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Author Topic: Was Fluttershy originally a tree? (Theory)  (Read 824 times)

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Offline Mana Minori

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Was Fluttershy originally a tree? (Theory)
« on: December 09, 2020, 01:24:58 AM »
I know that this sounds like a silly question, but what if it isn’t?  Back in the episode “Over a Barrel”, Fluttershy makes a very brief mention about how she wishes that she could be a tree. This line is often taken and treated as a gag by many fans, but later in the episode “Hurricane Fluttershy”, we see her hiding inside of a tree, hoping to avoid Rainbow Dash. Why a tree? Well, we may need to look at the episode “Make New Friends But Keep Discord” to crack this theory open. In it, we are introduced to a pony named Tree Hugger that Fluttershy has made friends with, since back in the episode “Three’s a Crowd”.

Now, I find Tree Hugger to be quite the interesting character, because while she is also treated as a joke among the g4 fans, one of her lines consists of an intriguing bit of dialogue between her and Discord:

Tree Hugger: Nice to meet you. I'm Tree Hugger. Blessings.
Discord: You have met me before actually! [snorts]
Tree Hugger: Cool! Like, in another life, maybe?

Though this conversation was rather short, I feel like there is a ton to unpack in what was said. First off, this is the first ever mention of “other lives” coming into play in this series. This ties in with rebirth and resurrection, and it just so happens that the butterfly’s (Fluttershy’s cutie mark) spiritual meaning  is that of rebirth and elevation from earth matters/ transcendence to spiritual. Tree Hugger, with all her talk of seeing auras, feeling vibes, speaking of other lives, and extending blessings, seems to be a very spiritually tuned character- perhaps one that even has more knowledge of more spiritual beings and plane than we perceive. It would be no surprise if this was the catalyst to her and Fluttershy’s friendship, when they met on the trip to see the Breezies, and why there is such a connection between them now.

It could very well be that Fluttershy could have been a tree in her past life, which - unknowing to Fluttershy herself, could’ve prompted that bit of desiring to be a tree dialogue, before she had ever met Tree Hugger- and once they did meet, Fluttershy’s aura would’ve just needed to be read for long to be revealed.

But I think that there’s even more to this theory. I think to truly understand why Fluttershy wants to be a tree, we would need to look at her virtue, or her “element”- kindness. The origin of the word kindness is from the Anglo-Saxon kind or kin, which means family, as in kin, kinship, and kindred.  That Saxon word, or German word, can also mean child, as in the word kindergarten.  Kindness was gentle and caring affection toward a child, a family member, or even an animal. The Hebrew word “chesed” is used in the Old Testament to describe the loving kindness of God. Kindness is valued as a core ethic In religious views of all ilks.  It is a virtue that is the foundation of what they call “tikkun olam”, which means the repairing of the world.  Through chesed, through kindness, God repairs a broken world.  So, the importance of kindness as a Fruit of the Spirit becomes much more meaningful when we consider the Hebrew background.

Fluttershy embodies this “chesed”, this virtue of kindness to a T. She has done the most amongst her friends in “repairing a broken world”, through taming of Manticores, Draconequi, Cerberus, and many more monsters that inhabit the treacherous pony lands.

So knowing this, I don’t think that Fluttershy was just any old standard tree in her past life. No, I think that she might’ve been a very important tree- one that could’ve shaped pony history as we know it. I think that Fluttershy might’ve been the original tree of Harmony, and here’s why.....

Does anyone recall how the Pillars of Harmony had a “seed” that they were able to imbue with their strengths, for the sake of defending Equestria? It was recounted in “Shadow Play” by Starswirl himself. But the seed he speaks of looked much like a jewel- a sapphire, to be exact. Now given the composition of the modern day Tree of Harmony, it wouldn’t be a surprise, but that seed that the pillars had didn’t originate from the Tree of Harmony- it spawned it.

So, then, where did the “seed” originate? I think that it came from a divine source. Perhaps being the original Tree of Harmony that Fluttershy could’ve been in her past life.

