play the next one. Very annoying! Especially since I'm watching a show that's only a half hour.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 23, 2023, 07:17:48 AM
Ponyfan, hope you're feeling better :/

@Beth, BC, I admit, I don't understand the American healthcare system. Don't get me wrong, the NHS has some major. MAJOR. problems. But I would be terrified if the UK started adopting insurance/private medical care as the norm, and tying it to employment in that way. It was bad enough during the pandemic when the Govt announced people would be sent to GP hubs for vaccinations and our GP - then 3 minutes walk away - insisted on sending us 10 miles buses and we don't have a car.

My trivial complaint today isn't really a massive complaint, but this morning we had some plants delivered. Two lots, actually. I had just finished getting changed after planting up the first lot when the second lot arrived. So I had to get changed again. Sigh.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 23, 2023, 03:20:21 PM
I'm still not feeling well. :(  As much as I don't want to have surgery in the next few months, I know it's better for me in the long run and would make a big difference with a lot of my problems. 

My mom called the cable guy that promised to bring the new modem box on Tuesday.  He apologized for not bringing it on Monday and said he would bring in a few hours.  The guy gave up his lunch hour to set up the modem for us.  Unfortunately, we're still having problems with the Internet blinking in and out several times a day. It's so frustrating. :(  My mom was nice enough to pay for Disney Plus because I told her I felt like I couldn't take on another streaming subscription.  She's made it very clear that she's not going to keep paying for it if we don't watch it, but with the Internet going in and out all of the time, I don't want to deal with trying to use Disney Plus on the Smart TV, only to get kicked off or have to wait for the Internet to come back up so we can continue watching the show.  That's happened several times and really spoils Disney Plus for me because then I become obsessed with wondering if we're going to get kicked off or be able to finish the show.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 23, 2023, 10:49:50 PM
So you're supposed to walk on the left side on the walkway/road outside. Most people do, but some don't. People are people. On our way home from the grocery store we met a woman on the "wrong" side clearly off in her thoughts and instead of getting out from her way, John just stood fast and refused to move so she almost bumped into him. I tried to move him and he just stood there, smiling and she looked so confused. It was so embarrassing!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 24, 2023, 01:46:55 AM
So you're supposed to walk on the left side on the walkway/road outside. Most people do, but some don't. People are people. On our way home from the grocery store we met a woman on the "wrong" side clearly off in her thoughts and instead of getting out from her way, John just stood fast and refused to move so she almost bumped into him. I tried to move him and he just stood there, smiling and she looked so confused. It was so embarrassing!

In the UK I don't think we really have that rule except in certain places where it's signposted, but we do have cycle tracks and pedestrian paths alongside each other. And cyclists will cycle wherever they want to, irrespective of the markings. It's technically illegal for a cyclist to come up on the pavement here, but they do it and nothing happens.

There was a survey a while back in London that showed over 60% of cyclists there ignore things like red lights and don't give way to pedestrians on crossings where they should be stopping.

Walking behind slow people, or around people who decide to fill the path is annoying...but nothing is as bad as a rogue cyclist. (I say rogue, but the majority of cyclists don't seem to know the highway code).
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 24, 2023, 05:24:03 AM
I made an appointment with a neurologist three months ago. They called the day before my appointment to tell me there was a "schedule conflict" and they have to reschedule. Now I have to wait another month. I don't understand how I can have this set up for three months! and then somehow there's a "conflict". But I also know they use phrases like that as code for the doctor taking a personal day or something. I'm pretty upset because I've been trying to see a neurologist for a long time.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 24, 2023, 05:57:29 AM
I'm exhausted.  :zzz: :zzz:  For some reason I couldn't sleep last night and everything I tried to make me sleepy (watching TV, getting on the computer, changing the pillow) didn't work.  I finally fell asleep between 5 and 6 am. 

I was hoping to catch a few more minutes of sleep, but my dad closed a door really hard and the noise was enough to chase the last chance of me being able to go back to sleep away.

I didn't drink caffeine late in the day and I don't think I was really worried or anxious about anything more than usual, so I don't know why sleep was elusive for me last night.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 25, 2023, 12:44:12 PM
Nothing seems to be going right today. :(  I wanted to pick up a movie at Walmart, but the Walmart I was at today didn't have it on the shelves yet, even though there was a tag for it.

At the same Walmart, I asked if I could get a prescription filled a few days early and the person working the counter said I could.  When I returned to the pharmacy about 30 minutes later to the same person that was working the drop off counter told me they only had a few pills in stock and needed to order the rest.  I understand that, but I wish they  would have told me that when I first asked about the prescription. :( It felt like the whole trip to Walmart was a waste of time since I couldn't even get the movie I wanted.

Also, this morning when I was trying to count days on the calendar to see when I could get my prescription filled, my dad starting talking about refilling one of his prescriptions.  It made me feel like my parents weren't listening to me at all

On top of all that, last night my dad wanted to invite our neighbors from across the street over to eat.  That was fine, but after we ate one of our neighbors noticed all of the movies we have.  I didn't mind him looking at them, but he started taking them off the shelves without asking and then he just put a few back in a random spot because he wasn't paying attention to where they were when he was grabbing them.  I know it sounds petty, but it really rubbed me the wrong way, mainly I guess because he didn't ask before he started going through them.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 25, 2023, 01:50:05 PM
Guests with no sense of boundaries are the worst!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on March 25, 2023, 02:40:59 PM
Changing the clocks to daylight savings time at night confuses my head again for a while. :dizzy: :zzz:
I want this change of clocks to be stopped soon and we stay in wintertime.  :pout:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 25, 2023, 07:19:39 PM
This hasn't been my day. :(

A while back I put some manga books in my Save for Later list on Amazon. Today when I was looking at Amazon on my phone, I saw that some of them were listed as Buy One, get one 50%.  I decided to log on to Amazon on my computer and see if all of the books I wanted were included in the sale.  As soon as I logged on, I got  an email saying "Someone tried to log in to your account."  I checked all of my other Amazon emails and everything I saw always had the "A" in Amazon capitalized, but the one I had just received did not.  I thought it was a scam and my mom said she thought it was too.  I deleted the email and then it dawned on me that it was the first time I had logged in to Amazon since we got the new modem and that might be why I got the email.  I was able to log in to Amazon a few minutes later without any problems, but the way they had the shopping cart set up, I couldn't tell if the books I wanted were really on sale or not.  I didn't want to have to go through the whole checkout process to find out if I could have gotten a good deal on the books.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 26, 2023, 03:47:43 AM
So you're supposed to walk on the left side on the walkway/road outside. Most people do, but some don't. People are people. On our way home from the grocery store we met a woman on the "wrong" side clearly off in her thoughts and instead of getting out from her way, John just stood fast and refused to move so she almost bumped into him. I tried to move him and he just stood there, smiling and she looked so confused. It was so embarrassing!

In the UK I don't think we really have that rule except in certain places where it's signposted, but we do have cycle tracks and pedestrian paths alongside each other. And cyclists will cycle wherever they want to, irrespective of the markings. It's technically illegal for a cyclist to come up on the pavement here, but they do it and nothing happens.

There was a survey a while back in London that showed over 60% of cyclists there ignore things like red lights and don't give way to pedestrians on crossings where they should be stopping.

Walking behind slow people, or around people who decide to fill the path is annoying...but nothing is as bad as a rogue cyclist. (I say rogue, but the majority of cyclists don't seem to know the highway code).

It's been a rule in Sweden for as long as I can remember, even longer. I think they're even written it in the law now.. Some places are signposted, like walk on one side and bike on the other of the same walkway but when there's no sign, you're suppose to walk on the left side and bike on the right.

There is an ongoing war here between car drivers and cyclists. Some cyclists really bike like they're the center of the universe and I hate how the car drivers take out their anger at them on us who follow the laws.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 26, 2023, 05:17:14 AM
I have to call FedEx today and complain again. For whatever reason, FedEx delivered a package from Amazon. The driver took it halfway up my stairs. So I had to go down and get it :mad: It was a big box but thankfully it was light. I burned the bottoms of my feet on the hot wood that the sun was beating on.

This is the fourth time FedEx has done this. I do not have issues with UPS, Amazon or Walmart. Sometimes the Amazon drivers will leave the package at the very edge of the balcony, so you can tell they didn't come all the way up the stairs, but they still put it on the landing.

I do not know why FedEx drivers are so lazy! It's part of your job! Walk up the whole staircase!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on March 27, 2023, 01:05:58 PM
You’d hope that signing up for next year courses would be easy and straightforward, especially since the university has increased tuition (for the 4th year in a row) and they can possibly put that extra money towards quality of life fixes in their systems.
No. No it is not easy and now I might have difficulty getting what courses I want/need.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 28, 2023, 07:33:58 PM
I've been so tired all day.   :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: It's another reminder that even though I don't want surgery, it's looking more and more like the best option to solve a lot of the problems I'm dealing with.

I had to fight to stay awake when I was driving and a few minutes after I got home, I fell asleep on the couch. 

The website for the bookstore said it had a book in stock, but when I went there I couldn't find it, even though I was looking right where it should have been.  I could have asked an employee for help, but I didn't feel like doing that today.  The website doesn't update in real time and I suspect that the book might have still been in the back and not on the shelves yet, even though the release date was last week. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 30, 2023, 04:43:52 AM
My eyes are so itchy and watery due to the high pollen. It rained for a tiny bit the other day, so everything that can is blooming. My windows are closed but it only lessens my symptoms, not stops them. I keep rinsing my eyes with some eye wash I have. I need to get some antihistamine eyedrops... but they're really expensive.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 31, 2023, 02:44:22 AM
Out of the blue, while watching a movie on stream the internet went down. Didn't work on the TV, didn't work on my phone. The cause; husband was downloading a game to Steam (resident evil). We looked at the bandwidth we had (it's supposed to be 100/100) and it was only 4.65/56. He paused the download and the internet came back and the bandwidth came back to 100/100. We've never had such issues before and thought it was a glitch. Husband resumed dowonloading and I went to bed.

Today, the same thing happened. Only husband was uploading a video on Youtube that was only 1.65 gb. Like, nothing. Router is up to date, no loose cables. Contacted the provider and was told uploading and downloading takes a lot of internet, even if it's small and there's no problem on their end and we could upgrade to 300/100 to make it easier for us. :rolleyes: We have never had issues like this before, with him uplodaing/downloading things while I stream or play online or just surf the phone. But the problem is not on their end. Yeah, right! :rolleyes:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 31, 2023, 06:53:38 AM
Why do I think things dealing with healthcare and/or the government will be easy? HA. It's never easy.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 01, 2023, 07:48:31 PM
I buy a lot books from the bookstore and a couple of years ago I signed up for their loyalty program again after letting my membership expire for a while.  You can either give your phone number or give the cashier your membership card to scan when you buy something to get your discount.  Today I pulled out the card, instead of giving my phone number.  My email flashed across the screen, and I noticed that it wasn't right.  I told the cashier that it was wrong, and she said that "I would need to update it eventually" since it wasn't current.  My email has been correct before and when I questioned her why it would suddenly be wrong, she said that it could be a glitch because the bookstore is changing their loyalty program this year to something completely different.  She also told me that she couldn't change the email address for me.  It made me a little worried that the email address is wrong, but I'm hoping it's either a glitch or someone just typed it in wrong at some point.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 01, 2023, 08:54:41 PM
Ponyfan, that seems really strange. was it completely wrong or just a little wrong? maybe if they did an update the data was mixed up? sorry my software developer brain has questions.

my frustration today is also tech related. lately my printer prints everything super small. like if i print a recipe it will only take up 1/4 of the page. if i print from Adobe Acrobat it prints correctly. i don't know what changed. it worked up until about a couple of weeks ago. i keep changing the settings but nothing works.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 02, 2023, 08:12:55 AM
I now have a wound care team of nurses looking after my leg....  it's almost better but OH THE ITCHINESS.

If you have ever seen DUNE, when Paul has to put his hand in the box and take the Pain Test.... oh my.  that is my life.  I would probably fall asleep and be relaxed by the cool waves of the Pain Box compared to the never-ending firey itch that is my leg.  sadly they said that is the psoriasis and NOT the actual wound.  So all the sensation is in my brain and not physical.

 then to make it all worse, they did some tests on my leg veins and found that I have bad circulation... like the kind they see in diabetic patients.  I am not diabetic.  I am also apparently "too young" for these conditions, and I'm like, I've had this all my life, and they are like, "WUT?"

Anyway now I have to go to this outpatient clinic and have them wash my wound down and change the dressings every 3 days, and wear these compression stocking things.   I'm not allowed to take baths or showers, I'm supposed to wipe myself down...  *pout*
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 02, 2023, 04:52:12 PM
squirmy, i hope the wound care team helps speed up the healing :hug:

well it finally happened. after living in Texas my entire life I saw someone who isn't law enforcement/security carrying a gun. and they were on my street!!

as my husband and i were leaving to get dinner i saw 2 guys, maybe 20ish walking by. and one was carrying a rifle. i don't know guns but it definitely wasn't an AR or anything like that. it looked like a hunting rifle. they walked in the opposite direction from my car so i didn't see where they went. i didn't want to follow them. i'm guessing since they were on foot they probably live in the neighborhood. also one of my neighbors was outside on the phone watching them walk away.

later i checked the security cameras and from what i can see the neighbor who was on the phone ran them out of wherever they were. he lives in the house around the corner so i couldn't see what they were doing. it was all pretty far for the cameras to get their faces. the guys seemed a little put out that they were being run off. it was pretty brave to run them off. i don't think i would confront anyone with a gun.

no police came as far as i saw and it isn't illegal in Texas to open carry. you can't just be shooting guns in a neighborhood though. i'm glad they were run off. this was on a Saturday afternoon too. and there are a ton of kids that play outside, people walk, garden. i'm not scared or anything. but it's a little unsettling. there's some vacant lots and trails so maybe they were doing something there. there are deer and other animals all around so maybe they were doing some illegal hunting. also illegal. you can't just hunt wherever. ugh Texas
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 03, 2023, 05:14:26 AM
^ That would terrify me, honestly. I had a dream last night where I was in a car being shot at. I have a lot of dreams like that. Guns scare me, loaded or not. I should check if Florida is open carry, it probably is but I'm not sure. I've only ever seen one gun that wasn't on a cop, and that was the one my dad had. It was always in the back of my mind. Luckily, weapons aren't allowed in the complex I live in. I know that doesn't mean people don't have weapons, but if they get caught, they'll be taken away at least.

My complaint is a really bad headache. I woke up in the night and it was extremely painful, I took some generic Excedrin and tried to go back to sleep. When Aster woke me up for breakfast, it was still holding on, so I've taken some more medicine. I'm slightly nauseous too and my neck hurts. I can't wait until Friday when I see the neurologist.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 03, 2023, 10:23:07 AM
BC, i hope you feel better soon :) i checked and Florida is not an open carry state for long guns or other guns. however it does allow for permitless concealed carry. personally i don't like guns in public spaces at all. a world with less weapons in general would be a less scary place to me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 04, 2023, 12:52:14 AM
Thanks, I do :) That's worrying and even worse than open carry :huh: I do recall a few stories of people drawing guns at others in places like Walmart, especially when the whole mask vs no-mask thing was at its highest. Because that's when you need a gun, when someone won't put on or take off a mask.

eta: I have a complaint this morning. I accidentally burned the roof of my mouth on pizza last night. I didn't realize it at the time but now I have skin shreds which are annoying me. Also, my lips are all torn up and I had a blood spot on my bottom lip when I woke up. I don't think that's from the pizza... I mean, I wasn't kissing it (though I love it) so I'm not sure what's up.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on April 04, 2023, 09:21:09 AM
Two words.

Virgin Media.

That's all.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 04, 2023, 09:46:42 AM
Sometimes my parents can be so annoying.  :argh: :argh:

Those that check this thread often know that we've had a lot of Internet issues lately.  Just when we think that everything is fixed, something else happens. :(  My mom wanted to get on Disney + today.  I told her that I didn't think that was a good idea right then as we've had some trouble with our Internet going out when the wind gets bad.  She said we should try anyway. I logged on and we were only about 5 minutes in to the show when the Internet went down.  She thinks I'm mad at her.  I'm not really mad, it's just I told her it would probably go out and that's exactly what happened.  I've tried to tell her Disney + isn't fun for me if we have a lot of issues while trying to watch.  *sigh* And that's coming from a person that loves Disney.

I think this is related to the issue I need to have surgery for (at least I hope it is).  I've been struggling with exhaustion lately.  A day at work wears me out to the point that I can barely function the next day.  I know that's not normal.  I'm doing all of the right things (usually no caffeine after a certain time, don't stay up extra late when I have to work the next day, weekly B 12 shots, taking vitamins with extra iron etc..)   A few months ago one of my drs ran an iron test to see if I needed iron infusions because I told her about being  extremely tired, but I never heard anything back from her.  It's only been recently though that the exhaustion has gotten to this point.

@Beth -on the email address on file with the bookstore, the letters were right but the domain was wrong.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 04, 2023, 11:53:09 AM
Sleep, AGAIN!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 04, 2023, 04:18:29 PM
More complaints, mostly all tech related.  :dumbpc:

I plugged my phone in the charger at 11 this morning.  This afternoon I checked it and it was almost at 100%.  After I played a game with the phone still plugged in, I noticed that my battery had stopped charging and my phone was down to 56%. My charger quit working.  I'll have to get another plug and cable soon.

Friday I was printing some Lego instructions and ran the color cartridge out of ink while printing. My mom bought me a new cartridge on Sat and said it should be enough to finish what I was printing. I only printed that pages that didn't print well and the cartridge ran out of some ink. When I told my mom about it she said it was because the instructions were mostly in color.  Now I have to get another color cartridge. :(  I don't even print a lot of stuff.

My surge protector, battery back up thing that I plug in my computer, router etc.. in to started beeping for the 2nd time over the weekend.  It's worn out. I picked up a new after work yesterday, but I've been too tired most of the day to set it up.  I felt a little better after a nap, but since we're having trouble with the Internet blinking in and out again due to the wind, I didn't want to make things worse.

My e-reader has been acting up. When I look for ebooks, it tells me there's no items matching my search terms, even though I can go  to a book that's already in my library, click on details and then it will show me that book and a few others.  My mom's e-reader is still working correctly though.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 05, 2023, 04:34:45 AM
I'm sorry you're having such a tough time, Ponyfan :hug: About the printer, you should be able to set it so it prints in black and white. Unless you want it in color.

I'm out of my Vyvanse again. I asked my psychiatrist if she could up it again to 70 mg, which is the highest dose. She said she wants to wait until I see the neurologist and what she says because Vyvanse constricts the blood vessels. Okay, that's fine, I understand that. But I'm out of it now and will be for several days. Without it I'm even more fatigued and tired than usual, and my brain is foggy. Plus, when I start taking it again, especially if it will be the higher dose, it will make me manic. I don't really mind that because I can get so much done, but it's not good because it releases too much dopamine and then I could have a crash into depression. So far that hasn't happened but it's something to be mindful about.

Other than that, I have a meeting across the street for the yearly lease agreement. I'm missing two things, my proof of income and the IRS proof of non-filing form. I already requested the form from the IRS, they just need to mail it (I don't know why I can't just download one and print it out... the government is so behind the times as far as technology goes). The proof of income I'm not sure about that. I guess it comes from my niece out of my dad's money. But half of that money should be mine... we need to talk about it. She's been out of town for a week.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on April 05, 2023, 10:25:08 PM
I think it's time to replace my laptop.  I've had this one since 2011 and it can't support Windows 11.  It takes a long time to start up and sometimes it can't keep up with how fast I type.  I don't want to look for a new laptop.  Part of why I picked this one is because it is a pretty metallic lavender color.  It seems like the ones that have the programming capability that I need only come in ugly colors and the ones in pretty colors are useless for anything other than surfing Facebook and making Tiktok videos.  I know that black is classic but everyone else in my family has black.  I don't want it.  Even decorating it with stickers or something isn't that appealing. 

I can deal with the color not being to my liking but as this is the trivial complaint thread...I don't want to! :razz:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 06, 2023, 10:19:05 AM
Feeling sad today :sad:

To keep on topic though, I think I need to replace my faucet filter. My water tastes like dirt.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: starscout on April 06, 2023, 10:53:35 AM
Had a little bit of scotch last night... but I had forgotten that I had taken some Ativan earlier in the day. Needless to say, I felt horrible last night and I still feel sick today. :jealous:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on April 06, 2023, 01:29:57 PM
I'm an idiot, and forgot my key.

Post Merge: April 06, 2023, 01:30:19 PM

Feeling sad today :sad:

To keep on topic though, I think I need to replace my faucet filter. My water tastes like dirt.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 06, 2023, 03:28:59 PM
Thanks BC :hug:  :hug:

My parents keep doing things that are annoying me although I don't think they are doing it on purpose.

I had to get a shot today. The office has a strict rule that only patients are allowed in the treatment area unless there are no other patients being treated in the same area due to privacy concerns.  I have to wait 30 minutes after my shot at the office so the staff can be sure I don't have a negative reaction.  My parents usually go somewhere close by and wait until I tell them I'm ready to leave. I don't have a problem with that at all.

Today when I got in the car after my appointment, I noticed they had been to McDonald's and got drinks. When I asked my mom why they didn't buy me one (sometimes they do) she said she didn't think about getting one. :(  They also went to a store I wanted to go while I was busy with my shot appointment.  On the way home my mom said that she saw a Lego set, but she was sure it wasn't the one I wanted.  When I showed her a picture of it, she said it was the one I was looking for, but she didn't think it was because I told her it was $10 and  the tag on the shelf said. $14.

We're still having to share the same phone charger.  I checked her phone because my battery was getting low and my mom acted like she was upset that I had checked.  She unplugged her phone and took it to the bedroom saying "I'll just plug it in here."  I tried to tell her that wasn't planning on using the charger yet, but I was going to switch the phones out in about 30 minutes because I was going to do something else that didn't involve using my phone.

I told my mom that wanted to try to hook up the new surge protector/battery back up thing this afternoon.  I told her that I thought it was best that the Smart TV wasn't on while I would be unplugging everything (including the router and the modem) and plugging it back in to the new one.  My mom and I left for a short time.  When we got back my dad was using the Smart TV.  To be fair, I didn't tell him that I wanted the Smart TV off to hook everything back up, but he said "I just turned it on" and I didn't want him to feel like I was saying he couldn't watch the Smart TV.  So now I have to wait another day to plug it in.  When I told my mom she acted surprised that I hadn't changed everything over to the new surge protector yet.  How am I supposed to do that when my dad's using the Smart TV and my mom wanted to play Farmville on Facebook?

Also, one of the lights in a floor lamp was flickering. I told my  mom about it a few das ago and she said we didn't have light bulbs.  When I turned the lamp on this morning, the bulb starting flickering again. My mom insisted we didn't have light bulbs.  My dad got 2 boxes of bulbs down and she starting looking at one box.  She pulled out a bulb and said "It looks exactly the same."  When I told her she had been saying that we didn't have the right kind she said "I didn't know we had these."

I hate it when I feel like my parents aren't listening to a thing I say.   :argh: :argh:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 07, 2023, 01:36:42 AM
I just had ten seconds of your life Ponyfan, & was reminded exactly why I have as little as possible xxx

It's my father. He comes round when I'm finishing in the bathroom, then acts all shocked when I come to the door. "Oh, you're THERE!!!"
I was on the bl**dy t**let!!!
"Do you really have to shout like an a***hole???"
*when you treat me like you just scraped me off your shoe & have less patience than the couriers I do*
Gave him what I meant to give him in December & he got back in the car & left.
Needed Bakana, hot choc, & my fave server after that...

Oh & my fingers are at it again...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 07, 2023, 03:44:27 AM
It's family complaint time it seems.

My niece has turned her phone off. I've been trying to text her for two days and I finally decided to call. It went right to voicemail. I texted my other niece and asked if she'd talked to Lily lately and she said no. It's very important I talk to my niece! She has my money for my bills and my rent is due. She also has to fill out some paperwork for my lease agreement. Plus, we still haven't talked about my dads money. I should get at least half. I'm his only daughter. My sister and my niece's "father" (they've never met, he's a career criminal and in prison) stole my dads coins years ago. They were supposed to be my and my sister's inheritance, he bought at least two of everything. So that was taken away from me. Then I'm not in the will, which really hurts. On top of everything, my niece HAS money. She's a trust fund baby, she's never had to work or worry about anything her whole life so far. I don't have any money. I have some change in a dresser drawer and that's it.

Anyway, I need my rent and bill money at the very least. She's ignoring everyone. That's her way of dealing with grief, which I understand, but when you have responsibilities to other people you can't just shut them out! If she doesn't want to worry about doling out money to me every month then give me half of what my dad had. I don't even know how much money he had, but I know he had three bank accounts.

I also need that money to pay off my mom's debt. She owes 2200 to Solaris and 1700 on a credit card. Since she can only keep $130 a month, she won't be able to pay them off for a long time, so I thought I'd use my dads money and pay them.

Bottom line, I'm really upset and angry at my niece right now. The 10th is when late charges are added for not paying rent. My internet is also due on the 10th.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 07, 2023, 06:40:09 PM
:hug: :hug:   to everyone dealing with difficult family members.

I've gotten along better with my parents today, but it hasn't been a stress free day.

I thought we'd found the right charger for my phone at Target.  I told the cashier working the electronics counter that I wanted to be sure it was the right charger before I bought it (my mom had the old one in her pocket so we could be sure it was the same.)  The cashier assured me that it was the exact same charger, so I bought it and a new charging cable.  After I got home and opened the charger, I realized it wasn't the right one.  I had to go back to Target to return it and get a refund.  At least Target accepted the return easily and apologized that the cashier told me it was the right one.

After I got back from Target, I decided to hook up the new surge protector.  It was both easier than I thought it would be and a harder.   I was able to do most of it myself, but I had to have a little bit of help with a couple of things.  The surge protector had 6 outlets and there was one plug that I thought went to a lamp.  My dad came in the office and tried to turn on his desk light.  It turns out the one thing that I didn't plug back in was an extension cord that powers the desk lamp and his desk light.  It took a little effort to move the cord over so he could plug it in somewhere else. I would have plugged it in to the surge protector, but the modem and router power supplies would only fit one way and although there is one more outlet free, I can't squeeze the extension cord in between the other two.

I'm so tired.  I feel like I can barely keep my eyes open. :zzz:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 09, 2023, 11:39:02 PM
I have the hiccups for the second time today :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on April 10, 2023, 01:17:55 PM
My tummy is full of acid and I'm trying to start stories but no-one is answering -_- The messages are read, but not responded to.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 11, 2023, 06:12:56 AM

Aster barfed up a hairball that I stepped in.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 11, 2023, 06:30:51 AM
How can I be more tired when I woke up after hours of sleep than I was when I went to bed?  I'm starting to think that I might need a new sleep study to see if my CPAP machine pressure needs to be adjusted.  I've lost 25 pounds since I had the original sleep study done.

This next part isn't trivial, but I don't want to start a WYP thread.

My debit card was compromised somewhere and someone tried to charge a large purchase on it at a place I never shop at.  I only use my debit card at major retailers, and it's not stored online anywhere, so I have no idea how someone got the numbers.  I did use it a couple times over the weekend, but it was at places. that I've shopped at hundreds of times without problems.  Luckily the bank thought the transaction was suspicious and sent me a text as well as called me to tell me there was suspected fraud.

Unfortunately, I wasn't expecting a text from the bank so I thought at first it was a scam, because I've recently got several scam texts telling me my accounts at Amazon or Netflix have been put on hold.  I tried talking to my mom about the text, but again she didn't listen to everything I was saying, so I guess she missed the part where I was telling her I was afraid to open the text from the bank because it might be a scam. 

After I got the phone call, I went down to the bank to talk to one of the people there. They took care of everything including deactivating my debit card so no one can try to use it. 

I was already a bit nervous about using my debit card, but I told myself each time that it would be okay.  Now I have to work back up to using it without worrying if something is going to go wrong each time.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 11, 2023, 02:15:12 PM
It's so windy today :( My trash is piling up and now that my niece has cut off contact with me, there is no one to take it to the compacter. I had to put it out on the balcony because it was starting to smell but the wind has blown all the bags around and down the stairs into the yard :( I have to go out and pick them up.

Post Merge: April 12, 2023, 05:45:39 AM

It's not even 8:30 in the morning and I'm having all kinds of problems! More of my garbage bags ended up down my stairs and it rained last night, so it's now stinky wet garbage.

Aster had yet another hairball in the hallway, but at least I saw it in time.

She also ate my curly spider plant last night.

There were those freaking tiny ants in her food. I followed the trail and they were coming out of the utility closet, which is a new place for them. I sprayed.

When I started my PC I was greeted with a blue screen and sad smiley saying my device was not properly shut down. They only thing I can think of is during the rain last night the power must have went off or something. I shut my PC down normally and everything was fine before I went to bed. Anyway, Blue Screens and Microsoft are not my friend and I don't want to see it when I'm not even awake yet. My PC booted up just fine, btw.

It's supposed to rain all day and I wanted to go out today. I need to get a form from the office and my mail. Then I wanted to take an Uber to the bank and visit my mom. I didn't sleep well though and am in bad shape, so maybe I'll do all that tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on April 13, 2023, 09:46:14 AM
Weather here has been up and down, yesterday was pretty awful :/

My complaint is our dental surgery.

I had a check up today.

My dentist is a lovely person. I have no complaints about her at all. BUT.

The waiting room of our dentists is small, claustrophobic, and very not-autism friendly. It's full of screaming kids, a loud radio, TV screen as well as having the reception desks shoved right there so it's noisy and unpleasant. I do not like waiting rooms in general, but this one is especially obnoxious.

Last time I went to the dentist, my dentist was working downstairs so I had to sit in this waiting room. When I booked for today, I checked that it would be a day she was working in the upstairs surgery, so I would be able to wait in the small, quiet upstairs waiting room.

We've been going to this dentist for years. At least 20. Most all of that time we waited upstairs without an issue. When our dentist left, I was assigned a new dentist for a while who worked downstairs, but on account of the waiting room, I requested to be switched to the upstairs dentist, and that was done for me.

That was some four or five years back. The surgery not only know I have issues with the zoo that is the waiting room, but it's noted on my record, and as I said, this appointment today was booked specifically to make sure I was able to wait upstairs.

But this morning, I got there to find they'd closed that waiting room due to 'health and safety' and so my options were to wait in the zoo, or out in the corridor, which is just as much a zoo, just minus the radio. It didn't help that today my dentist was running late due to an emergency ahead of me, nor that a family with four kids decided to come wait RIGHT NEXT to me.

I am not afraid of the dentist. I find waiting rooms overwhelming and triggering, because of my hypersensitivity. In spite of them knowing that, they did not bother to tell me ahead of time about the change, and the receptionist was unsympathetic. I also was expected to explain the whole situation in front of a crowd of people in the zoo, some of whom decided to 'be helpful' (not helpful) about where I could wait.

All of this left me very shaky by the time I got in to see my dentist. If it had been a filling or other procedure, I would've had to cancel and go home. Fortunately it wasn't. But considering they know that this is an issue for me and that my use of the upstairs waiting room was arranged with them years ago...they could at LEAST have contacted me ahead of time to warn me, and tried to make some kind of provision when I arrived.

None of that happened.

I have no idea what will go down next time I go there, which won't be for a few months. But if they don't reopen the upstairs waiting room, I have a serious problem being able to access dental provision in future.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 13, 2023, 11:01:31 AM
I'm sorry you had to deal with that :hug: I hate waiting rooms too for the same reason, sensory issues.

A big gecko just ran into my house while I had the door open. He was under the wood of the balcony and for some reason I scared him enough for him to pop up and he ran right in! Then I tried to coax him back out the door and he went in the opposite direction and is now in the laundry closet. He/she is fairly large, so I'm hoping I can catch it before Aster does... but it might too big for her to go after it. She's not a great or enthusiastic hunter and is still afraid of a lot of things. The water and cat food are right in front of the laundry doors, so maybe the water will bring it out. I don't want to go chasing it again because it will just go under the washer or dryer further in the closet.

I should ID it. I don't see many wild geckos.

eta: Seems to be a wall gecko based on its color and size. They are not native. In fact, Florida only has one native gecko and about 27 invasive ones released by the pet trade. Out of them all I've only ever seen three in person, including the one in my house right now.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 13, 2023, 04:21:28 PM
I am so tired of putting zinc oxide cream on my leg.  It's healed but the nurses said I have to keep it slathered in creams and keep it covered... for like, eternity.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 14, 2023, 08:18:53 AM
i had horrible nightmares last night. i had a couple of drinks before bed. i think that's why i didn't get a good night's sleep.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 15, 2023, 03:27:20 AM
Temps to drop on Monday!

Monday's forecast: 85F


...this summer is going to be brutal...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on April 16, 2023, 04:52:57 AM
I don't normally have complaints about our neighbours, but yesterday one of ours were having a barbeque and baby shower. Which in itself is not too much of a big deal, the guy came over to tell us that they were going to have this get together, which would end around 7pm. So, fine.

Were they noisy all afternoon? Yes. Did my room get full of smoke smell? Yes.

But that's not the reason I'm posting here.

Side note that although the neighbour came and spoke to Mum and Dad, I'm literally the only one who would be impacted by this, because of the side of the house my room is on and the fact both Mum and Dad have some hearing issues these days. They didn't hear most any of the party, whereas I had it in the background all afternoon. BUT they had given us warning of it, so fair enough. Right?


They were still in the garden making noise until 11pm. Not 7pm. ELEVEN PM. And if that was not bad enough, around 9 they started setting off fireworks. FIREWORKS. In the middle of April. WITH NO ADVANCE WARNING!

Our neighbourhood is quiet. Fireworks are a generally Guy Fawkes/Diwali/New Year type of thing, and they're rarely/never fired in our street. These were not only fired in our street, but OVER OUR GARDEN.

The bangs were so loud they made me jump, I had to actually go downstairs to get away from them.

There are birds nesting in the trees all around our garden, too. All I could think of was whether they were ok through all of this.

...I was so mad. I mean, fireworks. Without warning. Two hours after the party was meant to have ended. After being noisy and inconvenient all day. And RIGHT OVER OUR garden, not theirs.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 16, 2023, 12:10:41 PM
@Taffeta Fireworks outside of normal times are very unnerving. i'm not a fan of them in general for all of the reasons you listed.

i think i'm starting to get really sad about my parents getting older. i guess when they lived further away and i only saw them a few times a year i didn't notice as much. especially my mom. she's almost 10 years younger than my dad and he's in much better shape. when my parents came over yesterday my mom seemed ok. then all of a sudden she said she wasn't feeling well and had to leave in a hurry. my dad had to help her to the car. she didn't say what was wrong so i'm not sure. i think in the future we'll just go to their house more. we don't really like going over there because they don't have anywhere comfortable to sit but i think it's getting harder for her to leave the house. she's still in her early-mid 70s so i wasn't expecting her health to decline so fast.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 16, 2023, 12:25:21 PM
:hug: Beth

Now that I've lost my dad I'm even more worried about my mom, especially her cognitive decline. She laughs it off, but sometimes she forgets what she's saying in the middle of the sentence. I can understand your worry for your parents. It's hard watching them get older and not be able to do the things they used to.

There's something going on with my skin. I thought it was hives at first but it doesn't look like it from the pics I looked up. My arms and upper back are very red and itchy. Hot too. It's not anywhere else. I thought maybe it was an allergic reaction so something, but even after I showered and have been in the house for a few days, not going outside, I still have it. Then I thought it was my new bamboo mattress topper but you'd think I'd have it on my legs too if that was the case :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 17, 2023, 03:42:36 PM
@BC it's just hard. i don't feel like it's possible to really be prepared for whatever's going to happen in the next few years :(

my complaint for today is rude people at work who act put out when they have to do any work. i'm sure i would be immediately written up or fired if i made snarky comments like this person. they rarely attend meetings and try to push back any time they are asked to do work. no idea how they get away with it. now today they made rude comments to me on our project board. why making rude comments seemed necessary to them, i have no idea. i'm tempted to say something but i really don't need more stress. they're been at the company forever too
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 17, 2023, 04:07:31 PM
When you get so busy doing stuff it's midnight before you know it!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on April 17, 2023, 04:13:55 PM
Super stressed about final exams and I have no idea why. I don't usually get this wound up about them, but its been feeling like I've run a marathon and I haven't even had my first exam! I've just been studying! I cannot wait until exams are over because I need a hug from my girlfriend once all this is done.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 17, 2023, 04:21:36 PM
@Taffeta, I'm sorry that the neighbor's party lasted longer than they said and that they were shooting fireworks without warning you first.  Fireworks are technically illegal in my city, but everyone shoots them off inside the city on 4th of July and New Year's anyway.  Sometimes it sounds like they are shooting them just across the street, they're  so loud.

@Beth :hug:  It's hard seeing our parents get older.

Today has been a long stressful day.  I had to get bloodwork done today and because of my insurance I had to go to a different place than I usually do.  The staff didn't seem very friendly although I guess they were nice enough.  When I tried to check in at the desk, I was told to check in at the kiosk.  I was doing a blood sugar test among others, so I hadn't had my caffeine for the day yet.  It took me a bit to follow the kiosk instructions and a message kept popping up asking if I was still there.  Then I had to wait and make sure no payment was due today before I left.

I got home, ate breakfast and then had to get my CPAP machine card read.

A guy from the cable company came and said he fixed our cable lines so we wouldn't have any more problems with the Internet.  I checked the cable box in my room and it wasn't working.  My parents went back down to the cable company and they said they would send a tech  out this afternoon. The same guy from the this morning came and fixed the problem.

The website for the local bookstore said they had a book I wanted in stock. I went there over the weekend and there was a blank space where the book should have been. I assumed someone bought it and thought the website would update to "not in stock" over the weekend. but it hasn't yet.  If no one bought the book, why does the website still show it's there?

I feel shaky.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 18, 2023, 01:20:10 AM
More nightmares. Forced myself to get up because I got tired of waking up in a panic. It happened like four times in a row.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 19, 2023, 06:04:40 AM
I had one of those back in school and there's a test that you didn't study for dreams last night.

I saw my dr on Thursday due to the extreme exhaustion I've been having lately, It's horrible.  Things that shouldn't wear me out do and it makes it hard to do normal things.  To be fair I couldn't get all of the things done the dr wanted until Monday.  My dad had his CPAP machine card read at the same time I did and yesterday the place where we got the machines was calling him to readjust his settings to help him sleep better.  I'm glad they did that, but I want results too so I can feel better.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on April 19, 2023, 08:02:58 AM
For the last 2 days Google Lens hasn't worked.  I need to search images for my job and I can't do it because it's complete garbage.  I've tried everything I can think of including uninstalling and reinstalling it and it doesn't work.  It works on my co-workers computer but not mine.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 19, 2023, 08:30:18 AM
I had to go out this morning. When I got home the landscapers were here and they'd already done the section by my apartment. Now my allergies are going crazy. All i have is Benadryl and that totally knocks me out and I need to do stuff today. So I guess I'll just suffer.

I thought we had a crying smiley with a tissue. I can't find it. Anyway, that's me right now.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on April 19, 2023, 02:54:35 PM
I had one of those back in school and there's a test that you didn't study for dreams last night.

I saw my dr on Thursday due to the extreme exhaustion I've been having lately, It's horrible.  Things that shouldn't wear me out do and it makes it hard to do normal things.  To be fair I couldn't get all of the things done the dr wanted until Monday.  My dad had his CPAP machine card read at the same time I did and yesterday the place where we got the machines was calling him to readjust his settings to help him sleep better.  I'm glad they did that, but I want results too so I can feel better.


Back in school dreams suck. Whenever I have one, I'm usually trying to find out what my timetable is meant to be, whether I have PE or not that day, and getting lost on campus trying to find classrooms. Very odd...

My trivial complaint for today. They've taken off a bus service that I liked using. It's now ridiculous that to get to a town across the other side of the county, you have to go in the opposite direction first. Frankly, easier to get the train.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 20, 2023, 05:16:11 AM
Tired :zzz:

I woke up on my back, which is bad for a lot of reasons. My leg was numb so I had to turn on my side and wait for it to come back, meanwhile Aster was mewing at me wondering WHY I wasn't getting up for her breakfast. I tried to explain it to her to no avail.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 20, 2023, 06:23:21 AM
My dad isn't very tech savvy.  The other day he got a text asking if he had charged a large amount of money on one of his credit cards.  My mom saw the text (my dad doesn't usually look at his texts) and replied No.  There was an automatic response that the account would be closed and no further action was required. 

That response wasn't good enough for my dad as he has been trying to log in to the credit card account online ever since then to "try to figure out what's going on."

He kept trying yesterday and when my mom asked me to go in and help him, he had at least 3 emails with a one time passcode, but said he hadn't gotten any. 

He also won't use a cordless phone in the office.  Instead, he uses a really old speaker phone and had the cord stretched across from the phone to his computer.   He told the tech support guy that he had called for me to come help him 3 times and I wouldn't.   I didn't hear him calling for me.  Well. I thought I did once, but my mom had also called to me at the same time so I thought it was her that I heard.  I couldn't believe he said that I wouldn't help him.   :argh: :argh: :argh: I was trying to stay out of his way.

The tech support guy was giving easy to understand instructions so I'm not sure why my dad thought he couldn't follow them. :what:   Anyway I tried to help him get in the online account and the tech support guy said it was locked for 24 hours and hung up.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on April 20, 2023, 01:35:39 PM
I'm trying to study because I have finals, and am very stressed about them. My wonderful little sister has decided instead of being quiet and letting me work in peace, she shall blast tiktoks for everybody to hear. And when I tell her to stop it or use her airpods, she tells me "its not bothering anybody, you put in headphones if its so bad for you." and carries on. I've had to put up with chores, the dog barking, and so many other distractions. Her attitude is one I can do without, and I am really getting sick of it. :stressed:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 21, 2023, 12:48:16 PM
I feel like what little energy I've had this week has been depleted and now my energy levels are so low I can barely function.  I get so tired easily. Just walking around a store wears me out, and I'm very likely to fall asleep if I lay down for any length of time. I know this isn't normal. My dr ran some bloodwork, but I haven't heard back about it yet.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 21, 2023, 04:12:08 PM
When I fell yesterday I scraped up my knee, side of my leg and part of my upper arm. My arm is okay but my knee and leg feel like they're on fire! I put Neosporin on and some gauze and then wrapped them with ace bandages. It's better, but if I try to either extend my knee or bend it, my skin screams.

On the brighter side, my back feels slightly better. I could barely get out of bed this morning.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 21, 2023, 07:04:30 PM
I'm sorry you fell, BC :hug:

After I made my last post in this thread, my mom and I were walking down the sidewalk and she said something about not wanting her help to figure out why my balance didn't match what the bank said.  I went to the bank this morning to check on a couple of things and I did wonder why the bank was showing a different balance from what I had. I never heard my mom saying anything to me about it while we were in the bank together.  The exhaustion I've been feeling this week is making it difficult to concentrate on tasks involving math and so it took my brain a bit to process why there was a difference.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 22, 2023, 03:23:38 AM
I hate waking up hungry :mad: It usually happens when I eat late, for some weird reason. I'm running out of easy foods and don't feel like cooking.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 22, 2023, 06:55:13 AM
my favorite wooden stirring spoon broke in the dishwasher and i can't find a similar one. all of the ones i see only are wide with shorter handles. this one had a long handle and the spoon part was narrower. i had that one for 20+ years. i bought it when i first moved out of my parent's house and started cooking so it was probably time to get rid of it. but i wish i could find the same one :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Kitcatepic on April 22, 2023, 06:50:41 PM
I'm sick and tirred and my head feels weird
I really want to play thems fightin herds but I can't because if I sit up my head feels really weird I don't know how to describe it
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 23, 2023, 06:29:52 AM
When a project keeps me awake & focussed on it so I'm awake more than 24 hours, & when I get to sleep finally the monthly visitor leaves unpleasant evidence...  :X
(project in Woolcraft Thread)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 23, 2023, 03:14:02 PM
someone is making noise outside and it's causing the neighborhood dogs to bark
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 23, 2023, 03:17:41 PM
I burnt my mouth on a pizza roll  >_<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on April 23, 2023, 04:44:28 PM
 :pout: I didn't see the northern lights tonight, even though they were supposed to be visible as far as southern Finland. The sky is completely overcast.

I hope we get some water rains soon, I hate street dust!  :yucky:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 25, 2023, 10:20:49 AM
Ugh. I slept for a loooong time! I woke up it was almost noon. I'm still groggy. And now my medicine schedule is off. I debated taking my Vyvanse or not, because it's going to keep me awake for longer today. I ended up taking it. Maybe I can force myself to sleep tonight.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Destiny on April 27, 2023, 03:17:35 AM
Two of our dogs just started fighting over a bird nest  :sad:
Both are fine, but I hurt my hand trying to separate them.

Little background info: 2 years ago I broke my hand. Turned out I had a tumor in the broken bone, which the doctors first thought was cancer. In the end we were told it was benign.
Fast forward to february this year, I broke it again. This time they finally explained to us that the tumor is in fact cartilage and without removing it, it would continue to grow and weaken my already egg shell thin bone.
I am currently waiting for the operation to take place some time in may/june.

..Unless something were to happen with the hand again, which would postpone the operation.

Just.. uuuuurgh  :yikes:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 27, 2023, 06:57:48 AM
I'm so sorry, Destiny :( That's a lot to deal with.

My new glasses are a tad crooked. I didn't notice it when I tried them on yesterday. I can get them fixed for free but that means going all the way back to the eye center. I wonder if an eye place closer would fix them. Or if there even is an eye place that's closer :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on April 30, 2023, 03:00:22 AM
I felt like I was babysitting baby birds this week. :lol:

Earlier today I noticed there was a scruffy little black bird on my patio that was just kind of chilling. It disint fly away when I went out, so I was worried it was sick. I brought it out some winter and seeds, but then what Im assuming was Mama bird flew down and fed it. At that point they scurried off somewhere. I have no idea how they got out since it seemed like the scruffy one could fly, I was just relieved it wasn’t hurt or sick.

Then, about an hour later, Amazon delivered some packages to my door. I heard the door on their van slam and that they drove away, but it REALLY sounded like someone was still at my door playing with it. I decided to peek out the window, but I didn’t see anyone, so I just opened the front door to grab my stuff. IMAGINE MY SURPRISE WHEN THERES A SCEUFFY LITTLE BIRD THATS FLAILING RIGHT BETWWEN MY DOOR AND THE SCREEN. I freaked out and closed the door back up and went around to release it from the front. I have zero idea if that was the same baby bird as before or how on earth Amazon managed to trap it, but I’m glad I didn’t just ignore the noise!

Then this past week there has been a dove that keeps suicide bombing my glass doors on the patio. Like multiple times a day, multiple times this week. I finally looked it up online and I think it might be trying to fight its reflection since it doesn’t seem to be getting hurt, but omg it’s concerning every time it slams the glass!

I have to go into the office next week. I hope the birds can behave when I’m not there to monitor them!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 30, 2023, 03:20:37 AM
Having a cold.
That is all
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 30, 2023, 04:55:31 AM
Minty, draw an owl face and stick it on the window. That should stop the dove. And yeah, it's fledgling season, so babies who have left the nest but don't have the hang of flying yet are out and about. The parents are always watching them though. Last year I had a fledgling starling who liked to hang out on my balcony :)

My complaint, a major cold front has moved in but it's brought on thunderstorms. I like thunderstorms but Aster doesn't. She's afraid and hides under the bed. I keep telling her she's safe in the house, but she doesn't believe me.

edit, later: Ugh, as the day goes on I'm not feeling well. My stomach is bothering me and I'm so hot!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 01, 2023, 05:09:24 AM
Baby birds are so cute though. They do do silly things. I had one get into my room a few years ago. It wanted to nest in my wardrobe, but I coaxed it out.

I'm glad you were able to rescue baby bird from the screen/door though.

Pigeons and doves seem quite tough but they do like flying into windows...

My trivial complaint. Getting stuff out of the garage, plants and the like...and some of the bulbs seem to have been eaten by the mice that ate my geraniums' roots. The most of them are okay but in the sorting out and planting of those that were sprouting, I managed to mix the crocus dahlia and the begonia tubers together. Whoops...;)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 01, 2023, 06:45:41 AM
I was feeling okay until I ate. Now I'm back to feeling like crud. I must have a gastritis flare. Great.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on May 01, 2023, 07:38:05 AM
I slipped with my bike today on the gravel they put on the ground to prevent slipping on the ice. Well, the snow and ice on the roads are gone, but they have not removed the gravel and it's as slippery as the ice was. I did not even bike that fast as I was coming up to a sharp curve on the road. My pants are thorn, my knee is bruised and bleeding and my hands are sore. Luckily I wore gloves so no scrapings on the palms. The steering on the bike became a bit crooked but my husband managed to fix that.

Also, I had an audience. Yaay! *takes a bow*
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 01, 2023, 09:04:55 AM
i hurt my hand over the weekend and it hurts to type :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 01, 2023, 12:18:04 PM
Recovering from a cold: rest (a lot), clear out the rubbish (especially dead tissues), change clothes & do a laundry, & still somehow keep fed & do what I WANT to do. Why is being ill so much work???
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 01, 2023, 04:03:10 PM
I've felt horrible today.  I know I keep saying that , but it's getting harder to remember when the last day I actually felt normal was.  :(

I'm scared of scam emails.  I had just got one that was trying to pretend to be Amazon Prime, but I knew it was a fake because I don't even have Prime and the email didn't come from Amazon.  I checked my other email and had 6 emails about claims being processed.  I opened those because I thought they might have something to do with my monthly shot.  I googled the phone number on the email and the company it's from is a real copay company.  The number of emails is the same as the number of shots I've gotten at the place I have to go to if I include this month's shot so I'm hoping it's something they've set up on my behalf.  I have never dealt with the company that the emails are from and the email they were sent to is not one that I give out often, but I do use it for medical stuff and work.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 02, 2023, 04:56:52 AM
Woke up with an awful headache. I'd usually go back to sleep but I have an appointment this morning.

The tiny ants are back. I've sprayed three different spots they were coming from so far. Today they are coming out of the craft closet, which is a new place for them. Ugh. Hate ants.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on May 02, 2023, 11:40:06 AM
I've felt horrible today.  I know I keep saying that , but it's getting harder to remember when the last day I actually felt normal was.  :(

I'm scared of scam emails.  I had just got one that was trying to pretend to be Amazon Prime, but I knew it was a fake because I don't even have Prime and the email didn't come from Amazon.  I checked my other email and had 6 emails about claims being processed.  I opened those because I thought they might have something to do with my monthly shot.  I googled the phone number on the email and the company it's from is a real copay company.  The number of emails is the same as the number of shots I've gotten at the place I have to go to if I include this month's shot so I'm hoping it's something they've set up on my behalf.  I have never dealt with the company that the emails are from and the email they were sent to is not one that I give out often, but I do use it for medical stuff and work.


If you ever want to verify where an email actually came from you can look at the raw email.  I don't know which service you use but for Gmail you just click on the elipses and then choose the option "show original."  This will show you exactly which address the email actually came from.  And I think if someone is pretending to be Amazon you can report them to Amazon and then I assume they do something to shut them down.  A lot of websites, especially banks and government sites, will have places to report spam that claims to be from them. 

My trivial complaint is that I'm tired.  I'm tired of dealing with work crap and I'm even more tired of dealing with my brother's crap and the crappy decisions he keeps making. Seriously, if I could find a house I could afford I'd move today.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 03, 2023, 04:58:31 PM
I have a flu. :sick:
My temperature is a little over 37 degrees, so fortunately not a worse fever, at least not yet. My throat is really sore and I try not to talk so it doesn't get more irritated, I don't want to start coughing my lungs out. :pout: It's been a long time since I was sick last time..
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 03, 2023, 06:00:39 PM
HOM I think it's the season xxx Just been there...
 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 04, 2023, 05:04:55 AM
HoM, I hope you feel better soon! :hug:

I think I scratched my eye :crazy:

My allergies have been bad and I'm out of Sudafed and would rather not take an antihistamine because they knock me out (even the new ones that aren't supposed to do that). Anyway, my eyes are itchy and this morning I was digging at my right eye and I think I nicked it with my nail. Now it's red and very watery and it hurts. I know you're not supposed to touch your eyes but when they're so itchy I can't help it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 04, 2023, 06:52:57 AM
My filling fell out.

This tooth has been on its last legs for years, but I'm hoping the dentist can prop it up for a bit longer, since I need it :/

In fairness to the filling, it was chipped prior to the pandemic, and my dentist had been keeping tabs on it since back then (and then lockdown happened so I couldn't get to see her for months...). But it's done 3 years longer than anticipated. It's just disconcerting when the whole thing falls out without a lot of warning.

And there's a bank holiday coming up, so hopefully I can get in to see her tomorrow. Otherwise it's going to be annoying...

I'm also worried about the waiting room drama that I had to deal with last time. Let's hope not.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Destiny on May 04, 2023, 12:05:15 PM
BC, ouch! Itchy eyeballs are so annoying, but them balls are fragile too. Hope nothing happened to you eye.

Taffeta, I hope you can get it fixed soon. Teeth issues are not fun to live with.

I got away with a busted muscle in my hand, so that's good, but at the same time I was told they still couldn't give me a date for the surgery because they lack available anesthetists/anesthesiologists (unsure which one is equal to the danish position). So I have no idea when surgery is gonna be, but I have to be careful with my hand until then. I'll just sit and do nothing yeah? Sure my boss will love that. Not.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 04, 2023, 12:44:48 PM
Thanks, Ponybookworm and BlackCurtains! :hug: Yep, this time of year there's usually a flu, but I've rarely had it myself. My brother and his spouse got sick with corona just last week. :huh: Luckily, I don't have it myself. :whew: My husband has a bit of a cold now too. I just have to remember to take it easy for a few days now.. (Hah, just yesterday I was carrying the car's winter tires to the warehouse.)  :rolleyes:

BC, Ouch!  :( I hope your eye itch calms down! 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 04, 2023, 03:48:20 PM
A few years ago, my mom and our friend bought some picnic stuff like paper plate holders and hot dog holders.  We had it stored in a box with napkins and other things.  A while back, my dad decided to get rid of all of the pinic stuff because "we'd never use it again."  My mom tried to talk him out of it, but was unsuccessful.

Yesterday, my dad decided he wanted to go on a picnic because we had just had the yard sprayed for bugs and thought we would eat and take the dog there for a while while we waited for the spray to dry.  When we got home, he started looking for the picnic stuff he'd gotten rid of.

I was feeling some side effects from my monthly shot today and my dad called someone on the phone.  I was trying to figure my checkbook and he suddenly said to the person on the phone "Here, talk to her."  He did not ask me first and I really wasn't in the mood to be holding conversations right then.  :(  I talked to the person anyway because I didn't want to be rude.

I asked about the emails I got when I went to get my monthly shot, but was basically told that the the office doesn't handle the insurance side of things.  The nurse practitioner was really nice about it though and gave me a phone number to call.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 05, 2023, 06:18:56 AM
Woke up with a headache and my back hurts extra. I must've slept funny. My leg feels heavy again :( It looks like it's bigger than the other one but it could be edema. I don't feel like going to Urgent Care. The last two times I did, nothing was wrong.

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I have four commissions to do, I need to dye some hair for a surprise custom for someone. I posted my ponies for sale in one Facebook group and am swamped with messages. I bought a kit of paper flowers to put together for my mom for Mother's Day. I put the new sim card in my phone and need to call everyone and tell them I have a new number. I still need to look into getting a lawyer to deal with my dad's stuff. Aster has to go to the vet for her vaccines. I need to visit my mom. I have to take a shower today (don't feel like it). It's all swirling around in my brain :dizzy:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 05, 2023, 10:14:39 AM
I feel like my parents aren't listening to a word I'm saying today. :(  My dad asked on the way home if we wanted to stop at a store. I kind of said yes, but my mom said no. We didn't stop. :( I also told them I needed to run an errand, but of course I have to wait because they have probably forgotten al about it.  If I question them they'll just say they forgot because they had too many other things going on.

 I know they're not doing it on purpose, but it feels like my parents have been waiting until I'm stuck at an appointment, I can't get out of to do stuff I would enjoy and then when I'm ready to do something, they don't want. to anything.  Deep down, I know that's not completely true, and we did do something I enjoyed yesterday, but still I feel like I'm deliberately being left out.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 05, 2023, 04:03:54 PM
@Ponyfan :hug: :hug:

the bottoms of my feet are really dry and cracked. i think i need to start wearing socks around the house.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 06, 2023, 05:39:05 AM
Aw, Ponyfan :hug:

My eye is better :)

I mentioned this a few times, but my leg feels heavy. I elevated my legs last night before sleep for about 40 minutes, then I didn't get back out of bed until i slept a few hours. Both my feet and legs felt better, but when I woke up my right leg has that feeling again. I really don't want to go to the clinic. I have so much to do at home. The wait time at the urgent care is not usually long, but still. I think also because this is the leg I busted on the Jesus van, that the weight I gained is straining the fracture, so it hurts as well. Losing weight would help a lot of my problems.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on May 06, 2023, 11:00:07 AM
I wish musicals would give their second covers scheduled dates :< Currently being emo about missing yet another last-minute debut. Waaah.

(but on the plus side... Edward Scissorhands is on the telly! <3 *zooms*)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 06, 2023, 06:17:14 PM
I've slept amazingly well at night even though I have a cold, but on Saturday morning I noticed that my voice has gone. :shocked: It's early Sunday morning and my voice is still gone. I manage to produce speech only by whispering. It's annoying when others don't always immediately hear what I'm talking about and I wouldn't mind repeating my words because even whispering feels heavy.  :(

Fortunately, it's Sunday and I can sleep in peace as long as I want.  :zzz:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on May 07, 2023, 04:34:07 AM
Went to bed last night feeling good since I’m watching a movie with my girlfriend this afternoon.
Got woken up at 5 in the morning by a nosebleed and now my pillow is ruined! I suppose I should be glad the mess is limited to just my pillow, but that doesn’t feel like much to be thankful for.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 07, 2023, 05:07:44 AM
Nosebleeds suck! Sorry about your pillow.

My doctor gave me 800mg ibuprofen tablets for my pain. They work pretty good but make me dizzy, which is mentioned on the bottle. I'm usually dizzy anyway, if I turn my head too quickly. So this is like double dizzy. I need to get my mail and it's a bunch of Amazon packages (USPS delivers them and it's so annoying because they go in the parcel locker instead of to my door!!). Last time I had an Amazon package, I had to take everything out of the box and put it in a bag because the box was too big for me to carry. Trying to carry everything in this order while dizzy isn't going to be easy. I think I'll take two bags with me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on May 07, 2023, 09:17:59 AM
Went to the craft store an hour away to get a paint color that the craft stores here don't carry, only to find that they've also stopped carrying it.  So I went onto Amazon to try and order it and they want $8 a bottle.  That's double what I paid for it at the craft store, which tends to be pricey to begin with.  So now I'm going to try another brand that is available at the craft store closer to me and see if it works instead.  It's just annoying because it seems like as soon as I find a paint product I like the craft stores decide to stop carrying it.  It happened with Testors acrylic paints, too.  Now they only carry the enamels and I don't like those because enamel paints stink.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 07, 2023, 02:10:11 PM
As I mentioned before, my very old filling came out on Thursday.
Was at the dentist friday getting it prepared for a new fix, which will take a bit of time so I have to have a temporary filling.
...And it already came out *lol*.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 08, 2023, 07:16:58 AM
Texas makes me sad. i'm tired and angry.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 08, 2023, 05:22:37 PM
Tuesday is coming and it's the fourth day for me to be without a voice. :huh: I have also tried not to whisper, which is really difficult! I shouldn't cough at all, but I can't stop it! My throat stings and when a coughing fit comes, I cough almost until I vomit.  :yucky:

When will I get my voice back..This has never happened to me before.  :sad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on May 09, 2023, 02:55:55 AM
Texas makes me sad. i'm tired and angry.


I've been offered a permanent position at my job! Problem is I have to sign the contract before the 11th as the union ordered a strike/blockade from three pm Thursday and every new hiring from then on are prohibited. Thing is I am home sick.. so I have to get my sick a**e to work to sign the contract..
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 09, 2023, 04:31:05 AM
Texas makes me sad. i'm tired and angry.


HoM, I'm sorry you're so ill. Have you taken anything for the sore throat and cough? Manuka honey is good for a sore throat. You can also try gargling with warm salt water.

Beldarna, congrats! Sorry you're sick though.

My complaint today is my left ear. It hurts and it's itchy. I need to see an ear, nose and throat specialist at some point. My ears always feel clogged.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 09, 2023, 06:25:41 AM
I'm sorry you're sick Beldarna and HOM.  :hug:

Yesterday my dad drove the wrong way on a one way street because he was looking for a place to turn around and just turned in to the first place he saw.  On Friday, he turned right in front of an oncoming car (luckily it was in a residential area).  The car he cut off honked their horn and my dad got upset and pulled over to the side of the road to let the other car pass.  It's scary when he drives like that.   :yikes:

The Dollar Tree sometimes has stuff that works for Barbie sized dioramas. Yesterday, the one we went to had pencil holders that look like trash cans and recycling bins.  I had bought one a while back and thought it had the recycling symbol on it.  I wanted a trash can one so Barbie could have a recycling bin and a trash can.  When I got home, I realized that I had bought one that had the same symbol as the one at home. I should have bought one with the recycling symbol instead.

I had trouble sleeping Sunday night.  Last night, my mom suggested that I take a natural supplement our dr recommended that is supposed to help you fall asleep without making you groggy or sleepy the next day.  I took it last night (maybe I took it too late) and I still feel sleepy now. :yawn:

I have to meet with one of my drs this week. She's probably going to recommend major surgery soon (When that time comes, I'll start a WYP thread about it).

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 09, 2023, 09:19:38 AM
So many health problems here xxx
 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 09, 2023, 04:29:35 PM
HoM, I'm sorry you're so ill. Have you taken anything for the sore throat and cough? Manuka honey is good for a sore throat. You can also try gargling with warm salt water.

My complaint today is my left ear. It hurts and it's itchy. I need to see an ear, nose and throat specialist at some point. My ears always feel clogged.

I've eaten a lot of Mynthon-like (sugar-free) pastilles that make me feel a little better during the day, and when I go to bed I take a medicinal tablet (called Codetabs) that suppresses the cough for an even longer time. I've considered warm salt water, but I'm sure I can't because it tastes absolutely awful!  :lol:  :yucky: I'm out of honey, so I should remember to look for it in the store.

I hope your left ear gets better soon! :hug: I have itchy ears, maybe it's because they are so dry. My mom has the same problem and so did my grandma.  :blink: How can all three of us have that problem..
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 10, 2023, 04:34:13 AM
Mine isn't due to dryness. There was a cat hair in my ear :pout: It still hurts but not as bad.

I woke up with a bad headache though. My neck hurts, my teeth hurt. I took some ibuprofen so hopefully it goes away soon.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 10, 2023, 12:27:00 PM
Surgery's scheduled, but it's still a while before I have it done.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 10, 2023, 02:14:43 PM
Mine isn't due to dryness. There was a cat hair in my ear :pout: It still hurts but not as bad.

I woke up with a bad headache though. My neck hurts, my teeth hurt. I took some ibuprofen so hopefully it goes away soon.

Yup, cat hairs are horrible when they are in the wrong place!  >_< In the ear, mouth, nose, eye, or even under the fingernail! It's even worse if the cat's loose whisker hair goes through the skin, e.g. into the sole of the foot.. Ouch! :crazy:
Good thing you found and got the cat hair out of your ear! I hope the Ibuprofen made you feel better. :hug:
The fifth day without a voice is over. Last night I couldn't sleep at all because of the cough, only in the morning a couple of hours before waking up I had managed to fall into some kind of hibernation state.  -_-  :dizzy:
Fortunately, this coming night I can sleep long into the morning without an alarm clock.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 11, 2023, 12:49:55 PM
I emailed my work supervisor yesterday to explain in general terms why I've missed so many working days this month.  I know she's in the office because she has sent emails out since I emailed her, but as of right now she hasn't responded to the email I sent yet.  To be fair, she probably gets a lot of emails everyday from people.  I don't know if she didn't accept my reasons or if she just has been busy and hasn't had a chance to read through it and respond.  She's usually great about responding so it worries me a little that she might be upset with me for not getting enough working days. It's not like I decided for this month to be like this on purpose. I'm an at will employee so we can be let go for any reason.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on May 11, 2023, 10:13:29 PM
I went to the park to walk around the large lovely field today. You know those teensy little white bugs that fly up in swarms? I was yawning and one got into my mouth.   :X
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on May 13, 2023, 11:05:19 AM
Oh eewww! I know the bugs are harmless but that doesn’t make it any better lol.

I preordered the latest Zelda game because GameStop (for me) has always been really good at delivering on the day games release. The package isn’t coming until the 17th, almost a week after the game released.  -_- Like…why did I even preorder then?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 13, 2023, 12:45:15 PM
Someone has been having either a barbeque or a bonfire. Not sure which but my room stinks of smoke. It's very annoying, because it always lingers, and I have such a sensitive sense of smell, sigh...

I don't know who is guilty, either. It's probably the one set of neighbours, but the other side sometimes have bonfires at this time of the year and they were cutting back bushes earlier...

Our neighbours are good people on both sides but sometimes...grr. xD.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 15, 2023, 12:46:27 PM
What a day and it's only 4pm. I've been playing phone merry-go-round with the moving guy, the property rental lady and myself. I've bought a self storage unit for the stuff my niece left in the house. Me and the moving dude are in sync but the property rental lady isn't jiving with our vibe. She can't come as early as dude and I want so I have one more phone call to make.

Also, my internet was out from 7 this morning to 2pm. They were working in the area, updating it or something. It totally messed up my morning routine.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 15, 2023, 03:37:54 PM
Still nothing from the work supervisor.  My position is too precarious for me to feel comfortable double checking to make sure the supervisor got my email, but even a simple "We sorry, but we don't accept that reason for missing so many days" would be better than nothing.  The days I had already scheduled are still booked, so there's that at least.  I feel guilty enough already for not being able to work as much as I would like to. :(  I also wonder now if I should have been a little more specific than "health issues" but I really didn't know how else to word it without going in to specifics that I wasn't ready to fully disclose to someone that I barely interact with.

My job's not the best job, but it is a job.

I've had a lot of trouble with my asthma.  I was doing great, but it turned rainy over the weekend and rained most of the day Sat and last night I was up a lot with it.  I've coughed so much that my voice is a bit rough.

I'm trying to decide when to start a WYP post about my upcoming surgery.  It won't be for a while, but I'm already getting nervous about it.

One of my favorite in progress fanfiction stories stopped being updated, but after many months the author started updating again.  :)  The last update was a month ago.  I'm not the type of person that would write things like "please update this" on Archive of Our Own.  Many of my own fanfiction stories are no more than ideas that ran out of steam before they really went anywhere.  The reason that I am hoping the next chapter is added soon is because I'm waiting on that chapter before I read the one that is currently posted.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: brightberry on May 16, 2023, 12:22:57 PM
I can understand the allergies and rough voice, Ponyfan.  I hope everything clears up for you and your employer is understanding.

I;m recovering from covid and still have a rough voice and cough so much its hard to fall asleep.  I feel like I'm walking around in a dream.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 17, 2023, 04:02:05 AM
More ants in the cat food this morning :mad: This time they were coming out of the pantry. There's nothing in there they can get into, it's mostly canned and boxed stuff. I think they just live in that whole wall and come out through tiny cracks by the floor. So annoying.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 17, 2023, 05:14:52 AM
I was supposed to work today, but I cancelled because around midnight I started feeling really nauseous and felt like I was going to be sick.  It took 1 and half Dramamine tablets for it to settle down enough for me to sleep.  That only lasted for about an hour until I woke up again and every time I moved, I felt like I was going to be sick. I couldn't go back to sleep.  I hated cancelling work especially with how everything's been going for me lately, but I really thought it was for the best the way I was feeling.  I still feel nauseous right now but it's a little better.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 17, 2023, 02:10:59 PM
Ponyfan :hug:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on May 17, 2023, 02:26:34 PM
I got a little lost on the way to my dentist, and ended up almost 20 minutes late.  :redface:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on May 17, 2023, 03:19:44 PM
Gotta love how as soon as I get a new game, my sister immediately demands to play it. Ive barely played, but she says she “deserves” it because she spends all her time doing dance. I bought the game, I do all the housework, she does nothing around the house without a healthy dose of teenage groaning and needing to be asked/reminded constantly.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 17, 2023, 03:43:28 PM
Get well soon Ponyfan! :hug:

More ants in the cat food this morning :mad: This time they were coming out of the pantry. There's nothing in there they can get into, it's mostly canned and boxed stuff. I think they just live in that whole wall and come out through tiny cracks by the floor. So annoying.

I also have ants. :pout: On the veranda. They are a problem every summer. Even in the garden, they take over several flower pots. I need to start poisoning them from that veranda. Outside, I try to drive them away with cinnamon. I don't know why they keep coming into the house. There is no food for them on the veranda.  :wonder:

My voice is still weak, but I no longer have to whisper or be completely mute as often. When I wake up in the morning, there is no sound at all, but it comes back little by little after I have drunk a lot of water. The coughing fits have decreased, but when the fit comes, it hurts my head and I feel like I'm not getting oxygen.  >_<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 18, 2023, 01:41:09 AM
Ugh, the hose I bought for my new airbrush doesn't fit, neither does the old one :pout: I had to buy a 7 piece set of adaptors and hope one of them fits. I don't know why they aren't universal. Every company has their own hose with a different coupling. My old hose is a Paache and my new airbrush is a Badger. The hose I bought is supposed to fit a Badger but I guess not the one I have!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on May 18, 2023, 08:23:20 AM
Gotta love how as soon as I get a new game, my sister immediately demands to play it. Ive barely played, but she says she “deserves” it because she spends all her time doing dance. I bought the game, I do all the housework, she does nothing around the house without a healthy dose of teenage groaning and needing to be asked/reminded constantly.

Tough luck for her.  If you bought it, you get first dibs.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 18, 2023, 09:43:35 AM
Gotta love how as soon as I get a new game, my sister immediately demands to play it. Ive barely played, but she says she “deserves” it because she spends all her time doing dance. I bought the game, I do all the housework, she does nothing around the house without a healthy dose of teenage groaning and needing to be asked/reminded constantly.

Tough luck for her.  If you bought it, you get first dibs.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 18, 2023, 12:02:08 PM
Well, one of the adaptors fits the new airbrush, but now I can't get the old hose off the compressor. I have crappy, cheap tools for the most part. Usually if I needed a tool I'd borrow something from my dad *sigh*. Guess I have to buy a wrench.

Also, trying to get the old hose off made my wrist hurt.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 18, 2023, 04:29:22 PM
my child won't stop making slime...  I am so tired of this activity...  it's all over the house and I've learned how to get it out of everything at this point.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 19, 2023, 07:17:55 AM
I'm an idiot! My last post here I complained about how I couldn't get the old hose off my air compressor. I ordered two different types of pliers and they just came. So I tried one and it still wouldn't budge. Tried the other and it doesn't fit the nut. So I felt defeated, never able to use my new air brush... until I realized...

I was turning it the WRONG WAY. Righty, tighty, lefty, loosey, dummy. So once I figured that out it came off easily with my hand -_- :pout:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on May 19, 2023, 01:49:17 PM
Anybody else here find it annoying how, in order to even apply for a job, you have to sign up and create an account with whomever you are applying to just to be able to apply? And they don't tell you you didn't get the job, they just flat out ghost you so all you get is the automated "thank you for your interest!" email  -_-
I'd appreciate it if I could get more than the automated "thanks for applying" email. Even if its a rejection, it would be nice to hear something back.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 20, 2023, 09:56:12 AM
I know my parents have my best interests at heart, but they are really driving me up the way today.   :argh: :argh:

I had talked to my mom a few days ago and told her I would be out of one of medicines today. I told her it was the last day that I needed it and if I was short a few that day it would probably be okay.

Fast forward to today. I needed to refill 2 prescriptions.  When I went to fill them the pharmacist told me they had prescription A in stock.  She called me a few minutes later and said they didn't have enough on hand and they would have to order it.  I told her that was fine and go ahead and order prescription A.   My mom then started insisting that I needed a few of the pills for prescription A so I finish taking it like I was supposed to.  The pharmacist said they would give me enough pills for today and owe me the rest.  Right when I was about to go get the 4 pills my mom decided to go off with my dad instead and when I picked up the prescription  they charged me 99% of the copay for the whole prescription.  I asked if I would have to pay again when the rest came in and the pharmacist asked another and he said I should not have had to pay for the 4 pills. It's supposed to be straightened out when the rest come in and I only have to pay the difference for the copay.  For some reason I'm really angry and upset about this even though I shouldn't be,  If my parents would have just let me handle it the way I wanted to, I wouldn't have had to pay most of the copay today.

On top of all that, my dad said he wanted to go somewhere, so I felt I like I had to hurry at the store so we could go where he wanted. We almost got there and he changed his mind.  This meant that I didn't get to go where I wanted and then I found out that the place I wanted go had something I wanted in stock that I've been waiting on.

I know I'm being overemotional about this. :wail:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 20, 2023, 10:34:11 AM
I'm sorry Ponyfan :hug:

I have had a bad day on the internet. I became aware of two things that hurt my heart and disturbed me greatly. I cried and had to get off my computer.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 20, 2023, 02:55:55 PM
Ponyfan and BC, lots of hugs to both of you!  :hug: :heart:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on May 20, 2023, 04:27:57 PM
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 23, 2023, 05:27:24 PM

My implant really hurts today, so does my neck. A headache has been trying to creep up but I've kept it at bay with OTC meds.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 23, 2023, 06:18:10 PM
On Tuesday afternoon, I was supposed to remove the moss from the stones in the front yard (they are old slate stones that have been covered in moss for several years), but I was "attacked" by both a swarm of mosquitoes and ants.  >_< I hate these bugs in spring/summer. (The ants are ok... as long as they stay out of my house and let me do chores in the garden/yard.)
When the bugs were bothering me, I also lost my nerves to the moss, which won't come off in any way!:gah: I gave up and dejectedly went inside to drink coffee. It also annoys me when a friend of mine tells me what she has done in the garden and what still needs to be done ... and I haven't done anything at all! 

My cough still hasn't gone away properly and my voice is hoarse..  :pout:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 24, 2023, 06:28:16 AM
I'm sorry, HoM :hug: Mosquitoes and ants are horrible!

So that headache I was fighting yesterday claimed victory this morning. Weirdly, my implant doesn't hurt anymore but my whole head is killing me. I'm off my game too, I'm having a hard time seeing and remembering things. It doesn't feel like a migraine but maybe I should treat it like one.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 24, 2023, 09:07:51 AM
HOM I HATE mosquitos!!!

BC take care of yourself xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on May 25, 2023, 08:42:10 PM
So the goverment department responsible for the railway is suppose, by law, to give a six months heads up whenever they plan to work on the railway, so the train operators can plan for canceling trains, get buses, rescheduling routs and staff etc. They have failed to do so for years and this year we got a workdays warning! They gave the info friday for monday-wednesday and tuesday came the info for thursday and friday of this week. You know what that short notice do for sccheduling and reroutes? And who gets cought in the middle? and who gets to handle customer complaints?

My schedule has changed three times this week alone! It's friday again and we have no idea of the plans for next week!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 27, 2023, 07:36:55 PM
I finally got my prescription refilled, but it was a major hassle.  I went back to the store on Tuesday and asked if my medicine was ready.  The pharmacist told me it wasn't in yet.  I went to the Drop Off window and showed them that what I was charged for the 4 pills.  The person I was talking to said it was an insurance thing and assured me that when the rest of the medicine came in, I would only have to pay the remaining amount of the copay.

Fast forward to yesterday and I had a drs appointment that had been scheduled 3 months ago.  A severe thunderstorm with heavy rain came through right about the time I need to leave the house.  The rain was coming down so fast and hard that the streets were flooding.  Having to go through that brought back memories of being caught in the hailstorm last year. 

After my appointment, it had stopped raining and cleared off a little.  I need to refill another prescription at the same store and also asked about the other one.  This time I was told there was some kind of problem getting the medicine in and it would probably be a couple of more weeks before it came in.  A few hours later, I got a text that the medicine I had been trying to get was ready ,but they were charging the full the copay. 

When I went to pick it up, I asked how much it was and the cashier told me it was the full copay amount.  When my mom and I questioned it, we were told to talk to the head pharmacist.  I had my receipt from last week showing how much I paid and how many pills I got.  I also had a note that I wrote on it with the pharmacist's name that told me I'd only have to pay the remaining amount of the copay.  The head pharmacist was really nice about it and adjusted the price to the reaming balance of the copay, but I've never had that many problems trying to get my medcine.

My parents complain about my elderly dog having accidents.  The other night she had one right in front of my dad and he didn't do anything.  I don't know if he didn't notice or if they don't think they should help clean up when it happens.   It's not the first time either.  They'll say the dog had an accident and just stand there, not scold her or anything. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 28, 2023, 10:50:30 AM
I am so tired of my Amazon packages being passed to the USPS and ending up in my mailbox instead of at my door.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 29, 2023, 04:35:59 PM
My uncle is in the hospital once again. :(
The last time he was there was in January. Now he had to call an ambulance on Saturday morning because he couldn't breathe properly anymore. On Sunday, he was able to talk on the phone with my mother a little better. He said that he had a pulmonary embolism! :scared: On Monday afternoon, my mother tried to call him again, but this time the call was disconnected and there was no answer at all on the second couple of calls. So we don't know what the situation is there now. Hopefully, on Tuesday morning or during the day, we will hear how he is doing. :huh:

My nephew couldn't make it to the week-long class trip/camp because he still has a persistent flu and his cough has gotten worse (My own cough hasn't gotten better either. :mad:) Now my brother and his spouse also have sore throats. My brother has a planned trip to Holland for the weekend and that trip would be really important to him. I hope he gets better soon.  :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 29, 2023, 08:21:39 PM
I'm so sorry, HoM. I hope everyone gets better :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 31, 2023, 12:22:21 PM
Today has been a terrible day :( Yesterday was bad too with one bright spot (a gift from a friend). Today, I had to have a document notorized and instead of taking an Uber to the bank, paying 10 bucks, and Ubering back home, it was cheaper to do it online. But I had so many problems getting my camera to work. I still don't know how I fixed it. Then I had issues with the printer. My back and legs really hurt today too.

Yesterday, I only got like 2 hours of sleep and there were ants all over my kitchen counter. I was supposed to see the cardiologist but my ride never showed up (the free transportation through my insurance for medical stuff - it keeps getting worse and worse). The driver finally showed up two hours later at 5pm, after the office was closed! I was like, my appointment was for 3:30 what are you doing here now? He didn't have an answer. THEN when I was staying home, I went to turn my PC back on and it wouldn't start. I mean, not wouldn't boot, wouldn't even turn on. I thought my power supply was shot. So I took it apart and blew all the dust and cat hair out of it and unplugged the internal cables one at a time and plugged them back in. That thankfully worked. But I have a gaming rig and the tower is huge and heavy. It hurt my back lugging it outside and back in. Then, my speaker wire is very sensitive, I really need to get better HDMI speakers. Anyway, after I plugged that back in only one speaker was working. I had to play around with the wire and listen to screeches and scratches until I found a position it liked.

I have a headache now from fighting with my camera and the printer, but it did finally print out my notarized document. I can hand all that in now and hopefully they won't evict me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: brightberry on May 31, 2023, 12:28:58 PM
That sounds like an awful day.  :cry: :freak: :tackleglomp:  I hope tomorrow goes better.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 01, 2023, 08:00:59 AM
The awfulness continues. I have a killer headache and my teeth hurt. My back hurts a lot too, worse than yesterday. It keeps popping and cracking every time I move. I tried to lie back down and sleep, but it made my head worse. I've currently got an ice bag on my head and heating pad on my back.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 01, 2023, 07:32:51 PM
BC, I hope you feel better soon :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 02, 2023, 12:28:52 AM
The teeth pain and headache lasted from 10am to 6pm. I'm glad it's finally gone, mostly, my teeth feel a little strange, but they don't hurt anymore. I never did get any sleep and it's 3am now. I think all the stress of the past few months is catching up to me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on June 02, 2023, 12:39:52 PM
Yesterday a co-worker went into my office while I wasn't there and took something I was working on off of my desk.  It wasn't finished and I had to take time to track it down and rush to finish it because he'd gone ahead and told the patron it was ready for pick up.  When I complained about it, the director said the co-worker "didn't know" he wasn't supposed to come into my office and take things because he was "just trying to do his job."  This is the co-worker that lies about wearing cologne and is the reason that I'm not allowed to leave my office until after 1 pm because he's in the building.  So basically, I've been sent to my room like a naughty child for complaining about his stench and he gets free reign with the write-off of "he didn't know" and "nobody told him specifically not to."  Okay.  Nobody told me specifically not to poison him or kick him in the nads so I guess that behavior is perfectly acceptable.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on June 02, 2023, 02:11:42 PM
BC, :hug: I hope your weekend begins and continues relaxed and without pain!  :relaxed:

My uncle is still in the hospital and he is very, very tired. :( On Thursday, he had fallen in his room at the hospital and hit his head on the table. The head was checked and luckily no damage was found. :whew:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 03, 2023, 04:21:15 AM
I'm glad your uncle wasn't hurt by the fall.

Pain level is still high in my back and my lower teeth hurt again. I tried brushing extra and flossed as best I could. My front bottom teeth are severely crowded and I can't always get the floss to go between them. I used mouth wash and after 30 minutes where you can't eat or drink, I gargled with warm salt water. They still hurt. Maybe I have an abscess or something. I don't have a dentist because they aren't included in my insurance plan (because dentists aren't doctors??? I don't know. It's very stupid).

I bought a nice arm lamp for my desk. It clamps on and swivels and it has two split lightbars. Except... I am dumb and didn't realize that my desk being against the wall means I can't put the lamp where I need it. The arm is too long and the wall is right there. So now I have to figure out where to put it and buy another desk light. I think I can clamp it to my PC desk, but I usually don't need light when I'm on here. Hmm, maybe I'll return it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on June 03, 2023, 07:13:06 AM
A seagull crapped on me while I was crossing the road an in a major hurry to get what I needed and board the bus (or I'd need to wait another hour). I was NOT impressed sitting on a bus home covered in seagull crap!!!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on June 03, 2023, 08:28:21 AM
I bought a nice arm lamp for my desk. It clamps on and swivels and it has two split lightbars. Except... I am dumb and didn't realize that my desk being against the wall means I can't put the lamp where I need it. The arm is too long and the wall is right there. So now I have to figure out where to put it and buy another desk light. I think I can clamp it to my PC desk, but I usually don't need light when I'm on here. Hmm, maybe I'll return it.

Is it possible to clamp it to the leg of your desk instead of the top?  Then it would be lower down at least.  Or maybe you could put a smaller table or nightstand next to your desk that you could attach it to since the arm is so long and maybe it would still reach where you need it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 03, 2023, 08:59:48 AM
No, there's no room around my desk. I wanted it so I could split the two light bars on both the left and right side. I've already set it up for a return and found another one by Ottlite that is the same thing but has a stand instead of a clamp.

New complaint about an old complaint - I have a headache! Because my incredibly sore back wasn't enough, I guess?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on June 03, 2023, 06:26:45 PM
BC, I'm sorry to hear that the headache returned to bother you in addition to all the other pain.  :(

This is not a complaint, but I am writing it here: My uncle called my mother on Saturday and told her that he is not dead yet. :biggrin: It was only a short call as he just announced this and tried to go to sleep. It was already half past twelve at night when he called. At first I thought that now something bad has happened and the ghosts are calling!  :shocked: :biggrin:

This is the complaint: My lower back felt like it was going to get stuck! >_< I didn't dare move anywhere for a little while. After the worse pain went away, I continued my chores again, but more carefully. It is most definitely due to the fact that I sit too much and do not exercise at all. I've tried to start going for walks, but often this computer attracts me more.  :blush:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 03, 2023, 06:53:52 PM
It's been rough for me lately.  I'm not sure where to start. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 04, 2023, 07:34:48 AM
You can always start a WYP post, Ponyfan :hug:

Today was a breaking point and I cried. I have so much to do in the house but at the same time it's not a lot. Or at least wouldn't be a big deal to most people. They could probably get it all done in a day. Me? I'm in so much pain all the time and have a hard time moving; walking, standing, bending down. I've been doing these chores for days. I keep taking the 800mg ibuprofen my doctor gave me, but it barely does anything for my pain. My back has been extra bad lately and I don't know why. My mom keeps telling me to rest and I'm like, I can't. I need to get this stuff done. A bit ago I was sitting in my kitchen chair (I sit to do everything in there, cook, wash dishes, clean. There was a plastic bag on the floor right there by my feet. I tried to reach down to get it but I couldn't. I'm so fat and everything hurts too much. I can hardly put my socks on and I can only do it sitting on the bed because I can (with effort) get my legs on it.

To make things worse, I've been bad about my diet. I ordered a pizza last night. I told myself only one pizza a month and I already had one, but this one was free with my points and I didn't feel like cooking. Also I've been slacking on my smoothies. I was eating cereal everyday for a while because the thought of cooking or prepping veggies was too much for me. I started out good with regular Cheerios and Rice Krispies but then for some reason I bought this huge bag of Lucky Charms. I'm pre-diabetic and shouldn't be eating that. I'm thinking of giving the bag to the kids who take my garbage now. It's taking up space on my counter where I make my smoothies too.

So yeah, after I couldn't pick up that plastic bag, I just lost it and sat there and cried and felt sorry for myself. I wish I had better discipline. That goes for my artwork too. Instead of being on the internet while taking a break from chores, I should be working on those commissions and my swap pony. I'm just a mess :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 04, 2023, 01:22:55 PM
BC  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Of course chores are harder when you're in pain xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on June 05, 2023, 10:36:23 AM
Last week was hot and humid, and I was working outside.  :hot:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Griffin on June 05, 2023, 12:42:04 PM

So yeah, after I couldn't pick up that plastic bag, I just lost it and sat there and cried and felt sorry for myself. I wish I had better discipline. That goes for my artwork too. Instead of being on the internet while taking a break from chores, I should be working on those commissions and my swap pony. I'm just a mess :(

:hug:  Don't blame yourself for lack of discipline when you're clearly exhausted. Try to focus on rest and changing only one habit at a time, something that only takes 5 or 10 minutes but will make your life a bit better. It's not easy, I've been there.

Ugh, I think I got a mild food poisoning from my lunch today. I had some expired oat milk with my coffee and I'm suspecting it was that. I feel a little better now, after emptying my stomach and napping for several hours. I was feeling super chilly so definitely a temp rising, no actual fever though. Let's see if I can eat something...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on June 05, 2023, 07:20:12 PM
BC  :hug: :heart: Take it easy and do one thing at a time. Or do whatever feels the most comfortable at that moment. :hug:

Wasps! (Whoa! As soon as I wrote this word, a wasp queen flew in from the open window!) :whoa:
They are back and at least two queens are building a nest at the other end of our house! Last summer they were also a problem for us because they had built their nest at this end of our house, where the bedroom is located and also my computer desk. They often got lost indoors and were a danger to our cats. That Show lasted until autumn.  >_<  I don't want to go through it again!  :(

On Monday, my husband and I investigated how we could get to the attic of this house. I don't think we'll be able to get in... my husband is too big for that opening and I can't reach.. I'm too short.  >_< I'll have to ask my brother if he has a narrow ladder I could try to climb up there. I don't like the idea at all, because the attic space is only for crawling, you can't stand there. You could see from the opening that there is also glass wool.. :pout:

How this can be possible! As soon as I posted this, another wasp crawled into the room from the hole in the ceiling above my computer desk! Fortunately, Raid (poison) and fly swatter are always near me. I will have to tape all the holes in this room again, just like last summer.  :stressed:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on June 06, 2023, 02:08:47 AM
Why are airports built for and signed for people who already know the way around them, and not for us noobs who travels by plane once every five years or so and need clear instructions and obvious signs? And where are all the airport staff that are supposed to be around for questions and direct us to the right area? I mean, Arlanda airport is supposed to be small in comparison to others around the world but for me it's huuuge and I need a map that show me where I am and where I'm going and there are not anyone available except a teeny tiny one on the website that is so hard to read.. and no terminal signs once inside!!!

I have scafs on my heels larger than thumbnails.. I got them from a pair of shoes I've had and worn for years.. I don't get why they decided to hate on me suddenly :(.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 06, 2023, 04:19:58 AM
Thanks, PBW and Griffin :hug:

I have a small callus on the inside of the bottom of my thumb. I think it's from opening water bottles. It's very sore and in a place that comes into contact with anything I pick up.

I've been leaning on my left arm while playing a game and now my ring finger and pinky have pins and needles. I must have irritated a nerve. It's been going on for days. I'm trying to stop leaning on it while playing but sometimes I forget.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 06, 2023, 09:44:00 AM
:hug:  BC.

I think I'm reaching WYP territory with everything going on more than trivial complaints, but I'm still working out how I want to say everything. 

I'm really sad today.  I feel like crying for no reason.  :cry:

Also, there's a crew working in the alley behind my house, and they cut the phone line. : :argh: :argh: I hope they fix it before they finish working.  It's a hassle trying to get the phone line fixed.

Edit: The crew left and the phone line's still not fixed.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 07, 2023, 12:49:18 AM
They cut the phone line and didn't fix it? How irresponsible!

Sorry to post again so soon but my PC suddenly lost power while I was playing a new game. I noticed it's been working harder lately and getting hotter. I looked at power supplies and boy did they get expensive. I need to upgrade the CPU too but it would be cheaper just to buy a prebuilt PC. I built Sebastian around 13 years ago and upgraded him twice. I think it's time to retire the old boy.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on June 07, 2023, 09:19:30 AM
Why is the spam for my main email folder so BAD lately?? I used to have next to no spam for years, all of a sudden I'm getting a TON
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 07, 2023, 03:20:06 PM
The phone still isn't working.  Hopefully it will get fixed tomorrow. I guess the upside is we can't get telemarketing calls while the phone's out.

I went to the bookstore today.  I was going to buy a book and renew/upgrade my membership.  A couple of months ago I noticed that my email address was no longer correct.  The first time I asked about I was told that the cashiers could no longer update it.  The next time I asked I was told to "just go on the website and change it."  I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do that if my email isn't correct in the first place.  When I was told to go on the website, the cashier said I might be able to update it at customer service.  Today I waited for someone to come and help me there.  The person I got was really nice and said that the store's "IT isn't good."  when I explained the situation to him,  He suggested that I give the system at least a day to update after he changed my email and not try to purchase a membership today. I don't mind waiting, but because of that I decided not to buy the book I was going to get   I can always go back in a few days and get it.

I'm so tired.  :zzz:  :zzz:  I feel like I'm going to fall asleep at any minute.

Also, my dad said a relative sent him a picture, but when he clicked on the link, there was just a red box.  When I looked at the email the return email address wasn't even from the relative and the email was in Spanish.  As far as I know, no one in our family is fluent in Spanish or would send an email in Spanish to my dad.  Sometimes I wish he was a little more tech savvy and didn't believe everything he sees on the internet. 

I realized today that I'm still mispronouncing a word.  For a long time I didn't know that the way I said it was incorrect.  I found out a while back that I had been saying it wrong, but the mispronunciation is so ingrained to my brain that I still do it.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 08, 2023, 12:06:19 AM
I realized today that I'm still mispronouncing a word.  For a long time I didn't know that the way I said it was incorrect.  I found out a while back that I had been saying it wrong, but the mispronunciation is so ingrained to my brain that I still do it.

That's because you're a reader. I do the same thing. I mispronounced the word 'scythe' for years because I never heard anyone say it. I still slip up sometimes in my head when I read it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on June 08, 2023, 05:22:51 PM
For the last 3 days I haven't gotten anything but "The server is currently under high stress. Please try again shortly" when I've clicked on replies to my posts.  There are only 60 guests and 10 users online right now.  How many users/guests makes it high stress for the server?   :pout:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 08, 2023, 08:11:25 PM
^ There is something going on. It's been very slow for me and sometimes won't load at all.

My arm is really bothering me today. It's still just the two fingers but it feels like a larger space has pins and needles. I looked it up and an irritated nerve can take 4-6 weeks to heal. The best thing you can do is rest, which is hard because I have so much to do.

I slept again, sorta. I'm very groggy. I hate feeling this way.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 09, 2023, 06:57:05 PM
I'm struggling a lot right now.  I'm still having health issues. :(  Sometimes I feel like it's an effort just to get out of bed and start the day.  Today I became so tired that I fell asleep on the couch.  I'm also feeling guilty for not being able to be as productive as I would like. That then leads to me feeling guilty for wanting to buy new books or movies (because my mind's trying to tell me I don't deserve them.)  I even feel that way when I want to watch Netflix or Crunchyroll.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Loa on June 09, 2023, 10:51:08 PM
Updating a CV is sooo awful!
Trying to explain what you do everyday is >_<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 11, 2023, 06:54:44 AM
Ugh, this day is not a good day and it isn't even 10am.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on June 12, 2023, 09:42:59 AM
I’m currently looking for a new job, and have applied to anything I *might* be even remotely qualified for. I send the paperwork, get the automated “thank you for applying, we really care about you.” Email then…nothing. No callback, no rejection notice, absolutely radio silence. I pick up any phone call I get thinking it’s someone wanting to interview and it’s just the same scam calls I get every day, in the same computerized tone. The emails I get are from job-finding websites telling me about “how many searches you came up in” or “here’s 10 openings we think would be good for you” even though I applied to all of them before the website sent me those.
I was told growing up to do well in school, or else I’d end up working at McDonald’s. I did well in school, and can’t even get a call back from McDonald’s. It’s really frustrating  :pout:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 12, 2023, 01:20:31 PM
Why am I so tired that I spend more hours IN bed than out???
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on June 12, 2023, 04:01:03 PM
I'm so glad we'll be shutting down to start moving in August.  The increase of "drop everything and get the stuff I was too lazy/stupid to put on hold like I'm supposed to" attitude is just pissing me off today.  There is a lobby FULL of people.  But since they're the ONLY ones that matter, we can just get their list because they "just looked it up and the computer says it's available."  So you know how to look up what you want but you're too dumb to push the bright orange "Place Hold" button?  Do you really think you're smart enough to understand the books you've requested if you can't even manage that?  We had four different people hand us LONG lists of stuff to go get and then they wondered why it took so long or why we didn't get them everything.

The stupid is growing and taking over here faster than the Smooze took over Dream Valley.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 12, 2023, 07:11:25 PM
I know my mom probably doesn't mean to, but she has a way of taking the fun out of stuff I want to do.  I asked a while back if we could do something different than usual and my mom said we'd see.  Fast forward to Friday and my mom had to go see our dr.  I've been telling her that we don't have to do the thing I wanted if she isn't up to it.  Today she basically told me that she really doesn't want to the the thing I want to do at all.  She's only doing it because she feels like she has to.  Why does she say those kinds of things to me?  It's really taken a lot of the fun out of it. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 13, 2023, 05:57:08 AM
No sleep for me. I don't get it. I went without sleep for days, then I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open for days, now I'm back to no sleep. This is not how it works, body, mind, whichever one of you is in charge. I just want to sleep like normal.

My body is very sore. It's hard walking. When I see my doctor again I'm going to ask her for a cane. If my insurance won't cover it, because they like to be that way, I'll just buy one.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on June 13, 2023, 03:52:09 PM
^ BC, :hug: Insomnia sounds really annoying! :huh:
I myself have a slightly different "problem" with sleeping, because my sleep rhythm is messed up, but I'm already used to it and I live a little differently than "normal" people. For several years now, I have been awake at night and slept a few hours in the morning. When I don't have any chores/work or I don't have to go anywhere, I can even sleep all day. 


I'm sick. Flu. I hadn't even fully recovered from the previous flu! :pout: Now I have a bad cough that causes terrible pain in my head and on the right side of my body. Fortunately, the fever is gone and this time I haven't lost my voice!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 14, 2023, 01:20:04 PM
I'm sorry you're sick HOM. :hug:

I'm really overemotional today.  I'm crying over something that I shouldn't even be crying about.  I think it's a combination of a lot of things and it's just this minor thing that set me off.  I wish I could stop crying, but I can't seem to.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on June 14, 2023, 01:33:23 PM
Ponyfan,  :hug: :heart:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 15, 2023, 05:53:36 AM
I was having a rough night last night and took some medicine to help.  It made me really sleepy and groggy and I was looking forward to sleeping in this morning. My dad forgot to unset the house alarm though and it woke me up at 7 AM this morning.  I couldn't go back to sleep.  So now I'm up even though I don't really want to be,

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 15, 2023, 07:12:08 AM
My legs are so bad, it's getting harder to get into the tub to take a shower. My bathtub is raised up and the side is higher than a regular tub. I'd say it's a good 2 inches higher. I have to hold onto the wall with one hand and lift my right leg up with the other, because I can't swing it up high enough. Getting out is usually not a problem because I can lean on the top of the side and climb out. Today I had a hard time though since my left leg didn't feel like lifting up, plus it hurt my back.

I swear, everything is getting worse. I missed the MRI on my head due to being in the hospital and I don't see the neurologist again until November. I'm seeing her for my back but because of the headaches I'm getting, she wants to look at my brain. I feel like I'm going to end up in a wheelchair before I can get an MRI on my back and find out what's wrong.

I had strongly suspected I had MS. I tick all the boxes for it. My doctor told me it would have shown up on past MRIs I've had of my brain but I'm still dubious.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 15, 2023, 03:26:32 PM
:hug:  :hug:  BC

I tried to renew my membership at the bookstore yesterday.  It's due in July, but I was trying to take care of it early because I have a major event coming up that month and the last thing I needed to be worrying about around that time is a bookstore membership.  I got one of my favorite cashiers at the bookstore and she did everything she could to help me so this isn't about her personally, it's about the system.  The cashier noticed that I only had one book to buy yesterday and I told her it was because I was planning on renewing my membership.  In the past, you could renew it at anytime even if it was a few months early, because I did that the year my mom had knee surgery.  The cashier started the process to renew my membership and told me I needed to put it on a credit card. I put my card in the card reader, but when she tried to process it, she said it didn't charge.  This also meant that she couldn't give me the "free" membership gift I was entitled to because it wouldn't scan for free.  I got a email though, thanking me for upgrading my membership and that my membership should renew automatically sometime within the next month.  If I understand the email correctly, this will happen without me needing to do anything else.  Now I'm waiting for the email that says my membership has been renewed successfully. 

Not only was the bookstore a bit sneaky about the benefits of the paid vs free program, but they have also put in their terms that if let the membership lapse, you can't renew it later.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 16, 2023, 02:54:08 PM
You go to Books a Million, don't you? I was in their membership program once upon a time. They had a lot of problems though and I only had it active for three years. I did get three book totes though, and significant discounts... when it worked.


My neighbor was throwing a fit again. It's been a while since she had one. She was banging on the walls or banging something ON the wall. It was quite loud and scaring my cat and making me feel uneasy. I turned on Spotify and ran it through my soundbar. I listen to heavy/death metal, so it was enough to drown out the noise. Then later when I went into my bedroom, I could hear HER music through the wall. I guess she thought mine was too loud and decided to turn hers on too. I wouldn't mind but her TV or sound system is right on the other side of the head of my bed. She's turned it on while I've been sleeping and woken me up. So I turned mine down and a little while later off. Last I checked hers was off. But you know, I wouldn't have run it to my soundbar, which is way louder than my laptop speakers, if she hadn't been banging and making noise.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 16, 2023, 06:45:25 PM
Barnes and Noble, but Books a Million bought B and N a while back.  That explains why the membership program changed this year.  The free gift I was supposed to get was a tote bag.  I read through the terms and conditions and it says I can get the tote bag anytime after I can prove that my membership renewed.  The main reason I was getting it was the discount on books because I felt like by the time I saved 10% off of each book, I saved more than I paid for the membership.   I'm going to give it some time and see what happens and it if there's problems or I don't feel like it's worth the increased cost this time, I'm going to cancel it.  On top of all that after they told me that it didn't go through one of the other cashiers said if I had waited until the next day to try to renew it, that it probably would have worked in the store and I would have gotten the tote bag.  I've had so much on my mind and my health has been so up and down lately, that I didn't really think about what day I was trying to renew my membership.

I'm sorry your neighbor was being so annoying and noisy. :hug:

I'm so tired, I feel like all of the energy has drained out of my body.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 18, 2023, 05:37:22 AM
I'm sad today. It's Father's Day and my dad isn't here. He was always so hard to buy for, sometimes I dreaded this day or his birthday and Christmas. Now I wish I could have a hard time trying to think of something, just so he'd still be here.

On top of that, I had a horrible nightmare that made me cry, about both my dad and sister.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 18, 2023, 05:39:52 AM
I'm sad today. It's Father's Day and my dad isn't here. He was always so hard to buy for, sometimes I dreaded this day or his birthday and Christmas. Now I wish I could have a hard time trying to think of something, just so he'd still be here.

On top of that, I had a horrible nightmare that made me cry, about both my dad and sister.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 18, 2023, 05:51:19 AM
I'm sad today. It's Father's Day and my dad isn't here. He was always so hard to buy for, sometimes I dreaded this day or his birthday and Christmas. Now I wish I could have a hard time trying to think of something, just so he'd still be here.

On top of that, I had a horrible nightmare that made me cry, about both my dad and sister.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 18, 2023, 07:06:04 AM
I'm sad today. It's Father's Day and my dad isn't here. He was always so hard to buy for, sometimes I dreaded this day or his birthday and Christmas. Now I wish I could have a hard time trying to think of something, just so he'd still be here.

On top of that, I had a horrible nightmare that made me cry, about both my dad and sister.

*pony hugs*  My dad's birthday was Father's Day.  He has been at peace for 12 years now. 

Cherish some happy memories!  <3
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 18, 2023, 07:12:40 AM
I'm sad today. It's Father's Day and my dad isn't here. He was always so hard to buy for, sometimes I dreaded this day or his birthday and Christmas. Now I wish I could have a hard time trying to think of something, just so he'd still be here.

On top of that, I had a horrible nightmare that made me cry, about both my dad and sister.

BC   :hug:  :hug:

One of my personality flaws is I sometimes tend to become worked up over things that in the end I didn't need to be so worried about.  I've always been a worrier and now that I have a major medical procedure coming up it's gotten worse.  Just because trying to renew my membership at the bookstore didn't work out like I thought it would, I've been obsessing over it a bit, worrying if it will renew by itself like the email said it would or if the credit card won't let the charge go through etc... 

My mom says that means I'm not worried about the medical procedure, but I think it seems like such a big deal to me because of it.  I was trying to get it taken care of early so I wouldn't have to deal with it right after my medical procedure.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 18, 2023, 08:44:00 AM
@Ponyfan. :hug:

i relate to that a lot. for me it's less worrying about something that seems trivial and more if i have a lot going on at work or there's family drama i'll get obsessive about organizing the pantry or the garage. i think for me it's more about having control over something when other stuff is out of my control. i can't control much about my job or family stuff but i can organize the house. i can't just sit and worry about something i have no control over. i'll just shut down.

today my complaint is that it took multiple tries to order some books. i'm really trying to move away from buying stuff on amazon it's hard when other sites just don't work. i did finally get an order to go through though so i have a lot of books on the way :) now that i have reading glasses maybe my eyes won't get as tired.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on June 18, 2023, 09:50:13 AM
:hug: to all who find today difficult, also :hug: to ponyfan, it's natural to try and offset stress for a big thing onto little things. I'm sure it will work out fine and good luck with the procedure.

I'm annoyed with my tooth.

I had the new inlay put into it ten days ago. It came out today. This is meant to be stronger than a filling, teeth have form. And so now I have to try and go see my dentist again next week. I am not even sure if she is in tomorrow. Fortunately I have the thing itself and it's intact, so I hope she'll just be able to stick it back in.

But I don't really have cash lying about to pay for something else. Even given it's an NHS dentist.

...Also, it's just started THROWING it down with rain outside.

I suspect storms will be next.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on June 18, 2023, 11:01:23 AM
I'm sad today. It's Father's Day and my dad isn't here. He was always so hard to buy for, sometimes I dreaded this day or his birthday and Christmas. Now I wish I could have a hard time trying to think of something, just so he'd still be here.

On top of that, I had a horrible nightmare that made me cry, about both my dad and sister.

 :hug: :heart: :hug:

The flu continues and the pain is still on the right side, below the chest. :unsure: The cough may have calmed down a bit. My spouse keeps telling me to call the doctor, but I don't want to go yet.  :poke: (I'm really stubborn and only go to the doctor when absolutely necessary.)  :biggrin:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on June 18, 2023, 09:39:04 PM
Oh, BC. The first year is always tough with a lot of first things happening without them. The birthdays are rough tho, and keep being tough no matter how long it has been. :hug:

I suffered from heat exhaustion yesterday. It was a hot day and because I had water with me I took a long walk home from town instead of the airconditioned bus during the peak of the heat and it was a stupid idea. After a lot of water, eating a whole bag of salty potatoechips and laying for five hours with an ice bag on my head I started to feel better. But that headache though.. it was rough. And I started to freeze in the midst of it, and suddenly I was under two blankets!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 18, 2023, 11:59:04 PM
Thanks everyone. I feel better after looking at some pictures and remembering the good times. Like the year I made him a treasure hunt style interactive card. He loved it :)


Beldarna, oh no! I'm glad you are feeling better.

HoM, go to the doctor! You have had back to back flu! You don't want to get bronchitis.

My complaint at the moment is very trivial. Steam is down and I can't log in. I checked Down for Everyone and it's been going on for about 40 minutes. It looks like they usually fix things in about an hour though, so I'm hopeful.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 19, 2023, 03:16:30 PM
Thank you everyone. I can't really put in to words how much it means to me to have a space like this.  :hug: I know my mom tries, but sometimes she gets annoyed at me for getting obsessed over things. 

I've been thinking about starting a WYP thread about my medical procedure and health in general,  but every time I've tried I end up not posting it.

Taffeta, I hope you were able to get your tooth fixed today.

Beldarna, I'm glad you're feeling better.

HoM, I'm sorry you're sick again.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on June 19, 2023, 07:29:59 PM
I slept funny last night and I've had issues moving my shoulder all day.  I can only hope that a hot shower will help but if I sleep funny again I don't look forward to how much my shoulder will hurt tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 20, 2023, 06:47:06 AM
I hope your shoulder feels better soon, Pokeyonekenobie.

My mom and I still aren't getting along.  She got super annoyed at me about talking about the bookstore membership all the time and says that we can't talk about it anymore.  I realize that I was annoying her, but she doesn't seem to understand that talking about stuff a lot is sometimes how I process things and telling me that I can't hurts my feelings.  I tried to explain it to her, but it always in up in an argument and a "what I say goes" attitude from her.  :cry:

The bookstore was one of my happy places and now I don't even want to go anymore. :(  I know I will go back eventually, I'm just overemotional right now.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on June 20, 2023, 10:35:00 AM
*big :hug: :hug: :hug: to everyone*

Ponyfan - I totally get where you're coming from. IDK why things have to screw up when you're already worried about stuff... I get why your Mum might be annoyed with the topic and that's fair enough, I suppose, but there's better ways of saying things, you know? Like... idk what your medical procedure is but she does, and I know you always explain your feelings well (ironically idk if I worded that in a way that made sense ^^' Hopefully you get what I mean), so she must know what you're going through right now?? Gah. I ramble too much about stuff sometimes but it's just to clear my head out, I think it's better than letting your brain get all clogged up with worries and such.

Well, you can always talk to us guys about it, anyway :) :hug: I hope everything works out for you soon.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 20, 2023, 10:55:26 AM
I'm sorry, Ponyfan :hug:

I agree with the above. I don't like how your parents seem to push you around or ignore your feelings. You don't seem to have a lot of independence either. Just from the things you've talked about, it seems kind of toxic :huh: I hope you don't take that the wrong way. My parents were toxic too, stuck in old fashioned ways. I was a child that was "seen and not heard". So I know how it can be when you aren't acknowledged and shut down.

