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Author Topic: Ghost stories! Who's got them?  (Read 901 times)

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Re: Ghost stories! Who's got them?
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2014, 06:11:34 PM »
This is more my step-mother and step-brother's story.

Their house is brand new, but they swear it's haunted. The brother, he's eleven, is terrified to go into the basement and my step-mother is constantly jumpy and afraid of things behind her.

So I'm taking care of their home while they're out of town and I keep hearing footsteps throughout the (very large) house, and even things being moved and shut while I'm the only person in the house. They have no pets.

I'm wondering what's causing that!
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Re: Ghost stories! Who's got them?
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2014, 06:53:48 PM »
I love reading these! I've always been interested in paranormal type things, but I prefer not encountering them.  ;)

However, I do have one story though...
Quite a while ago, I was visiting my aunt and uncle, they believe in a LOT of superstitions. So one morning, my Aunt began talking about how she strongly believes in spirits, which lead to her bringing up that some nights she sees the ghost of an old man in a raincoat in her garage (next to their kitchen, they have a window on the door that leads to their garage). Because of this statement, I was kind scared to leave the guestroom at night for the rest of the time we stayed there.  :blush:

So, when we got home, I was kind of curious about the whole thing so I decided to look up ghost sightings in their neighborhood. I know that those sites are usually full of fake stories and just random people trying to mess around, but it's still fun to look! While I was browsing, I found a lot of stories from their same area about a ghost with the same description showing up in the windows of schools and houses.

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Re: Ghost stories! Who's got them?
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2014, 07:35:24 PM »
I have some stories!

My experience was when I was really little(not sure how old exactly) we had just moved into this really nice house.My dad found the keys to the attic and we went up.There was a book lying right in the middle of it.I can't remember if it was a bible or some random book but soon after that we would hear running and yelling coming from up there.It got so bad my parents moved me into their room and we eventually moved out as soon as possible.

Another time my Great grandma stayed at our house for her last days.The night before she had died we had some guests over and they stayed in mine and my sisters rooms.So we stayed with my mom and dad.We all had fallen fallen asleep and suddenly my sister screams and starts crying waking us all up.She said she had seen strange figures coming out of the ground and into the ceiling and that one of them looked like our great grandma.Of course that morning we woke up to the news that our great grandma died.(my sister now says that she thinks that those were angels taking our great grandma into heaven.Not really ghosts but i guess its still the same)

This story is from my Dad:

My dad used to install insulation into old buildings being restored and welp one time he had to work in an old insane asylum (being turned into apartments o.O).He and a coworker had to work in the basement of the place.There were still things down there like an old  mattresses and a single wheelchair.He says that while he was working the wheel chair had rolled next to him.He thought it was his coworker messing with him but he was on the other side of the room it wasn't possible for him to move it.He also said that when they went to get more insulation supplies they found some of the mattresses had been moved and while they were leaving they heard screaming coming from the building.

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Re: Ghost stories! Who's got them?
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2014, 08:27:36 PM »
I usually don't believe in ghosts, but this is MY true story.

When I was a teenager my mom and I lived with my grandma. I lived in the basement bedroom, and the other room was furnished for when my brothers visited on the weekends. Grandma was diagnosed with cancer in summer of 1999. During the next few months she got sicker and sicker,  until she died at home in bed that December. 
The night she died, after family  left I walked down the stairs....I heard a demonic-robotic noise and yelled for my mom. She came downstairs and she heard the noise, it stopped a minute later. We both frantically dug through a box of toys to see what toy was making the sound. None of the toys had batteries or worked in the box. I didn't sleep at all that night!
To this day when my mom and I talk about ghosts and if the exist-she says they don't exist.  Then I remind her of the toy box and she says it must have been grandma getting her last word out.I don't tell many people about this because it still creeps me out!
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 08:30:12 PM by TWILIGHTCOOKIE »

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Re: Ghost stories! Who's got them?
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2014, 11:33:53 AM »
While I was reading this I was picturing all of us at a campout holding a flashlight under our faces. ;)

I do believe in ghosts. Haven't seen any but I feel like I am kind of sensitive to them or energy or something.