Let’s take a look at Fluttershy once more- given her close tie in with the desire to be a tree, the origin of the name of her virtue, having a friend who can see auras and speak of past lives in a spiritual sense, do you think it is of any mere coincidence that we find that Fluttershy has a part that she named after a spiritual being- an Angel?

So what if Fluttershy- being the original tree of Harmony her past life- or rather, the Tree of Life that was created by the divine, (given her ability to “repair a broken world”, symbolizing renewal and rebirth, as her cutie mark depicts) was the mother of that seed that was given to the Pillars.

And furthermore, if Fluttershy was the original Tree, then that could explain why her modern self claims to have a fear dragons- and Discord. The etymology of “dragon”  stakes it’s roots in the Greek word “drakon” (large serpent), and the Scriptures constantly depict the Devil as a serpent and dragon. Discord’s species, “draconequis” shares the root word as as a variant spelling. So is it any surprise that, in the context of Scripture, if Fluttershy was the original Tree in her past life, that she would hold to that trauma of being afraid of dragons, and the dragonic/fallen Angel-esque serpent, Discord?

I think there is plenty of in series evidence across many episodes that lends itself to this theory as to why Fluttershy may have originally been a tree and desired for her past life as one, in that one line of dialogue. But this is just my theory. Let me know what you guys think.
formerly nightmare muffin

Offline Shaz

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Re: Was Fluttershy originally a tree? (Theory)
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2020, 03:19:19 AM »
Spoiler for lengthy speculations

However, FiM traditionally draws more on Greek mythology than on Christian or Hebrew traditions, perhaps indicating that the ancient civilisation of Equestria was in some way an analogue of Ancient Greece. So perhaps for the origin of the element of kindness we should look towards Charis, the Greek personification of kindness, and one of the Charites (the Graces). Charis is often used to refer to any of the three Charites, but is particularly associated with the youngest, whom Hesiod in his Theogny calls Aglaea (meaning 'shining') who was an attendant of Aphrodite (goddess of love), wife of Hephaestus (the blacksmith god of fires and craftsmanship), and mother of personifications of glory/fame (Eucleia), praise/applause (Eupheme), prosperity (Euthemia), and friendliness/welcome (Philophroysne). Different sources disagree as to the mother of the Charites, but she is often said to have been an Oceanid or Naiad - an attendant spirit of a body of water - emphasising a connection to the natural world. Could Fluttershy be the earthly incarnation of one of these figures? Perhaps the original idea of the Elements of Harmony having a physical manifestation comes from the Greek (and, in this theory, Ancient Equestrian) fondness for personifying abstract traits? There are other minor deities with similar attributes, such as Erea (Latin Clementia), goddess of mercy and compassion.

Although Greek mythology is full of people and deities being turned into trees, I do not recall any such myths connected with the Charites, although it is not unlikely that they would have had trees/groves dedicated to them.

They were also connected with the mysterious Eleusinian mysteries, which were based on an ancient agrarian cult and seem to have featured the idea of resurrection after death. Their rites supposedly took the form of a ritual descent and ascension from the underworld, during which mysterious knowledge was obtained. An Equestrian religious philosopher might see this pattern in the life and times of Fluttershy: a pony born in the cloud-based sky world of the pegasi, she did not attain to a true knowledge of herself and her powers until she descended to earth. She re-entered the world above enriched by her newfound knowledge.

The Elements of Harmony clearly have some religious significance to ponies, but is this because they genuinely have mystical powers provided by some mysterious deity, or is it due to an organised religion which has decided on and preached the concept? The Old English word kyndnes meant 'nation' or 'produce, increase', and the origins of the word kind lie in words referring to types or groups of beings (as in mankind, ponykind). Kindness is not merely a personal virtue but also a social one, and deifying it - as well as encouraging the concept of friendship as a type of divine magic - would ensure peace and prosperity among ponies. But could this be at the expense of other races or 'kinds'? Or at the expense of ponies who don't 'fit' into the accepted social structure and are therefore not the right 'kind'?

