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Which ghoul do you think did soooo amazing that she should get to play a part in assigning roles for the next challenge?

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Total Members Voted: 94

Voting closed: July 17, 2012, 05:32:36 PM

Author Topic: Challenge 3 - Evaluation  (Read 6400 times)

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Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« on: July 15, 2012, 05:32:36 PM »
Good evening, ghouls. It is time for your evaluation.

You recall our judges:
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ANTM - Challenge 3 - Oceanic Kiss by tuneful87, on Flickr

Your critique, in alphabetical order:

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Janice: Jeeze, you had a vision and you brought it to life. You look hot as hell (I mean cold as Antarctica) and the look in your partner’s eyes screams, "I'm here to save you baby. You didn't doubt I would come, did you?" You’ve got him under your thumb. Totally. Since you’re underwater, a little more darkness/contrast could have helped to make you two the focus. There’s a lot going on in this prop-wise, and some more contrast would have helped to make you and your boy pop even more.

Tyra: I have to say, there's a hell of a lot going on here but I love the whole idea of being underwater and then getting your man to get his behind down there to give you that kiss you've been waiting for! I just wish we would've seen a bit more of a close-up, but then unfortunately we would've lost all those charming little details that make up this lovely scene.

Nigel: My fish are envious!  Wonderfully inventive, how many ghouls thought of going UNDER the sea instead of in front of it?  Being granite it gives me tingles to see a fellow gargoyle in the water, chilling and exciting at the same time!  I might want a bit more of a close up though, there is a lot of sea around this touching, ethereal moment and the tender moment is so very tiny in comparison ... to be fair, much of the details would be lost though ... conundrum.

Keira: You make me wish the director had turned me into a mermaid in my last Pirates of the Dead Sea film! I have no idea how you managed to get your hair like that, nor the way your fine male model managed to levitate! However you managed to pull it off, great job. My only critique would be similar to Nigel’s line of thinking  - a close up photo would have really brought it home for me.

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Janice: You get prettier from week to week. You look incredible here, and the passion is out of this world. Oh, and your male model is hot as well. Send him my way when you finish with him, please and thank you.

Tyra: *raises voice excitedly and opens eyes widely* THIS PHOTO..GHOUL, THIS PHOTO!! I love EVERYTHING about this! It's such an intimate shot with such an innocent and sweet looking romantic scene. I almost feel bad for looking because it's just meant to be such a private moment. Bravo, Aria!

Nigel: I can't believe I'm saying this ... I WANT THAT NORMIE! *other judges glance at Nigel sideways* I can recognize THAT much gorgeousness with my eyes closed!  Very intimate scene indeed, we shouldn't be looking, but we can't look away!  The lines, the mood, the enrapt gaze, the feel of the whole picture ... bravo!

Keira: Simply breathtaking. Even though we don’t see your male model’s face, we don’t need to because you are the center of attention. You look stunning, your hair is smooth and shapely, your legs are killer. I also like the view of that male mode’s arse. Bravo!

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Janice: Somebody’s getting’ a little something something tonight! You sure like to put on an audience for the beach-goers, eh? I like me a ballsy gal. You’re so spunky, Cupid.

Tyra: OH DAMN.. This is HOT HOT HOT! I wish there wasn't so much space next to you, but this is still QUITE a sultry photo. Why does it keep getting so warm in here.. I knew this wasn't the right weave for this occasion.

Nigel: I may need to excuse myself ladies ... ravishing!  The play of colors and limbs and the balance of positive to negative space, the flow of lines and the mood ... the mood ... I hate water as much as the next gargoyle, but I'll meet you there in a heartbeat!

Keira: I see this as a fleeting, flirtatious kind of love. You see a cute ghoul at the beach, one thing leads to another, and suddenly you’re snogging while the lifeguards ogle from afar! It’s an interesting angle, and that draws me into the photo.

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Janice: You went all the way for this one. (Well, not allll the way  - your dress is still on, after all). But I’m not a fan of how you’re just lying there. Mouth to mouth, anyone? Your model looks like he/she is trying to breathe life into a corpse. Liven it up!

Tyra: Oh, I have a feeling we weren't supposed to see this.. Sh-..Should we leave? I would've loved to see more YOU and less…unenthusiastic model being mounted by a lover. Looks a bit awkward, like you're not wanting to be a part of this moment.

