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Author Topic: Arena's Next Top Doll Model Entry Evaluation  (Read 2608 times)

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Offline Icecrystalline

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Arena's Next Top Doll Model Entry Evaluation
« on: July 09, 2012, 04:25:40 AM »
Welcome to Arena’s Next Top Doll Evaluation, this is the evaluation all the applicants for the competition. In this thread, we will evaluate the entries that we have received, in total, we received 27 entries. Firstly, please give a warm welcome to our judges who have put a lot of time and thought into each and every comment made:
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From left to right, Judge Meowlody, Judge Sophie, Judge Jackson and Judge Spectra!
Each individual model's entry has been made into a collage to make sure all images are on the same line. No editing has taken place.
Here are your evaluations!

Meygana by PandaBerryInSpace

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Spectra – Darling, you are simply glamorous, miaow! That flame red hair sings sexy to the world! You work well with your environment, you seem to enjoy what you do, but doll, those hand positions don’t do you justice, that needs to be addressed. I like your backdrop, it is simple, and natural though.
Jackson – Meygana, you have a lot of potential. You know how to work the camera (although you might need to find a better photographer ~ your face is so overexposed in these shots that I can't tell if you have a nose or not! They also need to remember that cropping on joints is a big no-no.). I agree with Spectra about needing to work on your hand positions. Otherwise, you're looking good.
Meowlody – Love that red, red hair! Your natural background works well for you. But I simply must ask, are you wearing powder? Your face is so pale that I almost can't see your features!
Sophie - I'm liking these shots as well as your outfit and that hair! The green and brown scene works well as it makes your colors pops. You got a beautiful face and you know how to flaunt it but it isn't all about having a pretty face honey. Adding more dynamic poses with that fabulous face and I can see you go far.

Dalice by Salli

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Spectra – Wow! Do those legs go on forever, or do they? You’ve got your pose nailed, after all, hand on the hip proves you know your stuff! I’d like to see a bit more character from you though, your legs could be doing something rather than just holding you up! Maybe drop it like it's hot?
Jackson- I agree with Spectra! The pins are your best feature and you could be taking advantage of them a lot more! I'd like to see what else you can do.
Meowlody- Meow! You look fabulous! I am going to agree maybe a little less stiffness in your posing, but honestly you’re doing great! I think I will also suggest is going with a fancier background if you have a simple outfit, and vice versa. Black & white are classic, and we can see you well, but we also need something to help grab our attentions. Not that you don't, very nicely done!
 Sophie - Well, this is an amazing, wonderful shot!...If you were using this photo as a sample for your modeling portfolio. Looking at this photo, I see a girl with a great body built for this contest as well as the modeling industry with a face to match! You are a girl with potential, but with a simple entry picture like this...where's that potential?? Like a chrysalis or a flower bud, show me what you're made of! I want to see that potential!!!

Tulipe by Shaiyeh

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Spectra – Honey, you scream adorable! But is this model enough? I love your pose and your interaction with your fellow fairies, you look so comfortable in your environment and that really works for you! I like your backdrop choice, clever, simple and draws attention to you darling!
Jackson – You look uncomfortable, like you're trying not to bump the little cherubs with your arm. Try to relax a little more.
Meowlody - Aren't you sweet! Too sweet for modeling perhaps? Your photography is wonderful, but nothing here says 'model' to me. It's all saying 'sugar, and spice', you'll need to grow up your looks a bit for the catwalk. ;)
Sophie - Dawww that is so adowable!! A photo like this is too cute to be taken seriously. Maybe that was your intention from the start? Sneaky sneaky. The scene for this photo was a wonderful choice, it matches everything and it blends with that outfit very well. While it may seem like a simple shot but not too simple for the voters to lose interest. While you do seem to have a knack for it, do expect to do more than being cute and adorable shots in this contest.

