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Author Topic: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!  (Read 7930 times)

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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2012, 05:54:39 PM »
It's so heartwarming to read all these stories of rescues! I try to get rescues when ever possible. I have several budgies that I adopted from the bird sanctuary. Most everyone wants the younger or hand tamed ones so the older and or fearful ones end up sitting there, so those are the ones I adopt. :) I have a huge cage for them so it doesn't matter that they are not tame enough to be let out. they still get lots of attention and new toys, they love listening to music. I love watching them and listening to their chirping so it doesn't matter to me that I can't hold them. I did have six of them but two of them have passed away from old age, which I new would happen when I adopted them but I wanted them to enjoy their remaining time in a home instead of alone in a cage at a shelter.

The top row is Andy (I miss him :cry:) and Lily (who loves to dance) :), the three on the perch are Angel (he's very opinionated), Kiwi (the quiet shy one), and Sparky (the hyper one). Over in the corner, that was Dink (he was always making such funny noises, I miss him alot to).
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Then there is my boy Benny, He's a golden retriever. I hadn't planned on getting a dog. However one day I was over at my one friends house and she had this golden retriever there. She was telling me he was her mothers dog, but that her mothers other dog kept attacking Benny, the last time he needed 8 stitches on his head. My friend couldn't keep him as she has 5 kids to take care of. So poor Benny was on his way to the shelter... Long story short, heres my dog Benny.
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He is such a loving dog and so gentle! I take him visiting at a few of the local nursing homes. He was just made for therapy work. :)

This is Romeo and Julie. I've had them for 6 years. I got them as kittens, their brother and sister from the same litter. I was just going to adopt one cat as a surprise for my mom, but they where the last two left from a litter that was born at the shelter. They had been alone together for a couple of weeks and I just didn't have the heart to separate them or leave one of them there all alone.
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And this is Squeaker. He was unplanned, as I just posted in another thread I went with a friend, who wanted to adopt a kitten, to this lady who fosters rescue cats. I just fell in love with this one little kitten who had been rescued along with a few others from an abandoned barn. The rescue lady had been working with him, but he was still scarred and liked to hide. I picked him up and he growled a bit, I petted him for awhile, he calmed down and after a few minutes he actually started purring in my arms... I just couldn't leave him, Especially after the lady told me I was to only one he had let hold him like that.  :) It took him forever to come around, He's still very shy and hides from anyone new. But he is just the sweetest guy.
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the first one he attached to besides me was Benny:
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This is him all grown up. :)
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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2012, 06:43:34 PM »
A couple years ago, my dad went and got a hair cut. Next door to the salon was Petco. That day, one of the pounds brought some dogs to sell. One of them was this ugly, in-need-of-a-haircut, westie-like dog with a really cheap cast on this back leg, because he was ran over by a car. My dad felt so sorry for him, and took him home since he knew   
no one would buy him.

We named him Eddie, and I'm so happy we got him! After taking him to the vet to get him a real cast and surgery and all the usual new-pet necessities, his health improved and got over his phobia of cars. When we first got him, he wasn't allowed to get on the furniture and was in a kennel at night. Now he sleeps right next to my dad in bed, and has a special place on the couch just for him X3

Here he is!

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Eddie by JigglesTheCat, on Flickr

He moves around so much, that it's pretty much impossible to get a some-what decent shot of him >.< I have another dog that was practically MADE for the camera, but welllllll.. He has never had a rough day in his life and wouldn't exactly fit in this thread. Maybe later.

Most of my other pets are rescued, but I'm really tired and don't want to take more photos.
I took a break from the Arena from a couple months due to school and other things in my life. But I'm back now!

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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2012, 06:52:20 PM »
I just posted about our new baby Thena, and now I get to share in everyones pet topics! You can read about her here:,305565.0.html

But here is a picture:

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or two...

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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2012, 08:01:35 PM »
awwww!  I want to hold all of these furballs!

CupCake....I LOVE the eyes on that first pic.  He looks crazed LOL

Aw Gemini—poor little thing!

Pink…Rocco is a gorgeous dog!!

"She's destroyed my apartment and got me evicted, so I want her put down."