I know I've said this before, but I really think you would benefit from medicine and therapy. Or at least therapy. You can find therapists online now so you don't even have to leave the house.

Of course, like Carrehz said, you can always vent here and talk to us :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on June 21, 2023, 02:01:12 AM
I can relate both to the need to express things to get it all clear from the brain, and the annoyance of parents who don't always get that (although mine are actually better these days). I learned that my mother doesn't actually have a very long attention span for discussions (At least, it's probably a normalish attention span, but on the short side of normal). She's also the kind who when something is upsetting, she wants to step back and take a break from it - whereas I need to have it resolved somehow so that I can draw a line under it and that makes us clash.

I mention this, Ponyfan, in case it's like that with you and your mother. Your way of processing stuff that's stressful sounds a bit more like mine - in the sense that it's all crowded in your head and you need to get some of it out before it explodes or you overload. But if your mother is struggling to see you upset, she might actually be putting up a barrier without realising it to protect herself, or feel that you are hurting yourself more by continuing to worry about it, because if it were her in your place, she would find that upsetting.

I don't know if that made sense, but it's how it sounds to me. 40ish years of being at sometimes crossed purposes with my mother over some stuff has made both of us recognise more those clear differences in our way of handling stressful and upsetting stuff.

Sometimes I rant more to my Dad, but mostly the ranting interface for me is my sister. When we were kids, she often played mediator between Mum and I when we misunderstood each other.

My processing stuff is exacerbated sometimes by the autism, which makes everything much more significant or serious than it might be seen/felt by someone not on the spectrum. So I don't know how much my experience relates to yours in that regard. But I do think you and your mum may be at crossed purposes. She's also probably worried about your medical procedure, and doesn't understand that your talking about the book situation is part of your processing that stress as well.

In any case :hug:. You can always rant here.

In other news, I did get my tooth fixed, yesterday. I'm now utterly paranoid about it coming out again though *sigh*.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 21, 2023, 09:17:30 AM

Ponyfan - I totally get where you're coming from. IDK why things have to screw up when you're already worried about stuff... I get why your Mum might be annoyed with the topic and that's fair enough, I suppose, but there's better ways of saying things, you know? Like... idk what your medical procedure is but she does, and I know you always explain your feelings well (ironically idk if I worded that in a way that made sense ^^' Hopefully you get what I mean), so she must know what you're going through right now?? Gah. I ramble too much about stuff sometimes but it's just to clear my head out, I think it's better than letting your brain get all clogged up with worries and such.

I can relate both to the need to express things to get it all clear from the brain, and the annoyance of parents who don't always get that (although mine are actually better these days). I learned that my mother doesn't actually have a very long attention span for discussions (At least, it's probably a normalish attention span, but on the short side of normal). She's also the kind who when something is upsetting, she wants to step back and take a break from it - whereas I need to have it resolved somehow so that I can draw a line under it and that makes us clash.

I mention this, Ponyfan, in case it's like that with you and your mother. Your way of processing stuff that's stressful sounds a bit more like mine - in the sense that it's all crowded in your head and you need to get some of it out before it explodes or you overload. But if your mother is struggling to see you upset, she might actually be putting up a barrier without realising it to protect herself, or feel that you are hurting yourself more by continuing to worry about it, because if it were her in your place, she would find that upsetting.

I don't know if that made sense, but it's how it sounds to me. 40ish years of being at sometimes crossed purposes with my mother over some stuff has made both of us recognise more those clear differences in our way of handling stressful and upsetting stuff.

:hug: :hug: :hug: to everyone 

Carrehz and Taffeta, I think you both hit the nail on the head.   My mom's and my way of processing things are different.  I feel like if I keep it all inside it's going to be worse than if I try to talk to someone else about it.  I have to admit that I overanalyze things a lot and worry about things that a lot of other people wouldn't give a second thought to. That probably contributes to my mom getting annoyed at me so much because she can't understand why it's such a big deal to me in the first place or why I have to keep going on about it.  Since my health hasn't been the best lately I've been more stressed out and worried about more things that usually ended up being nothing. 

Unfortunately, we've reached an impasse about this. :(  She told me last night that the only way to make things right between us again was to stop talking about it.  I don't agree at all but again, it's her way or else.  She even accused me last night of deliberately not asking my dr for a refill on a prescription (one that I only need sometimes).  That's not true at all.  We talked about that prescription a few times and I asked if she thought I should ask the dr for another refill and she said no.  I just can't seem to make her understand that she says hurtful things sometimes and her  "just deal with it/get over it" attitude doesn't help the situation.  *sigh*  :sad: She does apologize sometimes, but  then gets upset if I try to tell her how much she hurt my feelings.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on June 21, 2023, 11:22:08 AM

That's what frustrates me, that she won't listen to your side of things. :( I can see it from her side of things too, but I can't understand why she won't try to at least come to some sort of compromise with you, see things from YOUR point of view. Gah. I hope things work out soon <3
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 21, 2023, 02:09:14 PM
I'm not sleeping again and I think I'm having a manic episode. I feel like I've got a bunch of energy but my body says "ugh, no" when I try to do something. My back and legs are so bad. I can't get my mail anymore, I'm having the neighborhood kids do it. I haven't been to see my mom in like three weeks. Luckily, her room is near the lobby, but you have to stand and wait for the door to unlock and standing in one spot is like knocking my legs out from under me.

I'm still retaining water from my heart stuff too. I feel very bloated and my shirt keeps rolling up on me.

I'm tired but my brain is like "do eeeeeeeeeeeeverything!" and then I can't focus.

Post Merge: June 22, 2023, 11:11:11 AM

My new medicine should be ready today :)

Anyway, I need to complain again.

I am so sick of being lowballed on everything I'm selling. Since when is selling online an invitation to haggle? If I was open to offers, I would say, I'm open to offers. The price is there. If you can pay the price, you get the item. That's it. End of.

I'm talking more Facebook marketplace or FB groups than the Arena.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on June 22, 2023, 03:47:34 PM
So I just read my local councillor the riot act on why oiling geese eggs is a Very Bad Thing for the Council to do. I did it politely as I don't know 100% they were behind the nests failing, but they have done it in the past and he didn't confirm or deny it. It's so cruel, the poor parent birds are so bereft when their eggs don't hatch, and our local geese are genuinely LOVELY birds. Very friendly, so smart and have entertained generations of kids with their antics. Part of the highlight of living here is seeing the fluffles grow up.

What infuriates me is that the people complaining about them almost certainly moved here after they were already there. The ponds are the oldest part of our region, along with the area we live in. You don't move here and not know there are water birds. To move here then complain about them and try to get the Council to intervene is low and pathetic.

So anyway. I did that.

Also, if I have to read one more entitled article about a famous person 'going through a grieving process' because their kid got diagnosed with autism, I'll scream.

It's not that I'm undermining parental struggles, but the terminology is really offensive.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 22, 2023, 07:21:54 PM

That's what frustrates me, that she won't listen to your side of things. :( I can see it from her side of things too, but I can't understand why she won't try to at least come to some sort of compromise with you, see things from YOUR point of view. Gah. I hope things work out soon <3

I tried to talk to her about it again to today and we made a little progress.  She still insists that I can't talk about the bookstore membership anymore or at least until the credit card statement comes in.  She said today that it was because she thought it was better than us "fighting" about it.  I didn't see it as fighting.  It was more processing and trying to work things out from my perspective.   I know I was obsessed about it, but I couldn't help it.  Part of it was also, thinking that "if A doesn't work , that means B won't work which means C won't work etc..."  Also as I explained earlier, it was something that I thought would be easily taken care of before my medical procedure.  My mom thinks that I should be able to work through stuff the first time and not keep dwelling on it.

My mom did say that she shouldn't have said that I was deliberately not refilling my medication.   

Yesterday she bought me a present since I have to have the medical procedure.  She also asked me if there were new books that I wanted, but I said something about the major series that I usually try to get right away didn't have new books out.

I asked my mom today if she expected me to tell her when I wanted to go to the bookstore after the way she's been on my case about the membership and she just said, "You usually tell me when you want to go."

I also asked her how she would feel if I said the same things she said to me to her and she said "I probably wouldn't like it either." but that's as far as that part of the conversation went.

I wish I could make her understand that when she gets that way it makes me really reluctant to talk to her about stuff.  I have actually gotten a few emails about the bookstore membership. I can't tell though if it's because the payment went through or because I upgraded my membership with a month left before the old one expired.  I'm supposed to get a tote bag as a membership gift, but so far I haven't gotten anything that says I can claim it yet.

Taffeta, reading about the oiling of the gesse eggs makes me very sad for the geese.  :cry:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 23, 2023, 04:58:59 PM
I got sent a cheque.
In this day & age, when banks close everywhere & the few which are open have minimal staff & few opening hours. i have to catch a bus, go to town, find a branch of my bank, hope it's open, & physically put the cheque in.
Fortunately I have another thing I need to take a bus for (posting a package as our Post Office is closed since late last year), but all this hassle??? Me no like...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 24, 2023, 08:04:41 AM
Oiling eggs? Isn't oil like SUPER BAD for birds??? Does it harm the adults too? How cruel.

Speaking of cruelty, I just sprayed for ants who were going around the WHOLE living room, the WHOLE kitchen and down almost the entire hallway to where they were coming out of the attic door. I have been battling them for weeks. I think it's time I tell maintenance. They might make me pay for it, since I've sprayed, but I have to get rid of them.

Oh, and what they were after was a bowl that had some cucumber dressing in the bottom in the sink. It has both oil and sugar in it, so I bet it was tasty for them. But they're dead now.

And I'm choking on the fumes from the Raid. I'm going to have to rewash the dishes in the strainer and wash all of Aster's stuff and give her fresh food. I tried not to spray directly over this stuff but I could see droplets on the dishes in the light and I just want to make sure with Aster.

Hate ants. Hate them.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on June 24, 2023, 03:47:03 PM
@Ponyfan, BC, I don't know what kind of oil they use, but yes, I agree that it is cruel.

And you only have to see the parent birds lingering around the failed nest to know that they care and it hurts them on a level beyond as well.

The bigger threat to everyone in this area is the rise in antisocial dogs off the lead, but you can guarantee the council won't try and restrict dog numbers or enforce dogs on leads in public areas. But oil the eggs of innocent birds who offer so much to the community? Yeah. So anyway.

I don't 100% know that's what they did, but it seems possible.

The geese have had the last laugh, though. The geese families from down the road are still here. Nineteen goslings and 3 sets of parents now exploring merrily through the area. I hope they go and poop on the gardens of the people who complain about them.

Yes, that sounds harsh, but you have to realise two key things about the people who complain.

#1 the birds were here first, you don't move into an area knowing they're a local feature and then try and ruin it for everyone. Go live somewhere else.

and #2
Most of the whiners are the aforementioned antisocial dog owners, and they claim the geese are aggressive because they let their dogs off the lead near the chicks.

So yeah. Bring on the poop.

@BC ants inside are a big problem o.O. We sometimes have a surge of the black ants but fortunately no big swarm for a while (touch wood). We also have amber ants in our garden but they're less unfriendly. They hide under pots and if you expose them they run away and hide again. They're also quite beautiful because they really are like amber.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 25, 2023, 04:57:03 AM
These are the same ants I've been dealing with for literal years now. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same colony. They're the tiny little grease ants. They bite, but they are so small you can barely feel it, feels like an itch. They are so hard to get rid of because the are so small I think they are immune to most bug spray. If you spray them directly, they die, but like Raid is known for leaving a bug barrier behind and most insects (and even some lizards) will get poisoned being near it, but these ants it doesn't phase them. I sprayed a barrier around Aster's food area (with it all picked up beforehand, of course) thinking it would stop them, but the next day they were marching across it like it wasn't even there. My mom keeps telling my to use bleach. I have some, from when I had those fruit flies, I'd pour it down the drains. But I hate the smell of bleach and it gives me a headache.


My complaint today and last night - there's a cat hair in my ear and it's very itchy and sore. I have a little wax scraper with a light and camera that connects to my phone, so I can see inside my ears. I've been trying since last night to get it out. It's curved over my eardrum so it's quite hard to reach. Add to that the fact my ear is all red and sore inside, most likely from the hair, and any little bump to the skin hurts. I think I'm going to have to flush it out and try not to give myself vertigo in the process.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on June 25, 2023, 06:17:30 AM
I NEED to pack today, but it's soooo hot. x___o; :hot:

edit: YEOOWWW... I just reached into the basket to give my sleeping kitty Miney some scritches/pets and she FLIPPED OUT and scratched up my hand. Must've been in a deeeeep sleep and woken up with a jolt. I'm not annoyed at her cause she didn't mean it, but ouch x__x *rubs wrist* Never seen that happen before.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 26, 2023, 03:15:29 PM
I NEED to pack today, but it's soooo hot. x___o; :hot:

edit: YEOOWWW... I just reached into the basket to give my sleeping kitty Miney some scritches/pets and she FLIPPED OUT and scratched up my hand. Must've been in a deeeeep sleep and woken up with a jolt. I'm not annoyed at her cause she didn't mean it, but ouch x__x *rubs wrist* Never seen that happen before.

I'm sorry that happened Carrehz.  :hug:

I'm so tired.  I feel like all of my energy has left my body.  :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

Not a complaint, but I wanted to post an update on the bookstore membership.  It went through just fine the day after I was at the store.  It was on the credit card statement. :)

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on June 26, 2023, 03:54:47 PM
Thanks :) It's alright though. I was more annoyed with myself for scaring her than anything else.

Ahh I'm so glad everything's been sorted with the bookshop! :frolic:

My trivial complaint for today: how is it nearly midnight already?! It feels like it was 4 pm five minutes ago. x_x Still sooo much to do. Gah.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 26, 2023, 05:10:15 PM
I'm glad the bookstore worked out too :)

I had a cat that would fall asleep while being loved on and then she'd wake up and freak out, sometimes biting me. I just learned to live with it, lol.

My complaint is I'm sooooo tired. I wanted to work on ponies today but it's already getting dark. I prefer working in natural light although I do have an Ottlite, which is full spectrum. It just doesn't light up my whole desk.

I got my new medicine and the first two common side effects are sleepiness and insomnia. I have both of those already! I don't understand how I can be so tired I can't keep my eyes open yet be unable to sleep.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 27, 2023, 07:59:50 AM
I'm glad everything worked out with the bookstore :)

my dog does that sometimes. not the biting part but she sleeps on the bed with us most nights and sometimes when one of us rolls over she barks and jumps off the bed. i'm a restless sleeper so sometimes we have a rough night.

my complaint today is work is stressing me out. there was some drama happening that i had to let my manager know about. since it's affecting my team's ability to do our work. luckily i'm taking a long weekend for the July 4th holiday. i need some time away before i say something i regret.

Last year i was doing a lot better with dealing with work stress. i'm not sure what's going on with me but today i just want to cry. i feel like everything is spinning out of control and i just want to get away from it. but i don't have that option. i'm also having some issues with not wanting to eat which is something that happens when i get really stressed out.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 27, 2023, 03:01:27 PM
I'm sorry you're stressed out, Beth :(

I wanted to cry today, but I couldn't. I'm in so much pain and so tired. I realize my quality of life isn't very good right now. I'm glad I see my doctor on Friday. I just don't know what to do. I was looking at walking assistants today, the kind you push but they're also a seat so you can sit down. I can barely walk. I can't even stand up straight. My mom tells me every single day that she wants to see me but I honestly don't know if I can make it. Her room is close to the lobby door but it's still walking down two hallways. They used to have chairs set out, but I was using them, so of course they removed them because that's what my luck is like.

I feel like everything is worse since my heart attack. I was able to sit without a lot of problems before, but now even that hurts. Standing hurts. Walking hurts. Bending down hurts. Laying down hurts. Sitting hurts. And I can't freaking sleep. And I have no money! And my computer is a paperweight right now so can't even play the damn Sims.

If I didn't have my cat I don't know what would happen.

I'm just so sick of feeling this way EVERY DAY. No relief EVER.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 27, 2023, 03:02:56 PM
BC  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

It rained this afternoon, while I was out, with Bakana!!! She now has a wet dorsal fin...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on June 27, 2023, 07:23:06 PM
BC, I wish I lived near you! I'd come and hug you tight! :heart: :tackleglomp: Fortunately, you will be able to see your doctor soon and you have an Aster that brings at least a little joy to your days! :heart:


I was changing the sheets yesterday and hit my little toe very hard on the box under the bed.  >_< OUCH!
After a while I wondered why my sock was wet. There was blood in my toe! :ack: The toenail was slightly detached in the impact. I rinsed my little toe with water and rushed to turn on the table fan, because without that cooling air I would have fainted or at least vomited (I have a blood phobia)! :huh: The toe is still sore, but it doesn't bleed at all anymore. I still keep a patch on it so that the nail doesn't touch anything, e.g. a sock. Fortunately, the toe was not broken and I can walk almost normally.

My cough is minimal, but my right side is still sensitive to the touch and I have to avoid all reaching with my hand on that side and sudden movements. So I haven't gone to the doctor yet, because I believe it will pass little by little. The painkiller suppresses the pain, I have no fever, and no nausea.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 28, 2023, 05:45:55 AM
Thank you :hug:

I feel better today. I was just so depressed yesterday. I wrote to my psychiatrist and am waiting to hear back. I see her this Saturday.

HoM, ouch! Toe things are always so painful. I hope it heals quickly.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 28, 2023, 07:49:19 AM
BC, I'm glad you're feeling better today :hug: :hug:

HOM i hope your toe heals quickly!

i'm still stressed about work but it's not as bad as yesterday. we're doing all of this planning and it's so pointless because we never look at the plan once actual work starts. i feel like they're just going to the motions. we have so much other stuff to do and a lot of people are starting to complain about it. i'm hoping management backs off with all of the planning. also it's really stressful when we plan 2 weeks of tasks and 2 days into the work the project managers start asking why we haven't finished everything. give us some time! also maybe don't plan hours of calls every single day.

it's pretty standard in my industry unfortunately. gotta make those reports look good!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 28, 2023, 03:22:20 PM
I'll never understand why my mom thinks when I ask her to wait, that I'm just talking to hear my own voice and there's not a reason behind it. :enraged:

My dad had put his drink in a precarious place.  We had just gotten back from the store and my mom when out the door from the laundry area to the garage.  When she closed the door, my dad's drink fell off and spilled on the floor.  I quickly grabbed a towel to clean it up.  When my mom tried to come back in, I told her to wait a minute and was about to explain about the spill when she came in anyway and walked right past me.  I protested about that and then had to explain about the spill.  It's happened before too.  The last time I asked her if heard me telling her to wait and she said she did, but decided to do what she wanted anyway.

Sometimes I get tired of having to be the one to always acquiesce when I want to do something, but my parents don't want to or vice versa.  If I try to express my opinion than sometimes, I'm told that I'm just mad because we aren't doing exactly what I want. 

My dad ordered something at McDonald's. It was one price on the screen, but when he got up to the payment window it cost more than what was showing.  When he got the receipt, it showed the same amount that was on the screen. I can't figure out why there's a discrepancy.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 28, 2023, 04:07:25 PM
  ooooo we are gonna get through all of our crap together, yes, we can do it :) 
*shakes head* but I seriously think something has gone amiss in the astrological cosmos!

everyone is having such a rough time of it.  i don't even want to try to start a list of Things but we have to think positively because otherwise, we just generate lots of negative energy and that doesn't feed anything happy and good. 

My leg is ... improving.  I was able to go out to work with a dress and no wound dressing and I did not scratch and it still looks good!  So exciting for me but what an embarrassing thing to be proud of.  these open wounds have been going on since last year.  no that is not a LinkinPark song lyric but I feel it.

There is still a lot of tension with my mom, and I don't know if she and my husband are ever going to find common ground, after she said some hurtful things and "you should be grateful"'s at him.  Also I have zero interest in going to Tennessee where she lives , when she is not in Florida.  >.<  but she wants to see us!  *facepalm*

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 29, 2023, 07:14:12 AM
Every time I've wanted to do something lately, my dad has made it super inconvenient for me to do it.  I like to fill the pitcher when I water plants at the kitchen sink because it's closer to the back door.  The last couple of days, I've had to fill the pitcher from the bathtub because my dad was using the kitchen sink.  This morning my mom got annoyed at me for making so many trips to the fill the pitcher while she was trying to do something.  How come every time I want to do something, I'm always the one that has to wait for a more convenient time to do it?  I couldn't even put my trash in the garage when I wanted to because my dad was standing right in front of the door to the garage.  You can't just ask my dad to move out of the way either, or he gets upset.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 29, 2023, 07:46:06 AM
I have sores on my tongue again. The same one opened back up on the side, plus there are two others further up. There are two more on the other side that are new today and I have a swollen papilla on the tip. I don't know what causes these. I wasn't eating citrus or anything. They always come in groups too. I still have the lidocaine mouth rinse from last time, but relief is short lived.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 30, 2023, 12:11:02 PM
My Facebook feed is full of ads. It must be like 80% ads. Groups I used to see posts from vanished and I only see the posts of like 5 people regularly. I've made sure to follow people as well as either like them or be friends with them but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

Also, for some odd reason, FB likes handing out "Top Fan Badges" to me for things I don't even interact with. I watched one video of Metallica from the official page and suddenly I am a Top Fan. It annoys me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 30, 2023, 02:11:15 PM
My Facebook feed is full of ads. It must be like 80% ads. Groups I used to see posts from vanished and I only see the posts of like 5 people regularly. I've made sure to follow people as well as either like them or be friends with them but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

Also, for some odd reason, FB likes handing out "Top Fan Badges" to me for things I don't even interact with. I watched one video of Metallica from the official page and suddenly I am a Top Fan. It annoys me.

all of the social network apps are really useless now. they were always kind of terrible IMO. but Instagram is just full of people selling junk. I haven't been on Facebook in almost a year i think. they send emails trying to get me to log in but at this point i refuse. i don't care if my friend posted an update. i'm not logging in. nothing on that platform ever makes me feel good.

i liked Twitter but now it's full of junky ads too. and the same ads show over and over. somehow for years before Musk took over i was not seeing any ads. but that's over. also now most of the activists and journalists i liked to follow are either hidden or they've left the platform. it's pretty much toxic tech bros now. and i refuse to create a TikTok account. this is why i hang out here :)

lately i feel like tech is really going downhill fast. it's all scams and over hyped tech. it was crypto, then metaverse junk, now it's AI. all of the hype is just embarrassing at this point.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 01, 2023, 08:58:47 AM
I find AI interesting, but I don't think it will take over. We need more basic robots to do the jobs people shouldn't be doing.

My head hurts today. My back is sore. It's another one of those days where I feel useless and can't get anything done. Just want to lie in bed all day :( I bought some junk food too. All I ate yesterday was mini donuts.

I did get to order the new power supply for my computer. It should arrive by the 7th. I miss my PC a lot.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on July 01, 2023, 07:12:55 PM
Yesterday I literally had to tell my mom something 3 times before she "heard" me.  When our evening meal was ready, I was right in the middle of making an order from Amazon.  I told her that, but she didn't hear me.  She came in to the office/study and I told her again.   I went to get my phone to double check something I needed for the order and said again that I was making an order on Amazon.  That time my dad heard me and told my mom what I said.

My mom usually puts all of our vitamins and stuff together for the week on Saturday.  I've never put my blood pressure pills with my vitamins because I don't take them at the same time.  Today my mom asked me to put my blood pressure pills in with the vitamins and I showed her the bottle I keep the bp pills in.  Later she told me she put them in with my vitamins.  She's never done that before.  I tried to talk to her about it, but she said I didn't specifically say not to put my bp pills in with the vitamins.

I've been feeling a weird sensation in my body. Not pain exactly, but a kind of tingling that usually isn't there. 

Edit: I feel shaky today.  I think my blood sugar must be off.

Also. I got a "you earned a reward" email from a loyalty app for a store that I used to buy a lot of stuff from.  The funny thing is that I haven't bought anything from that store lately.  My last purchase was 3 months ago.  I'm hoping the reward is from that purchase and it doesn't mean that someone else tried to use my email.  I was still able to log on to the loyalty app with my email and password.  There's no credit card information or addresses stored in the app, but my zip code is there.   I really don't need a big mess to deal with right now.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 02, 2023, 03:25:11 PM
Amazon delivered my much needed package to my neighbor. I'm hoping she brings it over. I can't go get it because of my back and I'm having stomach troubles today too.

edit: Her daughter brought it over :)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 04, 2023, 05:13:08 PM
Fireworks AND thunder? My poor cat :cry:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on July 04, 2023, 05:21:49 PM
I find AI interesting, but I don't think it will take over. We need more basic robots to do the jobs people shouldn't be doing.

sorry i meant to responds earlier and got sidetracked :huh:

i think AI is pretty interesting. i just don't like the way everything in tech is overhyped and AI is currently in a hype bubble. tech is always in this annoying "learn this now or be left behind" mentality and it's off putting. i do think AI is interesting as a research tool and i'm pretty in favor of automating dangerous and tedious jobs. i just worry that there will be no safety net for people who lose their jobs because of AI and automation. the attitude from a lot of the techfluencer/VC capital crowd seems to be that AI will make it so companies don't need many employees anymore so shareholders will make even more money. well where does that leave people who need a paycheck to pay bills?

the internet is already deteriorating from all of the layoffs and profiteering. companies trying to replace actual content creators with AI isn't going to make it better. i miss when the internet was full of fun weird things people built just because.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on July 05, 2023, 11:06:15 AM
Fireworks are illegal in my city.  That being said, the law is not really enforced and many people ignore it and shoot fireworks inside the city limits anyway.  Noisemakers are legal and sold in stores inside the city limits. 

My family used our noisemakers between 5 and 6 last night.  They make a little bit of noise and some have confetti that comes out when you open them. 

Around 11:20 last night I was startled to see red lights outside my bedroom window.  At first I thought the front yard was on fire.  I went to the entryway and looked out the front door.  I could see some type of emergency vehicle but due to the darkness and the way the glass is cut on both the front and screen door, I couldn't tell exactly what it was.   I tried to check the security cameras, but when I looked, the emergency vehicle was gone.  I went back to my bedroom and stayed awake for a bit to be sure they were gone.

I checked the security cameras this morning and they got a clear shot of bright light coming out of someone's garage which means they were shooting fireworks in the garage or driveway.

My parents checked with our neighbors this morning and they said the emergency vehicle was a fire truck because their smoke and carbon monoxide detectors had gone off.  They also said the neighbors a couple of house down were throwing their own street party last night running up and down the street shooting fireworks.  My dad is convinced that the neighbors were retaliating and targeting our house on purpose but it's more likey that they didn't care about other people.  There are people living in that house that do drugs so I'm not surprised they would be running down the street not caring if they were disturbing others.  My dad said he heard fireworks until 3 am this morning that kept him awake.

My medical procedure is getting closer...

I also got a bill from the place I get the monthly shots from.  I know I should be happy this is the first bill I've gotten since I started going there, but I thought everything was covered between my insurance and the copay program I signed up for.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 05, 2023, 02:07:40 PM
I find AI interesting, but I don't think it will take over. We need more basic robots to do the jobs people shouldn't be doing.
i just worry that there will be no safety net for people who lose their jobs because of AI and automation. the attitude from a lot of the techfluencer/VC capital crowd seems to be that AI will make it so companies don't need many employees anymore so shareholders will make even more money. well where does that leave people who need a paycheck to pay bills?

That's true. My personal answer to that is there are too many people. We can't (and shouldn't) sustain the population where it is. Less people means less demands for jobs. And with more robots doing the work, we can eventually reach a utopia. That's for another topic though.

the internet is already deteriorating from all of the layoffs and profiteering. companies trying to replace actual content creators with AI isn't going to make it better. i miss when the internet was full of fun weird things people built just because.

I agree with that. I remember, back in the 90s, a website design company that had interactive samples of the things they could do for your website. One of the things was this cool cursor following "swarm" that you could customize into different shapes and colors and control how many individual things were in the "swarm". Man, I played with that for hours :lol: I even wrote them an email and said how much fun their samples page was.

I'm sorry, Ponyfan :( I grew up in a town that had banned most fireworks too. We could play with sparklers, snakes (or cat tails, they have other names too) and snaps. That was about it. The city always put on a professional show by the lake though, so if you liked the fireworks, you could still get to see them.

In contrast, everything is legal here in Florida. Even big professional bundles of fireworks are sold at Walmart.

I used to like them as a kid, but now I find them annoying and I don't like what they do to pets and local wildlife.

I know you are worried about your medical stuff :hug:

My complaint is I almost saw a dog fight today. Dogs are allowed in the apartments if they are under a certain weight. I don't know what the weight is but there are some bigger dogs I see. Lots of bull mixes too. Now, I know the owner is mostly to blame for pitbulls and mixes going after other dogs BUT the breed was bred to be dog and small animal aggressive, and is still being used that way in parts of the world. So, I think if you get a pitbull mix or any other "baiter" dogs, you should be trained how to properly handle them around other dogs, animals and kids.

That said...

This lady was walking her pit mix when my neighbor came out with her old dog, also a mix, but he looks more lab than anything. He's very old and they have to walk him with a sling to hold up his back legs. He is a very sweet dog. Anyway, as soon as they rounded the corner, this other lady's dog went nuts, got away from her and came barreling at the old dog. I was watching outside my bedroom window and was so panicked. The neighbor lady kept putting herself between her dog and the pit mix, but he was barking and running around trying to get at the old dog. Finally, the lady that had the pit mix came and tried to grab her dog but he ran away and kept coming back in by the old dog very aggressively. I was watching this, wanting to help but I knew there wasn't anything I could do from the second story and by the time I got down there, it would be over. So finally the pit mix owner got ahold of the collar and got her dog to sit. I think she was trying to apologize, but the old dog's owner you could tell just wanted the other dog away from her.

The pit mix lady went back the way she came with her hand on the collar and my neighbor walked back the other way too. I wouldn't be surprised if she just took her dog back inside. He was probably so confused and afraid.

Again, I know it was the owners fault for not being able to control her dog. I'm just glad it was unsure of itself because I know if it REALLY wanted to kill that other dog, it would have gotten a hold of him.

Also, I haven't seen the loose cat in a long time. Last time I saw him he was wearing a collar. I hope maybe someone picked him up and is keeping him inside.

I was in one of my Facebook cat groups and this lady posted about her 3 year old Bengal being hit by a car. She said she has a catio but "it wasn't big enough for him, he wanted to roam" and I was so upset. It is no one but the owner's fault when cats are allowed outside and things like that happen. Cats do not need to wander and are happier, healthier and safer indoors!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 07, 2023, 10:33:43 AM
Me again! Stupid, lazy Fed-Ex drivers! What is up with them?! How many times do I have to call and complain!?

Once again, they left a package at the bottom of my stairs. I have no idea what it even is, the only things I'm expecting are my PSU and I bought a new corded mouse. It is neither of those. But now I have to go down and get it and haul it back up!

edit: a while later - I still haven't gone to get the box. I just wanted to add that after I wrote this post I decided to heat up some mini homemade quesadillas and WHILE I HELD THE OIL SPLATTER GUARD IN MY HAND ....I got hit in the face with hot oil!  >_<  -_-  :pout:

Put the splatter guard ON THE PAN.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on July 07, 2023, 03:29:02 PM
I'm sorry you got hit with hot oil in the face, BC. :hug:

I called the number on my bill today to try to find out why they said I owed money for that shot, but the guy I talked to said that's what I owed and there was no mistake. I also checked on the copay card program through the website and there's still some money left on the copay card (not as much as when it started because a lot of it has been used, but some.)

I'm supposed to get a shot once a month, but I was told I could have 2 in June, because June had 5 weeks in it. Due to my medical procedure, it was the only time I could get that shot. I really hope either the insurance or the copay program covers it.  The shots are really expensive.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on July 08, 2023, 10:05:26 AM

I was in one of my Facebook cat groups and this lady posted about her 3 year old Bengal being hit by a car. She said she has a catio but "it wasn't big enough for him, he wanted to roam" and I was so upset. It is no one but the owner's fault when cats are allowed outside and things like that happen. Cats do not need to wander and are happier, healthier and safer indoors!

Thank you! I keep my cats indoors, and walk outside with one on the leash and neither are feeling bad for it, but i've seen so many conversations latetly that say indoorcats are animalcruelty and it makes me so sad. I think it's cruel to let them roam, get into fights, get locked inside storage, garages, getting hurt by cars, other animals and humans..But people say "at least the ones who die outside dies happy". It makes my blood boil. Someone who said that on a cat group work at the goverment watching over animal wellfare.. it chocked me.

Horrible about the dogs btw..  There should be a license to own a dog.

My complaint was about not being able to get to page two of the Arena interview with goddessofpeep, page one and three went alright but not the middle page, but now it works so I can drool over the pictures again.

Also, I'm dead bored.. Usually when staying over night at the hotel, we get here late and leave early, but we came so early today and leave late tomorrow.. it's raining outside so no weather to walk in either.. I didn't bring my raincoat as it was sunny back home. I brought my laptop so I could watch Netflix or Disney+ but don't feel like it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on July 08, 2023, 02:20:46 PM
I saw a badger today that had been killed by a car.  :sad:  I got really sad about this. I really hope that there were no puppies left anywhere to wait for the mother's return..
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on July 08, 2023, 04:09:31 PM
On AI, I'm in the camp that it could easily take over humanity, because humanity has largely stopped thinking for itself already.

As for the internet, it was ruined the moment the mainstream stopped looking down their noses at it as something weird and geeky, and colonised it with their influencers and social media and fake news junk.

@Ponyfan, that sucks. I swear, I do not understand the US insurance system, but live in fear of that being brought in here eventually. The poor NHS is struggling under the weight of Tory incompetence.

In the UK you have to have a licence to own a dog. I wish you also had to undergo some kind of training course on how to manage them, because I get so fed up with badly trained and hyperactive dogs when out walking (or literally everywhere in north wales, what is with that? Why are you able to just walk into stores with your dog and nobody comments up there?)

Dogs now have more rights than humans do. It's a fact.

My complaint for today.

I spent the last few days in Wales. This is not a complaint! But the train back. Well. I think I might as well have spent 3 and a half hours in a creche, given the kid screaming, kid running around behaviour...

At least I wasn't forced to change trains multiple times like I did on the train out. It's meant to be a direct service. Let's just say that on Wednesday, it wasn't. :/

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 09, 2023, 06:20:55 AM
That train ride sounds horrible :crazy:

My complaint this morning is a headache. My whole skull is throbbing. I've taken some generic Excedrin.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on July 09, 2023, 03:15:21 PM
Pretty sure Back to the Future: The Musical is going to be announcing their cast change tomorrow (some of the cast have already confirmed they're moving on) and I'm not ready  :cry: I'm still not over the last one.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on July 10, 2023, 08:12:20 AM
i think some of the dust from the hazy days we had a while back got in the house. it's way dustier than usual. i've been sneezing a lot. i did some dusting but i need to do more. there's even dust in spots that don't normally get dusty.

i changed the A/C filters so hopefully that helps. i also need to vacuum and run the roomba. it's been a while since i vacuumed my office. it's cramped because it's an office/guest room/pony room so it's hard to vacuum in here.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on July 10, 2023, 03:35:56 PM
I feel like everytime I've wanted to do something today, I've had to take care of something else first.  I feel like it's been a never ending  string of phone calls and other stuff going on today.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 10, 2023, 09:37:34 PM
I'm trying to list the rest of my ponies on eBay now that I'm back on my PC. It went down just now. Won't come back up. I keep getting a "global error". I've got like five ponies left.... c'mon man.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on July 11, 2023, 06:10:19 AM
I didn't try Ebay yesterday, but I know several sites were targeted including Archive of our Own.

The following is going to be long...

My medical procedure looms ever closer. I've known this for months.  Last night even though I tried (although watching part of a disaster movie right before trying to go to sleep probably wasn't a good idea)  I couldn't sleep.  I finally woke my mom up after hours of being awake with my thoughts hoping that talking to her would help calm me down and let me get a few hours of sleep.

I've already gone to the hospital for the pre procedure stuff and given them a list of my medications.  I'm the type of person that follows instructions to the letter. I won't even go out an entrance if there's another way clearly marked exit (assuming it's not the same entrance for both)  I went over my medications with the intake nurse and she told me what I needed to stop taking before the procedure. Before I started the next step in the process I specially asked the nurse if it was okay to continue taking my allergy pill.  I explained how the dr had written the prescription for the generic version (so the insurance would pay part of the cost) and that I was currently taking the over the counter version because my prescription for the generic had run out and I'm really close to my next drs visit.  The nurse told me it was okay since my doctor had originally prescribed the generic version. I don't need the allergy pill all of the time anyway, but when I need it, I do.  Now I'm worried that maybe the nurse didn't understand my question or what I was asking.  I know she's the professional and deals with dozens of people everyday brining lists of meds, but I worry that maybe she told me the wrong information by mistake and it might be questioned on procedure day.  I cannot have the procedure rescheduled.  I tried googling, but it's no help because a lot of stuff contradicts what the nurse said and nothing comes up from the hospital I'm having the procedure done at.  I tried to make it a few days without the allergy pill, but last night I felt symptoms returning most likely due to a change in the weather, so I took an allergy pill. Believe me, if the nurse had said to stop taking it for a week, I would have done so.

My mom says to stop googling stuff about my procedure because it's not helpful and always gives the worst case scenario. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 11, 2023, 06:30:33 AM
I didn't know there was a cyber attack going on. That sucks. I haven't tried eBay yet today.

Ponyfan :hug: I'm sure everything will be fine.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on July 11, 2023, 06:38:26 AM
sending you positive thoughts, Ponyfan. :hug: :hug:

i've been feeling a little down for the last couple of days. i didn't get much done at work yesterday. i'm off today to take care of some personal stuff. i've also been rearranging stuff in the house. i do that sometimes when i'm anxious.

also, it's so disappointing when i see a pony i want on eBay at a reasonable price but the international shipping is too high. the search for another Baby Bridesmaid still continues.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 11, 2023, 10:45:13 AM
I'm so stressed out about money, I hate it. I need 100 bucks before the 16th. I've got $14 in my account. My mom has even less. I've got a bid on one of my Argies on eBay for 80. The auction doesn't end until the 17th though.

I'm going to try to complete a few customs today. I'm waiting for the mailman to come get a package (it was a $7 sale, so not very much) then I'll get started.

My two meds that needed prior auth still aren't ready. I need them so bad. I'm so tired/fatigued I can't keep my eyes open. My mom says 'go to bed' but I don't like sleeping through the day because I like to work on my art in natural light. My light situation at night isn't very good. It's true though that i seem to have more energy at night and it's easier to stay awake. I think I have delayed sleep phase syndrome and have had it my whole life. I used to give into it when I lived with my parents and sister, I would wake up around 6pm and go to bed around 10am. It worked out well.

But yeah, I need to make some things to sell.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on July 11, 2023, 12:33:05 PM
*big :hug: :hug: :hug: to Ponyfan* I hope everything gets sorted out soon. That's the problem with medical stuff, it doesn't usually help to look it up, but you can't NOT look it up when you're worried, right? x_x It sucks.

I knew AO3 was getting DDOS'd by some nuts but I didn't know other sites had been hit too D: What the heck.

Beth3346 - Sending hugs for your husband + hope his surgery goes well (I just realized you said this in the other thread, oops.. hope it's okay to post it here ^^;), and :hug: to you as well <3
yess I hate it when international shipping is so high! SO many times I've seen great deals but had to pass up on them because of the insane shipping. I know from experience that international shipping can be stupidly pricey but sometimes you see listings and you're like, come on, that price isn't right. x_x I feel like it just gets more and more expensive every day.

BlackCurtains - keeping my fingers crossed your meds come in ASAP and that things work out money-wise for you :)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 11, 2023, 01:47:15 PM
Well I got a letter from my insurance. They've denied both new medicines :( They cite "not medically necessary" for both, plus some other stuff like you haven't tried a generic/cheaper version first. I sent a copy to my psychiatrist, maybe she can fill out some paperwork or something. I was so looking forward to the Sunosi :(  -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 11, 2023, 03:46:20 PM
BC refer to WYP for my reaction, & I hope your people come down on the insurance peeps like a ton of bricks!!!

I KNOW we're not allowed plastic stuff, but having the odd wooden fork available instead will do wonders for people who are out for ages & don't realise until after they get it they don't have a fork on them.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on July 11, 2023, 05:34:29 PM
Lots of hugs to Ponyfan and BC (and everyone else too!)  :hug:

The flu is over, but there are still pains in the area of my right side. :pout: I can calm it down almost completely with painkillers, but I only take them when I have to leave the house. When I'm at home, I can take it easy and avoid sudden movements. On Wednesday, I'm supposed to mow the grass for a long time, but I think it will go well because there's no need to hurry.

The little toe is no longer painful, but its nail is still standing higher than the nails of the other toes. I have not dared to cut it any shorter. I'm afraid it will cause pain and blood again.  :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on July 12, 2023, 08:12:38 AM
thank you for all of the kind wishes for my husband :) the first operation is next week. we're just anxious to get it over with. it will be nice when he can see well again.

@HOM i'm glad your flu is over. hoping the pains go away soon.

My complaint for today is having to repeat myself over and over. i'm not sure why people can't just scroll up in their chats or emails to read where the questions were already answered. of course i don't say that and i just nicely repeat myself when inside i'm fuming.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 12, 2023, 08:33:35 AM
I hope everything goes well for your husband. Eye stuff is scary.

HoM, I'm glad you're finally over the flu! Take it easy with that side injury.

My complaint is my mom. She accused me of "abandoning" her. Everyday she asks how I feel and I tell the truth - most days I feel like complete crap. I told her my right hip has been bothering me and it's hard to walk, also my dizziness has been worse lately. But because I haven't been to visit her in a while, I've "got other priorities" and "she knows she comes last".
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Mewtwofan1 on July 13, 2023, 11:41:13 AM
My complaint is about my cities transit system. I do not want to drive/could not afford a car on my own (and we don't have space for another one in my families home). So, I am reliant on our less than optimal (sometimes dangerous) bus and LRT system. I want to go to a convention here in the city since I have never been. Plugged it into the maps app, and it gives you the driving route as default. If I drove it would take 20-25 mins to get there. Bus? 1 hour 20 minutes on a good day with no major interruptions like traffic. If I miss a bus (the buses here never run on time so its a greater possibility you'll arrive late and miss the bus if you need to change) then it takes longer because the bus only comes every half hour to an hour.
I knew our city was terrible at the bus system (terrible at a lot of things that would benefit the public) but seeing that in writing just makes it seem worse than I thought it was.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 13, 2023, 12:08:13 PM
I saw my mom today. She actually apologized.

My current complaint is the BEEP BEEP BEEP of this machine outside. It's a portable scaffold? I guess? One dude is manning it. It beeps constantly. It's right outside my window. It's going to drive me mad.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 14, 2023, 11:06:20 AM
Dear drivers:
Please be more attentive on the roads, especially during high-use times like evening rush-hour.
Because your stupidity traumatised & delayed a bus driver indefinitely, causing disruption to the service said driver was trying to provide. That incident, which was probably caused by stupidity or negligence, meant this bus driver, all the passengers waiting for the bus they were driving, & various other road users, were held back & delayed for ages from getting home. I haven't looked up the incident yet, but one of you drivers was most likely the cause of it. I don't know if anybody was hurt badly or worse, but I do know such a thing would have involved police & clearing debris from the road so as not to cause damage to other vehicles, hence, extensive delays during that time.
Sincerely, one of the passengers of the bus you delayed.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: rearing_palomino164 on July 14, 2023, 05:51:01 PM
Sending hugs to you all! If I had to complain about something, our fridge just went out, and now we have to go out and buy a new one. :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 15, 2023, 11:42:13 AM
I'm so tired! I hate it!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 16, 2023, 01:40:10 AM
Read up on the incident (the one delaying my bus): It put a woman in hospital!!! Hope she recovers & suffers no lasting damage xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 16, 2023, 09:16:46 AM
I heard some news that made me incredibly upset :( It's about animals dying so I'll put it in a spoiler.

There was a fire at a Florida wildlife sanctuary and 250 animals died. They are investigating the fire, it happened at 3am. Most of the animals were former pets who were too much for the owners to handle.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on July 17, 2023, 07:12:52 AM
that's awful BC  :sad:

my complaint today is kind of petty. the company i work for switched to unlimited PTO. it has it's drawbacks but not having to ration PTO is nice. however certain people take a ton of PTO. like it seems like they're always on PTO. and most people take a normal amount of time or very little time. not only is it hard to get stuff done because they're always out but it keeps us from getting stuff done. yes i'm talking about 1 person in particular.

i do think people should take time off and it seems unfair that 1 person is off while others on the team have to pick up the slack.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on July 17, 2023, 11:51:08 PM
That seems like an interesting PTO policy. I’ve heard about unlimited PTO, but I always figured there was some sort of catch to it. It seems like it would be very easy to abuse if there were truly no consequences to taking as much PTO as you want!

I went out to walk the dog at like, 11 pm (thanks, southwest heat dome! It’s too hot to go out any earlier) and heard like, this crazy demonic sounding voice out of nowhere. It sounded like someone accidentally blasting a car radio maybe, but there were absolutely no cars in sight and whatever it was didn’t sound like music, it was definitely spoken. It happened so quickly that I couldn’t make out what the words are, but after hanging around for a minute absolutely nothing appeared, so I got freaked out and just went back. I’m sure there is a perfectly logical explanation for it, but I hate hearing weird things at night when I can’t place what they are!

EDIT: annndd now a grasshopper jumped in my car. >_< I’m not sure if I got it out or not….guess I’m going to just drive with my windows down and hope it jumps out. I’m sooooo over summer right now. I’m ready for winter
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 18, 2023, 01:16:08 PM
Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy when I start to get ahead something happens??? I sold a couple ponies on eBay. Great! Money! I went to print the shipping label and my printer is out of Magenta, so of course it cannot print in black and white. I used what money I had in my account to buy ink. I have 2 dollars left to my name!

Me again, the next day (today): I had some hot coffee and it isn't sitting well :( I usually drink iced coffee, but I don't know why it would make a difference...

I also have a nagging headache since I woke up. It's in the back of my head and my temples behind my ears.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on July 20, 2023, 08:09:52 AM
The co-worker who has been told explicitly NOT to go into my office had to be stopped from going into my office before I came in this morning by another co-worker who is aware of the situation.  If I say anything about this situation, I'm targeting him.  If anyone else says anything, they get ignored, because this person "is just trying to do his job" being insubordinate.  Which is expressly forbidden by the handbook.  But it's okay for him.  Because he "always has a smile" and the director likes that.  So the garbage he pulls gets overlooked and the rest of us suffer the consequences.  So far HR sides with the director because the director couldn't possibly be biased in favor of anyone.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on July 20, 2023, 08:53:20 AM
Got some cute pins from Etsy (not a complaint!), went to leave feedback... only for the dang site to tell me I CAN'T leave feedback until "it's arrived on the 26th" ????? It's right here in my hands Etsy!!

I get that they probably do this to prevent scammers and trolls from leaving bad feedback before the item's actually arrived, but... geez! The really frustrating thing is that the tracking page on Etsy does correctly say the order arrived today. :U
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 21, 2023, 05:11:59 PM
I've been licking my lips again from a nervous tick. They're red and raw. Luckily, I do have some Carmex which will help. Also, I'm still having a black fly problem. Just as the last one died, now there are smaller ones (babies?) about 3 of them. I wish I knew where the hell they were coming from.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 23, 2023, 06:51:06 AM
There are even more flies now! There are some trapped between the screens and the glass on the windows. I'm going to open them all, spray the bottoms and close and lock them so they're really closed. They have to be coming in from the windows somehow. I know there is nothing rotten in my apartment.

Also, this day is off to a great start. I stabbed myself with my rehairing needle, ran over my foot with my desk chair and my teeth are very sensitive today to cold. All my drinks are cold, including water. I really don't want to drink coffee and tea all day.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on July 23, 2023, 10:57:11 PM
People normally don't read signs and expect things to go their way, even if it is a safety risk. During summer, people really don't read signs and are very vocal about having things their way. It's like their brain checked out for vacation as well.. I am so done with people! And please, people! Stop letting your children run around and play on a moving train! It's not a playground, its a fast moving object and things can go pretty ugly very fast if something were to happen.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 24, 2023, 03:49:16 AM
I woke up in the middle of the night freezing! I was shivering I was so cold. I turned off the AC and the fan and got another blanket. I took my temp and it was on the 99-100 line. I went back to sleep and I woke up a few hours later drenched in sweat but I still felt cold. I took some fever reducer and I'm still a little cold and now my throat hurts. I'd hate to get sick on top of everything else I'm dealing with.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on July 24, 2023, 07:32:38 PM
I hope you're feeling better, BC.  :hug:

I was going to write a WYP post about what's going on in my life because I feel like it's getting a bit too deep for this thread.  I started writing a post, but walked away for a while, intending to come back and finish it later. When I came back to it, I hit the wrong button and erased everything I'd already written. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 24, 2023, 07:42:13 PM
I am, actually. My sore throat went away and the headache I had all day is gone now too.

You should write up the post in Notepad and save it. Then you can go back to it and add/change stuff later. Then copy and paste it into a post.

I do have a tip though if it happens again. If you use Chrome (don't know if it works on other browsers) you can simply hit the back button and your text will still up.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on July 25, 2023, 07:45:22 AM
I joined a diamond painting group on Facebook.  I thought it would be fun to join a group that would show off their work with others.  Although several people have done that, I've also seen people being very rude to each other over asking questions that people that are new to the hobby probably ask a lot and also a bit of arguing over where the "best" place to get diamond art is.  I don't have a lot of extra money so I usually buy mine when they are on sale.  That being said I'm not the type of person to berate another just because they chose to use a different site to buy from, even if I think that site is a little questionable based on what I've seen so far.

I've only been in the group a few days though.

I always glue my bill payment envelopes shut instead of licking them, because I don't like licking them.  I was able to get out for a short while today and took the bill payment with me.  Right before we got to the post office I noticed that one part wasn't glued down as much as I would like.  I asked my mom if she thought it would okay and she said it would.  So hopefully nothing happens to it on the way to its destination. If she had told me to, I would have brought it back home and glued it some more.

My dad burnt tea bags and broke a measuring cup earlier because he turned the burner on under the cup with the tea bags in it instead of the tea kettle.  My mom and I both smelled something burning and it was tea.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 25, 2023, 04:18:58 PM
It's so humid outside but very dry in my apartment today. My eyes and throat are very dry, I've been drinking water today like crazy. It seems stupid to get a humidifier when the humidity outside is like 70% but maybe I could get a small one and just keep it by my desk and put it on my nightstand when I'm sleeping...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on July 26, 2023, 10:42:45 AM
So, deep breath.

You guys remember that I wasn't invited to my rescheduled graduation ceremony in December last year, right?

Well, I was told I was added to the summer list (this one is in September), but notification was supposed to be during July and since I still hadn't heard, today I plucked up the courage to phone the university to find out what was going on. The graduation office do not have a phone number and they had not answered the email I sent them - but a nice person in student services sent a message to them on my behalf to resolve this.

So this evening I THOUGHT I had it all sorted when I finally got an email inviting me to register for the ceremony.

Until I went to register and realised the date they gave me in the email and the one on the registration site for tickets are completely different.

So I can't register still until they resolve this.

To make things even better, they've reduced the registration period by 2 weeks (the website still says by Aug 18th, the email says by August 4th) so I have even less time in which to do this.

Looking at the website, I think the second date is correct because that is my department's ceremony date. But that is also a pain because it's my brother in law's birthday (whereas I was hopeful on seeing the email that we had avoided it actually being on his birthday.) My sister is planning to come but it will mean she won't be able to spend his birthday with him (he is ok with this but I'd rather it wasn't the case).

So to cut a long story short.

I should be able to graduate but they are still finding ways to make it difficult.

I really loved my time at that university, but all of this has been so traumatic that right now that experience feels tainted. And, bearing in mind that none of my information has changed, it also proves that they just didn't invite me last December. They had my email address. They just didn't bother.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on July 26, 2023, 11:54:38 AM
@Taffeta i'm hoping you can work everything out and get to your graduation ceremony :hug:

ugh i am off on PTO today and i logged into work to answer a question from someone on the team i manage. and some drama was going on in the chat. a manager from another team we work with and have a ton of drama with because they're mostly bad at their jobs messaged me about some stuff that had gone wrong. my status was logged in but on PTO. i told her repeatedly that i was on PTO and we could discuss tomorrow.

she basically wants us to fix the issues with her team's process magically. we keep telling them what we want them to do to make things work better but they ignore us. they want us to just shut up ask how high when they say "jump". she kept messaging and i finally told her i was out of the house dealing with medical issues and logged off. i'm hoping i didn't say anything too out of line and now i'm stressed. i hate this project so much! their drama is taking years off my life. i wish my team could just stop working on it. the other projects are run well and this one is a total mess. i want us to stop working on it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 26, 2023, 02:40:04 PM
Taffeta, I hope everything works out for you.

Beth, sorry you're having such a hard time, and on your off time too, that's not fair!

I had a mini meltdown today. My mom set it off saying stupid things to me. I cried for like an hour. I sent a message to my therapist asking if she had anything sooner than our next appointment. Luckily, she has one tomorrow at 8am, so I took it. I'm just so stressed. I wrote about it in my WYP post.

The air in my apartment is even worse today. I'm tempted to open the windows just to get some fresh air in here. It's supposed to storm in a bit though and I don't want the rain coming in. I'm undecided... really bad in here, my eyes are so dry!

I'm in a lot of pain today. I cleaned up half the living room and the kitchen table last night. Even though I sat in a chair most of the time, it really did my back and legs in. Also I feel very weak today. My hand was shaking trying to hold my coffee mug this morning.

My mom really upset me. She was saying I was selfish and "rude" for making some food that we both like and not bringing her any. Then I told her my EBT came in a day early so I got groceries, mainly veggies and frozen fruit, and she said it again. How dare I have all this good food coming when my mom doesn't have any. She was probably partly joking, but I wasn't in the mood and when I asked her to stop she laughed and said "no, you deserve it". So I said goodbye quickly and hung up. Then I started crying... she has no idea of my dire financial situation. I haven't told her. She thinks I'm "grouchy" because I did too much last night. First, I'm not grouchy. I hate that. I'm stressed out, anxious and overwhelmed. Secondly, I was running out of food to eat. I have a lot in my pantry but you need milk and/or eggs to make it. Which I didn't have. So being able to get groceries was such a relief. But nah. I'm doing it to upset my mom. Same thing with making the food I made, which is her recipe. But it's not something she made often. We had it way more when I was a kid. She also won't shut up about me coming to visit. Every. Day. No, I don't have any money for Uber. I have no friends to get a ride from. STOP SAYING IT. Like I'm doing it on purpose. Yes, I purposefully make myself poor. It's lots of fun.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on July 26, 2023, 04:43:13 PM
@BC :hug: :hug: i'm sorry your mom isn't being understanding
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on July 27, 2023, 04:04:07 AM
:hug: BC. You've both been through so much in the last year, probably she doesn't realise that you're dealing with just as much change and loss as she is and you still have a ton of things to juggle. YOu can only do what you can do - remember none of it is your fault and you are 100% doing your best.

(I straight up admire how you've dealt with all the stuff in the last couple of years - whether it's honestly sharing how you feel/your struggles or your positive plans going forward.)

Give Aster a big cuddle. I'm sure she'll help.

Also Beth - if you were on leave, then you were on leave and they should deal with that, frankly.

Thanks for the support over the graduation. Apparently I was moved ceremonies so that I would graduate with my faculty/department, which makes sense, but the email went out before they made that change. In any case, I have now registered. Fingers crossed!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on July 27, 2023, 07:17:50 AM
I'm glad you got an explanation, Taffeta. fingers crossed for you :)

thank you for the kind wishes. i still feel really stressed this morning. i'm a little shaky and nauseated. i'm not really looking forward to logging into work today. i just want to cry. at least the week is almost over. i didn't sleep well because i was dreaming about all this work drama. i think i just need to vent. this project isn't even the most important thing my team works on. I have a lot of other stuff i work on and when this drama flares up my productivity goes to nothing. i'm not one of those "thrives under stress" people. i'm not sure that's even a real thing for anyone.

i don't like this attitude that companies have now that no matter what they ask for. this fake it til ya make it attitude is a good way to get in a load of trouble. i told one of the people on their project that we can't tell the client that we have a limited number of people who can work on their project so sometimes they need to say no to their client. unless we can clone people now, no company has unlimited people. that's total insanity! tell the client they need to wait. why is that so hard?! i've done plenty of client work myself and usually they're happy when i'm upfront about the work. i've also had to clean up many messes from people who just promise whatever and hope they figure it out.

i mostly like my job. i have a lot more stress since i became a manager and i only got a tiny raise. if i can ever get my side income to a point where it covers my bills i'll look for a non-management position.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on July 27, 2023, 10:49:28 PM
My vacation starts after my shift ends today at two pm. It's my first vacation in two years and yesterday I told my hubby I wanted to celebrate by going to our favorite chinese restaurant. He turned it down, claiming it was too fatty and he's trying to loose weight.

But going over to his mom in the middle of the week to drink beer and get smashed (like drunk enough that he had to sleep on the couch) and eating junkfood for two days after is alright?

Way to make me feel special.

Oh, and he told me I could always go out and eat with my friends. He know I don't have that kind of friends I could just call up and ask to go out with.

I honestly cried myself to sleep last night.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 28, 2023, 12:06:39 AM
Oh Beldarna! I'm so sorry :hug: That had to hurt :( I would 100% go with you if I could!


I had a very awkward and weird interaction with a long time Facebook friend. We've never met but he's a pony person and does some incredible customs. We've chatted before. But yesterday out of the blue he started asking me about buying a custom from him. The last time I talked to him about customs was in 2020...

When he said he'd start work on one for me I said no, please don't I have no money. And he said 'payday will come'. Then he started saying things that were just odd. I wonder if he was inebriated in some way. I was so confused I asked him if he meant to message ME and not someone else with a similar name or something. He said no, he meant to talk to me.

I stopped responding and he eventually stopped.

Later he was acting more normal posting to his status and stuff.

I always thought he was a cool guy, but he really made me feel weird and he was pressuring me into buying a custom because he 'plans on taking a trip soon'. The whole thing was strange.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on July 28, 2023, 02:40:31 PM
Beldarna, hubby needs to shape up! :hug:

BC, that sounds super awkward. pressuring you to buy something is not good. and even after you said you don't have money to buy a custom from him.

my complaint today is more work drama. my "favorite" person went on vacation and didn't do the work she said she would do before she left. she keeps trying to have my team do her job. she also tries to go behind my back because she knows i'll say no. i think everything is resolved but she caused a lot of wasted time and stress. and almost caused us to make a pretty big error because of the poor communication.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 29, 2023, 01:01:39 AM
Well now I've got a pain in my side. The whole right side of my back and around my ribs hurt like crazy. It feels like I pulled something, but I don't know how I would have done that. It hurts the most over my kidney. If I breathe deeply, it hurts.

Like I needed another pain on top of everything! :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on July 29, 2023, 01:16:29 AM
Hubby knew he had screwed up. When I came home from work I got a huge hug, and "I missed you" and he said we could go out and eat but he wasn't feeling for chinese. He is very picky when it comes to what to eat and out of all the 50+ restaurants we have around here there are like three to choose from if we're not eating asian cuisine.. we ended up going to a sports bar because they had hamburgers (still fatty though). I got a pretty decent steak sallad with halloumi. Not what I really wanted but at least a compromise.

Todays complaint is that our very active cat Ninja is bored. He's not to get bored as it cause chrystals to build in his urine. We've tried activating him but everything is boring to him today. Hubby took him out but it's raining heavy so they came in after just two minutes. Ninja does not like to get wet. We have even drugged him with a cat nip banana (last resort). It occupied him for ten minutes. I get him, I too have days where I don't feel like doing anything and are bored to death. Just, I don't get sick while being at it.

That was a really weird behaviour BC. Is he in need of cash perhaps?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 29, 2023, 10:12:29 AM
Yes, I think that's what it is. He is posting a lot of things for sale right now. The thing is, his customs are really great and I would love one, but I have no extra funds. I'm selling things for money too right now.

My complaint has to do with monthly uterus shenanigans.

I feel like I'm dying! :drunk:

It's like a wolverine is lose inside my guts and ripping it apart. I knew a really bad one was coming because they are usually bad and my last few were pretty tame. I've got pains, nausea, headache, I'm bloated... my hands are like twice the size they should be! Ugh...

On the plus side, the pain in my side that started yesterday is feeling better. I sat with the heating pad on it last night and this morning, and I should do another round now.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on July 29, 2023, 05:56:29 PM
:hug: I would like to give you all a big hug!  :hug:

I have no other complaint than that I had a very disturbing dream Saturday morning right before I woke up. I woke up sweaty and crying. :cry: It felt really oppressive and I didn't want to get up. It could be that my nightmare was caused by the room temperature being too warm, even though the window is open all the time.
Now I don't want to go to sleep even though I should. -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on July 29, 2023, 06:34:42 PM
:hug: everyone

My mom and I are at it again.  I'm stressed out about something and she's getting annoyed because she can't understand why I feel like I have to keep talking about the thing that's bothering me.  Her telling me I'm being annoying just makes it worse because then I feel like I can't talk to her.  She keeps asking me if I'm okay.  She can't understand why being told I'm annoying upsets me.

I tried to join a diamond painting group on Facebook and yesterday the group page said my request was pending.  Today it's gone back to "join."  I answered all of the questions that were required, but now that it says "join" I wonder if my request to join the group was rejected because I didn't have enough of a certain brand of diamond art painting. One of the questions was how many of them do you own.  I thought that question was being asked just to make sure that the people trying to join the group actually have the brand the group talks about.  I buy a lot of my diamond art paintings at Hobby Lobby so I have a few different brands in my projects stash.   I'm not sure I want to be in a group anyway if you're not accepted because you don't have the "right kind" of diamond art.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 30, 2023, 06:41:37 PM
Sorry you're having a hard time with your mom again :(


My mom's phone keeps messing up. Every day I call her at around 10:30 and the last few days something has been wrong with the phone. It rings once then goes to voicemail. I've had to call the front desk and ask for the nurse's station and tell a nurse to go help fix my mom's phone. I hate calling them. I know they're really busy and I don't want them to get tired of going in there and helping her. It's a Jitterbug flip phone. It worked fine the first few months, no problems at all. Then about a month ago it started acting like this. What happens is you have to turn it off then back on again. But my mom usually doesn't check it so I'm the one that finds out when I try to call. When I visit her again, I'm calling the company and telling them it keeps doing this. Maybe she needs a replacement.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on August 01, 2023, 12:37:03 AM
My complaint of the day is TRAFFIC! I was feeling the full moon bad all day today.

First I went out to get my car washed and get some gas. I decided to hit the gas station that’s a little closer to me and not attached to the gas station because I have a gas card that gives me a discount that works at that station. Before I even made it out of my neighborhood, there was a minor accident in the exit out onto the road I usually take, so I went an alternate route. There was road work on the main road I was going down, but mostly it was backed up going in the other direction, so no big deal! I figured I’d go back home using another street.

When I went to turn right to hit the street my gas station was on it was blocked off by the police. I thought maybe it was just due to the roadwork and turned into another gas station that just happened to be on the corner. I figured I could get around the blockage by going out of that parking lot onto the street. It was the same chain as my gas card, so I was able to fill up there. There were a lot of police cars parked at the station, but once again I thought they were off duty from the road work and didn’t think much of it. When I went to leave though, I noticed all the exits to the side road I needed to get on were blocked. I started then to realized maybe something was wrong on that road.

I decided to go down another side road that is usually really quiet to get to the car wash, but traffic was all backed up there as well and I noticed once again all the side roads leading out to the street I wanted to get to we’re blocked. There were emergency vehicles all over and I could see they were continuing to arrive up ahead. I decided at that point whatever was going on there must be really bad, so I just turned around and went to a different car wash that wasn’t too far away. Since I had such a poor experience just trying to get through any of the side streets to get to the other road that lead to home, I decided to tough through the roadwork on the way back even though I knew it was all backed up. When I was trying to merge over into another lane as the road was narrowing, I realized the car wash had pushed in my mirror on the passenger side, so I couldn’t even see to merge. :mad: Thankfully since the traffic was moving so slow I was able to manage.

When I was in the parking lot for a store I was at there was some lady screaming and fighting with some dude in a truck. Idk what they were arguing about, but it seemed like one of them possibly bumped the others car with a door or something. Luckily the truck guy just left so the fight stopped.

Later, when I was coming back from dinner I ran into two more accidents right off the freeway. One looked really bad, the car had somehow managed to skid off the road, go through a guardrail, and start to go down a hill. People just drive too fast here! Most of the accidents I saw seemed like they could have been prevented if everyone just slowed down a little!

I did find out all the emergency vehicles and road closures were not due to an accident, but because of a fire that broke out at some commercial building in the area. Apparently the roof collapsed and a few employees were hurt. I hope they are all okay! :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 01, 2023, 03:30:33 PM
I feel terrible.  :(  I was warned not to overdue it after my  medical procedure and that I'd tire more easily while I was recovering. I've tried to be really careful but as the day has gone on, I've felt worse.

I tried to call my work supervisor yesterday.  When I was transferred to the main phone line, the person that answered the phone said there was a problem with the supervisor's line and she would email the supervisor to call me. So far the supervisor hasn't called back.  If she has, she hasn't left a message.   I don't know why she's so hard to get a hold of.  My mom suggested that I call her since I emailed her in May and didn't a reply back.

My elderly dog had a seizure this morning.  She came out of it, but when she has one she goes stiff and makes this horrible cry that she only makes during a seizure.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 01, 2023, 05:08:16 PM
Ponyfan, Hugs to you and your dog! I hope you both feel better soon!  :hug: :heart:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on August 02, 2023, 05:12:32 AM
I got a kit from ancestry DNA. Put my saliva in the tube, put it in the bag, put it in the blank white box.. and noticed the lack of an return label. The instructions said the box would be prelabeled. No label. So I went to the ancestry website and looked around. Nothing. Went to support and got to talk with the bot Leif, who could not help me. After a back and forth I was put in line to chat with a real human.
The human said the label would pop up once I activated the kit. I did activate the kit and got no label which I wrote. Suddenly I was given a link to a label to print.

Nowhere in the instructions does it say I have to print the label. It says the box is labeled already!

That's my first world problem of the day.

The second problem is my black currant jelly seemed to have cooked for too long and is now more resemling gum. I was supposed to give a jar to my mother-in-law for her birthday. I'm not sure I will now.. Two hours of picking berries, two hours of making jelly.. I followed the recipie to a tee. I don't get why it got like this :(.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 02, 2023, 04:08:38 PM
My therapist, I really like her and she listens to me, but sometimes she starts talking about herself and it can take a lot of time. Today she did a lot of talking. I feel like my session was shortened because she talked too much. Not that I don't want her to talk to me, but she gets off on these tangents about people in her family and books and different things. I was left feeling like I hadn't gotten to say what I wanted to at the end of the session.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on August 04, 2023, 12:18:53 PM
My temp agency are idiots. They send me job listings through my yahoo mail, but sent interview replies to my Gmail which i only use as an emergency back up and almost never check.

 I missed out on several interviews dating all the way back to late May! I could have maybe been working already instead of thinking i was a loser no one wanted to hire.  :argh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 04, 2023, 03:03:42 PM
Man, I am in bad shape today :( My back and hips are sore. I don't know why, I didn't do anything the day before. I laid on my back with my legs and feet up before I went to sleep last night. Maybe I was in a weird position or something.

Inspections are coming up next week :( That means I have to try and mop the kitchen and bathroom floors. I always have such a hard time.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 04, 2023, 04:34:03 PM
^ :headpat: :hug:

My back has also been in pain since yesterday morning and still is. It has never been like this before. Even the slightest wrong position and the back gets stuck.. ouch! >_< And nothing seems to help with that pain, except painkillers, but I don't always want to take pills for every pain. :huh: I just try to move more calmly and also try to avoid sitting in one position for too long.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 05, 2023, 03:08:12 PM
When the internet works but the PC doesn't recognise it works!!!
At least I managed to figure out how to sort it!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on August 06, 2023, 02:40:08 AM
Hugs to you BC :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 06, 2023, 05:24:44 AM
I'm sorry you're in pain too, HoM :hug:

Thank you, Beldarna :hug:

I'm still pretty bad, it's more my right hip, leg and foot now than my back. Also I couldn't sleep last night. I wasn't comfortable.

edit: My electric bill last month is $94! :drunk: I didn't think it was running that much. I've turned it off. I need to buy another stand fan for the living room/kitchen. Really have to run the AC less... my bill is usually around 50-60.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on August 06, 2023, 02:54:17 PM
When the internet works but the PC doesn't recognise it works!!!
At least I managed to figure out how to sort it!!!

Ooooh, AGREED!! I had the exact same problem yesterday! Wound up having to restart my computer -_-

:hug: to HoM and BC <3
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 06, 2023, 05:16:49 PM
BC and Carrehz, Thanks for the hugs! :heart: BC, I hope your pains will be relieved soon! :heart:

The back pain still continues, but maybe it's a little less than before.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on August 07, 2023, 07:09:51 AM
Microsoft Teams is such a buggy piece of software. almost every day i have to restart because it shows me away or offline and when i try to update manually it doesn't work! people probably think i'm slacking off because of their stupid bug.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 07, 2023, 11:18:10 AM
My elderly dog is 15.  She's been having a lot of accidents in the house.  My parents took her to the vet in June and the vet said she was doing fine for such an old dog. 

When the dog is having an accident my dad just yells "She's doing it again!"  He rarely takes the dog outside.  I think it would be helpful to take her out when that happens or clean up the accident instead not doing anything.  To be fair, he does sometimes clean up the accidents if they happen early in the morning or if he thinks my mom might slip.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on August 07, 2023, 12:54:28 PM
When the internet works but the PC doesn't recognise it works!!!
At least I managed to figure out how to sort it!!!

Ooooh, AGREED!! I had the exact same problem yesterday! Wound up having to restart my computer -_-

:hug: to HoM and BC <3

My laptop has moments when it completely forgets what the internet is. I am not sure if it's my PC or the signal tbh. But this laptop has taken a lot of heavy work from me over the last six or so years, so I generally let it off. It does have three keys held on by sticky tape...

My trivial complaint - the new shower is not massively effective. Sister and I have tried to get a new shower installed here for ages, as the other was not safe on the wall, but this one (while safe) is not very enthusiastic about pumping the water necessary to wash hair under. It's not an environmental thing, it's just not got proper pressure. Sigh.

I forsee another week invaded by workmen.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 07, 2023, 01:26:48 PM
Sometimes my computer will switch to wifi for no apparent reason. I have it hooked up to the router via ethernet cable, so it's not set up for wifi. I blame Windows, honestly. I've had Windows 10 for years and it will still start up wanting to "set up" for Win10, where it just basically changes all your defaults to their programs. No, thank you.

My complaint, preliminary inspections begin tomorrow and continue to the 10th. I'm in building 3, so I'm hoping they will come to my place tomorrow early. It's the property manager and a maintenance guy checking on things before the Big Inspection is done by HUD. I can't clean like I want because of my back. I'm going to be a nervous wreck until they come -_-

Also, I really need to go to the bank and visit my mom. But my back! I don't think my mom understand how bad it is. I mean I can hardly get up out of a chair and I can't walk very well. I can't stand up straight so I shuffle all bent over. I'm 40 and I move like an 80 year old... but my neighbor is 86 and gets around fine so that's not even accurate! :shakefist:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 07, 2023, 07:18:37 PM
Last week I tried to call my work supervisor to let her know about my medical situation and the restrictions that come with it.  When I called her number directly, I got a message that I was being transferred to the main operator.  When I asked to speak to the supervisor, I was told that there was a problem with her phone line, but they would send an email asking her to call me.  She never called me back.  I sent an email today and haven't got a response to that either.  It shouldn't be that hard to get a hold of someone.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 08, 2023, 04:26:58 AM
I shouldn't listen to YouTubers. There was a rumor that Rockstar was going to remaster Red Dead Redemption 1 but that's not true. They are just rereleasing it for PS4, with less features... for more money. So, yeah. Everyone is upset.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on August 08, 2023, 06:59:37 PM
i've had headaches for days. maybe i need to decrease the resolution on the computer again. i increased it after i got glasses.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 10, 2023, 05:38:15 AM
There's this dude who does Let's Play videos on YouTube. He's been playing a game I've been playing for a while now, I've got about 400 hours in it. I've been leaving comments giving him tips and stuff. On the last video, he hid my comment :huh: He always replied before and never said I was being annoying or he didn't want the tips. He uploaded a new video yesterday and as usual, there were some things he was doing that weren't ideal and he could have used a tip or two, but I didn't comment on it.

I feel a little weird about it now. He's just a stranger on YouTube but I thought I was helping :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 10, 2023, 07:21:01 PM
I'm sorry that happened to you, BC. :hug:

This is going to sound whiny, but I need to vent and this is the only place I can.

My parents were both driving me crazy today.  Last night my stomach started hurting really bad.  I took some Tylenol to try to ease the pain, but it was still bad.  I was watching TV in my room last night hoping that would distract me and ease the pain. This morning my dad said I shouldn't be sitting up in bed watching TV because it will make my back hurt.  What's the point of having a TV and cable box in my room then?  My back wasn't even hurting.  I always watch TV before I go to sleep.

I get a little anxious about packages when I order something. I worry they might get lost or delivered to the wrong house.  I tried to talk to my mom about it yesterday and she got annoyed at me really fast because I got upset about the bill that I thought maybe wasn't glued down enough to be mailed.  That was a couple of weeks after my medical procedure and I was coming off really strong pain medicine (I am anxious about stuff all of the time, but I think it was made worse by the pain meds)  I abbreviated the street name on the order I put in, but I've done that before on stuff and it's arrived safely.  My mom hasn't been listening when I talk to her either.  She'll say something and when I say that's different than what she said before, she'll correct herself. She also seems to think I can just turn my anxiety off but that's easier said than done.  She'll get annoyed at me for asking about the same things over and over because she thinks I should just be able to ask about it one time and go on.

We have plenty of food in the house, but what we had for the evening meal was more side dishes and extras.  Things like celery sticks, carrots. crackers and cheese lunchmeat etc... It was my dad's idea, but to me that's not much of a meal.

I might have overdone it yesterday. I'm supposed to be careful after my medical procedure and I thought I was, but I've felt absolutely awful most of the day.  I didn't even want to go out today at all.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 11, 2023, 08:25:25 AM
I'm sorry, Ponyfan :hug:

There was something that happened yesterday. I visited my mom. She was watching My 600lbs Life. The story was about a woman who had already lost 200lbs and was nearing her surgery. My mom said, "That woman is huge!" and she was only 20lbs heavier than me :( Then the next story was about a 30 year old man and he was talking about his daily life, and it reminded me of myself and the things I struggle with. When I told my mom I didn't want to watch anymore because it reminded me of myself, she got all indignant and said " I don't think so! You're not that huge!" but just because I don't *look* like I weigh what i do doesn't mean I don't have issues with everyday things. Like, taking a shower for example. It's hard for me to get my leg over the tub. I have to sit on a chair. I get bad rashes in the folds of my skin that I have to treat with special soap and a cream. It's hard to dry myself off. I only buy bathsheets because even extra large bath towels are too small.

I was really upset. My mom doesn't know how much I weigh. I don't think she would believe me. And then a nosy CNA came in and overheard my mom say I was doing good with my "diet" (man, I hate that word). So the CNA started asking me questions about what I ate and blah blah. And he's like, you need to write down everything and look at the nutritional value. I'm thinking, 'you don't think I know that? You can't tell me something I've never heard before.' and I told him my food intake was fine, healthier than most, in fact, it was the exercise I needed. And he's like 'you need to start slow........... ' I wanted him to shut up and go away.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 11, 2023, 02:27:39 PM
Ponyfan and BC, Lots of hugs to both of you!  :deathhug:

My back is already better, but now my right palm hurts instead. :pout:
On Wednesday I decided after a long time to use an axe.. it wasn't a good idea apparently. I tried to chop a wood species that was too hard/tough and the pieces of wood I tried to chop are big and thick. Obviously, the bigger ones need a chainsaw. In addition to the pain in the right palm, the thumb of the same hand trembles and when I try to pick something up, my fingers are powerless. Apparently I managed to damage my hand.. :facepalm: :mrgreen:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 11, 2023, 04:21:48 PM
Oh BC, I hate these holier-than-thou types so much!!! And I get why you're heavy. Of course you are when a day of normal activity for a healthy person leaves you aching & exhausted for days afterwards...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 12, 2023, 09:48:09 AM
Stupid mailman didn't pick up my packages! He was not the regular guy. Regular guy doesn't work Friday and weekends. I figured this would happen with someone else. Ugh!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 12, 2023, 04:04:06 PM
BC, I wish I could give you a hug. :hug:  Sometimes I think parents don't realize how hurtful they can be when they say things to their chldren.

This shouldn't be a big deal, but I can't seem to stop thinking about it.  I wanted to get a book at Walmart.  Since I only had one item, I decided to go through the self check out machine instead of waiting in line for a cashier to check me out.  As I was finishing up the transaction. the employee supervising the self check out machines approached me and asked if I needed any help.  I told her I was good and she noticed the customer survey on the screen.  She said that if enough people skip the survey or don't give the self check out machine 5 stars, the store gets in trouble, and they won't give them additional "help."  I guess I should have just given the 5 stars, but I was a little tired and didn't feel like doing the survey today.  I'm probably less inclined to do so when someone I've never met before is trying to make me feel like it's something I have to do.  I told the employee that next time I used the self check out machine I would probably complete the survey.

I'm trying to finish reading a fanfiction story on Archive of Our Own, but I keep getting distracted.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on August 13, 2023, 04:04:38 AM
I was gonna do a Sunday clean up on myself today. Colourbomb in hair, face mask, shaving my legs etc. We have our shower in the bath tub so I had pictured myself sitting in the tub just enjoying my masks for a while before I start shaving.
I had only schampooed my hair when husband comes in to shower as well. There goes my spa-time.. so I went out of the tub and applied colourbomb and facemask over the sink and sat on the toilett to do the shaving.

When the time for the colourbomb and facemask was up, hubby was done showering. He was miffed as he thought we would shower together. Dude, I told you I was gonna treat myself with spa time! You deastroyed it! You could've waited intil after I was done with the masks and shaving before you joined!
Se he's pouty that we didn't shower together and I am pouty that I couldn't do as I planned. Pffft!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 13, 2023, 07:01:53 PM
One of my night medications makes my head feel heavy and stuffed. It's good for sleeping, but not so good when I can't sleep and am trying to do things.

Also, ants. Ants, ants, ants! They are everywhere, in every room even the bathroom. I'm infested!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on August 14, 2023, 07:36:04 AM
calls are going to take up almost my entire day. when we do planning we don't plan time for calls. so if i have 6hrs of work planned and there are 6 hours of calls i guess that's a 12 hour day. this is ridiculous.


i'm a manager so i expect to have more meetings. i also still have to do non-managerial tasks just like before I was promoted. I like my non-managerial work a lot more so i don't really mind. i'm not a fan of all of the corporate nonsense. most of these meetings could be emails or chats. or could be handled without my input.

i hate the hierarchical corporate structures that require layers of sign offs. if we're going to have small teams i would prefer if people were encouraged to own their work more and make decisions more. i feel like people get scared to make decisions even if they're an expert on the project. i understand they're probably afraid of consequences if they're wrong. but that's also a symptom of corporate nonsense that tries to find excuses to let people go when line needs to go up. ugh i hate the work culture in this country!! i don't really think managerial structures should always be a thing.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 15, 2023, 06:55:24 AM
My dad let the dog eat too many table scraps and she got sick last night.

I had to tell my mom "Look at me and watch me count" like I was a 5 year old because I was trying to count how many visits were left in my referral before it expires in a couple of months.  I had just counted it off 2 times and she asked me if I counted it right.  So that's why I told her to watch, since she was reading a book at the time and not paying full attention to what I was saying.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 15, 2023, 07:41:26 AM
I was digging at my eye last night and scratched it :( It's all red and bloodshot and it hurts. I know better, but it was so itchy!

edit later: Yuck! I bought a Red Bull for the first time. Trying different things to stay awake. It's so gross >_< and there's so much sugar in it if I drank the whole thing I'd wind up in a coma. I didn't get it from the store myself, I had my Doordasher pick it up with my Subway order. I'm glad I've finally tried it but it's so bad, blegh :razz:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on August 15, 2023, 03:52:36 PM
ugh i was so hooked on Red Bull for a part of my 20s. it was my afternoon pick me up. i had to stop drinking it because my heart started beating fast all the time. now if i even smell it i get nauseated. i also drank an excessive about of coffee back then too. i'm glad you hated it :) it's pretty awful for you.

my complaint today is related to my complaint from yesterday. today i realized i was so stressed out yesterday from work that i forgot to take my medicine. when i went to take it today i saw the pill that i was supposed to take yesterday in the case. no wonder i feel awful.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 15, 2023, 07:13:17 PM
I've never had Red Bull or 5 Hour Energy shots.   I've heard negative things about Jolt and Monster drinks too.

One of the drs I go basically runs the practice in theory, but when you go in, you usually don't see him, but one of the Physician's Assistants.  The last few times I've gone I got the same PA, but today I got the new nurse practitioner.  I liked her, but I missed seeing the PA I've been seeing and I had to keep saying "Dr A put me on that when I saw her."

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on August 16, 2023, 01:30:19 PM
I'm so angry right now that I don't even have the energy to rant about it.

Today I heard a rumour that the Council - who fund our bus - are planning on removing it and replacing it with something inferior.

I rely on this bus - it's my whole independence - and it's already pretty limited. Nine buses a day in each direction. But a change of bus could also lose me my job.

The irony being that the guy who decides the buses is married to my boss.

Though she's currently on maternity leave, so I can't even speak to her.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 17, 2023, 06:24:23 AM
Taffeta, I hope you don't lose bus service.  That would be terrible. :(

When I saw the nurse practitioner the other day, I asked for a refill on my allergy pill.  I asked for a paper prescription to take to the pharmacy with me.  First, she told me she didn't have prescription pads yet and then when she tried to print it out for she said that didn't work either.  She told me the prescription had already been sent electronically to the pharmacy.   I'm still waiting for the prescription to be ready.  I have a feeling that the pharmacy didn't get it.  It's happened before with the drs office.  The office says they sent the prescription, but the pharmacy says they never got it.  I'll check on it in a few days though and see if the pharmacy got it.

Edit:  I found out what happened to the prescription.  The pharmacy did get it. but the insurance won't let them fill it because you can buy Zyrtec over the counter.

Also the diamond painting group I joined on Facebook made a rule that everyone in the group has to be at least 18 or older.  I questioned the wording of the post because it wasn't clear to me whether the admins were wanting just a confirmation of being 18 or over or actual age.  I had 2 admins respond, but both of them contradicted each other.

I bought a couple of books today and now I feel guilty for doing so. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 17, 2023, 03:43:40 PM
Oh man, that sucks Ponyfan about your prescription. The same thing happened to me with my omeprazole. Insurance did cover it at first, but then they said it was only a temporary medication and it was sold OTC so they weren't going to refill it for me. It extra sucked because I didn't have to pay for the script and omeprazole is about $16 for three 14-day bottles. I've taken it everyday for years.

I had to call maintenance today so they could trim the tree next to my stairs, it had branches hanging over that are right in your face. My light also went out on my balcony. There are two lights. One next to the door and one halfway down the stairs. Well, they did a great job trimming the tree and changed the bulb in the staircase light but not the light by my door, which is the one I'm more concerned about.

I'm still finding ants everywhere. They haven't been in Aster's food for a few days so I think I blocked off their way in from the laundry closet, but there was a couple on my nightstand, the kitchen counter and my desk today. Just a couple here and there, but I know if you find one there are others nearby. I forgot to order those ant traps.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: HelloGoodbye on August 17, 2023, 07:17:11 PM
My brother managed to spill a huge glass of apple juice all over the coffee table last night and didn't do a good job cleaning it up.  I had my new teacher planner and some other new supplies on the table and a bunch of stuff got all sticky and gross  >_<  And every time I think I've got it all cleaned up, I find something else sticky  -_-

It's not a huge deal since nothing actually got ruined or anything, but it's still annoying since all the supplies are brand new and I've been excited about them.  Plus, he should have done a better job cleaning up the juice yesterday.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on August 18, 2023, 11:53:26 PM
I dislike any kind of energy drinks.. I don't like the taste, but my husband is addicted and drinks several cans a day. If I need a boost I take a coffein pill or drink Vitamine Well, Wake up. It's just flavoured water with extra vitamines, Wake up has coffein. No sugar or other stuff added.

Our migration office has decided to deny asylum and send back a young gay man who is a regime critiqe to Russia, where hbtq is very discriminated against and critics are sent to jail, and some even forced to serve in the frontline in the war against Ukraine. According to the office his reasons for staying are not distressing enough and he hasn't proved he is really gay. Apparently being married to another man is not proof enough. I am so mad. Not much I can do except sign the petition to let him stay. :huh:
Our migration office often do this unfortunaly. People who establish themselves here, get a job and family and friends and contribute are sent away to war, jail and torture while criminals are allowed to stay as they risk facing war, jail and torture if they are sent away. Our foreign ministry even ask us not to travel to Russia because of how they treat people, but sending a gay regime critiqe is okay! :enraged:

The mouse to my laptop is acting up. It locks itself and I have to shake it awake. I need to buy a new one.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 19, 2023, 09:47:22 AM
For the second Friday in a row, my mom got sick. I'm not mad at her for getting sick, but what makes me annoyed is the way my dad acts when it happens.  We were in the middle of playing a board game when it happened.  When my mom returned to the game the first time I said we should stop the game right then.  My mom refused and a few minutes later got sicker.  When it became clear that my mom wasn't going to be able to finish the game, I said we should put it away.  I asked my dad if we should do that and he said he  "didn't know."   He finally decided to put the game away, but left all of the pieces on it as they were in case we finish the game later.   

Right before that he had also yelled at my elderly dog for having an accident.  I've told my parents several times that if the dog wakes up she need to go outside immediately, or else accidents occur.  99% of the time, I'm the one that has to make sure she goes out.   My dad woke her up last night but couldn't be bothered to stop what he was doing and take her outside. 

I'm so tired today. :zzz:  I feel like I'm barely awake even though I've had 2 caffeinated drinks already today.

@BC, the generic Zyrtec was cheaper too.  It was $15 for 90 days vs $30 or $40 for 60 days of the name brand.  I was also on the generic Flonase, and I bet the insurance won't pay for that either next time.

Our migration office has decided to deny asylum and send back a young gay man who is a regime critiqe to Russia, where hbtq is very discriminated against and critics are sent to jail, and some even forced to serve in the frontline in the war against Ukraine. According to the office his reasons for staying are not distressing enough and he hasn't proved he is really gay. Apparently being married to another man is not proof enough. I am so mad. Not much I can do except sign the petition to let him stay. :huh:
Our migration office often do this unfortunaly. People who establish themselves here, get a job and family and friends and contribute are sent away to war, jail and torture while criminals are allowed to stay as they risk facing war, jail and torture if they are sent away. Our foreign ministry even ask us not to travel to Russia because of how they treat people, but sending a gay regime critiqe is okay! :enraged:

Reading this makes me sad for that young man. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 19, 2023, 10:17:10 AM
Beldarna, that is so upsetting! Does everyone else have to prove they're straight?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on August 19, 2023, 11:25:44 AM
Beldarna, it sounds like they decided to sent him back and are trying to come up with some BS excuse for sending him back. i'm guessing for the government there's no acceptable proof of being gay. asylum laws exist to protect people from regimes that will murder them.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 19, 2023, 01:01:12 PM
On the sharky server I know a bloke who lives in Russia, so I have a fair idea from what he tells us how bad things are there. So Beldarna, I'm with you all the way; no WAY anybody should be sent back there if they're so blatantly gay they're in a gay marriage fhs!!!

My complaint: EVERY TIME I take a long walk, it ends with me having sore feet & sore leggies!!! I hate being older...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 19, 2023, 01:29:20 PM
I was an idiot just now. I got concentrated coffee to put in my water. I was adding some to a fresh bottle and wasn't paying attention to/didn't realize the water level was rising as I poured it in. It overflowed all over my leg >_<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on August 19, 2023, 01:53:09 PM
Don't even get me started on the UK's migration policy. I mean, if it's not the Rwanda plan it's the barge plan. IF people are coming here, they're coming for a reason. How about engaging with them, finding out what can be done to help them, and if staying here isn't right, helping them find something else safe and appropriate?

I don't really understand the superiority complex. It makes me feel like if we ever need to ask another country for help, we're probably screwed.

I still don't know what's going on with the buses. It's stressful not knowing what I can do or whether I'll still have transport links. At least the people on the bus are pretty much in the know now, and hopefully some of them will also contact local councillors and stuff. Hoping the bus guy will come back from leave to an inbox full of angry emails...

Our bus home from town had 17 people on it this afternoon. Our bus does run a stretch of what's known as a commercial corridor, ie a stretch that commercial (not council funded, like ours) buses run, and where technically our service doesn't count. It's complicated. But not one of those 17 people got off in that corridor. All of them were legit passengers needing our route to get home.

In contrast, the survey that all of their current bus policy is based on apparently had only 253 respondents. It was only carried out online, and only lasted 3 weeks. It was also mid-pandemic. A lot of these things breach general guidelines for consultation, which has become really obvious since the flap about the ticket office closures here (they want to close them, it's a mess). 253 people is nothing, though. Our council deal with a population over the borough of 185,000 people, as per the last census.

But they legit introduced 5 - possibly 6 - new buses based on the views of 253 people, most of whom apparently come from one town because suspiciously a whole lot of people wanted one specific bus to be brought back. It only ran in that one town, most people in the borough probably don't know about it (I only do because of being involved in bus groups back when).


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Harmonie on August 19, 2023, 02:55:34 PM
Had a headache all night last night. Thankfully it wasn't a terrible one, but it did eat up a little bit of my sleep time. I'm sick of these night headaches.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 20, 2023, 11:49:15 AM
I'm so weak :( I was sitting down last night moving boxes around, and today I'm sore. Been sitting with the heating pad all day.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on August 21, 2023, 12:48:33 AM
Beldarna, that is so upsetting! Does everyone else have to prove they're straight?
Oh, I wish. But no. We have a powerful organisation here that looks out for hbtq+ (lbtq+ in english?) people and they did a survey and went to the news about the result. Apparently, many gay people are denied asylum as they can't prove they're gay. Often, they don't seem ''passionate'' enough about being gay (don't ask). They had one example of a man who was gonna be sent back to Uganda where he faced prison for being gay. He was vey low key in the TV interview. He had to hide being homosexual for so long, of course he had a problem expressing it openly to a stranger in an interview room in a country where he did not speak the language! In an interview with the vp of the migration office where she commented on the survey she said they had to look into the fact that people might not be overly obvious about being gay but still be homosexual. Common sense is apparently out the roof! I can go on for hours about how sick this is!

Harmonie, I hate longlasting headaches as well.. hope your'e feeling better.

I'm sorry you're feeling weak BC, hopefully it gets better :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 21, 2023, 09:27:43 AM
That all seems pretty obvious to me. Especially if a person is coming from a country that will jail or even kill you for being gay. They're not going to be flamboyant and wearing make-up and high heels, or whatever they presume is "acting gay". I had a gay friend in Turkey. When the war was going on several years ago, the last I heard was the enemy broke into his house. He never came back online after that. I think about him sometimes and wonder what happened. It's so sad how many countries there are where being gay is a crime.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 21, 2023, 09:46:08 AM
I'm so frustrated right now. :(

I tried to help my mom with something online this morning.  Even though I followed the instructions, when I got in, there was no place to click on the thing that she needed.  I suggested that we go in person to the place. 

My dad thinks Google Maps  knows the best way to get somewhere.  That being said, he doesn't follow the directions and then gests annoyed when Google Maps takes him in a roundabout way to get there.  He decided to follow Google Maps even though I told him he'd already been to the place and knew where it was.  Google Maps took us the long way to get there when if he would have just listened to my mom/correctly followed the Maps we would have gotten there a lot quicker.  Then after we got there, we found out we didn't have all of the stuff my mom needed.  So that meant another trip home to grab stuff and another trip to the place.

He also went over several bumps and made a few fast stops and starts. :(  Due to recovering from my medical procedure, going fast over bumps and fast stops and starts make me hurt.   My mom has told him to go over bumps slowly and to not do the fast stop and starts, but he forgets and does it anyway.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on August 21, 2023, 12:45:31 PM
I'm getting very dissatisfied with my job.  The work is fine but the management is awful and most of us want to quit.  I have enough set aside that if it gets too bad I can walk away without another job in place but I really hope it doesn't come to that. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 21, 2023, 02:15:11 PM
Mailman didn't pick up my packages again! He stands RIGHT in front of the building. Try walking around the building! I'm right therrrrrrrrrrrrre!

edit, later: omg I'm so sick :( Major painful cramping in my lower abdomen, upper GI making weird noises, nauseous, dizzy. Nothing is happening in the bathroom though :huh: It hurts so bad! I think maybe I overdosed on electrolyte water. I've been so thirsty lately, I drank four 16oz bottles today. I'm drinking nothing but regular water the rest of the night. Ugh. :dizzy:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on August 22, 2023, 02:48:49 AM
I'm getting very dissatisfied with my job.  The work is fine but the management is awful and most of us want to quit.  I have enough set aside that if it gets too bad I can walk away without another job in place but I really hope it doesn't come to that. 

Isn't the quote something like ''you don't leave a bad job, you leave a bad management''? I'll keep my fingers crossed you find a solution.

Oh, no BC! I'm so sorry. I hope it gets better!

It's raining. My last week of vacation is apparently gonna rain away. I wish I could take a last minute trip somewhere warm and sunny. I have the funds, but not the passport as it has expired. An acquintance is in Mallorca and is flooding her instagram with pics of the family at a sunny beach bathing.. So jealous!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 22, 2023, 11:24:00 AM
It did :) I feel much better now.

This isn't really a complaint, it's more of a dumb thing I've done - I totally forgot my mom's birthday!! :whoa:

It's Thursday. I have nothing to give her... I've been working on a couple of projects for her but nothing is finished and I don't think I can get any done in time. I have to visit her. That's the least I can do even if my back is still messed up.

I can't believe I forgot. It'll be her first birthday in the care facility.

edit: I made a card and bought some frosted brownies. Also got party hats!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on August 23, 2023, 12:55:45 AM
@Ponyfan, Pokeyonekenobie, I'm sorry things are frustrating!
@BC I'm glad you're feeling better.

So the latest in the bus saga is that...

Everyone is angry and nobody knows what is going on.
The Council have their own regulations which state bus users should be notified at least 2 weeks in advance of any route change...but we are still waiting for that official notification. I spoke to the garage manager of the company who operates the routes for our Council and he told me that until the Council release it, he can't. I have a decent rapport with him, he's the best garage manager we've had in the last 15 years. Pity his Council equivalent retired and now we're left with this nonsense.

A lot of the people who rely on these buses are older and don't have access to the internet. There are some who are still struggling to find out when and where buses introduced in February go to, because they were only publicised online. From the 4th these people will only have one of those new buses :/

What we're hearing is unnofficial because of this lack of confirmation, but unlike in previous bus discussions, the Council can neither claim this was based on customer feedback, nor on tight funds. It's going to be a hard press release for them to make, though, given that they previously stated how they wanted to increase routes and be seen as an 'ally to residents' in improving bus provision.

As usual, where I live is not included in any of these things.

I am still not sure how I am getting to work, or if I can, after these new buses come in.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on August 23, 2023, 01:02:22 AM
Ponyfan, I feel you on the frustration with your dad not following Google Maps! My dad does the exact same thing and it drives me nuts! He is ALWAYS questioning the route it provides and ends up going a different way. Like if you think you know better why even turn the app on?! Admittedly I have been in the car with him where it sometimes gives him some wild directions. Mine never does that. I kinda think the app does start to mess with you if you disobey it enough. :lol:

I just found out the call center I work for will no longer be 24 hours and they’re moving my shift back 1 hour to account for the new closing time. They have made it so I’ll no longer be eligible for my 10% shift differential for working late. :( I’ve been fighting tooth and nail for the last couple years to stay on the night shift and finally got back on after I was displaced a few months ago. I guess that was a losing battle since it just won’t exist anymore.

Sometimes I think working for them is like staying on a sinking ship. It seems like every year they trim back on staff little by little. So far they’ve always managed to place everyone somewhere else when we do get displaced (even if it’s a place we don’t really want to be), but I wonder if at some point there just won’t be positions for us to be displaced to. I was looking at jobs in my area tonight and there is really nothing else that I’m qualified for that pays my current salary. I hope I can at least hang on there until I finish school.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 23, 2023, 07:49:08 AM
Ponyfan, Taffeta and MM, I'm sorry you're having a hard time :( :hug:

Ponyfan, my dad would do the same thing with the GPS. He's be like, why'd she say go that way, and then go a different way, then get lost and blame the GPS. He also, at the end of his driving, would do fast stops and starts and take turns harshly. I actually started to get car sick with him driving. He also couldn't see out of one eye, so. I stopped going with him. Not long after he had his stroke and stopped driving truck and the car.

Taffeta, I thought dumb public transit stuff was only in the US. I hope things work out for you.

Same to you, MM.

My complaint is I'm so tired. I was doing okay the last couple of days, but today I'm exhausted. I have huge dark circles under my eyes. I see my therapist at 2 but that's all I'm doing today. I should go lie down.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 23, 2023, 12:25:00 PM
There's stuff in other posts that I want to talk about also, but I really need to vent right now.

Neither of my parents noticed that my dog ran in to the garage earlier right before we were about to leave to go somewhere.  I saw my dog underneath the car and was able to grab her by the collar, pick her up and put her back inside the house.  I know neither one of my parents would intentionally hurt my dog, but I've asked both of them to make sure that the door from the laundry room to the garage is closed when they go in or out or that the dog doesn't go out if the door is open. I don't want to think how close we might have come to losing my dog because my parents (most likely my dad as he's the one that usually leaves the door open) were careless.

I asked my mom if she had the bills that needed to be mailed today ready.  She told me yesterday that she was going to work on them.  I told her it was okay if she didn't have them ready yet.  She went in the home office and got the bills ready. When I tried to talk to her about it, she said I was acting like I wanted her to get the bills done.  All I did was ask if hers were ready too.  I told her that I didn't tell her she had to get them ready. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on August 23, 2023, 01:42:42 PM
THanks people.

@BC, 23 years ago they took away our 20 min bus to reroute a 'new' route which is now the most regular route across the borough (runs every 12 mins). I still remember it because it made my 2nd year of 6th form college hell.

But there is a little better news. I had some more details of route/timetable and it seems like at least our area still has reasonable transport options come the new route. The Council are blaming lack of funds. Maybe funding 6 new routes before the local elections wasn't a good idea. But still. I think it could be worse. I can still get to/from work at least.

What infuriates me the most is that the Council are claiming the bus company are responsible for the lost routes, and that they have 'saved us' by funding this new route. The reality is that they withdrew the funding for all of the withdrawn routes, and will be saving money by paying for only 2 vehicles instead of 6. Yet they are trying to make out they are local bus heroes. They aren't.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 23, 2023, 04:08:31 PM
Once again, my therapist did an awful lot of talking about herself. I asked one simple question - Do you like nectarines? - and she went on for 5 minutes about how much she loves fruit but doesn't eat enough veggies. She also has an annoying habit of looking for stuff on her phone while we're talking. Once she wanted to show me a pic of her husband, I think, and she couldn't find it in the phone and she spent way too much time looking. I feel she cuts my session too short as well. She was late by 4 minutes getting in the meeting, which is fine, sometimes other patients go over. But she ended my session at 2:51 instead of closer to 3. I lost 13 minutes total.

It's very frustrating. I only see her every 2 weeks if I'm lucky. This time 3 weeks had gone by. There was more I wanted to say and talk about.

Ponyfan, the same thing would happen with my cats and usually my sister! She would leave both doors open. I don't know how many times Mouse got into the garage or outside because of it. It always really upset me but my sister didn't care. I had horrible thoughts of what if she goes into the garage and gets bitten by a black widow or a snake, what if she eats something she shouldn't, what if she picks up a flea or tick. I didn't understand how closing a door could be so difficult and time consuming :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 24, 2023, 04:06:48 PM
I haven't felt well the last few days.  I told my mom about it and she said it was probably the weather.  I went ahead and got my monthly shot, because you have to cancel at least 24 hours in advance.  There's always a few things to sign.  The waiting area was dark, and I think I misread something on the paperwork.  I called back this afternoon (my appointment was in the morning) and talked to the lady that checks everyone in and asked her if she double checked the paperwork as I might have made a mistake. She said she double checked it and everything should be okay. 

I tried talking to my mom about it and she got annoyed at me again(after suggesting that I call and ask if they had double checked the paperwork)   She said I was deliberately making her mad and not waiting her to read her book. :( She also said if she got sick tonight it would be my fault.  I can't make her understand that this kind of stuff eats me up inside and if I don't talk to someone or find an outlet for it, it becomes a constant worry and I can't seem to make my mind calm down.  Now I'm the one that's feeling sick.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 24, 2023, 06:43:39 PM
Classic anxiety :hug: I know I've said this before, but I think you'd really benefit from a therapist and some medication. You're a grown up, you should be able to do what's best for yourself. I know that's easy to say, but, well. I just wish things could be better for you :hug:


Ants? I bought Combat gel for ants. I know the one for roaches work very well, so I'm trying it out. They have a trail by the ceiling going all the way around the living room and down the hallway. They been there for two days. This stuff is supposed to attract them and kill slowly so they can take it to the nest and feed the queen with it. I'm hoping in another couple of days they'll disappear. Says it works in 5 days, but one of the reviewers said his took 8 to get rid of them.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 25, 2023, 03:53:02 PM
This is a really stupid thing, but I want to write it out of my head.. :|
(Sorry for any typos)

I was eating at a restaurant on Friday where a nice member of the staff came to greet me and suddenly asked what I've been up to lately. :blink: I was so surprised by the question that I couldn't say anything reasonable! I just said something like: Well, nothing special. To which this guy said: I guess you're doing more than just going here to eat!  :blink: I nervously answered stuttering again: Well, nothing special.. I'm just living an ordinary human life.. This guy just said: It's good that it's an ordinary life, nothing unusual. I just answered again: Yes.. exactly. :blink: :blush:
I left the place in shame and I have been ashamed of my stupid freezing and words all evening and still! I don't dare show my face anymore, at least when that guy is there on duty! :blush: I could see from his look that he thought what the h*ll I am, when I can't speak normally like other people! I could have told him anything about my days and my activities, but.. :facepalm:

I try to be social, but I don't always succeed. Then when this happens, I'm sad, ashamed and I regret such things even for several
years!  :cry:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 25, 2023, 07:59:20 PM
Aww :deathhug:

I don't think any of what you said was bad! I would act weird in that situation too, what odd things for him to say.

You shouldn't feel ashamed. Trust me, restaurant staff have faced much worse than awkward conversation from a guest.

I went out to eat once with my family at a higher priced restaurant and the waiter sat in the chair next to me and chatted with us. I felt so nervous with him right there and didn't know what to say! But he was just being friendly and probably didn't even notice my awkwardness. I'm sure it was the same with your guy :hug:


I can't sleep again. I fell asleep for a half hour and woke up. My bed is so uncomfortable -_- I didn't sleep last night either. My night meds make me sleepy but once I'm in bed I just toss and turn. Also, my temp is off. I can't decide if I'm cold or hot. Like now with just the fan on me I feel too hot, but if I turn on the AC, I'll feel too cold. Ugh. Very frustrating.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on August 26, 2023, 03:17:44 AM
This is a really stupid thing, but I want to write it out of my head.. :|
(Sorry for any typos)

I was eating at a restaurant on Friday where a nice member of the staff came to greet me and suddenly asked what I've been up to lately. :blink: I was so surprised by the question that I couldn't say anything reasonable! I just said something like: Well, nothing special. To which this guy said: I guess you're doing more than just going here to eat!  :blink: I nervously answered stuttering again: Well, nothing special.. I'm just living an ordinary human life.. This guy just said: It's good that it's an ordinary life, nothing unusual. I just answered again: Yes.. exactly. :blink: :blush:
I left the place in shame and I have been ashamed of my stupid freezing and words all evening and still! I don't dare show my face anymore, at least when that guy is there on duty! :blush: I could see from his look that he thought what the h*ll I am, when I can't speak normally like other people! I could have told him anything about my days and my activities, but.. :facepalm:

I try to be social, but I don't always succeed. Then when this happens, I'm sad, ashamed and I regret such things even for several
years!  :cry:

Nothing to be ashamed of. He was the weird one imo! In Sweden we don't chit chat with staff! We don't make small talk with strangers. We barely even say hi to our next door neighbours! I would have stuttered as well as its so far out from my comfort zone being asked such questions by a waiter. I had a sense it's similar in Finland but I might be wrong?

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on August 26, 2023, 05:36:22 PM
This is a really stupid thing, but I want to write it out of my head.. :|
(Sorry for any typos)

I was eating at a restaurant on Friday where a nice member of the staff came to greet me and suddenly asked what I've been up to lately. :blink: I was so surprised by the question that I couldn't say anything reasonable! I just said something like: Well, nothing special. To which this guy said: I guess you're doing more than just going here to eat!  :blink: I nervously answered stuttering again: Well, nothing special.. I'm just living an ordinary human life.. This guy just said: It's good that it's an ordinary life, nothing unusual. I just answered again: Yes.. exactly. :blink: :blush:
I left the place in shame and I have been ashamed of my stupid freezing and words all evening and still! I don't dare show my face anymore, at least when that guy is there on duty! :blush: I could see from his look that he thought what the h*ll I am, when I can't speak normally like other people! I could have told him anything about my days and my activities, but.. :facepalm:

I try to be social, but I don't always succeed. Then when this happens, I'm sad, ashamed and I regret such things even for several
years!  :cry:

Nothing to be ashamed of. He was the weird one imo! In Sweden we don't chit chat with staff! We don't make small talk with strangers. We barely even say hi to our next door neighbours! I would have stuttered as well as its so far out from my comfort zone being asked such questions by a waiter. I had a sense it's similar in Finland but I might be wrong?

To be honest, I would also put him in the wrong. It's one thing to be friendly, but to try and persist in a conversation with someone who is uncomfortable is not really reading signals.

It's really easy to think in that situation that you are being the antisocial one, HoM, like we're always expected to put ourselves out at the whim of other people's social needs. It's often the case that people are made to feel like you feel - awkward about knowing what to say - but you don't know this guy well, right? How are you meant to have a conversation with him if you have absolutely no clues to click onto?

I may be biased since I don't like people in my space uninvited, but I think it's pretty antisocial to start random chatting to someone even when they clearly aren't comfortable chatting back.

I can be really social and helpful and friendly at work, and I often chat to people on the buses, as I see some people often. But that doesn't mean I am open whenever someone else decides they're bored/lonely/want to expand their social circle. And honestly, as much as I like my colleagues, there are times when they ask "what are you doing at the weekend/whenever" and I always hate that question because I'm not sure why I am meant to be doing anything, much less talking about it!

In short, don't feel guilty for not being ready to talk to him. You didn't invite him. If it was awkward for him then that's his problem. It isn't yours. Don't feel guilty for someone else dropping into your personal space uninvited. You owe them nothing, and certainly not details of your life.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 26, 2023, 06:47:29 PM
Thanks BC, Beldarna and Taffeta! Your words made me feel better!  :hug: :heart:

Now that my anxiety about this matter has subsided, I can tell you a little about this guy.

