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Author Topic: G1 and G4 MLP shirts + G1, G3, and G4 ponies on eBay! + Ditzy Doo Bag  (Read 1141 times)

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Offline WickedWonderland

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Hello! I have some older MLP shirts (WeLoveFine and Junk Food - G1 and G4) and G1, G3, and G4 ponies on ebay for anyone interested  :happy:

Baby Brightbow
Cotton Candy
Cotton Candy & Blossom
Lofty & Sundance (Accidentally washed this with buttons on it, so there are holes and rust stains. Good for a custom project or to make a patch out of.)
Truly (I wore this shirt a few times, so it has pilling)
Rainbow MLP logo sweater

Cloud Chaser
Queen Chrysalis
:muffin: Pony / Ditzy Doo (back hem was defective and has unraveled)

Rainbow Brite - Tickled Pink

I am also gauging interest in my :muffin: Pony / Ditzy Doo messenger bag that is new with tags.
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« Last Edit: September 12, 2024, 02:05:29 PM by WickedWonderland »


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