D<  You’re joking!  Rgh!  Good on that head vet!  She’s a cutie!  (The cat, not the vet lol)

Ravenwolf—Ha!  That cat knows he’s cool, doesn’t he?  XD

Well, this was my Patch.  Had to put her down because she was so sick when she was 15.  :c  She was from the Humane Society.  It was her, and then a cagemate…who was a diluted calico, so she looked pastel, lol.  But I chose the darker one (I love calicoes) and she was the best pet I ever had in my life.  I miss her a lot.

She would get up on her hind legs and lift her “arms” up when she wanted to be picked up.  LOL 

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That’s actually her not long after we brought her home.  I have loads of pics of her on the LOLCat site if anyone wants to do some LOLs.  XD

« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 08:12:53 PM by hyenacub »
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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2012, 08:34:25 PM »
All of my critters are rescues! :D

The gray cat is my special boy Tama, and the brown cat is Kitty, who is a real daddy's girl. I don't know anything about their back stories, except they both came from a shelter in Cheyenne, Wyoming, then brought down here to Northern Colorado to chill in a Petsmart for awhile. Tama was sick with a URI when I got him, but he got better really quickly. Kitty also came from the same shelter, and she has a kink near the base of her tail where it was previously broken. We think she might have been someone's cat at one point, because she had excellent house manners and is very social.
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Tama is a very silly boy, and is very obsessed with boxes;
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Kitty has a habit of licking my husband when he's trying to sleep so she can get attention. She used to be very aloof, but she's getting to be a lot more friendly these days. She hates my dog though. haha. I dont have many pictures of her because she haaaaates the camera.

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she loves sitting in the window and watching it snow. I wish this pic would have turned out better!

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And this is my boy Frankie! He came from a good, but sad situation where his main caretaker had passed away. The lady who rescued him only had him a month before I fell in love with him and he became my forever dog!! He is incredibly spoiled, and he is also in training to become a therapy dog! he's a 3.5 year old welsh corgi/bichon frise mix.

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Post Merge: August 17, 2012, 08:35:27 PM

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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2012, 08:41:46 PM »
Oh, that gray and white tom is gorgeous!  :lmao:  Love the pics of him in the MD box and the Breyer's box.  my cat loved little boxed, too.  She demolished the lid to Trivial Pursuit by cramming her fat body into it.  XD
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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2012, 10:40:27 PM »
I just love reading everyone's stories  ^.^

My dog of 13 years just recently passed away, and I never would have gotten through it without my baby Sam. I decided to get a cat after about 6 months of living alone and I just couldn't stand it any more. I went to Petco just with the intention of getting supplies, but there was an adoption event going on so I stopped and looked. In the cage was a tiny black kitten, running all over the place wanting to be let out. The lady let me get him out of his cage and at first he was so afraid, but then he settled down in my lap and just purred and purred. I had to put him back when the event was done but I left my information. A few hours later I came back, and when he saw me he cried and begged for me to pet him, which made me cry, and a woman who saw it just looked at me and said "That's the one isn't it?" and it was  ^.^ I cried when I had to leave him there, and the day he finally came home he fell asleep in my arms.

We're not entirely sure where Sam comes from. He was found on someone's porch in the middle of a thunderstorm, soaked to the bone and starving. They took him in and judged him to be about 4-5 months old, but he's always been really small, runt of the litter. His foster mom had a hard time letting him go since she said he was so special, and he really is. I can't even begin to express how much I love him, he's smarter than pretty much any animal I've come across thus far, but is also very loving and knows who his mommy is. He's definitely a little devil because he's so smart, and can drive me up a wall when he doesn't get enough attention. But every morning he comes and cries at my door for his morning kisses and isn't satisfied until he's gotten about 100  :P He's a loud boy and makes the cutest little noises all the time, and loves to play in boxes and chase. He's also very friendly and likes meeting new people. He has helped me through so much, and I never thought I could love something so so much.

First day home!
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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2012, 11:01:54 PM »
lol He's cute!  He's also the third cat I know named "Sam"...apparently that's a popular cat name?  O_o
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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2012, 11:24:17 PM »
My boy Raoul was something of a rescue. When I got him from his former owner he was infested with mites and had several ticks. He also had layers of eyecaps on. When we took him to the vet he pulled off five layers of them, and had to put him under to just to get the last layer off, they were that stuck on there. It even left him with permanent eye damage to his right eye. We got him all fixed up, and I've had Raoul for twelve years now and he's still going strong :)
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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2012, 03:22:13 AM »
Lovely python!