He's actually quite strange, but I think he only means well. (I've never met anything like that before.) I know that in the past he has also let out some strange words, interfered in other people's affairs, and I have noticed that many other customers have also been surprised by this guy's babbling or behavior (including those who work with him). He is really good at his job, but way too curious and tries to be too familiar! :pout:
I've noticed from side-eyeing him that he's constantly talking. Even when he is alone, he talks almost non-stop, but luckily then almost silently. Most of us talk to ourselves, myself included, but this guy really does it almost non-stop. :blink:
We have noticed with my spouse that this guy has very few words towards my spouse. My spouse feels that the guy seems to be a bit timid/afraid of him. :wonder: But if my spouse is looking at his phone, this guy will be curiously peeking at the phone screen if he happens to pass by us. My spouse has purposely always quickly closed the protective covers on his phone when he has noticed that prying eyes are nearby. :P

Beldarna, Yes, in Finland too, people behave (usually) the same way as they do in Sweden when meeting strangers. :nod:
Since I live in a detached house, I always try to say hello to my neighbors, but if I lived in an apartment building, for example, I wouldn't say hello to anyone there.. Except maybe the residents of the apartments right next to it.. of course it depends on what kind of people live there. :wonder:

I could write more about this, but I have to go to bed now. :heart: Thank you for existing here and we have this Arena where you can share your concerns/sorrows! :heart:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 26, 2023, 06:59:28 PM
I'm glad you're feeling better about it :hug:

That dude sounds so weird though!

I've heard that about Sweden, Finland and Norway, that you don't talk to strangers. I saw a a documentary about Norway and even when people are waiting for the bus or in line at a store, they don't stand close to each other. Sometimes I wish more Americans knew what personal space was. People will come up to talk to you all the time. Well, me at least. It was the same with my dad. People would just chat with him, and I guess I have the same kind of face/vibe or whatever. But then I will also call out people who are rude or think the rules don't apply to them too :P


So, my new bed is very comfortable and I slept a lot today, but now when I want to sleep, sleep won't come. I was lying there for three hours trying to fall asleep. Maybe it's because I slept through the day, but I'm tired and I took my medicine which makes me sleepy. I want to sleep all night.

My temp is off again. Hot or cold? I don't know. Both.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 27, 2023, 11:21:40 AM
HOM as others have said, he was the weird one, not you. You go to a restaurant to eat good food without having to cook it or wash dishes yourself, not to chit-chat if you don't want that. I'd have been, mate, I'[m here to EAT, not talk!!! I hate people seeing me eat as I have things happen when I eat which can offend some people (my nose goes when I eat anything so I either have to blow it - & I was brought up to never leave the table while eating a course - or I have to open my mouth, even subtly, to breathe, which is also considered offensive), plus I was also brought up to not talk with food in my mouth. So I'd much prefer to eat in peace. I also have heard of the Scandinavian policy of not chatting to strangers, so extra weird there too
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 27, 2023, 06:09:50 PM
Hmm. I find this conversation about the waiter interesting :P See, I think he asked some strange questions, but I don't think it's strange that he started talking to HoM. Wait staff is usually friendly in the US and will chit chat a bit. *Especially* in the south. Your waitress is going to call you hun and be surprised you don't want sweet tea and make a joke about it. And we do tipping here as well, so the better your waiter is the better tips they get, and "better" means friendly among other things. And apparently "friendly" in the US means talking to you :lol:

I just find it culturally interesting, is all :)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on August 28, 2023, 03:44:40 AM
It is interesting. One of my aunts (now dead) moved to the US when she was 19 and whenever she came visiting, she thought we were rude for not talking to waitstaff and cashiers. Me on the other hand don't think I would do well in the US. I would be overwhelmed by the friendliness. I would need to pull out the calculator everytime it's time to pay and people there would think I'm rude for not talking back to them :P.
We don't have a tipping culture here, everyone is paid a livable wage which mean waiststaff can be friendly and serviceminded without taking too much abuse. Some restaurants have an option on the card reader where you can add a tip as an option, but it's not obligated and for me personally, they would have to go over and beyond to recieve one. Often it's not even the waiter who brought the menue who comes with the food and comes with the bill so who is getting the tip?

My vacation is over. :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on August 28, 2023, 04:50:21 AM
@Beldarna for tipping it used to go directly to the waiter. but now tips are pooled and split. i don't work in a restaurant but from what i understand the host, bartenders, waitstaff, people who clean off the tables all split the tips for the day. there's also issues with restaurants skimming tips.

i would prefer people get a livable wage and not have the tipping system for everything. especially when it's so easy for businesses to steal tips from their workers. the tipping system is also tied to slavery in the United States.

there seems to be a backlash here against tipping. but every time raising the minimum wage comes up people freak out about hamburgers getting more expensive. or people get upset at the thought of restaurant workers making the same as them. or teachers get brought up for some reason. yes, teachers should make way way more than they do!

about the chit chatting. in Texas people chit chat a lot. with strangers, cashiers, waitstaff. i actually find it weird in other parts of the country. when i visited my friend in Kansas i tried to chit chat with the bartender and she looked at me like i was from another planet. but yeah HOM that guy sounds very awkward. that conversation would have weirded me out.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 28, 2023, 05:46:44 PM
HOM as others have said, he was the weird one, not you. You go to a restaurant to eat good food without having to cook it or wash dishes yourself, not to chit-chat if you don't want that. I'd have been, mate, I'[m here to EAT, not talk!!! I hate people seeing me eat as I have things happen when I eat which can offend some people (my nose goes when I eat anything so I either have to blow it - & I was brought up to never leave the table while eating a course - or I have to open my mouth, even subtly, to breathe, which is also considered offensive), plus I was also brought up to not talk with food in my mouth. So I'd much prefer to eat in peace. I also have heard of the Scandinavian policy of not chatting to strangers, so extra weird there too

Ponybookworm, thank you! :heart:

What would that guy say if I told him that: hey, I came here to eat, not to chat!  :snicker: He might get this look: :dropjaw:

I may not be going to that restaurant for a while now, but I won't stop visiting there because of that guy. Just gotta try to avoid that guy over there.. :shy:

One strange thing came to my mind that once we went to this particular restaurant to eat and we met him there for the very first time. He was working at the cash register and said to us: My favorite customers arrived! :blink: What.. We hadn't met before! :nuts: I don't remember what my spouse and I answered, maybe we just smiled.
Once at the checkout he had overcharged us a little and when we noticed the mistake a little later on the receipt, my spouse went to ask him about it. The guy couldn't believe it at first, he said he never makes mistakes! But when my spouse showed the receipt in his hand and his account information from his phone, which revealed that the money had been charged too much, this guy then started to wonder how he could do this and repeated it many times. It was fixed, but this guy continued to wonder about it as long as we were in the restaurant and when we happened to see him there that day. I think that even on our next visit, he was still wondering about it and apologized even though we had said several times that it was ok and everything has now been fixed. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 28, 2023, 08:42:38 PM
Wow. Maybe he thinks you're someone else? Are you and your husband doppelgangers? :lol: :P


My complaint right now is my head. It's been hurting all day. It's an odd sort of headache, not one of my usuals. My implant is very itchy also. It's keeping me up. I tried to go to sleep but any way I put my head the pain was there. It feels slightly better if I sit up. I've taken headache meds, but I took some earlier in the day and they didn't do much. I've been drinking water so I don't think it's dehydration. Maybe... allergy? My sinuses hurt when I push on my cheeks and my eyes are red and itchy. Hmm.

Whatever it's from I wish it would go away.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on August 29, 2023, 12:40:13 AM
On the cultural aspect, here in the UK I think it depends a lot on the context. London is not especially friendly, though my mother (who is a Londoner) will tell you that it is, it's really not. That said, within pockets or communities in London, especially on the outskirts or in particular neighbourhoods, you will find people just randomly chatting about things. Just not usually on the tube. I've had people randomly strike up conversations with me on buses and trains, sometimes it's ok and sometimes not.

I admit to using the self service machines wherever possible so as to avoid having to speak to cashiers. Some cashiers don't strike up a conversation, but some do. I'm not being rude, but whenever I have to interact with a stranger, it takes a lot of energy trying to figure out what I'm meant to say, especially if it comes out of nowhere. So then I am more tired by the end of the day. Hence I try to reduce unnecessary interactions so I can focus on dealing with things like customers at work, where I need to engage.

The worst people in London are the ones trying to do charity sign ups. They will approach you randomly on the street with their clipboards, or yell at you, or try and step into your path. I donate to charity, contribute to the local food bank when I can and I have at least one long-term subscription, so it's not at all that I have a problem donating. What I have a problem with is a random stranger coming out of nowhere and trying to get me to give over financial or other private details on the street. It's already scary enough when a random stranger speaks to you out of nothing, but I really wish this kind of canvassing was banned. It's one thing to have a booth or table on the street where people can come to you, but being chased down by them is pretty stressful. (Maybe that's just my autistic perspective, but I think it rude).
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 29, 2023, 04:18:29 PM
That charity thing sounds like a UK thing :crazy: People don't do that here, chase you down I mean. At least I've never seen it. My mom and I were picked from the crowd at the mall to be part of a quick product testing, but he didn't chase us per se. He just called out to us "beautiful ladies" from a make up kiosk. That was yeeeeeeears ago now.

I think someone hanging out trying to get people to do stuff is considered loitering. I dunno. The cops make the homeless get off the corners when asking for money or food by the road, but then turn around and hold up traffic for their donations. That's probably a US thing.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 29, 2023, 04:56:46 PM
Wow. Maybe he thinks you're someone else? Are you and your husband doppelgangers? :lol: :P


My complaint right now is my head. It's been hurting all day. It's an odd sort of headache, not one of my usuals. My implant is very itchy also. It's keeping me up. I tried to go to sleep but any way I put my head the pain was there. It feels slightly better if I sit up. I've taken headache meds, but I took some earlier in the day and they didn't do much. I've been drinking water so I don't think it's dehydration. Maybe... allergy? My sinuses hurt when I push on my cheeks and my eyes are red and itchy. Hmm.

Whatever it's from I wish it would go away.

This was a new word for me, if I understood correctly.. No, we are not doppelgangers. :lol: (My English is really bad, but here at Arena I have already learned many new words!)
I hope your headache has already eased at least a little! :headpat:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 29, 2023, 07:35:54 PM
I think it's German actually. I had a doppelganger when I lived in South Carolina. Her name was Shelly and people would come up to me all the time thinking I was her. Never got to meet her though.

Thank you :hug: It did go away but tonight it's back. I think it is allergies. My sinuses hurt a lot. I only have Benadryl and it knocks me out and makes me groggy, so I don't want to take it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on August 31, 2023, 08:01:41 AM
Dog poop. On the asfalt. Outside my apartment. Close to the bike shed. Where kids run around and play every day.

The problem we have with charities is when you for once have money to share with an organization they call and harass you afterwards for more money, usually asking for monthly donations which leads me to not donate to that organisation again. List includes wateraid and doctors without borders. Vital and important organisations I would've loved to support, but they lost me when they called every day for weeks after I swished one time.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 31, 2023, 12:04:36 PM
I woke up from a nap to ants in my bed! :mad: They were crawling across the wall from the door frame right where my mattress hits the wall. They were all over my pillow! I think one might have gone up my nose! What a nightmare!

I sprayed the wall down after I moved my bed so now I have a headache. I'm not bothering with the bait in my bedroom, I don't want them in there! And there isn't even any food in there! WHY ARE THEY IN THERE?!!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: brightberry on August 31, 2023, 01:30:13 PM
^Oh no!  Maybe they're there because they got flooded out?  I've found Borax bait works really well for ants as they carry it back to their nest and it gets them all.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on August 31, 2023, 03:42:13 PM
i spent half the work day debugging something and didn't get anywhere. it's so frustrating when Google is unhelpful. their results kind of stink now.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 31, 2023, 04:09:39 PM
^Oh no!  Maybe they're there because they got flooded out?  I've found Borax bait works really well for ants as they carry it back to their nest and it gets them all.

They do tend to appear more after it rains. I started using Combat bait gel and haven't seen them in a while. I don't really want to use it in the bedroom. It takes a few days for them to take it all back to the nest and I just... would rather not have them swarming somewhere in my bedroom, you know.

I keep thinking I'm so glad it's the little tiny ants and not bigger ones or my worst nightmare, RIFA, which could kill me. But they are annoying and they do bite. They're so small it barely registers, kind of a light itch.

I should go around and reapply the gel in the kitchen and closets because we got so much rain.

Ever since this happened though I've felt like they are crawling all over me. I feel little itches or like something is moving my arm hair or whatever and freak out. I only found one on me though. I got the heebie jeebies!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on August 31, 2023, 05:26:06 PM
CW: violence, guns

not trivial but there was a probable mass shooting close to the shopping center where I go to get dog treats. there aren't a lot of details in the news yet but they're saying 2 people were killed. it's unclear if the shooter is included in that number.

i was just there on Saturday. what's really unsettling to me is this happens so much in the US now that i'm kind of numb to it. even when it happens somewhere i go a lot. it makes me so angry that the leadership in this state refuses to do anything about the guns. all they do is make it easier to carry guns everywhere.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on August 31, 2023, 06:35:02 PM
That’s awful Beth, I’m so sorry that happened so close to you! :( These mass shootings are even scarier when they hit that close to home. It surreal to think going for an everyday shopping trip could turn violent in the blink of an eye.

I’m itching here with you over bugs in the house BC! I was swapping out my normal decor for Halloween decorations today (too early? I don’t think so lol!) and as I was moving everything around I was keeping an eye out for roaches since they do tend to get in the house this time of year and I was moving around a lot. I thought I managed to get everything swapped out bug free and as I was turning off all my lights to leave the house I saw a HUGE dead roach over by my dining room table. Arrggghh I swear they keep showing up in new areas! Luckily I don’t see them TOO often but I’ve seen more than I’m comfortable with over the past couple months. I have no clue where they might be getting in. At least they’re always dead, but still, gross! I might ask my dad to come over and clear that one. It’s in an awkward spot to top things off and I don’t wanna get that close to it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on August 31, 2023, 09:35:54 PM
I think my laptop is trying to poop out.  That means I have to start shopping for a new one.  Ugh.  But I've had it since 2011 and it can't even be updated enough to support Windows 11 so...yeah.  It's time.  :dumbpc:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on September 01, 2023, 12:07:00 AM
It is Friday which means I can rent another book from the E-library to my reader. But none of the books I wanted to read is available! Luckily I have this huge want to read list, so I got another book, but I was more in the mood of crime.

You know what, I hate ants.. like.. fobic. Your stories makes my entire body shivers BC. Waking up with ANTS!? NO WAY! and in the NOSE?! I'm out! I feel the horror! I accidently sat right to a nest of black ants earlier this summer and they began running on me and my purse, I was freaking out when I found one inside my bra! I went right into the river to drown them. My husband took a picture of me in there, looking so happy and relieved, lol. Just, no. Can you get help from the landlord?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Annie on September 01, 2023, 03:21:13 AM
I have a bug in my computer!
I mean for real!
Its a tiny little bug/beetle/fly -thing that is wandering around on my computer screen underneath the glass so I can see it but I can't remove it.
How did it get in there?  :blink:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 01, 2023, 05:13:27 AM
Beth, I'm sorry that happened :( Florida is as bad as Texas about guns.

Beldarna, yeah, I have a phobia of the red fire ants here. I'm allergic to their stings and get these huge welts. They could easily cause me to go into anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, they haven't taken over Florida like they have other states. We still have lots of varieties of other ants. As far as the property manager goes, I don't know. They make a big deal about having an infestation is your fault if you spray. Since I've sprayed, I'm afraid to tell them.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 01, 2023, 03:09:02 PM
This is going to be long.  Sorry in advance.

Last night my family went out to eat.  We've gotten good service at the restaurant before, but this was the first time we went in the evening.  My dad was annoyed by the music (he's sensitive to loud music). The music was a bit loud.  I ended up with a headache for the rest of the night. The waiter only came to the table a couple of times after we ordered our food. My dad drinks very fast and often drains his drink before the food comes.  That's fine, but the waiter only refilled my parents' drinks after my dad got up to try and find the refill station (He got tired of waiting.) Mine was never refilled the whole time.  We saw the wait staff just hanging out and talking not paying attention to their tables. It was hard to hear the waiter over the music.

Work has a new management system.  When I went in to talk to the supervisor, she asked if I wanted to sign up for text message alerts.  I said no and she said that I would still get emails instead of texts.  I already feel like I'm at a disadvantage with the new system and I think I'm going to have to sign up for texts anyway.  I don't mind texts, but I didn't want a whole bunch saying "Do you want this? Yes or No."  There's also an app, but the reviews in the App store aren't good. Also, the new system doesn't send out emails when something is posted, only texts.

I wanted to change my phone's lock screen. I picked the photo, but when I tried to change it, it also changed home screen.  With the picture I have now, I have a different picture on my lock screen.  I couldn't figure out a way to change the lock screen picture without changing the home screen. That wouldn't have been a big issue, but the picture on the home screen was blurry or too bright. I ended up deleting it and just going back to what I already had.

The problem we have with charities is when you for once have money to share with an organization they call and harass you afterwards for more money, usually asking for monthly donations which leads me to not donate to that organisation again. List includes wateraid and doctors without borders. Vital and important organisations I would've loved to support, but they lost me when they called every day for weeks after I swished one time.

I've had that problem too.  I donated a few times and then I kept getting calls asking for more.  If I have it to spare, that's one thing, but it should be my decision to make and not be forced on me by the charity.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 02, 2023, 04:57:25 AM
BC, i feel like our state leaders are in some competition to see who can be the worst. i don't understand why anyone votes for them.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 02, 2023, 05:01:49 AM
I don't understand it either. I just saw a video that Texas is adopting a school program from Florida about how slavery isn't all that bad.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 02, 2023, 07:07:50 AM
yeah those videos are horrific. i saw the one with Frederick Douglass basically saying the founding fathers really wanted to free the slaves but didn't want to harm the country and my head felt like to explode from anger.

destroying public education has been a long time right wing goal. especially after desegregation. there's also conspiratorial nonsense about kids being indoctrinated into "secular humanism." i went to private Catholic school and I remember some parents were so scared of having to explain uncomfortable topics to their kids. isn't that part of being a parent? IDK. i also think some of it is parents who can't get over the idea that their kids are not extensions of themselves and may grow up to have different views on the world.

also, i can't help but notice this is happening at the same time child labor laws are being relaxed. these people don't care about kids. if they did, they would have done something after Sandy Hook.

in Houston the state took over the largest school district and converted some libraries to discipline centers. this school district's students are majority POC so yeah. there's that.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 02, 2023, 05:51:56 PM
Yes. They want to keep people stupid because they are easier to manipulate.

They don't care about kids, or women, or POC or LGBTQ+ or immigrants and foreigners. They are the White, Cishet, Cristian Male Club and they only care about each other (but would stab each other in the back at the first chance!).

Enough about that though.


I can only sleep for a half hour before I wake up and then I can't go back to sleep. It's not fair. I get my bed nice and I can't enjoy it. Because of the insomnia my nights and days are mixed up again. I'm more awake and alert at night. In the morning when I'd usually wake up is when I want to sleep. Then I stay dead tired until the late afternoon.

Also I have a headache. I've been getting them regularly at around this time. I think it's lack of sleep.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on September 02, 2023, 11:29:31 PM
I don't understand it either. I just saw a video that Texas is adopting a school program from Florida about how slavery isn't all that bad.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 03, 2023, 01:09:09 AM
Oh yeah. There's a cartoon guy, not sure who he's supposed to be, talking about how every culture has owned slaves, and how can something be so bad if it's so widespread? Also that it's better to be a slave than to be killed.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 03, 2023, 05:30:07 AM
it's supposed to be Frederick Douglass. he was an escaped slave and abolitionist.

the article i linked to includes a comment from the CEO of the company who makes this propaganda. and she says history lessons can be offensive. which I understand. but she seems to lack understanding or refuse to admit that people aren't offended by the mention of slavery. they're angry because the videos are full of lies!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 03, 2023, 11:46:02 AM
Oh okay, thanks for the info.

Really disgusting stuff.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 03, 2023, 04:12:03 PM
I think the air conditioning is out.  :(  It's 78 degrees inside the house and 97 degrees outside.

I tried to diamond paint today, but it made my stomach hurt really bad because of the medical procedure I had. :(  I didn't even really get to enjoy it. 

My dad was apparently looking at my Facebook friends lists last night and questioned me about one of the people on there.  I told him it's someone I know from work.  It really annoyed me though that he did that. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 03, 2023, 04:52:45 PM
I think I figured out why I've been so tired. I forgot to refill my thyroid medicine. I've been out of it for weeks. I take so many pills everyday, I didn't notice it wasn't there. I called in a refill.

I put all my pills in a day and night weekly organizer so I don't have to open all the bottles. I don't remember when the last time was that I had the thyroid pill. The empty bottle has been sitting on my nightstand all this time. Today I grabbed it to see what it was and realized I haven't had any.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 03, 2023, 05:55:57 PM
BC, hope you get your thyroid meds soon! :heart:
 :blush: I should have had blood tests already in the summer, so I could find out if I still need a bigger dose of thyroid medicine or if the dose prescribed from the beginning of the year is correct. I am really tired every day and I sleep a lot, so I think that my medication is still not enough. I have to go for blood tests this autumn and I could finally make an appointment with the doctor to remove the large mole on my head as well. It hurts (like being pricked by a needle) when I touch it and it has enlarged. :huh: Fortunately, my hair still covers it well.

I think I'm going to be sick because the joints in my fingers have hurt and my throat is now tingling. :pout:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 03, 2023, 06:57:15 PM
I have such a bad headache :(

HoM, you should have your bloodwork done. The thyroid being off does so much damage to your body. I started having skin issues along with the extreme tiredness. I know it's responsible for a lot of other things as well.

Sorry you're getting sick again. You just got over your cough. I hope it's mild this time :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on September 04, 2023, 01:00:00 AM
I feel like I’m getting burnt out at work. I work in the complaints department and I’m kind of the end of the line when it comes to customer support. I don’t really have a lot of authority beyond filing complaints, so naturally I don’t have many of my interactions end on a good note. I know not to take it personally since people are mad with the situation and not with me, but there are only so many times in a week I can be called “useless” or “incompetent” before it does start to sting a little. :( I should probably save my PTO up more but I keep taking random days off here and there just to have a break from it. I also then feel bad on my days off like I should just suck it up and get the pay or I’ll worry that it looks bad that I keep taking time off.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 04, 2023, 05:35:55 AM
The air conditioning it out.  :(  It's cooler outside right now than it is inside the house.  My dad won't pay for a motel room either unless it becomes unbearable.  My mom says she can get it fixed today. but I highly doubt it.  I told her Sat that something was wrong with it, but yesterday she thought it was fine, so she didn't call anyone to come and fix it.

We're supposed to have highs near 100 or over everyday this week.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 04, 2023, 01:18:46 PM
Hoping your AC gets fixed today, Ponyfan.

Minty_Magic, don't feel guilty about taking time off work. if your employer and the customers won't help make your work day easier, you have to look out for your own mental health.

my complaint today is that i finally but fairy lights up on my last pony shelf and i missed one of the sides of a shelf. and it's in a spot where i have to redo the whole thing to fix it. i'm going to change out the white lights for purple lights in a few weeks so i'm going to live with it until then. but it's annoying.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 04, 2023, 07:15:54 PM
It's 80 degrees inside the house right now. :(  The AC/Plumbing company was closed today for the holiday.  I guess they didn't even have any emergency techs on call, because no one called back.  I really hope this doesn't turn in to 9 days of no air conditioning in 100 degree heat.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 04, 2023, 11:03:36 PM
I saw my mom today and while walking to her room I nearly collapsed because of my legs. Well, I just woke up in extreme pain. My left hip hurts so bad. I can barely put pressure on my leg. I managed to get out of bed at sit at my computer but it took a while to get out here I had to go really slow. I could really use a cane. I should have taken my dads cane. It's in storage.

I took some pain pills and put a pain relief cream on my side. I'm hoping it dulls enough for me to go back to sleep. It's so sore! It's itchy too.

Oh yeah, and my neighbor has been throwing a fit all day and night. Bumping and banging sounds, her screaming at her daughter, that screechy sound when you drag a chair across the floor. All. Day. It's 2am and she's still at it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 05, 2023, 02:27:55 PM
The air conditioning is frozen. :(  When the company called this morning, they asked if I thought it was frozen, but I said I didn't see any ice.  By the time the techs got here, there was ice on the inside.  The only way to fix it, is to turn the unit completely off and wait for the unit to unfreeze.  The techs said if we're lucky, it might thaw out by 11 pm tonight.  If it starts to freeze up again though, we have to turn the unit back off.  They also said it froze because my mom uses a humidifier at night.  Another hot night inside tonight.  I wish we could go to a motel.

I suggested that we turn the unit of when it started acting up, but my mom said she thought it was okay and just needed freon.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 05, 2023, 07:31:59 PM
Sorry the AC isn't working. At my parents old house, ours would freeze all the time.

I've got a headache again. I always seem to get them around this time lately. I can't figure out why.

I do have some good news though, I got my thyroid medicine today :) Hopefully it won't take too long for me to start to feel better.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 08, 2023, 02:57:10 AM
I have sores in my mouth again and my lips are all cracked and inflamed. I drank orange pineapple juice the other day and I think that's to blame. Man, can't even enjoy some citrus without problems :pout:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 09, 2023, 06:58:53 AM
Why am I the only one complaining? :P

The fan blades in the living room ceiling fan have black fuzzy edges. I tried to clean them with an extendable Swiffer 360 duster, but it is stuck on. I don't have a step ladder or anything to reach them. Maybe maintenance can clean them for me?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 09, 2023, 08:44:21 AM
i have a complaint :)

Hulu's prices are going up so we decided to cancel it. we've been purchasing our favorites stuff from AppleTV for years so we have a decent library. personally i can watch the same stuff over and over. streaming is such a rip off now. we're down to Prime and Apple. We use Prime for the free shipping too so at least that provides more value. And Apple is still pretty cheap. i'm cancelling if it goes up.  i'm trying to get rid of every subscription I can now or downgrade if it's something I have to have.

i know i've complained about this before but i'm so sick of subscriptions for everything. it's just a way to squeeze more money out of people and make quarterly reports look better. i'm also sick of "smart" devices that require apps. no i don't want to download an app for my blender. they never work well and i doubt there is much incentive for companies to maintain these apps after 1 or 2 years.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 09, 2023, 12:01:54 PM
I got the notice about the prices going up for Hulu too.  I don't watch Hulu much anymore, but I'm not quite ready to cancel yet, because there are few things on there that I don't think are on other streaming services yet.

I feel really sad today.  We stopped by the mall for a bit earlier.  My mom had told me what she wanted for a present.  I got that and had planned on getting a couple of Funko Pops from Hot Topic and also some books from the bookstore.  Hot Topic didn't have the Pops I wanted.  I ended up leaving the bookstore without any books, because I decided to wait a couple more days since another book I want is coming out.  It was my choice not to buy books today, even though I could have. So why do I feel so sad?

I'll just order the Pops I wanted from Amazon.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 10, 2023, 12:45:37 AM
I also hate subscriptions. And I hate that you have to have subs for every different service because things are scattered between them. But the subs I hate the most are software ones. That is absolutely not for the benefit of customers. Pay once and then pay again every year to keep that software running. Yuck.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 10, 2023, 02:09:48 AM
Pancake fail!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 10, 2023, 07:44:51 AM
I use Hulu with ads, that's staying the same. Netflix keeps going up though. I think it's up to $17. I get a discount on Prime because I have an EBT card. Those are my only subs. I like Tubi and Pluto TV too, those are free.

My complaint. I have a small thin cut on my finger. Might be a paper cut? Or maybe I snipped it with the tip of the scissors. It hurts so much! It's also very dry in here, my lips are cracked.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Gator on September 10, 2023, 12:29:46 PM
I’m having car trouble and may have to buy a new vehicle.  With a car payment my collecting days may be gone, or at least it may be a long while before I can add to my collection😞
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on September 11, 2023, 04:06:31 AM
I have a blister on top of a blister on my left pinkietoe.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 11, 2023, 11:03:44 AM
Everyone up for another Taffeta bus rant? No? Well, tough xD.

So the new bus began at the start of last week, when we were in London. We've been using it these last few days, and genuinely, our area is the best placed on the route because it's pretty much the midpoint. It means that in terms of getting to the main centre, we have more buses than we did before. BUT the frequency of buses to the local market town and the hospital has been reduced, and frankly, they're unworkable.

So Wednesday night is meant to be the bus user group meeting. It's on the other side of the borough - about 8 miles (which is a fair distance when you have no car), and will cost us around £20 ($30 in conversion) in taxi fares there and back if we decide to go. Even if we do, however, the people responsible for all the crazy chaos have decided not to bother attending.

There are so many people who have had their whole lives messed up by these unexpected and badly informed changes, and now the people who say they are on the side of residents refuse to even attend the group that's meant to represent them. (Although it doesn't, but that's another matter).

Arrogant. High handed. Brats.

And that's all I have to say.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 11, 2023, 03:36:39 PM
I have a pain in my upper left side and partly my back. It's been hurting all day. It feels like a sore muscle but all I did yesterday was laundry. Maybe I somehow pulled it or something when I was putting clothes into the dryer.

My appetite is still bad. I didn't eat yesterday and I didn't want to eat today but I had a bowl of cereal.

I really don't feel well. I think the antibiotics are taking a lot out on me. My infection has gotten less red but not much else has happened.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on September 11, 2023, 05:11:45 PM
did not sleep well last night.   :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 12, 2023, 06:08:55 AM
My parents are driving me crazy.   :argh: :argh: :argh: We're still having trouble with my elderly dog and my dad has made it very clear that the accidents have to be cleaned up right away or my mom might slip and fall.  Last night the dog had had an accident while we were eating.  No one stopped to clean it up except me. I simply asked were the old towels and rags were that we use for that purpose and we could only find one.

Also, 2 of the Funko Pops I was going to order from Amazon sold out on release day.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on September 12, 2023, 08:31:03 AM
I went to 4 Starbucks and couldn’t find the slime cup. :pout: I guess it wasn’t meant to be.

Oh, and a butt nekkid woman (clearly intoxicated) was running around in the street and tried to get into my car (but I had my doors locked).  :nope:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on September 12, 2023, 02:00:12 PM
I have multiple little complaints lol!

The other night there was a GIANT Palo Verde beetle that was on my iPad RIGHT next to my hand. I threw my iPad across the room, it was so gross! :yikes: I think it must have crawled on me at some point to even get on my screen, but I don’t want to think too much about that! Luckily this was at my parents house, so I got my dad to kill it. Apparently those things can fly and they will fly right at you!

I just got an update from my work that we are now taking customer complaints in chat. Chat used to be my one day of peace where I didn’t have to talk to customers or take complaints, but I guess there is no break anymore. :( On the upside I guess we are getting 9 new people starting in a week, so hopefully the calls won’t be as steady as they have been.

I really shouldn’t look at jobs when I’m not serious about switching. I found a city job that pays pretty close to my current salary for event set up and break down and I’m soooo tempted to apply. I feel like I should stick with my current company for at least another year to finish off school on their dime. Plus, I also have decent benefits and a good reputation there but ugh…..I just don’t won’t to be in insurance anymore. So much of our call center is being outsourced to third party call centers that I just don’t feel confident that this is a good long term job anymore.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on September 13, 2023, 08:13:55 AM
Well, I'm looking at finding a new job. 

The situation with my co-worker harassing me has escalated to the point where I had a meeting with HR about it.  In that meeting my boss informed HR that I'm mean to that employee (even though I avoid him like the plague and have not interacted with him in months) and that the reason we can't have full staff meetings is because she "just doesn't know how that interaction would go."  I'll tell you how it has gone in the last 3 full staff meetings.  I make a contributing comment, he disparages everything I say and mansplains why I'm wrong while the boss praises him because he is the "best employee [she's] ever had."  All of my other co-workers think he's a jerk and nobody likes him.  So then I stop contributing at all and my boss thinks I'm not paying attention and gets mad at me for it.

Yesterday my boss announced a mandatory full staff meeting.  I'm sorry, I thought we couldn't have those.

HR is only listening to what my boss has told her, which is that she talked to "everyone on staff" about the situation and the information she got was that I'm mean to him and need to leave him alone.  Reality is, she talked to the one person on staff who tolerates him and twisted what she said.  The boss conveniently left out that that co-worker said he's always staring at me and finding reasons to come bother me.  Not the other way around.  But that would make her precious perfect employee look bad and we can't have that. :nope:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 13, 2023, 03:38:34 PM
I'm so sorry Pokeyonekenobie. :hug:

Last week I got an email from Hulu that the price is going up.  I tried to log in to Hulu today to accept the price change and it told me that my login is blocked.  I haven't logged in to Hulu for a long time, but it's the same as my Disney Plus login.  I thought logging in to one also counts as logging in with the other.  I wasn't ready to give Hulu up yet, but if I can't watch it, what's the point?  I don't want to mess around with it too much, because I don't want to mess up my Disney + account.  I tried logging in to Disney + after that and my login was still good for Disney.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 13, 2023, 04:35:02 PM
ugh. i'm sorry Pokeyonekenobie. that situation sounds extremely toxic. hoping you find something better quickly.

Ponyfan, their customer service is actually pretty good. last year I signed up for the yearly plan before i realized it had ads. and i was able to get it resolved through the chat.

my complaint today is that i have a sore under my tongue and it hurts to talk.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 13, 2023, 07:13:41 PM
Thanks Beth.  :)  It's nice to know that their customer service is good.  We got a new modem a few months back and for a while it wasn't showing our location correctly, so I wonder if that's part of the problem.  I didn't realize it had been so long since I'd logged in to Hulu, but I keep the subscription updated and they got their money for the last billing date.  Since it still works on Disney +, it has to be a Hulu issue.  I tried looking at blogs to resolve the issue, but most of them just said to reset the password.  I know what the password is and I don't want to reset it because that would also reset it on Disney +.  I might try again in a few days.  I feel absolutely awful and don't have the energy to deal with it right now.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on September 14, 2023, 01:46:49 AM
Oh man, that sounds awful pokeyonekenobie. I’m so sorry that guy is being such a pain. It sucks that YOU have to be the one considering quitting when it sounds like he is the problem!

I think my favorite energy drinks are discontinuing my absolute favorite flavor. :( I noticed they removed it from their variety pack and when I went to order some cans of it individually it shows as unavailable on Amazon and it’s not listed on their official website at all. I just drank my last can of that flavor today too. If I’d known it was my last I would have savored it more! RIP Orange Vanilla, idk why you would get discontinued but you were the best.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 14, 2023, 03:29:38 AM
Pokey, get the heck out of there!!! That is NOT a fun place for you or for most of your coworkers!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on September 14, 2023, 04:35:25 AM
Tuesday I breefly met my manager as I was leaving work and she said we have to write a report about an incident that happened in the summer. The traindoors closed upon me and did not react to touching and ended up squeezing my arms as I backed out. They should react to people being in the way and open up again which they didn't. I wrote an incident report about it, but apparently there need to be a more official report. We deciced to meet this morning after my round, but she never showed up. I waited for thirty minutes before leaving. I wrote her a message and she had forgotten. We rescheduled for tomorrow. It's just that people always forget me. Meetings, interviews, doctors appointmenst etc. For some reason they always forget about me :(.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 14, 2023, 07:07:49 AM
I went to the ER last night. I had a 104 fever and was very dizzy. They treated me with steroids and a strong antibiotic to get rid of the infection on my leg. I feel better today.

The complaint is, I broke the fever while I was still in the ER. I was sweating a lot and called an Uber to go home. This morning I woke up to a fee in my email - the driver is charging me $150 to clean his car! He had seat protectors! How can you charge $150 to clean up some sweat!

I tried to contest it but it's almost impossible to get a hold of a living person. Through help on the app it told me my fee was correct. fjbsjkfbwe :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 14, 2023, 03:38:37 PM
I got a letter from the insurance company today that says that they have no proof that my monthly shot has improved my condition, so they're not authorizing further shots unless it be shown that it's helpful. I have improved a lot and have a lot less asthma symptoms, but how do I get that down in writing so I can prove it?

I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on September 14, 2023, 03:57:56 PM
Thanks everyone.  A group of my co-workers is planning to ask the Board for a Closed Session in order to discuss the issues with our boss.  The closed session means she can't be there to hear what they have to say and it's not going to be a short meeting.
We're not sure if it's a coincidence that her name is Karen...
  So there may be some hope that changes will happen but I don't know if I'll stick around for them.  I am in the middle of a project that I would like to see through just because I want to see it complete so I've mentioned to my friends that my boss has until I finish it to change my mind about leaving.  At this point I think the only way for her to convince me to stay would be to fire the problem person and possibly quit herself.  I'm pretty sure if I leave, others will more seriously consider following suit, but since her precious employee is so perfect, they can run things without the rest of us, right?

BC, that's ridiculous.  Did they need to completely detail the car?  If they had seat covers all they had to do was either wipe them down or throw them in the laundry, depending on what they're made of.  Even new seat covers aren't that expensive.  According to Business Insider, you can call 800-593-7069 but there's no guarantee of getting a real person there, either. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 14, 2023, 05:47:36 PM
Ooh, thanks for that number. I'll try them tomorrow.

I'm glad you're getting a meeting with people who might listen to you.

Ponyfan, you can try getting a note from your doctor, but I know not all of them can do that. Otherwise you should be able to contest the decision with an appeal. Just be honest and write down how the shots help you. Try to include dates if you can.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 14, 2023, 07:15:11 PM
Thanks BC.  It looks like the medical office where I get the shot filed this referral.  I was going to talk to the lady at my primary care drs office in a couple of weeks when the other one was used up.  The asthma clinic told me to keep taking the shots especially with fall coming up.  I'm hoping it's a simple fix to get them to approve the shots.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 15, 2023, 04:48:34 AM
Good news! A friend dug up how to contact them and I sent a message. They are refunding me! :happy:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on September 15, 2023, 08:54:10 AM
I got so angry on your behalf BC. I am glad you got a refund. Also, I am so sorry you ended up in the ER. I can think of a ton of things more fun to do than sitting there. I hope your feeling much better :hug:.

Pokeyonekenobie, I hope things improve after the meeting. If you are a couple of people complaining they should be listening to you.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 15, 2023, 10:17:02 AM
That's good news BC!

i hope you can get something worked out for your shot Ponyfan.

Pokeyonekenobie, i hope you and your co-workers can get something done about that guy. it's not fair for one person to make everyone miserable at work and your boss is enabling him.

my complaint is that i keep cleaning my glasses but they're still smudged
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 15, 2023, 10:35:35 AM
I read on some blogs that sometimes you can get that message when trying to log on to Hulu if there's a glitch on Hulu's side of things.  I'm hoping that might be what the problem is and there's nothing wrong with the account. As long as I keep the subscription up to date, it shouldn't matter how often I log in to watch it right? Out of all my streaming services, it's the one that I don't use as often, but as long as Hulu gets their money, there shouldn't be problem.  If Disney also owns part of Hulu now, I don't see why it works on Disney and not on Hulu.

I called the office where I get my shot and they said they are already working on the appeal.  They also said that my next shot is still covered, so that's good.  Hopefully, they'll be able to solve it quickly.

I just want to cry.  :cry:  My dad was taking my mom's blood pressure this morning and it was low.  That turned in to a mad scramble to find an in store blood pressure machine.  The first store we went to was closed due to a power outage.  The second store had one, but wouldn't take my mom's blood pressure until we entered her full date of birth on the machine (I didn't trust putting that kind of info into it.)

By that time my dad had decided my mom needed to see our dr.  He started driving there and my mom suggested that we stop and get a new blood pressure monitor.  My dad insisted that as soon as we got it to the car, that we put the batteries in it and take my mom's pressure again. He couldn't even wait until we got home.  I felt pressured inside the store that I couldn't really look at anything.  The batteries that came with the machine were dead( I suspected that might be the case, so I said we get new batteries) So we're literally sitting the in car with the new machine trying to take my mom's bp. After we got it taken, she said I could go back inside the store and look at whatever I wanted, but by then I really didn't want to anymore. :(  We ended up just going home after that and it felt like the whole  trip was a waste a time and we rushed around for nothing.

Yesterday at work, one of the bathrooms flooded.  What surprises me is that no one else seemed to notice the disturbance in the area and I felt like it was up to me to find out what was going on and make sure the flooded bathroom was reported.

BC, I'm glad you got a refund.  :)  I can't believe that someone would charge that much because you got sweat on his seat covers.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 15, 2023, 01:14:14 PM
Thanks :accomplished:

I'm sorry you had such a bad time, Ponyfan. I hope your mom is okay.

My new complaint is I keep cutting my fingers on stuff. First I had a paper or cardboard cut. Then yesterday I cut two fingers opening the foil top on a yogurt cup. Then! I was washing dishes and sliced the side of my thumb with the pizza slicer! THEN I was cutting open a bubble mailer with my Friskers scissors and cut the tip of my finger! I have cuts on five fingers!

Keep all sharp objects away from me!

edit, the next morning: I can't believe it. I cut another finger on the foil to open the cat food. This time on my knuckle! What the heck is going on?! I should have asked for a Tetanus shot at the hospital!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 16, 2023, 02:25:09 PM
Ponyfan, i hope your mom is ok and things have calmed down. that sounds like a really stressful ordeal.

BC, too many sharp things!

i went over to my parent's to bring them food and my dad was full of bad opinions on things. i think he needs to get out of the house and talk to people more instead of reading the NYTimes opinion pages.

also Texas disappoints again. but it's what i expect.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 16, 2023, 07:23:52 PM
Thank you BC and Beth.  :hug:  My mom didn't take her blood pressure pill last night and she's done a lot better today.

BC, I'm sorry that you've cut so many fingers on different objects.

This morning my mom said we were going to get McDonald's for breakfast.  No sooner had she said that, then she told me we weren't getting McDonald's after all because my dad didn't want to get it.

I think I got really dehydrated today.  I'm so thirsty and even though I've had 2 Cokes already, I still want more to drink.

Why does Amazon make it so difficult to buy things directly from them?  I want to buy some Funko Pops but the results listed at the top of the page are from a third party seller.  Then I have to go to the Other Sellers on Amazon section to find the ones acutally being sold by Amazon.  It's not just for one type of Funko Pop either, but for 2 out of the 3 I'm looking at.

I saw Best Friends necklaces are making a comeback.  Now they have little magnets that hold both halves together.  Looking at them made me a little said though because the 2 Best Friends necklaces that I bought and gave half to my best friends at the time are no longer in my life. 

Years ago, a former friend sent me a snowglobe of the Empire State Building.  For some reason, it's become titled over the years. :(  I don't think I can replace it.  My former friend and I didn't end our relationship on good terms and she died a few years ago.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 17, 2023, 10:50:25 AM
I'm sorry, Ponyfan :hug:

I bought a fleece blanket to cut up and use for a project, but it's nice and now I don't want to cut it up. I would have bought fleece fabric but the blanket was cheaper and you got a lot more. I'm not sure what I'm going to use it for though, it doesn't match my decor at all (the one that did was sold out - I wanted to get two, one to cut and one to keep). I just want to make Aster a toy box. I'm finding this a very hard task and all I need is cardboard, fabric and glue.

edit: Me again. I have a headache that's been bothering me all day. I took a short nap and it's even worse now.

The game I was playing crashed and I didn't save.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 17, 2023, 03:25:26 PM
Why does almost every Funko Pop I want lately sell out before I can get it?  This is the 3rd time this week that one has sold out before I could buy it. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on September 17, 2023, 03:56:43 PM
I had to buy a new laptop yesterday.  The trivial complaint is that now I have to log into every site I was already logged into on the other laptop and I have to remember passwords...first world problems or what?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 17, 2023, 05:42:26 PM
I give virtual hugs to everyone who has had bad days and things!  :heart: :grouphug: :heart:

I myself have had some kind of urinary tract infection for a few days. :unsure: In addition to water, I have been drinking cranberry juice. There are no other symptoms except that I have to pee more often than normal and at the end of peeing I get really disgusting pain. :cry:

Today I apparently got the flu again! My throat is sore, I cough and my nose is stuffy. >_<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on September 17, 2023, 09:46:24 PM
My dad threw a major temper tantrum tonight because we went to In n Out and they put cheese on his burger. He ordered a double hamburger which he INSISTS means no cheese, but I don’t feel like that is super clear. I know that hamburger usually implies no cheese, but if the sight of cheese is going to throw you off the edge you need to specifically order it with no cheese imo. I ended up eating it since he was just going to throw it away. I really didn’t need an extra burger but I hate seeing perfectly good food go to waste.

Edit: my mom found some dents in the fridge and she thinks it looks like my dad may have punched the fridge. Over cheese. On a burger.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on September 18, 2023, 01:01:41 AM
I want to borrow a new book from the E-librabry but keeps getting declined because they can not connect to the provider. Gonna try again later but I'm afraid I will forget.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 18, 2023, 05:29:23 AM
I bought a new blanket and it already has a rip :( i'm not sure if my dog ripped it or it ripped in the dryer. i need to learn how to patch blankets.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 18, 2023, 05:38:59 AM
I broke my towel rack -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on September 19, 2023, 08:38:58 PM
Well, its 5.30 am. My alarm goes of in an hour and fifteen minutes. I've been awake for an hour and a half.. so much for sleeping in. My body is used to getting up early now so it does so naturally no matter when I get to bed. Yaay for four hours of sleep, lol.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 20, 2023, 09:46:40 AM
The ants are back in the bedroom. I picked up my phone from my nightstand and one was crawling on it. I just don't know where they are coming from in that area. I haven't put any bait down because I had planned on moving things around, but then I got so sick. I should stick one back there in the meantime.

Also, one of the new candles I got makes me sneeze >_<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on September 21, 2023, 03:21:16 PM
Ran around to different sites at work, and while I’m thankful it wasn’t too hot (low 90’s, but I found shade and there was a breeze), I’m still exhausted. Plus I got bitten by mosquitos. Meh!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 21, 2023, 07:06:57 PM
I got my monthly shot today.  This time I decided to ask if I needed to change the date on the copay card program instead of just assuming that I needed to.  The lady that usually checks everyone in was out sick today so although I mentioned it to the nurse taking care of me that I wasn't sure if it needed to be changed because I got confused about it last time, I didn't change it.  I think the date might be the date I enrolled in the copay program. If that's the case I think it's been correct all the time when I thought it wasn't.  When I went back last month to check on it, the lady said all of the right info was in the computer.  They had also updated the last dr I saw at the allergy clinic.

I also didn't want to send myself into a panic attack.  My insurance has been paying for my last few shots though since I met the deductible. 
This was my last visit on my referral.  Hopefully it was covered.  I've lost count of how many times I've counted and recounted to try to make absolutely sure that I was still within my number of visits.  The clinic went ahead and scheduled my next appointment, but it's contingent on getting the new referral.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on September 22, 2023, 07:50:41 AM
The book I’ve started has so many grammar and punctuation errors. The author needs to fire her editor! The plot is great, but that stuff really makes me stumble.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 22, 2023, 09:54:06 AM
My garbage disposal STINKS :X I clean it weekly with a "scrubbing foam" packet thingy you throw in there while it's on. It doesn't make a difference. I think I need like, industrial strength slime remover or something. I'm thinking of telling maintenance. Maybe they can do something.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on September 24, 2023, 04:22:02 AM
I sent some messages to mom yesterday evening with a question.. she replied weirdly and didn't give a straight answer which would have been easy, yes or no. My feeling was not good so I sent a message about it in my siblings groupchat and talked to my husband about it this morning. Everyone replied with the same thing; she was probably drunk. Same as the feeling I had.. Mom is an alcoholic but she has been so good lately.. this just burned everything down again.

I finally got the answer late this morning along with the excuse that she didn't have her glasses on when she read my messages. Like.. no. I wasn't there but I can 100% guarantee it was not that. -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 24, 2023, 09:55:48 AM
i'm sorry Beldarna. I went through the same thing with my mom. :hug: :hug: i always knew when she started again too.

my complaint today is last night my favorite bud vase fell and broke. now i'm trying to find a replacement online. i bought it 20 years ago i think so i think finding a replacement might be impossible.  i did find it in another style though. so i haven't lost hope.

also my mortgage was transferred for the 4th time in a year and a half. i don't really care except that every time it gets transferred i have to set up a new login on a new site.  it feels like such a minefield having to keep up with it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 24, 2023, 01:02:08 PM
I'm so sorry, Beldarna :( :hug:

My complaint is I'm feeling kind of blah today. I'm tired and my body is more sore than it should be. I have little interest in anything today. I wanted to do laundry and take the garbage out, but I'm just... blegh.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 24, 2023, 03:24:36 PM
:hug:  Beldarna.

Has Amazon quit putting packing materials in your box when you order something from them?  My Funko Pops came yesterday, and they were just thrown in a box, with no air pillows or anything to protect them from sliding around.  Also, I bought 2 of the same Pop because I'm going to debox one.  Nether one of 2 are perfect.  Both of them have flaws, but I think I decided which one I will debox and add to my small doubles collection of Pops.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 24, 2023, 03:49:15 PM
I get too much packing material in my Amazon boxes :huh: They always go overboard with the airbags and brown paper.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 24, 2023, 05:39:35 PM
Beldarna, I am so sorry.  :sad:


My flu is still going on. This coughing and stuffy nose has already lasted a week. It ruined my birthday celebration which was supposed to be on Sunday.  :pout:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on September 25, 2023, 01:39:04 AM
Thanks guys.. I wish I could cry but I just feel so empty and hollow. I hate this. Especially when I'm sitting her doing her a Diamond Painting of her cat for christmas. Like.. why even bother?.. Anyway. Hug to you all :heart:. I'm sorry you had the same experience Beth3346.

Ponyfan, I got the box with Rescue at Midnight Castle 40th celebration relsease and the Amazonbox had three large airpillows on one side and nothing else. It was laughable. Luckily it had arrived whole.

I hope you get well soon HoM! Sorry about your birthday.

I'm still not able to log on to my workschedule app on my new workphone. I'm gonna have a busy train today with reinforcement part of the journey with my old instructor so I hope we'll get the time for him to help me before he is off.   
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on September 25, 2023, 06:56:23 AM
im so sorry Beldarna, i know that feeling too well, its hard to see someone you love go back to bad habits.  :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 25, 2023, 09:30:37 AM
My internet has gone down three times in two hours. Usually if the cable company is working in the area, they'll send a text about outages. I can only assume that it's not them working in it.

I know everyone hates when they can't get online, but for me it's my lifeline so when I'm without it I panic. I think I'll distract myself and play an offline game.

edit: It went down again. I went to the Xfinity website and they are doing work here. I didn't get a text because it had my old number listed. I updated it. They say they'll be finished in 2 hours.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 25, 2023, 12:05:38 PM
Beldarna, I also have a mother with alcoholism in her past. I think she's better now & I HOPE she's still getting counselling for that among other things I go on about in WYP. So sharky snuggles to you xxx
BC likewise!!! 99.9% of my social life is online, with only a coffee morning for the rest of it. Connecting to the internet is key for me, what with this place, my fave Discord servers, & other things xxx So I get how frustrating it is for you to be disconnected xxx
HOM being ill on your BD is the worst!!! Worse than being ill at Christmas or a general celebration!!! Hope you get better soon & manage to have a celebration when you're better xxx

My trivial complaint: for the last week I've managed to keep a good wake/sleep schedule, but the last few days that's gone to pot again!!! NOOOO gimme a proper body clock!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 25, 2023, 07:29:14 PM
I'm not sure if this should go in WYP or here, but for now I'll put it here.

I mentioned that I got a denial of authorization letter from my insurance company about my monthly shot. I called the clinc where I get the shot the next day and asked if my appointment that was already scheduled was still covered.  I was assured that it was (I had one visit left on my referral)  Based on that information, I got the shot.  I mentioned to the nurse that I didn't get any text reminders for the appointment and the nurse said it was because it was marked in the computer as "hold for authorization."  He told me that the approval came through the week before so everything should be good. I hope they were right, because I will be very angry if they got it wrong, since I kept the appointment based on the information I was told.  My mom says she thinks that the clinc filing for a new authorization might have cancelled out my last referral visit.  I would have never kept the shot appointment if I had known it wasn't covered as the shots are very expensive.  They did say I need a new referral from my PCP for my next shot (I knew that since I used all of my visits.)  so I'm hoping it is covered.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 26, 2023, 07:14:17 AM
My ears are itchy.

I didn't sleep last night. I couldn't fall asleep and when I did, I woke up right away.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on September 26, 2023, 02:05:21 PM
I didn't sleep well last night either. Brain too busy rattling over nothing. Very annoying.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on September 26, 2023, 03:31:21 PM
Freaking apple releasing iOS updates like mad lately is making my job so difficult! Two last week and another today?!  :rant:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 26, 2023, 04:16:29 PM
I'm still a bit worried about the monthly shot being covered by my insurance.  Based on the info I was given by the clinic, it should have been.  My mom has already told me to stop talking about it.:(   

We have plenty of food, but the last several meals have been things my dad wanted.  Today for lunch my mom suggested Hot Pockets but said she might ask my dad to get pizza instead.  When she came back in she had the Hot Pockets and said she didn't ask my dad about getting pizza. 

My dad has worked the fair the last few years, but this year he's not.  I don't really mind, but when he was working the fair, my mom and I did things that we usually didn't get to do.  That's what I miss, being able to do different things.

My dad said he "used Paypal" to buy something on Ebay a while back. What he actually did was open a Paypal Credit account.  He said he tried to pay the bill online and I didn't work.  My mom asked me about it today and it only took a few minutes to find the answer.  He was trying to use a credit card to pay and since Paypal Credit is basically a line of credit, they don't allow a credit card as a payment.

My anit anxiety medicine makes me really groggy the next day.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on September 27, 2023, 08:33:31 AM
You guys are too sweet :hug:.

My stomach hurts.. and I am dead tired. I had a 11 hour shift today due to work on the railway causing me to go by buss instead. I had some beautiful scenery but I had trouble to stay awake. I always fall a sleep on a bus and now I had to work on it and be professional. Luckily I wasn't the one driving lol.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 27, 2023, 12:13:44 PM
I feel really petty even mentioning this, but a friend of mine posted something on Facebook yesterday.  I wrote a quick response to her as did many others.  My friend gave everyone that posted a reaction except for me.  I'm hoping it was an oversight on her part and not intentional. but it brings up bad feelings over another friendship that dissolved mostly because the other person's person way of dealing with something I said that she got upset about was to ignore all efforts I made to communicate with her "until she got over it." I never even knew that she was harboring a grudge against me about it until I confronted her months later about the lack of communication.  I would try to communicate with her and be ignored only to see her actively posting on Facebook minutes later.   I've tried hard not to assume that just because person A did that it means that person B will do the same, but as much as I've tried, I can't always stop those feelings from resurfacing.   

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 27, 2023, 12:48:32 PM
I'm sorry that happened, Ponyfan. It seems silly but being ignored or otherwise passed over on social media can hurt too. I think I posted in here when a YouTuber I follow deleted a comment I made on his video, even though I had been commenting and he had been replying until then. I skipped making a comment on the next video, but then started again and he was replying like before. I think the deletion was an accident. It made me feel hurt and confused when it happened though.

Maybe it was just an oversight on your friends part :) but I can understand why you might worry they are acting like your other friend. It's hard to know intent over the internet.


My complaint is my eyes are bothering me. They keep getting all gooey like I need sleep but I slept last night and in fact slept later than usual. Maybe it's allergies. Allergy "season" never really stops down here and it's been raining a lot again.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on September 28, 2023, 09:28:55 AM
AMAZON! Seriously! I ordered a book from US Amazon as it was an old one and I could only find it there. Today I thought I should check deliverystatues only to find out it had been damaged in transit, returned to Amazon warehouse and canceled :(. I should contact them if I did not get a refund within five businessdays. I checked my bankstatement, no refund. Counted the days, it had been three weeks!
My problem is the customer service! To even find it! Such a freaking hassle! I could write a novella about it. In fact I did it on facebook. But Im still pissed. And afterwards they sent an email asking how the customer service was. The representative five stars. He helped me, even if it sounded like he stood outside in a wind storm. How easy was it to get in contact with customer support? Minus wasn't an option. I could not rate the chatbot. But I told them what I thought in the commentbox.

I'm still out of that book :(.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 28, 2023, 12:20:54 PM
This isn't trivial but the place were my mom is, Solaris, I pay them every month to cover what the insurance doesn't cover, which is $1,486. But when she was first there for rehab the insurance covered it 100%. When they moved her from rehab to long term care, no one bothered to tell us that she needed to pay. Two months went by until we got a bill. So she is behind two months. She doesn't get much extra money and I don't have any money, so that balance has stayed the same. They want me to pay it off. They know I'm in charge of my mother's money (well and everything else). They keep sending me letters threatening me.

Well today my mom called me. One of the nasty ladies in the business office went to her and told her she needs to pay this off. Then she started asking what my mother is doing there. WTF. It's none of your business, for one thing. Second, why are you even bothering my mom? She can't do anything. I'm the one who handles the money. What, I wasn't scared by your letters so you go to her? Leave her alone! My mom was very upset.

I have explained to these women (there are two, one is *slightly* nicer than the other but not by much) that she will never catch up to the total owed because she doesn't get enough money. If I had extra money, I would put it towards the balance, but I don't. I had called my niece and asked her to pay it, but she never answered or called back. I tried to get a 10k lone from my bank but you have to have filed taxes or have pay stubs. I have neither.

Like, what do you want me to do? Collect cans? Can you even get money for them anymore?!

It's ridiculous. But they really need to leave my mom alone. There is zero reason to talk to her about it :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on September 28, 2023, 01:28:52 PM
I think my coworker passed something to me. Argh! I’m fighting it though.   :sneaky:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 28, 2023, 03:29:09 PM
Thanks BC,  I'm hoping it was an oversight too.  We fall in and out of communication for months at time, but she sent me text a while back that said even though we don't text as much as we used to, that I'm still important to her and mean a lot to her. She means a lot to me too, but I get distracted sometimes and forget to text her. 
I'm sorry that the aides are doing that to your mom.  It reminds me of when my grandpa was in the nursing home after a stroke and the local police officers walked in the middle of the night and said "Your son was found dead."  turned around and walked out.  My grandpa had a stroke and although he could still communicate some (although it was difficult) they way it was handled wasn't good.

I was up a lot last night with a cough that wouldn't quit.  Since I was scheduled to work today, I couldn't really take anything to suppress the cough that would make me drowsy.  I finally got up at 5.  I debated going in to work today but decided to go ahead. I only got a few hours of sleep. but this happened before when the air conditioning was out and I did okay.  I wasn't running a fever, sneezing or having a runny nose.  My voice sounds terrible, but I thought that was due to allergies or lack of sleep.   I didn't want to cancel work at the last minute unless it was absolutely necessary.  I rubbed some of my makeup off due to feeling like I needed tissues, which I think was pointless since my nose wasn't running and I wasn't sneezing. I also took a lot of cough drops so I wouldn't cough all day.  I feel a lot better than I did earlier today, so I'm hoping it was just allergies/asthma.   I carry hand sanitizer on my lanyard at all times and made sure I used a lot of it.  I hope someone doesn't complain.  If I really thought that I was coming down with something, I wouldn't have gone in.  I've noticed when I don't tale double vitamin C or my allergy pill. I start to feel run down.   I took a Covid test after I got home, just to be sure and it was negative. I guess I could always say that I thought it was allergies or asthma since I have both. I think it could also be like the time that I was exposed to birds and the cage and surrounding area was so dirty that my voice sounded horrible for the next 2 days, but I got better once I wasn't exposed to the birds for 8 hours a day.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: brightberry on September 28, 2023, 03:53:29 PM
Oh no, BC! I feel badly for your mother.  Is she on medicaid?

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 28, 2023, 03:58:29 PM
Oh no, BC! I feel badly for your mother.  Is she on medicaid?

Medicaid AND Medicare. She still has to give a percentage of what she gets because quote "it's a liability"... whatever that is supposed to mean.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on September 29, 2023, 04:54:39 AM
i'm sorry BC. i hope you can work something out with the nursing home. it's horrible of them to treat your mother that way :hug: :hug:

my complaint today is about Amazon and the grocery store. I ordered some lens wipes from Amazon and they delivered the package to the wrong address. i can see in the photo that it's someone else's front porch! they won't send me a refund until a few more days have gone by. their chat box recommended buying another :huh: i just want a replacement. i don't want to spend more money until that happens. i guess they hope people will buy another and just forget about the mis-delivered one. maybe i'll get lucky and the person who got the item by mistake will bring it over?

now to the grocery store. i ordered a 30 pack of wet dog food and they gave me a 2 pack instead. it wasn't a substitution it was just the wrong item. um there's a big difference between a 2 pack and 30 pack of food. i placed a complaint on their website so hopefully i'll be able to get the correct item soon.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on September 29, 2023, 08:53:24 AM
Health insurance hel|! I swear husb’s met max out of pocket like thrice this year, but it takes forever to catch up and clear up disputes and blah blah blah. What a fiasco! TGIF!!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 29, 2023, 07:27:53 PM
I hope you get your package Beth.  There's a street name that's similar to ours and sometimes people that don't read it correctly deliver our things to the other address.  The guy that lives there has been pretty good about bringing our items over.  My dad asked for a replacement for an item that got delivered to the wrong house because he was sure the people that got it were going to keep it.  After he got the replacement, the guy that lives at that house brought the original item.  He said that he noticed right away that it was delivered to the wrong address.  He put it in the mailbox assuming the mail carrier would pick it up and bring it to us, but they never did. 

I went to the dr today.  He said that I might be starting to get bronchitis.  My voice sounds horrible.  My mom hasn't been able to understand what I'm saying several times today.  The dr put me on antibiotics and steroids.

The other day the chain on the light above my desk broke off.  My dad said he could fix it.  When he took the light apart he realized that the chain had broken off inside the switch instead of part of the chain coming off. He managed to fix my light by removing the on/off switch.  He also decided to vacuum around my desk and he moved a lot of stuff around that where he wanted to vacuum.  I don't like it he rearranges things.

This morning my mom wanted cereal for breakfast.  Cereal is my least favorite thing for breakfast, but I will eat it.  My mom decided she wanted Chex.  There was only enough for one bowl.  I said that was fine and I would get a different cereal. After my mom poured the Chex in her bowl, she decided it was too much.  She then poured part of it in to my bowl, but what I had was less than a full bowl. I had to mix another cereal with it.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 29, 2023, 08:29:31 PM
I misplaced my acrylic sheets :pout: At first, when they weren't in my miniatures box, I thought I'd never ordered them. I checked Amazon in my 'buy it again' list, and they were there. I bought them last year. I looked in all my craft drawers and the bookcase where I keep art stuff. The only other place they might be is in the craft closet, but why would I put them in there? Why aren't they in my minis box? I need to put some things in the craft closet anyway, but I don't feel like standing there searching for the acrylic sheets right now.

Also, I have a headache.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on September 30, 2023, 06:07:01 AM
I feel so bad. It's not really a problem but.. my brother came by. He misstook the date for the rockparty that is in two weeks for today! He had been sitting on a bus for two hours to come here. He got really riled up when he realised his mistake and started calling himself names. And it's not like we could do anything else as I got work in a couple of hours and will be gone til late evening tomorrow. Otherwise we could have gone to the movies or a bar or something. So he stayed for like 40 minutes and now he's off to catch the bus back home, another two hour ride. He's out almost 1000 SEK (92usd) in busfairs for nothing. I feel like I should send him some money for it, but I know he will refuse and just send it back. But my conscience is really bad and my heart hurt for him :cry:.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 30, 2023, 12:28:36 PM
I'm sorry, Beldarna :( Maybe you can offer to pay for his next trip?

My complaint, I sliced my thumb open working on my swap pony. It's like right on the tip too, so it's going to be very sore. At least it finally stopped bleeding.

I feel weird today. I slept late, took my medicine late. My head is floaty.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 30, 2023, 03:35:59 PM
The professional organization that I used to get continued education hours from (they haven't added anything new in ages) membership was due today.  Today was the last day to renew and still be covered by the grace period.  Even though it was the last thing I felt like doing, I went ahead and renewed.  I don't like that the organization makes you pay through Paypal, because I although I have a Paypal account, it's not associated with the email I use for the professional organization.  I always use Paypal as a guest when I renew my membership.  After I renewed I got one email from Paypal, and 3 from the organization.  I'm hoping the extra emails were a mistake.  I'm going to be mad if the charges show up on the credit card statement 3 times as I only clciked buy 1 time.

Speaking of Paypal emails, I think something must have gone wrong with them yesterday. I had 2 automatic payments set to come out yesterday.  I got a receipt for the first one., but not the second.  I checked the website for the company as well as Paypal's and both showed a successful payment.  I didn't get an email about logging in either.   

Also, I can't find one of my DVDs.  I'm pretty sure I kept it, but I usually have a good idea of where my DVDs are.  It's out of print too, so I can't just order a new one.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on October 01, 2023, 02:17:22 AM
It feels like these past couple days have not been going in my favor.

I had gotten up and wandered away from my work computer today thinking our phones had been shut off. Well, I guess the switch off never happened because when I came back on there was an active call on the line. Embarrassing enough, but who was it on the other line? My mom. >_< We work at the same company and she just HAPPENED to get me the one time I was slacking. We’ve worked in this same department for almost a year now and she has never gotten me. Ugh I’m so embarrassed!

I feel like I wasted my day off yesterday. I wanted to get a lot of cleaning done but I got roped into a sales pitch for new windows instead. Ironically, I was cleaning my windows as the sales people came by so they saw me and I couldn’t just ignore the doorbell. I can’t afford new windows. I don’t know why I even entertained them but the whole pitch took two hours. I could have gotten so much done in that time.

While cleaning I found another dead roach. It seems like this has been a really bad year for them getting in. I made my dad come over and clear it out since it was in a really awkward spot between a wall and my shelves.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 01, 2023, 02:15:38 PM
Two hours?! To sell you windows? My god, man.

My complaint is a headache. It's been raining off and on all day I think the barometer is high? low? not sure which one causes pressure. I'm very sensitive to pressure. I can tell when someone has entered the room just by the way the air feels. Also parking garages make me very uncomfortable because I feel all that concrete above me. Weirdly, I do not feel the same way in natural caves.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 02, 2023, 06:09:29 AM
if it's raining probably low. but i would think changes in pressure either way would case issues if you're sensitive to it. my ears always pop when severe weather is coming because of the changes in pressure. being able to sense if someone walks into the room seems like a superpower.

today my complaint is that the stupid printer isn't working. it think it's out of paper but there is paper in there. it's in a super inconvenient place in my office/guest room too. i have a large desk that blocks the door to the closet so i took the doors off and use the closet as an extra shelving area. i have the printer on one of those shelves so every time i need to print i have to crawl under the desk to turn the printer on, and then again to retrieve whatever i printed. i rarely print but when i do need to print it's important. i may break down and move the printer to my desk. also there isn't a compatible driver available for my printer anymore so my husband can't install it on his computer. he needs stuff printed more often but has to send stuff to me. the printer isn't even that old. printers are a total scam. from the ink to the printer. ugh!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 02, 2023, 07:19:08 AM
Cool, I have a superpower :D It always drove my sister and her friends crazy when I was a kid, because they couldn't sneak up on me. My dad was the only one who could... but he had his own superpowers, he could cure a headache with his hands. And my greatx3? I think, grandmother was a certified by the Catholic Church healer.

My complaint today is the beeping machine again. They are back to working on the apartment building next door, taking OFF the siding they just put on for some reason. The machine is blocking my pathway so if I had somewhere to go they'd have to move it. Every time they adjust the basket the thing beeps. BEEP BEEP BEEP. All day long yesterday and today at 9am. BEEP BEEP BEEP.

I took some video so you too can experience the BEEP. (
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 02, 2023, 06:14:33 PM
it happened again! i had 2 amazon packages arriving today and they were delivered to 2 different houses. neither is mine. whoever got the last one never dropped it by. i don't really blame someone for not wanting to walk up to a strange house in Texas. they don't know me :( i was taught from a young age never to walk up to someone's house because they might shoot me.

but why does this keep happening? i've been ordering from amazon for a long time and usually it's fine.

they replaced the last order but i'm worried that if it keeps happening they'll think that i'm trying to get free stuff. i'm not up for it right now but tomorrow i'll call their customer service and try to get it sorted out.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 02, 2023, 10:18:59 PM
Thanks BC. He would not accept it. When I offered to pay for gass when he came all the way in his car to kayaking with us he declined as well. I'll have to think of something else, either do a faboulus dinner for when the time comes or an amazing breakfast the day after. Or both.

Minty_Magic, Two hours?! You are too polite! I would have shoved the door in their faces.

Beth3346 That sounds bad. I have a printer I bought 2003 that still works like a charm, even with my computer and our new laptops. When your printer says its out of paper, have you tried to remove all the paper, close the lid, opened the lid and put in the paper again? Or, like.. at my former job we had a printer that would sometimes say it was out of paper when it was still half full and work again if you filled it to the brim. Maybe try that?

BC, I am sensitive to pressure as well. It sits like a clamp around my head slowly squeezing it until it start to hurt. If it gets really bad I know theres a thunder coming. I'm also sensitive to tension. I developed it as a child when my parents drank. If I had been out I would know the minute I put the hand on the front door handle how things were inside and prepare for it mentally.

Thats the exact same beep noise we have here if trucks or machines need to move. Imagine being a contractor working in that condition every day? But they might get used to it and not hear it. I hope they'll be done soon so you get some peace and quiet soon.

Bethagain, I'm sorry. In Sweden Amazon sends things with bring and they're not consistent in how they decide to deliver. I've been allover town chasing packages at weird service points. Last time was a kiosk so empty of goods I am sure it's used for shady business like drugs. Noone at the counter either. I waited for like ten minutes before anyone came up and when I gave him my ID he held on to it so long staring at it I'm convinced he tried to memorise my info. I've also got it home delivered where they just put it on the floor right inside the front gate where anyone can snatch it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on October 04, 2023, 08:02:20 PM
My problem is ME. Today I was an awful horrible temperamental butthole who made a stressful situation 10x worse.  :nope: :really: :facepalm:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 04, 2023, 10:47:45 PM
The hotellroom doesn't have a kettle. It's always a problem when being away overnight. We're always on the third floor and no kettles in any room. I was once put on the fourth floor and besides looking exactly the same way as the thirdfloor rooms it had a kettle. I usually bring a termos with hot water for the evening but when I have this long layover I really need a kettle.. I brought a tea cup up from the breakfast room but when it's finnished, its finnished. *teaoholic*
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 05, 2023, 04:18:51 AM
I had a bad dream about my cats :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on October 05, 2023, 08:03:30 AM
Today my makeup wouldn’t blend. I did it the same way I’ve been doing it for literally the last year and a half, and for some reason it just wouldn’t blend despite my best efforts, and I ended up with raccoon eyes. I had to completely remove it and start over. Trivial but annoying.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 05, 2023, 08:42:49 AM
I'm in the process of uploading various piccies there & it goes & puts them in the wrong album, then I shift them to the right album, but they stay in the wrong one??? Like nope!!! I don't want Sharky photos in a Pony album cheers very much!!!
I'm only doing it as I can no longer use Discord as an image host...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 05, 2023, 09:24:13 AM
we all have our bad days LAW. hoping you have a chance to make it better

@Beldarna will they bring you one if you ask? or is the kettle a perk for people on the other floors?

@BC :hug: give Aster a big hug

I was able to get the package replaced and the customer service rep says it won't happen again. i'm not sure how they can guarantee that though.

also we got rain which i like a lot. but i don't like the mud the dogs bring in. my husband will be vacuuming crazily over the next few days. the mud drives him crazy.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 05, 2023, 02:13:06 PM
Thanks, Beth. The dream had all my cats in it. They were taken by some lady and I was trying to get them back. At the end of the dream my cat Bass was hit by a car :(

My complaint right now is I'm so sore and painful and tired. I took a 3 hour nap and I'm still tired. My right leg has gone back to being hard to move, and my lower back, hips and knees hurt. My head hurts too. I've been eating pineapple because of the bromide in it, it's an anti inflammatory. I'm sure it's helping but it's not enough. I'm so mad no one will give me steroids.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 05, 2023, 03:59:54 PM
I had bad dreams too.  At one point they were so vivid, that when I woke up I didn't want to go back to sleep and have the same dream again.

My mom and I were supposed to go the nail salon today, but they called a couple of hours before our appointment and said that they had to reschedule everyone that had appointments for the next 2 days because of the storms last night.  I'm glad they called before we made the trip over there for nothing and I know they didn't anticipate that happening, but still....

I've been on antibiotics for almost a week and still don't feel well. Usually, I feel great in a few days.  I was also on steroids though for 5 days so I think that might be part of the problem.

My mom said that I'm deliberately trying to annoy her over my last asthma shot.  I called before my appointment and asked if it was covered and was assured it was.  Then after I got my shot the nurse told me that it was in the computer as "hold for authorization," but that the authorization had come through.  My mom thinks they messed up my PCP referral by filing for the authorization.    I looked it up and authorization and PCP referral are considered different things, but my mom and I can't see eye to eye on this at all.  :(

Also, my CPAP mask was leaking water in to the mask.  :(  I cleaned it out once and when I woke up again, the same thing happened.  I ended up not sleeping with it for a few hours. Now I'm so tired.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 06, 2023, 09:24:27 AM
Beth3346, I think its a perk for the other floors. Since the hotel have several companies staying and everyone is on the third floor I guess the floor is for just workers the hotell has contracts with and the perkier rooms are for tourists and other travelers. They do have a coffeemachine in the lobby where I can get hot water for free, but getting down three floors everytime I need a refill is a hassle. I'm thinking of maybe getting a small travelsize kettle? But is it worht it for once or twice a month?

I am a zombie. It's friday and I want to go to sleep at six pm.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on October 06, 2023, 10:00:18 AM
My alarm didn’t go off even though it was properly set!

And what’s weird is that I was dreaming that I woke up late because my alarm didn’t go off!! In my dream, I hurried to take my dog for a walk, and she had metal jaws and no eyes. It was creepy as heck, and I was asking myself, “Why have I never noticed she has metal jaws?!” I told myself not to worry about that right now because I was late for work… Which then woke me!! I checked my phone, and it was the SAME time I woke up late in the dream. So weird. I quickly hopped out of bed, checking my dog to make sure she didn’t have metal jaws… (Lol, I was worried for a sec!) Then I walked her and checked my alarm. Yep, it was set. Nope, it wasn’t silent. So what the heck?! Some glitch. Not cool.  :freak:

Thankfully I made it to work on time. Whew.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on October 06, 2023, 03:31:14 PM
I am so tired of lazy, selfish, rude, entitled people.   :argh:

[rant under spoiler]
I am not a personal shopper.  If you are too lazy/stupid to figure out how to put your items on hold, don't get mad at me because I don't want to go looking for your 20,000 item list.  If you can't read the "place hold" button on the computer when you look up your list, are you sure you're smart enough to read the books you're requesting? 

I am not a pack mule.  If the 10,000 books you checked out last week are too heavy to bring inside this week, don't get mad at us for not rushing out to empty the book drop every time you grace us with your presence.  If you want your items checked in right now, BRING THEM INSIDE WITH YOU

I swear these people need a leash and a handler because they're too stupid to be left alone in public.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 06, 2023, 07:04:26 PM
On top of everything else, I realized today that I didn't get any emails this week from Disney + when I usually get 2.  The account is paid up and I'm pretty sure I accepted the upcoming price change the last time I logged in on the Smart TV.  I did log on and off a couple of times without watching anything to make sure that my login was still working when it didn't work on Hulu, but when I called they said it was a glitch on Hulu's end and nothing was wrong with my account.

My mom said I upset her again by deliberately  trying to talk to her while she was doing something.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 07, 2023, 06:45:17 AM
Comcast is doing maintenance today on the cable lines. It's going to take from 9am to 2pm. They said "expect interruptions" with internet and TV services. At least I know ahead of time this time, but it's still annoying when the internet goes out.

edit, later: My internet only went out twice so it wasn't so bad. My current complaint is my head. It feels like it's going to explode.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 08, 2023, 02:24:32 AM
I've got a cold. My throat is very soar.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on October 09, 2023, 11:48:22 AM
Hope you guys feel better soon!

Car repair bills are leaving me broke. :gah:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on October 09, 2023, 01:01:45 PM
Raynauds is so stupid!! The rest of my body can be fine but my fingers are cold with the nail beds going purple/blue. Or, as happened later on today, my thumb, index and ring fingers are ice-cold yet my other two fingers are fine?!

I went for a bath and despite it being purely hot water, I was disappointed it wasn't the approximate temperature of molten lava. Absolutely useless  :poke:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on October 09, 2023, 06:06:18 PM
 Beldarna, hope you feel better soon! Colds are disgusting! :pout:

Many hugs to others too! :heart:

My flu continues, but it's already a little better. I still have a bad cough and my left chest (there is pain somewhere deep in my chest) is sore because of it. It disturbs my sleep. I try to avoid coughing because it causes such disgusting pain. I also have other pains, but they are "women's problems" that I don't want to write about here.  -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on October 12, 2023, 02:10:53 PM
My blood pressure is still a bit high, but not by very much. So it's better then it's been.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 12, 2023, 02:35:13 PM
Just ran over my own ankle with my chair >_<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on October 12, 2023, 10:37:45 PM
I really want to get my ears pierced, but I read you can’t sleep on the piercings while they are healing. I’m a side sleeper, so that’s a pretty hard ask. :( I know there are deals tomorrow with it being Friday the 13th….I took the day off to try and get in on those deals but now idk if I want to do it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on October 13, 2023, 01:12:54 AM
My mother is officially an idiot. She somehow fell out of bed onto her wrist and so now she needs to go get it xrayed. Of course, being my mother, she's decided to have a shower, have breakfast first...

It doesn't look too swollen and she can feel her fingers/move them although it hurts. Hopefully it's nothing more than a strain, but based on how A&E works here, it could be a long time before she gets someone to look at it.

Of course, this would be the same A&E that the local health department want to eradicate, and move miles away....but anyway.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 13, 2023, 03:55:26 AM
MM - I got my ears pierced many years ago and I'm a side sleeper. I had a lot of complications and ended up taking them out, but I got it done at Claire's and those earring guns are bad news. My advice, go to an actual piercer, they are usually in tattoo shops. It's a better pierce and it's more sanitary, plus they will usually follow up with you to make sure everything is okay. I do not think my sleeping on them caused any of the problems I had. It was just badly done and I may have been allergic.

I wish you luck! :D

My complaint is I'm breaking out on/around my nose. There's one right below my nostril and those are so painful. I haven't had a breakout in a while and when I do it's usually right before my period, which is not the case this time.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 13, 2023, 06:03:29 AM
I worked for almost ten hours yesterday. I came home to a cluttered hallway, empty boxes of packages my husband recieved and a kitchen counter full of stuff. I'm dead tired. My husband sits by his computer. He has had the entire day off. I asked if he's gonna remove the boxes. Later he said. I asked if he wants to watch something with me.. yeah, like 9 pm he answered. Great, around the time I usually fall asleep standing. I managed to stay awake til nine, hoping to cosy up to some good movie or TVshow. No, he wants to watch the news. I'm sorry world, but my idea of relaxing after a hard day of work is not watching news of war allover the world, homicides and shootings. So he watch the news and I do some soduko while listening. I asked when it was over if we could watch Castlevania. Sure. We watch two episodes. Turns out he slept through most of it and has no clue what the show is even about. Then he asked if we could have s'x. Are you kidding me? After all of the above? I went to sleep. Apparently we aren't talking today.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 13, 2023, 12:08:24 PM
MM. i second what BC said. go to an actual piercer. you'll also want to make sure the earrings you wear while they are healing are hypoallergenic.

Taffeta, i hope you mom's arm is ok. :hug:

Beldarna, watching the news is no way to fall asleep. especially this week. i'm sorry hubby is being a butthead.

work has been a rollercoaster today. too much drama for a Friday. Also i have to work some this weekend. i never remember to take the Monday off when i have to stay up all night Saturday.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on October 13, 2023, 09:45:46 PM
Thank you BC and Beth! I had a poor experience with Claire’s as well, which is part of why I’ve been dragging my feet on trying a piercing again. The good news is I finally got brave and did get my ears Pierced today! :biggrin: Our mall has a specialized piercing store where they use actual needles over guns, and after talking to the staff there I felt confident they were legit and knew what they were doing. They also told me a could sleep on my piercings! Apparently the stay off of them rule is only for upper ear piercings, not for lobes.

As we were discussing after care my piercer told me that when a piercing gun is used it doesn’t actually create a hole in the ear - instead it just forced the earring in and they have YOU twist the jewelry after to create the hole. :blink: What happened with my Claire’s petrifying was the earrings got almost stuck to my ear and they were almost impossible to remove. I wonder if maybe I didn’t create enough of a hole? I remember having to fidget with the earrings really grossed me out, so I’m happy I don’t have to do that this time around! :lol:

I don’t want to go back to work tomorrow. I had three days off and it was sooo nice to just relax! Back to the craziness!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 13, 2023, 10:29:55 PM
Awesome news! :D

I've thought of getting mine done again too, the correct way. I have scar tissue from the Claire's attempt which might make it harder to do, I don't know.

My complaint is I can't sleep! I took my night medicine 5 hours ago and slept for like 15 minutes when I first layed down.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on October 14, 2023, 02:13:04 PM
Thanks, Beth :)
My mother managed to break one of the bones in her wrist, so she is now in plaster. Sigh. Fortunately it was a stable fracture, so her having a shower etc didn't make it worse. It's not a major break but it's a proper one. So that makes everything interesting. Especially since she insists on doing things without help...

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 14, 2023, 07:21:40 PM
Taffeta, I'm sorry your mom broke a bone in her wrist..  I'm glad she didn't make it worse though.

MM, I'm glad you found a place to get your ears pieced. I had mine done at Claire's.  They did a good job, but when it was time to remove the earrings, I couldn't get them out of my ears.  I went back to the store and they refused to help me remove them.  Luckily, we knew someone that owned a jewelry/repair shop in the mall and one of his family members was able to help me get the earrings out.   I think I also had to buy more cleaning solution because I ran out of what I bought when I got my ears pierced.

This is going to be long.  It's been a week. :(

 For Moher's Day my mom wanted to get her nails professionally done.  She enjoyed it so much that she's had them done 2 more times.  I wasn't able to get mine done when she got them done the 2nd time due to my medical procedure so this time she made appointments for both of us. 

My nail tech was ready to start at our appointment time, but hers wasn't.   My nails were finished first and then I had to wait for almost an hour for the pedicure.  My mom was able to go straight from her nails to get the pedicure. 

Fast forward to Wed.  My mom's wrist got caught on the door.  When that happened her Fitbit watch fell and hit the tile.  I thought it was okay, but later she said it wasn't working.  My mom gets upset when her electronics don't work. So she asked me to fix it. I tried everything I could think of to try to get it to work, but nothing helped.  I finally took the watch off the app and did a factory reset on it as a last resort. That didn't work either
 By this time we're both assuming that the watch is broken.  My mom started looking online and found out that the watch was still under warranty (she's only had it for a couple of months) but that she needed to get a form from the live chat Fitbit team.  We tried to log on to the website, but it didn't work.  My mom said she couldn't remember if her password had some capital letters in it.  I asked her if she wanted me to click "forgot password" and she said yes.  We didn't get a password reset email.  We had to leave for a couple of hours and when we got back I was able to get her Fitbit watch to resync with the phone. 

Fast forward to yesterday.  There was a new secretary at work and I felt like she questioned everything I did.  I'm sure she's a nice person though.  I'm hoping that she acted that way because she's not used to me yet.  Among other things my work issued lanyard broke I bent down to pick up a piece of trash and my work lanyard got caught and broke. I went to main office asap, told them it had broken and asked for another since we're required to wear them. I got a strange look from the secretary when I told her it broke.  I wasn't doing anything unusual with the lanyard.

Fast forward to this morning. I woke up and found one of my nails had come off during the night, They're guaranteed for 10 days after the salon does them. My mom tried to call the salon this morning, but got a text.  She tried again and got a message to respond to the text.  I texted what the problem was and the response said "Okay. I'll tell the staff you've arrived."  We went to the salon and there was no one available  at the moment to redo my nail.  The lady at the front desk said that the robot didn't understand the text, but someone might be able to redo my nail in 30 minutes.  I was able to get the nail redone.

Also, I had about 1/3 of my things back in the Detolf and then I had to take them back out this morning because our neighbor got involved in making another door for it.

My mom tried to reset her Fitbit password again and this time it worked.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 14, 2023, 08:37:02 PM
Sorry about your mom, Taffeta. I hope she recovers quickly.

Ponyfan, wow that's a lot. It seems like everything worked out in the end though, minus your shelf.

Me, I can't sleep again :( I thought about taking a xanax but I don't want to be groggy tomorrow.

I still haven't been able to get my mail. My succulents and palm are out there, I don't want them to die. I thought the neighbor lady would come by today and I was going to ask her to get my mail but she didn't come. I saw her out on her porch with a friend. I should have gone down the stairs and asked her, but I was too nervous.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 15, 2023, 03:06:33 AM
I love my brother but he is a bit of a neat freak. When he came yesterday he cleaned my vents, the roof in the bathroom that had some stains neither me or my husband could reach and changed a lightbulb. Very nice. But he also remarked how he always does things needed right away. Yes I'm a bit blind to some things at home, but still. I live in a home, not a museum. It's a bit cluttered, we don't vaccum every day and things don't always go into the dishwasher the second we're done with it. But it's homey.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on October 15, 2023, 02:25:45 PM
It looks like the mouth ulcer treatment gel I need isn't being made anymore  :cry: I need one that is completely alcohol-free as alcohol burns and blisters my mouth and this treatment WAS alcohol free. The other big brand has ethanol in it, even the baby stuff!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 15, 2023, 03:32:40 PM
I've been licking my lips again, it's a nervous tick. They are cracked and raw :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 15, 2023, 07:40:40 PM
I brushed my teeth in the downstairs toilet sink for the first time. I've hardly used it, which may be part of the issue, but the sink drains slowly. I've tried boiling water & dish soap down it to help clear it a bit, but still slow. I might need sink unblocker, or it might be rusty pipes...
I hope I find something which works!!! Because otherwise it's going to be a pain for me to use it... And I'll HAVE to re bathroom redo!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 16, 2023, 09:20:39 AM
Stupid eBay! I just listed some things and didn't notice eBay had enabled Best Offer on all of them. No! Bad eBay! I did not want that :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 16, 2023, 10:01:38 AM
PBW i had some success with a manual "snake" drain clog remover. though if you haven't used the sink much and it's still clogged i imagine whatever is clogging it going to be scary and probably smelly. it's a good solution though if you want to avoid pouring harsh chemicals down the drain.

my complaint today is me and my husband disagree on what the temperature of the house should be. he likes it really warm in the winter. he would turn the heat to 73 degrees if i let him. i think anything above 70 is way too hot.  i hate hot weather and prefer to be on the colder side. i like to avoid turning on the heat if possible. so now that it's getting colder the temperature wars are starting. :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 16, 2023, 12:12:36 PM
^ Tell him a person can always put on more clothes, get under a blanket or drink something warm to get warm, but there's only so much someone who is hot can do without a pool. I used to tell my dad that all the time, because he liked it warmer too, but the rest of us would sweat and be miserable. We usually won in the end.

I opened my windows today. I forgot Mondays are when the landscaping guys come. So I have raw nerves form listening to all the mowing, blowing, and trimming. Also my allergies are going crazy now, as are Aster's. My head is pounding and my eyes are sore.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on October 16, 2023, 09:18:51 PM
Thanks BC and Ponyfan! :) Sorry your earrings got stuck Ponyfan! Mine did too and I still remember how painful it was when my dad did finally manage to get them out. I won’t lie, I’m a little afraid of having to take the news ones out for that reason haha! :lol: I think these are healing well though, as of today I hardly feel them there at all.

PBW, I’ve used liquid plumber on my skinks and showers and it’s worked wonders! Unfortunately my drains don’t have proper covers, so I have hair clogs often. I hope you find something that clears it up!

My stomach is super messed up and I don’t even know why. I didn’t eat anything recently that is a usual trigger. :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 17, 2023, 12:38:34 AM
I'm home for the second day with a fever and has called out the remaining days of the week. Yesterday was spent sleeping. Today I'm a bit better but stil feverish. I did try some pineapple and wow, that really did clear out the phlegm/slime, whatever it's called in English, from the throat. Not bad at all :).
Anyway, the problem is that my mom, sister and her kids were coming to town today to visit grandpa and I had promised to be there too before my work shift. I had totally forgotten and told my sister just now and my little nephew is devastated. He had all these things packed so we could play picknic. She said he cried a bit. I feel so bad for him :(.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 17, 2023, 04:52:31 AM
Beth I'll give that snake a hunt, if not, we have a company called Mr Muscle who makes stuff for unclogging plugholes, so that's also something to hunt.
Also Beth, agree on the extra clothes thing. There's nothing wrong with adding a layer or two when the weather grows colder. Cold you can always wrap up. Hot is not so good, plus I think it does more harm, to both us & the environment, if there's too much of a difference between outside temp & inside.

Beldarna get well soon!!! And it is phlegm!!! I hate it personally!!!
Minty Magic talk to a doc or nurse. If you have a phone-in medical service, talk to them, & be honest.
BC I'm glad the one thing I've never had is hay fever-related allergies!!! Poor you & moggie xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 17, 2023, 06:54:01 AM
I bought these kind of expensive handmade super warm socks from Etsy. I had bought two pairs for my mom and she loves them so I decided to get a pair for myself. They are one size fits all. No problem on my left foot, it's nice and toasty. My right foot is the one that's swollen all the time from some kind of injury years ago. I have a hard time with socks not fitting and these are no different. I finally, with much effort, was able to get it above my ankle but just barely. It doesn't feel like it's going to come off so that's good. I was just frustrated because I love socks and 75% of the time I can't wear one on that foot. That's the main reason I want to learn to knit, so I can custom make my own socks.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 18, 2023, 03:15:12 AM
This is a bit political. Three morons, none of them Swedes, found a loophole in our constitution of the right to free speech and demonstration and burned a bunch of holy books, pissing of an entire region in the world, known for harvesting extreme terorism. The regions are not only mad at the ones who did it (who walks free) but also on us Swedes. We condemn what happened to those books, but due to law it was allowed to happen again and again. Freedom of speech and demonstration were not meant to spread that kind of action and hate, but it did and our politicians are working hard trying to find a way to block that while not stopping our fundamental rights.
Anyway, those actions have now harvested their first death victims, in Belgium of all places. ISIS is taking responsibility for shooting three innocent people, two who died, just for being Swedish. It's madness -_-.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 18, 2023, 07:35:47 AM
It makes me sad to read that, Beldarna.  :(

Yesterday was a day. :(  My mom and I got in to it again over my monthly shot.  I was worried about the insurance covering it but she said I shouldn't be worried because the office had called and said everything would be fine.  She got so annoyed at me that she called the primary care drs office and they said there was no active referral for the office where I get my shot.  After that I called the place where I get my shot and talked to one of the admins for about 15-20 min to figure out what was going on.  Part of the problem was the counter on the computer didn't count my visits correctly.  According to the computer, I had one visit left, but the truth is that I had already used all of them.   Long story short, the new referral will activate soon, but I had to change my shot appointment so that it falls within the new referral. The office also told me they go directly to the insurance company and not through the primary care dr.

I wanted to go to the store yesterday and get a movie that I had been wanting to see and a book.  I got to thinking about what the primary care drs office said about the referral.  I realized that the primary care drs office was going to issue another referral since they didn't know about the other one.  So I didn't really get to enjoy going to the store as much as I had hoped because I realized I needed to call the primary care drs office back and stop them from making another referral.  I managed to call them before they sent in the request for one. 

I was completely exhausted all day yesterday.  I felt really weird too.  I guess that's proof that I can't handle full time work right now 

Another one of my nails broke off when I was putting my socks away.  :(  Now I have to get it fixed and hope the salon doesn't get upset because this is the 2nd nail that's broken in 10 days.

Sometimes I don't like my life.  :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 18, 2023, 08:03:09 AM
@Beldarna ugh why are people like this? everything has been so horrible lately.

:hug: :hug: Ponyfan
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on October 18, 2023, 08:08:24 AM
This is a bit political. Three morons, none of them Swedes, found a loophole in our constitution of the right to free speech and demonstration and burned a bunch of holy books, pissing of an entire region in the world, known for harvesting extreme terorism. The regions are not only mad at the ones who did it (who walks free) but also on us Swedes. We condemn what happened to those books, but due to law it was allowed to happen again and again. Freedom of speech and demonstration were not meant to spread that kind of action and hate, but it did and our politicians are working hard trying to find a way to block that while not stopping our fundamental rights.
Anyway, those actions have now harvested their first death victims, in Belgium of all places. ISIS is taking responsibility for shooting three innocent people, two who died, just for being Swedish. It's madness -_-.

I've often wondered how nice a world we could live in if people would stop intentionally being jerks to each other.  It's not like it's hard to do but some people just can't seem to manage it.

My trivial complaint is that we're supposed to be hiring like 12 people before we open our new building in January.  So between now and January we need to post the jobs, hire people, and train them, all while moving into a new building.  Yesterday, a co-worker asked when we were going to post the jobs because people have been asking us for months.  The director's response was "soon" because she "didn't have the job descriptions ready yet."  Ummm...a committee wrote the job descriptions in August and they were supposedly approved by her already.  So how are we supposed to get quality people if we have to rush the hiring process?  Oh wait, we won't.  They'll be crap just like the last four people she hired because she felt bad for them.  And the rest of us will be told we're bad team members because we will expect them to actually DO the job they're hired to do instead of just doing it for them.   :nope:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 18, 2023, 11:26:55 AM
I think people should be allowed to criticize religion and if some lady in Texas can burn James and the Giant Peach for being witchcraft or whatever, then a dude in Sweden should be able to burn the Quran. HOWEVER. When a person decides to make a spectacle out of it and attempt to make a terrorist group angry (angrier) on purpose, and a person should know that these groups do take revenge, then that's different. Because stuff like this happens. It's like, intentionally teasing a bear with food. The bear will maul you. This should not surprise you. You send a message to a terrorist group, they will kill someone. I don't think we should walk on eggshells for the terrorists (that's what they want, after all), but these people are insane and the insane have to be handled differently.

I'm sorry that it's happened :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on October 18, 2023, 12:22:31 PM
My complaint is much more trivial than the heavy topics discussed recently… People at work were spreading rumors about me, and if they actually took the time to talk to me, they’d see there are two sides to the story. I just want it to STOP.  -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 19, 2023, 09:06:35 AM
Thanks guys. I'm so upset by the fact that people have died because of this. Religion is like a plague, it has killed so many people just for being different. You are so right BC.

shockponie, I hate when people spread rumours. I hope it's not vile ones :hug:.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on October 19, 2023, 09:41:52 AM
Beldarna: I was at a work conference where there were table displays, so there were hand-outs of fun size candy bars all over the place. Being that I skipped breakfast (after having to wake up early to carpool and help with the set-up), I grabbed a PayDay to tide me over until lunch. It’s like two bites of a peanut-covered nougat bar. Unbeknownst to me, the girl who sat next to me had a severe peanut allergy. She didn’t say anything, and I didn’t think to ask.  -_- She just sat there mean mugging me (making a disgusted face), and I assumed it was because I’m chubby and was having candy for breakfast. She was texting on her phone the whole time (about an hour) while we’re supposed to have our phones put away to listen to the presenter’s speech. Then she stepped away and about 5 minutes later, her supervisor walked over and collected all her stuff (also making a rude face at me). I was thinking “what did I do?!” Later, I went to take a restroom break and saw her outside with EMTs. I felt absolutely awful! I didn’t know. If I had, I obviously wouldn’t have eaten it. But then the thing is: they provided sack lunches to everyone, and they ALL contained Jif peanut butter and apple slices, and cookies with peanuts and walnuts. Plus my coworker told me he brought/was munching on mixed nuts: cashews, peanuts, walnuts, and almonds. Therefore, she would have had a reaction regardless, right? Because I never came into direct contact with her. But I’m the scapegoat… People are saying I was selfish, have no concern for others, was rude and careless, etc. I owned up to it right away and apologized, but the rumors were already spreading. I had someone walk up to me this morning and say, “Hey, are you the one who gave that girl anaphylaxis? The way people are talking about you is as if you’re a fire-breathing dragon with horns!” I’m gutted.  :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 19, 2023, 10:29:50 AM
Shockponie, I'm so sorry that happened to you and you're suffering because of the rumors.  :hug:   In my opinion, the girl should have said something to someone about her allergy.  If there were PayDay's and other candy bars with peanuts in them anyone that was eating one might have caused her to have a reaction.   A polite "I'm sorry, but I'm allergic to peanuts and can't be around people eating them" from the girl would have gone a long way to prevent what happened.   

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 19, 2023, 10:56:10 AM
WTH? I'm with Ponyfan. She should not assume everyone knows about her allergy. She should have said something or removed herself. That is not your fault AT ALL, in my opinion.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on October 19, 2023, 12:58:55 PM
Thanks Ponyfan & BC. :hug:
I was just thinking… If you have an allergy to airborne peanut particles, shouldn’t you carry an epi pen? Well, I know that’s easier said than done with the healthcare climate sometimes… But we were all supposed to fill out a survey regarding our sack lunch choice and/or allergies as well. IDK, I feel terrible that I set her off. I’m not some monster like people are acting. I just have to wait until it blows over. Sadly, that’s the first impression some people will have of me.  -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 19, 2023, 02:04:16 PM
Shockponie, HOW were you expected to KNOW what nobody TOLD you??? I just don't get it at all!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on October 19, 2023, 03:41:16 PM
On the heavy political subject, I think that the fault is less with religion and more with human beings. Human beings are at the root of most problems. They just hide behind beliefs which they warp in whichever direction suits their politics at any one time. And then they give whole groups a bad name because of their individual actions. And other people thus suffer for it. And so the vicious cycle begins again.

Murder is just murder, at the end of the day.

@Shockponie, I'm sorry about what happened to you. It's one of those things that if you had known before you would've acted differently, but you're not a mindreader. Also, we're back to what I said above about human beings as the cause of most problems. It's easy to jump on a bandwagon and whisper and accuse someone else - less easy to be the someone else but they don't care about that. So long as it isn't on them, right?

This is going off at left-field but I recently finished a Japanese audiobook, in which the female MC decided she would rather spend time with the male MC (because he acknowledges himself as a bad person) than with the group (who are all 'good people'). Her logic is that the male MC is willing to do necessary but unpopular things that the others shun and take the burden of it on himself, even if it makes him an outcast. Whereas the 'good people' are happy to sit back and let someone else take that burden, so that they can continue to think of themselves as 'good people' and not be tainted.

I get very frustrated with people sometimes.

...So back on topic. :hug: to everyone who's been having a hard time.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on October 19, 2023, 04:20:04 PM
Shockponie, that was definitely ALL on that girl and not on you. 

I work in the same office as someone with a nut allergy.  She has made it perfectly clear that she is allergic and she wasn't rude or anything.  She just stated it as fact when I asked her what kinds of treats she liked one day.  Everyone where I work knows she's allergic and sometimes the director will bring in treats and deputize me to check them for nuts, which I don't mind.  I usually just look at the girl and tell her she can't have any if there are nuts.  The first time I did this someone thought I was being terribly rude until I explained that it had nuts and I didn't want to kill her. (We even occasionally joke that if she wants to leave early I have a peanut butter M&M she can lick.)

If the person who sat next to you didn't say anything or choose to change seats, that is on HER. Were the seats assigned?  If not, she made a choice, and if they were assigned, all she had to do was ask her supervisor to move her.  And making you the scapegoat is probably something she's doing for attention.  Obviously your co-worker that brought nuts to snack on didn't know either so that shouldn't be all on you.  And if any of your other co-workers knew and didn't say anything, that's also on them.  Silence doesn't excuse them.  Any one of them could have slipped you a note if talking would have interrupted the presenter.  They're just as guilty by refusing to speak up as the girl who caused the issue by keeping her allergy a secret.  And if her supervisor knew she was that allergic, they should have banned all nut treats/products instead of providing them to you.

Perhaps you ought to bring it up with her supervisor (and yours) and tell them that you didn't know and that she never said anything so how were you supposed to know?  And maybe bring up how rotten everyone is making you feel for blaming you for not knowing.  That's creating a hostile work environment for you and it shouldn't be tolerated.

And the response to “Hey, are you the one who gave that girl anaphylaxis?" should be "No, I ate the provided snacks.  She gave it to herself by not saying anything about her allergy."
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 19, 2023, 07:21:39 PM
And if her supervisor knew she was that allergic, they should have banned all nut treats/products instead of providing them to you.

I was wondering this too.  Where I work peanut/nut free areas are clearly marked with signs saying that they aren't allowed.  If there's no sign, then it's assumed it's okay to have them in the area.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 19, 2023, 07:38:09 PM
Yes, I agree with that too.

I'm sitting here waiting for the dryer to get done with my blankets. I've had a headache all day and every time I get up, I get dizzy. I think I might have found the cause though. I was refilling my weekly medicine container and found a bottle way in the back of the drawer. It was one of my heart medications. I've been out of it for at least a week, maybe more. I take so many pills it's hard to keep track of them, and the heart medicines are all very similar. They're all white, two are round and two are oblong. So now I am thinking that this headache and dizziness, which is almost like a blackout coming on, are because I've missed this medicine. I'm not sure what that one does. It's not the Plavix, I know that.

I called it in along with another medicine I'm almost out of. The pharmacy stopped delivering on weekends recently, so I hope they come tomorrow.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 20, 2023, 04:32:43 AM
shockponie, besides what everybody else has said, I'm thinking the organisers at the venue should have some responsibility as well. You filled out a survey about food/allergies and yet they had candy bars with penuts up for grabs for everybody. If this woman missed to fill out her allergy on the form, thats on her but otherwise, the organisers should have removed those bars the minute they read about the allergy. Or, if the woman passed the table and saw the bars, she should have allerted staff. They are not mind readers.

I've been to a number of meetings and coneferences and we always have to let it be known days or even weeks beforehands of allergies. Even now at my current job with layovers we are expected to contact the hotel with our allergies before departure. When I worked at a movie theater people with peanut allergies would come up before their show and tell us about it and ask us to inform other guests about it so no one would eat peanuts in the theatre which we did. I've had new coworkers who the first thing they said before even saying hi was to inform of the allergy. I mean the person with the allergy has a huge responsibility. Sorry fot the rant but I feel so angry on your behalf.

You did nothing wrong so keep your head high.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 20, 2023, 08:16:47 AM
i'm so confused about why she didn't say anything and why there were so many snacks with nuts in them around. this doesn't seem like it's your fault at all. i'm sorry your co-workers are being jerks.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on October 20, 2023, 09:31:40 AM
Thanks everyone! You’ve provided some helpful insight (as well as useful info on how other organizations handle allergies). I talked to my supervisor about it on Monday morning (which was the next business day because he was very busy in charge of AV), and he’s an older man (of the Boomer generation) who just told me to forget it, grow a thicker skin, and she probably made it up (which I find deplorable. Why would she?!). In my immediate department, I’m the only female, and the sexism is palpable. I often deal with this terrible attitude (and HR doesn’t care, so I’m trying to make an exit plan). I’m trying to see the whole ordeal as a learning opportunity though. I refuse to become calloused and dismissive; that’s not who I am.

As for why she didn’t say anything: I was told by her supervisor it’s because she’s too shy. At any rate, I won’t see her often (only when I visit her site ~twice a year), so I’ll know to take precaution in the future.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 20, 2023, 09:43:00 AM
I'm sorry you have to work in that kind of environment :huh:

My new complaint is my PC has an error and everything I've tried so far hasn't fixed it. I've spent the last three hours trying different things I've found online. I keep running into other problems too. Like I'm trying to make a Windows media install on a USB using my mom's old laptop (that I'm on until I can fix my PC), but after a looooooong time it says it can't be installed :argh: Also I can't seem to boot my PC into the BIOS. I did it once. I don't know what key I hit though, was smashing them all.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on October 20, 2023, 12:04:06 PM
As for why she didn’t say anything: I was told by her supervisor it’s because she’s too shy.

Again, that's on her, not you.  And if her supervisor knew she was too shy, they could have stepped up and helped her find a safe space to be in instead of giving you nasty looks.  I have friends who are extremely shy and allergic to things.  But they also know that if they don't tell people they're allergic to things they can die.  So they have to make a choice to either be uncomfortable for a 30 second conversation or potentially die.  If her shyness is keeping her from staying alive, it's something she needs to see a therapist about and is still not your fault.

I have little patience for people who use shyness as an excuse.  I was so shy in high school I asked my teachers not to call on me even when I knew the answers because I couldn't speak in front of my classmates.  I saw this as an issue and found a way to work on it.  I chose to take theater classes and forced myself to do the work.  So other people can do the same.  I know it sounds callus but people need to learn to handle their problems instead of waiting for everyone else to magically know how to cater to their every whim.

That's actually part of my trivial complaint.  I was at choir practice last night and one of the ladies brings her kids, which usually isn't an issue, except that one of her children was throwing a holy terror of a tantrum because their "favorite show" was expired and she couldn't watch it again.  Seriously, ten minutes all out bawling over a freaking tv show that wasn't downloaded on her personal tablet anymore.  The kid is probably 8 years old, certainly old enough to entertain herself except that she's clearly been catered to her whole life instead of being forced to handle being uncomfortable for a few minutes.  Pulling out the "when I was your age"--we didn't have personal tablets, shows had commercials, we couldn't 'watch it later' and if we had to be somewhere for a long time, we brought a book or a coloring book and crayons.  I get so sick of listening to kids cry over having to do anything but watch a screen.  That's the true zombie apocalypse: people glued to screens and not capable of thinking of anything for themselves.  And I know some of you are going to throw out that maybe she has anxiety or autism but she doesn't.  They come every week so it isn't like it was a new environment or experience, she was just throwing a temper tantrum at not having her way.  And her mom missed part of rehearsal downloading things to her device for her instead of making her deal with her feel bads and telling her to pick something else to watch.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 20, 2023, 03:36:42 PM
I'm allergic to latex.  While it's true that I don't mention it most of the time I will make sure it's known if necessary or I'll avoid things that I know have latex in them.  When I'm getting blood drawn, I always tell them that I'm allergic.  I make sure not to touch balloons even if others are.

My dad keeps telling me that my nails are too long.  I got gel nails for the first time and went with short ones.  He keeps saying I should have gotten extra short instead.   

He also decides to do things when he knows we have something else to do.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 20, 2023, 04:25:47 PM
So after trying all day, I think I made my PC worse by hard resetting it too much. Now it won't boot past the MSI logo screen and the drive is making a crackling noise. Also, when I shut it off and wait a minute then turn it back on, the CPU is going like full blast and it's very hot. I unplugged it from the wall and that seemed to help that part at least. Guess it was storing extra power. But anyway, I'm done in. I called a local place and it's going to cost $115 to fix it. Luckily, I already have everything backed up so I don't have to pay for that.

Oh and now, because life doesn't dump on me enough, my mom's laptop that I'm using is having some problems too. It can't download one Windows update and keeps popping up I need to retry, which I've done... again, all day. It errors each time. Also I can't get the snipping program to work to take screen shots and can't find a print screen button on any of the function keys, so I had to take pics of the screen with my phone which is LAME.

