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Author Topic: Healthy Habits For Ponies! Take 2! ~Update last challenge, pg 99!!  (Read 91936 times)

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Re: Healthy Habits For Ponies! Take 2! ~Lets Get Started! Update pg 20!!
« Reply #345 on: June 17, 2012, 10:07:49 AM »
Day 1: Walked around a tad, since we went yardsalling. Then we cleaned the house. I think it was definitely exercise!  Swept the floor, put away a bunch of clothes, scrubbed the sink, tub, bathroom floor, dusted, vaccuumed (even the cat tower).  Then made a nice light sweet treat - kabobs of slices of grapes, bananas and drizzled with a tiny amount of dark chocolate and frozen and had a plate of whole wheat spaghetti.   I give myself a point for the cleaning.

Day 2: Had oatmeal... made a light lunch of fruit, leftover kabobs, and a turkey/swiss/roasted red pepper/fat free mayo sandwich on foccaica.  DELIGHTFUL.  Tonight's dinner is a recipe from Clean Eating magazine (amazing healthy recipes! check out their website) - sweet potato, carmelized onions, and goat cheese bake and a light salad.
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Re: Healthy Habits For Ponies! Take 2! ~Lets Get Started! Update pg 20!!
« Reply #346 on: June 17, 2012, 10:20:38 AM »
I believe overall I did well. I did not have a chance to exercise. I was cleaning the house all day, and we had movie night. I did stick within my weight watchers point range with points to spare. We also discovered tasty 100 calorie ice cream sandwiches. Horray everyone!

I think that cleaning the house would count as some form of exercise. Typically when I really get cleaning the house I'm as worn out from it as from a nice steady exercise, lol. And 100 calorie ice cream is the BEST! It works out as such a nice little treat without being too over the top.

I know cleaning house definitely counts as exercise for me. About once a month I go through a 'CLEAN ALL THE THINGS' moment, where I move furniture and just generally deep clean the house. I also scrub down everything. As Kitikumi said, I am always worn out. I think that a lot of people forget that just because it isn't formal 'exercise' doesn't mean it can't count as exercise.

Honestly, my biggest form of exercise is playing chase and fetch with my dog. I'm running, squatting, doing sprints, throwing. All things my body isn't really used to doing and they all burn extra calories. If you're moving, sweating, and you're sore (this is optional!) the next day, I personally would count it as exercise.

I'm off to a good start today! I had a nice low cal high fiber brekkie with lots of fresh strawberries (yum!). I think I'll do my belly dance video again today; the hour just flies by and today I'm a little sore all over. Especially my obliques! Buy-buy muffin top! This is the video I use if anyone's interested:

SurfStar I'd love any recipes you'd like to share! My lasagna was made with reduced fat cheeses, whole grain pasta, and lots of veggies- so I tried to make it as healthy as possible. But it was still too good and cheesy to have been too good for me!

Mmm. What I usually do is make my cheese filling 1/2 small curd fat free cottage cheese (low sodium/no sodium if possible) and then do 1/2 a reduced fat ricotta cheese. You save on quite a few calories without skimping on flavor. I also use whole grain pasta and veggies =)

I'm definitely going to have to check out that DVD, I have one called the Goddess Workout, but it doesn't seem nearly as effective. I'm rarely sore when I'm done.

Ok, so yesterday was my fiance's birthday and I totally flopped on my excercise and eating, though I DID try a Quorn fillet thing for the first time! I'm hoping to do better today :)

:cheer: Yay for trying something new! I think that's important. Life happens, I'm sure you'll do great today!

Well it's first day for me now.

I'm still feeling rough physically (and have been mentally too) and I'm on antibiotics which mean that I have an upset stomach and can't hold my food. It kicked in last night on the way back from the cinema after we'd eaten as well and the 5 minute journey seemed to take 5 hours!

For this reason I'm looking only to eat when I'm at home and will be for a while. Mostly that means one meal a day in the evening, but I'd like to see about getting up super early in order to get breakfast in before I go to work.

I always look at an upset stomach as all the benefits of eating and none of the calories.  :lol:

Other than that, I should be OK. Hopefully by next weekend I'll be back to normal!

