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ghost stories?
« on: January 27, 2013, 08:38:32 AM »
Anyone have any really cool ghost stories?
Or maybe something weird that happened to you?

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Re: ghost stories?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2013, 09:07:20 AM »
All I can think about right now are episodes from goosebumps or 'Round the twist-you know, when we were kids xD

I have nothing concrete for ya though, other then the fact that I do know someone that (I think) believes in that kind of thing.
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Re: ghost stories?
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2013, 09:08:55 AM »
Not exactly a story but I tend to have these feelings sometimes, like I feel someone is watching me or some spirit might be around.
My husband's parents house is about to be demolished and most neighbors left already. The one in front of them always made me feel weird with this tall metal door. One day I decided to tell my husbad that this place was creeping me out a little. That's when I learnt that this exact place has been abandonned a long time before neighbors started to leave due to the demolishion. Like 10 years ago the owner hung himself in this place and it's been known to be haunted since then :s

Haunting and death is very special in chinese culture.

I also heard this story, in China again, how a neighbor of my husband's grandma one day caught a fish in the city lake. The fish had some number on his side and fengshui experts as well as budhist monks told this man not to eat that fish, to release it and make a prayer to a temple. The man didn't listen and ate the fish. He died a few days later as well as the family members living with him.

I'm a crappy story teller, sorry about that ^^

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Re: ghost stories?
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2013, 09:37:07 AM »
That's cool. I love hearing about ghost stories from all over the world.

I had a strange experience when i moved into my second rental place. The real estate people hated the house and the ones who were meant to do the rent inspections would not go into the place alone.
On the first night I heard a large animal snarling around in the kitchen. I only heard it for a few seconds and put it down to imagination, or perhaps possums in the ceiling, though it did sound more like it was in the room.

Another thing that happened was more weird. I woke up and could hear a raspy whispering like lots of people talking at once in a garble. No actual words, just a noise. The air was heavy and looked grey, like mist or smoke. My bedroom door was closed and I was sure it had been left open. It couldn't close by itself because the house was slightly slanted so the door could only swing open, not closed.
For a while I couldn't move. Then I was able to sit up and could still hear the whipsering.
I saw a light come on in the hallway outside, shining through the gaps around the door. The whispering lessened so I lay back down and must have fallen asleep right away.
Next thing I knew it was about midday. When I emerged all rumpled from a bad night, I went into the kitchen and my brother was in there making a sandwhich. He saw me and said he had a bad night too. He'd heard a weird sound- and he imitated the whispering noise.
All the hairs on my arms stood up...
He'd heard it at the same time I did and turned on the hall light to check the house. He didn't find anything.

We moved out of the house not long after. Not because of the weirdness though. The house was demolished, and there's a sports ground there now.

No idea what the whispering was.

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Re: ghost stories?
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2013, 02:41:00 PM »
How weird! Those stories are creepy!
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Re: ghost stories?
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2013, 02:50:52 PM »
I feel like I am a sensitive, but not a medium. Never seen a ghost though.

When I was a kid, there was this property across the street from my grandma's, it had an older house on it (20's maybe?) and a newer one that the family lived in. The older house wasn't run down or anything, but I don't know that anyone ever lived there my entire life. It always gave me the serious creeps for no reason (I thought) and it seemed so random that I never told anyone. It even showed up in my nightmares a lot, the whole neighborhood was the stage of a recurring nightmare I had for many years even though I don't think anything traumatic happened to me there.
Just before we moved to a different state (when I was 20) we got to go in it with my dad giving us a tour. They were going to tear the place down the next day. It was so unnerving I only went in as far as the bottom story stair well, I remember there were flies everywhere. Later that day my dad told us that when he was a kid, he had played there with the kids that lived there. One day the dad went insane and killed the whole family and then himself.
It's almost funny how sometimes things that are scary and horrible make you feel better just because they help you make sense of feelings you didn't understand. Now I think there was a lot of haunting going on in that whole neighborhood. While I am not scared of ghosts as much anymore I don't think I'll ever get over that 'creeped out' feeling when I'm in a 'haunted' place.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 02:52:53 PM by Salli »

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Re: ghost stories?
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2013, 01:13:56 AM »
Oh yeah.. I have plenty of stories.. I used to get strange dreams and everything. I'll tell a short one because I'm on my phone.

It in 2011 about 10:30 pm at night, I was in the hall way looking towards the kitchen when I saw something move and heard footsteps in the kitchen. No ine was home but me, I freaked out completely and hid in the bedroom.

Another night I went to the toilet, on the way back I heard footsteps behind me, being half asleep at the time I didn't think much of it until I got back to my bedroom.