I'm really stressed out :( My birthday is on Sunday and I don't have Uber money to visit my mom and there isn't anyone else here anymore :( It's my first birthday without my dad. He was always a great card giver. I've saved all his cards. Knowing him, he would treat me to a meal and give me some money.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on October 20, 2023, 05:59:08 PM
BC, Computer problems are really..(Lots of swear words in this section)! :dumbpc::rant:
The heating up of the PC and the noises already sound scary! I hope it doesn't catch fire! :shocked:
Could its hard drive have broken? :wonder: In that case, I guess there's nothing you can do for PC.. Or I don't know, because it's a PC and not a laptop. :shrug: I am a completely hopeless case in these situations and my spouse always has to take care of those problems. (Fortunately, he likes to solve and fix them.)
I hope you could at least get that old laptop working! :(

I'm sorry that you cannot visit your mother and it's your first birthday without your dad.. It makes me sad too. :sad: I would like to come to you and give you a big hug! :heart: Then we would make a birthday cake together! :deathhug: Oh, why I was born in the wrong country! :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 20, 2023, 09:35:12 PM
Three words:

BC I know you'll miss your dad more on your BD xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 21, 2023, 04:33:17 AM
John has for a couple of days tried to buy a game from MetaQuest to his Occulas VR head set. Despite having money on the card and the account open for international transactions he kept being denied. Meta says the fault is not with them. Today we tried his CC, our joint CC and my CC. Everyone with sufficient funds, everyone open for international transactions and all got denied. He has even tried with his paypal account connected to his credit card.

So I called the bank and after some investigation the support said we were trying to buy something from a place with an Irish IP adress and therefor had gotten a temporary ban. So we asked if it could be lifted. He told us to wait a couple of days. We said we had tried to buy this for several days now, we have a discount code that expires tomorrow that we would want to use. He would talk to their security. He returned after five minutes to say he could not get ahold of their security and would call us back when he had talked to them. Three and a half hour later and nothing. He has probably forgotten. So I will probaly have to call again, speaking with another agent which would take another thirty minutes and hours of waiting.

I just don't get it. What is so special about Ireland that a transaction is banned? I've ordered from the US Amazon, the UK Amazon, German Amazon. We have bought stuff from eBay, with no problems. We have even bought stuff from Occulas store before, although this was before Meta bought Occulas so I guess they weren't located in Ireland back then. Why this? Why now? Why Ireland?

Another problem is we had pre-ordered the new Super Mario Bros Wonder that was released yesterday. We did not get it yesterday. Everyone is playing it but me today.

BC, I'm sorry to hear about your birthday! I wish there were a magic way to help. a flying carpet to take you to your mom or something like it. I hope you get a good birthday anyway. :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 21, 2023, 06:25:58 AM
Thanks everyone :hug:

I was able to sell some things and I have enough to visit my mom now :) I was really stressed yesterday. I was crying :( My medicine makes it hard for me to cry so if I do it takes a huge toll on me.

I feel better today. I think I'll be able to get the money to fix my PC, and they come out to your house too, so I don't have to lug my tower anywhere.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 21, 2023, 04:03:32 PM
Hugs BC  :hug:

I bought Mario Wonder today. I was having a little trouble getting the plastic off when I was trying to open the game after I got home so my mom decided to help.  Instead of trying to slice the plastic on the side she took a knife and tried to open it from the top. I saw that she was cutting in to the plastic/artwork of the game box so I told her to stop.  Then she told me to open it instead.  I know it's just a box, but I always try to be really careful opening things like that.  I tried to explain it to her but she says "it didn't hurt the game" or "I didn't know you wanted the box in mint condition.  They get messed up sitting there."   I can't return it either because the game is fine.  I'll get over it eventually.

Also, I had to listen to 2 employees argue over which one would get the game out of the case for me.

Another thing is I don't like feeling that everything I want to do is a major inconvenience or has to be scheduled and everything my parents want to do is fine. :(  I tried to talk to my mom about that too and she just said "You don't want us doing stuff on days you work."  It's not that at all.  It's just that it seems like when I'm off they don't want to do anything and on days I'm working they do.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 21, 2023, 11:13:45 PM
I logged into the bank yesterday evening and started a chat about the issue above, figured it would be easier than waiting in a phonequeue. They wanted to call me up. A new agent went through everything I talked to with the former agent. She went away and talked to their card experts and returned saying there was no ban on our cards as the former agent had said. I asked about Ireland. She went away for five minutes and returned saying there were no issues with trying to buy from Ireland. I asked why the first agent had said so. She had no answer. So either the first agent made things up or the latter don't know how to look it up. I spent 15 minutes chatting, ten minutes waiting for them to call up and 30 minutes with talking to the agent.. Not to mention being glued to the phone all day waiting for the first one to call back. Hello desk, meet my head!

and then, John found a thread on Meta Quest forum about other people having the same issue so it seems the problem is with them after all, although they said it isn't. Hello again desk! say hi to my head again, you are acquainted now.

I think I tore something in my backside when I got up after cleaning the litter box. My back hurt.

I'm happy you can go to your mom BC! Yaay! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :tort:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 22, 2023, 06:51:42 AM
The weather's settled xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on October 22, 2023, 07:00:30 AM
It's not trivial but it's annoying...

I tried to wash our wedding quilt on "hand wash gentle" in our washing machine.  Usually this is crazy gentle.  Like it fills the inside with water, flips the clothes like twice, lets them soak for 15 minutes and then it drains, refills, and flips, then soaks for 3 and then rinses and drains. 

Except this time ...  I opened the washer door and there were shreds of quilt.  So now I have to piece it back together and patch it.  My grandmother who made it has died since.  15 years of a quilt being on a bed and used every night is pretty substantial but AURRRRGH
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 22, 2023, 04:19:47 PM
I'm sorry that happened to your quilt, lovesbabysquirmy.  :hug:

Not trivial, but I don't want to start a WYP post about it.  My mom hit a pole with her car and tore up one side of the bottom quarter panel.  She's okay,but shaken up.

I waited all day for my parents to decide if they wanted to do something. They decided not to after my mom hit the pole.  I understand, but I didn't want to get too deeply involved in things if they were planning on doing something later.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 22, 2023, 05:58:58 PM
Aw, I'm sorry, Squirmy :(

I'm glad your mom is okay, Ponyfan.

I've had a headache ever since I got back from my mom. I can't shake it. My ears hurt too. When I looked into my right ear, which is very itchy, I saw two cat hairs in it. Also there was a film over my ear drum. I think the hair is the same that I saw weeks ago. I can't get them out. I tried grabbing them with tweezers and tried flushing with water. I think the film over my ear drum might be because of the hairs. I don't want them to become infected.

I was going to order myself a couple slices of cheesecake from Walmart for my birthday but when I went looking for cheesecake I saw Edward's brand frozen pies had a chocolate cheesecake silk pie that is new. I got it and ate almost the whole thing. I know it's my birthday and everything but I lost weight and shouldn't have gotten the pie.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 23, 2023, 03:23:19 AM
I'm sorry about the quilt lovesbabysquirmy, I hope you can patch it.

I'm glad your mom is alright Ponyfan.

Well, BC. You only have one birthday a year. Enjoy it and keep going! It's a new day today!

I thought the snow would melt away but it hasn't and yesterday when I went out a quickie I noticed there were ice on the ground. I don't have winter tires on my bike yet! The mechanics on the back tire make me don't wanna change them myself. I've booked in a tire change but the fastest appointment is two weeks away. Gaaah!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 23, 2023, 07:26:32 AM
happy late birthday BC. i think i started writing a post a few days ago but got distracted :(

i'm glad your mom is ok Ponyfan

i'm still waiting on Super Mario Wonder.  I ordered from Amazon since ordering directly from Nintendo took forever to arrive. however Amazon is "running late" hopefully I'll have it today. it was supposed to arrive Saturday.

also my eye is twitching today :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 23, 2023, 05:28:59 PM
Thanks everyone! :hug:

My ears are so itchy! >_<

edit: I woke up with my eyes crusted shut. They mowed yesterday and it wasn't bothering me until today. I had a sneezing attack, there's gunk in my throat, I can't breathe out of my nose. Ugh. I have no allergy pills either.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 25, 2023, 03:31:28 PM
I lost 2 more nails.  :(  I don't think I'm being rough with them or anything.  They're supposed to last about 6 weeks.  We have to pay for them too now as we're past the guaranteed date.  My mom said she'll pay for the salon to fix them this time, but not next time.

BC, I hope you feel better soon.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on October 25, 2023, 08:10:00 PM
i cleaned my room and folded my laundry ( :shocked:) it looks much better but there just isnt enough space!! my window is really low and i dont know what to put by it... i know i need some shelves or something in my closet, but i would need to get rid of some clothes to fit. agghh,, the struggles of a tiny house  -_- i wish we had enough money for a big one lol
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 26, 2023, 05:12:07 AM
I lost 2 more nails.  :(  I don't think I'm being rough with them or anything.  They're supposed to last about 6 weeks.  We have to pay for them too now as we're past the guaranteed date.  My mom said she'll pay for the salon to fix them this time, but not next time.

BC, I hope you feel better soon.


What kind of nails are they? I used to have gel nails for a while before I lost hours and couldn't afford it. First time I had them, she added little tips at the end of my original nails and we went Segwaying two days after and I hit a bump and fell over. My thumb nail took a huge hit, but the nail stayed. I would have thought the tip would break loose but nothing. It was hard as rock.

My cold took a turn for the worse yesterday and I woke up super early today of me drooling down my pillow and a knife blade in my throat. It's not hurting now, but it feels like it's full of carbonated water or something. Such a weird feeling.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 26, 2023, 05:22:41 AM
I've only ever worn monster claws on my nails :lol: I used that prop putty they use in movies and stuff, it was very difficult to get them off.

My allergies are still bad. I did make a little money so I can buy something, I'm just not sure what. I don't want antihistamine because they knock me out, even the ones that claim they are non drowsy. I'm temped to get the old standby Sudafed but the one behind the counter... I don't think you can buy that online since you need to show your ID and all. Ugh, I don't know.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 26, 2023, 04:09:25 PM

What kind of nails are they? I used to have gel nails for a while before I lost hours and couldn't afford it. First time I had them, she added little tips at the end of my original nails and we went Segwaying two days after and I hit a bump and fell over. My thumb nail took a huge hit, but the nail stayed. I would have thought the tip would break loose but nothing. It was hard as rock.

My cold took a turn for the worse yesterday and I woke up super early today of me drooling down my pillow and a knife blade in my throat. It's not hurting now, but it feels like it's full of carbonated water or something. Such a weird feeling.

They're Gel X nails.  My mom wanted her nails done for Mother's Day and was so happy with them that she's had them done 2 more times.  The last time we had them done together.  This was the 3rd time I've had to go back and get my nails fixed in 2 1/2 weeks.  When I went in today, the receptionist asked me some questions about my nails and said they wouldn't charge today since I'd been having trouble with them.  They also said they would use a different primer and see if that would help.  My nail tech said that it actually happens a lot and they sometimes have to try different things to find out what works for each person.   I didn't expect the salon not to charge today.  I was willing to pay for the 2 nails.  There was a little confusion on what I wanted though.  The receptionist asked me if I wanted my whole hand redone and I told her that I just wanted the 2 nails that had come off replaced.  Then my nail tech asked if I wanted my real nails painted with the same polish that was used on my gel nails.  I told her I wanted the nails to all look the same so he had to get the box of nails from the back.

I hope you feel better soon.

BC, I'm sorry you're suffering with allergies.  I take Zyrtec for mine.  It seems to make me sleepy though.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 26, 2023, 06:21:00 PM
I was able to get Sudafed PE online after all. It finally took my headache away. It must have been from sinus pressure. My ears feel better too.

My complaint right now is people smoking weed somewhere nearby and the smell wafting into my windows. I'd rather smell a real skunk, thanks.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on October 26, 2023, 07:24:26 PM
I was able to get Sudafed PE online after all. It finally took my headache away. It must have been from sinus pressure. My ears feel better too.

My complaint right now is people smoking weed somewhere nearby and the smell wafting into my windows. I'd rather smell a real skunk, thanks.
thats awesome! and as someone who came from a drunk + high 24/7 dad i know that smell too well 😭😭 i could always smell it in his car growing up but didnt know what it was then lol
i hope the wind takes it away from you!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 27, 2023, 05:55:00 AM
The stupid thing is that although medical weed is legal in Florida, it's not allowed on the complex grounds. I live directly across the street from the office. So these people hang out on the street or in their cars and smoke RIGHT THERE. Like, how special are you? Just break the rules in front of the office because they don't apply to you, right? Pffffft.

This mornings complaint is I gagged on my medicine :( This happens sometimes and I don't know what causes it. I think it's psychological. I have to take A LOT of pills. Like 20, every morning. I take them in small groups. Normally I don't have a problem but once in a while, I just gag and cough and sometimes spit them up. It makes my throat hurt too. That was this morning.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 27, 2023, 08:50:58 AM
ugh that skunk smell is the worst. i used to smell it when i lived in apartments. it took me a while to figure out that it wasn't actually a skunk.

today is just ugh so far. i'm glad it's friday.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 27, 2023, 03:19:53 PM
I don't want to go in to all of the details right now, but today hasn't turned out like I thought it would.   I feel like I just want to cry, but I can't because it will upset my parents.  The thing that started all of this too should have been something  that was exciting.  Instead it's turned in to an all day ordeal that's taking a lot longer than it should.

On top of all that, I've been telling my mom that I wanted to get a Halloween bucket from McDonald's since they started the promotion. The McDonald's we went today ran out. 

Also, something my dad needed hasn't arrived yet.  It was supposed to come today.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 27, 2023, 03:33:50 PM
I'm so thirsty. I ordered a bunch of things to drink from Walmart. One of them was a four pack of Vanilla Nitro Pepsi. My delivery driver dropped it down the stairs and two of the cans opened and sprayed soda all over. She apologized and said she would get another pack and bring it to me no charge. She had a lot of heavy things to carry so it was okay, I wasn't mad. The only thing is now ants and other sweets loving insects are going to be all over the staircase and the side of building where the soda sprayed.

Someone shot a gun in the parking lot at the Walmart by my parents house, where we used to do all our shopping. My dad would go almost everyday to get fresh veggies and check his blood pressure. When I saw the news about it, it made me think of my dad and how that could have happened while he was there. He had really bad road rage for a while and this incident started as that. Two guys were arguing and one shot at the others car and fled. An off duty police officer from another county was there and he caught the guy. It just made me think how lucky my dad, and sister really, she had a bad attitude and would go off on people, how lucky they were no one ever pulled a gun on them. You can't trust anyone anywhere.

On the Neighborhood app people around here are saying there's been a coyote roaming the streets at night. I haven't seen it, but I worry about the cat that's out there.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 28, 2023, 06:39:02 AM
I am getting so sick and tired of this cold! It's the third week now and it wont budge! Yesterday I started coughing as well! We were supposed to go to the movies tonight and tomorrow but I'm too out of it to do anything. I hate it!

Oh, and one of the managers are leaving and yesterday they had a good bye fika at work, witch cakes and treats.. and I couldn't go. I came in right before my shift started and there were cake left but I knew I wouldn't feel the taste so I skipped it. They had two Halloween themed buckets filled candy as well, but no. :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 28, 2023, 09:10:44 AM
I'm sorry you're still sick :(

Someone stole my Amazon package! :mad: The driver left it on the bottom of my stairs and when I went to get it, it was gone! It was just electrolyte water, but still. I hope whoever took it was disappointed.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on October 28, 2023, 07:29:30 PM
Beldarna, I'm sorry you're still sick and had to miss out on all the fun! :sad: A cold is really annoying and long-lasting!  >_< I still have a cough that causes pain in my chest and left side. :(

BC, Oh, what an outrageous act from someone! :whoa: Fortunately, no expensive treasure ended up as loot, but it's still a bad thing, because those waters have cost you something! :mad:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on October 28, 2023, 10:49:31 PM
ive been dealing with stomachaches all week, and i dont know why.. maybe something i ate? i dont know i threw up one night and it just kept sticking around. i really hate it, it hurts a lot. i dont think we have medicine for it either
it could also be period cramps, when i get them i get them HARD
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 29, 2023, 06:05:22 AM
^ Do you have any baking soda? You can dissolve some in warm water and drink that, it might help if it's a stomach ache.

HoM - The case cost $13. I talked to the Amazon chatbot and I can get a replacement tomorrow. They wait 48 hours for the package to appear in cases where it's delivered to the wrong place.

My complaint is I had to shut my windows and turn the AC on again. The outside temp is fine but there's so much humidity, I was sweating just sitting playing a game and everything in the house feels moist. It will help my and Aster's allergies too. I did enjoy the fresh air and breeze :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on October 29, 2023, 03:38:14 PM
I started to post some of this last night, but I hit the wrong button and erased everything I'd written and didn't have the energy to retype everything. 

Beldarna and cowboyopossum, I'm sorry you're not feeling well.

BC, I'm sorry your Amazon package was stolen. 

I just got my nails fixed again on Thursday.  Yesterday I felt my pinkie nail catch on something right before it came off.  Then while I was sitting on the couch, I lost another nail on the same hand.  Today I lost one on my other hand. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since I had them done so I'm assuming that's the reason some are starting to fall off.  I wish they would have lasted a little longer though.  I feel like I didn't get to enjoy them being perfect as long as I should have since I had to keep getting nails redone.  I really don't want to ask for the nail salon to redo them again for the 4th time.

My dad was being difficult about his sleep study test last night.  I know they're not fun.  This one was different because he has to use an app.  My mom was keeping the instructions so my dad wouldn't lose them.  My dad didn't seem to understand that you had to log in to the app and get everything set up before the sleep study test would start. 

When my mom asks him to repeat something he gets really loud and over enunciates each word. 

I shouldn't be surprised since almost every other streaming service has gone up, but Netflix is going up too.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 30, 2023, 02:09:44 AM
Today I woke up caughing
up green phlegm blobs the size of meatballs from my lungs. It tastes horrible. I guess going to the movies yesterday wasn't such a good idea. Overall I feel fine. Stuffed nose and coughing but that's it.. except I got chafes under my nose now for viping all of the snot.

Some kids were vaping in the bus on our way home from the theatre yesterday. The busdriver either didn't see or didn't care. It was a long bus and this was in the back half of it. Another passanger spoke up against them, which is super rare! We don't do that! He had heard me cough and said I was allergic and they did stop, only to begin again when he went off. Luckily it was only one stop before ours.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 30, 2023, 06:54:34 AM
Thanks Ponyfan :hug: Sorry you had such a hard time with your nails.

I'm sorry you're so sick, Beldarna. I hope you start to improve soon!

Today I woke up in a lot of pain from my back. Usually only my lower back hurts but today it's my upper back too into my shoulders. It was hard getting out of bed. I'm also short on breath this morning and my eyes are gunky and all red. It could be allergies still. I need to change my pillowcase.

We have a boil water notice because of a sewage leak :X I didn't know about it until yesterday but I already bought some bottled water. I'll get another case because I drink so much, but I hate having to throw the bottles away and the complex doesn't have a recycler. I like to think all the recycling and everything I've done since I was a kid is enough to offset my having to throw cardboard and plastic away now. It still makes me feel guilty. If I could drive and had a car i would take everything to the dump myself (they have recycling there).
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on October 30, 2023, 08:46:36 AM
I have been looking around the country for jobs similar to mine to get a pay range that I should expect and I am being grossly underpaid.  To the point where I'm looking at moving several states away just to have decent pay and better winter climate.  I realized on the way to work this morning that only 2 people on staff don't qualify for Section 8 housing. Of those of us that work full time, all of us have our degrees.  I think only three of us don't have a Master's, but 5 of our jobs don't require that high of a degree.  Two of us have jobs that don't require anything beyond high school.  We are grossly overqualified and they keep expecting us to do more and more without compensation.  And they're going to hire new people at a rate equivalent to or higher than what we're currently making.  These are jobs that require a high school deploma or GED, not even an Associate's Degree.  Do I need to apply for a lower level position here just to get paid more?

Why is the staff unhappy?  They just can't figure it out...:shrug:

But then, if I lived in a place that valued intelligence, I don't think we'd have this problem.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on October 31, 2023, 02:49:02 AM
Yesterday afternoon we had to rush Ninja to the emergency vet. I was a bit unsure if I overreacted about him, because he acted odd, but not as odd as he usually do when he gets a stop in his urethra but it turned out he had a ton of tiny crystals in his bladder. The vet kept him for a long time flushing him. She did not manage to get it all, but filled him up with fluid both in his bladder and his neck so hopefully he will manage to pee out the rest, with the help of painmeds. If not, we have to take him to another facility where they can keep him an entire day with IV-fluids and catheter. I am so glad I acted about my gut feeling. He is doing so much better now but is still not himself. I'm watching him like a hawk.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on October 31, 2023, 03:37:22 AM
I tested positive for COVID-19  :mad: Yesterday I woke up with what I thought was sinusitis, as my ears, face and roof of my mouth were ITCHY as hell and I was sneezing but nothing too worrying. However, last night I got INTENSE chills, my fingernails were purple (I have Raynauds) and I put myself in the shower and just cooked myself for 30 minutes on pure hot water. I went to bed and alternated between chills and sweating like mad. Did a COVID-19 test but my tests were no good, did a 'flu test and that came up negative. My neighbour brought me a COVID-19 test from the chemist and I turned up positive.

I'm scared work will hurt me for it as I've had too many sick days off in the year, but hoping I can use some credits to do away with that and going to work from home tomorrow. I felt like utter garbage last night and I don't want to infect people at work, especially those who are immunocompromised.

My pets are excited though, they know I'm supposed to be at work lol
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 31, 2023, 06:35:35 AM
Poor Ninja! I'm so glad you had the feeling something was wrong. Give him extra pets from me.

I'm so sorry you got Covid, Lady Frostbite :( That really sucks.

More of the same complaints from me this morning. Back is in agony, eyes are gunky, head is aching.

I bought a case of Monster Java. It was expensive but I thought I'd treat myself. Well, they are small cans. I didn't read the description. I would have been better off buying 5 of the bigger cans for the same price.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 31, 2023, 03:38:32 PM
Trucks and SUVs are too tall!! why do people need a vehicle that blocks out the stinking sun!!! ugh!!

sorry i'm just angry right now.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on October 31, 2023, 04:17:27 PM
Poor Ninja! I'm so glad you had the feeling something was wrong. Give him extra pets from me.

I'm so sorry you got Covid, Lady Frostbite :( That really sucks.

More of the same complaints from me this morning. Back is in agony, eyes are gunky, head is aching.

I bought a case of Monster Java. It was expensive but I thought I'd treat myself. Well, they are small cans. I didn't read the description. I would have been better off buying 5 of the bigger cans for the same price.

Thank you, it's only the second time and it's a cruel irony I chickened out of my booster on Saturday and by Monday I had the beginnings of it >8C It's very annoying, I want to do stuff but my head s gunky and the chills/fever are so horrible. I'm working from home tomorrow as I can't afford sick days.

Where did you buy the Monster from? It's a pain to buy certain things off Amazon because you never know if the product they're showing is the REAL version you're getting or it's actually a different size and they're using the other picture as a stock image. I have this problem with a certain crisp brand, and sometimes when ordering stuff from family and I go through the descriptions with a fine toothed comb as I'm sure as heck not paying too much for smaller size than I wanted! C'mon sellers, it isn't hard to google the right product image and LIST what size it is on the listings!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on October 31, 2023, 05:30:07 PM
i hope you feel better soon, Lady Frostbite. The booster probably wouldn't have helped since you were already infected. you'll be able to get it once the natural immunity wears off.

that happens to me sometimes on Amazon too. it's hard to even know if the description is accurate if i do find it. all of the misspellings and weird edited photos on some products don't exactly fill me with confidence.

I tried explaining Trick-or-Treating to my dog and she still doesn't get it. so she's barking and running back and forth through the house instead. I think she thinks it's some kind of game. at least this year people are going door to door. there were some adorable costumes.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 31, 2023, 06:33:18 PM
To all the ill humans, & cats, hope you recover soon xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 01, 2023, 04:01:23 AM
Ninja is enjoying the extra pets, BC. He is so spoiled right now. He was sleeping on my computer chair and instead of lifting him off, I brought a kitchen chair instead, lol. He is doing very well :). When we caught him going on the litter box yesterday we cheered out loud. And the vet was super nice. First a nurse from the clinic called and two hours later the vet called. I've not experienced that before, but he is a charmer and they did fancy him.

I called out sick today. My cough is getting worse and I had an early shift and half way through it I realised it was a bad idea pushing it. I'm in line to chat with a health care worker right now, hopefully to get some prescription cough medicine. Over the counter stuff doesn't really work.

I hope the rest of you gets well soon!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 01, 2023, 08:24:10 AM
Lady Frostbite, I bought it from and had it delivered. It wasn't their fault. I didn't read the description. I've done that before with canned goods and ended up with small cans of olives or baked beans.

Lovely to hear about Ninja! I'm glad he's on the mend :)

Amazon replaced my stolen package. It should arrive today. As long as the driver brings it all the way up my stairs things should be fine. Usually Amazon drivers are good about that, this is the first time I got a lazy one. FedEX on the other hand always leaves things at the bottom of my stairs. I've had to call and complain.

I slept for 13 hours again. I'm very groggy. Back still hurts a bunch.

edit, later: There's an airshow this weekend and the jets are practicing. They are flying very low and fast and it's incredibly loud. Aster is scared and I'm very annoyed.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 01, 2023, 02:41:55 PM
I posted a long thing in WYP, so I won't go in to everything that I said about that here.

:hug: to everyone that's not feeling well.

I'm not getting "What's on DisneyPlus" emails.  I got them for a long time and a little over a month ago, they stopped. As far as I know I didn't unsubscribe from them. I even tried logging on to Disney Plus and didn't find anything about subscribing to emails.  I never watched the things they recommended in the emails though.  The account is in good standing and works fine when watching something.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 01, 2023, 07:11:18 PM
i'm glad Ninja is doing well :)

Ponyfan, maybe they stopped sending those emails or they're in your spam folder? if you don't open them sometimes your email provider starts sending them to spam.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 02, 2023, 04:44:49 AM
Seriosuly! I waited all afternoon yesterday for the nurse in the chat. I was going to get a textmessage when she was availabe. I never got one! They closed at 5:30. A friend I was messaging with had some subscription cough medicine she went over to me with. She saved my night! Today! I got a message that the nurse was ready! I missed it so she closed the ticket! I had no idea it was an open case today as well.. it never said anytning about it.

I've been trying to call my health care center but the automated message just says they're full and to try to call later..

And Ninja is peeing on the floor. I don't know if he leaks because of the tube he had there or if he activly sits and pees on the floor. It's not much and he uses the litterbox as well, I just saw him in it. I emailed the vet.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 02, 2023, 05:53:02 AM
I'm sorry you're having a hard time with the nurse.

My dog had crystals in his bladder too and one got stuck in his urethra. After everything was removed, he also peed on the floor. He couldn't hold it anymore, and this was a dog who took two days to potty train and never had an accident. It's good you emailed the vet.

My complaint is I have fruit flies again. Big ones. I still have some bleach left from last time. I'll pour it down the drain tonight with some soapy water and hopefully that will take care of them.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on November 03, 2023, 12:23:07 AM
Blackcurtains, did the apple cider vinegar traps work for you? They always work wonders for me!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 03, 2023, 11:45:04 AM
Yes! They work great! So far there are only a few and I think I killed them all...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 04, 2023, 04:27:42 AM
I finally got in contact with a nurse, on friday, she couldn't help me as their were no doctor nearby. Worthless. So I'm gonna try the health care center again on Monday,

I got a call from the vet. Since the poodles has dwindled, she asked that we wait for a bit to see if they disspaear and call them if they're still there after the weekend. I have only seen one and it was dry so probably something I've missed earlier. Things are going in the right direction.

Todays complain is rain. We had a snow storm yesterday. It felt good to be inside. Today the storm continues, but instead of snow we got rain. I feel sorry for people having to be outside in the slush.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on November 04, 2023, 11:32:15 AM
:hug: anyone feeling under the weather.

Today was a horrible wet November day. Work had no heating on. Screaming kids on the bus back. And now dealing with annoying people on the local facebook group. We have a regional consultation on at the moment, and the issue being consulted on is one that people here universally dislike. Myself included.

...But people are taking out their frustration on the plan on other people on the group, including me, who are simply trying to put information out there that we have found (especially around alternate methods).

I'm always very polite on these kinds of groups. But the urge to tell them to shut up whining and get on with consulting is very strong.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 04, 2023, 12:25:55 PM
Became painfully aware the other day just how much I've lost in my local area. I looked in THREE shops & NO drawing pins ANYWHERE!!! Like, those are a staple item!!! I just want plain drawing pins as most of the ones used for holding up the piccies the sparky took down were lost... Why is it so hard to find a simple, staple item??? One small packet of plain metal drawing pins for holding pictures up on the wall: how hard is that to supply???
But the corner shop had none, the supermarket had none, & the local pharmacy had none either!!! So I either: have to order online, or travel 8-10 miles to a town to get a STAPLE ITEM!!! Grrrr...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 05, 2023, 09:34:17 AM
I had a massive coughing attack this morning. I opened my windows back up and the pollen is high so I assume that is the culprit. My eyes hurt too. I just took some Sudafed and will put drops in my eyes.

Last night there was a girl, looked about 12-13, setting off bottle rockets as she walked around the neighborhood. One, fireworks even simple ones like bottle rockets, are illegal in Florida. Two, she was aiming at the sky, but they had to come down somewhere. I think I heard one ping off a car. Today they are probably laying all over the place. Her walking around also prompted everyone's dogs to bark.

On top of all that noise, I didn't realize the apartment nearby was vacant, people were moving in last night and this morning. They were doing it family/friends style so there was lots of arguing. And again, the nearby dogs were barking.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 05, 2023, 11:34:24 AM
i hope you feel better BC :)

PBW, that does seem like something that should be available everywhere. i hope you're able to find them somewhere soon.

Taffeta, it always baffles me that unpopular plans get put into action. it makes me feel like our politicians don't really care what normal people think. and they probably don't :(

My complaint today is i busted the Roomba. i was cleaning out the dust trap and i thought i had it balanced on the trashcan rim. then it fell off the trashcan at least 4 feet onto the concrete floor of the garage. i was able to get it somewhat back together. the bumpers came off in the crash. one of the bumpers already fell off somewhere in the house, i can't find it. Zoomba the Roomba has been muddling along ok. i've been wanting one of the newer ones that empty on their own away. this one lasted 6 years which is much longer than i thought it would. but i wasn't planning to replace it just yet.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 05, 2023, 04:11:11 PM
I feel like nothing I do right now is good enough for my parents.  Yesterday I had to hook my dad's phone up to the Bluetooth in his car. After that I had to hook up the new answering machine/cordless phone system.  I reset almost all of the clocks last night for the time change.  I thought my dad could reset the rest.  This morning my mom asked me to change the other ones that he didn't.  My dad has been complaining that his favorite game app hasn't been working. I looked at it and it seemed like he was playing the wrong one.  After I got rid of the other one, he still said the one I left wasn't working.  If I acted like that I'd be told it's just a game and not a big deal, but he gets away with it :(

My mom gave me $10 earlier for doing all of that (not looking at phone though because I hadn't done that yet) because she said I was acting like they didn't appreciate me.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 05, 2023, 10:46:32 PM
Here's a plot twist. I cought Simba peeing on first a rug and then the floor, twice, yesterday. All this time we thought it was Ninja who did it, when it was Simba all along! With all the fuss of one cat we missed the other one :(. We think that's why he is peeing, the lack of attention. He doesn't seem to hurt and he did use the litterbox later in the day. We did a sweep around the apartment and found another rug he has peed on as well as other dried puddles. So far we have removed all the other rugs and closed off the bedroom.

I hate calling but need to make three phone calls this morning;
Health care center. I need medicine for this cough and my clogged up sinuses. I also need a doctors note to present to work as I'm gonna be gone for longer than 7 days.
I need to call the vet and get an appointment for Simba, just to make sure this is nothing medical.
I need to call in sick to work for this week.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 06, 2023, 01:57:01 AM
I ordered them online... Found some cheap ones with free postage so that will be sorted...

Poor Simba!!! I hope he's ok & don't forget to fluff him from me xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 06, 2023, 07:30:30 AM
Ponyfan, I don't think your parents appreciate you enough. I felt the same way when I started doing tech stuff for my dad. He caught on though and would always do something for me whenever I had to fix something.

Beldarna, oh no! Poor Simba :( I hope it's nothing serious. I'm sorry too that you have to go to the vet again. I don't know about Sweden but in the US veterinary care is expensive.

PBW, good news!

My complaint is more of the same. Bad allergies and wonky sleep. The air is so dry my skin is flaky and I have to keep drinking water because my mouth goes dry (I can't breathe through my nose). As much as I hate humidity, I don't like this either.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on November 06, 2023, 08:46:40 AM
Dealing with freakin shin splints during my walks. I hadn’t had this problem until I put on some weight. grrr :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on November 06, 2023, 10:17:58 AM
@Beth, my experience is that you are 100% right about unpopular plans and why they happen. It's just one thing after another here - first the bus, now this as well.

The annoying facebook people have subsided for now. I used my best customer service polite speak and it calmed them down.

@Ponyfan, parents and tech stuff. The nightmare combination. We have a free disney+ sub for a year because of something my parents are already signed up to, but setting it up was a bit mad. My mother doesn't really understand about logging into things, and I have to not use the word account too much because she then thinks it's relating to money and gets worried about people accessing her bank details. And then Disney+ sent her 3 emails in confirmation and she thought something had gone wrong and it was a scam. It wasn't. Everything was fine. But although it's signed in now on both our cable boxes (they are linked)...parents still scared to use it. Same parents who bought a fire stick 4 years ago to watch stuff streaming and...still don't use it. I set that up too...but anyway. Sigh.

 Mum also keeps mentioning that I need to fix their login for the BBC so they can use the iplayer, and also channel4 catchup. The first, they already have a login, I don't know what it is, I keep telling her she needs to talk to Dad about it but she just looks at me blankly. The second, I have shown her twice what to do, but she still complains that she doesn't know how to log it in...

I feel like sometimes tech is just a big scary monster to people of a certain age. It's interesting because up to a point they are pretty ok with tech (mother has a tablet and a smartphone, dad has been using the internet for years)...but we've just about reached their limit and they've fallen over the edge. Makes me wonder what it'll be like when I'm their age, and how lost I'll be...

My trivial complaint for the day is my rhinitis. It's always worse at this time of the year because of autumn leaves and leaf dust, and it triggers allergic asthma, which means I've had to use my inhaler a couple of times this week. Last night it was really annoying. I know it's my allergies rather than COVID or anything like that, but when you are out and about and you cough, people still look at you funny...

I guess I shouldn't complain too much though. At least I have an inhaler now. I had to do most of the pandemic without one, because I couldn't go see a GP to get it signed off...due to COVID restrictions *flop*.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on November 06, 2023, 10:39:03 AM
more car drama... some horrible thieves took off with the MUFFLER off our truck.  not the part that's worth money and most people would steal.  NO just the muffler.  completely inept car thieves oh wow ...

so my day off from work has been driving behind my husband to the mechanic and waiting for them to finish so we can drive back across town to pick it up.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 06, 2023, 01:53:52 PM
Me again. I finally got in the shower. Ever since I've been really tired. I tried to nap earlier but people were making too much noise. I heard something like glass breaking and I sat straight up and said, "What the hell was that?!" Couldn't go back to sleep afterwards.

I want to play a kind of raunchy game (Drakengard 3). I don't know with the windows open. I can always plug my headphones into the PS3 but then my ears will get sweaty.

I'm hungry but I don't want to eat.

My head feels weird.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 07, 2023, 04:16:43 AM
That is the colour the council says bathrooms should be.
Doesn't sound like any sea-themed shade to me tbh...
But I knew I'd be repainting the walls...
Still, magnolia!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 07, 2023, 04:46:07 AM
Simba has Hyperthyroidism. It may or may not be the reason he is peeing on the floor. Most likely a combination with stress. Funny, one cat pees too little due to stress and the other pees too much. Why are they stressed? Vet said they are too close in age and are combating each other. They are six month apart in age and grew up together. Both are neutered. They've been best friends forever. Ninja gets stressed when he is bored, I knew that. I had no idea Simba was stressed as well :(. They do fight sometimes, but I had no idea it was about rank. I looked up the symptoms of hyperthyroidism and he ticks a lot of boxes. So now, he's on two different medications, two times a day. THAT is gonna be fun! I also have to deep clean a litter box, fill it with special pearls and lock Simba in with it for a long while and hopefully get a fresh urine sample. I have no idea how we're gonna manage that :shocked:.
I also ordered a Felliway. It's a hormone that is supposed to calm cats down. You put it in an globe, put the globe in a outlet and it's supposed to spread hormones around calming them down. Vet said it might help.

Compared to this, all else that's going on right now feels so trivial. My poor babies :(. It's Simbas 12th birthday today. What a gift for him :huh:.

BC, it is expensive. We have a bank account for our cats but we empited it half a year ago when the cats first had to remove teeth due to FORL and then Ninja rushing to get flushed. They have a few thousand sek there now. Last weeks and this weeks came out of our joint vacation savings. We're over a 1000US$
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 07, 2023, 04:54:52 AM
I'm so sorry :( My Mousie had hyperthyroidism. She drank and peed a lot and if I wasn't on top of the litter box, she'd pee on the bathroom rug. Once she started taking medicine, she got a lot better and put some weight on, stopped drinking so much and the litter box was cleaner longer. It was a liquid medicine. She was always really good at taking medicine, she would let me do anything I wanted with her. I wish all cats were so easy. It wasn't until she got closer to 20 that she started having symptoms again.

Felliway works well :) I used it for Mouse when we moved and then again with Aster when I brought her home.

Good luck, I hope Simba will get medicine soon and feel better :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on November 07, 2023, 06:46:46 AM
i think my cat might have this problem too ... he is losing weight and he is greasy and his hair is not as fluffy.
but he seems to be doing ok other than being a needy senior cat so if I can avoid stressing him out with the carrier, the car ride, the vet, and the bloodwork that would be great.  we just had him take 3 weeks of antibiotics a few months ago and he doesn't have an ear infection anymore.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 07, 2023, 10:07:11 AM
Well, I won't be visiting my mom today after all. I had a really bad morning. I've got sores on my tongue again, on both sides. One kept waking me up last night, because I'd move my tongue in my sleep and the sore would rub against my teeth and hurt really bad. Then I got up to go to the bathroom and tripped on the scale again. It's been there for years with no problem. This time I moved it. I banged my foot against my desk and tore my toenail. Finally, after breakfast, Aster went back to bed, or so I thought, but not before barfing on the carpet in the bedroom. I stepped right in it when I went to take my medicine. Oh, I also had a liquid brick while taking my meds. You know sometimes when you swallow liquid there's like an air bubble in it or something? And it really hurts when it goes down.

On top of it all, my mom was being her old self when I told her I couldn't come today. She was all 'woe is me' and made me feel bad. Then she asked if I felt bad, I said yes, and she said good.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 07, 2023, 07:00:51 PM
Beldarna, Oh no, poor little Simba! :sad:

I hope the medication starts working soon! :heart: Are they pills?
My mom's cat Mara had this same disease and so did my brother's cat. :huh: They were both given a pill once a day.
Mara drank a lot of water and went to pee often, but he never peed anywhere but his own litter box. He was an indoor cat and had no restlessness/stress. He lost some weight and his fur went bad, but still lived happily ever after. :heart:
My brother's cat often drank a lot of water and lost a lot of weight! He was a free outdoor cat, so he also moved around a lot. He had to go out often, because when he was inside, he started to stress a lot and lick bare spots on his fur. And hey, now I remembered that my brother's cat also peed in different places inside! On carpets, once on my brother's backpack and even on a firewood carrier! :blink: In his case, peeing in the wrong places was due to stress. :huh:


BC, oh, you really had a bad day. :( I hope it's better now! :hug:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 08, 2023, 02:06:32 AM
Thanks guys

HoM, the medicine is liquid, and he actually likes it! :bigups: That made it so much easier. We presented it on a spoon and he licked it. He does not like Metacam which is the other drug but Ninja does and he's taking it as well, so when we gave them a spoon each at the same time, Simba had to lick it because Ninja did :snicker:. He's only on it for two weeks so hopefully we can keep it up. It's so much easier than force it in his mouth. We were also given some chewie supplements that's supposed to destress and help with urinetractions but neither cat liked those.

Simbas symptoms, except peeing is loud meowings. Around six month ago he began meowing loud after his 7pm meal, but we thought it was because he wanted to play, and it might still be, but being so loud is a symptom. He also have diarreah every now and then and barf. He is drinking more and he had lost half a kilo of weight. We hadn't noticed that because of his furr. But it all makes sense now.

He has not peed in the floor since Monday! :joy: We're still hiding our rugs in a closet though.

Interesting that so many of you have had cats with the same issue, or know of cats with it. It gives me hope that they lived on :).

lovesbabysquirmy, I would get the cat checked up just in case.

BC, I'm sorry you couldn't visit your mom and that she gave you a hard time for it. Sounds like you really had one of those days, huh?

My complaint for the day is our new matresses. 2019 we bought a very expensive continental bed. About a year ago the middle mattresses became too soft and despite turning it over more often than needed we always ended up with dents where we slept and our backs began to hurt. So off we went to the retailer, explained our problem and he said we needed a harder matress. He took us to one bed with the kind he thought of, we layed on it for a few minutes and said ok. He ordered it. We waited five weeks and got them delivered monday.
Two nights later we realised these mattress are too hard! I slept better the second night than the first but Johns back really hurt and he slept horribly. He can't use it. I'm determined to give it a week before deciding but have the feeling I might not like it. We would need something inbetween the first ones and these ones. For Johns sake I looked at the receipt and according to the terms and conditions for the matresses and since they were costume ordered, they do not accept returns and no exchanges. Done is done. I feel stupid for not looking up and asking that before ordering. Having worked in retail for so long it's like lesson 1 :argh:.
Luckily we kept the old mattresses, but they're not good either so question is what we do now :huh:.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 08, 2023, 04:08:47 AM
Beldarna I hope things go well wi Simba & good on you finding out something xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 08, 2023, 06:57:37 AM
My cat Bass hated Metacam and it always made her drool and foam at the mouth really bad. It tastes like bitter orange and some cats react that way. I would have to lock her in the bathroom, give her the Metacam and keep her in there and clean her up until the foam and drool stopped. It would take 15 minutes at least. She got so mad at me, she would hide and I wouldn't see her again for hours.

Beldarna, I'm glad your cats took the medicine so well.

About your mattress problem, do you have adjustable beds there? Like here we have Sleep Number, which comes with a control that makes the bed softer or harder to your preference. I'm getting one for my next mattress. Maybe you can sell the new one and put the money towards something like that. Just a thought.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 08, 2023, 06:04:25 PM
Thanks guys

HoM, the medicine is liquid, and he actually likes it! :bigups: That made it so much easier. We presented it on a spoon and he licked it. He does not like Metacam which is the other drug but Ninja does and he's taking it as well, so when we gave them a spoon each at the same time, Simba had to lick it because Ninja did :snicker:. He's only on it for two weeks so hopefully we can keep it up. It's so much easier than force it in his mouth. We were also given some chewie supplements that's supposed to destress and help with urinetractions but neither cat liked those.

Simbas symptoms, except peeing is loud meowings. Around six month ago he began meowing loud after his 7pm meal, but we thought it was because he wanted to play, and it might still be, but being so loud is a symptom. He also have diarreah every now and then and barf. He is drinking more and he had lost half a kilo of weight. We hadn't noticed that because of his furr. But it all makes sense now.

He has not peed in the floor since Monday! :joy: We're still hiding our rugs in a closet though.

Interesting that so many of you have had cats with the same issue, or know of cats with it. It gives me hope that they lived on :).

It's really great to hear that Simba likes his new medicine and takes it very well from a spoon!  :cheer: And also yay, he hasn't peed on the floor anymore!  :ohyeah:
We have had them in the form of pills and it was always miserable to have to forcefully stuff them into the cat's mouth and hold the mouth shut so that the cat doesn't spit them out. :( But when you had to do it enough times, you became a master at it and it started to go well. :biggrin:

Ah, the lovely Metacam! :yucky: Most of the cats hate least all of our cats! Mom's cat Mara had to use it (osteoarthritis), two of my cats (one had a congenital hip defect and the other had other pains) and my brother's cats got it from time to time (all kinds of horrible things happened to outdoor cats sometimes). Fortunately, for the most part, all of these cats took the medicine well when it was mixed well enough with the sauce (cat food). Not once did this have to be forcibly given to any of them with a syringe. But for once if there wasn't enough sauce and the cat tasted the medicine, it was quite a job to get the cat to agree to eat it.  :lol:
The smell and taste of the tuna masked the medicine well.


My complaint: I'm really tired all the time. :yawn: Yesterday I heard some sad news about my spouse's aunt. :unsure:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 08, 2023, 07:24:42 PM

Your parents sound so much like mine about tech stuff.  My mom is a little better than my dad, but there's still a lot she needs help with.  My dad says he scared of downloading apps because they might steal his personal info, and yet he'll jump at any ad he sees on the Internet selling something cheap even though I've told him several times he needs to stick to reliable websites.

More parents and tech stuff woes today. :(  I noticed there was an update for the phone today. I updated mine, but stayed pretty much close by to make sure the update installed correctly.  My mom's phone installed the update by itself.  The problem is that somehow her two factor authentication got turned on after the update.  She says that she never saw a screen that said to turn it on.  I told her that she must have hit a screen or something turning it on. She says she didn't.  I tried googling how to turn if off on, but the instructions I found didn't work.   Now she's afraid to turn her phone off because she thinks she'll get locked out. I'm starting to wonder if she might have missed a confirmation email about the two factor authentication being on.  Now I feel guilty for not noticing it before.  :(


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 09, 2023, 04:13:18 AM
Metacam is not fun. I am so happy Ninja likes it, as it makes it so much easier :). My angel cat Tarzan was put on it for her arthritis and she hated it. She also developed an allergy towards it so we had to change plans to supplements which I guess we both felt relieved on. I hate to force it in them, but sometimes that's the only option. Simba had it before when he removed some teeth and hiding it in his food is not an option as he did not eat when it was in there.

BC; we have adjustable beds in a way that we can move the matresses up and down to a sitting position as well as move the leg part, but it is more geared toward older folks. I'm not sure about the kind making the matress firmer or softer. I have never heard of it at least. But I actually slept rather well this night. I only woke up because of a sore throat, some cough and my anxiety to make phone calls this morning. But the calls went well and I slept a few hours before noon. John is sleeping now and has not been up at all which is a good sign :bigups:. Maybe its just an adjustment thing. I hope so.

Todays complaint.. I totally missed to sign up for the card swap :(.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 09, 2023, 05:34:39 AM
A new mattress can take a bit to get used to. I'm glad it's getting better :)

I'm so sorry about the card swap! You can always ask for a private card swap in the Swap forum :)

My complaint is my legs, it's not really even my back anymore. I ordered some more water bottles because we still have a boil notice and I don't want to run out. It was just delivered. It's 35 pack. I bent down to grab it and placed it right inside the door so I didn't have to carry it. When I stood up and walked back to my desk, my legs were all wobbly and weak.

I wanted to try and get the mail this morning and I still need to visit my mom. There's no way I can :( What do you do when you can't walk and have no wheelchair to get around in? And I live on the second floor, so I still wouldn't be able to leave. I can put in a form asking for a ground level apartment but then I would have to hire movers again, and I don't think I can pack up all my things like last time so the movers would have to do that too. Plus, I like where my apartment is. I can see the mailboxes and the office is right across the street.

Why is everything so hard? :cloud:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 09, 2023, 06:25:00 AM
I really hope we can get the two factor  authentication turned off on my mom's phone.  She should have gotten some kind of email, but neither one of us caught if she did.  She gets worked up if she gets around 30 unread emails in her inbox even though I've told her not to worry about that until she gets over 900 unread emails in her inbox.  She also empties the Deleted folder often.

I've tried to tell her that she turned her phone off the other day before the update and turned it back on again without a problem, but hopefully the guy at the store can help us out and explain it better. 

I still feel bad that I might have missed it though. Even though I tried really hard to check everything out.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 09, 2023, 06:38:55 AM
my parents are the same way about emails and notifications. they look at (not necessarily open but at least view) every email. when my dad used to look at facebook it upset him that he couldn't delete the notifications. he said having the notifications made him feel like he needed to do something.

does she have an iPhone? is the 2 factor auth for an app or to unlock the entire phone? it shouldn't require 2 factor auth to unlock the iPhone. unless it's the general passcode? if it's trying to send a text or notification to another device in order to unlock the phone that would be a major problem.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 09, 2023, 07:15:07 AM
She does have an iPhone. I'm not exactly sure what the two factor auth is for.  It's turned on under her name in iCloud Security and Settings.  Years ago she accidentally turned it on for one of her iPods, but by the time we figured out what had happened, it was too late to turn it back off.  :( 

We went back to the store and the guy showed my mom that it was okay to turn the phone on and off.  We asked him about how it might have got turned on, but he said it might have turned on by itself because she still had some money left in her iTunes account.  I'm still wondering if it's something that the store turned on without really thinking about it since they spent all day working on our phones the day we got them. The guy said he has two factor turned on on his phone because he works in the phone store all day long and has to show people what to do on their phones.  I asked her if she wanted me to try to take it off and she said no. I'm confused whether it's actually on or off because it says it's on, but I looked at the instructions and it said even after you turned it on there were additional steps to follow. :dizzy:  I know that it didn't happen while we had the phones, but I still think that's it's something that happened while the store was working on our phones.  It took around 9 hours to get them all ready.  They eventually told us to leave and come back.  Now that I think about it, the store probably did turn it on, because they said my mom's phone was ready first while mine and my dad's took longer.  I tried to check on everything and set all the apps back up, but I guessed I missed that.  I tried so hard to get everything perfect.

I've had 3 bad scares today, 2 involving the dog. She got in the garage earlier today while we were out. When we got back I saw her under a ladder trying to get out and dragging the ladder with her. The 2nd time called her and called her and she didn't come.  I finally found her curled up behind my dad's recliner. I thought she was dead, but she moved. She's really old.   

The 3rd strange thing happened at Walmart.  We had stopped there even though it's becoming my least favorite Walmart in the area, because they are rearranging everything and I can't find what I'm looking for.  I had stopped to look at some Halloween costumes that were on clearance.  Suddenly I saw 2 guys coming very close to me with 2 TVs in their basket.  I stepped away and said "Excuse me" because I thought that I hadn't noticed them approaching behind me.  They raced out the entrance door.  A few seconds later an employee said those 2 guys stole the TVs. I didn't get a good enough look at them to be able to describe them.  I only noticed them in the first place because they literally almost barreled in to me.

I feel like everything's falling apart around me. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Griffin on November 09, 2023, 11:31:11 PM
I'm so angry and frustrated about the recent Facebook/Meta thing. (In short, because they've been sanctioned for breaching European privacy laws, they now demand you consent to the use of your data for advertising, or pay.) I had no idea about the change until a couple of friends mentioned it yesterday, and in the evening I got the notice myself. I haven't decided yet if I should just delete my account. What I hate most is that I can't do anything before either consenting or subscribing, so if I decide to delete my account I have no way of informing my friends or any of the groups (and some groups have been very important to me!). Apparently I can at least download my own content before leaving - not sure how that will work in practice. I feel like my account is being held hostage. I know perfectly well why they're doing it this way, and that's what makes me so angry. I'm not even sure if the free option is any different to what has been going on so far, because everything is pretty unclear. At least I've been trying to tinker with all the settings so that I will only see general ads (but maybe they still sold my data to advertisers, idk). But I feel like giving *explicit* consent is the worst thing one could do - even if it's now only something like your age and gender info that they use, I'm sure soon it will be something else, and there's no way to fight it because you've already given your consent. I'm so glad I never made that Instagram account I was thinking of.

I already hate Google with passion, and yet I use their products because how are you supposed to function in today's society without using them? 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 09, 2023, 11:55:26 PM
^ Same. I figure Google already has all my info. I mean, I can *talk* to someone, in real life, about something and the next day there will be a Facebook ad about it. Like what? I don't have an Alexa or any other smart products except my iPhone. Is Siri always listening in on me? That's pretty disturbing.

And yeah, it's impossible to not use Google if you're on the surface internet. I think the only way you can escape is by going to the deep web, but it's slow and confusing to get to places since there are no ways to search (deep web is not a bad place, it's just the part of the internet that isn't indexed by search engines, which actually makes up about 90% of the internet as a whole. Dark web is what you want to avoid.)

I was angry at Microsoft for requiring a specific codec to view pictures on the built in photo editor. And you have to get it in the app store, and it isn't free. You have to pay 99 cents for it. Like, I do have a version of Photoshop, but it takes a while to load and sometimes I just want to grab a pic quickly. I felt dirty, but I paid the 99 cents.

As far as I know Facebook isn't doing anything like that in the US, but we all know the US government doesn't give a fig about personal privacy. Like I said, Google already knows everything about me. I've been on the web since 1997 and when I was 15 I wasn't the smartest about sharing things.

The worst part? For me anyway. Sometimes I do click those ads.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 10, 2023, 01:21:12 AM
Europes privacy laws are extensive nowadays. It's gotten to the point schools don't even do yearbooks anymore as that's a breach of gdpr and it's a hassle to get parents of thousands of pupils to sign agreements to the books. Memberships in stores has to be renewed regularly as they have to delete you if you don't shop there within a certain time frame as they're not allowed to keep your information etc. Meta has had to pay some hefty fines about their use of our data which is why this paying or acctepting being tracked thing came about. I've known about it for a while, it has been on the news on and off for weeks. I did agree to their terms as I'm on facebook and instagram daily and paying almost 14US$ a month is too expensive. I don't like it but feel like I have no choice unless I delete it all which I wont do.

Ponyfan, such a hassle with the phones, I'm sorry you have to deal with it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 10, 2023, 08:27:43 AM
Oh, now I see. $14 a month! But I feel like you, Beldarna, I've been on Facebook since 2009 and I use it everyday, Instagram not so much. I wouldn't want to leave Facebook and there are a lot of reasons too. I also think it's funny that they tried to start Threads as an alternative to Facebook, but it's a Meta site too (and I think it failed anyway).
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Kitcatepic on November 10, 2023, 08:55:06 AM
My cat just puked on a pile of paper in my room that contained most of the drawings I did over the summer most of them are unharmed but there are a few major casualties I really had to surpress the urge to yell at her
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 11, 2023, 08:12:03 AM
I hope everyone else who's sick gets better soon :)

TBH i do feel a bit weird about yearbooks now that i'm an adult. there's a lot of information out there for anyone who really wants to look stuff up in the U.S. i'm not sure if they're still a thing in the U.S. my gut feeling is that even if these social media companies started charging a fee, they would still sell your data. it has to be worth more than $14/month. the fines here are really just a cost of doing business for a lot of these huge companies. but i think my feelings on Facebook differ from most people here. i stopped using it a few years ago and i don't miss it. but the fact that you risk losing contact with people if you leave is part of the lock in. it really stinks

my complaint today is i'm still feeling sick. taking a day off from work to sleep helped but i'm definitely not 100%. i have some errands i absolutely need to take care of today so i'll have to drag myself out of the house. i also need to take down the Halloween decorations. it's been rainy and cold so i didn't want to risk getting sicker by spending time outside but it's almost halfway through Nov. so i think i need to take them down. i'm bummed that i don't have enough energy to put up the Christmas decorations. i could really use the pretty decorations to cheer me up. i do have some pony mail and books waiting for me though :)

Thanksgiving is also coming up fast so i need to start planning. I have a pretty set menu so it's really just a matter of making a grocery list and cleaning.

also i found out this week that one of my co-workers is leaving for another job. i'm excited for her because it sounds like a good opportunity but i'll miss her. she's also good at her job so it's gonna be a bumpy transition for whoever takes her place.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 11, 2023, 03:54:02 PM
I'm suffering with some kind of upper respiratory thing. I took a Covid test and it was negative.  The drs office felt like I should wait a few days before seeing the dr as they seem to think it's allergies.  I've been having trouble with my asthma the last few days and yesterday I was around birds and the cage was dirty.  I think I've been tested for allergies to birds and it was negative, but the last two times I've been around birds with dirty cages, I've had negative reactions. 

Someone asked me to cover for them and they talked like they were so grateful for me doing it that they would buy me a treat as a thank you (they asked what my favorite drink or snack was)  As far as I know., they didn't.  I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, but it does make me wonder  if something happened and she wasn't able to bring the treat back like she thought she would.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 12, 2023, 04:08:14 AM
The sad thing about facebook is it killed almost all the forums. The Swedish mlp-forum doesn't exist anymore, a fantasyforum I was a huge part of is gone and the only way for me to stay in contact with most members are through the groups on Facebook and a chats in messenger. If I were to delete facebook I had nowhere to get in touch. Almost most of my friends are online, and it's through facebook we stay in contact. It's a love-hate-relationship with it.

Today we celebrate fathers day and mom wrote in the family chat (messenger! Hey again fb) that she hoped me and my younger brother would join her at grandpa and she had bought cake! She knows I'm recovering from the worst cold I've ever had and been on high doses of meds containing morphine. Like one dose makes you illegal to drive and I've had four dosages a day for a week! I've hardly been out the door without John as I don't trust myself. I don't have a car, but going by bus, bicycling that while a bit high? No way, not to mention exposing my 86 year old grandpa for my cold?
My brother wrote that he also had a cold. Not to mention my husband work at a elderly care home and one unit is battling Covid right now. Not going. We both wrote no to her and she was like, "oh, thats too bad, I had hoped we could get together as it been a while".. I told my husband and he joked if she wanted to kill her dad. She means well, but she's a bit of an unthoughtfull narcissist sometimes.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 12, 2023, 05:34:15 AM
sounds like you made the right decision, Beldarna. I hope you feel better soon. you too, Ponyfan :hug: :hug:

my cold is still lingering. i have more errands to do today. i hope i feel better tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 12, 2023, 08:26:28 AM
Birds have a lot of dander so it could be allergies there too. I've been having a hard time with my asthma too. I hope you feel better, Ponyfan.

You too, Beldarna and Beth.

I'm a little annoyed by my mom. She keeps saying I have to rest and lie in bed and "take care of myself" so I can get better and go see her. The thing is, I use my computer for like everything and I have responsibilities and need to be online at least once a day. I told her I was at my desk checking the internet and she got mad saying I need to stay in bed. I get so bored though and it's not comfortable to lie there all day. I slept for 12 hours last night, that's enough time in bed. Sitting in my chair does hurt too though. It makes my legs swell up more and hurts my back. I bought a $100 Purple cushion and it's not enough. I put another cushion and a blanket on top and it still hurts. So it's not like I sit here very long. I just wish she'd stop saying I can't do *anything* but lie in bed.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 12, 2023, 07:47:34 PM
Hey, guess who's probably getting sick again! :hiya: ... :gah:

My mother has covid. She became ill on Friday. Strong cough, runny nose, sneezing and fever has been 38 degrees. I have taken care of her and apparently I am getting the same disease myself. I've washed my hands often, but I haven't kept the mask on my face. On Saturday I had a headache. Now my nose runs a little and my throat itches/stings which makes me cough again. -_- If I get it, it will be the 4th time I've been sick this year.  :faint:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 13, 2023, 01:16:25 AM
Oh, no! I hope you'll get well soon, HoM. You too Beth
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 13, 2023, 05:08:46 AM
I'm so sorry HoM! It seems you've been sick the whole year :( I hope you and your mother get well soon :hug:

I've lost enough weight that my glasses don't fit. They keep sliding down my nose. I know there's a way you can bend them but I'm afraid to try.

I get heat rash on my thighs often. I try to keep it clean and dry and ordered some new powder that said it was for heat rash and that it would absorb and keep out moisture. I put it on a spot yesterday and today it really hurts. It broke out in little tiny pimples! I guess I'm allergic? I'll never use that powder again. It's called Clandestine and is in a pink bottle.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 13, 2023, 06:56:48 AM
oh no @HOM :hug: get better soon. @BC congrats on losing weight :)

i still don't feel well. at least i only have 5 days to go until i'm off for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 13, 2023, 03:52:06 PM
I'm still not feeling well either, but I seem to be doing a little better. 

I really hope everything's sorted out with my monthly shot.  I was assured last month that everything was fine and given a computer print out that the office told me was the new referral. I usually get a paper copy in the mail also, but nothing's arrived yet.  That being said, there's a lot of things that people have claimed they've mailed that haven't arrived.  The office also told me that they go directly to the insurance company and not through the primary care physician, so I don't know if that makes a difference or not.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 13, 2023, 06:37:01 PM
Thanks everyone! :hug:
Yes, this will go away with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs, rest and hot drinks.. hopefully soon! :huh: I'm just afraid that my side/chest pain will come back.. I'm trying not to cough too hard. It's now flu season in Finland, and especially covid has congested hospitals and the availability of vaccinations. :pout:

Many hugs to everyone who also suffers from the flu/covid and other health problems! :heart: :hug: :heart:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 13, 2023, 07:18:55 PM
I asked my mom if she needed to go to the store and she said no even though we're running low on some things.  Later she said she didn't have everything she thought she did on hand for the evening meal.  Instead we ended up eating some leftover stuff that she didn't cook right the first time.  It wasn't that good the first time and she refused to throw it out and start over.  I know I sound ungrateful. I don't mean to but I'm so tired of just having to go along with whatever my parents want or being ignored when I do try to express my opinion about something. :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 14, 2023, 03:09:03 AM
A urine sample analyzis costs 650 sek! I was not told this before hand. Remove the zero and you have the dollar. Or close to it. Yikes! And we needed it!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on November 14, 2023, 05:49:53 AM
A urine sample analyzis costs 650 sek! I was not told this before hand. Remove the zero and you have the dollar. Or close to it. Yikes! And we needed it!
Good grief! Vets always cost an arm and a leg. At one point, I was paying $119 per month on valley fever testing for my dog (not to mention $$ prescription dog food and meds) so I can sympathize! I hope he gets well soon.
And everyone else too. Healing vibes all around.  :heart: :glitter:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 14, 2023, 06:46:56 AM
Wow. I don't know why dog and cat vets are so expensive. I used to believe that if you couldn't afford the vet for your animal, you shouldn't have one. But after falling on hard times myself I don't feel that way anymore. Sometimes when you don't have anything else is when you need a pet the most.

edit, later: This isn't really a complaint, just an observation. There were two dudes on my balcony talking in spanish. They're with the construction crew that's doing repairs. I think they were looking for damage? It was just super weird to see a bright orange shirt out my window.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 14, 2023, 08:38:00 AM
a lot of veterinary practices were bought up by private equity in the US. it's driven up prices a lot. also, there are a lot more treatments available for pets now that just weren't available 20 years ago. which is good but expensive.

my complaint today is just that i'm in a general bad mood. the doom and gloom is taking over today. i think i need to get out of the house but i still don't feel well enough.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 14, 2023, 04:23:15 PM
I'm not sure if this belongs here or in WYP, but for now I guess I will post it here.

I have a display cabinet (I'm not talking about the Detolf from Ikea)  My dad plugged in the display cabinet light and turned it on.  I thought I turned it off, but I guess he turned it back on again. My mom and I started to smell something buring, but we couldn't figure out what it was.  I asked her if maybe the smell was coming from the outside, but she checked and said no.  One of my Barbie boxes was up against the light (because we haven't used the light in the display cabinet for years) and the heat from the light was burning through the box.  The box was 3 layers and the top 2 layers have holes in them.  The layer containing the doll was scorched a bit, but the doll wasn't harmed.  There were still glowing embers on the box when my mom found it. 

I'm glad my mom found it in time. It could have been a lot worse then just one doll box being damaged.  I'm torn between wanting to scream at my dad and not. I know he'd never do anything to my stuff like that on purpose and he feels bad enough as it is.  He didn't realize the light would be that hot. 

I saw the dr today.  I have bronchitis again. :(   My mom has strep throat.  I accidentally grabbed her drink by mistake and took a couple of sips before I realized what I was doing.  I'm hoping since I already had to start antibiotics that if I do get it, that will help clear it up.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 14, 2023, 04:43:35 PM
That's so scary! I'm so glad your mom found it before it started a fire.

:hug: to everyone dealing with illness

My current complaint, the rain smells like fish.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 15, 2023, 04:59:12 AM
We have around five different vet practises in town and two more outside of it, so one would think the prices would be resonable.. or maybe they are? I don't know. Anywhow.. as rushed as it was for them to get it, they're slow with the result. No word yet.

Todays complaint:

We have no water! I have one glass off water, a small amount in the kettle, but not enough to boil and we have the cats three bowls and thats it.. and our dishwasher is running.. so we probably need to redo that one. The landlord said it was an emergency pipe break in one of the units, but no info was sent to us, I had to call. My friend/neighbour is out as well. We can't cook our lunch! I have no estimate either, only that it will be fixed fast.

John has gotten my cold! In the end he, the brave hero, succumbed and is feeling awful, he's even coughing. I feel like he deserved it because:

I was napping and hubby woke me up asking if I was gonna sleep the entire day. When I said I wanted to but apparently wasn't allowed to he said I was allowed. But I got up because, as I said to him, if I was allowed, he would not have woken me. I am GRUMPY! And I want a cup of tea.

Ponyfan how scary! I'm glad it didn't get any worse :hug:

HoM I hoe you'll feel better soon.

BC fun with strangers on the balcony.. did anyone look good?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 15, 2023, 05:16:40 AM
Men are so dumb sometimes, aren't they? Sorry your water is out! That sucks.

They're here again today, the dudes who were on my balcony. One is okay looking, rugged handsome type.

It doesn't smell like fish anymore, thankfully. Ick. This morning my complaint is my lack of sleep. I sleep on and off for small amounts but I didn't really sleep until 4am and I got up at 7. It's still dreary outside so good napping weather.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on November 15, 2023, 09:06:33 AM
when my mom tells me my cousin used to have an MPP...

...but they dont know where she went :sad:

Men are so dumb sometimes, aren't they? Sorry your water is out! That sucks.
yes, i can confirm this- sincerely, a man  :P
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 15, 2023, 10:29:24 AM
Thanks, oh, they are! I love him, but I have no idea how he thinks sometimes.

I went out to the outdoor storage to ckeck on my bike to see if the tires needed be filled after standing still for so long and the front tire was flat! I have no idea if it's punctured or if the air just leaked out. It had to have happened just a few days after we got the tires changed. When looking at it, it looks like the valve was put in upside down! I hope that was the issue. I prefer the electric bike when being out on the road in the early AMs so I hope the tired stays filled now. I hate the place we got these bikes from more and more, the incomepetence and lack of customer service is staggering.

cowboypossum, lol at the man comment. But what is MPP?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 15, 2023, 02:25:29 PM
Thanks BC and Beldarana. :hug:

Here's a picture of the box.  This is actually the lid and back part of the box.
The inner part of the box has a burn mark, but it didn't eat through that layer.
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

I was going to put the box back together but it still smells like smoke really bad.

I even asked on Facebook if anyone might have a spare box I could use, but so far I haven't had any luck.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on November 15, 2023, 02:42:22 PM
cowboypossum, lol at the man comment. But what is MPP?
an MPP is a My Pretty Pony, the precursor to the ponies we all know and love!!
damn you Tanya, how dare you lose her!

i hope your bike gets fixed soon, that really sucks! :blink:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on November 15, 2023, 05:04:55 PM
OMG your box situation is so scary!!!  wow I am glad it wasn't worse!

i had to go to a professional networking luncheon and everyone was hiding that we were all sick.  >.< 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 16, 2023, 05:47:02 AM
Thank heaven there was no fire!!! Still, shame the box got damaged xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 16, 2023, 07:08:59 AM
Ponyfan that's really scary. i would think a light inside a cabinet shouldn't burn so hot.

my complaint today is i still don't feel well and when i woke up today i thought it was Saturday. after a few minutes i realized it was only Thursday and was disappointed.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 16, 2023, 08:48:17 AM
Ponyfan, how scary! I wonder if putting it in a sealed container with a cup of vinegar will help with the smell.

cowboyopossum, oh. I thought you meant some sort of condition or something, like an ilness. Glad it was just the pony, but sad there's no knowledge about the wearabouts.

The bike tire had air when I went to work this morning. When it was time to go home 9 hours later, the tire was only half full :( so I stopped by a local workshop between work and home and they fixed it almost right away so now I am a bit poorer but have a tire with air :). The place where I got the bike from is on the other side of town and they're appointments only so I would not have it fixed until next week if I went with them. I asked the guys today about the price of tire change and it's almost the same and it's walk in there as well and it gets fixed the same day. The warranty time of the bikes are out so I'm thinking using this place from now on.

The vet called about the urine sample. It has chrystals in it, the same as Ninja. So now Simba has to eat urinary food only. He eats the kibble already but the wet food is so expensive we've only had Ninja on it. I also have a brand new bigbox of 40 bags of store bought wet food Simba can't have from now on.. Majsan wont eat it so it sucks. They also want a new urine sample by his next appointment in four weeks. Yaaay!  :wail: :argh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 16, 2023, 09:57:11 AM
Beldarna, I'm so sorry :( Can you donate the food they can't eat?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on November 16, 2023, 02:06:27 PM
These sweet babies. Bleep you, dumb pee crystals!  :shakefist:

My complaint is super trivial… I wanted to buy two sheets of cool stickers, but the shipping is ten bucks. Nah, man. Can’t do it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 16, 2023, 03:24:52 PM
I'm in so much pain :wail: Some days are worse than others. I think the rainy weather is affecting my arthritis and everything else. I already took my pain meds and I can take them every six hours. It's only been two :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 16, 2023, 07:34:51 PM
Ponyfan! Luckily you were home and smelled the burning in time! :whoa: I am afraid of fires the most! I haven't experienced that, but there have been a few near misses. :huh: Fortunately, your doll survived too! :hug:


Beldarna, I'm so sorry.. :heart: The urine crystals are really annoying and the cat's food has to be changed to much more expensive food. -_- It's good that Simba likes dry food that's suitable for the urinary tract! :heart:
I also have experience with this with my mother's cat Mara. Once, there were so many crystals that the urinary tract was completely blocked and a catheter had to be put in it. It was a difficult time for us, and especially for the cat, a really disgusting and painful time! Fortunately, we got through that too! :whew: For the rest of his life, Mara also ate urinary food  (dry food) and liked it very much.

That's also really annoying when you've just bought a large amount of food and the cat doesn't like it or the cat can't eat it! :gah:
Hah, I've had some kind of experience with this too recently! ^^;
Here in Finland, there has been a horrible discovery, first in dog food and now finally in cat food as well. A lot of cases of glycoalkaloid poisoning caused by spoiled potato flakes! A few dogs and cats have even had to be euthanized because of this! :cry:
A few weeks before this scandal came to light, we had bought a large bag of this now withdrawn dry food for our cats. But we were lucky here, because the cats didn't like eating that food at all! At first we were upset when money was wasted (again), but afterwards it hasn't hurt at all in this case! I don't know if our cats sensed that the food is not good or if they just didn't like it. :blink:


BlackCurtains, :heart: :hug: :heart:


My complaint: It's only 15 °C in the bedroom!  :brr: I can't sleep and I'm freezing. With the flu, this is a really nice situation.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 17, 2023, 02:34:50 AM
It is indeed getting colder!!!
BC aww xxx
Beldarna oh no!!! Poor moggies, & poor you having to get high-priced cat food!!!

My complaint is two things: 1/ dear hips, why can't you not be sore for one day??? Every day for the past week at least my hips have hurt, & it's worse at night. I can bear it, but oh boy it's not good!!!
2/ I've been really lucky up to now wi no Scarlet O'Hara showing up during the bathroom works, & I ideally want the bathroom work DONE before  she strikes!!! But it looks like another week is needed due to painters being on holiday & things which can't be done until after said painter has been. Plus the workies leave the outer door open to move stuff in & out, but as it's getting colder that has a worse effect on the temperature of my home. I JUST want the work finished already!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 17, 2023, 02:47:34 AM
Why do I do things that make my situation worse? :( :cloud:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 17, 2023, 03:10:51 AM
BC, we're gonna ask my mother-in-law if she wants the food. If I recall correctly, her cat is a very picky eater and don't like it, but I might be remembering wrong. If she don't want it I'm thinking the animal shelter. They have a drop box at a pet store on the other side of town. But I hate wasting money and if seems like I've been bleeding money constantly these last few weeks.

I am sorry you're in so much pain :(. I wish I could wave a wand and make it go away.

HoM, We're lucky that he likes the kibbles and the medicine. The wetfood is strongly recomended to get fluid in their systems. But battling chrystals and Hyperthyroidism on one cat, and crystals on the other takes its toll. Ninja is so high demanding as well and keeping him out of boredom feels like a fulltime job. I love my cats to death, they're my children, but I start to feel burned out of all of this and with all the attention to the boys it feels like we're neglecting Majsan :(.

About the food, in Sweden if something is withdrawn from market because of danger, the customer gets the money back, no questions asked and no receipt needed. Is it not the same in Finland? I'm glad your cats did not like it. How lucky!

I would not be able to deal with 15 degrees! Let alone while being sick! Is it warmer elsewhere in the house? I feel so bad for you! :hug:

PWB, does Scarlet O'Hara means getting overly dramatic? I'm sorry about your hips.

I found out today I'll be working the entire christmas weekend. I have no times yet as the timetable is getting renewed in a month so new work schedule. But I'll get the same days off as in the current one and that says I'm on for christmas.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 17, 2023, 04:47:05 AM
BC, we're gonna ask my mother-in-law if she wants the food. If I recall correctly, her cat is a very picky eater and don't like it, but I might be remembering wrong. If she don't want it I'm thinking the animal shelter. They have a drop box at a pet store on the other side of town. But I hate wasting money and if seems like I've been bleeding money constantly these last few weeks.

I am sorry you're in so much pain :(. I wish I could wave a wand and make it go away.

HoM, We're lucky that he likes the kibbles and the medicine. The wetfood is strongly recomended to get fluid in their systems. But battling chrystals and Hyperthyroidism on one cat, and crystals on the other takes its toll. Ninja is so high demanding as well and keeping him out of boredom feels like a fulltime job. I love my cats to death, they're my children, but I start to feel burned out of all of this and with all the attention to the boys it feels like we're neglecting Majsan :(.

About the food, in Sweden if something is withdrawn from market because of danger, the customer gets the money back, no questions asked and no receipt needed. Is it not the same in Finland? I'm glad your cats did not like it. How lucky!

I would not be able to deal with 15 degrees! Let alone while being sick! Is it warmer elsewhere in the house? I feel so bad for you! :hug:

PWB, does Scarlet O'Hara means getting overly dramatic? I'm sorry about your hips.

I found out today I'll be working the entire christmas weekend. I have no times yet as the timetable is getting renewed in a month so new work schedule. But I'll get the same days off as in the current one and that says I'm on for christmas.
Scarlet O'Hara is how I refer to my not-so-monthly cycle
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 17, 2023, 07:50:20 AM
I'm feeling better this morning :) I didn't get a lot of sleep but I'm wide awake. I'll probably end up crashing later.

My complaint is the construction guys are pounding and banging on the building. They were banging so hard some Tupperware fell from my dish rack.

Aster is also being very whiny and annoying. I don't know what she wants. I think she wants me to go to bed? She's been up all night with me so she didn't sleep either. Usually by this time most mornings she's eaten and had treats and attention and then she goes back to the bedroom to sleep some more. She's out here sitting beside me crying. Also she's put on weight, which is good, but now I'm worried she's putting on too much. Too many Churu treats! I should cut down.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 17, 2023, 06:31:04 PM

HoM, We're lucky that he likes the kibbles and the medicine. The wetfood is strongly recomended to get fluid in their systems. But battling chrystals and Hyperthyroidism on one cat, and crystals on the other takes its toll. Ninja is so high demanding as well and keeping him out of boredom feels like a fulltime job. I love my cats to death, they're my children, but I start to feel burned out of all of this and with all the attention to the boys it feels like we're neglecting Majsan :(.

About the food, in Sweden if something is withdrawn from market because of danger, the customer gets the money back, no questions asked and no receipt needed. Is it not the same in Finland? I'm glad your cats did not like it. How lucky!

I would not be able to deal with 15 degrees! Let alone while being sick! Is it warmer elsewhere in the house? I feel so bad for you! :hug:

Yes, in Finland you also usually get your money back or some kind of refund (usually it's a gift card for the store in question) if there is a defect in one of the products you bought. In this case of food poisoning, the store that sold the pet food has promised to pay the costs of the vet visits for those who have had to take their pets to the vet. In the case of the rest of us who have bought the food, we can return the food to the stores where it was bought. They will dispose of them, but I don't know if we will get any refund. :shrug: When I'm feeling better, I'll try to go and return them, because I still have that dry food bag.
The same pet food had also been exported to Sweden and Norway, but as far as I know, there have been no cases of poisoning in those countries like what has happened here? :wonder:

Now the temperature in the bedroom has risen to at least 19 degrees because I turned on another electric radiator. I kept torturing myself with the cold for a long time, but now I had to give in. :snicker:
There are two electric radiators in the upstairs bedroom, but sometimes it feels like they are not enough either. I don't want to put them on very high power, because that means a bigger electricity bill. There used to be a small fireplace in the bedroom a long time ago, but it was taken away for some reason, which is really stupid! >_<
Downstairs there are also electric radiators, but in addition to them there are two large fireplaces and an old air source heat pump. The electric radiators downstairs are still off, but the pump is running and wood has been burned in the fireplaces. I feel like that pump runs constantly and it increases the electricity bill. :unsure: It should save electricity and not be an energy guzzler! We have thought about informing the house owner, i.e. the landlord, that the pump has broken down or that it is running continuously. Unfortunately, the landlord is really frugal, so it is unlikely that he will immediately agree to the purchase of a new one. :pout:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 18, 2023, 02:44:45 AM
PWB oh. I see! :lol:

BC that is great that it's better! Hope it stays getting better.

HoM, I didn't realise it was recently. I have not heard anything about spoilt animalfeed. How strange. It was kind of the pet store to offer to pay the bills though :).

Yikes! I live in a old rental apartment, the units were built in the 70's and are owned by the muncipality. Newly built apartments don't have heating and water included in the rent but the old ones does. We currently have 23.7 degrees inside. I still sleep with a blanket on my duvet :lookround:.

I woke up in the early ams with both nostrils blocked and razors in my throat. My coughing has increased as well. I'm so sick of being sick, I've been bad for five weeks now. I even googled it becaue having a cold for that long doesn't seem normal.. apparently it isn't and our national health page recommends talking to the medical after four weeks. Fun >_<.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 18, 2023, 06:53:57 AM
I'm sorry for everyone that is sick right now :hug:

I woke up with an extremely dry mouth and throat and then I sneezed. It really hurt! The pollen is high because it rained. Things down here never stop growing so something is always blooming.

The Snowbirds have started to come. I don't go anywhere so I don't really have to deal with them, but they do shop and the online counterpart runs out of stuff faster and for longer. I should get more water. The traffic is bad too.

The construction guys were banging on the building again this morning while I was still sleeping. It semi woke me up and I sat up and said "What the hell was that?!" then went back to sleep :lol:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on November 18, 2023, 09:05:59 AM
I am getting SO MANY spam emails lately  :enraged: I'm normally ruthless with spam and very rarely get anything in my main inbox, and perhaps 1-2 for junk. I must have put my name to something because I KEEP getting emails offering me J'adore perfume from Boots or air fryers. Yesterday I think I received something like 10 emails from TEMU of all things!!! STOP TRYING TO SELL ME PALLETS OMG!!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 18, 2023, 11:22:38 AM
Everybody who's sick, get well soon, & if needed talk to docs to find out what the root of the issue is xxx We all still have our masks right??? So if we're snivelling we can use them to go to doc appointments & buy needed meds xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 18, 2023, 12:11:40 PM
*cries in invalid* My stuff from Amazon came but it's in my parcel locker :wail: I can't get it :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 18, 2023, 12:48:22 PM
Everyone get well soon :)

BC, can one of your neighbors get it for you?

i finally feel mostly better. my throat is a little scratchy but my energy level is back to normal.

i need to start keeping better track of what books i own and checking before i order. I ordered another copy of a book I already own but have not read :huh: it's a paperback so it wasn't expensive or anything. but when i saw the spine on my shelf i realized it looked very familiar. i checked and sure enough it's already on another shelf. my parent's neighborhood has one of those little free libraries so i'll drop it in there next time i go over. or if anyone wants a new copy of The Road by Cormac McCarthy I'll send it to you :)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 18, 2023, 01:21:11 PM
The neighborhood kids would get it for me but they've been scarce since school started. My downstairs neighbor is sick, I think. Usually she walks her dog every morning but I haven't seen her. I did hear talking to the new people who moved in next door earlier but that was before my stuff was delivered. I just really hate how Amazon gives things to USPS. I use Amazon for a lot of reasons and one of them is that it comes to my door :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 18, 2023, 03:33:52 PM
HoM, I didn't realise it was recently. I have not heard anything about spoilt animalfeed. How strange. It was kind of the pet store to offer to pay the bills though :).

Yikes! I live in a old rental apartment, the units were built in the 70's and are owned by the muncipality. Newly built apartments don't have heating and water included in the rent but the old ones does. We currently have 23.7 degrees inside. I still sleep with a blanket on my duvet :lookround:.

I woke up in the early ams with both nostrils blocked and razors in my throat. My coughing has increased as well. I'm so sick of being sick, I've been bad for five weeks now. I even googled it becaue having a cold for that long doesn't seem normal.. apparently it isn't and our national health page recommends talking to the medical after four weeks. Fun >_<.

Yep, it's a recent scandal. :( I don't know if it was reported at all in other countries than here in Finland. It is a manufacturer of dog and cat food called SMAAK. In Finland, it has been sold mainly by a pet store called Musti & Mirri. The spoiler has a picture of the food that has been withdrawn and the logo of the pet store.
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

You have a warm apartment. :heart: I would be sweating there! ^^; I have been used to quite cool temperatures since my childhood, because my father kept the temperatures low. In winter, temperatures were usually 17-21 degrees. In the summer the house was comfortably cool, but in the winter it could have been a little warmer. :pout:

Oh no, you still have the flu! And it gets worse! :scared: :sad: I hope you will be able to see the doctor soon!

I still have the cough and my nose is running. I have had a slight fever in the evenings (it was 37.7 degrees yesterday). Now, as a new symptom, I noticed that I've lost my sense of smell. I can still taste everything, but more faintly than usual. :pout:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 18, 2023, 07:24:28 PM
Thanks everyone.  I'm still a little annoyed about the box burning, but I know it could have been much worse.  A lot of different things are in that display cabinet including snowglobes and ponies.  The loss of one box is small in comparison to what could have happened.  If my dad had just left things alone and not tried to make it better then it would have never happened in the first place.

I'm so frustrated, restless and bored right now.  I'm getting better, but still have a cough.  My main problem is with my dad.  The dr put him on antibiotics also so that my parents wouldn't pass their sickness back and forth between each other.  My dad has been rearranging things and moving things around. The other day he decided that there was too much "junk" and everything in a certain spot had to be sorted though.  Today he used the last 2 plugs in the power strip that I usually use to charge my phone and my Switch.  He also unscrewed a good light bulb and put in a bad one in it's place because he found the light bulb on a table.  He did swtich them back eventually.

I get so tired of always being the one that has to acquiesce and act like stuff doesn't bother me or that's it's not an innconvience when I have to go out of my to do a simple thing just because my dad got there first.  For example, if I want to water plants and my dad is at the sink I either have to wait until he's done or use another faucet just because he's there and he gets annoyed if you get in his way.

Even the last 2 trips to the store haven't been fun because it's literally been "get what we need, pay and get out."

I haven't felt like streaming anything for a while and it used to be one of my favorite things. I can't blame that on my current situation though as it's been going on for a bit. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 19, 2023, 03:59:16 AM
HoM, I don't recognise that picture. It might not be a big brand here. It's sad it made so many animals sick though :(.

Yes. When I grew up our house was heated by woodburning and the chimney went through my bedroom and my bed was next to the radiator so I am used to having it very warmth. If people were freezing they would come into my room. I'm not complaining about the warmth. Interesting though is that the local paper wrote an article about how cold the muncipalitys units where in other parts of town. One old person had 14 degrees in her apartment. I feel like I scored :biggrin:

I am envious of my husband. he got my cold. Day 1 he started to feel a bit under the weather in the afternoon. Day 2 he slept most of the day and took a shot of my cough medicine. Nothing else. Day 3 he started to feel a bit better. Day 4 he was 90% himself again. Day 5, no trace of the cold whatsoever.

Yesterday we had tickets to a movie. We contemplaiting not going with me being worse, but in order to do a return we would have to go to the cinema anyway so we opted to see the film. Afterwards when we waited for the bus it was like the cold air cleaned my insides a bit. I do feel better today. I got myself a salt water spray and is flushing my nose several times an hour to clean out my sinuses and it seem to be working. I did cough phlegm this morning but otherwise it's mostly under control. I am determined to be better as I am so sick of this!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 19, 2023, 04:38:38 AM
Glad you are starting to feel better! :D

I had a bad accident with my computer chair last night. I don't even know how it happened. I somehow tripped into my chair facing it and it leaned back quite far knocking a bunch of things off my art desk. One thing was my Galileo thermometer that my mom bought me years ago. I've always had it on my computer desk, but had moved it to dust and forgot to move it back. It fell and broke :( One of my ceramic tiles that I use with clay fell too but it's fine thankfully. Other stuff went flying too. I hurt myself as well. My chair seems fine. I'm really bummed about the thermometer.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 19, 2023, 11:10:18 AM
oh no BC! i'm sorry about your thermometer. are you otherwise ok? i hope you didn't have any bad injuries :hug: :hug:

this morning I learned what happens if you try to make a new pot of coffee when the pot is already full. turns out coffee goes everywhere and you burn your hand trying to frantically empty the coffee pot :( so yeah it's important to check that the coffeepot isn't full instead of assuming your husband once again forgot to add water and set the timer. in my defense the dog woke me up super early and i was still groggy.

also the phantom urinator is back. Chloe peed under the Christmas tree!! i was a little wary when she didn't want to go outside with the other dogs. then i saw the puddle.

it wasn't a great morning :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 19, 2023, 03:09:27 PM
Yes, I'm okay. I jammed my knee but I think that was all. The oil compound from the thermometer is all over the carpet under my chair. I tried to clean it up as best I could but it's not like I can use water. What soaks up oil? Cat litter? Anyway, it has a funny smell and Aster kept sticking her face in it. It's non toxic according to the company (they still sell them for $20) but I didn't want her going near it.

Later I stepped in cat vomit. I don't think the two are related. I think she has another hairball because she tried to puke again but it was all foam and that means hairball.

I've had a bad headache all day.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 20, 2023, 06:24:45 AM
I got a fever yesterday evening so had to call out sick from work again. I've been feeling like s**** today with fever, dissiness, headhache, tired. Been sleeping most of the day. Got a hold of the Health Care Center early and talked to a nurse. She said she'd talk to my doctor and get me some cortisone and more cough medicine. So far the prescriptions has not come through yet :(.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 20, 2023, 08:32:55 AM
@BC, yes according to the internet kitty litter can help absorb spilt cooking oil. so it might be worth a try if it hasn't absorbed too much in the carpet.

Our pets are making all kinds of messes lately. :silly: I hope Aster's tummy feels better.

@Beldarna, i hope you get some medicine and you feel better soon :hug: :hug:

For today's morning adventures my dog woke us up at the usual time. i'm off from work this week but she doesn't care. then i lost one of my earbuds. i lose them frequently because i set them down and forget. but this time i couldn't find it anywhere. I was able to use the phone to locate it and it turns out i dropped in in the trash bag while i was cleaning out the fridge. luckily it didn't get dirty. but i probably would have not found it without the app to rare win for tracking technology.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on November 20, 2023, 10:49:08 AM
Beldarna, hope you're feeling better. BC, that sounds nasty :/ Treat yourself gently for a few days!!

My trivial complaint today is unsurprisingly bus related.

I went to the county town by bus today...bus there was fine. No problems. Got to the bus station in time to catch an earlier service back (there are 2 routes that run between the county town and our main central bus station, one is more regular than the other but the second has a prettier route). I caught the prettier route version bus. It had managed to do almost all of its route...until it got onto the very busy dual carriageway leading into our main centre, at which point the engine flat out died.

This is not an area I know, even if I could navigate, which as you guys all know, I can't. The driver was not at all helpful and the replacement bus was likely to take some time to arrive (probably hours, given where it was coming from). The one other guy on the bus trotted off to walk into town (I think it was probably only a mile or maybe a mile and a half at most to walk it) as if he knew where he was going, so driver told me to follow him. I did. Turned out he didn't know where he was going either and after watching him scramble up a bank to get to a bridge I decided to call home and ask for rescue.

We don't have a car at home now, so this meant a taxi, and me trying to get to a part of the road where a: they could find me and b: it was safe to pick me up.

The taxi driver was awesome, full credit to him, but seriously. On the side of one of the major dual carriageways, where there are no walkways, really long wet grass, in the rain...and the bus driver is just like, well, you can walk the rest of the way...

If it had broken down in any of the places leading up to the dual carriageway, I could've found another bus, since I may not be able to walk-navigate, but I know my local bus routes well enough to know what other services run in those places. But dual carriageways like that rarely have bus stops or even walking paths. They're not designed for people on feet.

Taxi overall cost £22 to get home. (Easier to do that than go into the centre and get another bus after all of that). My feet were soaking and my boots are in a state.

Mental note to self. If catching buses in distant areas in future, catch buses where the central garage is local and thus replacement buses arrive within 30 minutes, not 3 hours.

Broken down bus also caused a massive tailback on the road, right in time for the school rush...

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 20, 2023, 04:09:37 PM
oh no Taffeta. I had to lookup what a carriageway is because in the US we call them highways or freeways. definitely not safe to walk on. barely safe to drive on sometimes! i'm glad you made it home safely. you made right decision to call for a taxi.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 20, 2023, 11:22:36 PM
BC, I am so cought up in my own problems I missed yours. I'm sorry about you thermometer, it's heartbreaking when things of sentimental value break.. Catlitter is good for soaking oil, as is flour, corn starch and oats.

Beth, lucky you found it before the trash was gone!

Taffeta, yikes! Good that you could take a taxi. I guess the bussdriver was stressed about the situation but s/he should still be able to give you some directions. It's still customer service. Glad it worked out in the end.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 21, 2023, 06:17:54 AM
Thank you :hug:

Teffeta, that's so frustrating! I'm glad you were able to call a taxi.

Good news! The cat litter did the trick getting up the oil :) The smell is gone now.

Bad news! There's a wildfire somewhere (odd because of all the rain we've had - must have been intentional) and we have a smoke advisory. The pollen is also high, so my allergies are going nuts. I had a massive coughing attack and I had to use my inhaler. My windows are still open  because another cold front is coming. On top of all that, the landscapers were here yesterday and mowed then used the leaf blowers to send grass bits and dust flying everywhere.

Remember when I said we had a boil notice because there was sewage in the water? I read today that the county water will be raising rates. My water bill already averages 50 bucks and I'm one person. Plus, just the audacity to have non drinkable water and then say "oh by the way, your water bill will be more expensive!"
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 22, 2023, 10:11:42 AM
i just realized i need to run to the grocery store today. they were out of the eggs i usually buy last time and i thought i wouldn't need them. then i realized we need the deviled eggs :( it's not a big deal but i was hoping to be done with shopping Monday.

Holidays are less fun now that i'm an adult.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 22, 2023, 11:23:05 AM
Today has been very frustrating so far. For one thing, the internet keeps going in and out. I saw a Comcast truck earlier. They are supposed to send a text when they are working on something, I got no such text.

I slept for 12 hours and still feel miserable. I woke up so stiff and sore. I want to visit my mom but my decrepit body won't work. I ordered some thing from Walmart and they were delivered early this morning since I was up. One thing was another 32 pack of water. When the lady handed it top me, it was so heavy I almost dropped it. When did I become such a weakling?

The mailman yesterday was someone else and he didn't bother coming to my door to get the package I need to send. I really hope the regular guy comes today. I want the stuff in my mailbox.

I need to work on these ponies but my motivation is in the negative. I'm so sick of working on ponies. I want to do something else! I'm never taking commissions again after this.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 22, 2023, 03:44:18 PM
Taffeta, that sounds terrible.   I'm glad you were able to call a taxi.   I'm  surprised that a bus driver would just tell a passenger to get off the bus and follow a stranger instead of making sure that all of the passengers were in a safe area or had a way to get to another bus or home.

BC, :hug:

I started feeling lightheaded today to the point where I wasn't sure if I would be able to stand in a checkout line holding the item I was going to buy without dropping it.  I had eaten lunch before I went out so I'm sure if I didn't eat enough or if I just used up all of my energy.  When I got home I drank a bottle of juice, but it didn't seem to help that much. I feel a little better now though.

I've been waiting almost a year for a chance to see the Nutcracker ballet.  I've never seen it live and thought it would be nice to go at least once.  With everything that's gone on this year though, I'm almost afraid to ask for tickets for it.  Every time there's a show advertised on TV playing at the same even center the Nutcracker is at my dad complains about all of the traffic and crowds there even though we've never gone to anything there.  That's another reason I don't want to ask for tickets.

It looks like everything that I was planning on going back to get at Ulta sold out.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on November 23, 2023, 03:46:51 AM
On the bus situation - we have 3 companies running buses in our area at the moment (+1 which I don't count as it travels into the west midlands proper and thus outside of the county).

No commercial bus company is perfect. But. Details in spoiler tags so as to not derail the thread.

One company runs most of the buses in the area. All the commercial and our bus (now the only one, used to be 5), a council supported service. Their garage is close by and so replacement buses come quickly when there is an issue. I also know the garage manager after several years of dealing with our buses and so stuff gets done - like I asked for a timetable in the local bus station because the Council couldn't be bothered to provide one, and so the garage manager arranged it. So yeah. Not too bad overall.

One I know very little about. The buses seem to run fine. The drivers seem nice. The main garage is a long way away but that is the only issue. They run three or four services but are relatively new to this area.

And the final one, who run 2 services, one in our region and one in the wider county, which I caught the other day. And let's just say they have a reputation for stuff like timekeeping, buses turning up at all, etc. I have been on the one that runs in our region before, where a driver decided to terminate the service early and dump passengers off so he could have a longer lunch break...

But I have taken that bus before, lots of times. First time this has ever happened. The sad thing is that the bus caused a massive tailback, and even if I had waited with it, chances are I would've been there hours and had to get a taxi anyway, which would not have been able to get to where I was. It was just a terrible place to break down, but yeah. I think the driver could've done more.

Onto my new complaint of the day. Last night (I think, I only noticed it last night) I chipped a tooth. It's a tooth that's root filled so it's's the first tooth I ever had root filled years ago so it was inevitable this would happen sometime. That's a complaint in its own right, but my real complaint is that my dentist has suddenly decided (after being NHS and despite still advertising being NHS online) that they are going private. They apparently introduced this on 1st November but failed to tell anyone yet - no material, literature, anything has gone out to explain it. They do have an insurance plan but looking it up online it doesn't look very helpful.

My dentist is lovely. The place she works is run by idiots.

In the past, one of the receptionists left ableist and derogatory comments on my patient record, which I saw in surgery on the dentist's screen...and we had to make a formal complaint (comments were removed, that staff member has also since left although those two things were not connected. The comment was noticed and removed after the staff member had left).

There's still at least one receptionist who is fundamentally evil. I hate waiting rooms, because they're noisy and stressful - the last thing you want to deal with ahead of a dental appointment. But my dentist has a room upstairs and originally there was a waiting room up there for her room. A nice quiet place to wait. Until they (again without notice) decided nobody could wait there, forcing me to wait in the zoo or in the hallway. Both of which left me too stressed out to actually undergo any treatment. So we arranged with the practice, with my dentist's support, that I would still wait in the upstairs waiting room (which now has no chairs, so it means sitting on the floor). Everyone was fine with that but EVERY time I go in that one receptionist not only queries it, but in a very loud voice tries to tell me that it's not allowed. Like it's on my record, but I still have to deal with her trying to stop me every single time. She also tried to charge me double for a treatment process that was still within the cycle of the previous, although my dentist (again, my dentist is lovely) said there was no charge to pay (and backed me up when the receptionist phoned her 'to check;).

So having to deal with that issue whenever I go is already annoying. But now I'm worried about being able to go to the dentist at all when I need to. We don't have many other NHS options here as it is.

I have an emergency appt tomorrow. It will be charged at a higher rate but not the full emergency rate, apparently. But if that person is on the desk, I guarantee she will try and charge me the higher rate and then complain loudly about my going upstairs in front of everyone else in the waiting room, forcing me to (Again) publically explain my disability in order to get her off my back.

No idea what will happen from that point on. I will talk to my dentist and see what the situation is :/ I know I can't afford private dental care, and I have no transport to anywhere else that might provide it's a bit concerning. Especially since I finally have a dentist I can trust.

...I don't even want to start on the Autumn Budget Statement.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 23, 2023, 03:54:36 AM
Everything is just piling up and I feel like crying. Ninja has started to groom himself a lot between his back legs and are constantly seeking contact. Our regular vet in town are closed for lunch. I hope they can squeeze us in once I get a hold of them or there might be another taxi ride out to the district vets.. He just got flushed two and a half weeks ago and is still on Metacam. I'm walking around feeling like this can't be happening again, not so soon. It's just too much :cry:.

EDIT The local vets couldn't help, they had no slots. Going to the emergency vet 30 minutes out of town. This time we ditched the taxi idea and rented a car. Not allowed to have pets in rentals, but he will be in a cage. It's more likley to be contaminated by the cathair from our clothes.

Hubby is nagging on me for not being still. But I can't sit down for more than a few minutes at a time and I'm ugly crying.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 23, 2023, 05:39:13 AM
@Beldarna I hope Ninja is ok :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 23, 2023, 06:18:35 AM
Oh no :( I hope everything works out :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 23, 2023, 07:17:05 AM
Beldarna!!!  :hug: :hug: :hug: for you & :hug: :hug: :hug: for Ninja xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on November 23, 2023, 09:31:58 AM
oh how stressful
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 23, 2023, 11:12:45 AM
What a day. I wrote a long timeline in WYP. He had PUS IN HIS PENIS! :shocked: They pushed out pus and flushed him. He's on antibiotics now! Always trust your gut! You know your pets! Don't hesitate! I am so glad we reacted. He is home. He is drugged. He refuses to lay on a bed in a dark warm room. He's on the floor in the hallway. He wants to be alone. Simba washed his face.

I am so tired now. I feel dead inside.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 23, 2023, 03:12:25 PM
Omg, how awful for him! My female cat had infected anal glands that were full of pus. They had to sedate her and get it all out, they told me some of it was green. She was 12 when that happened and I was so worried but afterwards she felt much better.

It's good you went with your instinct.

I hope the antibiotics work and he starts to feel better. I hope YOU start to feel better too. My animals are my babies and I know how stressful it can be when one is sick. You took care of him for now, so remember to take care of yourself :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 23, 2023, 05:52:19 PM
What a day. I wrote a long timeline in WYP. He had PUS IN HIS PENIS! :shocked: They pushed out pus and flushed him. He's on antibiotics now! Always trust your gut! You know your pets! Don't hesitate! I am so glad we reacted. He is home. He is drugged. He refuses to lay on a bed in a dark warm room. He's on the floor in the hallway. He wants to be alone. Simba washed his face.

I am so tired now. I feel dead inside.

Ooh! :stunned: Glad you got to the vet and there they found out what's wrong with Ninja! Fortunately, there were no urinary tract/bladder blockages! I've never heard of this before. Where could it have come from? Was there an abscess on the outside or did the pus come from inside the penis? :huh: I hope the antibiotic starts working on it right away and Ninja gets better! :hug: :heart:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 24, 2023, 05:32:16 AM
Omg, how awful for him! My female cat had infected anal glands that were full of pus. They had to sedate her and get it all out, they told me some of it was green. She was 12 when that happened and I was so worried but afterwards she felt much better.

It's good you went with your instinct.

I hope the antibiotics work and he starts to feel better. I hope YOU start to feel better too. My animals are my babies and I know how stressful it can be when one is sick. You took care of him for now, so remember to take care of yourself :hug:

Thank you :heart:. I really should but it's hard. It really does stress me up and my cold got worse. I hardly slept three hours tonight and my throat is all sore again and my back ache. I'm thinking a bubble bath actually but don't know if I can cool down enough to enjoy it.. I'm glad it went well with your cat :hug:.

Ooh! :stunned: Glad you got to the vet and there they found out what's wrong with Ninja! Fortunately, there were no urinary tract/bladder blockages! I've never heard of this before. Where could it have come from? Was there an abscess on the outside or did the pus come from inside the penis? :huh: I hope the antibiotic starts working on it right away and Ninja gets better! :hug: :heart:

They think it's bacteria that has entered his urethra somehow. They took some samples from it and his urine and are gonna call us today or monday with the results. The vets at that place are the best and the sweatest I've met. I wish they were closer or I would make them my ordinary ones.

The antibiotics are pills and are huuuge! I've divided them in quarters and he is to have three quearters three times a day. I tried to mortar them and mix the powder with his wetfood for his lunch but he wouldn't eat it. I tried keeping him in a separate room to eat per vets order and he refused. He did not even want the kibble I replaced the wetfood with and now wont eat anything. I had to push three new pills down his throat. He's now stubbornly sleeping on the floor in the hallway. Hubby says he ate the med in his wetfood this morning and thinks I did something wrong.. sigh.. Lets see if he wants to eat dinner later. John is the one who will serve him. I'm gonna refuse.

I had to do an online test of safety aboard trains today. It was the last day and through a link I got in my work phone so I opted to do it at home. In the middle of it John came up and wanted to talk about Ninja and the food and meds and I tried to tell him several times that I was busy doing an important test. In the end I had to close my door in his face to be able to continue. It stressed me up a lot.. I passed but I missed some very critical key things that I think I would have got if my mind had been 100% clear as it was when I started the test. aaaargh!

I bought a big bar of my favorite chocolate today. I really need it. After a late lunch.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 24, 2023, 05:53:00 AM
Your husband has been a real bonehead lately but he's probably worried and stressed about Ninja too. It's good you passed the test :)

I woke up with a bad headache along with all my other aches and pains. My neck has been bothering me for a while too. It's very sore. I want to get a cervical neck corrector pillow from Amazon but it's expensive. Is it on sale for Black Friday? No.

It's really cold today, 62 only. I put socks and my sweater on. Still in shorts, but that's the Florida cold weather look :P

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 24, 2023, 10:47:38 AM
lol BC. i've started to feel really old because now when i see younger people in shorts when it's cold i feel concerned. even though i spent most of my teens and early 20s wearing sweatshirts and shorts and knowing me back then probably sandals and arguing to my parents that if it was above freezing at least i was perfectly warm.

my complaint today is my vacation is almost over. Thanksgiving break never really feels like vacation because it's so much work with the cleaning and cooking. also i overcorrected on the stuffing and added too much broth because i didn't want it to be dry. it was still ok but a little soggy :( at least christmas/new years break will be here soon.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 24, 2023, 03:17:44 PM
Beldarna, thanks for the reply! So let's wait for the results.

Cats are usually so reluctant to take pills that you usually have to force them down their throats, even though it feels really bad.  :huh:
It would be great and easier if Ninja suddenly agreed to continue taking pills among the food that John serves him! Let's hope that happens! :cheer: But of course I don't think you did anything wrong trying to get the cat to take its medicine with food!  :nope: :heart: You can't really find out what cats are thinking. :nuts: :snicker: Maybe it was just a coincidence that at that moment the food tasted good and the medicine went down its throat at the same time. :wonder:

(Sorry if there are many typos in my writing! I'm really tired.)  :yawn:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on November 24, 2023, 03:42:56 PM
there's so much stress going on in my life right now. 

this morning I had an anxiety attack for the first time in a long time.  I think it was the green tea - after the first few sips,  I got flushed and my heart wouldn't stop pounding and I started getting really anxious and "the feeling of dread"... I had to go sit down in the bedroom and match socks until the feelings subsided. 

i am faltering through masking the burnout, and I need a vacation so much but we don't have the money to go on vacation.  most days I stagger through the door of the workplace and the new hires think I am a client or a guest in need, NOT that I have my own set of keys to a part of the building they've never seen.  LOL 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 25, 2023, 06:16:04 AM
BC, he is, isn't he? He is the best person I know, so lovable and caring and supporting. But in some situations he's a true bonehead, that's for sure. But you're right. I carry my worries on my sleaves, no poker face at all. Before therapy I was a mask of coldness but she taught me to "be in the emotion" when it comes and not turn off. Now I can't turn off even if I try, I have forgotten how. He on the other hand keeps things inside of him as usual. But at least we can talk things through and not bottle up.

Lol about the weather and shorts! I had to convert 62, it decent spring/almost summer weather over here :). Not shorts for me, but a dress and pantyhoses and a spring jacket.

Heart of Midnight The results said no bacteria but we are to continue with the antibiotics anyway as a precaution. So we have no idea why, really :shrug:. It's so strange. He has been very good with the pills. Even a short while after he comes up for snuggles so no hate at least, unless he tries to make me comfortable while he plots his revenge  :wonder:. He ate his breakfast and half his lunch so it feels better in my heart :).

lovesbabysquirmy I'm sorry about the stress. It doesn't sound good at all :hug:

I'm still very stressed about everything. I'm not even in the mood for christmas now and it's one of my favorite time of the year. I bought a lot of new christmas items earlier before verything went down hill and they are still unopened in the bag. I don't even feel like putting anything up.. I'm going to grandpa tomorrow to settle up his christmas items. I hope to get inspiration.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 25, 2023, 11:33:58 AM
Cats can be somewhat vengeful. like my cat would pee in my room if he was locked in overnight and stare at me while he did it. but i think they know when you're concerned and taking care of them. i think they do figure out that the medicine and care helps. they know you love them and they love you too.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 25, 2023, 10:15:18 PM
Beldarna holy heck!!! Your poor moggie!!!

I hate the cold too, but I hate how long this is taking to finish more. I just want the work over & my home free to be mine again wi no workies who "might come at X time".
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 26, 2023, 12:00:31 AM
Beth a bit of lol. My sister had a cat that loved to snuggle but when we had no time for it and pushed her away, like while eating breakfast and stuff, she would go and pee right in front of us as well. It got so bad we had to put her down. She was one of the craziest, wittiest and funnies cats ever. I felt so bad for her.
I hope you're right aboout the other part. Thanks. :hug:

PWB I hope they get it all done before christmas at least! Do they have it within the time frame?

I am getting a Galaxy Watch for christmas. So I've been looking for wristbands in leather as I'm allergic to the silicon/plastic/whatever that comes with it. I found one on Swedish Amazon and tried to order it. For the Black Friday Deal I had to accept getting Prime free for a month. We already have Prime on hubbys account. Okay, so around 4 dollars more without the discount. Still a good price. Tried to order. Suddenly my phone number was invalid. It wasn't if I accepted Prime but was when I declined. Went to the customer service chat, which I have to say was way easier to find on the Swedish Amazon than the American I dealt with a couple of months back. Nice lady in chat asked me a bunch of questions and then said I should download the app and order from there. Sorry, no. I won't install your app on my phone thank you very much. So I talked to John and he made the order on his account and it went through flawlessly.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 26, 2023, 06:25:34 AM
that story turned unexpectedly dark, Beldarna! poor kitty :(

my complaint isn't really that trivial but i don't want to start a thread. Thanksgiving went well. it was good to see my half sister after all these years. we were able to do some sight seeing but we had to drive and couldn't really get out anywhere because my mom has given up on walking far.

which brings me to the issue. when i sent to my parent's house yesterday while everyone else was outside my dad told me that yesterday my mom had fallen and hit her head on the wall. there was a huge dent in the drywall from her head! she was walking between the chairs and there are cords from the lamps. which i had expressed a lot of concern about already. he said she isn't supposed to walk there but whatever. i asked him if he thought a cane or walker would help. she has a hard time standing up sometimes and that would help her steady herself and not fall over. he said no but maybe. it should be covered by medicare so cost isn't an issue.

so my dad stayed home and me, my mom, my husband, and sister went for a drive into town. that went well, no bathroom incidents or anything. when we got back i told my mom that dad said she fell and asked her if a cane would help. and she said yes and she could get one sent to the house. so i need to bug them and make sure they do it.

they're usually pretty careful about falls. they have multiple grab bars in the shower and tub areas. but it's just really concerning.

my mom is really sensitive and cries easily. she's always been sensitive but now that she's older she cries even more easily. so sometimes i'm nervous to bring stuff up with her.

