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Author Topic: I need your opinion for a news article!  (Read 492 times)

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I need your opinion for a news article!
« on: November 29, 2012, 04:22:32 PM »
I'm writing an article for my journalism class, and I need your help!

The topic is: "Your Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage"

1. Do you support same-sex marriage? Why/Why not?
2. How does this affect you?
3. Do you believe same-sex marriage goes against religious books?
4. Do you think this will have a positive effect on society? Why/why not?
5. What is your opinion on the LGBT community in general?

Also, if you would like to be anonymous, PM me your answers. If you want to be quoted, tell me! I will do my best to include you guys!

I know this is something people have very strong opinions in. I don't want this to turn into an argument.

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Re: I need your opinion for a news article!
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2012, 05:00:48 PM »
Best of luck on your assignment!
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Re: I need your opinion for a news article!
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2012, 05:56:27 PM »

1. Do you support same-sex marriage? Why/Why not? Sure! It makes life a lot simpler to have all the relationship options open.
2. How does this affect you? I can marry whoever I want in Canada because of same-sex marriage. I'm bisexual, so, you know, no barriers either way.
3. Do you believe same-sex marriage goes against religious books? The only books I know nearly as well as the bible don't talk about marriage much. As for the bible, current opposite sex marriage goes against what it says anyway, so in for a penny, in for a pound.
4. Do you think this will have a positive effect on society? Why/why not? I believe that any extra lack of oppression makes the world a better place. On a more minor part, boost to the marriage industry!
5. What is your opinion on the LGBT community in general? Mixed. I'm bi and trans, and certain parts (like Dan Savage) go out of their way to insult and belittle my particular boxes. As well, my sister is asexual and there's a small segment of the queer community that's had it so in for them that it's given me a real sour taste in my mouth. If you mean queer people in general and not the subculture, I am all for them, because I like people in general. I would give the same opinion for 'how are you for germans? nigerians? Telephone operators? Crossdressers?'
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Re: I need your opinion for a news article!
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2012, 07:06:13 AM »
1. Do you support same-sex marriage? Why/Why not? I support it. I don't think it's anybody's business what two consenting adults do. I see no reason why two people who love each other shouldn't get married.

2. How does this affect you? It doesn't. That's my point. Unless I get some free cake at a same sex wedding it doesn't affect me at all.

3. Do you believe same-sex marriage goes against religious books? Yes. I assume for the most part we are talking about the Bible. I don't think our society should be based on religious books. I respect people who believe what they believe, but I don't think it has to be a part of everyone's life. I have yet to find one single person who can give me a reason against same sex marriage that isn't religion based.

4. Do you think this will have a positive effect on society? Why/why not? Eventually. Some day we'll look back on same sex marriage/couples the way we look back on segregration. Right now I don't think it will. The uproar with Chick-fil-a shows us that. It's very divided right now and a lot of people have a firm opinion. I hope the next generation will be different.

5. What is your opinion on the LGBT community in general?They have a tough time. I'm sorry that they have to put up with bigotry and are denied the right to get married. I think it's good to see a community, any community come together and fight for what they believe it. LGBT community is no different.

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Re: I need your opinion for a news article!
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2012, 07:40:31 AM »
1. Do you support same-sex marriage? Why/Why not? I do not.  In my mind there is a distinction between what marriage is and what a legal marriage is.  I think everyone should have equal rights and opportunities under the law.  So from a legal aspect I support everyone's right to have the freedom to do what they want.  But I don't think that folks should be forced to change the religious definition/aspect of marriage to accommodate everyone.

2. How does this affect you? It doesn't really affect me.  I have friends who share different sexual preferences.  I would never want them to be mistreated, discriminated against, or hurt in any way.  You don't have to be comfortable with every choice someone makes in order to respect them and love them.

3. Do you believe same-sex marriage goes against religious books? I think most doctrine in round about terms speaks about the subject disparagingly.