I have also had weird dreams involving a ghost in my house, they were all similar.. The ghost was in front of my pony room and I was talking to it, it didn't say anything back, but I felt that it was very unsure of me at first.

Also when I first moved in when I was setting up my skate room, which is now my pony room, the door randomly closed. There was no breeze or anything..

I have more stories, I'll post them another day!
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Re: ghost stories?
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2013, 07:28:34 PM »
I have a family member who has stories about seeing people who have died. She has stories since she was a kid and seeing people who have died- actually seeing them. I've only ever felt weird things. I don't know if I believe actual ghosts exist, but I do believe that people can pick up on details and things that have happened from their surroundings. After all, animals have this ability, and we are animals too. ;)


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Re: ghost stories?
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2013, 07:32:23 PM »
ghsot stories scare me!!!!!!!

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Re: ghost stories?
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2013, 08:43:19 PM »
Love this thread!

My parents' house is haunted. There's no doubt in my mind about that. It was built in 1890 and is an old farmhouse. Sadly, the town it's in is small and doesn't have any records online, so I can't research it :(  Here are some stories that have happened since we moved in in 1991:

The summer we moved in, I was 11 years old. Both parents were at work and my older brother had left to go hang out in town with his friends. So I was home alone, in the country, just me and the dogs. No problem. I was (still am) a bookworm, so I curled up in bed with the two dogs and started reading. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I felt something. Hard to describe, but it was like an overwhelming feeling of evil, like something didn't want me there. As soon as the feeling started, both dogs lifted their heads (they'd been sound asleep), looked down the hall towards my parents' room and started growling. Like hair raise, teeth bared, growling. They had never growled like that before and never did after. That was enough to terrify me enough to run out of the house, both dogs following me. I ran out to the middle of the yard and got brave enough to look back at the house, where I saw a dark, human shaped shadow move across my parents' bedroom window. Didn't look back again and would not go back in until my brother got home. I seriously have never been so scared in my life. I'm a "skeptical believer" meaning I'll look for logical/natural explanations, but there is no way anyone was in the house. I would have heard someone coming up the stairs (100+ year old house = stairs that creak) and the dogs would have barked.

Over the next few years, some weird things would happen, like I'd hear things in my room and feel like I was being pulled and choked, but I could maybe pass that off as sleep paralysis.

Then, when I was in grade 10, my dad started doing renovations. He found a gold ring with an emerald stone behind the drywall in the kitchen which he gave to me. After that, things picked up a little. When my niece was old enough to talk, she started talking about a little boy sitting on the stairs. My mum would occasionally have the covers pulled over her head or hear the change on dad's night table being moved around when he was working the night shift. She'd also hear someone opening cupboards in the kitchen when she was home alone.

Fast forward to me coming home after my first year of university. I was unpacking and couldn't find my high school ring. Looked everywhere! Tore my room apart, nothing. Finally, in desperation, I called my roommate to see if it had gotten mixed up with her stuff. We chatted for a bit. I hung up. Turned around. My ring was sitting on top of a pile of movies that I had been watching the night before. My room door was closed, so not my parents/brother playing a trip. There is no way it was there before. Maybe they took my ring cause dad had given me theirs?

After my nephew was born, he also started talking about a little boy sitting on the stairs. We'd never told him what my niece had said (didn't want to scare him). He also talked about a monster in my room (could that be what was pulling/choking me?) and came in one day and asked my mum why the ghosts were fighting in the laundry room.

I also had my dog come back. We had to put him to sleep when he was 5 months old as a rabid cat had bitten him :(  My mum used to let him into my room in the morning - he'd jump on the bed, circle around, flop down, and fall asleep. The weekend after he died, mum came in to say bye before she went to work, as she closed the door, I felt something jump on the bed, circle around and flop down. It was so real that I actually reached down to pet Max, then remembered he wasn't there.

After all that, I sleep with a night light now. And I won't stay at my parents' anymore.

When we were in England, hubby and I went to stay at Chillingham Castle - reputed to be one of the most haunted castles in Britain. We'd seen it on an episode of Scariest Places on Earth and I insisted on staying there, even though I'm a wuss. We arrived in the middle of the afternoon and went exploring the castle and grounds. We were walking down a path through the woods, just chatting, bright sunny day when out of nowhere WHAM! I could not go a step further. Something was NOT RIGHT. We were nearly out of the woods, hubby wanted to just keep going, but I made him go back the way we came. Couldn't explain it, just this feeling of something being wrong. We went on a ghost walk that night, and the guide was telling us about different ghosts that supposedly haunt Chillingham. We started going through the woods and I was getting a bit apprehensive of going back to that spot, but kept going. We got to the same spot and stopped. There were some oddly shaped trees so it was easy to recognize. Then the tour guide proceeds to say that of all the castle and grounds, this is the only spot he feels uneasy about. Turns out when the current owner of the castle was putting in plumbing in the 1980s they found a mass grave at that spot. Hubby just looked at me and was like "How did you know?"   I made him keep the light on all night after that!