I'm glad they moved close to us when they did. i don't think they could do it now. it's only been a year and i feel like she's declined a lot. she's really frail too. she seems mostly ok cognitively but she speaks so softly now it's hard to hear her sometimes. my dad is almost 10 years older and he's in much better shape. i think i need to start going with her to the doctor's to make sure she tells them what's actually going on. i asked my dad if she talked to the doctor about being so much more emotional and he said no. my parents are from that generation that really didn't account for mental health being important but it is and if she has these personality changes the doctor needs to know. my work is aware that i sometimes need to help my parents and a lot of my co-workers are dealing with similar issues with their own parents so it should be ok as long as it's not too frequent.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 27, 2023, 02:23:03 PM
that story turned unexpectedly dark, Beldarna! poor kitty :(

I'll say :( Was this a long time ago? I hate to think that a cat who could have been loved by someone else was euthanized.

Beth, I'm so sorry. I remember when my dad started having falls. It was after his stroke, which he had on top of a ladder in the yard, and fell off unconscious. It was a neighbor that saw him fall and called 911 and told us he was in the yard. After that, he had a lot of falls and it took him a long time to accept help. My mom had fallen a few times too, usually in the bathroom and because she was heavy we had to call the fire department.

Elderly parents are so stressful. I think you should go with her to the doctor. My mom was the same way and my dad would never admit anything himself.

My complaint is Microsoft telling me my password is going to expire. It came up as a notification. Which password? The one for my PC or the one for Microsoft? I never had this happen before but after some Googling I guess I didn't uncheck a box that said 'change my password every 72 days' when Windows was reinstalled. It's a big PITA because I'm not sure what my Microsoft password is and I'm sick of coming up with complicated ones that I can never remember.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 28, 2023, 10:04:04 AM
thanks BC. it's good to have a place to talk about things. i really feel like i'm not at all prepared for what the next few years will be like. my dad did order a cane so she'll have that this weekend.

my complaint today is i'm already super stressed at work. i feel like things are getting out of control and i want to cry.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on November 29, 2023, 02:49:52 AM
Beth, reading what I wrote I hope you did not think my story was the bit of lol. I loled at your cat peeing while staring at you. It's such a typical cat thing to do. Yes it is a dark story, poor Joker :(.

BC this was back in the 90's. We lived in a rural small town and somehow my family was the one people dumped their no longer loved pets with. At one point we had four cats, three bunnies and a purebread German Shepherd in our home. We had not bought any of them. We just took them in when none else wanted them. Jokers history was sad :cry:. We tried for a long time. But when you sit at the kitchen table and eat breakfast and the cat jump up and you put her down on the floor again for no cats on the table while there's food there and she gets pissed and go and pee in the corner.. or when you're doing homework and she tries to grab your pen and you try to distract her with something else and she sits and pee because she really wanted that pen. Or you read a book and she comes and lay straight accross it and you gently show her to the side and she gets up and pee on the floor right infront of you. Our entire house stank of cat pee. In the end mom wouldn't cope with it anymore -_-.

The Diamond Paintings I ordered from Amazon arrived. Somehow I ordered two of each. I don't get it. But with the troubble I had ordering stuff I don't feel like sending one of each back.

Both Ninja and Simba has diarreah. Ninja is not to eat any medication at all now by order of the vet. I ordered some probiotics online for them per his suggestion. The entire city was out. I choose Early Bird as courier as they were the fastest with only three day delivery time and deliver it home. However, no where was there a feild to fill in our code to unlock the door. Are they just gonna dump the package in the snow? :blink:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 29, 2023, 06:02:29 AM
Beldarna, okay that makes me feel better. I did things with my animals in the 90s that I wouldn't do today too. Like I had my first cat declawed and my dwarf hamsters were kept in a 10 gallon tank. We've learned so much more now.

Just in general, not toward you, I don't think cats are capable of being vengeful. Most things can be linked to an emotional or physical problem and a cat behaviorist would be who to go to to find out. I watch a lot of Jackson Galaxy and he says cats don't engage in things like spite or revenge, even if it seems like it to us. You see a cat who pees when not given attention but it was more likely abandonment issues or fear that caused the pee response. Or maybe you've been gone for a few days and you get home and your cat hides from you. You think they're mad at you for leaving but cats usually hide by themselves to feel safe and comfort themselves, so they aren't mad, they are scared you'll leave again and are dealing with it the best way they can. It's like how cats in pain will purr. Purring has a healing and comforting effect.

Okay, sorry, I'm off my soapbox :P

My complaint is my cat, actually. It's very cold here and I have a heated cat bed, but Aster is afraid of blankets and cat beds. I can't figure out how to show her the bed is safe and warm. It's making me sad, because she keeps curling in a ball and fluffing up to keep warm on the floor. I wish I could just tell her :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on November 29, 2023, 08:25:29 AM
@Beldarna, with the way you talk about your cats and take care of them i didn't think you were making fun of the cat :)

Yeah back in the 90s and earlier attitudes about pets were different. all of our cats were declawed. my parents still think it's crazy to not declaw. i told them it was illegal now in a lot of places and they said if their cats weren't declawed they would have shredded the furniture. i don't agree :huh:

yeah i don't think animals are vengeful in the same way people can be. when my cat peed in my room he was trying to tell me what would happen if he was unable to access the litterbox all night. i quickly got the message
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 29, 2023, 12:35:14 PM
My complaint is my cat, actually. It's very cold here and I have a heated cat bed, but Aster is afraid of blankets and cat beds. I can't figure out how to show her the bed is safe and warm. It's making me sad, because she keeps curling in a ball and fluffing up to keep warm on the floor. I wish I could just tell her :(

Would it help if you put something in the cat's bed that has Aster's own scent, for example toys she plays with? And/or your scent, for example a shirt?  :wonder:  Does Aster like catnip? Would that help.. Or the Feliway spray?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 29, 2023, 02:02:06 PM
Someone on Facebook suggested the catnip too, and I put some in the bed after crushing it to release the oils. Aster smelled it but was more interested in rubbing my fingers than the catnip in the bed. I ended up putting the heat on in the house for a bit. The windows are closed and it's a little warmer inside than outside and she seems to be doing better. Also the sun was shining today and she was lying in the sunny spots getting warm.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 29, 2023, 02:41:35 PM
I'm broke. Like I got a message from my bank today saying there's no money in the account. I got money in the account YESTERDAY. I only got what I needed mostly, though I treated myself slightly too, but kept within what I thought was my budget. I went to town so I could get cheap food. I also put credit in the electricity (it's prepay & goes on a key thing you charge at a shop & put in the meter). But for next week the only thing I have to spend is something like £8 in my wallet cash. Good thing I don't have to get much with it... (milk, cheese, veggie burgers).
I think I must have overspent on decor for the bathroom...
Presents for folks will have to be made with what's in the house (fortunately I can knit & crochet)
BC I hope you can convince Aster to get in the warm moggie bed xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on November 30, 2023, 06:45:30 AM
one of the downstairs tenants... his social assistance agency decided they were NOT paying his rent anymore. 

Guess when the social worker contacted us to tell us we would not be getting our expected Cheque for the 1st?
she DID NOT call to wish us "happy holidays, won't it be great with $700 LESS"  , she made her client do it!!!!  awful!

  I almost want to pick  up the phone and get snarky with her.  Now we don't have money for utilities... if the dude wanted to move out on his own, he gets to give us 30 days notice, but this agency decided TWO days before rent was to be paid that they wouldn't be issuing that cheque.  so angry!

I hope that the agency also realizes that they have lost us as advocates and allies. We have helped clients for over a year , with various "moments of compassion" for client's various issues, and then they pull this crap.  "you want us to help Roger?  Or Neil?  Huh?  What about helping Joe?  We WERE doing that but you decided he needed to be homeless at Christmas. Call us when you find Joe so he can move back in." *click*"

*names have been invented
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on November 30, 2023, 09:36:11 AM
I feel like sometimes the holiday season makes a % of people turn into Scrooge.

So my bus rant of the week (it's becoming a regular thing again, folks). This one was annoying though.

Our bus is confusing. I won't lie. It is. It's a wonderful experiment by the Council in how many routes can we put on one bus to save money without imploding the vehicle. The answer is 2 and a half, with a couple of sprinkles.

That would be fine, except that this wonder route runs in both directions. Clockwise and anti-clockwise. Hence the A and the C. They have a number as well but that's not really important. Most people call them the A and the C.

...So I was at the bus station to catch the C. The C is the Clockwise bus. It comes in to town via one route and goes out the other way. And then it gets to where I live and starts round its circle again. I live in the middle of both the A and C routes so I can use either. However. Not everyone can, because of how long the route is (90 minutes). Most people don't want to travel an hour + to get to their home 15 minutes away. Understandable.

So the C came in, the drivers changed. Driver had a mentor, as he was learning the route. Mentor was the problem.

This bus was the C, but the mentor decided it was the A. That means it was going to go back the route it came, not the route it was meant to do. I tried to query this, and he dismissed it. I showed him the timetable. He said he didn't care what the timetable said, because they were going to run the A. He was pretty rude, honestly. So I emailed the garage manager. Because I was worried about people being stranded. It's cold here today.

...Anyhow. We did the whole long laborious stretch of the A to the next town (this takes 20 minutes as it isn't direct). I decided to press the issue again. This time I think I scared the mentor, because I not only mentioned the garage manager by name, but also told them the vehicle number that had been on route that morning on the A was not the same as the bus we were travelling on. And anyway, I begged him to check, and this time he checked...and I was right.

...So, in the time it would have taken to complete 2/3 of the correct route, they had been swanning around the incorrect route, potentially abandoning passengers, and also now late.

So they bombed down the main road to the next town, and restarted the route there.

As annoying as all this was, I am so glad I spoke up a second time. We got to the second town and there was an old guy waiting there, in the cold. He looked relieved to see the bus (late, but present!). A woman got on at the supermarket, also older, and she commented how cold it was out, and how much warmer on the bus. And another lady at the other store also got on.

...Those three people would've been stranded in the cold if I hadn't kept pushing this issue. But the reason it's a complaint more than anything is that there was another lady in town, and she was told to get off the bus because the mentor insisted it was the A and not the C. Another lady benefitted from this mistake and got home early, fine - but that older lady would now have to wait another 90 minutes for the next C to arrive.

The driver was fine about it. I know him. He used to drive our old route, but he is learning the new one. The mentor did not apologise, and was very stiff with me after I was proven right.

BUT I had an email back from the garage manager, who had checked the bus tracking and was unamused with what he saw. So I think the mentor probably will check in future, and hopefully this adventure will not happen again.

Or at least till next week, when I return with the next installment of Taffeta's Terrible Transport Tales!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on November 30, 2023, 03:48:35 PM
There's so much I want to say, I'm not sure I can say it all in one post...

While I was at work yesterday, the drs office called to remind me of an appointment. My mom knew I had already made an appointment for today at another office because I had to reschedule it since I had been sick and on antibiotics.  She called the drs office back for me since I was working and rescheduled the drs appointment for the afternoon.  Then she called again since I got had a follow up appointment in Sept with the dr and just saw him 2 weeks ago when I got sick. We always get appointment cards for our next visit at the drs office.  I have a vague memory of them saying something about a November appointment, but  we couldn't find the card and if I was supposed to see him this month, why did I have a follow up in September?

I usually take a water bottle with me to work. Yesterday someone grabbed it and acted like they were going to drink out of it. Then they said "I was just playing."  They didn't drink out of my bottle, but it made me feel like my bottle was covered in germs and I was afraid to drink out of it until I had wiped off the top pf the bottle with a Clorox wipe (I let it dry before I took a drink.)

My elderly dog keeps peeing and pooping on the floor. :(  My dad suggested talking to the vet at her last checkup, but since she's so old, the vet didn't think medication would work.  Realistically, I know that she can't live too much longer as she's already 15 1/2 and outlived at least one dog I know of that was the same age as her.  I know part of owing a pet is cleaning up after them, but I end up cleaning up 99% of the dog's messes because my parents sometimes don't notice that she's made a mess.

I feel a little rundown.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 30, 2023, 06:29:58 PM
I managed to shave my head and take a shower. I feel SO much better. But I didn't mean to shave my whole head. I wanted to do the sides and back and trim with scissors the top and then dye it bright red. I already bought the hair dye and some gel, so I could spike it up. But as I was shaving the side I accidentally went to far over and took too much off the top, so I tried making it even. Much like Jerry Seinfeld when he accidentally shaved his chest, before I knew it the top of my hair was shaved too. So I just gave the whole thing a buzz. Now I have to wait for it to grow out to dye it.

There's a big park across the street and they have a lot of events and games there. They must be having a child football game, because I hear people yelling and cheering, but there's also someone who keeps blowing a whistle and it's very annoying.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Honeycomb on December 01, 2023, 12:22:14 AM
I’m the leader of a small weekly toddler play group. Last year, we had a wonderfully cozy Christmas “party” before the holidays, with a Secret Santa for the little ones. Everyone brought treats and I did the decorations and it was lovely. This year, I suggested doing the same. These people are new, nobody was there last year. Out of the 8 participants, I got one reply, and she said the kids get too much stuff in December anyway, so she’d rather not do it. Her son is exactly 1 year old. And the others didn’t even reply. I was sick all week so I asked in our group, not in person. I’m kind of angry and disappointed and feel like just calling off the whole thing altogether.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 01, 2023, 03:47:37 AM
My moms dentist noticed something weird in the x-ray of her mouth a couple of days ago so he sent them to her doctor. Now she's been called to an x-ray of her sinuses today! In an hour. They think it's either a tumour or a polyp. My relationship with my mom goes up and down but I so hope it's nothing cancerous!

Honeycomb, it's good to see you! Are you still in China?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 01, 2023, 07:26:18 AM
Only a couple of things need done in my bathroom. Workies are all chatting about one, while the other (the outlet for the fan) has to wait for approval. Is it too much to ask for everything to be finished so I can get my home to myself again???
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 01, 2023, 01:23:45 PM
I hope everything goes well for your mom, Beldarna!

PBW i hope they get finished up quickly!

Ponyfan, i'm sorry about your dog. we went through something similar with our dog in his last years.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 01, 2023, 01:53:02 PM
selling stuff on Kijiji is such a pain... but we need the money... but it's such a pain... bleh.

*makes some tea*
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 01, 2023, 03:34:03 PM
Beldarna,  I hope everything is okay with your mom.  That sounds scary.

Thanks, Beth.  I really want her to live her life as happy as possible for as long as she can.  I don't want to put her down until absolutely necessary, but it's frustrating to always have to clean up her messes.

Over Thanksgiving weekend, Barnes and Noble was having a 4x stamps promotion for members.  Usually, it's one stamp for every $10 you spend in one transaction. My mom bought something there and the cashier said it was okay to scan my membership card since I was with her.  The receipt says that I earned a reward and almost filled up another card.  It always takes the emails a little while to catch up to the current stamps and rewards status.  The email I got today shows the reward I earned, but says I have no new stamps when I should have 9 on the current card.  There's a disclaimer that the emails might not be completely accurate on that count.  Maybe they're just really busy processing everything and haven't updated all of the accounts yet on the emails.

Edit:  I found the email that said I earned a reward and I have 9 stamps on my account.  It takes 10 to complete a card.  That confirms my suspicion that the mass email isn't completely caught up yet.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on December 01, 2023, 06:52:50 PM
Beldarna, I hope everything is going well for your mother!  :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 02, 2023, 02:09:00 AM
Thanks guys. I lost my grandmother and two aunts to cancer so the worry lies deep. It's excrutiating to have to wait for the results.

PBW I'm sorry you have money woes. I remember how it was, some years ago I was living on 600 Euros a month. But you learn to be so creative and home made stuff is usually more appreciated! I hope it will improve for you. :hug: I also hope the workers will be done soon. How frustrating having people run around in the home all the time!

lovesbabysquirmy that sounds like such a pita. I hope the agency realise its mistake!

I actually enjoy reading about Taffeta's Terrible Transport Tales! It's like an ongoing soap opera. Every episode comes with a cliffhanger! Sorry you're living it though.

Ponyfan I'm so sorry about your dog :(. It's so sad when the furry babies are not well. But wow, 15 years old! I'd say she's allowed to those accidents, but I know the struggle of cleaning it up :hug:.

BC I'm remembered of when I was gonna help buzz my husbands head and used a too short blade. He opted for long hair afterwards. I'm not allowed near his head with scissors or shavers anymore :P.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 02, 2023, 08:01:17 AM
I'm sorry about your mom too, Beldarna. I hope she's okay :hug:

My complaint right now is the weather. It was so cold a few days ago but today we're probably going to break a record for a high of 85 or so. It's also muggy and not very comfortable at all. Tomorrow is supposed to be warm too, but then another cold front is coming. They say it will be in the 40s. It's was predicted that Florida will have a very cold winter this year. Sometimes it gets down to freezing at night in late Jan early Feb, I can't imagine it being an colder. Maybe we'll get snow :tellme:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 02, 2023, 03:26:40 PM
Cheers everybody!!! It's hard because I'm used to spending a little money on my dragon game but I can't right now, so I have to restrategise with that. I'm also getting food used up I already have, like spaghetti, tomato pasta sauce, & veggie mince to make a veg spaghetti bolognese (no cheese though as I need it for too much).
Beldarna I hope your mother's dental issues are sorted soon. I had to have a wisdom tooth out & it was not fun with all the injections!!! So I can sympathise xxx
Squirmy at least you can sell stuff!!! All my benefits are means-tested so that's a nope for me... I get that it's frustrating though...

It Is Cold. And as the bathroom work isn't done yet I can't put the curtains back across where they usually go, & they make a difference. Also due to brokeness I can't put on another heater as I have two running & that eats into my electricity already. I'll have to scour the house for the winter hats again...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 02, 2023, 04:28:20 PM
Please excuse me as I lament existence.

Why? Why do things keep happening to me? Not just big stuff, but little things too. Technology has decided tonight that I am the enemy.

My printer has an unfixable error. Any other time this would be a minor thing I could get to later. But I am printing my own cards for the card swap, haha. So. I had to buy a new printer and now I will be late with another swap - the fourth one in a row.

Shortly after taking a picture of the error, the home button on my iPhone got stuck. Looking around the interweb it seems its become unaligned with the screen, to fix it, I need to take it apart or go to an Apple dealer and pay $75 for them to fix it.

It's very hot and humid, which is making me feel worse. I can't light a candle for some nice smelly good because I have the fan on full blast.

Aster has been whining at me for hours. She didn't feel well this morning and I had to stop her from eating my plants (she has her own grass anyway) and I don't know what she wants.

I'm worried about the sea monkeys surviving the next cold snap.

Said sea monkeys have made me want a betta fish for my desk. I could have probably afforded to get a tank and everything had I not had to buy a new printer.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 02, 2023, 06:28:34 PM
BC it's not just you xxx
My cooker, second-hand in 1998 when I got it, just died on me. Now. When I'm broke. Well guess who's asking for a hotplate for an early Christmas prezzie...
 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I was trying to make soup, so I had to do it in the microwave. I can live without the grill as I have an air fryer, but I rely on the hob for frying & heating stuff too big for the microwave... It also helps me dye Ponies
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Griffin on December 03, 2023, 01:55:26 AM
:throw: at technology

I'd like to change my avatar and sig for December but I just realised I have a new laptop and no files! Well, I'm pretty sure I have backups of most if not all of my adopts, somewhere. I should check my usb drives...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 03, 2023, 03:31:51 AM
Just an update: My iPhone button unstuck itself :D I didn't even have to do anything, it was not working then it was :lol: I think last night was just so humid that moisture may have gotten under it or something. One more day of hot humid weather (it's 6:30am and it's already 75 :blink: ) then I can put socks and a sweater back on.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 03, 2023, 04:01:38 AM
How frustrating with the printer!

In the summer I bought two pair of bamboo sweatpants at a fair that I've kind of lived in at home. They're super comfy and goes with every shirt available. Now one pair is super thin in the crouch and the other ripped across the tummy when I leaned forward! It didn't rip through the seems but through the fabric! They were not cheap either!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 04, 2023, 03:29:36 PM
I was taking a drink from a bottle of Sunny D today when suddenly I felt something foreign in my mouth.  I'm hoping it was a tiny bit of plastic from the lid of the bottle.  Needless to say, I ended up spilling Sunny D on my shirt.

I want to text some people I haven't talked to for a while, but considering what time of year it is I'm afraid they might think that I'm just contacting them to get presents.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 05, 2023, 04:53:58 AM
I think the boil notice has lifted, I'll need to double check. I've got a blister on my thumb from opening the water bottles. It hurts >.<

This is very trivial and 1st Worldy; I was recording a gaming session last night and first there were sirens close by, then there were kids screaming outside, and then two people decided to have a loud conversation right under my windows. I haven't watched the video yet so I don't know if my mic picked any of that up, but it was distracting and annoying.

I need to clip my fingernails again and I feel like I just did.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 05, 2023, 07:09:13 PM
We have Ring cameras.  A guy came up to the door today while we were out and his behavior seemed a little off.  He comes up to the door, looks at his phone for a few minutes and then rings the doorbell.  When he doesn't get an answer, the guy walks a few feet away, checks his phone again, comes back up to the door and knocks while calling "hello?"  He was not a delivery driver.   I'm not sure if he thought he was at a different house or what his intentions were. He eventually walked away after knocking on the door.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 06, 2023, 08:53:18 AM
My mom :pout:

It's been a while since I've visited. She's been asking me everyday if I'm coming to see her. Yesterday I told her I might come today, which made her happy. Well, today I'm not feeling well. My back and legs hurt, my stomach is bothering me and I'm still very tired. I called her and she asked if I was coming, I said maybe later and she got all upset and mad at me and said she thinks I'm doing it on purpose, that I don't want to see her. That's not true at all. I want to see her of course, I would go every week if I could. I have lots of things to give her, so much so that the bag is totally full and I'll have to leave some things for another time.

So now I feel obligated to go over there today, but I really don't feel well :( It's so hard for me to make plans because I never know what I'll be like each day. I swear it's like a reset switch is hit while I sleep. Sometimes I wake up feeling fine and other times (mostly) I wake up feeling like crap with a bunch of problems.

I wish I could make her understand I'm not avoiding her. I'm scared to go out because I don't want to collapse. I have my portable stool I can take, but it's heavy and if I add it to the bag, it might be too heavy and I'll have to take out some more things.

Also, she's wanting me to bring her food. I mentioned I had a craving for homemade tacos and the next day she's like 'yeah, you can bring me some when you make it' and that gives me anxiety. I don't like to eat and then leave the house. So I would have to do all the work to make the taco stuff, make her tacos, put everything away, go visit her, and then make mine when I got home and that sounds like too much for me to handle. It takes the fun out of cooking for me too. So far she's asked for; fudge, ice cream sundaes, potato soup, tacos. All homemade. And it's not enough to bring some for her, she wants me to make some for her roommate too "so she doesn't feel left out". It's all very stressful for me.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on December 06, 2023, 09:52:43 AM
My bday plans have been dashed. Now I need to come up with new ones. >_<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 07, 2023, 03:05:31 AM
I miscalculated how many christmas stamps I needed and now have an entire sheet over. In Sweden, sending christmascard is such a huge deal so the postoffice sells discounted christmas themed stamps for christmas for the cards. They are printed with the release year. I can use them next year, but it doesn't really feel good.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 07, 2023, 06:34:59 AM
Ew... the top of a hand sanitizer pen came off and the sanitizer got all over the stuff in the same pocket of my bag. My keys are covered in slimy goop :|
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 07, 2023, 03:23:36 PM
The zipper on my bag isn't working right.  It zips sometimes and sometimes it doesn't.  I'll have to be extra careful to make sure it doesn't look closed, but it actually open. 

My mom has been getting on my nerves today.  This morning she kept insisting she has a dentist appointment next week.  I told her the dentist appointment is later in the month.  I remembered because I had to move my shot appointment so it wouldn't conflict with her dentist appointment. She had to be shown the postcard from the dentist before she believed me. Then she said that she gets the eye dr and the dentist mixed up.  She has an appointment with the eye dr next week. 

My dad decided to plug a power strip in to another power strip.  I'm not that's a good idea.  My mom and I have been sharing an extension cord between her recliner and the couch.  She asked me this morning if I wanted it and I told her  I didn't.  Several hours later I asked if her tablet was charged, and she said that the plug wasn't in all the way and it was still charging.  When I finally said I was going to charge my phone somewhere else, she unplugged her tablet. 

Just now she forgot to put the food in the oven and left it sitting on top instead.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Annie on December 07, 2023, 10:53:10 PM
Guh! I have a bad cold so I'll be missing out on the Christmas show and dinner me and my work colleagues was supposed to go to this evening...
I'm a bit sad about it since I was looking forwards to it. :cloud:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 08, 2023, 07:35:58 AM
My dad decided to plug a power strip in to another power strip.

That's super dangerous! You can however plug two power strips into the same outlet.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 08, 2023, 07:57:13 PM
there is a least weasel living in our garage (AGAIN)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 09, 2023, 03:31:36 AM
What happened to my ankle? It hurts when I try to move my foot but I'm okay walking, which is weird. I woke up like this.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on December 10, 2023, 01:44:09 PM
My parents left Thursday morning to visit my sister., leaving me to watch their 2 dogs, my nephew (21), my nephew's dog and my older brother (43).  They asked my brother or my nephew to bring up the garbage can and put the trash in it before they left.  I work all day.  My nephew is a student with a part time job, but his schedule is pretty open.  My brother door dashes when he feels like it.  Has no set schedule for anything.

Thursday evening: I brought up the garbage can and put the trash in it.  I had choir practice so I left and when I got home, I straightened the kitchen.  Brother went through coins to add to his collection.  Nephew came home from class, went to gym, came home, played video games.

Friday evening: I got home from work and proceeded to dust and vacuum the entire house.  There was so much dog hair in the carpet I had to empty my vacuum 3 times.  Mentioned to my brother that it would be nice if someone would steam the floor as my mom's steamer makes it really easy.  His response: "No, sounds too much like work."  By the way, the only areas that needed it were the kitchen and entryway.  I also cleaned out the dishwasher and told both males in the house that it was empty so they could put their dishes right into it.  Cleaned up the garbage my nephew's dog got into.  Nephew came home from the gym and played video games.  Brother went through coins to add to his collection.

Saturday: My only day off during the week.  I did my laundry and changed the sheets on my bed.  Let the dogs in and out every 5 minutes.  Went shopping, bought food for dinner, (took forever because the nearest Walmart is half an hour away and there are tons of people in it because Christmas shopping).  Got home, put away groceries, cooked dinner.  Cleaned up dinner.  Left full sink of my brother's and nephew's dishes because I'm tired of being treated like the maid and they both acknowledged that the dishwasher was empty.  Put my dishes in the dishwasher.  Brother went door dashing.  Nephew played video games.

Sunday:  My parents came home as I was getting ready for a meeting.  My mom had a fit at "how messy the house" was, claimed I did nothing all weekend and as all of us are adults, there's no excuse for it.  Tried to defend myself, was told that I knew what she expected and that she wasn't going to tolerate everyone treating her like the maid anymore.  She was also mad because HER dog had apparently peed on the floor at some point when I was at work and nobody cleaned it up.  He peed in an area I don't usually go in and both my nephew and brother would have seen.

Her excuse for being angry was that they didn't sleep well at my sister's (something they know very well won't happen) and I'm betting she spent the weekend cleaning my sister's house because she doesn't keep up on it like she should.  I know if my mom is coming she will avoid doing tasks she doesn't like because she knows my mother will do it for her.

I'm sorry that I bothered to do anything.  Apparently not filming everything I do means that I sat around and watched TV all weekend.  So now I get to go to my meeting and try not to let people know I've been crying. 

I'm so tired of being treated like the live in maid and nanny.  If I could afford to move out I'd be gone today but the housing market is so bad the cheapest thing around here is $1000/mo for a private bedroom with six other people and the rooms are smaller than the one I have now. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 10, 2023, 07:10:24 PM
ugh @Pokeyonekenobie :hug: :hug: :hug: i would refuse to do any cleaning outside of my own spaces until those grown men get off their butts and clean! i'm sorry your mom blamed all of you for their laziness. it sounds like she should know that you take care of the house and they don't :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 10, 2023, 09:42:12 PM
I'm with Beth on this!!! The men should contribute to the cleaning. Of course it "sounds like work": it IS work!!! Work essential to keeping the home clean & tidy!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 11, 2023, 03:50:19 AM
Oh, Pokeyonekenobie I'm so sorry! Seriously, I would have done nothing for the men and made dinner for myself and let them do their own. They are both functioning adults from what I can read. Also, I would suggest to write a long text to mom either as a message or email or letter of everything you did and that you don't appreciate how she treated you and that you asked your brother and nephew for help and they did nothing all weekend. That way you get to say what need to be said without her interupthing you.

Next time they're away, do nothing. And when mom complain just tell her you did nothing this time so she could see what that really looked like.

Seriously, I had a lousy upbrining in some aspects, but mom was hard set on us helping out in the house from early age. Everyone pitched in from age six and up. Vaccumed, mopped the floor, cleaned the toilets, washed clothes, dishes, moved the lawn, weeding, make dinner, shovel snow, grocery shopping etc. And she kept track on who did what so praise where given where it was due and scolding to the lazy ones. She would have kicked your brother and nephew to the curb eons ago.

Today I woke up at 03:58. My shift started 03:57. Somehow I made it to work and the train left the station only ten minutes late. I don't think I've biked that fast in my life. I am so thankful for my electric bike, you have no idea. I broke every record imaginable to get there as fast as I could. Somewhere along the road my warning west that we have when we walk on the tracks dissapeared. I looked for it when my shift ended and on the way home and at home but it's just gone. So now I have to apply for a new one. And the stress and adrenaline gave me a severe headache that just wont go away and I am so tired now. I've already napped today and I feel I could sleep a lot more. This could be why I have the ache, but, oh well.. I have stuff to do.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 11, 2023, 05:45:36 AM
Pokey, I would have "lost" the games controller.  Or unplugged the internet. 

There is no excuse that the woman should be doing the household chores.  Last time I checked, the ownership of male genitalia doesn't prevent men from lifting, picking up, scrubbing, or other types of movement. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 11, 2023, 07:01:15 AM
I'm with all of the above. My dad was like that. There were only certain things he'd do around the house, like clean the toilets, mow the lawn, make dinner on the grill... you know, "manly" stuff.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on December 11, 2023, 09:28:29 AM
Thanks, everyone. 

My mom raised us doing chores on Saturdays.  My brother doesn't care how crappy his surroundings are and he's flat out told me he doesn't care how filthy everything is because he doesn't believe germs exist.  My sister just isn't good at keeping up with the mess of her kids and dog so it gets to be a lot really fast and her husband is even more useless than my brother when it comes to helping with housework, so I get that she gets overwhelmed and her kids have a poor male role model. I also have 2 younger brothers, one of whom cleans in manic spurts--he's a stay at home dad so I don't know how his wife feels about this.  The other one is a germophobe and has OCD tendencies, so he and his wife live a minimalist lifestyle and he has to go to a therapist to deal with the fact that babies and children are not clean creatures.  He's doing much better now than he did with his first kid.  Of my siblings I have the healthiest relationship with cleaning and I have found a happy balance so I'm not constantly cleaning but I don't live in filth, either.  Basically, I deep clean once a week--dusting, vacuuming, bathrooms--so I can spend the rest of the week making new messes and doing what I want to do. Tiny messes and dishes are cleaned up as I go.  It's not that hard.

My mom told me later that she was mad because my dad had "sorted" the mail by going through it and leaving it spread out on the counter (even though I had already sorted it into neat piles) and that she knew that the dishes in the sink weren't mine but her tone said she still thought I should have done them.  She was mad the pee hadn't been cleaned up because she saw it as soon as she walked into the house because of the way the light from the window was shining on the dried mark.  Of course she knew where to look for her dog's pee.  He's her dog and this isn't the first time he's done this.  (I thought we were doing good because he hadn't marked in the spot I knew he marked.)  And she explained that my nephew wasn't helping because he broke up with his girlfriend and was depressed so she was giving him some grace about that.  And she's aware that my brother is a pig (she's had to clean every apartment that he's ever been kicked out of) because he won't do anything that doesn't directly benefit him and she's just mad because she shouldn't have to come home to that, since we're all adults--even though I am treated like an errant child when I'm not the live-in nanny and maid. 

And part of the reason they were so tired was because they only got a few hours of sleep the night before because my youngest brother's wife went into labor and had her baby at 4am, so the text about it woke them up.  They got to stop on their way home from my sister's and hold the baby so I don't see any reason for them to complain about it. 

I did get to explain to her that I had cleaned the kitchen less than 10 minutes before they got home and my brother had messed it up in that ten minutes and I explained all the work that I did, including bringing up the garbage can and taking out the garbage, which they had asked the boys to do.  She did acknowledge that she knew my brother had made the mess.

The problem is, she takes out her anger on me, instead of my brothers and dad.  My brother stirred the soup for dinner last night (I'm not even sure he opened the can or added water to it) and my mom thanked him for making it.  She did not thank me for cleaning up after everyone all weekend.  But she won't realize how much I actually do around the house until I can afford to move out.  So for now I will choose what I help with and keep looking for somewhere I can afford to move to. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 11, 2023, 02:05:55 PM
This isn't at all trivial but I need to somehow get four thousand dollars before the end of the month or they're going to evict my mom from the nursing home.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on December 11, 2023, 02:40:33 PM
This isn't at all trivial but I need to somehow get four thousand dollars before the end of the month or they're going to evict my mom from the nursing home.

That’d be impossible for me personally. Do you know where she can go? Man.  >_<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 11, 2023, 03:36:50 PM
Pokeyonekenobie,  when I saw your post I wanted to give you a big hug.  :hug:

I'm glad your mom told you the real reasons she was mad, but that still doesn't make it right that she blamed you for the condition of the house whe you did more than your fair share and the other people in the house did nothing.

BC, I hope you find a way for your mom to stay in the home.  I thought that places like that had to give at least a month's notice/

I think someone ate my lunch at work today instead of theirs.  I thought I had a Hot Pocket that I put in the freezer.  When I went back an hour later for lunch, my Hot Pocket was gone.   There was another Hot Pocket in the freezer that a couple of people suggested I eat since someone ate mine, but I didn't think that was the right thing to do.  I grabbed a couple of pieces of breakfast pizza that were left over from earlier and ate those.

Everyone is really nice so I don't think someone intentionally took my lunch. 

When I got home I found a Hot Pocket in the freezer, but I'm pretty sure I had one at work too.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 11, 2023, 04:43:12 PM
@Ponyfan, maybe someone grabbed your Hot Pocket thinking it was theirs?

@BC i'm so sorry. I hope you find a way for her to stay in the home. it should be illegal to evict someone who can't live alone. was her stay in the home covered by medicare?

My complaint today is Texas is run by horrible, terrible people! :enraged:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on December 11, 2023, 06:33:05 PM
BC, I'm so sorry!  :sad: How to make such a large amount of money by the end of December (or January?)?  :shrug:


Part of my left thigh is constantly numb and sometimes there is pain or tingling.. and it's annoying!  >_< I can't stand touching that area because it feels really disgusting, like it's not my own skin/thigh. I cannot stand or walk for long periods of time. I've had this problem for several years. :rolleyes: :whistle:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 11, 2023, 11:51:01 PM
This isn't at all trivial but I need to somehow get four thousand dollars before the end of the month or they're going to evict my mom from the nursing home.

 :dropjaw: I don't even know what to say. That is insane! I am so sorry!

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Griffin on December 12, 2023, 12:08:26 AM
This isn't at all trivial but I need to somehow get four thousand dollars before the end of the month or they're going to evict my mom from the nursing home.

What, why?!?  I'm so sorry, how dare they do that, especially around Christmas!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 12, 2023, 07:09:43 AM
They are giving a 30 day notice. It all goes back to how she first went there after she broke her leg and was in rehab and insurance paid 100% of that. When she wasn't showing progress they moved her to the long term care wing, and she was supposed to pay around 1400 a month. We didn't know that and we didn't get a bill the first two months. So she's been behind those two months the whole time. They want it paid off. The reason it's 4,000 and not 2,800 is my fault for not paying a couple months when an emergency showed up.

I'll create a new topic about this in WYP.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 12, 2023, 12:42:13 PM
They are giving a 30 day notice. It all goes back to how she first went there after she broke her leg and was in rehab and insurance paid 100% of that. When she wasn't showing progress they moved her to the long term care wing, and she was supposed to pay around 1400 a month. We didn't know that and we didn't get a bill the first two months. So she's been behind those two months the whole time. They want it paid off. The reason it's 4,000 and not 2,800 is my fault for not paying a couple months when an emergency showed up.

I'll create a new topic about this in WYP.
This is dreadful & I hope with all hope things are resolved!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 12, 2023, 09:41:37 PM
I'm bleeding :crazy:. The birthcontrol I've been on for the past 13 years gave me the happy sideeffect of no period for all this time. 13 years periodfree! But now, I suddenly got my period :blink:. Luckily I had these lighter pads at home (I use them in my summershoes against footsweat) and at work there's free supplies of pads and tampoons. I don't know if this will be a heavy flow or just a drizzle but I am not happy! :rant: I also wonder why it has to happen now?! Is it all the stress?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on December 13, 2023, 12:31:48 AM
Beldarna, for what it’s worth my birth control is the same way and I had breakthrough bleeding last year when I was under a lot of stress. Once things stabilized though the bleeding went away again. Fingers crossed it is just the stress and you can go back to being period free soon!

My shift I work right now is going away next year. I really like the hours I work and the days off I have. :( There is a shift with the same hours and different days off, so I may try to get that. Otherwise the next closest shift has one random day where you have to start way earlier than the other days. I hate not having a consistent schedule so that would drive me nuts!

There is one part time shift that is 30 hours a week where you only have to work 3 days. I don’t think I can afford to go part time, but ugghhh what I wouldn’t give to have more days off. 2 days just doesn’t feel like enough time
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on December 13, 2023, 12:02:47 PM
I’m here for a 4 day work week!! Shoooot.

I went to Safeway during lunch to buy a bag of onions on sale for 67cents (amongst other things on a good sale).

I go to self checkout, and the barcode doesn’t scan. The guy working the self checkout section manually enters it for $3.99. I explain that it’s on sale for 67 cents, and he says that it isn’t. Instead of arguing, I pay the amount, grab the store ad, and walk over to customer service where I explain that my bag of onions didn’t scan, so the gentleman had to manually enter it, but he entered the wrong amount.

Customer Service lady: Well did you clip the coupon?
Me: Yes, but the system wouldn’t know to apply the coupon when it had to manually be entered.
CS: You probably got the wrong thing.
Me: No, they’re the Signature Farms 3 lb bag as stated in the ad. (I show her the tag and the ad.)
CS: Well they’re probably not yellow onions.
Me: They’re yellow. The tag says. (Shows both again.)
CS: Maybe you got the organic ones on accident.
Me: Nope, I grabbed them from the display advertising they’re on sale for 67 cents, and no where on the tag does it say organic.
CS: (Looks closely at my receipt.) They’re not on here. He didn’t even charge you for them.
Me: Yes, he did. The last line says Produce $3.99. That’s how he entered it.
CS: *siiiiiigh* (Tries to scan the onions, and they don’t scan.) Huh, that’s weird. I guess I have to do it manually. Now how much did he charge you?
Me:  :argh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 13, 2023, 03:46:21 PM
@Beth,  I think that's what happened. I've been wondering if the person that took mine wondered why it tasted different.

I picked up a work assignment last night for tomorrow, but it got cancelled this morning. There were no special requirements listed and people can cancel assignments for any reason. 

I feel like the harder I try to get ahead, the further behind I get.  There are more details in my WYP post. 

I had a glow in the dark fidget spinner.  I picked it up today and a small sliver of metal came off and embedded in my finger deep enough to cut me. My mom also picked it up and she said a sliver came off when she handled it too.   I threw it away even though I loved it since it glowed in the dark.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on December 14, 2023, 04:38:49 AM
BC, Pokey, those things sound horrible :/ The "You're the girl so it's your job" motif especially grates with me.

BC I hope something can be organised for your Mum :/

My complaint today is that I just had to rebuy a present for someone as the original seems to have got lost in the ether. If they both turn up I can probably get a refund on one but I decided not to risk waiting. Hopefully one will turn up before Christmas...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 14, 2023, 07:45:48 AM
Whenever Windows does an update, something goes wrong. Each and every time. This time two USB ports stopped working. In Device Manager it says all of them "are working properly". No, I don't think so.

Until I can fix it or buy a USB hub (I'm broke), my keyboard is in the USB on top of the case and I had to unplug my camera. I can't use my microphone now either because there's no place for it to go.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on December 14, 2023, 07:47:53 AM
I’m caught between a rock and a hard place. I feel like my boss sees things one way, and everyone else on the team sees things another way. (We were trained; they gave us a manual. VS. No, they didn’t train us; we don’t have time to figure out the manual.) I’m *supposed* to side with my boss, but I actually agree that we weren’t trained.

I feel like my options are: A) stand up to him (which would make my life a living hell and not actually accomplish anything), B) wing it and be dependent on him, or C) study the whole (long AF) manual so I have a leg up.

I’m definitely not going with A. I just can’t.
It’d suck to do B because I know it’d just be the blind leading the blind. He’ll just fudge it like he always does and act like he’s the expert.
The issue with C is that I’ll likely have to knock heads with him (because he SUCKS at reading comprehension and thinks he always knows best even when he clearly doesn’t). Also, when you go above and beyond, it tends to be expected of you. He’ll rely on me to study EVERY manual in the future and make others lean on me for everything. I’ve been in similar situations before, and it sucks.
:wonder: I’m considering studying the manual and just laying low and not talking about it. Now I need to figure out how to break up the manual into manageable chunks. I hope I’m capable and can absorb the content. I should be! It’s just a matter of accepting my decision, not getting myself worked up or overwhelmed, and DOING it. Wish me luck.  :read:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 14, 2023, 08:39:48 AM
Minty_Magic kind of good to know. It seems to just be a drizzle but it's the third day now and I am getting sick of it! Blergh! I am sorry about your shift. We changed time tables this week for the next year and none is happy. Not us, not the commuters, not the travelers..

Yesterday we had the follow up appointment for Simba. As such, we again locked him in my ponyroom/office overnight from tuesday night to try to get a urine sample. I went to work very early and it was heartbreaking hearing him through the door when I left. He did end up pee somewhere in the room, but not in the box.. :shocked: My office reeked when I came home from work. Poor John had tried to locate it but failed. So I had to remove every piece of furniture and loose trinket from its place and look behind and under (and I have a lot of stuff! It's insane how much you can fit in a tiny room!) and mopped the floor. We had to go to the vet before I could find the spot. I left the window opened to get some fresh air in. When we came home I was exhausted and it still smelled so John said to leave it until today.

So today when I came home from work I had to take all the things out from my room and try to room it elsewhere. Then I mopped the floor. I think I was more thorough than a lab cleaner, changing water after just a square meter.. and I wetwiped every thing I had on the shelves. That mean the Dream Castle, my old dollhouse, the Pretty Parlor, every pony and Barbie doll and other childhood toys I had saved and stood on the open shelf. I wiped on files and magazines, I hand washed every piece of cloths, like baby Northstars blanket, the castles pink rug etc. I still could not see or feel an exact spot of pee, either wet or dry. But at least now it doesn't smell anymore and I have a room that has not been this clean since I moved in.. :shake:

And yeah, we did not get a urine sample so we don't know how it is with crystals, but the vet said as long as he does not show any symptoms we can take a raincheck on that.. >_<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 15, 2023, 08:50:08 AM
My mom always has to criticize what I eat. I told her I woke up and was a little nauseous this morning and right away she's asking what I ate. Yesterday I had some smoked salmon and then later apple and cheese slices. It wasn't even before I went to bed, it was hours earlier. But according to her I ate "heavy" and I should only eat broth. I honestly don't think it had anything to do with eating. I also woke up all sweaty and breathing hard, so maybe I had an apnea attack or something and that made me nauseous.

I'm just tired of her always telling me I'm eating the wrong thing, or asking "should you be eating that?" and if it's not because of the gastroparesis then it's because I'm dieting (I'm not really, I just don't have much of an appetite). And in the same conversation, asking me to make certain foods and bring them to her, like homemade fudge, tacos, soups, ice cream. Like, I'm not going to make this stuff and not eat it? Why would I do all the work to make tacos and not have any? I think tacos are "heavier" than an apple and cheese!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 17, 2023, 04:24:38 AM
No mobile signal... Grrr
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 17, 2023, 09:16:12 AM
We've left the low minus degrees and has plus degrees now.. the road is ice.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Griffin on December 17, 2023, 12:38:04 PM
We've left the low minus degrees and has plus degrees now.. the road is ice.

Same here! Very dangerous!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 18, 2023, 08:07:15 AM
Ugh my allergies :bawl:

They are here today mowing and blowing and my windows are open. I've taken allergy meds already but I keep coughing and my eyes are watery. The coughing is really bad, I cough until I gag :( but then it stops for a while. I actually woke up coughing. Not fun!

Yesterday I bought pre cut veggies and Ranch dip and had that for dinner. Raw vegetables are bad for my stomach but I had such a craving for cauliflower. Later I paid for it with a prickly stomach. Today it feels very sore.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 18, 2023, 09:23:34 AM
I tried to take up Mario Wonderland again but I just kept on dying. It's not even the tough courses but the two and third rated ones.. I lost all geist of playing when I keep dying as Yoshi! I hate being so stupid.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 18, 2023, 03:33:00 PM
I tried to take up Mario Wonderland again but I just kept on dying. It's not even the tough courses but the two and third rated ones.. I lost all geist of playing when I keep dying as Yoshi! I hate being so stupid.

I can't pass a couple of the special world levels even using Yoshi and every badge that I think will help.   I gave up for a while and decided to play something else.  I feel the same, that it must be me not getting how to pass the level.  I'll probably go back to it later though.

Today has been one of those days. :(  I woke up this morning feeling really lightheaded to the point where just getting out of bed made my head spin.  :(   

My mom said we needed to get some supplies for our CPAP machines.  We get to the supply store and my mom and dad get out of the car leaving it running. I tried to ask if they needed to turn the car completely off, but they went inside before I could finish my sentence.  I needed to go inside the store too, so I had to turn the engine off.  There was a guy on his cellphone watching me while I was in the car and as soon as I locked it and got out he left.  I went inside the store and told my parents that they left the car running.  My dad said "Yeah, I did."  Then he said he didn't realize that I needed to come in the store and get supplies too.  Something went down at the store right before they were going to check on my stuff and they offered a couple of options. I tried to convince my mom to come back later, but she refused.   The lady at the store said she'd mail me the supplies I needed. I really wanted to pick them up at the store since we were wanting to check if I had a credit on the account that needed to be used.

My mom said we were going to Target, a bookstore and Walmart. I didn't take the time to really look around at Target because I thought we were also going to Walmart.  When we left the bookstore my mom changed her mind about going to Walmart. I had to act like I wasn't disappointed that we weren't going. 

After lunch my mom and dad decided to go downtown to take care of something. When they got back I felt like something was a little off with my dad.  I asked my mom about it and she said that he fell while they were walking back to the car after finishing their errand downtown. I asked if he needed to go the ER and she said no.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on December 18, 2023, 03:49:42 PM
I'm so tired I fall asleep in my chair. Then I wake up when I have started snoring. :blush: :yawn:
My spouse wonders how I can sleep without falling off it. The chair does not have a backrest. :rolleyes:

The upstairs is in total chaos! :freak: It's messy and dusty. I still haven't managed to clean it, even though Christmas is almost here!  :sleepy: Fortunately, the downstairs (living room, kitchen, etc.) is already ready for Christmas.

I found out that an actor I like a lot has brain cancer.  :cry:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 18, 2023, 05:28:03 PM
i had to take a break from Mario Wonder too. i like it but i've had a hard time getting used to the way the characters jump super high or jump off the walls. it's similar to how i felt with Mario 64. it took a long time for me to get used to all of the jumps and tricks.

lately at the end of the day i'm just exhausted. like i have no energy to cook, play video games, or really even watch TV. i don't really have time to take a nap after i'm done working either. the holiday break can't come soon enough
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 18, 2023, 07:06:49 PM
i walked in the front doors at work and realized I should just turn around, go home, and call in sick.

every single chair in the building had gone missing.  eventually they were found in the event rental room.  which was 3 inches deep in empty water bottles and trash.  there were open containers of spilled juice boxes dripping down the stairs.  A TV had been ripped off the wall.  A Christmas tree had been ripped apart and all the ornaments smashed to bits and glass, plastic, and glitter strewn through the building.  A patio heater stolen.

Also the front elevator locked down TWICE and trapped someone  for several hours.  No alarm went off.  they urinated all over the elevator during this time as also they vandalized it trying to escape. Eventually it decided to release them. Then the staff member (who SHOULD have been shutting this party event rental down) also got trapped in the DELIGHTFULLY fragrant elevator for TWO HOURS.  again no alarm and finally the elevator set him free. 
yep.  should have gone back outside, walked to the train station and called in a sick day. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 19, 2023, 06:24:49 AM
Got a new phone. It doesn't come with a plug. its cable it does come with is not compatible with my current plug, & my current cable is not compatible with new phone...
And I'm still tight for cash!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 19, 2023, 08:29:08 AM
Having an incredibly bad day and it's not even noon.

I woke up with a headache that turned into a migraine. Lying on my back didn't help so I had to sit up straight for two hours with my eyes closed in whatever quiet I could get. The neighbors were outside talking for a long time, and in Spanish, so I couldn't even eavesdrop.

I'm so COLD! :cold: It's 57. I had to close the windows and I'm seriously thinking of turning on the heat for a couple minutes to get the chill out.  That's not like me at all.

The electric company took their payment, so I'm in the red again and will be hit with the $35 fee again :( No one is buying my ponies. I don't know if I'll have my mom's money to count on anymore. I don't know what else I can try and sell. I don't know what's going to happen if I can't pay my rent :( I wish my social security would just go through already!  :cry:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 19, 2023, 03:27:59 PM
:hug:  :hug:  BC. 

I've had a rough day too.  More details in my WYP post.  The handle on my toilet broke off this morning when I tried to flush it.  It actually flew off and landed on the floor.   My dad said he could fix it, but it took him a while because the first part he bought didn't work.  He had to get another one to fix it.

I'm glad he was able to fix it.  If he hadn't I'd either have to take the lid off the tank to flush or use my parents bathroom.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 20, 2023, 09:07:50 AM
Another headache today and more allergy problems. It's still really cold and tonight they are saying it will be in the 40s. And it's still really early for temps that low here.

My next door neighbor was up in the night throwing furniture and screaming at her daughter. It's actually been a while since I've heard her over there.

I've got kitten fever again :lovey: I just want a lil kitty I can squish :deathhug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 20, 2023, 09:28:17 AM
We forgot Simbas medicine this morning. Well, I was not home so technically it wasn't me who forgot. He got it at noon instead. We have forgot it one time earlier and I found pee on the floor afterwards so now I'm very careful of where I put my feet and my nose is on high alert. We set an alarm to remind us for the evening med.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 20, 2023, 06:12:44 PM
I'm so mad I have no money :mad: All the game sites are having winter sales and I can't get anything :wail:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on December 20, 2023, 07:28:12 PM
BC  :deathhug:


I was saddened on Wednesday afternoon when I heard that someone had been hit by a train in the center of this village. :sad:
My brother was just in the store when it happened, but fortunately he didn't see the situation, only the emergency vehicles. I heard the scream of the train's whistle and the screeching of the brakes, and I saw the hospital helicopter that went to the place to help. :(

In this village, there have been several cases where this has happened.
(I've also had it in my mind in my dark moments..)
It's strange when it's so easy to get to the train just walk there. I wish more mesh fences, etc., would be built there so that it wouldn't be so easy to get there, at least in the area of this village. :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 21, 2023, 07:19:45 PM
I'm so behind on everything.  I was going to mail Christmas cards, but now I don't see the point, because even if I rushed around and got things ready they won't be delivered until after Christmas.  With all of the health problems I've had lately Christmas cards slipped my mind, along with a few other things. I realized today I haven't ordered the e gift cards either this year and I know at least one person expects it to arrive on Christmas.

My mom insisted on getting the bills ready to mail before Christmas due to everything being closed on Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year's.  One of them was my insurance payment that's due at the end of the month. 

I got it ready and asked my mom for help with putting the check in it.  Long story short she got annoyed at me because I asked her to help with it and without thinking I put the check in the way I had it the first time.  She got annoyed at that and then refused to help me.   She did help me eventually after I asked her a few times again.  She made my cry though and I went to the kitchen to seal the envelope with teras running down my face.   

Sometimes it's hard never knowing what will annoy my mom to the point that she starts saying things like that to me.             
I know I included the payment coupon with the insurance payment and the check, but don't remember if I wrote the amount on the coupon or not.  Sometimes I do things automatically and can't remember later if I did them or not.

Today I tried to update my dad's iPhone. The updates went through on my phone and my mom's quickly, but my dad's phone got stuck on "preparing update" after it downloaded for some reason.  I finally gave up and decided to try again tomorrow.

I'm stressed out about my job.   :cry:  I've tried to talk to my mom about it, but it's reached a point where I'm not sure what to do anymore.   I'm trying to do what my mom wants so there's not tension between us.  I don't want to spoil Christmas though. That's going to be hard. 

I took a prescription pill that I take sometimes and one of the side effects is it makes me groggy the next day.  It didn't seem to wear off for a long time.

I'm wide awake now even though I should be sleeping.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 21, 2023, 11:05:50 PM
My mind has just gone heavy and dark and I feel like crying all the time. It's been going on for a few days now. I've tried to toughen up, but I can't seem to snap out of it.
Like, when I was cleaning my ponyroom after Simbas mishap I noticed one of the sections of the Dream Castle, the smaller side tower, had broken through the arch at the doorway beneath the tower. Like cut clean. I have no idea how or when.. and then Majsan managed to break all the flags. I've been so proud of how well my castle has been preserved considered I got it when I was three years old. It has stood on display for so long having my childhood ponies there with all the flags on top. Now the remnant of the flags all lie in the treausre box.. One of the tower cealings has a crack and I have no idea how that got there either.
Majsan jumped up on the display this morning and I screamed at her like a banshee. I'm not proud of that but why do she need to suddenly get up there?

I've sent 14 christmas cards to friends and family. I've recieved four. I love giving cards but it feels heavy when the thought is not returned.

work.. I've never felt so left out and ignored since school. I have more than a hundred coworkers and some are really friendly, some just freeze me out and ignore me. They are polite and corteous when we need to work together but outside of that I'm just ignored. I skipped the annual christmas dinner this year because of the treatment I recieved last year. I was at the middle of the table back then and none spoke to me. I tried to get into the talks but was either ignored or they just changed the subject. In the end I just left early. They have the dinner on two occasions, and the people I like were going on a date I needed to work and the people from last year were going on the day I was off so I just decided to skip it.
Yesterday when I came into the office before my workshift there were three drivers there talking to each other. They hardly even said hi. It was like I didn't exist.

I've talked to my manager about it and even ticked bullied on the annual survey (which is anonymous) but so far I've not seen any change.. but rumours has it my manager is being bullied as well, that there's s secret group trying to make her work miserable so she'll quit. I don't know if that is true but it seems horrible. I like her.

Because me being out from work almost the entire november, my salary this month has been really low (we get paid montly in Sweden). I'm used to being broke and calculate every penny so half of what I make now normally goes into different savings, and what I got today is twice what I got ten years ago.. but with all the expenses for Simba and christmas I just feel bleh.

I am super stressed out about Ninja. He has seemed fine since last time we went to the emergency vet, but I am so coutious of every move and sound he makes. Whenever he grooms himself I'm staring if he washes between his back legs too much etc. Everytime he's bored I', jumping up trying to activate him even if it disrupts something important I'm doing.. I'm on high alert all the time and it makes my body ache.

The boys started to fight yesterday and I had to break it off.

Anyway.. I walk around humming christmas tunes, do my christmas diamond painting, enjoying the advent calendars, do my work the best I can but all I want to do is curl up underneath a blanket and cry all the time.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 22, 2023, 02:23:54 AM
Huge hugs all around :grouphug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 22, 2023, 03:59:00 AM
Beldarna  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 22, 2023, 07:29:04 PM
Beldarna, :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

Christmas is my favorite holiday, but I'm so stressed out that I feel like I'm only going through the motions.  I feel like I'm putting on an act for my parents so I don't spoil Christmas.

Last weekend, I saw a mood ring at the drugstore.  Ever since I've been looking at other stores for a similar ring but haven't found one.   I know mood rings just react to body heat, but they amuse me.  The one at the drugstore caught my attention because it was sized for adults instead of for children.  I haven't gone back to the drugstore (or another one of the same store) to see if they still have the ring.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on December 23, 2023, 01:54:40 AM
I feel the same way about the holidays this year Ponyfan. I feel like I’ve missed out on a lot of my favorite traditions just because I’ve been so busy!

It’s been a warm winter here so far. I mean, it’s always warm here, but it seems like the nighttime lows are not getting as cold as they normally do. I still haven’t even turned on the heat in my home. The other day when I turned on my space heater it warmed up my house enough that my AC kicked on. In December! :blink:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 23, 2023, 09:33:38 AM
Thanks for the hugs. I needed those :blush:.

What also made me sad was I had asked one of my few friends if she wanted to meet up this week as we hadn't seen each other in a while. She said she would get back to me. She never did and i just felt so overlooked and forgotten on top of everything else.

When I came home from work today five books were lying scattered on the floor. Probably one of the cats tried to climb the bookshelf. I asked John why he hadn't picked them up. He said he was afraid to touch them (??) and put them back wrong. I asked if he couldn't have put them in a pile and he replied they were already in a pile. Yes they were in a pile, allover eachother with the covers opened. Ugh.. luckily no pages were folded or torned.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 23, 2023, 11:03:10 AM
Ants are back, on my desk :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 24, 2023, 06:31:04 PM
Thanks for the hugs. I needed those :blush:.

What also made me sad was I had asked one of my few friends if she wanted to meet up this week as we hadn't seen each other in a while. She said she would get back to me. She never did and i just felt so overlooked and forgotten on top of everything else.

When I came home from work today five books were lying scattered on the floor. Probably one of the cats tried to climb the bookshelf. I asked John why he hadn't picked them up. He said he was afraid to touch them (??) and put them back wrong. I asked if he couldn't have put them in a pile and he replied they were already in a pile. Yes they were in a pile, allover eachother with the covers opened. Ugh.. luckily no pages were folded or torned.

omg you husband sounds just like mine. he uses that same excuse!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 24, 2023, 07:00:06 PM
More hugs :hug:  Beldarna.

It looks like I won't be mailing Christmas cards this year.  I didn't get them done. :(

I ordered one e gift card for the one person that I thought would be disappointed if they didn't get it on time.  I sent a note to my other friend that her e gift card is coming in a few days because I didn't want her to think that I'm mad at her or decided not to give her a gift this year.

I keep falling asleep without my CPAP machine.  I'm so tired by the time I go to bed.  I did stay up late last night watching a movie, but the other night I didn't and I still fell asleep without my CPAP machine.  I tried to take a nap earlier, but couldn't fall asleep. 

I had plugged my phone in close to the couch.  My mom noticed her tablet wasn't charged.  I had to unplug my phone so she could charge her tablet since she was complaining about it not having much battery left.  I always feel like if I did that my parents would say I'm being a brat and being selfish by always wanting things my way, but it's okay for my mom to act like that?


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 25, 2023, 02:16:38 PM
Didn't I post here..?

Anyway, I keep getting bad headaches and I think it's because I've been out of my blood pressure and blood thinner meds. My head feels like it's going to explode and my neck is stiff. Lying down doesn't really help.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 25, 2023, 09:33:08 PM
I have a problem with cracked heels. On top of everything else. It has been managed with skin glue and really fat foot cream over the years. But now I have a very deep crack and no matter how much glue or cream it still wont heal. It feels like walking on knives and I have a terrible limp.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 26, 2023, 03:14:11 AM
Beldarna I've never had the heel issue, but I do get peely skin there, & on the balls of my foot, between the toes (classic athlete's foot style), the tips of the toes, the tips of the fingers (they often get sore/red/bleeding), & the edge of my scalp. It's annoying as heck & sometimes sore. I wish it didn't happen but what can I do??? I find most moisturisers too oily for me & I hate how it takes them so long to soak into the skin!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 26, 2023, 07:08:46 AM
There is an SUV parked below my windows that is blasting music with the windows closed so all you can hear is the bass. I have another big headache and it's driving me crazy. I think they are waiting for someone. They've been parked for like 5 minutes now. ...great the new song has even more bass :pullhair:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 26, 2023, 11:03:09 AM
oooh Beldarna I feel you... we have this problem in our house too.  it's very dry. sometimes you have to put vaseline in the crack and just keep it moist so it can mend back together
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 27, 2023, 01:04:32 AM
Beldarna I've never had the heel issue, but I do get peely skin there, & on the balls of my foot, between the toes (classic athlete's foot style), the tips of the toes, the tips of the fingers (they often get sore/red/bleeding), & the edge of my scalp. It's annoying as heck & sometimes sore. I wish it didn't happen but what can I do??? I find most moisturisers too oily for me & I hate how it takes them so long to soak into the skin!!!

Ouch! I can imagine the itching! Poor thing!

It might be TMI but my right foot is a mess. My left has no problem, but my right heel gets really thick, to the point I have this tool with a razor to cut the excess skin off every two weeks. And then I have to mend the cracks that goes even deeper with skin glue and cream. If I put the glue and cream on without peeling the skin off it doesn't go as deep as it should and wont mend. And on the front of my foot and toes I have excema on and off so I have a special feet cortisone there. The right side of the foot, below the pinkie toe is also thick, and it would be so nice to shave it off, but it's not skin, it's the excema and if I would try I would bleed like I've been stabbed >_< (I tried once or twice many years ago). It usually heals up during winter but during summer I hate it. I hate how my foot look.

oooh Beldarna I feel you... we have this problem in our house too.  it's very dry. sometimes you have to put vaseline in the crack and just keep it moist so it can mend back together

When it's really bad I put on cream and wrap the heel in plastic. This crack is very deep though. I have three days off during New Years, I hope to be able to stay stil and not walk so much then.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 27, 2023, 06:35:56 AM
It's less the itch (except the scalp, that itches like the DEVIL), & more the roughness & catching on stuff. There I am, working on knitting or crochet, & the yarn catches a bit of skin. AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGHHH!!! Or skin catches on clothes or something else... Which is why the finger stuff is the WORST
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 27, 2023, 08:22:35 AM
I accidentally posted complaints in the Slice thread. I have a new one though, I've got grain beetles in my sugar :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 27, 2023, 10:28:51 AM
ugh it's just impossible to take time off from work without being bothered. there's some issue that i can't help with. they refuse to learn how to solve issues on their own or learn which team can actually help them and instead they bother people who are on vacation. now i'm stressed out but i'm ignoring the messages. i dread the day someone gives them my personal phone number. at least when it's messages on the work messaging app i can pretend i don't see it. also i have my out of office message set so they know i'm off. i've read that some European countries have stricter rules about contacting people outside of work hours. i'm not sure if it actually works but i wish people would allow their co-workers to take time off uninterrupted.

me and my team already worked on Friday, which was a company holiday and Saturday for almost the entire night to support this project. i feel we've done more than our part.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 27, 2023, 03:45:08 PM
I didn't get the text confirmations for my monthly shot appointment Hopefully nothing is wrong, or the texts just had a glitch in them due to the holiday. 

I'm starting to think that we might have to put my 15 year old dog down soon. :(  I'm pretty sure she's blind.  Today she was struggling on the floor like she couldn't get up and then she had an accident on me while I was holding her.  Later I heard her scream.  I thought she was having a seizure, but she had crawled under and around a cart that we keep DVDs and had gotten stuck. She had her leg caught in part of the cart and for a moment I thought that I might accidentally break her back leg trying to get her free.  I was able to get her out without harming her and after I did that she had a seizure.

I feel like I'm in the way lately.  It seemed like every time I tried to do something I have to literally scurry out of the way because my dad wants to get a drink out of the refrigerator, fill a water bottle etc....

I've also noticed that I feel guilty for not being productive. I had to literally tell myself that it was okay to work on my diamond painting instead of doing something else.  I've noticed that about myself lately, that some things that I want to do don't get done because I tell myself I should be doing something else instead.  :(

My mom was acting a little strange earlier today.  We had gone to a couple of stores to check out the Christmas stuff on sale.  When my mom was ready to check out, she thought the cashier in the front was calling her to the register when it was really the one behind the first one.  Then she didn't realize she left her purse in the basket and my dad had started taking the basket back where it belonged. I had to tell her where her purse was.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 28, 2023, 09:24:54 AM
@Ponyfan :hug: :hug: :hug: i'm sorry your parents are making things hard for you. i wish you could get more time to yourself and not feel like you're in their way. it sounds like you do a lot to take care of them and it stinks that they don't seem to appreciate it. i'm also sorry about your dog. We had to put one of our dogs down almost 4 years ago. It was a hard decision for us but we felt like he was letting us know that it was time. he stopped eating and drinking water and just shut down in general. they have a way of letting you know when it's time. it was hard to let him go but he wasn't going to get better and we wanted to spare him from a few days of suffering or dying from starvation/dehydration.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 28, 2023, 09:37:11 AM
Ponyfan, ditto what Beth said :hug:

I'm really sorry about your dog. Have you considered diapers for her? My dog had to wear them for a few days until he went back to the vet and we said our goodbyes. They are made really well these days.

But yes, she will tell you when it's time. Make her as comfortable as you can in the meantime :hug:

My complaint is about the weather. It's cold and damp and raining. It's going to stay in the 60s for next few days. It's nice for sleeping but a bit too cold for the daytime. My hands are freezing!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 28, 2023, 11:18:32 AM
Ponyfan, it's never fun knowing a beloved fur friend is on the way out xxx Do what you can for them until it's their time, then do what you must. Know you've given them a good, long, full life full of love, & that's all you can do xxx
Won't stop the pain of losing them though xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 28, 2023, 07:17:40 PM
:hug:  :hug:  everyone.

I don't think my parents mean to come across like that most of the time, but my dad especially does.

My mom had a dentist appointment this morning.  When my parents came home my mom had a frozen Dr from McDonald's.  When I asked why they didn't get me one my mom said she didn't think about me wanting one because she had a headache from not drinking her coffee this morning before her appointment.  She said I would get one later, but by the time we were getting back from my appointment I was still really full from lunch and didn't feel like I would enjoy it. I know it shouldn't bother me so much, but it does.  I think it's a combination of a bunch of little things adding up.

I went to get my monthly shot today and there was no record of my appointment in the computer even though I have the appointment card they gave me last month. I offered to come back another day, but the receptionist said I could get my shot today anyway. They gave me a compliment that I'm always on top of my stuff.  I guess they're not used to someone showing up for an appointment when they didn't get reminders, or it wasn't scheduled in the computer.

I was going to order the last two egift cards for Christmas when I decided that I should confirm the email addresses first.  So now I'm waiting to hear back from my friend if I have the right ones.  I'm 99% sure that one is correct because I sent her daughter an e gift card for her birthday months ago and I know her daughter got that.

My dog seems to be doing a little better today.  She's bumped in to stuff a few times but hasn't gotten stuck in a tight place.  I did have to follow her around for a while this morning to make sure she didn't get stuck. She doesn't seem to be suffering right now, just slowing down and acting weird.  We've thought about getting doggie diapers, but haven't followed through.  I know that realistically she probably can't live a good life for much longer.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 29, 2023, 06:20:13 AM
I can totally relate to the frozen drink thing. When I still lived with my parents and sister, I can't tell you how many times they bring fast food home but not get me anything. It really hurt. I wasn't upset about the food, but how they left me out completely. I felt even worse when my sister and niece would go to the beach and not invite me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on December 29, 2023, 07:18:00 PM

My dad has been in a mood most of the day and I'm so emotional that I'm literally holding back tears.  I feel responsible for him acting that way even though I've tried really hard not to complain, ask for too much and be really accommodating so I don't make waves.  I've kept up with the bills and stuff but sometimes I've felt so bad it was an effort just trying to get out of bed for the day.

I haven't heard back from my friend yet. I sent her text on Christmas Eve telling her that I hadn't forgotten about her gift and another yesterday asking her to confirm her email address. I hope she at least got them and read them.  I don't want her to think that I'm not sending her anything.

My dad decided he had to rearrange the sunroom because the dog got stuck behind the trampoline.

I've really fallen off my diet this week. I've been eating everything I got get my hands on.  I decided to just enjoy this time and not worry too much about calories or how much I was eating.

I picked up a set of sugar cookies from the grocery store. I thought my parents would enjoy eating them, but so far I'm the only one that has eaten any.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on December 29, 2023, 09:51:45 PM
it sounds like you’ve had a rough past couple days Ponyfan. :hug: Sorry to hear about your pup. Her condition sounds a bit like my senior dog’s condition towards the end. He got stuck in places as well and had trouble with his bladder. All you can do is make sure they are happy and comfortable for as long as you can.

Sometimes my dad drives me absolutely insane with the TV. He loves those true crime murder shows and I really don’t. Tonight he put one on after we ate so I went upstairs to try and get away from it. He then came upstairs and turned it on and had two TVs blasting. I went downstairs and turned the one he wasn’t watching down. I went out for a walk and when I came off it was off, so I thought he was going to bed, but nope, he turned it back on. I don’t think I’ve ever told him how much I dislike those shows as it’s his house and I know this is how he likes to unwind after work and I could just leave, but come on man, am I not being obvious in trying to get away from this? I feel like it would look rude to just leave but if I can’t get some quiet I might have to.  The real kicker was while he had it paused my mom said she was going to call her mom to talk and right as she started dialing he turned on back on full blast! Like hello?? Why would you do that when you know your wife is about to call someone on the phone? He has done that with my mom before, so it’s not like he didn’t hear her.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 30, 2023, 07:31:48 AM
Ponyfan :hug: I'm so sorry you're having a tough time :(

MM, I like true crime, but I don't like when the TV is on full blast. My dad used to do the same thing while watching old westerns.

My complaint is I smell exhaust and I don't know where it's coming from but it's really bothering me. It comes and goes, so it much be wafting from nearby. I can hear what sounds like a chainsaw.

Also my allergies are really bad and I've got sores on my tongue again. I've been drinking pineapple juice so I think that's what caused them this time. It's still cold here, too cold.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on December 30, 2023, 08:39:29 AM
i'm glad my parents and i have a relationship where we call each other out on our BS. not in a rude or disrespectful way but we'll speak up if one of us is doing something annoying. i don't live with my parents which does make things different but if i'm over there and the TV is on something i don't like i speak up. especially if it's a news program. thankfully they don't watch Fox or anything like that but my dad reads some opinion columnists that i cannot stand. some that i've read a lot in the past so it's not like i read 1 article and formed an opinion.

i really think the whole centrist (NYT, Atlantic, etc.) opinion industrial complex exists to make people in my parent's socioeconomic situation feel ok about the rest of the country being pretty miserable and i hate it. also "opinion" articles are not news! that's why it's labeled "opinion". opinion columnists don't need to be experts they just need a following really.

also sometimes he repeats pretty far right talking points and i'm like where did you hear that? and he can't remember but says he only looks at pretty mainstream news sources. and he doesn't interact with social media. so that's a little disturbing to me. like he'll bring up shootings in Chicago and ask why he doesn't see coverage of what's going on. and i'm like this is literally something pretty awful people will use as a racist talking point. and i also ask if he looked at news sources from Chicago and he says he didn't. so i tell him to follow Chicago news if he's so concerned :huh: he's so stuck in the 80s and 90s with some of his opinions and doesn't really read a lot of newer history. i explain why he's wrong and he understands but then he falls back into his old thinking. my mom is much better about reading and updating her facts.

anyways i'm in a mood this morning. my complaint is my allergies are crazy this morning. i woke up having sneezing fits. i feel like dust just flew in my face. not literally but my nose feels the way it does when i just dusted something that wasn't dusted for a year. the Roomba isn't charging for some reason so it hasn't run in a few days. we have 2 people and 3 dogs in here so there is quite a bit of dust build up. i'm not sure if that's my problem or if it's the Mountain Cedar. has anyone used one of those hepa filters for allergies. does it help?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 30, 2023, 10:20:33 AM
I had a HEPA once, I got it a long time ago, well, my mom got it for me. It worked wonders. I kept it in my room, where I would work on my art (so paint fumes and stuff like that), and I had two cats, hamsters, stuffed animals... and I wasn't the best at dusting. It helped so much. It finally died just as we were about to move to Florida, so I haven't had another one in close to 20 years. I'd get one though if I could afford it. They must work even better these days.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 30, 2023, 01:43:25 PM
ugh the construction across the street, building a new housing complex is so LOUD and annoying and it has been going on for the entire holiday break... I don't want to sound like an obnoxious Karen but ohhhhhh the beeping and the generator and the concrete pumping and the saws and all the trucks unloading and loading... shut up and go away people.  I want to enjoy my home while I am on holidays from work.... URRRRRRRRRRGH
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on December 31, 2023, 03:26:58 AM
I am sorry about your dog Ponyfan :hug:

Beth3346 me too! I have no contact with my dad, but I am very straight with my mom. If she acts like an idiot I tell her she acts like an idiot and she does the same to me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 31, 2023, 01:00:12 PM
These headaches :( It's not unusual for me to get headaches, but the ones I've had lately are different :huh: It's behind my eyes and ears and my neck is also sore and stiff. It might be tension? I keep massaging the back of my head. I haven't tried heat yet but the heating pad I have is a large size and I'm not picturing it going on my neck nicely.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on December 31, 2023, 03:37:47 PM
no snow we badly need it and it has been unusually warm, our apple and pear trees need cold weather.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 01, 2024, 06:35:24 AM
I got really worked up about something involving work.  I annoyed my mom by asking her about it a lot. I ended up having to take an anxiety pill last night.  That helped, but once I woke up I started worrying again.  My mom said she would get mad at me if I kept talking about it.  Now I feel like I'm putting on an act so I don't spoil New Years.

And I was so happy that I wasn't worked up about stuff and the last few days had gone pretty good.

I talked to my mom and told her sometimes I need her help trying to pull me out of my dark place.  I would never do anything drastic, but my dark place is where I'm upset and obsessed over stuff.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 02, 2024, 04:59:47 AM
The trains and bus traffics up north has been canceled due to the cold, it's up to -40 degrees in some places and people are commenting on our vehicles beeing weak and 20 years ago everything worked fine and so on. Up north there is a LOT of nomansland and if the trains or buses breaks down there they're litterarly hours from civilisation which means people could freeze to death. It's a safety issue but people don't get that. Instead they just talk about my company being useless and traintraffic being useless.. ugh.

invaderhorizongreen I wish I could send you some snow, we have plenty.. and lots of chill weather as well. I'll be more than happy to share.

Ponyfan and BC :hug: to you.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 02, 2024, 04:14:47 PM
today i managed to drop a container of food i was trying to put in the fridge. the lid came off and about half of it went on the floor. luckily the container is plastic so no broken glass. and then a few seconds later my husband knocks over his water creating a puddle on the floor! i feel like we were in a paper towel commercial.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 03, 2024, 10:43:33 AM
Ugh, waited on hold for 40 minutes trying to get a representative  for the copay card  only for the line to disconnect after I was sent to terms and conditions.  Now I've been on hold for 18 minutes and counting.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 03, 2024, 02:09:55 PM
I considering going to the ER for this headache. It keeps coming back and lasts all day. It's the same pain on the left side behind my ear and down my neck. Maybe I have an irritated nerve. My eyes hurt a lot too.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 03, 2024, 03:28:51 PM
Tried to do something fun by getting some iTunes and the iTunes store went down right after I got a few songs.  :( It finally came back up, but by then I was so frustrated that I decided to get the other songs later.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 03, 2024, 04:45:30 PM
:hug: :hug: BC. it's been a few days. if it happens again tomorrow it's probably a good idea to get it checked out.

my complaint today is the weather is gross and dreary. also work was annoying.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 04, 2024, 06:35:57 AM
My mom and I had our nails done Sat.  While I was sleeping my pinkie nail came off.   :(  Now I have to see if I can get it fixed.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on January 04, 2024, 07:04:52 AM
It's supposed to start snowing today or tomorrow.  I know other people love snow, but I do not!   :wail:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 04, 2024, 07:48:21 AM
The chain jumped off my bike on the way to work. -32°C. It was not fun trying to put it back in the cold. Two cuts, oily hands and 15 minutes late... Proud that I managed to fix it, but now I'm afraid it will happen on my way home later tonight.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on January 04, 2024, 01:56:58 PM
...Can January be over already? LOL :)

I already hate this month because it's dark and gloomy and my brain wants to hibernate.

But it's only the 4th. Seriously.

Mother has a chest infection. Truthfully she's had it since before the new year, and she's still on treatment for it.

My uncle is in hospital after a cardiac procedure having had an erratic blood pressure issue. He doesn't live near us but he emailed my Dad from hospital to fill him in. Hopefully he's doing better now but yeah. Yeeps.

My dental inlay fell out again today. As I mentioned before, my dentist has gone private (I still haven't had a letter about that though) so it will cost me £90 just to have it stuck back in. It's come out twice and I've had it less than a year.  I'm meant to have a filling on the 18th - another £150 - but that will probably have to be put back till Feb now.

Oh yeah. And there's flooding. Fortunately the flooding around here is only minor road level/the brook in the nature reserve, but across the county there has been far more.

And all of this is without mentioning political local or national incompetence at all.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 04, 2024, 11:01:43 PM
So the bike chain came off again on my way home from work. Luckily it was only a ten minute walk from where it happened. At home, hubby was sleeping on the couch but woke up when I came in with the bike. He told me I shouldn't use the electric bike in this cold and told me his friend had used his bike and it had acted up with the breaks. My breaks had been the same way which I told him two days prior, but apparently that wasn't a big deal until the same thing happened to his friend. Anyway, I need the bike, especially in this cold and with the hours my shift starts or end. We don't have a car and as a woman I don't feel safe walking in the early ams alone. He said I should use my regular bike. I don't have the strength to use it in this cold, it's below thirty degreees! Everything gets too heavy. He works tonight and if he takes his electric, after telling me I should not use mine, I'm gonna be petty pissed. Seriously :mad:.

I got two cuts and oil all over my hand when I put the chain back yesterday at work.. I'm not looking forward doing it again :pout:.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 05, 2024, 06:23:58 PM
I haven't had a headache for two days, so I postponed the ER trip. I watched a video about the spot where the pain is located and got some good tips on how to stretch and massage the area. Dude suggested using a tennis ball, so I bought some. They work really well.

But of course, once something is fixed, something else has to go wrong, so yesterday my hip was playing up. It wanted to give out and I almost fell once. I did less walking and was careful when I turned and didn't have an problems today, but my legs hurt in general.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 07, 2024, 08:30:00 AM
Once again the weather is making my body confused. My underarms are sweating but I'm cold.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Kitcatepic on January 08, 2024, 05:07:52 PM
Winter break is over and I just got back from the first day of sch*ol. I am very tired and miserable. I don't want to sleep because I feel like I don't have enough time but I'm too tired to do much
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 09, 2024, 07:03:56 PM
I tried to log in to the company that owns my student loans website and kept  getting errors every few clicks.  I'm hoping in a few days I'll be able to log in without problems as there's something I need to check.

I tried to get an ebook today and it wasn't downloading at first. I was trying to see if the download was working and it kept asking if I wanted to buy the book again.  It finally downloaded.  I think it only charged once for the book as there was only one email confirmation. 

My mom at I are at each other again. :(


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 10, 2024, 01:27:43 AM
I've been trying to get a hold of the vet clinic all morning to get a follow up appointment for Simba. He was due last week or this week but because of work and the weather we put it off and then forgot. I've been calling all morning and now last time they had put on a an answering message that they couldn't take the phones because of lack of staff. I hate calling and this message would have made it so much easier if they had put it on earlier. Now I had to work up the courage to call over and over for nothing. They don't take bookings over email.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 10, 2024, 07:39:55 AM
Ants, but not the tiny ones. These are your regular black ants. They are coming from behind the light above my sink. I had put ant gel on the backsplash in that area for the tiny ants, and that's where these ants are. I hope they die quickly.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on January 10, 2024, 09:33:40 AM

Work. Is. Stupid.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 11, 2024, 05:45:25 AM
I thought I posted here, but it looks like I posted in the other thread.

My elderly dog got stuck in a place she doesn't usually get.  I couldn't find her and was afraid that she might have gotten out or gone off somewhere to die.  My dad found her stuck behind something.

I tried to use my debit card at Walmart yesterday and the machine said there was an error and to either retry my card or use a different one.  My mom put one of her credit cards in and it went through.

I just used my debit card at a different Walmart over the weekend without any problems, so I really think there was a problem with the machine and not my card.

I couldn't sleep last night. I was up from 12:30 to 2:30 am. :zzz:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 11, 2024, 06:15:10 AM
The ants are gone this morning. I put down fresh gel incase they come back.

It's another cold and rainy day.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 11, 2024, 06:56:30 AM
work has been very stressful this week
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 11, 2024, 09:32:33 AM
i shoveled the snow and started the car because it's -43 and now I can't feel my toes on my left foot.  so COLD
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 11, 2024, 11:24:26 AM
that's too cold Squirmy!! i hope you can just stay inside and curl up with a warm drink.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 12, 2024, 08:22:53 AM
This one is very trivial. I had a shift today where I go to a small town and back, have a 40 minute break and than go back to the small town and back and then it's done. I was to be relieved on the central station and the person taking over would go with the train to the end station and then start a new tour.
So, we arrived at the central station at track 3 and the person relieving me was not there. I double checked my schedule and asked the driver over radio if he saw her enter another door. He did not. I called her. She disconnected the call. I called her again. She answered. I asked where she was. She was at the wrong track, 1b, which is the closest one to the station building. Quick note, this trainroute never stops there. Like ever.
So she had to walk to a stair to the side, under a tunnel and up another stair to get to my track. It took a couple of minutes wait for her, then to get ahold of her, another couple for her to come to me, and yet another couple to do the delivery (tell if everything works or if anyhing is wrong on the train etc). If I had had a long break those minutes would not matter, but given I only had forty that severly cut my break. Also, people were going to work, they had buses to catch other trainconnections.. minutes matters in this field!

I had my break, took the new train to town and back. Same person as before was to relieve me. This time we got to track 1a. It has the same platform as 1b, just 100 meters away. We were running three minutes late. Luckily it was not a lot of people onboard, but still, people had work or connections at the endstation. Again she's not there! I stand there, wondering if I should call her again and see her strolling up to us from 1b. Not walking fast, or running. Strolling. It took her two minutes! I refrained to ask if she thought 1b again. I considered being petty and make a report. I'm thinking if she does it to me again I will. Otherwise I'll let the drivers handle it. They have a big say on us attendants. If they don't like the way we work we're out pretty much.

The thing is, at the office, which we enter before every shift and break, there is a huge TV with all the info on incoming and outgoing trains with the tracknumbers! There is a infoboard at the track telling which track a train comes into on the platforms. There is a speaker voice announcing where a train arrives to and depart from. We have an app with the info. She should not be able to have missed it! I get she's new but she's been with us for a couple of months now and she had three weeks of active training with a handler.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 12, 2024, 03:38:21 PM
That sounds really frustrating Beldarna.  :hug:

A nurse was supposed to come between 4 and 6 pm today to talk to my mom.  It's something she had scheduled before the heart issue came up. The nurse called around 3 and said she would come tomorrow instead.  I understand she had to cancel, but we put off doing some stuff because the nurse was supposed to come.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 12, 2024, 05:37:47 PM
Headache behind my ear and down my neck is back. I should have gone to the ER. It's the weekend so I definitely don't want to go there now. Maybe I will Monday.

The rain stinks :X smells like rotten vegetation and fish.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 13, 2024, 02:26:44 AM
When I put away christmas today, one of my window starlamps broke into three pieces :(. It was a green velvet one I really liked. It was a couple of years since I bought it but I saw the store still sold them this season so I hope they're back next year.

Simba has stopped eating, or he eats a little and leave like two thirds of his portions. We checked his mouth this morning and his upper left gum is red around his teeth. So if I finally get hold of the vet clinic on monday I'm not only booking an appointment for his hyperterios check in, they have to check his mouth for FORL again :cry:. We stil have Metacam since his first appointment and decided to give him tonight to see if he eats better.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 13, 2024, 09:18:22 AM
Oh no, not more Simba problems :( I hope he gets better :hug:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 14, 2024, 03:38:47 PM
I don't have an appetite lately, so I don't eat and then I end up having a sugar crash. There's nothing sweet in the house, so I end up eating cheese, which is bad for my cholesterol and heart. I got some oat milk and cereal on the way from Walmart; Cheerios and S'mores. It's something at least.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 15, 2024, 02:21:30 AM
Simba started eating better again after been given Metacam :). Now my complaint is the planning people at work. I need the new workschedule to be able to call the vet and the schedule comes out sometimes during the afternoon. Some weeks its just after 12 and some weeks its after four.. and I can't call the vet until I know how I work. John don't want to go with him alone and he very much want to be there as well so I have to get a day when we're both available.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 15, 2024, 06:42:20 AM
Snow cancelling local events is not fun, nor is being so tired all I do is nap & so don't get the rubbish out...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 15, 2024, 07:57:11 AM
I'm so tired. My eyes burn.

I thought I would record some gameplay this morning, just a quick little session. The game wouldn't start. It's Anno 1800 and I have it on Steam but you still have to use the Ubisoft launcher. I got some more DLC yesterday and I guess it messed things up. First, I had to verify the files on Steam. Then I had to change a folder name in the Ubisoft files (the cached files - you had to do the same with The Sims 3 after playing a while). Then I had to shut down both Ubisoft and Steam. Then start them again, Ubisoft first then Steam. It installed the DLC just fine after that. THEN I could play.

I ended up playing for like 5 minutes because I'd lost my enthusiasm.

First World problems, man.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 15, 2024, 10:03:15 AM
downstairs people are drunk again and had to be shoo'd out of the house because instead of cleaning their rooms and finding a new place to live, they invited overnight guests over, partied, started using the house phone at 1:30 am and one of them destroyed a mattress with body fluids. 

oh and I have to show the rooms shortly!
oh and am technically working remotely from home because it's too cold and my car won't start.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 16, 2024, 09:57:47 AM
All of that sounds like a lot. Also ew.

My complaint is I'm so thirsty and nothing is doing anything to quench it. What I'd really like is a big glass of ice water. I don't have any ice though :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on January 16, 2024, 02:05:54 PM
I wish we had just a little actual snow.

I also hurt my shoulder somehow, and it's really annoying me.

And I have to go to the dentist on Thursday. Which will be twice in two weeks, thanks teeth.

And since this isn't an appropriate space to talk about political things, allow this emoji to sum up all of that: :enraged:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 17, 2024, 06:32:43 AM
I would love to send you some snow Taffeta!

For ages goverment and everyone else down south conveniently forget about us living in the north. We are so "few and far between" and some people get surprised when they realise we have actual cities here, with red lights! The only time we matter is when they collect our resources (wood, water, mines) and the money for all of that goes south. We rarely see any of it. Anyway, to cement it todays complaint is that I watched the morning news and the anchor told of the orange weather warning of a snow storm in the south west, with cancelled buses and please not to get out in traffic if not necessary. Not a word was spoken that we in the north east also have an orange warning of snow storm with cancelled buses and asked not to get out in traffic if not necessary. Like, hello! *waves* I got the info from looking out the window and our local paper but still. We do exist!

Another complaint of today. Husband asked for vacationdays for my birthday about a month ago. I asked a week ago. I got the request approved three days later. Husband got his notice today that it was denied as he asked two days "too late". Luckily he called his manager and she managed some magic and he got the weekend off. I guess she granted him as he is an excellent worker who usually does the extra and get in when others are sick. But it is riddicoulus how different some workplaces handle their employees.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 17, 2024, 10:11:28 AM
Politics here are :enraged: as well and I want to not believe it but it is real.

I didn't sleep again and I have this pain in my side I don't know where came from. It's also very cold. I'm pretty miserable right now.

edit: Seriously, what is wrong with my body? Why must I be in pain every single day? If it's not my normal aches and pains it's something new like this pain in my neck, back and side which has now spread to my whole spine. WHY?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 18, 2024, 01:14:39 PM
What's the one thing you want when out on a snowy day??? A hot drink in a cafe or pub!!! But I went out today & the cafes were all shut, while there was hardly a pub to be found!!! None of the takeaways served either...
If it wasn't for a kind stranger I would have had no hot drinks at all until I got home!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 18, 2024, 05:25:10 PM
yup politics here is also  :enraged:

on a more trivial note, my husband broke a soap dish that i've had for a long time. it had kind of a vintage, french look. i went on eBay and Etsy and i can't find anything similar. also eBay changed their search results to an awful "infinite scroll". so now it shows "similar results" and keeps scrolling and scrolling through stuff that isn't relevant without really telling you it's less relevant. and every other search result in etsy is an ad for something not really related. also ebay has a broken image on it's little scroll to top button. is anyone even testing this site? does anyone work there? this is sending me into a spiral of doom.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 19, 2024, 06:44:20 AM
I overspent this month. :(  I'm usually really good at keeping track of my spending, but this month I didn't.  I won't be overdrawn, but my balance will be a little lower than I like until next payday. 

My dad is making a huge deal about switching electric providers. 99% of the city was on the same one.  One of the members of the board decided that the city electric company would not longer be the provider, just maintain the lines and equipment.  That means everyone on the city's power company has to chose a new electric company. There have been several providers running ads on TV.  My dad decided against one company because they had employees from the company  at Walmart talking to people. :(  It was the company that my mom has going to pick and now she can't.

He's so stubborn and hard to get along with at times.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 19, 2024, 08:51:38 AM
@Ponyfan, there's a website called Power to Choose ( that my dad used to pick electric providers. my dad was a bit obsessive about it when he lived in Houston :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 19, 2024, 08:55:32 AM
You're lucky you can choose, we only have Florida Power & Light.

My complaint is my sore body again. My side/back felt better yesterday but I woke up in a half twist on my face and it really hurts today. I can hardly lift my arm up it hurts in my shoulder and side.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 19, 2024, 11:21:59 AM
it really still depends on where you live. a lot of cities in Texas still have a single power company. and usually a single power company maintains the infrastructure. there are really just resellers from what i understand. so it's not like if you choose wrong your service will be bad. it's really just the rates that change. i think all of the companies now have a "fixed" rate so you don't have to deal with the rates getting higher in the summer. my experience has been that my bills are way lower in the summer but in the winter they're not as low. but the bills are more predictable. i haven't done any research about deregulation of energy companies. just my personal experience. our grid is a nightmare but that's a whole other conversation
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 19, 2024, 03:47:26 PM
we have "choices" but all the smaller companies have to get their power from the provincial source so it costs the same
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on January 21, 2024, 05:17:12 AM
I'm sick -_- I don't know what it is, I don't think it's COVID-19 as I last had it at Hallowe'en and I've since had boosters, plus I don't have the intense chills and fever that indicate COVID-19. It started as a singular cough and a burning between nose and throat, now it's just like my head is super-gunky and my tongue is white. I managed through work Friday, I wanted to do something Saturday in the city as I was so tired of just work-eat-sleep but I went to the hairdresser for a long-overdue head shave and just felt so miserable and useless. It's the same today, it doesn't help it's raining outside and I kinda want to get stuff for lunch tomorrow as well as snacks and take bins out.

I remember hoping to get sick in old jobs so I could just stay home. Now I'm irritated I'm sick as I've got too much to do! I don't like being sick, I'm a busy bee!!

EDIT: I've had COVID-19 twice so far, and in both times, I had intense chills and some form of fever following it, hence I don't think this is COVID-19 this time. Plus I JUST got boosted, I'd better not have it!!

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 21, 2024, 08:35:11 AM
I'm a mess :( I slept for whole day and night and now my neck/shoulder/back problem is a lot worse. I can't turn my head or lift up my arm.

Plus, my eyes are wonky, there's gunk in my throat, I'm really thirsty, my lips are chapped, I'm cold. Ugh. I just want to feel better.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on January 23, 2024, 01:46:44 AM
I went to the doctor as I'm still sick and last night wasn't very fun at all. She says it's a viral infection and just needs to run its course -_- I've got cough medicine to use at nights, it wasn't nice going outside as the weather is still pretty bad but I got snacks and I'm just going to go back to bed.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 23, 2024, 09:11:46 AM
Simba does not like his wetfood anymore. He still eats the kibbles though, which, if he have pain in his mouth doesn't make sense. I get it is tiresome eating the same thing over and over but we have managed to find three different kinds of the urinary food he needs to eat, a mousse, chunks in gravy and some processed and pressed meat in a sauce he loves but he wont eat any of it anymore, Ninja who has been on this food for years still eat with no problem.
Well, at least he eats the kibbles. One week til his vet appointment.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 25, 2024, 07:41:45 AM
sending happy thoughts for Simba. :hug: :hug: It's always so frustrating when they won't eat foods they used to.

work is a little stressful again. also, not a complaint really but a recurring thought i keep having. is anyone else who has to get on calls for their job afraid that they're going to unmute and instead of talking you burp loudly or something? it's never happened to me but it's a constant fear. also on teams at least that little circle lights up so everyone would know it was me!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 25, 2024, 08:46:30 AM
Sorry to hear about Simba. I hope he gets over it and starts eating his food again. My Bass was a picky eater and would get tired of the same thing, but switching foods always made her sick even when I slowly introduced it. She was skinny her whole life.

Beth, my stomach disease makes me belch a lot. I'm always nervous on Zoom calls with my therapist, though I don't think she would mind... I'd still hate to do it. Also since I started recording videos for YouTube I have the same fear. My mic has a mute button but I'm always scared I didn't push it enough or something. I could edit them out, but not doing it in the first place is better.

My complaints today - My eyes are all messed up again. They're full of goo and it keeps coming back, plus my one eyelid is twitching. I hate that. I somehow hurt my ankle? It's not really bad, I can still walk normally, but there is pain on the side when I do. My foot is so swollen and it's very itchy. The sores on my legs are itchy too.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 26, 2024, 08:22:16 AM
i'm not in a good headspace today. usually Fridays are less stressful but i have to work this some weekend :( also, i still haven't been able to get back in a good work flow since the holidays. also i don't really feel like cooking and i'm sick of the rain and fog.

 :cloud:  :cloud:  :cloud:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 26, 2024, 09:03:42 AM
Thanks.. We have tried different things.. he needs a supplement that we mix in his wetfood and he not eating it makes it tricky.. but we discovered that if we mix a tiny bit of the wetfood with the kibbles he eat all of it.

My hair is getting greasy so easily now.. I wonder if it's the weather going from cold to warm to cold to warm that does it? I usually only wash it once or twice a week but now it's getting so greasy and disgusting after only a day and a half and I need to wash it every other day.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 26, 2024, 10:01:14 AM
I'm so upset right now.    :enraged: :enraged: :enraged: :enraged:

I've asked my parents multiple times to not leave the door from the kitchen to the garage open when the garage door is also open because the dog could get out without us knowing.  Despite this they have left the door open many times.  Today it happened.  My elderly dog got out when no was watching and made it to the sidewalk.  I didn't even know she was gone until my mom said that a lady called on the next street and she found my dog. My mom says that it's more important that we got the dog back and she's safe.  I get that and I would be even more upset if she hadn't been found or got run over, but still... how much sense does it take to shut a door behind you after you go through it if you know there's a possibility that an animal could get out? Or to make sure the dog isn't following you.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 26, 2024, 02:52:57 PM
Omg Ponyfan! My sister would do the exact same thing and let my cats out! I was always so angry about it! Yes, how hard IS IT to close a freakin' door behind you?? Ohh, I'm angry on your behalf! I am glad that your dog is back and safe, but yeah, completely inconsiderate from your parents!

Beth, I'm sorry :hug: I hope the weather gets better and you can find your mojo.

Beldarna, that's good about the food :)

My complaint is that I don't have the five dollars to get my Walmart delivery right away. I have to wait until 9 because that was the earliest slot they had. Second to last for the day.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 26, 2024, 03:54:17 PM
I would be completely livid too Ponyfan.  i'm glad your neighbor saw her before something bad happened.

When my parents come over i'm always worried about my mom leaving the front door open. She did it once before we got our 3rd dog. the door wasn't wide open but she went outside and left it cracked. luckily the older 2 dogs have little interest in the outdoors. Luna would have been gone.

I feel a bit better now. it got some hot soup for dinner :) hopefully we get some sun tomorrow. i like gloomy weather but it's been days...

BC, it's annoying that Walmart is charging more for fast delivery. i don't like when companies charge BS fees to squeeze more money out.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 26, 2024, 04:46:26 PM
BC, home delivery charges are like that. Late night is cheap, while middle of the day is at least double the price... It's the same wi Tesco.
Ponyfan, how hard is it to close a door??? Especially when there are mals who can get in or out!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 26, 2024, 07:20:52 PM
oh goodness your poor doggy!  I am glad she was safe! 

... we have a giant yellow poster on our door that says CAT - WHERE IS HE AT? to remind people.  he is actually terrified of the outside but just in case... we are very picky about the door.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 26, 2024, 10:28:22 PM
Omg! I would be livid! How hard is it to close a door? I am so glad your dog is safe.

We got en email from our landlord telling us the negotiations of our rentincrease for this year is finnished and it landed on 5,7%. We also got the news that the increase for january and february will come retroactivly in Mars. So, we face a higher rent, about 400 sek more a month (like 41usd/euro) and in Mars an additional 82usd/eur. Luckily we can afford it, but I feel for those who live by every krona, 12 years ago I would not have been able to afford this. This is a huge chunk of money. The landlord association were going for 12% so 5.7 is quite good, but ouch!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 27, 2024, 10:06:33 AM
Ouch! That's a high increase. My rent was raised because of a check I got for one month. I need to get the paperwork to try and get it lowered again.

Allergies still. Eyes wonky still. My back hurts from yesterday too. I slept with my feet and legs elevated and when I woke up my foot was like jello :huh: It felt very weird!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 27, 2024, 11:40:37 AM
the cat had an accident in our bedroom, and his intestinal festival decorated an entire day's worth of laundry that WAS clean and ready to be put away.  seriously I just....
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on January 28, 2024, 11:04:32 AM
Ponyfan - Your parents sound just like my dad - we have to remind him a LOT about keeping the doors shut so our animals don't get out >( I don't get why it's so hard for some people to get that! I'd be furious if I were you. Glad your dog was found safe and sound in time.

Squirmy - Ughhh my condolences :X why is it that whenever cats have an accident, it's always a big one?? Although I have to admit the phrase "intestinal festival" made me giggle.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on January 28, 2024, 07:07:16 PM
Thank you everyone. :hug:  :hug:  I know my parents wouldn't do anything intentional to harm her or let her get out, but I can't say that makes me any less upset about it.  We were very lucky though.  My dog didn't head toward the busy street, but instead went the way that we've taken her for walks. She only made it about a block away before she was found.  She has a tag with her name and our phone number on it.  It had started to rain and my mom said the dog was cold, wet and shivering when the lady gave her back.  Maybe because she was cold and wet, she didn't mind a stranger picking her up.  My dog is also microchipped.

I'm exhausted.  I took a nap earlier and I'm still tired.  :zzz: :zzz:  I was trying to text a friend of my and copied the text I sent to another friend because I was telling my second friend the same thing. I didn't realize until after I sent it, that it still had my other friend's name on it.   :blush:  I sent another text immediately explain that it was a mistake, but now I worry that my friend might be mad at me.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 29, 2024, 01:44:58 AM
My hair, again. I washed it saturday morning. Sunday afternoon it was so greasy! I refused to wash it but this morning I could not stand it so had to wash. Bleh.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 29, 2024, 04:37:45 AM
When people show up at a thing, saying they have a bit of a cold, & children are there, & they DON'T wear a mask!!! Did the recent pandemic teach us NOTHING???
Now I have a cold & have to miss out on today's thing due to my nose going mad. If I make tomorrow's I'll grab one of my masks & use it, because I at least learned that masks block cold viruses as well as the big C
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 29, 2024, 07:06:37 AM
Beldarna, when I had super long hair I used a dry shampoo in between washes. I mainly used it on my scalp and roots because they'd be greasy too. I only washed my hair like once a week back then, because it was such an ordeal. See if you can find a good dry shampoo.

Sorry you got sick, PBW. Masks really should be a normal part of life by now. I still have mine too, and I use them.

I woke up with a bad headache and my neck hurts. I took some medicine but it hasn't kicked in yet. I need caffeine.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 29, 2024, 07:23:17 AM
Ugh yes why do people go to stuff when they're sick! it's not being "tough" or whatever. it's being a selfish person. if you must go at least wear a mask.

my week is off to a rough start. i woke up to dog getting sick on the carpet. she's fine. i think she ate something weird. also a package got delivered to god only knows where. and Amazon makes it hard to report and ask for a replacement. i'm not going door-to-door to ask for a package! get it right.

also my week is filled with meetings. hopefully some get canceled.

also, i try to call my parents at least once a week to check in. i feel like they don't like talking to me. they only want to talk about what they ate for dinner. they don't have much interest in what's going on with me unless it affects them. if i bring up work my mom just changes topics or says it's time to get off the phone. she's always been weird about discussing anything work related. even when my dad used to talk about his job. it's frustrating because work is most of my day. also they use the speaker on the cell phone but they stand far away or something. i have trouble hearing them. i should just go over there but i was tired from being up late working.

Also, can Texas just stop being dumb for a little while. I'm tired.

Update: whoever got my package brought it over. so the doggies get their treats :)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 29, 2024, 04:45:14 PM
these are two of my biggest pet peeves ...  and I swear it has happened every day last week and now today!!!!

1st:  when I text my husband to let him know that I am leaving the office, I expect that the front door is unlocked because my hands are always full and the porch has a rain gutter that drips.  so if you are fumbling with keys, your purse or bags or jacket or your hair gets spattered with water.  if people are expected and I hear the car engine, I unlock the door for them.  I HATE getting my work items all wet cuz most of the time, they are important and should NOT get wet.  but no..... here I am pounding on the door with hands full and getting wet, because "Oh I didn't know when you would be home."  DUDE!  I texted you and it always takes 20 minutes to get home.  I am the only person in our immediate corner block of houses who comes home at this time, so why is it so hard to be like, "oh I hear the car, I'll go unlock the door".

2nd:  When I get home from work, the work day is OVER.  OVER!   I HATE HATE HATE when people decide, when I come home,  to start tasks that usually should have been dealt with HOURS ago. 

Today, he decided as I am fighting to get all my stuff in the door, and keep it dry ,  to get on the phone and call someone, who put him on hold!  So I am standing there, hoping to tell him something important, but he's got his finger up in the air for ME to wait. 

NO NO NO!  If they put you on hold, you can hang up and talk to me!  Apparently, when I come home from work, that's when we should run around and do all the things that SHOULD HAVE been dealt with while I was AT WORK. 

Like really?!  You had EIGHT hours to do this stuff so that when I come home, we can all just relax.  Instead I now have to do laundry again because it's stinky since nobody put it in the dryer, figure out dinner, pick up after the cat and refill his water dish, remember what the heck the Important Thing was, and hear a rundown on "how nothing got done today.  ~*whine*~ Sorry honey"

*punches a wall* 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 29, 2024, 05:25:43 PM

I haven't felted in a while and I was cleaning up my art space and one of my bags of wool has ANTS in it! They even have eggs! dfkjbvLKjhsfbvhjsFb

It's the tiny ones, of course, so hard to see. I have NO idea how to get them out of my wool! I can't spray it with ant spray. I can't wash it. The only thing I can think of is to use the ant gel and bait them out.

When I first started felting I was told to watch for moths and carpet beetles, no one said anything about ants.

Does cedar and lavender deter ants? And now I have to find something else to store my wool in because I no longer trust what I have. I can't believe this...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on January 30, 2024, 03:27:54 AM
BC I do have dry shampoo and use it occasionaly, but when the hair gets this greasy, it looks liked it hadn't been washed in weeks, it's no saving it other than an actual wash :(.

I shudder by the thought of the ants.. yikes! I have no idea if cedar or lavender works but I hope so.

Beth3346 In Sweden, to deter people from calling in sick at work for unessecary things we have something called karensdag. I have no idea how to translate karens, but it means the first day of sickleave is unpaid. So basically, if I'm feeling under the weather and I have a ten hour shift, but only a four hour shift the next day, I preferably work the ten hour shift and risk infecting everybody else, to not loose the ten hour money and get the karens on the four hour shift instead. It is a stupid system that should be abolished, but the state is so afraid of cheaters they keep it and instead risk everybodys health instead :shrug:. But yeah, when sick and need to get out in public, wear a mask please.

I have one of my diamond paintings left from the order I did in September. It is a big one that wont fit on my desk. I'm not sure where to do it. I finnished the last one on the livingroom table and John was not happy about that. Also the light there were horrbile with lots of reflection. I might have to remove my rug and Majsans pillow and do it on the floor :wonder:.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 30, 2024, 03:44:08 AM
I got some help on Facebook from one of the needle felting groups. Cinnamon will get rid of ants and even kill them, so I sprinkled some in the wool and mixed it up. I put the whole bag in the tub and put some of the bait gel by the bag to draw the rest of the ants out. When I checked this morning, there was piles of dead ants and it looks like they aren't in the wool anymore. I'm going to keep it there for a few days to make sure.

I also found some gasket bins at I'm going to order to put my wool in from now on. I'll also order cinnamon sticks and lavender sachets to put in with the wool.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 30, 2024, 04:53:31 AM
Beldarna, BC, Beth, I felt a bit better today & endured the steamy glasses effect of wearing a mask in the cold to the warm. I was careful when eating, drinking, & blowing my nose, to do so when people weren't so close, & the rest of the time it was covering my nose to my chin. Same when I stocked up in the shop. It's not too hard & I've done it before during the mandate.
I hear in places like Japan everybody wears masks when they're ill enough to be infectious but not ill enough to be incapacitated.

Also BC, glad you found something which works!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on January 30, 2024, 08:30:51 AM
I'm glad you're feeling better PBW :)

I have a massive headache today. Also I took the advil bottle out of my drawer but i got distracted by the meeting i was on. now i can't remember if i actually took advil or not :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 31, 2024, 07:00:02 AM
I haven't slept. I was up all night finishing cleaning. My back is destroyed.

The inspection has been done. She was very nice and said that my garbage disposal was leaking. I hadn't noticed. There's a bucket under it (thankfully) in the cupboard, with some cleaning supplies in it. There was about three inches of water, so it's been leaking for a while. She said my inspection will most likely fail because of the garbage disposal, but it's not my fault. It won't reflect on me at all. I feel kind of bad now, because I don't want the maintenance guys to get in trouble or something. I would have reported it if I knew.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on January 31, 2024, 10:09:46 AM
@Ponybookworm, also all through hay fever season. I remember when I was over there, the family friend I was with was wearing a mask the whole time, except when we were taking photos, because of hayfever.

My complaint is complicated and very wound up in politics, things I don't really want to dump here. Let's just say that the govt have some very scary plans going forward which worry me...I emailed my MP about it...he doesn't care. That sums it up.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 31, 2024, 01:34:28 PM
I'm so sorry, Teffeta. Scary things are going on in this country too, politics-wise.

I couldn't sleep very well. It was so noisy outside. First was the traffic, some car kept backfiring. Then someone was sawing? Then someone was knocking on something over and over again. Then the teenagers came outside. A group of girls, they were so loud. One started shouting for her mom. Just, in the front of the house shouting "MOM!" over and over. Then there were dogs barking, more loud traffic, the neighbors talking. Ugh. To live on 200 acres with a house right in the center and no one around for miles. That's my dream.