Ghoulia  by Jiggles the cat

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Spectra – Girl, this is hot! I like your pose, I like your colour choices, it brings maximum attention to you. I don’t like that left hand of yours, it looks seriously uncomfortable, it’s backwards! Ouch! Another note, I want to see more attention from you, look at the camera doll, I wanna see those beautiful eyes staring at me and not wandering off into space! That does need sorting and if you are to get through, I want to see more attentiveness in the future.
Jackson – I agree with Spectra ~ the outfits and the poses and the settings are great. Your attention and that one hand of yours are not. Work on those things and you could go far.
Meowlody - Mmm, I like your stuff! You've got a great eye for details. Your poses, colors, and backgrounds are working for you! But you also need to use your eyes to look at the camera. I want to see you looking at me!
Sophie - Wow talk about style, Posing on a pair of converse chucks while wearing a pair of converse chucks boots, with heels?! What?! I'm also loving that top and skirt, but gheeze, just seeing your arm twisted completely makes me cringe in pain! I know it may be common since you're a zombie and all with not feeling pain and whatnot, but I guarantee you that if voters see that, they'll will feel the pain too!!!!

Rochelle by Jiggles The Cat

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Spectra – Girl, I have one thing to say, ouch! What’s happened to your hand? That is causing my eyes to water, I’ve lost at least one of your limbs from each photo, where are they? Rochelle, you’re a beautiful gal, but this isn’t convincing me.
Jackson – That arm looks like it should be in a cast! Ouch. You look very uncomfortable, Rochelle. The look just isn't doing it for me.
Meowlody – Well, I want to point out what I like. I like your inventiveness, and I purrsonally think the middle photo is getting there. But you cut off your feet. We need to see you in one piece! Also, you need to look natural. The arm position in the first and last pics look painful. Just take a more critical look, I do think you have potential!
Sophie - The scene you’re using as well as the poses are really unsettling when put together. Changing the scenery would've made a big difference like using those poses in a more romantic setting, that would've worked very well! But with you in the woods, lying there and not looking at the camera and one of your arms missing, it looks kinda like something you'd see in a horror film, which is it kinda funny since normally the human girls are the one's that are usually mauled or killed by the evil mon...*Awkward pause*...sters......*Glances at the other judges glaring back*....errr...I'll just...leave it at....that...Very nicely done! *rushes off the stage*

Rochelle By Pinkamena

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Spectra – Girl, you are cute, maybe too cute to be a model? Oh my gosh, that right arm. *Spectra faints, Jackson pokes her* What, oh yes, that arm! *Covers eyes and points to uncomfortably positioned arm*. That is painful girl.  I do love your interaction though and simple black backdrop, it screams you are the centre of attention which I feel is how you want it! But your arm!
Jackson – What is it with these gargoyles and their contorted arms? That really looks like it hurts. That aside, though, you look great, Rochelle. I just wish you were actually in focus. Your photographer needs to work on their skills a bit more.
Meowlody - I like this photo, but not as a modeling photo. The back arm does indeed look like it hurts, yeow! It would have also been nice to see you looking more towards the camera. Us judges want to feel important enough to be looked at too!
Sophie - Ohh wow, this shot really captures your emotion and...Oh my goodness your arm! That looks so painful! You'll have to get that arm checked before we can resume!! The only time I've seen an arm bent that bad was when I tried to swing off the swing set and tried land on a one hand handstand! Oh no, it's bringing back memories!! *Grips her elbow* Ssss Ahhh I need a moment!! *Staggers off for the restroom*

Spectra By Pinkamena

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Spectra – Darling, you are having a precious moment here, your interaction with your horse makes for a beautiful modelling marriage! Personally, I would move that right hand of yours, I’d like to see it embracing your horse’s face, it looks a little, well, loose?
Jackson – This photo makes me laugh. You look ... bored maybe. Or possibly annoyed. Like this is a chore. Meanwhile, the horse is staring hungrily at your empty hand like it should be holding (more) food. I think I might have preferred to see you riding the horse.
Meowlody - *purrs* You’re looking lovely! The horse friend really plays on your colors, I love the interaction you have! I think I would have just a bit less hair covering your face, just a bit less. Eyes are the windows of the soul, and we want to see yours!
Sophie - My pretty unicorn, my pretty unicorn, Mmmhmmhmmhmhmm. Oh how I loved horses as a child...This picture reminds me of my childhood and how I got to pet my first horse. Anywho, this is a very nicely done shot but...for some reason I think you could've done more than just showing the horse your hands. Maybe pat em on the head? Maybe rubbing their muzzle even?