When I was a kid there was this house across the street from my grandma's. It looked nice enough but it wasn't ever lived in. Another, brand-new house had been built on the property and the family who owned it lived in that one. They kept up this 2nd, older home but no one ever resided there. It gave me the creeps for no reason. Even when I'd go play with the kids in the new home I got this sick feeling every time I went there (I am positive nothing bad ever happened to me there).
Flash forward to when I was in my early 20's- we were at my grandma's house (she had passed away, peacefully) and we were cleaning up and my dad asked me if we wanted to go tour the old house across the street before they tore it down. I went in and although it looked normal I thought I was going to be sick. I couldn't even go upstairs. Then my dad tells me (gee, thanks, dad  :facepalm:) that when he was a kid the dad there had killed the whole family and then himself. Super sad story but at least it made me feel like I wasn't completely crazy about having this house/property giving me the creeps for decades.

Lately I have been thinking about the neighborhood I grew up in when I was really small. Bad things DID happen to me there, so it might just be that, but there was this one property where the house had been demolished and it gave me the creeps and became a theme of a recurring nightmare I can still recall. It may have just been kind of the visualization of the bad neighborhood I grew up in, or was there something more. Anyway, I intend to ask my dad about it when I see him this weekend and we'll see if there's anything behind it...

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Re: Ghost stories! Who's got them?
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2014, 11:52:56 AM »
Salli I know exactly what you mean by that feeling-  actually, if you ever visit Auswitch in Germany, the feeling is the same.  Even people who don't believe in ghosts (like my mom) can feel terrible feelings there. 

My grandparents had this ranch that was haunted too.  It didn't always have bad feelings in the rooms- but sometimes it most definitely did.  At least twice the really bad feelings were followed by seeing something weird and insubstantial floating in the corner... we stopped sleeping in that room and would only sleep in the kitchen after a while.

Once (waiting for dinner) the "kids" (we were teens) were playing cards in the great-room of the old part of the house.  We started messing around and "talking" to the spirits through the playing cards (red for yes, black for no, high for strong answer). 

After a while I noticed in the back of the room a little girl with long hair (similar to my little sister's hair) crouched down in the darkest part of the room, near the sofa.   It totally freaked me out and thinking it was my sister, I yelled "Stop it Emily, we know that's you over there!!"  She then jumped up and ran into the dark back hallway.  We all jumped up to follow her (honestly I was perplexed why my little sister, who is terrified of the dark, would carry a prank so far as to run into a dark back bedroom of a house we all knew was haunted)-  and she wasn't there.  One of the bedroom doors was open, and the closet door in that bedroom was open too-  and even creepier, the opening that leads to the attic was also open. 

Did she run up there?  Not may 7 year old girls would be willing to do that, least of all my little scardy-cat sister.  We ran into the kitchen with the adults, totally freaked out, and my sister was right there with them.

So either some random 7 year old, broke into my grandparent's remote ranch up in the mountains, or we saw a ghost.

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Re: Ghost stories! Who's got them?
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2014, 12:30:25 PM »
I lost my dad when I was in my early teens and I distinctly remember seeing the shape of a man sitting in a chair in my bedroom shortly after he passed on and I would tell my aunt and my grandparents that "Daddy had come to see me and make sure that I was alright".

My aunt used to tell me that sometimes when she was in the basement doing laundry she could smell my dad's cologne.

The weirdest thing that happened was about a month after he'd passed away my grandpa had been in the basement doing some decluttering and he happened to look up at one of the support beams and in black sharpie was "BH was here 4/93", He had passed away the previous month, so that was creepy. At first my grandpa thought I had done it but I couldn't reach up there even if I had stood on a chair and it was in my dad's printing. My aunt told me that my dad spent a lot of time in that area of the basement building railroads, taking things apart and putting them back together etc. So her and I truly believe that he did it.

Now the story below took place when I was babysitting about 14 years ago.