Also I have a headache, a weird metallic taste in my mouth and my back still hurts.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 01, 2024, 02:27:05 PM
People are STUPID.

We're building a new library.  There are fences around the library with signs that say "KEEP OUT" and "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY."  There are port-o-potties outside.  There are big cranes and piles of lumber and metal bars.  There is scaffolding with people in orange on it.

So of course we've had multiple patrons just walk on in because "We saw people inside, so we figured that meant you were open"and then asking where they need to return their books--Blatantly ignoring the saws and other construction parafanelia ALL OVER THE FLOOR.

The people inside are CONSTRUCTION WORKERS! 

Seriously, why are you bothering to come to the library?  You CLEARLY can't READ

 :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on February 02, 2024, 08:29:20 AM
Pokey, Yikes!! People can be so dumb.

Taffeta, I feel the same. It's awful here.

It's nearly cockroach season  :X Thank god my cats love to play with them and eat them. Neo is still recovering from his hip joint removal, but he still limps sometimes. He loves it when i take him out on walks in his stroller  :biggrin:
I do not very much care for the spring here, since I live in a marsh the bugs get awful. Apparently we have rats too, since the county decided to take all the stray cats to shelters. (I hope...)
We let Neo in the garage to make sure none get in, he is still spunky as ever!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 02, 2024, 09:13:00 AM
My whole left side is in pain today, from my head to my hip.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 02, 2024, 11:23:14 AM
oh no Pokeyonekenobie! that's just depressing.

yeah the political situation is terrible in so many places. things sound pretty rough in the UK lately too. :hug:

good kitties doing pest control :)

I'm tired today and have some paperwork to do. i'm thinking about pushing it off to the weekend. i know i should do it now though.

Also, i think my eyes are getting worse. i got glasses about a year ago and they help a lot. at first i didn't have to wear them all them time to read. mostly for work and looking at my phone. now i need them more. even to watch TV. the problem is i have oily skin and sometimes they slide down my face. which is annoying :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 02, 2024, 04:40:50 PM
Beth, if you have an eye doctor inside Walmart near you, they will do one adjustment for free. My glasses slide down my nose too, but it's because they are too loose. An adjustment might help.

So I got my new garbage disposal which is great, but the outlet in my entryway doesn't work. It was working the day before yesterday, I was using it for the vacuum. I checked the circuit breaker and nothing is tripped. I called the office to tell them. Next thing I know, Martha, the office manager, came over to tell me the garbage on my porch was unacceptable. She also said she was going to write me a letter notifying me of a possible fine and do an inspection herself of my unit. I told her 'come on in' since I had just cleaned everything. She said no, she would give me a chance to get the garbage out. Not an hour later two boys rang my doorbell and offered to take my garbage for free. They showed up once before and did the same thing.

That's a complaint/good thing in one.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 03, 2024, 04:59:27 PM
yeah when i got them the glasses store asked if i wanted them tightened. i said no because they felt fine.

today my dad wanted my husband and i to come over and help him with some yard work. so we went over there and they managed to make both of us super bummed. they want us to get our wills done. which i agree we should. especially now that we're homeowners. but all the talk about death made us sad. also my uncle, my mom's brother, has Alzheimer's and it's getting worse. my mom started crying talking about it. then when we were leaving she started crying again.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 03, 2024, 07:37:40 PM
I posted a long post in my WYP thread.

So many things seem so wrong right now. 

A more minor thing.  When I was in the drs office, there was a lady that was trying to make light of the fact that the waiting room was full.  She seemed really nice and at one point said  "I'll sit between these two, I don't think they'll bite."  The lady seemed like she was expecting an answer, so I said that I didn't bite.  I don't like making conversation with people I don't know well so it felt a little awkward.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 04, 2024, 09:06:07 AM
I'm still having stiffness and pain on my left side. I can't turn my head to the left at all. It's good I'm seeing my doctor Thursday.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 05, 2024, 09:20:24 AM
these CAPTCHA/Prove you're not a robot steps are out of control. by the time i finish logging in i just want to throw my computer away.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 05, 2024, 09:35:04 AM
I met a coworker at the office and she said hi and asked how I was (in sweden, asking "how are you" is not a polite greeting but a genuin question). As I was replying another coworker came up and cut me off and started to talk to the first one who turned to her, completely ignoring me. I felt invisible and just walked off.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 05, 2024, 10:39:43 AM
I'm sorry that happened :hug:

Today is cold and damp again, raining on and off. Pollen count is high and I'm feeling it in my sinuses. I'm very tired.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 06, 2024, 01:41:09 AM
I've apparently become allergic to grapes.. I bought green grapes saturday. I thought I was getting down with a cold saturday evening, my youngest nephew had one and he was allover my face with drool so I figured I got something from him, but yesterday I was 100% fine until I had some grapes and my throat started to clog up. It's not so bad I needed to call the ER and I'm fine today. But how scary! I love grapes! :(

I have a health check coming up and I think I'm gonna ask them to run a full allergic test.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 06, 2024, 07:11:14 AM
it's so weird and scary that people can become allergic to stuff as adults. i'm glad you're ok Beldarna :hug:

i need to unsubscribe from the New York Times notifications on my phone. the news is awful and when i see notifications about horrible things and i just have to live with not being able to help or do anything about it for the rest of the day until i forget or something else happens. it's too much. i feel like the news should come with an offer for grief counseling sometimes. ugh i guess this is why people just turn off their ability to care about people they don't know after a while. i don't want to be like that :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 06, 2024, 08:37:20 AM
Oh no! Sorry about the grapes. My dad developed an allergy to peppers later in life. He couldn't even touch them without his hands swelling up and turning red. I'm glad it wasn't serious :hug:

Landscapers are here mowing and trimming and blowing. I closed my windows but can still smell the grass. My allergies are terrible right now and this is going to make them so much worse. Ugh.

It's cold. I'm tired of the cold. It's great for sleeping but during the day I'd like to be able to feel my fingers, thanks.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 07, 2024, 03:01:50 AM
Thanks. It was scary and I'm glad it didn't get any worse. How weird we can develop allergies as adults. Around 12 years ago I developed an allergy against pollen. Never had an issue before. It's so strange.

Anywho.. I feel you about the grass BC. I'm looking forward to spring and summer but not the pollen.

I get you Beth. I try to watch the news every day, and I subscribe to the local newspaper, but some days I just don't feel like it because it's always terrible things that happens -_-.

This one I'm conflicted about. I recieved a handwritten postcard from the local animal shelter thanking for a donation I did. It's really sweet of them and it gave me warm fuzzies. But the time and money to look up my adress, buy postcards and stamps (I guess I'm not the only one they're thanking like this).. isn't that recourses that are better used for the animals?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 07, 2024, 10:29:19 AM
You have a point, but maybe they used donated stamps and postcards? My local shelter has things like that on their wish list.

Pollen is high again. I woke up with swollen eyelids. My ear has fluid in it, I can hear crackling and popping and things moving around.

I really want some strong black coffee, but I don't have any :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 08, 2024, 02:42:31 AM
You could be right, but I'm not sure it works like that here. You can only donate money towards the animals or food and toys in a bin they have in a pet store.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 08, 2024, 04:02:27 AM
In that case then I agree with you. They should keep that money for the animals.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on February 08, 2024, 09:45:21 AM
I'll likely make a full Whats Your Problem thread because I am genuinely so upset about this, but my (now former) dentist is an utter PIG and de-registered me because I went to another dentist for emergency treatment. I almost start crying in the office and I'm really upset at home.

The practise manager called but it felt like she wasn't understanding my point and I was getting so so upset again. I've been working customer service too long; I literally said I'm sorry I'm going to have to terminate this call, I'm getting very upset instead of slamming the phone down or going full Karen mode.

I hate dentists  :cloud:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 08, 2024, 03:49:28 PM
I'll probably be posing an update to my WYP thread soon about something that happened today, but right now I'm so drained, that I don't want to type something long.

Having parents that don't understand technology is so frustrating sometimes.

 :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh:

My mom was trying to log on to a website, but I think she was trying to create a new password instead of trying to put in the old one. She tried so many times that the website started counting down attempts until her account would be locked. I looked at the site she was trying to log in to and saw that there was a reset password option. She clicked that and got a code to reset her password in minutes.  How can she not tell the difference between create password  and entering your password?

My throat hurts a little. I hope I'm not getting sick.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 08, 2024, 04:23:19 PM
my throat has been sore for the last few days which really sucks cuz I CANNOT get my husband sick before his surgery....  urrgh.

oh and my cat is nearing the point of needing the home care vet to come and euthanize him :( 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 08, 2024, 07:24:05 PM
I sent a picture of my dog sleeping to my friend. I thought she looked really cute.   I didn't explain the picture.  My friend thought I sent her a picture of my dog's corpse.  I can't figure out why my friend would think I'd send a picture of a dead dog to her? If my dog died, I'd certainly tell her, but I wouldn't send a picture of her dead body.

*hugs* lovesbabysquirmy

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 09, 2024, 07:06:15 AM
lovesbabysquirmy oh no! That is the worst! I hope he don't get something bad so close to the surgery!

I am under the weather myself. My nose is stuffed and runny at the same time. I woke up 2:30 am and could not breath and one nostril refused to clear up despite how many puffs I put in there.. sigh.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 09, 2024, 08:16:39 AM
Great, now you lot are ill!!! Get well soon all you lot coming down wi colds xxx
Squirmy  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 09, 2024, 10:57:14 AM
Oh Squirmy, so much is going on for you right now :( :hug:

Yes, get well everyone. I'm still having allergy issues but I don't think I'm sick.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 09, 2024, 03:52:07 PM
 :hug: :hug:

to everyone not feeling well.  I'm still not feeling well either, but I'm trying to give it a couple of days before I go to the dr to see if it resolves itself without antibiotics.

Lately every time I say something about trying to make sure everything is in order my dad says "We appreciate you taking care of that."  It sounds really condescending to me for some reason.

My dad kept talking about putting my dog in a "cat suit."  It took me a while to figure out he was talking about a pet harness. Why can't he call things by the right names? I put it on the dog and she absolutely hated it.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 09, 2024, 04:36:56 PM
I was recording video for my YouTube channel and the boys that take my garbage for free were riding bikes outside. At first they were talking normally but then they were shouting and playing tag on the bikes, going down the sidewalk super fast. Then an adult came out and told them to be quiet but then they decided to play basketball and the sound of the ball was getting to me.

I quit the video. I might try again later.

I've noticed it's been very loud around here lately :( Not just kids but adults too. There was one guy far off who kept yelling the name 'Robert' over and over this afternoon. There were chainsaws running, cars going by with big mufflers, cars going by blasting music, people walking and talking loudly on their phones, dogs barking. It's always noisy. I hate it :(

edit: A new complaint. Imgur changed the way you upload images and now getting the correct link takes an additional step.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 09, 2024, 07:10:35 PM
Today was finally payday, but I ran my cbecking account so low that I still have to watch my budget very closely.

This isn't so much a complaint as it is a weird thing that happened, but I don't know where else to post this. 

A woman rang our doorbell and said she was here to pick up the lawnmower she paid for.  My mom tried to tell her that we didn't have a lawn mower for sale and that she must have the wrong address. The woman said she paid $100 to a guy named Nat for the lawnmower and he told her to come to our address.  We don't know anyone named Nat and feel bad that the lady probably got scammed out of her money.  The lady said she had no way to contact the person that sold her the lawnmower.
 My dad said she seemed a little confused.  There is a street very similar to ours that people often mix up with ours.   I hope there isn't someone out that there that is deliberately giving our address out and pocketing the money.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 09, 2024, 09:52:50 PM
Oh no. I hope the lady just got the street wrong and didn't get scammed. You may notice if any more come to you asking for things they bought.

My heel has a big crack again that's deep. I have a terrible limp right now. I'm glad I have a long weekend off. Hopefully it's healed a bit until monday.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 10, 2024, 06:34:08 AM
I closed the page before I was typing and now I have to start over.  :argh: :argh: :argh:

I'm hoping the lady got the street wrong too and didn't get scammed.  If more people start showing up saying they bought items and were told to come to our address, my parents are going to call the police.  Once could be an honest mistake, but not twice.

My mom was getting on my case last night not for not logging in to Hulu for a few months.  The last time I tried to log in the website said my login was blocked.  I called Customer Service, and they assured me it was some kind of glitch.  I haven't logged in again since then.  I've thought about it, but I get distracted and forget.  I've tried to explain to my mom that sometimes I'm so exhausted from work that I don't want to deal with tying to log on to streaming sites (all of them, not just Hulu). I also told her that I thought we've been super busy lately.  She said that we haven't been so busy that I couldn't find a few moments to try to log in to Hulu.   I even told her that a few days ago, no one could get in to Hulu because everyone that tried was told their login was wrong, even it was correct. 

I also have very important paperwork that I need to get ready to fax.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 10, 2024, 11:24:22 AM
Urg, my stomach is not happy.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 11, 2024, 09:59:37 AM
I have two sudoku magazines. One in the livingroom and one in my ponyroom/office. While I'm dancing through the difficult level on the one in the office I have a hard time solving the medium ones in the livingroom one. Like, could the people making these puzzles agree on the hardness of each level?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 11, 2024, 07:11:32 PM
We had snow this morning.  Everything was cancelled so I put a movie on.  It seemed like my parents didn't like the movie much as my dad got up about halfway through it and my mom started doing other things while watching it.  If I did that, I'd be told that I should wait until after the movie's over. 

My dad was expecting an Amazon package today. I'm pretty sure they called all the drivers back once the weather got bad.  This happened once before when a sudden heavy rainstorm came out of nowhere and the drivers were forced to quit early.  The package my dad was waiting for came the next day.

My throat is really sore.   :sick: I took a covid test and it was negative.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 11, 2024, 09:11:46 PM
It's below 20 degrees C today and I'm working on the cold commuter train! I've packed my wool socks and my big termos! :brr::coffee: Here's hoping my bike wont break down on my way to work.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 11, 2024, 09:28:44 PM
I placed on order with for some shirts and pants that were on sale. The order was delayed for 3 days and I just got a text saying it was cancelled :mad:

They'll refund me, but I really needed those clothes, dangit.

edit, later: Just overheard the neighbors strike a deal to breed their dogs. They literally just met. As per their conversation, the female is a labrador/beagle mix, the male is a labradoodle. They are both a year old. Some choice quotes:
"Is he fixed?" "No." "She isn't either." "We should breed them"
"They like each other! Too bad she's not in heat."
"We should take them on some play dates together."
"I live right over there, so anytime."
"They'll have such cute puppies."

I'm just... honestly, sick to my stomach. To plan something so easily. It's like they didn't even consider the millions of dogs in shelters or the medical/physical background of the dogs OR the complications that can come with pregnancy. Plus, I think the dogs are too young. I just don't get it.

I had an accidental litter of dwarf hamsters once. Both parents were ruby-eyed mottled. Ruby-eyed mottled should never, ever be bred. The babies have so many problems including being born without eyes and teeth. Drusy had 7 babies. One was an eyeless toothless white. I tried to keep her fed but she died. Then one by one the other babies started dying. Chip lived the longest, at 9 months. Drusy lived to be old and she was so sweet and cuddly. I was sorry that she had to go through all of that.

They were hamsters. But these people are intentionally going to breed their dogs. It makes my head spin and my heart hurt :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 12, 2024, 03:45:43 PM
Turns out my sore throat is strep throat.  On top of that I also have pinkeye.  I'm pretty sure I got the strep throat at work since there was at least one person that had it that took one day off last week but returned the next day. I wasn't in close contact with the coworker that was there one day, missed the next day and returned the third day, but we were in the same room for a for minutes. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 12, 2024, 04:18:28 PM
 *warning pet death trigger warning*


my cat had a stroke and couldn't move his back end.  after two long nights of watching over him and cleaning him, he stopped eating or drinking and finally started having seizures.  so my husband had to call me to leave work early to drive to the vet... and some jerk almost ran us off the road and tried to side swipe us on the freeway on the way there!!! 

oh and I have to take husband to the hospital surgery unit super early tomorrow so this was like the last thing I wanted to deal with!!! now I have to clean the whole house and pack up the cat things...

I really don't have the "spoons" to deal with this ... I'm numb and trying to cry but it's not working.  of course my child is overwhelmed because he's the only cat she has ever known and he loved her a lot.  and husband is completely inconsolable which is NOT what we need for him before the surgery.

also Cat watched Ghostbusters Afterlife with us last night LOL   so that was kind of fitting .

and now we are waiting for the aqua-cremation service to come pick up the body and transform it back to nature.  then we get a little urn back :)  Bearie always liked baths and water so it's fitting.  He was not like any other cat I have ever known.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on February 12, 2024, 09:56:39 PM
On my gosh lovesbabysquirmy, what an awful day! I am so sorry you are having to deal with so much emotionally right now. Losing a pet is always difficult, and to have a loved one going through surgery is always nerve wracking. May Bearie rest in peace and I am sending good thoughts your way for the surgery! I’m sure everything will go well!

I had a frustrating day all around. My water heater finally died this weekend and caused a huge leak. The unit is out in my storage shed, so thankfully most of the water damage is outside and should just dry out. All of the stuff in my shed sits on shelves, so thankfully nothing was ruined either. There was some water in my closet that shares a wall with the shed, but the walls didn’t feel soggy and minus one piece on the vinyl starting to lift the floor looks okay too. It could have been much, much worse.

Anyway, I didn’t even try and call around yesterday because I figured the rates would be higher with the Super Bowl. I started calling around for quotes today and man, I know these places are probably busy but the sporadic communication has been a nightmare. The first company I contacted was super quick to offer to come out and do the work, but when I asked for a quote first they basically went radio silent. They said a supervisor would call me back, but after 3 hours nothing. I called again in case they forgot me and was told the supervisor works in the field too and he was on a call, they couldn’t tell me when he would call back. I finally just cancelled the whole thing after about 7 hours of nothing. While waiting for them I started calling other companies and they didn’t even answer the phone.

Later in the day I started getting calls back on my voicemails. One company gave me a decent quote and called back pretty quick, so I booked them off the bat out of panic since I wasn’t having much luck elsewhere. They said they would come tomorrow morning, but never gave me a set time. Not long after that, another independent contractor, who was supposed to be on vacation actually was the only other one to call back and said although he couldn’t do the work, he could recommend other plumbers in his price range, which was about $500 cheaper than the people I booked with. The second guy seemed promising and said he probably couldn’t get me in tomorrow, but would try for Wednesday. He said he’d text me back to confirm, but I never got anything back from him. I ended up canceling the more expensive company because I’d rather wait for the savings, but now I’m having second thoughts… I’ve spent all of my day off on the phone. I WORK in a call center, this isn’t how I wanted to spend my day off! >_<

In the middle of all of this chaos I was attempting to swap out my earrings and my flipping ear started bleeding! It’s been like 4 months since I got them pierced so I was concerned to see blood at this point. I ran over to the place where I got them pierced and told them what happened, but thankfully the guy took a look at my ears and said they looked healthy and that I probably just irritated it. I did have to really tug at the backs of my other earrings to get them out, so I suppose that’s possible. I’m just bummed out that my ears still aren’t all the way healed and I can’t change out my earrings easily. The guy told me some people’s ears can take up to a year to really heal. I’m starting to think I may be one of those lucky people. :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 13, 2024, 04:16:22 AM
Really??? How callous of that jerk, & at the WORST TIME!!!
Squirmy  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 13, 2024, 09:43:50 AM
BC that is awful. I hate how people just breed like that.. it's so inconsiderate of the animals, the enviroment and the overflowing shelters.. One of Johns friends bred her dog only because she wanted to see how the puppies would look like. Everyone of the pups found homes, but still. Irresponsible thinking.

lovesbabysquirumy I am so sorry. That is a lot. Poor kittie :(. Poor child to loose kittie and poor hubby for loosing kittie just before traumatic surgery and poor you for having to deal with it all. When it rains it pours. :hug:

I'm sitting in a hotelroom. I needed to take a shower and the glue on my heel fell off and I realised I forgot the skinglue at home now I'm sitting in bed wondering how I shall be able to walk tomorrow...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 13, 2024, 11:52:47 AM
Squirmy :hug: I'm so sorry you have so much to deal with :(

MM, what a stressful day!

Ponyfan, I'm sorry you're sick. Strep throat plagued me as a child.

My complaint is an often one - my back hurts. It was having spasms when I got up which were really painful. My legs have been cramping up too. I wonder if I should get some electrolyte water.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 14, 2024, 03:18:54 PM
I still feel horrible. :(  I've been on antibiotics since Monday.  It still hurts to swallow.  My eye isn't as red, but I still need the drops for the next few days.

One of the My Hero Academia movies has been running on cable. I've tried to watch part of it a few times, but it's in Japanese with English subtitles.  That wouldn't be so bad, but the subtitles are horrible.  The subtitles don't keep up with what the characters are saying so you only get part of the sentence or speech on the subtitles and then several minutes of talking with no subs at all.  That makes it really hard to follow.  I can understand not subbing screams or groans, but did someone actually get paid to do such a bad job on the subs?  The subtitles aren't even consistent between airings of the same movie.  For example, when the movie was on the other night there was a point where one character told another "I'll get you to a hospital."  When the movie aired again yesterday the subtitles in that same scene only said "Hang in there."  I know the character speaking could have said both things, but the subs make it look like only one line was said.  In another scene two characters are asking if other characters were successful.  The first time the movie aired, there were subtitles.  The second time there weren't any in that scene.  I have no idea if the DVD/Blu Ray subtitles are any better.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on February 15, 2024, 05:34:25 AM
I have been searching everywhere for the new LPS. None at my target or walmart. I have to drive 2 hours into the city to find them in gamestop of all places. The release is so messy, I really hope they're here soon...
I emailed Basic Fun but they told me to ask the toy division managers or something... I have no idea how to contact them.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 15, 2024, 08:53:46 AM
I cracked my quarantine aquarium -_-

I was putting the light on, it screws on with a clip so you can use it on a variety of tanks. I screwed it too tight and the glass cracked. I'm so upset with myself :(

The good thing is, it only cost me $11 and I've got another one coming this afternoon.

I'm glad it happened to the second tank and not my rimless main tank. That tank was $70. I will be extra, extra careful when putting the light on the main tank, and anything else I need to screw on. I think the light is the only thing, everything else either hangs from the side or has suction cups.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 15, 2024, 09:52:32 AM
I'm so sorry Squirmy :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

i hope you get the water heater fixed quickly, Minty_Magic!

i'm just having one of those weeks where i can't focus on anything. i wish i could take a vacation :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 15, 2024, 09:57:36 PM
My head is killing me :( I haven't been having headaches lately. Thankfully, the one that was on the left side stopped a while ago.

There's a horrid stench coming in from outside :X
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 16, 2024, 02:47:44 AM
One Drive, which I don't use, have been saving every picture I've ever taken apparently and now it complain that I don't have any storage and need to buy more. As a punishment I can't use One Note which I use frequently on the phone for every passcode and stuff.. so after a lot of searching I found where the objects were and tried to delete.. nope.. too many files for it to be able to delete everything in one go. So I've been ticking in every single box and hit delete every once in a while. Every time a pop up window says this act will not give me enough storage and a huuuge blue button says BUY MORE STORAGE next to a white little button that says delete.. so I hit delete..

Now, after I ticked some boxes, the drive gets a hickup and everything ticked is suddenly unticked.. they really want me to buy storage I don't need or want.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on February 16, 2024, 05:44:16 AM
Having tummy troubles again. When I eat a full meal I feel very nauseous... That's the worst feeling.
I packed away some extra ponies and fakies I didn't have room for on my shelf, and put together a blemished lot I plan to sell sometime.
My cats have been kind of mean lately. Neo keeps biting me and yelling when I try to pet him. Pixie is letting her popularity get to her head, she thinks she's the best. Star was staying with me when I was sick...  :jealous:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 16, 2024, 05:56:28 AM
Beldarna, I hate One Drive too. I've tried to get rid of it, but I can't. I think it's integrated into Windows.

cowboyopossum, I hope you feel better soon.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on February 16, 2024, 05:57:11 AM
Thank you, BC. I hope you feel better too! :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on February 16, 2024, 08:00:06 AM
I don't know if this is really a complaint as on reflection it's also kind of amusing, but when you are supposed to be going out walking with your mother (aged 75) and she's constantly on whatsapp on her phone, it's a bit offputting. Especially when I called her on it and she basically told me I wasn't the boss of her (paraphrasing but similarly sulky teenager response, lol).

My mother is not actually a phone obsessive, she doesn't usually do this, but apparently it was just really important this morning to check her yoga messages (for something happening next week, not even tomorrow).
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 17, 2024, 06:26:46 AM
i hate OneDrive too.  I use a mac for work and because we use the Office Suite it's installed there. so every time i need to download an attachment from an email it tries to save in OneDrive and not my computer. half the time i think i downloaded and saved something i can't find it later. i do use dropbox as a backup but lately i've been using an external hard drive more. i'm reverting back to pre internet cloud. i don't trust any of these companies anymore.

anyways my complaint. this morning a huge pink bouncy castle went up in the backyard behind my house. i'm guess it's for a kid's party. i don't care. have fun. that isn't my complaint. my complaint is my dog is really upset about it and is barking at it. putting them out to do their business will not be easy while that thing is out there. i can keep her from seeing it for most of the day so hopefully it won't be too bad.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 17, 2024, 06:56:04 AM
my skin is so dry and itchy from cleaning everything with bleach... i have to make sure there is nothing that can cause infection for husband when he comes home. 
also I discovered an infestation of carpet beetles which ate through some of my nice wool things in storage!!!  ARGH now I have to buy a steam cleaner and put out traps.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 17, 2024, 07:33:54 AM
I deleted thousands of photos from One Drive. There is nothing there, still it says I'm at max capacity and need to buy more storage. This is insane.. all I want to do is use One Note :(.

The train was full of people going to a hockey game. Since we have a bistro and rights to sell alcohol, we have the same restrictions as a restaurant and bar, people are not alowed to drink their own alcohol on board. If we catch them we have to confiscate it and pour it out. The company can loose the liscence to sell if we don't. Hockey people likes their drinks.. so I made several announcements of this. Still I had to take away so much alcohol.. like come on, is it really worth it? And when all the people went off, the train was nearly empty so I took a huge sack and walked trough and found more beer cans than trash. I hope their team loose big :pout:.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 17, 2024, 08:28:15 AM
Ugh, more ants! They are in the kitchen again, both on the counter and the floor. I couldn't see where the trail was on the floor. They'd found half a Cheerio. Don't know why they're on the counter, there's no food up there only coffee.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 17, 2024, 02:08:02 PM
For everyone with OneDrive issues, does this help?

My trivial complaint: Every year I make Pokemon coloring pages for Pokemon Day (Feb 27).  I'm SUPER behind this year and don't know if I'll be able to finish the Kalos batch.  Even if I finish the regular Kalos Pokemon, I don't know if I'll finish the Mega Evolutions that should be with that set, since that's when that gimmick was released.
It just seems like every time I try to work on them, too many other things come up and I don't have any time to devote to it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 17, 2024, 02:38:49 PM
If you're going to send me an official letter re rent changes, please DO NOT make me pay £5 just so you can skimp on postage!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 17, 2024, 04:13:36 PM
For everyone with OneDrive issues, does this help?

Thank you! Now maybe it will stop telling my to 'sync my icons' every hour.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 18, 2024, 07:21:04 AM
For everyone with OneDrive issues, does this help?

Unfortunaly no. I do not have that cloud icon with settings on the computer. The One Drive is just a folder I can't do anything with and I can't access setting online for some reason.
Good news is that it decided the deleted photos were finally enough and the folders are empty and 0% is used. It still want me to buy more storage though :rolleyes:.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 18, 2024, 08:06:42 AM
oh dear @Beldarna. if you're going to BYOB at least put it in discreet packaging.

today my complaint is i paid bills. now my sunday is ruined :( it's fine. i just don't like paying bills. it always feel like i just paid them.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 18, 2024, 08:29:47 AM
The kitchen is a mess again, after I spent all that time cleaning it up and putting everything away :( There is no one to blame but myself. I have a hard time putting stuff where it's supposed to go. Most of the "mess" is clean dishes that need to go in the cupboards. Why is that so hard? Sometimes I don't understand my brain.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 18, 2024, 08:30:34 AM
i hear ya about the bills!  I logged into my banking and realized that I owed a payment on my VISA that is due Tuesday.  Monday is a holiday so no banking :(  so I had to make the payment despite the bill-paying account being rather low.
Now I have to take all the cash I can find in the house (even probably quarters) and run to the bank on Tuesday before anything else processes!  My paycheque doesn't come until the 22nd which is too long to just wait and see... 

how the hell does the 28 day billing cycle pass so quickly???
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on February 18, 2024, 10:39:53 AM
I'm having one of those lowkey, wth days.

This morning I woke myself up at around 5am. Somehow half in my sleep I managed to crash my bottom jaw against my top one, and chipped a tiny piece off my new filling (yes, my teeth again). Not amused, but totally my fault. I just don't know why I did that.  It's not functionally problematic and it barely really shows, but fillings are expensive now and it was perfect before.

Then I spurted antibacterial soap all over the bathroom.

My printer stopped printing a 300 page document on p.92, forcing me to restart it. Then I had to replace the ink in the middle, so I had to actually reset this print three times to ensure it didn't reprint the same pages over and over.

And I've been sneezing like mad all day. I have allergies that do this sometimes, but I think I disturbed some dust earlier. It keeps coming and going.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 18, 2024, 04:25:33 PM
My throat still hurts when I swallow.  Tomorrow will be a week since I started antibiotics.  I feel better than I did last week, but still not 100%.  I haven't had strep throat for years though so that might be it.

Adding to the list of words that I've been pronouncing wrong for years without knowing it is "anime."  I've aways thought it was  an-i-may but I was watching an show the other day and the characters kept saying on-i-may.  Like "manga", the wrong pronunciation is instilled so deep in my brain that I probably can't correct it without a lot of extra effort.  I still pronounce manga wrong. I'm just so used to the wrong way that I have to make a conscious effort to correct it.

I realized the other day I haven't played my Switch since the dog got out and ran down the street.  I wonder if it's because that's what I was doing when she got out and if I subconsciously feel guilty for doing that instead of watching her?


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 19, 2024, 12:58:49 AM
beth I had two young women buy alcoholic beer in the bistro and whenever I went by I saw them with beer in the cups I provided. When I cleaned up after everyone went off, I saw the alcoholfree beer cans standing on the table unopened! But in the trashbag beneath was several cans of hard beer. I felt so stupid. They really got me :blush: >_<.

Two weeks ago I sent an online request for refill of my birthcontrol. Online requests can take up to five business days, so I thought two weeks were good. Friday came and went with no refill notification so yesterday evening I braced myself for having to call the health care center this morning to ask whats up as sunday was my very last pill. I had a hard time falling a sleep and had weird dreams, waking up several times.. you know it. Going through the upcoming conversation in my head etc etc.. Woke up this morning, checked my phone and I had a textmessage from 10:30 pm yesterday that my prescription had been refilled. Like come on.. good on you doctor for working late a Sunday evening, but... I was really worried! You lost me my sleep!

Also, tomorrow I was supposed to have my health check but had to cancel the date due to work. I called several weeks ago when I got the calling for a reshedule and had to talk to an answering machine asking to reshedule. I've not gotten a reply or a new appointment so now I'm worried they didn't get my message, misunderstood and think I've cancelled the entire thing and now I feel like I need to call anyway and ask about it.

It's also time to book Simbas follow up appointment and I've been calling all morning with no answer so I guess I have to go there in person again.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 19, 2024, 07:37:17 AM
I was up all night playing games. I have to remember to not do that. I feel awful. Why can't I be 17 again?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on February 19, 2024, 08:26:43 AM
My throat still hurts when I swallow.  Tomorrow will be a week since I started antibiotics.  I feel better than I did last week, but still not 100%.  I haven't had strep throat for years though so that might be it.

Adding to the list of words that I've been pronouncing wrong for years without knowing it is "anime."  I've aways thought it was  an-i-may but I was watching an show the other day and the characters kept saying on-i-may.

Ponyfan, it is a-ni-meh, so you are correct. But it's a short vowel a. In British English it's how we normally pronounce the 'a' in 'animation', so I'm not totally sure in American English pronunciation, but it's definitely not 'on'.

Manga is 'man-ga'. It's a softish g (like how we pronounce a g at the end of a word, like running, not a hard g, but I can't really work out another pronunication. In Japanese there's a bit of emphasis on the n (ma-n-ga) but in English it would just be man-ga...

So I have stopped sneezing but my body certainly feels like it spend yesterday sneezing :P

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 19, 2024, 05:27:40 PM
yeah i've always heard people say an-i-may.

i woke up at 3:30am and couldn't fall back asleep. i tried to take a nap when i was done working but i couldn't sleep. i feel all wired from not getting enough sleep. also when i woke up i played some stardew valley and then the game crashed right before the day ended. so i have to redo a day :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 19, 2024, 07:13:10 PM
Thanks Taffeta :)  I've always pronounced manga as mon-ga, but then I starting hearing people say mane-ga leading me to think that mon-ga was wrong.

My mom puts money in my bank account for Disney +. I finally felt up to logging on to Disney + to watch something on the Smart TV today, but my mom was busy all afternoon.  Since she my mom pays for it, I feel like I can't watch it much without her.

Beth, I hope you get some good sleep tonight.  I had an asthma attack around 1 am and didn't go back to sleep until almost 3.

Edit:  While I was in the drs office yesterday, my parents went to a few stores.  After I got out, my mom only wanted to do stuff around the house.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 20, 2024, 09:07:31 AM
I feel so gross :( Having this skin disease is horrible :sad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 20, 2024, 09:31:55 AM
I had a missed call today from somewhere in the health care sector. No matter who call you within the county it's always the same number so i can't call it back as it will take me to a receptionist that have no way of knowing who in every healtch institutes (centers, hospitals, urgent cares) called me.. Here's hoping they call back tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 20, 2024, 09:32:48 AM
@Ponyfan i think the second manga pronunciation may sound a bit off to an American ear.

@BC i'm sorry :hug: :hug: i hope your skin heals up soon :)

i did get some better sleep last night. my complaint today is i have too many calls and I have to drive to the grocery store and get dogs treats. the store is across town so it's a bit of a trek. i wish they would build one closer.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 20, 2024, 07:00:21 PM
I agree.  Mane-ga sounds off to me too.

I was going to open Disney + today on the Smart TV, but by the time my mom got done with everything she wanted to do, my dad got up and decided to get on the computer. My mom got really good news today so I was trying really hard not to spoil her day.  I mentioned that I wasn't sure where the dog had gone and everything fell apart.  My mom started looking for her which caused my dad to start looking. I kept telling my mom that I was 99% sure that the dog was still inside the house or the backyard.  Mom decided to walk down the street to look for the dog. I finally found the dog under my parent's bad sound asleep.    My dad was looking in the backyard so I went and told him I found the dog.  I went outside to find my mom and tell her I found the dog, but I didn't see her when I outside.  I tried to call her, but she left her phone on the kitchen table.  My dad started getting worried.  I tried to tell him that I would start walking down the street to find her if he'd stay at the house, but every time I started to set out, he went outside.  A few minutes later my mom finally came back and said she'd walked all the way to a busy street to make sure that the dog didn't get out.  My dad was upset that my mom walked down the street without her phone because he was afraid something might have happened to her when we didn't see her up or down the block.  My mom came in and said I should have texted her, saying it would have come through on her watch.  She was way too far out of range for that to happen.  My dad put a key tracker on the dog's collar. Now she keeps getting the tracker wet when she wants to drink water.

I logged on to Hulu (no problems yay :D) today but couldn't decide what I wanted to watch.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 21, 2024, 02:14:57 AM
I have an online friend who I went to visit back in 2008. I remember her and her boyfriend calling anime anìm (like when you say "him"). It was the weirdest pronunciation and we ended up having a discussion about it.

Todays complaint goes along with what I'm up to today. I hate it when I have to cling to the phone all day, waiting and hoping for a person to call, who probaly wont. My tummy ache of anxiety :(.

I also got the monthly union magazine yesterday which I read this morning and they had an article with interviews with trainattendants who have experienced harrassments and violence from passangers on the job. They also had a list of cases that ended up in court.. It all happened down south and I hope so much it wont ever come here. I think some things are bad but apparently we got it easy :blink:.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 21, 2024, 07:44:18 AM
I'll jump in... I've always heard it and said it an-eh-may and mon-ga. The mon-ga is even in Japanese Visual Novels, which is where I have learned all my Japanese from :lol:

I feel better today, but my stomach is bothering me. All I ate yesterday was yogurt. How can that upset my stomach? Ugh.

I overwatered my plants and there's water all over my drawer cube.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 21, 2024, 07:52:16 AM
urgh my skin itchiness problem is so bad. i'm sure it is related to stress, the dry climate, and all the cleaning chemicals I have had to deal with for the past month.

my dermatologist is not a helpful person.  she is only treating me because she is required to accept emergency referrals from the government healthcare system.  most of her clients are there for expensive cosmetic reasons, and she makes no efforts to hide that.   she's always like, "well we could do this (expensive treatment) and see if that helps".  I'm thinking, "I have a serious fear of needles and being in this office near all your machines makes me stress out, no way am I paying you hundreds of dollars to poke at me" 

and I despise that she is one of those gatekeeping health care people who refuses to explain what's going on.  She's like "Oh that's just _____, I'll prescribe this.  don't scratch," and I'm like, "can you tell me why this is happening and what causes it?" and she just ignores me and leaves her nurse to print out my prescription while she rushes off to make Rich B*tches feel pretty.  at least my family doctor and his residents take the time to try to explain something.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 22, 2024, 02:38:34 PM
This day has just been bad. Bad day. Bad.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 22, 2024, 03:14:38 PM
We had a 1 hour meeting that went for 2 hours on Tuesday.  Wednesday's meeting got cancelled.  Today's 1 hour meeting went 1 1/2 hours.  We have a meeting tomorrow starting at 1:30 with no end time listed.  I am so sick of meetings I may call out tomorrow.  Why do we need meetings?  Because the people in charge can't make decisions by themselves until they ask the rest of us and then completely disregard all of our input and do it their way anyway. 

I do NOT get paid enough to do their jobs for them.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 23, 2024, 03:46:39 AM
I finally got my hands on a sercret of Nimh DVD from Tradera and got it today and it's region 1, which means I can't play it on my blueray as we're region 2. Nowhere in the add does it says its region 1 and not on the cover which were the only ones one pictured. There is a small text about it on the disc. I am so dissapointed. I wrote to the seller, but I guess he wont do much. Luckily it wasn't too much but I am so bummed :(.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 23, 2024, 04:41:58 AM
I finally got my hands on a sercret of Nimh DVD from Tradera and got it today and it's region 1, which means I can't play it on my blueray as we're region 2. Nowhere in the add does it says its region 1 and not on the cover which were the only ones one pictured. There is a small text about it on the disc. I am so dissapointed. I wrote to the seller, but I guess he wont do much. Luckily it wasn't too much but I am so bummed :(.
That's the worst thing about DVDs only being available in some places. I have a portable multi-region DVD solely to play MLP DVDs which are only available in Region 1, like A Very Pony Place & the World's Biggest Tea Party. When will DVD makers realise not everybody who loves certain things lives in North America???
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 23, 2024, 06:37:06 AM
the whole DVD region thing is very weird to me. is it a copyright thing or is it like how i have to buy an adapter to use my hair dryer in Europe?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 23, 2024, 07:23:15 AM
I finally got my hands on a sercret of Nimh DVD from Tradera and got it today and it's region 1, which means I can't play it on my blueray as we're region 2. Nowhere in the add does it says its region 1 and not on the cover which were the only ones one pictured. There is a small text about it on the disc. I am so dissapointed. I wrote to the seller, but I guess he wont do much. Luckily it wasn't too much but I am so bummed :(.

I had that happen when I ordered one of the seasons of Fruits Basket.  The seller said there was nothing they could do about it, even though their listing said NOTHING about it being region 2 (I'm in America so I needed region 1).  So they got a scathingly bad review on Amazon from me and I posted on the listing that it was Region 2 and not to order it if in the US so nobody else would get stuck with it like I did.  I flagged them as a seller I won't purchase from again.  I also reported the listing as having incorrect information so I hope that I lost them a number of sales.  All they had to do was say, "Send it back and we'll refund you."  That IS something they could do, but they're greedy buggers who don't care about running a good business.

the whole DVD region thing is very weird to me. is it a copyright thing or is it like how i have to buy an adapter to use my hair dryer in Europe?

From what I understand, it's about the companies who make players/discs wanting to make more money.  If I can order a DVD player for $5 from China, why would I pay $75 for one in America? Although, with the internet and sites like Temu is that even a real excuse anymore?  "Song of the South" was not released in America.  But it was released in Europe, in PAL format, not NTSC, so even I bought one, I wouldn't be able to watch it in America without the correct player.  There are some Blu-ray players that you can set to be region free so they play everything, but they're definitely pricier than region locked Blu-ray players. But there is really no good reason for why they can't all be the same.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 23, 2024, 07:45:03 AM
Man, I just don't feel well :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 23, 2024, 10:16:42 AM
The seller got back to me and offered a refund if I shipped it back, but I have to pay for postage which will cost me two thirds of the sum so I will only get like 3USD back which is not worth it :huh:. We tried it in the X-box but it required region 2 as well. I will probably put this in my mental "lesson learned and move on" box and see if anyone I know who have a region free player wants the disc. I hate these region things but I think Pokeyonekenobie is right about the money. I will skip give the seller a review though.

Another complaint of the day: Anette Olzon (ex Nightwish, The Dark Element, Allen&Olzon) released her first single of her new solo album and I was stoked, until I read the lyrics and realised it was christian propaganda.. I loved the music and the way she sang, but I can't deal with religion being pushed on me like that. Someone wrote in a comment to the video it sounded fundamentalistic and I agree.. Feels like Sarah Brightman and her Hymn album allover again :mad:.

And none called today either.. It can be one of thousands of people from one of hundreds of healtch care centers and departments of four hospitals who tried to get in touch with me. Had it been important they should have called sooner right? Or left a message?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on February 23, 2024, 11:22:23 AM
Another complaint of the day: Anette Olzon (ex Nightwish, The Dark Element, Allen&Olzon) released her first single of her new solo album and I was stoked, until I read the lyrics and realised it was christian propaganda.. I loved the music and the way she sang, but I can't deal with religion being pushed on me like that. Someone wrote in a comment to the video it sounded fundamentalistic and I agree.. Feels like Sarah Brightman and her Hymn album allover again :mad:.

I feel that. I cannot fathom why they feel the need to put it in everyone's face.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 23, 2024, 04:23:40 PM
Another complaint of the day: Anette Olzon (ex Nightwish, The Dark Element, Allen&Olzon) released her first single of her new solo album and I was stoked, until I read the lyrics and realised it was christian propaganda.. I loved the music and the way she sang, but I can't deal with religion being pushed on me like that. Someone wrote in a comment to the video it sounded fundamentalistic and I agree.. Feels like Sarah Brightman and her Hymn album allover again :mad:.

I feel that. I cannot fathom why they feel the need to put it in everyone's face.

You should have been there when I slowly realized Disturbed is a christian band. I enjoyed their music until that point.

Re being pushed, I don't know if I agree. I mean, some of the music I listen too is very anti-religion and I'm fine with it (more than fine actually :P ) and while I personally dislike religious music of any kind, I think the people that like it should be able to listen to it (without getting into the whole, escaping religion entirely discussion). So, like with Disturbed. The Sickness certainly isn't a religious song and that's where they hooked a lot of fans. But their second album definitely has a heavy religious overtone. When I realized, I didn't think, gosh they got me, how dare they. I was more like, well that's a shame, and stropped listening to those songs (I still like some of the early ones). In short, I don't think people who come from a non-religious band and then make religious music, are "pushing it on you", they are just making new music that is religious.

Now, if they start coming to your door asking to buy their album, that's pushing it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 23, 2024, 06:18:01 PM
The seller got back to me and offered a refund if I shipped it back, but I have to pay for postage which will cost me two thirds of the sum so I will only get like 3USD back which is not worth it :huh:. We tried it in the X-box but it required region 2 as well. I will probably put this in my mental "lesson learned and move on" box and see if anyone I know who have a region free player wants the disc. I hate these region things but I think Pokeyonekenobie is right about the money. I will skip give the seller a review though.

Something you can try if you have a laptop that will read discs is changing the region there.  Be warned, you can only change the region a limited number of times (I would google how many times for your particular device) but it can be done.  You just can't keep flipping back and forth (again, no good reason to limit this) so if the region "lands" on a region you don't want it to be on for your last change, it will be there forever.  I do not know how this affects any discs you write with your disc reader later, so it would be good to do research first, just in case.

Edit to add: I wonder if you purchased an external disc drive if you could change that region and just label it as such for any future purchases.  :wonder:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 24, 2024, 01:12:50 AM
BC People are alowed to believe and listen to what they want, I agree. Multitude of bands I listen to make references to Jesus sometimes in a lyric here and there and I'm okay with it, but when the entire song is about the destruction of the world and everyone who's not a sheep is going to succumb I think it's a bit too much. She even has her son singing a prayer in it.

Pokeyonekenobie I don't have a discreader on my laptop. Thanks for the tip though :).

Today I had planned to colour my hair. But my stock of boxes was empty :(. The cats need more grass as well, but I don't want to go out, as it's plus degrees with slush and ice on the roads.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 24, 2024, 08:48:53 AM
This isn't trivial, but I don't want to start a new thread. I got a pre-emptive eviction notice today. I have 7 days to clean my apartment or they'll kick me out. They are also going to charge me for replacing the bathroom floor because it has a tiny crack in it by the tub (and I am pretty sure that was there when I moved in!). They stuck a thick letter in my door about my "housekeeping issues". They mentioned the toilet was dirty, the kitchen garbage was overflowing and the litter boxes needed to be cleaned.

One, I admit the tank and outside the bowl are dusty/dirty, but it's hard for me to bend down and clean it. Two, well yeah! You were threatening to fine me $75 for the garbage bags on my porch, I'm not putting more garbage out there. Three, I clean it weekly and do a full clean every month. Again, it's hard for me to bend down, I don't scoop everyday... and she has two boxes so it's not like they get really full in a week or anything.

Ugh. I hate living under a microscope like this. If I had the money I would buy a couple hundred acres of land in Minnesota and build a house right in the middle.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 24, 2024, 10:33:06 AM
:hug: :hug: :hug: BC

i wish i lived close by. i would come over and help you clean. it makes me angry every time you have to have these inspections. everyone is entitled to privacy in their home.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 24, 2024, 05:24:49 PM
This isn't trivial, but I don't want to start a new thread. I got a pre-emptive eviction notice today. I have 7 days to clean my apartment or they'll kick me out. They are also going to charge me for replacing the bathroom floor because it has a tiny crack in it by the tub (and I am pretty sure that was there when I moved in!). They stuck a thick letter in my door about my "housekeeping issues". They mentioned the toilet was dirty, the kitchen garbage was overflowing and the litter boxes needed to be cleaned.

One, I admit the tank and outside the bowl are dusty/dirty, but it's hard for me to bend down and clean it. Two, well yeah! You were threatening to fine me $75 for the garbage bags on my porch, I'm not putting more garbage out there. Three, I clean it weekly and do a full clean every month. Again, it's hard for me to bend down, I don't scoop everyday... and she has two boxes so it's not like they get really full in a week or anything.

Ugh. I hate living under a microscope like this. If I had the money I would buy a couple hundred acres of land in Minnesota and build a house right in the middle.
BC What the freak!!! No way should anybody be like this!!! I hope you find a way to contest this!!! Life has been hard enough on you as it is, without extra stress piled on you xxx
 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on February 24, 2024, 06:04:04 PM
:hug: BC. That really sucks. I don't know what is up with rental people. My sister's landlord is delaying on fixing a plumbing issue in their flat because they want a cheaper quote, even though they won't get one :/

Beldarna, the region thing is frustrating. I am so glad Japan also use R2 because it makes life easier. I do have a multiregion DVD player, which is useful, but my TV's own DVD player is R2. I used to be able to switch the region on my laptop dvd drive but of course, they don't have those anymore...sigh.

Is there no British release of Secret of Nimh? That would be R2. I used to love the Nimh books as a kid. Haven't seen the film in ages though.

My rant for today...petty people in their forties behaving like they're 14. (No offence to any 14 year olds reading).

So as you guys know, yesterday was my birthday. On a site I post on, there is a tradition of celebrating people's birthdays in a particular thread, and people say happy birthday, and that's basically all it is. The last couple of years this has happened with my birthday. But this year...I don't know what they were thinking, tbh. One of my friends wished me happy birthday and suddenly this clique all appeared to post completely irrelevant stuff.

I don't mind people not observing my birthday - there's no reason why they would. But this wasn't like that. It was very obviously not-observing it, done deliberately to provoke a reaction. I am refusing to give them the satisfaction of one, as annoying as it is. I refuse to descend to the level of teenage politics when at least two of the people in the 'clique' are my age.

I know this is a pony collecting site but seriously I come here sometimes just to speak to grown ups. :/

Also, on the manga pronunciation debate, I realised after I made my post that the British and American pronunciation of 'a' in a word is actually different. So I can see how there might be confusion...both in our comparisons of pronunciation and the actual pronunciation given how we normally voice sounds.

I was trying to find a soundbyte clip and instead came up with a bunch of frustrated Japanese speakers trying to explain how Japanese vowels work *lol*. One good tip I did see was that both 'a' sounds in the word manga are exactly the same in Japanese. I agree with this; however you say the last vowel is how you should say the first. It's definitely not an 'o', nor an 'aah', nor an 'ay' but just an 'a'. In British English we have a much shorter a sound, anyway, which is more like the Japanese sound, and easier for me to say than explain xD.

And here is your 2am ted talk from your resident Japanese language geek. You're all welcome :)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 24, 2024, 07:58:45 PM

:hug: :hug:

That's terrible.    :enraged: :enraged: I hope they give you a chance to clean up before they kick you out.  Is there any way you can appeal?
Getting charged for replacing the floor when it was already broken when you moved in reminds me of when I had to pay a fine in jr high or high school because a book had a page torn when I got it at the beginning of the year.  When it was time to turn in books the teacher said I had damaged the book and had to pay a fine.  I told her that the tear had been there since I got the book, but she said I had to pay it anyway because I didn't report it being torn when I got it. I think it was only $.50 or something, but still...

This is going to be long....

My parents waited all day yesterday for the exterminator to come.  When my mom called 2 weeks ago they sent her an email conformation that they were supposed to come yesterday between 8am and noon.  When lunchtime came and no one had showed, my mom called the company and they said she was on the schedule for the afternoon.  Fast forward to around 4 pm and my mom got an email and call that the exterminator is coming another day.  The home inspector did come though and said he found evidence of mice. He said the exterminators could set some type of traps/bait for the mice.

Last night, my earrings started feeling uncomfortable. I took them out of my ears and was shocked to discover green flakes of oxidized metal on  one of the earring backs.  It also turned one of the earring posts green.   There was even a green spot on my piercing. Needless to say, those backs are in the trash. I kept the earrings, but now I'm wary of using those backs on other pairs.  I looked through my jewelry box and found a different pair that still had the other backs on and put them in.

I wanted to go to the bookstore today but didn't get a chance to. 

I used to light Bath and Body Works candles on the weekends, but I haven't for months.  Part of the reason is because I forget because it seems like my dad is in a big hurry on Friday and Saturday nights to get game night started.  I'm so bored of playing the same games every Friday night.  My dad never wants to play anything different.  The last time we tried a new game I think we played it maybe 3 times before my dad put it out in the garage and said, "nobody likes this game."  He just assumed that. The truth is probably that he didn't like it and because he didn't, he decided that no one else did.

My parents usually give me something for Valentine's.   This year though, my dad decided what to get me and ordered it without me knowing.  It's not that I'm not grateful, but I would have rather picked out something that I wanted instead of what my dad thought I wanted or needed.

Taffeta, I'm sorry that happened to you. :hug: I'll never understand why some people think it's okay to act like that when they're old enough to know better.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 24, 2024, 09:32:41 PM
You know what else? It was very sneakily done. After the last inspection, it was noted about the crack in the floor (by the way, it's linoleum, old, gross linoleum, not like tile or stone or anything) and one of my burners on the stove wasn't working. So when the maintenance guy came he fixed the burner then went in the bathroom. I asked him why he was in the bathroom and he said he needed to take a picture of the crack. In fact, what he did was take pics of the "evidence" of my lacks housekeeping. They showed them in the letter.

I feel more upset and creepy crawly about that part than anything else. I mean, he basically lied by omission.

Another thing I am worried about is my fish tank. When I was being interviewed to move in, they gave me a copy of the pet policy. It says you're not allowed to have fish. However, when I asked the property manager about it she said they discourage large tanks in front of windows because they had problems in the past, but if I wanted a small one I could have it. Just like she said I could have hamsters and gerbils. I'm afraid that Martha is going to do the inspection and get all uppity about my tank because NO FISH ALLOWED! even though Zenida told me I could have a small one. It was years ago though so I don't know if she'd remember.

I can appeal, but I don't have a lot to back anything up. If my disability was granted, then I'd be fine, because you can't evict a disabled person without a ton of evidence that the unit is in danger or the person/neighbors are in danger. Some dust on a toilet tank certainly is not that.

The only thing I can do is clean like a freak for the next four days. My mom helped to pump me up :lol: I'll make a pot of coffee and down some ibuprofen and tramadol and just get it done. I don't know what to do with my garbage though. The neighbor came and took what was outside today, which I am eternally grateful for.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 25, 2024, 12:31:28 AM
BC that is terrible. I am so sorry :hug: Is it a thing in America/Florida that landlords can make cleaning inspections like that? And what about keeping the tank empty until the problem is solved? An empty tank with no fish would not do any harm and then get the fishes later?

Taffeta the guy I bought it from wrote me and said he had had every release of this film and he had never seen a region 2 release. But I did miss out an an auction of a Blue Ray in january where the seller wrote it worked in Swedish players so I take his statement with a pinch of salt. There is one out there. I just need to be patient :). I'm trying to get all the movies from Don Bluth that I loved as a child. I have Land before time and An American Tail. But Rock-a-Doodle, All dogs go to heaven and Secret of Nimh are very hard to find. I also like to get An American Tail: Fievel Goes West, but that one is hard as well.

Aslo! BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :birthday: :woohoo: :tort:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 25, 2024, 08:16:29 AM
happy birthday Taffeta! 

BC :  ooooh inspections are the worst.

every night for the past month I have had AWFUL nightmares.  I wake up and feel like I have gotten no sleep.  I can't take medication for it because then I am not functional enough during the day to drive or do my job. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 25, 2024, 07:18:33 PM
My dad bought a European DVD not realizing that it was European and wouldn't play on US DVD players.  It will play on the portable DVD player, but none of the others.

I finally decided what to spend my Amazon gift card on.  Now I have to figure out how to do it. There used to be a code on e gift cards but now there's just a link in my email that says "click here to redeem."   It was an e gift card from and friend and came directly from Amazon so I know it's not a scam.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on February 25, 2024, 11:03:10 PM
Is it a thing in America/Florida that landlords can make cleaning inspections like that?

Apartment/Rental inspections are a thing in the US, and probably other places as well.  (If you own your home, they don't usually do inspections like that unless someone reports your home as a health hazard--think of the show Hoarders--or if you're a Foster parent, since they like to make sure the kids you're fostering are in a good environment, or similar situations.) It makes sense that if you're renting you should not trash the place and if you're in a complex that your mess doesn't attract rodents or insects that your neighbors would also have to deal with. That's why a deposit is usually required for moving in.  It's a cleaning deposit that can be refunded IF they decide that you didn't leave a mess or break anything when you move out.  The last apartment I lived in, I made sure to document everything from the marshmallow smashed on the carpet to the boogers on the walls (yes, the previous tenants were disgusting) especially since we'd been told the apartment had been "professionally" cleaned before we moved in.  I took photos with a time/date stamp on my digital camera, which made them easily accessible to show anyone who needed to see them.  So when my roommates and I asked for the carpet to be cleaned, we had proof that it was already gross when we got there.

That being said, BC, it sounds like they're being super nit-picky and sneaky about how they're doing it. It makes me wonder if they're trying to come up with a reason to evict you so they can charge a new tenant more rent than they can legally raise your current rate to.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 26, 2024, 02:46:39 AM
Wow. That is so weird. I know some small private renters can ask for a months rent in advance, but thats just so they know we can pay. We don't do deposits. Instead, if we move and the home is crap they hire someone to fix it and send us the bill. If we wont/can't pay they turn it over to our goverment bailiff that foreclose our assets. If we don't have stuff expensive enough they go through the tax office and take a percentage of our salary until its paid. We also go on a black record for five years which makes taking loans or move to a new rental almost impossible. Suffice to say, people keep their rented homes in good condition and make sure to pay the bills on time :). A landlord would never enter a home for a cleaning inspection though. That's such an invasion of privacy. Only time would be if there is a smell or some sort of leakage that has spread and even then they need permission to enter.

My complaint today is that I am so silly stupid. I've been worried sick of that phonecall since last tuesday. After talking with John I decided to call the health care center this morning and had a hard time sleeping, waking up several times, having bad dreams, stomach ache.. So I called and two minutes later it was all cleared, it was them. It was about rescheduling the appointment. The person who searched me was not available today but will call me tomorrow. So much anxiety for a two minute easily resolved phone call. Ugh! Why am I like this? :argh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 26, 2024, 06:01:41 AM
Thanks everyone. Yesterday I didn't get much done because I felt awful and was sooooo tired. But today I feel much better and woke up early to get my routine PC stuff done and play a game for a tiny bit before I get started cleaning. I'll start with the bathroom since that's what they are focusing on. There's not much to be done in the bedroom and living room so after the bathroom I'll do one of those. Tomorrow I can tackle the kitchen and the other room left.

Ponyfan, it's not a big deal to redeem an ecard on Amazon :) Follow the link and it goes to a page with the gift card code, you can copy it with one click and add it to your account via - Account - Payments.

My very trivial complaint. I felt so bad last night that i didn't even put drinks in the fridge for today. So I'm drinking a Propel water warm.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on February 26, 2024, 10:30:51 AM
It's pretty normal here too to have landlords - or more likely agents on behalf of landlords - inspect apartments on a prearranged schedule. That's aside from if things break, which the landlord should then arrange to get fixed.

Trivial complaint for the day...I went into town this morning to do one specific thing. Which I forgot to do until I was back home. So...

At least I got some nice new fluffy socks though. Very soft :D
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 26, 2024, 02:14:39 PM
There are two rednecks riding around on souped-up mopeds. They were on the sidewalk before the maintenance guy told them to go in the road. They are doing laps and keep coming back down my street, revving and making all kinds of noise.

I think this is the same thing I heard the other night. One of them couldn't start his. Then it began to rain and he started swearing while his buddy laughed :lol:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 26, 2024, 03:20:20 PM

Ponyfan, it's not a big deal to redeem an ecard on Amazon :) Follow the link and it goes to a page with the gift card code, you can copy it with one click and add it to your account via - Account - Payments.


Thanks BC.  Is it better to sign in to Amazon first and then follow the link or click the link and then sign in?  I tried to ask my friend about it and she got a little annoyed at me (she apologized later) because I was asking her how to do it.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 26, 2024, 04:25:22 PM

Ponyfan, it's not a big deal to redeem an ecard on Amazon :) Follow the link and it goes to a page with the gift card code, you can copy it with one click and add it to your account via - Account - Payments.


Thanks BC.  Is it better to sign in to Amazon first and then follow the link or click the link and then sign in?  I tried to ask my friend about it and she got a little annoyed at me (she apologized later) because I was asking her how to do it.


sign in first and it should automatically add the gift card to your account
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 26, 2024, 05:21:19 PM
ugh, husband had his blood pressure go too high last night, so I spent all last night monitoring him and then all day today having him send me vital checks (pulse, temp, blood pressure) and telling him when he could take tylenol.

  At one point, I really considered calling an ambulance cuz he was unable to communicate - I would ask "Do you want a blanket?  Are you cold?"  and he would yell "LOSS APRICOTS" and "the jet fighters are too low" and his balance was terrible, he started falling and he had slurred speech.   He started having night terrors in his sleep, he kicked me several times, and I got like an hour of sleep.  I am soooo tired...

he seems to be better now but it took 12 hours of 1000mG Tylenol every 4 hours and his other prescriptions.  thank goodness one of his online friends is a nurse on the neurology unit at her local hospital and was able to give him directions to set him back in the right direction. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 27, 2024, 05:07:14 AM
Squirmy :hug: I'm glad you were able to get him help and he's doing better.

My complaint at the moment. The nextdoor neighbor likes to sit out on her porch and browse her phone. She smokes, and usually the smoke will waft into my window. This morning though it's her perfume. It's making me sneeze. How much did she put on that it's carrying to the second story of the next building?? Woof.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 27, 2024, 07:43:35 AM
lovesbabysquirmy :hug:

Guess, what.. I did not get that phone call today despite being told so.. :argh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 27, 2024, 10:57:43 AM
:hug: lovesbabysquirmy.

I feel asleep before I could put my CPAP machine on.  Now I'm extremely tired as it was around 5am when I woke up enough to realize I wasn't using it.  Rest of today's complaint in the spoiler.  It's nothing too bad or graphic, but it's about graves and dying.


My dad has decided he wants to be buried in a Veteran's commentary.  If that's what he wants, I'm okay with it.  He wants my mom buried with him too.  I'm okay with that.   In the application there's a section that says adult children can be buried with the veteran in certain cases.  The application clearly states that the adult child had to be declared physically or mentally disabled by a physician by the time the adult child reached a certain age to be eligible to be buried with the veteran.  All my dad sees is "an adult child can be buried with the veteran with a letter from a physician."  Now he thinks all he has to do is get a dr to write a letter about that.  I tried to explain it to him, but he thinks that part of the application says the veteran has to be disabled and not the adult child.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 28, 2024, 06:39:51 AM
I'm hot then I'm cold then I'm hot then I'm cold. I've put on and taken off my sweater three times now. Can the weather decide what it wants to beeeee?!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 28, 2024, 07:38:52 AM
I'm hot then I'm cold then I'm hot then I'm cold. I've put on and taken off my sweater three times now. Can the weather decide what it wants to beeeee?!

same here!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on February 28, 2024, 10:19:40 AM
Thanks Beth.  :)  I'm going to try the egift card soon.

There are fires burning in my state.   Last night there was a really strong burning/smoke smell in the house.  My mom thought something was burning inside the house. Turns out it was the smoke from the fires even though they are several hours away from us.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on February 28, 2024, 10:43:40 AM
Thanks Beth.  :)  I'm going to try the egift card soon.

There are fires burning in my state.   Last night there was a really strong burning/smoke smell in the house.  My mom thought something was burning inside the house. Turns out it was the smoke from the fires even though they are several hours away from us.


I thought of you when i saw the fires in the news. glad you're far away from them

not trivial but i just found out my mom's doctor wants her to have a CT scan today. I hope they can find out why she's been having issues walking.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 29, 2024, 07:04:53 AM
I'm so unbearably thirsty! My mouth is dry and I've been drinking regular water and sparkling water all morning.

I'm also very tired. I didn't get much sleep.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on February 29, 2024, 07:34:18 AM
Try drinking gatorade or some other sports drink. The electrolytes should help hydrate you.  :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 29, 2024, 08:06:41 AM
Oh yeah! I have a couple of Propels left... I'll pop 'em in the fridge.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on February 29, 2024, 11:17:27 PM
An apartment came up on Johns watchlist that was perfect for us. It's with the same company and our quetime is 14 years so we had a good chance of getting it.. so I got the drawing for it, It's the same size as our current one, with a smaller livingroom but larger bedrooms, meaning more space for our stuff. It's closer to work, not very kid friendly but cosy, lovley area for us. We looked around it at google map in both summer and winter setting and I fell in love.. and the next day when the top eight were to be revealed John realised he forgot to click the interested button :(.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 01, 2024, 06:51:37 AM
urgh it's snowing AGAIN and I just hate driving in the snow so very very much
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 01, 2024, 08:59:51 AM
They came and mowed today. All my windows are open. My eyes are already rebelling.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 01, 2024, 11:39:49 PM
BC, Beth.

Thank you so much for your help with my egift card from Amazon.  Thanks to your instructions I was able to redeem the card easily. :D  Now I'll know exactly what to do next time.

My mom has been driving me crazy.  She doesn't feel well.  I suggested she go to the dr, but she said she wanted to wait a few days. 

 On Tuesday she wanted me to help her order from a website.  We had ordered from this website last month and everything was fine.  The order we made on Tuesday was a bigger order. That might be why it's taking so long.  I always print out the order summary/confirmation thing when I order from a website.  My mom was looking at that and I told her that was  everything that printed from the computer.  She said that wasn't all of it.  It turns out that she was talking about an email the company had sent after we ordered that showed everything in the order.

My dad opened the trunk of my mom's car and then left in his car. He forgot to close the trunk. It stayed open until he came back. I didn't realize that he didn't close it until the Ring camera went off.  I would have gone out and closed the trunk if I had known.

Someone at work had a really cute slug light that changes colors. I thought I found the same one on Amazon, but looking closer none of the ones on Amazon change color.  All of the slug lights look exactly the same too so there's nothing to distinguish the coloring changing ones from the one that stays the same.


Today has been a horrible day.  Nothing has gone right.  My parents and I usually get McDonald's on Saturday.  My mom ordered, but they keyed the order in wrong.  My dad starting complaining about being "overcharged."  I tried to explain to him that the had put the order in wrong and that's why it was more money than usual. After a while we noticed our table tent sitting where no one else was.  My parents went and checked and that was our order.  When my dad brought it back to the table he decided he didn't want the thing that we usually don't order so I gave him what I had ordered instead.

I had to get a prescription filled today.  There was a slight problem at the pharmacy and when I went to get the prescription, they said there would be a copay when there shouldn't have been one since I have a coupon card from the company that makes my medicine.   The pharmacy was really nice about and worked hard to correct it. While I was getting that sorted out, my mom called and told me she had gotten everything else and was in the checkout line. This usually wouldn't have been a big deal, but I've been wanting to get some candy and a couple of other things for and since she was already in line, I didn't get a chance to get what I wanted.  I stayed right near the pharmacy and only got to look at the Easter basket toys.

When I got home there were 2 letters for me from a Copay program saying they refused to cover my monthly shot because I have the wrong type of insurance.    This is an error on the company's part because I don't have government insurance.  The copay program is closed for the weekend.

I broke down in tears after I opened the letters. The shots are super expensive without the copay program to help cover them.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 02, 2024, 03:30:57 PM
Aw, Ponyfan :( I'm sorry you had a rough day :hug:

My day isn't going well either. I couldn't sleep last night and forgot to take my medicine, then when I remembered it was already 4am so I opted to only take my heart meds. I tried to nap on and off today with no luck. I was hot then cold, then hot then cold. So sick of that.

My back hurts and my legs hurt
I have my period again which always makes me miserable.
I'm still nervous about the verdict on my inspection.

I saw had some cute Peeps plushies for Easter. I found a small one that was orange wearing little overalls and it was scented marshmallow. It was only $3.98. I put one in my cart and then kept poking about on the site. When I went to check out it said they were sold out :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 02, 2024, 07:49:46 PM
Thanks BC,

I'm sorry you've had a rough day too and the Peeps plushie sold out before you could get it.  :hug:  :hug:

My mom and I got in to earlier because she said that I was upset that she's sick.  I told her that wasn't true. I was upset about the copay program and then started reminding her that I had given up what I wanted for breakfast and about not getting to look at anything at Walmart and she said I was being annoying and complaining. 

I skipped lunch today because my mom didn't want to eat, so my dad didn't eat.  I needed to try to calm down before I tried to eat.  By the time I got ready for lunch, my mom was organizing medicine at the kitchen table.  I do skip lunch sometime, but not often.  I was so hungry by 4 pm.  I'm still hungry now even though I've eaten a meal and had a snack.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 03, 2024, 03:02:27 AM
:hug: Ponyfan

Ouch, I hate when you put something in a cart and it's not getting reserved. One would think the item would be on hold while in the cart. Sorry that happened to you BC. I hope you have been getting sleep now.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 03, 2024, 03:16:23 AM
Thanks, both of you :hug:

I slept for about 3 hours... but I'm up again. My brain is wide awake.

The lady in the building next door is out there smoking and it's coming in my window and making me sick  :X
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 03, 2024, 07:50:10 AM
Ugh there are many pharmacies in the USA having computer problems - something about cyber-hackers?  I don't know...

My car battery is dead and it's like -20C even after the major snowstorm we had.  we needed groceries yesterday; after the blizzard stopped, the child and I went out to the car and *rrr rrrr RRRR CLICK CLICK*  no ignition working.  It is really too cold to walk to the auto parts store... I don't want to take a cab...  *grumble*  There is like 10 inches of snow out there (that's about 23 cm for the metric-using folk)!   
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 03, 2024, 03:08:13 PM
Thank you everyone. :hug:

I'm still really upset. I can't even look at the letter without getting teary.  If I don't have the copay program to help, I'll probably have to stop taking them. 

I feel so fragile right now. It seems like if just one more thing goes wrong I'll break.  I thought about logging in to streaming today, but on the off chance there might be a problem, I didn't want to spend the day crying again.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 04, 2024, 07:40:35 AM
Ponyfan :hug:

I got my Peep afterall :) Check the smile thread for a pic.

My complaint is something that shouldn't bother me, but it is. I like to help out on the Steam forums for games I play and know a lot about. There's one person making a bunch of threads in the forum of a game, asking for help. Myself, one other person and the developer themselves have posted in all three of this guys threads. He came back and replied that is was too much to read and too complicated and the game should just be easier.

 :argh:  :throw:

I replied back just now that, IT IS. You need to LOOK and LISTEN to what we are telling you. The dev even posted a tutorial video and this guy says he shouldn't have to watch a video because what he wants should be there in the game.............. IT IS!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 04, 2024, 02:56:20 PM
:hug: ponyfan. I feel like the US medical system is set up to upset people more than help them. Not sure ours is much better, honestly. I hope you get it straightened out :/

I just feel like there are so many unnecessarily unfair and stressful things in the world at the moment and nobody is doing anything about them.

@BC, I'm pretty terrible at following instructions, but if it's important, I'm going to sit down and look at them carefully and figure it out. I hate when people are entitled like that too, like they want it drip fed. It's like the people on anime groups on reddit who want people to tell them what anime to watch next and whether they should finish watching a particular anime.

And the people who get into it on debates about manga translations despite not speaking any Japanese...because "google translate says..."

...And stuff.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 05, 2024, 04:42:38 AM
Whenever I read about your struggles I'm glad I live at a place with universal health care. It doesn't work perfectly but at least I'm not loosing an arm and a leg and my sanity whenever there is an issue.
:hug::hug::hug: Ponyfan

BC some people need to walk through life with someone holding their hands. You can't argue with stupid.

Edit: I forgot to add my complaint.. I've got a pimple inside my left nostril. It feels like a booger sitting there and its super annoying.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on March 05, 2024, 05:42:48 AM
The US healthcare system is more driven towards profits than helping the citizens. It makes me so nervous for the future.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 05, 2024, 07:34:02 AM
I just got thrown out from both facebook and instagram. I'm not sure if I've been hacked or if it's the site but trying to reset the password failed.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 05, 2024, 07:35:12 AM
Me too. I looked it up and it's happening to everyone.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on March 05, 2024, 07:51:37 AM
Mine too. Strange...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 05, 2024, 08:14:45 AM
don't go on facebook. but instagram is being weird. it keeps saying it can't load my refresh my feed but i'm seeing new posts. probably some outage.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 05, 2024, 10:56:47 AM
It's back. It was out for about 20 minutes.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 05, 2024, 03:20:46 PM
Thanks everyone.  :hug:  :hug:  I have an update on  the copay program situation, but I'm too tired to try to write it out right now as it's very long and complicated. 

My parents had to see our family dr today.  One of the staff told them to tell me that I take too long after they call me because I close the app that's open on my phone.  That literally takes seconds.  I can't believe that they're complaining about that.  It's not like I take 5 minutes or more. I literally close the app, put my phone away because I don't want to drop it and go with them.

That's the last thing I needed right now.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 06, 2024, 12:20:15 AM
I was out for about an hour. Strange how disabeling it is, especially when I couldn't use messenger. It truly shows Meta has too much power over us.

Ponyfan, I hope the news are good :).
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 06, 2024, 07:35:48 AM
Ponyfan :hug: That seems very rude to me, having your parents tell you that. And really, closing an app on the phone takes seconds, like you said. Would they rather you kept it running with music and sound while they take you back? I doubt it.

It's getting hot again. Saturday they say it's going to be 87. I think it's supposed to break the record. It's also terribly humid and that is always worse then the heat. I decided to turn my AC on last night. I was sweating just sitting here and couldn't take it any longer.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on March 07, 2024, 02:32:49 AM
Omg that seems crazy hot for this time of the year BC! I don’t think even here in AZ we’ve gotten above 85 this year yet…but I could be wrong. It’s actually going to be really cold for this time of year tomorrow, just a high of 62 degrees!

I’ve had a really poor past couple days. Last night my back started to hurt really badly and I couldn’t get comfortable no matter how I laid in my bed. Usually taking Tylenol helps, but unfortunately my Tylenol had expired, so I got no relief and no sleep. I finally ordered some off Instacart at like 7 am when the store opened just to try and get a little sleep before I had to wake up to go into the office for work. Thankfully my shopper wa really quick, so I did get a couple hours to sleep.

When I went into the office I felt pretty poor from not getting enough sleep to begin with, but then I also woke up with a scratchy throat and a runny nose. I’ve had relief from my allergies for a few months now, but they must finally be back. The drainage gave me a headache and having the dry throat made taking back to back calls yesterday that much more draining.

Tonight I went to change out my earrings and my ears started bleeding AGAIN. This is like the 4th time that’s happened in the past couple months now? My piercer had told me not to worry about it as long as my ears weren’t swollen or puffy which they aren’t, but I still feel like they aren’t healing right. I’m going on 5 months since they’ve been pierced at this point. Tonight was different too because I felt like I really had to force the earring through the holes. Usually they at least slide right through despite the bleeding. My left ear is sore like it got pierced all over again now.

I’m honestly at my wits end with these piercings. Like, little kids get their ears pierced all the time and probably don’t take the after care as seriously as I have, so why is this such a struggle?? I’ve tried so many different things. I’ve tried using only high quality metals. I’ve tried switching them out less often. I’ve tried different backings. I’ve tried switching them out MORE often in case leaving them in too long is bad. I’m still using the cleaning solution on them daily and every time I change earrings. I really don’t know what’s causing the bleeding, there seems to be no real pattern. Sometimes I can switch them out with absolutely 0 issue at all. I think my biggest frustration is the overall lack of concern/advice from my piercer. Anytime I bring up the bleeding they tell me they are probably still healing and I’ve just irritated the wound. Okay yes but, how can I STOP irritating them? They never tell me how long I should leave my earrings in after the bleeding or anything like that. They never check to see if my earrings are even a good quality. I always just kind of guess. I might honestly just see if I can find another piercer in my area for a second opinion at this point.

And now I’m up way past when I should be because I’m upset about everything that’s gone wrong. I’m hoping work today won’t be as busy and it’ll take my mind off everything. We are having a pie party so at least that should be fun. :)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on March 07, 2024, 05:40:30 AM
Do they hurt or is it just bleeding?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 07, 2024, 06:36:06 AM
i've had my ears pierced since i was 8 i think. i'm 40 now. and mine still bleed. but i went for years not wearing earrings at all. so i think they may have tried to close. i would get a second opinion. and also ask your doctor to check next time you see them. it sounds like the piercer is being dismissive of your concerns.

my trivial complaint today is i guess the rest of my family found out about my mom. i'm not close with my extended family. it's nothing bad really, we've never been close. even when i was a kid i didn't feel close to them. i know they need to know but i don't feel up to dealing with them asking me questions. it feels really selfish to say because i'm sure they're worried. they were worried when they saw her last year. my parents are both stubborn and they're going to do what they're going to do regardless of what i say unless i get super angry. and i don't have the energy or the will to spend our last years together fighting. we've had enough family drama. a lot of which the rest of my family wasn't around for.

between work, both sets of parents needing help, and trying to keep up with the house and every day life i feel spread very thin. i'll probably need to take some additional time off at the end of the month to deal with everything. i know the stress will come back in full force once i go back to work but i don't think i can keep up with everything. i almost had a panic attack yesterday trying to keep up with this super stressful project at work.

i really want to crawl in bed and shut out the world right now.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 07, 2024, 08:18:13 AM
:hug: all around

I feel awful today. I woke up on my back, which always messes me up. My back and legs hurt more then usual. I had a terrible coughing fit and now I have a headache. My eyes are gooey and the light hurts. I'm also still very tired. I'm supposed to clean my floors today, but I'm going to call and ask for an extension or at least the full 7 days on the notice. I got it on Tuesday and they are coming tomorrow. I hope I can get them to come Monday instead.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 07, 2024, 09:02:26 AM
Today was not fun at all.. John messaged me around 8 am and said Ninja walked around worried and tried to pee twice and just small dripplets came.. then he went to bed :blink:. So I got super worried but was stuck on a train hours away. So when I came home at noon I emediatly checked Ninja over and he didn't seem to be in pain. He went on the litterbox and peed about a tea spoon.. so I felt kind of relieved and started to prep for lunch.. But then Ninja went to the litterbox again and again and again.. So within an hour he had tried the litterbox five times and then he started to groom himself around his back legs. I called all the vets in town and of course no slots so I called the emergency vet who told me to take him in til three pm.

So I abandoned lunch and went to the computer to book a car. Our regular place did not have any so I had to take the next location which meant I had to go by bus there and lost about an half an hour.. Checked out the car and the rearview mirrors closed in on the car mid adjusting and I could not get them to move. So I had to go in and ask what I was doing wrong. An old guy followed me out and spent fifteen minutes trying to get the mirrors in position and they would not budge.. then he found a teeeny tiny button that I had accidently hit that made them do that... so we repushed it and the mirrors came loose.. So much time lost! :argh:

Home, grabbed Ninja and went to the vet.. Arrived with a minute to spare.. No stones this time! Such a relief. But the ultrasound revealed an inflammation on the walls of his bladder..He had not enough urine to take a sample, so we don't know why, but he got an inflammatory injection and is back on Metacam. They asked us to take a urine sample at home and come in with it if we wanted any answers.. we tried that years ago. Ninja can't be sampled at home so I hope it's a thing that's healing without answers -_-.

Oh, and I have not driven a car in about two years which made this a very interesting ride :freak:.. I almost hit a bus on the other lane when I tried to turn off the blinkers after they would not turn off themselves, I almost hit another car in a crossing when I missed a green light turning yellow and it was too eager to go aaaaand a car infront of me stood on the breaks suddenly and I almost rearended it :shocked:.. but we survived.. No injuries.. and we managed to go through rush hour on the way home. I'm Just happy I took an auto car instead of a manual one.. the last one would have given me lots of engine stops otherwise.

The stress of it all made my heachache flare up but I'm so full of adrenaline I can't lay down. Yet I am so tired.. :|

Minty_Magic I pierced my ears when I was eleven and they still try to close up if I go a long time with no earrings.. But I would go to a another pierces for a second opinion just in case.

Beth33460 :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 07, 2024, 09:51:44 AM
Beldarna, wow! I'm so glad you made it back home safely. I hope the injection and metacam help Ninja.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 09, 2024, 03:54:49 AM
BC Ninja is a lot better. I was so relieved he did not have any stones at all. He is himself again and he still likes Metacam so no problem giving it to him. I still have a hard time falling a sleep because all I see is that bus I almost hit and then I get all sweaty with shame. I've tried talking about it and writing about it to get it out off my system and telling me I did not hit anything or anyone but it doesn't seem to help. I woke up last night because of it. So that's the problem of the day.

...and that I need to buy a birthday present to a tricky nine year old (See slice of life).
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 09, 2024, 08:27:33 AM
Aw :hug: You shouldn't feel ashamed about it. I think you did a good job for not having driven in so long. If I went 2 years without doing something, I'd forget everything. I hope you can get some sleep.

My complaint is my thirst and dry throat. I think I'm dehydrated a bit.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 09, 2024, 08:41:20 AM
I'm glad Ninja is feeling better. :) :hug: :hug: you made it there and back safely. that's all that matters.

my complaint is i want some pink fairy lights for my pony shelves and i cannot find any that aren't too short, battery operated, too big, or that have a usb plug instead of AC. seriously who decided to put usb cords with everything. most outlets don't have them and the style of plug changes anyway. do they think people plug everything into a computer? most people use laptops these days. and batteries last 2 days or so. and the lights aren't as bright. ugh it's infuriating. i ended up giving up and i'll leave the purple lights for now. i'm so tired of everything being useless junk. too cheap to bother returning or stuff designed to be used once and thrown out. ugh!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on March 09, 2024, 08:47:31 AM
I hate sweeping the common area stairs ... It's dusty, it's annoying, I can't get right in the corners ... but at the same time, it really is noticeably better if I do it  -_- I still need to do some more common area cleaning but that can wait as Sunday is more my cleaning day than today.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 09, 2024, 04:09:47 PM
I got a letter from DCF that says they are going to stop my Medicaid coverage :( They claim I didn't respond to them, but, and I have the letter right here, it says "if you are already covered by Medicaid you don't need to do anything" so I didn't. Now they say I needed to call them. ??????

I'll have to call Monday. I can't be without my Medicaid.

Why is government stuff so hard and confusing? :cloud:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 10, 2024, 03:13:09 AM
I managed to get some good sleep last night, no nightmares about buses. Ninja woke me by sitting on my head around an hour before breakfast time. Then Majsan noticed I was awake and came and patted my face with her paws. First without claws and when I did not get up she used the claws. I ended up cocooning myself in the covers until it was time to feed them.

Simba don't eat his wetfood anymore and now he is turning down the kibbles. He ate when I handfed them to him one by one. Luckily we have an appointment for him on tuesday.

BC Oh, no! That is confusing! I hope you'll get it sorted!

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 10, 2024, 08:26:31 AM

My doctor discovered that I have a large ovarian cyst ... and he gave me these crazy strong pills that make me grouchy.  Plus I cannot have coffee.  *RAGE*  Plus the pain is really irritating. 

And the mountain of laundry never seems to get smaller, the socks to be matched are never matching, and I think I have done 3 loads of dishes... but the counter is still full of dirty dishes.  I think the house elves have cursed me or something!  LOL
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on March 10, 2024, 03:37:24 PM
Beldarna, It's nice to hear that Ninja is doing better and luckily he didn't have stones! :whew: :heart:

BC,  :stunned:  :( I hope you can get it sorted!

lovesbabysquirmy, Oh no! :( I hope the pills help with the pain! :hug: It's really miserable when you can't even enjoy coffee. That would make me mad too and maybe I would secretly drink a small cup of it. :sneaky:

My mom is going to call the vet tomorrow and make an appointment for Ozzy. A hairless area has appeared on the underside of his tail. He cleans it with his tongue very often. But luckily, he plays, drinks, eats and goes to the litter box normally. We suspect that he has a fish allergy because he has accidentally had fish-containing food from time to time. Or he suffers from stress because me and my spouse are not there with him. :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 10, 2024, 04:24:46 PM
My shot situation gets more and more complicated and confusing the more I try to get everything sorted.   :dizzy:

I was exhausted last night because I didn't sleep well Friday night, I took an anxiety pill hoping it would help me sleep. I noticed that I started talking incoherently after the pill started working.  Hopefully it was due to my extreme exhaustion and not the pills.

I took a pill last night and it didn't work. I'm not getting enough sleep.

My mom gets more and more frustrated with me every day.  I'm trying my best to get everything sorted out and no matter what I do it seems wrong even when I do exactly what everyone is telling me too. :wail:  I'm starting to wish that I never even tried to fix this.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 11, 2024, 08:05:23 AM
HoM, I hope everything with Ozzy turns out okay!

Ponyfan, I'm sorry :( :hug:

I have a non-trivial complaint. I forgot to pay my internet early and they just took an auto payment. Now my account is in the red. Again :(
I'm so bad with money :( I really REALLY need to make sure all my bills are paid before I start buying stuff. I've tried keeping a budgeting journal but I'm just not a journal keeper... never was. I don't know how many times as a kid I tried to start a diary only to abandon it a few days later. I need some sort of system though to help me. I wonder if there's an app I can use.

My trivial complaint is my lip is bleeding from being so dry. I hate the taste of my blood. Tastes like old dirty pennies  :yucky:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 12, 2024, 02:56:07 AM
HoM! Nooo, poor Ozzy! I hope he's okay!

Ponyfan :hug: :hug: :hug:

We had a vet appointment for Simba this morning. His medication is not the reason for his loss of apetite. It can be the supplement but he has eating it since November and it don't explain the not eating kibbles. The vet spoke about something, maybe a tumour, in his abdomen. We're supposed to give him whatever food he wants without the supplement and see how it goes for the next ten days. I hopehopehope it is the supplement! I cried all the way home worrying about a possible tumour. He ate all of Majsans food we gave him when we came home. If he stop eat that as well within the ten day period we're to book an appointment for a ultrasound.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 12, 2024, 06:55:31 AM
I want to drink my cup of tea and try to shake off all the weird dreams I have been having.  Instead I have to go to work and be stressed.  Turns out chocolate also irritates my digestion with this new pill I have to take.  ARGH
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 12, 2024, 09:49:03 AM
Beldarna, oh no! Why did the vet jump to a tumor instead of a large hairball or blockage? Seems extreme to me. Aster had a rough couple of days with a stubborn blockage but she eventually passed it. She didn't want to eat either then.

I'm glad he ate some food though. Maybe the supplement irritates his stomach too, it could be a lot of things. Anyway, I hope he continues to eat and improve and hopefully you won't need the ultrasound.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 12, 2024, 12:01:14 PM
Beldarna, we went through something similar with one of our dogs last year. She stopped being able to keep food down. Then pretty much stopped eating altogether. Normally she easts almost anything so this was worrying. I ended up having to hand feed her. We took her to the vet. They checked vitals, bloodwork, etc. Found nothing. Put her on antibiotics. No improvement. Did the ultrasound to look for tumors in her stomach. Also checked her lungs and heart. All normal. No improvement though.

Then a lot of her hair started falling out and she got all these sores. she was also losing weight because she wasn't keeping food down. So the vet put her on an allergy diet, did 2 rounds of antibiotics and antihistamines. She slowly got back to normal but we still don't know for sure what happened. it was about a 4-5 month ordeal but she did get better. the vet said just like people, animals can develop allergies to something they've been eating for years even. Sending good wishes to you and Simba :hug: :hug:

BC, I use a spreadsheet for budgeting and it helps me a lot. i'm not great with money either. I don't track every expense. Mainly i use it to track bills and budget. For a long time i had a job where i was paid by the hour and the pay days were on the 1st and 15th. So my paychecks varied wildly because depending on the month the hours worked would change. So if i didn't track i could end up in a situation where i could overspend and not have enough for rent. keeping track helped a lot. especially since it can take a bit for transactions to clear. Paying bills immediately after you get money is a good idea. that way you know it's done and whatever's left can be yours to spend on whatever. you can also triage and pay the most important bills first.

my complaint is that the weather can't make up it's mind. it's hot, then cold, then hot. ugh.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 12, 2024, 02:09:15 PM
Thanks Beth, I've never used spreadsheets before. I'm sort of familiar with Google Docs. Maybe I should look into that.

I called DCF twice today and both times I was on hold for over an hour before I hung up. The battery in my phone is almost dead now. I know I can use it while charging but the USB drives in my PC are full and the ones in my surge protector are too far away to be able to use the phone while it's plugged in, because they insist on making cords the shortest length possible. I agree with what you were saying about USB plugs the other day too. It is super annoying.

My other complaint is ants on my desk again, but this time there was a BIG ant. It was one of those large red ones, I think they're a type of carpenter ant and I think they bite (but aren't toxic). I smooshed it. Since then I've had the creepy crawlies on my legs sitting here. So far I have found two nests the tiny ants had, one in the bathroom and one in the living room. I think there is another nest in here somewhere and it must be close to my desk. I think they could be in the hassock with the blankets. I'm not sure how to deal with them if so. I don't want to spray my blankets with ant killer :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 12, 2024, 03:38:56 PM
:hug: ponyfan

@BC, I'm not great at keeping written records of my finances, either. I find money stuff confusing, although I used to be able to keep track of things like currency changes. Whenever I have a pensions letter or anything like that, it usually requires someone to sit down with me and go through it bit by bit. Everything is so confusing...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 13, 2024, 12:30:22 AM
I got an email from the vet yesterday evening while I was at work. She had tried to call but the phone is on silence as I'm working. She looked up and the Apelka can make a cat loose apetite and feel nauseus and even cause vomiting. She thought at the appointment it wasn't the med as his bloodwork looked fine. She adviced me to stop with the med and supplement directly, feed him whatever he wants to eat and see if he gets better and call back in a week. That made me more relieved. Apelka makes more sense than a supplement put in wetfood as he stopped eating kibbles as well.

But if it is the medicine, the only other option for him is to eat a special food and only that for the rest of his life which mean no treats or anything which will be super boring for him and what if he doesn't even likes it? A third option is surgery but we only have two clinics in Sweden that does it and they're down south. We can't afford that :(.

BC I have like half a dozen bank accounts to manage my finances. I have one for my salary and no card connected to it. From it I have instant transfer to the food account, the bills account, the cat account and a couple of savings accounts the minute I get my salary (we're always paid on the 25th so it's easy). I have one account for my credit card, I only use it for debit. If I want to buy anything I have to transfer money from the salary account which gives me time to think and not be too spontaneus.
The food account is joint with John and we both have cards for it The money is for food only so it helps manage to not overindulge. The bills account is joint with John as well, thats rent, electric and internet etc and those goes automatic when they're due. Anything I buy that I want to get as a bill and not direct payment I get remined through email. Very easy set up :).
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 13, 2024, 08:49:26 AM
I think more accounts would just confuse me further :lol:

I like to take cash out for my pets as an emergency fund. I haven't been doing it though so I have no cash on hand. Aster still needs her regular vaccines from last year and her rabies is due again (I get the three-year shot for that), plus her license is $26 and I need it current in order to keep her in my apartment. It'll be about 200 dollars for the vet. His exam fee is $65 but he is the best veterinarian I've ever had so it's worth it. Plus, they do have a discount vaccine day if you can get an appointment for it.

Ugh, there is all kinds of issues going on with Solaris and my mother right now. I don't feel like typing it all out but it's super stressful.

The landscapers were here mowing so my allergies are going to be bothering me all day.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on March 13, 2024, 02:09:02 PM
Why do teenage boys feel the need to spit on the ground a lot??? It's so DISGUSTING!  :pout:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 13, 2024, 03:58:11 PM
Thanks everyone. :hug:  :hug:

I'm not sure if I want to type everything out about the shot situation right now. I'm not even sure what's going on with it.  I do much better with them, but at this point,

I had to help my mom get her Sirus radio working in her car.  The original radio in the car went out so it had to be replaced.  The first time we called Sirus, we had to hang up and try again because my mom was using her phone that was connected to the radio and I couldn't press any of the buttons to make sure her Sirus was activated.  When we called back, we had to listen to terrible hold music that just sounded like the same 3 notes repeating over and over.  At least the guy was really nice and waited to make sure the radio was working correctly before he hung up.

:hug: :hug: to everyone that needs them.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 13, 2024, 04:43:17 PM
As the day has gone on I feel more and more awful :( I think I have a UTI and right now I think I have fever. My stomach hurts so bad. It feels like there's a watermelon in my guts. My head is roaring. I've tried to sleep but there's too much pain. Plus, my back and legs hurt too.

My shrimp were delivered today but instead of Amazon bringing the package to my door, they put it in my mailbox :sad: I can't go get them and there was no one around when I went outside for a while. I hope they don't die before the mailman comes tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 14, 2024, 04:02:34 AM
I left my gloves somewhere when I went shopping. I have to go back after I've been to grandpa tomorrow and see if any store I went to have them in lost and found.. I really like those gloves, I've had them for 16 years at least.

Noooo! Poor shrimp!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 14, 2024, 06:42:06 AM
I left my coat in my car yesterday afternoon and now it's gonna be all chilly and cold when I go to work. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 14, 2024, 08:28:56 AM
Ponyfan  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
My complaint is recipes which say, just add a teaspoon or several teaspoons in, especially when the ingredient in question is one whose amount MATTERS!!! Don't just say teaspoon!!! Say an exact weight, or at the very least be clear if it's level, rounded, or heaped, because otherwise the amount will be inaccurate...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: TheClassCalico on March 14, 2024, 11:49:21 AM
Nothing personal, but it bugs me to no end when lists listing toys from a specific decade proceed to show the wrong version and, in some cases, even provide a description that is incorrect for the version that they are referring to. Ponies get this a lot, but I've also seen it for Furbies as well.

It's not a big deal, but it annoys my little collector heart.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 14, 2024, 11:49:50 AM
Beldarna, is it easier to get bank accounts with no fees in Sweden? here in the US they usually require you to carry a balance or have a paycheck direct deposited. my dad got me a free checking account when i was a teenager and they can pry it out of my cold dead hands. i will never give it up.

:hug: :hug: :hug: to everyone who needs it.

i may start a WYP thread depending on how things progress.  we went to visit my in-laws yesterday and today. my mother in law has Alzheimers and it's getting close to the end. it's been hard on my husband. they didn't have a great relationship but it's still hard. we kind of always thought they would outlive us out of spite.

anyway the big issue is with their house. it's in bad shape. his dad waited way too long to put his mom in a home and couldn't keep up the house and take care of her. they were never good about taking care of housework even when they were younger. also they never kept up maintenance on the house. we lived there for years while they were living in florida and kept up as best we could. our financial situation was bad through a lot of it but we did the best we could. we at least kept up the yard and kept the house clean. and did basic maintenance. it's really upsetting for us to go back there and see it in that shape. it's just nasty to be frank.

also, they never, ever get rid of anything. they don't keep trash or anything that bad but it's a borderline hoarder situation over there. there's so much furniture you can barely walk. there's stuff everywhere. it's impossible to clean properly because of all the stuff. and most of it is stuff no one would want. but his dad doesn't understand that no one wants a stained chair. or a ripped sofa. also he was a teacher so he has a ton of textbooks. i already went through getting rid of textbooks when we moved out. in fact i think we left a few and they're now on his shelves :huh: i know they need to go straight to the trash.

my father in law wants to sell and move closer to us once his mom passes. which i'm completely on board with. it's just all the in between stuff i worry about.

it's so strange to be the adult to parents. it's not something i was ever really prepared for.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 14, 2024, 03:54:51 PM
Just an update, I got my shrimp. Only two were dead and they were tiny. I have about 5 females with eggs plus some who aren't pregnant and a bunch of the smaller males. They are very lively! I did not know they could yeet themselves out of a net until today :lol:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 14, 2024, 04:01:58 PM
BC, I'm glad that most of the shrimp made it.

Beth, :hug:

My tax refund is late.  We have a family accountant that files our taxes for us.  My parents refund came about the time the accountant said it would, but mine didn't.  We stopped by the accountant's office today and they said the IRS accepted my tax return, but my refund is still processing.  They said that means nothing is wrong, it's just taking longer.  I could really use that tax refund right now.

I downloaded the Tetris app on my phone, but I'm not sure what I think about it so far.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on March 14, 2024, 06:15:26 PM
Sorry that I haven't been here on the forum for a few days and told about Ozzy's situation.  :blush:
Well, it's like this:

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My mother got an appointment with the vet the same day she called, which was Monday.

Ozzy had to be given a light sedative injection because it is a really strong cat that strangers cannot examine / handle easily. :lol: The vet looked at the mouth, teeth, eyes and ears. Listened to the lungs and the heart. She tried / emptied the anal glands and took a quick urine sample. Everything is fine, a very healthy and handsome cat! :heart: There were no bite marks or other wounds on the hairless area below the tail. The hairless area was really red, so the vet prescribed an antiseptic wound care spray for the cat, which is sprayed morning and evening until that hairless area heals. So Ozzy has to wear the collar as long as the treatment lasts. :( The vet was also of the opinion that it is probably due to stress.  :(

My mother also bought a FELIWAY Friends diffuser. I hope that would help. Our other cat Hector was actually scared of Ozzy when he saw him wearing a collar for the first time! Even though days have passed, he still avoids Ozzy a bit. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 14, 2024, 08:00:23 PM
I'm so glad Ozzy is doing better!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 15, 2024, 05:33:49 AM
i'm glad Ozzy is doing better :)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on March 15, 2024, 05:52:31 AM
He's so cute! I might have to post pictures of my kitties. I have 5 of them, there's always one begging to come in my room.  :lol:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 15, 2024, 10:51:55 AM
Going walking with my mother when it is raining is not really joyful xD.

We got on the bus this morning to go to another area to walk. It started throwing it down with rain halfway through the journey, so we were all ready to abort mission, but then it stopped, so we decided to get off at the planned stop after all.

We'd been walking ten minutes when the rain came after us. We got wet. Mum really dislikes rain and being wet. Cue grumpy mother all the way home.

Though it was mildly amusing hearing her trying to persuade me that she was more wet than me even though we'd been in the same rainstorm. We were clearly equally as wet as each other - I was just complaining about it less :p

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 15, 2024, 07:55:24 PM
Blaaaaaaaaah. I just feel so useless.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 16, 2024, 03:03:16 AM
Beth getting accounts are free. It's the cards that costs, which is why I only have two. They're like 40 dollars a year. Also, in Sweden you don't have to buy stuff to get good credit, rather the opposite. If you have too many loans or credits pending it can be tough to be approved for more. My credit is through the roof because I have no loans or outstanding bills to pay.
I'm sorry to about your in-laws.

BC yaaay!

HoM Glad to hear about Ozzy. Stress can do funny things to cats.

I'm just gonna dump this here. I get up every morning. I get dressed although it can take hours. I work. I cook. I take walks. I socialise when needed. I clean my parts of the home. I do laundry. I manage it well enough. I still have a bloody headache 24/7 365 days a year and just because I don't mention it every hour every day doesn't mean it doesn't exists so excuse me if I want to take a day to do absolutley nothing! I worked three days in a row and this week I had long shifts. I spent one morning before work at the vet. Thursday off I had to go downtown and shop. Friday I had to go downtown hunting for the gloves I lost. Then I spent several hours with grandpa. That is five days of being around people. I am exhausted! I have a ten hour shift coming up tomorrow and I have four additional workshifts following. That is five workdays in a row! So excuse me if I don't feel like going groceryshopping for you or cook a joint meal today. I NEED TO REST MY HEAD!!!!!

It seems like everybody forgets about my headache just because I act normal and it hurts even more when it's hubby :(.

And grandpa seems to be getting worse. I walked with him to the grocery store yesterday. He walks really slowly, a normal ten minute walk takes like 40 minutes.. anyway, we stopped and bought him a pair of sunglasses. When we came back he put the sunglasses on the kitchen table. Around fifteen minutes later he picked them up and asked what glasses they were and if they were mine :(. I sent a text to my aunt who is his power of attorney about it. She's coming up today. They're gonna celebrate his birthday tomorrow, aunt, mom, siblings, nephews etc. I can't go because of work which is why I went yesterday. With how I feel today I don't think I would be able to anyway.. but another complaint is that none spoke about presents so I got him a card with some scratch tickets I gave him yesterday. Then in the family chat where everyone wishes each other a great weekend and tells about weekendplans mom said she had bought him a couple of pajamases from all of us. Like.. you couldn't have mentioned it a week or two ago?  -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 16, 2024, 07:54:30 AM
:hug: :hug: i'm sorry about your grandpa, Beldarna. i hope your head feels better!

yeah in the US having too much debt hurts your credit. but you pretty much have to take on debt to build credit to get more debt :huh: also paying on installment loans, ie. car or mortgage helps. however, pay off that loan and your credit score will drop because the loan falls off your credit profile. makes no sense at all.

i'm still tired today. my FIL has inspired me to do a round of clearing out clutter so i'm looking for places that take donations. i also have a bunch of plastic bins i don't use anymore because we have more space now. i'm wondering of i can donate those.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 16, 2024, 08:36:26 AM
Aging parents and grandparents... it's so hard!  Mine is long distance and thankfully she lives in a community where they all care for each other, but AHHHHHH I don't like hearing about it. 

My own house doesn't mean to be a hoarding pit but it easily turns into one.  We keep crafting and sewing and making things but then, what do you do with them?  Right now I am working on another braided rug made of socks.  I take old pillowcases and use them as a backing, which gives you an idea of how big the rug is.  The braid of socks and scrap fabric is SOOOOOOOOOOO long and then I have to store all of the mess for the project.   I can't help but use every bit of paper that is blank for scratch paper, because I write all my ideas and lists down on paper.  We compost food waste and coffee grounds and some paper packaging but that gets tricky in the winter because it piles up in a frozen tower in the compost pile outside. 

when my step-mom-in-law paid for one of those dumpster junk bins for us, we filled it almost overflowing in 4 days.  AND then when the company came to take it, the first truck wasn't strong enough so they had to come back with another one.  Turns out... we had piled more than 2 tons into it.  >.<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 16, 2024, 08:47:20 AM
Beldarna, I'm sorry :hug: And I'm extra sorry you are still dealing with the headaches! :(

Squirmy, I have the same problem with what do I do with what I make. I bought a bin to put my finished pony customs in that I don't want to sell and can't display but then the bin takes up space too.

My complaint is one of my shrimp died :( It was one of the bigger females but I don't think she had eggs. She turned white so I looked that up and it's possible it was a bacterial infection. So now I am worried about the rest of the shrimp. I didn't buy anything for bacteria except betta fish medicine. I'm thinking of putting in a few drops to see if it helps at all.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 16, 2024, 09:30:51 AM
i'm sorry about the shrimp, BC :hug:

having crafting supplies and reusing/repurposing stuff is way different from the situation happening over at that house. he isn't composting or repurposing or upcycling stuff. it's pretty much just there rotting and falling apart. i legit felt like i was in one of those stupid history channel shows from the mid 2000s where they would go to places that were abandoned and decaying. except in this situation a person is living there and it's in the middle of a neighborhood. getting a dumpster bin might be a good idea though. if next time he's more willing to start clearing stuff out.

i would say if you don't have a use for things you're making it's ok to just throw stuff out. i think the amount of cheap, new stuff has really made it more difficult to resell and donate stuff that isn't in excellent condition. who wants old stuff when you can just buy new with less hassle?

for me it's mostly those little freebees that come with other stuff i buy that pile up. gift boxes, or cardboard jewelry boxes that are nice enough that i feel guilty tossing them but i legit have no purpose for them. sunglasses cases, cloth drawstring bags. they just end up in bins in the back of the closet because i can't find a use for them. no one wants them. i didn't ask for them. it turns into a situation of "here you throw this out" recycling is great and i try my best but when it comes to some things there isn't a real option aside from throwing it out. it's not a problem for you to solve. so you shouldn't bear the guilt. especially if you're doing the best you can.

also all of these samples that come with bath products are such a curse. i forget to use them. or didn't ask for them in the first place and have no use. so i stick them in boxes and forget about them. those things are getting tossed out.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 16, 2024, 11:56:35 AM
I know my family probably has too much stuff, but my parents don't want to get rid of anything unless it's trash.  That being said we have plenty of room to  move around and don't have just a narrow pathway between spaces.  Sometimes I do have to go through the kitchen and throw away used ziplock bags and stuff like that because my parents will forget to.

It started raining yesterday.  All day long my mom complained about the rain.  She kept saying she didn't want to go out in it.  If I complained all day, she would have told me to quit and deal with the fact that it was raining, yet she thinks it's okay to do that?

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on March 16, 2024, 12:58:58 PM
Kind of not trivial, but at the same time is.

Let me start with: I am NOT hurt.

Yesterday on my way to work someone slammed into the back of my car.  I have no idea how fast they were going, but I was going 60 MPH as that was the speed limit.  There were no other cars around AND another lane they could have used to pass me so I think they were distracted (I'm guessing on their phone but since I can't look at the report for another 10 days, I won't know for sure--assuming they admitted to it).  But my trunk basically ended up squished right up next to my back seat.  Fortunately, their vehicle was about the same size as mine (it was a 2010 Hyundai Accent I bought new off the lot, now it's an even more compact car) and neither of us were hurt.  But it was the first time I've ever been in an accident, so it was nice that my insurance contact was nice about walking me through everything.  And it triggered a migraine, which made doing the things I needed to a billion times harder.  But once everything was settled, my migraine went away.  I did go get checked out in case of whiplash and so far I don't think I have it, so that's good.  I'm sad because I liked my car and took good care of it.  Now I have to find a new one.  And I'd just replaced the battery in January AND there was 3/4 tank of gas in there!   >_<

But I'm okay and stuff can be replaced.  It's just annoying because the car market super sucks right now and finding a good car that hasn't been destroyed by the previous owner is going to be a challenge.  I currently reside in a "No-Fault State" which means that the driver can't be sued for anything.  What that does it it makes people drive even WORSE because there's no chance that they'll be held accountable in court for driving like a :toot:

So, again, trivial because it's just stuff, but not trivial because now I have a lot of work to do.  I hate car shopping.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on March 16, 2024, 01:21:39 PM
Oh my Ra, I'm happy that there was no damage to yourself physically, but man does that suck so much! If you can, maybe get your GP to check you out for whiplash or concussion, just to be safe.

Two trivial ones for me, mostly eBay stuff: I HATE when people list things as completely the wrong character, it really angers me when someone labels a common character as a rare character. ESPECIALLY when they show promo material that TELLS you who the character is!!! I want to shop for the rare character and you're claiming this character is them, despite being a) young, b) totally different colours, and c) different gender!! Ugh I wish more people were fandom savvy but that's a lot to ask for

Second: I hate listings that have multiple items, and most of the items are out of stock. I was looking for wax seal sticks with wicks in them, and the lowest listed priced ones had a bunch of colours. Oh, awesome, I can get the colour I need and pick up a few other colours too! Nope, out of the 20+ colours listed, they have like 3 colours in stock  :mad: Sometimes I have to go through 3-6 listings to find one that has the colour I need IN STOCK! And yes, I could search purple wax stick, and those out of stock listings still show up!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Griffin on March 17, 2024, 02:25:56 AM
Pokeyonekenobie, I'm so glad to hear you weren't hurt! Traffic accidents are scary! Best of luck with the shopping, I feel your pain even if I don't drive. I can't even get my bike fixed, lol. I really should stop procrastinating and just book a maintenance.

My super, super trivial complaints: I'm on the bus and would like to charge my phone but they only have usb ports at every other seat so I can't reach one... And I had two cups of coffee in the morning which was clearly the wrong choice before travelling, haha!  XD
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 17, 2024, 05:08:53 AM
i'm glad you're ok Pokeyonekenobie! :hug: :hug: i hope you have success in your car search.

my complaint right now is my dogs want their breakfast but it's too early. so they keep staring at me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 17, 2024, 08:51:24 AM
This isn't trivial, or well, I hope it is.

My mom has had a cough and sore throat for a while. Too long, in my opinion. Today they finally decided to take chest x-rays.

Of course, I'm worried about the worst. My mom wasn't sure when they'd be taking them but results come back pretty fast for x-rays so we should know what's going on today. She's been tested for Covid over and over and it's always negative so that's good. There are other bad things it could be though.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 17, 2024, 09:01:25 AM
@BC, it could be something else irritating the lungs. Maybe something in the environment. Fingers crossed.

@Pokey - so glad you're okay! We had a near miss when I was on the bus yesterday. Fortunately the driver saw it coming and stopped, but this car came right out at us at speed. It could easily have been a head on collision - somehow he managed to swerve around the bus. He had a woman and a kid in the car too - hope he gets a proper telling off for trying to be a 'lad' behind the wheel.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 17, 2024, 09:24:32 AM
thankfully you are okay after the car accident!  oh how awful!