Actually, a former boyfriend had a ball python and went out of town for the week. I was in charge of feeding and watering the snake until he came back. At the time the snake was being fed live food.  :cry: I had to drop a baby rat in with the snake. Well, what happened next puzzled me... the baby hooded rat grabbed my hand and started licking my fingers... Needless to say, baby rat got named Elvis and the snake went hungry one week!

 :blush: When the boyfriend came home, he was like... "Where did you get a tamed baby rat from?"  :lol: I had to tell him, so he could feed the python properly. After that week, he found a supplier of frozen rats to feed the snake.

I highly recommend rats as pets. Properly socialized at birth, rats are one rodent less likely to bite, smart and can be potty trained! After having Elvis for about a year, and when I started working longer hours, I got him a buddy to keep him company since rats are highly social creatures.  Best pet I never planned on having!  :lol:
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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2012, 01:05:49 PM »
The colourful happy birds picture =  :lovey:

Here's my rescued cat :)
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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #26 on: August 18, 2012, 01:48:31 PM »
I love rats.  :lovey:  I'm glad you rescued that one.  I would never feed live to a snake.  Frozen is the way to go.  Also safer for the snake, I've heard.

Goldi--gorgeous eyes on that cat!
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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #27 on: August 18, 2012, 01:59:47 PM »
Here's my rescued kitties!

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Sorry that this is like the worst picture imaginable, but my phone is being a piece of crap and is taking hours to upload anything to the web.

Lily, the tabby, came to me as a kitten from a friend across the river. She said she wanted to keep her, but that her mom wouldn't allow it and was going to have her put down. I didn't want to see the poor thing get put to sleep, so I told her I would take her, and she brought the kitten over. She was so small, probably only a month and a few weeks old, but super friendly. At the time, my mom was away on vacation so I made up a little fib, telling her that I found the kitten in the yard.  :lookround: And the rest is history...

Sebastian (black and white kitty) came to us from the street. My neighbor feeds the stray cats on a daily basis, so we know what most of the neighborhood cats look like, but we'd never seen this guy before. He just showed up one day, ran up to my mom and begged for attention and pets. My mom told me about him, but I was trying to be reasonable by saying it probably wouldn't be a good idea to take him in, since I was worried about him getting along with Lily, who had already been with us for 2 years. He also wasn't neutered, and I really didn't want him spraying everything in the house before we could get an appointment to have him neutered.

Two days went by, and as I was looking out the window, I saw him in my neighbor's yard. I called him over to see if he was as friendly as my mom said, and he sure was! He came over, so I pet him a bit and let him inside and gave him a good meal (after locking our other cat away just in case). After that, he made himself right at home on the sofa and fell asleep. My mom came home for lunch at that time and we had a good laugh over it, but he wanted to go back out, and we still weren't sure about keeping him, so we let him out again. He was back to stay three days later, but unfortunately, he had a bite on his face that turned into an abscess so we had to take him to the vet to have it drained - for $900. Costliest rescue cat ever, but we still love him. He's such a cuddle bear!

The saddest part is that he was obviously somebody's pet..He was so friendly, he knew how to use the box, and he had a flea collar on when we found him. We made fliers to post at the grocery store and around the neighborhood, and we put an ad on Craigslist, but nobody ever contacted us. Whoever just threw him out had to be a real scumbag. The SPCA is less than five minutes away from our street by car.

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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #28 on: August 18, 2012, 03:11:15 PM »
I love rats.  :lovey:  I'm glad you rescued that one.  I would never feed live to a snake.  Frozen is the way to go.  Also safer for the snake, I've heard.

Goldi--gorgeous eyes on that cat!