I was babysitting for a friend of mine, her daughter had recently turned 2 years old. I had just put her to bed and about 15-20 minutes later I heard a really loud dragging sound followed by ear piercing screams. I went to check on the little one and she was cowering on her bed screaming hysterically, the large couch in her room was in the middle of the floor (it was against the wall when I put her to bed). I grabbed her and brought her out in the livingroom and we both stayed out there till her mom got home. As far as I know she refused to go back in there for a few weeks and I was always creeped out when I went over for a visit and walked past her bedroom.

That's the extent of any experiences I've had lol.
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Re: Ghost stories! Who's got them?
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2014, 12:41:49 PM »
I lost my dad when I was in my early teens and I distinctly remember seeing the shape of a man sitting in a chair in my bedroom shortly after he passed on and I would tell my aunt and my grandparents that "Daddy had come to see me and make sure that I was alright".

My aunt used to tell me that sometimes when she was in the basement doing laundry she could smell my dad's cologne.

That is a very sweet story- I love it

Now the story below took place when I was babysitting about 14 years ago.

I was babysitting for a friend of mine, her daughter had recently turned 2 years old. I had just put her to bed and about 15-20 minutes later I heard a really loud dragging sound followed by ear piercing screams. I went to check on the little one and she was cowering on her bed screaming hysterically, the large couch in her room was in the middle of the floor (it was against the wall when I put her to bed). I grabbed her and brought her out in the livingroom and we both stayed out there till her mom got home. As far as I know she refused to go back in there for a few weeks and I was always creeped out when I went over for a visit and walked past her bedroom.

That's the extent of any experiences I've had lol.

That is totally freaky.  Did you tell the parents what had happened? Terrifying!

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Re: Ghost stories! Who's got them?
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2014, 01:03:43 PM »
I grew up in a house with strange things happening all the time. Things would dissapear and come back years later, laying on the exact same place they were before they dissapeared. Footsteps in the stairs, feelings of someone carresing your arms or standing behind you and watch when you sat by the computer. One evening I was in the room where I had my bunny and suddenly she laid down flat on the floor looking dead and the room got ice cold. A few minutes later (it felt like hours) the room warmed up and bunny sat up and began eating hay like nothing had happened. Another time I was reading in the livingroom when a picture fell from the wall. Neither hook or string was broken and I just hanged it back up.

But the worst thing I've experienced was at work seven years ago. It was after closing at the grocerystore during summer and I was at the office counting the registers while my coworker was turning the lights off in the store. Suddenly the landline phone began dialing with the speaker on and I watched and heard in horror as the tones went on and on and a voicemail answered on the other end. It was a moving company thanking me for calling but telling everyone was on vacation and that they'd be back in two weeks. I remaind calm enough to put all the money in the safe, lifted the phone and put it down to end the call and darted out from the office to my coworker to ask if he was playing with me, which he wasn't. I had a hard time being alone in the office after that.

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Re: Ghost stories! Who's got them?
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2014, 01:54:42 PM »
Not about ghosts, but yesterday I had a dream where I died, and everything was pitch black. When I 'revived' in my dream, I was 25 years old and no one remembered me... I know it doesn't sound too scary because it was a dream, but I was terrified.

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Re: Ghost stories! Who's got them?
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2014, 02:01:45 PM »
I lost my dad when I was in my early teens and I distinctly remember seeing the shape of a man sitting in a chair in my bedroom shortly after he passed on and I would tell my aunt and my grandparents that "Daddy had come to see me and make sure that I was alright".

My aunt used to tell me that sometimes when she was in the basement doing laundry she could smell my dad's cologne.

That is a very sweet story- I love it

Now the story below took place when I was babysitting about 14 years ago.

I was babysitting for a friend of mine, her daughter had recently turned 2 years old. I had just put her to bed and about 15-20 minutes later I heard a really loud dragging sound followed by ear piercing screams. I went to check on the little one and she was cowering on her bed screaming hysterically, the large couch in her room was in the middle of the floor (it was against the wall when I put her to bed). I grabbed her and brought her out in the livingroom and we both stayed out there till her mom got home. As far as I know she refused to go back in there for a few weeks and I was always creeped out when I went over for a visit and walked past her bedroom.

