Casually ISO G2 ponies, complete if possible. Finally starting in at G2’s.

Plmk what you have and prices. Willing to possibly purchase internationally, especially if they have accessories or you have a few I can purchase at the same time to combine shipping.
WANT LISTG2Open to any, I don’t have very many, but these are highlights; highest wants are in BLUEMagic Motion*any if they are complete or mostly complete
Secret Surprise*Hip HollyPrincess and Prince Ponies*
Princess Trixie Belle ***** really want, especially w/outfit or MIB*Princess Crystal
*Princess Silver Rain
*Prince Fire Fly
*Princess Golden Light
*Princess Sapphire
*Princess Fuchsia
Royal Ladies*Royal Lady Moonshine
*Satin Slipper
Magic Motion Families*any sets if complete or near complete
*Light Heart and Baby Tickle
COMING need accessories Floral and baby PetalLight Up Families*all especially
Star Swirl and Baby Star SwirlTwins (as complete as possible)
*Polka and Dot (ladybugs)
*Moondust and Stardust (flower girls)
*Drifter and Dreamer (flower costumes)
*Dart and Dash (bee costumes)
Study and Play *** *
Nosy and Click *** Royal Twins*Giggles and Wiggles (princess hats)
COMING*Fire and Flame (wing waistbands)
*Sweetheart and Trueheart (red capes)
Play Area Twins*Sunny and Sunshine (slide)
*Rose and Lily (see saw)
*Rumba and Samba (bikes)
Unicorns with Magic Wings*
Golden Glow with wings
*Silver Glow with wings
*Coper Glow with Wings
*Golden Glow with wings
*Diamond Glow with wingsHer Majesty Ponies*all, complete if possible
Dress Up Ball Ponies*Honey (bunny outfit)
*Teddy (bear outfit)
*Puff (dragon costume)
Purse Pony*Autumn
Romantic Couples*Golden Dream and Blue Dream
*Prince Fauna and Princess Flora
Holiday Ponies *
Baby Pony Sweet Snowflake (complete if possible)
Playsets*Queen Sun Sparkle
*Wedding Carriage with Princess Sky Skimmer and Princess Fleur
*Playset Giggle Garden Nursery with Little Flitter
*Sailboat with Coral and Ocean
Misc*any combs
*any accessories
What I Currently HaveSpoiler
I have the following
*Sugar Belle Secret Surprise
*Merry Moments Secret Surprise
*Clever Clover secret surprise *need accessories
*Morning Glory secret surprise *need accessories
*Junior secret surprise *need accessories
*Satin Slipper secret surprise *need accessories
*Sundance Magic Motion *need accessories
*Moonshadow Magic Motion *need accessories
*Light Heart and Baby Tickle Magic Motion Families *need accessories
*Waterlily Dress Up Ball
*Dart and Dash Twins; bee costume
*Jewel and Sparkle Royal Twins; crowns
*Giggles and Wiggles Royal Twins; princess hats *need accessories (have one hat)
*Princess Silver Swirl Princess ponies
*Princess Twinkle Star Princess ponies
*Festivities birthday Playset *need Playset and accessories
G4 Fashion Style Wish List[/size]
not currently looking, for reference onlyoutfits HIGHLY preferred *Starlight Glimmer
*Sapphire Shores
*Coco Pommel
*Photo Finish
*Daring Doo
*Royal Ribbon
If you have anything on my want list, please let me know. Also please check my trade list to see if you find something that interests you to trade. :-)