There is no way of knowing when the concept of reincarnation entered into the Equestrian consciousness, and whether it has any basis in fact. If Ancient Equestrian religion was analogous with Ancient Greek religion, then it is unlikely that reincarnation initially had any role in Equestrian thought. Nor, in fact, is it native to Hebrew or Christian thought, which regard 'life after death' as a very different thing from reincarnation. Perhaps it was borrowed from another culture. Thus we come to the question, are Tree Hugger's beliefs widely shared? Do they have any basis in fact?

Continuing the Greek theme, 'angel' initially comes from a Greek word meaning 'messenger', and only acquired its religious connotation after contact with Christianity. It was used in Greek translations of
the Old Testament to replace the Hebrew word mal’akh, which was used to refer to any messenger, divine or earthly: only in the Latin Vulgate did the word angelus come to be used exclusively for celestial beings. If Christianity has never occurred in Equestria, then Fluttershy perhaps named her pet Angel due to his communicative abilities (he's very adept at telling her what he wants).

Fluttershy has often seemed like a pony who was born in the wrong element: in the air instead of on the ground. She may have become an Element of Harmony, and thus in some way a religious leader; however, it has not cured her natural shyness and social awkwardness. Perhaps to Fluttershy the consciousness of being a sentient creature is something of a torture; loving nature as she does, the life of a tree perhaps seems quieter. To be at one with nature, rather than to have to navigate the social construct of enforced friendship which seems to play such a role in Equestrian culture and society. If Tree Hugger is simply a very empathic pony - perhaps with a less 'mainstream' mindset than most ponies - then it is likely that she has recognised this trait in Fluttershy, and it may be the origins of their friendship. Perhaps they have spent time meditating in the forest, standing as still as trees themselves.

It need hardly be said that I did not take this seriously and did not intend to step on anyone's religious beliefs in my talk of theoretical Equestrian religious thought. Etymology and comparative religion are both hobbies of mine.

Mana Minori, I love your crazy topics, don't ever change!

Post Merge: December 10, 2020, 04:34:42 AM

Wait, I have more thoughts about this. Ponies speak English, which implies they must have had some (pony equivalent of) Norse or Saxon influences in the past.

Fluttershy in the context of Saxon paganism. Spoiler for length.
While the majority of ponies have very 'English' names, usually with Old English origins, ponies of what might be considered the ruling class (unicorns, inhabitants of Canterlot) often have either Latin names or names which come from either Latinate/Romance or Greek languages (Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Léon, Lyra, Octavia, Lyrica, Fleur de Lis). In real world history, the Romans basically assimilated Ancient Greek culture, thus introducing Greek words, religions and concepts to the rest of the world as they conquered it. So what if what is now Equestria was originally a Norse/Saxon type culture, but was then invaded by a race who brought Greek/Roman influences? This would be supported by the fact that Ancient Ponish has a runic appearance (I think? I haven't watched FiM in forever).

This has some relevance to Fluttershy being or wanting to be a tree. The Norse gods are said to have made humans (or in this case ponies) from driftwood, and the first man and woman were named Ash and Elm. There is also of course Yggdrasil, the World-Tree. Norse mythology also features many dangerous dragon-like creatures.

The conquering race has no doubt assimilated the native religion into their own (already amalgamated) religion, with Yggdrasil perhaps being reinvented as the Tree of Harmony. Perhaps Fluttershy follows a more ancient religion than her friends (who seem to ascribe more to the 'state religion'). She has obviously travelled widely (e.g. while seeing the Parasprites home). Perhaps she came into contact with a Norse-inspired nature-worshipping religion. I could imagine her as a devotee of something like Seax-Wicca. The definitive guide to Seax-Wicca is even called 'The Tree'! If Fluttershy lived in our world, she would absolutely be into it.  I also think the god Baldr - good, compassionate, full of the light of purity - would appeal to her. I'm no expert on Saex-Wicca in particular, but Wiccan teachings in general don't rule out a previous life. It's entirely possible that Fluttershy and Tree Hugger genuinely believe in past lives, and believe that Fluttershy was a tree in one of them.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 04:39:00 AM by Shaz »


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