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Author Topic: Spiff's Wishlist  (Read 3395 times)

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Offline LittleSpiffy

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Spiff's Wishlist
« on: December 27, 2014, 08:05:46 PM »
UPDATED AS OF 12/23/2015
*Please do NOT PM me or REPLY to this thread*
I use this list as a reference only when I am actively trading or involved with a swap.

:socks:Happy Holidays!:socks:

G1 Ponies
I am restarting my collection.  You probably have tons of stuff I don't have yet!  Let me take a look...

I am a VERY picky collector when it comes to G1's.  I look for ponies that are as close to mint as possible!  Sometimes flaws can't be avoided, such as glitter loss, crinkled tinsel, or tiny flocking rubs.  I hate it when ponies have initials on their feet!  I also can't stand regrind or VDS.

I am also on the hunt for a So Soft Ribbon that is in pristine condition.  Like, right-off-the-card flocking.  Itsy bitsy rubs around the hooves/tips of ears are okay.  I just love that flocking fluff factor!

Wingers!  Summer/Windy wing ponies OTHER than High Flyer, Whirly, Buzzer, and Little Flitter.

I am also on the hunt for wooden tray puzzles (may say Playskool instead of Hasbro/Hasbro-Bradley)!

Don't collect them ^_^

I don't usually trade for G3s, but I AM looking for unicorns except for Rarity or Garden Wishes.  I am also looing for a number of Birthflower/Jewel ponies.

Casual Collector - looking for:
Princess Luna in her long-leggedy princessy goodness
Rainbow Flash
Star Swirl
Sky Wishes
Shine Bright Rarity & Fluttershy with their saddles
Glimmer Wings: Fluttershy, Daisy Dreams and Diamond Rose
Magic Motion (all but Pinkie)
Fashion Style: CMM Cadence,  Rarity (basic), RD (basic), Luna, & Pony Mania Daring Do.
Star Dreams
The Pony Mania Sock Fetish Ponies
The Pony Mania CMM/"Tattoo" Ponies (Roseluck, Helia, etc.)
EQG: ponies that came with the Rainbow Rocks line (all but Octavia)
Equestria Girls Chrysalis
Equestria Girls Through The Mirror/Rainbow Rocks Principal Celestia (Walmart Exclusive)
Equestria Girls Through The Mirror/Rainbow Rocks V.Principal Luna (Walmart Exclusive)
Equestria Girls Pony Mania Photo Finish 3-Pack
Equestria Girls Sapphire Shores
Equestria Girls Non-Mane Six Equestria Games Dolls (new characters! yay!)
Equestria Girls Lyra
Equestria Girls Sweetie Drops
ANY of the new Friendship is Magic Collection minis/playsets except Apple Fritter, Apple Jack in Bed, Big Mac w/ Cart, Apple Bloom & Babs 2-pack, Apple Flora & Caramel Apple Tooth 2-pack.
Any of the water-filled ponies (except Celestia & Luna from the Rainbow Power line)
Pony Mania Maude
Funko Princess Celestia (full size)
Funko Princess Luna (full size)
Funko Princess Cadence (full size)
Funko Shining Armor (full size)
Funko Spike (full size)
Funko Scootaloo (full size)
Funko Apple Bloom (full size)
Funko Sweetie Belle (full size)

Novi Stars
I am also looking for (in no particular order):
Anne Artic
Ina Ferna
Vera Tabray
Mimi Merize
Cici Thru
Gail Lexi
Tily Vizion

I would LOVE to complete my Novi Stars collection!

Lady Lovely Locks
Always on the hunt for pixie tails, dolls, playsets - show me what you have!

Fairy Tail Birds
Anything and everything except Tickle Tails, Fancy Tails, and Baby Cuddles.

Show me what you have!  I am interested in any doll/character/playset other than Bucky, Ursa Minor, and Roary.

Glo Friends
Any character other than Glow Bug and the Turtle.

Mainly Animator's Collection dolls and Fairies from the Disney Store. 

Do you have this hat?

In fact, I LOVE this particular series of Disney Fairies dolls.  I am on the hunt for:
Tinkerbell's dress with wings attached (or just the wings - they were sewed onto the dress)
Becks's dress with wings attached (again, will accept just the wings)
Vidia's clothing and shoes
Bess' clothing and shoes
Lily - doll with complete outfit & shoes
Fira - doll with complete outfit & shoes

I am also on the hunt for Ariel's sisters:
sorry, I don't know who to credit for this photo!

...and the mini-figurines!
sorry, I don't know who to credit for this photo!
Update!  I was able to find all of them BUT Ariel!  Also, the figures I did find have major flaws, so now I am just looking to upgrade ;)

Breyer Wind Drifters, Fantasy Fillies, Fashion Star Fillies, ect.
I have a small herd of fantasy-related horses.  I really like them.  Do you have any?

Blythe Loves LPS
Always on the look-out for more!  And their stands!

Although I really like Zoobles, I am not actively collecting them...unless you have the missing bits to sets I already own:

I'm also looking for the little purple hanging chair from the treehouse playset and "Prudence."  This is Prudence:
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I am also looking for Roshelle's house

...aaaaand #105 & #106 (they're numbered on the bottom)

Ever After High
I only collect Signature Dolls...howere I am looking for Thronecoming Briar's mask, ring, and silver flower "arm cuffs".  I am also looking for Legacy Day Briar's book, tiara, ring, belt, cape, and purse.  I would love Ginger's bracelet/Ring from the doll that comes with the Kitchen Playset!
Justina Dancer
Melody Piper
Farrah Goodfairy
Mira Shards
Courtly Jester

Monster High
MHArena wishlist is terribly outdated.  I haven't added any new characters in a while...and I'm still missing lots of little accessories for dolls I already own.  I'll gladly take a look at what you have.

I am always interested in expanding my collection!  I am interested in all things BJD from stands & accessories to full dolls.

Sweetie/Party Pups & Sweetie/Party Kitties
Always looking for combs, brushes, and ribbons!!!!!
Toy Poodle (Regular release - cream)
Bichon (Party release - bright yellow)
Shih Tzu (Regular release - white/black)
Maltese (Party release - bright yellow)
Schnauzer (Party release - pink)
Spaniel (Party release - purple)
Old English Sheep Dog
Springer Spaniel & Baby Springer Spaniel
Skye Terrier
Saint Bernard
Angora Kitty (white)
Tabby Kitty (Regular release - yellow & Party release - pink/blue)
Birman Kitty (brown & white)
Himalayan Party Kitty
Tortoiseshell Party Kitty

I also collect Strawberry Shortcake (especially the minis), Mini LaLa Loopsy dolls, Disney Pins, various dolls, the list goes on & on & on...I have a serious toy obsession.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 11:10:06 AM by LittleSpiffy »

Offline blazywazy110

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Re: Spiff's Wishlist
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2014, 11:41:52 AM »
I have a few of the G4 ponies on your list! I have:

~Long-leggedy Princess Luna
~Rainbow Flash
~Sky Wishes
~Daisy Dreams
~Star Dreams
~Rainbow Flash
~Molded AJ

Let me know if you're interested  ;)


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Re: Spiff's Wishlist
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2015, 12:21:00 PM »
You can check out my sales/trade list here
Lots of G1 ponies :)

Offline PrincessGryph

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Re: Spiff's Wishlist
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2015, 10:18:52 PM »
I'm looking to sell all the ponies in this topic ASAP, message me if you're interested in anything:,365465.0.html

(Star Hopper and Li'l Tot already sold)


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