Cyanne As Peppermint Pose by MintyMints

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Spectra – That candy floss hair oozes cuteness! I love your intention here, the posing, well, frankly, a little lacking, I understand us girls lacking articulated joints can have trouble and I’m having trouble understanding some of your poses here. Personally, I don’t like your choice of environment, breezeblocks? They don’t really ooze model like that beautiful little face of yours! I’m also looking at my notes and your pictures are blurry! Not all of them, but some, if you are to go through, that needs focusing.  * A puzzled expression sits on Judge Spectra’s face as she writes notes down.*
Jackson – Is that your actual hair or did someone graft a pair of pompoms to your head? Whew! And what an odd choice of location for your photoshoot. It's not doing you any favors. You might want to consider finding a photographer who can flatter you a little better as well. Um. Yeah. Did I miss something? Since when has photographing yourself being squeezed to death by a python been a cool thing to do?
Meowlody - I can see you’re working it, and I do love that cottony hair! But your posing is a bit stiff, and unnatural. I'm going to agree that the blocks seem an odd choice of background for you.. Were you going for extreme contrast? I would have liked to see you in a softer setting. Fabrics, candy, something that fits you and your look better would have been nice to see.
Sophie - You have such a beautiful face! Even though this setting isn't quite as comparable as the others, It's always good to start off from somewhere and build up from there. I see potential, but it hasn't sparked in you just yet. My advice keep going and no matter how cruel some people will be if you're passionate about becoming a model, do your best no matter who says what!

Echo By Pinkamena

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Spectra – Oh look at you, what a pretty girl! I like your pose, holding the branch makes you look like a jungle explorer and I like it! I do wish I could reach in and pull your face towards the camera, I want you looking this way, don’t be frightened of the camera doll! Embrace it!
Jackson –   Wow! I'm impressed. You chose the right backdrop to show off your gorgeous hair and skin tones. Your photographer really knows their stuff, too. If it were up to me, you'd be through for sure!
Meowlody - Ah, now this I like! I love your setting and shirt choice, you really look like you belong there! But oh, how much I want to see all your face. I am with Spectra, take the camera head on!
Sophie - Lost in a jungle looking off into the distance, great scenery choice, amazing pose and I cannot find anything wrong with this shot to point out, even though I'm trying!!

Moon By Pinkamena

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Wow. This is incredible! That interaction with your environment! It’s just breathtaking, your photographer has captured your essence perfectly and those water droplets on the flower, are to die for! I do feel you would benefit with your face looking slightly more this way, I can’t see enough of your beautiful face darling! I also feel the focus is a little out here, you would benefit from being 100% in the focus.
Jackson - Aaah! That hair! It's blinding me. To be honest, the flower you're looking at is more interesting to me than you are. Perhaps in future look for less interesting things to interact with and get your photographer to work on their lighting skills.
Meowlody -  So nice! Very nice! You look natural and your working with your surroundings, I love the look! The details are great! But, is that a grey hair I see? (A little distance below your ear, behind your shoulder.) You'll need to pay close attention to small things, because we judges are sure to spot them!
Sophie - This shot would be so much better if it was taken from another angle, I want to see your pretty face! How can I get the whole experience of the photo if I just see part of your face?!

Opie By Fiwen30

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Spectra – I like that I can see what you’re all about, you’ve got the interaction with the camera, I can see all those lovely limbs and your posing is darling! I’m just feeling a bit confused about the wire background honey? It doesn’t do you any favours and since there is so much exquisite detail on you and on the wire rack, it’s taking my attention off of you, and onto it! I think if you get through, you need to address the background, think of a plainer background, I’m not saying dull, something attractive and yet not in-your-face exquisite! *Looks at Opie blankly then makes some notes.*
Jackson – I agree with Spectra about the wire rack. Get rid of it! You look way better without it.
Meowlody – Ah, now you look like you've done this before! Your poses and camera play are spot on! I see what your trying to do with the wires. Playing upon your own details, I get it. But I think it is just a bit much, it does distract from you. Just make sure your props aren't more interesting than yourself. Your the one we want to see!
Sophie - Those eyes, just looking at them gives me chills! Those poses and that smile just shines confidence and attitude. You've got it, your flaunting it, You know just how to make it work and it's scaring me! Her shots are so intimidating I'm not even paying attention to the wires! *whimpers*

Please read our comments carefully, the results shall be posted soon. The judges wish the applicants the best of luck! For any non-contestants, please post your photos for each challenge in the non-contestant thread!
Thank you and good luck! Part 2 is on the way!