Nigel: Long lost lovers, separated for years until now, they glance and run and ... TACKLE!  The passion! The scene! The unconscious model? *chuckles softly* Would love to see you more active in this scene, the arm to the side feels almost as if you want out of it and aren't returning the feelings, and the faces aren't very visible ... passion my dear, passion, love and longing, all in the face/gaze/embrace.

Keira: I’m sorry, love, but when I look at this photo all I see is mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Your dress is gorgeous, though, and your partner is quite smartly dressed. I truly admire you getting down and dirty, but alas, I don’t feel any passion.

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Janice: You nailed it. Nailed it, nailed it, nailed it. This it so frickin’ hot and so full of firecracking passion that I’m going to speed dial my boyfriend soon as we wrap up judging. Oh, and make sure you two wrap it up too! There’s no room for a baby in the world of modeling.

Tyra: Is it getting hot in here or what? This shot is fantastic! Everything about this resembles what you envision to be that perfect sunset kiss and I think even the sun agrees! Lust, romance, passion, getting your hands on your man and letting him hold you like you are something he just can't stand to ever lose! There's nothing about this I can say I don't like, oh lordy lord.. *puts hair back with a hairclip and lightly fans self with Nigel's hat*

Nigel: TINGLES! You excite me to my core with this!  Even the sunspots look like love motes dancing about you! and the gaze ... *fans self with wings* ... there is no end to this love!

Keira: Brilliant. Absolutely bloody brilliant. You play the role of ‘California beach babe in love’ rather superbly. And my, another model who has an uncanny resemblance to Nigel! I love the sun’s rays, love the sunset, love how your lips are sooooo close but yet so far away. This is chemistry. This is passion. I have no critique!

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Janice: You certainly didn’t disappoint in the props department. You have a real knack for bringing your ideas to life. It’s cutesy and very Little Mermaid esque.

Tyra: ♫ Darling it's better, down where it's wetter..♫
It sure as hell looks to be better! Get down there, man! How can you resist that gorgeous gal? Or is this a trap..? Either way, you look stunning, sexy and damn that is gonna be one interesting kiss. You're so alluring that you managed to keep the focus on yourself, even with everything happening! I think that's something to be proud of here.

Nigel: ...Hmmmmm... it seems many cannot resist the charms of my Gargoyle family, I must remember this and use it!  The skeletal mermaid is alluring and yet so dangerous looking, is she friend for life, or is she a siren leading young men to their demise with the promise and love and wealth beyond their wishes ... I frankly wouldn't care and would be at your side at a moment’s notice. *disgusted look from Tyra*  And the ship, oh the ship ... it almost upstages your beautiful tail that matches you so perfectly.

Keira: Impressive set. There’s such a story to this photo, and I love that. I could totally shag your partner to boot. (Please tell me he is straight!) Your bottom half is lovely, though I would have liked to have seen your fins in their entirety. I see a ‘dignified, royal love’ here. It’s something you would expect of a typical marriage hundreds of years ago – a strong sense of formality and honor. It doesn’t quite scream passion, but it does remain faithful to the setting.

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Janice: You’ve got the passion down. NEXT!

Tyra: She wants it…You want it.. For the love of everything in this world just let it happen! There's so much desire in this photo, just lovely.

Nigel: The eyes, the gaze, you KNOW what is going to happen ad you want it to happen so bad you hunger for it!  ... *looks at other judges* Or maybe that's just me.  I almost fear for that poor ghoul who is apt to be consumed by your kiss!  And the drama of the setting, a cliffside kiss, heaven!

Keira: Everything about this screams ‘mad, passionate, crazy love’! Frankie’s got a rocky cliff to one side, and a super sexy, dominate vampress to the other. The passion is unreal. There is no question as to who is in control of this relationship. You own the shot, Lilitha.

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Janice: Sexy as hell. I used to have an ass like that! Hard, round…wait, where were we? Nanami, you’re totally put together and in control of your man. Nice job.

Tyra: I don't know if I should complain about the dark ambiance of the photo, or embrace it. It almost makes it look more private and like we're getting a sneak peek of a private moment we're not supposed to be seeing! I wish we could see a bit more of you. There's nothing more intimate than the facial expression between you and your man…and from here, it's a little blurry.

Nigel: BEAUTIFUL GHOUL!  I feel right at home among the craggy cliffs, I do wish we could see more of your wonderful face, the profile gives a slight smooshed nose and the shadows are maybe a touch dark, romantic and cozy?  Yes please!  But the model should shine bright, SHINE VIXEN SHINE!  Wonderful pose!