:hug: Well that's good! I hope you get to feeling better soon. My summer sinus infection just hit (from all my allergies) so I definitely empathize with not feeling too great. Just do what you can. I find that I tend to drink/eat more soups and stuff when I'm not feeling so hot.

Good luck with getting up early!

I had a good first day.  It's Sunday here so hubby and I took the dog for a bitg walk through the forestry (lots of hills).  It only took about an hour, so the dog and I walked home from there which added on another 30 or so minutes.  I've eaten really well too.  No snacking at all and healthy breakfast, lunch and tea.  :)

Oh, I got on the scales again today and I've lost a total of 5kgs!  I couldn't believe it because it was only a few days ago I chalked up 4.5.  I'm bracing myself for a slower week this week though.  Last time I did weight watchers I discovered I had a good week and then a slower week following.  I don't believe it had anything to do with what I was or was't doing, it was just my body's way of losing.

:cheer: Yay! Congrats on the weight loss! Even if the scale doesn't reflect next week, you'll still feel better and that's what counts! I'm glad that you had a good first day!

I splatted!  I didn't do jack squat, and I overate a bit.  lol  But one day won't kill me.  :smacks self:  Tomorrow I will do better.

You will! Life happens, it's how you move forward that really tells a lot about you =) I have faith that you'll do JUST fine! :hug:

Ohh it probably was herbed, then. XD

Yeah, I think so too! I definitely had a 'bleh' moment when I first saw it though! Bleu cheese and I are not the very best of friends.

I am going to go ahead and post day one as I have 491 calories left for the rest of the day. I have only had one cand of pop so far, will be two by the end of day one. I exercised for 45 minutes today. It was Yoga and back strengthening exercises but I was still tuckered. I have met my goals for day one and plan to continue that into day two. I also printed out a Food Diary to use and got myself measured and weighed. Now to lose those pounds and inches! Go Team!!!

:cheer: Yay! That is so awesome! Congrats on a fantastic first day!

Everyone seems to have done so well today!
I seem to have gotten some asthma and haven't been able to leave my couch or do anything at all today. But I did go horse riding yesterday and go for a walk, as well as eating breaky both days I think that counts for something.

Everything counts! You're doing just fine. I feel you on the asthma, my allergies have been crazy here and breathing feels like a chore right now. Just do what you can! :hug:

"Day 1 and well begun!"  Stayed on track with nutrition, 1 point there, and got some exercize in (walked about a mile), another point there.  2 to start out sounds good to me!

:cheer: :cheer: Yay! I'm glad you had a great first day!

ok today, well... pooped!!!  didnt do any excersize though... well...extra plan stuff... but i stayed under cals so one point for that. ... hope im doing this right! ^_^

Im so glad there are so many people participating!!! :D  so much fun!   and yes this thread is sooo hard to keep up with now that im not at school with the thread open almost 24/7!!!  lol

:cheer: Yay! I think that you're doing just fine! =) :hug:

This thread moves so quickly. O_o I'm writting everything up in my book tonight. Hopefully I can go on the treadmill :)

:hug: Just think of how awesome it will be to go back through your book later and see your progress! You're doing fantastic!

took my dog on a good walk today :) havent ate supper yet

That's great! Aren't walks the best for bonding with your dog? I love it when it's just me and Ozzy (who generally tries to herd me when I start jogging). I hope that your supper was yummy! :hug:

Checking in for the night!  DH and I went for a mile and a half jog tonight.  Ate a decent dinner so that helped too.  =D

:cheer: Yay! That sounds awesome!

XD my family is like out to sabotage me! Woke up to find they brought me home a ham & cheese skillet... I was good and only ate a portion of it. The other day they brought me home a boston creme donut. I haven't even touched it yet. Then later today for lunch they want to go get ice cream/food for father's day.

Jazz, I feel like this ALL the time :hug: It's so hard around holidays because so many people seem to associate certain foods with 'special times' or holidays. I think that you did great at still enjoying yourself and staying healthy! :hug:

Wow, this thread moves so FAST xD I've been watching my cousin's toddler for the weekend so I'm checking in whilst she naps. I TOTALLY deserve my exercise points, she's inexhaustible :P

Jazzmatazz: Well done for resisting so far! Saying no is so hard when you're given food D:

Candy, I agree with you whole heartedly! Keeping up with a toddler is definitely a full time work-out!