((merged topics. - Jupi))
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 08:01:04 AM by jupiternwndrlnd »

Offline Icecrystalline

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Arena's Next Top Doll Model Entry Evaluation Part 2.
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2012, 04:28:47 AM »
Here is Part 2 of the ANTDM Evaluations!

Chari By Alicat

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Spectra - *Flails about with excitement* Darling! You are the essence of sexy, stunning and essentially, you are a model in the making. I love your posing, it’s just so, darling! My major gripe here is, why are you not looking at me?! Look down the camera, you’ve given me three pictures to look at and none of them are addressing the camera! Also, where are your legs?! They’ve disappeared completely! I’m feeling a little deflated by this, I’d thought I’d found my girl until reality kicked in and your legs aren’t there, and it’s the entry stage. If you get through, you have two very important things to think about. *Sinks into chair, sighs and flicks through notes.*
Jackson – You've definitely got the poses down. I'm just not sure about that sour apple pucker you've got on your face in all these shots. Your photographer also needs to work on their composition.
Meowlody – *Swoons* Merowr! Oh my, you have so much natural beauty and your working it well! I love the poses, simply love them! But OH! My heart hurts because this stunning beauty will not look at me. Please show us those blue eyes looking back at us, I am sure we will not be able to look away!
Sophie - You got your poses down, you got your own style of makeup that works, everything was all perfect but there was no eye contact at all! What's up with that?! This photo right here, *points at photo* would've been the deal breaking shot but the slightest mistake can bring the points down more than expected. *Sigh* You gotta tell the photographer to try to get more eye contact shots!

Draculaura by Alicat
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Spectra – This fact isn’t well known, but I am petrified of skeletons and skulls. *Shivers.* You’re smouldering girl, but why the skull? It’s brought death to an otherwise sexy scene! I love how you’re looking down the camera, those eyes, they’re the key to your heart and I can see your essence through those eyes. But girl, where are those arms in your first entry?! *Hits head against desk*. Girl, you’ve given me a lot to think about.
Jackson – Quirky. Your photographer's not doing you any favors, though. Overexposed in two shots and underexposed in the other. The composition of the shots doesn't help you either.
Meowlody -  I am torn. I like your looks, and you seem to want it. But all your posing goes to waste if we cannot see your limbs in full!
Sophie - Well, first think I'd like to say is: Oohhhh gurl, who did yo hair?! While I love that hair style I wanted to see the whole outfit to see if it goes well with that amazing hair but these shots are either too far to see the details or too close to see the whole thing! You've got such a gorgeous face and everything but it's the distance in these shots as well as that scary skull that has me griping.

Clawdeen By Jiggles The Cat
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Spectra – Girl, you got me mesmerized. That first picture, it’s, well, picture perfect. As for the pose, I’m the queen of posing, and darling, you nailed it, I can see all them lovely limbs in this picture, as for photography skills, I’ll leave the judging of that up to our Jackson. Now, this is where you get let down ghoul, where are your feet in your second and third pictures? And…. That arm in picture 3, it looks broken! That does let you down…
Jackson- You definitely know how to work a pose. That outfit kinda makes you look like you're going to be serving drinks at a fancy dress party, though. And your photographer needs to work on their cropping/composition.
Meowlody -Darling, you're lovely! Adore the first picture, you got it down! But as the other judges are saying, we need to see all of you. The last two pictures are missing your feet, and you know how we all love to see stylin' shoes!
Sophie- Amazing you look great in that outfit, hair and everything! But the part  that kinda gets to me is how in each shot there is missing a piece of you! Love that outfit, but I wanted to see other angles of those shoes!