I hope everything goes well at everyone's medical check-ups.

I don't think I would be able to stop myself from just starting to clean up, if I encountered a gross house like that.  LOL 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Wizard on March 17, 2024, 11:28:22 AM
My shoulder hurts for no reason, It's very distracting!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 17, 2024, 06:33:26 PM
No news on the x-rays... it has to go through the doctor and they only have like, one guy.

I was so tired and worn out today. I slept off and on. My leg is really bothering me too.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 18, 2024, 02:15:10 AM
Beth and BC thanks. The headache has been going on for seven years now.. The anniversary is this month. I've been without meds for a year and three months now since they made me a zombie. People just don't think about it and expect me to be able to do things healthy people do. My sister keeps nagging me on working 100% instead of 75%. But I need time to relax and recover. Then she nags on me to seek disability for the reminder 25% (it's all about money for her) but I don't need the stress added to fight for it. I am good as it is now. I just had a low blow the other day.

BC I'm sorry about the shrimp. I hope the x-rays on your mom wont reveal something bad.

Beth I always toss away the freebies. I have a very sensitive face and whenever I get a samlpe for the face it's a nope. Hands as well. It's such a waste really but I can't risk my skin.

Pokeyonekenobie I'm glad you're okay! Good luck with the car search :hug:

My husband has gained some weight and wanted to cleanse his body from sugar before going full diet and asked if we could take a detox month together. Experience has taught me that sugar detox do nothing for my weight but I humoured him. So this month we've gone without added suger (we still eat carbohydrates but nothing were sugar has to be added by us and no sweets or sodas etc) and I think I've done pretty well.. Hubby though, overcompensate by eating fat instead. Right now instead of two boiled eggs and a piece of fibre toast which is what I eat for breakfast every day and has for the past year, he ate an oven pizza. I think this will get him +-0 in his struggle to loose some kgs. When I ask he says he will be serious about it next month :rolleyes: Because of this I had a cup of hot chocolate after work yesterday but didn't tell him :silly:. I have a layover tomorrow and he just informed me he will be going to his mom tomorrow and drink beer :lmao:.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 18, 2024, 07:13:25 AM
He ate pizza for breakfast? Man, even I don't do that :P

Thanks too. I'm hoping the x-rays are done today.

And as far as I can tell, no more shrimp have died. I was thinking that maybe the one that died was the one that jumped out of the net and landed on the carpet. I picked it up and put it in the tank asap, but it might have been enough for it to get sick. Now I'm watching and waiting fore the pregnant females to have their babies. They don't lay the eggs, they keep them under their tail until they hatch.

Today's complaint is actually on-going from yesterday. I have a craving for cucumber sandwiches. They consist of cucumber slices, cream cheese, dill and pumpernickel bread. I tried to get everything yesterday but the bread was substituted to wheat (???) so I had to cancel that. This morning I have an order coming of just the bread but the brand I picked was out, so it was also substituted. At least they picked another pumpernickel this time.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 18, 2024, 04:27:29 PM
lol i also had pizza for breakfast this morning :D it's acceptable breakfast food IMO if it's cold leftovers. though i wouldn't eat it if i were trying to diet.

sending happy thoughts to you and your mom today, BC! :hug:

Beldarna, that headache sounds awful. i'm sorry you have to deal with that :hug: :hug:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 19, 2024, 06:20:36 AM
Cold leftovers are fine, but physically going in to a store to buy a frozen pizza instead of eating a normal breakfast did it for me :lol:.

Thank you Beth.

We both got a cold with stuffed noses and sore throats. I'm still going to work (mask ohoj!) but he wont be drinking beer with mommy tonight.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 19, 2024, 08:39:58 AM
Yeah, I guess I've had leftover pizza for breakfast too. I've never made one for breakfast though. Or gone out to get one :P

I hope you both feel better, Beldarna!

I have lots of black floaters in my vision today and my eyes are goopy. My head and neck hurt. My back and legs hurt as usual. My elbow has an eczema outbreak. I've developed a painful callus on my hand from opening water bottles. I know they put those ridges on them to help grip but they freaking hurt. I have to use a jar opener pad thing to open them, or my shirt.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on March 19, 2024, 06:01:56 PM
Many hugs to all! :heart: :grouphug: Fortunately, there is an Arena where there are friends with whom you can share your sorrows and joys! :heart:

 :( I have worries about my father, but I don't want to write about it yet because things are still in progress and I first want to know what results he has received from the doctor. This may be a serious matter, but I will cry if I hear bad news. If I start crying now, it won't stop. :huh: When my father had called my brother about his situation earlier (already last month), my brother almost completely collapsed. He is a really sensitive and emotional person. :heart:
My father informed me about his situation at the beginning of March and I said that maybe it would have been better to tell my brother about it only now, at the same time that the medical examinations have progressed and we are a little more aware of the situation and what will happen next. :rolleyes:
I've been a little angry with my father and others because he told my brother about it much earlier, and my mother also knew about this at the same time, because my brother had told her right away. Why was I left out?! :rant: I'd still like to rant about it sometimes, but I don't know if it's better to just forget about my anger.  :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 20, 2024, 04:29:01 AM
i'm so sorry HOM :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on March 20, 2024, 05:43:59 AM
I hope he is okay, HOM. I'm sorry.  :heart:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 20, 2024, 06:06:13 AM
I'm so sorry, HoM. Big hugs for you :squish:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 20, 2024, 06:23:07 AM
I am sorry HoM! :hug:

Today is the 20th which mark a month from that phonecall from the healthcare center I could not answer. They have not called again.. I'm still waiting. I have friday off so I think I'll have to call again.. The thing is they open the phones at 8am and you have to call fast! You get an answering machine with options and it'll give you a time when they call you back. These slots run out so fast that if you call too late, like a minute past 8am you wont get any slots at all. So calling now, today is not an option. I tried to look online to see if I can write to them instead but those messages go direct to a nurse, doctor, physical therapists etc, nothing to the reception.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 20, 2024, 08:19:36 AM
Hiccups :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on March 20, 2024, 11:31:14 AM
Pokey - So sorry to hear about the car accident but glad to hear you're okay!
HoM - :hug:
@ everyone going through medical issues etc: big :hug: :hug: and I'm keeping my fingers crossed things pick up!

Second: I hate listings that have multiple items, and most of the items are out of stock. I was looking for wax seal sticks with wicks in them, and the lowest listed priced ones had a bunch of colours. Oh, awesome, I can get the colour I need and pick up a few other colours too! Nope, out of the 20+ colours listed, they have like 3 colours in stock  :mad: Sometimes I have to go through 3-6 listings to find one that has the colour I need IN STOCK! And yes, I could search purple wax stick, and those out of stock listings still show up!

Ooooh that drives me nuts too! I can see how it could be useful for these out-of-stock listings to show up (in case a restock happens) but I wish there was a way to filter them out, or just not have them shown by default, or SOMEthing. Especially when the thumbnail shows all the different items and you get excited thinking you've finally found the thing, only to click on the listing and find out it's long gone -_-

I have an eBay rant too... bought some doll accessories and they've arrived today, unfortunately ALL of them are in poorer condition than pictured and have significant flaws/issues/etc that weren't shown or mentioned in the listing :( Waiting for a reply from the seller now. Disappointing since I was particularly looking forward to getting these too.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 20, 2024, 03:37:07 PM
Pokey, I'm glad you're okay.  :hug:

Heart of Midnight  :hug:

My tax return is still processing according to the IRS website.  I don't understand why it's taking so long.  The accountant did my taxes and my parents' on the same day.  I checked the info on the IRS website and none of the reasons for a delayed refund mentioned apply to me.  I also have not gotten any letters from the IRS saying there's a problem.  I know some years my tax refund went through before my parents.  I'm hoping that maybe there was just a lot of tax returns filed at the same time due to the rumor that the US government was about to shut down and there wouldn't be money for tax refunds.  The accountant's office told me not to worry and my return should be processed soon, but that was last week.   

I sympathize with everyone on the out of stock items.  A few years ago I ordered my favorite eyeshadow color direct from the company.  When I went back to get more, my favorite color was out of stock and has been ever since.

I know bad things happen to everyone, but it seems like I'm being dealt bad things one right after the other.

I feel like every time I log on to Disney + on the Smart TV we end up watching stuff my parents want to watch instead of what I want. Most of the time it's something I like also thoug.  I don't want to throw a fit about it.  I know there's things that I would like and my mom probably would too, but my dad would literally leave the room if they were on. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 20, 2024, 04:16:25 PM
yeah some years the refund arrives really fast but sometimes it takes a month or so. during 2020 i think it was my parent's took like 6+ weeks. i'm not sure if the IRS is still short staffed but i know that was an issue under the previous pres. administration. they were supposed to increase funding but if i remember correctly some of that funding didn't pan out because our congress is full of buttheads and rich people don't want to pay taxes. it's hard to keep track of all of the politics :D

it looks like the entire US government won't shut down, the IRS will remain open but with a smaller "essential" staff. i haven't seen anything in the news about that affecting money for tax refunds. here's an article discussing the last possible shutdown on March 8. they kicked the can down the road and passed a stop gap measure to give themselves until Friday to pass a bill to keep funding the government. i think they'll probably kick the can down the road once more. seriously our gov. is run by dummies :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on March 21, 2024, 04:01:18 AM
I really want to make a spreadsheet with data and a calculator for my online game that's diffferent to the one I already made that simply tallies my men (i.e. I want one that also does calculations for how much raw material of different tiers I will need to get a specific tier) but for the troops one I don't know what format I want DX Plus I'm working with Open Office and not Excel which is more annoying
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on March 21, 2024, 09:31:02 PM
Well, I think I may have found a good replacement vehicle.  BUT I'm annoyed I have to buy a new one right this second.  I mean, I have the money for one, but I wanted to save that money for something else, like a house down payment.  I definitely don't want to take out a loan because then I'd be paying interest when I don't have to.  But I'm nervous to use my debit card for such a large purchase, since I've never paid for something this expensive at one time before.  My bank is out of state so I can't just pop in for a money order or cashier's check.  I'm going to call my bank tomorrow and get everything set up because I have an appointment to test drive a car on Saturday and I REALLY don't want any surprises keeping me from getting a car.  I have to return the rental by Monday unless I want to pay for it so I really need something sooner rather than later.  Plus, the rental is larger than I'm used to driving so I don't want to drive it any more than necessary.  It makes me nervous to think I might accidentally hit something because I'm not used to the size.

On the plus side, I think if I can pay in full I might be able to negotiate a cheaper price.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 22, 2024, 07:11:30 AM
good luck @Pokey!! i find it so annoying that in most places cars are a must have. they're so expensive. i know a lot of must haves, like housing, are expensive but have to shell out $20k+ at minimum in order to mostly get to and from work is insane to me. it's crazy that it's just normalized.

today my complaint is i'm really tired. i was feeling better for a while but yesterday and today i feel like i've had all my energy drained. Also i have to do work in the garden this weekend because my plants are arriving. and i have to run errands. it's also my birthday weekend and i haven't planned anything. i'm excited to make the backyard pretty though.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 22, 2024, 09:05:43 AM
I'm hot, I'm cold, I'm hot, I'm cold.

My mom said that I'm going through early menopause. Could be, I started at 9 and I'm 42 so... if that's what it is, it sure sucks.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 22, 2024, 09:30:28 AM
I was gonna call the vet to update on Simba. The voicemail had a different voice. Now it said they had call times and I was out of it. So I'm figuring if I just gonna email or call on monday. I need to make an appointment for bloodtest now that he's been without medicine. I was supposed to get back within 7-10 days. Monday will be more than that. I also read that the practice have been bought by this big capitalist firm.. we have been lucky up here that most practices are private with good competition, but with this new player who knows how the market will be. I hope it wont be worse and they increase the prices. I love this vet, I don't want to go to anyone else.

I also noticed my schedule is different at the start at the upcoming week than it's supposed to be. Entire different routes and times. I called the planning who said to talk to my manager so I emailed my manager and she said she had not seen these changes and was gonna ask another person and get back to me.. it's my day off I don't need this.. but it's past five now and she has not gotten back to me yet so I might as well turn it off now. I told the planning that I could still work those hours but it was weird it's not what I have on paper.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on March 22, 2024, 11:14:27 AM
big *hug* to BC <3
Good luck with the car Pokey!!

I know there's things that I would like and my mom probably would too, but my dad would literally leave the room if they were on. 

My dad's exactly the same way! Well, he just complains/snarks about the shows/films me and Mum like and he's not interested in, rather than at least giving it a go, but y'know. So weird.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 23, 2024, 04:19:29 PM
So there was a car accident outside our house this evening. I say outside, it was on the other side of the road, and we don't know exactly what happened. None of us saw it - Mum heard it, and it was a lot of screeching and a loud bang. There's a car with a wrecked rear end and the local police still out there at the moment...our opposite neighbour has a chunk out of her wall and I'm not totally sure if her outhouse is stable or if that's wrecked as well, difficult to see in the dark. Our bus stop is right there too, so no idea if it's safe to go over there.

There was only the one car so we were trying to work out how it happened exactly. Fortunately it doesn't look like anyone was hurt. But the owner of the house where the wall is smashed is an older lady in her eighties. It's a lot of hassle for her to have to deal with, especially this late at night.

People do sometimes speed through our loop, we've had a fatal accident here before. I admit, that's the first thing we all thought of, but fortunately not - no ambulances, nothing like that this time. I just wish people would drive more carefully :/ We need speed bumps, especially by the ponds for the water birds.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 23, 2024, 05:48:17 PM
I have a complaint about cars too. Well, a car and a man working on said car. My bedroom window overlooks the parking lot in the back. There's this old man who has been working on his car for a few days, but today whatever he was doing was extra loud. Sounded like grinding gears, if I'm honest. But what really made me roll my eyes was my female neighbor came out with her dog and this old man started talking to her about fixing the car. She was less than impressed. He asked her what car was hers and she pointed to the their blue van. He said, and I quote, "Oh, you have to have a cover for it or it will rust! We're in Florida, all cars will rust if they aren't covered!" ...there is exactly one (1) guy who covers his car in the whole parking lot, and it's not even this guy!

Also, it's untrue that *all* cars will rust. Most cars from people who move here from other states rust and get that boiled paint look on top. Our SUV, which we had for almost 20 years was all black and didn't rust or have paint weirdness. And no, we didn't cover it. Heck, my dad couldn't even be bothered to put the sun protector in the windows half the time.

Anyway, it far too early to listen to someone mansplain car maintenance. I felt sorry for my neighbor!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 24, 2024, 07:15:18 AM
lol BC. that poor woman. i remember when i was growing up in the 90s reading flirting advice that you should let guys teach you stuff. maybe even pretend you don't know something and let him teach you. so basically mansplaining is good if it's flirting. so gross!

Taffeta, that accident sounds scary. i'm glad no one was hurt.

my complaint today is i'm tired from getting all of the gardening supplies that were delivered yesterday moved into the backyard. ordering plants is so much easier than doing to actual work :D
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 24, 2024, 08:24:16 AM
Oh, man. I remember reading that too >_< Those magazines were terrible :lol:

Today my complaint is about the weather. It gets nice and chilly at night and the mornings are beautiful, but by 6pm it's in the 80s and humid. I'd like to open my windows but I can't take the humidity... and it's only March! :faint: I can't begin to think how bad it's going to be in the summer. I have to get out of the South.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 24, 2024, 08:31:03 AM
I hate my head sometimes.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 24, 2024, 10:34:33 AM
I hate my head sometimes.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

the weather here is weird too. it's cool and windy today. but not sunny so it feels cold. not ideal weather for working outside. also tonight it's supposed to storm so i'm hoping the plants will be ok.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 24, 2024, 11:36:13 AM
i want to stop itching!!!!!  AUGH 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on March 24, 2024, 10:15:14 PM
The Pokebank is going to be shut down officially soon so now I'm trying to stock up on all the Vivillon forms to keep in my Pokemon Home.  I like to breed Level 1 Scatterbugs so that I can give them to my niblings and it's a surprise which one they get when they evolve them.  I only have 2 forms left on my PAL DS (Sun and Tundra) but it takes so long to get to the Pokemon Day Care that I'm worried I won't manage to get it all done like I want before the Pokebank closes and I can't get them transferred over.  Plus I have to catch a bunch of Pokemon on my NTSC DS in order to trade them off of the PAL DS because the NTSC DS is the one my Pokebank is on that will connect to Pokemon Home. 

First world problems or what?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 25, 2024, 10:06:00 AM
is it weird that i'm a bit insulted when i visit a client website i worked on many years ago and find it's completely updated?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 25, 2024, 10:52:41 AM
I'm so sick of dealing with the government. Why do they make everything so hard? I need a letter from the IRS saying that I didn't file taxes for 2023. There is an option to do this online via a video call. First I had to take pictures of all my documents and my face so they could ID me. They said they could not verify my phone number, so I printed out my AT&T bill that has my name and address on it. Then I had to redo the pictures of my ID... twice! Finally my documents are approved for the video call. It takes me to a page where I have to set up my camera and make sure I do all this junk. Then the video call page says the wait time is two hours and I have to keep the page open or I'll lose my place in line. It's no better than calling them! No way I'm waiting two hours. I will try again tomorrow early. At least it saved my progress so i shouldn't have to redo all I've done already.

There is a third option by mail but I've done that the last two times and they keep sending me letters that say it's delayed, so that doesn't work either.

I just need them to say I didn't file taxes. HOW IS THAT NOT SIMPLE?!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 26, 2024, 04:56:36 AM
I'm just gonna put this in spoiler. TW wild animal traffic accident

Yesterdag night, a cargo train ahead of us broke down on a single track route so we were locked north of it standing by a station. Another train going the opposite direction were locked on the other side of the broken down train. We were waiting for a help train to come move the broken train away, but it also broke down on the way.. So it was decided that we should switch trains and go by bus inbetween. That is 90 minutes by bus/an hour by train. I rarely have this route to begin with, I hate it as it's always problems happening with delays. Last time I had it was septembre last year. So it's late evening, we've been waiting for almost two hours at this point when it was decided about the bus. It's around 10 pm and we're on this bus inland going on little dwindeling roads and I'm so lost I can't point to north because of all the turns. As I'm a traindattendee I sit right behind the driver so I can grab the mike if anything needed saying to the passengers.

Out of the blue, this reindeer comes up before us and there's no way around it. We hit it. So the bus stops and we back til the reindeer and it's alive. But it can't move it's backlegs :cry:. It's hurting and stressing and all I want to do is cry but I have to remain professional. I'm in uniform. None on the bus is a hunter. The bus has nothing to help put the poor thing out of it's misery.
Since it's the property of sapmi we have to call the police which I do. I can't tell exactly where we are and the bus drivers dialect is so heavy I can't interpret what he's saying so he ends up talking with the police. In the end they ask if they can send me a link to share my location through the phone with them. I do. So now they have my coordinates. The busdrivers is asked to give his information and we're told we can go.
My last view of the reindeer is of it cuddled up at the snowbank. It lays like it's just resting. It's not stressed anymore and don't look to be in too much pain. But I hate to leave it there. I wanted so much to sit by it, hugging it, telling it it's not alone.. but going near it would stress it more so I just watched from a distance. The police said they're not too far away so I think it's just a matter of fiteen minutes tops.

An hour later, as we've arrived at the new train the police calls again and wants to know where the raindeer is. I mean, it's still alive? Alone? Hurting? :wail: I mean, they got the coordinates! How can they not have found it?! It couldn't move! I want to cry again! The busdriver talks to them again. He gave me the phone, we said goodbye and we're off on the train. We're super late at this point. I'm finally home at half past 2am. I was supposed to end my shift at 11 pm.

It takes til I am home to break down crying. I cry so much Ninja jumps up on the bed and lays next to me when I try to sleep. He never does that. But he knows. Sweetest thing. I slept poorly. I woke up after just three hours. Cried all morning. Hubby came home. I talked to him while crying. I can't get it out of my system. I have this picture of it locked in my head.

and this is another problem.. and a reason why I think John has some diagnoses. He's usually very sweet and kind. I had texted him about the accident and he had brought chocolate with him when he came home.. but I am crying my eyes out telling him about my experience and he listens, says it's sad and then goes "speaking of something completly different, I have this money on google testing that expires in four days and I need to buy something in the appstore but I don't know what!" Like, seriously? I've been through some major trauma and you want to discuss imaginary money? He didn't even give me a hug! :cry:

I've been checking the incident report the police gives out about events and they have posted nothing about it. The only thing about something similar is three days ago.. it's like they never went to it.. :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 26, 2024, 08:10:38 AM
that's horrible Beldarna :hug: :hug: that sounds really traumatizing.

BC, i think it's hard on purpose so people give up and don't seek out benefits you're eligible for. i agree it seems like something that should be very simple or something they should be able to validate without having you jump through hoops.

today is adding up to be a cursed day. bridge collapse, SCOTUS awfulness most likely. also my dogs aren't getting along today.  yesterday they were snuggling together. Luna has an upset tummy so i think that's the issue. i want to crawl back in bed and restart. i feel so awful for the people who were on that bridge. it's terrifying.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 26, 2024, 08:37:43 AM
Beldarna, I would absolutely been traumatised in that situation. That sounds like an awful incident, and I hope the police managed to find the poor deer before it suffered too much. I genuinely am still traumatised by a time I saw a bus run over a pigeon. >< I can't imagine how awful it would've been to see the animal still alive but suffering afterwards.

I'm sure your husband did care how you may just be that he was trying to distract you and it was the wrong thing at that moment.

As a person "with diagnoses",  I want to stress that the stereotype that having certain diagnoses means lacking empathy has been debunked. Science has proven most ND people have more intense emotional reactions to situations and moods but can struggle to express them.

I certainly can relate to that, as I remember being cyberbullied as a teenager and sitting at the computer crying my eyes out, but at the same time typing jokes to another online friend because them asking me if I was ok would overload me beyond what I could handle. Because of that, when I later tried to call out the bullies, people didn't believe me.

Handling other people's emotions can also be like that. Some of us do better with actions than words in knowing how to react to someone else's pain. I feel like even if he made a mess of it, the fact your husband brought chocolate meant he did care and was trying to do the right thing, even if it didn't really work.

My trivial complaint for the day.

The road accident I mentioned on Saturday night. Well, we know the details of what happened now, which was apparently a young lad who had had a bit too much to drink losing control of his car and crashing into the wall opposite. The reason this is a trivial complaint, however, is that today is now Tuesday, the wall is still highly unstable, and the Council have not only not closed the bus stop, they have also left the pathway open.

A local cat walked past it earlier. It took one look at the wobbly wall and took a wide diversion INTO THE ROAD to avoid walking near it. The local CATS know its dangerous, but apparently not the local officials.

There was an article a paper here recently which I shall not name, claiming that bullies do better in life with jobs and income. And there was all this discussion about whether we should be teaching children to better harness aggressive impulses into positive attainment. And I We should stop fashioning recruitment systems that allow people who are horrible to get good jobs by blagging their way in through connections or the interview process, and start valuing people who are actually nice, caring and competent in those roles instead. I am sure I'm not the only person who's worked in an organisation where the lower paid, competent, nice people are constantly covering for the overpaid people in the big offices who can't do their own recycling and throw a fit if someone doesn't organise their day for them.

@Beth, BC, it's not so much they don't want people applying for benefits they're entitled to. A lot of people who go through the process of claim correctly, at least over here, still have trouble getting their benefits.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 26, 2024, 08:39:41 AM
Beldarna,  :hug: :hug:  :hug: :hug:

I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

I'm usually a pretty optimistic person, but lately it's gotten to the point where I don't even want to open the mailbox because there might be letters from the insurance company or someone else that is bearing bad news.  It's like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I have to get up early to go to work/look for assignments.  The last couple of days that I've gotten up early to look for assignments, I fell asleep without meaning to and woke up an hour or so later.  I don't usually have a problem getting up on time/staying awake unless I'm sick or exhausted.  I shouldn't be so exhausted anymore.  I feel guilty about going back to sleep even though I shouldn't.

My mom has trouble seeing some things and tripped over the dog in the hallway.  Her knee is bruised.

Still waiting on the IRS to process my tax return.  It seems like it's taking a lot longer than it should. Nothing should be wrong though since the accountant/tax office has done my taxes before without a problem.

I heard about the bridge collapse too.  I have a fear of being trapped in a car underwater to the point where when a scene showing just that showed up unexpectedly in a movie it was a bit of a shock because I didn't see it coming.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 26, 2024, 10:03:54 AM
Oh Beldarna! :hug: That would have traumatized me too. How horrible :( When my best friend got her first car when we were 16, we went driving by Lake Michigan. There were ducks in the road and we both figured they would move out of the way of the car. They didn't :( I can still remember the metal thunks as they hit the underside of the car. We stopped and none were dead, but who knows how many had trauma to theirs head and died later. That sound still haunts me. I can't imagine what hitting a large animal would be like.

I'm sorry that John was so insensitive. At least he brought you chocolate.

Beth, I agree about the government making it harder so people give up. I also know the tech they use is seriously out of date. Like they give how many billions to defense but they can't buy themselves new computer systems? It's ridiculous.

And yeah, that bridge collapse. I have nightmares about that happening to my dad since he drove truck all over the US. I also have nightmares of it happening to me in a car. I don't know the details of how or why the ship hit it, but you'd think a captain of such a large ship would be better at knowing where it can and can't go. Okay looked it up, saw a gif. The ship kept losing power and they tried to avoid the bridge support but it was too late. It happened so fast, those people had no time to react :(

Hugs all around :hug:

My complaint is small. My lips are bloody and broken again. I'm seriously thinking of getting a small humidifier I can put on my nightstand while I sleep. I think it's so stupid that I'd need one here in Florida, but I don't know what else to do.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on March 26, 2024, 05:30:14 PM
Thanks to everyone for the hugs etc.  :grouphug:
I haven't heard anything from dad, but I thought I could call him over the weekend and ask if the doctor has called him yet.

Oh no Beldarna, what have you been through! So horrible and sad! :heart: :sad:

I shouldn't watch any news broadcasts on TV. :nope: Only war, death, accidents (and the ongoing strike in Finland) have been the topics of these days and they will be tomorrow as well. That video of the bridge collapse in Baltimore was shocking!  :scared: :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on March 27, 2024, 02:30:48 PM
The city bus honked at me to turn left (they were behind me in the left-hand turning lane), but if I turned, I’d stop on the lightrail tracks. Honk all you want, buddy! I’m not getting into an accident for your sorry bum! You’d think the city driver would have more patience/decorum, but no.  :wacko:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 27, 2024, 03:24:30 PM
I saw the video/stuff on the news about the bridge incident, sounds like a technology fail. So sorry for the families of those affected. It must've been terrifying to be caught up in that :/

I agree that the news these days is often scary and negative. I think what scares me most is the amount of news generated by something not quite true or how stories get twisted into something else - whether by media or social media or whatever. I always read multiple sources to get a good grasp on what is going on, but some of the ways in which things are interpreted worries me...

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 27, 2024, 04:49:36 PM
This might be a bit controversial... but AI.

Remembering I'm an artist myself, I do use an image generator. I like playing around with it and entering weird prompts to see what it gives me. A lot of my artist friends are like, 'if you use AI to generate art, it's stealing from real artists', which I can agree to somewhat. I've been interested in AI and robotics for a long time and I've followed along with the technology. Most AI are trained on programs written by the AI developers. It really depends on where you go. Most of the big name gens do use stolen stuff, but there are still small gens out there that forbid a lot of things.

Anyway, my complaint is that each time I see a friend post a meme or say something about AI images, I feel shunned and like an outsider. It also keeps me from sharing my images on my personal social media. Which is a shame, because I've got some really neat stuff.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 27, 2024, 05:53:10 PM
Beldarna  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
That sounds terrifying!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 28, 2024, 05:15:17 AM
I think that probably AI art has developed beyond where people are ready to manage it or set limits, work out credits, etc. It's a complicated minefield.

I'm not an artist, but I as someone who writes a lot, I won't pretend that I'm positive about people using AI to write stories or articles.  I don't know if it is the same or different as with pictures, though. :/

My biggest fear around AI is that it actually isn't AI but computer learning, and what it's learning from is often an internet full of division, hate and stereotypes. There have been some worrying creations from AI when given certain prompts about certain groups...until we have an actual interface capable of learning and judging independently from what humans put out, I feel like it's a pretty risky thing to be relying on. I'm also worried about how it is used in video to create deepfakes.

But that is a bit different from AI art as well.

I just think that probably needs wider discourse about how it's used/what credit systems exist/how it can be managed. All art and creative stuff has inspiration in something else, whether it's a walk in nature, or an experience, or a person...or whatever. It's just working out how to manage that line to keep it to inspiration...I guess?

Very. Very. Complicated.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on March 28, 2024, 05:37:23 AM
Artist here, AI has become terrifying. I was planning on going to an animation/fine arts school and now, I don't know if it is worth it. AI is awfully easy for ANYONE to use, and I am fearful that people will use Sora to make fake videos for evidence in court. Just horrifying...                                                                                                                                                               
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beldarna on March 28, 2024, 06:42:30 AM
Thank you so much everyone for the hugs. Hugs right back to you :heart: I've slept horribly and it has taken a lot of time to decompress. I talked to a coworker about it yesterday and it felt better afterwards. I slept really good for being me this night. But I still see the poor animal when I close my eyes. It will take a long time to ease it's way to the back of my mind. Still nothing on the police page for incidents in that area.

Taffeta I mean no disrespect, I express myself clumpsily when I am stressed. But John did not try do distract, he does that when a topic is boring to him. And a traffic accident can be very boring if he had no part in it. He can passionatly talk for a long time about anything that interests him but the minute the topic is something he has no interest in, he stop listen and try talking about something else. One of the reasons I suspect he has ADD (there are other things pointing at that directions as well). Me talking again about a traffic accident that I already disclosed in texts were of no interest. Sad but true.

BC poor ducks and poor you :hug: I remember going with mom one time when we hit a dove. That has haunting me for close to 25 years and it died right away.

That bridge collapse was terrifying! It was a bit of beauty in how it fell, but wow, how little it took to make it fall. I am so sorry for those who lost a loved one :cry:. Luckily the police were fast at closing the bridge which prevented a lot of casualties.

It's both a plus and a minus with AI in art. Within Temptation has released three musicvideos by using AI and has gotten a lot of backlash because of it. But they explained it's still a lot of work to make it right. John is a photographer and AI is part of the latest photoshop and he has used that sometimes to edit a pic, like adding a leg that was covered or extended a floor. For some it's cheating and stealing, for some it's a tool. Unfortunaly the haters voices are the loudest.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 28, 2024, 07:13:18 AM
I don't want us to be feeding Skynet... remember all the terrifying Sci-fi we have that warns us NOT to be doing this stuff?  Scenarios like Minority Report really worry me.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on March 28, 2024, 07:18:34 AM
Thank you so much everyone for the hugs. Hugs right back to you :heart: I've slept horribly and it has taken a lot of time to It's both a plus and a minus with AI in art. Within Temptation has released three musicvideos by using AI and has gotten a lot of backlash because of it. But they explained it's still a lot of work to make it right. John is a photographer and AI is part of the latest photoshop and he has used that sometimes to edit a pic, like adding a leg that was covered or extended a floor. For some it's cheating and stealing, for some it's a tool. Unfortunaly the haters voices are the loudest.
I agree that it can be used as a tool, but what do you mean by "haters"? For most, the thought of AI taking artists out of jobs is awfully scary.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 28, 2024, 09:38:50 AM
See, I'm not afraid of AI taking over. The reason is simply because it's still created and taught by humans. Humans are very flawed. If anything a hyper intelligent AI would be more like a human with an inflated ego that isn't as self aware as it think it is. That will be its flaw. There's a game called I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream that's based on a (terrible) short story about a super computer that has taken over the universe. The game is very, very good. In the end how they defeat the computer is simple, because it does not believe it is imperfect. It thinks it's a God. There are humans with this line of thinking as well, and they are probably the most flawed out of any of us.

As far as AI taking away jobs, I really don't think that will happen. I've used the gen to create OC in a pinch, but I still commission artists if I have something very specific in mind. There are enough people who are against AI or who are not interested in using it to keep artists in business.

*puts on Mod hat: Also let's keep this civilized, please. No name calling ("haters") and no baiting. No arguing. We're just talking :)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on March 28, 2024, 11:00:53 AM
I apologize, I never meant to start anything.  :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 28, 2024, 11:32:59 AM
No, no, it's okay :) Beldarna's first language is not English so I don't think she meant anything bad by "haters", at least not how you seemed to take it :) I just wanted to stop a potential argument.

You are free to join the discussion!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on March 28, 2024, 01:07:39 PM
I saw the video/stuff on the news about the bridge incident, sounds like a technology fail. So sorry for the families of those affected. It must've been terrifying to be caught up in that :/

I agree that the news these days is often scary and negative. I think what scares me most is the amount of news generated by something not quite true or how stories get twisted into something else - whether by media or social media or whatever. I always read multiple sources to get a good grasp on what is going on, but some of the ways in which things are interpreted worries me...

yeah i feel like i'm in this weird place where I do still look at mainstream news but i feel uneasy. i try to avoid the opinion columns. especially with the way the NYTimes covers trans issues and the "both sides" coverage. i'm sorry if you're view is that some people don't deserve equal rights i don't care what you have to say. i have specific columnists and reporters who work in areas i care about. but when it comes to breaking news it seems like the news gets a lot wrong. especially when stuff just happened. i try to give it a few days and then read up. it makes me feel almost conspiratorial sometimes to say i don't really trust the press. i do to a point but there's really no such thing as objective coverage. nothing is completely objective. i don't blame people for disengaging when its so much work to sort out what really happened. even events back in the 90s and aughts were covered so poorly IMO. later when events are revisited we get to find out all of the shenanigans that influenced coverage.

as far as AI goes i'm very very skeptical. i think it's something that could be beneficial if it worked well and could do mundane tasks. the problem is so much of LLM type AI doesn't work well. that's the kind of AI that takes in a bunch of data and provides output. ChatGPT, Diffusion, etc. i'm not super familiar with the generative AI for art. it seems like it could be cool for creative artists but i do think there should be some kind of compensation/opt out for artists who's work is used to train the AI. do these companies even know who's art was used thought? i doubt it. and the idea of people selling AI generated art doesn't sit well with me.

i'm not an artist but i am a web developer and the code hosting services i use have rolled out AI coding assistants that learn off code that people store on their hosting services. there is no compensation for using people's code to train the AIs. in fact they charge you to use the AI and your code helped train. there is also no guarantee that the code training the AI is good, working code either. the results based on my personal testing are hit or miss. it's nice for repetitive stuff. but as far as anything challenging i find the results disappointing based on the hype.

i could go on and on about AI and how much i don't like it. i would never think it's bad to play around with for fun. I've done this myself with ChatGPT. my real worry is jobs lost and poor quality output. there are already a bunch of junk AI books on Amazon put out by scammers trying to make money for nothing. i also worry that companies with greedy leadership who don't care about quality and want to increase profit will try to replace employees with AI. there isn't much regulation yet and the people who run the leading AI tech companies suck and don't care about people. TBH i think they're a bit out of their minds. replacing humans with bad AI is bad for employees who lose jobs and customers who have to deal with a poor experience. there isn't a vision from these people to make the world better. to have everyone do less work and live in abundance. in it's current form AI is a hype bubble and a grift. like crypto and the metaverse was/still is. even the commercials promoting AI in software and devices don't really say much about what the AI will actually do. it's just "hey we added AI. give us more money!"

and yeah the "deepfake" videos terrify me. especially since so many people believe that if it's on video, it must be real. also i've read that a lot of it is porn so that's horrifying for people who may end up in a video without consent.

like most stuff that comes out of big tech, AI could be cool. but not in it's current form.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 28, 2024, 01:08:26 PM
@Beldarna, I really worried and thought over how to say something to your post, because I understood you were very upset. I'm also not defending his reaction, it was definitely out of line.

That said, whether your husband is diagnoseable or not is not the issue. He may well be. But you just phrased it really awkwardly, so it came over as associating lack of empathy with a neurodivergent diagnosis. And that's obviously not okay. Speaking as someone who has experienced direct harm from that assumption, seeing it on a space like this (which I consider generally accepting and safe) is a bit of a jolt.

I know you were pretty stressed out. I just wanted to flag it up because I know you didn't mean it the way it came out, but the way it came out bothered me.

I am actually less scared of AI (do we need a separate thread to discuss this btw? It's interesting) as in real AI (actual artificial intelligence) than human-developed and human-taught AI, because that enables it to be influenced and manipulated in dangerous ways.

As a writer, too, I take pride in what I write being my own. I don't want someone to look at what I write and think I used something to help me write it. I don't know if that is the same as going out to artistically collaborate using the tech and acknowledging it as a tool...I think it may be different with words than with pictures. Not sure how...just how it feels to me.

I DO worry about it being used by people in universities to cheat assignments going forward. I don't want a doctor who didn't write their own assignments or do their own research to get their medical degree. :/ Plagiarism is already a big issue in universities (speaking as a former GTA, it's something we were trained to deal with). But AI is like having another person write an essay for you, only cheaper :/ I think this could be a problem in the future. Dr Google and all that :/

And I worry about how AI already represents neurodiversity - I saw someone do some research on this, and AI presents an autistic person as a gloomy, skinny, white male in his twenties. It's not helpful.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 28, 2024, 02:08:39 PM
I made a new thread for the AI discussion :)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovebyrd on March 28, 2024, 06:37:10 PM
I had bought a car ex-demo and was going to get it so took a train thinking it was only going to be one way. I get there and there are huge scratches from taking off the dealer stickers!!! Someone did a terrible job taking them off because the scratches weren’t there before. So I had to take a train and bus home in the pouring rain (love england) and they’re telling me my refund will be delayed due to the bank holiday -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 28, 2024, 06:56:35 PM
Oh goodness, the rain -.-

I said to my Dad the other day, literally the only difference between winter and spring here right now is that it's a bit more green out and about.

The rain today (and hail, yesterday)...has been excessive.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 28, 2024, 07:14:59 PM
I'm in the US and on my World Clock, I have a few time zones for some major cities in other countries because I was wanting to know the time in other parts of the world.  I tried telling my mom about it once and she said she didn't care what time it was in Paris or Tokyo because she wasn't going there and didn't know anyone there. 

The muscle right below my knee has been hurting most of the day.  I don't think it was hurting when I got up.  I had to lift a small piece of fence and some lattice to get the dog out earlier.  Maybe that's when it happened?

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on March 29, 2024, 01:11:02 AM
One of our neighbors/family friends is having a mental health crisis and tbh I’m kind of appalled by the response we have gotten from our local authorities. This will probably be long…TW for hallucinations/self harm and drinking. Hopefully this isn’t too heavy for this thread.

My dad recently reconnected with his old friend who is our neighbor and the dad of one of my sister’s best friends. We’ve known the family forever and he’s always been a little bit of a party guy, but apparently he’s having a full fledged mid life crisis. He has my dad drive him to bars often, he forgets his car in the parking lots, and he’s busy picking up young women while he’s out drinking like crazy. He also claims he brings home “friends” from the bar and they continue to party into the night some nights. My dad doesn’t really like spending time with him since he is so irresponsible and has tried to limit their interactions to getting him food or bringing him places. His friend however gets so drunk that he THINKS my dad has spent the entire night with him.

Yesterday, he called my dad in a panic and said there was an “intruder alert” and that he saw a hand that was bleeding. He thought maybe he had cut it. He said he needed my dad’s help and asked him to come over. We obviously told him to call the police because like hello! We aren’t equipped to handle an intruder! My dad was still determined to go over and check on him, but thankfully we got him to wait until the police got there. The police got there and…there was no one in the house. They asked if his friend had any mental health issues but my dad said he didn’t think so. The guy claims he has celiac disease and that somehow causes him to hallucinate sometimes. I looked it up and I guess that’s a thing…..but I got the impression it was pretty rare so idk if I am buying that. Anyway he was completely freaked out and asked my dad to stay with him, but we were going to a concert so we couldn’t. The police left him with no resources. My mom contacted his ex-wife since we were worried about his mental state to see if she knew someone who could stay with him. She also mentioned that he actually did have a history of hallucinations and said it was probably best if we weren’t around.

My sister texted her friend and she said he actually had a similar spell just a few months ago where he called the police thinking someone was in his home. They found him hiding in his tub with a gun. Luckily, they took his gun away, but the daughter confirmed he now had a switchblade. She said that he had told her that he saw the arm and was slicing at his couch where he thought it was, so it really seemed like he could be a danger to himself. He texted us later during the concert to say some friends came over and he felt safe, so we thought that we could at least leave him be for the night.

Nope. Today my dad followed up with him to see if he was doing okay and remembered anything. Turns out no one actually came over last night and he didn’t sleep at all. He also was crying and said he got a phone call from his mom saying she didn’t have much time. Problem is, his mom is in a nursing home and can’t talk, so we knew something was still up. My dad brought him some water and Gatorade and said he seemed really distraught. He was worried he might hurt himself, and the way he was talking about his conversation with his mom it seemed like it might be an end of life goodbye type of deal. His daughter decided she should go out to see him and try to convince him to go to a hospital. She contacted the police who responded to him yesterday to see if they could go with her since she was scared, but they said since he wasn’t actively a threat they could not help. We called the non emergency line as well and tried to emphasize that like, this guy is hallucinating he is not safe alone! But the police said they could send out a crisis unit in about 30 minutes and that was it.

We ended up going with his daughter to try and back her up. I haven’t seen this guy since I was a kid, so I felt weird tagging along, but I didn’t want to be home alone while everything went down. The guy seemed exhausted and out of it. He was drinking a beer when we got there. What was crazy though is he was ACTIVELY hallucinating while we were there. He thought he saw a pizza delivery man twice and was talking to him. He told us he had 8 friends from the bar over, but no one was there. He thought water was dripping from his ceiling onto his skin, but nothing was there. He would come in and out of it. Like he’d joke about hallucinating, but then tell us he saw something that wasn’t there in all sincerity. The crisis workers finally showed up after about 30 minutes as promised, but they were just volunteers and couldn’t do much. They tried to interview him, but he refused to talk to them because he admitted he wasn’t in his right state if mind and this wasn’t a fair judgement of him. They spoke with his daughter too, but they ultimately decided they couldn’t force him to go to the hospital and left.

His daughter pleaded with him to seek some sort if help, just for his “celiac” if nothing else, but he refused. His excuse was he was pretty sure his mom was going to die tonight and he didn’t want to miss that call. His daughter was smart and asked to see the call records because she wasn’t convinced they had talked either. There was no trace of him calling her nursing home. His fighter called the nursing home to ask if her grandma was okay and if she had tried to make any calls today. The lady at the desk said no, everything was fine with the grandma and actually her dad had called earlier, but to ask if he called before that!! I guess he forgot that call. We finally had to leave once it was getting late, it was clear we weren’t going to convince him to go anywhere.

I feel bad for his daughter, she really tried. I know you can’t force someone to get help, but I genuinely don’t understand why he wasn’t deemed a threat to himself. He has had his gun confiscated for a similar incident. He has a switchblade that he obviously was swinging around at imaginary people. He’s having full fledged conversations with people that aren’t there. His arms are covered in sores….he says that from his celiac too but idk. His house is also kind of falling apart. It’s loaded with junk and there is a hole in the ceiling from a leak that happened a while back. He has a Christmas tree still upstairs because he struggles to make it to the upper level of his house by himself. I feel like he is at a tipping point, I wish there were other resources for him to maybe try and help in the interim? Luckily we live close, so we promised his daughter we’d try and stay in touch for the next few days to let her know if things start to improve.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on March 29, 2024, 07:48:21 AM
Yikes, Minty.  I'm surprised they didn't really do anything, either.

I wonder if his daughter can call the police next time and tell them that she is concerned for her safety because of his hallucinations.  I know when my brother was having episodes like that (drug induced) my parents were able to get him admitted to the psych ward temporarily because of their concerns for him even though he was an adult.  Maybe a family member has to say something sometimes?  I don't know what the rules are where you live so that might have something to do with it.

I have to work today and I just don't want to.  I'm tired of working.  Where can I live that will pay me to stay home and paint?  :art:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 29, 2024, 08:09:21 AM
Minty_Magic, that is so sad.  I don't think Arizona has great resources for this sort of thing, either. 
I am shocked that the police were told "he has a weapon" and they didn't respond the way that oftentimes the police do when those words are used.  I mean, not that they should always respond that way, but....
Giving people their "freedoms and rights" to be mentally unwell is just not okay.  UGH! 

My complaint is that my leg scabs are finally peeling and healing but the sensation is exactly like when they were open wounds and SO DANG ITCHY!!!!  what the heck , brain!  stop sending weird signals that make me want to SCRAAAAAAAAAAAAATCH!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on March 29, 2024, 10:55:19 AM
MintyMagic, that sounds terrible. He must be so scared with all this going on, and for his daughter to have to deal with it as well must be super stressful. It's great you and your family are around, but yeah, someone else should be intervening before something happens :/ I hope the daughter manages to find a way to do that.

My trivial complaints today...

My parents preordered plush Medley for me for my birthday back in February. Today the order got cancelled. Not sure what is going to happen now :/ Still, annoyed because two days ago we got a dispatch date and now...bleh.

My arms are still aching from our trip to the garden centre, because we were waiting for the taxi, and I wanted to leave items in the trolley until the taxi came, but Dad thought it was coming quicker than it heavy plants for a looong time....

Oh, and super trivial, but I still can't find one of my G1 MH dolls. I know I have her. I remember buying her and I found the email receipt to prove it. I just am not sure where I've put her.

@Ponyfan, maybe it's because the UK is a small country compared to the US, but I actually tend to know timezones in a few places. I know the continent (European mainland) is generally +1 and Finland is +2, so is the nearest part of Russia. I know India is +4.5 because one of my best friends lives in Delhi. I know the east coast of the US is -5 because I have friends there, and all across the US to +8 on the west coast. And when I was in Japan, it was +9 when I arrived and +8 when I left because daylight saving isn't a thing there but it is here. I always feel like it's fascinating how we live in each other's pasts and futures ;)

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 29, 2024, 11:18:51 AM
The weather app I use is set to my location, my hometown and Death Valley :P

My complaint, I'm having trouble with my eyes again. They are very goopy and my right eyelid keeps twitching.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on March 29, 2024, 07:22:39 PM
I hate having anxiety. :wail: It's so hard always second guessing myself and wondering all the time if I did the right or wrong thing.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 30, 2024, 06:17:07 AM
Waiting for two packagers to arrive. One said it was due today but no doorbell... or knock... I'll expect it either later or Tuesday then as Monday is a holiday
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 30, 2024, 08:45:06 AM
I have to sneeze but it keeps getting stuck.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on March 30, 2024, 12:27:38 PM
I LOVE making beef quarter pounders (well, 'make', they're frozen I just cook them) but MAN do they STINK and the amount of grease that comes out of them into the grill pan ... every single time I need to deep scrub the cooking utensils and pan after making them.

Talk of blood draws under the cut for people who don't like to read medical things

I gave blood and when trying to get samples from my fingertip, they squeezed pretty hard twice (as the first reading was low). They eventually went to an arm test which showed far better results, but they had to take from the arm that doesn't normally have blood drawn (it can't be the same arm I usually donate/get samples from) so the veins decided to all hide and it took TWO nurses to find one. My middle finger is REALLY tender now and I KEEP forgetting about it and hurting myself when I grab things, and my poor right arm has a nasty needle-bruise.

(My left arm was easy peasy to get a vein, but it also meant for the rest of the day I couldn't carry heavy things)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 30, 2024, 01:26:09 PM
My stuck sneeze is still trying to make an appearance and now I have a bad sinus headache. The UVB is super high today too and the light hurts my eyes.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 31, 2024, 06:38:36 AM
Update one package arrived later that day.

Frostbite yep jabs can hurt & weaken you xxx A pal I saw today had an injection Friday & her jab site still hurts now xxx

I think I burned myself on the air fryer again, on BOTH sides of my right hand!!! I have two sore nasty-looking spots of ouch... Sacrifice to the cooking gods I suppose
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 31, 2024, 07:33:46 AM
urgh I don't want to go to work tomorrow... lots of people have Easter Monday off but we do not, and I hate when people say we should.  It doesn't make it any better! *grump* 

At least our Easter dinner managed to happen but not without my husband taking over and saving the day.  The glass pan I was cooking the ham in, decided to explode in the oven!  thankfully no glass in the food but so upsetting! 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 01, 2024, 04:23:41 AM
My kettle died last night. I can live until getting loot tomorrow & get a new one, but that still leaves the old one to go out
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 01, 2024, 05:19:19 AM
when i was outside yesterday i noticed the oak tree branches are now growing above the house. so we need to fast track getting it trimmed back. the branches are actually growing over our bedroom so not good for storm season. i just need to wait on the tax refund to come back.

it makes me nervous to have it trimmed just because it's old and it's not 100% on my property. the trunk actually sits between 2 of my neighbor's fences. the home builders built the fence to accommodate it. it's a really beautiful tree.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 01, 2024, 09:07:25 AM
When everything is going right and moving along and you feel good about stuff... and then, just like that, something bad happens.

Could I have like, a week off bad stuff? One time? Give me a week.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 01, 2024, 08:00:36 PM
argh the immense amount of ice we had build up has almost ripped our gutter off the side of the house... just wonderful....
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 02, 2024, 06:29:01 AM
Ow :( my leg really hurts today.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 02, 2024, 06:48:44 AM
My parents preordered plush Medley for me for my birthday back in February. Today the order got cancelled. Not sure what is going to happen now :/ Still, annoyed because two days ago we got a dispatch date and now...bleh.

If you want , I can probably get you one from the toy section of Walmart... I have seen them twice but resisted LOL
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 02, 2024, 08:43:56 AM
i really hate when people put meetings on my calendar and don't provide an agenda or reason for the meeting. it makes me anxious when i don't know what these mysterious meetings are about.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 03, 2024, 07:25:23 AM
Something upset my stomach last night. Without going in to too many tmi details, I'll leave it at that.  When I got up this morning my stomach was really sore.   When I told my mom, she automatically assumed it was because of her even though I told her last night what was going on.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on April 03, 2024, 12:56:59 PM
Something upset my stomach last night. Without going in to too many tmi details, I'll leave it at that.  When I got up this morning my stomach was really sore.   When I told my mom, she automatically assumed it was because of her even though I told her last night what was going on.


Feel better Ponyfan :hug:

It's a minor complaint for me today, but the rain decided to fall pretty much only when I was at the bus stop and walking across to the supermarket.
The bus in also broke down. It did make it to town, but it was cheeping like a bird the whole way in.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 03, 2024, 01:19:51 PM
Ponyfan, I hope you feel better. But... your mom thought your upset stomach was because of her?? Sounds like something my mom would have said before her stroke when she was 100% narcissistic. Geeze.

My complaint right now is I want to cry but my medication won't let me :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 03, 2024, 08:34:38 PM
Mad teens (the not-so-nice sort) on the bus home Tuesday. Fortunately they got off before my stop or it would have been far less trivial
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on April 04, 2024, 08:35:07 AM
Throat started getting sore last night, woke up and it's in full-on cold mode >_< Ughhhh, must've caught it off my Mum. Hoped I'd escaped it this time but I guess not >_< Gah, I hate being sick.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 05, 2024, 06:55:08 PM
I have an irrational hatred for the City Furniture commercial with the couple that go to their old house to pick up mail. The woman says she'll be right back with the mail and the couple sneakily come into the house and make stupid expressions while they sit down on the nice furniture. I want to punch the man in his stupid face every time. Then there's this little girl standing by the woman who gives the tagline 'I got it at City' and the girl has this look like I think I look when she sees these people who snuck into her house and are lounging on their sofa and chair.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 06, 2024, 12:02:32 PM
I have mouth ulcers & they hurt when I eat anything but the softest food, but I eat cereal, love crisps, & want pizza!!! Just have to bear the ouch I suppose...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 07, 2024, 08:36:22 AM
I really don't want to have to drive to the bottle recycling depot today.  We have so many bottles and cans from before the holidays, it's such a horrible chore...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 08, 2024, 07:21:08 AM
I accidentally set off my smoke alarm above my bed while making s'mores... yes, I was using a candle and the marshmallow caught on fire. Anyway, after it stopped it was quiet for a while but then it started beeping every minute. A loud, shrill beep. I had to leave the bedroom and sleep in my recliner. I called the maintenance team but it's Monday so the weekend calls are all piled up. They work triage and do the most pressing things first. My problem is minor, so I'm probably going to be listening to this beeping all day, or even for a few days.

I feel so sorry for Aster. I know if it bothers me hearing it must really be bothering her. She also likes to sleep under the bed, but she's staying out of the bedroom for now.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 08, 2024, 04:54:55 PM
gahhhh I hate when people want to have LOUD conversations on the bus.  I also hate when people want to LOUDLY preach to other people on the bus.

my day has been long.  the volunteers at my workplace have worn me out.  we had a team meeting that took 2.5 hours and I kept trying so hard to stay awake... my boss has a cold and hopefully has not passed it to the rest of us.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 09, 2024, 06:46:54 AM
My fire alarm is still beeping. It's driving me mad.

I also woke up with a massive headache.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 09, 2024, 07:41:09 AM
my neighbors put a couch out on the curb. it's not my personal style but it looks to be in fairly new/good condition. i'm thinking they assumed someone would take it but it's still there. i don't really care except that it rained a lot today and yesterday so now a perfectly good couch is probably ruined. it's easy to call a charity to just pick it up. that's what we did with ours.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on April 10, 2024, 12:42:54 AM
When organisations pull job adverts early due to 'intensive interest'.

I have a job, but I am looking for more hours and something more stable. Browsing and applying for jobs is already logistically stressful on my poor brain, but not having the time until the deadline posted to come up with a coherent application is just rude. I have always hated companies that do that.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 10, 2024, 01:17:35 AM
So I'm meant to have workies in by 9am, but it's now 9:15 & there's one van outside, & it's TODAY of all days... Move it workies!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 10, 2024, 06:45:53 AM
i started working on a budgeting app again. it's just for my personal use. nothing big. but calculating take home income for a pay period is annoyingly complicated :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 11, 2024, 05:05:38 AM
And the workies are in!!! I should have moved more stuff than I did, as I have a casualty of a broken wall ornament, fortunately I have some others to go up instead of that one...
They'll be at it today, tomorrow, & Monday...
Then I hope it will be all done!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on April 11, 2024, 05:30:20 AM
My dad still needs to come replace the battery on my car. He was in an accident and needs time to heal, but he could send my uncle, I'm sure... I will just give it time for now, but he tends to forget things.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 11, 2024, 08:17:26 AM
ugh i'm not in a very good headspace today. too many calls coming up. i think i need to take some time off but i can't because i have to save that time for when family stuff comes up.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 11, 2024, 08:31:05 AM
Man, I don't know what's with my eyes. They are super crusty in the morning, they have goop in them all day, at night I can't see. I have a lot of black floaters as well but I know the cause of that. Doesn't make them any less annoying though.

I don't even know when I'm seeing my eye doctor next. I should call and find out, make an earlier appointment.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on April 11, 2024, 11:00:30 AM
Boss making fun of me for my asthma for the second time this week. The first time was an out-of-the-blue flare up. This morning was because some generator in the parking garage is releasing all this exhaust, and I had to get something from my car and didn’t know it was happening, so I was struggling to breathe for like half an hour (even with my rescue inhaler) because my lungs were on fire, and I was coughing up gunk.  -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 11, 2024, 11:31:23 AM
OMG shockponie that's terrible :hug: :hug: :hug: that's horrible to make fun of someone's medical condition. especially your boss. seems like something that should be illegal.

BC, i hope you can get an appointment soon and find out whats going on. :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 11, 2024, 03:55:52 PM
When organisations pull job adverts early due to 'intensive interest'.

I have a job, but I am looking for more hours and something more stable. Browsing and applying for jobs is already logistically stressful on my poor brain, but not having the time until the deadline posted to come up with a coherent application is just rude. I have always hated companies that do that.

I've tried several times to get a better job at the place I'm currently working at, but I never get it.  I've heard that they keep jobs listed on the website even after they're filled and they keep the job applications up even after they've had over 150 applicants for the same postion.

I guess after the last attack on Archive of Our Own, the site made it where you have to have an account to view certain stories?  Some of my favorite ones now tell me I have to make an account before being able to read it. 

My mom was using my phone this morning and didn't notice that I had a text.  When I asked her about it, she said she didn't see the text notification.  I told her that I wished she's told me I had a text because it was from a person at work.  She seemed like she was mad at me. 

We went to the bookstore today, but had to leave before I had a chance to go to my favorite section of the store to look for books.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on April 11, 2024, 04:08:56 PM
OMG shockponie that's terrible :hug: :hug: :hug: that's horrible to make fun of someone's medical condition. especially your boss. seems like something that should be illegal.

BC, i hope you can get an appointment soon and find out whats going on. :hug:

I was going to say, is that not illegal over there?
Here it would be considered workplace discrimination.

There are a lot of times when job adverts are prioritised on internal candidates. I hate interviews and I won't lie, there's a mountain of evidence how they suit people who are good at selling themselves rather than necessarily good at the job. I am NOT good at selling myself, so I find interviews really stressful.

But if they close an advert early, it's not possible to even apply and try and get an interview. Just roadblock after roadblock at the organisation's convenience.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on April 11, 2024, 04:32:37 PM
My dad’s friend that was hallucinating did finally go to the hospital last week. The determined it was because of alcohol withdrawals and they gave him some medicine to help manage the withdrawal symptoms. I hope he really is able to quit.

I’ve fallen into a nightmare of a financial situation that I feel completely hopeless on. There was an auction for some park used Disney memorabilia and I decided to bid on a few items. One of the items I bid on was a mirror that was used in one of the resorts my family always stayed at as kids. I really only wanted to bid a max of about $150, but because of the live bidding system, I accidentally bid way over that budget and won it at $240 instead. I swear there was a delay in showing what price the item had gotten up to, but IDK. After the initial sticker shock wore off I decided it was still a cool piece to own with sentimental value and figured I could make up for the extra money spent elsewhere.

Then I got the invoice. There was an additional $250 charge for shipping and handling. I mean, I knew it would be expensive to ship, but I never dreamed it would be the cost of the item itself! I emailed the sales department and asked if I could just pick the item up in person, as I had thought the auction house was in CA which isn’t an unmanageable drive. Nope. Not only was the item in TX instead of CA, but the $250 shipping charge was just an estimate and they figured shipping would actually be more than that. I was provided some third party shipping companies in the area I could get quotes through, but even the “cheapest” one is nearly $600 for shipping! :cry: I emailed the lady back and asked if I could please have their actual shipping cost so I could compare the quotes, but at this point I think I am completely screwed. I can’t afford to pay that much for a stupid mirror.

I know this is partially my fault for not being more careful when bidding and not researching shipping costs, but OMG who would have thought it would be that much!? I knew it was a bulkier item, but these prices are like what I’d expect for a dresser, not a decorative little mirror. I’m also really miffed that the invoice I was provided didn’t even have the right shipping cost. Was I just meant to pay that huge amount and get a surprise bill for another huge amount later?!

I’d really like to just withdraw my bid and be blacklisted, but I’m not sure THAT is even possible. The invoice said they would start charging me interest if I didn’t pay in a couple weeks and there is nothing I can find on their website about what happens if you refuse to pay/accept the item. I’m not sure what other recourse I’ll have if I can’t find a reasonable shipping cost. I don’t feel like I can dispute the charge since I did place the bid. I’m not sure if I have strong enough case with the shipping charge being unexpected since their website DOES say it’s an “estimated cost only”.

and……after typing this all out once, the whole page crash and never submitted my post. :pout: It’s not my day…..
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 12, 2024, 07:21:11 AM
that is insane Minty. even from a greedy business POV wouldn't they want to make sure the customer is aware of and able to pay the shipping costs? I would think you could just walk away unless they can ding your credit for not paying. even then you should be able to protest deceptive business practices or something.  that's what i would do with a disclaimer of "i don't know the law" do you mind saying what site this is so others can avoid?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on April 12, 2024, 08:47:26 AM
@Minty What a predicament! That totally sucks. As much as I hate to say, it might almost be better to offer to pay for the item but not shipping/not receive it. They just have you between a rock and a hard place. >_<

As for my issue (about legality), it’s a bit of a grey area, and honestly, with how HR has handled complaints against him in the past, it’d make my life worse to complain. I am/have been actively seeking a new job.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 12, 2024, 09:11:28 AM
Shockponie, that's awful. And you can't even complain! I hope you can find a new job with more caring, or at least professional people :hug:

Minty, wow. I don't even know what to say. That much for shipping is insane. And I'm sorry you bid more than you wanted too in the first place. Mistakes happen. I would try looking for free legal advice, maybe look on reddit.

I've had the meeting for my lease renewal. I just had to go across the street. I have a feeling they'll raise my rent again. And now they want to see my Paypal statements for the last 6 months. I occasionally sell stuff on a game I play, it's only like 30 bucks here and there, but they're going to count it as income. Like I get maybe 60 extra bucks every month, you're going to count it against me, raise my rent so I have no extra money? Thanks. No one wants you to get ahead in this world, I swear.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on April 12, 2024, 12:26:35 PM
Thank you all for validating me in that is absolutely crazy for shipping! The quotes only got higher as more people got back to me so I was starting to think maybe I was unreasonable in my expectations! :blink: Good news is the shipping team emailed me back today and stated they would honor the original price they quoted me of the $250 or so. Even though I still think that is a lot, I feel like that’s a respectable compromise given the situation, and obviously I’m not going to be able to haggle for anything lower. I’m taking this as an expensive lesson learned - make sure to research a businesses’s shipping practices before buying! Beth3346, this all happened on Heritage Auctions. They’ve been around forever, but I am surprised they haven’t gotten more pushback on that shipping charge being subject to change. Even if you have a lot of money to burn I feel like bidders would want to know up front what to budget for the shipping.

Shockponie, I hope you can find a new job soon! I can’t believe your boss would make fun of a medical condition, that is so wildly unprofessional that I’m shocked this person even managed to get into management!

BlackCurtains, I hope they don’t raise the rent on you. I feel like unless your income were to change a lot since the last review it’s not fair to look at random PayPal payments here and there and say that qualifies as like, a steady income.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on April 12, 2024, 03:40:02 PM
Shockponie, I hope you have good luck finding a better job soon, with a nicer supervisor.

BlackCurtains, I don't see why it's the business of the rental people what you do on your private sales. Is that normal practice over there? I could understand if it were a tax inquiry but not your rental people. Unless that is covered by some other payment scheme?

MintyMagic, that sounds like a nightmare. I'm glad they are honouring the original shipping quote, but the whole thing unprofessional to me.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 12, 2024, 04:28:32 PM
BlackCurtains, I don't see why it's the business of the rental people what you do on your private sales. Is that normal practice over there? I could understand if it were a tax inquiry but not your rental people. Unless that is covered by some other payment scheme?

It's because I live in a subsidized housing complex. They want to make sure I'm not gaming the system by having loads of money stashed away while getting low income rent rates. My rent is 215 right now when the regular rent on an apartment this size in the same complex is like 800. Most of the housing in the complex is low income or HUD (which is also a housing program) but they do have regular units that "normal" people rent out and live in. So that's why they want to know about every penny I get. That's also why they do the inspections so often.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 13, 2024, 10:27:35 AM
Well BC tell them the loot you're SUPPOSED to get is on hold & that's why you've been selling stuff... Go as far as showing them all the evidence & the claims you've been making to try & get your money back. Tell them the stuff you've sold makes the difference between eating & not eating, getting cleaning products & traps (for those ants) & not getting them, etc...
You're not rolling in it; you're using the selling money to survive. We ALL know this, time you told the rental people...

Minty you're right, that IS a nuts postage price!!! I hope you find a better one xxx

Shockponie, disabilities are NOT fun, & nobody should be insulting you for something you can't help xxx All the best in finding a new job with a more caring boss xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 13, 2024, 12:37:50 PM
This is going to be long. :sigh:

My parents and I didn't seem to be getting along earlier.

My dad started out by thinking we were going to the clinic that's not even open on the weekends. We told him several times yesterday where we were going.

My dad still drives aggressively.  He says he "has to" because everyone else is the problem and not him. but I think a lot of the time he's the one that doing the aggressive driving and then blames other people for it.  For example he was in such a hurry the other day that he got in a turn only lane and then got mad when other drivers wouldn't let him in to the straight lane.  He also seems like he's always in a hurry to either get somewhere or leave.

My manga bookshelf is behind the TV because that's where my dad decided to put it.  I was putting some books away earlier and dropped one.  It was a book I've had for long time, but haven't read yet.  The book fell in all of the whiles behind the TV and when I picked it back up, the cover had several tears in it on the side.  I love books and try to them in excellent condition all the time.   I almost want to get a new copy, but I think the only thing that got damaged was the front cover.

I don't like putting really small amounts on my debit card. I will sometimes put something a little under $10 on but I try to keep it at least $10 minimum.  I wanted a couple of keychains at Target.  I was going to ask my mom to get them for me since I couldn't find anything else I wanted and both keychains together would be $6 plus tax.   When I turned around to ask her, she and my dad had left the section of the store I was in.  When I got to the front of the store, my mom had already bought the stuff she wanted and checked out.  Since I was still holding merchandise that wasn't paid for yet, I didn't want to go behind the checkout registers with it and tell them that I was going to look for something else to buy.  I watched them for a while and a couple of times they looked right where I was standing and still didn't see me.  After searching a couple of different areas of the store, I finally found something else to get and checked out.  When I tried to explain what happened to my dad, he basically said "We were up here waiting for you."  I knew that. I saw them standing there, but I can just imagine what the employees would have thought if  it looked like I was walking out with stuff and not paying for it.  My dad said "You could have put the keychains back, talked to us and then go back and get them."  While that's true to a point, there were only a few of the keychains I wanted to begin with and  I feel like if you put something back on the shelf, then it's fair game to anyone else because you've relinquished your claim on it if you put it back.

My dad asked my mom if she wanted to stop at the grocery store on the way home.  She said no.  as soon as we walked through the door, she got a text that her medicine was ready at the grocery store pharmacy so she rushed back out and she and my dad went to the grocery store.

My parents can't seem to keep track of my dog.  Sometimes when I ask where the dog is they tell me they don't know.  I'm always worried now that's she's going to get out again. 

I'm still worried about my monthly shot stuff too, but there's too much to go in to detail here in about it.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 13, 2024, 04:06:45 PM
PBW - Unfortunately, that wouldn't make a difference :(

Ponyfan - I'm sorry :hug: Misunderstandings with people you live with is always hard. Too bad your dad is such an aggressive driver. My dad went through a phase where he was too. I hated going anywhere with him. As far as the keychains, I agree with you. I would have probably walked up front though. I think as long as you don't try to leave and go though the detector you can take items anywhere but the bathroom. I haven't been to a Target in a long time though and don't know their rules.

I cleaned the tank really well and found four dead shrimp and one that was dying :( The females can live to 8 months but I got them as adults so maybe they died of old age. My water parameters are good and they have plenty of food and minerals. After the water cleared up from the cleaning, I saw a baby, but just one. I was careful cleaning so I didn't suck up any. My favorite shrimp, Bertha, is still alive and she still has eggs.  One other female has eggs too. I hope they are able to hatch and I'll have lots of new babies. When I have the money, I'll order some more too. I can technically hold 140 shrimp in the tank, I'm down to 10-15.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 14, 2024, 03:27:40 PM
I'm sorry the shrimp died. :hug:

I told my mom we were having corn a lot last night and she acted like I was just being annoying about stuff.  Last night we had a can of corn and today we had the little ears of corn (not baby corn) I like corn, but not everyday.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 15, 2024, 10:24:31 AM
i'm just feeling really down and blah today. not anything specific. i think it might be hormonal but i'm not in a good headspace.  i have calls coming up too and i don't really feel up to it. i can't put them off though.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 15, 2024, 12:51:34 PM
I'm sorry you feel bad, Beth :hug:

I had planned to make a bunch of phone calls today and fill out paperwork for some important stuff. I woke up at 10 with a bad headache that turned into a migraine. I got some ice and a cold washcloth to put over my eyes and laid back down. I ended up falling asleep for 5 hours. It's almost 4pm now and most places close at 5. I feel really groggy. The migraine is gone but I'm upset that the day was wasted.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 15, 2024, 04:27:35 PM
I hope you feel better soon BC and Beth. 

I think I'm coming down with something too. :(

I thought I posted here last night, but I can't find the post now. :huh:

I found out the pool my mom used to always take me to in the  summer when I was growing up is now a Member's Only pool. The membership costs $200 and there's no way to gain access to the pool without paying it. :(  Even If I had an extra $200 just sitting around with nothing better to spend it on, that's still a lot of money just to be able to swim for a couple of months.  They don't allow you to just pay for a one day pass just to swim either.  The city I live in doesn't always make smart decisions or listen to the citizens and last year they said there were replacing all city pools except one with splash pads.  A while back they announced that the last city pool won't open this summer because it needs to be repaired.    It always cost a little to go to the pool when I was growing up, but I think it was something like $5 and you could stay from the time the pool opened until it closed if you wanted to.   My parents tried the city pools at least once, but they said they were really crowded and it was almost impossible  to swim. 

I had a really, really hard day.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 16, 2024, 01:28:25 AM
Wow, that's expensive for a pool. Do you have a Y or a rec center or something with a pool? The rec center across the street from me has a huge pool. Some people swim to get fit but you can swim there just for fun too. It's free.

I have a large, angry pimple on the crease of my nose. It HURTS >_<
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 16, 2024, 06:25:45 AM
it's snowing again!  ugh
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 16, 2024, 01:37:00 PM
Two more shrimp died :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 17, 2024, 04:13:06 AM
BC oh no your shrimp!!!
Ponyfan that pool situation is ridiculous!!!

My complaint: it rained last night & my fan leaked rain into the bathroom!!! Most went in the bath but ugh...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 17, 2024, 09:39:15 AM
Make that three :wail: and I can't find Bertha

I revised my review for the shrimp and said I've only had them a little over a month and they are all starting to die. I tested the water again and it's perfect. I did a water change the other day, but did nothing different than all the other times I've changed the water. I do have some brown algae growing by the heater but I read it's harmless unless it takes over your tank. Wah! :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 17, 2024, 12:49:00 PM
i'm sorry BC :hug:

PBW is this the bathroom that's being renovated? hopefully they can fix during the reno.

my complaint today is i'm just tired and annoyed. i would like to take a nap but i have to wait until 5. i also need to re-up on my flood insurance by the end of the month. being an adult is annoying.

also it's very annoying when i write an email and then get distracted by people messaging me before i can hit send. especially when i think i did send the email and only realize i didn't after it's too late to send. :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 17, 2024, 03:52:32 PM
Four casualties today. Including Bertha :sad:

Maybe I did do something wrong. I don't think this many would die so close together even if it was old age. I need to get a complete test kit, I only have the strips. I saw a video that said if you have bubbles staying on the surface from your bubbler filter, it means you have too much ammonia. I do have bubbles on the surface but there's no way for me to test for it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 18, 2024, 07:33:52 AM
work is still annoying me and my leg hurts. i think i need to start stretching every day.

maybe someday i'll be able to afford to take a year off and work on my own stuff.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 18, 2024, 07:51:45 AM
My mom pulled her narcissist gun out and shot me right in the heart.

It's rare, but it still happens. Always catches me off guard.

edit: She called me back and made it worse. Made me cry. My medication makes it very hard for me to cry. I hung up on her and turned my phone off. I can't deal with this right now. I'm so stressed out, I'm losing my hair.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 18, 2024, 07:16:49 PM
Today was a sad day.  :sad:  :wail:   I'll probably start a WYP topic about it in a few days.

BC, I'm sorry.  :hug:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 19, 2024, 06:51:39 AM
my sleep has been terrible.  so many nightmares.  also i keep being not able to wake up early enough in the morning to get all the things done, so I end up being late for work.  thankfully my bosses don't really care about that but it still frustrates me.  also gas prices have increased a lot so I prefer to take the bus... which makes me even later.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 19, 2024, 04:23:58 PM
I still want to write a WYP topic, but I'm still too sad.   :cry:

I saw a puzzle on Facebook that I really wanted.  I went on the website to see if was in stock in the store or not and it was $50!  :shocked:  I don't want to pay that much for a puzzle.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 19, 2024, 05:28:02 PM
I'm sorry, ponyfan :hug:

Is it about your dog? :(

All my shrimp are dead. Now I'm thinking I have too much ammonia. My uncle sent me some more money so I bought ammonia test strips and filters that should help. I also got a parasite killer for a microscopic worm that preys on shrimp, just to have it for the future.

Everything comes tomorrow. I'll test the water, clean the tank really well and if needed change the filters.

I'd like to get more ghost shrimp and some cherry shrimp when the tank is ready. I was also looking at dwarf crayfish. There's an orange one that can be kept with shrimp.

Update on my mom situation - I called her today and everything is fine now.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 19, 2024, 07:00:49 PM
It is.  :cry:

I'm sorry all of the shrimp are dead.  I hope the next set of shrimp have better results.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 20, 2024, 06:21:16 AM
I texted them about the issue as the fan outlet had just been installed. They were round the following afternoon fiddling on the roof (hopefully rainproofing the outlet). Hopefully it doesn't let any more rain in.
BC glad things with your mother are better xxx But so sorry for your shrimp xxx
Ponyfan  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 20, 2024, 09:32:17 AM
*huggles to everyone who needs them or wants them* 

why can my house never stay clean?  it always looks like a hoarder's nightmare.  i shouldn't say that on the internet but... it's so discouraging. 

laundry always needs to be washed, folded, or put away.  or mended!  Dishes are always clean and in the dishwasher, or dirty on the counter, or too delicate or dirty for the dishwasher.  the plastic containers always need their lids matched.

spring is coming so all the jackets and coats and gloves and hats need to be washed, mended, sorted, stored!  my doll collection is strewn through the whole porch and looks like it has been ransacked by dollhouse thieves.  i read at least one book a day but the stacks of books to read have spilled from the bathroom, to the pantry, and now are filling up a corner of the living room!  piles of fabric and mending regularly fall over and cover other things.... 

I had a nightmare last night about moving into a historical mansion that had become a hoarder zone and the most terrifying part of the dream was that I just moved my own stuff into the disaster.  I didn't even start picking up and organizing the previous owner's stuff... I just started putting my things on top of it!  stuff like the water had been turned off, and so now the sinks were full of books and knick-knacks, and I was like *shrug ok I can't put my t-shirts in here, I'll just keep them in the box that needs to go under the ladder which I have to move a chair to get to*

literally i woke up panicking...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 20, 2024, 06:34:27 PM
That nightmare sounds awful LBS :( My house is a wreck too at the moment... well, it's always kind of a wreck, but I've been neglecting everything and it's getting out of control.

Just to keep updates here, two shrimp live! And they are male and female. The ammonia test strips say the level is zero... and I would have bet money it was high. So I'm back to square one.

My complaint is I just don't feel well and haven't for a couple of days. I feel off. Super tired and painful and my eyes are really bothering me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on April 21, 2024, 04:52:09 AM
:hug: ponyfan and :hug: BC, the poor little things. I'm sure you did everything you could for them. All it would take is one bringing a bug into the tank for them all to potentially be affected, but it's so demoralising :(

I don't really know how to articulate my not very trivial complaint without bringing the thread into the murky world of politics. Just, I am fed up with being part of a demographic that our government are targeting, hassling and frankly scapegoating in order to try and secure right-wing voters in the upcoming (whenever, soon please!) election. I am not going into details, but it is, quite frankly, TERRIFYING.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 21, 2024, 06:10:06 AM
:hug: :hug: :hug: for everyone.

Taffeta, i feel like our countries' right wing parties are in some horrible competition to see who can be the absolute worst. they're out of ideas other than wanting to destroy and pillage. but real people are getting hurt. the rest of the politicians aren't doing enough to stop it either. i hate it :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 21, 2024, 09:10:18 AM
As of this morning, the male is dead and I can't find the female. Also, the parasite medicine I bought is not for invertebrates. My fault for not reading everything before I bought it. The version that is invertebrate safe is twice as expensive, ugh.

Oh! The female has been spotted! She's alive. I should get her out of there.

I feel you guys on the politics. It is terrifying. Being a female bodied LGBT+ person, it's a daily reminder that we are not seen as people and a lot of folks would be happy to let us die. I'm lucky I live in a progressive bubble but most of the state is full of terrible scary people.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 21, 2024, 09:13:12 AM
Taffeta, I totally feel your frustration.  :( 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on April 21, 2024, 01:58:06 PM
Every so often I just wake up and look at the news to figure out if we're all going to be ended or there's another war/atrocity ... it's just ... so emotionally and mentally draining. There's only so much human misery you can intake before your own brain starts to dissolve like it's in acid.

To keep the Trivial part of the thread, changing the bed is such a pain and yet it's worth it when it's done. I ordered clothing a week ago and it's still in its packaging, I haven't gotten the courage to try the trousers on to see if they fit, I hate shopping for trousers so so mcuh  :cry:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on April 22, 2024, 01:17:37 PM
Thanks folks.

As horrible as the world events are, I find it's possible to ration how much of that news I take in at any one point.

It's harder to get away from the Government's direct and explicit attacks on disabled people.

I really don't want to bring the full rant here, but it is cowardly and disgusting. If they want to save taxpayer's money, maybe stop giving large chunks of it to private enterprise endorsed by colleagues and start thinking about how to fix the NHS and other vital social services. NOt to mention recruitment. If you want disabled people in work, start doing something about accessibility.

There's also no law in this country designating that hate crime against disability exists. Only against race, gender and sexuality. So people can do and say what they like and call it 'free speech', so long as they don't commit another crime like assault.

In London, in one twenty four hour period I overheard two discussions on buses which used derogatory language about autistic people.

I also overheard one autistic lad trying to explain to his friend what a meltdown was and why he was so angry with another friend for falsely accusing him of something. And I really felt for him and his future.

All in one 24 hour period.

I actually never hear comments like that here where I live. It did rather shock me, reminded me how so many folk seem to believe we exist on another plane and don't hear/feel comments people make about us. I also don't go around eavesdropping on bus conversations, but it's hard not to hear people yelling or having loud phone conversations.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 23, 2024, 03:47:35 AM
My day is off to a great start.

Aster puked on the bed.
I bit the inside of my cheek and now every time I chew I bite it again.
I slept funny on my left wrist and it's all swollen and hurts.
I'm depressed. I've been taking my medicine but I'm having a low time.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 23, 2024, 06:10:50 AM
:hug: :hug: :hug: BC and Taffeta

I don't feel well today. i'm considering taking a sick day but i always feel guilty for taking sick days since I work from home.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on April 23, 2024, 08:36:53 AM
So, for some reason this morning whenever I would search on Google it defaulted to Bing...from Google Chrome.  A web search on how to fix it was basically useless (change your default--Chrome is already my default; select your default search engine--Google already is; it might be malware, buy our software to find out--it's a work computer so I have no control over their security software) so I cleared my browser history and that seems to have fixed it for the moment.  I really hope it was the result of the IT people doing some updates that they conveniently didn't tell us about and not something worse like the internet wants me to believe.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 23, 2024, 10:33:53 AM
I still can't bring myself to make that WYP topic, I'm still too sad.  :wail:

My dream vacation is a trip to Disney World.  I joined a Facebook group that I thought would cheer me up a bit while I hope to go there someday, but  it's full of people that are either at the park or planning a trip to the park.   I like reading their posts, but it makes me want to be there even more.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on April 23, 2024, 05:12:33 PM
I need to get up for work in 5 hours  :| I don't want to go back to work, I am doing chores and writing, I NEED more time off!! Someone come and do my job for me!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on April 24, 2024, 02:47:00 PM
I feel absolutely horrible.  I've been on antibiotics for a week and still feel bad.   

I'm so mad at my dad right now.  He asked me for help with his email and somehow it got locked. I went to find him to ask him for his phone and he had gone somewhere.

Why ask for my help if you're going to run off and not wait for me to actually help you?

It turns out that he went to put gas in one of the cars. I finally got him back in to his email. 

The "Rainbow Bridge" poem made me cry.  :cry: :wail:

I went to Hot Topic today and it felt like I was in a store that was about to close down.  There were very few Funko Pops (the main reason I went to HT in the first place) and most of the ones they had were really old from months or almost a year ago.  I also only saw one or two Strawberry Shortcake things and no Sailor Moon stuff.

Also, I wanted to order something from Amazon, but it sold out before I could.  I don't know if it will be restocked or not.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 24, 2024, 03:45:09 PM
Ponyfan :hug: That poem makes me cry every time.

My mom has been really snippy with me lately. I told her I was having stomach problems and haven't eaten today. She said have some toast and I told her I didn't have any bread. She started at me, saying I make bad choices when buying groceries and every one has to have bread and I'm a "meathead". Like, I don't always eat bread? In fact, unless it's good bakery sourdough bread I never have it. It's not like I make sandwiches each day or... whatever people eat bread with. I eat more tortillas than bread :mad:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Kitcatepic on April 25, 2024, 08:15:54 AM
I actually never hear comments like that here where I live. It did rather shock me, reminded me how so many folk seem to believe we exist on another plane and don't hear/feel comments people make about us. I also don't go around eavesdropping on bus conversations, but it's hard not to hear people yelling or having loud phone conversations.

i'm so tired of overhearing my classmates use the r slur like its just a normal swear
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on April 25, 2024, 09:05:14 AM
I actually never hear comments like that here where I live. It did rather shock me, reminded me how so many folk seem to believe we exist on another plane and don't hear/feel comments people make about us. I also don't go around eavesdropping on bus conversations, but it's hard not to hear people yelling or having loud phone conversations.

i'm so tired of overhearing my classmates use the r slur like its just a normal swear

That's because to most people it is still a normal swear, because offensive ableist language doesn't get called out as much as other offensive terms do. We still have a long way to go, but it makes me twitch whenever I see or hear it.

That and when people use autistic as a slur word on its own. I only ever visited Brony forums about twice, on both occasions they were littered with ableist slurs against autistic people and the r word, and so I never went back again.

My rant for today is decorating.

My parents are having the hall, stairs and landing done.

This was meant to happen while I was away, but it got rescheduled.

The guy is a good guy, he's been here before, but this is going on right outside my door, a lot.

I'm sensitive to noise and paint smell. I also am not massively a fan of getting changed when there's a strange man outside in the hall stripping off wallpaper.

I have asked repeatedly to be informed when he is going to be working outside my room and three days in a row now I have got either inaccurate information or it's just been changed without anyone telling me.

Yesterday I went out after it had been agreed a lot of work would be done outside my room. As I was coming home, Mother told me by text it had been done already. I had a 4 minute train connection and I bust my lungs running to get that connection so I could make the bus home. Our bus from the station currently only runs once every ninety minutes, so that's another tight connection.

Then when I get on the second train, gasping for breath, I get a text saying it hasn't been done after all. If she told me correctly, then I could have saved my lungs and killed time in that town, but too late.

Then today I was told he was working downstairs all day. Until he wasn't, and turned up upstairs without any warning this afternoon.

I am so sick of being told one thing and then it being changed. I get it's their house, but is it too much to just ascertain information and convey it correctly so I know what's going on and can adjust accordingly?

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 25, 2024, 03:30:01 PM
I've been doing these little sheep doodles on another site that has ponies. I was doing them for free, but a friend poked me and said I should open a shop (it would be for game currency) so I asked for a price check. A couple of people have been very rude in my thread. Saying that anyone can draw a blob or glowing line and get lots of the game currency for it. That people like me who aren't artists make REAL artists feel bad. Blah blah blah.

I wrote a reply back, but decided to delete it and just say to the one person maybe they aren't as good of an artist as they think.

I AM an artist. I just work mainly in 3D. Drawing digitally isn't something I'm great at but I think my little doodles are cute and people seem to like them.

Everyone else in the thread has been very supportive and gave me a good range of what to charge if I open a shop. I'm just feeling bummed people had to come in and say things like that. I mean, if you wouldn't pay that price, fine. Say that. Don't dis my me and doodles.

A sample of said doodles for those curious:

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
 visitors can't see pics , please register or login
 visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 25, 2024, 05:34:02 PM
The doodles are cute!!! Ignore the naysayer, though it's hard to do. They'll learn in time that puttinmg people down is not a good way of helping fellow artists. As an amateur artist myself (amateur customising, a bit of knitting, a bit of crocheting, a bit of doodling...), I get how cruel peeps can be to somebody who's not a professional. Fortunately here, including the couple of times I've been on Art Challenge, everybody has been so warm & encouraging!!! Same wi the sharky server xxx

Taffeta, unfortunately tradies aren't too forthcoming about their own timetables, & throughout my bathroom renovation they've come when I wasn't expecting & not come when I was etc, so there's little anybody can do in such circumstances...

And to everybody hating ableist slurs, I'm with you xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 25, 2024, 06:58:02 PM
Ableist language and actions really bother me because it really puts self-created limits on what people think they can do.  It's like the Down Syndrome awareness PSA :  "if you think I can't ______,, then you don't treat me like I can ______, and then I don't ______." 

I know quite a few people who could probably be quite self-sufficient, contribute to the workforce, and be more independent, but it doesn't fit their family and support providers' narratives and definitions, so they think they can't work  or shouldn't work.  To the best of your ability, I say!  If you need supports, then by all means, use them, but don't opt out of doing things "because you can't (because you believed someone telling you that)".

Technology advances all the time - if there are now mechanized suits (like in anime), you can walk and lift and exercise!  Japan has several cafes that have robots that are operated by paraplegic people at home, using special headsets that connect directly to their brains .  if you need a service animal to help detect if you're going to have a medical episode, that's totally fine.  if you need a communication device/speech board/etc. , that's no different than the millions of other humans who can't get their face out of their phone LOL  It's no reason to opt out of society, hide yourself away, and be lonely. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on April 25, 2024, 11:51:54 PM
I've always considered it a 50/50 balance. 50% of my disability is me managing the things my disability causes, and 50% is dealing with barriers and obstacles in society that I don't have any control over.

I don't think it's a choice to opt out of society. I think a lot of disabled people are locked out of it by societal expectations and norms.

Just as an example, I can't navigate. GPS doesn't help me because it's designed for people who understand navigation. I'm entitled to a mobility car but I can't navigate so what's the point in that? I had to fight for a bus pass - I'm not entitled to one of those automatically, despite having full points for navigational issues. I rely on a bus service that stops before 6 in the evening, does not connect to local trains and has limited other bus connections. It limits where I can get to, and where/what hours I can work. It prevents me joining any local societies because I can't get there.

I'm the kind of person who pushes those limits. I still manage to go out. I get places. I work out ways to deal with the issue. But it's time consuming, mentally draining, and it doesn't solve the bigger problems relating to better job options, which is my main concern right now (I have lost two or three job opportunities in the last few months because of transport and the location. I lost one in COVID for similar reasons. But until I have a better job, I can't move to a place with a better bus route. And so the cycle continues.

Technology is great when it helps people. I'm not knocking that. But it's not all about physical or tech aids. It's mostly about people changing their attitudes and making processes more generally inclusive.

And even when tech is helpful, it has to be available, which in many cases it is not.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 26, 2024, 06:38:46 AM
I've always considered it a 50/50 balance. 50% of my disability is me managing the things my disability causes, and 50% is dealing with barriers and obstacles in society that I don't have any control over.

I don't think it's a choice to opt out of society. I think a lot of disabled people are locked out of it by societal expectations and norms.


Technology is great when it helps people. I'm not knocking that. But it's not all about physical or tech aids. It's mostly about people changing their attitudes and making processes more generally inclusive.

And even when tech is helpful, it has to be available, which in many cases it is not.

I completely agree!  If people would just stop creating obstacles and barriers for others.  Find out what people need to succeed and support them with that!  And access to these supports is totally vital.

I also struggle with navigation - my husband gets so angry when he tells me to turn left and somehow I turn right!  LOL  Definitely don't tell me to go east/west/north/south or we will never get to the destination!  Say, "Turn left at the McDonalds"  or "see that big tree, the NEXT street, go there"  My grandma had this problem too - she would enter the highway going the wrong direction and end up in a different state and have to find an exit ramp and turn around...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on April 26, 2024, 07:49:51 AM
I've been doing these little sheep doodles on another site that has ponies. I was doing them for free, but a friend poked me and said I should open a shop (it would be for game currency) so I asked for a price check. A couple of people have been very rude in my thread. Saying that anyone can draw a blob or glowing line and get lots of the game currency for it. That people like me who aren't artists make REAL artists feel bad. Blah blah blah.

People who make comments like that are a combination of jealous and insecure.  I create Pokemon coloring pages--I started years ago, back when there were NO official Pokemon coloring books.  I have a friend who was really interested in what I was working on because she also wanted to color Pokemon.  We were discussing it in front of her brother who informed me in a sneering tone that it wasn't that hard and he could do that.  So my response was, "Yeah, but will you?"  I think it shocked him that I had the audacity to snap back at him.  (He's very spoiled, to the point where their mother would blame my friend if he didn't eat because, even now, as an adult, he doesn't know how to make himself a peanut butter sandwich.)  He doesn't like me and that's fine.  I think he's a {word I shouldn't use on this site}.  I've made 600+ Pokemon coloring pages so far and plan to complete the entire set.  The kids at the library where I work love them. 

I am currently working on pieces to sell at a big event a few towns over.  I don't do custom pieces.  I create what I want and if people buy them, great.  But does that make me NOT an artist?  Because I do something that someone else claims they can do or I don't take commissions?  I don't think so.  I'm an artist whether someone else likes it or not.  There are lots of famous art pieces that I think are hideous and wouldn't have paid money for but they're in museums so obviously someone out there thought they had value. 

And it's been my experience that the people who are supposed to have my pieces don't always show up at the first place I show them.  Sometimes it takes a few times before a piece sells.  I don't take it personally.  I would rather my pieces go to someone who truly enjoys them rather than selling them just to sell them.  If you're only an artist to make money, it will show.  But when you love what you do, the people who also love what you do will find you. 

Which reminds me...I really need to remember to start taking pictures of what I create and adding them to my DA page.  I haven't added anything but coloring pages since I started making resin pieces.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 26, 2024, 07:55:35 AM
Yeah, I'm one of those "locked away from society" but it's not really by choice. I don't drive, never have. There is no public transport here. There is a bus of sorts, but you need to call 48 hours ahead and it costs money. I live day to day because my pain and mental function vary day to day. I don't know how I'll feel in 48 hours, so why book a trip?

I'm actually thankful for COVID and the lockdown in a way. I use Zoom to see my psyche and therapist and it's SO much better than having to go to the office and everything that happens between that and coming home. Honestly, if I had to be physically seen? I would probably cancel a lot of my appointments. And that doesn't help me.

I'm all for technology. I think we need to rely on it to reach a Utopia, where robots do all the work and humans can enjoy life. And there have been major advancements even in recent years. But like Taffeta said, society as a whole isn't set up for all inclusiveness. It's all old infrastructure and most cities don't want to put the work in the make things better. Oh, they'll install spikes on benches but ramps and handrails is too hard or costs too much money.

Pokey - I agree. Jealous and insecure, for sure. I also get the "I could do that too" from people about my miniatures sometimes.

I don't really do custom pieces either. I've taken commissions but I always regret it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on April 26, 2024, 09:13:55 AM
Yeah, I'm one of those "locked away from society" but it's not really by choice. I don't drive, never have. There is no public transport here. There is a bus of sorts, but you need to call 48 hours ahead and it costs money. I live day to day because my pain and mental function vary day to day. I don't know how I'll feel in 48 hours, so why book a trip?

When they cut down the buses here, the Council's argument was that kind of dial and book service, and we gave them the exact same reply you just said. How do you know how you are going to be in 2 days? It was particularly for an elderly complex that the issues were arising. They were amazing, though. They went to war with the Council and they won and the Council rerouted the bus back past their estate. There's one woman who is on it literally every day. It's a matter of a 5 minute detour that transformed her quality of life.

It sucks that your buses are so bad :(

Also, on the sheep. I meant to mention this before, but it's so much easier for people to insult someone else's stuff than it is to contribute anything positive to society. Ignore them. You're being creative and the sheep are cute :)

@LBS - my navigational thing is I think officially developmental topographical disorientation, which means parts of my brain don't link up stuff properly. Unfortunately getting an official diagnosis and scan is not possible on the NHS at the moment (I think Canada is the only place that actually does it, in case you're interested, LOL) but it means that I can be somewhere familiar and my brain will reset where I am, and I will completely lose my bearings. Forget left and right, I can't always remember how to get from work to the bus station. I have to remember which stores are near it and hope I see the sign to them/the logo.

This is why it's a bad idea for me to have a car. I am all for self-driving cars when they are safe, but I think that's a long way off. Human driven cars are maybe the bigger problem, since a lot of people drive badly here.
Tech could probably make my life a lot easier, if the tech I needed existed. :)

Being able to drive would transform my life completely. But I spent six years trying to learn. And I could do the mechanics of it, so long as there was someone there to navigate. And in my tests I made bad decisions because I navigated worse under stress and misread traffic signals. I never did anything dangerous but I realised that I would probably end up killing someone and I would never be able to drive independently because of my navigation and the ease with which I lost orientation on roundabouts and such.

So yeah. I am as independent with public transport and such as I can be. I am the only person who goes to London for a walking holiday because there are lots of buses, and the bus stops are quite distinctive. I can follow bus routes to walk and the buses are frequent enough that I can watch where they go to help me find the way. And if I get lost I can always grab a bus and get back to safety. I can't do any of that at home :/ But I can't afford to live in London, so this is how it is.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on April 26, 2024, 10:02:17 AM
Worried about my husb. He’s been having a lot of negative self talk lately, and at my request, he brought it up to his therapist, and his therapist basically said that it makes sense. He listens to him but doesn’t give him the TOOLS to deal with it. So I asked him to bring it up again, and ask if he has any tools to help him, and nothing really came of it.

I’m worried about it. I’ve told him to challenge those negative thoughts in the past, but I don’t think he has ever understood HOW to do that. So now I’m over here giving advice that I’m not a professional in. I told him to imagine that someone he loves is saying those negative things about themselves, and asked him what he would say to reassure them. He isn’t in the right head space to see beyond the negative fog right now, but I’m hoping it’ll at least plant a seed. :whew: Because obviously, years of me telling him I don’t think those negative things about him does nothing. He needs to change his internal narration. Easier said than done.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on April 26, 2024, 10:08:06 AM
i love your sketches BC :) the sheep are so cute. i also liked the sheep figurines you posted a while back.

the people with the money to buy politicians want to criminalize being poor. so cities install spikes do keep unhoused people from being able to rest. removing benches to punish unhoused people also punishes everyone else who uses those spaces. but what do they care. more important for billionaires to not have to see the "poors" in San Francisco. the incentives aren't in place to make the world better for those of us who can't afford to buy politicians. as long as people with the most money make the rules we'll never get mass transit or real protections for disabled people. or any of us really. if it doesn't build "shareholder value" it won't happen under the current status quo. it can be done. we just need the will as a society to make it happen. i do believe a better world is possible. it's why i complain so much :D

i think tech can be made to help people. but not under the current tech leadership. most of that is scams lately. maybe tech designed for and by disabled people would be a better solution?

@shockponie i hope your husband can get some help :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 27, 2024, 07:42:45 AM
Ableist language and actions really bother me because it really puts self-created limits on what people think they can do.  It's like the Down Syndrome awareness PSA :  "if you think I can't ______,, then you don't treat me like I can ______, and then I don't ______." 

I know quite a few people who could probably be quite self-sufficient, contribute to the workforce, and be more independent, but it doesn't fit their family and support providers' narratives and definitions, so they think they can't work  or shouldn't work.  To the best of your ability, I say!  If you need supports, then by all means, use them, but don't opt out of doing things "because you can't (because you believed someone telling you that)".

Technology advances all the time - if there are now mechanized suits (like in anime), you can walk and lift and exercise!  Japan has several cafes that have robots that are operated by paraplegic people at home, using special headsets that connect directly to their brains .  if you need a service animal to help detect if you're going to have a medical episode, that's totally fine.  if you need a communication device/speech board/etc. , that's no different than the millions of other humans who can't get their face out of their phone LOL  It's no reason to opt out of society, hide yourself away, and be lonely.
I was asked once if I could help elderly housebound people to access the internet as I'm quite computer savvy. I talked about the things these people could do, including sell hand-made items online for a little extra cash. The carers who interviewed me were NOT having that, despite pensions being something you can supplement with a small extra income, & I was shut down because I didn't "understand". What I didn't understand was the carers' need to keep their clients fully dependent without adding any contributions. Like, so they can't use their legs & feet, but the can still use their hands!!!
The whole attitude of "these folks can't do anything" is just maddening. Like what if they want to or need to for their sanity???
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on April 27, 2024, 05:07:52 PM
I've been doing these little sheep doodles on another site that has ponies. I was doing them for free, but a friend poked me and said I should open a shop (it would be for game currency) so I asked for a price check. A couple of people have been very rude in my thread. Saying that anyone can draw a blob or glowing line and get lots of the game currency for it. That people like me who aren't artists make REAL artists feel bad. Blah blah blah.

I wrote a reply back, but decided to delete it and just say to the one person maybe they aren't as good of an artist as they think.

I AM an artist. I just work mainly in 3D. Drawing digitally isn't something I'm great at but I think my little doodles are cute and people seem to like them.

Everyone else in the thread has been very supportive and gave me a good range of what to charge if I open a shop. I'm just feeling bummed people had to come in and say things like that. I mean, if you wouldn't pay that price, fine. Say that. Don't dis my me and doodles.

A sample of said doodles for those curious:

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
 visitors can't see pics , please register or login
 visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Your sheep are really cute! :heart: They made me smile. :) Keep making your art and forget about those stupid commenters! :hug:

(I still haven't published my own drawings anywhere but here on the forum, because I don't have enough courage to do so. I have received wonderful and nice comments here, thank you for them. :heart: )
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 27, 2024, 05:10:08 PM
Thank you!

Speaking of, I finished the free ones I was doing and opened a shop :accomplished:

My complaint right now is I'm hot. It's cooler outside than it is in my apartment.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 29, 2024, 06:15:13 AM
My sheep shop is a big hit! :D

But my morning is going terribly so far.

A phone call woke me up, it was my bank's fraud department. They said someone tried to use my card number to rent a car. They put a block on my card and now I need a new one. I called customer service after I was done with the fraud part. I can either go in to a branch before 4pm today and get a new card, or wait 5-7 days for one to come in the mail. I opted to go to a branch. It's the first in two days. I need my card!

Then when I went into the bathroom, there was pee on the floor again. Aster totally missed the litter box. I think this was the third time? So I had to clean that up. Then I went to feed her and her food comes in these little plastic containers with foil you peel back. Sometimes they are hard to peel and this was one of them. I didn't know I was slightly squeezing the container and when I finally peeled the foil back, cat food juice squirted on my just laundered shirt :mad:

I sat down at my desk to do my internet rounds and looked into my tank, my female shrimp died :( I think the male isn't far behind, he hasn't moved since last night. For now he's hanging in there but I bet he dies too. I can't see the babies. And last night I scrubbed a bunch of brown algae off the glass and right now it looks like more grew in its place! Ugh.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Griffin on April 30, 2024, 05:45:14 AM
I'm angry with myself for missing a job application deadline. The ad said 30 April so I thought I still had time to work on it today, but the deadline was at midnight. A bit confusing. Well, it's my fault for not doing it earlier, I saw the ad ages ago and then kept procrastinating. Besides, it was something I don't have formal qualifications for, so I highly doubt I would've had any real chances anyway. But the job description itself sounded like something I could do and enjoy.

Well, there will be other opportunities. I guess I'm just upset because it genuinely sounded like fun, and because I wanted to take my time and prep a good application and portfolio, but then I just lazied around the whole weekend. Maybe I subconsciously sabotaged myself because I was too scared to take the leap.  -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 01, 2024, 01:19:04 AM
I am just very angry with the government right now.

I don't want to bring politics into here, but they are disgusting.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 01, 2024, 06:34:10 AM
Griffin, send  it in anyway!  sometimes they don't like all the candidates in front of them and want more ;) 
best of luck!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 01, 2024, 07:20:15 AM
Wow, am I sore today. I went to the bank and visited my mom yesterday. A lot of walking for me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 01, 2024, 10:12:53 AM
why do i continue to look at instagram comments? it's never good.

also, is anyone else getting concerned about bird flu?  :blink:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 01, 2024, 04:33:14 PM
Haven't heard anything about it in Florida. Looks like the CDC is monitoring people just in Texas.

Florida's big thing is mosquito borne illnesses. We still had the zika virus up until a few years ago.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 02, 2024, 08:41:45 AM
We had signs up around here for a while a year or two back just because some cases in birds were found somewhere in the country but I'm not sure they're still there. We have a lot of birds here, the garden ones plus the waterbirds, but touch wood have had no incidents in this area in those populations. I'm not really worried about it, honestly.

More concerned about our government's ableist crusade, and the lies they keep telling about PIP.

Bus broke down yesterday. It wasn't the one I was on, but it caused a delay in the one service (our bus runs in 2 directions clockwise and anticlockwise, and to get to a place and back sometimes means using the same bus and sometimes means using the other one. I needed to get the clockwise bus back from the local town after coming back from the county town. I ended up having to scramble to catch it at a different stop because it was out of its usual sequence.

I am still not amused that the Council defunded all the original subsidised routes to pay for bus routes nobody asked for, most of which now run empty. The only ones that don't are mine and another one, but mine is compensating for three or four removed routes on one bus (at a reduced frequency.) One of the buses they have been subsidising for a year has no stops for the first 30 mins of its route and then apes another existing commercial route, so picks up no passengers. Most of them also serve areas that already have commercial bus routes, leaving large areas with no bus route at all.

Unfortunately this shows me that a change of government may not be the solution to all our problems. Our local council is not Tory.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 02, 2024, 12:37:18 PM
I had to go to every website that has my payment info and update it for my new card. The amount of codes sent to my phone so I could verify who I was is ridiculous. For my phone, which is AT&T, they sent me four sperate codes! One for each step of 1 - getting into my account, 2 - adding my new card, 3 - deleting my old card, 4 - verify my information. OMG. I know protecting your info online is important but is that really necessary? I've got like 30 codes in my texts!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 02, 2024, 04:19:06 PM
Unfortunately this shows me that a change of government may not be the solution to all our problems. Our local council is not Tory.

we have similar issues here too. unfortunately :( i'm curious about the political parties in Britain. I know there is a parliament instead of the 3 branches we have in the US. But i only ever hear about 2 political parties, the Tories and Labour. are there other smaller parties that don't make in into the US coverage? I wish we had more viable parties here. but i'm not sure more parties is leading to voters having more input in places with more than 2 parties.

anyway my complaint today is my back and head hurt. i really crash towards the end of the day. i woke up at 4am so i guess it makes sense given i've been up for 14+ hours already. but still it's annoying. i still have stuff to do.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 03, 2024, 03:55:37 AM
I slept for a long time but it wasn't good sleep. I have a headache, eyeache and there's a very painful pimple in my ear -_-
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on May 03, 2024, 07:07:25 AM
My gripe today is that there are too many options for college. If art isn't viable in the future I will become an attorney, but there's just so much out there I might not like it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 03, 2024, 09:43:22 AM
Unfortunately this shows me that a change of government may not be the solution to all our problems. Our local council is not Tory.

we have similar issues here too. unfortunately :( i'm curious about the political parties in Britain. I know there is a parliament instead of the 3 branches we have in the US. But i only ever hear about 2 political parties, the Tories and Labour. are there other smaller parties that don't make in into the US coverage?

Yes...I'll put this in spoilers though so it doesn't detract from the thread.

Historically the main parties were the Tories (Conservatives) and Whigs (Liberals). Labour was actually a later addition because of workers rights and are traditionally the socialist voice, albeit it's a bit more complicated. Liberals are now the Liberal Democrats, basically the UK's third party albeit some way behid the others. They did go into coalition with the Tories in government back in around 2010, but it didn't end well for them. Ideologically they are closer to Labour than Tory but they're not the same. The coalition lost them a lot of support and they are clawing some of it back but still a long way from power.

We also have the Green party who are environmentally conscious and Reform UK who are...right wing.

In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland there are also parties we don't have in England. Scotland has the Scottish National Party, who currently run Scotland's devolved parliament. Wales has Plaid Cymru, though their devolved parliament is I think run by Labour. Northern Ireland have Sinn Fein and the Democratic Unionist Party who are in a power share agreement following the Good Friday agreement. Sinn Fein support union with Ireland and the DUP with the UK.

These parties are also represented in local Council authorities. The administrative borough where I live covers two parliamentary constituencies, and the MPs are currently both Tory. But the borough Council is overwhelmingly Labour and has been for a long time. This is one of the reasons for the bus issues, as the Labour Council took off the existing buses and, aside mine, all the new buses only serve Labour wards. Most of the wards in the north where I am are not Labour, so transport sucks.

It's just been a really long and tiring week. What with the nastiness in the goverment's consultation, the decorator still being here, and trying to get on with sorting (impossible when someone is papering outside your door)...and I'm working tomorrow, so no respite yet.

It's a bank holiday weekend, too. Which means no buses on Monday.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on May 04, 2024, 12:34:38 PM
For some reason my scalp has been really bad lately. I'm not sure if I'm super-stressed and it's coming out as a scalp outbreak, but it's painful and embarrassing, and I can't stop clawing at it -_-

Very small gripe but hopefully someone else understands; you know the pumps that come with beauty products or shower/hand gels? Normally, you twist to 'unlock' them and start using them. But sometimes the pump nozzle twirls WITH the stem that goes into the liquid, so you're spinning it without it unlocking  :pout: So you need to open the tub, HOLD the stem and force the twist that actually allows the pump to be freed. Now imagine trying to do that in the shower!! My conditioner was like 'if you want to actually condition your hair, solve my puzzle!'
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 04, 2024, 02:01:42 PM

Very small gripe but hopefully someone else understands; you know the pumps that come with beauty products or shower/hand gels? Normally, you twist to 'unlock' them and start using them. But sometimes the pump nozzle twirls WITH the stem that goes into the liquid, so you're spinning it without it unlocking  :pout: So you need to open the tub, HOLD the stem and force the twist that actually allows the pump to be freed. Now imagine trying to do that in the shower!! My conditioner was like 'if you want to actually condition your hair, solve my puzzle!'

And then there are the ones which think their job is to splatter the tiles rather than deposit stuff into your hand for helpful use...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 04, 2024, 03:44:22 PM

Very small gripe but hopefully someone else understands; you know the pumps that come with beauty products or shower/hand gels? Normally, you twist to 'unlock' them and start using them. But sometimes the pump nozzle twirls WITH the stem that goes into the liquid, so you're spinning it without it unlocking  :pout: So you need to open the tub, HOLD the stem and force the twist that actually allows the pump to be freed. Now imagine trying to do that in the shower!! My conditioner was like 'if you want to actually condition your hair, solve my puzzle!'

And then there are the ones which think their job is to splatter the tiles rather than deposit stuff into your hand for helpful use...

OMG yes. i had to throw out soap once because the stupid thing wouldn't open when twisted. and i couldn't just open it and decant either.

Taffeta, thank you for the explanation. it sounds like your local government isn't trying to win new supporters :huh:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 04, 2024, 06:03:33 PM
Last week I ordered a pizza from Domino's. The delivery guy, who I'd never seen before, was holding the pizza bag like a suitcase. My pizza got all scrunched on the side and there was cheese all over the top of the box.

Tonight I ordered a Marketfresh pizza from WalMart and once again, the delivery person was holding it vertically. All the toppings slid to one side.