I am always amazed at my friends that manage to keep up with their kids 24/7. The one time I was babysitting for a week, I could see why her parents were in bed by 8 each night! I would joke about training Ozzy to herd her - though she loves to be chased by him, so I'm glad he's a really gentle dog overall!

Post Merge: June 17, 2012, 10:22:50 AM

Whooooo I just exhausted myself on the Wii fit! It said I'd burned 68 calories though.. which makes me happy. I'll play more Wii later on tonight.

Can't say I'm doing so well points wise.. I only managed 125ml cereal, so I shall not give myself a point there. But I had one supplement, so that's 0.5 for today, and 0.5 for the exercise. Not sure if I'll manage my other supplement but we'll see.

:hug: :hug:  You'll get there. I have faith in you :hug: =) Just think of it as... well I did X today so I'm going to try for X tomorrow too =) Build a little bit at a time, and as said before - We're all here for you!

Post Merge: June 17, 2012, 10:24:45 AM

Day 1: Walked around a tad, since we went yardsalling. Then we cleaned the house. I think it was definitely exercise!  Swept the floor, put away a bunch of clothes, scrubbed the sink, tub, bathroom floor, dusted, vaccuumed (even the cat tower).  Then made a nice light sweet treat - kabobs of slices of grapes, bananas and drizzled with a tiny amount of dark chocolate and frozen and had a plate of whole wheat spaghetti.   I give myself a point for the cleaning.

Day 2: Had oatmeal... made a light lunch of fruit, leftover kabobs, and a turkey/swiss/roasted red pepper/fat free mayo sandwich on foccaica.  DELIGHTFUL.  Tonight's dinner is a recipe from Clean Eating magazine (amazing healthy recipes! check out their website) - sweet potato, carmelized onions, and goat cheese bake and a light salad.

Storydreamer, your cleaning sounds like my cleaning! That's what I'll be doing later today too! Frozen fruits are great treats during the summer, your kabobs sound good.

I love Clean Eating, they have awesome recipes!
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 10:24:45 AM by SurfStar »


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Re: Healthy Habits For Ponies! Take 2! ~Lets Get Started! Update pg 20!!
« Reply #347 on: June 17, 2012, 10:28:11 AM »
I think I found myself a walking buddy! My dog is a bit overweight because my Grandmother feeds him treats all the time (and even after we explained to her she can't be doing that she still does it). The other day I weighed him using the Wii fit and he is about 10 pounds overweight!  >_< So I am going to have to start taking him for longer walks each day and play with him around the house more.
Since today is father's day we are making a big meal for my dad, so I miiigght end up going a little over my limit for dinner. I had a healthy breakfast and lunch, though, so I will probably count myself for .5 for eating.

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Re: Healthy Habits For Ponies! Take 2! ~Lets Get Started! Update pg 20!!
« Reply #348 on: June 17, 2012, 10:35:09 AM »
Week One Challenge

For this week, I wanted to start with something fairly simple:

Over the next 7 days, at least sometime during this week, I would like each of you to try something new. Whether it's a new exercise that you've been interested in but keep putting off or a new food (or recipe). Just try something new at least once.

So for example, this week I'm going to try Tai Chi, I've been really interested in it for a while and I got interested in it through a book series! It sounded like a lot of fun and I was able to discover some awesome workouts on YouTube. So this week, I think is a good time to try it out!

After you've tried your new thing, I want you to take 5 minutes and just think about how it made you feel ~ anxious? Accomplished? Bored? Was it a good experience? Did you enjoy it? Just take note of how doing something just a little different (and new) made you feel.

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Teaser pics this afternoon, taking pictures now.

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Checking in!!!

Boy this thread really moves...

I've eaten proper meals and today I walked around the bootsale :D I've been on crutches for a couple of days but I ditched them today and it hurt but I did it :cheer:

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Well today has been a failure so far. I ended up not going to bed until after 5am cause I was too occupied with having a silly conversation with a potential love interest (totally worth it!). My dog did get me up at 10:30am to be let out and I sat in the backyard for a few minutes trying to so hard to just wake up, but my body wasn't having it. So I am now starting my day 3 hours late!