Frankie By Private Bubbles
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Spectra - *Mesmerized by bubble lights until Sophie tells her to snap out of it.* Girl, this may be interesting, but may I ask you, in what way is this model? I can’t see your face at all…? This has left me extremely confused, and…. My oh my! Poor Lagoona on the floor in picture 1?! And Abby is either staring at you or the water light like I was and I’m not sure which…? *Spectra’s eyes glaze over with thought. Or is it confusion?*
Jackson – Next. *Spectra hits Jackson on the arm*
Meowlody – Ooo, the bubbles are pretty! So pretty, they distract from you. For a contest like this you really need to be the star! The focus needs to be on you, not your props. We can't see your face!
Sophie – *Snaps her fingers* Snap out of it we still need to do our...*becomes mesmerized* Ooo, So sparkly... *Has Meowlody snap her out of her daze* Uwah?? What I miss? Oh yeah. I was way to busy to notice what was happening outside from the sparkling of the water! *Inspects photos deeper* Looks like we weren't the only ones affected by the distracting bubbles. Lagoona looks like she passed out from too many bubbles and it looks like Abbey isn't to far from being the next one!

Ghoulia By Private Bubbles
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Spectra- I like the positioned books and backdrops here, I think you’ve deliberately placed them for the scene, if not, you’ve tricked me well! I like your concentration in picture one, but the lack of feet? It’s distracting!
Jackson – You definitely know how to work the camera, Ghoulia! Loving the nerdy book theme. I'm a bit of a nerd myself, so ...
Meowlody – I like your poses and your fashion! Just do make sure if you continue on to give us all of you, feet and all!
Sophie- Open notebook, stack of books, book for yourself to read and the right pair of specs to go with them! Love the backdrop and the nerdy girl look for the first shot, and the second shot looks like a perfect portrait shot for a portfolio! You've got the looks, the eyes and not to mention a great face to make these shots work!

Hayden By Private Bubbles
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Spectra – You’re pretty girl, and I love your interaction with the camera! I like your little net too, normally I’d be annoyed by it, but it adds quirk and style. And that bunny in the background is cute, but you lose it in the alligator scales….! I don’t understand picture 2, I can’t see a face, and I can’t see the point. Sorry to be blunt honey, picture 1 is fab, but 2, let’s not go there.
Jackson- OK. You've got a net. Great. And you've got long blond hair. Wow. Um. I don't really know what else to say, except maybe you should consider a career in botany instead of modeling.
Meowlody – Your first photo is nice, I love that we can see your face clearly and your looking good. But in the second, well dear, you look like your hiding from the camera! While I am all for fab hairstyles, I need to see eyes looking back at me.
Sophie- You've got the right theme and style going, but why the net? Are you handing it to the camera guy? are you going to use it to catch that bunny? are you going to give it to the bunny? Looks too big to catch that croc you're sitting on. This seemed like a missed opportunity for poses. 1st shot is alright but if you had only focus your eye contact on your photographer on that 2nd shot!

Katie By Private Bubbles
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Spectra- Such an endearing moment, a peaceful place of reading and relaxation, truly lovely. Again though, what is with picture 2? Your head? Is there something wrong with your head that we need to see it up close and personal? I love your eyes and attention to detail in picture 1 so I’ll focus on the positives on picture 1!
Jackson – OK in the first shot, you look nice and relaxed, and you're staring off into space like you're pondering something you've just read. In the second shot, though ... why are we looking at the back of your head? I don't get it.
Meowlody – You look sweet in the first photo, but I 'purrsonally' want to see your face looking towards the camera more. Pic two... Well, your hair is nice, but we need to see more than that!
Sophie –  Oh my, your eyes! So green and bright! As for the scenery, chillaxinating in the woods where no one could bother you while reading a nice book looks perfect, but what's with the second one?! Reading a book then all of a sudden, you're on a crocodile what were you or your photographer aiming for with this shot?? You know what... *Slides 2nd photo away* I'll just pretend I didn't see it...