Keira: Very pretty. The setting is gorgeous, and the chemistry between you and your partner is tangible. I happen to like your profile. It’s a side of you we haven’t seen before. It is a teensy bit too dark for my liking, though. You are in a cave, but sometimes a little artificial light can go a long way.

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Janice: It’s a cute photo, romantic. I would have liked to see less clothes, more skin. You’re totally commanding the scene, Op, but where’s your date’s face?

Tyra: What a gorgeous sunset kiss! However, I don't see beach outfits here.. Did you make a quick getaway from dinner at a restaurant to sneak a sunset kiss? Couldn't resist the eyes she was making from across the table? Ugh, I know that feeling. Don't let us interrupt though.

Nigel: YOUR HAIR HAS SET THE SKY AFIRE!  The embrace is wonderful and heartfelt clearly, but I i find the outfits a touch distracting ... they say city shopping, dinner out, not beach, lighting is a little strange, tough to match to a background and still light the model though .  Get wonderful vibes from the leading ladies.

Keira: My biggest issue with this would have to be the flash of light illuminating both of your luscious manes. It seems so out of place in this sunset scene. A little darkness would have set the mood more appropriately. Your partner is cute enough, but it’s a shame we can’t see the expression on her face as she looks back at you.

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Janice: Another shot that reminds me of myself. I used to have black hair, you know. This would make for a sweet swimsuit ad IF the make model was paying any attention to what was going on. Sometimes you have to force your partner to work with you. This hunk seems completely disinterested, as if he’s secretly eying a hot babe strolling down the beach while you’re not looking.

Tyra: You look so…intense and at the same time absolutely overcome with romance. This photo is absolutely scandalous, lustful, drowning in passion and also a bit possessive which here, absolutely works! Don't let go of that man, and I'm sure he will not be letting go of you. Lovely. You look so happy, maybe some of us here could use a bit of that romance.. *raises eyebrow and turns to Janice*

Nigel: Kitties are never happy to be interrupted ... and her moment alone has obviously been intruded upon. LOVE the intense gaze at the camera as if to say "BACK OFF THIS IS MY MOMENT WITH MY MAN!" and still holding him possessively, protectively, tenderly and all of those things being reciprocated ... *sighs, leans head on hand and stares*  Just wonderful, wonderful.

Keira: You look ravishing, and the edge of the cave brings a nice dynamic to the photo. I like how the streamline of the clouds seems to solidify you as the center of attention. However, I would have liked to see more interaction between you and your partner. You’re focused on the camera while he is hiding his face from it. He just doesn't seem into it.

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Janice: You clearly know what you’re doing in regards to your body. Your pretty in pink sidekick? Not so much. Her legs are crazy awkward, and you look sad. What’s got you down, ghoul?

Tyra: Oh dear, don't be shy. You want her! You need her! I can see it your face but it also looks so uncertain and worried.... Is someone going to find you? Is your lover going to attack? Is there a secret one of you has to share that could forever change the future?! I just want to knoooooww... *whines*

Nigel: Conflicted love?  Apprehension?  Was your shared kiss discovered dearie?  I simply must know! I love the pose, the colors, the embrace, the feeling of something almost terrible impending ... I am exhausted simply by looking at this photo, Bravo!  I'd have liked to have the water closer, more upfront, it feels almost like a desert in the shot, with a smidge of water waaay over there ... and your partners adorable legs look almost broken.

Keira: You do look a bit troubled here, Rhonda, but compared to your photos from the last two weeks, this is the first time I see you conveying a strong emotion. I think it could have worked nicely as a ‘forbidden love’ theme, but your partner’s awkward legs do serve as a distraction. I love the green, pink, and black and white color combo.

 Good luck, everyone! You all did a fabulous job! May the best ghoul win.

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Re: Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2012, 05:40:10 PM »
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Still LF: Blue-haired G2 Ivy..Help me find my childhood friend!
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Re: Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2012, 05:42:27 PM »
Oh wow, there are some FIERCE photos here! Rhini, that shot is flawless. Wow.

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Re: Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2012, 05:42:42 PM »
I knew there was an emotion in there that I couldn't pinpoint. Sadly, not the one I was going for, but emotion works! I should've been less chicken and got closer to the water, might have been able to crop out those legs like I intended.

Hmm, sombody is going to have to give me tips on to how to be less shaky with the cam. I've got anxiety issues, so my hands shake bad. Any tips?

And OMG, I loooove everyone's shots. Especially those with super crafted places! :D
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Re: Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2012, 05:45:12 PM »
Stunning work!  This looks like a very tough race!