That's the extent of any experiences I've had lol.

That is totally freaky.  Did you tell the parents what had happened? Terrifying!

I did mention it, the dad laughed it off and tried to say that the toddler moved it :shocked: Yeah, I don't think so. I could barely move it myself without breaking out in a sweat, I have no idea how anyone could believe the 2 year old did it.
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Re: Ghost stories! Who's got them?
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2014, 03:22:08 PM »
I've posted some of my ghost stories before... I'll have to try to find links to those posts, because I can't even remember all of them, lol!

I know, though, that I haven't posted about the haunted horse farm that I boarded/worked at briefly while I was in Florida.  This property wasn't very well managed and even though it was beautiful, it had a pretty... off energy about it.  Weird things happened, but EVERYONE just silently observed and kept to themselves because they didn't want to be considered crazy.  My first experience was when I was staying in the apartment there the night that I was having a new horse delivered.  It had one bedroom, a bathroom and a small kitchen and that was really about it and in the middle of the night, the shower turned itself on.  I tried to blow it off and convince myself that I'd somehow left it running or something (?) and didn't talk of it.  A few weeks later, the barn owner went on vacation and the barn manager stayed with her kids in the house on the property.  The next morning, her youngest son was telling me about how he barely slept because a man kept looking in the doorway of the bedroom.  Yeah.  That was pretty freaky.  A few weeks later, the barn manager and her kids moved into the apartment and she started to get woken up in the middle of the night by a horse screaming (at least three horses that I know of had died on the property; at least two of them from unnatural means), and she rushed out to see who it was, and that's when she saw a chestnut and white paint (which we didn't have at the barn at the time) bolting for its life across the arena.  She confessed that she was ready to say she imagined it, except *her dog immediately ran out of the house and started to chase the horse*.  After that, things just kept getting more and more weird.  The kids that came for lessons/camp started seeing people walking through the pastures.  Horses started coming up randomly ill.  The barn owner ended up being a whack-a-doo and quit feeding the horses, and we left the barn because of that, but I was pretty close to having the uncanny weirdness chase me out anyway.

There was another time, also in Florida, that my husband and I were walking through the mall during a not very busy time.  We were just strolling along casually, when I saw a woman carrying two large drinks in her hands like speeding towards us with her eyes fixed straight ahead like she wasn't even paying attention to us.  She was so real that I actually grabbed my husband's arm and pushed him over to the wall so we could get out of the lady's way.  He looked at me and said "What the heck was that for?!" and I said "Didn't you even see that lady?  We almost ran right into her!"  and he got confused and said that there was no lady, and when I turned around, he was right.

I should add that I'm relatively sensitive to these sorts of energies and have seen/felt/experienced a lot.  Typically, I only experience kind spirits/energies/whatever you want to call them, and even though it unsettles me, it's something that I accept as just happening.  My husband tends to pick up on negative energies, and was actually "used" by some of his classmates in high school as a bloodhound of sorts to try to find "scary" haunted stuff.  He doesn't usually like to talk about his supernatural encounters  :huh:

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Re: Ghost stories! Who's got them?
« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2014, 02:56:22 PM »
I grew up in Finland in a house that my parents still live in and my dad grew up in. It's had many owners. There is an old grandfather clock that has been there since the first owner. It was somehow written into the deed so it just comes with the house. I always felt a positive feeling close to that clock. I always heard footsteps in the house but those can be easily explained by the old wood expanding and other stuff like that. We did have a little green man though. I like to think he was a troll or something like that. My mom woke up once to him tickling her toes and the same thing happened to me later. It wasn't really scary just really weird. I still can't really believe it and sometimes I think that it must have been a dream. If it was real though it would explain all those items going missing in our house and turning up later right where they used to be or in our basement.
Thanks devonshireRed for the avi!


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