Draculaura by Jiggles The Cat
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Spectra – You’re a gorgeous girl but , what is THAT?! DOCTOR! WE HAVE A CASE OF BROKEN MISSING LIMB! AND I FEAR IT ISN’T CUREABLE! I’ve seen this so many times today *Jackson grumbles something* Yes, too many times! Can you bring yourself back from this? On a positive note, I like your choice of surroundings and interaction with the camera in picture one, it does you favors.
Jackson- A chainlink fence? Are you in jail or something? As for that second shot, you look like roadkill. Seriously. Your right arm and your left leg look horribly broken, and it looks like you've got blood all over your shirt, and the carpet stripes look like tire tracks.
Meowlody- Your outfits and background choices are the cats meow!! But do make sure to pay total attention to all your limbs. That arm in pic one makes me yowl in pain! Ow!!
Sophie – Loving your choice of clothes for these shots. You have amazing hair for your arsenal and you know how to control it and it doesn't seem to be any trouble in these backdrops. As for the poses...*notices twisted arms* Again??? Am I missing something? *looks at fellow judges* Are monsters usually double jointed? A lot of monsters seem to have these impossible...*gets hit by a rolled up paper ball from Spectra* Flexibility...*Sees Jackson snap his pen in half* and...*Sees Meowlody claws extended*...Nevermind...

Spectra By Pinkamena
Please note - Spectras hand in picture one was visible before the collage was made by Judge Spectra, Judge Spectra apologises for the error!
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Spectra - *Sits silently with one eye twitching.* Are, are you my soul sister? Your choice of clothes (or lack of clothes) is amazing, that lace detail, has been captured beautifully, your posing, beautifully captured. Your shoes and that crystal? I think you just gave a ghost a heart attack. You girl understand what modelling is about, for the first time ever, I don’t know if I can find anything wrong, other judges? Can you please find something so I don’t hug my soul sister?!
Jackson-  Wow. These are some stunning shots. One might even say they're hauntingly beautiful. *Spectra groans and rolls her eyes.* Sorry. Sorry. Seriously, though. These are amazing!
Meowlody – Yes! Yes indeed I am loving your work! The crystal and lace work so well for you, and you know how to flaunt it! I don't know that I can find any flaw here either. You get "5 stars" from me!
Sophie – Oh my... *Notices no clothes in the first shot* well then...*clears her throat* Lets see what I can Critique *Looking at the pictures really hard* I'm lost for words. I don't see anything worth correcting, poses are amazing, you have the right look in every aspect, I would mark you down for the lack of clothes in the first shot, *blush* but then again it is modeling and I don't see any rules about using nude shots, so you're alright.

Please read our comments carefully, the results shall be posted soon. The judges wish the applicants the best of luck! For any non-contestants, please post your photos for each challenge in the non-contestant thread!
Thank you and good luck! Part 3 is on the way!
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 06:17:37 AM by Icecrystalline »

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Arena's Next Top Doll Model Entry Evaluation Part 3. Final Evaluation.
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2012, 04:32:16 AM »
Here is the final part of the evaluation since it didn't fit all onto one thread! Once you have read your comments, please be patient and wait for the results.

Ghoulia By Mosspath
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Spectra – You clearly have a clever knack for colour co-ordination! I like what you’ve done there, reds, greens and browns of nature and that sexy blue hair of yours, darling it’s clever! But that squished photo, it's so not right! It's so squished that you can't see your beauty! Posing? Do I dare say, no monster mayhem mistakes? No broken limbs? Check, No uncomfortable positions? Check! Girl, I like you, I like your style, I like your surroundings, but are you hot enough?
Jackson – You are rocking the retro look, Ghouls. I agree with Spectra that that one squished photo isn't doing you any favors, though.
Meowlody- Ghoul, your choice of colors and poses are great! I particularly like your look in the first shot. But I have to agree, a squished photo messes up your look! I think you need to tell your editor that resizing needs to be to scale. 
Sophie – Your hair is spectacular! Wonderful choice of clothes and as for the colors you chose, oh my goodness, just seeing these colors mixed together makes me crave for a strawberry kiwi blueberry smoothie!! Also great to see someone without a broken arm or anything. I know modelling is hard, but it isn't worth breaking an arm or leg literally and this is a great example!