I wasn't too keen on feedling live anything.  :( Rats are awesome and I wouldn't mind having some rescues when we move into a larger home.
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Re: Show me your rescued and/or pampered pets!
« Reply #29 on: August 18, 2012, 05:01:02 PM »
So many amazing pets!  ^.^

My dog Moose isn't strictly a rescue but you never know what would have happened if I hadn't taken him home. To try and make a long story short... full story in the spoiler!
I had wanted a dog my entire life but my parents always said no. So when I was 17 I decided I was responsible enough (lol now but I've proven myself) to own a dog whether my parents liked it or not, plus a friend said his dog had just had puppies (this was the 3rd or 4th litter she'd had since I'd known him and I wasn't going to let the chance pass). After years of 'no no no' I demanded an actual reason, a legit reason why NO. They said the yard wasn't secure, so I fenced off a section of the yard and made a make-shift gate out of the old rat cage (the gate is still working fine but we've had to upgrade the fences since he learnt to jump). Then I spent weeks gathering the supplies I needed and preparing to bring my puppy home.

I had originally planned to bring him home on a Friday but then realised that the weekend held mothers day, SO not going to do that! So the next Friday it was... which just so happened to be the Friday my Dad flew out to Europe, hehehe. I went home with my friend on the Friday to pick my puppy, there were only two boys. One was skinny, one was a healthy puppy chubby, I did a few tests to check their reactions then was rushed into picking so I took the plump one. I carried him home, a full 45 minute walk, and he was the sweetest little thing I'd ever seen. I had a little alone time with him once I got home before the rest of the family arrived and we bonded so fast Mum later said she thought I'd been seeing him in secret. I'm not going to go into details, when Mum realised what I'd done she was NOT happy, she wanted to puppy gone. I stuck my ground and said that if he went, so did I. I was fully prepared to pack my bags and my best friend's Mum said she'd take me in for a while (a bit teenager melodramatic but I had been a little emotionally unstable). I think Mum finally realised just how much I needed this dog, I can't imagine what my next few years would have been like without him but he's been a bit of a lifesaver for me.

To sum up why I worry what would have happened to him if I hadn't taken him home... The family he came from had 3 dogs (1 illegaly unregistered) none of them desexed. They let their female get impregnated every time she went in heat then gave the puppies away for free, cheaper than spaying I guess. No vet checks or anything, just churn them out, whatevs. So a month after I got Moose (the family had joined my father in Europe and Moose was staying with a friend) he had an accident that resulted in the vet finding out he had a pretty nasty case of hip dysplasia, genetic. On top of that, a few months after finding his hip he jumped a fence and was limping after so we took him to the vet again, this time to discover he had patella luxation. Two surgeries later his knees are fixed and he's now 3 years old. He's taking supplements every night and arthritis prevention injections every 6 months to try and prevent a hip operation as long as we can, but he lives a pretty pain free life and can run around like any dog his age. I've certainly shown my devotion and maturity by getting a job and paying all vet and other expenses myself, which is quite a hefty bill. I wish I had thought to get pet insurance lol. But I love him more than anything and so does the family (the family that once hated him more than anything).

So that's a very long story as short as I could make it... the life lesson? I don't recommend bringing a puppy home to a family that doesn't want it when you yourself are just a teenager. It worked out in the end for me but it made me realise that I wasn't quite ready, but I was determined...

To actually make a long story short.
  • Backyard bred puppy from a rather irresponsible situation.
  • A puppy brought into a family who didn't want him by a teenager that needed him.
  • Genetic issues, several surgeries, ongoing vet care and hefty vet bills (I got a job to support him).
  • A happy dog now in a family that loves him.
  • I don't know what I would have done without him, life can be hard and I don't want to say I'd be deep in depression (because I have a family member legitimately suffering from depression) but he's certainly helped me see the silver lining to ever bad situation.
  • And I worry that if I hadn't taken him he may have been adopted by someone who'd have just ditched him at a shelter the second they found out he'd cost thousands in vet bills in the first few years alone, then hundreds in ongoing costs on top of the usual cost of owning a dog.

So here's pics of my darling little Moose, I love him more than anything!  :biggrin:

As a puppy, how could anyone say no? I mean, look at those ears!
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Post second surgery, giving me the evil eye...
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Because Bow Ties are cool!
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I maintain his red/orange tail but the heart was only for valentines day... he's had a red tail so long I have to remind myself with old pictures that it's naturally white.  :lol:
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:glitter: ISO MIB SWEETIE PUP :glitter:


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