4. Do you think this will have a positive effect on society? Why/why not? (Not sure exactly what this one is asking) Do I think that allowing/disallowing same sex marriage will positively or adversely effect society? No, I do not.  Legal or Illegal someone is going to be unhappy. Realistically, I don't think that will change because of the nature of the argument.

5. What is your opinion on the LGBT community in general?
The ones I have met are just normal people who happen to have alternative sexual preferences to my own.  I don't always understand some of them (and yes I am very uncomfortable with some sexual practices).  But extremists are always the minority, they don't represent the community at large.
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Re: I need your opinion for a news article!
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2012, 12:33:12 PM »
1. Do you support same-sex marriage? Why/Why not? Absolutely.  Two consenting adults who wish to enter a permanent relationship together should be allowed to regardless of gender.  It is unfair that because of societal and religious stigma that they should have to be denied not only the marriage itself but also the benefits and rights that go along with it.

2. How does this affect you?  I am a straight female, so although I am not directly affected, I have many friends in the LGBT community, some of which have already been married in states that allow it, and in one case, has already been married and divorced. 

3. Do you believe same-sex marriage goes against religious books?  Same sex marriage does go against religious books, but the same argument can be made for eating shellfish, wearing mixed fibers, eating a cheeseburger, and countless other things that no one pays attention to.  This is a civil rights issue, and in a country that has separation of church and state, I don't believe any religious belief should dictate our laws. 

4. Do you think this will have a positive effect on society? Why/why not?  I would hope so.  From a financial standpoint, more money would be poured into venues, businesses that deal with cakes/dresses/suits/etc., lawyers, and fees among other things which would be good for the economy.  For another, I think we need to move past this insane attitude that gay marriage is somehow corrupting marriage in general for us to progress as a society. Look at celebrity marriages, from the 55 hour marriage of Britney Spears to Kim Kardashian's recent 72 day marriage; if celebrity marriage hasn't ruined the meaning of your straight marriage, gay marriage won't either.

5. What is your opinion on the LGBT community in general? Positive

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Re: I need your opinion for a news article!
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2012, 02:00:55 PM »
1. Do you support same-sex marriage? Why/Why not?  I support it just as much as I support same sex marriage, because who am I to decide what makes someone else happy?

2. How does this affect you?  I really don't think that it does.  I am a straight, married woman, but if there is someone that wants to be in a same sex marriage, that is none of my business and doesn't affect me at all.

3. Do you believe same-sex marriage goes against religious books?  My husband and I actually had a very interesting discussion about this a few weeks ago.  Before he and I met, he was actually in Seminary school and knows more about the Bible than I think I will ever know, and yet he always just assumed that if people wanted to be in a same sex relationship, that was fine.  One day, I had to ask him why, since I had always been "taught" that the Bible was against same sex marriage, but he brought up one very valid point.  The Bible clearly states that God made woman for man, but it doesn't say that he didn't also make man for man or woman for woman.  It also states that marriage is a union between man and woman, but neither does it say that it can't also be a union between man and man or woman and woman.  Now, I'm not a Biblical scholar, far from in really, but this is something that kind of makes sense to me.

4. Do you think this will have a positive effect on society? Why/why not?  That what will?  Same sex marriage?  I think it's going to give some people stuff to complain about, since everyone needs to complain about *something* but I don't think it will effect society at all as a whole.  The world will keep turning and life will continue, regardless to who's getting married to whom.

5. What is your opinion on the LGBT community in general?  Same thing as it is in the non-LGBT community - be nice and a decent person.  Respect others if you want them to do the same. 

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Re: I need your opinion for a news article!
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2012, 04:05:25 PM »
1. Do you support same-sex marriage? Why/Why not?  Yes I support same-sex marriage.  I don't believe that just because some people are uncomfortable with the idea should dictate what two of-age consenting adults do with their lives.

2. How does this affect you?  It wouldn't affect me personally, but I have several friends who are gay or lesbians, and it makes me sad that their commitment to their partners isn't respected in all areas of the US.