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Re: Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2012, 05:45:41 PM »
I can't pick! Both Aria and Jordan's photos are UH-MAZING!!! I can't decide! I thought it was Aria all the way, and then I scrolled down and saw Jordan's photo! I like Kalma's too! Can't we have two votes? *Whines* Who am I going to pick?!

Edit: I love your signature with Abbey!
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 05:48:27 PM by rayedelsol »

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Re: Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2012, 05:46:10 PM »
Yes, my lighting killed me (and lack of outfits ;o;).. eh whatcha gonna do? I work with what I got~

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Re: Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2012, 05:47:12 PM »
aellos: Do you use both hands to take your photos, or just one? I'd definitely recommend using both hands. Of course, this gets difficult as sometimes you're trying to hold up the dolls or a prop with one hand while you snap a pic with the other. If all else fails, set up a makeshift tripod. Stack some books, a crate, whatever. Place the camera atop it, and all you have to do it press down to take the photo. No holding required whatsoever!

Raye: I know, it really is tough! There are a lot of great shots, two of which I reallllllly like so much I can barely hold it in!
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 05:50:12 PM by tuneful87 »

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Re: Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2012, 05:49:29 PM »
@aellos: I was going to suggest something like what Tuney said as well. Something simple like a cardboard box, a little stool, the side of a milk container or even a pile of rocks can help you make sure the camera is steady and on the level it needs to be.
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Re: Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2012, 05:51:40 PM »
AWESOME  shots everyone!! :flirty:

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Re: Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2012, 05:51:53 PM »
aellos: Do you use both hands to take your photos, or just one? I'd definitely recommend using both hands. Of course, this gets difficult as sometimes you're trying to hold up the dolls or a prop with one hand while you snap a pic with the other. If all else fails, set up a makeshift tripod. Stack some books, a crate, whatever. Place the camera atop it, and all you have to do it press down to take the photo. No holding required whatsoever!

Raye: I know, it really is tough! There are a lot of great shots, two of which I reallllllly like so much I can barely hold it in!

I do hold with both hands and I have to prop my arms on my legs, or on something. I'm actually going to try the makeshift tripod thing. I'm a little sad that I'm about to lose my access to my camera and will have to go back to my cellphone, but as long as I take well lighted photos, it won't be bad. :D I'll just have to take tons more. :D

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Re: Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2012, 05:53:31 PM »
aellos: Do you use both hands to take your photos, or just one? I'd definitely recommend using both hands. Of course, this gets difficult as sometimes you're trying to hold up the dolls or a prop with one hand while you snap a pic with the other. If all else fails, set up a makeshift tripod. Stack some books, a crate, whatever. Place the camera atop it, and all you have to do it press down to take the photo. No holding required whatsoever!

Raye: I know, it really is tough! There are a lot of great shots, two of which I reallllllly like so much I can barely hold it in!

I do hold with both hands and I have to prop my arms on my legs, or on something. I'm actually going to try the makeshift tripod thing. I'm a little sad that I'm about to lose my access to my camera and will have to go back to my cellphone, but as long as I take well lighted photos, it won't be bad. :D I'll just have to take tons more. :D

I sometimes snap pics with my phone as well. Do you have an iPhone? The camera is pretty good. And if you get a blurry pic, just keep snapping. Cameras can be so finicky. One snap you get a blurry pic, next snap it's perfect!

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Re: Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2012, 05:56:13 PM »
I have a smartphone, but a lower end one. It takes decent pictures though. If I happen to be doing a shoot when my fiancee's home I could always use his. I do plan on getting me a simple digital one for myself. I do think part of the blurry problem is the fact that this camera is several years old. DX

I should try click-click-clicking then. Though it always ends up that all the pictures I really like always end up blurry and I get like...five good ones. DX

EDIT, And I definatley think Abbey stole this one away.
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Re: Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2012, 05:56:33 PM »
Argghhhhh too hard! Aria's shot is so pretty and perfect, but Kalma's got a rockin' costume and set... decisions, decisions. You guys sure haven't made it easy for the voters!
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Re: Challenge 3 - Evaluation
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2012, 06:06:55 PM »
Argghhhhh too hard! Aria's shot is so pretty and perfect, but Kalma's got a rockin' costume and set... decisions, decisions. You guys sure haven't made it easy for the voters!

It's never easy! And it's never easy sending someone home either, but alas, one of these very special ghouls will not be able to make it to the top ten :(


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