So, those are my stories. Sorry it was long, but I've had some weird things happen!   :shocked:

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Re: ghost stories?
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2013, 09:29:33 PM »
My old house was definitely haunted. At least three people had died there and since I was small I had seen a woman with an indescribable face either standing next to or at the foot of my bed and tonssss of animals. Mostly cats and a bull dog (all of which scared the heck out of me as a child.) and once I saw my dog shortly after she passed away. I was laying on my bed and I saw her try to jump up on my bed (she was a dachshund, so she usually had to make a few tries before she could get up) I even heard her bell and tags jingle and I didn't even realize she was dead for a moment and went "Munchie, down!" and waved my hand at her before it hit me, but when I looked over the edge of the bed she was gone.

Let's see...

My bed has lifted up while I was laying on it like someone was laying underneath it and pushed their back up.

I heard someone calling me from the other side of the house and the only person home was my mom who was asleep on the couch and when I went up to her she started talking to me and it wasn't her voice. I don't even remember what she said because it scared me so bad and I ran to my room and locked the door.

My mother saw me walk through the living room while I was in my room. My friend said something similar has happened to her and looked into it. They're called Shadow People or Doppelgangers and they're supposed to be the spirits of living people.

While I was in my room my door slammed closed and something was banging on it from the other side and when I opened it there was nobody there. My mother and cousin (older cousin, she's like my mom's age.) were the only people in the house at the time and they were on the other side of the house in the kitchen and said they didn't hear anything.

My nail polish suddenly had a huge scrape down the middle, like I had taken my thumb nail and scratched through the polish from one end to the other and for some reason I rubbed it (like thinking "how did I do that?") and the middle (where I rubbed it) of the polish came back and then I rubbed it again and all the polish was back. My nails were totally dry since I had painted them the day before.

There was also a time when I was in the living room on the computer and suddenly I could feel this huge, dark presence down the end of the hallway by the bedrooms. It's hard to describe but there was this overwhelming noise, but there wasn't actually any noise. Like I said I really can't explain it. I was afraid to move because I felt like if I did it would come after me, so I IM'd the first person I saw online and had them talk to me until I didn't feel it anymore.

That's all I can think of right now. Thankfully, since I've moved, I haven't had any weird things happen anymore and I don't feel that energy like my old house had.

Edit: Oh, and it's not quite a ghost story, but after my grandmother passed away, me, my cousin, and my aunt all had the same dream about being in my house and my grandmother showing up at the door and being confused when we said she was dead.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 11:33:54 AM by WickedWonderland »

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Re: ghost stories?
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2013, 07:36:58 PM »
I've lived in places with nice things and some not-so-nice things.  Currently I live in a house with nice things.  There is definitely a cat spirit here.  It walks into the living room to check on us and then swishes its tail and disappears down the hall.  But I've never been scared of the dark here which says a lot.
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Re: ghost stories?
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2013, 04:14:53 AM »
I have another one, well I don't know if it is actually a ghost or not but I'll let you decide.

Late at night about 2am the home phone started ringing and wouldn't stop, I thought it was something somewhere else. I asked my fiancé what it was and he said its next door or something, I said no that's our phone it won't stop ringing.

I freaked out and said I'm not going out there you have to. I was sure it was a ghost, but I get paranoid. He went out to the lounge room and picked up the phone, no one was on the other end it was just silence. My fiancé said that someone tried to hack our home phone, but I looked online and it came up with info about mobiles only. I still don't know to this day, so I'll let you decide.
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Re: ghost stories?
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2013, 01:41:01 PM »
It's really not scary. Me and my sister use to see a ghost in our childhood home that wore Sweatpants. We nick name him Sweatpants Ghost
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Re: ghost stories?
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2013, 04:32:29 PM »
I have never encountered anything but I swear at times in our house a cat will come over and tail pat me or rub up against me even though both of our cats are not around.  I have even had a cat jump on the bed and turn on the light but none of the cats are on the bed.  I will say once when I was picking pop cans off the side of the road a man tried to offer me a ride and kept persisting then I shouted NO! all I know is that guy looked up , turned white as a sheet and sped off the other way. To this day I have no idea what that was that he saw and I really do not want to know.


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