Lets hope the rest of it goes as planned. I need to run to the store today to pick up some healthy lunch snacks.
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My first day went really well! I did my exercise and also ran a bunch of errands, parking far from the store entrances. The heat makes me want to not be outside at all, but this forced me to walk more than I usually do. I also made my calorie count without a hitch. :)

Today has been interesting. I went to the 'rents for Dad's Day early (& ate before I left) so I could miss out on the junk food. I left before the caramel turtle brownies came out of the oven. Going strong! :accomplished:
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SurfStar: imagining your dog herding kids is just so cute! :D I also spent part of the day catching the neighbour kids' spaniel puppy for them (Houdini puppy!) whilst the toddler 'helped' by blowing bubbles at us  :P I will sleep tonight I'm sure!

Challenge 1 sounds good. I think I'm going to try out some new cheer/dance routines this week, I haven't made up a new routine for a while (I haven't done ANY routines for a while... but that shall change this week!)

shockponie: Well done! It sounds like you've done great today  :biggrin:
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I didn't really get to exercise yesterday. >_> the fact it's winter is not helping. I did eat fairly well though, which is a big thing because on weekends that's when I take a break from eating healthy. I missed breakfast due to my fairly large sleep in lol. I needed it, for lunch I had a chicken yiros with a lot if salad. For tea my dads fiancé made stew and it had a lot of vegetables. ^_^

This challenge will be easy for me, tomorrow I'm doing karate for the first time and Thursday I'm going to be making myself soup. It's a diet soup that my friend at work has, if you want I can post the recipe for you's? My work mates have been on it and it's shown results.
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Didn't eat a great lunch today...went to my parent's house and has burgers and hot dogs, so that wasn't great, but Jason and i are setting an alarm for every hour and doing:

5 incline pushups
10 reg pushups
15 elevated pushups
50 crunches

60 pushups
180 crunches

If I can still do that, which I should be able to, I will at least still be able to do what I was doing when i was going to karate twice a week regularly.  We aren't eating much of a dinner, and if I do, it'll be cream of wheat maybe. 

We are planning on going bowling, which is a fun way to get some extra exercise in.  I also found something on Pinterest (anyone else on there?  I want to follow you are!) about lazy workouts (lunges while brushing teeth, bicep curls with milk while cooking, that sort of thing...if I can find it I will link it back for y'all!)

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Day 2: I've eaten well today! I've only had one meal so far and we went out for Father's Day. I opted for a healthy wrap and potato salad instead of fries :) And I drank water :) No soda for me today! I haven't snacked at all and I've avoided soda. I'm not sure what we're eating for dinner. x3 And I went on a nice 30-40 minute walk with my parents around the park :)

Okay, my lovlies! I have a peg girl sketched up. I did a rough sketch of her symbol to see if you guys liked it. Let me know what you think of her so far! More ideas are still welcome!

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I like trying new stuff lol  Today went LOADS better.  I've had an egg and a piece of toast, then walked around the zoo in HOT weather.  :cheer: I love hot weather.

She's cute!  I'm still not a fan of the wings...  BUT I love the heart jump rope!  XD
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today not so great, I got my calories at where I should be but with only like a calorie to spare... I plan working out more later I already put in a 20 min walk earlier. After my family went to culvers... ugh that place threw off my whole schedule I should've said no and sat there and ate nothing! I knew it was going to be bad but geez!!! all there stuff just a snack size side is like 600 calories on its own!

er depending on the site it seems...  >_< there's about a 100 calorie gap between mynetdiary & myfitnesspal. I'm liking Myfitnesspal better though! Thanks to whoever suggested it
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 06:07:55 PM by JazzMatazz »
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the past 2 days i haven't been doing so great when it comes to getting up i think my monos coming back but i have been walking and limeting my sodas :D
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Okay, my lovlies! I have a peg girl sketched up. I did a rough sketch of her symbol to see if you guys liked it. Let me know what you think of her so far! More ideas are still welcome!

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Love her! Her symbol is great and she's so slim and active looking! Perfect!

Doing good so far today, may earn my 2 points! I just need my daily exercise which I'm about to do.

my want list, looking for unicorns!


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