3. Do you believe same-sex marriage goes against religious books?  It may, it may not.  I do think that we have separation of church and state for a reason however.  I don't think a certain religion should completely bar same-sex couples from getting married.  The way I see it, if someone doesn't like gay marriage, they don't have to have one.

4. Do you think this will have a positive effect on society? Why/why not?  I think it would be positive.  It would help push the US to be a more accepting society, and all the marriages would boost the economy! :D

5. What is your opinion on the LGBT community in general?  You are always going to have your extreme, vocal minority, but I think on the whole, the LGBT community is a hopeful one, who just wants to be treated the same as other people.
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Re: I need your opinion for a news article!
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2012, 05:10:38 PM »
1. Do you support same-sex marriage? Why/Why not?

Absolutely yes.  I think that any two consenting adults should be eligible to all the rights and benefits of marriage that are given to people of opposite sexes.

2. How does this affect you?

I could marry anyone I choose.  I do not love based on gender and I don't want my marriage choices limited as well.  My former partner and I couldn't be married because he was still legally female.

3. Do you believe same-sex marriage goes against religious books? 

Depends on how you interpret it.  If you're going by the passage that is often attributed in the Bible to saying homosexuality is a sin, you'd also be sinning on the same level for having a tattoo, working on the Sabbath, cutting your hair, eating a cheeseburger, having a pet rabbit, or wearing mixed fiber fabrics.  Plus, just a couple of paragraphs over, it says slavery is totally cool as long as you don't take your countrymen as slaves.  So you tell me.

The fact of it is that it doesn't even matter.  We have separation of church and state.  Marriage is a legal agreement which doesn't have to have religion anywhere in it.  If that wasn't the case, how come atheists marry? 

4. Do you think this will have a positive effect on society? Why/why not?

Any time society provides rights to its citizens it's a good thing.  Haters are just that - haters.  People complain about everything.  It's not hurting any of them that two dudes or two ladies get married.

5. What is your opinion on the LGBT community in general?

We're your children, sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, and friends.  We're teachers, doctors, nurses, police and firemen, soldiers, artists, innovators, and your neighbors.  We don't care that you're not LGBT.  I wish it was the other way around.

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Re: I need your opinion for a news article!
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2012, 06:00:06 PM »
1. Do you support same-sex marriage? Why/Why not?

Absolutely.  All people should be equal under the law.  It is wrong that people are treated differently because of who they love.  It affects so many aspects of life: social standing, taxes, even hospital visitation rights!  I'll never forget a professor of mine who had quadruple bi-pass surgery.  He's partner, who he'd be with for decades, was not allowed to visit him in the hospital because the hospitals face legal ramifications if they allow non-family members, who the patient didn't expressly give permission to come into the room.  Because my prof was unconscious and they weren't legally married, the hospital was not legally able to let him in.  I can't even imagine.

2. How does this affect you?

I think we're all better off when people are equal.  But beyond that, my sister is a lesbian, and I would love for her to be able to be legally married to whomever she wishes.  As far as just me, I'm straight, so I guess it doesn't really affect me, if I only consider myself, but we're not by ourselves on the planet, so...

3. Do you believe same-sex marriage goes against religious books?

I guess it depends on your interpretation.  I'm Episcopal, our Convention voted to oppose state/constitutional amendment to prohibit civil unions or same-sex civil marriages in 2006 and this year voted to bless same-sex marriages.  While blessing a marriage and a marriage ceremony aren't the same, we're clearly headed that way, and clearly don't interpret same-sex marriage to be against the Bible.  I know many other churches and religions interpret things differently, so I guess it depends on who's reading the book.

4. Do you think this will have a positive effect on society? Why/why not?

Yes.  I think treating people fairly and equally is always beneficial to society in the long run.  I think that it will help to "normalize" LGBT people, and will get them better treatment in general society, such as less bullying and hateful speech.  Unfortunately, I don't think this affect will be immediate, but I think it will happen over time as a result of allowing LGBT marriage.

5. What is your opinion on the LGBT community in general?

I think they're just people :)
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