Operetta By Mosspath
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Spectra – Hello dolly! Your surroundings are perfect, but I don’t like the cane background, it’s a clever idea but I want more life involved! I love the other three pictures though, and that one of you in the grass? Stunning. Your poses? So ladylike. Your attitude? So model like. One thing I would change is the shadow in picture 3 and your background too. That’s distracting!
Jackson – You've got the poses, but your photographer could've chosen some better locations.
Meowlody – Ah, a lady with style you are! Your photos are great! Though the third one does have too much shadow. You'll need to get your lighting right to show off your pretty face!
Sophie – Love how you've got the new age and old age look in your photos. You've got the look, you've got the style. No matter how hard I'm looking at these, I see no flaws in them at all! Now what I'm wondering is, think you can go through this whole contest with your masks?? I want to see more of those beautiful scars you have!! *Scribbles onto notepad with an evil grin*

Spectra By Alicat
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Spectra – Hmm. *A puzzled look crosses Judge Spectra’s Face* Where is your nose? Your photo is so over-exposed that you’ve lost your darling little nose! I’m also disappointed that your make-up and eyes aren’t in focus- but I’ll leave that up to our resident Judge Jackson who is the photography pro here. I love the black background with your black dress, enchanting yet haunting. Cleverly done!
Jackson – *Shakes head* Mmm. Not a good look. Your face is washed out in just about every photo, and the way your black dress disappears into the black background makes it look like you're just a disembodied head and arms floating in the night. If you want to make it in the modeling world, you're going to have to hire yourself a better photographer.
Meowlody - Oh.. I can tell you’re a gorgeous girl, but your pictures are not doing you justice! I know your pale skin can be a challenge, but you’re all washed out in the first two shots. I'm losing your features! And I do hope you will pay a little closer attention to your hair. The flyaways in the last shots distract me. I do like your attitude! There just needs to be some work to better show of your stuff!
Sophie – These are mostly mugshots and some of them are a little hard to see!! *Sigh* I really wanted to see more! The simplicity of the black and red backdrop works very well. Also love your accessories and outfit but I really can't see them that well! But from what I'm seeing so far, I like. If only the zoom were a little further out.

Willa By YellowCat
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Spectra – Girl, you are gorgeous. Soft and gentle and lying in the most beautiful flowers. *Judge Spectra sits quietly admiring the photo* I am going to have to point this out, those hairclips, they do you no justice, they make you look like a five year old lying in a field rather than a model lying in the flowers. To pin your fringe off that beautiful face, I suggest hairpins matching your own hair-colour (most photographers carry these around in their pocket as they are dead-handy!) Hmmm, those hairclips are really bothering me. It’s making a border between innocent five year old and sexy stunning model hard to differentiate.
Jackson – I agree with Spectra. Judge Spectra that is. The combination of brightly colored hairclips, brightly colored necklace and simple summer dress make you look like a little kid, which probably wasn't the look you were going for. If it weren't for that, I'd say you were doing well.
Meowlody – Beauty, and cuteness, you are both! I love your setting and those big eyes are in good focus. Though, there is something that makes you look a little too childlike for modelling. It just must be the hairclips. They don't do you justice for this line of work. With your natural sweetness, you'll need to take care when selecting accessories to make sure you’re posh and polished!
Sophie - Awww you've got such a cute face! That pose as well as your choice of scenery and clothes all fit well together, but oh goodness, those hair clips are a big eye magnet and the colors do stand out, but not in a good way!! Losing those hairpins would make you look so much more better! You have potential but you should think well of what accessories you plan use next time!

Frankie By Pinkamena
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Spectra – This is cute, but it doesn’t scream model. You look sexy but your eyes aren’t in focus. Hmm, I’m going to  have to leave this up the other judges. I’m just not sure about it.
Jackson – You look like you're going to the prom. It's cute. I'm just not sure it's what we're looking for here.
Meowlody – I like your look, maybe not quite there for professional modelling, but you’re getting there! I think you have potential.
Sophie – Interesting. But not really certain what to say.

Tabitha By Pinkamena
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Spectra – You got awesome hair girl! But your editor didn’t follow the instructions, too much editing and filters. You look washed out and grainy. Hmm. But that hair, damn girl, legendary!
Jackson – Are you the daughter of the sun or something? I think I've gone blind! That hair! Gah!
Meowlody – *purr* I am in love with those fluffy locks of hair! The first pic does have too much editing, we don't want special effects. But I like the second photo. Great pose! I'm 'purrsonally' going to give you a yes! Just make sure to watch the editing.
Sophie – Hm, not sure what to say.