Like, how can you not know how to hold a pizza??? I think you have to be pretty dumb to do this. And these people drive!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on May 06, 2024, 05:36:55 AM
 :shocked:... Seriously? I would have asked for a new one.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 06, 2024, 02:01:02 PM
^ I thought about that, but I didn't feel like going through the hassle, and eating two pizzas back to back isn't good for me :P

I've a few complaints at the moment. First, my 100 dollar Purple seat cushion does nothing. My butt is so sore :lol: I'm sure it would be worse without the cushion, but I had hoped it would hold up better. I guess next on my list is the Cushion Lab. Theirs are $77 for just the cushion but they have a back and foot rest too. I also want to get a new chair, yet again. This one came off Amazon and it's okay. I really need a 24 hour chair, or a 911 Dispatcher chair. It's so hard to buy online though without being able to test them. I've looked at Steelcase and BTOD. The best seller in both is an ergonomic mesh chair but I'm afraid it'd be too small for me :huh:

My next complaint is my motivation is tanked. Like today I wanted to work on ponies but my wrist started bothering me. And then again with how uncomfortable I am in this chair. And I just wasn't feeling it, you know? I'm not even feeling gaming right now.

My final complaint is I got a Jury Summons. I can get out of it because I don't have transportation, but that's half my complaint. I've never been on a jury and would like to try it sometime. But, I have to way to get there and going out everyday is hard with my physical disabilities. If I was normal I'd do it, just to see what it's like.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 06, 2024, 03:44:41 PM
There's so much I want to say, but it seems like when I start thinking about writing it, the words escape me and I end up not posting anything.  :(  Maybe the words will eventually find me again.

I was reading a post in a Disney World group on Facebook and someone asked if it was okay to randomly give someone a little gift while at the park that they had made.  The responses were so mean.  A lot of people either said outright "You'd better not try to give me/my children anything," "I'd take it, but throw it away when you're not looking."  The person also asked if it would be more acceptable to leave the gifts around the park where they'd be spotted and taken instead of trying to give them directly and the responses were equally as bad.  Someone said "I teach my children not to take things that don't belong to them."   "I'm not letting my child pick up some random thing they find."   

I understand everyone has an opinion, but telling the person that their gifts they worked so hard on wouldn't be accepted or appreciated made me feel bad for them.   So far the gifts I've seen others post are clearly marked as something meant for the person that finds it.  Usually it's in a bag and says "a gift from____ Enjoy."

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on May 07, 2024, 07:26:30 AM
I was reading a post in a Disney World group on Facebook and someone asked if it was okay to randomly give someone a little gift while at the park that they had made.  The responses were so mean.  A lot of people either said outright "You'd better not try to give me/my children anything," "I'd take it, but throw it away when you're not looking."  The person also asked if it would be more acceptable to leave the gifts around the park where they'd be spotted and taken instead of trying to give them directly and the responses were equally as bad.  Someone said "I teach my children not to take things that don't belong to them."   "I'm not letting my child pick up some random thing they find."   

I understand everyone has an opinion, but telling the person that their gifts they worked so hard on wouldn't be accepted or appreciated made me feel bad for them.   So far the gifts I've seen others post are clearly marked as something meant for the person that finds it.  Usually it's in a bag and says "a gift from____ Enjoy."


When I worked at Disney World we had guests that would sometimes bring treats to us as Cast Members.  Depending on what it is, the Cast Members might not be allowed to accept it--Disney has rules that they're very strict about.  Even tips, for example.  Since I worked in a non-tipping position (I drove the Kilimanjaro Safari) I had to tell people "no"--in a nice way--three times before being allowed to accept it, and then I would have to let my manager know I had gotten it.  I found out by working there that some cultures show their appreciation by tipping so it happened even though we weren't expecting it.  (Most managers would just say, "Good job.  Next time, you don't need to let me know."  I think they were supposed to report it as income but the amount of tips we got wouldn't have made any difference.)

But as far as giving gifts to other guests, I would suggest that the person strike up a conversation with people while they're standing in line for rides and then offer the gift after making "Park Buddies."  Then it might not be so weird to some people.  When my friend and I go we always talk to people around us.  It helps the lines to go faster sometimes.

I would think if they were just leaving things randomly, they might end up in lost and found.  So it might not hurt for them to check with the Cast Members to see if there is a way to leave a "surprise gift" that would actually be found and taken home rather than sent to Guest Services waiting to be claimed.

As for my trivial complaint, I bought an adorable set of dragon molds for making resin pieces.  I made a set last night, using my resin curing machine, so I could see what it looked like in person and now I don't want to be at work.  I want to be at home making dragons.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 07, 2024, 08:22:53 AM
yeah the spirit behind giving out gifts is sweet. but personally i would be a little weirded out by a stranger giving me a gift randomly. i've never been to a Disney theme park i'm not sure of the vibes there. with the political climate and all people might be more on edge. i can see it as a nice memento if i struck up a friendship with someone while visiting though.

my complaint is that i've been feeling sick for days. i think it's allergies since i don't even have a low grade fever. also i've been having nightmares about losing my dogs. i have them occasionally but it's been several nights in a row. maybe just stress dreams.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 07, 2024, 09:10:02 AM
I have received a few nice things from people "randomly" in Disney.  Except that a group of people that you stand in line with for over an hour, and make small talk with, tend not to be total strangers by the time you start trading pins or keychains with them.  Just walking up to someone and handing them a gift because , "you have a child" or "you look like you really like Tinkerbell" IS definitely creepy. 

I think the only time I've done that was when my family was heading out of the parks at night, with my grandma in a wheelchair, and we still had same-day Fast Passes (I don't remember why we had gotten them from a Cast Member right now)  but they were going to be wasted if they didn't get used by park close, so we walked along one of the more popular ride areas and specifically looked for people who were scoping out the signage to see how long the wait was, and handing them off to a grateful family who did not want to wait 3 hours in line!  But they don't give out Fast Passes anymore so ... 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 07, 2024, 11:32:10 AM
I hate the fact that a lot of theme parks have "waiting in line for hours" as a feature. I'd rather they take a certain amount of guests a day and close the park. If I'm there, I can have a good time, if I miss it well that's life. I'd like to go to Halloween Havoc at least once, but the wait times are also about 3 hours. Who wants to do that?? What a waste of time.

...I'm a little grumpy today :(

I had a very strange and frustrating dream. My dad, sister, grandma and her BBF, my first dog and two little girls whose names I didn't catch were there. All I could say was 'hi' not even 'hello' just 'hi'. I wanted to talk to my dad and sister so bad. There were also two very tall women dressed flamboyantly who kept making comments about what I was doing. I have it in my head that they were angels, for some reason. Annoying angels :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 08, 2024, 07:56:20 AM
I have been saving from my salary for the last several months to get a new PC, as this old warhorse of mine has a keyboard that is...well, half stuck on with sellotape is not an exaggeration. I love this computer, it's been absolutely brilliant, but it's battery is shot and it has seen better days.

So I got my new PC this morning. I had it all beautifully set up. Then Windows did an update refused to boot. So I had to reset it back to factory and start over again.

And the decorator is still here so I can't even rant and swear about it.

Not only that, every time it goes to reboot during reinstallation I am here worrying it won't boot up again.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 08, 2024, 06:55:08 PM
Because I have racked up so many lieu hours ( we don't get paid overtime), I was forced to take a day off by my supervisor.  When I got back to the office, I spent my entire workday going to meetings that I was completely unprepared for and faking my way through...  now I will have to do extra work to make my reports extra-detailed so that it looks like I went above and beyond, instead of "catching up on things I should have done two days ago, but with only one workday to actually work on them"
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 08, 2024, 10:09:14 PM
I wanted to check out frozen veg & get my fave frozen veggieburgers from Tesco. Some hope: the vegetable & vegetarian freezer was broken until the end of the week!!!. So I got some chilled veggieburgers instead & missed out on frozen veggies!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 09, 2024, 06:03:43 AM
I have an invasion of gnats. They started out in one of my plants. I put a sticky spike in the soil to catch them, but they must be laying eggs in the soil or something. I can't see anything, so I'm only assuming. But there are so many of them. I put sticky spikes in all my plants and some are completely full. It's gross, man. The worst thing is they fly close to my face because they want to moisture in my eyes and mouth. I already swallowed one and snorted another. My desk is next to all my plants, so they are constantly flying around me. I don't want to put anything in the soil incase it harms the plants. I think I'll make a few vinegar traps and set them on my desk. Maybe that will keep them away from my face.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on May 09, 2024, 07:17:02 AM
I had that problem, I had to re-pot my plant and that helped some. Sadly the bugs are why I don't keep plants in my room anymore...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 09, 2024, 07:25:10 AM
The stickies are gross but they do work.
Also, watering the plants from the bottom so the topsoil dries out can help as well. The flies lay eggs in the top soil when it's moist, so if it dries out it breaks the cycle.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 09, 2024, 07:55:33 AM
I posted in the plants thread. I can use hydrogen peroxide to kill the larvae.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: dippindot on May 10, 2024, 11:47:27 AM
My hair stylist of five years left the salon

My overgrown bangs are crying and so am I
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Koudoawaia on May 10, 2024, 03:43:54 PM
I am never ordering McDonald's from Door Dash again. The last few times when I've requested no onions on my burger like I always do they were there anyway. This time takes the cake. They didn't even include my burger then when the Dasher went above and beyond and went back to get it McDonald's lied out their faces and claimed my burger wasn't missing when it most definitely was.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 10, 2024, 05:40:58 PM
I did it again. I set up to record game footage for my channel, played for an hour and half talking, only to find out I forgot to click the record button.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 11, 2024, 06:50:14 AM
i missed seeing the Northern Lights last night. i didn't think it would make it so far south. i looked out around 10pm or so and didn't see anything. but apparently you can use your phone camera to see it. i didn't know :( i'll try again tonight.

also the neighbor diagonal to us keeps trying to run birds off from his backyard by putting up all this reflective junk. i guess their precious pool is more important than allowing birds to be around. now he seems to be lining the fence with tin foil :huh: if you don't like birds don't move to the burbs. they were here first! the trees i'm planting along the fence can't grow fast enough.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 11, 2024, 10:45:12 AM
We had a conversation about this at work today, and it transpires absolutely none of us knew it was going to happen xD. We're so well informed.

My trivial complaint is that I had a borderline creepy conversation with the security guard guy today. He's a joker kind of a guy and we all often have banter with him, but I also don't really like when people make intrusive comments or's just something I don't really enjoy. I don't think he meant any harm by it, but I was definitely not comfortable.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 11, 2024, 12:30:34 PM
I missed the aurora too because I figured I was too far south, but you could see it as far as the Bahamas.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 11, 2024, 02:06:50 PM
Also missed the aurora!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 11, 2024, 06:52:35 PM
I also did not look up into the sky outside.  But I had awesome sleep which hasn't happened for the longest time. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 12, 2024, 04:34:38 AM
I couldn't stay up to see if it happened again last night :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on May 12, 2024, 06:54:08 AM
Last two weekends for the flea market have been a wash out nothing but rain so far, hope to go next week.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 12, 2024, 08:08:34 AM
I was planning to visit my mom today, but my stomach is acting up. Of course she had to "pick on me" (which to me is bullying) and made me feel bad even though I'm supposed to laugh. Yeah, call me a PITA, that's sooooooo funny. She also got on me about not sending flowers, but the last time I sent flowers all she did was complain about them. I can't win :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 12, 2024, 11:17:53 AM
sewing clothing for OB11 dolls is so tiny and my hands cramp!  ARGH 
(think Kelly from Barbie, or Nendoroids if you like anime figures)
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on May 13, 2024, 01:22:44 PM
My grocery delivery was supposed to be 8pm, I thought I saw it outside but they disappeared ... then I got a text saying it was coming 7am tomorrow because of problems??? Then 20 minutes later it arrived?! And then there were none of my frozen things in it and my fizzy juice likely had a spill from other crates and smelt rotten  :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 13, 2024, 03:41:46 PM
I always seem to end up tired, hungry, & sore after a walk!!!
Also I'm waiting for a parcel, & because I'm up here, it's delayed.
Oh & the bank refused a Paypal payment, which means I can't use Paypal until I refill the balance manually
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 14, 2024, 03:11:52 PM
My 2 liter of Pepsi that I just opened a day ago is flat already.

I asked to join a group on Facebook and got a message that I was approved, but when I go to the group it says the admins are still reviewing my request and I can't post. It's a Frasier TV show fan group.

I think my baby shrimp are dead :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 14, 2024, 03:15:17 PM
So much I want to say... warning in advance that this is going to be long. 

I guess it's best to start with the most recently stuff and work backwards.

I had to go to the dentist today.  I always dread going even though it's just a cleaning.  The hygienist that has been doing my cleanings for years no longer works there.  The person I saw today was nice enough, but she seemed a little less friendly than my regular hygienist.  She kept telling me to relax my facial features while she worked.  She also told me that I couldn't talk while she was taking my blood pressure because it would make it go up.

I had a really rough day at work on Friday.  I had to take another assignment than what I had signed up for, because there weren't enough people to cover everything.  I tried very hard, but it was obvious that I wasn't the person they wanted in that position as the other people made it quite clear that the person that was out on Friday was going to take the assignment back on Monday.  There were also treats that were supposed to be refrigerated, but were left out all week.  When I asked about the treats I was told "Oh, we'll just deal with them on Monday."  For some reason I decided to take a closer look at the treats and discovered

TW: for bugs

some of the treats were moldy and had bugs crawling on them

It really made me feel like I was second best.

My dad keeps saying he wants to organize our movies.  I've tried telling him several times that they are mostly loosely organized in broad categories, but that's not good enough for him.  He wants a catalog or something I guess.  We can never agree because he won't listen to when I try to tell him about the categories.  We don't need to start from scratch when a lot of the work is already done if he'd just accept it.  I was trying to sort out extra copies that we didn't need anymore at one point and then when I wasn't at home, my dad decided to "organize" all of those and put them back on the shelf even though I had already sorted them.  To be honest, I lost my motivation to try again after that point.  He also took out several VHS tapes "because we don't have  a way to play them" including at least one that we haven't been able to get a copy of on Blu Ray/DVD.  If I can find the box he put them in they're probably ruined by now. 

Sometimes I wish my mom would stand up to my dad and not just let him do whatever he wants.

Loss of a pet coming up in the spoiler.  It's nothing too graphic but I wanted to give people the option of skipping over it if they don't want to read.

My elderly dog died in April. I still miss her.  She started rattling and I knew she was dying.   By the time she started getting really bad, the vets were closing and my parents would have had to pay an emergency vet extra to stop her suffering.  We decided to see if she would die on her own during the night or make it to the next morning.   She kept crying/yipping every few minutes except for the one time she fell asleep.  She was usually very quiet, so for her to be that vocal made me wonder if she was in pain or hurting.   She survived the night and my parents took her to be put to sleep the next morning.   

I logged on to Spotify yesterday and it kept playing 5 or 6 ads in a row and then refused to play the first 3 or 4 songs I selected.  Just when I was about to give up on it, it started working.  It seemed like it wanted me to listen to the songs Spotify picked for me instead of what I wanted. 

Sorry about the baby shrimp, BC.

I got rejected from a Facebook group because I didn't have enough of the right brand of diamond paintings.  It was a selling/destash group, but nothing was posted about that in the description until after my request was denied.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 14, 2024, 04:25:15 PM
*huggles*  i am sorry to hear about your dog!   always the worst, especially when you have to convince other people that it's time to let go and they are not ready. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 14, 2024, 04:27:50 PM
:hug: I'm sorry about your dog. You gave her a great life :hug:

Your dad sounds so much like mine! My dad's thing was the garage. He was always moving things around and "organizing" them and none of it was his. One year he buried all the holiday decoration bins in the back and piled other bins and boxes in front of them. Me and my sister got so mad and we refused to dig them out. So whenever there was a holiday my dad would ask why we weren't decorating and we had to remind him that he buried the bins and made them impossible to get out.

My mom got rid of all of our VHS too. It was after I moved out, otherwise I would have taken them. We had most original Disney Clamshells including The Little Mermaid with the willy tower :lol: A lot of the VHS were box sets too, and those are so hard to find now and really expensive. I was upset she got rid of them.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on May 14, 2024, 07:06:15 PM
I got a set of dragon molds for resin and there's a tiny hole in one of them.  :(  I contacted the seller so we'll see what they say.  Hopefully it's an easy fix.  They're super cute and I don't want to have to worry about leaking or the hole getting bigger every time I try to use it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 15, 2024, 05:26:02 AM
Ponyfan:  :sad: :sad: :sad: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :missy: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Goodbye old dog xxx
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 15, 2024, 06:23:20 AM
i'm sorry Ponyfan :hug: :hug: :hug: it's never easy to lose a pet.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on May 15, 2024, 06:35:02 AM
Poor thing, I'm sure they had a good life. I'm sorry for your loss, Ponyfan.  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 15, 2024, 08:56:23 AM
:hug: Ponyfan.

My trivial complaint - the tall cupboard has mould in the back again. We had some issues with a leaking roof a while back which has now been fixed. BUT getting the mould permanently out of the cupboard has been so difficult. I am resorting it now to try and improve the ventilation, but it's so annoying.

A few G4 ponies in packaging bore the brunt of it on shelf 4. Most are fine, but one had to be decarded. I have no real emotion over G4 on card, thankfully, so throwing the packaging out was not a big deal - but it makes me worry a little bit about my G1s in the other cupboard...

Fortunately the most valuable (to me) thing on that shelf, Wedding Bells Confetti's box, is unharmed.

Anyhow, one pony got unexpectedly decarded as she's fine but her package was toast. Another one needs to be decarded but it's a pony I already have loose so I'm not really sure what to do with her. The others wiped down fine, thankfully.

It's not a massive mould infestation, just a line of it along the back wall where the water seeped in and we didn't manage to spot it. But it's annoying and unpleasant.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on May 16, 2024, 06:40:38 AM
Today's complaint is that my soda exploded & I was really looking forward to drinking it.  :(

Taffeta, Oh no! Mold is so gross, I'm glad its not too bad!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 16, 2024, 06:52:52 AM
I didn't have nightmares last night but instead a dream with really intrusive thoughts that continue to pop up in my mind this whole morning!  ARGH I do not want to think , I want to just have a peaceful and quiet morning that doesn't involve my imagination! 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 16, 2024, 07:00:05 AM
yesterday some of my relatives went to visit my parents. i had to work and my husband wasn't up to seeing anyone. i told my parents i would try to come over if i had time during the day. by the time they got to my parent's house it was almost 1pm and i had calls all afternoon. so i told my dad i couldn't come over until after 4. which was too late. then my dad says "oh we can swing by for a few minutes" ugh what part of my husband doesn't want to see anyone and i'm literally going to be on the phone says we want to entertain guests? i told him that was not ok and he said maybe next time. my relatives are super judgy about people's homes and i know i shouldn't care but i at least need a few days notice if they're going to come by. i feel a little bad but also they know i have a job. if they really wanted to see me they could have come on a weekend.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 16, 2024, 03:14:42 PM
And my wonky sleep made me miss craft night!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 16, 2024, 06:32:27 PM
I found a storage bin that was full of CDs and video games got accidentally left outside for almost a year and was half full of water!!!! AUUUUURGH
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 17, 2024, 12:08:34 PM
So, a follow up adventure to my cupboard sorting. That same cupboard mentioned in the previous post, now largely cleared of mould, was sitting open and has been the last few days during sorting and cleaning. I had demoulded the top shelf, so I'd left the plastic tubs in there and some of the Dream beauties were lined up along the front of the shelf.

Some time just before 4 this morning I was woken by an ominous sound from the cupboard. I turned the light on and saw that the plastic tub that holds my ponywear had fallen forward and was resting on the backs of the dream beauties. And two or three ponies were now hanging precariously over the edge of the shelf into the abyss...

So at almost 4am I was clambering up on stools, grabbing ponies, stabilising the boxes in the cupboard and making sure everything was safe.

Luckily it happened when I was there. Luckily the ponies it fell onto were the striding pose ones who had a more stable posture. Luckily no Dream Beauties were harmed in this adventure.

...But I'm pretty tired.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 17, 2024, 12:53:42 PM
I sat in my desk chair today, the chair I bought earlier this year, and slowly sank. The gas lift has something wrong with it. I watched a few videos on how to fix it and I'm hoping that the easiest one will work. I need to turn it upside down overnight. The theory is that the lubricating oil inside the cylinder has settled to the bottom. Next to that is getting some oil and replacing it manually. After that, it gets more difficult to fix. So I really hope the first option works.

Also these damn bugs. I watered my plants from the bottom. Taffeta, I did end up putting them in the sink with shallow water and left them there for a few hours to soak it up. I have no food out. Aster ate all her wet food breakfast and the bowl has been washed. They are still flying around my face wherever I go. They are attracted to the light from my PC monitor and fish tank, so they are constantly buzzing the area. I am so sick of dealing with them. The only good news is that the sticky plant spikes don't have a huge amount on them, so they are getting down in numbers.

They power washed the outside of all the buildings today. They used bleach. I hate the smell of bleach. It gives me a headache and makes me nauseous. The smell woke me up from a nap I desperately needed. To make it worse, when they washed my door, because of the gap underneath, some water got inside and got my little mat wet. My little mat that is brown. So now it will probably get bleached spots. I told maintenance about the gap but they said they didn't have any weather stripping to fix it. I might just buy some and fix it myself.

What else? I'm in a lot of pain. I always take my pain meds with dark soda, either Dr. Pepper or Pepsi and I'm out of both with no money to get more. So I felt the meds weren't as effective, but maybe it was placebo. Either way, I'm still in a lot of pain.

Post Merge: May 18, 2024, 08:49:30 AM

I feel awful today :( My allergies are really bad.

Some good news, I left my chair upside down last night and today it's working again.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 18, 2024, 12:56:11 PM
Thanks everyone.  :hug: :hug:  I still miss her a lot.

I tried to talking to my mom about something and she told me that I if I wanted to talk about that she wanted to go home (we were in the car)  When I told her  that was mean and not nice she told me it wasn't because she didn't want me to get upset right then.  I asked her if she thought telling me that she wanted to go home wouldn't upset me just as much.

I wanted to repot plants today, but my mom keeps putting it off.  It's probably going to be too hot to do it today after she gets everything done she wants to do.

I found a dead baby bird on the patio.  I'm not sure if it fell out of the nest during the storms we had or if one of th neighborhood cats got it. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 18, 2024, 02:59:51 PM
Ponyfan, your mom sounds a lot like mine.

I found a dead baby bird in our yard too after the storms we had a few weeks back. i know they all don't make it but it's sad :(

i have a ton of stuff to do and i'm just feeling overwhelmed. i just want next week to be over.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 18, 2024, 07:24:30 PM
As I suspected, by the time my mom got ready to repot plants, she decided it was too late to do it. :(  I shouldn't be so disappointed about it, but  she kept saying "After this, we'll repot plants" all day long.  I also made sure I wasn't involved in anything too deeply so when she got ready we could repot the plants together.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 21, 2024, 12:15:22 PM
My parents can be so infuriating at times.   :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh:

My mom wanted to go the hospital to pay a bill.  My dad put the address in his phone, but didn't listen/follow the directions when it told him to stay on a certain street.   He was also complaining that "the phone's not talking to me" but it was because he had his phone's volume all the way down. 

We get to the hospital and of course, we're not at the right part.  I went in with my mom while she asked where to go and the lady working at the desk said she'd show us how to get there.  The part we needed to be at was down a long hallway and down to elevator to the basement.    After my mom took care of everything, I said we should probably go back to where we started so my dad could find us.  Instead, she followed a bunch of people outside and called my dad trying to tell him where we were.   He passed us in the car and then my mom decided to try to chase down the car, not paying attention in the parking lot for cars or really looking where she was going.   We stayed outside for a few minutes waiting for my dad (he'd driven to the wrong side of the building based on my mom's directions and where he thought we were. 

We got back in the car and my dad's frustrated.  Then his phone rings and he jumps. He can't have it both ways; be annoyed that his phone isn't "talking" and then be annoyed because it's ringing.

Also, I almost had a panic/anxiety attack in the elevator because I'm always afraid of getting stuck in one between floors.

I found out yesterday that a friend's puppy nipped/bit my mom on Friday.  It was an accident and the friend felt really bad, but I was a little annoyed that my mom didn't tell me.  I had noticed the marks on her arm, but didn't realize they were bite marks. 

I still miss my dog. :wail:   Some of my favorite shows were about animals and now I can't bring myself to watch them.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 22, 2024, 09:05:40 AM
:hug: Ponyfan

Losing a pet is never easy :hug: There are a lot of options for keepsakes that can help honor her life with you and keep her memory :heart:

I fell the other day and landed on my knee. Luckily it was on the carpet so it had some padding. There's a big bruise on it now. There's also a bruise on my arm and my ankle hurts a bit.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 22, 2024, 09:27:59 AM
i'm sorry Ponyfan :hug: :hug: It takes time but it does get better.  for me it helped to look at photos.  my phone screen is still a photo of my Moose, who died in 2020 and Jessie, his BFF who is still with us.  it makes me smile when i see it.

my complaint today is i'm tired from the last couple of days. Also i think one of my dogs got into something while she was staying at my parents'. she has a couple of itchy spots. i need to give her a bath.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 22, 2024, 03:19:29 PM
Thanks BC and Beth.  :hug:  :hug:  It's only been a little over a month since we lost her.  We had to keep most of the doors closed inside the house so the dog wouldn't open them and get in to stuff.  It still feels weird to leave the doors open, but there's no point in closing them now.  The vet did make an impression of her pawprints in plaster of Paris or something and added her name.  We also have her urn with her name on it.   A couple of weeks before she died I saw a pet memorial stone at Walmart and bought her one just in case we needed it before Walmart stopped selling them since they looked like a seasonal item.

I've always thought of myself as a little clusmy, but today takes the cake. I was putting together Legos and noticed I had put a few pieces in the wrong spot.  I started trying to remove them, but it was a little hard because the pieces I was trying to take off were flat.  I used the Brick Remover that comes in some Lego sets and still was having trouble.   Somehow I managed to cut my finger while use the Brick Remover.  How is that even possible?

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on May 22, 2024, 05:48:49 PM
So sorry for the loss of your dog Ponyfan, it is never easy to say goodbye. :hug:

So you all remember the mirror drama I was having last month where I overpaid dramatically in the live auction and then got hit with a hefty shipping charge on top of everything else? Well the saga continues. Spoiler, it is a happy ending and I wanted to wait to post until everything was settled, but boy has this been a journey. :lol:

So the box arrived at my house about two weeks ago. It was massive….way bigger than I expected tbh. I was having some friends over later that evening so I left it out on my patio so the box wouldn’t be blocking their way. My friends came over and we were having a great time. As the night was winding down I offhandedly mentioned the mirror and told them the whole story. They really wanted to see it and offered to help me bring it in and unpackage it. I didn’t mind since I knew I’d probably need help with it anyway. We were having a conversation about how we never turn on the big lights in our homes and I said this was a big light occasion and we went to work unpackaging it, we were having a good time even though we were struggling to get it out of the box. As I was tugging on it I heard a horrible crack and was pretty sure I had just broken something……I told everyone to stop and sure enough part of the frame had snapped right off.

I was devastated of course, but the thing that really kind of bugged me was my friends immediately tried to say we didn’t break it and it must have came like that. Like no….I felt it break. I wasn’t ever going to blame them since I know they were just helping. I’m the one who felt it after all, so I’m sure it was me who put too much pressure on it, but the total lack of any sort of apology made the whole ordeal even more frustrating. Luckily, it was a clean break and I managed to patch it up with some Apoxie and get it back together.

In the week or so since I got the mirror and had it laying on the ground, I’ve had a horrible string of bad luck that has extended to my family too. I applied for a new job that I honestly felt I was well qualified for and got rejected without even an interview. A panel of my car absolutely exploded in the car wash and now a huge chunk of the back is exposed (the car wash offered no apology for this either btw!). My mom found out her department is being partially outsourced and she will have to either work undesirable hours or find a new position. Two of my parents cars have had serious mechanical issues, and one of them straight up is dead. I know it most likely is all a coincidence, but man, I was really starting to feel like I’d bought a nearly $500 curse. Me and my dad tried to hang it ourselves finally on Sunday, but even with the heaviest rated picture hangers it still didn’t feel secure.

I decided I needed to have a pro hang it. I figured I was already financially in pretty deep, so I may as well have someone do this right rather than risk anymore damage to the mirror. The first quote I got was from a company that hung another heavy picture for me once years ago, but their quote was over $250! I don’t remember paying them that much in the past and honestly this job was WAY easier than the last one, so I felt like that was not fair. Luckily I found a guy on thumbtack who only charged me $90 and he did a great job! The good news is he also does light and ceiling fan installations which are jobs I will need done soon, so now I at least have a contact for those jobs.

I think the curse is over. The Paradise Pier Mirror is officially in its new home with a prominent spot right on the main living area! Now that all the chaos has worn down, I think it was worth it. It looks so good and really opens up the room I think!
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Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 23, 2024, 09:21:07 AM
I'm sorry you had all that hassle, Minty Magic, but it is a beautiful mirror and I'm glad you got it hung safely :)

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 23, 2024, 09:55:12 AM
Minty Magic, the mirror looks great! the whole space looks really beautiful :lovey:

i want to go do something fun since i'm still on PTO. but i'm tired :( everything i can think of to do involves walking and driving a lot.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 23, 2024, 10:11:45 AM
Wow MM! What a story. The mirror looks amazing though :D I love the orange lamps :)

My complaint is I can't get two of my important medications because there's a national shortage. How? Why? My therapist said that the US gets most medications from China, and since China is so... loose, with regulations on things there's a high possibility that the latest batches of these medicines were compromised in some way. There's a shortage on Ozempic and some other diabetes meds too, and people are putting blame on the people who are using it for weight loss, when in reality it's closer to the bad batch idea. And really, the blame goes on the rich no doubt white men in charge of the whole process. Ugh.

Another thing, everything is still so expensive. "They" say that inflation is coming down but at the same time that cargo ship tipped over and tons of product was lost or unusable. I don't see how both can be true and I certainly don't see prices falling. I used to get the occasional bag of Doritos but it's over $5 from Walmart! I'm not paying that much for chips. The Walmart version doesn't taste the same :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 23, 2024, 03:50:03 PM
That's a pretty mirror, Minty Magic.

BC, I hope you get your medication.

Someone asked me today if I was ready to get another dog and I said no.   This person then showed me pictures of the dog even after I told her that I wasn't interested in a new pet right now.  I know the lady would never intentionally do anything to hurt me, but I didn't really appreciate her showing me pictures after I told her no.

Facebook rant ahead.  I'm putting it in a spoiler in case people don't want to read as I mention death (nothing graphic)


Last week my mom got a call that her friend was critically ill and in the hospital. My mom made her friend's sister promise to call her in the worst happened and she said she would.  My mom logged on to Facebook last night and saw a message from her friend's son that her friend had died. 

I always feel a little weird when I see people announcing the death of a person on Facebook.  I have trouble describing exactly why.

That's also how I found out my former friend died. I saw a message from her husband on Facebook.

I thought the game I wanted to get release date was tomorrow instead of today.  I saw it in the stores today but thought someone had put it out early.  I googled after we left the store and the release date was today.  I could have gotten the game today if I had realized.

Also, I had to redo the Legos I was working on because I didn't pay close enough attention to the instructions so I had some pieces in the wrong place.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 24, 2024, 06:47:18 AM
I feel you Ponyfan.  For whatever reason I have been really missing my cat.  Of course we could always adopt another, but Bearie was such a GOOD cat.  He didn't eat things he shouldn't, he didn't claw things, he was gentle, he didn't explore places that he could get stuck in, he always used his litterbox... he was such a low-maintenance, easy-going cat.  I will likely never have another one with that kind of personality.   
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 24, 2024, 03:43:19 PM
:hug:  :hug: lovesbabysqurimy

I feel petty even posting this, but I need to vent.  This post is not about anyone that's on here.  I have a friend that lives several hours away from where I live, but she has family that live only a few hours away from me.  We usually let each other know if we're going to be close by just as a courtesy in case we're able to meet up. There's no pressure or obligation to do so. 

A while back I messaged her because I thought I might be close to where she lives. I then messaged her later and told her that it didn't work out and I wasn't coming after all.  She told me that she might be in my area on a certain date.  I told her to keep me posted.  I've been checking my Facebook off and on to see if she messaged me.  I found out earlier that she's in the same area as me and didn't send me a message to meet her while she's here.  I know she has another family member with her that I've never met so I don't know if that's why she didn't tell me or if she forgot because she got sick after she came to visit her family.  I could have really used a visit from a friend today. :(    I even checked the cameras to see if maybe she came by while I was out earlier, but no one came.  I wouldn't have pressured her to spend a lot of time with me either.  I was willing to meet up with her and her family member at a store or restaurant and then go our separate ways. 

Would it have been so hard for her to just send me a message and say she didn't think it would work out this time and we'd try again next time?  I'm trying not be disappointed or hurt. After all she didn't promise that we'd make it work, but right now it doesn't seem like she cared enough to try. I can't think of any reason why she wouldn't tell me to meet her somewhere unless her family member didn't want me to take time away from them being together or she forgot.  I have so few people that I consider friends already that I try to hang on to the ones I have.   As far as I know, there's no reason for her not to want to see me as we haven't any disagreements. 

Also, even after I found out we were in the same area, I had no idea where they were specifically so there wasn't a way to go find them.  Last time my friend came we made a concrete plan to meet up at a certain location at a certain time.  I'm assuming if she wanted to meet with me while she was here my friend would have told me where to find them. There's always next time I guess.

One a somewhat lighter note, one of the fanfiction writers that I really like has posted part of a new story.  I want to read the part that's posted, but it's told in multiple points of view and the chapters are very short.  It's been a little hard to stay involved with the story.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 25, 2024, 03:01:59 PM
I'm sorry your friend didn't tell you she'd be close :hug: I would be upset too.

I'm just depressed today. Been thinking about my dad.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 26, 2024, 08:11:00 AM
My house is so insanely cluttered and  I don't feel like I will ever make progress...   
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 27, 2024, 07:28:08 AM
everyone, :hug: :hug:

i've been trying to find a solution to add an additional monitor to my work computer. it's a Mac Air M1 so it doesn't support 2 monitors without a docking station. my work doesn't pay for accessories which isn't really a big deal since i already have monitors that i like and the ones they provided when we worked in person were low resolution. however the monitors i have use USB-C cords and every docking station that claims to support 2 monitors on the Mac Air M1 are HDMI. i have tried several converters that didn't work. and all of the ones i can find are designed to allow an HDMI monitor to plug into a USB-C port. i like these monitors and i'm not buying new ones to accommodate this stupid work computer. so for now i'm just out of luck.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 27, 2024, 03:46:11 PM
Thanks everyone.  :hug:  :hug:  I know I'm more upset about not getting to see my friend than I should be, but it's hard not to. My friend didn't promise to meet me this time so I can't say that she broke a promise, but still... It's hard to understand why she seemed to want to meet me and then when it came down to it, she didn't unless the family member she was with had something to do with it.

I tried to talk to my mom about it and all she can say is stuff like "you don't know that she didn't want to meet up with you."  or "you're judging her by what person A did."  It's true that one of my former friends (also no on here) caused a lot of emotional damage due to the way she treated me.  I've tried hard to get past a lot of that and not judge other's based on what she did, but sometimes it resurfaces at times like this. I also struggle with feeling excluded and left out, so knowing my friend was here and didn't seem to put forth any effort to let me know she was here so I could meet her and her family member somewhere is a blow.

My mom also said things like "maybe she sent you an email and you didn't get it." even though I told her my friend would have sent me a message that she'd know I would get quickly if she wanted to meet with me.

It would be nice if my friend sent me a message, explaining what happened and why she couldn't meet with me, but I doubt she'll ever tell me the reason.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 27, 2024, 05:41:23 PM
:hug: You may never know, but I'm sure she didn't do (or not do) it on purpose to hurt you.

My complaint is on myself, I guess, or my crappy body. Whenever I have the rare good day when I'm not in pain constantly, something always happens. Like today, I was feeling fine and started to finish cleaning the kitchen. I sat down. That's all I did, and somehow hurt my knee. I have NO idea what happened. I sat down, like normal, and my knee was hurt. It still hurts hours later.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 28, 2024, 07:08:15 AM
i have a ton of work related pet peeves but one of my top peeves is when people message "Hi" in the work chat. and wait for a response before saying what they want. seriously say what you want! i have one from mid last week when i was on PTO. "Hi" no context. no follow up. i'm just going to assume it wasn't important and they asked one of the other people on the team. i refuse to enable this behavior. this person does this all the time too.

for a while i just didn't respond until i got a follow up. unless it was someone higher in the org chart. and it worked. but i started to feel bad so i fell back to responding to "Hi". no more!

also when my manager messages and says "Hi. do you time for a quick call?" it scares me to death. i wish people would say "Hi. do you have time for a quick call about <thing the call is about>" especially if the call won't happen until later in the day. it's like some people aren't anxious basket cases like me so they don't have these fears. seriously given no context i will fear the worst.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 30, 2024, 04:58:31 AM
Again, when things are going well, something happens. This morning it was pouring boiling water over my hand.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 30, 2024, 05:43:41 AM
oh no BC. is the burn really bad? :hug: :hug:

no a trivial complaint at all. not really a complaint but i don't want to start a thread. yesterday early in the morning we think lightning struck my parents' house and started a fire. thankfully between the smoke detectors and one of their neighbors they were able to get out safely. so no damage that can't be undone.

their house is in really bad shape. the fire was on the roof and in the attic so the roof and sheetrock collapse in their living room, main bedroom, and office. which is where they have most of the stuff they use all the time. my dad's laptop and my mom's iPad were destroyed along with a ton of other stuff. and water from rain and putting out the fire was all over the house.

their insurance pays for temporary housing so they have a place to stay. i don't have a proper guest room just a office/pony room/guest room where the desk takes up most of the room. it will probably be months before they can living in their house again so not ideal for the long term.

i'm still in a state of shock over it. i was scared to death when i woke up to multiple calls/texts in the middle of the night. i thought something happened to my mom. so i was relieve that they're ok but it's going to be hard for them to start over at their ages.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 30, 2024, 06:25:56 AM
oh my goodness I am glad they are safe but ohhhh how terrible. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 30, 2024, 07:21:51 AM
How scary! I'm glad they are okay. I hope the repairs won't take too long.

The burn hurts but I still have my skin. Luckily, I let the kettle sit for a few minutes. I'm not sure what happened. I think I absentmindedly grabbed the Aeropress as I poured the water but it came over the side and hit my hand between my index finger and thumb. The worst part is that there's no such thing as cold tap water right now, it's lukewarm at best. I used ice.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 30, 2024, 08:57:21 AM
thanks everyone. :hug:

it's been a bad time for my immediate family. we're still waiting on the insurance adjuster to come out. but we had someone from the restoration company the insurance uses out yesterday. she wasn't able to give a timeline yet but she said the damage was bad and my parents were lucky to get out in time. we think the rain may have kept the fire from spreading so rapidly. i think mother nature hates my parents. first floods and now that they moved from the flood prone areas we have this.

i hope your hand heals well BC :hug: ice usually helps.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 30, 2024, 10:10:08 AM
That sucks, Beth. I'm glad they were safe at least.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on May 30, 2024, 10:58:43 AM
So much construction and renovations going on at our house... Our neighbors are replacing their fence as well so we have twice the contractors.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Griffin on May 30, 2024, 01:25:43 PM
Glad to hear your parents weren't hurt, Beth! That is so scary, and I'm sorry for the damage :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on May 30, 2024, 03:36:34 PM
I went to hang out with a friend last weekend, and I was greeted by her husband who said, “She’s waiting out back for you.” Immediately, I was thinking of how I didn’t want to go outside because it was hot (I read her thermometer:104 degrees F), but I met her outside. She was sitting down, and I could see she was fuming mad. So I sat next to her thinking, “Okay, she needs to let off some steam.” She was upset about how her husband was forced to go on leave, and now she’s worried he’ll lose his job. Understandable. Then she handed me a tape measure and said she needed my help with measurements. Okay, fine. Fast forward to me being in broad sunlight (I’m fair skinned but didn’t wear sunscreen because I thought we would be inside so I got sunburned), bit by mosquitos, her spray painting my shoe when making the measurement marks, then her saying she was going to dig holes where these marks were (2 feet down for concrete pours in this hard Arizona dirt), and about a quarter of a hole done, I ended up digging the rest of that hole, plus 4 more holes. I finally quit and said I was going inside and played with her cat. Her husband apologized to me “Sorry she invited you over for THAT. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. She basically invited you over for doing manual labor.” I just was like… Yeah it sucks, but you didn’t do it. She owes me the apology. The kicker is that the last time we hung out, she roped me into helping her do her taxes. The time before that, we did her shopping, and I explained that I cut my aunt out of my life because she would only invite me over to do her favors. And the time before that, she had me baking several dozens of batches of cookies and didn’t let me have a single one! Honestly, if she explained ANY of these situations to me beforehand and asked for my help, I likely would have said yes. But the fact is that she sprung these on me. Now I feel foolish for being used.  -_- I’m done with her.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on May 30, 2024, 04:14:28 PM
It's 13 minutes past midnight, and someone has their kids running up and down the street laughing and yelling as though it's 4 in the afternoon.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on May 31, 2024, 06:08:08 AM
we had a ton of rain come through and my parent's house still doesn't have a tarp over the collapsed roof  :sad:

update: the tarp was on my dad just forgot to tell me
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on May 31, 2024, 03:34:24 PM
Beth, I'm so sorry that happened to your parents.  I can't even imagine how scary that must have been for you and your parents.

I'm really sad today. 

My dad has been really whiny lately.  He keeps saying my mom and I eat too fast and rush through meals.  We do eat faster than him since  he
eats super slowly, but a large part of why he doesn't get done as fast as we do is my dad will get up while we're eating and start doing other things and then return to his meal.  Of course, if he does that, he going to finish a lot later than my mom and I do.  I'm sure if I did the same thing I'd be told to sit down and eat and the other stuff could wait until later, yet he does it and then complains when he's the last one to finish eating. 

I do eat a little fast sometimes because I'm really hungry especially if it's been a long time since my last meal or if the previous meal wasn't much. 

Also yesterday, my dad said I could pick the restaurant we were going to eat at, but when I told him, he didn't like what I picked and insisted we go where he wanted instead.  I could have argued, but it would have ended with him getting angry and never letting it go.

Yesterday my dad almost hit a parked car.  How do you not see a car parked right in front of you?  He had to jerk the wheel at the last minute to avoid hitting it. 

My dad called a guy to give him an estimate on cutting back some of the huge tree branches that are touching the roof, but he never showed up yesterday or today.

I laid down on the couch for a few minutes because I was really sleepy.  My mom came in and woke me up asking me if I didn't feel good.  I didn't go back to sleep after that.

Also, I didn't see a metal bar in front of the refrigerated cases at the store and slammed my leg in to it

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 31, 2024, 04:40:02 PM
I haven't been sleeping due to being out of one of my medications, but last night it finally caught up with me. I slept all day. I had a very strange dream that seemed absolutely real. I am usually a lucid dreamer, but this one I was trapped in. It's been on my mind since I woke up.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 01, 2024, 03:56:26 PM
I was waiting in line at the pharmacy today.  There were two people ahead of me in line at first.  Then I was the next person in line.  While I was waiting, I watched another pharmacy employee sign in to another computer and then he said loudly "How can I help you?"  I assumed he had opened another spot for pickup/drop off because there was only one other employee doing pick up/drop off. When I went up to his counter he said "Oh, not you" and indicated the phone in his hand that I couldn't see from the line to be waited on at the pharmacy.  I apologized and got back in line . 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 01, 2024, 05:46:25 PM
I'm so itchy!

I have a wicked craving for veggies and Ranch, but Walmart is done delivering for the night.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 01, 2024, 07:31:46 PM
My dad can be a bit of an idiot sometimes.   He just told me he accepted a friend request on Facebook from someone that was impersonating someone else and was like "I don't know what to do. Fix it."  I've told him not to just blindly accept friend requests, but he doesn't listen to me because he thinks he knows everything.

Also, my bookstore membership should renew soon.  When I upgraded I was automatically enrolled in automatic renewal using the credit card I put in the card reader at the store.  I hope it renews without a hitch. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 02, 2024, 09:59:46 AM
ARGH nobody tells me when we are out of food items.  this morning I went to bake cornbread, only to realize that there is no butter in the fridge and none in the deep freezer.  *sigh*  We even have an inventory board on the deep freezer, why can't people circle the item when they take the last one out?! 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 02, 2024, 10:59:19 AM
OMG squirmy i got really annoyed with my husband for something similar. he's the one who runs and empties the dishwasher. the ONLY one in the house who does it. the other day he went to start the dishwasher and told me we were out of the dishwasher pods. i asked him why he didn't tell me we were low so i could buy more. he said he assumed i would check myself and said he thought i might have extra somewhere. he's the one who uses them. even if you think there might be extra somewhere please ask :huh: we had to make a special trip to get more when i had just been to the store.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 02, 2024, 04:30:16 PM
My toilet seat broke :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on June 03, 2024, 11:13:58 AM
Seems to be a theme of running out of things; I took apart my Brita filter to clean it and I thought I had more filters but I ran out at some point?? I swear I bought a pack, realised to my annoyance I already had plenty, but secretly was running low again. I don't use tap water for my animals, I prefer to run it through the filter first. Thankfully I have some ice-cold bottled water to do a change, I need to see if the local store (ew) has filters in.

Also, I was REALLY hungry, but I think I ate too much as I feel kinda sick now  :X
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 03, 2024, 01:11:14 PM
ugh people at work being annoying. why do people inflict their BS on everyone else?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 04, 2024, 04:19:43 AM
All yesterday my head was pounding & last night I threw up!!! Fortunately better now, but apparently my stomach has to be treated more gently ie: I have to eat more slowly... I have NEVER been a slow eater...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on June 04, 2024, 08:22:11 AM
Changed my diet on Saturday, and now I’m having keto flu symptoms: really bad body aches, chills, headache, fatigue. :( Let’s hope it passes soon!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 04, 2024, 03:17:03 PM
My anxiety has been bad lately.  The medicine helps a little, but it makes me really groggy the next day for a while after I wake up.

Speaking of waking up, my mom did that to me this morning asking me to look at my dad's phone.  I wasn't even fully awake yet.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 05, 2024, 06:53:32 AM
I hope everyone feels better soon! :hug: :hug:

work is still annoying. i think my patience is just really thin with everything going on. i'm tired and in a pretty bad mood.

also, yesterday my dad took my Amazon delivery along with his. he thought both packages were his and to be fair i didn't tell him i was also expecting a delivery. i was on a work call when he took them so i didn't have a chance. It's just some candy, not something i needed immediately. but i'm still annoyed he didn't check. i feel like sometimes my parents forget i have stuff going on too.
my dad called and told my husband that he was planning to come over around 12:30 after they picked up a package at their house. i started to get concerned since a couple of hours went by and they still weren't here. so i ask my husband and he says my dad was waiting until he got a notification that the package was delivered. we both rushed and ate lunch for no reason. my dad is just now leaving the house and it's almost 3.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 06, 2024, 07:12:51 PM
*hugs* Beth

It's so annoying not having enough space to leave projects out so I can go back to them whenever I want.  Instead, I have to take everything out, work on it and then put it away since I do diamond painting and Legos at the kitchen table.  That makes it seem like sometimes I can't work on that stuff whenever I want because I have to make sure no one else is using the table.

I found a staple in the bottom of my new pair of shoes.  I don't know why there was a staple.  I thought maybe it was because of the price tag, but it was just a sticker.

My pulse seems a little too low lately. It's been in the mid to high 50's or 60's.

I wish my mom understood more about how anxiety can make a person feel.  When I get anxious about something and try to get reassurance from my mom, she gets annoyed sometimes if I'm still anxious about the thing after she's reassured me.  I'm not saying that I can't be annoying, but I don't think she gets how it can become a cycle worrying over the same thing more than once, even if that thing seems like a trivial thing to another person. 

I keep thinking about the bookstore membership.  It's supposed to be on auto renew and the store was supposed to get all the info they needed from the card reader at the store.  The bookstore sent me a reminder a while back letting me know it was on auto renew and the date that the payment is supposed to go through.  The reminder said to be sure that the payment info was accurate.  I went to the first page and the card info was correct.

I always keep the cable box remote, the Smart TV remote and the Blu Ray player remote on the couch.  The other night my mom and I came home and my dad had moved the cable box remote to the kitchen (even though there's already a cable box remote there) and the Smart TV remote.   I don't mind if he uses them, but then I have to play "Hunt the Remotes" so I can put them all back together.

My mom also says "I don't get much sleep when you have to get up early to go to work." I asked her how her not getting sleep was my fault.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 07, 2024, 01:00:57 PM
I've been sleeping so much lately, during the day. I thought I had fixed it but I'm all mixed up again.

I'm still feeling dulled and uninterested in everything.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 08, 2024, 08:19:18 AM
i think my uncle called me by mistake. i see a missed call from him but the phone only rang for 1 second. it's not the number i have saved for him but i see his name on the caller id. i'm just going to let it go.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 08, 2024, 06:57:36 PM
My allergies are really bad this year. My eyes are leaky, my nose is somehow both clogged and runny, there's a tickle in my throat from post-nasal drip. I never take antihistamine because they completely knock me out. I do have some Sudafed PE and that seems to work okay.

Aster has bad allergies too. She had a sneezing attack earlier and her right eye is always runny.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 08, 2024, 07:04:38 PM
I skipped lunch today so I was really hungry tonight.  I ate, but I'm still hungry even now.

This next thing is sad. TW for talk about drownings.

Two people died where I live this week because they jumped in a playa lake to cool off.  Where I live swimming in playa lakes in parks is illegal.  911 was called, but they drowned by the time help arrived.  Sadly, they were both warned by others not to jump in the lake. One of the people that died said "he was an adult and could do whatever he wanted."

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 09, 2024, 08:15:37 AM
Ponyfan that's horrid, but also Darwinism at work. Too stupid to listen to warnings, find out the hard way. Still, not fun to hear about peeps dying near you xxx

Getting my rubbish bagged up, had a suitable bag in my packaging bags, filled it up, took it downstairs...
DUNT goes my head on the ledgey-bit at the bottom of the stairs!!! Yep, I'm tall, why do you ask???
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 09, 2024, 09:18:03 AM
that's awful Ponyfan. i hope your head is ok PBW!

my complaint today is i'm tired. hoping to take it easy today.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on June 09, 2024, 04:13:27 PM
I think I have Covid. I’ve tested like 5 times and they all have come back negative, but I have the exact same symptoms as my parents and they both tested positive so idk. I find it impossible to believe that I somehow have just a cold when I’ve been obviously exposed, so I’m playing it safe and staying in. We just got back from Disneyland a few days ago though….so I feel bad if we accidentally exposed anyone there!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 10, 2024, 06:43:20 AM
aww hope you are feeling better Minty_Magic
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 10, 2024, 06:43:56 AM
i hope you feel better soon Minty_Magic :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 10, 2024, 12:22:41 PM
Feel better soon, MM!

My coffee burn is starting to peel. It's really itchy.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 10, 2024, 12:36:12 PM
i got some chewing gum and it turns out i don't think i like chewing gum anymore :huh:

i seriously feel like i'm about to lose my mind with everything. i think i just need to cry but i don't want to. i get seriously tired of trying to hold it together for everyone else's sake. i probably need to get out of the house because being cooped up and stressed out isn't working for me  :yikes:

update: i cried for a while and hugged my dog. i feel better now.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 10, 2024, 11:15:13 PM
I'm sorry Beth :( :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 11, 2024, 06:47:00 AM
*sends magical ponies to brush and distract Beth*
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 11, 2024, 03:24:20 PM
MM, I hope you feel better soon.

Beth, huge hugs for you. :hug: :hug:  I feel like that a lot.  If I start to cry my dad gets upset.  If my mom and I get in to it, he gets upset.  Sometimes I just want to lock myself away and let it all out. 

My dad is driving me crazy.   :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh:  I'm sure he'd argue with a signpost and then wonder why he got lost.  This morning he wanted a certain movie. I told him that we used to have it on VHS, but I didn't think we had it anymore. Then he said he'd "just order it from Ebay."  I guess he thinks Ebay is better because the prices are cheap on DVDs. 

After that he started listing movies we have "bad copies" of even though he bought those from a store/website.  He's convinced there are better quality copies of some of them even though I saw at least one of the same copies he bought at the store.  It seems like nothing is ever good enough because there's always a "better copy" or something wrong with the item he wanted.

I think I'm getting a bit depressed again. I've been sad all day.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 12, 2024, 06:04:37 AM
thanks everyone :hug: :hug: :hug:

Ponyfan, my dad has weird ideas about stuff too. especially around updating stuff he learned back in the 70s or whatever. like if he bought something back in the 70s and it had an issue he assumes it's still terrible. like he wouldn't get a car with a sunroof because back in the day he had one or knew someone who had one that leaked. you don't think they've improved in the last 50 years?

same with computer stuff. he still expects everything to be the same as it was when he first learned it. or before he retired. i also swear he low key thinks i'm just shilling for big tech and he doesn't always trust what i tell him about computers. but if a tech reporter in the NYTimes says it it's gospel. so he trusts the people who have been pretty convincingly proven to give favorable coverage in exchange for access to tech CEOs are more trustworthy than your daughter. :huh: sure.

my dad is usually fine but when he's stressed out he's really difficult to be around. my mom used to handle stuff like insurance but she can't now that she's sick. it's crazy the stuff my dad didn't have a clue about even though we went through 2 floods and caused a ton of damage and dealt with insurance claims and a FEMA buyout. he thought the insurance company handled the repairs. my mom and I both told him that we hired a contractor to do the repairs and used the insurance payout to pay for it. i'm not sure if he just forgot or was busy working so he just didn't pay attention to how stuff got done.

i'm also feeling really down. before all of this stuff with my MIL passing and my parent's house i was doing well. getting stuff done. now i feel like a drained battery.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 12, 2024, 02:18:25 PM
I've been missing my dad a lot lately with all the Father's Day stuff.

I have all this chicken... I only wanted a small package of chicken breast tenders by Perdue, but my shopper substituted it for a huge package of Walmart tenders. I used what I wanted to make quesadillas and put the rest in the freezer. I wanted quesadillas again, so I put it in the fridge to thaw and there's... just so much! I'm baking it right now. I'm going to have to freeze some again after it's cooked and prepared, but I guess that's kind of convenient? Having cooked and shredded chicken ready to go?

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 12, 2024, 07:24:57 PM
Beth, your dad sounds a lot like mine.   My dad is always complaining that "apps on your phone steal your info" but then he goes to any website that pops up and has something cheap and orders off it even though I've told him he needs to stick to well known websites.  He also thinks "if it's on the Internet, it must be true."  That can lead to some pretty crazy theories.

Our cable and Internet went out for about 10 minutes this afternoon.  I felt like I was living with 2 5 year olds. My parents acted like they couldn't stand to not have the TV on/be watching something.

I'm having a bad anxiety attack.

Hugs, BC. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on June 14, 2024, 07:18:55 AM
Since Oreo released the Pokemon Oreos I've been making molds of the fun designs on their cookies in order to make resin versions.  I have the full Pokemon set and the full Mario set.  Since the Star Wars cookies just dropped, I bought six packages of them yesterday.  The Star Wars cookies have 20 designs, 10 Light side and 10 Dark side, available in separate sets of cookies.  But you don't know if you got Light side (blue cream) or Dark side (red cream) until you open them.

All six of my packages were blue.   >_<

My friend has a package of red she's going to trade me and I'm going to look over the packages and see if there's a serial number or something that will reveal what kind is inside.  That will be helpful information for me in case I don't get all of the designs or good enough cookies to make molds from.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 14, 2024, 09:03:44 AM
I've been taking prednisone for a few weeks now. I feel sort of normal, physically. All my swelling and inflammation is gone. Both my legs and feet are the correct size. All the pain I'm in on a daily basis is gone. My lower back still hurts, but it's a dull throb and tolerable. I haven't had many headaches. Even my heart feels better. I only have four days left of the medicine.

I feel bad because I haven't used this pain-free time to get much done. Usually, I'd start the day with plans to do things that need to be done in the house, but my pain and discomfort keep me from doing them. Here I've had at least 3 weeks to do things and I've done very little. I've spent most of the time sleeping. There's been other things going on; being out of two meds, stress from my situation, etc. That influenced the sleeping for sure.

I'm also dreading when the prednisone is gone, and going back to my horrible existence of never ending pain, swelling, skin problems and everything else wrong with me.

I'm going to try and do something today. Maybe I'll go through the craft closet and pull things out to sell. Or the linen closet and vacuum seal the items I never use.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on June 14, 2024, 03:28:11 PM
:hug: to everyone.

I'm sick of the election. I mean, I'm glad we're having one, but it also means lots of politicians being openly hostile to each other...which I don't really enjoy on my news feed every single day.

Also, if I have to see Farage's gloopy face on one more news story I may scream.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 14, 2024, 04:56:44 PM
I know this won't come as a surprise to anyone, but a lot of people in Florida are stupid.

It's mating season for the alligators, which means smaller bulls are chased out of territory belonging to larger bulls, so they roam around to find more water. They can be anywhere this time of year. Yes, that includes in neighborhoods with gasp! children!

When the parents call to complain about the gators they are told there is nothing that can be done. Tell your kids not to play by the water or places with thick foliage and you know, stay away from gators. They will move on and luckily for you, food is not their main concern right now.

I just... when you moved to SW Florida, did you not know about the alligators? Have you only been here a few months, because this literally happens every year?

And honestly? There is a crapload of invasive animals that are much more concerning. Like the herpes monkeys for example. Or the python, and now giant monitor lizards, I guess.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 14, 2024, 05:18:35 PM
*shakes head*  I grew up in FL and there are Rules I was given as a child that I still remember:

1)  do not go out into the yard in the mornings OR let the dogs out to potty before an adult has a chance to give it the OK - we lived near a creek and a canal in at least 3 of the homes, so this was vital!  I remember pulling our curtains on the sliding glass door on a sunny morning and seeing a big gator warming himself on the cement!  I watched cartoons sitting next to the door and kept an eye on him, that's for sure...
2)  do NOT swim in the creek or canal, or chase after a ball or a frisbee if it goes over there - again, get an adult!
3)  have an adult check the pool!  again, a variation on the first two rules.
4)  in fact, DO NOT PLAY near any source of water especially if you can't check it for wildlife.
5)  if you hear beeping or frog-like noises, do not go over there!  those are GATORS!
6) do not leave the dogs in the backyard.  they are tasty treats as gators can climb 8 ft fences and run ~30 mph if they want.
7) summer is mating season!  be very aware!  they come inland to find mates, escape bulls, and also because the marshes dry up and they are migrating around.

stupid humans... it's not a "nuisance gator" until it's longer than 9ft and then Fish & Wildlife will do something about it... now I don't know about you, but I'm not messing with a gator even if it's little - the mom might still be around if it's shorter than 2 feet long!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 14, 2024, 07:24:14 PM
I had an aunt and uncle that lived in Louisiana. They had a big pond in their backyard.  My uncle told me an alligator lived in that pond.  I don't remember exactly how old I was, but I remember being scared of the alligator in the pond.  If I remember correctly, my uncle said they had to make sure the alligator wasn't out before we could go in the backyard.

The roofers were supposed to come at 8 and they showed up at 7 instead. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 15, 2024, 06:09:24 AM
growing up on in the Gulf Coast area of Texas gators were always a big concern. i've never seen a large one up close. but i grew up in a golf course neighborhood and once in a while there would be a baby in one of the ponds. most likely a dumped pet :huh: but this time of year there are always a lot of stories about huge gators being moved out of neighborhoods. i was always and still am much more concerned about poisonous snakes. especially after it rains. we never ever went too close to bodies of water when i was growing up. especially the bayous/creeks. in the Houston area that water is also super polluted so extra reasons to stay away from it.

my policy on wildlife is aways leave it alone! it can do it's thing and i'll do mine. and if i need to i'll just get out of the way. i assume there is a lot of wildlife around that i'll never see. bobcats, coyotes, mountain lions. i don't get upset about it either. they were here long before i was. growing up in the south wildlife is always a concern. maybe people moving from up north just aren't used to having to worry about dangerous wildlife? i never knew gators could climb such tall fences. i did go on a girl scout camp out where the park ranger told us that gators love to eat dogs and we should make sure not to fall down because we might be mistaken for a dog by a hungry gator!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 15, 2024, 04:16:32 PM
Yeah, I agree. Leave them alone. Florida has a problem with not enough greenspace too. Like where my parents house is. When we first moved in it was pretty empty. We were the last house before acres of swampland and there were two large golf courses on the other sides. There was a lot of wildlife when we moved in. I saw almost all of it when I would take my telescope outside at night. As time went by and more people started building houses, it pushed the animals out. I'll never forget when the lottery winners bought the land in front of the lake and cut down that old oak tree. I always hated them for that.

But anyway, that area is almost completely built up now. Makes me wonder where all the bobcats went. The last time I saw one it was so thin.

The city of Sarasota just bought 400-something acres to keep wild. I hope others follow.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 15, 2024, 07:25:02 PM
My dad gets upset sometimes if he goes in the Living Room to watch TV and my mom and I are on our computers.   Mom and I were both on our computers when I heard him come in.  I told her I would stop what I was doing on the computer and sit in the Living Room with him until she got in there.  30 minutes later she was still on the computer.  It wouldn't have been such a big deal, but I was trying to complete a self paced professional development course on my computer when my dad came in.  I told my mom that 30 minutes had gone by.  She got frustrated with me after and came in the Living Room a few minutes later loudly saying "I'm here now!"  I told her I just wanted to finish the professional development course.  I went back to my computer to work on it.  Then I heard loud voices from the Living Room.  I heard my mom say that she shouldn't have gotten frustrated with me.  She's been snapping at me all evening.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on June 16, 2024, 01:18:46 PM
A nasty flashback to the past today, semi-encountered one of the most unpleasant ponypeople I've ever met in my online life as a post came up in my facebook feed and I realised she was the poster.

I haven't had any contact with this person in more than 20 years, but I still know it's her, and it still made me cringe.

But block is a useful function. I am sure she doesn't remember me anyway. But just in case, I have no interest in renewing the acquaintance.

I thought she had long since left the pony community, but apparently not. And while I don't intend on doing anything about it, it bothers me that she's still making money from a fandom she used to occasionally scam and bully for her own entertainment.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 16, 2024, 07:23:39 PM
Hugs Taffeta  :hug: :hug:

Last night the smoke alarm in my room started going off.  We didn't see/smell any smoke or fire.  My mom called the non emergency number and told them the smoke alarm was going off. The operator told my mom that we all needed to get out of the house in case it was carbon monoxide that set the alarm off.  The fire truck came and 4 or 5 firefighters got out and checked everything inside and outside to make sure there was no carbon monoxide or fire.  They didn't find anything and the firefighters said the smoke alarm had gone bad and would need to be replaced.  After they left we went back inside. The smoke alarm was going off again.  My dad finally took it apart and cut the wires so it would stop.   We have other smoke alarms so it wasn't the only one in the house.

I hate all of the stress and tension in the house right now.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 17, 2024, 01:03:38 PM
That's scary, Ponyfan. i'm glad everything was ok.

my complaint today is last week i was supposed to get a package. the postal service says it was delivered to the parcel locker but there is no key in my mailbox. I contacted the company and told them i didn't receive the package. they said to contact the post office. I have tried 5 times in 3 different browsers to use the post office's contact form. every single time it says there is an error and the form did not submit. now i guess i have to call them.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on June 17, 2024, 01:56:13 PM
Some idiot on my area's local FB group just posted a picture of a dead hornet trying to 'warn' people about them.

There is an alert in the UK over ASIAN hornets, because they attack our bees. But this was a EUROPEAN hornet, who is doing literally no harm whatsoever, just buzzing around being a hornet and doing hornet things in people's gardens.

We get them every year. They come to our grape vine and hang out. I usually end up having to put two or three out of my room each summer. They're never aggressive, and even seem to know you want to help them. They're actually quite beautiful. I like them a lot.

So, killing this poor thing for no reason - or ignorance - is bad enough. Posting a photo of it dead is frankly just worse.

So, I can understand someone killing a wasp or a hornet if they are allergic, and the insect poses them a direct threat in some way. But just killing a random hornet because you read a news article and didn't take in all of the information...really annoys me.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Griffin on June 18, 2024, 06:12:19 AM
My Windows keeps crashing especially when I watch Netflix, and just now it randomly crashed on a normal website (no videos or pictures), which hasn't happened before. I think the issue started after the latest system updates some time ago. I'm not very tech savvy when it comes to issues like this... so I'm not sure what solutions to try. I'm using Firefox, and both the browser and the system have the latest updates installed. I get the blue screen of death but it just flashes quickly before restarting, so I haven't been able to read what it says about the error and google for solutions. A general Google search did not help much...   
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 18, 2024, 08:47:30 AM
I'm in tears right now.  About a month ago my mom wanted to buy a used recliner set from a family we knew.  Today the guy called and said he was back in town and asked if we wanted the loveseat (it's a set)  Mom said she still wanted it and paid.  After they came home, my dad decided to rearrange all of the furniture to make room for the loveseat set.

It always bothers me when my dad starts rearranging things even if there's a reason.

Of course, this means what I wanted to do today won't get done because of this.  Sometimes it's so frustrating to be the one that always has to acquiesce whenever what I what to do isn't as important as other stuff.


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 19, 2024, 01:38:53 PM
So much hate about Pride month and Juneteenth.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 19, 2024, 03:00:40 PM
:hug: :hug: Ponyfan

So much hate about Pride month and Juneteenth.

ugh i wish hateful people would just shut up.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Carrehz on June 19, 2024, 04:04:38 PM
AI generated descriptions on eBay. Just... ugh. They're so obviously "written" by robots too (i.e. I just saw one that claimed the item had "never been taken out of packaging" when the photos very clearly showed it out of the box) and are just useless nonsense! Why should I buy from you if you can't be bothered to take five minutes to type up a description? =_= I swear, if I ever met the genius that added this crap to eBay... :rant:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 21, 2024, 07:19:42 AM
For some reason Facebook keeps "suggesting" and showing me posts from conservative pages. A lot of them are insulting and full of hate. I keep blocking them when they show up but it seems like the more I block, the more it shows me. I went into my privacy and ad settings but I couldn't find anything to change that might help.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 21, 2024, 11:39:53 AM
The other day my dad started moving a lot of my things in the living room (Lego sets, dolls etc...) putting them where he thought they should go instead of asking me what I wanted to put them. He also made it hard to get to the manga bookshelf behind the TV.  I can still get back there, but it's a very tight fit right now. I told my mom that I was afraid that might happen when he started to move the TV and she told me it wouldn't.  It happened though, just like I said.   Before there was enough space to get back there easily.   

I've tried talking to my mom about it, but she just says to let him do whatever he wants to keep the peace.  I get that but being told "you just have to deal with it" and having my feelings dismissed because it's what my dad wanted gets me every time.

Living in my house right now is like living with an angry bear.  I never know what's going to happen/not happen on a given day that's going to make him mad.

Just needed to vent. I can't take much more of this stress.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 21, 2024, 12:23:58 PM
Ponyfan :hug:

It was like that for us after my dad had his stroke.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on June 21, 2024, 01:32:02 PM
For some reason Facebook keeps "suggesting" and showing me posts from conservative pages. A lot of them are insulting and full of hate. I keep blocking them when they show up but it seems like the more I block, the more it shows me. I went into my privacy and ad settings but I couldn't find anything to change that might help.

My facebook feed is full of political things as well right now, with the election coming up. THe main reason I stopped looking at my fb feed was the BRexit referendum and all the nasty around it. I don't like confrontational stuff, or lying, or the junk that happens during an election. I prefer to look at actual information from the parties when I vote, not what someone on social media thinks.

This is annoying enough, but all the Reform UK bot spam on all the other candidate posts is also annoying.

Not really a fan of Reform UK (understatement) but at least they could do what other parties do and canvass and provide information about their policies, rather than spending money on bot spam to try and persuade less aware voters that they are the popular choice...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 21, 2024, 04:02:42 PM
Ugh enabling abusive behavior is THE WORST!!!  I'm sorry you are having to deal with it! 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 21, 2024, 05:52:26 PM
it seems like Facebook pretty much gave up on content moderation. i haven't been on there in years because of all the political junk. i had to quit twitter too because they keep letting literal neo-nazis back on the platform. social media companies have no inventive to stop hateful content as long as it generates engagement and people stay on the platform.

my complaint today is also parent related. long rant below

my dad is driving all of us crazy! everything so far with the insurance company has gone really fast. the old house was declared a total loss so they already got their payout from the insurance. they already found another house and everything is great with the inspection. they'll close in a week or so. we're also working on selling what's left of their old house "as is." so if all goes as planned he should come out ahead!

you would think he'd be over the moon. but no, he's now obsessed about the furniture. pretty much everything was a total loss. so they need all new furniture and i get that they cannot sit on the floor or lay in bed (he already ordered a bed) all day. but finding furniture can take time. i told him i would help and i've found stuff online. he's complaining that mid July is too long to wait for delivery. so i told him lets just get the bare essentials and add over time. like people do. he said that works for him and it's mainly up to my mom. she says she doesn't really care all that much. so i said we should probably go to the actual store and get a couple of chairs. probably also a table. and he wants to go immediately. this is 2:30 or so in the middle of a work day! it's Friday so i can get out a little early but we have errands to run. we need dinner. so i said we should go tomorrow.

also, i was supposed to go see their new house with the realtor some time this week. when i spoke with the realtor i said it wasn't a huge deal and Friday after 2 or so should be ok but i could work around his schedule. i told my dad and my dad wanted to go too. we didn't make any definite plans. so today when they came over to do laundry he wants to know when i was going to see the house. i told him that i hadn't heard anything yet and i assumed the realtor was busy with other appointments. and i was busy and tired from work so i didn't really care to go. he said it was important that i see the house so i can look for furniture. so i told him to text the realtor. after a while the realtor replies and says his daughter came in town today, but tomorrow will be good. my dad got all pouty about it to me. i told him to calm down and let people have their family time. he's also filling out paperwork while this is going on and complaining about the amount of information real estate transactions require. cursing repeatedly while doing so.

by now my mom is getting upset and so she walks over. she's not supposed to walk without assistance so he flips out and runs over to her. and she says she just wants to go home and starts crying. she's tired and needs to take her medicine. he gets mad and starts putting stuff away so they can leave. she's upset because now she feels like a burden. i grab their laundry and my husband helps my mom out to the car. he tells my dad to go start the car so it can cool off. then he's running around trying to open the trunk of the car. my mom's door is locked still so she can't get in the car and she starts crying more. finally we got everything situated and my husband and i go back inside. then after about 5 minutes the doorbell rings and it's my dad telling me the realtor set an appointment for us to see the house tomorrow. i said that works and that it would probably be a better idea if my husband and i just go look at furniture without them tomorrow. he assumes that means i don't want to see the house first and starts yelling. i tell him no, i'll see the house and then go look for furniture. i don't know why that's so important because i have the floor plan and photos from the real estate listing. plus it's not much furniture so i'm not concerned about measuring. so finally they leave and we're all upset!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on June 21, 2024, 07:19:55 PM
:hug: to all who need it!

Probably kind of TMI, but my toenail has fungus and I’ve been trying to treat it with at home remedies. One remedy is a medicated bandaid that seemed to be working….until today when the adhesive got stuck on my nail and pulled it part way off. :X Input another bandage in it just to keep it partway on but I am disgusted!! I have a bad feeling it will just fall off at some point. Guess that gets rid of the fungus though?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 22, 2024, 03:10:18 PM
I'm sorry Beth, that sounds so stressful :(

MM, good luck. I've never had nail fungus but I'm prone to ingrown toenails on both my big toes. Digging them out is never a fun experience.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on June 22, 2024, 03:41:41 PM
thanks BC

i hope your toe gets better soon, Minty_Magic :hug: it sounds like that toenail will probably fall off eventually

ugh i kind of yelled at my dad and now i feel really bad about it. i went to the furniture place and picked some furniture for them to consider, found the pieces on the website, made a spreadsheet and emailed it to him. the subject line was suggestions and i said "let me know what you think." i tried to call a few times and i think something is off with his phone because he didn't answer. so he texts me that he likes everything but the dining table so i sent him another i liked. he asked if he should order online or go to the store. i responded and said we should go to the store. i didn't get any response so i figured they were taking naps or working on something else. so i go about my day and after a few hours he texts and said he bought some of the furniture but the couch was labeled sleeper (it's not really. it folds into a bench) so he bought a loveseat instead. that's way too small for seating for guests who don't want to sit right up next to each other and the new living room is pretty big. also we were already working with a salesperson. so now i'm really upset because more uncomfortable, too small furniture and we're going to be jerks to someone who spent a bunch of time helping us in the store. plus i'm still angry about yesterday and he keeps asking us for help with stuff and then just doing whatever.

i guess it was the last straw with me so i called my mom's phone and he answered. and i didn't scream or anything but i kind of yelled that the loveseat would be too small for guests who don't want to sit super close. they both have chairs so they won't worry about it. the sofa is more seating for us and the previous loveseat they had was too small and also uncomfortable. i was hoping to steer them to something more practical. it frustrates me that they don't really give any thought to how we or other people might feel. plus too small furniture looks bad and he asked multiple times for my help. i thought that meant he would consult me before making more decisions. when i furnished our house i made sure to have lots of seating and a big dining table for family meals and work. it's coming in handy for him now since he needs to use the computer at our house since the wifi in the hotel is unsecured. i know it's their house but we'll be spending a lot of time there too. it bothers me that he doesn't consider others' comfort.

so we decided to go back to the store together tomorrow and look for a better alternative to the loveseat. or maybe it will be better in person? i just feel bad for losing my temper a bit. i don't like getting upset with my parents.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on June 22, 2024, 04:42:52 PM
I was this close to quitting work this week, it was all far too much. I spend so much of my life at that place and it's a never ending nightmare. I was a lot happier before the big changes, i wish we could go back but we can't. The only thing to do is have this short break (because other people can have huge holidays but Gods forbid I want time off to take a short course) and look forward to the well-earned time I booked off to enjoy a music course later in the year.

My nose is a minefield of zits this week, and due to my stress and anxiety the dermatillomania means I've been clawing at my face. It's super painful, but I can't stop it.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on June 22, 2024, 09:12:40 PM
Ouch, got a bit of a sunburn at the beach a few days ago! But we power through, I started on another crochet pony.

Birthday in less than two weeks! :P
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 23, 2024, 09:23:34 AM
I'm trying to clean all the cat vomit stains out of my carpets. I have Nature's Miracle carpet foam. It works okay, but I still need to scrub the spot with a cleaning brush. It's hell on my back. I need to get one of those Spot Bot cleaners.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on June 24, 2024, 09:38:32 AM
Ouch, got a bit of a sunburn at the beach a few days ago! But we power through, I started on another crochet pony.

Birthday in less than two weeks! :P

This is going to sound weird but if your burn is still letting off heat, put some hemorroid cream on it (generic works just as well as brand name).  It will help release the heat so that your skin stops burning beneath the surface.  Good luck!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on June 24, 2024, 02:49:28 PM
Ouch, got a bit of a sunburn at the beach a few days ago! But we power through, I started on another crochet pony.

Birthday in less than two weeks! :P

This is going to sound weird but if your burn is still letting off heat, put some hemorroid cream on it (generic works just as well as brand name).  It will help release the heat so that your skin stops burning beneath the surface.  Good luck!
Hmm, I've never heard that one before. The lotion I have been putting on it seems to help.
Thanks, though!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Lady Frostbite on June 25, 2024, 04:37:54 AM
I gifted some art to a friend and it ... didn't get the reception I was hoping. They said they had a similar idea and that was it. To say I'm hurt is an understatement.

I have a click and collect order in the city that's still not arrived, I'm meant to go on a shipping trip but considering that isn't confirmed ready for collection, I think I'm just going to go back to bed. My will to do anything is just absolutely drained.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 25, 2024, 06:46:27 AM
I HATE heat rash so much.... URGH 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on June 25, 2024, 07:24:02 PM
I miss the couch.  When my dad rearranged the furniture last week, he took the couch out to make room for the loveseat set.   I loved the couch because it was long enough that I could lay down on it and stretch out without having to scrunch up or have my feet hanging over.  I took my dad's recliner since he and my mom wanted to sit together in the loveseat.  I don't like the recliner at all, The footrest comes out, but that's it.   I can't lay down or back in it.  I'm stuck with the recliner though since it's another case of whatever my dad wants, he gets.

My mom and dad needed to activate their new debit cards.  I suggested to my mom that she not used the current debit card on the same day that she activated the new one since once you do that the old card is no longer valid.  When she got ready to do it, she basically gave me the cards and said "Here, you do it."  When I asked her a bunch of questions about things I needed to know to activate the card, she got annoyed and said "I'll do it!"  When I tried to tell her that I'd still do it, I just wanted to be sure I didn't make any mistakes along the way.

Also, my dad noticed the cashier at Walmart scanned one item 3 times.   He was right, but the first time she tried to scan it, the machine had an error code.

My anxiety has been bad lately.  Mom and I just got in an argument too because I can't seem to stop worrying.

Edit: My mom started in on me today about how I always worry over nothing at work.  She said she wasn't mad at me anymore, but she sure sounded like it.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 26, 2024, 06:34:03 PM
I'm sorry Ponyfan :hug:

There are strange sounds coming from my neighbor's apartment. It honestly sounds like she's setting off fireworks :blink:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 28, 2024, 12:58:01 PM
I have my period -_- and I think it's going to be really bad. I'm having cramps which I normally don't, my back and legs are very painful and I'm nauseous off and on. This is no good because a big inspection is coming up July 30th, but on the 1st management is going to do pre inspections. My apartment is okay except for the floors and vomit stains I haven't gotten to yet. I still feel really nervous though. I won't be able to do much while I'm like this, I can barely walk or keep my eyes open.

Post Merge: June 29, 2024, 11:54:46 AM

Sorry I keep posting here, I'm just having a really bad time :(

I had an appointment with my psychiatrist this morning on Zoom and she never showed up. I called the office but they're closed since it's Saturday. I don't know what happened but I'm upset because I was going to ask for more prednisone.

My bank account was overdrawn by over $300 :cloud: It was auto payments and then recurring overdraft fees. I had to cancel some things because they don't offer anything BUT autopayments. I think I got everything but I'm so overwhelmed and stressed out that I need to check again. I can't remember anything. My mind is everywhere and nowhere all at once.

I don't have enough money to cover all my bills. I'm selling things and have more to put up but again, I feel so overwhelmed. I want to shut down and I'm trying really, really hard not to. I want to cry but I can't.

Everything hurts :sad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on July 02, 2024, 07:08:25 PM
I'm so sorry, BC.  :hug:  :hug:

Not trivial, but I don't want to start another WYP post since I already have 2 there right now.

My dad had to go the ER in November of 22. The other day a letter came from a debt collection agency that the ER bill was never paid.  My mom wants to pay it so it doesn't hurt her credit score, my dad wants to contest it and refuse to pay.  My dad had insurance, but I guess it wasn't filed.

He went to the ER that day because his chest was hurting really bad when he was breathing.  Our family dr told him to go to the ER in case it was a heart attack.  NOW he says that his back was hurting and the family dr doesn't understand that his back hurts (according to my dad no one thinks his back pain is real)

My mom came back from the dentist yesterday and said she has a cavity.  She said "I didn't eat that much sweet stuff"  but I've seen her eat 2 or 3 ice cream bars a day sometimes.

Now my dad thinks that Wagyu beef is "like that plant based stuff"  like the Impossible Whopper.  Where does he get this stuff?

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on July 03, 2024, 02:19:43 AM
The characters for wagyu literally mean Japanese beef, but I think when people hear unfamiliar words, sometimes it's easier to associate with something 'different', even if it isn't.

Hugs to everyone having a rough time :/

My Dad has frustrated me this week as well, though not in quite the same way. He's got some issues with his leg again - it's a leg with circulatory issues and past history of cellulitis, so it's something we keep an eye on. It was bothering him on Thursday. He didn't want to go to the GP till Monday but Mum and I talked him around. So on Friday, he went. He saw a nurse practitioner, and got prescribed some medication because they thought maybe there was a bit of cellulitis. He also got referred for an x-ray.

...It was Dad's birthday on Saturday, so even though he had the medicine on Friday, he didn't start taking it. He then didn't start taking it on Sunday, either - I think he forgot, though he says it's because he had some alcohol (this was later in the day though, it's a morning tablet so I still think he forgot).

So he started taking the medicine on Monday.

Yesterday, his leg was bothering him again.

This morning he's taken it to A&E to make sure nothing more is going on. This is because the kind of issues he has in his leg put him at risk of blood clots.

I'm sure the fact he didn't start taking the medicine till the day he wanted to go to the GP originally is probably not related, but it's frustrating anyway. Especially since they are currently planning on closing our local A&E (despite massive protests and the fact the alternative is overwhelmed and frankly disgusting). We have no way to get to the proposed 'new' site, stopping things like this before they need to get to A&E level is imperative.

Both my parents are great at nagging each other to go to the doctor and useless at going themselves without being nagged. :/

Edit to add: Just to add to the above rant, Dad was at A&E all day. It's 4pm and he's just leaving. DId he contact us in that time? No. Did Mum worry a lot about him? Yes. Did I? Some. In the end Mum headed down there on the bus to find him. They're heading back now. He claims he tried to call us, but who knows.

Suspect he is going to get ranted at all the way home. I'll leave them to it...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 03, 2024, 02:13:19 PM
I found two of my snails on the carpet dead :( I don't know how they got out. I have a mesh screen over the tank.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on July 03, 2024, 04:03:12 PM
so tired of rain...  i guess it's better than wildfires though
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 04, 2024, 06:16:24 PM
People started setting off fireworks before it was dark!

My internet was out most of the day.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on July 05, 2024, 03:33:55 PM
One of my favorite writes on Archive of Our Own has changed their stories to "Only Viewable to Registered Users."   I guess I'll have to get a login now. :( 

And it looks like it's going to take 10 days   :what: :what: :what:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 06, 2024, 03:41:01 PM
There's a lot of pressure in my head and my neck hurts.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on July 06, 2024, 06:28:53 PM
I just discovered that Ghost of the Doll's site has been using some of my insert images without permission, as well as some of my site research information (paraphrased) without credit.

...It annoys me because it's so rude to just take and not ask, but also because my website represents a lot of people's hard work and research.

At the very least, it is good manners to give credit to the source of that information. I know it came from me, because it's almost entirely what my website says, and it's not something that's on the Wiki or other sites.

It's only made worse by the fact Ghost of the Doll insists on following the stupid year system and the Wiki's wrong timeline, so now my research information is being used to reinforce misinformation as well.

...I am annoyed.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 07, 2024, 04:31:55 PM
My head feels better today. I think it was a combo of allergies and the air pressure. We had a big thunderstorm last night.

I've got ants again.

Aster got up on my desk and chomped the spider plant. And it was looking so much better.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 09, 2024, 06:27:11 AM
I HATE that I have days I'm too tired to do anything!!! These last couple of weeks it's been Mondays, & it's so annoying...
I have stuff I want & need to do ya daft freaking body!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on July 09, 2024, 06:57:06 AM
I had to take a whole package of ground beef back to the store for a refund because it was bad.  the whole house stank of rotten meat.  my car now smells of rotten meat.  UGH
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 09, 2024, 05:18:27 PM
I HATE that I have days I'm too tired to do anything!!!
I have stuff I want & need to do ya daft freaking body!!!

I hear that. I have so many phone calls to make but I keep waking up after 5. Any earlier and I'm still so tired I can't keep my eyes open.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Beth3346 on July 10, 2024, 05:44:31 PM
been really really down for the last couple of weeks. it's been a lot. i'll probably create a WYP post and explain more. it's nothing i haven't posted about before. just getting to the point where i'm realizing i need to take my mental health much more seriously and things aren't going to magically get better.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 13, 2024, 03:16:40 PM
Allergies. It's been raining everyday, which is mostly good, but it makes things grow. We never get a break from pollen. Plus, the landscapers were here yesterday. They usually come on Mondays, but it's been raining, so yesterday they just did everything in the rain.

My eyes are very goopy and I have a sore throat from post nasal drip.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on July 14, 2024, 11:52:41 AM
eww it is 90F out temp wise and humid so no flea market today.  :hot:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 16, 2024, 12:17:34 AM
Argh! I'm so itchy! I feel like I need to take a bath in cortisone cream!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on July 17, 2024, 12:21:47 PM
My dad did it again!  He took all of the old VHS tapes I had sorted out and put them back up on the shelves.   :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh: :argh:  Then he complains that we have too much stuff. How am I supposed to make more room if he undoes all of the work I do when I try to sort things and get rid of things?

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: shockponie on July 19, 2024, 12:37:03 PM
Crowdstrike making work extra “jolly.”  :lookround:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on July 19, 2024, 03:44:55 PM
How the world is dependent on tech.

So my rants for the day.

Dealing with internet hosting people. More explanation in the other thread so won't linger on it here. Think I just traumatised the second agent of the day.

Managed eventually to change batteries in my German Sweet Talker. Literally the moment I did that the Spanish one's battery died. So now I need 3 more batteries. Gah.

 I am going through my cupboard giving my ponies a long overdue spa. The ponies are a bit dusty but fine. Their ribbons and the elastic on things, different matter. Fabric and such - not done well. Baby boy bow ties are pretty wrecked. Baby Buggy and its lace is a hot mess, but fortunately I don't care too much about it (lol). Even more fortunately the Princess Baby Buggy is mostly ok (lace has lost elastic a bit and is a bit discoloured but still nothing extreme). It's currently in the middle of my floor because my charming father has reorganised the attic and the box has disappeared...

Ponies are ok though. So.

Walked to the local art show and back with Mum. Sandal broke on the way back. These are my walking sandals so I now have to find some more that don't rub. Because I had to pin it together and walk back funny, I now have blisters.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 19, 2024, 05:14:08 PM
I think all my shrimp are dead :( I noticed two had passed away several days ago and couldn't remove the one because it decided to die in the Amazon fern. I did see a live adult and a baby about three days ago, but haven't seen anything since. I topped off the water and scooped out the old food today. I put new food in and made a lot of movement and stuff because they are curious and will come out and see what's going on, but none of them showed up. It's been a couple of hours and none have come to the food :(

This batch lasted four months, a month longer than the first. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on July 19, 2024, 07:15:34 PM
I'm sorry BC.

I found out that Netflix is doing away with the Basic ad free plan.  That's the one I have, but I haven't gotten anything from Netflix about needing to upgrade.  I got an email from them last week, but it was just suggesting movies to watch, nothing about my account. 

The last time I logged in to Netflix was last month and there were no messages there either about needing to upgrade my subscription.   I hope there's not a problem when the auto payment is due.

We went out to eat tonight and the restaurant has several TVs mounted on the walls.  I was  glancing at one of the tvs and when I turned back there was an old man staring at me. He said I looked like a student he used to have, but didn't elaborate further.  I didn't recognize him, and he didn't give his name so I have no idea who he was.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 20, 2024, 04:36:30 AM
I had to downgrade my Netflix because I can't afford the ad-free plan anymore. I didn't even know they had one with ads until I tried to cancel and it went to a page begging me not to go lol. It's 6.99 which is the same as Hulu and Amazon Prime (I get Prime at a discount due to my disability. Walmart+ too.)

Lots of complaints from me... I'm still very itchy, especially my back. I was going to get a back scrubber and some exfoliating scrub during Prime Day, but I didn't even have enough for that. I do have a Bear Claw back scratcher which helps. I'm itchy all over though. I'm not sure what it's from unless it's all related to allergies. Or maybe it's a side effect of one of my medications I stopped?

I couldn't sleep again last night. I'm finding it very difficult to lie down without getting a headache. I noticed I can't calm my breathing either.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on July 20, 2024, 04:45:04 PM
I wonder what this means for Netflix in the UK, will be keeping an eye open for changes. Already annoyed about Prime demanding extra fees and yet now including ads.

My complaint for today is actually pony people on social media. Me reminding myself why I use it so sparingly.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on July 21, 2024, 09:42:23 AM
The streaming platform that gives us ads (after we pay for the service!) that really bugs me is Amazon!  Especially now that it has become more third-party product ads instead of just "watch this cool show we spent a lot of money to produce!"
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on July 22, 2024, 03:44:24 PM
I'm hoping Netflix gives some kind of official notice and not just an announcement made on a news broadcast.  It seems like Netflix should let you know when you need to upgrade to a higher plan.  I tried googling it, but all that came up was unhelpful info that sounds like it's different for everyone.

I read that Crunchyroll had to take away all the comments on their anime episodes because there were some really inappropriate comments made.  I have no idea what they were.  If I even looked at the comments, they were mostly about the content of the episodes.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 22, 2024, 05:38:41 PM
I did some Googling and I think the itching might be due to stopping my thyroid med. My dog had terribly dry and itchy skin before he was put on thyroid meds. Last night I scratched the hell out of the top of my foot. I didn't think I was being so rough, but now it's all red and it stings.

None of my eBay auctions sold :( I was sure two would because they had so many watchers.

On top of being out of all my prescription meds, I just took the last of my headache medicine. I do have regular aspirin and ibuprofen but they don't work as fast as the generic Excedrin.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on July 23, 2024, 07:06:17 PM
I had to wait almost an hour past my appointment time at the drs office yesterday before I was seen.  The receptionist and the nurse practitioner apologized. 

I had to get lab work done today.  I asked if I needed to do prep before it was collected and the lab worker told me no. 

I ordered a few things from Amazon and they are shipping 1 thing in one package,  3 things in another package and 2 things in a third package.  I know there are different warehouses and everything doesn't necessarily come from the same one, but they had to divide it that way?

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on July 24, 2024, 02:19:02 PM
I read that Crunchyroll had to take away all the comments on their anime episodes because there were some really inappropriate comments made.  I have no idea what they were.  If I even looked at the comments, they were mostly about the content of the episodes.


Suspect they were comments on the kind of anime that the kind of people who make inappropriate comments watch. I've seen people go to war on online anime groups over a couple of them, which frankly, having seen the comments, would not now watch if they paid me xD.

My trivial complaint is that I have the dentist tomorrow. And I have to explain to her why my inlay came out. Again. And probably, pay. I'm the only person in my family who currently has to pay private dental rates. I'm also the one with the lowest income. :/
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 27, 2024, 06:47:10 AM
I can't sleep now. I feel all wired and nervous inside my body. My eyes are tired. I was trying to sleep for about 2 hours but finally got up.

The eczema on my hand is so bad but I'm out of my prescription lotion. I had a tiny bit of cortisone 10 which helped a little.

I'm still really itchy everywhere. I cut my fingernails super short because I was leaving marks on myself. I have little sores all over, even on my face.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on July 30, 2024, 07:33:25 AM
Power is out at home. Should be back on in the next couple of hours, according to the power company.

Was late to work because a load of debris fell off someone's truck in the middle of a construction zone where there is only one lane going each direction so everyone trying to get into town to go to work had to wait for the other lane to be free of cars to go around it.  So much fun.  Fortunately, my job doesn't require me to sign in/out when I start/stop so I can just stay a few minutes late and work the time.  I hate to be late, though, so it's still very annoying.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 30, 2024, 10:24:06 AM
Sleep is hard as I'm so hot!!! I lost yesterday to frequent nap/ awake too tired to do much cycles & now I'm tired again
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 31, 2024, 06:00:11 AM
Same. I'm so hot too. It doesn't help I can't take a proper shower.

I would really love to go to the beach and soak in the Gulf for a while.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on July 31, 2024, 06:49:11 AM
i have little raspberry thorns all in-between the creases of the underside of my knuckles... arrrrrrgh so irritating and hard to pull out with tweezers. 

oh and I slept in a bad position and my back is all twisted and unhappy.  *grumble*
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 01, 2024, 12:46:05 PM
Walmart didn't have the allergy pills I need so I had to order them from Amazon. They won't get here until Saturday.

The landscapers were here today mowing and blowing, so my allergies are even worse now :cry:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 03, 2024, 07:11:32 PM
I went to pick up and get a refill on my medicine yesterday and when I got up the counter the cashier said I had to wait for the Drop Off Window to open.  Usually they're not so strict about it, but yesterday they were.   People behind me kept asking if I was in line and I had to tell them that I was, but I had to wait for the window to open.

We have Ring cameras at our doorbell and one over the garage. 
A lady rang our doorbell yesterday and was acting suspiciously.  She watched the mailman put our mail in the box and then walked over to the mailbox and took something out.  The camera footage cut off with her holding something in her hand.  We weren't home at the time and saw what she was doing.  When we got home, my mom went over to the next door neighbor to ask her if she caught the lady on her camera also.

The neighbor came over and asked to see the video of the lady.  It turns out it someone that lives in the next house down the block.  She had been going around the neighborhood asking people if they had received a check meant for her of if she could check their mail.   The thing she took out was the check she was waiting for, but still I think that she should have asked first before just going through our mailbox.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 05, 2024, 05:11:30 AM
That's weird  :blink: Well, I guess it's good she found her check.

My neck and shoulders are killing me. I think it's tension. The heating pad helps and I have a shiatsu massager I might use later. I need to be careful with it though because sometimes I overdo it and make things worse.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on August 05, 2024, 10:02:43 AM
I sewed a little zipper pouch yesterday.  It is the best work I have ever done with a zipper...

But alas, it doesn't fit the objects I meant to store in it now!  LOL 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Leave a Whisper on August 05, 2024, 05:35:21 PM
It's 105, I couldn't go grocery shopping,  the phones were out until an hour ago, and we had a pack of aggressive dogs try and attack us in our own yard. I got nipped by one of the monsters. If I hadn't had the hose on full blast I probably would have gotten worse. The others didn't bite me, but not for lack of trying. Some people in my neighborhood do not deserve to own dogs. By the time the phone service came back on, it was too late to report them to animal control.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 06, 2024, 03:40:15 AM
The major invasion of the crashout hit me HARD on Monday, to the point I was in bed the best part of 17 hours!!! And when I was awake, I could only eat, drink, & watch some new DVDs. And that left me wi 2 hours before today's coffee morning!!!
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 06, 2024, 08:59:43 AM
LAW, I'm glad you're okay.

I got the email from Netflix last night about the Basic plan being discontinued.  It amuses me that they try to make it sound like going to Basic with Ads is better (More Devices! Less Money! HD Streaming)" than the plan I had.  They also promise that the ads "won't interrupt your streaming."

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 06, 2024, 12:14:59 PM
For some reason Walmart has a $6.99 below minimum order fee for delivery now? I'm already paying for Walmart+ why is there a minimum?

edit: Today, it's gone. Maybe they had that there because of the storm?
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 08, 2024, 10:26:09 AM
My left arm is all messed up. I can only lift it up halfway. My shoulder on that side and my neck are still bothering me too. It's been three days since it started but my arm hasn't gotten any better. Well actually, I think it's all in my shoulder.

I'm still itchy too.

I couldn't sleep last night. Too many thoughts in my head.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 09, 2024, 07:39:38 PM
Me again.

Looking back, I think I was having a manic episode.

I did finally get some sleep... I slept for 16 hours. I was up for an hour at noon today then fell back asleep for another 6 hours. I'm incredibly groggy. I'm grabbing something to eat and going back to bed.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on August 10, 2024, 12:52:20 PM
we had 2.5 inches of rainfall yesterday, but thankfully only minor flooding.  :yikes:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on August 11, 2024, 05:09:17 PM
The friend we were supposed to go to the amusement park with has fractured their foot.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 12, 2024, 03:06:39 PM
What a day.  I don't even know where to start.  :sigh:  :faint:

My aunt died over the weekend in such a way that I'm not sure I can even go in to the details here without it being too graphic. 

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on August 12, 2024, 04:05:43 PM
What a day.  I don't even know where to start.  :sigh:  :faint:

My aunt died over the weekend in such a way that I'm not sure I can even go in to the details here without it being too graphic. 


Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 13, 2024, 03:41:25 PM
Ponyfan, I'm so sorry! That sounds horrible :( :hug:

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Griffin on August 14, 2024, 02:34:18 AM
I'm so sorry, Ponyfan :( :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 14, 2024, 09:47:09 AM
Thanks, everyone.  :hug:  :hug:

Still don't think I can get in to the details without being too graphic for this site, but I will say there's a reason that companies put warning labels on certain thing telling you not to mix things together.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Taffeta on August 14, 2024, 12:04:40 PM
What a day.  I don't even know where to start.  :sigh:  :faint:

My aunt died over the weekend in such a way that I'm not sure I can even go in to the details here without it being too graphic. 


Late catching up with everything but I'm really sorry, Ponyfan :( That's awful :(

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 14, 2024, 12:50:08 PM
Thanks, everyone.  :hug:  :hug:

Still don't think I can get in to the details without being too graphic for this site, but I will say there's a reason that companies put warning labels on certain thing telling you not to mix things together.

:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on August 14, 2024, 05:44:32 PM
*huggles to ponyfan*  So sorry :(
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 17, 2024, 08:02:19 PM
Aster woke me up yowling. There was something wrong with her feet. She was shaking them and biting them. I got her to come up on the bed and grabbed her in a hug (she doesn't like to be picked up) and looked at her feet as best I could. There was a white powder on them. I let her go and got a damp paper towel, then had to convince her to come back on the bed. I grabbed her again and wiped the powder off. She ran away after that.

She was fine after that when she was done pouting in the living room. I pet her and gave her some treats.

What could it have been though? The only white powder in the house is a body powder on my 3-teir tray and the diatomaceous earth I use for bugs. The DE is supposed to be safe and harmless to pets. I've used it for a while with no issues. In fact, I even sprinkle it on Aster's food mat to kill any ants that get on it. It hasn't bothered her before.

So I'm stumped. I don't know what it could have been. I looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Whatever it was was really bothering her though and maybe even causing pain by the way she was meowing.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 22, 2024, 12:07:28 AM
I got an email from the manager that they'll be inspecting outside today including patios. I have three bags of trash on my patio that I'm going to have to rebag and bring back into the apartment... ick. It's been raining... and bugs. Ick! But my neighbors aren't taking my garbage anymore :( I haven't talked to them to find out why, but it really sucks. I had put those bags out there because they were smelly.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 23, 2024, 07:03:25 PM
Thanks everyone. :hug:  :hug: 

I posted an update about my anxiety in my WYP thread.

I was about to open the car door today and put my hand on the handle to open it.  My dad started moving the car forward without realizing I was going to open the car door. I know he didn't do it intentionally, but if he would have said something like "I'm going to move the car" I would have never reached for the door handle like that.  How oblivious can you be to not realize someone's about to open a car before you start driving foward?

I still need to upgrade my Netflix to the ad free plan.  I meant to do it last week and then this week, but with having to go out of state to my aunt's funeral and not feeling well since we've returned, I haven't gotten to it yet.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on August 24, 2024, 07:38:42 PM
Yesterday my dad decided to order an expensive item on Amazon.  It was more than he usually spends so when Amazon tried to charge his credit card, the company denied it as suspected fraud.  When the credit card company called to alert my parents of suspected fraud, my mom hung up on the automated call thinking it was a scam.  My dad looked on Amazon and saw there was a note in his account that the first credit card he tried didn't work so they had used another card.   The credit card company called back this morning and confirmed that they denied the Amazon charge. That being said, the company said smaller purchases had gone through using that card at a bookstore.  Those charges were fraud, but the Amazon purchase wasn't.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 25, 2024, 04:23:21 AM
My foot has been extremely itchy in the same spot for days. I tried scratching it at first but that only made it worse, so I've been putting cortisone cream on the area. I noticed today that it looks like there's fluid under the skin in bubbles. I poked a safety pin in one of them but nothing came out. This is the same foot that has the fracture and bone fragment and gets all swollen. I need my issues to get better, not worse :mad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 27, 2024, 07:02:47 AM
My allergies are terrible. My main complaint is my eyes. All day I have mucus in them that impacts my vision. I have antihistamine eyedrops but they don't do much for the goo. I'm also sneezing a lot more and my throat hurts all the time from post nasal drip. My ears are itchy today and my head hurts.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 30, 2024, 06:27:37 AM
I'm sad today :sad:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on August 31, 2024, 07:17:36 PM
My nephew's bank account was hacked and wiped out.  He's working as a waiter to pay for school.  It's not like he has a lot of money to spare and it was only $4000.  I'm not sure why they thought it would even be worth the time.  His account was with the same bank my parents use, and theirs was hacked a few months ago.  I don't know if it's because of the bank they use or if there's a site or app they both use that might be the cause but still.

If the people hacking are so smart why can't they get a real job instead of stealing from people who do work?  :enraged:
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Minty_Magic on August 31, 2024, 11:36:48 PM
Oh no Pokeyonekenobie, that is awful! I hope your nephew has some recourse to try and get that money back. Sounds like that bank needs to have better security!

Very very trivial, but Green Day is coming to town soon on their stadium tour and there’s actually some really cheap tickets available. I really should be saving my money AND my PTO but they’re playing American Idiot in full! That was my favorite album when I was like in middle school, I feel like I owe it to little me to go see the album performed live.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 01, 2024, 06:10:02 AM
It's the 1st of September, & everybody is noticing the cold... except ME!!! I'm hot, then cold, then hot, then cold, & it's ridiculous!!! I can go to bed comfy, shiver after a few hours, then wake up a sweatball. During the day is little better. I wear two layers on top & the second layer goes on & off like a motion sensor.
So I can't notice the temperature of everything else when my body doesn't have a constant one...
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on September 01, 2024, 02:40:07 PM
Had to call someone to remove a yellow jacket nest out of the carrage house.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on September 01, 2024, 05:20:35 PM
First Disney Movie Club shut down and now Disney Movie Insiders is shutting down, too.  I guess it's not a big deal, it was just frustrating that when they did have rewards I wanted I didn't have enough points and as soon as I got enough points those rewards disappeared and now there's nothing I even want as a last hurrah.  Maybe I'll spend all my points on 5 point downloads of coloring pages and stickers for my niblings.  At least those aren't things I could have bought at Walmart, like a lot of the movies and toys they offer.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 02, 2024, 12:15:28 PM
Spent half the night and most of the day fighting off a migraine. It's finally eased up, but it's left me so tired.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 02, 2024, 03:12:56 PM
Not trivial, but I don't know where else to post this.  I took a hard fall on Saturday night.  I didn't break anything, but I have several bruises and I'm still sore where most of the impact was.  It hurt so bad afterwards that I literally sat and cried for some time after it happened.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on September 02, 2024, 09:42:07 PM
ow!  Ponyfan that is no fun!

My leg problems have returned... but after some extensive Googling, I have an actual scientific name for what's wrong! I am not happy that my dermatologist is not the one who told me this, and I had to spend some time researching it and looking at scary pictures online, but... it's called venous stasis dermatitis.  Unfortunately I have also discovered that the only thing that keeps it at bay are compression socks. 
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 03, 2024, 09:51:59 AM
I hope you're okay, Ponyfan. Falling is awful :hug:

My poor Aster is trying to pass a hairball and having a hard time. She's crying and going from one litter box to the other. I tried giving her some pumpkin but she won't eat it, I mixed it with milk and she still doesn't want it. She has such a problem with hairballs. I was looking into switching out her dryfood for one with hairball control but they're all so expensive :( she won't let me brush her either. I can give her Laxatone with her Churu treats but obviously it isn't enough.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Griffin on September 04, 2024, 11:21:19 PM
My little finger hurts and I can barely put my hand into a fist, I think it's the ulnar nerve. Too much computer work apparently, I went to the office for a couple of days because I'm collaborating on a grant application, I must have been leaning my arm on the edge of the desk (I realised this in the evening as I was using my laptop at home, doing the same thing again...)  I have more work to do today but have to be careful not to irritate it more. It's my dominant hand too, so things are a bit challenging.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 07, 2024, 02:21:51 PM
Omg help! :drunk:

Yesterday a wasp was in my living room. I only have this weak bug spray but I sprayed it and it fell and disappeared. I retreated to the bedroom. When I came out later, it was in the kitchen on its back dying, so I wrapped it in a tissue and flushed it.

Today I was sitting out here and there was another one! I was trying to spray it as it flew around and ANOTHER ONE appeared on the blinds! I pulled the blinds back and sprayed the whole dang window (it's a very large window that takes up most of the wall). I once again retreated to the bedroom.

I'm out here again after a couple of hours and don't see anymore. I can only assume there is a nest on the outside of the window and they are somehow coming inside through a gap or something. I need to order a better bug spray, one that kills on contact and call maintenance and tell them to look for and take out a nest on my window. They aren't here on the weekends, so I need to wait.

I'm allergic and don't have an epi-pen, all I have is Benadryl. I hope my spray attempt keeps them away for now. I don't want to be so paranoid sitting at my desk.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Ponyfan on September 07, 2024, 07:17:06 PM
Thanks everyone.  :hug: :hug:  A week later and I'm still bruised and where I took the most impact from the fall is still sore.  It also hurts if I move a certain way.

BC, I hope you don't find any more wasps.

Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on September 09, 2024, 04:29:12 PM
Omg help! :drunk:

Yesterday a wasp was in my living room. I only have this weak bug spray but I sprayed it and it fell and disappeared. I retreated to the bedroom. When I came out later, it was in the kitchen on its back dying, so I wrapped it in a tissue and flushed it.

Today I was sitting out here and there was another one! I was trying to spray it as it flew around and ANOTHER ONE appeared on the blinds! I pulled the blinds back and sprayed the whole dang window (it's a very large window that takes up most of the wall). I once again retreated to the bedroom.

I'm out here again after a couple of hours and don't see anymore. I can only assume there is a nest on the outside of the window and they are somehow coming inside through a gap or something. I need to order a better bug spray, one that kills on contact and call maintenance and tell them to look for and take out a nest on my window. They aren't here on the weekends, so I need to wait.

I'm allergic and don't have an epi-pen, all I have is Benadryl. I hope my spray attempt keeps them away for now. I don't want to be so paranoid sitting at my desk.

One of my co-workers is married to an entomologist and their wife said that if you have a wasp/yellow jacket problem, you can "blow up" a brown paper lunch sack and hang it near where you think the nest might be.  The wasps/yellow jackets are so territorial that they will move.  It might take a few days but they won't live near other nests.  So you can try that in the meantime and see if they go away before your maintenance people show up.
Title: Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 10, 2024, 02:43:17 PM
Thanks for the tip! I will remember that.

More were coming in after my last post. In total there were 12 that made it inside :crazy:

They are gone finally. I was able to get some Raid Defense and sprayed the heck out of the windows, so much so I made myself sick. I've stayed in the bedroom for the past two days and just came back out here, there are two dead on the window sill and none flying about.

Allergies are still bad. I'm looking at HEPA air purifiers. Expensive, but I can save up and I think having one in the bedroom would be worth it. If our (mine and Aster) allergies are this bad now, they will probably be worse next year, and it's not like Florida has a fall season. This will continue until mid-December.

I hate talking to my mom about movies I haven't seen yet. If I just mention I want to watch one and she's seen it she will without hesitation ruin it for me. I told her I was going to watch Remember Me because I heard it was really good. She goes, I've seen that *spoils the ending*. I said, did you just ruin the end for me and she's like, well yeah, but it's still good and you should watch it just forget what I said. ???? It doesn't work that way!! UGH. So that movie is off my list.

Also, is it just me, or are movie previews that TELL YOU there is a twist or "an ending you won't see coming" super annoying? Because that ruins it for me too. Why do they say there's a twist? Isn't that why you should watch the movie? To see it for yourself? If you TELL ME then I'm going to be expecting one, it doesn't matter if I don't know what it will be, just the fact there is one is enough to annoy me that you TOLD ME. Thank you very much, movie previews.

Also also, I am looking forward to seeing Longlegs even though most people are saying it's not that great. I love Nickolas Cage and pretty much watch everything he's in. The filmmakers intentionally didn't show him in the previews, but I keep seeing pics of him from the movie on Facebook. I know, social media is great at spoiling everything and you should stay away from it if you want to keep everything a surprise. It's just irritating that I know what he looks like when the filmmakers tried to keep it a secret until you saw him in the movie.
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