Willow By Pinkamena
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Spectra – You are one awesome ghoul, but your editor didn’t follow the instructions and there has been too much editing going on here, I don’t like those effects, they’re too in your face!
Jackson – You look like you're trying to be a rapper. This would be great as the cover for your hip-hop album. Doesn't really scream "model" to me, though.
Meowlody – I think you have a nice look, but your fingers are in your face here. There are also stray hairs on your cheek. You'll need to pay closer attention to the small details, I use my 'tiger eyes' to look close. Sadly, there is also too much editing/effects. I think if you work on these things you will be fine!
Sophie – Not really certain what to say…

Please read our comments carefully, the results shall be posted soon. The judges wish the applicants the best of luck! For any non-contestants, please post your photos for each challenge in the non-contestant thread!
Thank you and good luck!
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 06:05:09 AM by Icecrystalline »

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The photos are all so cool! :lovey:

I apologise for sending in a couple of filtered pics, I copied and pasted the wrong links and didn't double-check my message when I posted it :blush: And Frankies eyes are in focus, not sure what's happening with Fartbucket but you can see here -

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 not moaning cos they do look a little off for some reason, thought I'd show the closeup anyways though :D

« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 05:45:02 AM by Pinkamena »
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Awesome entries all around! I'm always impressed by how great people's photography skills are, though it looks like it'll be tough for the judges.

I'm happy with how my photos came out, and with the critique from the judges. I get the comments (the squished picture was totally my fault!) and I'm glad that the judges are honest. Thanks for really putting time into your critiques!
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Re: Arena's Next Top Doll Model Entry Evaluation Part 2.
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2012, 07:11:13 AM »
Sorry, Ghoulia's feet got lost when i had to crop the pic to resize it :P

Loving the judge's comments, some of them are so funny, and great pics people!

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Re: Arena's Next Top Doll Model Entry Evaluation Part 1.
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2012, 07:12:11 AM »
Yeah... Bratzillaz don't really have defined noses. XD I really enjoyed the comments, though, thank you! :D
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Avatar art by January Joy, siggy art by DreamCatcher! Thank you so much! <3

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Re: Arena's Next Top Doll Model Entry Evaluation Part 1.
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2012, 07:41:22 AM »
No Pullips!!!

Wow this is dissappointing!

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Yay a Pullip!!!

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Re: Arena's Next Top Doll Model Entry Evaluation Part 1.
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2012, 07:50:08 AM »
Sword Pony: We had one pullip entry called Willa by YellowCat, please view the other evaluations x

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Re: Arena's Next Top Doll Model Entry Evaluation Part 1.
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2012, 08:03:25 AM »
I love reading all the comments! Can't wait to see the results :D
I took a break from the Arena from a couple months due to school and other things in my life. But I'm back now!

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Re: Arena's Next Top Doll Model Entry Evaluation
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2012, 08:10:08 AM »
All the models and photographs are looking fantastic, and the comments are really insightful too :D
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Re: Arena's Next Top Doll Model Entry Evaluation
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2012, 08:11:53 AM »
Its still dissappointing that 90 percent is Monster High. I'm sorry but it is.

There is already a competition for the next top Monster.

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Re: Arena's Next Top Doll Model Entry Evaluation
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2012, 08:27:18 AM »
Its still dissappointing that 90 percent is Monster High. I'm sorry but it is.

There is already a competition for the next top Monster.

I agree! I clicked on this topic to see all the other beautiful dolls the dollhouse has to offer and I see yet another ANTMonster. Not cool IMO.

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Re: Arena's Next Top Doll Model Entry Evaluation
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2012, 08:27:49 AM »
Its still dissappointing that 90 percent is Monster High. I'm sorry but it is.

There is already a competition for the next top Monster.

*shrugs* If that's what people wanted to enter... I had the choice of my BJD, Hujoo, various Pullip&Co and MH and chose to enter Opie as I'd have the most fun with her. Depending on the themes, some of my other dolls will probably feature in the non-contestant thread, but I didn't want to enter them in the main competition. There's nothing wrong with that, I hope? :what:
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